Model DPGT DPGT transmitter
Medium: non-combustible, non-corrosive air, not sensitive to
Range X Range selection
moisture, dust, condensation and oil
Arch 0 N/A
Medium Temp.: 0-60°C
LED 1 Arch LED
Materials: cast aluminum housing and PC plate
0 N/A
Work Environment: -20~70°C
Relay 1 2×SPST
Compensated Temp.: 0-50°C
2 1×Buzzer
Work pressure: 1, 2, 5 or 10kPa for different ranges
overload 5xFS,burst 10xFS 0 0-10V&4-20mA
1 RS485/Modbus
Dimension: see diagram
The standard electrical connection is cable from the back of the enclosure.
Connection: 1/8” ID tubing, two pairs (on left side and back)
If select screw terminals instead, add suffix -T after the model number.
Display: 4 bits 0.8” red LED The standard model of the front panel is matte black. If choose matte whit
Output: 0-10V & 4-20mA (3 wires), RS485/Modbus e, add the suffix -W after the model number.
Output Load: ≤500Ω (current), ≥2kΩ (voltage)
Measuring Ranges
UNIT & Range & Display Resolution
Pa Pa kPa in w .c. mm w .c. mbar
0 0-25 25.00 0.025 0.100 2.500 0.250
1 0-60 60.00 0.060 0.250 6.000 0.600
2 0-125 125.0 0.125 0.500 12.00 1.250
3 0-250 250.0 0.250 1.000 25.00 2.500
4 0-500 500.0 0.500 2.000 50.00 5.000
5 0-1000 1000 1.000 4.000 100.0 10.00
6 0-2500 2500 2.500 10.00 250.0 25.00
7 0-5000 5000 5.000 20.00 500.0 50.00
8 0-10000 10000 10.000 40.00 1000.0 100.00
1. 5 engineering units can be set by the key and then the related LED will be on .
2. For zero center models, add “Z” at the end of the model. For example, DPGT1***Z, means -30-0-30Pa. Only ranges
1~6 have this selection.
DPGT Operation Manual Edition:C/1
Different models have different electrical connections. Refer to the table as below (x means for any models).
Operation Instruction
Refer to DPGT Multi-function Digita l Diffe r e ntia l Pr e s s ur e Tr a n s m itter - Operation Instruction.
Modbus Set
If choose RS485/Modbus ,user can use it to do all operation. Refer to the DPGT Mu lti-func tion Digita l Diffe r e ntial
Pr e s s ur e Tr a ns mitte r RS4 8 5 /Modbus Com m unic a tion Da ta Ta ble .
When surface mounted, drill 3 holes at each 120 degree on the circle with 105mm diameter, each hole is 3~3.2mm (shown as
above). Then install the product by using 3 screws M3 X8, and connect the tube (be careful of the high/low ports ). Be sure to
seal another pairs of the pressure ports.
Embedded mount
When embedded mounted, drill a hole with 114.3~114.8mm diameter, embed the transmitter body into the hole. Install the
supplied accessories on the back side, fix 3 screws M3.5X50 as shown and connect with tube(be careful of the high/low ports ).
DPGT Operation Manual Edition:C/1
It should be power OFF during installing and wiring. When using 24VAC, it is strongly recommended to power the unit with
independent transformer. If sharing a 24VAC transformer with other equ ipments such as controllers, transmitters or actuators,
please make sure the terminals 24V and GND are connected corre ctly. Otherwise, it may reduce serious damages.
● It has limited warranty for eighteen (18) months after the production date.
● It does not extend to any unit that has been subjected to misuse or accident.
● It is, in any event, strictly limited to the replacement or repair of the product itself.
DPGT M u lti-fu n ctio n Dig ital Diffe r e n tial Pr e ssu r e Tr an smitte r - Operation Instruction
Button definition:
Note : it should be clear that the “zero point” of the input differential pressure is different from the “zero output
position” of the transmitter. “Zero point” means the point that the input differential pressure is 0, and “zero output
position” means the relevant input differential pressure value when the calibrated transmitter’s output is 0V or 4mA.
Operation instruction:
1."P810": Reset
User can resume the factory default set. Input “P810”, “PRET” will flash, press button ●, all factory default set will restore.
2. "P075": Set the smoothing time (Default set: 0.7s, available range: 0.5-30.0s)
● /▲P075● /▲XXX●finish. (XXX means set time)
3. "P083": Check LED display function, it will display the 4 digits one by one.
● /▲P083●finish
4."P081": Set Engineering Unit (Default set: 1, for engineering unit Pa, available ranges: 1-5)
● /▲P081● /▲XXX●finish (XXX means the code of engineering unit), then the relevant LED on.
(Index: 1: Pa; 2: kPa; 3: mbar; 4: mmW.C.; 5: inW.C.)
5."P485": Set RS485 address(Default set: 1, available ranges 1~255, but recommend 1~32)
● /▲P485● /▲XXX●finish (XXX means RS485 address)
Note:Refer to the communication data table
6."P401":Buzzer/ Relay 1 Set (default set: 0, 50, 5, 0, 1 )
● /▲P401● /▲XXX● /▲XXX● /▲XXX● /▲ XXX● /▲ XXX●finish
XXX means 5 settable parameters, stands for relay output mode, parameter #1, #2, #3 and #4 respectively.
Mode Description Para. #1 Para. #2 Para. #3 Para. #4 Definition
Cancel relay alarm Relay OFF
0 N/A N/A N/A N/A
Relay actuate when
Actuate Restore Relay ON Deadband Relay OFF
1 input is lower than Setpoint Deadband
delay delay Setpoint
DPGT Operation Manual Edition:C/1
Relay actuate
Actuate Restore Relay OFF Relay ON Relay OFF
3 between high and Low limit High limit
delay delay
low limits Low limit High limit
Relay actuate
Actuate Restore Relay ON Relay OFF Relay ON
4 outside high and low Low limit High limit
delay delay High limit
limits Low limit
Available actuate or restore delay: 0~100 seconds.
When negative parameters needed, should set any of the LEDs last 3 bits not to be zero, then press to make the first
(thousand) bit flash, then use ▲ to set 0~9~0~-9 in cycle.
Relay pause hot key: in normal status press ▲over 2 seconds, Alarm will pause actuate delay times.
7."P402": Relay 2 Set (default set: 0, 50, 5, 0, 1)
● /▲P402● /▲XXX● /▲XXX● /▲XXX● /▲ XXX● /▲XXX●finish
XXX means 5 settable parameters, stands for relay output mode, parameter #1, #2, #3 and #4 respectively.
For other operation, the same as above “P401”.
Calibration by user:
Even though the product can be re-calibrated by user, it should be operated very carefully. The calibration is already finished in
factory. It may be out of accuracy or even damaged after un-properly re-calibrated.
There are 2 sets of parameters can be re-calibrated by user. Current outputs at both zero (4mA) and full range (20mA) and
voltage outputs at both zero(0V) and full range(10V). The calibration of analog output (4-20mA/0-10V) are independent. All
calibrated data will be stored and kept in the flash memory even power supply is fail. But the factory default sets are always
kept and can be restored any time.
There are need 2 conditions/tools for re-calibrating, a stable power supply and an accurate multi-meter (voltmeter or ammeter).
Make sure to connect the calibrated transmitter with all meters properly and operate relevant calibrations as required.
8. "P271": Re-calibrate analog voltage output, include zero and full range
● /▲P271● /▲key● /▲Wait jump /▲●finish. “Key” is calibration password: 1021.
Calibration method:Enter P271 and password, connect the transmitter with standard voltmeter. At this time the LED will
display present full range value and last 25s. During this period, press /▲ to make the voltage output become 10V. When
the LED displays present zero input value (it will last 25s), press /▲ to make the output become 0V, then press ● to finish.
9. "P281": Re-calibrate analog current output, include zero and full range
● /▲P281● /▲key● /▲Wait jump /▲●finish. “Key” is calibration password: 1021.
Calibration method: Enter P281 and password, connect the transmitter with standard ammeter. At this time, the LED will
display present full range value and last 25s. During this period, press /▲ to make the current output become 20mA. When
the LED displays present zero input value(it will last 25s), press /▲ to make the output become 4mA, then press ● to finish.