Rapport-Marco-Polo-Hunter-Famille-Biden (1) (1) - Pages-17

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Internal records revealed ROBERT is a former JPMC customer. Research revealed he is an American
lawyer and PEP, as he is the second son of former U.S. Vice President Joe Biden. Negative media
was found on Robert for alleged business conflicts. For example, ROBERT worked for a U.S.-based
company which received monthly transfers exceeding $166,000 per month from BURISMA (a natural
gas company in the Ukrainian oil and gas market) while the vice president was leading the U.S. policy
with the Ukrainian government. (ijr.com/biden-questioned-after-forcing-out-ukrainian-official-

Internal records revealed DEVON is a former JPMC and JPS Customer. Research revealed Devon is
Robert’s business associate and has been convicted of conspiracy and securities fraud. According to
the SDNY press release, Devon and two other defendants were convicted of orchestrating a scheme
to defraud investors and a Native American tribal entity of tens of millions of dollars. However, in 2018
a federal judge overturned the conviction. (justice.gov/usao-sdny/pr/three-convicted-manhattan-
federal-court-fraudulent-issuance-and-sale-more-60-million;433 reuters.com/article/us-usa-crime-

Third party web presence revealed OWASCO435 is a law firm associated with ROBERT. However,
very little information could be found on the law firm.

ROBERT, along with DEVON and ERIC, founded several companies using the name Rosemont
related companies in the investment field.

There are allegations that ROBERT received funds from the Chinese government that coincided with
the former vice president negotiating issues with China. (thefederalist.com/2019/05/02/bidens-

Although ERIC is not directly listed in any of the wires included in the SAR filing, internal records
revealed ERIC is listed as the only signer for ROSEMONT SENECA ADVISORS. As it is unknown if
ERIC is the signer of the external account for ROSEMONT SENECA ADVISORS, no account will be
associated to him in this SAR filing.

Per web presence, BURISMA is a natural gas firm that appointed ROBERT to its board of directors in

432 “Shokin … had ‘specific plans’ to investigate Burisma that ‘included interrogations … into all members of the executive
board, including Hunter Biden.’”
See Madison Dibble, “Biden Faces Corruption Concerns After Bragging About Forcing Out Ukrainian Official Who
Investigated His Son,” Independent Journal Review, April 2019, archive.ph/xUhlg
433 “As a unanimous jury swiftly found, these defendants orchestrated a highly complex scheme to defraud a Native

American community and multiple pension funds, all to corruptly bankroll their own personal and business interests.”
See “Three Convicted in Manhattan Federal Court for the Fraudulent Issuance and Sale of More than $60 Million of Tribal
Bonds,” S.D.N.Y., June 2018, archive.ph/nDI0d
434 “‘Mr. Archer has maintained his innocence throughout this painful process, and today’s decision is a critical step in

clearing his good name once and for all,’ Matthew Schwartz, one of Archer’s lawyers, said in a statement.”
See Brendan Pierson, “U.S. judge overturns New York man’s conviction in tribal bond scheme,” Reuters, November 2018,
435 “Owasco, P.C.,” OpenCorporates, archive.ph/97oi7

436 Ben Weingarten, “Biden’s Alleged Financial Ties to U.S. Enemy China Overshadow His 2020 Bid,” The Federalist, May

2019, archive.ph/OwsxX
437 “Hunter Biden joins the team of Burisma Holdings,” Burisma, May 2014, archive.ph/uMijb


Per web presence, BOHAI HARVEST is ROBERT’S investment company in China that has pooled
money, largely from state-owned venture capital, to buy or invest in a range of industries in the U.S.
and China. BOHAI HARVEST allegedly operates and works with a number of funds and the structure
brought ROBERT into close proximity to influential Chinese government438 and business figures.

Internal records indicate that THORSDALE is in the personal and testamentary trust field.
THORSDALE’s signers will not be named as subjects in the SAR, as it is unclear if they are involved
in the actual transactions.

DEVON is associated with the following prior SARS; -SAR_NA_26386812-(filed-02/19/2016)- Initial

Report- Devon was listed as a subject and the SAR was filed to report transactions consistent with a
penny stock fraud scheme.

-SAR_NA_28011744-(filed-03/17/2016)- Correct/Amend Prior Report SAR_NA _26386812 to include

additional subject record information and to correct the owning institution of a subject’s credit card.

-SAR_NA_55865328-(filed-07/26/2017)- Devon was listed as a subject and the SAR was filed to
report suspicious wire credits and debits with an unknown purpose.

-SAR #1479025 (filed-10/28/2015)- Devon was listed as a subject and the SAR reported wires with
an unknown purpose and relationship.

OWASCO is associated with the following prior SAR;

-SAR_NA_114256858-(filed- 04/19/2019)-reported that OWASCO sent funds to an individual for an
unknown purpose.

BURISMA is associated with the following prior SAR;

-SAR #1226764 (filed- 08/15/2014)-The SAR was filed to report wires with an unknown economic

THORSDALE is associated with the following prior SARs;

-SAR_NA_55865328-(filed- 07/26/2017); SAR #1333066-(filed- 01/05/2015); SAR #1510720-(filed-
12/24/2015); SAR #1465166 (filed- 09/02/2015); SAR # 1402524- (filed- 05/05/2015)- The SARs
were filed to report rapid movement of funds, unknown relationships, and unknown economic
-SAR #1479025-(filed- 10/28/2015)-Correct/Amend prior report SAR #1465166 to omit a possible
association, include additional activity, update the cumulate amount of the filing, and update suspects

438 “Much of the financing of BHR projects would be financed primarily by Bohai shareholders via other financial vehicles
or products. China Development Bank and Bank of China specifically appear repeatedly in BHR deals funding their
projects throughout China and around the world.”
See “Project Time,” Typhoon Investigations, October 2020,
439 “Bohai Harvest relies heavily on an international subsidiary of the state-owned Bank of China to finance its

investments, referring to itself as an ‘investment platform under BOC’ on its website. The investment fund has also
partnered with a subsidiary of HNA Group, a controversial conglomerate that has snapped up investments in a wide range
of businesses across the world.”
See Lee Fang, “Chinese Fund Backed by Hunter Biden Invested in Major Chinese Surveillance Firm,” The Intercept, May
2019, archive.ph/oBAWm


The transactions below were chosen via a risk-based review of the wire activity based on various
factors, such as, subject involved, amount, and frequency. The transactions highlighted in this
narrative are only a portion of the activity being reported in this SAR.

ROBERT (US) sent 3 wires totaling $2,920.00 between 05/22/2014 and 06/17/2014 from account
#0164385452 and account #0168390876 at USAA FEDERAL SAVINGS BANK (US) for the benefit of
a counterparty.

DEVON (US) received 1 wire in the amount of $100,000 on 06/27/2014 into account #47833683 at
CITIBANK N.A. (US) from JPMC account #908323181 in the name of THORSDALE (US).

OWASCO (US) sent 10 wires totaling $84,400.16 between 08/14/2017 and 10/02/2018 from account
#000009084065142 and account #52611208 at WELLS FARGO BANK (US) to various

amount of $600,513.00440 on 11/10/2014 into account #40611172 at CITIBANK N.A. (US) from JPMC
account #908323181 in the name of THORSDALE (US). Payments details state “FOR FURTHER TO

ROSEMONT SENECA ADVISORS (US) received 30 totaling $382,497.00 between 02/03/2014 and
09/11/2015 into account #65761664 at FIRST CLEARING LLC (US) from counterparties. The funds
flowed through WELLS FARGO NA441 (US).

BURISMA (CYPRUS) sent 4 wires totaling $222,566.97 between 07/05/2016 and 08/02/2019 from
(CYPRUS) for the benefit of [the] counterparties.

BOHAI HARVEST (CHINA) sent 16 wires totaling $119,095.31 between 07/11/2017 and 03/11/2019
from account #453365557784 at BANK OF CHINA443 (CHINA) to BANK OF CHINA LIMITED - NEW
YORK (US) for the benefit of [the] counterparties.444

440 “Rosemont Seneca Bohai Bank Records Listing Payments from Burisma & to Hunter Biden (2014-2016),” page 73,
441 Hunter boasted about his longstanding relationship with Wells Fargo in an iMessage on 05/29/2018 to a female pimp

associated with 1-424-644-5858: “I have [had] an account with Wells Fargo for 25 years[.] I have my entire savings
account[,] retirement account[,] business accounts[, and] 17 different accounts with Wells Fargo and I have talked directly
to my broker for the past 15 years[.] I have talked to the vice President for fraud management at Wells Fargo and you
have totally completely [sic] Let’s say this you made this very difficult and if you question one more time whether or not I’m
working hard to get the money that you took out of my account back into my account all of which are frozen also with
peoples[’] livelihoods frozen[…]”
442 “Two of those investors, Alexey Kulikov and Andrey Gorbatov, allegedly helped orchestrate one of the largest money

laundering operations in history, the infamous ‘mirror trading’ scheme that moved $10 billion from Russia to Europe
through offsetting securities trades[.]”
See “Russian-owned Cyprus Development Bank fined for violating anti-money laundering regulations,” Alliance for
Securing Democracy, May 2018, archive.ph/NxuSy
443 “Bank of China - FDIC Cert # 33653,” Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, archive.ph/y7cFy

444 “Biden SAR #1,” Marco Polo, 2019,



SAR #2

JPMorgan Chase Bank (JPMC) is filing this Suspicious Activity Report (SAR) which originated from
an external referral for transactions involving non-JPMC accounts held by a Politically Exposed
Person (PEP) who remitted funds to various JPMC and non-JPMC customers, some of the recipients
have ties to the adult entertainment industry, while others were unknown, or were listed in prior SAR
filings related to human trafficking (HT). Additionally, the source of funds for the transactions is
unknown and inconsistent with the known line of business. This activity was transacted by non-JPMC
customers ROBERT HUNTER BIDEN (“HUNTER”) and his law firm OWASCO PC. Activity being
reported totals $149,843.00 (rounded up) between the dates of 10/24/2016 and 05/10/2019.

OWASCO PC was identified to be a sole proprietorship law firm owned by HUNTER and established
in 2006. Per internet research, the law firm specializes in intellectual property and international law.
HUNTER is a former JPMC customer who previously held a home mortgage that was paid off in
2017, as well as a credit card that was closed by JPMC due to non-payment in 2016.

OWASCO PC (WELLS FARGO #9084065142) and HUNTER (using unknown account, as well as
WELLS FARGO #729109035738578) sent electronic fund transfers (EFT) and checks totaling
$149,842.44 to 13 JPMC customers and non-customers between 10/24/2016 and 05/10/2019. Two of
the JPMC customers were listed in prior SAR filings by JPMC reporting transactions consistent with
possible Human Trafficking which are detailed below. Also, three of the JPMC Customers have KYC
and/or public media and social media ties to the adult entertainment industry. The other recipients
have no identifiable relationship with either HUNTER or OWASCO PC which would explain the
activity being reported.

ANNA DEKHTIAR445 (JPMC 356067030 (closed 06/14/2019)) is a Miami FL non-resident alien and
Ukrainian citizen. KYC reflects student born in 1995. She received a wire for $5,100 on 12/10/2018
from OWASCO PC which was reported in SAR_NA_114256858 filed on 04/19/2019. On the same
day, 12/10/2018 HUNTER also sent $1,300 to ANNA DEKHTIAR via three (3) EFTs. The funds ANNA
DEKHTIAR received from OWASCO PC and HUNTER were subsequently remitted to Oksana
Naratovska located in the Ukraine446 via a $7,000 wire on 12/13/2018. The wire to Oksana
Naratovska and Oksana Naratovska were reported under the prior SAR filing and are only being
discussed here to show the full flow of funds.

OLESIA KUDASHKINA447 (JPMC 270297812, closed on 04/30/2019) is a Russian citizen and [a] non-
resident alien residing in Manhattan, NY. She [was] born in 1984 and listed “Zara”448 as her employer.
She received an EFT from HUNTER for $1200.00 on 03/11/2019. Those funds were subsequently

445 Based on the contents of the Biden Laptop, Hunter corresponded with DEKHTIAR via her phone number,
1-646-249-7051, which has apparently been disconnected.
446 “[F]ormer Soviet republics, such as Ukraine, Belarus, Latvia, and Russia, have become major sending countries for

women trafficked into sex industries all over the world.”

See Donna Hughes and Tatyana DENISOVA, “Trafficking in Women from Ukraine,” Office of Justice Programs, U.S.
Department of Justice, December 2003,
447 Based on the contents of the Biden Laptop, Hunter corresponded with KUDASHKINA via her email address,

[email protected], and phone number, 1-646-906-4893.

448 “Zara is one of the biggest international fashion companies[.]”

See “Company,” Zara, archive.ph/kweWX


included in a wire to an individual in Russia. This activity was reported under SAR_NA_124521834
filed on 07/16/2019, but is also being included in this filing to show the full source and use of funds.449

PAOLA A MARTINEZ450 (JPMC 266779283), ZOE G KESTAN451 (JPMC 755098626) and LEHUA M
ALAMA-JORDAN452 (JPMC 290390167) each appear to be in the adult entertainment industry and
are receiving payments from HUNTER and OWASCO PC. It is unclear what relationship HUNTER or
OWASCO PC have with these individuals, and based on public media it appears possible the
payments may be associated to prostitution or adult entertainment services.

PAOLA A MARTINEZ is a NY resident, and employed at Scores NY453 a high end gentleman’s club.
She received three (3) quickpays for $3500.00 from Hunter between 12/28/2017 and 03/26/2018.

ZOE G KESTAN is a NY resident, and employed as “freelance.” Per internet research, she is a social
media influencer and adult entertainer. She received six (6) quickpays for $6250.00 from HUNTER
between 03/29/2018 and 11/20/2018.

LEHUA M ALMA-JORDAN454 is a CA resident, and is employed with “Cali Girls,” a gentleman’s

club.455 She received two (2) wires totaling $6,000.08 from OWASCO PC between 07/24/2018 and
08/27/2018, and three (3) quickpays for $2500.00 from HUNTER between 08/27/2018 and

Erin N Straughter456 is a CA resident currently employed with “FSS Management.” Between June
2018 and October 2018, Erin N Straughter was employed by OWASCO PC as evidenced by her
receipt of bi-weekly payroll remittances from OWASCO PC. However, during this same period of time
Erin N Straughter also received large round dollar wires457 from OWASCO PC which referenced “new
hire,” “8k wage,” “10k golf member,” and “Pay.” Erin N Straughter received five (5) wires totaling
$44,500.08 in a 4 month period between 06/12/2018 and 10/02/2018.

449 “Federal authorities on Wednesday busted a mob-sponsored sex trafficking operation that allegedly smuggled women
from Russia and Eastern Europe to work at New York strip clubs … All the defendants [are] alleged members of both the
Gambino and Bonanno crime families[.]”
See “20 Arrested in Alleged Mob-Linked Sex-Trafficking Ring in New York,” Fox News, December 2011, archive.ph/WGjkh
450 Capital One Bank (USA) N A vs. Martinez, Paola A (CV-019804-11), Queens County Civil Court, March 2011

451 “Zoë Kestan,” Facebook, archive.ph/Qkb21

452 “Lehua Alama-Jordan,” Facebook, archive.ph/90hsz

453 “Blutrich tells all: From recording armed gangsters in the act of committing felonies and repeatedly evading discovery

through amazing stealth to enduring a psychotic break from the imposed pressures and losing everything[.]”
See Michael Blutrich, “Scores: How I Opened the Hottest Strip Club in New York City, Was Extorted out of Millions by the
Gambino Family, and Became One of the Most Successful Mafia Informants in FBI History,” BenBella Books, January
2017, archive.ph/Q3Lum
454 “@lehuaaj,” Twitter, April 2015, archive.ph/mpyew

455 “The FBI has also reported that certain locations such as truck stops, massage parlors, and strip clubs are often

havens for sex trafficking. … The patronage of strip clubs is where prostitution and sex trafficking flourish. In regard to sex
trafficking at strip clubs, the FBI has reported it, national and local law enforcement agencies have reported it, and the
media has reported it.”
See Dan O’Bryant, “Inextricably Bound: Strip Clubs, Prostitution, and Sex Trafficking,” Dignity: A Journal of Analysis of
Exploitation and Violence, July 2017, tinyurl.com/yc7kptj9
456 “Nikki Bea,” Facebook, archive.ph/IIPTO

457 “A high volume of round-dollar deposits via wires, ACH, or cash in the range of $2,000 to $3,000 … The U.S. is not

immune, and in fact provides a large portion of the world’s demand for sex and labor slaves.”
See Terri Luttrell, “Human Trafficking: Closer to Home Than You Think,” American Bar Association, January 2020,


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