Essential Oils Ebook

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1 | How We Flourish

Essential Oils
The Basics and 10 Recipes to Get You Started

How We Flourish
©2014 | All Rights Reserved

Medical disclaimer: Although I have a degree in biology and believe, both from
experience and research, whole-heartedly in the healing power of essential oils, I am
not a doctor. I cannot diagnose, treat, or cure any disease. The information presented
here is to be used for informational purposes only, and if you have any concerns you
should consult your doctor or naturopath.

2 | How We Flourish
Table of Contents

What are Essential Oils?...........................................................................5

How do I Use Them?................................................................................7

How Essential Oils Work..........................................................................9

My Top 10 Essential Oils........................................................................11

Essential Oils Recipes.............................................................................14

Frequently Asked Questions..................................................................22

Getting Started with Essential Oils.........................................................25

How Do I Afford Essential Oils?..............................................................27


Recommended Resources......................................................................28

About the Author...................................................................................28

3 | How We Flourish
My story
The first essential oil I ever used was melaleuca, also known as tea tree oil. I
bought a cheap bottle through Amazon to use in my homemade personal care products.
I was just starting to make the transition away from the toxic chemicals in store bought
products. I loved that tea tree oil was anti-microbial – great for toothpaste and
deodorant – and the science-y, earthy girl in me loves the smell. For over a year, this
was the extent of my use and knowledge of essential oils. Oh, and I also knew that
lavender smells good and is relaxing.
In November 2013, essential oils started to become a “thing” and I wanted to
learn more. I bought a starter kit of oils and began learning and exploring. I started small
and used basic oils in basic ways. I loved diffusing and my acne blend of melaleuca,
frankincense, lavender, and geranium worked wonders. My true essential oil
conversion came during finals week.
That week, I had regular anxiety attacks. It had been a rough semester and I
legitimately thought I would fail one of my classes. I was panicking about money and the
future. I’m sure wedding worries were thrown in there, too. That’s when I discovered
Serenity, a calming blend of oils. A drop on my palms and inhaled nipped those panics in
the bud. To this day I still use this technique, and have found that lavender also works in
a pinch. I always have lavender in my on-the-go case and multiple times it has kept me
from breaking down crying in public.
Since then I have continued to learn and be amazed by the power of oils. I have
zapped upset stomachs, opened stuffed noses, prevented illness, flavored dishes,
soothed pain, and so much more.
Essential oils have changed my life and empowered me to turn away from drugs
filled with toxic fillers and side effects. I can’t not share them, and I’m excited for you to
learn with me.

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What are essential oils?
Essential oils are natural, aromatic compounds that are extracted from the seeds,
leaves, bark, roots, flowers, and other such parts of plants. They are extremely
concentrated and fragrant. Think about when you peel an orange: The scent left on your
hands is from the essential oils in the peel!
Beyond just the beautiful scent of essential oils, they can also have powerful
emotional and physical effects, and have been used for these therapeutic properties
throughout history. Just flip through a Bible – many essential oils such as cassia,
cedarwood, and of course frankincense and myrrh, are mentioned.

We live in a world where people want a quick fix and drug companies make us
think we need their medication. While modern medicine has done some wonderful
things and some medications truly are necessary, as a culture we are too quick to reach
for a bottle of pills. When you choose to reach for an essential oil for that headache or

5 | How We Flourish
that minor rash, you choose a pure herbal remedy. With a unique chemical composition
of just active ingredients, essential oils will support your body, relieve symptoms, and
promote healing – and with none of the fillers or side effects typical to modern drugs.
With essential oils, quality must be prioritized above all else. This is why I can
only recommend essential oils that are Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade (CPTG). These
are oils that come from plants grown in their indigenous region. This ensures that the
oils are all coming from the highest quality of plants, grown and harvested in their ideal,
beyond organic conditions. From here, the oils are steam distilled out of the correct part
of the plant: If the most therapeutic oil comes from the leaves, oil is only extracted from
the leaves, rather than from the leaves and stalks in order to increase yield.
After the oil is retrieved, every batch should undergo rigorous third part testing
to ensure purity and quality. All of these and many more practices will ensure that every
bottle of oil you receive will be the most potent, pure, and therapeutic that you can
find. If all of this is the case, then you can rest assured that the essential oils you are
using are safe for your family. To learn more about which oils I trust to provide this, visit
my essential oils page.

6 | How We Flourish
How do I use them?
Essential oils can be used in 3 ways: aromatically, topically, and internally. Each of
these methods has its own personal benefits. Depending on what you are using an
individual oil for, a certain application may be preferable over others.

There are two primary ways to use essential oils
aromatically. The first is diffusing. This method is great for
distributing the effects of the oils to many people and/or over
a long period of time, such as diffusing lavender before bed to
help with sleep or On Guard to help with immune support. It
can also be used just to freshen up a room, such as diffusing
Purify to cleanse the air or Holiday Joy to fill you with
Christmas cheer.
The second primary method is the cup and inhale
method. Simply rub a drop or two of oil between your palms,
cup your hands over your nose, and inhale. Whether using
Serenity for stress relief like I did, using Elevation for a mood
pick-me-up, or Breathe to open airways and relieve
congestion, this method is perfect for a strong, personal
aromatic application.
Sensitivity warning: If you follow the instructions on the diffuser and are using
the proper oils (some oils aren’t great for use around animals, and some are not meant
to be diffused – see resources and FAQ), sensitivity should not be an issue. However,
with the cup and inhale method, people with sensitive skin should dilute the oils as
directed (see below) and be careful not to inhale too forcefully at first. Serenity is
wonderful to use aromatically, but full strength right up the nose is not too fun!

Topical application of essential oils allows them to be quickly absorbed through
the skin into the body. This form of application is normally applied directly to the area in
question: Clear Skin on acne blemishes, Deep Blue on sore muscles, lavender and/or
melaleuca on irritated skin, DigestZen over the abdomen, the list goes on!

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Beyond direct application, applying essential
oils to the bottoms of the feet must not be
overlooked! Did you know that your feet have the
largest pores on your body? This means that when
you apply essential oils to them, the oils are quickly
absorbed and able to circulate throughout the body.
My favorite “foot oil” is On Guard. Applying a drop or
two to the bottoms of my feet can do wonders for
taking care of a cold. Just be careful – the wild
orange in On Guard might keep you up for a few
hours if you let it absorb and circulate so thoroughly
through the feet!
Sensitivity warning: Some oils are mild, like lavender, and some are considered
hot, like oregano. Any essential oil guide worth its salt, like Modern Essentials will have
a chart that lists all the oils and whether they should be diluted. Pay attention to these
recommendations when deciding how much an oil or blend should be diluted before
topical application. Fractionated coconut oil is my favorite carrier oil for dilution.

Finally, essential oils can be used
internally. This usually involves drinking
them or swallowing them in a capsule.
You can do this to support digestion,
detoxification, immunity, or other such
complaints. It can also involve eating!
Whether it is lemon in your water,
peppermint in your brownies, or
oregano in your stew, many essential
oils are wonderful for adding flavor to dishes. Many times I’ve used the herb and spices
oils when I was out of dried versions!
Sensitivity warning: Not all essential oils can be used internally. Once again,
Modern Essentials will be a good guide for what can or cannot be taken internally and
how strong the oil will be. One easy way to tell is by looking at the side of the bottle.
Essential oils that will be safe to use internally will have a Supplement Facts table on the

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How essential oils work
A bit of a biology lesson for you
Every living thing (you, your dog, the bacteria in your body, etc.) is made up of
cells, and all of these cells have a phospholipid bilayer surrounding them. This bilayer is
the barrier to the cell. It controls what goes in and what goes out. It is made out of
lipids, which means it really likes other lipids, such as oils, and does not like water. This
is a problem when you consider that most drugs are water based: they will dissolve
readily in water and water-based liquids, but they struggle to enter the cell. These drugs
can circulate throughout the body, but they are unable to penetrate this cell membrane.

We particularly can see this problem with viruses. Most people know that
antibiotics do not work on viruses. This is because the antibiotics target a specific part of
the bacteria and they are able to reach the bacteria because they are hanging out in the
fluid outside the cell. Viruses, on the other hand, live within the cell, where it is harder
for drugs to reach them. Plus, they are so numerous and adapt so quickly, it is
impossible to create a drug that will work for everyone. Think about it! You get a cold
every single year because the virus adapts so much that there is always a new strain
your body does not recognize and does not know how to fight.
Enter essential oils! Essential oils are oil-based (duh), and therefore can pass
through the lipid membrane of the cell. This means they can reach these viruses and
take them out. Yippee!

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And as far as resistance? Studies have shown that many essential oils, most
notably oregano, can be incredibly effective. A big part of this is that instead of there
being one, isolated active ingredient like with most antibiotics, an essential oil is made
up of many compounds, all in the correct balance according to nature. It is much more
difficult for a bacteria or virus to adapt to this than to a single, synthetic ingredient.
This is just one of the many ways that essential oils work inside of our bodies to
help promote healing and wellness. For more science-y information about how essential
oils work, check out And I’ll leave you with this little tidbit: Many
essential oils, such as frankincense, can cross the blood-brain barrier, which most drugs
cannot. This means essential oils can be used in conjunction with a healthy diet to
support brain health in ways that drugs cannot.

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My Top 10 Essential Oils
I love having a large arsenal of essential oils. It is fun to learn about all the
different ones available, and I like having just the right oil for whatever may come up. If I
had the money, I’d buy an every oil kit in a heartbeat! However, the number of oils
available can be really overwhelming for some people. The following 10 oils are my
absolute must haves. I carry these with me all the time and I would recommend that
everyone keep them in their home. (P.S. All essential oils kits except the Cleanse and
Restore have these 10 oils. Learn more here.)

Lavender. Oh, lavender. How I love you. A couple drops in a bath, and I’m transported
to a spa. Less than a drop on my hands, and I am able to de-stress and fall asleep. I’ve
used it on burns and irritated skin with great success. There are many uses for the
calming properties of lavender!

Lemon. Lemon is an oil that is good at cleaning…everything! I make up a spray bottle of

1 cup water, 1 cup vinegar, and 30 drops lemon for a great all purpose cleaner. I have
used it to remove the sticky gunk left behind by stickers. I love to put a drop or two of
lemon in water as a detoxing drink. And it’s my favorite hangover cure (shhhh…).

Peppermint. Peppermint is another everything oil. It is cooling – I’ve used it along my

spine to help me get through a hot day, and it can be very helpful for hot flashes. It is
energizing – a little bit on the back of the neck can really pick you up and help you focus.
It is great for headaches and muscle tensions. And it tastes great! I love using
peppermint to flavor my homemade toothpaste or to make mint brownies.

Want to try these three versatile and basic oils? Learn the power of essential oils with
an introductory kit. Learn how to get one here.

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Frankincense. Frankincense may seem expensive, but it is such a wonderful oil! A small
amount on the roof of my mouth is my preferred headache remedy. I also use it, diluted
in fractionated coconut oil, on my face to help heal my acne. It supports cell repair, so it
is great for healing blemishes, moles, and preventing scarring. Frankincense is also
commonly used in more long-term oil protocols.

Melaleuca. This oil is more commonly known as tea tree. It is antimicrobial, so I use it in
most of my personal care products, especially toothpaste and deodorant. I also use it on
my acne for this reason. It is also great to help prevent cuts and scrapes from getting

On Guard. On Guard is an anti-viral and anti-microbial blend of oils with a very high
antioxidant rating. It is available in oil, beadlet, and softgel form, so there are many
ways to use it. It can be great for using in cleaning products, and I love using it to
support my immune system when I’m sick or have been exposed to something.

Deep Blue. Such an amazing oil for pain and inflammation! Use on stiff or inflamed
joints, sore muscles, headaches, even menstrual cramps. I encourage you to read my
post about why this oil blend is so great.

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DigestZen. DigestZen is an oil blend that helps support digestion. I don’t use this oil
much, but when I need it, I am soooooo glad I have it! I just rub a drop or two, diluted in
fractionated coconut oil, on my stomach and shortly after I experience amazing relief
from the GI discomfort I was experiencing. This discomfort can be from overindulging,
detoxing, eating something I shouldn’t, or any other cause of stomach and intestinal
discomfort – even menstrual cramps! Whatever the reason, DigestZen has you covered.

Breathe. Breathe is a respiratory blend, and my must have when I’m sick. It helps open
up my airwaves and relieve my stuffy nose, which is especially welcome when I’m trying
to sleep with a cold! I have also seen it help with snoring, asthma, and general
respiratory support.

Oregano. I don’t use oregano a lot, but once again, it is a must to keep on hand:
oregano is a strong antibiotic. It is a very hot oil, and must be treated with care, but it is
very helpful to treat various ailments, such as the flu or a throat infection (see my Flu
Bomb below).

13 | How We Flourish
Essential Oil Recipes
It’s one thing to know why essential oils, but it’s another to know how to use
them. Try out some of these recipes to learn how to use essential oils in every room in
your home: from the kitchen to the bathroom to the bedroom!

Ointment base
This ointment base can be used for anything! Coconut oil is amazing for the skin
with its moisturizing, healing, and anti-microbial properties. The beeswax firms it up a
bit, as well as reduces greasiness, in order to give you a workable ointment regardless of
the temperature of your home.
I usually make up a large batch of various ointments that I need using specific
essential oils. However, I also like to keep a plain batch around for moisturizing and in
case I need an ointment that isn’t one of
my staples.

 1/3 cup coconut oil
 2 TBSP beeswax
 Essential oils (optional, see
below for ideas)

Melt the ingredients in a double boiler. If you don’t have a double boiler, simply
combine ingredients in a small saucepan and melt over low heat. Once completely
melted, remove from heat and add essential oils. Stir to combine everything. Pour into a
container (ideally glass, but BPA-free plastic is okay), label, and store in a cool dry place.
To use: scoop a small amount out, soften between fingers, and apply to affected

14 | How We Flourish
Healing Salve
Everyone needs a natural healing ointment. While Correct X, a natural,
petroleum-free healing ointment with the best essential oils for healing, is great,
sometimes you needs something quick, easy, and cheap. Enter the 4 ingredient healing
salve! With antimicrobial melaleuca and soothing lavender, this salve gives you what
you need to help your skin begin to heal. Use on cuts, scrapes, rashes, itchy skin, etc.

 1 Recipe Ointment Base
 10 drops Melaleuca CPTG essential oil (use 6 drops for small children)
 10 drops Lavender CPTG essential oil (use 6 drops for small children)

Make up the ointment base. Remove from heat and add essential oils. Pour into a
clean jar and let harden.
To use: Wash hands and affected area before applying. Scoop out a small
amount, soften it between your fingers, and apply to affected area.

Personal Lubricant
Shhh….Don’t tell Grandma about this recipe! If you suffer from vaginal dryness,
or just want a little extra movement. If you have sensitive skin, or just want to ditch the
chemicals and use a natural lubricant. This personal lubricant recipe is super easy to
make and use at a fraction of the price of store bought lubricant. Made simply of my
ointment base and essential oils, this lube won’t go bad and is safe for use in your most
sensitive areas. Ylang Ylang essential oil is safe for internal use, and is a very relaxing oil.
Most importantly, it’s great for libido!

IMPORTANT NOTE: This lube is not compatible with condoms. I am in a monogamous

relationship and am comfortable with my condom-free family planning. If one or both of
these does not apply to you, use a condom and find a different natural lube.

15 | How We Flourish
 1 Recipe Ointment Base
 5 drops Ylang Ylang CPTG essential oil

Make up the ointment base. Remove from heat and add essential oils. Pour into a
clean jar and let harden.
To use: Scoop out a small amount, soften it between your fingers, and apply to
desired area. Enjoy. ;)

Variations: Feel free to have fun with this recipe! As long as the oils are labeled
safe for internal use, they are safe for this lube. Just make sure you pay attention to the
strength of the oils. Always start with less and add more if it is not strong enough for
your tastes.
For a fun, tingly lube: 2-3 drops Peppermint CPTG essential oil
For a warming lube: 2-3 drops Cinnamon CPTG essential oil
Want an edible lube? Try a little honey and your favorite flavor of essential oils!

Other ideas for the ointment base: Add Peppermint and/or Eucalyptus for a
chemical-free vapor rub. Use just Lavender for a soothing anti-itch cream. Use plain as a
balm for dry skin or lips.

16 | How We Flourish
Flu Bomb
Feeling under the weather? This Flu Bomb is packed with essential oils to help
your body heal and start feeling better. It is very strong and doesn’t taste great, so many
people prefer to take it in a capsule. However, capsules cannot be made ahead of time,
whereas it is easy to make up a water bottle full of the Flu Bomb to take throughout the
day. If you have a sore throat, I highly
recommend taking the flu bomb with water to
distribute the oils over your tonsils - right where
your body needs them.

 3 drops Oregano CPTG essential oils
 5 drops On Guard CPTG essential
oil blend
 5 drops Melaleuca CPTG essential
 (optional) 1 ounce (1/8 cup) water

Combine essential oils in either a capsule or a shot glass of water. If taking the Flu
Bomb in water, gargle for as long as possible before swallowing. Repeat every 1-2 hours
until symptoms disappear. Continue to take the Flu Bomb 3-4 times a day for 3 more
days after symptoms clear up.

17 | How We Flourish
Bug Spray
A non-toxic, child and pet safe bug spray. Hallelujah! Oh, and thanks to the
repellant blend, Terrashield, there are only two ingredients! This insect repellant costs
just $3 per 8oz batch, and it really works!

 1 cup water
 50 drops Terrashield

Combine ingredients in a clean 8oz spray bottle. Add
sprayer and shake to combine. Store in a cool, dry place.
To use: Spray on skin, clothing, around your tent
door, wherever you need. Use as you would traditional bug

All Purpose Cleaner

This all-purpose cleaner is great for everything! I use it on my counter tops,
mirrors, bathtub, toilet, anything I need to clean! There is a whole line of On Guard
cleaning products to take advantage of its wonderful antiviral properties. Why not
follow suit and make your own simple and frugal cleaner? If you don’t have On Guard,
lemon will do the job as well – and it’s great to lift gummy residues.

 1/2 cup water
 1/2 cup white vinegar
 20 drops On Guard or Lemon CPTG
essential oil

Combine ingredients in a clean, 8oz glass
spray bottle. Add sprayer and shake to combine.
Store in a cool, dry place. To use: Spray on surface.
Let sit for a few minutes for tough cleaning or
disinfecting. Be eco-friendly and use a cloth to wipe down the surface.

18 | How We Flourish
Peaceful Blend
The Peaceful Child Blend was created for children with ADD and ADHD, as well as
other related syndromes, to help them focus, be calm, and provide clarity. I have a
friend who says not a single mom has made this blend and not come back for more! I
don’t have children, but have noticed that this blend is great for people of all ages, so I
just call it my Peaceful Blend.

 40 drops Vetiver CPTG essential oil
 15 drops Ylang Ylang CPTG essential oil
 15 drops Lavender CPTG essential oil
 10 drops Frankincense CPTG essential oil
 8 drops Clary Sage CPTG essential oil
 5 drops Marjoram CPTG essential oil

Combine all oils in a 10mL roller bottle. Fill
the rest of the way with fractionated coconut oil.
Insert roller ball, cap, and label. Invert a few times
to combine the oils. Store in a cool, dry place.
To use: Apply to the bottoms of the feet and
back of the neck, morning and night. Massage in,
focusing on the big toes and the outer edge of the
feet. If you or your child does not like the smell,
apply to just the feet and cover with socks.
For sensitive skin: Combine oils in a 15mL
bottle and fill the rest of the way with fractionated
coconut oil. Either transfer 2/3 into a 10mL roller
bottle or use a couple drops per application.

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Confidence Blend
This is a blend that I created for myself. Using Emotions and Essential Oils, I
learned that Cassia and Bergamot can both be wonderful oils for feelings of despair, low
self esteem, and judgment.

 24 drops Bergamot CPTG essential oil
 12 drops Cassia CPTG essential oil
 Fractionated Coconut Oil

Add Bergamot and Cassia to a roller bottle and fill to the top with fractionated
coconut oil. Do a test on the inside of your wrist to ensure that it is not too strong. If
there is any redness or sensitivity, dilute further with fractionated coconut oil.
To use: Apply to the solar plexus and bottom of feet twice a day.

Lemon Juice Replacement

Have you ever read the ingredients on a bottle of lemon juice? If it’s anything like
what my family used to buy…it’s not just lemon. And juicing lemons is a lot of work!
Now that it’s just me and my husband, we never have any in the house, but we’re never
out of lemon essential oil! When we come across a recipe that calls for lemon juice, we
just use this simple recipe:

 1 tbsp water
 1 drop Lemon CPTG essential oil (you can
add more if you prefer a stronger lemon
flavor, but remember – one drop at a time)

Combine ingredients and use to replace 1 tbsp
lemon juice.

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Detox Smoothie
I love to freeze up baggies of smoothie ingredients, make up large batches, and
drink a green smoothie every morning. It’s a great way to get your day off to a great
start with the fiber, veggies, vitamins, and nutrients you need in a tasty, easy to eat
(drink) smoothie. This is one of my favorites.
 3 small beets, peeled and chopped
 1 apple, cored and chopped
 1 avocado, peel and pit removed
 2 cups leafy greens, chopped (kale is my favorite, followed by spinach)
 1 cup purple cabbage, chopped
 1 inch piece fresh ginger, peeled, or 1 drop Ginger CPTG essential oil (be
careful, this can be strong and you may want to start with simply dipping a
toothpick in the oil and stirring the toothpick into the smoothie)
 1 lemon, juiced, or 4-6 drops Lemon CPTG essential oils
 3-4 cups water

Add all ingredients to blender and blend on high until well combined. My blender
actually has a smoothie button that is perfect. If your blender can’t tackle all this at
once, start with greens, cabbage, and water, then add the fruits once those are well
blended. Makes 3-4 large smoothies.
To freeze: Add all prepared ingredients except EOs and water to a freezer bag
and freeze for up to 6 months. Take out of freezer the night before you would like to
prepare the smoothie. Place contents in blender, add essential oils and water, and
blend. Enjoy!

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Frequently Asked Questions
Are essential oils really safe to use internally?
In my opinion, I got the best answer to this question from a woman who was
attending a class I was teaching: topical and aromatic applications are still internal!
When you inhale an oil or allow it to absorb through your skin, it is now inside of your
Now you are just wondering if essential oils are safe to use at all! The answer is
YES! However, with any product that you put in or on your body, quality matters. An
essential oil that has been adulterated, or for whatever reason is not totally pure, can
cause a sensitivity reaction. Even oils that are pure may not have the compounds and
ratios that are most beneficial to the body. This is why ensuring that your essential oils
are of the highest quality is imperative.
As mentioned above, take care to use essential oils properly. Modern Essentials
has a wonderful table that indicates which oils are safe to use internally and how diluted
they should be.

Can I use ____ on children/pets/during pregnancy?

Use your best judgment and consult Modern Essentials. Their usage table gives
specific recommendations for children and pregnancy. Certain oils are not
recommended for pregnant or breastfeeding women, and essential oils should always
be diluted in a carrier oil with children or people with sensitive skin. For more specific
information, read Essential Oils for Pregnancy, Birth and Baby.
Animals process essential oils differently than humans, and you must be very
careful with what you use. Cats particularly cannot tolerate many oils. For a good
overview and suggestions on what to use, visit The Dog Oiler. SpOil Your Pet is also a
good resource.

22 | How We Flourish
What do I use for ____?
For a complete list of websites and books, check out my resource page. The red
“health concerns” section of Modern Essentials and the Health Concerns tab at
Everything Essential are two resources to always have on hand.
Facebook groups are also a wonderful resource for learning what works for other
people and getting ideas. Essential Nourish is a large group full of tons of information.
And please join the How We Flourish Essential Group, where you can talk and share
stories as well as stay updated on any promotions or incentives going on.

My sister’s cousin’s friend tried this and it worked for her, will it work for me?
Maybe. Essential oils can be powerfully healing, and many of them have uses that
work well for most people. However, every individual is unique, so what works for one
person may not work for you. Try it and see! It may work wonderfully, and you may
need to try something else. For example, peppermint, frankincense, Past Tense, and
Deep Blue all make wonderful headache remedies for various people.
If essential oils don’t seem to be working for you, not only should you be looking
at alternative oils, but also look at your health. Essential oils support bodily healing, and
you body must be able to perform this healing. Cleaning up your diet, performing a
cleanse, and supporting detoxification are all important pieces for helping your body
heal and get the most out of your essential oils.

23 | How We Flourish
How do I know how much/how often to use essential oils?
Essential oils are incredibly potent and concentrated, so less is more. In fact, I
have found that a drop or two of Breathe diluted in fractionated coconut oil works
better than 3-4 drops of Breathe without dilution. Always start with less (just a drop at a
time) and use more if needed.
Frequency will depend on the severity of what the oils are being used for. The Flu
Bomb is used continuously all day, some conditions will require reapplication as
symptoms return, and minor issues may only require the oils to be applied once. For
long-term use, oils are usually applied 2-4 times a day.

What tools do I need to use essential oils?

A carrier oil, such as fractionated coconut oil, for diluting is a must have. Other
tools you may find useful are a diffuser for aromatic use, roller bottles to make your
own blends, an 8-vial keychain for on the go use, and books related to your lifestyle and
who you will be using the oils on (see resources).

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Getting started with Essential Oils
So now that you’ve learned about how to use essential oils, and maybe even
have an idea for which ones you want to try, how do you get started?
The first option is to simply buy retail. To do this, go to the doTERRA website, pick
the oils and products you want, and check out. This option is best for those who just
want to try one or two oils.

The second option is to become a Wellness Advocate. With just a $35 enrollment
fee, you will get 25% off essential oils with no minimum purchase. This option is for
anyone who thinks that they will be purchasing more than $100 of oils, supplements, or
skincare products within the next year. It is also the option for you if you would like free
shipping, the ability to earn rewards points, access to free oils education and mentoring,
or to get products for free. Plus, I almost always have a promotion going on for new
enrollees (note that you must contact me and mention these promotions to receive free

The sign up process is simple:

1. Go to doTERRA’s website.
2. Select the option to join as a Wellness Advocate.
3. Enter your information, ensuring that Enroller ID 644529 is entered.
4. Select the products you would like to order.
5. Enter payment information.
6. Submit your order!

Once you submit your order, you will be prompted to set up a monthly LRP order.
This is not required, but I highly suggest that you set one up! With an LRP order, you will
earn reward points and have the potential to receive free products and even get paid
for sharing the oils with others. You can learn more about LRP here.
What should you put on your LRP? This is individual to each person. Every month
I have my Lifelong Vitality Pack, PB Assist, and any oils that I have run out of or would
like to try on my order. I recommend setting your LRP at 125PV or more and scheduling
it to run before the 15th of the month to ensure you have access to all the rewards

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What should I order?
When first enrolling with doTERRA, you can select the Introductory Packet and
whichever individual items you want. I suggest any of the Top 10 Essential Oils. There
are also wonderful supplements, skin care, cleaning, and hair care products available for
you to try.
What I recommend, however, is to choose an enrollment kit. You can view
available kits here. These kits waive the enrollment fee and will actually save you money
off of the wholesale price. Simply select the kit that appeals to you and is in your price
range. My favorites are the Home Essentials Kit, which gets you my Top 10 Essential Oils
and a diffuser, and the Natural Solutions Kit. With the Natural Solutions Kit, not only do
you get everything from the Home Essentials Kit, but you also get additional oils to try, a
box for storage, and some of the personal care products – including the amazing
Lifelong Vitality Pack!

Have questions? I am happy to help you however you need, from helping you
pick the best products for your family to walking you through the entire enrollment
process. Just email me at howweflourish (at) gmail (dot) com and we’ll get you started.

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How do I Afford Essential Oils?
With essential oils, you get what you pay for. And to be honest, doTERRA is quite
affordable relative to modern medicine. When I researched what it would cost to get
supplements of the same high quality elsewhere, doTERRA’s were half the price! When
researching protocols for Lyme disease, using essential oils was the cheapest and one of
the most effective options. And since you only need a drop or two at a time for day-to-
day essential oil use, the oils cost just pennies per application.
However, there can be some initial sticker shock. Here is how you can make
essential oils more affordable:
1. Sign up with a wholesale account. This will give you 25% off the retail price of
every single item.
2. Set up an LRP order. This will allow you to accumulate rewards points that can
be exchanged for free product, including Shipping Rewards Points, which are
equivalent to free shipping. You will also receive free bottle of oil every month
that you place an order of 125PV or more.
3. Remember how you can save money by replacing items in your medicine
cabinet with essential oils. What costs more, a pain pill or a drop of Deep
Blue? I can tell you that even if you are buying over the counter, the Deep
Blue is cheaper.
4. Tell other people about the oils!

Sharing Essential Oils

If the wonderful oils and the money saving potential of the LRP program weren’t
enough, doTERRA has an amazing business opportunity that will allow you to achieve
your financial goals – just by telling other people about the oils! Whether you want to
get your products paid for, supplement your income, or entirely replace your income
and achieve financial freedom, doTERRA has a track for you.
Does this sound interesting to you? Could you use a little extra money? The
potential to supplement my husband’s income was critical to my family’s health and
well being. We were not making enough money to support ourselves and pay for our
much needed health care. On top of this, we are moving to Germany fall of 2015 and
neither of us will be able to work – I needed a way to take care of us while we are over
there! DoTERRA provides this for us when I tell others about the blessings essential oils
have brought.

27 | How We Flourish
DoTERRA has changed my life in so many ways, and I want to help you take
charge of your health and finance so you can feel just as empowered as I do! If you
would like to learn more about the opportunity that doTERRA offers, please email me at
howweflourish (at) gmail (dot) com and we can talk about how to make this work for

Recommended Resources
For recommended reading and products, please view my resource page.

About the Author

My name is Chloe and I am a 23-year-old
newlywed. I recently graduated from college with a
BA in biology and Latin, but I will always be a student
in some form. In the summer of 2012, I became very
interested in living “green,” and once I got the ball
rolling, it just kinda snowballed from there.
First, it was simply transitioning my home to
products free of toxic chemicals. But after
experiencing a 6 month long eczema breakout that no
product could help, I began my journey to learn how
intimately real food and health are related through an
elimination diet. Around the same time, I went off
hormonal birth control and slowly learned about the
extreme damage that artificial hormones did to my body. Soon I was also learning about
the immense benefit that essential oils can have on health and teaching myself to heal
my body with oils, natural products, and the autoimmune protocol. My journey is not
complete, so join me as I continue to learn and know that you are not alone in your
search for better health and a better planet.
I now passionately share my love for homemade products, essential oils,
women’s health, and real food. I want to show people that anyone can make small
changes to save the planet and improve your personal health. Even if you live in a tiny
apartment in a Midwestern suburb like me.

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