Lesson 4 The Door To The World
Lesson 4 The Door To The World
Lesson 4 The Door To The World
What Is a Metaphor?
More Than Just Words
A metaphor is a figure of speech in which a
express so much with so few words? Consider, for The word metaphor itself comes from a Greek word
example, the lyrics below. They are from a famous meaning “to carry across.” Metaphors carry meaning
Hear my thoughts in every note. Some people think of metaphors as just the sweet
Make me your radio, stuff of songs and poems. In fact, however, we use
The lyricist wishes that his heart were a stereo and House M.D. says metaphorically, "I'm a night owl.
these wishes cannot come true. However, the lyrics loves working late at night, whereas an early bird is
sound natural, don't they? The comparisons are made someone who loves working in the morning.
There are thousands of metaphors native speakers of Learners of English should not despair. Many
English use in everyday situations. You may not know metaphors are almost universal. In many cultures, for
as many as native speakers. Plus, you may find some example, life is often compared to a journey. Since
of them difficult to understand. Consider the life is regarded as a purposeful journey, we think of
Life is a roller coaster. regard themselves as being “at the end of the road.”
The slide on the playground was a hot stove. In an old Korean popular song, the lyrics begin with,
Her angry words were bullets to him. “Life is a wanderer's path. Where did I come from?
My dad always says to me, “You're the apple of my Where am I going?” This clearly shows that life as a
may be able to understand what the metaphors call something easy “cold gruel” whereas native
down, you can guess that life also has lots of ups
person with an old way of thinking may be called “a
and downs. However, you may not always be able to dinosaur” in English. The same word can mean “a
understand all the words that make up the because it means “a coward.” On the other hand, a
chicken may refer to an inexperienced person in
language characteristics.