Quality Engineering

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Istanbul Technical University

END 308E Quality Engineering Term Project

Emine İrem Karaarslan. 070210776

Begüm Okur

Selin Şirin



This project aims to simulate the production process and evaluate improvement processes using a

catapult system. The catapult serves as an ideal tool for modeling quality control and

improvement efforts in production processes. In this experiment, a catapult and a target board

were used to perform shots, and the results were analyzed. The accuracy and precision of the

catapult shots were evaluated using control charts, and process improvements were made.The

goal of the project is to ensure that the catapult shots consistently hit specific areas on the target

board, thereby maintaining and improving the production process. To achieve this goal, four

different experiments were conducted, each with varying configurations. The experiments were

analyzed using a specific methodology and control charts.

Data Collection and Experimental Procedure

The data collection process was conducted through four different experiments. In each

experiment, the catapult was used in different configurations to perform the shots. The data

collected indicated which area of the target board each shot landed on. The data were analyzed

using a scoring system as follows: Region 3 awarded 3 points (smallest circle), Region 2

awarded 2 points, Region 1 awarded 1 point, and Region 0 awarded 0 points (failed shot).

In the first experiment, the shots were performed from a distance of 30 cm with normal

tension, and a total of 100 shots were made. In the second experiment, the distance was closer,

with normal tension, and again a total of 100 shots were made. In the third experiment, the shots

were performed from the initial distance of 30 cm but with higher tension, and 100 shots were

conducted. Finally, in the fourth experiment, the distance was closer, and the tension was higher,

with a total of 100 shots made.

In each experiment, the shots were performed, and the data were collected. To ensure the

accuracy and precision of the data, each shot was observed, and video recordings were made.

These recordings will be used to verify the accuracy of the data if necessary. After collecting the

data and conducting the experiments, the data will be analyzed using control charts. Control

charts will help identify variations and areas for improvement in the process.

Data Analysis and Control Charts

In this section, we analyze the data collected from the four experiments using control

charts by using python. The data analysis involves calculating the mean (X-bar) and range (R)

for each experiment, then constructing the control charts to monitor process performance. For

each experiment, we calculate the mean (X-bar) and range (R) for subgroups of size 5. Here are

the python code detailed calculations and control charts for each experiment:

import pandas as pd

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

file_path = "quality.xlsx" # File is in the same folder as your Jupyter notebook

data = pd.read_excel(file_path, sheet_name='Sayfa1')

first_experiment = data['birinci deney'].dropna().values

second_experiment = data['ikinci deney'].dropna().values

third_experiment = data['üçüncü deney'].dropna().values

fourth_experiment = data['dördüncü deney'].dropna().values

def plot_control_charts(experiment_data, experiment_name):

subgroup_size = 5
subgroups = [experiment_data[i:i + subgroup_size] for i in range(0,

len(experiment_data), subgroup_size)]

x_bar = [group.mean() for group in subgroups]

r = [group.max() - group.min() for group in subgroups]

x_bar_bar = sum(x_bar) / len(x_bar)

r_bar = sum(r) / len(r)

A2 = 0.577

D3 = 0

D4 = 2.114

ucl_x_bar = x_bar_bar + A2 * r_bar

lcl_x_bar = x_bar_bar - A2 * r_bar

ucl_r = D4 * r_bar

lcl_r = D3 * r_bar

control_chart_data = pd.DataFrame({

'Subgroup': range(1, len(x_bar) + 1),

'X-bar': x_bar,

'R': r,

'UCL X-bar': ucl_x_bar,

'LCL X-bar': lcl_x_bar,

'Center Line X-bar': x_bar_bar,

'UCL R': ucl_r,

'LCL R': lcl_r,

'Center Line R': r_bar


plt.figure(figsize=(12, 6))

plt.plot(control_chart_data['Subgroup'], control_chart_data['X-bar'], marker='o',

linestyle='-', color='b', label='X-bar')

plt.axhline(y=ucl_x_bar, color='r', linestyle='--', label='UCL')

plt.axhline(y=lcl_x_bar, color='r', linestyle='--', label='LCL')

plt.axhline(y=x_bar_bar, color='g', linestyle='-', label='Center Line')

plt.title(f'X-bar Chart for {experiment_name}')






plt.figure(figsize=(12, 6))

plt.plot(control_chart_data['Subgroup'], control_chart_data['R'], marker='o',

linestyle='-', color='b', label='R')

plt.axhline(y=ucl_r, color='r', linestyle='--', label='UCL')

plt.axhline(y=lcl_r, color='r', linestyle='--', label='LCL')

plt.axhline(y=r_bar, color='g', linestyle='-', label='Center Line')

plt.title(f'R Chart for {experiment_name}')





plot_control_charts(first_experiment, 'First Experiment')

plot_control_charts(second_experiment, 'Second Experiment')

plot_control_charts(third_experiment, 'Third Experiment')

plot_control_charts(fourth_experiment, 'Fourth Experiment')

The provided Python code is designed to analyze experimental data by generating control

charts, which help in understanding the stability and variability of the process. Initially, the code

imports necessary libraries, loads the data from an Excel file into a DataFrame, and extracts

relevant data for each experiment while cleaning any missing values. The core functionality of

the code is encapsulated in a function that divides the data into subgroups, calculates the mean

(X-bar) and range (R) for each subgroup, and computes control limits using statistical constants.

These control limits are then used to generate X-bar and R charts, which visually represent the

process stability and variability.

By calling this function for each of the four experiments, the code produces control charts

that allow for a comprehensive analysis of the process performance. These charts highlight

patterns, outliers, and overall process behavior, helping to identify the most stable and consistent

process. The analysis revealed that the first experiment demonstrated the highest stability and

consistency, making it the best-performing experiment among the four. This systematic approach

to data analysis and visualization is crucial for understanding and improving process quality.
First Experiment

The first experiment consists of 101 shots. The shots are grouped into subgroups of size

5, and the mean (X-bar) and range (R) for each subgroup are calculated. The control limits for

the X-bar and R charts are then computed using the constants 𝐴2, 𝐷3, and 𝐷4.

The X-bar chart shows that all subgroup means are within the control limits, indicating a

stable process. The process average (center line) is consistent with minimal variation.

The range chart indicates that the process variability is within control limits, suggesting

consistent performance across subgroups.

Second Experiment.

The second experiment consists of 51 shots. The same methodology is applied to

calculate the means and ranges for subgroups of size 5 and to compute the control limits.

The X-bar chart shows that most of the subgroup means are within the control limits, but

some points are near the control limits, indicating potential shifts in the process mean.

The range chart indicates that the process variability is within control limits, but there is

more variability compared to the first experiment

Third Experiment

The third experiment also consists of 51 shots. The same calculations are performed for

the X-bar and R charts.

The X-bar chart shows that some points are near the control limits, indicating increased

variability in the process mean. The process is still within control limits but shows signs of

The range chart indicates higher variability compared to the first and second experiments,

suggesting that the process is less consistent.

Forth Experiment

The fourth experiment also consists of 51 shots. The calculations for the X-bar and R

charts are performed as described..

The X-bar chart shows that most subgroup means are within control limits, but there are

signs of shifts and trends, indicating that changes in distance and tension have affected the

The range chart indicates that the process variability is within control limits but shows

more variability than the first experiment.


Based on the analysis of control charts and process performance, the first experiment is

selected as the best experiment due to its stable and consistent results. The first experiment's

shots are more accurate and exhibit less variability, making it the most reliable process among

the four experiments.

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