Special Notice: Anodyne Electronics Manufacturing Corp
Special Notice: Anodyne Electronics Manufacturing Corp
Special Notice: Anodyne Electronics Manufacturing Corp
This product is now licensed to Anodyne Electronics Manufacturing (AEM) from Northern
Airborne Technology (NAT). AEM is responsible for all matters related to this product, including
sales, support and repair services.
Please note the transition to convert product manuals and supporting documentation is an
ongoing process and is being addressed on an ‘as needed’ basis.
All references to NAT product part numbers (and associated images) are equivalent to AEM
product part numbers.
Contact info:
Anodyne Electronics Manufacturing Corp.
#15-1925 Kirschner Road
Kelowna B.C. Canada
V1Y 4N7
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.aem-corp.com
The status of this installation and operation manual is controlled by issue shown on the title page. The
status of each section is controlled by revision shown in the footer of each page. All revisions affecting
sections of this manual have been incorporated into the latest issue.
Table of Contents
1.0 Description
2.0 Installation
3.0 Operation
1.1 Introduction
This manual contains information on the AA31-001 and AA31-002 ICS Mode Controllers. All derivative
products will be covered by manual supplements, which can be obtained from AEM as required.
Information in this section consists of purpose of equipment, features and specifications.
The AA31 ICS Mode Controller provides a convenient, centralized method of organizing the aircraft audio
system into multiple intercom circuits for independent or common operation. This function is especially
valuable for EMS and law enforcement applications, where several independent operations occur within the
aircraft that often require isolation from each other, while retaining the ability to share common communication.
The AA31 can provide ICS switching for three or four AEM Audio Controllers, or other AEM products
incorporating an ICS TIE LINE. The AA31 also has provisions for driving external annunciators and interfacing
for ICS Calling.
1.3 Features
Front panel annunciators provide positive indication of the ICS mode selection. The LED on the right of
the ICS Function Knob lights green to indicate ICS Function is ALL COMMON. The LED on the left of the
ICS Function Knob lights amber to indicate that any of the ICS functions are in the ISO (isolated) position.
The AA31 has four annunciator outputs, one output for each ICS Function. The outputs on the AA31-002
can drive the Isolated Warning inputs on an AEM Audio Controller. The outputs on the AA31-001 and
AA31-002 can drive external lamps.
The AA31 provides load matching so that the ICS Levels will not change as the ICS Function is changed.
When the AA31 isolates an Audio Controller’s ICS Tie Line, it connects a resistor, equal to the load of the
ICS Tie Line, in place of the isolated Audio Controller.
The REAR CALL annunciators illuminate when a rear call signal is activated.
ICS Function switching is a passive circuit, so it will continue to operate with no power to the AA31. The
annunciators and outputs will fail without power.
1.4 Specifications
REAR CALL (left) Amber (dimming)
REAR CALL (right) Amber (dimming)
ISO Amber (dimming)
COMMON Green (dimming)
Input Signals
Quantity 4 ICS Tie Lines
2 Rear Call Lines
Output Signals
Quantity 4 ICS Tie Lines,
2 Rear Call Lines,
4 Mode Annunciator Lines
Circuitry Type Tie Lines are single ended.
ICS Function Outputs (4) All ISO, REAR ISO, PILOT ISO, ALL COMMON.
Shock 6 g for 11 ms
Other variants are available; please contact AEM for further information.
2.1 Introduction
Information in this section consists of: unpacking and inspection procedures, installation procedures,
post-installation checks, and installation drawings.
Unpack the equipment carefully. Inspect the unit visually for damage due to shipping and report all such
claims immediately to the carrier involved. Note that each unit should have the following:
Verify that all items are present before proceeding and report any shortage immediately to your supplier.
2.2.1 Warranty
All Anodyne Electronics Manufacturing Corp. (AEM) products are warranted for 2 years. See the website
www.aem-corp.com/warranty for complete details.
2.3.1 Warnings
Do not bundle any lines from this unit with transmitter coax lines. Do not bundle any logic, audio, or DC
power lines from this unit with 400 Hz synchro wiring or AC power lines. Do not position this unit next to
any device with a strong alternating magnetic field such as an inverter, or significant audio interference
will result.
2.3.2 Cautions
In all installations, use shielded cable exactly as shown and ground as indicated. Significant problems
may result from not following these guidelines.
All unshielded wire shall be selected in accordance with AC43.13-1B Change 1, Paragraphs 11-76
through 11-78. Wire types should be to MIL-W-22759 as specified in AC43.13-1B Change 1, Paragraphs
11-85, 11-86, and listed in Table 11-11. For shielded wire applications, use Tefzel MIL-C-27500 shielded
wire with solder sleeves (for shield terminations) to make the most compact and easily terminated
interconnect. Follow the wiring diagrams in Section 2.6 as required.
Allow 3 inches from the end of the wire to the shield termination to allow the hood to be easily installed.
Note that the hood is a ‘clamshell’ hood, and is installed after the wiring is complete.
All wiring should be at least 22 AWG, except power and ground lines, which should be at least 20 AWG.
Ensure that all ground connections are clean and well secured.
2.3.4 Notes
All Audio Controllers used with the AA31 must have the ICS Tie and Gain Modifications installed. This
will only be a concern on Audio Controllers prior to s/n 1918.
Power for the AA31 may be sourced from a dedicated ½ Amp protection device, or from the protection
device that provides power to the primary Audio Controller. Observe proper wire size selection in the
case of the latter.
Any Audio Controllers wired as 'Rear' Controllers have their ICS tie lines permanently connected together.
The Rear Call Switches are generally momentary, push button switches that are used to activate the ICS
Call LED's associated with the AA31. These switches can be individual items supplied by the installing
agency, or an integral part of the Audio Controllers in the aircraft.
The AA31 provides outputs to drive external lamps/annunciators to indicate the position of the ICS
Function Selector switch. These annunciators can be individual items supplied by the installing agency,
or an integral part of the Audio Controllers in the aircraft. In most cases, the various outputs are tied
together at the AA31 and used to drive a single ‘isolated’ annunciator.
If any preset requires adjustment, be sure this is carried out before the aircraft leaves, and that the unit
and its mating connector are secured before departure. Make all required log book entries, electrical
load, weight and balance amendments and other paperwork as required by your local regulatory agency.
Do not attach the AA31 until the following conditions are met.
Power up the audio system with the AA31 installed. Verify that the ISO (amber) and COMMON (green)
LEDs light as the ICS Function Knob is rotated from the ALL COMMON position to the isolated positions.
Verify that the ICS Function Outputs are correctly driving their external annunciators, if installed.
Ensure that the REAR CALL annunciators on the front panel of the AA31 are operating correctly if
external switches for this function are installed.
Check that turning on the panel lights will backlight the AA31 faceplate and will dim the faceplate
Verify that ICS Audio is being switched between Audio Controllers as the ICS Function Knob is rotated.
Ensure that the ICS Audio level is consistent at each Audio Controller as the ICS function knob is rotated.
Upon satisfactory completion of all performance checks, make the required log entries and
complete the necessary Regulatory Agency paperwork before releasing the aircraft for service.
Maintenance of the AA31 is ‘on condition’ only. Periodic maintenance of this product is not required.
Installation kit p/n AA31-IKC (crimp) is required to complete the installation. The kit consists of the
* Use as required.
Dec 21/11
21 Dec. 11
4.90 124.5
2.46 62.5 EST.
1.81 46 EST.
2.80 71.1
0.95±0.02 24.1±0.5
3.1 Introduction
Information in this section consists of the functional and operational procedures for the AA31 ICS Mode
3.2 General
The AA31 ICS Mode Controller provides a convenient, centralized method of organizing the aircraft audio
system into multiple intercom circuits for independent or common operation. This function is especially
valuable for EMS and law enforcement applications, where several independent operations occur within
the aircraft that often require isolation from each other, while retaining the ability to share common
The Intercom Function selector is a rotary 4-position switch that is used to select ‘talk groups’ for intercom
Selecting ALL ISO isolates all ICS positions from each other. The ICS tie lines of the Pilot Audio Controller, Co-
pilot Audio Controller, and the Rear Audio Controller(s) are not connected, but the ICS tie lines of both Rear
Audio Controllers remain connected together.
Selecting PILOT ISO isolates the pilot from all other positions. The Pilot Audio Controller is not connected
to the ICS tie line of any other Audio Controller, but the ICS tie line of the Co-pilot Audio Controller is
connected to the ICS tie line of the Rear Audio Controller(s).
Selecting REAR ISO isolates the Pilot and Co-pilot from the Rear position(s). The ICS tie lines of the Pilot
and Co-pilot Audio Controllers are connected together, but there is no connection between the Front (Pilot
or Co-pilot) and Rear Audio Controller(s).
Selecting ALL COMMON connects all ICS positions to each other. All Audio Controller ICS tie lines are
connected together.
3.3.2 Annunciators
The annunciators are LEDs that illuminate to indicate the current call or isolation status of the unit.
The REAR CALL left annunciator illuminates amber when a REAR CALL LEFT signal is activated.
The ISO Annunciator illuminates amber when any ICS ‘Isolate’ condition (ALL ISO, PILOT ISO or REAR
ISO) is selected on the intercom function selector.
The ALL COMMON annunciator illuminates green when ALL COMMON (no isolation) is selected on the
intercom function selector.
The REAR CALL right annunciator illuminates amber when a REAR CALL RIGHT signal is activated.