Draft Circular On Procedures For Ground Handling

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No. …………….. Dated ………………


Subject: Airside safety procedure for Ground Handling Operations at Airports


1.1 Ground Handling and Ramp Safety are the most important aspects of airport operations.
The safe and efficient ground handling during arrival and departure of an aircraft requires
coordinated responsibilities amongst qualified persons. Where an airline chooses to provide these
functions through ground handling service providers, it must lay down responsibility of its own
personnel for execution, monitoring and verification of critical points of those functions.

1.2 Civil Aviation Requirement Section 4, Series …. Part I lays down the requirements for
issue of ground handling permit. This Advisory Circular deals with the airside safety procedure
for ground handling operations at the airports, which may be used as a guidance material for all
these engaged in providing ground handling services. The guidance material contained in this
circular is informative in nature and supplements the requirements laid down in the Civil
Aviation Requirement Section 4, Series …. Part I.


Airside - Those parts of the airport that do not allow access for the general public.
Airside includes Apron, hangars and perimeter roads.

Apron - A defined area on a land airport, intended to accommodate aircraft for purposes
of loading or unloading passengers, mail or cargo, fuelling, parking or maintenance.

Dangerous Goods – Articles or substances which are capable of posing a significant risk
to health, safety or property when transported by air.

FOD – Damage to aircraft, aircraft engines, tyres or aircraft components caused by

foreign object debris. This does not include damage from natural causes such as lightning
and hail.

Ground Support Equipment – Any motor vehicle or piece of equipment, fixed mobile
or towed, whose use is exclusively for aircraft ground handling operations.

Jet Blast Damage – Any damage to an aircraft on the apron caused by jet blast
interference from another aircraft.

Load Control – A function to ensure the optimum utilization of the aircraft capacity and
distribution of load as dictated by safety and operational requirements.

Loading Instruction – Instructions given by load control to the person responsible for
the aircraft loading.

Maneuvering Area - That part of the Airport used for take-off, landing & taxiing of
aircraft, excluding aprons.

Movement Area - That part of the Airport to be used for the take-off, landing, taxiing
and parking of aircraft, consisting of the maneuvering area and the apron.

Powerback – Moving of aircraft from parking position to taxi position by use of

aircraft’s engines.

Pushback – Moving of aircraft from parking position to taxi position by use of

specialized ground support equipment.

Towing – Moving of aircraft, other than pushback operations, with/without load on board
by use of specialized ground support equipment.

Unit Load Device (ULD) – A unit in which dead load is bulk loaded and subsequently
loaded as a unit into the aircraft.


The various ground handling services at the airport are as under:

• Ground administration and supervision

- Representation and liaison services with local authorities

- Load control, messaging and telecommunications
- Handling, storage and administration of unit load devices
- Automation/computer system
- Any other supervision services before, during or after the flight

• Passenger services
• Baggage handling
• Freight and mail handling

• Ramp handling:

- Marshalling of aircraft on the ground at arrival and departure

- Communication between the aircraft and the air-side supplier of services
- Loading and unloading of the aircraft
- Provision and operation of appropriate units for engine starting
- Moving of aircraft at arrival and departure
- Transport, loading on to and unloading from the aircraft of inflight kitchen

• Aircraft services comprising:

- Fuel and oil handling

- Aircraft maintenance
- Flight operations and crew administration
- Surface transport
- Catering services
- Cabin services


Airside safety rules and procedures ensure safe handling. Therefore, safety regulations
should be understood and applied on the apron, on and around the aircraft, in hangar, etc.

4.1 Personnel Protection

4.1.1 As manual handling of baggage and material is the primary cause of personnel injuries,
sufficient risk assessment of the manual handling task should be conducted and appropriate
control put into place.

4.1.2 Approved hearing protection should be used when working in noise-intensity areas such
as on the apron, maintenance lines, etc.

4.1.3 Outer garments containing reflective material and high visibility colours should be worn
by personnel whose duties require airside access.

4.1.4 On arriving aircraft, all personnel should remain clear of the propellers, engine inlets and
exhausts until the engines have spooled down or propellers stop turning.

4.1.5 On departing aircraft, as soon as the anti-collision lights are ‘ON’, personnel should
remain clear of propellers, engine inlets and exhausts.

4.1.6 The surface of the apron should be kept free of any objects that might cause damage to
aircraft or equipment.

4.1.7 Personnel should not walk between ULDs which are being transported by vehicles.

4.2 Load Handling

Recognized lifting techniques should be utilized at all times to reduce the risk of
personnel injury. Following precautions should be taken while handling the load:

• Loads should not be lifted by metal strapping normally used to bind the heavy shipments.
• All loads should be set down rather than dropping to avoid personnel injury and/or damage to
the aircraft.

• While moving pallets/containers, body parts should be kept clear of stops/locks/guides.

• While handling live animals, exposed body parts should be kept clear of the interior of the

• Laid down guidelines shall be followed while handling dangerous goods.

4.3 Aircraft Loading and Unloading Operations

4.3.1 Special precautions should be observed to prevent damage that may result from the

• Exceeding aircraft floor load limitations.

• Inadequate tie-down and failure to fasten separation nets and door nets.

• Loading cargo on seats in the passenger cabin.

• Incorrect opening or closing of door and operation of cargo doors during strong or gusty
wind conditions.

• Mishandling of catering equipment.

4.3.2 During loading and unloading operations, full allowance should be made for vertical
movement of aircraft when the ground support equipment is positioned/ operated at the aircraft.

4.3.3 Care should be exercised to avoid damage to the doors or their openings.

4.3.4 The loading of any item bulk/ULDs onto an aircraft must be undertaken according to
written load instruction to ensure correct weight and balance requirements.

4.3.5 ULDs should be cross checked by unit number with the load instructions, while loading.

4.3.6 The condition of the load including ULDs shall be checked prior to loading in order to
protect leaking or otherwise damaged items. ULDs with any evidence of leaking contents should
not be loaded.

4.3.7 The handling of dangerous goods must be undertaken with particular care to ensure that
the integrity of the packaging is not adversely affected. Dangerous goods which are damaged
should not be loaded. Loading and stowage of dangerous goods should conform to relevant
regulations/standards like IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations.

4.3.8 Spills of any sort in the holds should be reported immediately as it may result in damage
to the aircraft floor or wiring.

4.3.9 Any spillage on the apron e.g. fuel, oil hydraulic liquids, etc. should be reported
immediately and the area cleaned.

4.3.10 While maneuvering large or heavy items within the holds, crow bars and similar
implements should not be used directly upon the aircraft floor.

4.3.11 When loading pallets or containers, it should be ensured that the edges are either guided
by the side rails or fit under the stocks/ locks/guides and that the height of the pallet allow for the
sufficient clearance in the door opening.

4.3.12 During manual handling of pallets/containers, full control should be exercised as their
impact against locks and stops at high speed may cause damage.

4.4 Aircraft Equipment

4.4.1 Aircraft equipments such as ULDs etc. should be inspected before use to ensure its

4.4.2 Unserviceable equipment having protruding bolts, torn metal, damaged doors etc. should
be tagged, isolated and reported for maintenance action.

4.4.3 Maximum floor loads and maximum weights for pallets and containers should not be

4.4.4 Aircraft floor locks for pallets and containers should be secured to prevent the load
shifting during flight.

4.5 Fire Protection and Prevention

4.5.1 Location of fire fighting equipments, fire alarms, etc. should be known to the ground

4.5.2 If fire is detected in a parked aircraft, the persons on board should be immediately

4.5.3 If possible, doors and hatches, etc. on the aircraft should be closed.

4.5.4 If the fire is detected on any ground support equipment, it should be controlled utilizing
the apron fire extinguishers or extinguishers on the equipment. As soon as practicable, the
equipment should be removed from the vicinity of the aircraft.

4.5.5 Personnel should have knowledge of types of fire-fighting equipment available and
trained on their use.

4.6 Chocking of Aircraft

4.6.1 Chocks should be positioned on an aircraft according to aircraft manufacturer


4.6.2 Chocking of the aircraft main gear should be achieved by positioning the chocks in the
front and rear of the outboard tyres using an approach path directly from the front and rear.

4.6.3 Placing of chocks on an arriving aircraft should be performed after engine spool down,
anti collision lights switched off and clearance to approach the aircraft is given by the authorized

4.6.4 Chocks when positioned should be parallel to the wheel axle and only lightly touching
the tyres.

4.6.5 In the event of high wind conditions additional chocking/other measures should be taken
to secure the aircraft.

4.6.6 Chocks should not be removed from the aircraft until clearance is given by the authorized

4.6.7 After removal, the chocks should be removed to a designated storage area.

4.7 Use of Marker Cones

4.7.1 Marker cones should be used to create safety buffer around specific areas on aircraft that
are susceptible to ground damage.

4.7.2 Cones should be positioned near each wing tip, in front of all wing mounted engines and
in front of other areas near the aircraft that are in conflict with the normal flow of equipments
during handling operations.

4.7.3 Cones should be removed just prior to the aircraft departure and stored in a designated
storage area.

4.8 Ground Support Equipment Operations

4.8.1 Ground support equipment should be operated only by adequate trained, qualified and
authorized personnel.

4.8.2 Use of portable devices like mobile phones are not permitted while operating the
vehicles. Such devices should not be used unless a suitable hands free is available.

4.8.3 Equipment should not move across the path of taxiing aircraft or embarking and
disembarking passengers. Aircraft and ground personnel should always have the right-of-way.

4.8.4 Apron equipment should be positioned behind the equipment restrained line with parking
brakes ‘ON’ prior to the arrival of the aircraft at bay.

4.8.5 The passenger loading bridge should be always in fully retracted position prior to the
aircraft arrival.

4.8.6 During bridge operations only the bridge operator should be in bridgehead. For safety
reasons, all other staff should maintain sufficient distance from the bridgehead.

4.8.7 Equipment including passenger loading bridges should not move close to the aircraft until
it has come to a complete stop, chocks are positioned, engines shut down, anti collision beacons
switched-off and ground/flight deck contact established.

4.8.8 Equipment approaching or leaving the aircraft should not be driven at a high speed.

4.8.9 Attachment fittings/transfer bridges and platforms should be correctly deployed.

4.8.10 Ground equipment with interfaces with the aircraft passenger doors (e.g. passenger steps,
catering vehicles, etc.) should have platforms of sufficient width which will allow the aircraft
doors to be opened/closed with the equipment in place and the safety rails deployed.

4.8.11 Prior to movement of any ground support equipment, a walk around check should be
carried out.

4.8.12 Hoses and cables on equipment should be properly stowed before the unit is moved.

4.8.13 Elevating devices must not be driven in the elevated position except for final positioning.

4.8.14 Unserviceable equipment should be clearly tagged ‘out of service’ and immediately sent
for repair.

4.8.15 While positioning equipment, care must be exercised to ensure adequate clearance of
vehicles, aircraft and other equipment.

4.8.16 Standard hand signals must be used to guide ground support equipment. The guide person
must be positioned so that clearances can be accurately judged.

4.8.17 No vehicle shall be allowed to tow more than six carts, pods, or containers/baggage or
pallet dollies at any one time. When left disconnected or parked, all dollies or group of dollies
must be left with the parking brakes ON.

4.8.18 No vehicle shall be towed by another vehicle unless a suitable tow bar or tow-rope is used
for that purpose.

4.8.19 The aircraft may be towed only by trained and qualified personnel having airside
operations endorsement on their Airport Driving Permit (ADPs). The maximum permitted
towing speed shall be kmph.

4.9 Aircraft Fuelling Interface

As ground handling operations take place simultaneously with the aircraft fuelling, these
activities should be compatible to ensure the safety and integrity of the operation. The ground
handling personnel shall strictly follow the procedure during refueling of aircraft as contained in
Rule 25A of the Aircraft Rules, 1937 and CAR Section 2, Series H, Part II.

4.10 De/Anti-icing of Aircraft

4.10.1 No aircraft shall be allowed to depart with contamination on the airframe which can be
prevented by anti-icing and removed by de-icing. Procedures as laid down in the Company’s
Manual should be followed.

4.10.2 De/Anti icing operation should be performed with extreme caution to prevent injury to
personnel and damage to aircraft and equipment.

4.10.3 Personnel engaged in de-icing operations should be properly trained and qualified.

4.10.4 De-icing fluids must be stored in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions and
tested regularly to ensure that no degradation has occurred.

4.10.5 Post de-icing inspection should be carried out by a qualified person.

4.11 Vehicles Striking Aircraft and/or People

4.11.1 Airport operators should keep vehicular and pedestrian activity on the airside to a
minimum. Vehicles on the airside should be limited to those necessary to support the operation
of aircraft services, cargo and passenger services, emergency services and maintenance of the

4.11.2 Vehicles on the movement area should be limited to those necessary required for the
inspection and maintenance of the movement area. The vehicular traffic, where required, should
be carefully controlled at the airports.

4.11.3 The following should be strictly observed for vehicular access control at the airports:

a) The airport operator shall be responsible for developing procedures and providing
training regarding vehicle operations to ensure aircraft and personal safety.

b) The airport operator shall establish a system of issuance of airport vehicular permit and
airport driving permit as a means of identification that would allow the operation of a
vehicle on the airside of an airport.

c) The system established by airport operators should ensure that a permit is not issued
unless the individual or vehicle meets the minimum standards laid down by airport

d) Airport vehicle permit shall be granted to the vehicles which are properly insured. ADP
shall be granted to only those drivers with current driver’s license. Renewal of the ADP
before the expiry shall be the responsibility of the holder.

e) Drivers shall carry valid ADP at all times when operating a vehicle/equipment within the
airside areas and must present the same to the inspection team/person upon request.

4.11.3 It must be ensured that separate routes, preferably one way, be designated for movement
of vehicles on airside. These routes shall be provided with adequate lighting and unambiguous

4.11.4 Complete segregation of aircraft, pedestrians and vehicles in all areas of the airport shall
be ensured. Alternatively, the layout area may be reorganized so that the interaction of
pedestrians, aircraft and vehicles is minimized or the frequency of high risk activities such as
reversing are reduced. Any changes to the layout of an airport which affect safety of aircraft
operations should have prior permission of the DGCA. The airport operator should prepare a
complete traffic plan for safe operations of ground handling activities at the airport and
disseminate the same to all concerned.

4.11.5 A system should be developed in the interest of safety of aircraft operations and safety on
the apron to include the following:

a) Traffic discipline such as speed limits, especially on approach to aircraft and in the
vicinity of people.

b) Correct vehicle maintenance, especially of safety critical components such as brakes and

c) Driver initial and refresher training.

d) Driving standards.

e) Competence and attitude of drivers.

f) Apron management.

g) Provision of assistance and/or audible warning devices for reversing vehicles.

h) Procurement of suitable vehicles providing good vision for drivers.

i) Safe parking of vehicles in such a way so as to prevent interference with aircraft

maneuvering or other airport users.

j) Wearing of reflector jackets by all ground staff during apron movement.

4.11.6 Where more than one organization is engaged in attending an aircraft, effective
coordination and cooperation of contractors is essential to prevent vehicles striking people, other
vehicles, equipment or aircraft.

4.11.7 The vehicles operation requirements on airside are as given below:

a) Vehicles operating on movement area should be radio-equipped or escorted by a radio-

equipped vehicle.

b) Prior approval shall be obtained from the airport operator for operating a non-airport
owned vehicles on the movement area.

c) Following speed limits shall be strictly adhered to while driving on the airside:

- 5 kmph (walking pace) within Equipment Restraint Area.

- 15 kmph on the movement area and Baggage Handling Area.
- 30 Kmph on the perimeter road.
- Speed limits on all other roads as indicated by speed limit signs and road markings.

d) Airport with 300 and more aircraft movements per day shall have system of speed control
device installed on the vehicles operating in the airside except for the vehicles exempted
by DGCA for the installation of the same by general or specific order in writing.

4.11.8 Following vehicles shall have speed limit exemption:

a) Emergency vehicles such as fire vehicles, ambulance and security vehicles when
responding to an emergency. Such vehicles should be given priority to move ahead
quickly and safely.

b) Follow-me and other vehicles that are escorting while attending to an emergency.
However, these vehicles shall give way to taxiing and towing aircraft at all times.

4.12 Hazards to Passengers on Apron

4.12.1 The airport operator, the airline operator and ground handlers all have responsibility for
ensuring that the movement of passengers is strictly supervised and controlled.

4.12.2 The airport operator shall ensure that the layout and marking of airside areas are proper
and conspicuous so as to enable safe movement of passengers to and from the terminal areas.

4.12.3 Following steps shall be taken to ensure passenger safety on the apron:

a) Passengers shall not be permitted to roam free.

b) Passenger routes to the aircraft should not pass below aircraft wings or beneath fuel
vents, or close to propellers of the aircraft they are embarking/disembarking or those of
aircraft on adjacent stands. Routes should also be clear of vehicular traffic around the
aircraft, electrical cables, fuel hoses and other ramp equipment.

c) Restrictions should be placed on the running of aircraft engines in the vicinity of

passengers and positive measures should be taken to protect them from excessive engine
noise and jet blast.

d) The airline ground staff shall be so positioned on the apron to ensure that passengers
follow a safe path to the terminal/aircraft.

e) For remote stands or stands in a different location to the terminal lounge, passengers
should be transported to the aircraft by bus.

4.12.4 Whenever passengers have to walk across the apron, there should be sufficient staff to
ensure that passengers do not wander away from safe routes.

4.12.5 Safety of passengers between the aircraft and the terminal building shall be the
responsibility of the airline, the airport operator and the ground handler (if any). There shall be
clear responsibility amongst the airline, the airport operator and the ground handler on provision
of staff to supervise and/or escort passengers across the apron.

4.13 Aircraft Parking Safety Issues

4.13.1 The airport operator shall be responsible for safeguarding the arrival and departure
movements of aircraft on stands and for the dissemination of information to airline operators.

4.13.2 Where a Visual Docking Guidance System (VDGS) is provided, the airport operator
should arrange for the stopping guidance element to be calibrated and indicated, for all selected
user aircraft, in a clear and unambiguous manner. The azimuth guidance should be regularly
checked for accuracy. Such systems should be subject to daily serviceability checks and the
results of such checks be recorded.

4.13.3 The airport operator shall ensure that aircraft stands remain serviceable, clean and free
from obstruction.

4.13.4 When a stand is allocated for use to an aircraft operator and the arrival of their aircraft on
stand is imminent, it is usually the responsibility of the handling staff to ensure that the stand and
clearways are free from obstruction by vehicles or equipment. These staff should also ensure that
the aerobridge is fully retracted or correctly parked with the drive wheels in the parking box

provided before the arrival of the aircraft. These actions must be completed by the airport
operator before the VDGS is switched on. Once the VDGS is switched on, the stand must remain
under supervision until the aircraft arrives on stand in order to ensure that it remains safe for use
by the aircraft. If for any reason the stand becomes ‘unsafe’ or unattended before the aircraft has
arrived on stand the VDGS should be switched off.

4.13.5 When turnaround operations have been completed and the aircraft is ready to depart, the
airline staff should ensure that the stand is free from obstruction by vehicles and equipment
before push-back commences.

4.13.6 Before leaving the stand, the handling staff must ensure that the VDGS is switched off.

4.13.7 Ground equipment should be/remain parked in the equipment areas provided. Service
vehicles and baggage trolleys should hold clear and equipment such as ground power units, or
any other equipment with cables or hoses should be fully retracted and stowed. The stand must
be clear of all obstructions when an aircraft is in motion.

4.13.8 Handling staff/airport operator shall be responsible for the parking/docking operation
once the aircraft has entered the stand. Where a marshaller is responsible for guiding the aircraft
on to the stand, instructions should clearly indicate the point at which responsibility is transferred
from the marshaller to the handling staff.

4.13.9 No person shall guide an aircraft unless trained, qualified and approved by the
appropriate authority to carry out the functions of a marshaller.

4.13.10 The marshller shall wear a distinctive fluorescent identification vest to allow the flight
crew to identify that he or she is the person responsible for the marshalling operation.

4.13.11 Daylight-fluorescent wands, table-tennis bats or gloves shall be used for all signalling by
all participating ground staff during daylight hours. Illuminated wands shall be used at night or in
low visibility.

4.13.12 Prior to using the following signals, the marshller shall ascertain that the area within
which an aircraft is to be guided is clear of objects which the aircraft.

4.13.13 Staff should be aware of the dangers of the movement of aircraft flaps and other
underwing devices when an aircraft is on stand. These areas should be avoided by staff and
vehicles and equipment should not be driven or parked in such a way so that the damage due to
flap or other control surface movements is avoided.

4.13.14 When an aircraft is in motion staff should keep well clear of all wheels to avoid
becoming trapped. Ramp staff should exercise care when required to work in the vicinity of
aircraft wheels. Where there is some free movement of aircraft wheels, care must be exercised to
ensure that clothing and hands or feet do not become trapped.

4.13.15 Except where full self maneuvering is permitted, a marshalling service should be
provided automatically on stands not equipped with VDGS or where the VDGS, or other stand
facilities are unserviceable.

4.13.16 To reduce noise and contamination from oil and exhaust emissions, the running of all
types of engines on the apron should be kept to the minimum necessary to maintain operational
needs. Where Fixed Electrical Ground Power (FEGP) units are provided on stands, they should
be used in preference to other forms of auxiliary power. The running of aircraft Auxiliary Power
Units (APUs) and engine driven Ground Power Units (GPUs) should be strictly controlled to the
minimum operational requirement. The airport operator and ground handling operators shall
refer to DGCA Aviation Environment Circular 1 of 2010 for the restricted use of APU/GPU.

4.13.17 To ensure aircraft and personnel safety upon arrival of aircraft for aerobridge docking
and for prescribed safe clearances between aircraft and bridge are maintained, it is mandatory
that aerobridge are operated by the authorized person only. Airport Operator should impart
proper training and provide requisite Permit to the persons authorized for aerobridge operations.
While operating the aerobridge, following precautions should be observed:

a) Before the aircraft enters the stand, the drive wheels of an apron-drive bridge must be
positioned in the marked parking box provided or, in the case of a rail-drive aerobridge,
must be fully retracted.

b) Before the aircraft enters the stand, it shall be confirmed that the stand is set up for the
approaching aircraft type.

c) A careful check should be made to ensure that no vehicles or equipment are obstructing
the horizontal or vertical movement of the bridge.

d) The aerobridge cab should be adjusted vertically and in azimuth to suit the incoming
aircraft type.

e) Only when the aircraft has stopped with wheel chocks are in place, the engines have
stopped and the aircraft anti-collision beacon has been extinguished, the aerobridge be
driven from its parking position and docked to the aircraft.

f) The aircraft passenger door should remain closed until the aerobridge had been docked,
the canopy has been lowered on to the fuselage and the auto-leveller device has been set;

g) The aerobridge operator should remain in attendance in the cab until passenger
disembarkation is completed.

4.13.18 To avoid damage during departure and to maintain the prescribed safe clearance from the
aerobridge, the following precautions shall be observed before the aircraft push back:

a) The aircraft passenger door must be closed.

b) The aerobridge canopy and auto-leveller must be retracted.

c) The aerobridge safety barrier should be erected or the doors should be closed.

d) Apron drive bridge should be withdrawn and the drive wheels placed in the parking box

e) A rail drive bridge should be fully retracted.

f) A check should be made that there are no vehicles, equipment or personnel obstructing
the movement of the aerobridge before it is moved. A check should also be made to
confirm that the ground equipment is configured to meet any specific settings for the
aircraft type.

4.13.19 Where self-maneuvering is employed, all responsible personnel at ramp should ensure
that the following arrangements and requirements are met:

a) Stand entry routes, parking positions and departure routes should be marked with
standard paint markings in accordance with the appropriate standards.

b) Buildings and installations adjacent to self-maneuvering stands should be constructed to

withstand the engine blast or be protected by blast screening.
c) Vehicles and equipment should not be placed in a position where they can be affected by

d) Equipment parking areas should be protected by blast screens or located remote from the

e) Safety instructions should be issued, specifying the maximum aircraft sizes to be

permitted on individual stands so as to ensure that the prescribed safe clearances are
maintained. Pilots should also be required to exercise caution and use the minimum
engine power settings needed to complete a satisfactory maneuver.

f) Self-maneuvering stands should be inspected regularly and kept clear of any FOD in
order to minimise the risk of ingestion.

4.13.20 As a part of safety management system, all responsible personnel at ramp should ensure
the following for safe conduct of push-back operations:

a) Unless required to ensure the safety of the aircraft, all personnel involved should stay
within the aircraft tug.

b) All tug drivers should be qualified to drive aircraft tugs in all weather conditions.

c) Push-back crews should be thoroughly familiar with push-back procedures.

d) The airline personnel should, ideally, be in speech contact with the flight deck crew
throughout the push-back operation. Where there is a possibility that speech
communication will not be available for any reason, the supervisor should be trained to
use internationally agreed hand signals.

e) All push-back crew members should wear reflector garments.

f) In the case of a departing aircraft being pushed back from its stand, the pilot of the
aircraft will obtain approval to push back from ATC and pass this information to the tug

4.13.21 Before approving power-backs, the airport operator should take into consideration
aircraft characteristics, apron layout/stand density, the stand clearances available and any
gradients involved on stands or taxiways.

4.13.22 Before approval is issued to an airline, for a particular aircraft type, the airport operator
should satisfy that the intended operation will be safe and will not give rise to unacceptable
levels of noise, vibration, blast or fumes on the adjacent apron areas. The following shall be

a) The procedures to be used are incorporated in the airline’s operations manual.

b) Pilots are trained and experienced in power-back operations.

c) The aircraft is directed by a trained marshaller using standard power-back marshalling


d) Wing walkers are employed to safeguard the rearward movement of the aircraft,
particularly wing tip clearances, to prevent collisions with other aircraft or vehicles or

e) Procedures, training and personal protective equipment should be employed which ensure
the safety of these personnel during powerback operations.

4.14 Engine hazards

4.14.1 The airport operators shall ensure that rules and procedures for safe engine running on the
airport are promulgated and understood by flight crew and handling staff.

4.14.2 Engine running on the apron and adjacent taxiway areas shall be limited to the minimum
necessary to meet aircraft operating needs.

4.14.3 It shall be ensured that vehicles and personnel do not pass behind running engines. Staff
must not approach running engines unless it is part of their job function.

4.14.4 The aircraft anti-collision beacon(s) must be switched on before an engine is started.
However, the absence of such illumination should not be regarded as proof that the engine is safe
to approach.

4.14.5 Where possible, blast screens should be provided to protect buildings, installations and
vehicle and staff areas that are vulnerable to blast.

4.14.6 When turning on to a stand, it is desirable that the flight crew use the minimum power
needed to carry out a normal arrival manoeuvre.

4.14.7 Thrust levers should not be exercised for any purposes when the arriving aircraft is on
stand, unless specifically approved by the airport operator.

4.14.8 The aircraft anti-collision beacon(s) must remain on until engines have run down or
propellers/rotors have stopped rotating.

4.14.9 During start up and push-back, engine power settings should not normally exceed ground

4.14.10 Engine runs and check starts should be controlled and only carried out with the prior
approval of the airport operator.

4.14.11 The area behind and adjacent to the cone of the blast should be clear of equipment and
the ground must be firm and without loose tarmac, stones or other material.

4.14.12 The airport operator should establish a programme to educate all apron users on the
hazards and requirements associated with FOD and to stress the responsibilities of all personnel
employed on the apron to minimise risks from FOD.

4.14.13 The airport operator must ensure that there are programmes of regular apron sweeping,
cleaning and inspection, including rapid reaction to fuel and other liquid and chemical spillages.
They should also provide facilities for the disposal of solid and liquid aircraft waste and FOD

4.14.14 All vehicles and equipment used on the aprons should be maintained in a clean and
serviceable condition.

4.14.15 The airport operators should ensure safeguarding apron operations around propeller
driven aircraft. Apron staff must be alert to the dangers of running propellers.

4.14.16 Airport operators should ensure that the safeguarding of ‘propeller areas’ is included in
airline operating procedures.

4.14.17 Airport operators should provide suitable apron layouts and facilities that provide proper
clearances for the operation of propeller aircraft types, with particular emphasis on ground

clearance for propeller tips and the proximity of aerobridges and other ramp equipment when the
aircraft is at, or approaching, its parking position.

4.14.18 Passengers should not be allowed to walk on the apron when propellers are turning.
Where it is operationally essential to have the propellers turning, passenger movement must be
effectively controlled.

4.15 Inadequate Lighting, Glare or Confusing Lights

4.15.1 During darkness and periods of low visibility apron areas must be provided with a good
standard of lighting of sufficient coverage and brilliance to enable pilots and ramp staff to
operate safely and effectively.

4.15.2 Care must be exercised to ensure that no lighting installation can give distracting or
confusing signals to pilots or cause dazzle or glare for any people on the airfield, including ATC
staff in the visual control room.

4.15.3 It is equally important that every workplace has suitable and sufficient lighting to ensure
people can work safely.

4.15.4 Apron lighting should be regularly checked for damage and disturbance of the settings of
the luminaires.

4.15.5 Any lighting used on the apron must not conflict with aircraft guidance systems and if
coloured lights are used they must not be capable of confusion with colour coded aviation lights.

4.15.6 Illuminated stand designator signs should, where possible, be prominently placed at a
standard position at the head of stand to give unambiguous indication to pilots of stand

4.15.7 Traffic lights controlling crossings of taxiways/taxilanes should be clearly identifiable to

vehicle drivers but must be shielded from the vision of pilots.

5. Training Requirements

5.1 To ensure safety of all personnel engaged in airside activity, the organization shall
establish minimum training requirements. The objective of training is to ensure that required
personnel are provided with requisite skills and knowledge to handle ground handling operations

5.2 The elements of training programme shall cover safety training, driver training and
aircraft handling training as per the modules given at Annexure I. The training shall be a
combination of theoretical and practical skill to verify the personnel understanding of the task
being trained.

5.3 All training records shall be documented and made available for review by the authorized
person of the organization and/or by DGCA.

5.4 To maintain ongoing competence, all personnel engaged in airside activity shall undergo
recurrent training periodically.

(Dr. Nasim Zaidi)

Director General of Civil Aviation

Annexure I

Training Module

a) Safety Training

• Safety philosophy
• Safety regulations
• Hazards
• Human factors
• Airside markings and signage
• Emergency situation
• FOD prevention programme
• Personnel protection
• Accidents and incidents
• Airside safety supervision

b) Driver Training

• Role and responsibilities of vehicle operator

• Vehicle/equipment standards
• Hazards of airside driving
• Reduced visibility procedures
• Accident and incident reporting procedures
• Familiarisation with apron layout
• Airport rules, regulations and procedures
• Procedures for crossing aircraft movement area
• Pedestrian crosswalk rules
• Identification of obstacle free area
• Aircraft familiarization
• Driver evaluation

c) Aircraft Handling Training

• Assembly of load in bulk or ULDs

• Loading and unloading of aircraft
• Manual handling of load
• Aircraft movement
• Provision and operation of ground support equipment
• Provision and operation of passenger and crew vehicles
• Cabin servicing
• Safety during aircraft fuelling
• Airside safety


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