Rogers and Piano: After The International Style: The Late Twentieth Century 421
Rogers and Piano: After The International Style: The Late Twentieth Century 421
Rogers and Piano: After The International Style: The Late Twentieth Century 421
achieved the mass production that he had chemical plant. The spaces within are equally
visualized. However, his development of a honest in their display of overhead duct-
geometric concept that enabled the building of work, lighting, and piping: elements that are
hemispherical domes from triangulated units carefully concealed in more conventional con-
resulted in the geodesic dome, an idea that struction. The building has become a mecca for
proved workable in many different materials tourists and Parisians alike, generating new life
and at many different scales. The most spec- in the surrounding area.
tacular use of the geodesic dome was the U.S. The partners went their separate ways after
exhibition pavilion at Expo 67, the World’s the Pompidou project. Piano designed the
Fair at Montreal in 1967. The huge structural Menil Collection Museum in Houston, Texas
dome (more than a hemisphere) was enclosed (1981–6), its exterior structure supporting
by plastic panels admitting light controlled overhead louvers that continue inside to form
by mechanically operated shades. The interior gallery ceilings. His Galerie Beyeler Museum
housed exhibits on platforms accessed by esca- (1998) in Basel, Switzerland, is a work of great
lators, while the enclosing structure formed dignity. Piano also did the master plan for
an independent membrane high above (21.6). the restoration of Potsdamer Platz in Berlin
The resulting interior was considered both dra- (1992–2000).
matic and beautiful. Rogers’s most spectacular independent pro-
ject is the Lloyd’s office building in the financial
21.7 Renzo Piano and district of London (1978–86). Like the Centre
Rogers and Piano
Richard Rogers, Centre Pompidou, the building carries much of its struc-
Pompidou, Paris, 1972–6.
Probably the best known and most accessible ture and mechanical systems (including elevators)
Part of the interior space is
used as a gallery, housing
of high-tech projects is the Centre Pompidou on its exterior. Inside, office floors surround and
work from the French national in Paris (21.7; 1972–6), a multipurpose cultural overlook an enclosed central court topped by a
art collection. The wall and center. Its design is by the team of the Italian half-cylinder glass skylight. Banks of escalators
ceiling panels are movable,
while the quality of the space
Renzo Piano (b. 1937) and the Englishman rise within the lower levels of this central space.
is established by overhead Richard Rogers (b. 1933). The large, multistory The building gives a sense of being entirely of
patterns developed by the building exposes and displays its structure, glass, structure, and services. The Richard Rogers
way in which the structural
and mechanical system
mechanical systems, and vertical transport Partnership also designed London’s Millennium
elements are left entirely (escalators) on its exterior in a way that sug- Dome (1999), and Paddington Waterside, a
exposed. The emphasis on gests, on the west side, the scaffolding of a major urban-renewal project for the area around
the technological elements
supports the Centre’s popular
building under construction, and, on the London’s Paddington Station, as well as commer-
designation of “high-tech.” east, the pipes and tubes of an oil refinery or cial projects in many other countries.