Syllabus Sem 4

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Bachelor in Management Studies (BMS)



Course title & Code Cre Credit distribution of the Eligibility Pre-requisite of
dits course criteria the course
Lectur Tutorial Practical (if any)
e /
Quantitative Techniques 4 3 1 0 XII Class Basic knowledge
for Management (DSC 10) of Statistics and

Learning Objectives
● To apprise learners with the construction of mathematical models for managerial decision
situations and to use spreadsheets or computer software packages to obtain a solution of real
business problems.
● To acquaint learners with the techniques of Operational Research for understanding,
formulating, solving and interpreting the real-world scenarios.

Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course the learner will be able to:
● Understand the basic concepts, principles, and terminology of linear programming,
optimization, post optimality analysis, Game theory, Transportation problem, Assignment
problem and Network analysis.
● Solve and interpret the results of linear programming, Transportation and Assignment
problems, Network Analysis and Game Theory.
● Construct optimization models, linear programming problems, and decision-making
frameworks based on given problem statements and real-world scenarios.
● Develop critical thinking and use Optimization techniques to improve decision making.

Unit I: Introduction to Linear Programming Problem (12 hours)
Formulation of linear programming problems, graphical solutions (special cases: multiple optimal
solution, infeasibility, unbounded solution), applications of linear programming to marketing,
finance, operations management, Data Envelopment Analysis etc.,Simplex Method, Special cases,
Big-M method and Two-phase method.

Unit II: Post Optimality Analysis and Game Theory (9 hours)

Duality: primal-dual relationship, shadow price, economic interpretation of dual, duality and simplex
method, post optimality analysis: consequences of changes in cost coefficients and resource vector
on the optimal solution.

Game theory, two-person zero-sum games, maximin & minimax principle, games without saddle
point: mixed strategy, dominance rule, solution of 2 x s, and r x 2 games by graphical method,
formulate and solve mixed-strategy m x n games using linear programming technique.
Unit III: Transportation and Assignment Problem (12 hours)

Transportation Problem: Formulation, Solution by N.W. Corner Rule, Least Cost method, Vogel’s
Approximation Method (VAM), Modified Distribution Method; Special cases: Multiple Solutions,
Maximization case, Unbalanced case, Prohibited routes.

Assignment Problem: Hungarian Method, Special cases: Multiple Solutions, Maximization case,
Unbalanced case, Restrictions on assignment.

Unit IV: Network Analysis (12 hours)

Basic Concept, Construction of AOA Network diagram, Critical Path Analysis, float and slack analysis
(Total float, free float, independent float), probability consideration in PERT, Time-Cost optimization
in Project.
Essential/recommended Readings (latest edition of readings to be used)
1. Taha, H. A. (2019). Operations Research: An Introduction. Pearson Education, India.
2. Taylor, B. W. (2016). Introduction to management science. Pearson Education,
3. Hillier, F. S. & Lieberman G. J. (2021) Introduction to Operations Research.
McGraw Hill, India.
4. Render, B., & Stair Jr, R. M. (2016). Quantitative Analysis for Management, 12th ed.
Pearson Education, India.
5. Vohra, N. D. (2006). Quantitative Techniques in Management, 5th ed. Tata McGraw Hill,

Note: Examination scheme and mode shall be as prescribed by the Examination Branch,
University of Delhi, from time to time.



Course title & Credit Credit distribution of the Eligibility Pre-requisite of the course
Code s course criteria (if any)
Lecture Tutoria Practical
l /
Financial 4 3 1 0 Class XII Basic knowledge of
Management Accounting
(DSC 11)

Learning Objectives
● To provide an understanding of the essential elements of the financial environment in which
the business firm operates.
● To acquaint learners with the techniques of financial management and their applications for
business decision making.

Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course the learner will be able to:
● Understand the concept of time value of money and its application in investment, financing
and dividend decisions.
● Understand the process of making investments, raising finance for investment in fixed and
current assets and distribution of surplus from business operations.
● Evaluate the investment opportunities available, the various financing mix that can be used
to derive the maximum value from the investment opportunities, the optimal dividend payout
and monitor the current asset requirements.
● Analyse the evaluation outcomes to choose the best investment opportunity at the lowest cost
of financing and adopt the optimal dividend payout along with the optimal level of liquidity
through the working capital route to derive maximum wealth.
● Create a portfolio of investments at the best possible financing and dividend mix with the
most appropriate working capital composition that will create maximum wealth under the
given constraints.


Unit 1: Introduction to Financial Management (6 Hours)
Nature of Financial Management: Finance and related disciplines; Scope of Financial Management;
Profit Maximization vs Wealth Maximization. Types of financial decisions – Finance, Investment ,
Dividend; Risk-Return Trade-off in Finance Functions. Organisation of finance function; Concept
of Time Value of Money – present value, future value.

Unit 2: Strategic Investment Decisions and Cost of Capital (15 Hours)

Strategic Investment Decisions: Capital Budgeting - Nature and meaning of capital budgeting;
Principles and Process; Estimation of relevant cash flows and terminal value; Evaluation techniques
– Payback and Discounted Payback Period, Net Present Value (NPV), Profitably Index Method,
Internal Rate of Return (IRR) & Modified IRR, NPV vs. IRR, Net Terminal Value. Cost of Capital:
Meaning and concept, Measurement of cost of capital – Cost of debt; Cost of Equity Share; Cost of
Preference Share; Cost of Retained Earning; Computation of overall cost of capital based on
Historical and Market weights (WACC).

Unit 3 Strategic Financing & Dividend Decisions (12 Hours)

Strategic Financing Decisions – Capital Structure, Theories and Value of the firm – Net Income
approach, Net Operating Income approach, Traditional approach. Determining the optimal capital
structure. Leverage analysis and EBIT-EPS Analysis: Concept of leverage, Types of leverage:
Operating leverage, Financial leverage, Combined leverage; EBIT-EPS Analysis. Dividend
Decisions: Factors determining dividend policy. Theories of dividend – Gordon model, Walter
model, MM Hypothesis, Signalling Theory. Forms of dividend – Cash dividend, Bonus shares,
Stock split.

Unit 4: Working Capital Management (12 Hours)

Working Capital Management: Determination of Working Capital. Determining financing mix of
working capital. Receivables Management – Objectives; Credit Policy, Cash Discount, Debtors
Outstanding and Ageing Analysis; Costs – Collection Cost, Capital Cost, Default Cost, Delinquency
Cost. Management of Cash (Theory only) – Need for Cash, Cash Management Techniques (Lock
box, Concentration Banking). Inventory Management (Theory only) – ABC Analysis; Minimum
Level; Maximum Level; Reorder Level; Safety Stock; EOQ (Basic Model).

Essential/recommended Readings (Latest editions of the readings to be used)

1. Brealey, R.R., Myers.S., Allen, F.,& Mohanty, P. Principles of Corporate Finance. (13th
Edition Tata Mc-Graw Hill.
2. Horne, James CV. And John M. Wachowicz, Jr. “Fundamentals of Financial
Management.(13th ed, Pearson Education.
3. Pandey, I.M. (2016), Financial Management, 11th ed., Vikas Publication.
4. Khan, M.Y. and Jain, P.K.(2017). Financial Management: Text Problem and Cases, 7th ed.
Tata McGraw Hill Education.
5. Singh, S. and Kaur, R. (2020). Fundamentals of Financial Management: with Excel
application supplement,, Mayur Paperbacks.

Note: Examination scheme and mode shall be as prescribed by the Examination Branch,
University of Delhi, from time to time.

Course title & Credits Credit distribution of the Eligibility Pre-requisite of the
Code course criteria course
Lect Tutor Practical/ (if any)
ure ial Practice
Human 4 3 1 0 Class XII Basics of
Resource Organizational
Management Behaviour and
(DSC 12) Management

Learning Objectives
● To help the learners to develop an understanding of the concept & and essential functions of
human resource management.
● To focus on Human resource management in context of Indian experiences, approaches and

Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course the learner will be able to:
● Understand the concept, functions and role of human resource management and explore the
recent trends of human resource management.
● Develop an understanding of human resource management functions of planning, recruitment
and selection.
● Apply the concepts of HRM to develop training and development programs for employees.
● Enhance awareness of certain important issues in industrial relations.


Unit 1: Introduction to Human Resource (9 Hours)

Human Resource Management: Concept and Functions; HRD – Definition, goals and challenges;
The changing environment of HRM– globalization, cultural environment, technological advances,
workforce diversity, corporate downsizing, changing skill requirement, HRM support for
improvement programs, Work life balance.

Unit 2: Human Resource Planning, Recruitment and Selection (12 Hours)

Human Resource Planning: Process, Forecasting demand & supply, Skill inventories, Succession
planning; Human Resource Information System (HRIS); Job analysis – Uses, methods, Job
description & Job specifications; Recruitment: internal & external sources, Selection process, Tests
in selection, concept of reliability and validity in selection; Orientation: Concept and process.

Unit 3: Training and Development (12 Hours)

Training: Concept, Training Process, Methods of training. Management Development: Concept &
Methods. Performance Management System: concept, uses of performance appraisal, performance
management methods, factors that distort appraisal. Career Planning: career life stages, career
anchors. Compensation: Steps in determining compensation, job evaluation, components of pay

structure, factors influencing compensation levels, Trends in Compensation. Incentives:
Importance and types; Benefits - Types, Brief introduction to social security, health, retirement &
other benefits.

Unit 4: Industrial Relations (12 Hours)

Industrial Relations: Introduction to Industrial Relations; Trade unions role, types, functions,
problems. Industrial disputes – concept, causes & machinery for settlement of disputes. Employee
Grievances – concept, causes & grievance redressal procedure. Discipline – concept, aspects of
discipline & disciplinary procedure. Collective bargaining: concept, types, process, problems,
essentials of effective collective bargaining.

Essential/recommended Readings (latest edition of readings to be used)

1. Dessler, G., & Varrkey, B. (2005). Human Resource Management, 15e. Pearson
2. DeCenzo, D. A., Robbins, S. P., & Verhulst, S. L. (2016). Fundamentals of human resource
management. John Wiley & Sons.
3. Chhabra, T.N. (2009). Human Resource Management Concept & Issues. Dhanpat Rai and

Note: Examination scheme and mode shall be as prescribed by the Examination Branch,
University of Delhi, from time to time.


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