Accounting-For-Amalgamation-Absorption-And-External-Corporate-Accounting (Set 1)

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Accounting for Amalgamation, Absorption

and External
chapter in
Corporate Accounting

1 of 8 sets

Chapter: Accounting for Amalgamation, Absorption and External

1. Shares received from the new company are recorded at –

A. Face value
B. Average price
C. Market value
o m
D. None of the above
. c
q M
2. When two or more companies carrying on similar business decide to combine, a
new company is formed, it is known as ..................
A. Amalgamation
B. Absorption
C. Internal reconstruction
D. External reconstruction

3. When one of the existing companies take over business of another company or
companies, it is known as ...........
A. Amalgamation
B. Absorption
C. Internal reconstruction
D. External reconstruction

4. While calculating purchase price, the following values of assets are considered
A. Book value
B. New values fixed
C. Average values
D. Market values

5. While calculating purchase price, the following values of assets are considered
A. Book value
B. New values fixed
C. Average values
D. Market values

6. Which of the following statement is correct?

A. The amount of Goodwill or Capital Reserve is found out in the books of purchasing company
B. The amount of Goodwill or Capital Reserve is found out in the books of vendor company only.
C. Goodwill = Net Assets – Purchase price
D. The face value of shares of purchasing company will be taken in to account while calculating
purchase consideration.

7. If the two companies have different accounting policies in respect of the same
item, then they make necessary changes to adopt .............. accounting policies.
A. LIFO method
B. FIFO method
C. Weighted method
D. Uniform

8. The Amalgamation Adjustment Account appears in the books, it is shown under

the heading of ......... in the balance sheet.
A. Reserve and Surplus
B. Fixed Assets
C. Investments
D. Miscellaneous expenditure

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9. If amalgamation is in the ..............., the General Reserve or Profit and Loss A/c
balance will not be shown in the balance sheet.
A. Form of Merger
B. Form of purchase
C. Net assets method
D. Consideration method

10. If the intrinsic values of shares exchanged are not equal, the difference is paid
in ...........
A. Cash
B. Debenture
C. Pref. share
D. Assets

11. In case of .............., one existing company takes over the business of another
company and no new company is formed.
A. Amalgamation
B. Absorption
C. Reconstruction
D. None of the Above

12. In amalgamation of two companies

A. Both companies lose their existence
B. Both companies continue
C. Any one company continues
D. none

13. When purchasing company pays purchase consideration, it will be debited to

A. Business purchase account
B. Assets account

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C. Liquidator of selling company’s account
D. none

14. When the purchasing company bears the liquidation expenses, it will debit the
expenses to
A. Vendor Company’s Account
B. Bank Account
C. Goodwill Account
D. none

15. When the Vendor (seller) company agrees to bear liquidation expenses, it will
A. Realisation Account
B. Bank Account
C. Goodwill Account
D. none

16. When the purchasing company does not take over a particular liability and the
vendor company pays that liability, it will debit it to
A. Realisation Account
B. Bank Account
C. Liability Account
D. none

17. When the Net Assets are less than the Purchase Consideration, the difference
will be
A. Debited to Goodwill A/c.
B. Debited to General Reserve
C. none of these
D. none

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18. While calculating purchase consideration ............... values of assets is to be
A. Book value
B. Revalued price
C. Average price
D. Capital

19. Net Assets minus Capital Reserve is _________

A. Goodwill
B. Total assets
C. Purchase consideration
D. None of these

20. Hitesh Ltd.’s purchase consideration is Rs.12,345 and Net Assets Rs.3,568,
A. Goodwill Rs. 8,777
B. Capital Reserve Rs. 8,777
C. Goodwill Rs. 15,913
D. Capital Reserve Rs. 15,913

21. The original amount of preference share capital should be transferred to

............ account in the time of amalgamation in the books of vendor co.
A. Preference shareholders Account
B. Capital Reserve Account
C. Equity share capital Account
D. Equity share capital Account

22. The share capital, to the extent already held by the purchasing company, is
closed by the vendor company by crediting it to:
A. Share capital account
B. Purchasing company's account
C. Realisation account.

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D. none

23. In case of inter-company holdings, the purchasing company, at the time of

payment of the purchase consideration, surrenders the shares in the vendor
company by crediting:
A. Vendor company's account
B. Shares in the vendor company account
C. Share capital account.
D. none

24. The vendor company transfers preliminary expenses (at the time of absorption)
A. Equity shareholders' account
B. Realisation account
C. Purchasing company's account.
D. none

25. A Ltd. and B Ltd. go into liquidation and a new company X Ltd. is formed. It is
a case of:
A. Absorption
B. External reconstruction
C. Amalgamation.
D. none

26. For amalgamation in the nature of merger, the shareholders holding at least
______ or more of the equity shares of the transferor company becomes the equity
shareholders of the transferee company.
A. 51%
B. 90%
C. 99%
D. 100%

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27. As per AS–14 purchase consideration is what is payable to
A. Shareholders
B. Creditors
C. Debenture holders
D. Shareholders and Debenture holders.

28. In the case of ………………………. only one of the combining companies

survives and the other losses its separate identity.
A. Acquisition
B. Merger
C. Amalgamation
D. Formation

29. ……………….is the amount payable by the purchasing companies to the

vendor company for taking over the business of vendor company.
A. Goodwill
B. Total assets
C. Purchase consideration
D. None of these

30. In absorption there is one ……………………and no formation.

A. Merger
B. Liquidation.
C. Demerger
D. Formation

31. In external liquidations, there is one liquidation and one ………………

A. Formation
B. Merger
C. Demerger
D. Purchase consideration

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32. When two or more companies carrying on similar business decide to combine, a
new company is formed, it is known as ..................
A. Amalgamation
B. Absorption
C. Internal reconstruction
D. External reconstruction

33. When one of the existing companies take over business of another company or
companies, it is known as ...........
A. Amalgamation
B. Absorption
C. Internal reconstruction
D. External reconstruction

34. Which of the following statement is correct?

A. The amount of Goodwill or Capital Reserve is found out in the books of purchasing company
B. The amount of Goodwill or Capital Reserve is found out in the books of vendor company only.
C. Goodwill = Net Assets – Purchase price (
D. The face value of shares of purchasing company will be taken in to account while calculating
purchase consideration.

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