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Adaptation of The Schupmann Medial Telescope To A Large Scale Astronomical Optic

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Adaptation of the Schupmann Medial Telescope

to a Large Scale Astronomical Optical System

John J. Villa

The classical Schupmann medial telescope is free of the secondary-spectrum residual associated with large
refractors. The difficulties in obtaining large glass disks of the necessary optical quality and the prob-
lem associated with their mounting preclude the use of this unconventional lens in large scale astronomical
systems. However, to circumvent these limitations, the Schupmann lens was modified by replacing the
refractive objective with a spherical mirror producing a new catadioptric lens configuration adaptable
to large-scale astronomy. The design parameters and performance data are given for an f/5.4, 5.5-m
focal length design covering a 20 full field.

Recent developments in space technology have diffraction-limited performance is required, the figure
brought closer the realization of placing a large manned tolerance for the surface would be about X/50 rms;
telescope in orbit for astronomical observations. In this means that the mirror surface must fit the design
line with these advances the President's Science Ad- figure within an rms tolerance of approximately 413.0
visory Committee' has proposed that a program be mm at a wavelength of 500 nm. From the fabrica-
established to put a large manned telescope (3-m aper- tion and testing viewpoint it might be desirable to have
ture) in orbit by the late 1970's. Such a telescope,2 -5 a spherical primary mirror instead, since without a
with its tremendous light gathering ability and high doubt, it is much easier to produce such a mirror and
resolution capabilities, would, when placed above the to maintain it in a space environment to the above
earth's inhomogeneous and absorbing atmosphere, tolerance.
make possible astronomical observations of a magnitude However, even with a spherical primary mirror the
many times greater than would have been possible with problems of maintaining the figure and alignment of the
earth-based observatories. Outside the earth's atmo- large primary mirror of such a telescope are quite
sphere this telescope could cover the wavelength range formidable. Fortunately, a new technique called
from the uv through to the submillimeter region. "active optics"6 has been proposed for the building of
The large aperture of such a telescope would preclude large, self-correcting astronomical mirrors. The sur-
the use of telescopic systems using full aperture cor- face of an active mirror is made up of many spherical
rectors, i.e., Schmidt or the Maksutov types. More segments that are assembled to form a mosaic. Each
practical configurations would be the Cassegrain types segment can be positioned until the figure of the com-
that would include also the Ritchey-Chretien version. posite segmented mirror is the required spherical shape.
Another form that could be used, although not as com- Once assembled the figure of the active mirror is then
pact as the above-mentioned types, would be what has maintained by an optical figure-sensing device (prob-
come to be known as the Ross types: a figured pri- ably some form of a laser interferometer) located at the
mary mirror with refractive correcting lenses located center of curvature of the spherical mirror. By cou-
near the image surface. pling the mirror segment accuators with the figure-sensor
In all the above-mentionedtypes the primary mirror, through appropriate electronic circuits, each segment
and possibly the secondary mirror also, does not have a can be independently controlled and positioned to main-
spherical shape, meaning that a large aspheric mirror tain the mirror figure, including corrections for changes
will be required, and the aspheric figure will have to be due to thermal and structural variations.
maintained in a space environment. Assuming that Figure 1 shows the active mirror concept as it would
be applied to a large primary mirror.
These segmented active mirrors will not only reduce
the weight of the primary optics significantly, since
they can be made thinner than a conventional mirror,
The author is with Kodak Apparatus Division, Eastman Kodak but will simplify the mirror support structure normally
Company, Rochester, New York 14650. associated with large mirrors. Robertson 6 has reported
Received 20 December 1971. that a 2.5-in pruiary mirror of the fused-silica egg

1814 APPLIED OPTICS / Vol. 11, No. 8 / August1972

SEGMENT on the Mangin mirror, is one-third to one-twelfth the
ACTVATORS diameter that would be required if the objective lens
were aspherized.
Well designed systems of this type have been pro-
posed for astronomical applications at focal lengths of
3.8 m and with a relative aperture of f/10. Baker
has described modifications to the basic Schupmann
medial telescope for the requirements of modern re-
'ED search and discusses the uses of such a telescope for
ev astronomical applications.
It was decided to investigate the possibility of de-
signing a similar telescope but substituting a spherical
ELECTROT mirror for the refracting objective lens and reducing
the size of the aspheric Mangin mirror to a diameter
Fig. 1. Active mirror concept. that could easily be manufactured. A convenient
starting point would be a system employing a primary
mirror similar in size to that used in the balloon-borne
crate construction would weigh about 1400 kg; a seg- Stratoscope II optical system, this being the first large-
mented 2.5-m mirror of the same over-all rigi dity con- scale optical system used above most of the earth's
sisting of seven 80-cm diam mirrors would we ighabout atmosphere.
360 kg including the control electronics. The Stratoscope II optical system utilizes, as its pri-
Since it would not be possible to obtain diffraction- mary light collector, a 91-cm,f4 paraboloidal mirror.
limited performance at such a large scale using spherical The useful field of such a large paraboloidal mirror is
reflecting optics only, the aspherizing process that cor- seriously limited by coma, and to a lesser extent by
rects the spherical aberration must be transfeerred to a astigmatism, to only a few hundredths of a degree in
surface that is the equivalent of a figured pri rmarybut diameter. The object therefore was to design a system
considerably smaller in size. None of the Lns types of approximately this focal length and aperture, but
mentioned earlier has a suitable surface to ts bnsfer the with a much greater useful field.
aspheric figure to and still be capable of a min imum ex- The spherical mirror does offer a number of advantages
tended field at least a degree in diameter. A lens sys- over the refracting objective used in the Schupmann
tem that can be adapted to the transferraI of the design for large-scale optical systems. Probably the
aspherizing figure to a more convenient surfac e and still most important of these is the complete absence of chro-
be capable of extended field coverage is the Sc hiupmann matic aberration and the elimination of large
medial telescope first described in 1892.7 glass disks of the necessary optical quality and charac-
Briefly, the Schupmann telescope, shown schemati- teristics required for astronomical objectives. Because
cally in Fig. 2, functions in the following manirier: ob- of the shallower reflector curvature, the spherical aber-
jective lens L forms an image of a distant obj ect point ration and field curvature of the spherical mirror are
at focal plane F. This image plane is reimag ed at 1: 1 considerably less than that of a simple lens of the same
to a secondary image plane F2 by the Mangi in mirror relative aperture and focal length. If the aperture stop
M. Field lens L 2, cemented to the reflex prisr a, images is located at the center of curvature of the mirror, there
the objective lens (the entrance pupil) in the plane of will be no oblique aberrations; imagery at any point
the Mangin mirror M. The entrance pupil diameter is on the curved image surface is identical with that on the
reduced by a factor of 3-12 in this imaging: process.
By proper choice of power and dispersive character-
istics, the lens portion of the Mangin mirror (:net nega- M
tive power) will oppose the chromatic chara ,cteristics
of the objective lens (net positive power) such that the
final image is free from all chromatic residuf dls. Any
spherical aberration residual is removed by as pherizing
the Mangin mirror. Since the final image would be
occluded by the reflex prism, Schupmann found that he
could tilt the Mangin mirror a small amount and not
seriously deteriorate the performance of the len S.
The transferral of the entrance pupil of the objective
makes it possible to utilize the aspheric stop principle,
that is, an aspherizing optical surface locate ed at the
stop has no effect on the off-axis aberrations. Conse-
quently, by aspherizingthe Mangin mirror, aniy residual
spherical aberration can be completely elimina ted with-
out disturbing the oblique aberrations. Ecqually as
important is the fact that the aspheric surface, being Fig. 2. Optical schematic of the Schupmann medial telescope.

August 1972/ Vol. 11, No. 8 / APPLIED OPTICS 1815

preclude the consideration of this lens system for large-
scale astronomical applications.
An excellent catoptric design of the crossed-axis
family has been described by McCarthy" 0 and is shown
schematically in Fig. 4(c). This design consists of two
parabolas and two spherical mirrors; the parabolas are
the concave optics, while the convex optics are spherical.
The McCarthy catoptric lens is well corrected for all
aberrations when scaled up to a focal length of 2.5 m
and at a relative aperture of f/3.5; the field is excep-
tionally flat out to a semifield of 2° and well corrected
for coma. Spherical aberration is removed with the
conic mirrors, and the all-mirror design yields a system
of unlimited spectral coverage.
The major drawback of this design when considered
for use in the large-scale active mirror telescope is the
paraboloidal primary mirror and, to a lesser extent, the
Fig. 3. Optical schematic of the Schupmann medial telescope central obstruction in such a design would be prohibi-
with a mirror objective.
tively large, especially where the final converging beam
passes over the spherical convex mirror.
It is apparent from a comparison of the lens system
shown in Fig. 3 and the three designs of Fig. 4(a), (b),
axis. The disadvantage with this last arrangement is (c) that the location of the image surface of the former
the long over-all length that equals twice the focal is not as ideally suited for either visual or photographic
length of the mirror. When the stop is located at some observation as the latter three. The 1: 1 arrangement
other position, there will be coma and astigmatism
Figure 3 illustrates the modified Schupmann lens with
the spherical mirror replacing the refractive objective.
This configuration is somewhat similar to mirror-lens
systems described in the literature and might be called
for the lack of a better name, crossed-axis optical sys-
Probably the simplest of these configurations is the (a)CROSSED
classical Gregorian catoptric lens. As shown in Fig. GREGORIAN
4(a) the optical axis of the paraboloidal primary is
placed at right angles to the axis of the ellipsoidal
secondary. The image surface is accessible, the central
obstruction quite small, and the primary mirror does not
have to be pierced when used in this manner. The two
conic mirrors completely eliminate spherical aberration.
However, angular field coverage is very small-of the
order of minutes. The conic primary also makes it (b) WILD
quite undesirable for possible use in a large-scale appli- CATADIOPTRIC
cation. LENS
A catadioptric design employing the crossed-axis
concept has been described by Wild9 and is shown in
Fig. 4(b). This lens is similar to the proposed Schup-
mann lens shown in Fig. 3.
A two-part objective is used in combination with a
Mangin mirror primary to form the primary image at
the reflex prism, which is reimaged by the Mangin
secondary at the final image plane. Designed for
application as a high precision theodolite objective,
this design has a much smaller secondary spectrum /I
residual than the conventional refracting objectives (c) McCARTHY
normally used in these instruments. A family of these CATOPTRIC
catadioptric objectives was designed with a maximum
focal length of about 56 cm and as fast as f/2.8 in rela-
tive aperture.
The large full-aperture correctors and the Mangin
mirror primary coupled with a restricted field of view Fig. 4. Three crossed-axis optical systems.

1816 APPLIED OPTICS / Vol. 11, No. 8 / August 1972

of the original Schupmann Mangin mirror is adequate pupil at the secondary mirror. An additional optical
for use with a refracting objective, there being no vi- element, a field flattening lens, is positioned near the
gnetting introduced by the viewer, visual or otherwise. final image; the power of this lens is computed to give
To obtain, therefore, an image surface that is readily a total system Petzval sum of zero.
accessible requires a Mangin mirror design in which the Starfing with the simplified configuration of Fig. 5
long conjugate distance is well outside the clear aperture the monochromatic aberrations-field curvature,
limits of the primary mirror. astigmatism, coma, and spherical aberration-were
Schupmann, in his design example, made use of a corrected in the order in which they are listed. There
Mangin mirror system having a diameter approximately was no special attention given to distortion other than
one eighth that of the objective. In his discussion of the attitude of seeing what level it attained. Fortu-
the medial telescope, Schupmann recommended a re- nately it turned out to be rather low; 0.4% at 1.0°.
duction ratio between 6 and 9, for aperture ratios of the Of the monochromatic aberrations mentioned above,
telescope objective of f/15 to f/12.5. Baker, however, the most difficult to correct was the combined astigma-
felt that the reduction ratios proposed by Schupmann tism of the primary and secondary mirrors, the second-
would necessitate a Mangin mirror with very steep ary mirror in particular.
curves, resulting in very large spherical aberration The power of the field flattening lens will correct the
errors, and also a significant increase in the variation of system Petzval sum, but the two surfaces of the simple
coma with color. He proposed instead that the aper- lens do not provide sufficient degrees of freedom to cor-
ture ratio be kept between f/15 and f/25 and the Man- rect the astigmatism. Since the correction of astigma-
gin diameter be one third that of the objective. This tism is primarily a function of the lens bending, a more
arrangement results in a simple backsurfaced element, complex lens form is called for. Past experience in the
figured on either side to remove the spherical aberration design of field-flattening lenses for extended field cata-
residual. dioptric lenses has shown that a cemented triplet type
It was mentioned earlier that the original design would be adequate for this design. These triplets
concept for the lens to be described was a system goal of usually consist of glasses of high index and dispersive
f/4 for the aperture ratio. However,not knowing what power for the outer lenses, while the inner positive lens
problems might arise from a high reduction ratio for is usually a glass of low index and dispersive power.
the Mangin, it was decided to limit the Mangin diam- The large index difference helps in the correction of the
eter to one third that of the primary mirror. If one system astigmatism, while the dispersive difference
considers possible application of this proposed optical would aid in the reduction of the lateral color intro-
system to a large-scale astronomical telescope of 3-m duced by this fieldflattening lens.
aperture, the aspheric secondary diameter would be of The design procedure with this lens therefore con-
the order of 1 m, which is not an exceptionally difficult sisted of the following: lens bendings of the field
size to work with, especially if the aspheric figure is not flattening lens corrected the astigmatism, while the
too severe. change of one of the dispersive interface curvatures
Rather than use the original Schupmann lens system would minimize the lateral color; this in turn would
as a starting point for the ensuing design effort, it was change the total power of this lens, however, the Petzval
decided to start with as simple a system as possible and sum would be restored to zero by a slight change in
to add correcting refractive elements as dictated by curvature of the last surface of this field lens. Alter-
aberrations in the design process. As usual, in the case natively the power of this lens could be scaled to restore
of complex lens designs, as the simplified system con- the Petzval sum. It is quite obvious that there was
verges toward a solution, the single optical elements some wandering of the system focal length, which al-
tend to become doublets and triplets. though not excessivecould be restored by scaling of the
The following first order parameters were established whole lens. The back focal length was not watched
as a design goal: too closely; occasional checks were made to see that it
did not become extremely long or short.
focal length 3.8-m minimum, In the process, however, axial color was introduced
back focus 10-cm minimum, measured from into the basic lens system by the field flattening lens.
the field lens,
angular field 41.0', flat field,
relative aperture f/4 to f/6,
performance diffraction-limited over the
specified field.
Figure 5 is a schematic of the minimal optical system
required for the reflecting version of the extended field
Schupmann medial telescope. Since the primary
mirror is free of color aberrations, the secondary mirror
need be, in theory, only a concave aspheric mirror.
The refracting portion of the Mangin was required to
oppose the color aberrations of the refractive objective Fig. 5
Starting configuration for the design of the mirror
lens. The field lens is retained to image the entrance objective Schupmann medial telescope.

August 1972/ Vol. 11, No. 8 / APPLIED OPTICS 1817

This color residual was large enough to affect signifi-
cantly the system performance. To correct the color
without seriously disturbing the rest of the aberrations,
a weak negative meniscus doublet was located near the
secondary mirror. This meniscus was of the buried
type-both elements have equal indices of refraction in
the primary wavelength but different dispersions-re-
quiring only a change in the curvature of the cemented
surface to correct the axial color. As it turned out,
this lens served a dual purpose. By bending the me-
niscus lens a comatic residual could be generated that
when combined with small comatic contributions intro-
duced by slight changes in the axial position of both the
relay lens and the field flattening lens reduced the over-
all coma residual to a very small value.

Fig. 7. Optical schematic of the final design of the mirror ob-

jective Schupmann medial telescope.


-. 5 -. 4 -3 -. 2 -1 0 .1 .2 .3 .4 .5
i i i i i i

0 1 10

1 0 I-'

0 1.s 6 1.5 10 11.5
Fig. 6. Difference in the sag of the vertex radius of the secondary
mirror and that of the aspheric surface. U)
10 00
.70 n
It was mentioned earlier that the power of the field 0 4:
lens is determined primarily by the desired entrance
pupil minification at the secondary mirror, and for this -10 w
configuration a single lens element is more than ade- co
quate. However, to take some of the lateral color LII
correction burden off the field flattening lens, the field
lens was also designed as a buried surface doublet. U).
Consequently any lateral color residual could be mini- z
mized simply by changing the dispersive interface 4:
1 10
curvature and not disturb the state of correction for
the monochromaticfield aberrations.
The remaining uncorrected monochromatic aberra- i -

tion, spherical aberration, is easily corrected to zero by

aspherizing the secondary mirror. Since the secondary Fig. 8. Transverse aberration plots for lens configuration shown
mirror is also an image of the stop, there is no detri- in Fig. 7. Solid line refers to the tangential fan (-A- d light,
mental effect on any of the other aberrations. It should -0- e light, -X-c light), the dashed line to the sagittal fan (d
be noted that the aspheric equation derived for the light).

1818 APPLIED OPTICS / Vol. 11, No. 8 / August 1972

Table I. Design Specification for Mirror Modified method of relating changes in constructional param-
Schupmann Medial Telescope (m)
eters to resulting changes in third order image errors.
Clear The reasons for this were as follows:
Surface Curvature Thickness Glass diameter (a) there was not available to the designer at the
1 STOP time this study was conducted a lens optimizing pro-
Spherical 5.1816 gram that could handle aspheres;
2 primary -0.10165 1.194 (b) the aperture and field requirements were well
-4.9174 within the realm of third order theory;
3 0.58708 (c) last, and probably most important, as this was
-0.0254 F-2 primarily an explorative type of lens design investiga-
4 1.33578 0.170 tion, the design process would not be slowed down by
-0.0254 SK-16 unforeseen boundary conditions. Focal length, back-
5 1.41300 focus, etc., were all quite flexible so that if one of these
- 1.7444 got a little out of line it could be restored by scaling,
6 1.18114
as in the case of the focal length, for example.
-0. 0254 KZFS-4
7 0.71318 0.42
The modified Schupmann telescope design that met
-0.0254 SSK-2
the original system's goals mentioned earlier in this
8 1.20748 paper is shown schematically in Fig. 7. Table I gives
Aspheric -0.1778 the design parameters for this lens. A comparison of
9 secondary 0.36300 0.418 the configurations of Figs. 3 and 7 indicates that the
2.4236 final design closely resembles the proposed configura-
10 2.56713 tion, with a few minor differences. For instance, to
0.0305 SF4 simplify its fabrication, the Mangin mirror was not
11 3.34604 designed in the classical form, that is, the reflective and
0.0635 BK-7 0.296 the refractive portions were separated. By doing this
12 0.23440
it is possible to use a rigid, low expansion material for
0.0305 SF-4
13 0.61373 the figured mirror rather than a high grade optical
Focal length 5.522 glass.
Back focal length 0.254 A plot of the ray intercept data at three wavelengths
Asphere equation
for the axial case, the 0.7, and full field position is pre-
sented in Fig. 8. From these data it is quite apparent
CY2 that the lens is well corrected with a flat, coma free field.
1 + [1 - (1 + K)C2Y2]1+ DY4 + EY6 8
+ FY , The chromatic aberrations, both axial and lateral, from
D = -0.859490 e to C light show a state of excellent correction. Optical
X 10-2,
E = -0.130708 X 10-1, transfer function analysis, including the effects of dif-
F = 0.139470.

secondary mirror was in the form of a general asphere;

that is, the sag (X) of the aspheric surface as a function
of the distance (Y) from the optical axis is expressed
in the following manner:

1 [-(1+ K)C2Y2]
+ DY +EY + F8 +
where C is the vertex curvature and K is the conic
Since the relative aperture of this lens is fairly mod-
erate, the uncorrected spherical aberration residual is
mostly undercorrected third order spherical aberration
that can be easily corrected by the DY 4 term only.
The same spherical aberration correction can also be
obtained with a conic secondary mirror, whose figure
is in the form of a hyperboloid. The difference in the
sag of the aspheric surface and that of the vertex curva-
ture is shown in Fig. 6. The aspherizing process
weakens the spherical surface by about thirty waves of
sodium light (589.3nm) at the maximum aperture.
I The whole design process was carried out using third
order aberrations exclusively in the classical design Fig. 9. Reflex mirror location for the on-axis mode.

August 1972/ Vol. 11, No. 8 / APPLIED OPTICS 1819

a field point of 0.5° to a maximum of 1.00 off-axis.
Perpendicular to the plane of the diagram the field
coverage is 40.870, so that rather than transmitting
a circular field, the relay lens-reflex mirror combination
transmits a segment of a field 2.00 in diameter.
After reflection from the secondary mirror the return
beam segment passes below the-reflex mirror and reaches
the final image plane, using the lower half of the field
flattening lens in the process. The resulting field of
view for these two cases is illustrated in Fig. 11. The
large circle is the 2.00 full field that the lens is capable
of covering.
The off-axis mode yields a much smaller central




Fig. 10. Reflex mirror location for the off-axis mode.

fraction, indicates that the system is essentially dif-

fraction limited.
From the aberrational data presented it is quite evi-
dent that the field coverage capabilities of this lens
would yield excellent results over a full field of about
20. However, this field capability may not be readily
obtainable; the reason, quite simply, is the limiting
effects of the central obstruction due to the reflex
mirror. This is the mirror required to fold -and redirect Fig. 11. Image field format for both the on-axis and the off-axis
the primary image toward the secondary mirror. modes.
This limitation is illustrated in Fig. 9. The reflex
mirror, shown schematically, is below the relay lens,
and the solid ray lines are for the limiting rays of an
oblique bundle of 10.5'. If the reflex mirror is made 1.0
large enough to accommodate the 1.0' bundle the
mirror dimensions would be such that the axial beam
would be completely occluded and to a lesser extent .8
those obliquities that lie between the two angles men-
tioned. The full field image under these conditions
would be an annulus rather than the circular format (-)
Therefore, the practical format dimension would be .4
one that is circular and is 1.00 in diameter; this being
the optimum balance between the maximum field
possible and the realistic central obstruction that could
be considered the maximum permissible from the
optical transfer function viewpoint. 50 ¶00 150 200 250 300
An alternate solution would be to use this design in
an off-axis mode so that the troublesome obstruction LINES/ mm
effects would be quite minimal. The proposed off-axis Fig. 12. Monochromatic OTF for both image field formats
configuration is shown in Fig. 10. In this mode only (including effects of diffraction and obstructions). (a) Response
one-half of the relay lens is used. The image formed for an f/5.5 aperture and also the tangential and sagittal response
from the axial position to a point 0.5° off axis is not for the off-axis mode for obliquities from 0.5° to 1.00. (b)
transmitted beyond the relay lens. The reflex mirror Tangential and sagittal response for the on-axis mode for ob-
limits the useful field, in the plane of the diagram, from liquities from 00 to 1.00.

1820 APPLIED OPTICS / Vol. 11, No. 8 / August 1972

obstruction. The obstructed area is about 4% of the available in the field of lens design, many variations of
total entrance pupil area, as compared to 25% for the this basic design can be investigated. Some of the
on-axis case. The effects of these obstructions on the areas that could be investigated further would be
system OTF are shown in Fig. 12. The on-axis con- (a) maximum diffraction-limited field obtainable
figuration exhibits the typical decrease in response for with this lens;
the low and midfrequencies, while there is a slight (b) reduction of the central obstruction by decreasing
increase at the higher frequencies; whereas the off-axis the focal length of the primary mirror and the subse-
alternative shows practically no deterioration in re- quent restoration of the system focal length by increas-
sponse. ing the magnification of the secondary mirror, in the
In assessing the relative merits of the two modes of manner of the classical Gregorian telescope;
image format presented, it is apparent that the off-axis (c) another important area of investigation would be
arrangement is, without a doubt, the better of the two the effects of further reduction of the secondary Mangin
although the field format is somewhat unconventional. mirror size. If the aperture of the primary mirror of
The area of the field for the on-axis case is only 14% the modified Schupmann lens was scaled to the diameter
greater than the area of the off-axisfield. However, the proposed for the manned orbiting observatory tele-
optical transfer function response of the former is down scope, the Mangin mirror for such a telescope would be
by 45% at the midfrequencies as compared to the about 1 m in diameter; therefore, a reduction factor of
latter. say one sixth might be more desirable than the current
In conclusion, a catadioptric lens, patterned after the value of one third.
classical Schupmann medial telescope, has been de-
scribed that could find application in the orbiting astro- References
nomical observatories that have been predicted for use
1. Space Science Board, Space Research,Directionsfor the Future
in this decade. This proposed optical system will
(National Academy of Sciences-National Research Coun-
utilize a spherical primary mirror rather than one that cil, Washington, D.C., 1966), Part 2.
is aspheric, making it possible to use some of the newer 2. L. Spitzer, Jr., Science 161, 225 (1968).
mirror fabrication techniques recently developed, 3. Z. Kopal, Astronaut Aeron. 3, 16 (1965).
namely active optics. 4. L. Roberts, Astronaut Aeron. 3, 22 (1965).
It should be noted that this design effort-was not 5. J. B. Rogerson, Jr., Space Sci. Rev. 2, 621 (1963).
tailored to any specific space or astronomical activity 6. R. Crane and H. J. Robertson, in Proceedings of the Technical
but rather an exercise in optical design to investigate Program, Electro-OpticalSystems Design Conference,New York
the application of the novel Schupmann telescope to City (Sept. 1969), p. 796.
current optical technology. For lack of specific re- 7. A. Schupmann, Fernrohe (Teubner, Leipzig, 1899), see also
Z. Instrumentenk 33, 308 (1913).
quirements for any particular astronomical telescope, it
8. J. G. Baker, Astron. J. 59, 74 (1954).
was felt that at least the design presented in this paper 9. H. Wild, U.S. Patent 2,166,102; see also W. Lotmar, in Pro-
would be a starting point for future designs for a specific ceedings of the London Conference on Optical Instruments
astronomical space application. (Chapman and Hall, London, 1950),p. 16.
With the powerful optimizing programs currently 10. E. L. McCarthy, U.S. Patent 3,062,102.


Color: Theory and Imaging Systems, a two-day tutorial seminar jointly sponsored by
Rocky Mountain Chapter of the Society of Photographic Scientists and Engineers and
Lowry Technical Training Center, is taking shape for the delineation of theory, applica-
tions and state-of-the-art. The place is Denver; the date 2-3 November 1972. The-
oretical subjects including human perception, colorimetry, densitometry, sensitometry,
image structure analysis, masking and reproduction, development, and processing qual-
ity control compose the first day's sessions; the basis of second-day discussions is sys-
tems including aerial photography, microfilm and hardcopy in addition to positive and
negative' silver imaging, reversal imaging, silver dye bleach, and diffusion transfer. The
program will also feature a tour of the Aerospace Photographic Training facility, Lowry
AFB, as well as demonstration of methods the Air Force uses to teach color photography
and photographic quality control. For further Information, contact Russell P. Cook,
Polaroid Corporation, 730Main Street, Cambridge, MA 02139

August 1972/ Vol. 11, No. 8 / APPLIED OPTICS 1821

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