ITIL 4 Practice Guide CM Continual Improvement

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January 16, 2020 36 min read


Continual Improvement: ITIL 4 Practice Guide


This document provides practical guidance for the continual improvement practice.

Table of Contents
1. About this document 5. Information and technology

2. General information 6. Partners and suppliers

3. Value Streams and processes 7. Important reminder

4. Organizations and people 8. Acknowledgements

1. About this document

It is split into five main sections, covering:

general information about the practice

the practice’s processes and activities and their roles in the service value chain

the organizations and people involved in the practice

the information and technology supporting the practice

considerations for partners and suppliers for the practice.


Selected content from this document is examinable as a part of the following syllabuses:

ITIL Specialist Create, Deliver and Support

ITIL Specialist Direct, Plan and Improve

Please refer to the respective syllabus documents for details.

2. General information


Key message

The purpose of the continual improvement practice is to align the organization’s practices and services with changing business needs
through the ongoing improvement of products, services, practices, or any element involved in the management of products and services.

When a service provider adopts a practice to formalize, encourage, and manage improvement as part of its regular activities, it embarks on
continual improvement.

The continual improvement practice enables service providers to adapt to changing business needs and maintain and increase the value
generated by their service value system (SVS). Service providers should:

adapt to changing circumstances

improve their overall capabilities to deliver and manage services efficiently. Failure to adapt and improve will lead to a reduction in the
value of services.


Definition: Improvement

A deliberately introduced change that results in increased value for one or more stakeholders.

Almost every action taken in an organization can be seen as an improvement activity. Improvement means change; there cannot be a change
to outcomes without changing the current state.

Definition: Vision

A defined aspiration of what an organization would like to become in the future.

A vision may be a brief description of a future state, to which all parts of the organization and its value network are required to contribute. The
vision focuses on the organization’s ambitions, but usually does not detail the ways in which these will be achieved.

All improvement initiatives need to cascade from the organizational vision. If any improvement is not contributing, even in a small way, to
achieving this vision, the change is probably not necessary or useful.

Definition: Business as usual

Typically, repeatable routine tasks that can be carried out by people with appropriate technical skills without needing to be managed as a

An example of business as usual (BAU) would be when modifications or enhancements need to be made to an existing product within a
relatively short timescale. There would usually be a long list of these tasks arriving regularly throughout the lifespan of the product. There may
be an established team dedicated to this work.

Definition: Improvement register

A database or structured document used to record and manage improvement initiatives throughout their lifecycles.

People throughout the organization should be encouraged to record ideas in the improvement register so that they can be assessed and
actioned. Improvement is everybody’s responsibility, including:





roles/teams responsible for service delivery

product and service owners

suppliers and partners involved in service delivery.

Definition: Feedback loops

Part of the output of an activity that is used for new input. In a well-functioning organization, feedback is actively collected and processed
along the value chain.

Well-constructed feedback mechanisms facilitate an understanding of:

end user and customer perception of value created

the efficiency and effectiveness of value chain activities

the effectiveness of service governance as well as management controls

the interfaces between the organization and its partner and supplier network

the demand for products and services.

Once received, feedback can be analysed to identify and validate improvement opportunities, risks, or issues.
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2.2.1 Involving service consumers

In service relationships, service providers and service consumers may share value stream activities. Therefore:

some improvements may involve changes in service consumption

some improvements may affect service consumers directly.

These two factors should be considered when capturing improvement opportunities and planning improvements. Service consumers and their
representatives should be encouraged to submit suggestions to the improvement register and should be involved in improvement planning
and risk assessment.

Service consumers should feel comfortable suggesting improvements to the service provider; the service provider should plan and implement
feedback channels for service consumers and their representatives. Openness in communication and inclusion in the continual improvement
practice will help to build a valuable, effective relationship.

Service providers should work closely with service customers to ensure fast feedback loops and to verify the improvement’s results and effects.
Organizations that aim for fast and effective continual improvement usually try to agree close cooperation with their consumers, removing
formal bureaucratic barriers in communication, collaboration, and decision-making.

The scope of the continual improvement practice includes:

establishing and nurturing a continual improvement culture

planning and maintaining improvement approaches and methods throughout the organization

planning and facilitating ongoing improvements throughout their lifecycles

assessing improvements’ effectiveness, including outputs, outcomes, efficiency, risks, and costs

generating and incorporating feedback on improvements’ implementation and results.

There are several activities and areas of responsibility that are not included in the continual improvement practice, although they are still
closely related to continual improvement. These are listed in Table 2.1, along with references to the practices in which they can be found. It is
important to remember that ITIL practices are merely collections of tools to use in the context of value streams; they should be combined as
necessary, depending on the situation.

Table 2.1 Activities related to the continual improvement practice described in other
practice guides

Activity Practice guide

Implementing improvements Project management

Software development and management Infrastructure and platform
management Change enablement
Deployment management Release management
Service validation and testing

Definition of vision and strategic objectives Strategy management

Analysis of flaws in a value stream Business analysis

Change authorization Change enablement

Providing tools to measure the current state and impact of Measurement and reporting

Decision-making on the funding of big improvement initiatives Portfolio management

Assessing risks against the desired improvement outcomes Risk management

Negotiating and agreeing joint improvement initiatives with Supplier management

partners and suppliers Relationship management

Informing and agreeing on improvements with service consumers Service level management

Providing interfaces between the service provider and users for Service desk
feedback and improvement ideas

Managing the human aspects of large-scale improvement Organizational change management


Definition: Practice success factor

A complex functional component of a practice that is required for the practice to fulfil its purpose.

A practice success factor (PSF) is more than a task or activity; it includes components of all four dimensions of service management. The nature
of the activities and resources of PSFs within a practice may differ, but together they ensure that the practice is effective.

The continual improvement practice includes the following PSFs:

establishing and maintaining an effective approach to continual improvement

ensuring effective and efficient improvement across the organization.

2.4.1 Establishing and maintaining an effective approach to continual improvement Continual improvement model

The ITIL continual improvement model provides high-level guidance that supports improvement initiatives. Using this model increases the
likelihood that improvement initiatives will be successful. The model focuses on customer value and links improvement efforts to the
organizational vision.

This model promotes an iterative approach to improvement; work is divided into manageable pieces, which have defined goals that can be
incrementally achieved. When using this model, it is important to use logic and common sense. The steps do not need to be carried out in a
linear fashion, and it may be necessary to re-evaluate and return to a previous step at various points.

Figure 2.1 shows the ITIL continual improvement model. Improvement in complex environments

Large improvements in complex environments create significant change. It is important to define the scale at which an initiative should be
delivered using project management practices, rather than BAU.

Although the approach promoted by the ITIL continual improvement model is generic and applicable to any object of improvement, it is
important for organizations to adapt the approach and their methods to their specific environment. For example, it is important to consider
the typical timeframes in which challenges manifest.

Organizations functioning in complex environments, such as commercial IT service providers, might need to pursue both long- and short-term
improvement objectives. Such a service provider should establish a flexible continual improvement framework that allows managers to switch
between techniques, depending on changing circumstances. Among many measurable improvement techniques, two are likely to be
simultaneously employed by complex organizations:

Toyota Kata, a book written by Mike Rother1, discusses and promotes the principles of scientific thinking and behavioural techniques for
iterative improvements. Rother introduces the Improvement Kata and the Coaching Kata: routines that aim to foster and habituate
beneficial patterns of thinking in readers to facilitate improvements in their scopes of control. Rother’s Improvement Kata routines help
practitioners to avoid making assumptions based on biases and past experiences. Instead, practitioners think critically and deliberately
about challenges and opportunities, leading to iterative, measured, and effective actions.
The OODA (observe, orient, decide, act) loop2 is an operational decision-making technique and

framework, originating from a military combat approach. OODA loops are designed to be extremely short term and to run continuously until
an immediate danger has been eliminated.

This approach demonstrates agility overcoming power. The ‘orient’ stage is central to the technique. It suggests a system of interrelated
knowledge areas (traditions, heritage, previous experience, new information, analysis, and synthesis) that a change agent can rapidly employ
to make conclusions. These conclusions, in turn, enable decision-making.

Organizational design can enable change agents in complex environments to be autonomous and to rationally choose which path to take on
their specific continual improvement journey. Considering whether the danger of not improving is immanent or requires a long-term
management effort is crucial. Embedding across the organization

A culture of continual improvement:

encourages stakeholders to suggest and support improvements

encourages stakeholders to express their needs, wants, and concerns and to take risks

recognizes that perfectionism is typically self-defeating and blocks timely improvements

considers continual improvement to be a BAU activity

celebrates successful improvements

encourages fast feedback loops

promotes learning from failures rather than a blame culture.

It is critical that senior management is committed to developing a culture of continual improvement in order to embed these values within an
organization and enable a successful continual improvement practice. Promote continuous learning

Step 6 of the ITIL continual improvement model (did we get there?) should always be used to capture lessons learned from improvement

1 Rother, Mike. (2017). The Toyota Kata Practice Guide: Developing Scientific Thinking Skills for Superior Results. US. McGraw Hill.


Successful improvement initiatives should review the achieved positive outcomes, both planned and unexpected. If the expected results of the
improvement were not achieved or were achieved in a way that differed from what was planned, the initiative should be reviewed and
stakeholders should be told why it failed. This requires a thorough analysis of the improvement initiative, documenting and communicating the
lessons learned. The documentation should include a description of what could be done differently in the next iteration, based on the
experience gathered.

Where possible, a lessons learned log should be kept throughout the initiative implementation. This log should then be reviewed, producing a
lessons learned report. Lessons learned reports should be used for similar future improvement initiatives. Transparency is important for
future efforts, regardless of the results of the current iteration.

If Step 6 is skipped, improvements will likely remain isolated and independent initiatives and progress may be lost over time. It may also be
difficult to get support for future improvement initiatives and embed continual improvement in the organization’s culture. It is important to
remember that a blameless environment, where it is safe to fail and the primary focus is not on blaming someone but on learning the lesson,
should be created and maintained.
2.4.2 Ensuring effective and efficient improvement across the organization Capturing opportunities
The continual improvement practice supports the improvement of all other practices, products, and services. It is a core component of the SVS
and be must be embedded in all other service management practices. The volume of opportunities that are identified can be used as a metric
to assess how well the continual improvement practice has been established within an organization. Prioritization
Prioritization criteria must be transparent and applied impartially to all initiatives. When prioritization is questioned or is unable to be clearly
assessed, the initiative should be escalated to a governance committee for further discussion.

Although all agreed outcomes will contribute to achieving the desired state, some will be more critical than others. There may be a certain
order in which changes must be made in order to reach these outcomes. Some outcomes will require significant investment and others may
be achievable with minimal cost and effort. Low-cost, low-effort initiatives can be prioritized in order to achieve a rapid increase in value for the
organization. Ownership
The owners of specific service, product, or practice value streams are accountable for managing relevant continual improvement initiatives.
These people should lead by example, demonstrating and reiterating the value of improvement activities.

The continual improvement practice owner is accountable for managing the continual improvement practice. This person ensures that the rest
of the organization has the knowledge, skills, and tools needed to identify, assess, fund, perform, and evaluate the outcomes of continual
improvement initiatives. Resources
Collaborating in a way that leads to real accomplishment requires information, understanding, and trust. Work and outcomes should be made
visible. Hidden agendas should be avoided. Information should be shared as much possible. When people are aware of what is happening and
why, they will be more willing to help.

When improvement activities occur with only a small group being aware of the details, assumptions and rumours often prevail. Resistance to
change may increase when staff members speculate about what is changing and how it might impact them.

Working in short iterations that deliver value quickly and visibly reinforces the value that users gain from the work being done, which in turn is
motivational and rewarding for the teams delivering it. Funding improvement initiatives

A business case should articulate the reason for undertaking a service or process improvement initiative. As far as possible, data and evidence
relating to the costs and expected benefits of undertaking an improvement initiative should be provided, noting that:

SVS redesign activities are often more complex and therefore more costly than initially expected

organizational change impact is often underestimated.

changed practices usually require changed competencies and tools, further increasing costs.

When developing a business case, the focus should not be limited to the potential return on investment but also on the business value that the
improvement initiative would bring to the organization and its customers (value on investment). This is because the measure of return on
investment alone does not capture the real value of service improvement. Should an organization choose to focus solely on the potential
return on investment, many of the potential benefits will not be disclosed or reviewed. This could result in worthwhile initiatives being rejected,
or reviews mistakenly suggesting that certain initiatives failed.
Unsurprisingly, most business executives expect returns on their investments. It is important to recognize that an investment in improvement,
and its benefits, can vary depending on the

organization’s customer base, size, and maturity. Benefits will cross existing organizational boundaries, and true benefits can only be captured
in collaboration with users/customers and service provider managers. The focus should therefore be to work with stakeholders to develop
business-specific and service-provider-specific indicators that link business value indicators to contributions from the service provider. In other
words, how does improvement add value to the organization?

Examples of business value measures are:

time to market

customer retention

market share.

Service provider contribution can be captured through:

gaining agility

managing knowledge

enhancing knowledge

reducing costs

reducing risk.
The service provider should begin by defining the types of business value to which each improvement will contribute.

If an investment is well conceived, solid, and delivers results, it can lead to cost savings over time. Therefore it is important to choose the right
investments and ensure that they deliver. When presenting a business case for an improvement initiative, it is important to help executives to
understand the business value of the initiative. Most executives over-emphasize the value of technology and tools, when most benefits are
realized from business changes. It is important to address how people and practices will change, from the ‘as is’ to the ‘to be’ state.

In business case development, it is also important to consider situations where value will be lost by not undertaking improvement activities.
There will be situations where a failure to act will severely impact the service consumers and the service provider; the value of an improvement
may be value retained rather than value added.

An excellent practice that can help to demonstrate return on investment is requesting funding for a pilot project, a short-term project of
limited scope that represents the suggested larger scale initiative, which can demonstrate scalable results.

When developing business cases it is important to ensure that success criteria and their measurements, including timescales, are clearly
defined. Evaluation
When an improvement opportunity is identified, the current state should be assessed so that any improvement made can be measured, or
understood, in the context of ‘where we started’.

Quantitative metrics can be used to measure actual performance of services and methods. Qualitative metrics can be used to measure
strategy, portfolios, and relationships with other parties.


The effectiveness and performance of the ITIL practices should be assessed within the context of the value streams to which each practice
contributes. As with the performance of any tool, the practice’s performance can only be assessed within the context of its application.
However, tools can differ greatly in design and quality, and these differences define a tool’s potential or capability to be effective when used
according to its purpose. Further guidance on metrics, key performance indicators (KPIs), and other techniques that can help with this can be
found in the measurement and reporting practice guide.

Ideally, continual improvement is measured in terms of the impact of improvement activities on the value generated by the SVS. This can be
difficult to quantify because:

Value in the SVS is the result of complex interactions within the system.

Many improvements may occur simultaneously. It may be impossible to distinguish the impact of one improvement from the impact of

There is usually a significant delay between the implementation of an improvement and the realization of its value.

Measuring value is easier if the continual improvement practice adopts Agile methods because, when this is the case, stakeholders confirm
value creation at every iteration boundary. This effect is even more evident when product ownership is assigned to the customer or to the
people within the service provider organization who are closest to the customers.

Effective metrics will identify which areas of the organization are delivering continual improvement initiatives. It is important to include the
continual improvement practice itself in the ‘management of continual improvement initiatives’ metrics.

Other metrics relate to the organizational achievement of continual improvement and are designed to identify the services, products, or
practices that have not delivered improvements, or that are trying to deliver improvements that are too large. These metrics help to identify
which teams or stakeholders require additional attention from the continual improvement manager.

Key metrics for the continual improvement practice are mapped to its PSFs. They can be used as KPIs in the context of value streams to assess
the contribution of the practice to the effectiveness and efficiency of those value streams. Some examples of key metrics are given in Table 2.2.
Table 2.2 Examples of key metrics for the practice success factors

Practice success factors Key metrics

Establishing and maintaining an effective

approach to continual improvement
Stakeholder satisfaction with the organization’s ability to obtain

value from improvement initiatives

Awareness and adoption of the continual improvement approach across the


Adoption of the continual improvement culture across the organization

Ensuring effective and efficient improvement

across the organization
Return on investment and value on investment

Percentage of successful improvement initiatives

Percentage of improvement initiatives realized in line with planned timelines, costs,

and other plans
Percentage and effect of improvement initiatives for which negative outcomes and
realized risks outweighed planned positive outcomes

Continual improvement productivity index3

3 (N+C)/(O+C) – see the measurement and reporting practice guide for explanation and examples.

3. Value Streams and processes


The continual improvement practice is unique in that it contributes to the value of every other practice and every component of the value
stream. It is important to remember that a value stream is never formed from a single practice. The continual improvement practice combines
with other practices to provide high-quality services to consumers. The continual improvement practice should not be viewed in isolation: it is a
key constituent of all other practices.

The contribution of the continual improvement practice to the service value chain is shown in Figure 3.1.
3.1 Heat map of the contribution of the problem management practice to value
chain activities

Each practice may include one or more processes and activities that may be necessary to fulfil the purpose of that practice.

Definition: Process

A set of interrelated or interacting activities that transform inputs into outputs. A process takes one or more defined inputs and turns them
into defined outputs. Processes define the sequence of actions and their dependencies.

The continual improvement practice activities form one process:

management of continual improvement initiatives.

The continual improvement practice also includes a set of activities for embedding the practice into the organization.

3.2.1 Management of continual improvement initiatives

This process includes the activities listed in Table 3.1 and transforms the inputs into outputs.

Table 3.1 Inputs, activities, and outputs of the management of continual improvement
initiatives process

Key inputs Activities Key outputs

Organization’s vision, Identifying and logging Improvement record Updated CIR

mission, and objectives improvement opportunities Draft business justification Approved business justification Improvement
Post incident reviews Assessing, prioritizing, and plans Performance measurements Change and project records Updated
Problem outcomes Baseline approving improvement metrics
metrics initiatives Lessons learnt
Practice target and Planning improvement
achievement metrics initiatives
Customer satisfaction Facilitating the implementation
metrics SLM practice of improvement initiatives
reviews Measuring and evaluating the
User and customer results of improvement
feedback Assessment initiatives
Audit reports Improvement
Continual improvement
register (CIR)
Figure 3.2 shows a workflow diagram of the process.

Table 3.2 provides examples of the process activities.

Table 3.2 Activities of the management of continual improvement initiatives process

Activity Description

Identifying and Capturing ideas for improvement is everyone’s responsibility and is a critical part of developing a culture of continual
logging improvement. The initial idea does not need to be detailed; it is a starting point for a conversation about requirements
improvement and understanding the delta the current state and the desired future state. The key step in this activity is to log the
opportunities improvement idea in the CIR, where it is assigned a unique reference

Assessing, Improvement outcomes can have positive impacts on value in many areas. Typically, they will provide time or cost
prioritizing, and savings, enhance the user experience, reduce risk, improve culture, or achieve compliance to regulations.
approving In Agile methodologies, reviewing and completing the incoming ideas is referred to as managing the product backlog.
improvement The CIR can be adapted to be managed as a backlog as well.
When CIR items have been prioritized, as should be done regularly, funding and resourcing for the most important
improvement initiatives must be secured. A business justification should be used to justify investing in an improvement
When asking for resources to begin improvement activities, it is important to communicate appropriately with budget
holders, such as by referring to return on investment, clearly defined business outcomes, and the organization’s vision.
The detail needed in a business case depends on the size of the improvement initiative, not the project methodology
being utilized. Large initiatives need to engage formal project management or change enablement methods and
techniques in order to be realized.
Lean Canvas is an approach that can be used to create business justifications to secure funding for small-scale initiatives.
Lean Canvas suggests delivering a single-page business model that deconstructs an idea into a set of basic elements,
presented concisely. These elements are:

problem statement for the improvement

suggested improvement initiative (possibly with options)

key metrics of the improved object

value proposition

unfair advantage of the suggested option

customer segments

channels of value delivery

cost structure

added benefits or revenue forecast.

There are alternative models , but the common idea is to perform due diligence for the
initiative and gain conscious approval before resources are committed.

Planning The planning of approved improvement initiatives should be no different than the planning of projects, changes, or other
improvement types of work of a similar scale. The business justification should contain basic resource and timeframe planning
initiatives according to the improvement initiative’s priority. It is useful to have a priority scale for improvement initiatives
consistent with the priorities for other types of work in which teams and
resources may be engaged.

Facilitating Whether an initiative is being delivered using waterfall or Agile methodologies, the larger (approved and funded)
improvement initiative plan must be separated into smaller tasks.
initiatives Improvement is then realized according to the plan and methodologies that were used.

Measuring and After an improvement or group of improvement initiatives is completed and ready for delivery, it should be showcased
evaluating to stakeholders in order to demonstrate and validate value co-creation.
improvement Value co-creation must be confirmed at every iteration to measure progress from the original state towards the agreed
initiative results desired state by comparing the outcomes to the agreed success factors and KPIs. If the expected outcomes have not
been fully achieved, gaps should be prioritized and addressed in following iterations.
Lessons learnt should be captured for each improvement initiative.
Note: Feedback is an essential element of the continual improvement practice. It is important to establish multiple feedback channels, formal
and informal. Not all feedback will trigger changes to the improvement plans, but all feedback must be respected and reviewed. Decisions
made as a result of feedback should be relayed back to the originator. If feedback is ignored or unacknowledged, it will become harder to
obtain in the future. Feedback that illuminates a further improvement opportunity should be added to the CIR and prioritized.

3.2.2 Embedding the continual improvement practice into the organization

The key outcome of this set of activities is ensuring that the continual improvement practice is an organizational norm. This involves the
adoption of various Agile behaviours, concepts, and techniques.

This process includes the activities listed in Table 3.3 and transforms the inputs into outputs.

Table 3.3 Inputs, activities, and outputs of the embedding the continual improvement practice into the organization

Key inputs Activities Key outputs

OCM practices Integration into Cultural change

Frameworks, methods, standards, philosophies, and/or bodies of organizational culture Adoption of best practice that best
knowledge, such as ITIL, Lean, Agile, DevOps, CMMI, Six Sigma and COBIT Identification of relevant serves the organization’s needs
and valuable principles
Knowledge sharing and
capability uplift

Table 3.4 provides examples of the activities.

Table 3.4 Activities of the embedding the continual improvement practice into the
organization process

Activity Description

Integration into Senior management is important when changing behaviour. Senior managers must be role models; if they do not adopt
organizational the practice, others will not adopt it either.
culture Senior managers should ensure that people are rewarded for compliance. For continual improvement, this means
ongoing monitoring, analysing, reviewing, reporting, identifying, and implementing initiatives.
It is necessary to ensure that the job descriptions are updated, employee’s goals and objectives consider service
management responsibilities, and general expectations include continual improvement activities.

Identification of A successful continual improvement practice relies on several key principles:

relevant and
valuable Focus on making incremental changes Large changes are riskier and take longer to show results.
Learn from mistakes Some initiatives will not result in the planned outcomes.

Encourage ideas throughout the organization Many successful initiatives in large organizations originate with
employees at the operational level.

Measure Without measurement, it is impossible to know whether

improvement efforts are successful.

Knowledge Knowledge sharing is a critical factor in the success of the continual improvement practice. In cultures where knowledge
sharing and sharing is not the norm, successful improvements are likely to be limited and new concepts are typically restricted to
capability uplift individuals or teams, rather than being shared around the organization.
In organizations where knowledge is seen as a personal asset rather than an organizational capability, it will be difficult
to benefit from the continual improvement practice.
A knowledge sharing culture must be promoted by senior managers.

Ideas for improvements may come from a variety of sources. Almost anyone within the SVS may identify a potential improvement to any
component of the SVS. Service providers sometimes establish criteria that limit who may suggest improvements, but it is best to encourage
contributions wherever possible.

Various systems of record may be sources of improvement suggestions, either via automated interfaces or manual reviews and data
extraction. These systems include problem records, risk registers, and process performance records.

In organizations with a defined product owner role, improvement suggestions are first submitted to the product owner of the relevant product.
The product owner may then filter and adjust the suggestions and add them to the CIR.

4. Organizations and people


The practice guides do not describe the practice management roles such as practice owner, practice lead, or practice coach. They focus instead
on the specialist roles that are specific to each practice. The structure and naming of each role may differ from organization to organization, so
any roles defined in ITIL should not be treated as mandatory, or even recommended.

Remember, roles are not job titles. One person can take on multiple roles and one role can be assigned to multiple people.

Roles are described in the context of processes and activities. Each role is characterized with a competency profile based on the model shown
in Table 4.1.

Table 4.1 Competency codes and profiles

Competency profile (activities and skills)

Leader Decision-making, delegating, overseeing other activities, providing incentives and motivation, and evaluating outcomes

Administrator Assigning and prioritizing tasks, record-keeping, ongoing reporting, and initiating basic improvements

Coordinator/communicator Coordinating multiple parties, maintaining communication between stakeholders, and running awareness

Methods and techniques expert Designing and implementing work techniques, documenting procedures, consulting on processes, work
analysis, and continual improvement
Technical expert Providing technical (IT) expertise and conducting expertise-based assignments

Examples of roles which can be involved in the continual improvement activities are listed in the Table 4.2, together with the associated
competency profiles and specific skills.

Table 4.2, Examples of roles which can be involved in the continual improvement
activities together with the associated competency profiles and specific skills

Competence Description

L Leader. This role focuses on leadership skills and authority. Activities associated with this role include decision making,
delegation, oversight of other activities, incentives and motivation, and the evaluation of outcomes.

А Administrator. This role focuses on administrative skills. Activities associated with this role include the assignment and
prioritization of
tasks, record keeping, ongoing reporting, and basic improvement initiatives.

C Coordinator/communicator. This role focuses on

communication and coordination skills. Activities associated with this role include the coordination of multiple parties,
communication between stakeholders, and the running of
awareness campaigns.
М Methods and techniques expert. This role focuses on consulting skills and expertise in work methods. Activities associated
with this role include the
design and implementation of work techniques, the documentation of procedures, consulting
on processes, work analysis, and continual improvement.

Т Technical expert. This role focuses on technical (IT) expertise and expertise- based assignments.

Table 4.3 Examples of roles with responsibility for continual improvement activities

Activity Responsible roles Competency profile Specific skills

Management of continual
improvement initiatives

Identifying and logging Service provider staff CMT Submissions will be improved if the submitter
improvement opportunities (leaders and team has a good knowledge of the service, product, or
members) value stream to
Stakeholders (possibly via be improved
product owners)

Assessing, prioritizing, and A team member, manager, LACTM Good understanding of the ITIL continual
approving improvements or coach improvement proficiency model and the object of
External consultant the improvement
(Any team members may
provide input to

Making business cases Team leader MTC Ability to concisely present

for improvement action Responsible team member ideas in a Lean-style single page document

Facilitating improvements A team leader or another CAMTL Ability to advocate for ideas and present them
implementation relevant authority convincingly, relating to the organization’s
objectives and success factors
Excellent knowledge of standards and policies
that might constrain potential improvements
Knowledge of the established value stream that
may be impacted by the initiative?

Measuring and evaluating Team leader Project CMA Statistical methods and measurement
improvement results manager Compliance techniques
officer Security officer
Internal auditors

Embedding the continual Embedding the continual Embedding the continual Embedding the continual improvement practice
improvement practice into improvement practice into improvement practice into into the organization
the organization the organization the organization

Integration into Senior Manager LCM Excellent knowledge of the service provider's
organizational culture Team leaders organizational culture
Organizational change Ability to lead by example
Strong command of OCM techniques and
Strong strategic thinking

Identification of relevant Senior managers MC Excellent knowledge of the service provider's

and valuable principles organizational culture
Ability to lead by example
Strong command of OCM techniques and
Strong strategic thinking

Knowledge sharing and Senior managers CA Excellent knowledge of the service provider's
capability uplift Team leaders organizational culture
Ability to lead by example
Strong command of OCM techniques and
Strong strategic thinking


4.2.1 A continual improvement team
It is unlikely that a service provider will maintain any teams specifically dedicated to the continual improvement practice. Teams are
responsible for improving themselves, how they interact with other internal teams, and how they interact with external suppliers, partners,
and customers.

However, a service provider may introduce an individual role of continual improvement coordinator or CIR administrator. When implementing
a continual improvement framework, the service provider might give this role to a person skilled in coaching. Depending on the size of the
organization and the strategies for embedding continual improvement activities, this could be a full-time position. As the proficiencies of teams
throughout the organization increase, the service provider might eliminate the role or make it part-time.

4.2.2 Structuring teams for continual improvement

Several attributes or aspects of a team facilitate and enhance its capabilities for improvement, including diversity and a safe-to-fail
environment. Diversity
Studies on the impact of diversity on team performance are inconclusive. Some studies show marked differences between socially
homogenous teams and socially and culturally diverse teams. Other studies fail to reproduce these results. Some studies demonstrate benefits
when experts are in teams with less experienced staff. However, it can be difficult argue for staffing a team with less experienced people.
There is a lack of information about the impact of changes to diversity on a single team.

Immediate economic benefit is only one aspect that should influencing team staffing. Other factors include the:

organization’s ethical responsibilities to its society

professional development of employees

team’s long-term stability and durability

value of avoiding groupthink and similar organizational biases.

Thinking in terms of categories and types of people might obstruct the building of a cohesive and well-performing team. There is no formula
for selecting the ‘right’ staff. Rather, the team manager should focus on techniques that foster trust and respect and recognize unique
individual contributions.
Safe-to-fail environment
Incremental, iterative improvement techniques rely on the team’s willingness to experiment. They allow improvements to fail frequently and
on a small scale, thereby limiting the probability of large-scale failure, reducing the potential impacts of failure, and increasing the ease with
which teams can recover from failure.

Team should recognize failures as opportunities to learn: blame culture must be avoided. It is better to learn from small failures and improve
overall capabilities than to never learn those lessons. It is better to achieve the benefits of successful experiments than to have never
attempted those experiments in the first place.

Consequently, teams need no-blame environments in which it is safe to fail. These environments promote what is generally described as
‘psychological safety’, and they rely on respect and trust between team members and managers.

5. Information and technology


5.1.1 Information objects and inputs/outputs
Suggestions for improvement are often vague and unmeasurable. For example, a manager might say that a service must be delivered more
quickly. Such a statement is neither motivating nor actionable. It is helpful to structure improvement proposals in such a way that

understand what should be solved

understand the potential value of the improvement

know the general scope of the work to be done

recognize other stakeholders

are aware of key constraints

can measure whether the improvement was successful.

5.1.2 Continual improvement register

The CIR is a complete list of improvement records used to track and manage continual improvement. In Agile methodologies, the CIR is called
the product backlog.

The CIR may be an integrated part of the service management system, or it could be a standalone database of improvement records.

5.1.3 Improvement record

The level of detail contained in each improvement record depends on the level of requirement specification it captures.

An example of data fields for an improvement record, and in effect, the structure of a CIR is shown in Table 3.4.

Table 3.4 Example data fields for an improvement record

Field Description
Improvement identifier A unique identifier valid across the entire service provider organization

Improvement name A short, descriptive title for the improvement

Improvement This could be any stakeholder, including external customers or suppliers

requester or source

Configuration item The service, product, or practice to be improved


Improvement owner The person responsible and accountable for implementing the improvement plan. Responsibility for an
improvement initiative should not be shared across teams.

Urgency An indication of the timeframe on which the effects of the improvement will begin to be realized. Simple
high/medium/low values can be used to indicate urgency.

Status Terms which identify where in the improvement process an initiative is.

Cost An indicative value that helps to prioritize backlog items and compare initiatives.
Although cost is unknown when the initiative is registered and estimated thereafter, it should incorporate direct
and indirect investment, time, and resources.
Simple high/medium/low values can be used to indicate cost.

Value or benefits This defines the final output of the initiative from both the service provider’s and service consumer’s perspectives.

Improvement plan A high-level description of the approach to addressing the problem.

Organizations that adopt Agile ways of working sometimes include a ‘definition of done’ or acceptance criteria for
the initiative.
The plan can include designation of teams and practices that will be involved in its implementation.


Despite huge progression in artificial intelligence, continual improvement is essentially a human, manual practice. There is little in the
continual improvement practice today that can be automated, but there are many tools that can support the various phases of continual
improvement. These are summarized in Table 5.1.

Table 5.1 Automation solutions for continual improvement activities

Automated testing

Process activity Means of automation Key functionality Impact on the

effectiveness of the

Identifying and CIR Self-logging initiatives to the Medium

logging CIR
Assessing, Measurement and Provide baseline to establish the current state Medium
prioritizing, and reporting tools
approving Statistical analysis
improvements tools

Planning Electronic Kanban Visibility of the status of all tasks High

improvements and Prevents unnecessary interruption or re-negotiation of agreed
facilitating delivery dates

Automated testing Potential for automation, especially for phased deployments;

automated testing tools; automated development and High
deployment pipelines

Measuring and Measurement and Provide baseline to establish the current state Medium
evaluating reporting tools
improvement results Statistical analysis

6. Partners and suppliers

Very few services are delivered using only an organization’s own resources. Most, if not all, depend on other services, often provided by third
parties outside the organization (see section 2.4 of ITIL® Foundation: ITIL 4 Edition for a model of a service relationship). Relationships and
dependencies introduced by supporting services are described in the ITIL practices for service design, architecture management, and supplier

Partners and suppliers must be included in continual improvement initiatives. Partners should be encouraged to submit suggestions to the
CIR. In the same way, service consumer organizations should be able to suggest improvements to service providers. Open communication and
willingness to learn help to build relationships that facilitate value co-creation.

In an Agile context, customers and suppliers need to collaborate in order to achieve the best possible outcomes. Organizations aim for fast,
effective continual improvement. They usually try to agree close cooperation with their partners and suppliers, removing formal bureaucratic
barriers in communication, collaboration, and decision-making (for more information, see the supplier management practice guide).


All improvement statements contain a description of a problem to be solved. However, some problems do not have an obvious solution.

For example, if a supplier delivers low quality goods or services, the customer has several choices:

accept the goods or services and work with them at that level of quality

change suppliers

build steps into the service provider’s value streams to detect and correct or remove the


collaborate with the supplier to improve the quality of the goods or services that are delivered and how the consumer uses them.
Accepting poor quality good or services abandons the principles of continual improvement. Changing suppliers might result in higher quality,
but this is not always an option. Many factors, such as physical location, price, or availability of goods and services, can limit the choice of
suppliers. Adding steps to existing value streams to handle quality issues might result in higher value services, but at the cost of lower agility,
longer lead times and higher costs.

Suppliers and consumers might collaborate to make supply chain improvements by:

identifying consumer requirements that are unnecessary and can be removed

adjusting the specifications of products

separating the service provider’s value streams and re-assigning certain activities to suppliers (or consumers)

adjusting delivery cadences and batch sizes.


In addition to identifying and implementing improvement initiatives, suppliers and partners may provide specialist services that support the
continual improvement practice. Table 6.1 gives examples of these services.

Table 6.1 Roles of suppliers and partners in continual improvement

ITIL continual improvement model step Service

1. Where are we now Independently assessing the current state

2. Where do we want to be Analysing potential for improvement and advising about best practice

3. How do we get there Coaching and planning services

4. Take action Contracting for specialized skills

5. Did we get there Independently assessing the new state

6. Keeping the momentum going Engaging in regular discussions and planning of improvements for both parties

7. Important reminder

Most of the content of the practice guides should be taken as a suggestion of areas that an organization might consider when establishing and
nurturing their own practices. The practice guides are catalogues of things that organizations might think about, not a list of answers. When
using the content of the ITIL practice guides, organizations should always follow the ITIL guiding principles:

focus on value

start where you are

progress iteratively with feedback

collaborate and promote visibility

think and work holistically

keep it simple and practical

optimize and automate.

More information on the guiding principles and their application can be found in section 4.3 of the

ITIL Foundation®: ITIL 4 Edition.

8. Acknowledgements

AXELOS Ltd is grateful to everyone who has contributed to the development of this guidance. These practice guides incorporate an
unprecedented level of enthusiasm and feedback from across the ITIL community. In particular, AXELOS would like to thank the following

Roman Jouravlev, Laura Little, Kirstie Magowan, Konstantin Naryzhny,.

Xavier Idrovo, Vernon Lloyd.

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