Synthesis andphotoluminescencepropertiesofNaPbB5O9Dy3þ

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Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 75 (2014) 1210–1216

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Synthesis and photoluminescence properties of NaPbB5O9:Dy3 þ

phosphor materials for white light applications
D. Rajesh, M. Dhamodhara Naidu, Y.C. Ratnakaram n
Department of Physics, Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupati-517502, India

art ic l e i nf o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Given the recent increased interest in phosphor materials and their applications, we analyzed a new
Received 18 January 2014 NaPbB5O9:Dy3 þ phosphor material with different concentrations of Dy3 þ . In particular, we investigated
Received in revised form the crystal structure, morphology, and luminescence properties of these materials. X-ray diffraction
17 April 2014
analyses confirmed the formation of NaPbB5O9:Dy3 þ phosphor powder. The functional groups present in
Accepted 5 May 2014
Available online 10 June 2014
the phosphor materials were examined by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. Scanning electron
microscope images showed that the size of the grains was in the micrometer range. Photoluminescence
Keywords: spectra were recorded at different excitation wavelengths for the phosphor materials and we analyzed
A. Inorganic compounds the variation in the intensity of the emission bands with different concentrations of Dy3 þ ions. The color
C. X-ray diffraction
co-ordinates were calculated and used to characterize the color of the phosphor. We found that the
D. Luminescence
emission colors of the Dy3 þ -doped NaPbB5O9 powders depended on the Dy3 þ ion doping concentration
D. Optical properties
and the excitation wavelength.
& 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction Dy3 þ ion has been investigated as an activator ion in phosphors

using many hosts, such as aluminates, phosphates, and silicates,
Research into phosphor materials is immensely important because Dy3 þ plays an important role in the production of white
because of their use in emerging technologies such as lamps, field light luminescent materials. The Dy3 þ ion exhibits two dominant
emission displays, solid state lighting (SSL), and plasma display bands in the emission spectrum, i.e., yellow and blue bands, where
panels. In recent years, white light-emitting diodes (LEDs) have the yellow band corresponds to the hypersensitive transition of
become the preferred replacement for conventional incandescent F9/2-6H13/2 and the blue band corresponds to the 4F9/2-6H15/2
and fluorescent lamps, because of their many advantages, i.e., they transition. Using an appropriate combination of Dy3 þ -doped materi-
are low cost, environmentally friendly, energy-saving, and have als, the blue and yellow colored light emissions can produce white
good electrochemical performance. At present, two popular meth- light. Therefore, different host materials doped with Dy3 þ ion might
ods are used to produce white LEDs: in one, a blue chip is be used for producing white light emissions [11–14].
combined with a yellow-emitting phosphor (YAG:Ce3 þ ); and the In the present study, we synthesized NaPbB5O9:Dy3 þ phosphor
other uses red, green, and blue phosphors to convert the radiation with different Dy3 þ concentrations using the solid state reaction
of near UV–LED chips [1,2]. In the latter three-converter system, method. We investigated their crystal structure, morphology,
the blue emission efficiency is poor because of the strong reab- structural, thermal, and luminescence properties in detail based
sorption of blue light by the red or green-emitting phosphors [3]. on X-ray diffraction (XRD) profiles, scanning electron microscopy
Thus, great efforts are being made to develop single-phase white- (SEM), energy dispersive spectra (EDS), thermal conductivity-
emitting phosphors for white LEDs. differential scanning calorimeter (TG-DTA), Fourier transform
Recent research into new optical materials has become a hot issue infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, and photoluminescence spectra.
in the development of white LEDs. Many phosphors have been
reported, including silicates, borates, aluminates, sulfides, molyb-
dates, and oxynitrides/nitrides [4–8]. Recently, borate materials have 2. Experimental details
attracted much attention because of their optical transparency, facile
shaping, low melting point, and cost-effective properties [9,10]. The 2.1. Sample preparation

Corresponding author. Tel.: þ 91 9440751615. The samples of NaPb(1  x)B5O9:Dy3 þ x (where x ¼ 0.01, 0.02,
E-mail address: [email protected] (Y.C. Ratnakaram). 0.04, and 0.06 ) were synthesized using the conventional solid
0022-3697/& 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
D. Rajesh et al. / Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 75 (2014) 1210–1216 1211

state reaction method. These samples are represented as NPBDy1, 10H3BO3 þ 2PbO þNa2CO3-2NaPbB5O9 þ 15H2O↑þ CO2↑
NPBDy2, NPBDy4, and NPBDy6 for Dy3 þ concentrations of 0.01,
0.02, 0.04, and 0.06, respectively. The raw materials were pure
analytical grade materials. Na2CO3 (99.9%), PbO (99.9%), H3BO3, 2.2. Characterization
and Dy2O3 (99.9%) were used as the starting materials. First,
stoichiometric amounts of the high purity raw materials were The XRD profiles of all the concentrations of Dy3 þ -doped
ground well in an agate mortar and the required amount of phosphor powders were analyzed using an INEL C120 diffractometer
acetone was added to obtain a homogeneous mixture. Next, 5 g with Co-Kα radiation at scanning steps of 0.011 in the 2θ range from
of each mixture was placed in a silica crucible and it was 101 to 801. SEM images and EDS were obtained using a Carl Zeiss
transferred into an electrical furnace. The mixture was heated to EVO-MA15 SEM. Simultaneous measurements of TGA and DTA were
500 1C and kept at this temperature for 2 h to allow water and performed using a NetZsch STA 409 at a heating rate of 10 1C/min
carbon dioxide vapors to evaporate. After grinding again, the with N2 as the purging gas. The FTIR spectra of the samples were
powder was heated to 630 1C and kept at this temperature for recorded in the range of 400–3000 cm  1 using a Perkin Elmer
10 h, with several intermediate grindings. Finally, gritty light Spectrum1 FTIR spectrophotometer. The excitation, visible lumines-
yellow solids were obtained, which were ground to obtain the cence, and decay curves were recorded using a JOBIN YVON Flurolog-
powdered phosphor. The chemical reaction was as follows. 3 spectrofluorometer equipped with a 450 W xenon lamp. All of the
spectral measurements were obtained at room temperature.

3. Results and discussion

3.1. XRD and morphology of NaPbB5O9

The structure of NaPbB5O9 powder was studied and reported

previously by Zhang et al. [15], which shows that NaPbB5O9 has a
monoclinic structure with a space group of P21/c and the cell
parameters are: a ¼ 6.5324 Å, b ¼ 13.0234 Å, c ¼ 8.5838 Å, β ¼
104.9711, and Z ¼ 4. Fig. 1 shows the XRD patterns of un-doped and
Dy3 þ -doped NaPbB5O9 phosphor materials. The XRD patterns did
not indicate the presence of constituents such as Na2CO3, PbO,
H3BO3, and other possible phases, which demonstrated the forma-
tion of the compound desired. These results indicate that the final
product had a crystalline and homogeneous form. The XRD profiles
of this compound agreed well with the XRD profiles of the same
compound reported by Zhang et al. [15]. Fig. 1 shows that the peak
positions did not change with the Dy3 þ ion concentration. Thus,
these results show that the crystal structure of the phosphors did not
Fig. 1. XRD profiles of NaPbB5O9:Dy3 þ phosphors with different concentrations of change, although Dy3 þ occupied Pb2 þ sites because the ionic radius
Dy3 þ . of Pb2 þ closely matches the ionic radius of Dy3 þ .

Fig. 2. SEM images of NaPbB5O9:Dy3 þ phosphors with different concentrations of Dy3 þ (a ¼ 0.01, b ¼ 0.02, c ¼ 0.04, and d ¼ 0.06).
1212 D. Rajesh et al. / Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 75 (2014) 1210–1216

Fig. 3. EDS spectra of (a) NaPbB5O9 and (b) NaPbB5O9:Dy3 þ 0.04 phosphors.

Fig. 2 shows SEM images of NaPbB5O9:Dy3 þ powder phosphor weight loss from the sample occurred in two steps between 37 1C
with different concentrations. The size distribution of the phos- and 400 1C. The first weight loss occurred between 37 1C and
phor significantly affects its application in LEDs. The morphology 130 1C, which was attributable to the decomposition of the organic
was formed via aggregation and it was irregular. Fig. 2 shows that compounds used during the grinding of the chemicals and the
the average size of the grains was in the micrometer range, thus it decomposition of hydroxide [16], where the observed weight loss
was suitable for fabricating the SSL devices. The EDS results for un- was 5.4%. The second weight loss occurred at 130–310 1C, which
doped and 0.04 Dy3 þ -doped NaPbB5O9 powders are shown in was attributable to the conversion of boric acid (H3BO3) into
Fig. 3a and b, respectively, which clearly demonstrate that the metaboric acid (HBO2), followed by metaboric acid into tetraboric
product comprised Na, Pb, O, and Dy elements. acid or pyroborate acid. The observed weight loss was estimated as
14.24%. The DTA curve of the NaPbB5O9 powder sample exhibits
3.2. TG-DTA analysis one sharp exothermic peak at 140 1C, which is attributable to the
short range order and partial melting of a small percentage of the
The TG-DTA profiles of the NaPbB5O9 precursor samples that impurity phase [17]. The exothermic peak at 507 1C may be related
we prepared are shown in Fig. 4. According to the TG profile, the to the formation of NaPbB5O9 powder. The DTA curve exhibits one
D. Rajesh et al. / Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 75 (2014) 1210–1216 1213

Fig. 4. TG-DTA profiles of the NaPbB5O9 precursor powder.

Fig. 6. Excitation spectra of NaPbB5O9Dy3 þ 0.04 phosphor.

Fig. 5. FTIR spectra of NaPbB5O9 powder sample.

endothermic peak at 760 1C, which is related to the melting

temperature of the NaPbB5O9 powder sample.

3.3. FTIR spectra analysis

The FTIR spectrum of the NaPbB5O9 powder sample is shown in

Fig. 5. The vibrational modes of borate exhibit three regions in the
infrared spectral region. The first region band at 1200–1600 cm  1 is
due to the asymmetric stretching of relaxation of the B-O bond of
trigonal BO3 units. The second region band at 800–1200 cm  1 is due
to the B-O bond stretching of tetrahedral BO4 units. Finally, the third
region bands at 600–800 cm  1 originate from the bending vibrations
of B-O-B linkages in the borate network [18,19]. Fig. 5 shows the
eight well-defined bands observed at  550,  681,  720,  825,
1020,  1180,  1239, and  1468 cm  1. The absorption band at
550 cm  1 might be due to Na-O and Pb-O vibrations. The bands
located at  681,  720, and  825 cm  1 are due to vibrations of
different borate groups [18]. The band located at  1020 cm  1 is
attributable to the stretching vibrations of B-O in BO4 units from tri-,
tetra-, and pentaborate groups [19]. At  1180 cm  1, the spectrum
contains a band attributable to the symmetric stretching vibrations of
terminal B-O bonds in pyroborate groups [20]. The band at
1239 cm  1 is attributable to the asymmetric stretching vibrations Fig. 7. Emission spectra of NaPbB5O9:Dy3 þ phosphor with different concentrations
of O  -B bonds from orthoborate groups [21]. The band at of Dy3 þ .
1214 D. Rajesh et al. / Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 75 (2014) 1210–1216

1468 cm  1 is attributable to the stretching of B-O in metaborate decreasing with further increases in the concentration of Dy3 þ .
rings and chains [22,23]. The quenching of the intensities increased the peaks as the Dy3 þ
concentration elevated because of the increase in non-radiative
3.4. Luminescence properties and color co-ordinates energy transfer due to cross-relaxation and the resonant energy
channels. Fig. 8 shows the energy level diagram, which indicates
Fig. 6 shows the photoluminescence excitation (PLE) spectrum the possible resonant energy transfer and cross-relaxation chan-
of the NaPb0.96B5O9:Dy3 þ 0.04 powder obtained by monitoring nels of NaPb0.96B5O9:Dy3 þ 0.04 phosphor. The emission spectra of
the 4F9/2-6H13/2 (570 nm) emissions of Dy3 þ . In Fig. 6, a series of NaPb0.96B5O9:Dy3 þ 0.04 phosphors with different excitation wave-
narrow peaks are present at the wavelengths longer than 330 nm, lengths are also shown in Fig. 9, where the intensity of the
which may be attributed to the f-f transitions of Dy3 þ ions. The emission peaks was higher with the 387 nm and lower with the
most intense excitation peak located at 387 nm corresponds to the 423 nm excitation wavelengths. The variation in the excitation
H15/2-4I13/2 þ 4F7/2 transition. The other excitation peaks in the wavelength significantly reduced the effects of traps on the
spectrum at 348, 362, 423, and 450 nm are induced by
H15/2-4M7/2 þ 6P7/2, 6H15/2-4I11/2, 6H15/2-4G11/2, and 6H15/2-4I15/2
transitions, respectively [24]. The most intense of these transitions, i.e.,
H15/2-4M7/2 þ 6P7/2, was selected to measure the emission spectra.
The PLE spectra of NaPb(1 x)B5O9:Dy3þ , where x ¼ 0.01, 0.02, 0.04,
and 0.06, which were excited at 387 nm, are shown in Fig. 7. The
radiation at 387 nm excited the Dy3þ ions to the 4I13/2 level, from
which they relaxed rapidly and non-radiatively to populate the 4F9/2
level. Radiative emission occursred from the upper 4F9/2 level to
different lower levels. Fig. 7 shows that the three emission lines at
485, 581, and 667 nm correspond to the transitions4F9/2-6H15/2,
F9/2-6H13/2, and 4F9/2-6H11/2, respectively, where the 4F9/2-6H15/2
(blue) transition has the highest intensity. The 4F9/2-6H11/2 (Red)
transition has a lower intensity and the 4F9/2-6H13/2 (yellow) transi-
tion has a moderate intensity. The observed band positions and their
assignments were taken from a previous study [25]. Similar broad-
band PLE blue emissions have been reported for Gd3Ga5O12 host
materials [26]. The integral intensity of the blue emission was stronger
than that of the yellow emission. This spectral property of Dy3 þ
provides some information about the sites occupied by Dy3þ in the
host lattice. In particular, the 4F9/2-6H13/2 yellow emission of Dy3þ is
a hypersensitive transition and it is affected strongly by the crystal-
field environment [27,28]. When the Dy3þ ion is located at a low
symmetry local site without an inversion center, the yellow emission
often dominates the emission spectrum. The blue emission (4F9/
6 3þ
2- H15/2) is stronger than the yellow emission when Dy is located
at a higher symmetry local site with an inversion center [29]. In the
present study, the blue emission band was more intense band than
the yellow emission band. Therefore, the Dy3þ ions were located at a
higher symmetry local site with an inversion center.
According to the PLE spectra, the intensity of the emission Fig. 9. Emission spectra of NaPbB5O9Dy3 þ 0.04 phosphor at different excitation
peaks increased with the concentration of Dy3 þ up to 0.04 after wavelengths.

Fig. 8. Energy level diagram showing the resonant and cross-relaxation channels of Dy3 þ ions in the NaPbB5O9Dy3 þ 0.04 phosphor.
D. Rajesh et al. / Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 75 (2014) 1210–1216 1215

emission spectra and the 4F9/2-6H15/2 emission transition was

broadened slightly because of the multiple Stark levels of the 4F9/2
and 6HJ levels [30]. Each Stark level is doubly degenerate and each
manifold splits into Jþ1/2 Stark levels due to the crystal field
around the Dy3 þ environment in the host lattice [31]. The color
co-ordinates of all the emission spectra of the NaPbB5O9:Dy3 þ
phosphors with different excitation wavelengths were calculated
using the International Commission on Illumination (CIE) 1931
color matching functions [32]. Table 1 shows the color co-
ordinates of the phosphors at all excitation levels.
Table 1 demonstrates that the color co-ordinates of all the
phosphors (except NaPb0.99B5O9:Dy3 þ 0.01 at an excitation wave-
length of 348 nm) were present in the white light region at
excitation wavelengths of 348 and 387 nm, as also shown in
Fig. 10. At the remaining excitation wavelengths, the color co-
ordinates of all the phosphors were in the yellow region and they
are not shown in Fig. 10. Thus, NaPb0.98B5O9:Dy3 þ 0.02,
NaPb0.96B5O9:Dy3 þ 0.04, and NaPb0.94B5O9:Dy3 þ 0.06 phosphors
are highly reliable for obtaining white emissions at excitation
wavelengths of 348 and 387 nm. The point of white light region
obtained with NaPbB5O9:Dy3 þ phosphor can also be made to
coincide with pure white light by varying the excitation wavelength.

3.5. Decay curve analysis

Fig. 10. Chromaticity diagram of Dy3 þ -doped NaPbB5O9 powder phosphor.
The photoluminescence decay curves of the NaPb(1  x)B5O9:
Dy3 þ (x ¼ 0.01, 0.02, 0.04, and 0.06) phosphors were measured at
an excitation wavelength of 387 nm and monitored at a wave-
length of 577 nm, as shown in Fig. 11. All of the decay curves
deviated slightly from a single exponential rule. They could be
fitted well by a second-order exponential equation even for the
samples with much lower doping concentrations. These decay
curves are characteristic of quenching by direct transfer [33]:
t t
IðtÞ ¼ I 0 þ A1 exp þ A2 exp ð2Þ
τ1 τ2

where I is the luminescence intensity, A1 and A2 are constants, t is

time, and τ1 and τ2 are the rapid and slow lifetimes for the
exponential components, respectively. The decay lifetime was
calculated using the following formulae for all decay curves.

A1 τ1 2 þ A2 τ2 2
τ¼ ð3Þ
A1 τ1 þ A2 τ2
The experimental lifetimes were 689, 349, 219, and 130 μs for
NaPb(1  x)B5O9:Dy3 þ x, where x ¼ 0.01, 0.02, 0.04, and 0.06,
respectively. This shows clearly that the lifetimes decreased with
Fig. 11. Decay curves of NaPbB5O9:Dy3 þ phosphors with different concentrations
the increase in the concentration of Dy3 þ ions. This was due of Dy3 þ ions.
mainly to increased energy transfer between Dy3 þ ions via non-
radiative processes.
To determine the interaction responsible for non-radiative
relaxation, the decay curves were analyzed using the direct energy model [34]:
transfer based on the well-known Inokuti-Hirayama (I-H)
"       3=S #
IðtÞ t C 3 t
¼ exp   Γ 1 ð4Þ
I0 τ0 C0 S S0
Table 1
Color co-ordinate values of NaPbB5O9:Dy3 þ phosphors at different excitation where τ0 is the radiative lifetime of an isolated excited ion, Γ(1  3/
wavelengths. s) is Euler's gamma function, C is the acceptor ion concentration,
C0 is the critical concentration defined as 3/(4πR30), and S is the
Excitation Chromaticity co-ordinates (x, y)
wavelength (nm)
multiple interaction parameter. The value of Γ(1  3/s) was equal to
0.01 0.02 0.04 0.06 1.77 for dipole-dipole (S ¼ 6), 1.43 for dipole-quadrupole (S ¼ 8),
and 1.30 for quadrupole-quaraupole (S ¼ 10) interaction. All of the
348 (0.19, 0.20) (0.28, 0.29) (0.32, 0.34) (0.31, 0.32) decay curves were fitted for S ¼ 6 in the I-H model and they are
387 (0.26, 0.33) (0.33, 0.36) (0.32, 0.35) (0.31, 0.32)
shown as insets in Fig. 11 for the lower concentration (0.01). These
423 (0.35, 0.39) (0.38, 0.42) (0.38, 0.41) (0.37, 0.41)
450 0.36, 0.51) (0.42, 0.46) (0.44, 0.47) (0.44, 0.46) results indicate that non-radiative transitions occurred between
Dy3 þ ions via dipole-dipole interactions.
1216 D. Rajesh et al. / Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 75 (2014) 1210–1216

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