09 - Chapter 1
09 - Chapter 1
09 - Chapter 1
Thus mathematics is the study of pattern and order dealing with numbers, geometric
objects, forms, algorithms and change. As a systematic study of abstract object and
phenomena, mathematics relies on logical reasoning rather than observation as its
measure of validity of truth; yet it employs observation, simulation and even
experimentation as means of discovering truth. The special role of mathematics in
education is a consequence of its universal applicability. Mathematics empowers us to
understand the information loaded world in which we live in a systematic and logical
It is the numerical and calculation part of human's life and knowledge. It helps
the human to provide exact interpretation to their ideas and conclusions. It deals with
quantitative facts and relationship as well as with problems involving space.
Mathematics is also called as the science of logical reasoning in which we approach to
everything with a question mark in our mind.
Thus, man has the ability to assign symbols for object and ideas. There are
many symbols which are used in mathematics.
The students must be made familiar with them so that they are in a position to
understand mathematical processes and conclusions and mathematics literature. Many
of them loose interest in the subject because of their inability to understand
mathematical language and symbolism.
To develop the abilities to analyze, think and reason; and study mathematics
systematically among students.
To develop the understanding skill for applying mathematics to real life situation.
To encourage the learning of structures through practical and behavioral situation.
To develop a positive attitude towards a study of mathematics.
To develop investigative skills among students.
To develop ability to write interpret theorem for problem solving.
To develop comprehension ability, power to analyze synthesize evaluate, and
make generalizations ability in solving mathematical problems.
To develop ability for apply mathematical knowledge and skills to familiar and
unfamiliar situations in daily life.
To acquire knowledge and skills for mathematics in higher education and
To develop necessary skill to use computers and mathematical software in
learning and problem solving.
To develop an ability to communicate the mathematical ideas with others.
To apply integrated knowledge of mathematics is solving problems related real
Paul Ernest (2000) has given four objective of mathematics in secondary school level.
(as Cited in Pradeep, P. 23)
Some people believe that mathematics is a difficult subject, i.e. it‟s require
special ability and intelligence; therefore all people should not be burdened with the
study of this subject; everybody will not be able to learn mathematics successfully.
Researches shows that the pass percentage in this subject is very low but since the
knowledge of basics of mathematics and skill to use them are the preliminary
requirements of a human being in any society of present time. Man cannot lead his
daily life activities very well without basic knowledge of mathematics. A common
man can do well various activities without learning how to read and write but, he can
never pull without learning how to count and calculate. A person may belong to any
kind and class of society but, he utilises knowledge of mathematics in one form or
another. So, there is unavoidable practical utility of mathematics in human life.
Most of the occupations, by which the needs of people are fulfilled, cannot run
without knowledge of mathematics (calculation).
The entire business and commercial system is based on the knowledge of
It is correlated with other subject, so it is helpful in the study of other subject.
The progress of a nation demands upon the progress of mathematics.
Mathematics increases the mental ability, reasoning ability in the students.
Mathematics is correlated with other subject. It provides basis to the progress
of other disciplines.
The knowledge of other branches of mathematics such as geometry,
trigonometry, arithmetic, statistics ,dynamics etc are widely used in the study
of different discipline e.g art, commerce and social sciences.
All scientific and technological progress is based on the mathematics.
Mathematical knowledge is developed by our sense organs. Its helps to study
of natural phenomena.
Mathematics helps in the self- evaluation of the students.
It helps the man to give exact interpretation to his ideas and conclusions.
The term Phobia originated from the word „Phobus‟ with its root in Greek,
meaning fear, terror or panic, but a phobia is more than this, since all persons
experience fear or terror occasionally. Phobia is the fear or anxiety disorder, which
causes avoidance and panic. Mathematics phobia is regarded as fear of Mathematics
1. Common phobia (which are fear of thing, and commonly feared such as
darkness and solitude.)
2. Specific phobias ( fear of situation not feared healthy people such as open
There are some following common phobias and their object will give some
hint of the verity of situation, object and events around which phobias may canter.
This classification of phobias was accepted widely until the 1960‟s when the
use of behaviour therapy to treat the condition led to an increase interest in
classification. (as cited in thesis Surendra Nath Dubey, p.29)
Similarly Mathematics phobia is indicating the fear of mathematics but exact meaning
is very broad.
poor teaching methods Olaeye (1997), lack of problem solving ability Abimbade
(1997), and negative attitude toward the mathematics. These problems have
encouraged mathematics educators to pay more attention to how to improve the
teaching and learning of mathematics at various levels especially school. They have
suggested a number of methods that include the use of mastery learning approach
Akinsola (1994). Socio-economic background of the students also affected the
achievement of the students. And also suggest that positive attitude towards their
children contribute the important role in child achievement in the mathematics.
Mathematics is often considered as a difficult subject in school Pradeep (2012).
However, the student‟s interest and weakness in Mathematics could affect various
sectors. Large numbers of student have a fear and anxiety towards Mathematics and
find difficulties in understanding it, this results in a phobia which can be termed as
Mathematics phobia. .
A student‟s foundation and base of the subject is built in his/her early stage of
life. If the foundation is not strong, student faces troubles and difficulties in learning
higher order mathematics in collage level. In what case fear and anxiety develops in
student‟s mind and it affect in attitude towards the subject. Students start disliking the
subject, do not study and practice the subject which overall leads in poor performance
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in their examinations. In other word, this fear and anxiety is also called “Mathematics
Therefore we can define mathematics phobia "as a feeling of tension and that
interfere with the manipulation of numbers and the solving mathematical problem in
open variety of societal life and academic situation. It was mentioned as fear and
apprehension, mathematical anxiety, considered a fear and phobia, produces a
negative response specific to the learning, or doing on mathematical activities that
interferes with performance.(Tobias &Weissbord (1980) defined math anxiety as
panic helplessness, paralysis and mental disorganization that arise at the time of
solving mathematical problems. Large numbers of student have a fear and anxiety
towards Mathematics and find difficulties in understanding it, this result in avoidance
of mathematics as a subject and leads to anxiety while studying it.
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Students have fear of Mathematics, and Mathematics tutors can cause lot of
scare in students.
Mathematics Phobia is observed not only in the school and college going
students but also among the research scholars.
Students in the economically weaker sections undergo this fear even more.
Many students develop fear of Mathematics if they are unable to score well.
Peer pressure is also one of the causes as if their performance is not up to the
mark, peers tease them.
Studies have found that student learn well when they are active rather than
passive learners. Students must be engaged in exploring, thinking practicing and using
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Teaching methods used in any particular context are largely determined by the
objectives that the relevant educational system is trying to achieve. Without using an
appropriate method, students cannot achieve whole objective of Mathematics.
Mathematics teaching method can play a major role in the achievement of the student.
Due to use of inappropriate teaching methods student gain less mark in the
examination repeatedly. And it creates temperament of disliking the subject by the
students because of obtaining less mark in Mathematics. The students begin to avoid
mathematics subjects. It creates fear and anxiety in students. Pathological fear in
mathematics is very real and occurs among secondary school students. Much of these
fears happen in the class due to lack of consideration of different learning style of
students by the teachers Yaha & Fasai (2012)
Today, there are a large number of students in every class in schools. Because
of which the teachers of mathematics is not well aware of individual difference in all
the students. As a result students start lagging behind. Due to low marks, his interest
in mathematics starts decreasing. Gradually they get a fear of Mathematics which
gradually takes the form of phobia. A maximum of 30 to 40 students can stay in an
ideal class room. Gbolagade &Waheed (2013) found in his study overcrowding in
mathematics classroom is the causes of mathematics phobia.
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When the school teach mathematics in afternoon period, the students are tired
so they are not able to comprehend difficult subjects like Mathematics, Science etc.
This is also the cause of fear of mathematics in student Olaniyan & Salman (2015).
Most of the students do not opt mathematics as they make wrong perception
about them. Since they think that if their performance is not good then peers will tease
those Wigfield & Meece (1988).
A teaching aid is a tool used by the teachers to help learners improve reading
and other skills illustrate or reinforce a skill, ideas, fact and relive anxiety and fear of
the subjects. Gbologade & Waheed (2013) found in his study absence of instructional
material during mathematics teaching created fear in student in secondary school
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The teacher student relationship is very important for children. Children spend
approximately 5 to 7 hours a day with a school teacher for almost 10 months teacher
students' relationship plays vital role in the whole achievement of the students. If the
teacher and student have a good relationship then the student is active in learning the
subject. Olaniyan Salman (2015) found that mathematics phobia among students is
caused by poor students-teacher relationship, non-conducive environment for
mathematics class, insufficient preparation on the part of teachers before going to
It is often seen that students cannot get proper support and encouragement
from their family members at home. The result is that the students do not do
homework at home and often get frustrated when they get less mark in mathematics
exams, at that time they need a lot of encouragement from their families. At this time,
if the family does not given proper attention on the student, then the students suffers
from mathematics phobia.
Furner and Bermon (2003) have found that assignment of math problem as
punishment for misbehaviour lead to mathematics phobia. Woodard (2004) have
found that Lack of variety of assessment this too creates mathematics phobia in
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The investigator has found several studies on this topic in foreign context but
very few in Indian contexts. Researcher could not find any study related to
mathematics phobia in Varanasi therefore, the researcher has decided to conduct the
proposed research and seek the answer of following research questions.
In the context of above rationale and research questions the problem has been
precisely stated as:
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The Key terms used in the study has been operationally defined as follows
Mathematics Phobia
In the present study Secondary School Students refers to the students studying
in Class IX in CBSE and UP Board SchoolS during session 2017-18.
5. To suggest the measures that can be taken to reduce Mathematics Phobia among
Secondary School Students.
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The following null hypotheses were constituted and tested at 0.05 level of
1.17.1 Methods:
The mixed method research (quantitative and qualitative) has been used in the
present study. Descriptive survey method was used to find out the level of
Mathematics phobia in students and then detailed study was done of those students
having high level of Mathematics phobia. Later only those students were selected for
studying causes and symptoms of Mathematics phobia who had high Mathematics
1.17.2 Population
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i. In first phase, simple random sampling technique was used to select 872
students from 20 schools of Varanasi district to identify the students suffering
from Mathematics Phobia.
ii. For the second phase, purposive sampling was used to study 157 students who
were identified as having high level of Mathematics phobia from first phase,
to see the causes and symptoms.
1. Mathematics Phobia Scale (MPS). This scale was designed for students to
know the causes, symptoms and level of mathematics phobia. This scale
includes 39 items of mathematics phobia. It has reliability of 0.85. At end an
open ended item was included to know the causes and symptoms.
2. Mathematics Phobia Causes Perception Scale (MPCPS). This scale was
designed for teachers to know about the perception about causes and
symptoms of mathematics phobia in students. This scale has 34 items and it
has reliability of 0.74. At end one open ended item was included for
suggesting the measures that can be taken to reduce mathematics phobia
among secondary school students.
In the present study, the researcher has used statistical techniques like mean,
median, mode, S.D, t-test chi squire test to analyze the data collected from
mathematics phobia scale. Content analysis, frequency and percentage were used for
the data obtained from open ended questions of second part of the tool MPS and
The present study has divided in five chapters which is in detailed as follows.
Introduction is the first chapter its deals with the significance, need of the study and
also included in this chapter objectives, research questions, population, sample and
Review of related literature is the second chapter it deals the detailed resume of
related literature of the study.
Design of the study is the third chapter which deals the methods, tools & techniques,
population, sample of the study.etc of the study.
Data analysis, result and interpretation are the fourth chapter which deals analysis
and presentation in table form after that interpretation presentation.
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