Paul Doyle - Coastal - Leadership

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What Leaders DO

All we do is Safe & Sound

Leadership in a Lean Enterprise
1. Coastal “commercial” – basis of case study
2. The four pillars of organizations
3. Current condition of leader development
4. What Leaders DO – a standard
5. Manage leadership as a process
Coastal Automotive: Rochester Hills
Coastal Automotive has a
become a preferred
supplier by several OEM’s
for overhead system energy
management and sound

Our purpose is to bring

together innovation and
market needs that ensure
vehicles are safe and sound.
Coastal Container: Holland
Coastal Container a preferred
supplier of packaging solutions
in Michigan.

Our purpose is to protect your

product and reputation from
dock to destination.
Four Pillars of Organizations
1. Market Focus
2. Strategic and Tactical Planning
3. Lean Enterprise
4. Leadership
People vote with their feet…
Maybe people leave
because of how they have
experienced leadership,

…but maybe leaders are

just as frustrated with their
own performance.
David Fields
All dressed up and no
place to go…
The Best Leader You’ve Ever Known

Think of the person you consider to be the best

leader you have ever known.

Describe why you regard this

person so highly as a leader.
What did they do that made
them a great?
Leadership Qualities
 Visionary – sees the big picture
 Inspired me – positive attitude These are all good, important
 Creative attributes of a leader but they don’t
 Good communicator really tell you what a leader DID to
 Integrity earn that description.
 Believed in me - trusted me
 Confident – made hard decisions Will this list tell a first time team
 Honest leader WHAT TO DO to be an effective
 Motivated me leader?
 Teacher
 Smart – knew their stuff These words describe the effect a
 Sense of humor leader has on their team. They don’t
 Balanced describe the WORK the leader does to
 Gets results – accountable cause that to happen.
Lessons Learned - Content
• Think about leadership not as theory, it is work.
• The work of leaders can be defined, observed,
measured and, therefore, improved.
• The work of leading needs standards to be
consistent and thus drive out variance.
• The principles of leader work are the same for every
level and function – the practices vary.
• Standards establish a baseline for improvement.
Lessons Learned - Process
• We identify potential well
• We select predominantly on technical competence not leader skills
• We tend to assess more often on aptitude; MBTI, PI, DISC
• We spend disproportionate time on psychology of leading
• We confuse leaves and trees – leader development is spotty
• We need top management commitment
• Integrate leadership into all people processes
• It is important to manage leadership as a process
• Coaching is required
Coastal Leadership
We want every leader at Coastal to know what is expected
of them so we have created a standard for leaders and a set
of resources to help our leaders learn what is expected of
• Principles
• Behavioral Expectations
• Supporting Resources
• Expectation for Development
Leadership Standard – branches not leaves
1. Serve
2. Build Teams
3. Lead
4. Measure
5. Direct
6. Organize
7. Communicate
8. Motivate
9. Develop People
10. Develop Process
What is a “Standard”
A standard describes the best practice as we know it today and the basis
for continuous improvement.
– The management of standards leads to a reduction in variation in everything
we do – predictability and waste elimination.
– Standard language facilitates communications.
– A standard model provides the foundation to build upon – innovation.
– Standard expectation clarifies message.
– Basis of comparison facilitates development – problem solving.
Job Instructional Training - Breakdown
If leading is work,
then it should be
subject to the same
analysis and
principles as any
other work.
Serve 服侍 Servir
It is through the success of
 Motivation to Serve
others that the leader achieves.
 Evolving Leadership
Leaders recognize their ultimate
 7 Traits of Serve
responsibility is to serve each
member of their team to ensure its  Listen
success. This is a dynamic  Empathy
 Growth for others
challenge – never complete.
 Awareness
 Authority of Competence
Leaders are committed to the  Looking Ahead
 Team
ongoing personal and professional
development of each team
member on the journey to
organizational excellence.
Build Teams 组建团队 Construir Equipo
Leaders recognize that work in
 Structure the work in teams
today’s complex organizations is
done through teams. They create  Team not group
a team environment of problem
solvers committed to a common  Leader role as the “linking pin”
 Adult to Adult communications

Leaders also work with the

understanding that they are in the
middle of a system of interlinking
teams, and they manage the
Lead 领导 Liderar
A compelling vision and a sound
 Purpose
 Vision
Leaders provide the vision that will
 Strategy
guide the work of the team and
inspire commitment.
 Feedback

Leaders ensure that every team

member knows where the team is
going, how it is supposed to get
there, and how well they are
progressing toward their goals.
Motivate 激励 Motivar
Enthusiasm for the work.
F.A.C.E. of Motivation
Leaders inspire their teams by  Create an environment that
holding high standards of inspires
performance and encouraging
members to accomplish more than  6 Traits of inspiring leaders
they ever thought possible.
 10 Management practices that
Leaders understand that lasting draw out the 15%
motivation comes from
involvement in the work, its  Say “thank you” - validate
objectives, processes and results.
Measure 衡量 Medir
Control the work.
 Effective
Leaders keep their teams focused  Efficient
with controls that track progress
and results.  Growth and Learning

Measures focus on results, both

the effectiveness and the
efficiency of the work, and guide
learning to better meet the future
needs of stakeholders.
Organize 组织 Organizar
Work structured for success.
 Structure work in teams / jobs
Leaders continuously ensure the  Establish processes and flow
work of the team is well structured
and supported by clear standards.  Lean principles: JIT, ISPC, Level,
Equipment readiness
They ensure the resources
(materials, tools, equipment, and  Align support teams
information) the team needs are
available and organized to enable
Direct 引导 Guiar
Confident action through task
 Task clarity and priorities from mid-
clarity and leader support. term plans to daily priorities

Leaders facilitate the daily work of  Provides feedback to guide

the team with planning, achievement
coordination and problem solving.
 Available to support
To reach goals, teams need clear
instruction, regular guidance and
help when they’re stuck.
Outcomes are managed through
adult to adult accountability.
Communicate 沟通 Comunicar
Facilitate the flow of information
 Team Communications
through the organization.
 Organizational Communications
Leaders keep their teams informed
and well-connected to customers
and suppliers throughout the
organization. Information needs to
be accurate and get to the right
people when it is needed.

Leaders proactively manage the

communication flow in all
Develop People 流程开发 Desarrollar Gente
Increased personal and
 Selection and Orientation
professional competence.
 Performance Development
Leaders are committed to the
personal and professional growth  Growth and Challenge
of the people they lead.

People need an environment

where they can learn and grow
through thoughtful guidance,
challenging opportunities, and
meaningful development plans.
Develop Process 流程开发 Desarrollar Proceso
The spirit of continuous  Manage to Standards
 Solve Problems
Leaders believe all systems and
processes can be made more  Innovate – Continuous
effective, and they encourage their Improvement
teams to continuously improve.
 Change Management
Quality performance requires clear
standards and expectations.
Improvement requires effective
problem solving and openness to
creative, innovative ideas.
Leadership as a Process – Identify Value
1. Serve
2. Build Teams
3. Lead
4. Measure
5. Direct
6. Organize
7. Communicate
8. Motivate
9. Develop People
10. Develop Process
Map Value Stream – Create Flow
Central Staffing
Human Resources


Staffing VA VA VA VA needs a
or pool NVA NVA NVA NVA leader
Establish Pull
Internal to the team, use Survey Guided
Leadership Development, to coordinate the
needs of the team with planned development
for the leader and the members

Organizationally, prepare based on future

demand planning.
Seek Perfection
What is your target condition?

What is your current condition

What obstacles are in your way?

What is your plan – what do you expect?

What did you get, what happened?

What did you learn?

Lessons Learned - Content
• Think about leadership not as theory, it is work.
• The work of leaders can be defined, observed,
measured and, therefore, improved.
• The work of leading needs standards to be
consistent and thus drive out variance.
• The principles of leader work are the same for every
level and function – the practices vary.
• Standards establish a baseline for improvement.
Lessons Learned - Process
• We identify potential well
• We select predominantly on technical competence not leader skills
• We tend to assess more often on aptitude; MBTI, PI, DISC
• We spend disproportionate time on psychology of leading
• We confuse leaves and trees – leader development is spotty
• We need top management commitment
• Integrate leadership into all people processes
• It is important to manage leadership as a process
• Coaching is required
Thank you for the opportunity to learn
by sharing our story.

At Coastal all we do is safe and sound

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