Tugas 2 BAHASA INGGRIS Muhammad Fajri Nur

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NAMA: Muhammad Fajri Nur

NIM: 856506315
TUTON: Iswahyudi, S.Pd.,M.Pd


1.Jawablah pertanyaan berikut sebagaimana sesungguhnya

keadaan saudara !

a.How many children do you have ?

I don’t have children

b.How old are you ?

i am now 20

2. Isilah tabel berikut ini dengan kosakata yang tersedia yang sesuai dengan
kelompoknya !

father mother in law cousin

aunt sister son

uncle great grandperents sister in low

granfather niece nephew

father in law brother mother


1 father 1 aunt
2 mother 2 uncle
3 sister 3 granfather
4 brother 4 father in law
5 son 5 great grandparents
6 sister in law 6 cousin
7 nephew
8 niece
9 mother in law
3. Jawablah pertanyaan berikut dengan tepat !

− What time do you usually have breakfast ? (use time expression)

I usually have breakfast at 7or 8 in the morning

− Today is Friday, what is the next two days ?

If today is Friday then the next tow daya are Saturday and Sunday

− What year is it now ?

now it’s 2024

− Now is November, what was the last month ?

Now it's November then last month was October

4. Change this sentence into negative form (ubahlah kalimat berikut ke dalam bentuk
negative) !

- I have studied in this university since last three years.

- I have not studied in this university for last three years.

Put the verb into correct form (letakkan kata kerja dengan benar sesuai dengan bentuk
kalimatnya) !

- Paula......(work) at the Century Bank since 5 years ago.

Paula worked the century bank since 5 years ago.

-My uncle, Sam will (visit) us for two weeks.

My uncle, Sam will visited us for two weeks.

5. Masukkan salah satu satuan ukuran: a kilo of, a slice of, a

package of, a bar of ke dalam kalimat berikut dengan tepat !

- Paula gives......chocolate to her friend’s daughter on her birthday.

Paula gives a slice of chocolate to her friend’s daughter on her birthday.

- Janneta needs......potatoes in a supermarket.

Janneta needs a kilo of potatoes in a supermarket.

- My wife spend...... match a week to light up a kerosene stove

My wifi spend a package of match a week to light up a kerosene stove.

- I bring...... “apam”, do you want some ?

I bring a bar of “apam”, do you want some ?

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