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The Mawlid celebrations and its dangerous implications

There are two groups who celebrate the Mawlid in the month of Rabee unil Awwal.

Those who go all out in celebrating it , taking it as an eid and as being legislated.

The second group celebrate it subtly having seerah programmes in their masajid with little or no fanfare.

Both groups are innovators in the Deen of Allah subahaanahu wa ta’aala in this matter for the following
reasons :

1. There are only two legislated eids in Islam , that occur every year . Eidul – Fitr and Eidul Adhaa .
Both were celebrated by the messenger of Allah salallaahu alayhi wa salaam.

2. Celebrating birthdays is foreign to Islam and to institute it is to introduce in Deen what is not
from it.

The prophet sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam said , “ Whoever innovates in our Deen what is not from it then
such will be rejected”. ( Bukhari and Muslim)

3. The Companions of the Prophet sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam did not celebrate the mawlid nor any
other birthday of any prophet or other personality in Islam.

4. The celebrating of birthdays is a pagan culture foreign to Islam. The prophet sallallaahu alayhi wa
sallam said, “ whosoever imitates a people then he is from them “. ( abu Dawood )

Refuge is sought with Allah.

5 . The best three generations in Islam ( Sahaabah the Taabi’een and the Taabi-ut-taabi’een) did not
celebrate the mawlid leaving no doubt in the mind of the sincere seeker of truth that this is an evil
introduced in the Deen of Allah.

Allahu subahaanahu wa ta’aala, says in surah Aale Imran :

‫ ُقْل ِإْن ُكْنُتْم ُتِحُّبوَن َهَّللا َفاَّت ِبُعوِني ُيْح ِبْب ُك ُم ُهَّللا َو َي ْغ ِفْر َلُك ْم ُذ ُنوَب ُك م‬.

“ Say if you love Allah then follow me (Muhammad sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam) and Allah will love you.
Abdullah ibn Mas’ ud this great companion of the messenger sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam said, “ follow
( the prophet sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam)and do not innovate for you have been sufficed “ (by what he
brought in terms of legislation and practice. ) (Al – Ibaanah : ibn bath tha )

We must abandon all innovations in order to be from Ahlus sunnah wal Jamaa’a (People of Sunnah and
the saved sect. )

Note : The prophet sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam said, This ummah will be divided into seventy three
sects ,all of whom will be in the Hell-fire except one , when asked who the one is he said , “those who
are upon what I am upon and my sahaabah “ (Tirmidhi )

It is very clear that the Sahaabah did not celebrate the prophets birth day.

There are some who quote far – fetched and ambiguous texts as support for the evil Mawlid practices
and to such people we say , if those texts that you quote really refer to the mawlid then those upon
whom the text was revealed (the sahabah ) would have been the first to practice mawlid , as they
practiced all of the Deen under the watchful eye of their guide ,Muhammed sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam .
The prophet sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam passed on in the 11th year after the Hijrah and the last sahaabi
to pass on was Abu Tufail , in the year 110 AH and during all that time Mawlid was not celebrated.
Abdullah ibn Umar ,who was well known to practice every sunnah of the prophet sallallaahu alayhi wa
sallam did not practice or mention mawlid.

The khulafaa ur raashideen , Abu Bakr , Umar , Uthman and Ali , radhiyallaahu anhum , whom the
prophet sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam endorsed as being suitable in instituting a sunnah ,by saying ,

‫عليكم بسنتي و سنة الخلفاء الراشدين المهديين‬........

“ upon you’ll is to follow my sunnah and the Sunnah of the rightly guided khulafaa…” , but they did not
introduce and institute Mawlid.

The four highly ranked Imaams of Ahlus Sunnah wal Jamaa’a:

1. Abu Hanifah : born 80 Ah and died 150 Ah : Rahimahullah.

2. Maalik ibn Ana’s: born 93 Ah and died 179 Ah : Rahimahullah.

3. Ash Shaafi’ee : born 150 Ah and died 204 Ah : Rahimahullah.

4. Ahmad ibn Hambal: born 164 Ah and died 241 Ah : Rahimahullah.

None of them celebrated the Mawlid nor spoke of it or called to it as it simply did not exist in their time.

Ahlus-Sunnah agree that the most authentic books after the Quraan is the saheeh of Imaam Al Bukhari
and the Saheeh of Imaam Muslim .

Imaam Al Bukhari was born in 194 Ah and died 256 Ah.

Imaam Muslim was born in 204 Ah and died 261 Ah.


Together they memorized over a million Ahaadeeth.

They do not mention the Mawlid as it did not exist .

From the above we can safely conclude that the Mawlid did not exist for the first 300 years of Islam and
based on that we can correctly conclude that it was introduced into Islam.

The fatwaa/ruling of the prophet sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam with regards to matters introduced into
Islam is that they must be rejected .

He , sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam said, “ whosoever introduces into the Deen what is not from it is
rejected “ ( Bukhari and Muslim)

One of the greatest acts of worship a person of Ahlus-Sunnah can do when mawlid is celebrated by the
Shias and their followers (false claimants to Ahlus-Sunnah) is to reject it loudly as in doing so one will be
acting on the command of the prophet sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam to reject Bid’ah.

It is worthy of note that anyone who celebrates mawlid does not do so based on solid evidence, from the
Book of Allah and the Sunnah and practice of the sahaabah, but it’s based on desires and from the
borrowed culture of the enemies of Islam.

It Is also worthy of note that the mawlid of Eesa Alayhissalaam was introduced by Christians , calling it
Christmas , in the 4th century after his ascension. The mawlid of the prophet sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam
at least after the 5th century of his demise.
The prophet sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam told his companions, “ You will most certainly follow the ways of
those who came before you , and they asked who , the Jews and Christians ? He replied, who else .”
(Sahih al Jaami)

The Fatimides, an Ismaili Shia sect ruling over Egypt introduced the mawlid celebrations around the 5 th
century Ah , being influenced as some writers say , by the Christmas celebration of the Christians .

We seek refuge in Allahu subahaanahu wa ta’aala from innovations and ask him for firmness in following
the sunnah of his messenger sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, in all aspects of our Deen .

‫و صلي هللا علي نبينا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين‬

Prepared by : Shaykh Farouk Amod

Imaam : Masjid Mu’aadh ibn Jabal


South Africa

1444 / 03 / 08

2022 / 10 / 04

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