Geo Chapter 10

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Geo chapter 10

1. There are two areas of BWh (desert low latitude) climate, the Sahara and Kalahari-Namib
which lie on the two tropics between about 10 and 30°N and S.

2. Luderitz shows features of a coastal climate, whereas Keetmanshoop and Khartoum show
features of continental climates

3. In the humid temperate area, average (mean, median and modal) rainfall is much higher,
roughly 900 mm compared with about 100 mm. However, the variability (standard deviation)
of annual totals is much greater in the desert. In the temperate area the mean, median and
mode are the same but, because of rare very wet years, this is not the case in the desert.

4. The graph shows a strong positive “log-normal” relationship between annual rainfall and
recurrence interval. Rainfall totals closer to the mean are much more common than the very
rare extremely wet years. The vertical axis has a normal arithmetic scale but the scale on the
horizontal axis is logarithmic.

5. The normal distribution on the left is a temperate area where mean, median and mode are
similar and the graph looks symmetrical. The desert on the right shows a skewed distribution
where the mean, median and mode are not the same. This is because of the rare, torrential
rainfall events in deserts which may come after years without rain.

6. cold sea, air being cooled by the cold surface to its dew point, resulting in condensation
and fog forming over the sea, this is then blown inland by onshore winds. (b) Your diagram
should show air descending on the lee of mountains.

7. The two places have roughly the same latitude so this is not a factor. Also altitude may
reduce the temperatures at Keetmanshoop, but this is not signifi cant. The areas have the
same high pressure and offshore trade winds. Main reasons for the differences are distance
from the sea and the cold ocean current offshore

8. The upper surface of saturation in the ground.

9. Below the water table any soft sediment will be wet, will stick together therefore the wind
will not be able to pick it up.

10. Wetter climates could allow chemical weathering to attack the rock then defl ation could
remove the weathered debris during dry phases when the water table had dropped.
Alternating wet and dry phases could allow deep hollows to be produced.

11. Obstacles such as rocks, vegetation, buildings, pre-existing dunes, decrease wind speed.
12. This is due to wind direction(s), sand supply and shelter.

• winds which have a strong tendency to blow from a single direction
• there is a relatively limited sand supply

• there are winds from two directions
• limited sand supply

Star dunes (mega-dunes):

• complex winds
• a large supply of sand

Parabolic dunes:
• fixed by vegetation

Echo dunes:
• in the sheltered lee of hills

Effective precipitation refers to the portion of total precipitation that contributes to soil
moisture and groundwater recharge. It's the amount of water from rain, snow, or other
forms of precipitation that is actually available for use by plants, or that infiltrates the soil to
replenish underground aquifers and reservoirs.

Hot Arid Climate (Hot Desert): This climate zone experiences high temperatures throughout
the year with very low precipitation. Hot deserts often have extremely hot daytime
temperatures and significantly cooler nights. Precipitation levels are extremely low and
sporadic, with little vegetation cover.

Semi-Arid Climate: Semi-arid regions have slightly higher precipitation levels compared to
arid areas but still tend to be quite dry. They experience limited rainfall and are characterized
by fluctuating temperatures. Semi-arid climates often have more diverse vegetation
compared to arid zones due to slightly more moisture availability.
Arid Climate: Arid climates are extremely dry, receiving minimal precipitation. These regions
typically have very hot temperatures during the day and can experience considerable
temperature fluctuations between day and night. Vegetation cover is sparse, mainly
consisting of drought-resistant plants.

Factors influencing the temperature in the dessert

- Latitude
- Altitude
- Distance from the sea
- Cold ocean currents
- Lack of clouds

Weathering processes
Key points:
- Thermal fracturing
- Granular disintegration
- Exfoliation
- Salt crystal
- Oxidation

Aeolian erosion to create rock pedestals

Water erosion to create stream floods

Wind deposition, also known as aeolian deposition, is a geological process where wind
transports and deposits particles or sediment in various landforms. This process primarily
occurs in arid and semi-arid regions where the wind is a dominant geological force.
Deposition by wind can create several distinctive landforms and geological features:

Sand Dunes: Formed by the accumulation of sand grains carried by the wind, sand dunes are
one of the most recognizable aeolian landforms. Dunes come in various shapes and sizes,
such as crescent-shaped (barchan), linear (seif), star-shaped (star), and dome-shaped

Loess Deposits: Fine, wind-blown sediments composed of silt and clay. Loess deposits are
widespread in certain regions and can create fertile soils when they accumulate over time.

Sand Sheets: Extensive areas covered by a relatively uniform layer of sand. These might not
have the distinct shapes of dunes but are deposits of wind-blown sand.

Ventifacts: Rocks or pebbles shaped and polished by wind-blown sand abrasion. Over time,
these rocks can take on unique shapes and often have windward and leeward facets.

Desert Pavements: Occur when finer particles are removed by wind, leaving a surface
covered with closely packed coarse particles or rocks. This creates a protective layer, reducing
further erosion and dust production.
Yardangs: Elongated, streamlined ridges formed by wind erosion typically found in areas with
softer rock layers. Yardangs are shaped through differential erosion, where the softer layers
are eroded faster than the harder layers.

Playa Deposits: Sediments deposited in dry lake beds (playas) due to the wind carrying and
depositing materials, often leaving behind salt flats or mineral deposits.

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