Srisha Resume

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Sirapurapu Shirisha

[email protected]

● Around 8 years of IT professional experience in all phases of Software Development life cycle (SDLC) including requirement Analysis,
Design, Development, Debugging, Deployment and Testing of various Web based and client/server N-tier applications using Java, J2EE
 Experience in Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC), Rational Unified Process (RUP), AGILE methodologies like SCRUM, Test Driven
Development (TTD), Incremental and Iteration methodology, Agile Development & Testing using Software Development Life Cycle and
Enterprise Java Beans.
● Hands on experience as Java/AWS developer in various technical and functional areas of J2EE Technologies core java, Multi-threading
(Executor framework), Servlets2.1/1.2, DAO layer, REST API, SOAP, Springcore, Spring AOP, Spring JDBC, Spring Security, JMS
(Java Microservices), Spring MVC and Hibernate (ORM)
● Experience in the developing User Interface (UI) SOAP Applications and professional web applications using HTML 4.0/5, CSS3,
JavaScript, AngularJS, jQuery, JSF, React JS, NodeJS, AJAX, JSON, XHTML and XML
● Expertise in developing reusable components for cross cutting concerns like Logging, Memory Leak management, Transaction
management, Class loading and Testing framework using Log4j, Ant, Maven and JUnit to increase productivity, easy maintenance and to
retain software quality.
● Designed and developed multiple Java 8 Model 2 MVC-based Web Applications using Technologies and popular open-source framework
Struts Framework, Spring MVC, Spring5/4, ORM Hibernate Framework.
● Experience in Web Services using SOAP, Restful, WSDL, HTML, XML, JAXB, XSD, SAX and DOM parsers working Knowledge of other
programming languages like C, and Markup Languages like XML, HTML
● Hands on experience on front-end technologies such as HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, Struts tag libraries, AJAX, JSON, XML, XSLT, AngularJS,
Angular6/7/10, jQuery, ReactJS and Bootstrap frameworks
● Expertise in Distributed and Web environments, focused on JAVA Technologies -Java collections, Threads, J2SE, JDBC, Struts, Spring,
Spring Boot, Hibernate Framework.
● Experience of Working on Microsoft Azure using Azure VM’s and app services for running of instances, Azure cosmos and Sql for storage
of data, App insights for creating alerts and monitor API calls
● Designing and developing Microservices architecture applications and experience in handling messaging services using Apache Kafka

● Expertise in Scala and Experience building Spark applications using Scala.

● Experience on DevOps tools, CI/CD and AWS Cloud Architecture in database modeling and development using No SQL Database such as
Mongo DB and Cassandra.
● Implemented AWS solutions using EC2, S3, RDS, EBS, Elastic Load Balancer, Auto-scaling groups and used AWS SDK to connect with
Amazon SQS for bulk email processing.
● Extensively Used Jenkins as Continuous Integration tools to deploy the Spring Boot Microservices to Pivotal Cloud Foundry (PCF) using
build pack JMS API for asynchronous communication by putting the messages in the Message queue.
● Worked in TDD and version management tools GitHub, SVN. Experienced in working with methodologies like Agile, Scrum, Iterative and
Waterfall approaches.
● Experience in cloud services using Amazon Web Services AWS and Google Cloud Platform (GCP).

● Tracked GCP (Google Cloud Platform) traffic for error-handling and troubleshooting scenarios.

● Closely worked with the GCP API team to understand the REST contract between FES and API team and architectural design patterns
being followed (E.g., Strangler, Split-traffic).
● Expertise in Docker container and its configuration based on requirement, maintaining the Docker hub for container images.

● Possessing good interpersonal skills apply Kubernetes in coordinating various teams like development team, QA team and support team
as required.
● Created a responsive web offer wall so that it could be integrated with any iOS/Android app via a web view, project was created with
Google Cloud and PHP.
● Extensive experience in Programming, Development, Configuration, Fine-Tuning and administrating middle-tier popular J2EE Application
Servers like IBM Web Sphere 7.0, BEA Web Logic and Open Source JBOSS 6 & 7 and Apache Tomcat 6.0.
● Worked on Mocking frameworks like using Karma, Jasmine and Protractor on experience with Test Mockito, Junit and Log4j in
developing test cases and determining application functionality.
● Building and Deployment of EAR, WAR, JAR files on test, stage and production servers.

Languages C, C++, Java 1.5/1.7/1.8, Python3.6.0, PL/SQL

J2EE Technologies JSP, Servlets, Struts 1&2, Spring4/5, Spring MVC, Spring Boot, EJB, Hibernate 3.x, JSTL, JMS, Log4j,
JDBC, Java Beans, JAX-RS, JAX-WS, Golang
Web Services SOAP, REST, REST API, Apache CXF
Application/Web Servers Apache Tomcat 9.x, J-Boss, WebLogic, WebSphere, Apache Kafka, Spark
Methodologies Agile, Scrum, J2EE Design Patterns
Built Tools Jenkins, Docker, Kubernetes, Spark, CI/CD, Azure, Google cloud, PCF
Web Technologies HTML5, AJAX, XML, Json, jQuery, Java Script ES6, CSS3, AngularJS, Angular6/7/10, Node JS, ReactJS,
IDE Tools Eclipse and Net Beans
Databases/API Oracle, SQL, PL SQL, NoSQL, MONGODB, MySQL, MS Access, MS SQL Server, Triggers, View, Criteria
and Toad.
Operating Systems UNIX/Linux, Windows XP/Vista/7/8
Data Modeling Microsoft Visio, Rational Rose and UML Design
Versioning Tools GIT, SVN
Development Tools Ant, Maven, Junit


Walmart Sunnyvale CA Jan 2024 to Present

Java Developer

● Participated in Agile (Scrum) methodology and Involved in Design, development, System Testing and User Acceptance Testing.

● The application is based on Micro Service Oriented Architecture using Angular 4.0 and Cassandra DB and MySQL to develop Single Page
Applications (SPA).
● Used Spring Boot which is radically faster in building cloud Micro Services and develop Spring based application with very less
● Proficient in Java programming language, utilizing its features and libraries to develop robust and scalable applications.

● Experience in developing RESTful APIs and backend services using Java Spring framework.

● Designed and implemented microservices architecture to decompose monolithic applications into smaller, independently deployable
● Utilized Spring Boot to create lightweight, standalone microservice

● Implemented containerization using Docker to package applications and their dependencies.

● Orchestrated containerized applications using Kubernetes, managing deployment, scaling, and maintenance efficiently.

● Utilized Kafka for building real-time streaming data pipelines, enabling asynchronous communication between microservices.

● Implemented Kafka consumers and producers for reliable message processing.

● Implemented data caching using Redis to improve application performance and scalability.

● Utilized Elasticsearch for efficient indexing, searching, and analyzing large volumes of data.

● Implemented Angular 4.0 directives, expressions, routing capabilities for bookmarking, filters, validations and Angular UI components,
Components, ng-Modules, Providers, Services and classes for navigation respectively.
● Worked with Angular CLI and Typescript in Angular 4.0 to create Controllers and Angular components for the Web Pages.

● Optimized performance is achieved by Angular 4 Lazy Loading.

● Applied principles of object-oriented design to create modular, maintainable, and extensible software solutions.

● Designed software components with a focus on encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism.

● Implemented unit tests using JUnit and Mockito to ensure the quality and reliability of code.

● Practiced test-driven development (TDD) to write tests before implementing features.

● CI/CD with GitLab:

● Implemented Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Deployment (CD) pipelines using GitLab.

● Automated build, test, and deployment processes to achieve faster delivery and improved software quality.

● Successfully migrated legacy monolithic applications to microservices architecture, reducing complexity and improving scalability.

● Implemented caching strategies using Redis, resulting in significant performance improvements in data retrieval and processing.

● Designed and implemented resilient and fault-tolerant systems using Kubernetes, ensuring high availability and reliability.

● Improved development workflow efficiency by implementing CI/CD pipelines, reducing manual intervention and deployment errors.

● Contributed to the improvement of code quality and maintainability through rigorous unit testing and adherence to OOD principles.

Environment: Angular 4.0, Node JS, HTML5, CSS3-SASS, Twitter Bootstrap4.0, ES6 JavaScript, React-Axios, AJAX HTTP Service, TypeScript, Spring
boot, JPA, jQuery, OAuth2.0, Apache Kafka, Active MQ, Jenkins, Bamboo, Log4j, MY SQL, Cassandra DB, Elastic search, Redis, NPM, Web pack,
RESTful, EC2, AWS S3, EBS, Elastic Load Balancer, Junit4, Docker, Spock, Karma, Jasmine, Eclipse Java EE IDE.

Apple Inc CA Nov 2021 to Dec 2023

Java Developer


● Responsible for conducting the analysis, articulating the requirements, and designing the application in accordance with J2EE standards.

● Implemented gRPC-based communication protocols for efficient microservices interactions in Java.

● Widespread use of fundamental Java concepts like OOPS, multi-threading, and exception handling.

● Developed the JQuery callback functions to implement asynchronous communication using AJAX. Designed dynamic and browser-
compatible pages using HTML5, DHTML, CSS3, BOOTSTRAP, and JavaScript.
● Collaborated with cross-functional teams for seamless integration of Java and Data Lake technologies

● Integrated Golang libraries and packages into Java applications for specific functionalities

● Developed responsive and dynamic web applications using Angular 9 framework.

● Developed client-side applications using Java and Node.js for server-side rendering.

● Utilized the object relational mapping (ORM) technique of Hibernate to map data representation from the MVC model to the Oracle
Relational data model using a SQL-based scheme.
● Developed Java-based back-end services to support UI functionalities

● Developed Java applications integrating Crystal Reports for dynamic report generation

● Leveraged Java 8 Date and Time API for handling temporal aspects in reports.

● Made a secure Web Deployment by extensively utilizing the Java Collections API in the application as security protection for XML, SOAP,
● Developed and deployed Java applications in AWS GovCloud, ensuring compliance with government regulations.
● Worked on the Java 8 features, including Lambda expressions and the Stream API on Collections, to enhance execution for the secure
batch data flow to downstream systems by utilizing middleware technologies.
● Used Kafka as a message queue in order to implement Java Message Service (JMS) to do asynchronous information exchange over a
secure channel.
● Implemented RESTful APIs in Scala for communication between services.

● Developed backend services using Scala to complement Java-based applications

● Developed robust and scalable backend services using Core Java.

● Conducted versioning and backward compatibility strategies with gRPC services in Java.

● Implemented RESTful APIs for communication between the Java backend and UI

● Developed web pages using Angular Framework and used the extended HTML attributes like directives, other familiar services.

● Built a continuous integration (CI) and continuous deployment (CD) pipeline using Jenkins with GitHub and deployed the applications
using Docker container services.
● Used Spark RDDs and Scala to transform Hive/SQL queries into Spark.

● Implemented microservices in Golang to enhance the scalability and performance of Java applications.

● Developed an ETL streaming framework using Spark, Cassandra, Hadoop, and Hive that is based on Scala and Java.

● Using Spark Streaming APIs to import data from the Kafka Consumer group to the Spark.

● Experienced working with Jenkins, Maven, Ansible, AWS, and Terraform in a CI/CD environment.

● Worked on the Mean Stack from the initial base which includes setting up the MongoDB server (Mongoose Connector) and developing
the Express JS server.
● Used AWS Lambda to store the data into AWS S3 buckets, the drag and drop document is edited using ReactJS in which triggering the
Lambda functions done by AWS Lambda.
● Using Terraform, service accounts were created with the appropriate roles to support the GCP TechStack deployment of services.

● Using IntelliJ IDE, a spring boot app was developed as part of GCP and then deployed to Google APP engine.

● Developed a backend REST API using Node JS, Express JS, and modules to integrate with designs and requirements.

● Used various design patterns, including the MVC and Singleton architectural design patterns of the Spring 5 framework.

● Stayed updated with the latest features and best practices in Data Lake technologies for continuous improvement.

● Implemented security standards for applications using Spring security powered by OAuth and worked on various solution to stop security
issues like XSS, CSRF, CORS
● Used Pivotal Cloud Foundry to host cloud-based applications and to quickly build, deploy, and update those applications. The existing
application was updated with the new features to satisfy the customer using a Microservices architecture and tools like Spring Boot.
● Developed and maintained Java services with gRPC APIs for seamless communication

● Designed and developed responsive UI using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

● Designed and developed the user interface screens, updates to the user access modules, and changes to the data base design.

● Involved in creating Oracle PL/SQL stored procedures, triggers, and views. The delivery of messages to subscribers is coordinated and
managed using AWS.
● Developed JUNIT test cases for web servers. Client-side and server-side validations are carried out in accordance with business

ENVIRONMENT: Java 8, J2EE,JSP, Spring 5.0, Spring MVC, Spring Boot, Microservices, Angular10, AngularJS, SOAP, REST, REST API, JavaScript,
NodeJS, jQuery, Hibernate 3.x, OAuth2.0, Kafka, Spark, Scala, MongoDB, PCF, Docker, ReactJS, Azure, Oracle 10G, XML, AWS, WebLogic9, Eclipse,
SVN, NoSQL, Apache Tomcat 9.x, Maven, Terraform, GCP, Unix, Linux, Shell, Jenkins, Bootstrap, JSF, ActiveMQ and Junit.

Amex San Francisco, CA.

Role: Java Full-Stack Developer Jan 2021 to Sept 2022
 Aided with the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC), which entails developing, design, analysis, testing, and integration of various
client/server and web-based applications in multi-platform environments using Java/J2EE technologies.
 Integrated Golang components into Java applications for specific functionalities and optimizations.
 Implemented data lifecycle management strategies using Java for the Data Lake
 Used the Agile Methodology to develop and implement code using Spring MVC and Hibernate for varying business requirements.
 Accessed and updated database information using Hibernates data access layer and searched for complex data using Hibernate Query
Language (HQL). XML messages are used in representing requests and responses are sent using the SOAP protocol.
 Acquired a thorough understanding of the application's codebase, scripts that are already in place, and documentation for the REST-based
Microservices built with Spring Boot.
 Utilized gRPC interceptors for cross-cutting concerns such as logging and authentication
 Created modular components and services in Angular 9 for code reusability and maintainability.
 Executing complex tasks like text analytics and processing using Scala and Spark's in-memory computing capabilities.
 Asynchronous RESTful Microservices were designed and developed using Spring Boot to integrate Web Service (SOAP/REST) to interact
with multiple master databases.
 Integrated Scala with Java frameworks (e.g., Spring Boot) for seamless interoperability
 Created a multi-module Maven project to integrate Spring 4.0, RestAPI, Cassandra & microservices, and Jenkins for continuous integration.
Used the tools to develop the User Interface Screens for presentation using Bootstrap, JQuery, AJAX, JSP, HTM5L, CSS3, and Java Script.
 Developed RESTAPIs using Spring MVC and Spring Boot, hosted all Microservices on Pivotal Cloud Foundry (PCF), and converted existing
AngularJS controllers and services to Angular6 components for greater responsiveness and decreased dependency.
 Expert in using Docker for Environment provision solution and involved in using ReactJS components, Forms, Events, Keys, Router,
Animations and Flux concept Docker for creating Docker images for launching containers on EC2.
 Developed RESTAPI endpoints for different concepts. For the dependable and asynchronous exchange of important data between various
business applications, use Apache Kafka (Message Queues).
 Implemented Java 8-based reporting solutions for data visualization and analysis. Utilized Express.js with Node.js to build robust and
scalable server applications.
 Utilized Java for implementing data quality checks and validation in the Data Lake
 Developed RESTful APIs using Golang to facilitate communication between Java services and external systems.
 Designed and created complex reports using Crystal Reports Designer.
 Integrated front-end frameworks (e.g., React, Angular) with Java back-end for a seamless UI
 Created Cloud Formation JSON templates in Terraform for Infrastructure as Code and implemented the AWS code pipeline.
 Implementation of the Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Delivery (CD) processes using Jenkins and UNIX Shell scripts to
automate repetitive tasks developed feature file using cucumber Gherkin frameworks to verify these rules.
 Addressed a few path-related issues as the relevant file was being validated, and designed the model bean classes by determining the
attributes required to create the rules.
 Utilized Protocol Buffers to define service contracts and message formats in gRPC
 Developed server-side applications using Java and Express.js framework.
 Integrated RESTful APIs with Angular 9 for seamless data retrieval and updates.
 Created the utility functions and validation functions that are frequently used in GIT commands to merge the branch's code.

ENVIRONMENT: J2EE, Java 1.7, Hibernate, Spring 4.0, Spring Boot, Spring MVC, Docker, Spring Batch, Microservices, Web Service (SOAP/REST),
REST API, JPA, EJB , JSP, JSTL, JSF, JavaScript, ReactJS, Angular JS, Angular 6.0,PCF, HTML, XML, CSS, JUnit, My Eclipse ,Spark, Kafka, WebLogic , SQL
Server, GIT, PCF, MS Vision.

West Agile Labs - San Francisco, CA.

Role: Java Developer May 2020 to Dec 2020

● Use HTML5, CSS3, Angular 8 and NodeJS for content layout and presentation (UI) design.
● Use JavaScript and jQuery for client-side validation and use AJAX for rendering.
● Use the new methods in Java 11 to read and write data.
● Use Spring Boot to implement a design based on the Spring MVC pattern. Use different types of Spring controllers based on business needs.
● Build, create, and use Lambda functions to automatically upload firmware to different locations in Node.js.
● Experience creating Lambda functions in Node.JS.
● We deliver Spring Boot applications in Bamboo and AWS ECS containers.
● Create associative mapping (O/R) using Hibernate 3.0. Code review with Sonar Quber and HP Fortify tools.
● Create an S3 farm for the EC2 instance to store all content, including HTML pages, images, CSS files, and scripts.
● Create various performance metrics and set up reports using CloudWatch and SNS.
● Kubernetes-managed deployment managed by EKS, deploy multiple nodes, and deploy application containers
● Worked with React JS for benchmarking and end-to-end testing for analysis.
● Experience with React JS Components, Forms, Procedures, Buttons, Routers and Redux, Animations and Flux concepts
● Using Spring and LDAP integration.
● Familiarity with Splunk's CIM (Common Information Model) for standardizing and normalizing cross-source data.
● Knowledge of creating and managing Splunk information objects such as abstractions, tags, and event types.
● Powerful troubleshooting capabilities to identify and resolve issues in the Splunk environment and pipeline.
● Join the Splunk community forums and learn about new features and best practices.
● Cloud Platform: Familiarity with cloud platforms such as AWS, Azure or Google Cloud for scalable and flexible application deployment.
● Monitoring and Logging: Expertise in setting up monitoring and logging to monitor application performance.
● RESTful API: Learn to develop and use a RESTful API to facilitate integration of services.
● Microservice Architecture: Understand the microservice architecture that supports the development of modular and decoupled
● Maven/Gradle: Experience in managing Java projects using development automation tools such as Maven or Gradle.
● Responsible for the creation and implementation of the TIBCO EMS architecture throughout the organization.
● Use Hibernate to create model layers and use its extensive API to perform CRUD operations.
● Generate service code using Apache Camel framework in JAVA/J2EE.
● Create a DAO layer using JDBC templates and Mongo functions.
● Use HTML5, CSS, Angular 8 and Python to create UI examples, from pen and paper ideas to fidelity prototypes that showcase interactive
● Use REST web services using Jersey with OAUTH.
● Box, One Drive, Google Drive, Drop box etc. create OAuth 2.0 for access to cloud storage.
● Create a RESTful web service to collect data from clients using microservice architecture.
● Develop J2SE technologies such as Core Java collections, generics, custom operations, multi-threading, IO, JDBC.
● Build web modules and middleware using AWS and Spring integration.
● Migrate the IAM system to the new IAM used by the parent company.
● Work with the project team to implement the business functions defined in Identity Management (IAM) solutions.
● Implement security frameworks in web best practices using JAAS as POC.
● Good knowledge of using WebSphere Portal 8.5 (IBM Digital Experience) features (DDC, Script Portlet, etc.).
● Design and develop application code using Java/JEE, XML, SOAP, REST, Spring Framework and Hibernate Framework.
● Work with AWS services: Lambda, S3, EC2, EB, CloudFront, SNS
● Create and implement J2EE services and JMS communication objects in WebSphere Application Server.
Defines the appropriate repository language to support Drools' engine access, optimization, and recovery policies.

Environment: Java 11, Spring MVC, Spring Boot, Spring Security, REST, Microservices, Docker, Jenkins, AWS, Junit 4, Mockito, Hamcrest, Hibernate,
Apache Tomcat, Apache Maven, Postman, JDBC, Oracle, SQL, Log4j, IntelliJ, GitHub, Oracle SQL Developer, AWS CLI, Okta OAuth2.0, JIRA, Lombok,
New Relic, MongoDB, JSP, AWS (EC2, S3, VPC, RDS, Dynamo DB, Route53, EBS, Elastic, Load Balancer, Auto Scaling groups, SQS, Kinesis).JavaScript,

Auditime Quality Management, Mumbai India.

Role: Java Developer July 2017 to Oct 2019

● Involved in every phase of SDLC in design, development and testing of the application developed JSP pages and client-side validation by
Java script tags.
● Leveraged third-party npm packages and modules to extend Express functionality.

● Application was built using Microservices architecture where most of the functionality was exposed using web services. Overall
architecture was polyglot in nature consisting of various languages (Java, Ruby on Rails).
● Developed Java modules implementing business rules and workflows using Spring MVC, IoC and Web Framework Had experience in
performance tuning J2EE apps, performance testing, analysis, and tuning.
● Worked with Apache Lucene and SOLR for searching the person and business details Built Single page application (SOA) using AngularJS
as per the requirement.
● Created RESTful APIs and implemented routing using Express for efficient request handling.
● Extensively used JSTL tags and Struts tag libraries. Used Struts tiles as well in the presentation tier Used Spring framework to implement
middle tire with Spring IOC, AOP, Spring boot.
● Developed UI components with a focus on modularity and reusability

● Responsible for creating REST Web services using JAX-RS strong written and verbal skills from both business and technical perspectives.

● Integrated Crystal Reports with Java data sources for seamless data retrieval.

● Integrated gRPC with Java frameworks (e.g., Spring Boot) for building scalable back-end services.

● Utilized Java 8 Stream API for efficient processing of data in report generation.

● Developed and maintained server-side logic using Core Java

● Excellent project experience in Microservices, Multithreading, CICD, Cloud computing, Web - J2EE technologies designed UI screens using
JSP, Struts tags HTML. Used Java 5 for client-side validation.
● Involved in the JMS Connection Pool and the implementation of publish and subscribe using JMS. Used JMS to consume messages from
the JMS provider.
● Kept up-to-date with the latest Node.js and JavaScript advancements to ensure modern and efficient client-side development.

● Developing the application using Struts and Hibernate based frameworks done with server-side validations using Struts Validation
framework REST APIs, including JSON data formats wrote shell scripts in Linux to call routines.
● Implemented parameterized reports to allow dynamic user inputs in Crystal Reports.

● Implemented state management in the UI using tools like Redux or Context API.

● Implemented bidirectional streaming using gRPC for real-time communication between services

● Utilized Golang's concurrency features, goroutines, and channels to enhance parallelism in Java systems.

● Implemented Hibernate second level cache using EH Cache and enabled the Query Cache property for cache at query level.

● Experience using SOAP to test the existing services. Responsible for consuming Web Service from WSDL coming up with the test cases for
unit testing before the QA release played a very important role in resolving the defects.
● Deployed the application on Web Sphere Application Server used JUnit framework for unit testing of application and Log4j to capture the
log that includes runtime exceptions played an important role writing the Junit test case scenarios for all the validations.

ENVIRONMENT: Java 5.0, J2EE, Core Java, API, Spring MVC, Spring boot, Angular JS, Hibernate, SOAP, REST, REST API, Microservices, Apache
Tomcat, JSP, HTM5L, CSS3, JavaScript, Maven, Struts, Web sphere, SaaS, Eclipse IDE, Linux, JMS, LDAP, Clear Case.

Wipro,- Hyderabad, India.

Role: Java Developer April 2014 to Jun 2017

● Requirement Analysis and documentation as per SDLC Methodologies using Agile Methodology (SCRUM) for gathering the
Requirements, Design, Analysis, Development, Data Validation and System Testing.
● Implemented Spring Boot with Microservices to divide the application into various orchestral applications. generated REST APIs using
JAX-RS implementation and created REST APIs like POST, GET, and PUT etc. from scratch.
● Experience in making web pages at the client-side dynamic by using JQuery to make the HTML5 and CSS3 code to interact with
the JavaScript functions.
● Utilized middleware functions to enhance request and response processing in Express applications.

● Deployed the drools rules as a service in J2EE stack environment and packaged and deployed the application in JBoss Added support to
login page to Inside View with Microsoft OAuth APIs.
● Implemented Hystrix circuit breaker pattern to handle timeout errors when the target services are down. Spring Retry based on Hystrix
circuit breaker fallback response.
● Stayed up-to-date with the latest Angular 9 features and best practices to ensure cutting-edge development.
● Designed and implemented the application using JSP, Spring IOC, Spring Annotations, Spring Transactions, Spring MVC, Hibernate and
JDBC. Used Spring Framework for Dependency Injection
● Worked on Agile development methodology and built the application with Test Driven Development (TDD) established efficient
logging and Exception Handling using Spring AOP.
● Conducted UI testing using frameworks such as Jest or Selenium

● Used AngularJS to do the data binding and making use of Modules and Filters objects according to the application requirement created
REST APIs from scratch consuming the data from the SOAP XML and published them in API management team.
● Provisioned load balancer, auto-scaling group and launch configuration for microservice participated in all development activities within
Agile development methodology and Test-Driven Development (TDD) environment.
● Implemented server-side rendering (SSR) with Node.js for improved SEO and initial page load performance.

● Implemented Microservices architecture using Spring Boot for making applications smaller and independent and used DynaTrace for
performance metrics and finding the root cause analysis.
● Developed custom reports using Java 8 lambda expressions for concise and expressive code.

● Implemented RESTful APIs using Core Java for seamless communication

● Worked on Multithreaded applications to improved performance REST service to transfer data in JSON/XML format between front-end
and server with AJAX.
● Integrated Golang components seamlessly into Java-based applications

● Utilized Express.js for session management and user authentication with Passport.js

● Used Eclipse as the IDE and used eclipse standard/plug-in features for editing, debugging, compiling, formatting, build automation, test
case template generation, and accessory code generation.
● Used Vault tool for project management tracking, Issue tracking and bug tracking WebSphere Application Server as part of production
● Implemented multithreading and concurrency features in Core Java applications.

● Integrated UI with server-side data using AJAX or Fetch API.

● Successfully provided multi-lingual functionality by developing custom tag libraries hosted the application on WebSphere and used
Maven as the build automation tool.
● Developed GIT controls to track and maintain the different version of the project used Log4j to capture the log that includes runtime
exception and for logging info and are helpful in debugging the issues.

ENVIRONMENT: Java, J2EE, Spring MVC, Hibernate, REST, JSP, HTML, Spring Boot, CSS, REST API, JavaScript, AJAX, JQuery, JSP, AngularJS, SOAP,
Microservices, Spring Framework, Spring Batch, Jenkins, Apache, tomcat server, Ant, WebSphere, JPA, Maven, Eclipse, JUnit, Hystrix, DynaTrace,
OAuth2.0, GIT, Log4J, Agile methodology.

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