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7 Days 7 Paper -English 5:00pm to 6:30pm

Direction (1-3): Select the most appropriate word

to fill in the blanks.
7 Days 7 Paper -English 5:00pm to 6:30pm
1. She ordered her servant _______ the
1. cleaned
2. to clean
3. cleaning
4. was cleaned
5. to be cleaned
7 Days 7 Paper -English 5:00pm to 6:30pm
2. He received the information he had
_______ .
1. commanded
2. ask
3. said
4. asking
5. requested
7 Days 7 Paper -English 5:00pm to 6:30pm
3. She _______ that scarf yesterday.
1. Chosed
2. Choose
3. Choice
4. Chose
5. Has chosen
7 Days 7 Paper -English 5:00pm to 6:30pm
Direction: In each question, one sentence is given in which
certain words are in bold and numbered from A to E. Below
the sentence are given five options with possible pairs of
interchange of those bold words. Choose the pair(s) of words
which are needed to be interchanged to make the sentence
grammatically correct and meaningful.
7 Days 7 Paper -English 5:00pm to 6:30pm
4. While many academic achieved differences are
due to (A)socioeconomic factors, attributional
patterns (B)belief success factors, and
(C)regarding systems regarding the link
(D)between school success and success in life
also (E)play a part.
1. C-E
2. A-D and B-E
3. A-E and C-D
4. A-B
5. B-C
7 Days 7 Paper -English 5:00pm to 6:30pm
5. In (A)well-being to individualistic Western
societies, Asian societies are (B)collectivistic;
they (C)promote the idea that the (D)contrast of
the group is more (E)important than that of the
1. A-E and C-D
2. A-B and B-D
3. C-E
4. A-D
5. B-C
7 Days 7 Paper -English 5:00pm to 6:30pm
6. Avadhoot Dongare's Useless and Three
Contexts of a Writer are (A)contemporary
chronicles of the (B)crises faced by the
(C)multifocal youth—crises of human dignity,
finding love, (D)eternal values and the very
beliefs that (E)underlie human culture.
1. A-C
2. D-E
3. A-B and B-C
4. B-D
5. A-D and B-E
7 Days 7 Paper -English 5:00pm to 6:30pm
7. What we experienced was phenomenal, (A) /
our minds and bodies were worlds (B) / that we
created and was the (C) / only things we had
control over. (D) / No Error (E)
1. A
2. B
3. C
4. D
5. E
7 Days 7 Paper -English 5:00pm to 6:30pm
8. Fear is one of those (A) / emotions which
frequently roots (B) / us to inaction (C) / in
times of distress. (D) / No Error (E)
1. A
2. B
3. C
4. D
5. E
7 Days 7 Paper -English 5:00pm to 6:30pm
9. Terrorist investigators commonly use tactics
of (A)/ disinformation by lying about the
evidence they (B)/ have found or witnesses they
have been(C)/ interviewed in order to get a
confession. (D)/ No error (E)
1. A
2. B
3. C
4. D
5. E
7 Days 7 Paper -English 5:00pm to 6:30pm
10. While the billionaire wanting his (A)/ new
skyscraper to connote grandness, (B)/ it only
served to highlight his (C)/ ego and wasteful
spending habits. (D)/ No error (E)
1. A
2. B
3. C
4. D
5. E
7 Days 7 Paper -English 5:00pm to 6:30pm
11. According to the analysts, it is possible (A)/
that the intermediate goods producers in (B)/
India have been able to capitalize on the supply
chain (C)/ disruption in China arising from the
virus scarce. (D)/ No Error (E)
1. A
2. B
3. C
4. D
5. E
7 Days 7 Paper -English 5:00pm to 6:30pm
Direction: In the following question, two columns are
given, containing three phrases each. A phrase from the
first column may or may not connect with a phrase from
the second column to make a grammatically and
contextually correct sentence. There are five options, four
of which display the sequence(s) in which the phrases can
be joined to form a correct sentence. If none of the
phrases joined together makes a correct sentence, mark
‘None of these’ as your answer.
7 Days 7 Paper -English 5:00pm to 6:30pm
12. Column 1 Column 2 1. A-E
(A) Inequality and
(D) the quality of life in 2. B-D
poverty have been
cities. 3. C-F
endemic problems,
4. A-D
5. None of
(E) and policymakers have
(B) As cities grow faster,
struggled with these issues
they tend to acquire a life
for as long as the country these
of their own
has been independent.
(C) Instead of adopting
(F) to certify slow cities
urban policies from the
around the world.
7 Days 7 Paper -English 5:00pm to 6:30pm
13. Column (1) Column (2) 1. C-D
(A) Tragically, some of 2. B-D
(D) a chorus of
the peaceful protests are 3. A-D
international action.
being met with violence, 4. A-F
(B) The severity of (E) and university 5. None of
the concern has rightly campuses are not these
prompted immune.
(C) Thanks to cheaper
(F) in India has reached
connections and
to nearly half a billion—
multilingual content, the
second only to China.
number of internet users
7 Days 7 Paper -English 5:00pm to 6:30pm
14. Column (1) Column (2) 1. A-E and B-
(A) As a part of this (D) consequence in
expansion, students from that it results in the2. A-D and B-F
India exclusion of many. 3. A-E and C-F
(B) The seeming expansion
(E) can now pursue 4. B-E and C-F
higher studies in some 5. None of
of opportunities in higher
education also has an
of the globally known
(C) Social inequality grows (F) of the stakeholders:
along with the decline in students and their
educational aspirations parents.
7 Days 7 Paper -English 5:00pm to 6:30pm
Direction: Fill in the blanks in the passage below, with the
word from among the options given for each blank labeled
(A) to (E). Choose the word that fits in each blank most
appropriately in the context of the passage.
7 Days 7 Paper -English 5:00pm to 6:30pm
Banking institutions play a crucial role in the ____A____
system by providing a range of financial services to
individuals and businesses. One of the key functions of
banks is to accept ____B_____ from customers and offer
them interest on their deposits. Banks also lend money to
borrowers, charging them _____C___ on the loans
provided. In addition, banks facilitate electronic
___D_____ and enable customers to make payments and
transfers easily. Lastly, banks play a significant role in
managing risk by offering ____E______ services to
protect against potential losses.
7 Days 7 Paper -English 5:00pm to 6:30pm
Banking institutions play a crucial 15.
role in the ____A____ system by 1. economic
providing a range of financial 2. educational
services to individuals and 3. environmental
4. entertainment
businesses. One of the key
5. exploration
functions of banks is to accept
____B_____ from customers and
offer them interest on their
7 Days 7 Paper -English 5:00pm to 6:30pm
Banking institutions play a crucial 16.
role in the ____A____ system by 1. deposits
providing a range of financial 2. withdrawals
services to individuals and 3. invoices
4. statements
businesses. One of the key
5. receipts
functions of banks is to accept
____B_____ from customers and
offer them interest on their
7 Days 7 Paper -English 5:00pm to 6:30pm
Banks also lend money to 16.
borrowers, charging them 1. profit
_____C___ on the loans provided. 2. interest
In addition, banks facilitate 3. penalties
electronic ___D_____ and enable 4. taxes
customers to make payments and 5. dividends
transfers easily. Lastly, banks play a
significant role in managing risk by
offering ____E______ services to
protect against potential losses.
7 Days 7 Paper -English 5:00pm to 6:30pm
Banks also lend money to 17.
borrowers, charging them transactions
_____C___ on the loans provided. negotiations
In addition, banks facilitate resolutions
electronic ___D_____ and enable predictions
customers to make payments and interventions
transfers easily. Lastly, banks play a
significant role in managing risk by
offering ____E______ services to
protect against potential losses.
7 Days 7 Paper -English 5:00pm to 6:30pm
Banks also lend money to 18.
borrowers, charging them 1. insurance
_____C___ on the loans provided. 2. advertising
In addition, banks facilitate 3. counseling
electronic ___D_____ and enable 4. auditing
customers to make payments and 5. marketing
transfers easily. Lastly, banks play a
significant role in managing risk by
offering ____E______ services to
protect against potential losses.
7 Days 7 Paper -English 5:00pm to 6:30pm
19. FAIR 1. Only A
A. Today is a nice and fair autumn 2. Only B
day. 3. Only C
B. He had considered her fair in the 4. Both A and B
moonlight, but in full light, he found 5. All correct
her beautiful.
C. Sam eyed her with a fair amount
of discomfort, which wasn’t
surprising because Carmen was
close to tears.
7 Days 7 Paper -English 5:00pm to 6:30pm
20. ORGANISE 1. Only A
A. I hope you shall never organise 2. Only B
such a boring party ever again. 3. Only C
B. The organise is not an integral 4. Both A and B
part of the mass. 5. All correct
C. Making an effort to create
organise is impossible.
7 Days 7 Paper -English 5:00pm to 6:30pm
21. FOCUS 1. Only A
A. Focus may not be the highlight 2. Only B
of a pig. 3. Only C
B. If you focus on the problem at 4. Both A and C
5. All are correct
hand, you shall surely solve it.
C. I may not be able to find focus
with you.
7 Days 7 Paper -English 5:00pm to 6:30pm
22. What is the author's view towards his own life?
23. According to the passage, after the beer guzzling
young men vacated their room, the housekeeper was
shocked by:
24. Why does the author choose to stay in Mussourie?
25. What has been the author doing for the most of his
adult life?
26. What does the author want to imply by saying "Not
everything falls into place".
7 Days 7 Paper -English 5:00pm to 6:30pm
The first arrival on being introduced, asked me if I was the owner of the
hotel. The second arrival shook my hand vigorously, then proclaimed. "Yes,
of course, I've read your book-No full stops in India."
"That was Mark Tully", I said, "He smokes a pipe."
The third or fourth arrival got it right, but spoilt it all by asking, "Do you
still write, Mr. Bond?"
This is like asking a chef if he still makes soup, or a cobbler if he can repair
a shoe. I couldn't be bothered answering his question, but a little boy came
to my rescue by asking me to sign my latest book. Nevertheless, the
question lingers and sometimes I ask myself: Did I find my dream-the
dream of 45 years ago? Do I remember that dream? Most of it, I do believe.
To live independently as a fulltime writer, that was part of the dream. And I
have done that for most of my adult life. No riches, no houses, no cars, no
computers. But independence, certainly.
7 Days 7 Paper -English 5:00pm to 6:30pm
To live in the place of my choice. While I was away in Delhi in the
early 1960s, I decided I was going to live in the hills and work
from there. Just as, five years earlier, I had decided that my home
was India and not England.
Mussoorie may not have been the perfect choice (there are places
more lovely), but in many ways, it has suited me. I'm near the
Doon (familiar territory), not too far from Delhi (and my
publishers), and just a short walk into the solitude of the
mountains. I have lived with the family and companions of my
choice-Prem and his children and grandchildren, and many good
people on the hillside who have been generous to me over the
7 Days 7 Paper -English 5:00pm to 6:30pm
And have I won the time for leisure, books, nature, love and friendship?
Yes, most of these things, for some of the time. Not everything falls
neatly into place. How can it? But I think I've done most of what I set out
to do. I could have done it a little better, and perhaps there's time to do
more. My faults and limitations are many, but I've always accepted that
I'm a most imperfect specimen of humanity, which means I've always
been on friendly terms with myself! And yes, Sir, I'm still doing my thing-
cobbling shoes, making a tolerable soup, and recording my life and the
life around me to the best of my ability. Talking of hotels-most of them,
big or small, have one thing in common: the occasional guest who makes
off with the linen, the cutlery, and sometime, even a TV set. Nandu (of
the Savoy) tells of how one customer drove off with a mattress rolled up
on the luggage rack.
7 Days 7 Paper -English 5:00pm to 6:30pm
When the manager realized what had happened, he phoned the
police at the toll-barrier, and they stopped the car and took
possession of the mattress. The owner of the car promptly
blamed his driver for the theft, but the driver responded- "Sir, you
asked me to pick up two mattresses, and now you are blaming me
for stealing one!“
Of course there are some tourists who leave their belongings
behind; or if not their belongings, their fellow- travelers. The day
after a group of jolly, beer-guzzling young men vacated their
room, the housekeeper opened a cupboard to have a dead body
tumble out on top of her. In a different hotel, a box-bed was found
stuffed with a decaying corpse. Both cases went unsolved.
7 Days 7 Paper -English 5:00pm to 6:30pm
Equally enterprising were the young men from Haryana who
stabbed to death one of their companions and left the body in the
Landour cemetery. But these gentlemen left so many clues behind
that they were caught a few days later. Hill-stations are, by and
large, peaceful places, but just occasionally, crime rears its ugly
head and an old lady is found strangled in her bed or a failed
businessman is found hanging in the bathroom. We won't dwell
on these tragedies but think instead of the thousands who come
here in high spirits and go away in even better spirits-the
combination of clean mountain air, breath-taking scenery, and,
just occasionally, spirits of the bottled variety having done
wonders for their outlook on life.
7 Days 7 Paper -English 5:00pm to 6:30pm
To me, flowers are the most sensual of living things, or perhaps,
it's just that the appeal to the sensuality of my own nature. A
rose in bud, the heady scent of jasmine, the unfolding of a lily, the
flaunting colour of dahlias and giant marigolds, the seductive
fragrance of the honeysuckle, all these excite and entice me.
A wild species of geranium (the round-leaved cransebill, to give
its English name) with a tiny lilac flower, has responded to my
overtures, making a great display in a tub where I encouraged it
to spread. Never one to spurn a gesture of friendship, I have given
it the freedom of the shady back verandah. Let it be my flower of
the month, this rainy August.
7 Days 7 Paper -English 5:00pm to 6:30pm
22. What is the author's view towards his
own life?
(a) He's pretty relaxed about his life.
(b) He's pretty satisfied by his life.
(c) He's concerned about his life.
(d) He's thinking about what the future
holds for him & wants to forget the past.
(e) He is living in the past.
7 Days 7 Paper -English 5:00pm to 6:30pm
23. According to the passage, after the beer
guzzling young men vacated their room, the
housekeeper was shocked by:
(a) Not finding the carpet.
(b) Finding a box.
(c) By finding a dead body of a young man in
the cupboard, which tumbled out on top of her.
(d) All of these.
(e) None of these.
7 Days 7 Paper -English 5:00pm to 6:30pm
24. Why does the author choose to stay in
(a) It suited him in many ways.
(b) It was near to Doon; which was familiar to
(c) It was not too far from Delhi & his
(d) All of the above.
(e) None of the above.
7 Days 7 Paper -English 5:00pm to 6:30pm
25. What has been the author doing for the
most of his adult life?
(a) Travelling to different places.
(b) Living independently as a full time writer.
(c) Collecting riches for future.
(d) Marvelling at the nature.
(e) Living in the place of his choice.
7 Days 7 Paper -English 5:00pm to 6:30pm
26. What does the author want to imply by saying
"Not everything falls into place".
(a) A person cannot have all the things he wants
from life.
(b) A person cannot win time for leisure, books,
nature & love all at once.
(c) Life is like a jumble and its very hard to fit the
right word at the right place.
(d) Life can be cruel at times.
(e) None of the above.

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