Unit 6

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Basic 3 Unit 6

Unit 6

a. How well do you remember the radio drama, “Hospital Adventures”? Mark what each
character said.

Morgan Chad Doctor Narrator

“What a headache! Where am I?

Who am I? Who are you?”
“Will Chad get well? Will he get his memory

3. “It seems that we’ll have to operate.”

“Doctor, I’m so worried. What are we

going to do?”
“You’ll remember that last time, Chad was
in an accident.”
“He’s still sleeping. The nurse just took his tem-
perature. He has a fever.”

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Basic 3 Unit 6

b. Answer the following questions about the radio drama. Write complete sentences.

1. What is the name of the radio drama?

The drama is called "Hospital Adventures"

2. Who is Morgan?

Morgan is Chad's wife

3. What was the cause of Chad’s accident?

As he was walking home from work, he fell and hitbhis head

4. What happened to Chad as a result of the accident?

He lost his memory

5. What does the doctor want to do?

The doctor wants to operate

6. What do you think will happen next?

Accept all logical answer

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Basic 3 Unit 6

Malcolm’s Special Day

a. The pictures below show scenes from the story “Malcolm’s Special Day”.
Number the pictures in the correct order and write a sentence to describe each

3 a. _______________________________
He was going to the dentist

2 b. _______________________________
Malcom was brushing his teeth

4 c. _______________________________
He was going tho his home

1 d. _______________________________
Malcom and his wife were getting up

5 e. _______________________________
Party suprise

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Basic 3 Unit 6

b. Tell your partner what happened to Malcolm on his special day. Use the pictures
from activity a. to help you.

c. How do the people below feel? Match what they said in column A with their emotions
in column B.
1. “Ah… this is the life! Just sea, sun, and beautiful skies.” ___
e a. lonely

2. “I’ll probably never see my best friend again. I’m going to miss
b. exited
him so much.” ___ f

3. “Wow! When did you decide to paint all the walls bright c. surprised
orange?” ___

4. “I don’t have any friends. Nobody loves me!” ___

a d. nervous

5. “I hope I do well in this job interview. I hope I don’t do e. relaxed

anything stupid.” ___

6. “Ooooh, what fun! Today’s my birthday!” ___

b f. upset

d. Imagine you are either Malcolm or his wife, Debbie. Write about your day in your

May 15
Dear Diary,
Today started off badly but ended up great!

In the morning, Malcom was excited about his birthday. Then, when I
pretended I didn't remember his birthday, he was upset. He was
probably upset all day! While he was out, his friends came over and
helped me prepare everything. When Malcom came home frome the
dentist and opened the door, he was so suprised! After that he was
realle happy. I think he had a great birthday Party.



e. Read your partner’s diary and guess who he/she is.

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Basic 3 Unit 6

There’s Tom
a. Rewrite the following sentences by putting the words in the correct order.

1. There’s / Look. / Tom.

Look. There's Tom.

2. talk / him? / don’t / Why / you / over / go / and / to

Why don't you go over and talk to him?

3. I / Do / think / should? / you

Do you think I should?

4. you / him, / like / If / ought / to. / really / you

If you like him, you really ought to

5. me? / talk / But / doesn’t / what / he / if / want / to / to

But what if he doesn't want to talk to me

6. worry / Well, / shouldn’t / that. / you / about

Well, you shouldn't worry about that

b. Write a dialogue for the following situation.

Alan is nervous before his job interview. He is afraid he will say and do all the
wrong things. His friend Dan tries to calm him down and gives him advice on
how to do well in the interview.

Alan: _____________________________________________________________
I'm really nervous about this job interview

Dan: _____________________________________________________________
Don't be nervous. You must try to relax

Alan: _____________________________________________________________
But what if I say the wrong thing?

Dan: _____________________________________________________________
Just be yourself and don't think so much

Alan: _____________________________________________________________
Do you think I'll get the job?

Dan: _____________________________________________________________
Well, I think you have a good change.

c. Practice the dialogue with your partner.

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Basic 3 Unit 6

Past Progressive: Statements, Questions and

a. Write sentences describing what Malcolm’s family were doing before his party. Use
the words in parentheses.

(bake/a cake) (decorate/the room)

1. Debbie _______________________ 2. Malcolm’s friends _______________
was baking a ckae . _______________________________
were decorating the room .

(set/the table) (make/popcorn)

3. Malcolm’s mother _______________ 4. Malcolm’s brother _______________

was setting the table . _______________________________
was making popcorn .

b. Complete the dialogue between Chad and his doctor using the verbs in

Chad: Tell me doctor, what (1) _____________

was I doing (I do) when the accident happened?

Doctor: You (2) _____________

were walking (walk) home from work.

Chad: I can’t believe that I (3) ___________

wasn´t looking (not look) here I (4) ___________
was going (go)!

Doctor: Maybe you (5) _____________

were daydreaming (daydream)?

Chad: Perhaps. I wish I could remember what I (6) _____________

was thinking (think) about.

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