Go Through This Link To Watch and Learn Spoken English

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School is important but so is your health. Take care of yourself and each other. May all
of you have a safe time and be at your creative best while spending days away from
school. It’s only a matter of time before we get together and relive the excitement of
school life. Be proud of yourself, your resilience, and your ability to adapt to extreme
circumstances. We are proud of each and everyone of you, and hope we are together
again soon.
Stay Home
Stay Safe

Go through this link to watch and learn spoken English.

A. Read a lot of books in your summer vacation. Choose your favourite amongst
them and answer the following.

1. Name of the book. _______________________

2. Name of the author. _______________________
3. I liked the book because _______________________
4. The story is about _______________________
5. My favourite character/characters of the story _______________________

NOTE: It should be a true account of your reading.

B. Do one page daily in your cursive writing book (Page 1-20).

C. Do worksheet 1, 2, 3 and 20 in the book “Assignment For Holidays” English

(part 2).

NOTE: The assignment will be marked also.

D. Father’s Day : (21st June 2020)

Prepare a beautiful greeting card on the occasion of father’s day and gift this
card on that day to your father. Capture some beautiful moments of that day.
E. Revise first periodic syllabus thoroughly.

● Course Book:- Lesson:-2 The Fly

● Grammar:- L-1 The Sentence

L-4 Nouns ( Naming Words )

L-5 Special Names and Common Names

L-6 One and More than one

● Comprehension Passage
● Picture Composition
● Complete The Story
Class – II
* Learn lesson -1, 2 and 3.
* Do the given activities and assignment in your E.V.S. notebook.
* Complete worksheet no. 4,5,6,7 of S.St. section in your book

“Assignment for Holidays”.

* Complete worksheet no. 7,9,10,11 of Science section in your book

“Assignment for Holidays”.

All about
Activity - 1
My name is ……………………………… Likes & Dislikes
My Favourite Things I like
Food ……………………………………….. 1…………………………..
Colour …………………………………….. 2…………………………..
Activity …………………………………… 3…………………………..
Animal ……………………………………. Things I don’t like
Place ………………………………………. 1…………………………..
When I grow up I want to be

Activity - 2
Summers are here and for beating the heat of this scorching sun grab your mother’s hand and make a dish of yummy
fruit salad for your father to give him a special surprise on Father’s Day (21-06-2020) with all the fruits of your choice by
following the given recipe:
Finely chopped fruits of your choice like banana, pineapple, watermelon, mango, apple, grapes & pomegranate.
2 Teaspoon of lemon juice
1 Tablespoon crushed sugar
A pinch of chaat masala
Place all the fruits in a bowl.
Place the banana, chopped apple, 1/2 cup of a red pomegranate, 1/2 cup of watermelon, 1/2 cup of pineapple, 1 mango
and 1/2 cup of grapes together in a bowl. You can toss lightly to blend the flavours.
ADD THE ADD – ONS - In this bowl of your favourite flavours add sugar and lemon juice.
Garnish this fruit bowl with a pinch of chaat masala and serve your yummy fruit salad to your family and enjoy it with
them. Also, enjoy the smile on their face.
Activity - 3 *Write H for healthy food and J for junk food.
Healthy Habits
1. How many glasses of water should you drink each day?
2. What activities can you do to stay active?
3. List healthy snacks you can eat that are low in calorie.
4. How many hours of sleep do young adults need?
5. It is important to eat vegetables everyday.
List some vegetables that you like.
6. Maintaining a healthy weight is important for over all
Q.1 Give the answer in one word: Q.2 Answer the questions in short:
1. Name one grain you eat daily. 1. Name four internal organs of the body.
2. Name a fruit that shares its name with a colour. 2. Who are vegetarians?
3. Which organ pumps blood to all parts of the body? 3. Name the two internal organs found in the
4. Which organ controls all the sense organs?
4. What are protective foods?

Q.3 Give two examples for each of the following: Q.4 Define the following:
1. Energy-giving food-
1. food we get from animals –
2. Body-building food-
2. sense organs –
3. Non-vegetarians-
3. vegetables – 4. Internal organs-
4. pulses –
Q.5 Identify the following organs and name them:

1. 2. 3. 4.

______________ ____________ _______________ ______________

Q.6 Draw, colour and label the diagram of:

Energy giving food Protective food
General Instructions :

1. Do all the fun activities beautifully on A-4 / A-3 size sheet.

2. Worksheet 1 to 4 (Do in book)
3. Worksheets 5 and 6 need to be done in C.W. notebook.
4. Learn and write tables from 2 to 10(3 times) in C.W. notebook.
5. Daily practice 2 sums of Addition and Subtraction(3 digit numbers)
each in notebook.
Do this activity using colored paper
for better understanding the concept
of Place value and expanded form of
numbers .

Use beads , bindi etc. for doing
the activity
write the following number:
a. 560
b. 608

Also write the numbers in words.

Worksheet – 5
Worksheet -6
❖Revise all the chapters done so far.
✓ Chapter 1 –Revisiting Numbers up to
✓Chapter 2 – 3-digit Numbers
✓Chapter 3 - Addition

❖ Do practice of next chapters:
➢Chapter 4- Subtraction
➢Chapter 5 - Data Handling
Dear students,
Have a restful summer and enjoy some good books. Hoping your
summer includes lots of family time, laughter and fabulous
memories. We wish you all a safe and fun summer.

1. Cut and paste or write any 5 headlines of 1st week of June.

2. Paste picture and write 5 lines on your favourite sport.

3. Capture and paste picture of any 3 activities that you do in summer


4. Draw and label parts of plant on A4 sheet.

NOTE – Do the work in G.K notebook.

Dear students
It’s vacation time again! During the long hot afternoon beat the heat
staying indoors and doing some interesting activities.

1.Read any two moral stories. Write the moral values you learnt from
the stories and also paste the pictures.

2.Write five ways in which you can stay fit and healthy.

3.Respect your parents, grandparents and all elders. Use the magical
words – Please, Sorry, Excuse Me, Thank You etc.
(where needed). Make two sentences out of each magical word
mentioned above.

4.Learn Prayer - Our Father given in diary (page no. - 51).

(Note - Kindly complete all the work in your Moral Science notebook.)

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