Kippap Handout - DPWH Highway Safety Design Standards 1

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DPWH: Highway Safety Design Standards 1

INSTRUCTION: Select the correct answer for each of the following questions. Mark
only one answer for each item by shading the box corresponding to the letter of
your choice on the answer sheet provided. STRICTLY NO ERASURES ALLOWED.

1. A document issued by the Department of Public a. I, II, IV and V only

Works and Highways (DPWH) to establish and b. II, III, IV and V only
maintain standardized safe road design c. I, III, IV and V only
principles and standards for roads in the d. All of the above.
a. Road Safety Design Manual
b. Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual 6. Which one of the following statements is NOT
c. Design Guidelines, Criteria & Standards true about the geometric design of horizontal
Volume 4 curves?
d. Manual for Design and Analysis of Roads I. Reverse curves are not recommended
because of the possibility of sudden
changes to the alignment.
2. What office is responsible for zoning of their II. Spiral curves are used between tangents
respective jurisdictions and final land use and circular curve, or between curves.
and zoning planes to be submitted to HLURB III.Compound curves consist of two or more
(Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board) for curves turning in opposite directions.
approval? IV. The most common use of compound curves
a. Municipal Planning and Development in highways is for at-grade
Office (MPDO) intersections and ramps of
b. City Planning Development Office (CPDO) interchanges.
c. Provincial Planning Development Office a. I c. III
(PPDO) b. II d. IV
d. All of the above

7. The provision of safety sight distance depends

3. A hierarchy in terms of road types and on the characteristics of:
according to the major functions the roads a. The Driver, the Vehicle and the Weather
will serve. b. The Driver, the Vehicle and the Road
a. Highway Network c. Road Hierarchy Environment
b. Road Network d. Highway Hierarchy c. The Driver, the Road Environment, and the
d. The Vehicle, The Road Environment, and
4. The following are key points to consider in the Weather
network planning according to DPWH Road Safety
I. Within the hierarchy, networks should be 8. Each type of sight distance consists of three
planned such that areas are separated elements. Choose the best answer as stated in
into self-contained zones. the DPWH Road Safety Design Manual.
II. The natural barrier of routes can be a. Object Height, Traffic Signs, Driver Eye
used to segregate and contain Height
incompatible uses and to reinforce local b. Sight Distance, Object Height, Traffic
identities. Signs
III.Each class of road should clearly c. Driver’s Height, Object Height, Sight
convey to the road user its role in the Distance
hierarchy with respect to both traffic d. Driver Eye Height, Object Height, Sight
volume and design speed. Distance
IV. Each road should intersect only with
roads in the same class or one
immediately above or below it in the 9. As stated in the DPWH Road Safety Design
hierarchy. Manual, which of the following statements are
V. Pedestrian crossing points should be elements to consider when planning national
clearly defined and controlled. roads?
a. I, II, and III c. II, III, IV and V I. Limited frontage access.
b. I, II, III, and IV d. All of the above. II. Development set well back from the
III.All access to premises provided via
5. The following elements are to be considered provincial roads.
when planning Expressways: IV. Number of intersections to be minimized.
I. No frontage access V. Suitable at-grade channelized
II. Development set well back from the intersections for minor flows and other
highway elements.
III.Grade separated intersections for VI. No roadside vendor.
extremely high flows and other VII.Their primary function is movement and
intersecting expressways not access.
IV. Number of intersections to be minimize a. I thru VI only
V. Where necessary or for emergency b. I thru V only
purposes, parking/stopping to be c. I, IV, VI and VII only
provided clear of the main carriageway. d. All of the above

Kippap Education

0905 664 2628 [email protected] CE Board Exam Review

DPWH: Highway Safety Design Standards 1

10. The DPWH Road Safety Design Manual emphasizes 15. These are the types emergency escape ramps.
that at least four (4) different criteria are a. Sand pile, descending grade, horizontal
used for the establishment of sag vertical grade, and ascending grade.
curves. These are: b. Sand pile, descending grade, vertical
a. Headlight sight distance, Passenger grade, and ascending grade
comfort, Drainage control, and c. Soil pile, T-intersection, vertical
Directions grade, and ascending grade
b. Headlight sight distance, Drainage d. Sand pile, Chevron curves, vertical
control, Directions, and General grade, and horizontal grade
c. Headlight sight distance, Passenger
comfort, Drainage control, and General 16. It occurs where two travel paths interact or
appearance cross.
d. Headlight sight distance, Passenger a. Cross point c. Control point
comfort, General appearance, and b. Intersection point d. Conflict point

17. According to DPWH Road Safety Design Manual,

11. Many factors need to be taken into _______ can be defined as the combination of
consideration when choosing the type of the likelihood and the consequence of a crash
intersection to be provided at a given occurring
location. In the DPWH Road Safety Design a. Hazard c. Likelihood
Manual, roundabouts (rotundas) may be b. Risk d. Vulnerability
appropriate in the following situations:
I. At intersections with high accident
rates. 18. Which of the following speed limit is
II. When physical control of speed is appropriate on roads where there are no
desirable. footpaths and pedestrians are required to
III.When the flows on each approach are walk on the road?
balanced and capacity analysis a. 40 kph c. 20 kph
indicates that volumes can be managed. b. 60 kph d. 30 kph
IV. When the volume of the left turners is
V. If traffic signals may be inefficient 19. Which of the following speed limit is
e.g. due to a large number of phrases. appropriate on very high standard
VI. For multi-legged intersection. expressways, which have a low crash rate?
VII.Where satisfactory geometric design a. 120 kph c. 100 kph
cannot be provided due to insufficient b. 80 kph d. 90 kph
space of unfavorable topography.
a. I thru VI only c. III thru VII only
b. II thru VII only d. All of the above 20. The capacity of a route can be affected by
the following factors:
I. Number of Lanes
12. According to the DPWH Road Safety Design II. Lane and shoulder width
Manual, which of these factors are needed to III.Terrain and road gradient
be considered in choosing a design speed? IV. Traffic composition
a. Economics, Road geometry, Traffic Safety V. Side friction such as the presence of
b. Functions of the road, Road geometry, road furniture and pedestrians
Economics VI. Intersection capacity (priority of
c. Anticipated operating speed and speed movements, traffic signal phasing,
limit, Road geometry, Economics number of lanes etc.)
d. Functions of the road, Anticipated a. I, II, IV and V only
operating speed & speed limit, Economics b. II, II, IV, V and VI only
c. I, II, III, IV, and V only
d. All of the above
13. According to DPWH Road Safety Manual, ideal
capacity of a road is given as
a. 1500 vph c. 2500 vph 21. An intersection is the junction where two
b. 2000 vph d. 3000 vph roads either cross or meet. The types of
intersections that generally exist on the
road network are:
14. These are the vulnerable road users: I. Unflared and unchannelized
I. Pedestrians intersections
II. People with disabilities II. Flared and unchannelized intersections
III.Non-motorized vehicles III.Channelized intersections
IV. Motorcycles IV. Unchannelized intersections
a. I, III and IV only c. All of the above a. I, II, and III only
b. I and II only d. I only b. I and II only
c. III, and IV only
d. All of the above

Kippap Education

0905 664 2628 [email protected] CE Board Exam Review

DPWH: Highway Safety Design Standards 1

22. They are considered to be lane in a flat to

rolling terrain are used to break up platoons
of traffic and to improve traffic flow over
a section of road. A series of such auxiliary
lanes for both directions of traffic can
greatly improve traffic flow and driver
a. Ramps c. Overtaking lanes
b. Express lanes d. Auxiliary lanes

23. It is a very short section of fully

constructed shoulder or added lane that is
provided to allow slow vehicles to pull aside
and be overtaken. It may be appropriate if
traffic volumes are low or construction costs
are very high for an overtaking lane or
climbing lane.
a. Auxiliary lane c. Merge taper
b. Climbing lanes d. Turnouts

24. The speed of vehicles through an intersection

depends on:
I. Alignment
II. Road environment
III.Traffic volume and composition
IV. Traffic control devices
V. High Accident Rates
a. I, II, and III only
b. II, III, IV, and V only
c. I, II, III, and IV only
d. All of the above

25. These are used to shield errant vehicles from

running into hazards that cannot be relocated
or made more frangible. It is a hazard in
themselves and accordingly should only be
used when they are less of a safety concern
than the hazard they are protecting.
a. Roadside barriers c. Road culverts
b. Roadside poles d. Traffic signs

Kippap Education

0905 664 2628 [email protected] CE Board Exam Review

DPWH: Highway Safety Design Standards 1
INSTRUCTION: Select the correct answer for each of the following questions. Mark
only one answer for each item by shading the box corresponding to the letter of
your choice on the answer sheet provided. STRICTLY NO ERASURES ALLOWED.

1. A document issued by the Department of Public immediately above or below it in the

Works and Highways (DPWH) to establish and hierarchy.
maintain standardized safe road design V. Pedestrian crossing points should be
principles and standards for roads in the clearly defined and controlled.
Philippines. a. I, II, and III c. II, III, IV and V
a. Road Safety Design Manual b. I, II, III, and IV d. All of the above.
b. Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual
c. Design Guidelines, Criteria & Standards
Volume 4
d. Manual for Design and Analysis of Roads

2. What office is responsible for zoning of their

respective jurisdictions and final land use
and zoning planes to be submitted to HLURB
(Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board) for
a. Municipal Planning and Development
Office (MPDO)
b. City Planning Development Office (CPDO)
c. Provincial Planning Development Office
(PPDO) 5. The following elements are to be considered
d. All of the above when planning Expressways:
I. No frontage access
II. Development set well back from the
III.Grade separated intersections for
extremely high flows and other
intersecting expressways
IV. Number of intersections to be minimize
V. Where necessary or for emergency
purposes, parking/stopping to be
provided clear of the main carriageway.
a. I, II, IV and V only
3. A hierarchy in terms of road types and b. II, III, IV and V only
according to the major functions the roads c. I, III, IV and V only
will serve. d. All of the above.
a. Highway Network c. Road Hierarchy
b. Road Network d. Highway Hierarchy

4. The following are key points to consider in

network planning according to DPWH Road Safety
I. Within the hierarchy, networks should be
planned such that areas are separated
into self-contained zones.
II. The natural barrier of routes can be
used to segregate and contain
incompatible uses and to reinforce local
III.Each class of road should clearly
convey to the road user its role in the
hierarchy with respect to both traffic
volume and design speed.
IV. Each road should intersect only with
roads in the same class or one

Kippap Education

0905 664 2628 [email protected] CE Board Exam Review

DPWH: Highway Safety Design Standards 1

6. Which one of the following statements is NOT

true about the geometric design of horizontal
I. Reverse curves are not recommended
because of the possibility of sudden
changes to the alignment.
II. Spiral curves are used between tangents
and circular curve, or between curves.
III.Compound curves consist of two or more
curves turning in opposite directions.
IV. The most common use of compound curves
in highways is for at-grade 9. As stated in the DPWH Road Safety Design
intersections and ramps of Manual, which of the following statements are
interchanges. elements to consider when planning national
a. I c. III roads?
b. II d. IV I. Limited frontage access.
II. Development set well back from the
7. The provision of safety sight distance depends III.All access to premises provided via
on the characteristics of: provincial roads.
a. The Driver, the Vehicle and the Weather IV. Number of intersections to be minimized.
b. The Driver, the Vehicle and the Road V. Suitable at-grade channelized
Environment intersections for minor flows and other
c. The Driver, the Road Environment, and the elements.
Weather VI. No roadside vendor.
d. The Vehicle, The Road Environment, and VII.Their primary function is movement and
the Weather not access.
a. I thru VI only
b. I thru V only
c. I, IV, VI and VII only
d. All of the above

10. The DPWH Road Safety Design Manual emphasizes

that at least four (4) different criteria are
used for the establishment of sag vertical
curves. These are:
a. Headlight sight distance, Passenger
comfort, Drainage control, and
b. Headlight sight distance, Drainage
8. Each type of sight distance consists of three
control, Directions, and General
elements. Choose the best answer as stated in
the DPWH Road Safety Design Manual.
c. Headlight sight distance, Passenger
a. Object Height, Traffic Signs, Driver Eye
comfort, Drainage control, and General
b. Sight Distance, Object Height, Traffic
d. Headlight sight distance, Passenger
comfort, General appearance, and
c. Driver’s Height, Object Height, Sight
d. Driver Eye Height, Object Height, Sight

Kippap Education

0905 664 2628 [email protected] CE Board Exam Review

DPWH: Highway Safety Design Standards 1

11. Many factors need to be taken into 13. According to DPWH Road Safety Manual, ideal
consideration when choosing the type of capacity of a road is given as
intersection to be provided at a given a. 1500 vph c. 2500 vph
location. In the DPWH Road Safety Design b. 2000 vph d. 3000 vph
Manual, roundabouts (rotundas) may be
appropriate in the following situations:
I. At intersections with high accident
II. When physical control of speed is
desirable. 14. These are the vulnerable road users:
III.When the flows on each approach are I. Pedestrians
balanced and capacity analysis II. People with disabilities
indicates that volumes can be managed. III.Non-motorized vehicles
IV. When the volume of the left turners is IV. Motorcycles
significant. a. I, III and IV only c. All of the above
V. If traffic signals may be inefficient b. I and II only d. I only
e.g. due to a large number of phrases.
VI. For multi-legged intersection.
VII.Where satisfactory geometric design
cannot be provided due to insufficient
space of unfavorable topography.
a. I thru VI only c. III thru VII only
b. II thru VII only d. All of the above

15. These are the types emergency escape ramps.

a. Sand pile, descending grade, horizontal
grade, and ascending grade.
b. Sand pile, descending grade, vertical
grade, and ascending grade
c. Soil pile, T-intersection, vertical
grade, and ascending grade
d. Sand pile, Chevron curves, vertical
grade, and horizontal grade

12. According to the DPWH Road Safety Design

Manual, which of these factors are needed to
be considered in choosing a design speed?
a. Economics, Road geometry, Traffic Safety
b. Functions of the road, Road geometry, 16. It occurs where two travel paths interact or
Economics cross.
c. Anticipated operating speed and speed a. Cross point c. Control point
limit, Road geometry, Economics b. Intersection point d. Conflict point
d. Functions of the road, Anticipated
operating speed & speed limit, Economics

17. According to DPWH Road Safety Design Manual,

_______ can be defined as the combination of
the likelihood and the consequence of a crash
a. Hazard c. Likelihood
b. Risk d. Vulnerability

Kippap Education

0905 664 2628 [email protected] CE Board Exam Review

DPWH: Highway Safety Design Standards 1

21. An intersection is the junction where two

roads either cross or meet. The types of
intersections that generally exist on the
road network are:
I. Unflared and unchannelized
18. Which of the following speed limit is II. Flared and unchannelized intersections
appropriate on roads where there are no III.Channelized intersections
footpaths and pedestrians are required to IV. Unchannelized intersections
walk on the road? a. I, II, and III only
a. 40 kph c. 20 kph b. I and II only
b. 60 kph d. 30 kph c. III, and IV only
d. All of the above

19. Which of the following speed limit is

appropriate on very high standard
expressways, which have a low crash rate?
a. 120 kph c. 100 kph
b. 80 kph d. 90 kph

22. They are considered to be lane in a flat to

rolling terrain are used to break up platoons
of traffic and to improve traffic flow over
a section of road. A series of such auxiliary
lanes for both directions of traffic can
greatly improve traffic flow and driver
a. Ramps c. Overtaking lanes
b. Express lanes d. Auxiliary lanes

20. The capacity of a route can be affected by the

following factors:
I. Number of Lanes
II. Lane and shoulder width
III.Terrain and road gradient
IV. Traffic composition
V. Side friction such as the presence of
road furniture and pedestrians
VI. Intersection capacity (priority of
movements, traffic signal phasing, 23. It is a very short section of fully
number of lanes etc.) constructed shoulder or added lane that is
a. I, II, IV and V only provided to allow slow vehicles to pull aside
b. II, II, IV, V and VI only and be overtaken. It may be appropriate if
c. I, II, III, IV, and V only traffic volumes are low or construction costs
d. All of the above are very high for an overtaking lane or
climbing lane.
a. Auxiliary lane c. Merge taper
b. Climbing lanes d. Turnouts

Kippap Education

0905 664 2628 [email protected] CE Board Exam Review

DPWH: Highway Safety Design Standards 1

24. The speed of vehicles through an intersection

depends on:
I. Alignment
II. Road environment
III.Traffic volume and composition
IV. Traffic control devices
V. High Accident Rates
a. I, II, and III only
b. II, III, IV, and V only
c. I, II, III, and IV only
d. All of the above

25. These are used to shield errant vehicles from

running into hazards that cannot be relocated
or made more frangible. It is a hazard in
themselves and accordingly should only be
used when they are less of a safety concern
than the hazard they are protecting.
a. Roadside barriers c. Road culverts
b. Roadside poles d. Traffic signs

Kippap Education

0905 664 2628 [email protected] CE Board Exam Review

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