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Môn thi: TIẾNG ANH

Thời gian làm bài: 90 phút (không tính thời gian giao đề)
Đề thi có 04 trang. Thí sinh làm bài trên đề thi.
Họ, tên thí sinh: __________________ Học sinh trường THCS : ________________
I. Circle the letter A, B, C or D that indicates the best answer to each question. (2.0 pts)
1. Can I have a pizza, a dozen eggs and a of lemonade, please?
A. piece B.tub C.bottle D. jar
2. P1: ___________. __________ ” P2: - “ Thanks. You’re very nice to say so”
A. Never mind. It’s such an amazing news ! C. Good luck. Your trip went on.
B. Excuse me. Can you help me ? D. Well done. Your job was so
3. We are very happy to study under an _______________teacher.
A. amuse B. amusing C. amused D. amusement
4. A lot of trees ___________when the storm hit the city last year.
A. were blown down B. are blown down
C. have blown down D. blown down
5. Today’s cities are ________ than cities in previous times.
A. more lager B. much larger C. as large D. the largest
6. _________he tried hard, he couldn’t lift up the package.
A. When B. Although C. Because D. If
7. That’s the girl _________ mother tongue is French.
A. which B. that C. who D. whose
8. People often give the best wishes each other __________ New Year.
A. in B. on C. at D. to
9. Let’s paint the wall , ______________?
A. shall we B. do we C. shan’t we D. will we
10. If we go on littering, the environment ________ seriously polluted.
A. won’t become B. will become C. became D. become
11. The man suggests _________ to the seaside in the summer.
A. to go B. go C. going D. goes
12. I’m sorry! I can’t do this work well. I wish he ___________ do this work well.
A. could B. did C. couldn’t D. wasn’t

13. Plastic bags are hard ___________________.

A. dissolve B. dissolved C. dissolving D. to dissolve
14. Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others
A. camera B. famous C. glad D. family
15. Choose the word which has different stress pattern from the others:
A. despite B. dentist C. destroy D. describe
II. There is ONE mistake in each sentence. Pick it out and correct it. (1.0 pt)
1. She doesn’t like play badminton. _______ _______
2. She told me she want to be a designer. _______ _______

3. How often does she stay in this hotel? - For a week. _______ _______
4. After leave the room, she forgot the key. _______ _______
III. Read the notice and the email. For questions 1-6, fill in the information in Isabelle's

DANCE SHOW From: Fiona.

Friday To: Isabelle.

Starts: 1.00

Entrance is FREE
Hi, Isabelle
but please bring £ 10 to buy
Would you like to go to the dance show I told
our DVD of the show!
you about? We can go by bus and I can meet
you at the station. Phone me if you want to go.

1. Day: _______________________. 4. Fiona will be at the: ___________.

2. Begins at: ___________________. 5. Fiona's number: ______________.

3. DVD costs: £______________. 6. Mean of transport: ____________.

IV. Supply the correct form of the word in capital to complete each of the following
sentences. (1.5 pts)
1. Big Ben is a major monument in London which _________________ the United
2. Every ______________ in science helps you gain new knowledge. SUCCEED
3. He’s very __________________in scientific subjects. INTEREST
4. The forecast says the weather will be ______________ but it’s cold. SUN
V. Complete each sentence with the correct tense or form of one suitable verb from the
box. (1.0 pt)
1. She can’t speak to you because she ____________ lunch.
2. Mary _______________ me if I came from Vietnam.
3. He had a bad fall while he __________________ his roof.
GET 4. It’s raining. We _________ wet if we go out.
VI. Match notices to sentences. Which notice (A-F) says this (1-6)? Click on the notice to
select it. (1.5pts)

A. We offer a free bus service B. There are no bus services from this stop on
from this car park to the airport. Sunday and public holidays.

C. Do you use this bus often? Buy D. Number 12 bus runs every 20 minutes from
a travel car – ten journey for just £ 7am – 10pm and once an hour from 10pm – 7am.

E. Bus stop not in use until F. Please buy your ticket before you get
March. Please use stop in Green on the bus.

1. Buses do not come this way every day.

2. Don’t get on the bus without a ticket.
3. You don’t need to pay to get the bus from here.
4. You can travel on this bus during the day or night.
5. You cannot catch a bus here.
6. Buy this and your journeys will be cheaper.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

VII. Write a new sentence as similar as possible in meaning to the original sentence,
using the words given or do as directed. (1.5pts)
1. I had him repair my bicycle yesterday. REPAIRED
2. He was invited to work here although he wasn’t good at this problem.
In spite of ____________________________________________________.
3. I don’t have a boat. I won’t sail around the world.
If ___________________________________________________________.
4. “How many languages do you speak, Peter?” Lan asked,
Lan asked _____________________________________________________.
complete each of the following sentences with the correct tense of ONE suitable verb from
the box. (1pt)


1. When I got home, my parents ___________________ a new comedy show on TV.

2. People ______________________ to leave the flooded villages by 11 o’clock last night.
3. _________Kate usually _______________ casual clothes to work?
4. It’s raining. We __________________ wet if we go out.

VI. Read the website advertisement and the email. Fill in the information in Sara's note

TOP SELLING BOOKS From: [email protected]

This month:
To: [email protected]

Doggy Tails

by Ben Boye

Let’s get Harry a book for his birthday. The new book about
Best friends friends is on sale at looks good, but it must
arrive before July 3rd, so can you order it online tonight.
by Jackie Jones

It’s €14.50 so that will cost us €7.25 each. Is that OK? I’ll give you
the money tomorrow. Get them to mail it to !4 Kingsmeb Road.
 Answer : SARA’S NOTES
1. Whose birthday : _____________. 4. Date needed by: ___________.

2. Name of book : ______________. 5. Address to send book to : ________.

3. Writer: ___________________. 6. Price of book: ____________.

VII. Complete each of the following sentences so that it is closest in meaning to the original
sentence. (2.0 pts)
1. He is sorry he doesn’t watch the games.
He wishes ____________________________________________________.
2. Lifestyle in Malaysia is the same as Thailand.
Lifestyle in Malaysia isn’t _______________________________________.
3. Did they paint the house green?
Was __________________________________________________________?
4. He made a lot of effort at work. He was not promoted.
In spite of _____________________________________________________.
1. You don’t do any exercise and that’s why you put on weight.
If you didn’t _________________________________________________.
2. “Would you like to come a picnic with us?” Mike said to me.
Mike invited me _______________________________________________.

II. Which note (A-F) says this (1- 6). For questions 1 – 6, mark the correct letter A- F.
Write your answers in the box provided. (1,5pts)

Dictionary Found. Phone Simon

1. You can listen to a write here A.
one evening this week. on 529164 to get it back

2. If you have lost abook, call this
Return books to shelves after use
C. Martin Banks will read from his latest
3. Always keep your bag with you. book.

4. When you have finished reading. D. All meals HALF – PRICE

Put back all the books. 5 – 6 pm

5. You can eat lunch during English Conversation 1-2 pm Fridays
this meeting.
--- Bring Sandwiches ---

6. You pay less to eat at this time. Do not leave your luggage

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

VII. Complete each of the following sentences so that it is closest in meaning to the original
sentence. (2.0 pts)
1. Susan doesn’t have a watch, so she’s often late for work.
If __________________________________________________________________.
2. Have you heard about For a Brighter Future? It supports women in their fight for
employment equality. (RELATIVE PRONOUN)
Have ________________________________________________________________?
3. Someone switched the freezer off. Therefore, all the food was spoil.
____________________________ because ________________________________.
4. He suggested seeing Trang An, a natural wonderof our area. (VISIT)
What about_________________________________________________________?
VII. Complete each of the following sentences so that it is closest in meaning to the original
sentence. (2.0 pts)
1. Although he made efforts in his work, he wasn’t promoted. IN SPITE OF
He wasn’t promoted ________________________________________________.
2. Chinese is too hard for me to learn.
If Chinese _________________________________________________________.
3. “Why don’t you ask Jim for help, Linda” Nick said,
Nick advised _______________________________________________________.
4. I visited the Astronomy Museum. There I was able to touch a meteorite. WHERE
I ________________________________________________________________.
1. They believe that John broke the window. (BROKEN)
_____________________________________________________________________________ .
2. I lent him a book. It was written by Daniel Defoe.
The book ____________________________________________________________.
3. In spite of her poor health, she works twelve hours a day. EVEN THOUGH
4. “Don’t be so silly” Mr. John said to his wife.
Mr. John ______________________________________________________________.
1. They make a lot of mistakes because they are careless. CAREFUL
If ___________________________________________________________________.

II. Match notices to sentences . Which notice (A-F) says this (1-6)? Write your answers
in the box provided. (1.5pts)






1. People who saw a car drive into another car should call this number.
2. You cannot let your dog run free here.
3. Buses will not wait here.
4. Check you have all your bags before you go.
5. There are changes at the beginning of autumn.
6. Trains will not run at the weekend.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

VII. Complete each of the following sentences so that it is closest in meaning to the original
sentence. (2.0 pts)
1. He spent too much money on clothing.
If I were_____________________________________________________________.
2. He suggested seeing Trang An, a natural wonder of our area.
What about __________________________________________________________?
VII. Complete each of the following sentences so that it is closest in meaning to the original
sentence. (1.5 pts)
1. "Please, help me to make a decision" Ann asked her friend.
Ann asked her friend ________________________________________________.
2. Although he wasn’t experienced, he got the job.
In spite of _________________________________________________________.

VI. Read the advertisement and the email. Fill in the information in Martina’s notes.


[email protected]
New term starts June 30th From:

[email protected]


Wednesday or Saturday

10 a.m. or 4 p.m.

Martina, dance classes start again soon. We did Jazz

Jazz Dance Dance last term, so let’s try Hip – Hop. I can’t do
weekdays because of work, and I’d prefer a
Sunday or Thursday
morning class. Afternoon classes are more
Dance classes with Nicole

Where: (1) _______________________.
Type of dance: (2) _______________________.
Day of my class: (3) _______________________.
Time of class: (4) _______________________.
Travel there by: (5) _______________________.
Each class costs: (6) £ _____________________.

VII. Complete each of the following sentences so that it is closest in meaning to the original
sentence. (2.0 pts)
1. “If I were you, I would no longer spend most of my time chatting on Facebook”, he
said. (ADVISED)
He ______________________________________________________________.
2. Although the man was qualified for the job, he wasn’t accepted.
Despite ____________________________________________, he wasn’t accepted.
1. The furniture is so expensive that I don’t buy it.
If the furniture ______________________________________________________.
1. Be careful or you might fall.
If _______________________________________________________________.
2. “How much time do you spend on English?” my English teacher asked.
My English teacher _________________________________________________.
1. I’m not good at cooking, so I can’t become a chef.
If __________________________________________________________________.
2. “Can you help me wash the dirty dishes?” said Tim.
Tim asked me ________________________________________________________.
1. “ Why don’t you put better lock on the door, Barbara”? said John
John suggested _______________________________________________________.
2. Although he had a good salary, he was unhappy in his job.
In spite of ___________________________________________________________.
1. If Peter doesn’t change his ways of thinking, he will end up in prison.
Unless _______________________________________________________________.
2. I think we should speak English in class. SUGGEST
I ____________________________________________________________________.
3. "Which star are we travelling to?" Crew asked Captain Kirk
Crew asked Captain Kirk ________________________________________________.
4. The town hasn’t got any parks. People can go and relax there. RELATIVE PRONOUN
The town _____________________________________________________________.

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