Materi 1 Bahasa Inggris Kelas X

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How to spell:





How do you spell you name?



1. Cardinal Number
Merupakan angka/bilangan yang merujukkepada masa atau jumlah suatu barang.
0 Zero 21 Twenty one
1 One 22 Twenty two
2 Two 23 Twenty three
3 Three 24 Twenty four
4 Four 25 Twenty five
5 Five 30 Thirty
6 Six 40 Forty
7 Seven 50 Fifty
8 Eight 60 Sixty
9 Nine 70 Seventy
10 Ten 80 Eighty
11 Eleven 90 Ninety
12 Twelve 100 One hundred / a hundred
13 Thirteen 101 One hundred and one
14 Fourteen 115 One hundred and fifteen
15 fifteen 150 One hundred and fifty
16 Sixteen 155 One hundred and fifty five
17 Seventeen 1.000 One thousand/ a thousand
18 Eighteen 1. 000.000 One million/ a million
19 Nineteen One billion/ a billion
20 Twenty
2. Ordinal Number

Yaitu bilangan yang menyatakan tingkatan dari yang lebih rendah ke yang lebih tinggi.

1st: first 11th : eleventh 21st : twenty first 1000 : a

2nd: second 12th : twelfth 22nd : twenty second

3rd: third 13th : thirteenth 23rd : twenty third

4th: fourth 14th : fourteenth 24th : twenty fourth

5th: fifth 15th : fifteenth 50th : fiftieth

6th: sixth 16th : sixteenth 60th : sixtieth

7th: seventh 17th : seventeenth 70th : seventieth

8th: eighth 18th : eighteenth 80th : eightieth

9th: ninth 19th : nineteenth 90th : ninetieth

10th: tenth 20th : twentieth 100th: one hundredth

a hundredth
Yaitu bilangan yang digunakanuntuk menyatakan frekuensi.
1 kali : once 4 kali : four times 8 kali : eight times
2 kali : twice 5 kali : five times 9 kali : nine times
3 kali : three times 6 kali : six times 10 kali : ten times

Yaitu bilanganpecahan.
1: a half / one-second 1: one fifth 8 1/2: eight and a half 5 ½ : five and a half
2 5
1: one third 2: two sixth 7 2/3: seven two third 7 ¼ : a quarter
3 6
1: one fourth / a quarter 3: three eighth 10 1/4 : ten one fourth 9 ¾: nine and three-
4 8 fourth

He is in my class (dia di dalam kelas)

Family proud of me. (keluargaku bangga padaku)
I am waiting for him. (saya sedang menunggunya)
She had much money (dia mempunyai uang yang banyak)
He is looking for his key. (dia sedang mencari dompetnya)
That place that have been booked is ours. (tempat yang sudah dipesan itu adalah milik kita)
This book is mine. (buku ini milikku)
He just care to herself. (dia hanya peduli pada dirinya sendiri)

1. The Names of Day, Month, and Season

(Nama-nama hari, bulan dan musim)


Sunday [sʌndeɪ] January [dʒanjʊ(ə)ri August [ɔːˈɡʌst] Spring Musim Semi
Minggu/Ahad ]
Monday [ˈmʌndeɪ] February [fɛbrʊəri] September [sɛp Summer Musim Panas
Senin ˈtɛmbə]
Tuesday [tjuːzdeɪ] March [mɑːtʃ] October [ɒkˈtəʊbə] Autumn / Fall Musim
Selasa Gugur
Wednesday [wɛnzdeɪ] April [eɪpr(ɪ)l] November [nə(ʊ) Winter Musim
Rabu ˈvɛmbə] Dingin/Salju
Thursday May [mei] December [dɪˈsɛmbə] Rainy Season Musim
[θəːzdeɪ] Kamis Hujan
Friday [frʌɪdeɪ] Jum’at June [dʒʊn] Dry Season Musim
Saturday [satədeɪ] July [dʒʊˈlʌɪ]

2. Kinds of Time Adverbs

(Macam-macam Keterangan Waktu)

Tomorrow (Besok) Next year (tahun Long time ago Decade (10 tahun)
besok) (di waktu lampau)
Yesterday (kemarin) Last Week (kemarin In the past Century (abad/100
minggu) (dimasa lalu) tahun)
Today (Hari ini) Next month (bulan In the future This morning (pagi ini)
besok) (dimasa depan)
The day after tomorrow For two hours (selama While (ketika) morning, breakdawn
(lusa) satu jam) (pagi hari)
The day before From 2012 to 2013 When (saat) Afternoon, daylight, day,
yesterday (kemarin (dari 2012 sampai noon (siang)
lusa) 2013)
Now (sekarang) Since yesterday (Sejak Soon (segera) Evening (malam/sore)
At this moment The Weekend Until tomorrow Tonight (malam ini)
(sekarang) (Akhir Pekan) (sampai besok)
Last year (tahun The Day Before Week (pekan) Midnight (tengah
kemarin) Yesterday (Kemarin malam)

3. Time Frequency
(Frequensi dalam Waktu)

Always (Selalu) Sometimes (kadang-kadang) Never (tidak pernah)

Usually (biasanya) Seldom (jarang) Ever (pernah)
Often (seringkali) Rarely (jarang sekali) Once / one time (sekali)
Once a week (seminggu sekali) Twice (dua kali) Everytime (setiap saat)

4. Pengucapan dan penulisan tanggal

a. menggunakan aturan penulisan bilangan bertingkat
- 7th of August, 2013 (the seventh of august, two thousand and thirteen)
- 1st of January, 2014 (the first of January, two thousand and fourteen)
b. menggunakan aturan penulisan angka
- 10/9/2013 – 10-9-2013
a. pada bahasa Inggris US (Amerika) menaruh bulan pada nominal pertama, sehingga
tanggal yang disebut adalah 9 oktober 2013
b. pada bahasa Inggris British menaruh bulan pada nominal kedua, sehingga penyebutan
tanggalnya berbeda pula, yaitu tanggal 10 september 2013

5. Pengucapan dan penulisan Tahun

2014 (two thousand and ten)

Menggunakan and sebagai penghubung
2014 (twenty fourteen)
Tidak menggunakan penghubung and
6. Kata Depan pada Waktu Tertentu

Preposition Function Sentences

- at 3 o'clock, at half past ten, etc.
“we will meet at 3 o’clock”
- at (noon, dinnertime, bedtime, sunrise,
sunset, dawn, night)
At dipakai dengan waktu yang “The shop closes at midnight.”
lebih rinci (PRECISE TIME) - at the moment, at present, at the same
time, at weekend
“He's not home at present.”
- at (lunchtime, breakfast)
“Jane went home at lunchtime.”

- in (May, june, august, summer, winter,

In digunakan untuk menunjukkan
autumn, etc.)
1. bagian waktu dalam hari
“I was born in december”
2. bulan
In - in the (morning, afternoon, night,
3. musim
evening, an hour)
4. tahun
“I usually read a newspaper in the
- in 1990
“ i graduated from my university in 1990”

- on (Sunday, Monday, Tuesday)

On digunakan untuk menunjukkan “Do you work on Mondays?”
1. Hari - on 6 March, on 25 Dec. 2010
On 2.tanggal “i was born on 28 jan. 1995”
3. hari hari tertentu (hari raya) - on ( Iedul Fitri Day, Independence Day,
my birthday)
“Where will you be on New Year's Day?”
Days and Months exercises 6. The third day of the week is..
Days of the Week a. Wednesday c. friday
1. There are...........days in a week. b. Tuesday d. saturday
a. one c. seven 7. Which day comes before Tuesday?
b. five d. eleven a. Wednesday c. friday
2. Most people don’t go to work b. monday d. Monday
on.............and......... 8. Which day comes before Friday?
a. Saturday and Monday a. Thursday c. friday
b. Sunday and Monday b. Tuesday d. saturday
c. everyday 9. Which day comes after Wednesday?
d. Saturday and Sunday a. Wednesday c. friday
3. The day after Monday is...... b. Tuesday d. Thursday
a. Sunday c. friday 10. Saturday and Sunday are the...
b. Tuesday d. thursday a. working days c. weekend
4. on ........., muslim go to the mosque for b. weekdays d. holiday
Friday prayers
a. Sunday c. friday 11. There are ____ working days in a week.
b. Tuesday d. thursday a. 12 c. 5
5. Most people work from ....... b. 7 d. 2
a. Saturday to Monday
b. Sunday to Monday 12. We use the preposition ____ with days.
c. everyday a. in c. and
d. Monday to friday b. on d. at

1. The first month of the year is... 6. This month is
a. january c. december a. june c. december
b. february d. march b. july d. august

2. The last month of the year is.... 7. Last month was

a. january c. december a. april c. august
b. february d. march b. june d. november

3. Indonesia Independent Day is in ... 8. Next month is

a. march c. april a. august c. december
b. february d. august b. october d. november

4. kartini day is in... 9. The month between August and October is

a. april c. december a. august c. july
b. october d. november b. september d. november

5. There are.....months in the year. 10. ___comes after February.

a. 11 c. 19 a. march c. december
b. 10 d. 12 b. january d. april

find the words about day of week and month


1. asking the time

 What time is it now? (Jam berapasekarang?)

 What is the time? (Jam berapasekarang?)
 What time is it right now? (Jam berapasekarang?)
 Can you tell me the time please? (dapatkahkamumemberitahukuwaktnya?)
 Do you know what time is it? (Apakahkamutahuini jam berapa?)
 May I know what time is it? (Bolehkahakutahuini jam berapa?)
 What time exactly the movie start? (Kapan tepatnyafilmnya main?)
 When does the store is open? (Kapan tokonyabuka?)
 When should we meet again? (Kapan kitabisabertemu?)
2. answering the time
Write the sentence. What time is it?

04.00 :…………………………………………………………………………………………………

04.06 :…………………………………………………………………………………………………

07.15 :…………………………………………………………………………………………………

05.30 :…………………………………………………………………………………………………

05.45 :…………………………………………………………………………………………………

09.50 :…………………………………………………………………………………………………

Question and answering about …..

TIME 1. what time is it? It is five o’clock
2. what’s the time
DAYS 1. what day is it today? It’s Wednesday
2. what day is it tomorrow? It’s Thursday
3. what day was it yesterday? It was Tuesday
MONTHS 1. what month is it now? It’s January
2. what month is nest month? It’s February
3. what month was last month? It was December
DATES & 1. what date is it today? It’s the thirty-first of July two
YEARS What is the date today? thousand and twenty
QUESTION WORD ( Kata-kata Tanya)

What (apa) : digunakanuntukmenanyakanbendaatauhal (thing).

Where (dimana) : digunakanuntukmenanyakantempat (place).
When (kapan) : digunakanuntukmenanyakanwaktu (time).
Why (mengapa/kenapa) : digunakanuntukmenanyakanalasan (reason).
Which (yang mana) : untukmenanyakan orang (person), bendaatauhal (thing) yang mana
yang dimaksuddiantarasejumlah orang, benda, atauhal.
Who (siapa -subject) : digunakanuntukmenanyakan orang (person).
Whose (siapa -kepunyaan) :digunakan untuk orang yang mana yang memilikisesuatu
Whom (siapa -object) :digunakan untuk menanyakan orang yang menerimaaksi,/tindakan
How (Bagaimana, berapa) :digunakanuntukmenanyakancara (manner). Question
word inijugadapatdikombinasikandengandenganberbagaihurufmenjadi:
how often : seberapasering
how far : berapajauh
how much/many : berapabanyak
how long : berapa lama.
How old ….? : berapa umur ….?
How many books? : berapa banyak buku?
How many times? : berapa kali?
How much water? : berapa banyakair
What do you want from me? : Apa yang kamuinginkandarisaya?
What are you doing here? : Apa yang sedangkamulakukandisini?
Where does he live? : Dimanadiatinggal?
When does the train from Yogyakarta arrive? (Kapan keretadari Yogyakarta tiba?)
Why do you hate cats? : Mengapakamubencikucing?
Which one is better? : Yang mana yang lebihbaik?
Who send me a letter? : Siapa yang mengirimikusurat?
Who is that man? : Siapapriaitu?
Whose turn, is it? : Giliransiapa?
Whose book, is it? : buku siapa ini
Whom are you going to meet? : Siapa yang akankamutemui?
How did you meet your soulmate? : Bagaimanakamubertemubelahanjiwamu?
How often should I change my toothbrush? :Seberapa sering saya harus mengganti sikat gigi?
Once : satu kali
Twice : dua Kali
Three times : tiga kali
Four Times : Empat Kali
How many times do you it in a day? ( berapa kali kamu makan sehari?)
I eat three times a day ( saya makan tiga kali sehari)
Divided by (:) dibagi
Plus(+) tambah
Minus ( -) kurang
Equals (is) (=) Sama Dengan
a. Division
15 : 3 = 5 fifteen divided by three is five
Fifteen divided by three equal five
b. Multiplication
3x3=9 three times three is nine
Three multiplied three equal nine
c. Addition
3+3 = three and three is six
Three plus three equal nine
d. Subtraction
9-6= 3 Nine minus six is three
Nine minus six equal three

A : seorang, sebuah, sebutir , suatu, setangkai, dan seterusnya ( untuk kata yang diawalai huruf
yang dibaca konsonan)
An : seorang, sebuah, sebutir , suatu, setangkai, dan seterusnya ( untuk kata yang diawalai huruf
yang dibaca vocal )
The : itu ( sesuatu yang sudah diketahui)

This : ini ( satu)

That : itu ( satu)
These : ini ( jamak)
Those : itu ( jamak)

Example :
A university an hour this is a pen the yellow pen is cheap
A towel an apple that is an egg
A book an egg there are my pens
A man an expensive car those are your pens
A cat an umbrella this pen is expensive
A big boss an ear these pens are cheap
Common prepositions
Preposition ( Kata depan ) adalah kata yang berfungsinya untuk menunjukkan hubungan
antara objeknya dengan bagian lain di dalam kalimat. Kata depan bahasa Inggris ini bersama
objeknya menerangkan verb (kata kerja), noun (kata benda), atau adjective (kata sifat). Object of
preposition dapat berupa noun, noun phrase (frasa kata benda), pronoun (kata ganti), atau gerund
(verb + -ing).

Preposition Arti Preposition Arti

Anti Anti Ahead of Di depan
Against Berlawanan Aside from Selain
Aboard Di atas At Di/Pada
Above Di atas Along with Bersama dengan
Alongside Di sisi/Di samping As well as Serta/Demikian Juga dengan
Amid Di tengah tengah Away to Menuju ke
Among Diantara As far as Sejauh/Hingga
Around Keliling Away from Menjauh dari
Across Melewati/Membentang Apart from Selain dari
As Sebagai As to Mengenai
Along Sepanjang As for Adapun
After Setelah According to Berdasarkan
About Tentang Beyond Diluar jangkauan
Behind Di belakang By Oleh/Dengan
Beside Di samping Because of Karena
Besides Selain itu But for Kecuali
Below Di bawah By means of Melalui/Melewati
Beneath Di bawah But Tapi
Between Diantara Despite Meskipun
Close to Dekat Down Ke/Di Bawah
Concerning Mengenai During Selama
Considering Mempertimbangkan Due to Disebabkan oleh
Contrary to Berlawanan dengan Depending on Bergantung pada
Except Kecuali Following Berikut
Excluding Tidak termasuk For Untuk
Further to Lebih lanjut From Dari
In Di/Dalam In case of Dalam konteks
Including Termasuk In face of Dalam menghadapi
Inside Dalam In favour of Mendukung
Into Menjadi In front of Di depan
In addition to Menambahkan In spite of Meskipun
Less Kurang Near Dekat
Like Seperti Next to Di sebelah
Of Dari/kepemilikan Onto Menuju ke atas
Off Lepas/Diskon/Mematikan Outside Diluar
On Di/Pada Out of Tidak lagi terlibat
Over Lebih dari/Diluar Owing to Sebab/Karena
Past Melebihi/Melewati Till Hingga
Regarding Mengenai To Ke/Menuju
Round Di sekeliling Toward Menuju
Since Sejak Under Di bawah
Throughout Diseluruh Underneath Di bawah benda lain
 Right  Free way
 Left  Tunnel
 Turn right/turn left  Fly over
 Take right/left  Bridge
 Make right/left  Hanging bridge
 Go right/left  High way
 Go ahead  Wrong way
 Go on  North
 Go straight  North east
 Straight up  East
 Dead end  South east
 Dead alley  South
 Pass  West
 Cross road  North west
 Intersection
 T-junction
 Y – junction
 Alley
 Traffic light Asking for direction/ finding place:
 Traffic bump
 Traffic sign
 Path
 Short cut 1. could you tell me the way to the Sukaraja
 Side walk Market?
 Turn back
2. How do get the bank?
 Pavement
 Cross street 3. Do you know where the Islamic boarding
 Across school of Nurulhudavocational high
 Up ward
 Go up school (SMK) is?
 Go down 4. Could you help me to find this address?
 Bend 5. Could you help me now to find this
 Curve
 Traffic circle address?
 Round about
 Town hall Example:
A: excuse me. Is there a grocery store around

B: yeah. There’s one right across the street

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