18 SB

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An Effective Broadcast Scheme for Alert Message

Propagation in Vehicular Ad hoc Networks

Elena Fasolo, Andrea Zanella, Michele Zorzi
University of Padova – Department of Information Engineering
Via Gradenigo 6/B, 35131 Padova, Italy
e–mail: {fasoloel,zanella,zorzi}@dei.unipd.it
phone: +39 049 827 {7753, 7770, 7762} fax: +39 049 827 7699

Abstract— In this paper, we focus on a vehicular ad hoc network propagation speed, than that obtained by other position–based
(VANET) that makes use of 802.11–like wireless interfaces for broadcast algorithms.
Inter Vehicular Communication (IVC). We propose a distributed A first version of the SB protocol was presented in [3], where
position–based broadcast protocol, named Smart Broadcast (SB), some preliminary results were obtained by means of computer
that aims at i) maximizing the progress of the message along the simulations. In this paper, we propose a theoretical analysis
propagation line, and ii) minimizing the re–broadcast delay. The of the protocol performance, which permits to derive the
protocol is analyzed through a mathematical model that permits optimal parameter setting for a given scenario, enriched by an
to determine the optimal parameter setting for a given scenario. improved version of the protocol. Finally, we compare SB with
Simulations are then used to validate the mathematical model and the Minimum Connected Dominating Set (MCDS) broadcast
to compare SB with other broadcast algorithms. algorithm [4], the Urban Multihop Broadcast protocol (UMB)
[5] and the Geographic Random Forwarding protocol (GeRaF)1
[6]. The comparison, performed by means of an extensive
simulation campaign, shows that SB is able to guarantee high
The huge social and economical cost of road accidents reliability, low propagation latency and reduced redundancy.
makes research of proactive safety services a task of primary The paper is organized as follows. In Section II we give an
importance in the Intelligent Transport System (ITS) area. A overview of related work and, in particular, we describe the
fundamental application in this category is the fast and reliable UMB and GeRaF broadcast protocols, used for performance
propagation of warning messages to upcoming vehicles in case comparison. In Section III we describe the Smart Broadcast
of hazardous driving situations, such as dangerous road surface Protocol in detail. Section IV provides the theoretical analysis
conditions, accidents, unexpected fog banks, and so on [1], [2]. of the protocol performance, while Section V derives the
These applications require the definition of suitable broadcast equations for the optimal parameter setting. In Section VI we
mechanisms, capable of delivering alert messages to the highest validate the theoretical analysis by means of simulations, and
number of upstream vehicles in the shortest possible time. in Section VII we compare the SB performance with the other
In order to meet these requirements, the design of broadcast position–based algorithms. Finally, Section VIII concludes the
protocols should exploit the peculiar features that differentiate paper.
vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs) from traditional wireless
ad hoc networks. II. R ELATED W ORK
In this study we propose and analyze a position–based broad-
cast algorithm, named Smart Broadcast (SB), which permits The literature on broadcast algorithms for ad hoc networks is
fast and reliable message propagation in a VANET scenario. rather extensive [7]. For the sake of conciseness, we will focus
We consider a VANET that relies upon MAC and PHY layers our attention to a limited set of solutions that better comply
derived from the 802.11 specifications. Furthermore, we assume with the specific features of VANETs.
that nodes are capable of determining their own position, by As mentioned, road safety applications require fast and
means of a suitable localization system. The core of SB is reliable propagation of the alert messages throughout the net-
the contention–resolution phase that determines the next relay work. Optimal performance, in this case, can be obtained
node at each hop. The coverage area is subdivided in adjacent by assigning message–rebroadcast duties to the nodes in the
sectors and nodes in each sector randomly pick a backoff Minimum Connected Dominating Set (MCDS) [4]. The MCDS
value in the contention window assigned to that sector. The is a set of nodes that satisfy the following properties: i) nodes
contention windows are dimensioned in order to minimize the in the set form a connected graph; ii) every other node in the
time to forward the message one hop further. The farther the 1 GeRaF is a position–based MAC/routing scheme, designed for wireless
sector from the message source, the shorter the backoff values. sensor networks. Nevertheless, it has been considered in this study since it
This strategy leads to better performance, in terms of message presents several similarities with SB and UMB.

1-4244-0355-3/06/$20.00 (c) 2006 IEEE
This full text paper was peer reviewed at the direction of IEEE Communications Society subject matter experts for publication in the IEEE ICC 2006 proceedings.
network is one–hop connected with a node in the set; iii) the time before retransmitting. This mechanism may lead to long
set has the lowest cardinality over all the possible collections of latency, especially for high node densities.
nodes that fulfil the previous two requirements. In the MCDS–
based broadcast algorithm, therefore, the message is forwarded B. Geographic Random Forwarding (GeRaF)
only by the nodes in the MCDS, which achieve the largest
GeRaF is a position–based routing protocol that presents
progress along the propagation line, while guaranteeing the
several analogies with UMB. Although GeRaF was developed
coverage of all nodes in the network. Unfortunately, the creation
for routing in wireless sensor networks [6], it can be easily
and maintenance of the MCDS structure in a highly mobile
adapted to the scenario here considered.
network is not practical, because of the continuous variation
Similarly to UMB, GeRaF attempts to maximize the progress
of the network topology [8], [9]. The same problem affects,
of the message along the propagation line. To this end, the
in general, all the solutions that rely on a complete or partial
coverage area is equally divided in adjacent sectors. The source
knowledge of the network topology.
node successively polls the sectors, starting from the farthest
Higher tolerance to nodesmobility is exhibited by the
one, through Request–to–Send (RTS) messages. Upon receiving
Location–based Schemes, which require nodes to be aware of
the RTS message, all the nodes in the polled region reply by
their own position only. Hence, distributed contention mech-
transmitting a Clear–to–Send (CTS) packet. If a single node
anisms are used to select the relay nodes that maximize
returns the CTS packet, then it becomes the next relay. If there
the additional area covered by each transmission [10], [11].
are more nodes in the polled region, a collision occurs. In
Examples of algorithms in this category are the Urban Multi-
this case, the source issues a COLLISION message to start a
Hop Broadcast protocol [5], and the Geographic Random
collision–resolution scheme among the nodes involved. Nodes
Forwarding algorithm [6], which are detailed in the following.
will reply to subsequent solicitations using a probabilistic
bisection rule, that is, sending back control messages with a
A. Urban Multi–hop broadcast (UMB) fixed probability of 0.5, until a node is finally elected as the
next relay.
The UMB protocol is explicitly designed for broadcast As UMB, GeRaF also attempts to maximize the per–hop
propagation in vehicular networks. The core of the algorithm message progress, but gives no specific provision for minimiz-
is the contention scheme used to select the next relay node. ing the delay.
For space constraints, here we give a brief overview of the
algorithm, referring to [5] for further details. The coverage
area of a node is equally partitioned in a given number of
sectors. The relay node is selected in the furthest non–empty The Smart Broadcast (SB) protocol has been designed to ad-
sector, so that the message progress is maximized. The node here as much as possible to the IEEE 802.11 specifications, so
that holds the broadcast message (source) transmits a MAC– that its implementation in existing WiFi devices would require
broadcast2 control packet, called Request–to–Broadcast (RTB), only marginal modifications of the firmware. SB is intended for
which contains the geographical position of the source and the almost–linear networks, which resemble VANET in highway
sector size. Upon receiving the RTB packet, nodes compute scenarios. Similarly to UMB and GeRaF, SB still leverages on
their distance from the source in number of sectors. Then, the assumption that the coverage area can be partitioned in
nodes transmit a channel jamming signal, called black–burst, adjacent sectors and that nodes are capable of estimating their
that covers a number of time–slots equal to their distance from own position and, therefore, the sector they belong to. Hence, a
the source (in number of sectors): the further the distance, the contention–resolution procedure is performed to elect the relay
longer the black–burst. Once a node has exhausted its black– node. Conversely to the other schemes, though, the SB does not
burst transmission, it checks the channel status. If there are necessarily select the relay in the region that provides the largest
still ongoing transmissions, the node exits the contention phase. progress, since it does not spend time to resolve collisions. The
Conversely, if the channel is sensed idle, the node returns minimization of the time to perform a hop is, indeed, the main
a Clear–to–Broadcast (CTB) control packet, containing its target of the Smart Broadcast (SB) protocol.
identifier (ID), to the source. Notice that all and only the nodes The contention mechanism for the election of the next relay
in the furthest non–empty sector will (simultaneously) transmit is detailed below:
a CTB packet. If the source receives a single CTB packet, then i) The source node transmits a Request–to–Broadcast (RTB)
it forwards the message to the node that has originated the CTB, control message. The RTB is a MAC–broadcast packet that
which becomes the next relay. On the other hand, in case of contains the geographical position of the sender node and other
collision, the process is iterated among the colliding nodes, over control information, such as the sector width, the message
a finer space scale. propagation direction and the contention window size cw.
It is worth noticing that, according to the contention– ii) Only nodes that follow the RTB source along the message
resolution scheme, the potential relay nodes wait the longest propagation direction can participate to the relay election. Upon
receiving a RTB, nodes determine the sector they belong to
2 We use the term MAC–broadcast to denote one–hop broadcast transmis- by comparing their coordinates with those of the source. Let
sions. MAC–broadcast packets are never retransmitted by the receiving nodes. us number the NS sectors from S1 to SNS , starting from the


This full text paper was peer reviewed at the direction of IEEE Communications Society subject matter experts for publication in the IEEE ICC 2006 proceedings.
sector at the edge of the coverage range and moving towards IV. T HEORETICAL A NALYSIS
the source node. Each sector Sr is associated to a contention In this section we derive the analytical expressions of the
window Wr of size cw: average per–hop latency and message progress. Moreover, we
Wr = {(r−1)cw, (r−1)cw+1, . . . , rcw−1}, r = 1, 2, . . . , NS . will derive the message propagation speed.
Before presenting the mathematical analysis, we need to fix
Hence, nodes randomly pick a backoff time in the contention hypotheses and assumptions. We consider that the broadcast
window associated to the sector they belong to. Thus, nodes in message is propagated along a strip–shaped area, representing
the outermost sector S1 will pick a random backoff value in a highway scenario. We assume a circlar reception model, so
the set W1 = {0, 1, . . . , cw − 1}, nodes in S2 will select their that a transmission is correctly received only by nodes within
backoff in the set W2 = {cw, cw + 1, . . . , 2cw − 1} and so on. a distance R from the source. For the sake of normalization,
Notice that the contention windows {Wr }r=1,2,...,NS provide a we assume R = 1. Generally we can assume that the road
non–overlapping coverage of the set W = {0, 1, . . . , cw NS − section is much smaller than the transmission range R. Hence,
1}. Moreover, they guarantee that nodes in the further regions the forward road area covered by each transmission is approxi-
always transmit before the others. mately rectangular, with side R. Such an area is considered the
iii) According to the CSMA/CA policy of IEEE 802.11, the
reference area unit (AU).
backoff counters are decremented by 1 at each idle slot, while
The AU is equally divided into NS sectors, so that each
countdown is frozen when the medium is busy. The countdown
sector covers a fraction A = 1/NS of an AU. Nodes are
process is, hence, resumed after the channel has been idle for
distributed on the strip according to a (bi–dimensional) Poisson
a Distributed Inter Frame Spacing (DIFS).
process of intensity λ nodes per AU. Therefore, the number of
iv) Whenever a node countdowns to zero, it sends a Clear–
nodes within the generic sector Sr will be a Poisson random
to–Broadcast (CTB) packet with its ID and coordinates and
variable of parameter λr = λA.
exits the contention phase (until a new RTB packet is received).
Finally, we assume that nodes do not move significantly dur-
v) Upon receiving a valid CTB packet, nodes exit the
ing the time taken by the contention procedure to be completed.
contention phase (until a new RTB packet is received). On the
Since the one–hop time is of the order of milliseconds (as we
contrary, nodes that overhear an unrecoverable signal (as in
will see in the next sections) and the relative speed between
case of collision) remain in the contention phase and resume
vehicles proceeding in the same direction is not expected to be
the backoff process as soon as the channel remains idle for a
very large (typically less than 100 km/h), the variation of the
relative distance in a hop time is negligible.
vi) The contention phase is concluded when a valid CTB
packet is received by the source node, i.e., the node that holds
the message. In this case, the source transmits a MAC-broadcast A. One–hop latency
frame which contains a header, which carries the next relay ID, In the following we derive the average re–broadcast latency,
and the message body. The transmission occurs after a Short τ , defined as the mean time required before the broadcast
Inter Frame Spacing (SIFS), in order to gain priority over the message is successfully forwarded to the next relay node.
still contending nodes. Therefore, all the nodes that receive the Upon receiving a RTB packet, the nodes enter the contention
MAC-broadcast frame are required to pass the message body to phase and randomly pick a backoff value in their contention
the upper layers, but only the relay node is allowed to forward windows, Wr , r = 1, 2, . . . , NS . As noticed, the contention
the message along the propagation direction. The relay, hence, windows form a partition of the set W = {0, 1, . . . , NS cw−1}.
becomes the message source for the next contention phase and Let us denote by qh the number of nodes that pick the
the algorithm is repeated. same backoff value h ∈ W. Under the considered hypotheses
Notice that, in order to reduce the one–hop latency, the (Poisson nodes distribution and independent backoff selection),
algorithm does not provide any collision resolution scheme. {qh }h∈W are independent and identically distributed Poisson
According to this strategy, the broadcast propagation can ex- random variables, with parameter λ̃ = λA/cw = λ/(cwNS ).
haust itself if no successful transmissions occur in any of the Since contending nodes are mutually in range, their countdown
NS sectors or the broadcast message is not received by the processes occur synchronously. Therefore, at the h–th count-
elected relay node. To increase the robustness of the protocol, down step, one of the following events occurs.
we assume that, after sending the RTB, the source node sets • qh = 0 : No node transmits, and the channel remains Idle
its own backoff counter to max{WNS } + 1 = cwNS . If such a (I) for the entire slot.
backoff is cleared before a valid CTB is received, the procedure • qh > 1 : Multiple nodes send the CTB simultaneously,
is repeated anew after an extra time delay ∆. Analogously, after thus incurring into a Collision (C).
broadcasting the message, the source node expects to hear a • qh = 1 : A single node transmits the CTB packet, thus
RTB broadcast message sent by the relay node, which would winning the contention and becoming the next relay. After
acknowledge the success of the forwarding phase. If such a a SIFS, the node will receive the Broadcast message (B)
RTB message is not received in a time ∆, the source repeats to be relayed and the procedure will be concluded.3
anew the contention procedure. This makes the algorithm robust
in case of node mobility and channel errors. 3 In the theoretical analysis, we neglect channel errors.


This full text paper was peer reviewed at the direction of IEEE Communications Society subject matter experts for publication in the IEEE ICC 2006 proceedings.
The events I, C and B occur independently with probabilities where we recall that A = 1/NS is the (normalized) length of
each sector. Notice that, the sector J contributes to the message
PI = e−λ̃ ;
  progress only for half of its spatial extension since the relay
PC = 1 − e−λ̃ λ̃ + 1 ; (1) node, on average, will be positioned in the middle of the sector.
Now, it remains to determine the statistics of J. From the
PB = λ̃e−λ̃ ; message–progress perspective, each repetition of the contention
respectively. The number of unsuccessful events before the phase represents a renewal epoch. Hence, we can focus on the
completion of the procedure is, hence, a geometrically dis- contention phase where the relay is elected. The probability that
tributed random variable, with average value nU given by: the next relay node belongs to the sector J = r is equal to the
probability that the successful event B occurs at the backoff
1 − PB
nU = . (2) slot s ∈ Wr , given that B occurs within the cwNS steps. In
PB formula, we have
Now, the event I takes a time TI , equal to a single time–slot.
A collision event C takes a time TC , given by the transmission PJ (r) = P [s ∈ Wr |s ∈ W] , r = 1, 2, . . . , NS . (7)
time of a CTB packets, followed by a DIFS. Therefore, the Denoting by Ps (h) the conditioned probability that s = h,
average duration TU of an unsuccessful countdown step is given given that s ∈ W, we have
by 
PI PC  (1 − PB )h PB
TU = TI + TC . (3) h = 0, 1, . . . , cwNS − 1 ;
1 − PB 1 − PB Ps (h) = 1 − (1 − PB )cwNS

Finally, the event B, which concludes the contention phase, 0, otherwise.
takes a time TB that accounts for the CTB reception time,
Putting (8) in (7), we easily get
the SIFS and the message transmission time. The average re–
broadcast time τ can, hence, be expressed as: r cw−1
 (1 − PB )(r−1)cw (1 − (1 − PB )cw )
PJ (r) = Ps (h) = .
τ = T0 + TB + nU TU + T∆ ; (4) 1 − (1 − PB )cwNS
where T0 is the contention starting time, equal to a DIFS plus (9)
the RTB transmission time. The term T∆ accounts for the extra Hence, from (9) we get the average value of J:
time spent to restart the procedure, whenever no nodes in the NS
 1 NS (1 − PB )cwNS
coverage area win the contention, as explained in Section III. mJ = rPJ (r) = − .
1 − (1 − PB )cw 1 − (1 − PB )cwNS
Under the simplifying assumption that successive iterations of
the contention procedure are statistically independent, we easily (10)
get   Finally, taking the expectation of both sides of (6), we get
nU the final expression of the average per–hop progress:
T∆ = (T0 + ∆) ;
δ = (NS − mJ )A + A/2 . (11)
where x denotes the integer part of x. Notice that, in typical
operating condition, the contention procedure is successfully
completed within a maximum contention window, so that T∆ C. Message propagation speed
can be generally neglected. We define the message propagation speed as the (normalized)
Replacing (2) into (4) (and neglecting T∆ ) we finally get distance covered by the message in a second. In general, the
PI + KPC process that describes the propagation of the message along a
τ  T0 + T B + T I ; (5) direction is correlated [4]. For the sake of simplicity, though,
we neglect such a correlation and compute the average message
where the factor K is defined as K = TC /TI . propagation speed, v, as the ratio between the one–hop message
progress δ and the average one–hop latency τ :
B. One–hop message progress
Let us now focus on the one–hop message progress δ, defined v= . (12)
as the additional distance covered by the message in a re–
broadcast phase, on average. The message progress is defined V. O PTIMAL PARAMETER SETTING
as the distance between the actual source and the next relay
In this section we determine the setting of the protocol
parameters that minimizes the message propagation latency.
Let us recall that sectors are numbered from NS to 1, starting
The one–hop latency τ given in (5) is a function of the
from the closest to the source node. Furthermore, let us assume
parameter λ̃ = λ/(cwNS ), through the probabilities PI , PB
that the next relay belongs to the sector J. Under this condition,
and PC . The nodes density λ is given by the scenario and,
the average message progress, normalized to R, is given by
hence, cannot be decided. Hence, the two protocol parameters
δ(J) = (NS − J)A + A/2 ; (6) that can be tuned are NS and cw. The tradeoff in the choice


This full text paper was peer reviewed at the direction of IEEE Communications Society subject matter experts for publication in the IEEE ICC 2006 proceedings.
of NS is between the probability that a sector is empty and the
cw = 16
speed of the broadcast propagation. Furthermore, the precision
of the node position estimation also limits the sector size and, cw = 4

in turn, the maximum value of NS .4 Hence, the only remaining

parameter to optimize is the contention window size cw.

τ [ms]
In the following, therefore, we derive the value of cw that cw = 6

minimizes the average re–broadcast latency τ given in (5).


Since T0 and TB do not depend on cw, the cost function to cw = 10

minimize is C(λ̃) = TI (PI + KPC )/PB . Replacing PC with 5.6

1 − PI − PB , we have cwopt
K − (K − 1)PI 10 15 20 25 30
λ [Nodes/AU]
35 40 45 50

C(λ̃) = −TI K + TI . (13)

Fig. 1. One–hop latency τ .
Setting to zero the derivative of C(λ̃) in λ̃ we get, after some
algebra, the following transcendent equation 0.95

K − 1 −λ̃ 0.94

λ̃ = 1 − e . (14)
K 0.93

Eq (14) admits a single solution λ̃opt in the interval (1/K, 1), 0.92

which can be easily found with standard numerical methods. 0.91

The optimal cw value is, hence, obtained as


λ 0.89
cwopt = round ; (15) SB − Analytical
SB − Simulations
NS λ̃opt 0.88

where round(x) denotes the rounding function.5

10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
λ [Nodes/AU]

VI. VALIDATION OF THE THEORETICAL ANALYSIS Fig. 2. One–hop message progress δ with optimal parameters setting.
In this section, we compare the mathematical results obtained
in the previous sections with simulation outcomes (obtained
with MATLAB), in order to validate the theoretical analysis. each λ. The continuous curve refers to the theoretical results,
Fig. 1 shows the one–hop latency τ versus λ, for different given by (11), while the dashed line interpolates the simulation
values of cw. Lines refer to the theoretical results given by outcomes. The simulated δ is given by the ratio between a
(5), while marks refer to the simulation outcomes. Such values reference distance (normalized with respect to R) and the
have been obtained by dividing the simulated time over the mean number of hops that the message takes to cover such a
number of times the broadcast message has been forwarded distance. The figure reveals that (11) captures rather closely the
(number of hops, in the following). Hence, the τ obtained actual protocol performance. Moreover, we can observe that, as
by simulation is affected by the correlation in the message expected, the higher the node density, the closer the per–hop
propagation process that, on the contrary, is neglected in the progress to the maximum possible.
theoretical model. Nevertheless, the good match of analytical Finally, Fig. 3 reports the propagation speed, v, versus the
and simulation results confirms the validity of the model. nodes density λ. Once again, curves have been obtained by
Fig. 1 also proves the validity of the optimization proposed considering the optimal cw setting for each λ. The theoretical
in Section V. The dashed bold curve that interpolates the curve (continuous line) is given by (12). The simulation values,
minimum values of the other curves in the figure, indeed, has instead, are obtained as the ratio of the distance covered by the
been obtained by plugging cwopt in (5), for each λ. We can broadcast message in a time T over T . Once more, the match
see that, by using the optimal contention window value, we of the two curves is rather good, thus confirming the validity
always get the lowest delay over all the possible cw values. of the theoretical model.
This curve also reveals another important result: the per–hop
latency obtained by using cwopt is approximately constant when VII. E XPERIMENTAL RESULTS
varying the node density λ. In this section we compare the performance of SB against
Fig. 2 shows the average one–hop progress δ versus the node that of UMB and GeRaF by means of simulations. Furthermore,
density λ. Curves have been obtained by assuming cwopt for we show also the limiting performance achieved by the ideal
MCDS–based broadcast algorithm.
4 Curves shown in the rest of the paper have been obtained with N = 10,
S The protocol parameters of UMB and GeRaF algorithms
the same value used for UMB and GeRaF
5 To avoid pathological cases, it is wiser to set cw
opt as the maximum
have been set as suggested in [5] and [6], respectively. In
between (15) and 2. particular, the number of sectors NS has been set to 10, as


This full text paper was peer reviewed at the direction of IEEE Communications Society subject matter experts for publication in the IEEE ICC 2006 proceedings.
170 220



v [1/s]

v [1/s]

120 SB (cw )
160 opt
Adapted GeRaF
100 UMB
SB − Analytical SB
SB − Simulations 80

155 60
10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
λ [Nodes/AU] λ [Nodes/AU]

Fig. 3. Message propagation speed v with optimal parameters setting Fig. 4. Message propagation speed: protocols comparison

suggested in [5]. For the sake of fairness, we assume that all the 0.98
schemes have equal transmission rate (1 Mbps) and coverage
range. Also, we assume that RTB/RTS is 20 bytes, CTB/CTS 0.96

is 14 bytes, and data is 512 bytes. 0.94

Fig. 4 shows the average propagation speed, v, for each

scheme. In order to evaluate the dependency of the SB per-
formance on the setting of the contention window parameter, 0.9 SB (cwopt)
we considered two set of results: the first, represented with a 0.88
Adapted GeRaF

continuous line, has been obtained by fixing cw = 6, while the


other, plotted with a dashed line, has been obtained by adopting 0.86
10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
λ [Nodes/AU]
the cwopt for each λ. From the figure we can observe that
the propagation speed achieved by SB is almost constant when Fig. 5. One–hop message progress δ: protocols comparison
varying the node density. On the contrary, the propagation speed
obtained by UMB and GeRaF decreases as the node density
increases. The reason is that, in UMB and GeRaF, higher nodes been compared with other well–known position based schemes,
densities determine a greater number of collisions during the revealing good performance in different operating conditions.
contention phase and, consequently, an increase of the wasted
time. It is also worth noticing that SB experiments only 20% R EFERENCES
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tion of a protocol parameter, namely the contention window size [11] I. Stojmenovicm, “Position-based routing in ad hoc networks,” IEEE
cw, as a function of the node density. Finally, the protocol has Communications Magazine, vol. 40, no. 7, pp. 128–134, July 2002.


This full text paper was peer reviewed at the direction of IEEE Communications Society subject matter experts for publication in the IEEE ICC 2006 proceedings.

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