Battlezoo Eldamon 5E v2.1 - 9rFTAL

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William Fischer, Paul Hughes, and Mark Seifter

William Fischer, Paul Hughes, and Mark Seifter
Grady Wang
Stephen Glicker, Sébastien “Aleph” Greffier, and Mark Seifter
Stephen Glicker and Eleanor Ferron
Hazem Ameen
Hazem Ameen, Miguel Regodón Harkness, Brendan Lancaster, Luis Salas Lastra,
Ameur Makhloufi, and Firat Solhan
Adam Ashworth, Harry Bigle, Ted Blake, Eric Dahlgren, Martin Drury, David Greene,
Sébastien “Aleph” Greffier, Griz, R. Chauncey, Gummere, Lars Hach, Michael Ham, Ryan King,
Simon Lepkin, Errol “Sack of Hammers” Lobo, Ryan Ng, Craig Palmer, Niv Ram,
Connor “Noscul” Riggs, Ashton Snelgrove, Eric the Strange, and Lee Strenge
Ian Blackstone and Ian Hildebrandt
Stephen Glicker
Stephen Glicker
Mark Seifter
Stephen Glicker
All the Roll For Combat fans!
Open Game Content: The Open Content in this book includes
the class rules, power rules, and eldamon abilities rules. The
remaining information, including the eldamon names, appearances,
personalities, and lore, are not Open Content. No portion of this
work other than the material designated as Open Game Content
may be reproduced in any form without written permission.
Battlezoo Eldamon (5E) is © 2024, Skyscraper Studios, Inc. All 16 Continental Road, Scarsdale, NY 10583
Rights Reserved.

Introduction 4
A World of Eldamon 6
Quickstart Guide for Players..................................................10 Eldamon Battles....................................................................16
Quickstart Guide for GMs......................................................11 The Eld................................................................................. 20
Eldamon Ecology..................................................................13 Befriending Eldamon............................................................ 28

Character Classes 36
Eldamon Trainer................................................................... 38 Elemental Avatar.................................................................. 46

Elemental Powers 52
Air........................................................................................ 56 Ice........................................................................................ 90
Darkness..............................................................................61 Life....................................................................................... 95
Death................................................................................... 66 Light....................................................................................101
Earth.....................................................................................71 Mind....................................................................................106
Electricity.............................................................................76 Water..................................................................................111
Fire...................................................................................... 82 Wood...................................................................................117
Force................................................................................... 86 Universal............................................................................ 123

Eldamon Entries 126

Eldamon Mechanics...........................................................128 Cephalittle, Force Cephalopod Eldamon..............................186
Tairopoof, Air Bat Eldamon..................................................132 Psyrano, Telekinetic T-Rex Eldamon....................................188
Larvapor, Air Moth Eldamon................................................134 Chillot, Ice Otter Eldamon....................................................190
Bubow, Kite Owl Eldamon...................................................136 Pengil, Ice Penguin Eldamon...............................................192
Anairx, Paper Dragonfly Eldamon........................................138 Coolibou, Snow Reindeer Eldamon......................................194
Shadoppy, Shadow Opossum Eldamon................................140 Skolld, Ice Wolf Eldamon.....................................................196
Duskoyotl, Dusk Coyote Eldamon........................................142 Ankhrub, Life Scarab Eldamon.............................................198
Lepismini, Gloom Silverfish Eldamon..................................144 Skepi, Life Goat Eldamon.................................................... 200
Kagekko, Shade Gecko Eldamon.........................................146 Ursili, Life Bear Eldamon..................................................... 202
Manight, Murk Hand Eldamon.............................................148 Phidi, Life Snake Eldamon.................................................. 204
Morpup, Death Dog Eldamon..............................................150 Lemiure, Prism Lemur Eldamon.......................................... 206
Grima, Death Cat Eldamon..................................................152 Luciola, Glow Worm Eldamon............................................. 208
Hydgwyn, White Hart Eldamon............................................154 Soleo, Sun Lion Eldamon.....................................................210
Klorse, Pale Horse Eldamon................................................156 Sundile, Rainbow Crocodile Eldamon..................................212
Kitopaz, Crystal Earth Cat Eldamon.....................................158 Speculil, Silver Mirror Eldamon............................................214
Geopher, Soil Gopher Eldamon...........................................160 Meese, Psychic Mouse Eldamon..........................................216
Sanditt, Sand Lizard Eldamon.............................................162 Simiens, Mind Monkey Eldamon..........................................218
Pangeolil, Rock Pangolin Eldamon......................................164 Myrmind, Hivemind Ant Eldamon........................................ 220
Tawhirtle, Lightning Turtle Eldamon.....................................166 Cerebella, Brain Eldamon................................................... 222
Iognu, Electric Wildbeast Eldamon......................................168 Boteau, Water Dolphin Eldamon......................................... 224
Porcute, Electric Porcupine Eldamon..................................170 Puhide, Eel Dragon Eldamon.............................................. 226
Centesla, Electric Centipede Eldamon................................172 Etmoist, Water Shark Eldamon............................................ 228
Squirrelash, Fire Squirrel Eldamon......................................174 Kuddle, Cuttlefish Eldamon................................................. 230
Bakindle, Fire Elephant Eldamon.........................................176 Lotusnek, Flower Snake Eldamon....................................... 232
Squamatch, Fire Iguana Eldamon........................................178 Peepkin, Pumpkin Eldamon................................................ 234
Ophini, Fiery Wheel Eldamon..............................................180 Squishberry, Fruit Snail Eldamon......................................... 236
Potfox, Force Fox Eldamon..................................................182 Arbush, Tree Eldamon........................................................ 238
Tsurikabe, Force Wall Eldamon...........................................184

“Ooh! Ooh! That one!” Cinder chirped, the little fiery squirrelash hunched up excitedly on Fraxi’s shoulder,
eager to choose some fresh produce from the stand.
Breeze flapped up to whisper something in airy sussurations in Fraxi’s ear, the air bat shy as ever, while
Morty the morpup leaped up for a better view.
“Breeze is right,” Fraxi pointed out to Cinder, “You can’t keep these in your collection. They’d rot.”
“I know! I know!“ Cinder squeaked, “But it looks tasty! Phase me in so I can eat it.”
While an elven passerby stared in surprise to see so many eldamon in the marketplace, the bespectacled
dwarven merchant was completely unfazed by the sight. “Finest in the land,” he assured Fraxi and Cinder,
“Fit for royalty or spirits alike!”
“I’m not a spirit. I’m Cinder!” the little squirrelash quibbled.
“Of course,” the merchant pivoted quickly, clearly experienced with eldamon’s flights of fancy, “And it is fit
for you, O Cinder, incarnation of fire.”
“OK, OK,” Cinder giggled, “I’m not a kitopaz or something. You don’t have to convince me. I want it
anyway! Get it for me Fraxi?”
“Fine then, but don’t come asking later if you find something for your collection,” Fraxi bargained, wisely
realizing that she should take the chance to rein in Cinder’s spending habit, “And we’ll get some fruit for
Breeze too.”
At this, the shy little tairopoof ’s tiny red eyes lit up with delight, as Morty, having lost interest in the
produce, glanced over at an orc traveler smoking his pipe.
“You have a problem with me?” the orc narrowed his eyes and turned to address the death dog eldamon, as
well as Fraxi by association.
“Don’t mind Morty,” Fraxi assured him, “Although... he has something of a sense for endings and new
beginnings. If he’s taken an interest in you, be careful on your journey.”
“I shall have to remember that, then. My thanks,” the orc replied politely, as he turned his back and strode
out of the marketplace.

Welcome to Battlezoo Eldamon! I’m excited to share this discussing some of the design implications of various
enormous and ambitious project with you. It’s been a components to help you decide exactly how you’d like
dream of mine, among many others, to create a workable to use this book and its contents.
system for monster training like in our favorite monster One thing you’ll notice is that eldamon and elemental
training games, one that works alongside the rest of the avatars are focused blasters (or damage mitigators BATTLEZOO
game without causing disruptions or forcing the entire in the case of the life element) who trade away the
plot to center around the monster trainer, and with powerful utility options that spellcasters have available
this book, I’ve realized that dream. But this book is for straightforward damage and combat effects. As a Introduction
more than that: it also contains 13 elements (out of an result, their damage can be quite good, especially if
A World
eventual 20 if all goes to plan) and over 300 elemental they spend some time setting up a combo with their of Eldamon
powers that present unique playstyles and another way element (planting seeds with wood, building charge
of looking at magic. With the elemental avatar class, you with electricity, and so on). They’re not going to leave Character
can tap into those powers directly without needing to be other damage-focused classes in the dust at those classes’
an eldamon trainer, and there’s potential for more classes peak, but these classes are sustainable and won’t run Elemental
down the line that use the powers in different ways (how out of daily resources. I worked with Paul Hughes and Powers
cool would a class that taps into natural energies and William Fischer to refine that design into a sweet spot for Eldamon
randomly gains powers from a variety of elements be?). 5e play, and so I’m confident that they’ll be fun without Entries
There’s a lot to take in here, which means it will take a skewing too high. In order to do that, we needed to
little while to learn the new powers. They’re simpler than make some calls due to the inconsistent power level of
learning how to manage spells and spellcasters, but chances certain subclasses compared to others. Would we use
are, unless you’re a brand-new player, you’ve already learned the baseline class as a benchmark when comparing to a
how to use and manage spells. These two new classes play martial’s all-day performance, or would we instead look
similarly to spellcasters in some ways, but both introduce at the most powerful subclass possible (which could
new concepts and playstyles unique to TTRPGs. sometimes double the baseline). In the end, we chose
In play, the elemental avatar class is easy to use to great to use the baseline. Still, every group is different, and
effect, and there are ways to make it even smoother. whenever you add something new that isn’t a middle-
As a gameplay aid that’s especially useful for younger of-the-road jack-of-all-trades, it’s likely to be especially
players, I suggest putting the names of your available good at something. If your group finds some power or
powers on cards. You can use them to keep track of your combination overpowered for any reason in your specific
powers’ availability, “discarding” them when used and situation or playstyle, contact us, and we’ll try to give you
taking them back after you refresh them. advice on how to adjust it to make it fit better. That goes
The world of Eldamon and their powers are yours to for players or GMs.
do with as you decide! The best part of a TTRPG is the Let’s explore these elements and eldamon together and
flexibility to use rules components the way that’s best tell new stories the likes of which we’ve never seen!
for you and your group. For this reason, I made sure
to offer alternatives to the “default setting” presented —Mark Seifter, Roll for Combat
in the book, and there are several sidebars throughout Director of Game Design

A World of Eldamon
A World of Eldamon
What are eldamon? That’s a good question! It depends on who you ask, but I prefer the explanation
given in the popular essay “Eldamon: Elements of Creation,” which I’ve enclosed below. The author
doesn’t manage to settle on a single definition, but I feel they do the best job at describing the facts
and letting you, the reader, come to your own conclusion. If you want to know more about some of
the topics mentioned in the essay, I’ve enclosed some additional sources for your perusal. Good luck,
and welcome to the world of eldamon!
Eldamon are strange elemental creatures that live an almost childlike nature and view of the world, even
hidden in the world’s untamed places, waiting for though ancient eldamon might be thousands, millions,
daring explorers to find and befriend them. They exist or even billions of years old.
across the world and can inhabit nearly any sort of One aspect that all eldamon share in common is
space or location, but they’re frequently in hiding. The that each is tied to one of twenty specific elements
majority of eldamon are content to simply coexist with found within the world, the twenty elements revered
their surroundings, but a select few emerge to engage by the elemental religion known as the Eld. These
with the outside world, and those eldamon are just elements range from the concrete and physical, such as
waiting for daring adventurers searching for friends. air, earth, fire, water, and wood, to others that might
But what exactly are eldamon, and where do they come seem a bit abstract or esoteric, such as life, death, space,
from? This is a question that scholars and theologians time, or music. Elementalists who don’t follow the Eld
have discussed, analyzed, sometimes disagree with the use of the
and theorized upon for term “element” to describe some of
ages, with no single these twenty sources of power for
consensus. Eldamon eldamon, but the term has been
are seemingly immortal used this way since ancient
elemental beings as times, so attempts by these
diverse and varied as the scholars and theorists to change
world itself, with researchers the terminology are unlikely to
uncovering, befriending, and succeed.
cataloging new types of eldamon Each eldamon is always tied to exactly
on a regular basis. While some one element, and specific types of
individual eldamon are quite young, eldamon can often be found around or
eldamon as a whole are ancient, and some melded into examples of that element in
theories consider eldamon to be a part of the the natural world. A pair of unsolved
creation of the universe or perhaps one of questions that researchers would dearly
the aftereffects of that process. When most love to answer is why certain types of
people think of an ancient creature, they eldamon came to exist and embody
might imagine a being so specific elements, and why some of
distant and aloof that those eldamon are more common
they don’t deign to than others. Why is a squirrel-like
interact with mortal form the most common manifestation
beings, but eldamon of the element of fire? Few things in the
defy that assumption. natural world connect fire and squirrels.
Scholars believe that Eldamon forms occasionally match a
an eldamon’s ability researcher’s “common sense,” such as water
to connect with ephemeral eldamon shaped like aquatic creatures and
mortals is tied to their unique perspective on the world air eldamon shaped like flying creatures, but they also
and the passing of time. After years of discussion, sometimes defy such expectations, such as sun lions,
research, and analysis, the consensus opinion is that fire elephants, and snow otters, just to name a few.
most eldamon live in the moment without focusing While there are dozens of theories, there are three main
much on history. This leads many eldamon to possess categories that researchers use to divide the theories.

Essentialists believe that there is something essential this naming convention has been used for so long that
about these forms that led to their adoption by the origin has been lost to time and has simply become
eldamon—to an essentialist, the form is the original, the default name for an eldamon in this form.
and if it resembles an animal, then the animal might While their default form is typically innocent in
have come to exist because of the eldamon and not appearance, eldamon are powerful and relatively BATTLEZOO
vice versa. The trouble with the intelligent elemental beings.
essentialist perspective is that Most eldamon are peaceful
it’s difficult to prove, but it and playful beings, Introduction
remains popular with those especially when in
A World
who view eldamon and their pet forms, but of Eldamon
their forms as unlikely to like any creature, they
be influenced by the mortal can become agitated. Character
world rather than vice versa. When this occurs or
Impressionists believe when an eldamon wishes Elemental
that ancient eldamon were to tussle with other eldamon, Powers
impressionable and malleable they can transform their bodies Eldamon
in form and that they came to into larger, stronger, and combat-ready Entries
resemble creatures and objects battle forms. While in battle form,
that left a strong impression until, eldamon often fight other eldamon;
over time, they locked in a form. however, these sorts of “fights” occur
Meanwhile, impressionists believe simply for play or to settle a bet, and
that newborn eldamon derive their the result of such battles is that the
forms from impressions of older loser is de-energized for a time but
eldamon—in essence, the most never permanently harmed. Although
populous eldamon continue to be mostly harmless to creatures of the
the most common since it’s more mortal world, these fights can be truly
likely for newborn eldamon to spectacular to witness, as eldamon in
come across a common eldamon these forms unleash their elemental powers,
than a rare one. ancient magical abilities imbued into their
Lastly, narrativists believe that the very being. Although these battles can seem
shared stories and culture of mortalkind intense when viewed from a mortal perspective,
shaped eldamon. By telling stories of a possum seeking eldamon seem to enjoy them as a type of play, similar
to cast the world in eternal darkness, mortalkind to how puppies wrestle and play-fight as a form of
encourages darkness eldamon to take the form of a socialization. Neither eldamon is harmed in the end,
possum. People who believe in narrativist theories and the battles themselves are quite a sight to behold.
say that their view can explain eldamon forms and But these two forms aren’t the only ones an eldamon
commonality the most elegantly of the three main can take. Occasionally, when an eldamon learns to
branches, since they don’t need to fall back on an become deeply in tune with their element, they can
unknown “essence” or the circular definition that being enter into their rarely-seen evolved form, a more
popular leads to being more popular. Detractors feel powerful version of their battle form. Only particularly
that narrativists are too focused on a mortal-centric special eldamon, or those who have formed a strong
viewpoint of the universe, giving their own roles bond with their inner elemental powers, can evolve
outsized importance by promoting the power of mortal from their battle form into this impressive evolved
imagination and storytelling. form. These forms are usually larger and more powerful
Whatever the reason for taking the forms they do, than a normal battle form, and they possess a special
another aspect that all eldamon have in common is their ability unique to the evolved eldamon. Your first time
ability to transform their form and appearance into seeing an evolved eldamon is something you’ll never
a few variations to fit their circumstances. Typically, forget. Will it stir wonder and excitement in your heart,
most eldamon found in the wild appear as a tiny and or sheer awe?
unassuming form that most eldamon scholars call an Although these forms sound dangerous, eldamon, by
eldamon’s “pet form.” This nickname for their default nature, are playful creatures of elemental energy that exist
form comes from their cute and endearing appearance; out of phase with our sense of reality throughout the
it doesn’t mean that an eldamon discovered in this form natural world, especially in places with concentrations
is literally someone’s pet. Like many aspects of eldamon, of their associated type of elemental energy. Being

out of phase means they can only directly affect or be
affected by other out-of-phase beings (usually other Quickstart Guide for
eldamon). However, they are still visible and capable
of causing indirect effects over time, either due to their Players
ambient energy or by melding into creatures, objects, As a player, the meat of the content you’re looking
or locations that interest them. That is the most likely for is likely Chapter 2: the eldamon trainer (page 38)
explanation for why eldamon sometimes act in ways and elemental avatar (page 46) classes; Chapter 3: the
that seem alien to us; they literally exist in a world of elemental powers for each of the elements (page 54);
their own! and Chapter 4: the eldamon entries for your current
Another interesting aspect of eldamon is that, due eldamon (page 128). But you won’t need to read all of
to their playful nature, nearly anyone can befriend that to get started.
an eldamon and travel alongside them. When they’re The classes, especially the elemental avatar, are
active, rather than melded into their environment, much simpler to play and understand once you have
eldamon love companionship, and most possess a your character sorted. There are hundreds of elemental
natural affinity to bond with sapient beings. It’s not powers, but you only need to look at around four to
unheard of for people to form bonds with dozens, if build and play your first elemental avatar character.
not hundreds, of eldamon at a time. While most people A 1st-level elemental avatar has their powers more or
are happy to befriend a single eldamon, or none at all. less locked in once you choose an element, so pick
However, only those who dedicate their lives to an element that inspires you, or that matches your
bonding with eldamon and understanding their personality or playstyle (see the radar charts on page 55
mysterious ways can help unlock the depths of an for ratings).
eldamon’s potential. These eldamon trainers devote Air, death, fire, and mind are all good starting point
their entire being to their connection to their eldamon elements for an easier learning curve—especially air and
friends—to a supernatural degree. Eldamon trainers fire. So if you’d like a little less complexity, you might
can help train their eldamon allies to reach greater choose one of those elements as an elemental avatar
heights than either could alone (hence the name or choose eldamon from those elements to start as an
“trainer”), but their metaphysical connection is even eldamon trainer. For an eldamon trainer, you can find
more profound. Through this connection and training all the powers you will require in the eldamon entries,
with their eldamon, trainers can exchange their phase so you won’t need to learn all the powers and choose
with their bonded eldamon, allowing the eldamon from them.
to enter our world while the trainer phases out. This Even if you’re not a trainer, you might want to
exchange allows the eldamon to affect our world collect and befriend eldamon as part of your character’s
directly with their elemental powers for a limited time story. Either way, ask your GM how they’d prefer to
and coordinate with the trainer. Trainers also help their handle finding and befriending eldamon, as there are
eldamon tap into their inner elemental powers in order ways to manage this. If your GM asks you to control
to evolve into their most powerful form. your eldamon progression so they don’t have to add
Finally, the last commonly-known aspect of eldamon another component to their prep work, you should
is that they are beings of pure elemental energy, and read the section on befriending eldamon (page 28)
when they aren’t traveling around, they often meld and familiarize yourself with the eldamon entries in
into creatures, objects, or locations that suit them. And Chapter 4.
if an eldamon stays melded into an object for a long
enough time, this process can grant elemental powers Character Creation: Step-by-Step
to that creature, object, or location. The most extreme The following guide allows you to quickly and easily
examples of this phenomenon are elemental avatars, build a 1st-level character of either of the classes from
who deeply bond with the eldamon within, thereby this book without needing to read more than a few
gaining access to all the eldamon’s elemental powers. pages first before you can get started and play, learning
By understanding the ways eldamon interact with the rest as you go.
their environment and affect our everyday lives, we can
begin to appreciate just how important they are to us Step 1: Choose Your Class
as well as to the world around us. And with so many First, decide if you want to play an eldamon trainer,
mysteries still unsolved, there’s only one option—go finding and befriending as many eldamon as you
forth into the world and explore, seeking out new can and sending them in to fight in your place, or
eldamon and new answers, so that you can write your an elemental avatar, embodying and mastering your
own name in the history books! chosen element.

Step 2 for Elemental Avatar: Choose Your Even if you don’t choose the simplest option for
Element befriending eldamon—where the player just picks a few
Based on either the radar charts on page 55, your eldamon when leveling up their character—the system
personal preferences, or both, choose one of the 13 has tables that your player can use to independently
elements. If you can’t decide, consider fire as your first generate eldamon without requiring prep or responses BATTLEZOO
element. from you. Of course, you might be somewhere in
between, so you can delegate as much or as little to the
Step 2 for Eldamon Trainer: Choose Your players as you wish! Introduction
Choose your three starting eldamon from among the Eldamon Assumptions A World
of Eldamon
common eldamon. The eldamon trainer class has some There’s no need for your group’s game to follow all the
suggested starting line-ups, but if you can’t decide, default assumptions regarding eldamon. Depending Character
consider squirrelash, kitopaz, and morpup. on your group’s preferred setting, some or all of them
might not apply. Thus, before we dig deeper into the Elemental
Step 3: Find Your Powers specifics of the default world of eldamon, let’s examine Powers
If you’re an elemental avatar, you have all the 1st-level the two major eldamon assumptions. First, eldamon are Eldamon
powers of your element (active, reactive, and refresh). If ever-present but elusive and phased out, and second, Entries
you’re an eldamon trainer, your eldamon have the powers eldamon are known and visible.
listed in their eldamon entries in Chapter 4. You don’t
have to look at any of the other powers. It might be Assumption 1: Eldamon are Present
helpful to write your powers’ names, and potentially some Everywhere but Elusive and Phased Out
reminder text, on notecards so you can lay them out as In the default setting of Battlezoo Eldamon, you can find
you use them and pick them up when you refresh them. eldamon just about anywhere interesting (especially if
You can also use Eldamon Battles cards for this purpose. there’s a lot of elemental energy, but even if not). Still,
they tend to be elusive, hiding throughout the world.
Step 4: Finalize Your Character Other than some ancient eldamon that might be able
Head to your class’s write-up (page 38 for eldamon to phase in at will, most eldamon are phased out and
trainer, page 46 for elemental avatar) and read the often melded into creatures, objects, or locations, all
statistics for a starting character, then apply them. As an but making them invisible while they are melded into
eldamon trainer, you won’t need to choose your calling other items.
until level 2, whereas for an elemental avatar, you’ve
already chosen your element in step 2.

Quickstart Guide for GMs

As the GM, you have a lot of options when adding
eldamon to your game. If you want to go deep with
eldamon lore, you should pay close attention to
this chapter. Read the various suggestions and
variants, make decisions for your game, and then
use the method for befriending eldamon (page
28) that works best for you, with you in the
driver’s seat.
On the far opposite side of the spectrum, if
you’re reading this book because your player is a
huge eldamon fan who handed it to you and you’re
wondering, “Am I going to have to redo the whole
campaign for this character or now have to add eldamon
throughout my game?” the answer is no! You only have
to look at the assumptions of eldamon (see below) and
decide how eldamon best fit into your world. Then,
briefly glance at the options for befriending eldamon
(page 28) and choose one method to run yourself or
assign it to the player who loves eldamon.

But what does that mean? By default, being phased until after an encounter is over, it’s not mandatory to
out doesn’t imply an eldamon travels to another plane; add a special effect when an eldamon is melded into
instead, an eldamon is coterminous with the mortal a creature, object, or environment; often, it takes time
world, able to see the world and be seen, but usually for such synergies to happen, and the object and the
unable to physically interact (except in very specific eldamon have to be compatible with each other before
ways). Eldamon trainers can also become phased out, such powers can appear. However, a GM who rolls for
but mortal creatures weren’t built to live their lives that eldamon in advance can use them as an inspiration for
way. Eldamon exist nearly their entire lives phased out fun additional elemental effects on creatures, magic
as it’s their natural state, while mortal creatures normally items, or environments (for environments, they could
can’t become phased out at all. As a result, trainers are represent a notable effect on the battlefield or even an
extremely limited in their actions when phased out, environmental hazard).
and they usually can’t act at all. Meanwhile, eldamon For example, a pre-planned creature might have
still have access to all of their powers and abilities in melded with a fire eldamon, allowing it to gain a fire
either state, though they much prefer being phased out elemental power that it can use once during a battle.
whenever possible. Incidentally, what’s good for the opposition is also good
A phased-out eldamon tends to meld into creatures, for the PCs: this same metaphysical concept is the in-
objects, and environments that interest them, essentially setting explanation for the elemental avatar class!
merging with them and possibly granting their host an
elemental ability or power. Most eldamon are melded Assumption 2: People Know About Eldamon
at any given time, and since there’s not an easy way to and Can See Them
detect a melded eldamon unless they choose to end the In the default setting, almost everyone knows that
meld and make themself known, this makes eldamon all eldamon exist, and anyone can see them when they
the more elusive to those who search for them. While aren’t melded into something. The existence of eldamon
melded, an eldamon might hibernate for extended throughout the world creates ripple effects throughout
periods, or they might stay active and watch what’s going society. The Eld religion worships the twenty eldamon
on from their snug and comfy spot. Because the GM (or elements and venerates eldamon as a manifestation of
player) might not determine what eldamon are present these elements. People on the streets of a city, town,
or village won’t usually look askance at someone being
followed by a cadre of eldamon friends. In fact, the
villagers might have eldamon friends of their own!
In addition to companionship, other folk befriend
eldamon and train them to participate in competitive
battles while out of phase, sometimes even in public
tournaments. Since most eldamon enjoy these
competitions as a way to play with other eldamon, and
since they aren’t genuinely harmed in battle (they aren’t
flesh and blood creatures, so at worst, they lose some
elemental energy and need to rest after a battle), fans
of eldamon battles can enjoy the spectacle of amazing
explosions, lightning bolts, and falling meteors without
the guilt of most arena combat. And since a phased-out
eldamon can’t affect the mortal world, spectators aren’t
at risk of harm during these battles.
Though only eldamon trainers can phase an eldamon
into the material world to fight against their shared foes,
any character, not just an eldamon trainer, can befriend an
eldamon and have their eldamon friends battle each other
while phased out (assuming the eldamon are willing).
But your world isn’t necessarily the default Battlezoo
world of Alacar, so you might tweak these assumptions
to fit the story of your setting. Whatever you choose,
eldamon provides a wealth of lore and mechanics to
back you up. To get you started, consider these three

Eldamon as Invisible Spirits: Eldamon are still in advance). In addition, if you treat eldamon as living
present in the world, but they’re mysterious and creatures, they might be hurt and die in battle, which
worshiped individually as local spirits. Only spirit seers could lead to some mechanical differences as well as
can see them when they’re phased out. It’s usually best ethical questions if you still have eldamon battles in
to allow all PCs who want to befriend eldamon to be the setting. This variation is potentially exciting when BATTLEZOO
spirit seers for free. If you want to be stricter, being a it comes to worldbuilding but will probably require the
spirit seer could be a special background that grants the most work by the GM to make this option work well
ability to see eldamon and other similar spirits as its within your setting. Introduction
special benefit; you could also add a feat that grants
A World
the ability to see eldamon and other similar spirits, but
most characters can’t gain a feat until higher level. If Eldamon Ecology of Eldamon

you choose the stricter option, eldamon trainers will Eldamon might appear cute in their pet form, but they’re Character
need to be spirit seers, so you should probably give elemental beings, and their concept of reality is far
them the ability for free so that they don’t need to spend different from that of other creatures. Thus, they act in Elemental
their background on it. Because eldamon can have ways most wouldn’t expect, especially when comparing Powers
metaphysical effects or promote the energies of their them to the creatures they most resemble in the natural Eldamon
element, spirit seers who can see them, communicate world. While eldamon have an intellect roughly on Entries
with them, and resolve issues involving them are in par with mortal beings, their thought process and
high demand. perspective are so distinctive that it’s hard to use them as
Eldamon as Extraplanar Beings: In a setting a source of scouting or hard facts, especially while they’re
with this assumption, eldamon live on some other phased out and even more detached from the physical
plane of existence (an appropriate Elemental Plane workings of the mortal world. Even so, eldamon can
or other similar place, such as the Astral Plane for be excellent conversationalists with mortals, assuming
mind eldamon and the Dimension of Time for time they share a language, and discuss topics that interest
eldamon). Eldamon trainers call them from their them; they’re just often filled with unusual details that
home into a liminal twilight realm between spaces, feel important or salient to the eldamon but aren’t
with the same mechanical effects of an out-of-phase necessarily as interesting or immediately applicable to
eldamon. Otherwise, characters rarely, if ever, come their mortal conversation partner.
across eldamon in the world around them. This setting Similarly, while exploring the world, eldamon friends
requires the fewest adjustments by the GM and works follow along with their mortal friends, safely phased
well with an automatic variant of befriending eldamon, out. The difference between an eldamon trainer and
with the idea that the trainer conjures the automatic
eldamon from their home plane into the realm between
spaces rather than finding them during their adventure.
Eldamon as Physical Creatures: A setting where
eldamon are physical creatures in the natural world
is great for those who wish to embrace the world of
eldamon throughout their world entirely. In such a
place, whole societies might use eldamon elemental
energies to perform daily tasks and derive power, like a
squirrelash-powered oven or a chillot-powered freezer.
Meanwhile, the world’s ecology might be dominated by
eldamon and their elemental powers. Given how vital
the phase mechanic is to the eldamon trainer class, you
might need to develop a new explanation of how the
class works. Perhaps they bond with their eldamon in
an unusual way, and that method is the only way to
have eldamon join a character on their adventure and
fight for them.
If you retain the idea that anyone can have eldamon
join them on an adventure, and they aren’t phased
out, you’ll wind up with numerous mechanical
questions related to hazards, area effects, and so on,
so take that into account (or decide to handwave it

other mortals is that the trainer can phase out and many new locations, lone eldamon can create elemental
have their eldamon friends phase in to help out during effects in an area over time (especially if they meld into
combat, and a trainer can help an eldamon evolve the environment), affecting the location in subtle or
to their highest form. Either way, these phased-out overt ways. In the same way that even a phased-out
eldamon generally follow along with their friends, eldamon can come in for a cuddle with their trainer,
paying attention to their own whims and interests, a lone eldamon can eventually interact with certain
without providing commentary useful to scouting parts of the mortal world that heavily connect to their
the area. For instance, a phased-out squirrelash might preferences despite their lack of phase. For instance, a
find something it wants to collect, but that should be lone squirrelash can manage to touch, grab, and gather
unlikely to be a plot-important hidden item that the tiny objects in our world for their collection.
rest of the party failed to find. Think of the phased-out
eldamon following around (possibly dozens of them) Phase
as a potential for the occasional fun roleplay hook By default, an eldamon’s phase is a state of existence
as opposed to a way to exploit dozens and dozens of coterminous with the mortal world, allowing eldamon
relevant checks during exploration. That said, eldamon to see, hear, and speak to beings and objects in the mortal
aren’t guaranteed to always keep their noses out of world but not to directly touch, harm, or affect them
anything plot-relevant. The GM might decide to have (and vice versa). In some ways, this is similar to creatures
the object of a squirrelash’s fascination trigger the start looking onto the Material Plane from the Ethereal
of a new adventure or even use a phased-out eldamon Plane, but no planar travel is involved, and unlike
to help prod the group if they get stuck. But the default ethereal creatures, phased-out creatures are visible from
assumption is that they don’t contribute much directly the Material Plane. Another key difference is that there
during exploration unless the player is an eldamon are some effects that cross the veil and affect ethereal
trainer with the training to phase their eldamon in to creatures, but effects from the mortal world never affect
use their elemental assistance ability, a skill action, a a phased-out creature, and vice versa. For example, a
standard exploration activity, or some other eldamon phased-out creature can see a medusa in the mortal
ability to assist the party. world, but wouldn’t be affected by the medusa’s gaze.
While eldamon following around their mortal An eldamon’s natural state is being phased out, but
friends don’t have a significant effect on the world mortal creatures usually can’t phase out in the same
around them during an adventure as they head to so way. Eldamon trainers have the unique capacity to
phase out but must do so in exchange for phasing in
their eldamon, and their physical and metaphysical
bodies react to the experience in an unusual way.
A phased-out eldamon trainer can’t act, except in
limited ways, as they’re forced into an unphased state
not meant for a physical creature. However, since
they’ve phased out of their physical body, they don’t
need to eat, drink, or even breathe while phased out.
They don’t physically require sleep (and are rarely
ever phased out long enough that this becomes an
issue in the first place, especially since eldamon
don’t appreciate being phased in for that long),
but an eldamon trainer who was somehow
stuck phased out for an extended period of
time needs to enter a quiescent state similar
to sleep due to mental fatigue. Some eldamon
scholars believe that eldamon trainers don’t
even age while phased out, but thus far, no trainer
has been phased out long enough to prove it. And no
eldamon trainer capable of forming a bond with their
eldamon friends would willingly advance this research
by intentionally having their eldamon friend phase in
and then petrifying them for years or decades (not to
mention, this would leave the trainer languishing in
phased-out limbo for all that time).

When an eldamon melds into a creature, object, or Starting CR HP Increase
environment, there often isn’t any effect, especially not 1 or lower 5
at first. However, depending on their compatibility 2-4 8
and how long the eldamon remains melded, they 5-19 10 BATTLEZOO
can produce a synergistic effect, even to the extent of 20+ 15
transforming an extremely compatible creature into an
elemental avatar! Items Introduction
While none of these effects is mandatory, and they Items with high compatibility with a melded eldamon
A World
usually wouldn’t be possible for a group that determined can eventually develop magical properties related to the of Eldamon
the presence of eldamon on the fly, they can add a lot of eldamon’s element, which might (or might not) remain
flavor to campaigns where the GM rolls for eldamon in after the eldamon leaves. While a minor connection Character
advance during session prep, or from the flip side, they might lead to an item gaining the eldamon’s resistances
provide a valuable means to adjust creatures, treasures, and weaknesses or some unusual magic item quirks Elemental
or environments to add elemental effects. related to the eldamon or its personality, more major Powers
effects are possible. For instance, an item might become Eldamon
Creatures a magic item, with abilities corresponding to the Entries
While few creatures are compatible enough with an eldamon’s element, or if it’s a weapon, the item might
eldamon to become elemental avatars, they still might become imbued with an imbued property corresponding
exhibit the ability to use a single limited elemental power. to the eldamon’s element (you can find the imbued
Either replace one of the creature’s special abilities with properties corresponding to the thirteen elements in this
a single elemental power of the appropriate element book in either Battlezoo Bestiary or Battlezoo Bestiary:
with a level of half the creature’s CR (rounded up) or Strange & Unusual, and the remaining seven elements
lower, usable with a frequency of once per minute, or in Battlezoo Bestiary: Elemental Storm). In either case,
use the following simple adjustment for a creature with the eldamon’s level determines the maximum possible
a larger connection. The adjustment also serves as a level for the imbued property or the maximum rarity
great way to give a creature elemental features. of the magic item, though in many cases, an eldamon
doesn’t provide a benefit corresponding to its full level
Eldamon Infused Creature Adjustments unless it’s resided within the item for a long time.
When a creature is infused more deeply by an eldamon,
they gain abilities associated with the eldamon’s element. Environments
First, choose an eldamon to infuse the creature, and note Eldamon who meld into a compatible environment
that eldamon’s element (alternatively, you can choose sometimes begin to produce effects after long enough.
an element without choosing an eldamon). Next, apply This can be as simple as difficult or hazardous terrain,
the following adjustments to the creature’s statistics. but the presence of a powerful eldamon can also affect
• Increase the creature’s CR by 1. ley lines and produce ley line effects, or create an area
• Increase the creature’s AC, attack modifiers, DCs, of pervasive magic where the effects of their element
saving throws, and skill modifiers by 1. are enhanced. Lastly, an eldamon’s presence might
• Increase the damage of its attacks and other offensive inadvertently lead to an environmental hazard related
abilities by 1. If the creature has limits on how many to their element, making the location dangerous for
times or how often it can use an ability (such as a others to explore!
spellcaster’s spells or a dragon’s Breath Weapon),
increase the damage by 2 instead. Phased In Eldamon as Creatures
• Add one elemental power of the appropriate element, or NPCs
with a level of half the creature’s CR (rounded In the default setting, certain ancient eldamon can
up) or lower, usable with a frequency of once per phase themselves in, potentially allowing you to use
minute (this is often one of the powers the eldamon them as creatures during an encounter, but depending
knows). Additionally, add the appropriate elemental on what setting assumptions you choose, eldamon
locomotion, elemental manipulation, elemental might be physically present all the time.
resistance, and elemental senses benefit. If the creature Eldamon have fewer Hit Points than expected for
is at least CR 6 after applying this adjustment, it also a creature of their level, and they don’t offer as much
gains the enhanced locomotion ability. customization as a PC, so players would likely be better
• Increase the creature’s Hit Points and grant based on off playing an elemental avatar. Still, there’s nothing
its starting CR (see the table below). that would cause any problems with a permanently

phased in eldamon as a PC if a player doesn’t want to default power progression. However, if you’re making
have to choose character progression options; you could a special eldamon to use once in your game, it might
increase an eldamon’s hp per level by two die sizes if so. not be necessary to include a default power progression,
While they’re a little straightforward for most players to especially if you know your players are the type to
use as a PC, that same property makes eldamon amazing customize their power progression anyway.
tools for a GM who wants a quick, memorable NPC Quick Method: For a fast and easy new eldamon,
or creature, either for an encounter or to work together come up with an appearance, common name, and
with the PCs as allies, that can use a fun set of elemental preference linked to the eldamon’s evolution, then
abilities. Because eldamon have a full progression of find another eldamon of the same element that’s most
statistics and powers for all levels, you can quickly use similar and start by copying its statblock. You’ll likely
any of the eldamon in this book, from level 1 to 20, determine that the form ability and evolution ability still
without having to make any decisions right out of the don’t fit, so try to choose a form and evolution ability
box (possibly increasing their hp per level by two die sizes you can use from other existing eldamon. You can write
if they’ll be a full creature on their own), essentially giving brand new abilities for one or both if necessary.
you 1,080 statblocks you can use however you like! Full Method: Using the existing eldamon of the
same element as references, go through step by step and
Creating a Custom Eldamon choose each mechanical and narrative aspect of your
Sometimes, you might want to create a unique eldamon new eldamon. Try to have the eldamon’s abilities work
for your campaign world or as a part of your story. together in interesting ways, and select a default power
Perhaps you want to port over one or more of your progression that makes the most of those abilities (for
favorite elemental creatures from other media as an instance, if your new eldamon has an elemental ability
eldamon. Depending on how much time you have, that works on area effects, be sure to take plenty of area
you can create a new custom eldamon either quickly powers). Consider drawing your eldamon’s forms or
and easily or more thoroughly using the methods commissioning some art of your eldamon (if it’s based
below. Using the quick method, you can make a on an elemental creature from other media, you might
brand new eldamon in just a few minutes! While the have pictures already) and using the pictures as a basis
full method could take an hour (or longer if you draw for the form ability and the evolution ability. Pictures
three pictures of the eldamon, one for each stage), a can add a lot to your eldamon, so they are often
significant portion of that time is spent choosing a worth the time and effort, and your players will surely
appreciate it! If you’re inspired to do so, you can even
write up your own eldadex entries for the new eldamon!

Eldamon Battles
Eldamon are especially popular in the default setting
partly because of the entertainment value of eldamon
battles: they are colorful and flashy, with twists and
turns and various visually appealing techniques. Plus,
many eldamon enjoy battles as a type of play and aren’t
hurt; they’re just de-energized and need to rest. This
makes eldamon battles more interesting and humane
than other arena combat. Due to the popularity of
eldamon battles, hundreds of different rulesets exist for
eldamon battles, whether they’re fought on the road
between two adventuring eldamon trainers, among
friends and their eldamon companions in a nearby
field, or even in a public exhibition match at a huge
arena among professionals.

Battles for Fun and Profit

Throughout the world of Alacar, most cities and towns
have rudimentary arenas for eldamon battles, where
locals can battle their eldamons against friends, visitors,
or even family. These arenas can be as simple as a patch

of grass with marks and chalk or more complex with
stands for spectators. Most battles are fought in these
home-grown arenas, but even a small patch
of dirt or grass will do for friendly matches.
However, there are also professional BATTLEZOO
eldamon leagues and competitions
throughout Alacar, where one can find some
of the most impressive arenas in the world. These Introduction
arenas are designed to hold thousands of spectators
A World
and have elemental fields built into them that of Eldamon
allow for environmental effects that can change the
rules on the fly. These professional bouts often draw Character
massive crowds and allow for longer and more varied
tournaments. Any rules that require an elemental field Elemental
list “arena only” in parentheses. Powers
No matter your ruleset, eldamon battles adhere Eldamon
to the format outlined below. There are virtually no Entries
exceptions, and such a strange ruleset would be hard to
recognize as an eldamon battle at all.
solo, pair, 1v1 team, and 2v2 team. In the solo format,
Step 1: Choose Venue, Stakes, and Ruleset you choose one eldamon for your team; in the pair
Before beginning an eldamon battle, you must agree format, you select two (who both battle at once); for
on when, where, and how it will happen. There’s a big the 1v1 team format, you choose six eldamon, battling
difference between a friendly eldamon battle in your one at a time; and in the 2v2 team format, you select
backyard just for practice and an epic showdown in a six eldamon, each battling two at a time. In officially
massive coliseum with the championship on the line. ranked matches, teams are chosen in secret and only
Some rulesets don’t work well outside the elemental revealed once each team is ready, but some formats have
fields found in professional eldamon arenas, so deciding teams alternately choosing eldamon so that they can
on the venue first is most important. While many respond to what they know about the other team. For
possible battlefields exist, for officially ranked eldamon these types of matches, one common implementation
battles, the standard arena is shaped like a circle with is that the first team chooses one eldamon, then the
a 150-foot radius, and eldamon typically start either second team chooses two eldamon, then the first team
30 or 60 feet apart, depending on either the consent chooses two eldamon, and so on. This way the second
of both contestants or a coin toss if they disagree. See team isn’t always just responding to the first team’s
Menu A: Starting Position (page 18) for additional selections, and with an even number of eldamon, the
considerations on the location’s setup. team forced to choose first (a disadvantage, as they
Most eldamon battles are just for fun, but when have no information about the other team) also gets
stakes are involved, tension is higher, so it’s essential to to choose last (an advantage, as they can slip in one
settle the venue, stakes, and ruleset in advance. eldamon at the end without the other team having any
The ruleset choice will determine how every other way to respond).
step proceeds, so choosing a ruleset is necessary once
you know the venue and stakes before continuing. Step 3: Battle!
By selecting a ruleset, you decide which rules to use Eldamon battles proceed for the most part using the
from the Ruleset Menus (page 18), and if you’re in an game’s standard combat rules, with every eldamon
eldamon arena, you can choose whether to employ the using their statistics for their level from their eldamon
optional arena rules (page 19). entry (Page 128). The fight continues until an eldamon
is defeated, an eldamon forfeits, or one of the teams
Step 2: Choose Eldamon chooses to substitute for another eldamon (assuming
Once you’ve determined how the battle will proceed, it’s a format where a team has more eldamon than the
time to choose your eldamon. The ruleset determines number fielded at once). A defeated eldamon doesn’t
how many eldamon are battling at once (Menu B on necessarily mean a match is over, especially when
page 18) and how many total eldamon you can bring multiple eldamon are involved in the battle. If a team
over the course of the battle (Menu C on page 19). has more eldamon ready to fight, their next eldamon
Officially ranked eldamon battles include four brackets: enters the arena (see substitution below).

Step 4: Substitution more favorable match-up. Nearly every eldamon battle
A defeated eldamon (an eldamon reduced to 0 hit rule that allows voluntary substitutions also limits
points, or who is defeated in a different way if you’re their frequency to avoid a situation where two battlers
using a variant from Menu D on page 19) or an infinitely substitute in order to gain an elemental
eldamon who forfeits the match can substitute in advantage against each other. The most typical
for another eldamon if their team has more eldamon limitation is that after someone voluntarily substitutes
available than are currently on the field. In most their eldamon, they can’t do so again on the next turn.
formats, including officially ranked eldamon battles, a Still, some rulesets are even stricter, limiting the total
mandatory substitution due to a defeat or forfeit pauses number of voluntary substitutions for the entire match
the fight until the new eldamon can enter; this serves or requiring the passage of multiple turns before an
as a catch-up mechanic for the team that lost their additional voluntary eldamon substitution.
eldamon; otherwise, the team that was ahead would
get further ahead. In game terms, this is the same Step 5: Victory Conditions
encounter, and the new eldamon acts when the old In officially ranked eldamon battles, one team wins
eldamon’s turn would have occurred (initiative doesn’t when the other team’s eldamon are all either defeated
change for the new eldamon, they simply take the place or forfeited, and there are none left to battle in the area.
of the original eldamon). However, some formats don’t However, some rulesets use different rules to determine
mind the death spiral and refuse to pause for a new the victor, and defeating all of an opponent’s eldamon
eldamon after a defeat or forfeit and continue the fight, is only one of many ways to win an eldamon battle (see
even during substitution. In game terms, this more Menu E on page 19).
lethal version means that the new eldamon essentially
loses a turn coming onto the field, and the victorious Ruleset Menus and Optional
eldamon is able to attack first. Arena Rules
In addition to mandatory substitutions, in most While the steps of an eldamon battle are almost always
formats with additional eldamon, the team captain the same, these menus list variables that change from
(usually the eldamon’s mortal friend) can also call ruleset to ruleset, and the optional arena rules allow
for a voluntary substitution. Usually, a voluntary combatants in an eldamon arena to make significant
substitution forces the substituting team to skip their adjustments to recovery time and elemental affinity.
turn as one eldamon leaves the field and another enters,
granting tempo to the other team in exchange for a Menu A: Starting Position
Many rulesets have different starting positions, which
can heavily influence the course of a battle. Some
elements, or even specific trainers and their eldamon,
prefer a long starting distance, while others want to
get up close and personal. Some of the most common
starting positions are 30 feet away and 60 feet away,
though they vary widely by ruleset. There might also
be a maximum range, after which an eldamon
has moved out of bounds and is eliminated
if they moved there on purpose (force and
water eldamon prefer an out-of-bounds
rule that also allows them to push the other
eldamon out of bounds and eliminate them,
but few rulesets use this feature). Some arenas
have special terrain sets to make the battlefield
more exciting or even cycle between different
types of terrain over time during the battle to
keep combatants on their toes.

Menu B: Eldamon Fielded

Because eldamon battles usually occur with the
eldamon phased out, even characters who aren’t
eldamon trainers can have their eldamon friends
participate in battles. This also means there isn’t

necessarily a metaphysical limit to how many eldamon form lacks their powerful evolution ability. Another
could be fielded. However, the most popular rulesets way some rulesets level the playing field is by limiting
call for 1v1 or 2v2 matchups. These are the most the number of evolved eldamon a particular team can
varied and allow for a wide range of tactics and variety field. For instance, one ruleset enthusiasts call “Evolved
throughout the battle. Even so, there is no limit to the Commander” allows each team to field exactly one BATTLEZOO
number of eldamon fielded during a battle, such as the evolved eldamon, who serves as their commander,
always-exciting battle royale, where dozens of eldamon meaning that the team loses if the evolved eldamon
compete in a massive free-for-all. is defeated. Fans of the format feel that it makes the Introduction
match more exciting since the losing team will always
A World
Menu C: Team Size save their best for last and put up one last desperate fight of Eldamon
Teams often include more eldamon than the limit of for survival. And maybe even snatch victory from the
eldamon battling at once. For instance, in the officially jaws of defeat if they can take down the opposing team’s Character
ranked 1v1 team format, a team consists of six eldamon, remaining eldamon, evolved commander included.
and each team can field only a single eldamon in the Elemental
arena at a time. Multiple mortal friends can participate Optional Arena Rule: Faster Recovery Powers
in a battle, each contributing a portion of their eldamon Eldamon arenas with elemental fields can allow Eldamon
to the team’s total number (for example, one friend eldamon to recover from a defeat much faster, using the Entries
might have three of their eldamon in the team, one elemental field to re-energize defeated eldamon in mere
friend might have two, and another one, thereby making seconds. This makes it possible for eldamon to recover
up the team of six eldamon and three friends). This can from a defeat almost instantly or in just a few minutes if
help ensure that both teams have the same number of a death eldamon defeated them (which would typically
eldamon, so that the match is as even as possible. delay their recovery). Because of its convenience and
ability to allow back-to-back tournament battles, arenas
Menu D: Defeating Eldamon almost always use this service. From their perspective,
Typically, an eldamon fights until they reach 0 hit why wouldn’t you?
points, which is when they must rest and recharge their With this option, larger tournaments, either round-
energy. However, some rulesets have different criteria robin or elimination style, almost always occur in an
to determine when an eldamon is eliminated from arena where they don’t have to wait between rounds.
battle. Eldamon are capable of dealing enough damage In areas with no arenas nearby, they might need to
in a single power that rulesets depending on eldamon hold tournaments over a longer timeframe or ban
being eliminated at half hit points or some other lesser death eldamon, who delay eldamon recovery, from the
threshold are relatively unpopular. Since eldamon can’t tournament to ensure they don’t have to wait a long
continue fighting beyond 0 hit points, the rule of time between rounds.
elimination at 0 hit points is as close to universal across In some “hardcore” tournaments, they intentionally
rule sets as possible. hold rounds back to back without allowing faster
recovery, and any time an eldamon isn’t ready to compete,
Menu E: Determining Victory it means their team is down an eldamon for that round.
Final victory criteria can vary, though most battles As expected, hardcore tournaments aren’t for the
use something similar to the officially ranked rules faint of heart. In such tournaments, some contestants
that declare victory by defeating all of the other team’s will even collude with each other by bringing death
eldamon. In some formats, you might only need to eldamon to weaken an opponent’s lineup before their
eliminate a certain percentage of the other team’s next match with a confederate.
eldamon or defeat their “Commander Eldamon,” which
is often saved for last. In all formats, a team that refuses Optional Arena Rule: Negate Resistances
to field any eldamon forfeits the match, so the losing and Weaknesses
team’s commander has to come out sooner or later. Some battlers lament that resistances and weaknesses can
take much of the strategy out of a battle, as the eldamon
Menu F: Evolution with the elemental advantage wins by the brute force of
Most rulesets for eldamon battles allow an eldamon to their resistance and the other eldamon’s weakness. It’s
take its evolved form if it can, but some rulesets ban possible to temporarily remove the eldamon resistances
evolved forms to level the playing field. Eldamon can and weaknesses using the elemental fields at an arena to
always adopt their original battle form if they choose, combat that. This allows for a match that tacticians feel
even if they have the ability to enter their evolved form. is determined more purely by skill and training rather
They usually have few reasons to do so since their battle than elemental balance.

The Eld
Before the Balance came, when the world was new, the Eld was already there. What is an element?
Some magical scholars limit their imaginations to earth, fire, air, and water, but to the Eld, everything
could be an element. Even music, which has patterns that you can find hidden in mathematical
equations all throughout nature. When we follow the teachings of the Eld, we can see these artificial
divisions for what they are: purely constructs to help our small minds understand the enormity of
the world around us. Magical theorists say that the elements are matter, and that things like our
minds and our spirits are different, rooted in different magical traditions, but to the Eld, all of these,
still, are more distant elements, cousins that, when reunited, allow us to piece together the larger
whole. Few these days choose to unearth the mysteries of the Eld, for the Eld is impassive, many
and unknowable. Unlike the gods of the Balance, the Eld never plays favorites, so even if you learn,
even if you pray, you will be able to understand and use the power, but you won’t receive divine
intervention on your behalf. You’ll have to learn to do it yourself. Still here, huh? Impressive. In that
case, I’ll let you in on some secrets, all in due time…

The Fundamental Elements What is an Element?

The Eld is one of Alacar’s oldest religions, significantly Some magical scholars limit their imaginations to earth,
predating the coming of the Father, the Mother, and fire, air, and water, but to the Eld, everything could be
their Children of the Balance. The Eld teaches adherents an element. Even music has patterns that you can find
to worship twenty different elemental energies, as well as hidden in mathematical equations all throughout nature.
the vitae, spirits, thoughtforms, and other beings that are When we follow the teachings of the Eld, we can
associated with those elemental energies. Followers of the see these artificial divisions for what they are: purely
Eld don’t consider these various entities to be “gods” so constructed to help our small minds understand the
much as paragons of the fundamental elements. enormity of the world around us. Magical theorists say
Many believers feel that the Eld has been there long that the elements are matter and that things like our
before the Balance and will be there long after the minds and our spirits are different, rooted in different
Balance is gone, and so they tend to view the deities magical traditions, but to the Eld, all of these are still
of the Balance as more like powerful guests or children more distant elements, cousins that, when reunited, allow
compared to the Eld. us to piece together the larger whole. The truth of reality.
Adherents of the Eld often engage in spiritual practices Few these days choose to unearth the mysteries of the
and self-reflection quietly on their own, only intended to Eld, for the Eld is impassive, many, and unknowable.
help them find their own individual path to enlightenment. Unlike the gods of the Balance, the Eld never plays
They almost never practice anything resembling an favorites. Even if you learn, even if you strive, and even
evangelical large-scale organized religion with churches if you pray, you will be able to understand and use the
that proselytize and cajole others to worship using claims power of the elements, but you won’t receive divine
that the gods will favor those who donate or act a certain intervention on your behalf. You’ll have to become able
way and punish those who defy them. Instead, followers of to do it yourself.
the Eld believe that, much like nature itself, the Eld never
plays favorites. For their part, few of the primal divinities Organization & Hierarchy
who act as objects of worship to adherents of the Eld (or Lack Thereof)
bother to convert others to their following either. Because they aren’t organized in the same way as other
As a result of this relative lack of interest in spreading religions, followers of the Eld don’t have anything
the faith, The Balance had a much easier time growing resembling a hierarchy of ranks. Those of the Eld
and has easily overtaken the Eld in popularity, despite believe that each of their fellows is to be respected for
being a newer faith. Nevertheless, the Eld persists, growing the path they have taken on their own journey, and no
sturdily and quietly like an oak. It remains an ancient and one’s hard-earned wisdom should be ignored simply
influential faith throughout the world of Alacar and still because of who they are.
maintains a fair number of adherents worldwide. Typically, the only way to gain a substantial amount

The Eld
The Fundamental Elements
Alignment: N
Temples: ley line nexuses, monasteries, wilderness shrines
Worshippers: druids, elementalists BATTLEZOO
Sacred Animal: all
Sacred Colors: the twenty elemental colors, or “icosachrome”
Suggested Domains: Life, Light, Nature, Tempest Introduction
Favored Weapon: fist
A World
Divine Ability: Constitution or Wisdom of Eldamon
Divine Skill: Nature
Key Edicts: find your own path, respect the elements and their Character
manifestations, treat others as equal under the Eld
Key Anathema: force others to follow your beliefs, corrupt or Elemental
defile the elements or their manifestations, beseech the Eld for Powers
favoritism Eldamon
of influence and acclaim among followers of the Eld Elemental Manifestations
is to be possessed of great wisdom and keep to one’s The Eld manifests itself in places, creatures, and things all over
own path to enlightenment, as well as (paradoxically) the world. Areas of deep elemental saturation occasionally
to avoid seeking such influence and acclaim in the have powerful magical effects arising from the swirling magic
first place. This contradiction leads to many situations and energy, which enterprising adherents and adventurers can
where the person respected as a de facto leader among channel for their own benefit or to deepen their understanding
a group of Eld adherents is a humble, quiet soul who of the elements. These saturations, in turn, attract Eldamon,
serves to aid others rather than self-aggrandize or rule living manifestations of the elements, who frolic and meld into
over them. And frankly, Eld followers wouldn’t have it the environment, items, or creatures.
any other way.
Then again, there’s no expectation among followers
of the Eld that one must lead simply because your Relationship With The Balance
peers desire you to do so. More than a few of the most The Eld and Eld adherents generally get along well with
respected clergy of the Eld flatly refuse all leadership the more elementally inclined deities of the Balance,
roles and decision-making, going so far as to partake Baoyan, Kuu, Mului, Than Dat, and Thongfa, and
in a lengthy journey to distant lands in order to avoid those deities’ adherents. There haven’t been any major
further requests in cases where their fellows’ persistence conflicts between them since the Calamity of Elements,
becomes too incessant. when Lilin riled her Children up. In fact, there have
been many situations where they’ve worked together
Places of Worship toward common goals in the past. However, individual
When you come across a place where elemental ley faithful of the Balance can wind up rubbing followers
lines meet together, forming a nexus, or where a sort of the Eld the wrong way.
of quiet air of power and reverence thrums somewhere The biggest point of friction with the Eld comes from
deep within your soul, chances are you might have those in the clergy of the Balance who attempt to claim
found one of the hidden places of the Eld scattered that the Twins, Aoz and Zoa, were the ones who created
throughout the world, and there might even be a shrine the cycle of life and death for Alacar. This claim is clearly
or waymarker left by another follower of the Eld who a lie, even according to the commonly held beliefs about
discovered the spot long before you. The religion is so the origin of the Balance, which tell that Tovah and Lilin,
ancient that sometimes these places go unnoticed for so the Father and Mother, came to a world full of living
long that the signs from the previous visitor might be people who were dying to kaiju before they birthed Aoz
centuries old. or Zoa. This means the cycle of life and death must have
When a mystical location tied to elemental energy existed well in advance of the advent of the Twins, even if
becomes well-known, followers of the Eld occasionally the Twins later began to help steer the process after they
establish a monastery or other collective presence were born. Nonetheless, some worshippers of Aoz or Zoa
there. These edifices tend to be humble buildings that promulgate the belief that their deities were the ones to
remain close to nature, rather than gaudy churches or originate all of the world’s life and death. However, this
cathedrals. claim ruffles the feathers of Eld followers, particularly

Some subgroups within the Eld’s worshippers divide
the elements into various categories, though there’s none
that come even close to being universally acknowledged.
While pairings like light and darkness, life
and death, and space and time are relatively
uncontentious, and quartets like body, life,
mind, and spirit have some support, those
who attempt to create universal classifications
are doomed to quarrel forever with other sects
and branches. For instance, kragraks classify
elements as dynamic (air, fire, force, light, and
lightning), esoteric (mind, music, space, spirit, and
time), static (darkness, death, ice, and metal), and
vital (body, life, poison, wood, and water), believing
that earth transcends all four classifications. Even other
faithful who appreciate the kragrak classifications overall
usually want to include earth as a static element, dividing
into four groups of five elements, but that alteration in
particular infuriates kragraks, who are themselves made
of earth but highly changeable throughout their lives.
While there are few characterizations of elements on
which every adherent can agree, the following are as
close to consensus as a religion like the Eld can come
on each element.

those focused on the elements of life and death. Even if Air

they’re annoyed, these Eld adherents rarely do anything The air blows freely across the lands,
about it other than vocally disagree with the stance, but peregrinating without boundaries and as
unfortunately, particularly hardline churches like Aoz or capricious and formless as laughter. Eld
Zoa might use that point of disagreement as an excuse adherents see the element of air as symbolic of mobility
to persecute followers of the Eld. For their part, the and personal freedom. Those who seek to associate
impassive Aoz and Zoa get along well with the elemental themselves with or emulate the element of air wander
beings of life and death and seem to have no quarrel with from place to place, rarely staying in the same bed
the Eld or its faithful. for more than a single night. Being as free as air and
There are sometimes other conflicts between the two always remaining in motion requires more discipline
religions, particularly with those Children of the Balance from adherents than it might seem. After all, being like
who have quarrelsome or controlling personalities. For air doesn’t mean they can just do whatever they want;
instance, Mului makes heavy demands on all those instead, to be as formless and free as air, they need to
who travel his waters, which can occasionally bring his be willing to surrender their attachments in a way that
worshippers into conflict with aquatic followers of the some can find difficult. When entire groups or societies
Eld who don’t want to follow a particular rule or don’t devote themselves to the way of air, they are always
see any useful purpose in paying a toll to the Balance’s nomadic, traveling where the winds take them.
sea deity.
The Eld and the Elements There’s something deeper hidden within
the flesh and matter that makes up a
According to the adherents of the Eld, each element body, something that empowers a living
has its own inner personality and tendencies, and it’s creature to exceed its own limits. Followers of the Eld see
best to understand them all in order to approach them the element of body as symbolic of mastery of form and
in a way likely to be productive to both you and the being, in a way that can transform oneself into a powerful
world around you. Some adherents choose to specialize weapon. Those who seek to learn the deeper teachings of
or focus on a specific element or elements, especially as the body element often meditate to get in touch with their
they find the element synergizes with their own nature body and to access the strength within themselves. While
or temperament. those who don’t understand the Eld might assume that

these body adherents would be hedonists or overly focused Earth
on muscles and exercise, but in truth, they are often Come what may, the earth endures. But
mindful and contemplative in their own way. They don’t that’s not as simple as it sounds. The earth
necessarily read up on countless esoteric topics, but they endures not merely by staying firm as a
study themselves and develop extreme proprioception and boulder, but by taking many forms, from unyielding BATTLEZOO
understanding of their body and its movements. When mountains to shifting sands. Those who associate
entire groups or societies devote themselves to the way of themselves with earth tend to be stubborn, though that
body, they tend to develop marvelous martial arts and be doesn’t mean they refuse to change their mind when Introduction
notable for their peak physical condition. presented with a new viewpoint. Instead, they hold
A World
their ground when necessary and shift it strategically. By of Eldamon
Darkness always keeping one foot on metaphorical solid ground,
Mortals fear the unknown, and so those they can ensure that they remain stable while forging Character
without darkvision fear the dark, which a path ahead. None can deny the might and staying
occludes all that might be lurking within. power of earth, but one of its limitations is a tendency Elemental
But despite this primal fear, Eld worshippers know that to focus on either the extreme long term or short term, Powers
darkness isn’t evil. Sometimes ignorance is bliss, and less so than the middle ground. This is only natural: Eldamon
sometimes the gentlest, most merciful thing we can do is when necessary, earth concentrates power close at Entries
to shroud someone in a gentle cloak of darkness to escape hand and takes action right away, and otherwise, it can
the merciless searing of the light or the harsh unvarnished endure for eons. When entire groups or societies devote
truth that can shatter a life. On the other hand, darkness themselves to the way of earth, they value that tenacity
is the perfect element to support skullduggery, as the and explore the deeper nuances of earth’s teachings, as
element of secrecy and the hidden draws those who seen among members of the kragrak ancestry.
wish their clandestine actions to remain unknown even
more often than those who seek to provide succor
from harsh realities. Darkness favors neither one
nor the other, but rather envelops all in that shroud
of privacy. When entire groups or societies devote
themselves to the way of darkness, they value secrecy
and privacy above all else, and so they respect each
other’s boundaries. This can lead outsiders to see their
consideration for others’ secrets as lacking curiosity,
and at times, living under a veil of secrecy can lead to
miscommunications that transparency would solve.

In the Eld, with its cycle of elements,
death isn’t the end, and nothing is final.
But it does represent a state of transition,
not the ending, but an ending, one which commences
a new beginning. And the way to dusty death is paved
with the decline of life force, of sickness and infirmity.
Like the waxing and waning of the moon, so too does
fractious life lead to quiet death. Death can be cruel,
but it’s a cruelty necessary to the cycle of the elements;
a universe full of only immortals is one that can swiftly
become stagnant and resistant to new ideas. Those who
delve into death’s mysteries find these hidden depths to
its grim embrace. It’s extremely rare for whole societies to
devote themselves to the way of death, but groups with
such a dedication exist, and they often deliver mercy to
those in need of release, repose to the undead, and solace
to those left behind in death’s wake. Even so, they are
sometimes feared as killers or bringers of death by others
who don’t understand their ways.

Electricity fire is hungry and ever-spreading, until it chokes itself
Electricity builds up charge and potential, out by consuming all of the fuel available. To some
releasing a powerful discharge of crackling Eld philosophers, this makes fire similar to a colony of
lightning when the potential difference industrious but infinitely voracious ants. Those who
becomes great enough. Like the lightning, adherents follow in fire’s footsteps are equally unrestrained and
who emulate the element of electricity understand equally ready to become or create something new, even
that their energy and effort have different effects in if doing so forever changes them or the world around
a constant flowing current than they do if stored up them in irreversible ways. When entire groups or
and discharged strategically at the right time and place. societies devote themselves to the way of fire, they can
Oftentimes, the resistance of opposing forces means produce great works marvelous enough to be admired
that a steady, repetitive stream of effort in life can lead for millennia to come… but often these aren’t without
to a grind and burnout, while charging oneself up to a sacrifice, as these groups or societies are inclined to
capacity and then releasing a burst of creativity can seek artistic expression or scientific progress no matter
allow an electricity enthusiast to accomplish challenges the cost.
that seemed impossible. When entire groups or societies
devote themselves to the way of electricity, they often Force
experience punctuated equilibria, where they plan and The element of force weaves a web filled
lay the groundwork, “building up charge,” to prepare with strands of aether, congealed force,
for explosive growth or innovation. moving others around as it pleases like a
puppet master. When those who don’t understand the
Fire Eld hear the word “force,” however, they often think of
Fire’s tendency to burn and grow, phrases like “brute force” and expect the force element
possibly ramping up out of control to be unsubtle and fierce, causing great collateral
to devour everything around it, leads damage. It’s true that force is capable of great exertions
many in the world to see fire as mainly a destructive and powerful assaults, but because of its flexible nature,
force. But to followers of the Eld, fire represents a force is often much subtler in the way it affects the
change of state that can be either a bane or a boon. world around it. Those Eld adherents who seek to
After all, periodic smaller wildfires can prevent a larger emulate force are thus often more careful and deliberate
and more catastrophic blaze, and fire is necessary for about the way they interact with others, occasionally
many of civilization’s innovations, from light sources acting more detached, like chess masters moving pieces
to metallurgy to cooking and beyond. Nonetheless, on a board. When entire groups or societies devote
themselves to the way of force, they pay attention to
the connections and threads between them, learning
how each member of the community exercises a push
and pull of force on each other through their daily
routine. This can lead force followers to act as an
organic whole in a way that seems mystifying or almost
psychic to outsiders, as one community member acts
in advance almost as if to anticipate another member’s
needs. But the truth is that this is a bond forged not of
telepathic communication but purely through a deep
understanding of the forces within the community and
their equal but opposite reactions.

Ice is the creeping cold that chills and saps
away mobility until eventually all is quiet
and still. The peace and stasis that ice brings
can assist with quiet contemplation when wild burning
ideas and excesses of kinetic energy would simply serve as
a distraction. Nonetheless, for most creatures, too much
cold is equally deadly to a fire’s blaze. Those who seek to
emulate the ice element always pause before making a
decision and act slowly and decisively, rather than rashly.

They appreciate a more deliberate approach, rather
than rushing in spells and powers blazing. When entire
groups or societies devote themselves to the way of ice,
they are often communities that remain the same in the
face of tumultuous change, advancing slowly until they BATTLEZOO
feel almost out of time with the world around them.
These communities tend to be isolated, in order to keep
themselves frozen despite the frenetic flow of history. Introduction
Despite the use of “cold-blooded” and “ice-hearted” to
A World
mean emotionless or cruel, communities venerating ice of Eldamon
often have deep emotional bonds because of their
love of taking things slowly. That said, few have Character
the kind of sense of humor that would appreciate
the inevitable puns others make about their Elemental
communities being isolated. Powers

Life Entries
Life is creation, a surge of vital energy,
and the birth of new ideas, creatures, and
things. Many see life as an inherently good
thing, but it is neither good nor evil. What is born anew
could be wonderful, but it could just as easily be awful.
Deadly parasites and plagues are living things, and the
life element nurtures their birth just as easily as it does a
mortal infant. There is no bias in the cycle of life. When
a cancerous growth or foul virus is just as deserving of
life as any other living creature, it becomes clear that life Eld seek to abuse that power to manipulate others.
is impassive and impartial, not a benefactor or force of Even so, the ability to shape attention and spin narratives
good. Those who seek to follow in life’s footsteps seek to grants light-wielding demagogues great power. When
create and nurture rather than end or destroy. Normally entire groups or societies devote themselves to the way of
that makes them excellent friends or neighbors, but it light, they are committing themselves to a radical honesty
can lead to problems when they insist on extending that can be painful, sometimes excruciatingly so. But they
something past its normal limits or creating something believe that this complete transparency will lead to better
that should have never been. Similarly, when entire communication and a shared understanding and purpose.
groups or societies devote themselves to the way of life,
they often give birth to a new age or movement (or a Metal
renaissance of nascent or dormant ideas), but depending Metal is an element of change and
on what they birth, this isn’t always a good thing for the metamorphosis, but one with a purpose,
societies and world around them. not simply for change’s sake. Shaping
and reshaping. This concept follows the transition of
Light metal, which is smelted from ore into a refined metal
Light reveals that which is hidden, product and then forged into countless metal tools.
allowing creatures to glimpse the truth it Metal contains an endless potential to become, and as
illuminates… but light is made up of various an element, its flexibility and utility are paramount. Eld
colors, each of which tints that truth in various ways. To adherents who revere the metal element in particular
followers of the Eld, there is no single objective truth, and seek to shape the world around them, as well as to
so it’s inevitable that the light element’s revelations contain reforge themselves into something better. When
within them a factor of curation: whosoever discloses a entire groups or societies devote themselves to the way
given truth is the one who can decide the shape and details of metal, they adapt and change on a regular basis,
of the truth. Even when people can agree on a shared belief typically in an orderly fashion, in order to adapt to
or truth, sometimes the harsh light of truth can be painful, the world around them. This often means they have a
meaning light isn’t always a benevolent force. Those who form of government that rotates every certain number
seek to emulate light understand the inherent power that of years and in response to external stimuli, such as a
control of the truth gives a person, and few who follow the representative democracy.

Mind the harmonics of sound, one that a person can solve
Mind is an element of infinite possibilities, by mathematics, but also one that a force of nature can
since anything that can possibly be stumble upon by chance. The power of music to affect
conceived or imagined can become a creatures on a deeper level than the sonic vibrations
mental thoughtform or idea. Knowledge and logic would produce on their own is a power in combination,
derive from mind, and an assault using the mind element a gestalt where the whole is far greater than the sum of
can sap a creature’s cognitive processes and will. Mind its parts. A single note has meaning, but far less meaning
embodies its own inner world of concept and thought. and effect than when they’re combined together. In this
Those who follow the Eld and focus themselves on the way, scholars believe that the music element was the
mind element tend to be cerebral, meditating on deep first language and progenitor of all languages, the key
fundamental questions and learning everything they can that allows for effects like truespeech allowing beings
on a variety of topics. When entire groups or societies to communicate universally. When entire groups or
devote themselves to the way of mind, they sometimes societies devote themselves to the way of music, they
attempt to elevate thoughtfulness and mindfulness seek to work together harmoniously, just as the notes
above irrational actions born out of gut responses and and chords build together into a melody, and the
feelings. Even so, they ultimately learn that all of these instruments combine into a symphony. If everyone
things are tied to mind in their own way, and that a does their own different part, they can achieve far more
balance between the different forms of thought leads to than if they tried to do everything alone.
a healthy mindscape and better mental health.
Music Whether or not a substance is toxic
Music is one of the most elusive of the is subjective to an individual kind of
twenty elements to define, and perhaps creature, sometimes even among different
the most surprising element to those creatures of the same species. But the element of poison
who don’t follow or understand the Eld. Some who is a universal incarnation of the concept of toxicity and
are ignorant wonder if music isn’t simply a product its effects. Poison is an intractable element that disrupts
of civilization. And yet, birds, bats, and many other the natural order of creatures’ bodies until they no longer
animals sing, and even inanimate processes in the natural function. The poison element damages and weakens,
world can produce music in the right circumstances. and for nonliving things, it decays and dissolves them
In truth, music is a powerful element hidden within like acid. In this way, it acts as a universal poison; one
that’s toxic to the entire universe. Those who seek to
emulate poison are disruptors and saboteurs who make
their mark over time by undermining a more powerful
opposition until it inevitably falls. When entire groups
or societies devote themselves to the way of poison,
they often act as secret societies, infiltrating a larger
settlement and eroding its norms and functions until it
collapses, or changes in a different way.

Space is the empty vastness beyond all that
is. All that exists, exists within space. It’s
no mistake that the word space can mean
both an emptiness and a physical location. Gaps provide
distance, and in turn define a location. And thus, control
over space allows someone to bend those rules, twisting
space to bring two distant places together. Someone
strongly attuned to the philosophy of the space element
understands that emptying oneself of all that is unneeded
can allow a person to center themselves and learn their
place in the greater cosmos. When entire groups or
societies devote themselves to the way of space, other
cultures tend to have trouble understanding that society’s
concept of place. Rather than lay claim to a nation or

settlement with set boundaries, they see their polity as
existing in whatever space holds it. However, that doesn’t
mean they ignore the world around them either. At the
same time, they have an extremely fine-tuned sense of
direction and distance, and they often create detailed BATTLEZOO
maps of their surroundings.

Spirit Introduction
Spirit is the metaphysical building block
A World
of the soul, as well as the spiritual planes of Eldamon
of existence that make up the afterlife for
many mortal beings. Creatures who lose their physical Character
body and continue to exist as disembodied souls are made
of this element, and even celestials and fiends are built Water Elemental
out of embodied spirit, also called quintessence, rather Water is in constant motion, with the Powers
than the matter of the Material Plane. Spirit represents shifting tides and ebb and flow of the Eldamon
a deeper metaphysical layer of reality, which can lead to ocean and the roaring rush of the river. Entries
powerful attachments, in the same way that ghosts haunt Even seemingly still water is part of the water cycle of
a particular person, object, or place. A physical hunger evaporation, condensation, and precipitation. You can
is part of the life element, an intellectual appreciation never step in the same river or ocean twice, as the water is
is mind, but a deeper spiritual love is connected to the ever-changing. Those Eld adherents who seek to emulate
element of spirit, and so too can a hatred or grudge be water learn to go with the flow, taking advantage of the
so deep-rooted that it inscribes itself on a creature’s very unique opportunities of the changing situation rather
soul. When entire groups or societies devote themselves than trying to keep things constantly the same. To submit
to the way of spirit, they learn how to look past the surface to the flow is to lose control and normalcy, but it brings
level of the body in order to understand the spirit within, with it power and flexibility. A true master of water rides
engaging deeply in spiritual practices and considering a the tide both high and low, rather than try to control the
person’s health to be a measure of not only their physical tide and push it ever higher, leading to disaster. When
wellbeing but also their spiritual wellness. entire groups or societies devote themselves to the way
of water, they prove flexible and opportunistic, able to
Time handle the demands of a changing world, even during
Time is a dimension orthogonal to space, a times of great upheaval, riding the tides of history to a
perception of the jumbled chaos of reality brighter future. But as a result, they don’t always have
as existing on a line that flows from past to a single focused belief of their own and can be carried
future through the present, where events occur in order, along by the enthusiasm or impetus of others.
causing other events and ever-rippling outward. Some
in the world take time for granted, but philosophers of Wood
the Eld see these deeper truths. Time is a fundamental Wood is the element of wild growth and
element of reality, but it’s also a construct that mortals use rampant verdure, representing the cycle
to understand the entirety of existence and to wrest it all of plant life from seed to towering oak.
into a narrative or story they can more easily comprehend. Wood encourages growth, but its nature isn’t purely
Those who study how to manipulate the element of time additive. Those who follow the teachings of the wood
learn how to adjust the way that they and others interact element know that too much unchecked growth can
with time, dilating it, bending it, stuttering through lead to problems where none of the plants can survive,
it, and changing their reality via magical means, while and so sometimes the right thing to do is to harvest
those more interested in its teachings instead focus on prudently in pursuit of greater expansion. So too do
centering themselves within the narrative flow, as well as some plants lure other creatures to eat from them, in
understanding their timeline and the cause and effects order to spread their seeds or pollen far afield. When
of their actions. When entire groups or societies devote entire groups or societies devote themselves to the way
themselves to the way of time, they begin to view the of wood, they tend to be farming communities with a
present as but one tiny infinitesimal point on the greater strong eye toward sustainability and living in tune with
timeline, causing them to focus deeply on remembering nature. They sow different kinds of seeds and harvest
and learning from the past while planning for and forging them carefully, replenishing the soil and working with
the future they wish to make. nature rather than against it.

Befriending Eldamon
If you want to include eldamon in your game world, story, or character, one of your most important
decisions will be how to handle the aspect of finding and befriending them. There’s an entire genre of
RPGs fully devoted to stories about recruiting teams of monsters, but unless you’re going all-in on an
eldamon campaign, chances are that your group’s game has many other themes, as well as at least some
players who aren’t interested in spending lots of session time on eldamon. Fortunately, eldamon are
designed to work well with whichever amount of focus you choose! Talk to your group and figure out
which of the following methods works best for you.

Befriend Them All! In either Method 2 or Method 3, once the group

Any character, not just an eldamon trainer, can befriend has determined that they found an eldamon that was
an eldamon and convince the eldamon to follow them curious enough to approach them, it’s time to see
around. However, in order to gain an opportunity to do if that eldamon is interested in traveling with one of
so, they have to find the eldamon first. There are several the characters. Typically, the fact that the eldamon
ways of handling this. approached the PCs means that the eldamon was
The simplest method is Method 1: Automatic, predisposed to want to interact with them. As such, it
but groups who aren’t worried about adding a little normally only requires a Persuasion check with a DC
complexity and who want a full monster befriending determined by the GM and based on the circumstances
and collecting experience might prefer Method 2: GM (DC 15 can be a good starting point, or possibly
Decides or Method 3: Roll on the Discovery Tables. higher or lower depending on the eldamon’s mood and
Even if your group normally uses Method 1 or Method surroundings). Alternatively, a PC who recognizes the
2 to decide when to include new eldamon, the GM can eldamon and knows their preferences can attempt an
always decide to have you roll one or more of the tables appropriate skill check to demonstrate a connection
from Method 3 to add some random variance to the with the eldamon’s predilections with an easier DC
discovery process. (consider using a baseline of DC 10 in this case instead
of DC 15).
In the case that multiple PCs in the same
group all want to befriend eldamon using
Method 2 or 3, in order to avoid conflicts,
we recommend having a group of the
same kind of eldamon large enough
for everyone who wants to befriend
one to make an attempt and get their
Otherwise, if an extremely rare
eldamon everyone wants to befriend
appears and only one character can
become its best friend, there could be
conflicts or hurt feelings. This is especially
possible if more than one player is using the
eldamon mechanically, such as if the group has multiple
eldamon trainers. On the other hand, a group with only
one character who needs to fight alongside the eldamon
mechanically could just share the same eldamon for
roleplaying purposes.

Method 1: Automatic
This method is the simplest way to handle eldamon,
requiring essentially no adjudication during play, but it

is also often the least satisfying for fans of the monster Variant: Skipping the Request
collection subgenre since it removes the element of In any game with monster collection, one of the worst feelings
thrill from encountering an unexpected eldamon is when you finally find an ultra-rare monster, and then you don’t
during a journey, getting to know them, and potentially manage to collect it. If your group feels that sting especially
recruiting them. In this method, a character seeking to painfully, you might want to remove the skill check from the BATTLEZOO
gain an eldamon simply chooses a new eldamon when equation when using Method 2 or Method 3 and just have the
they level up. While leveling up, the character should eldamon they find automatically befriend the PCs. Assuming
choose between one eldamon (for a simpler character the group was often using eldamon preferences to target the Introduction
to build and play) and three eldamon (for a complex easier DC, this won’t change the overall number of eldamon
A World
character with a lot of choices necessary to build they find very much, but even with advantage, you can always of Eldamon
and play) from the common eldamon and any other roll two 1s and miss out on the rare eldamon. While it might feel
eldamon to which the GM gives them access. Instead of a bit odd to have all eldamon automatically accompany the Character
having them appear out of nowhere, the player might party without any check, you can just consider that there were
decide that the eldamon they chose emerged during also other eldamon who didn’t choose to accompany them, and Elemental
their adventure at a time and place of their choosing. your group only spent time interacting with and discussing the Powers
This method is easy to handle and track, and it removes ones who were already successfully recruited. The GM could Eldamon
the possibility of variance (bad rolls leading to no new even narrate with comments like, “You also find several other Entries
eldamon) or elemental mismatch in a pre-published eldamon who are far too shy to approach you and scurry away
adventure where the GM doesn’t want to improvise to back into the foliage,” to help paint a picture of a rich world full
include encounters that might match a specific element. of eldamon that don’t all decide to join the party.

Method 2: GM Decides
This method is suitable for groups where the GM one eldamon per level, “Standard” works out to roughly
is deeply invested in eldamon and pre-plans their two, and “High” works out to about three. In reality,
inclusion to emphasize particular themes and stories. most groups will find more eldamon than the listed
This method also requires the most work from the GM, number using this method, potentially significantly
but it can be extremely rewarding. Essentially, when more if they come across a large number of elemental
using this method, the GM adds whatever eldamon treasure caches that trigger more rolls for eldamon or
makes the most sense to the adventure in any given engage in trivial encounters. If the group has multiple
situation. When employing this method, the GM must players who want to befriend eldamon, you can
remember to add and include eldamon at a steady rate. either roll once and have multiple of the same kind of
This method puts a lot of onus on the GM, so when eldamon appear (recommended) or roll multiple times,
using this method, your group might consider allowing once for each player (not recommended, as it can lead
the players to take part in the process to back up the to awkward group dynamics).
GM. Whenever the PCs enter a significant location,
For instance, if the GM is having trouble remembering complete an encounter (which might or might not
to add eldamon with this method, the players might involve finding treasure), or discover a treasure cache
suggest good places to include them. For instance, if unrelated to an encounter, roll on Table 1a, 1b, or 1c
the group is in a volcano or finds a flametongue, they if the location, encounter, or treasure cache doesn’t
might also recommend adding a fire eldamon. When contain a creature, hazard, item, or other component
using this method, the GM might want to roll on some or factor related to one of the eldamon elements, or on
of the customization tables included in method 3, after Table 2a, 2b, or 2c if it does include such a component
choosing the eldamon themselves, or they might select or factor. When in doubt, roll on Table 1 (1a, 1b, or
results that feel appropriate for the eldamon in the 1c as appropriate for the eldamon rate your group is
narrative without rolling. using), and if determining an elemental connection
proves too challenging, you can always roll on Table 1
Method 3: Roll on the Discovery if you wish. If more than one element applies at the
Table same time, use Table 2, but randomly determine which
This method allows either the player interested in element is the “related element.” Even when you are in
eldamon or the GM to roll on a table and determine an area with a related element, there is a small chance
when they find eldamon, and which ones. you might find an eldamon of a different element. In
When using this method, the GM must first decide that case, the eldamon might have gotten lost or be a bit
roughly how many eldamon, on average, they’d like the unusual in their interests and might want to join you to
group to encounter. “Low” works out to approximately get out or explore other areas.

Related Encounters, Items, and Locations by Mind: Creatures, hazards, items or magic with a
Element connection to the Astral Plane or the mind. An area
The following are some basic examples of where to with strong connections to the mind, such as an
find an eldamon of a specific element based on the academy or a puzzle room in a dungeon.
types of creatures, hazards, items, and locations within Music: Creatures, hazards, items or magic with a
the presence of a predominant element. Use these as connection to sonic effects or thunder damage, or that
guidelines on when you should roll on Table 2: Finding rely on music. An area closely related to music, such as
an Eldamon in the Presence of an Eldamon instead of a concert hall, theater, or auditorium.
Table 1: Finding an Eldamon in a Neutral Context Poison: Creatures, hazards, items or magic with
when rolling for your group to discover eldamon after a connection to poison. An area with intense natural
an encounter or discovery. poison, like the Violet Woodlands in the Indigo Isles.
Air: Creatures, hazards, items or magic with a Space: Creatures, hazards, items or magic with a
connection to air. Area or environment with extremely connection to teleportation or space. An area with
high winds or at extremely high altitude. robust spatial anomalies or extradimensional qualities.
Body: Creatures, hazards, or items focused on Spirit: Creatures, hazards, items or magic with a
enhancing the body or martial arts. Ambient magic connection to spirits and souls. An area with strong
associated with enhancing the body or martial arts. An spiritual presence.
area of martial training or practice, such as an arena, Time: Creatures, hazards, items or magic with a
gymnasium, or dojo. connection to time. An area with unusual temporal
Darkness: Creatures, hazards, items or magic with conditions or that is outside of its natural time.
a connection to darkness or shadow. An area that’s Water: Creatures, hazards, items or magic with a
unnaturally dark (not just in a shadow or out of the connection to water. A large body of water, such as a
light). lake, river, ocean, or sea.
Death: Creatures, hazards, items or magic with a Wood: Creatures, hazards, items, or magic with a
connection to death. Psychopomps and other bringers connection to plants or wood (not just any item made
of death (though usually not undead, unless the death out of wood). Creatures of the plant type. The presence
eldamon is there to oppose them). A desert, badland, of significant non-creature plant life, such as in an
or other region with very little life. A place that’s ancient forest or a lush jungle.
unnaturally dead.
Earth: Creatures, hazards, items or magic with a
connection to earth. Significant earthen, rock, or Eldamon Tables
crystalline features such as a huge mountain or a cavern The following tables assist you and your group in
full of crystals. randomizing and customizing your eldamon experience.
Electricity: Creatures, hazards, items or magic with Here’s how to use each table.
a connection to electricity. An area with electric storms, Tables 1a and 2a: Roll on one of these two tables to
electric currents, or the like. determine whether you find an eldamon when using
Fire: Creatures, hazards, items or magic with a low eldamon frequency.
connection to fire. Volcanoes, wildfires, or other fiery Tables 1b and 2b: Roll on one of these two tables to
environmental conditions. determine whether you find an eldamon when using
Force: Creatures, hazards, items or magic with a standard eldamon frequency.
connection to force. An area with strange forces at work. Tables 1c and 2c: Roll on one of these two tables to
Ice: Creatures, hazards, items or magic with a determine whether you find an eldamon when using
connection to cold. A frigid environment, such as a high eldamon frequency.
tundra. Tables 3a and 3b: Roll on Table 3a when you need
Life: Creatures, hazards, items or magic with a to generate a random element among the 13 elements
connection to life or healing. An area with intense life presented in this book, and Table 3b when you are
force. required to generate a random element among all 20
Light: Creatures, hazards, items or magic with a eldamon elements.
connection to light or radiant damage. An area with Table 4: Roll on Table 4 to determine the eldamon’s
intense natural lighting conditions. rarity. Depending on the result and what eldamon
Metal: Creatures, hazards, items or magic with a sources you are using, once you’ve rolled on Tables 1, 2,
mystical or supernatural connection to metal (not just 3, and 4, there might be only one possible eldamon at
any item made out of metal). An area with significant that point (for instance, squirrelash is the only common
metal ore deposits or that is naturally composed of metal. fire eldamon in this book). If there’s more than one

possibility, randomly determine which eldamon appears. TABLE 2B: FINDING AN ELDAMON IN THE PRESENCE
When using only this book, you’ll be deciding between OF AN ELEMENT (STANDARD)
two options, so you can flip a coin or roll any die, d% Roll Eldamon
assigning odds to one eldamon and evens to the other. 01–70 No eldamon
Table 5: Roll on Table 5 to determine the eldamon’s 71–80 Random eldamon element (Roll on Table 3) BATTLEZOO
background and experience. Is the eldamon young and 81–100 Eldamon related to the element
new to the world, ancient and inscrutable, or something
in between? This table also determines what languages TABLE 2C: FINDING AN ELDAMON IN THE PRESENCE Introduction
the eldamon speaks. OF AN ELEMENT (HIGH)
A World
Table 6: Roll on Table 6 to determine if the eldamon d% Roll Eldamon of Eldamon
has a special feature that sets it apart mechanically from 01–55 No eldamon
other eldamon of their type. 56–70 Random eldamon element (Roll on Table 3) Character
Table 7: Roll on Table 7 to determine if the eldamon’s 71–100 Eldamon related to the element
appearance is especially unusual for an eldamon of their Elemental
Table 8: Roll on Table 8 to determine how the d% Roll Element Eldamon
eldamon’s personality varies from other eldamon of 01–07 Air Entries
their type. 08–14 Darkness
Table 9a and 9b: Roll on Tables 9a and 9b to 15–21 Death
determine if the eldamon has an especially interesting 22–28 Earth
secret they’re hiding (or perhaps a secret the eldamon 29–35 Electricity
doesn’t know, or can no longer remember). Even if the 36–42 Fire
GM has the player roll on all the other tables, the GM 43–49 Force
should likely roll on Tables 9a and 9b themself so they 50–56 Ice
can think about how to integrate the secret with the 57–63 Life
ongoing campaign (and consider rerolling a secret that 64–70 Light
they know wouldn’t work). If the GM doesn’t want to 71–77 Mind
have to adjudicate eldamon secrets, your group might 78–84 Water
decide to ignore these tables entirely. 85–91 Wood
92–100 Roll again
d% Roll Eldamon d% Roll Element
01–90 No eldamon 01–05 Air
91–100 Random eldamon element (Roll on Table 3) 06–10 Body
11–15 Darkness
d% Roll Eldamon 26–30 Electricity
01–80 No eldamon 31–35 Fire
81–100 Random eldamon element (Roll on Table 3) 36–40 Force
41–45 Ice
CONTEXT (HIGH) 51–55 Light
d% Roll Eldamon 56–60 Metal
01–70 No eldamon 61–65 Mind
71–100 Random eldamon element (Roll on Table 3) 66–70 Music
71–75 Poison
OF AN ELEMENT (LOW) 81–85 Spirit
d% Roll Eldamon 86–90 Time
01–85 No eldamon 91–95 Water
86–90 Random eldamon element (Roll on Table 3) 96–100 Wood
91–100 Eldamon related to the element

d% Roll Rarity d% Roll Ability Variation
01–60 Common 01–50 No Variation
61–90 Uncommon 51–55 Alternate Starting Power The eldamon starts with one
91–100 Rare power that’s different than normal for an eldamon of
their kind and level.
TABLE 5: ELDAMON AGE AND BACKGROUND 56–60 Alternate Power Set The eldamon starts with the power
d% Roll Age and Background set from another random eldamon of their element.
01–10 Newborn The eldamon has only recently been born. 61–65 Alternate Saving Throw The eldamon switches its
They can’t speak or understand any language and know proficiency in Constitution, Dexterity, or Wisdom saving
little of the world around them. throws for a different random saving throw.
11–30 Young The eldamon is relatively young with little 66–70 Alternate Skill The eldamon replaces one of its
experience beyond their own element. They speak and eldamon skills with a different random skill from this
understand only the language listed in their entry. list: Acrobatics, Athletics, Intimidation, Performance,
31–80 Typical The eldamon has lived in an area long enough Sleight of Hand, Stealth, Survival. An eldamon never
to understand mortals and pick up the prevailing replaces a skill they need for one of their abilities.
language (usually Common) in addition to their listed 71–75 Alternate Elemental Ability The eldamon has the
language. elemental ability normally associated with another
81–90 Elemental Envoy The eldamon has lived among random eldamon of their element. This doesn’t change
eldamon of another element and gets along with them their form or evolution abilities.
well. Roll on Table 3 to determine which element 76–80 Glowing The eldamon glows with elemental energy
(rerolling results of the eldamon’s own element). They like a torch (or doesn’t glow if they are a fire or light
speak and understand the language listed for eldamon eldamon that normally glows).
of that element, in addition to their own element. 81–85 Unusual Affinities Choose two random elements to
91–100 Ancient Slumberer The eldamon hasn’t been which the eldamon isn’t normally weak or resistant using
active since ancient times, and their understanding Table 3. The eldamon is resistant to the traits associated
of the world is based on outdated information. They with one of those elements and weak to the traits
speak and understand one ancient, dead, or esoteric associated with the other element. This can’t make the
language, in addition to their listed language. If your eldamon resistant or weak to physical damage.
world doesn’t have any such languages, use a language 86–90 Unusual Attacks One of the eldamon’s unarmed attacks
spoken by particularly long-lived ancestries, such as that would normally deal bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing
Draconic. damage deals a different damage type from among those
three options. If the eldamon has no unarmed attacks that
deal any of these damage types, reroll on Table 6.
90–95 Tough or Nimble The eldamon switches their
Dexterity and Constitution, affecting the base and their
96–100 Strong, Smart, or Charming The eldamon switches
any two of their Strength, Intelligence, and Charisma,
affecting the base and their progression.

d% Roll Appearance Feature
01–50 Standard Appearance The eldamon looks more or
less like others of their kind.
51–52 Bigger The eldamon is noticeably bigger than others of BATTLEZOO
their kind, though still the same size category.
53–54 Smaller The eldamon is noticeably smaller than others
of their kind, though still the same size category. Introduction
55–56 Different Eye Color The eldamon’s eyes are a different
A World
color than other eldamon of their kind. of Eldamon
57–58 Heterochromia The eldamon’s eyes are different
colors (or the same color if eldamon of their kind Character
normally have different colors).
59–60 Different Body or Hair Color The eldamon’s body, hair, Elemental
or both are a different color than other eldamon of their Powers
kind. Eldamon
61–62 Half and Half Body Color The eldamon’s body, hair, Entries
or both are a different color than other eldamon of
their kind on just one side, either their left side or right
63–64 Vibrant Coloration The eldamon’s coloration is more
vibrant than other eldamon of their kind.
65–66 Soft Coloration The eldamon’s coloration is softer and
more delicate than other eldamon of their kind.
67–68 Grayscale The eldamon’s coloration is all in grayscale,
or if the eldamon’s kind normally are all in grayscale,
the eldamon includes colors.
69–70 Shifting Colors The eldamon’s colors shifting and
change over time.
71–72 Sparkly The eldamon sparkles in the light and looks
especially shiny.
73–74 Cousin The eldamon looks like a related but different
animal or object than others of their kind, such as a fox
instead of a wolf or a silver dish instead of a hand mirror.
75–76 Elemental Gems Either the eldamon’s body has gems
of congealed elemental energy in their body, or the d% Roll Appearance Feature
elemental gems in their body are a different color or 85–86 Cute The eldamon’s battle and evolved form look more
shape if others of their kind normally have elemental like bigger version of the eldamon’s pet form, with
gems. any adjustments needed to grant them their form and
77–78 Elemental Lines Either the eldamon’s body has lines evolution abilities.
that circulate elemental energy across their body, or 87–88 Shifting Form The eldamon’s form slightly shifts and
the elemental lines in their body are a different color or transforms over time.
pattern if others of their kind normally have elemental 89–90 Translucent Body The eldamon’s body allows light to
lines. pass through, giving it a translucent appearance.
79–80 Elemental Aura Either the eldamon exudes a visible 91–92 Wispy Body The eldamon’s body trails off into wisps at
aura of elemental energy, or the elemental aura around the bottom.
them is a different color or shape if others of their kind 93–94 Fastidious The eldamon’s form looks tidy and
normally have an elemental aura. meticulously well kept.
81–82 Horns and Spines The eldamon has small horns, 95–96 Wild The eldamon’s form looks disheveled and
spines, or both on their body, though not large enough untamed.
to cause damage. 97–98 Wholesome The eldamon’s form looks saintly and
83–84 Fearsome The eldamon’s pet form looks more like a wholesome.
smaller version of their battle form, rather than a cuter 99–100 Baleful The eldamon’s form looks diabolical and
form. baleful.

d% Roll Personality Quirk 72 Playful
01–20 No Quirk 73 Pretentious
21 Apologetic 74 Prim
22 Anxious 75 Quarrelsome
23 Archaic 76 Rambling
24 Arrogant 77 Respectful
25 Bizarre 78 Responsible
26 Capricious 79 Sagacious
27 Childish 80 Sanctimonious
28 Contrary 81 Secretive
29 Courageous 82 Selfless
30 Cowardly 83 Serious
31 Creative 84 Shy
32 Curious 85 Sloppy
33 Cynical 86 Slumbering
34 Deceptive 87 Sly
35 Delicate 88 Spooky
36 Dependable 89 Standoffish
37 Determined 90 Stubborn
38 Disrespectful 91 Subservient
39 Distractible 92 Sulky
40 Domineering 93 Superficial
41 Edgy 94 Suspicious
42 Emotive 95 Taciturn
43 Energetic 96 Treacherous
44 Enigmatic 97 Trendy
45 Flashy 98 Trusting
46 Focused 99 Vulnerable
47 Forgetful 100 Wishful
48 Friendly
50 Greedy d% Roll Secret
51 Honest 01–90 The eldamon doesn’t have a special secret.
52 Idealistic 91–99 The eldamon has a special secret. Roll on Table 9b to
53 Impatient see what it is.
54 Impassive 100 The eldamon has two secrets. Roll twice on Table 9b to
55 Indecisive determine them.
56 Irascible
58 Jocular d% Roll Secret
59 Lazy 01–03 The eldamon was once friends with another hero or
60 Logical adventurer, whether famous or not.
61 Loving 04–06 The eldamon was once friends with a villain, whether
62 Manipulative famous or not.
63 Meddlesome 07–09 The eldamon once melded into a powerful artifact or
64 Moody other major magic item.
65 Motivated 10–12 The eldamon once melded into an incredibly dangerous
66 Naive creature that matches their element.
67 Old-Fashioned 13–15 The eldamon once melded into an elemental calamity,
68 Outgoing such as a tsunami or volcanic eruption.
69 Passive Aggressive 16–18 The eldamon made a promise to their last friend
70 Patient to perform one last task, and they still have yet to
71 Pedantic complete it.

d% Roll Secret d% Roll Secret
19–21 The eldamon has sworn to watch over the descendants 73–75 The eldamon is obsessed with a specific form of
of their old friend from long ago. Perhaps they need obscure lore and wants to engage with their obsession
help keeping track of those descendants, or maybe whenever possible.
their new friend is one of them. 76–78 The eldamon claims some worldly title in the mortal BATTLEZOO
22–24 The eldamon is searching for a lost item of great world with no real evidence, such as claiming to be the
importance to them. mayor of a far-off town whose name no one recognizes.
25–27 The eldamon is searching for an old friend, though with 79–81 The eldamon is often tired, and when it enters a restful Introduction
their sense of time, the friend might be long dead by now. state, it usually accidently melds into a nearby object
A World
28–30 The eldamon is or was one of the elemental pillars for a until it awakens. This can be a boon or bane depending of Eldamon
powerful seal. What does the seal contain or hold back, on the eldamon and the object.
and will the eldamon’s journey with their new friend help 82–84 The eldamon hoards tokens related to their element, Character
strengthen the seal or risk breaking it? and hides them among their mortal friend’s belongings.
31–33 The eldamon once knew the location of a lost treasure 85–87 This eldamon came from the elemental energies of a Elemental
or ruin. With the way their understanding of the mortal different world or reality—not the same world as other Powers
world works, can they still find it? Will they bring their eldamon and their mortal friend. Eldamon
new friend there? 88–90 The eldamon secretly watched over their mortal friend Entries
34–36 The eldamon is famous among other eldamon for when the friend was younger.
something they once did or a talent they possess. 91–93 The eldamon is trying to win the affection of another
37–39 The eldamon was once venerated as a god or protector eldamon, and they might bring their mortal friend in on
by a community. the secret to ask for help.
40–42 The eldamon was once an eldamon of another element 94–96 The eldamon goes by a nickname and keeps their true
but somehow shifted to their current element and form name secret.
over time. 97–100 The eldamon has a secret personality quirk (roll again
43–45 The eldamon lost all memory of an essential event in on Table 8) that they choose to hide. Your original roll
their life. on Table 8 is the facade the eldamon presents.
46–48 The eldamon somehow always seems to attract the
attention and influence of an element different than
their own.
49–51 The eldamon once lived in a far-off land
52–54 The eldamon has a particular snack or other guilty
pleasure from the mortal world, and they’d love to have
an eldamon trainer phase them in so they can indulge it.
55–57 On rare occasions and circumstances that can’t be
intentionally triggered, the eldamon opens a miniature
temporary portal to an associated plane.
58–60 The eldamon knows the deepest secret of an important
figure, though given the way interact with the world and
their memories, they likely have no idea the information
is important.
61–63 The eldamon sneezes uncontrollably when it
encounters one of the elements to which it’s weak,
almost as if it was allergic.
64–66 The eldamon was once a creature other than an
eldamon that was reborn or transformed into an
eldamon by an extremely unusual circumstance.
67–69 The eldamon is secretly a spy, gathering information for
another original mortal friend. The spy might come to
care more deeply for their new mortal friend and refuse
to report, and even if they don’t, due to an eldamon’s
thought patterns and memory, the original mortal friend
doesn’t expect much to come from their spy.
70–72 The eldamon is targeted by an evil organization trying to
capture them for an unknown reason.

Character Classes
Eldamon Trainer BATTLEZOO
While many folk across the land might befriend an eldamon or two, you’ve always had a deeper ELDAMON
connection to these mystical elemental beings, allowing you to bond with them on a deeper level. You
can train them to phase into the material world by trading your own phase with theirs, and through Introduction
growing your bond and understanding together, you can help them evolve a more powerful form.
A World
Whether fighting for your life or engaging in the mock battles eldamon enjoy, with your eldamon of Eldamon
friends at your side, you’re going to become the best you can and prove yourself to the world!
Class Features Eldamon Levels Elemental
As an eldamon trainer, you gain the following class Your trained eldamon gain levels alongside you as you Powers
features. train them, increasing to match your level whenever Eldamon
you level up. It’s unlikely to befriend an eldamon of Entries
Hit Points higher level than you, and even if you do, you can’t
Hit Dice: 1d8 per eldamon trainer level share your phase with them.
Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + your Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your Eldamon Hit Points
Constitution modifier per eldamon trainer level after 1st Eldamon aren’t the same as mortal creatures, and
they don’t die, even when it seems like they would be
Proficiencies killed. An eldamon that takes any amount of damage
Armor: Light armor recovers all its hit points after being phased out, unless
Weapons: Simple weapons it was reduced to 0 hit points. If they were reduced to
Tools: None 0 hit points by taking damage, they recover all their
hit points after 1 minute. If they would be killed by a
Saving Throws: Wisdom, Charisma non-damage effect (such as the power word kill spell),
Skills: Choose two skills from Animal Handling, an eldamon still doesn’t die, but it does take longer for
Deception, Insight, Intimidation, and Persuasion them to collect their energy. In that case, they remain
unresponsive and out of phase until you finish a short
Equipment or long rest.
You start with the following equipment, in addition to
the equipment granted by your background: Preparing Eldamon
• (a) a quarterstaff or (b) a dagger Whenever you finish a long rest, choose a number of
• (a) an explorer’s pack or (b) a scholar’s pack your trained eldamon equal to your proficiency bonus
• Leather armor, an additional simple weapon of + 1, or your Charisma modifier + 1, whichever is lower.
your choice You spend extra time with these eldamon, preparing to
swap your phase with them throughout the day.
Trained Eldamon
You have a deeper metaphysical link to eldamon than all Phasing Eldamon
the other people around you, allowing you to connect At the start of your turn, before moving or taking any
with them in a more profound way than anyone but a actions, you can switch your phase on the Material
trainer can. This allows you to train eldamon and even Plane (or your current plane if you’re not on the
to swap your personal phase with them, phasing out of Material Plane), with that of one of your eldamon.
the material world so your eldamon can phase in. At Doing so doesn’t require an action the first time you
1st level, you have three trained eldamon, which can use it in an encounter, and it requires an action any
be either common eldamon of your choice or other subsequent times in the same encounter; when you
eldamon available to you, determined by the GM. You spend an action to phase in an eldamon, the eldamon
can befriend additional eldamon as normal (see page 28 can’t use their action that turn. Choose one of the
for more details on befriending eldamon), and you can eldamon you have prepared, which must be within 5
train them provided their level isn’t higher than your feet of you, and phase it fully onto your current plane in
eldamon trainer level. its battle form (or its evolved battle form if it’s capable

ELDAMON TRAINER eldamon you have prepared. When they do, the new
Proficiency Power eldamon appears in an unoccupied space within 5 feet
Level Bonus Features Level of either you or the previous eldamon, whichever the
1st +2 Trained Eldamon, Eldamon Powers previous eldamon chooses; because the previous eldamon
(2 active powers, 1 reactive power, used their action to phase in the new eldamon, the new
1 refresh power) 1 eldamon can’t use their action that turn.
2nd +2 Calling, Elemental Effusion 1 The phase shift lasts until your eldamon shifts phases
3rd +2 2 with you again or until your eldamon is reduced to 0
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement, hit points, whichever comes first. When your eldamon
Elemental Assistance 2 returns the phase back to you (even if it does so only
5th +3 Eldamon Powers briefly when shifting to a different eldamon), you lose
(third active power) 3 hit points equal to the eldamon’s missing hit points, and
6th +3 Calling feature 3 you take all other negative conditions and effects the
7th +3 4 eldamon was suffering, including persistent damage. If
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement 4 losing the eldamon’s missing hit points reduces you to 0
9th +4 5 hit points or you fall to 0 hit points for any other reason
10th +4 Calling feature 5 while phased out, you phase back in, the eldamon
11th +4 Eldamon Evolution 6 phases out, and you fall unconscious and are dying as
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement 6 normal.
13th +5 7 Whenever your eldamon phases out, that eldamon
14th +5 Calling feature 7 refreshes.
15th +5 Eldamon Powers
(fourth active power) 8 Tug Conduit
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement 8 While phased in, your eldamon can use a bonus action
17th +6 9 to tug on the conduit they share with you, dragging
18th +6 Melded Phase 9 you toward them. You partially phase in, and you can
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement, move up to your speed directly toward your eldamon.
Ultimate Power 9 During this movement, you can take damage and
20th +6 Eldamon Master 9 trigger opportunity attacks as normal. If something
would prevent you from moving, the movement
of taking that form). In exchange, you become phased immediately ends and you phase back out. Once one
out. While out of phase, you can’t act (unless you have of your eldamon has used Tug Conduit, none of your
an ability that specifically allows you to act while phased eldamon can use Tug Conduit again for 1 minute (this
out), although you can still think and remain aware of frequency applies across all your eldamon).
your surroundings. In addition, you are immune to any
new effects while phased out, though you still suffer Lost and Altered Actions
from any current effects, such as persistent damage. Normally, you can’t act while you’ve shifted phases with
You remain visible, but objects, creatures, and magical your eldamon, but if you have a way to do so, you share
effects (such as spells) pass right through you. your actions with your eldamon. If your eldamon is
While phased in, your eldamon uses your initiative stunned, for example, you become stunned as well and
and moves and takes actions rather than you. Your can’t take actions. The GM resolves any situation that’s
eldamon must remain within 160 feet of you, which unclear.
severely restricts its movement (because you can’t You, as the player, control both your eldamon trainer
move). If an effect would move your eldamon beyond and your eldamon; you and your eldamon generally
this distance (such as if a magic spell teleports the cooperate unless you decide that they don’t. Once
eldamon against its will), it immediately phases out. you’ve shifted phases with an eldamon, however, that
Furthermore, it feels unpleasant for a phased-in eldamon is in control until it phases out. If there’s ever
eldamon to stay outside your sight for long; as such, a conflict of who should act, your eldamon wins out
they refuse to leave your line of sight, except during a over you. This means that if the eldamon comes under
battle or similar life or death situation. an effect that would take their actions out of your
At the start of its turn, your eldamon can phase out control (such as if it becomes charmed or frightened),
in order to switch phases with you. Doing so doesn’t you eldamon uses all of your shared actions, preventing
require an action. Your eldamon can also use an action to you from acting, and they prevent you from forcibly
briefly switch phases with you and then over to another phasing them out.

Eldamon Powers Eldamon Trainer Key Terms
Your eldamon are capable of incredible powers based You’ll see the following terms in many eldamon trainer class
on their element. Powers, also known as elemental features.
powers, are a special type of magical ability, different Phase: Eldamon exist slightly out of phase with reality,
from spells. When phased into reality, eldamon can and for an eldamon trainer, nothing is more fundamental than BATTLEZOO
use their powers to battle your foes. Once an eldamon learning how to share their own phase with their eldamon. In
uses a power, they normally can’t use that power again order for an eldamon to use their elemental powers against
until they refresh (see page 54) to replenish their powers anything but another out of phase eldamon, they need to shift Introduction
(though that limit doesn’t apply to refresh powers) or into the physical world’s reality, which shifts the eldamon trainer
A World
until they phase back out, whichever comes first. out of reality in an equal but opposite reaction. Various abilities of Eldamon
depend on the phase of the eldamon and trainer.
Power Level Power: Powers, also known as elemental powers, are a Character
A power has different effects depending on your special type of magical ability, different from spells. Eldamon
eldamon’s power level. The power level of your eldamon and elemental avatars use powers to battle their foes. Once an Elemental
is listed on the Eldamon Trainer table. eldamon or elemental avatar uses a power, they normally can’t Powers
use that power again until they use a refresh power, though Eldamon
Powers Known that limit doesn’t apply to refresh powers themselves. The Entries
When you first befriend an eldamon, they typically power ability for elemental powers is Wisdom, so your eldamon
know the powers listed for that eldamon at their level, uses their Wisdom whenever a power refers to power ability.
though you might sometimes find an eldamon with In addition, your eldamon uses their Wisdom modifier when
different powers. setting the saving throw DC for an elemental power and when
A 1st-level, each of your eldamon knows one 1st-level making an attack roll with one.
reactive power, one 1st-level refresh power, and two 1st- Refresh: A power with the refresh trait realigns the local
level active powers. All elemental powers your eldamon elemental energies, allowing an eldamon or elemental avatar
learn must be powers from their element, or universal to use their powers again. Eldamon and elemental avatars can
powers. use refresh powers any number of times without needing to
At 3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th, 11th, 13th, 15th, and 17th refresh. They can also take the Refresh action.
level, each of your eldamon can replace one of their Ultimate: An ultimate power is extremely powerful and
elemental powers with a new elemental power, which doesn’t work like other powers. Ultimate powers significantly
must be of their power level or lower. If they do, they alter the elemental energies around them and take significant
replace one of their current powers of the same kind energy from the elemental avatar who uses them, or the
(active, reactive, or refresh). eldamon trainer of the eldamon who uses them. As such, after
At 5th level and again at 15th level, each of your using an ultimate power, that elemental avatar or eldamon
eldamon learns one additional active power, for a total trainer can’t use an ultimate power again until they finish a short
of three active powers at 5th level and four active powers or long rest, as the energies take time to coalesce and reshape.
at 15th level. When your eldamon learn new powers in
this way, they don’t need to replace one of their current
powers. At 19th level, each of your eldamon instead Power save DC = 8 + your eldamon’s proficiency bonus
learns an ultimate power (see the Ultimate Power class + your eldamon’s Wisdom modifier
feature for more details). Power attack modifier = your eldamon’s proficiency
If you befriend numerous eldamon, it’s simplest to bonus + your eldamon’s Wisdom modifier
use the suggested power progression listed for that
eldamon, but since you’re training them, you can work Calling
together to teach them whichever powers you wish, so At 2nd level, you develop a calling that influences how
long as they are powers from their element (or universal you interact with your eldamon. The calling you choose
powers) and of their power level or lower. grants you features at 2nd level and again at 6th, 10th,
and 14th level.
Power Ability
Your eldamon’s power ability for their elemental powers Elemental Effusion
is their Wisdom, so you use their Wisdom whenever At 2nd level, elemental energy tends to pool around
a power refers to their power ability. In addition, you you over time as it remains unused, waiting to spill
use your eldamon’s Wisdom modifier when setting the out when first released. If you haven’t phased in an
saving throw DC for an elemental power they use and eldamon yet during an encounter, just before you phase
when making an attack roll with one. in an eldamon, you can manifest elemental energy that

What Is Phase? Melded Phase
Phase is a state of being, rather than another plane of Starting at 18th level, you gain the ability to move
existence. A being that is phased out is still visible to beings along with your eldamon while they are phased in.
that are phased in, and they can perceive the mortal world, When you phase in an eldamon, instead of becoming
albeit through a filter. The metaphysical underpinnings of the rooted in place, you can choose to meld your phased-
world still bind phased-out creatures. They don’t fall through out form with your eldamon. This takes a visual form
the ground, they move along with a planet’s frame of reference of your choice: you can disappear inside the eldamon’s
(or a particularly large vehicle such as a ship) rather than being form, appear as if mounted on the eldamon, or take
pinned to a particular point in space, they can’t move through a different form. However you appear, you move with
walls and cross other boundaries, and so on. Beings who aren’t your phased-in eldamon, and when you phase back in,
used to being out of phase with the mortal world, such as mortal you do so in the same space where your eldamon phased
species, have severe difficulty acting when they aren’t in phase. out. While in your melded phase, you remain immune
For more information on eldamon and phase, see page 14. to all new effects from phased-in entities, as normal.

Ultimate Power
matches that of the eldamon you intend to phase in. At 19th level, your eldamon have achieved the pinnacle
One creature you can see within 60 feet of you must of elemental power, granting them the ability to use
make a Constitution saving throw against a DC equal an ultimate power. Each of your eldamon learns one
to 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Wisdom modifier. ultimate power of their element. Ultimate powers
On a failed save, the target takes 1d6 damage of your significantly alter the elemental energies around them
eldamon’s type. This damage increases by 1d6 when you and disrupt your phase whenever an eldamon uses them.
reach 5th level (2d6), 11th level (3d6), and 17th level As such, after any of your eldamon uses an ultimate
(4d6). You then learn whether the target is vulnerable, power, none of your eldamon can use an ultimate
resistant, or immune to that damage type, and you can power again until you finish a short or long rest, as the
use a bonus action to switch to a different eldamon. elemental energies take time to coalesce and reshape.

Eldamon Assistance Eldamon Master

Starting at 4th level, you can briefly phase in one of your At 20th level, you have become a master eldamon
eldamon to help you or your allies with a particular task. trainer. You can prepare twice as many eldamon as
While you have no eldamon phased in, you can use a normal, and you can switch out your prepared eldamon
bonus action to briefly phase in one of your prepared during a short rest, in addition to a long rest.
eldamon. The eldamon appears in a space you can see
within 120 feet of you. The eldamon immediately uses
the Help action (which doesn’t use your action for the Eldamon Trainer Callings
turn) and then immediately phases out. As usual, the Every eldamon trainer develops a calling. A calling
GM determines whether the eldamon can help with a corresponds to the reason the trainer travels the land
particular task. In order to Help with an ability check befriending eldamon, but it’s more than just a reason.
using a particular skill, the eldamon must be proficient Those without the incredible will and absolute certainty
in that skill. to see their calling through rarely manifest a connection
to eldamon strong enough to allow them to share their
Ability Score Improvement own personal phase with an eldamon. The following
When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, are the eldamon trainer callings presented in this book.
and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of
your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores Eldamon Battler
of your choice by 1. As normal, you can’t increase an Victory in battle is the most important thing to you, and
ability score above 20 using this feature. to that end, you want to recruit the strongest possible
team of eldamon who are willing to help you fight your
Eldamon Evolution way to the top. Everything else is a means to that end
At 11th level, you hit a major breakthrough in training for you, but that doesn’t mean you don’t care just as
your eldamon, allowing you to help them evolve. Each deeply for your eldamon as trainers of other callings.
eldamon has evolution conditions, and if you meet You train with them every day, working to help them
them, that eldamon gains a new evolved battle form. actualize their goals and reach their hidden potential.
While in their evolved battle form, your eldamon gains You can’t be the very best if you try to do everything on
a new special ability listed in that eldamon’s description. your own—you can only achieve victory together!

Durable Eldamon Too Many Eldamon!
While phased-in eldamon can be ephemeral in our There are a huge number of eldamon, elements, and elemental
reality, you train your eldamon friends to be especially powers. Fortunately, the rules have you covered in case you
tough, even compared to other eldamon battlers. want to keep it simple. For a simpler experience, don’t give
Starting at 2nd level when you choose this calling, all access to other eldamon, limiting the starting eldamon to 13 BATTLEZOO
your trained eldamon increase their hit point maximum options, and stick with the default powers gained when leveling
by an amount equal to your level. Whenever you gain a up. To simplify even further and avoid needing to read 13
level thereafter, all your eldamon increase their hit point elements’ worth of powers to decide which common eldamon Introduction
maximum by an additional 1 hit point. to choose, use one of these sets of three starting eldamon. Sets
A World
that include ankhrub, a life eldamon, tend to be more flexible to of Eldamon
Elemental Shield the needs of combat, as they allow for a very different playstyle
Also at 2nd level, your eldamon can call forth an from other elements. Character
elemental shield to protect themselves from harm. All Balanced: Ankhrub, Squirrelash, Tairopoof
your eldamon learn the elemental shield universal power. Classic: Squirrelash, Boteau, Lotusnek Elemental
When your eldamon uses elemental shield, it becomes Energetic: Chillot, Tawhirtle, Potfox Powers
a power of their associated element. Like all active Esoteric: Ankhrub, Morpup, Meese Eldamon
powers, elemental shield requires an action to use. Simple: Squirrelash, Kitopaz, Morpup Entries

Elemental Shield
1st-level active Phase Amalgam Eldamon
You shape your associated element into a shield, which either floats Starting at 14th level, you’ve discovered a secret technique,
above you or appears in your hand for increased protection. While considered forbidden by some eldamon trainers, to fuse
the shield remains, you gain a +1 bonus to AC, or a +2 bonus if you two eldamon of the same element together when phasing
choose to hold the shield in a free hand; this isn’t cumulative with the them in. When you or your eldamon phase in an eldamon,
AC bonus from a physical shield. You also gain the Elemental Shield you can phase two of your prepared eldamon together
benefit based on your associated element. The shield lasts until you into an amalgam, provided the eldamon share the same
refresh, are incapacitated, or until you dismiss it on your turn (which associated element. If you do, the amalgam eldamon has
doesn’t require an action). If you use this power again while your both eldamons’ elemental traits, form traits, evolution
shield is still active, the previous shield ends and a new one appears. traits, melee attacks, saving throw and skill proficiencies,
senses, resistances, and weaknesses. The amalgam uses the
Hang In There Eldamon! higher of the two eldamons’ speeds, hit points, and ability
At 6th level, you care too deeply for your eldamon to allow modifiers (determined for each ability modifier separately),
them to fall. When your phased-in eldamon takes damage and your choice of one of the eldamons’ power sets. After
that would reduce it to 0 hit points, as long as your 1 minute, if the amalgam is still phased in, it becomes
current hit points are higher than the phased-in eldamon’s unstable and automatically phases out. Once the amalgam
maximum hit points, you can use your reaction to lose phases out for any reason, you can’t use this feature again
a number of hit points equal to the triggering damage, until you finish a long rest. If damage reduces the amalgam
provided the damage wouldn’t reduce you to 0 hit points. to 0 hit points, you must wait 1 minute before you can
You can use this feature even though you’re out of phase. phase in either eldamon. If the amalgam would be killed
You take this damage even though you’re phased out, and by a non-damage effect (such as the power word kill spell),
you can’t reduce or negate the damage in any way. In return, both eldamon remain unresponsive and out of phase until
your eldamon doesn’t take any of the triggering damage you finish a short or long rest.
(and so remains phased in), though it still takes any other
conditions associated with the triggering damage, such as Eldamon Researcher
becoming poisoned or being knocked prone. Eldamon are endlessly fascinating creatures, distinct
from mortals, constructs, undead, and even other
Rejuvenating Refresh extraplanar creatures. They embody a cross-section of
Starting at 10th level, when your eldamon refresh their reality that mortal species can rarely see or access, at
elemental powers, their wounds heal and they feel least under normal conditions, and thus they represent
invigorated. When one of your eldamon uses a refresh a unique opportunity to understand the metaphysical
power, they also regain hit points equal to your eldamon underpinnings of the cosmos! For this and many other
trainer level; that eldamon can’t regain hit points from reasons, countless researchers have become obsessed
Rejuvenating Refresh again until the next time they with studying every aspect of eldamon, and you are
phase out. among their esteemed number.

Eldamon Expertise I Know This!
At 2nd level when you choose this calling, you learn two At 6th level, whenever one of your phased-in eldamon
languages typically spoken by eldamon: Aetherean, Auran, starts its turn, you can make an Intelligence (Arcana,
Aquan, Astral, Chronan, Cryan, Ignan, Jyoti, Kheotan, History, Nature, or Religion) check to study a
Luxan, Melodian, Muan, Necril, Shadowtongue, creature you’ve encountered, learning its strengths and
Soman, Spiritual, Talican, Terran, Venenan, or Voltan. In weaknesses. The DC of the check is typically 10 + the
addition, you become proficient in your choice of two of creature’s proficiency bonus. On a success, you learn the
the following skills: Arcana, History, Nature, or Religion. creature’s challenge rating, vulnerabilities, resistances,
When you make an ability check using either of those two and immunities. At the GM’s discretion, you might
skills to understand or recall knowledge about eldamon, learn other useful information about the creature as well.
your proficiency bonus is doubled. Additionally, you can Making this check doesn’t require an action, and you can
use your Intelligence modifier, instead of your Charisma do so even though you’re phased out. If you choose, you
modifier, to determine how many eldamon you can can share the information you learn with your eldamon
prepare each day. and any creature you choose within 60 feet of you. Once
you use this feature to study a specific creature, you can’t
Incarnate Eldamon study that creature again until you finish a long rest.
Also at 2nd level, you can briefly incarnate an eldamon
in order to use their powers without swapping phase, Throw Phase
though doing so requires a lot of energy for both you Starting at 10th level, when you share your phase with
and your eldamon. While you are phased in, you can your eldamon friends, you can do so from an increased
use an action to choose an eldamon you have prepared distance. When you phase in an eldamon, or when one
and briefly whisk them into phase to use one of their of your eldamon uses its action to phase in a different
powers. Once you use this feature, you can’t phase in that eldamon, the new eldamon can appear in a space up to
eldamon until you finish a short or long rest. In addition, 30 feet away from either you or the previous eldamon,
you can’t use this feature again (with the same eldamon allowing you to position your eldamon strategically as
or a different one) until you finish a short or long rest. you phase them in and out.

Retract Tether Single Element Trainers
Starting at 14th level, you train yourself and your It’s possible that a player might be interested in playing an
eldamon to take advantage of the tether between the eldamon trainer who focuses on only a single eldamon element,
two of you while they’re phased in, turning a restriction to the exclusion of being able to befriend anything else. If they
into an advantage. Your phased-in eldamon can use a do, consider granting them the Siphoning Element feature BATTLEZOO
bonus action to teleport to a space within 5 feet of you. from the elemental avatar to help deal with resistances and
In addition, whenever one of your phased-in eldamon immunities. Given the loss in versatility from only having one
phases out, you can teleport to a space within 5 feet of element, a character with only one element of eldamon and this Introduction
them before they disappear. optional benefit will still be less effective in most campaigns
A World
than a normal eldamon trainer, but it should be enough to make of Eldamon
Eldamon Whisperer an otherwise-difficult character concept more viable..
You feel a deeper connection to eldamon than anyone Character
else you’ve met. Whether you find them adorable,
majestic, or mysterious, they’ve always made a huge turn, if you are phased out and one of your eldamon is Elemental
impression on you, and something inside you told you phased in, you can use this feature to phase in a second Powers
that your destiny was entwined with eldamon. For their eldamon within 5 feet of your currently phased-in Eldamon
part, eldamon have always reacted well to you, even eldamon. The second eldamon must be one you have Entries
compared to other eldamon trainers. prepared. The second eldamon immediately uses one
of its elemental powers, then phases out. Phasing in a
Focused Training second eldamon using this feature doesn’t require an
At 2nd level, you train your eldamon friends to broaden action (so you can use it even while you’re phased out),
their capacity for various skills. Each of your trained but using its power takes your action. Afterwards, your
eldamon gains proficiency in one skill related to any currently phased-in eldamon can take the rest of their
ability score other than Intelligence. turn as normal, having already spent their action. Once
you use this feature, you must finish a short or long rest
Eldamon Familiar before you can do so again.
Also at 2nd level, in addition to your trained eldamon,
you manage to connect with a minor eldamon and Eldwalker
bring it into phase permanently. You can cast the find Starting at 14th level, your extensive phasing in and out
familiar spell as a ritual. Your spellcasting ability for of reality, as well as your connection with your eldamon
it is Charisma. When you cast find familiar in this friends, allow you to become one with the elements,
way, your familiar uses the statistics of the pet form melding into other states of reality. You gain the following
of a specific type of eldamon, except that it can’t use benefits:
elemental powers or take on a battle form or evolved • Eldamon and elemental creatures innately sense
form. Whenever you phase in an eldamon, the eldamon your connection to eldamon and the elements,
can appear within 5 feet of your familiar (instead of which affords you a great deal of respect. You
within 5 feet of you), provided your familiar is in your have advantage on Charisma (Intimidation or
line of sight and within 160 feet of you. Persuasion) checks made to influence eldamon and
You Can Do It! • You can cast the commune with nature spell. Your
At 6th level, whenever one of your phased-in eldamon spellcasting ability for it is Charisma. Once you
would make an attack roll, ability check, or saving use this feature to cast commune with nature, you
throw with disadvantage, you can call out encouraging must finish a short or long rest before you can do
messages to them, allowing them to make the roll so again.
without disadvantage. Doing so doesn’t require an • You can cast the plane shift spell. Your spellcasting
action, and you can do so even while you’re phased out. ability for it is Charisma. When you cast plane
You can use this feature a number of times equal to your shift in this way, the spell requires no material
proficiency bonus, regaining all expended uses when components, but you can travel only to the
you finish a long rest. Elemental Planes or other planes associated with
eldamon. At any time in the next 24 hours after
Double Team you cast the spell, you can use an action to travel
Starting at 10th level, you’ve mastered a difficult back to the location you left. Once you use this
technique, allowing you to briefly phase in a second feature to cast plane shift, you must finish a long
eldamon to use a single power. At the start of your rest before you can do so again.

Elemental Avatar BATTLEZOO
Whether you understand how it happened or not, you’ve come to embody a mystical elemental being ELDAMON
known as an eldamon, granting you mysterious elemental powers. By opening up your mind and
soul and attuning to the dormant being within yourself, you are able to manifest more and more Introduction
of its elemental power. You’re far more than just a receptacle for the eldamon’s powers, however.
A World
By combining your own unique properties with your new elemental powers, you can transcend of Eldamon
the element’s limits and use abilities that even the eldamon itself never could. You are a living
embodiment of the twenty elements, an elemental avatar! Classes

Class Features As you travel deeper down the path of your chosen
As an elemental avatar, you gain the following class element, you learn the secrets of its ways, allowing Eldamon
features. you to manifest, control, and shape the element you Entries
embody. By following its path, the element you chose
Hit Points grants you features at 3rd level and again at 6th, 10th,
Hit Dice: 1d8 per elemental avatar level and 14th level.
Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + your Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your Elemental Manipulation
Constitution modifier per elemental avatar level after 1st Also at 1st level, you gain the power to manipulate the
element you embody in small but remarkable ways.
Proficiencies You gain the Elemental Manipulation benefit of your
Armor: Light armor associated element.
Weapons: Simple weapons
Tools: None Elemental Powers
The eldamon within you grants you incredible powers
Saving Throws: Intelligence, Wisdom based on your element. Powers, also known as elemental
Skills: Choose two skills from Arcana, Insight, powers, are a special type of magical ability, different
Intimidation, Nature, Perception, Stealth, and from spells. As an elemental avatar, you use powers to
Survival battle your foes. Once you use a power, you normally
can’t use that power again until you refresh (see page
Equipment 54) to replenish your powers, though that limit doesn’t
You start with the following equipment, in addition to apply to refresh powers.
any and all equipment that was granted to you by your
background: Power Level
• (a) a light crossbow and 20 bolts or (b) any simple A power has different effects depending on your power
weapon level. Your power level is listed on the Elemental Avatar
• (a) a dungeoneer’s pack or (b) a scholar’s pack table.
• Leather armor, any simple weapon, and two
daggers Powers Known
As a newly awakened elemental avatar, you begin by
Elemental Path learning one 1st-level reactive power, one 1st-level refresh
At 1st level, you gain the power of an element depending power, and two other 1st-level powers. All elemental
on the eldamon you embody as an elemental avatar. powers you learn, from this feature or elsewhere, must be
Choose one of the available elements (see page 54) powers from your associated element, or universal powers.
and a common, uncommon, or rare eldamon (see page At 3rd level, 5th level, 7th level, 9th level, 11th level,
128) of your chosen element to embody. You likely gain 13th level, 15th level, and 17th level, you learn one
one or more minor, cosmetic physical features related additional elemental power, which must be of your
to your element, the eldamon within you, or both. power level or lower. At 19th level, you instead learn
Additionally, you gain the Elemental Ability trait of an ultimate power (see the Ultimate Power class feature
your chosen eldamon. for more details).

ELEMENTAL AVATAR Siphoning Element
Proficiency Power Powers Because of the interaction between your mortal body
Level Bonus Features Level Known and the eldamon within it, you relate to your element
1st +2 Elemental Manipulation, in a multifaceted way, allowing you to siphon or nullify
Elemental Path, Elemental energy rather than manifest it. At 1st level, you can use a
Powers, Siphoning Element 1 4 bonus action to alter the next elemental power you use
2nd +2 Elemental Shield 1 4 before the end of your turn. If you do, the power deals
3rd +2 Elemental Path feature, half damage and loses all additional effects other than
Metapower 2 5 damage (such as persistent damage, forced movement,
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement 2 5 difficult terrain, and temporary hit points). In exchange,
5th +3 Attuned Avatar the damage dealt by the power has no type and thus
(fifth prepared power) 3 6 ignores resistances or immunities to damage of that type.
6th +3 Elemental Path feature 3 6 You can’t use this feature to alter a power that requires an
7th +3 Metapower 4 7 additional effect in order to deal damage, such as a power
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement 4 7 that deals damage or has an area based on distance moved.
9th +4 Metapower 5 8
10th +4 Elemental Path feature 5 8 Elemental Shield
11th +4 Attuned Avatar At 2nd level, you can call forth your element to protect
(sixth prepared power) 6 9 you from harm. You learn the elemental shield universal
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement, power. When you use elemental shield, it becomes a
Elemental Duality 6 9 power of your associated element. Like all active powers,
13th +5 Metapower 7 10 elemental shield requires an action to use.
14th +5 Elemental Path feature 7 10
15th +5 Transcend Element 8 11 Elemental Shield
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement 8 11 1st-level active
17th +6 9 12 You shape your associated element into a shield, which either floats
18th +6 9 12 above you or appears in your hand for increased protection. While
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement, the shield remains, you gain a +1 bonus to AC, or a +2 bonus if you
Ultimate Power 9 12 choose to hold the shield in a free hand; this isn’t cumulative with the
20th +6 Eldamon Master 9 12 AC bonus from a physical shield. You also gain the Elemental Shield
benefit based on your associated element. The shield lasts until you
Preparing Powers refresh, are incapacitated, or until you dismiss it on your turn (which
Whenever you finish a long rest, you can choose four doesn’t require an action). If you use this power again while your
powers to prepare; one must be a reactive power, one shield is still active, the previous shield ends and a new one appears.
must be a refresh power, and the other two can be any
type of power (active, reactive, or refresh), though most Metapower
elemental avatars choose active powers so that they can Also at 3rd level, you learn special abilities called
go longer without refreshing. When you’re just starting metapowers. Metapowers alter the way a power
out, you only know four powers, so you’ll pick those functions. Immediately before you use a power, you can
same powers each day, but you learn more powers as use a metapower as a bonus action to alter the power.
you increase in level. You can only use one Metapower option on a power
when you use it.
Power Ability At 3rd level, choose two metapowers for which you
Your power ability for your elemental powers is meet the prerequisites. Choose another metapower for
Wisdom, so you use your Wisdom whenever a power which you meet the prerequisites at 7th level, 9th level,
refers to your power ability. In addition, you use your and 13th level.
Wisdom modifier when setting the saving throw DC
for an elemental power you use and when making an Clinging Element
attack roll with one. You alter an elemental power, causing the flashy elemental
energies from the visual manifestations to cling to your
Power save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your foes. When you damage a creature with your power, that
Wisdom modifier creature is also limned by clinging elemental energies
Power attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + until the end of your next turn. While the effect lasts, the
your Wisdom modifier creature can’t benefit from being invisible.



A World
of Eldamon




Delayed Element alignment with the local elemental energies. Choose a

Prerequisite: 7th level power you have prepared but already used, other than
You delay an elemental power for later. Choose an ultimate power. You can use that power again, even
a number of rounds, up to 1 minute. Instead of without refreshing.
happening instantly, your power takes effect at the
start of your turn after the chosen number of rounds Effusive Element
or when you refresh, whichever comes first. You choose Prerequisite: 13th level
the power’s area and make other decisions when you use You surround yourself with flashy and eye-catching
the power, not when it comes into effect. Depending elemental energies and effects, distracting your foes.
on the situation, this could cause the power to have no When you hit a creature with your power, or when a
effect (such as if the target is out of range when the creature fails a saving throw against your power, you can
power occurs). choose to distract that creature. If you do, the creature
has disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks until
Distracting Element the end of its next turn.
You alter an elemental power in order to dazzle foes who
are otherwise immune. If your power subjects a creature Nonlethal Element
to a damage type to which the creature is immune, the You modulate your elemental output to hold off from
creature is briefly distracted. The next attack roll made finishing your foe. If your power reduces a creature to
against the creature before the end of your next turn 0 hit points, that creature becomes unconscious and is
has advantage. stabilized.

Echoing Element Overwhelming Element

Prerequisite: 13th level Your overwhelming elemental power flows within
By using patterns of elemental energy you stored up you, allowing you to overcome a creature’s resistances.
in advance, you alter an elemental power in perfect Damage dealt by your power ignores damage resistance.

Elemental Avatar Key Terms at once. At 5th level and again at 11th level, you can
You’ll see the following terms in many elemental avatar class prepare an extra elemental power when you finish a long
features. rest. This power can be an active, reactive, or refresh power.
Metapower: Metapowers alter the way a power functions.
When you use a power, as part of that power you can use a Elemental Duality
metapower as a bonus action. You can only use one Metapower Starting at 12th level, you etch multiple paths of elemental
option on a power when you use it. power into your life force, mind, body, and soul, allowing
Power: Powers, also known as elemental powers, are a you to choose between two sets of powers. Whenever you
special type of magical ability, different from spells. Eldamon prepare your elemental powers, prepare two sets of powers
and elemental avatars use powers to battle their foes. Once an instead of one. Only one set of powers is available to you
eldamon or elemental avatar uses a power, they normally can’t at a time. Whenever you roll initiative, and whenever you
use that power again until they use a refresh power, though that refresh, choose which of the two sets of powers are available
limit doesn’t apply to refresh powers themselves. The power to you. You can only use powers from the set you chose.
ability for elemental powers is Wisdom, so you use Wisdom
whenever a power refers to power ability. In addition, you use Transcend Element
your Wisdom modifier when setting the saving throw DC for an Starting at 15th level, your unique capacities intertwined
elemental power and when making an attack roll with one. with your eldamon’s elemental energies have allowed you
Refresh: A power with the refresh trait realigns the local to transcend the normal boundaries of your element,
elemental energies, allowing an eldamon or elemental avatar delving into powers that would ordinarily only be available
to use their powers again. Eldamon and elemental avatars can to one other element of your choice. Choose an element
use refresh powers any number of times without needing to other than your own; you gain one 1st-level power from
refresh. They can also take the Refresh action. that element’s list, one power of 4th level or lower from
Ultimate: An ultimate power is extremely powerful and that element’s list, and one power of 6th level or lower
doesn’t work like other powers. Ultimate powers significantly from that element’s list. When you gain new powers, you
alter the elemental energies around them and take significant can choose a power from that element’s list instead of your
energy from the elemental avatar who uses them, or the own, as long as the power is at least 2 levels lower than your
eldamon trainer of the eldamon who uses them. As such, after power level. The powers you choose become powers of
using an ultimate power, that elemental avatar or eldamon your element, though otherwise the power has its normal
trainer can’t use an ultimate power again until the finish a short effects, even if that means it produces a damage type or
or long rest, as the energies take time to coalesce and reshape. condition that would be highly unusual for your element
(such as fire damage for an ice elemental avatar). Think of an
explanation as to how you can manifest these powers using
Twisting Element your element. For instance, if your element is cold, you
You twist your elemental power like a contorting serpent, might choose electricity and describe your transcendence
avoiding a few of your allies or innocent victims in the as cold temperatures producing superconductivity.
area. If your power affects an area, you can designate up to Instead of choosing an element other than your own,
two creatures in the area that are unaffected by the power. you can choose to transcend into your own element. In
that case, you gain any three powers from your element,
Widen Element or universal powers, of any power level.
You manipulate the energy of your power, causing it to
spread out and affect a wider area. If the power affects an Ultimate Power
area and doesn’t have a duration, increase the area of that At 19th level, you have achieved the pinnacle of
power. Increase the area’s radius, length, or width by 5 feet. elemental power, granting you the ability to use an
ultimate power. You learn one of the ultimate powers
Ability Score Improvement from your element. You automatically prepare that
When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, ultimate power each day, in addition to your other
and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of prepared elemental powers. An ultimate power is
your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores extremely powerful and doesn’t work like other powers.
of your choice by 1. As normal, you can’t increase an Ultimate powers significantly alter the elemental
ability score above 20 using this feature. energies around them and take significant energy from
you each time you use them. As such, after using an
Attuned Avatar ultimate power, you can’t use an ultimate power again
You’ve attuned deeply with the eldamon within you, until you finish a short or long rest, as the energies take
granting you the ability to process more elemental power time to coalesce and reshape.



A World
of Eldamon




Elemental Master your senses, either imbuing new features to your existing
At 20th level, you have become a master of elemental senses or granting you new senses altogether. You gain the
power. You can use any power you know, even if you Elemental Senses benefit of your associated element.
don’t have it prepared. Once you use this feature to use
a power you don’t have prepared, you can’t do so again Elemental Locomotion
until you finish a short or long rest. Starting at 6th level, you’ve developed new ways to
move yourself around via your element’s energies.
Elemental Path Features You gain the Elemental Locomotion benefit of your
As an elemental avatar, your spirit and the eldamon inside associated element.
you are as one. While the paths of all elemental avatars
follow roughly the same route, the powers and abilities Enhanced Resistance
your path grants you as you adventure is determined by Also at 6th level, your elemental resistance becomes
the element you chose at 1st level. As you travel down especially strong, as you become even closer to the
the path of the element you chose, this deep connection eldamon within you. You gain the Enhanced Resistance
shapes various aspects of your soul and allows you to benefit of your associated element.
control nearby manifestations of your associated element.
Elemental Sculptor
Elemental Resistance Starting at 10th level, your deeper connection to your
Starting at 3rd level, your connection to your element element allows you to sculpt it to your will. You gain the
grants you distinctive resistances and defensive abilities, Elemental Sculptor benefit of your associated element.
as your body, mind, and soul reconfigure to withstand
your element better. You gain the Elemental Resistance Enhanced Locomotion
benefit of your associated element. Starting at 14th level, you’ve continued to develop your
locomotive abilities using your element, granting you
Elemental Senses even more impressive abilities. You gain the Enhanced
Also at 3rd level, your connection to your element enhances Locomotion benefit of your associated element.

Elemental Powers
Elemental Powers
Eldamon and elemental avatars use a special type of magical ability called elemental powers. While
magical, these powers aren’t spells, weapons, or unarmed attacks but instead their own category of
special ability unique to eldamon and elemental avatars and found throughout the world.
A New Kind of Magic power that ends when you refresh (such as elemental
Effects that prevent all magic (such as an antimagic field) shield) normally can’t be used outside of combat or
and those that prevent you from spellcasting prevent similar high-stakes situations.
you from using powers. Additionally, items that provide
a bonus to spell attack rolls (such as wand of the war Persistent Damage
mage) also apply to powers, and an eldamon gains the Many elemental powers inflict a new condition called
bonus if their eldamon trainer friend is wielding such an persistent damage. A creature suffering from persistent
item. Otherwise, most effects that apply solely to spells damage takes damage at the end of each of its turns.
or spellcasting don’t apply to powers, though the GM Persistent damage might be a flat value or a variable
should determine which other restrictions similar to the amount. For example, a creature taking 3 persistent fire
examples above still apply. As raw embodiments of the damage takes 3 fire damage at the end of each of its turns,
elements, elemental powers are flagrant and obvious, while a creature taking 1d4 persistent necrotic damage
with noticeable visual and auditory manifestations. takes 1d4 necrotic damage at the end of each of its turns.
Elemental powers are split into various elements (except A creature can take persistent damage from multiple
for universal powers, which are available to eldamon sources, but unless otherwise noted, persistent damage of
and elemental avatars of any element). Additionally, the same type doesn’t stack; if multiple instances of the
each elemental power belongs to one of three different same type of persistent damage would apply, the creature
categories: active powers, reactive powers, and refresh suffers only the worst instance of persistent damage.
powers. Active powers and refresh powers typically require Each time a creature takes persistent damage, roll a
an action to use, while reactive powers are reactions. d20. On a 10 or higher, the persistent damage ends.
Ultimate powers are a special kind of active power, but like
all active powers, they require an action to use. I’m In My Element
While elements vary, most power users excel at dealing
Using and Refreshing Powers sustainable damage, particularly in areas. Powers can be
Each active and reactive elemental power requires the used all day long, but the damaging elements also do a very
arrangement of a unique configuration of elemental respectable amount of damage, able to compete at many
energy, making it impossible to use the same power levels with the mid-to-high spell slots of a sorcerer without
again right away. Once an eldamon or elemental avatar having a daily limit. In exchange, power users have more
uses an active or reactive power, they can’t use that power difficulty with repeatability—you have to find a way to use
again until they refresh their powers and rearrange the every power once, instead of repeating the perfect spell,
elemental energies around them. All eldamon and or be forced to refresh sooner, and the turns refreshing
elemental avatars can use the Refresh action. also slow down your tempo compared to other magical
damaging classes. This combined with a heavy focus on
Refresh your element’s theme means that your elemental avatar or
When you take the Refresh action, you rearrange the elemental eldamon is specialized; you can confidently play a strong
energies around you, refreshing your elemental powers. You refresh blaster with fire and do high damage without needing to
all your active and reactive powers, allowing you to use them again. manage spell slots or read through dozens of spells and
switch to buffs, debuffs, and utility effects against bosses. In
While it’s possible to refresh using the Refresh action, exchange, you won’t have the kind of flexibility those other
eldamon and elemental avatars typically refresh by using classes offer: elemental avatars use only a single element,
a refresh power. Refresh powers are usable any number and while an eldamon trainer can choose between several
of times, even without refreshing. In environments eldamon, eldamon don’t have access to as many options as
where the elemental energies aren’t in a constant state of a character would have. Keep these factors in mind when
turmoil, eldamon and elemental avatars refresh almost deciding how to channel your elemental powers and build
continually. This means, among other things, that a an adventuring party alongside your fellow players.

Elemental Charts in one place. Choose the row based on the attacking
The thirteen star charts featured below depict the eldamon and the column based on the defending
various strengths and weaknesses of each of the thirteen eldamon. A green plus means that the attack is against
elements in this book. Complexity refers to how simple the defender’s vulnerability, a red minus means the
an element is to learn and play. Offense is the element’s attack is against the defender’s resistance, and a blank BATTLEZOO
damage-dealing capacity. Defense is the element’s space means neither is true.
ability to increase your or an ally’s defense, including Defender

hit points. Control is the element’s ability to use up





or control an opponent’s actions. Lastly, debuff is the





A World

element’s ability to weaken a foe in a way other than Attacker
of Eldamon
damage dealing (which would be offense) or action Body
denial and control. Darkness
The element matchup chart in the right column Death
depicts the strengths and weaknesses of various Electricity
elements. While these are included in each individual Fire
eldamon’s statistics, the chart gives all the information Force
Control Control
5 5 Mind
4 4

3 3
2 2
1 1

Offense Debuff Offense Debuff
Defense Defense
Note: Spirit also resists physical damage.


Control Control Control Control
5 5 5 5

4 4 4 4

3 3 3 3

2 2 2 2

1 1 1 1

Offense Debuff Offense Debuff Offense Debuff Offense Debuff

Defense Defense Defense Defense


Control Control Control Control
5 5 5 5

4 4 4 4

3 3 3 3

2 2 2 2

1 1 1 1

Offense Debuff Offense Debuff Offense Debuff Offense Debuff

Defense Defense Defense Defense


Control Control Control
5 5 5

4 4 4

3 3 3

2 2 2

1 1 1

Offense Debuff Offense Debuff Offense Debuff

Defense Defense Defense

A ir that movement. At the end of this movement, you fall
if nothing is holding you aloft.
The element of air represents the Enhanced Locomotion. You can fly freely with the
breezy, capricious, constantly moving wind at your back. You gain a fly speed equal to your
nature of air. Thus, air powers often walking speed.
move the user around the battlefield or attack from a
great distance. Elemental Manipulation
As an action, you can control air and wind in minor

Special Rules ways, allowing you to create or calm light breezes

within 5 feet of you. This can help cool you in hot
Air elemental powers have the following special rules. temperatures, make you harder to detect via scent, and
the like. At the GM’s discretion, you can make other
Magical Damage minor adjustments to air and wind.
The winds created by air powers swirl with elemental
magic. Bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage Elemental Resistance
dealt by air powers counts as magical for the purpose The wind is your ally, never your adversary. You ignore
of overcoming resistance and immunity to nonmagical difficult terrain as a result of strong wind. In addition,
attacks and damage. you gain a +1 bonus to AC against ranged weapon

Element Benefits Enhanced Resistance. Your bonus to AC against

ranged weapon attacks increases to +2.
If your associated element is air, you gain the following
benefits from features that vary depending on your Elemental Sculptor
element. You can use an area action to fill a 10-foot-cube area
you can see within 20 feet of you with swirling winds.
Elemental Locomotion For the next minute or until you use this ability again,
When you use your air powers, you can fly for a short the area is difficult terrain, and ranged weapon attacks
time, even if you can’t fly normally. When you use an have disadvantage if they pass in or out of the wind.
air power that allows you to move, you can fly during At the GM’s discretion, you can make other similar
adjustments to air or wind.

Elemental Senses
The wind carries all sorts of scents your way, granting
you an extremely keen sense of smell. You have
advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on

Elemental Shield
The bonus granted by your elemental shield also applies
to Dexterity saving throws.

Backlash Gust
1st-level active air
You launch a gust of wind blades forward, riding the backlash to
safety. Each creature in a 20-foot-long, 5-foot-wide line must make a
Dexterity saving throw, taking 1d8 slashing damage plus 1d8 slashing
damage per power level on a failed save, or half as much damage on
a successful one. You can then move up to 20 feet directly backward
in the opposite direction.
At power level 3 and every 2 power levels thereafter, you can
choose to increase the length of the line and the distance you move
by 10 feet, to a maximum of 60 feet at power level 9.

Wind Rush spaces occupied by creatures, and you leave behind a trail of wind
1st-level active air blades in each space you leave. The trail lasts until the start of your
You carry yourself through the air on a rush of wind and use the next turn. While the trail lasts, a creature that enters the area for the
momentum to unleash a powerful slash on a foe. You move up to first time on a turn or that starts its turn there must make a Dexterity
twice your speed and make a melee power attack against a target saving throw, taking 1d8 slashing damage plus 1d8 slashing damage BATTLEZOO
within your reach. On a hit, you deal 1d10 slashing damage plus 1d10 per power level on a failed save, or half as much damage on a success.
slashing damage per power level.
Wind Cutter Introduction
Disrupting Gust 4th-level active air
A World
2nd-level active air You launch a blade of wind that grows larger and larger as it moves, of Eldamon
You disrupt nearby foes with a widespread gust, knocking them off- cutting through all creatures in the way. Choose a space you can see
balance enough to move past them safely. Each creature you choose within 60 feet of you. Each creature in a 30-foot cone starting from Character
in a 30-foot cone must make a Constitution saving throw, taking 1d6 that space must make a Dexterity saving throw, taking 1d8 slashing
slashing damage plus 1d6 slashing damage per power level on a damage plus 1d8 slashing damage per power level on a failed save, Elemental
failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. Also on a or half as much damage on a successful one. Powers
failed save, the target can’t take reactions until the start of your next Eldamon
turn, and creatures have advantage on attack rolls against the target Flensing Leaps Entries
until the start of your next turn. 5th-level active air
At power level 4 and every 2 power levels thereafter, you can You create rapidly spinning torrents of air beneath your feet and leap
choose to increase the size of the cone by 5 feet, to a maximum of onto your enemies, slicing them as you bounce from foe to foe. You
45-foot cone at power level 8. jump up to 30 feet. If you land in a space occupied by a creature,
make a melee power attack against that creature. On a hit, you deal
Wind Sniper 1d10 slashing damage plus 1d10 slashing damage per power level,
2nd-level active air and you can jump up to 30 feet. As long as you continue to land in the
You fire a cutting blade of air across the wind from an extreme space of a creature you haven’t already attacked in this way, you can
distance. Make a ranged power attack against a target you can see continue making attacks and leaping again. On a miss, you land in an
within 240 feet of you. On a hit, you deal 1d8 slashing damage plus unoccupied space within 5 feet of the target and don’t jump again.
1d8 slashing damage per power level. Once you land without entering a creature’s space, the power ends.
At power level 4 and every 2 power levels thereafter, the power’s
range increases by 120 feet, to a maximum of 600 feet at power
level 8.

Drifting Slash
3rd-level active air
You drift forward on the wind, slashing through a foe as you go. You
move up to your speed without provoking opportunity attacks. Once
during this movement, you can make a melee power attack against
one target within your reach. On a hit, you deal 1d10 slashing damage
plus 1d10 slashing damage per power level.

3rd-level active air
You surge forward and then spin winds around you, slicing into your
foes. You move up to your speed. At the end of this movement, each
creature you choose within 20 feet of you must make a Dexterity
saving throw, taking 1d8 slashing damage plus 1d8 slashing damage
per power level on a failed save, or half as much damage on a
successful one.

Aerial Trail
4th-level active air
You rush through your foes with wind, leaving behind wind blades
to slash through anyone who dares to cross your path. You move up
to twice your speed. During this movement, you can move through

straight line. During this movement, you can move through spaces
occupied by other creatures. Each creature whose space you move
through must make a Dexterity saving throw, taking 1d10 slashing
damage plus 1d10 slashing damage per power level on a
failed save, or half as much damage on a successful
one. Also on a failed save, the target can’t take
reactions until the start of its next turn.

Galeforce Launch
7th-level active air
You launch yourself into the wind and then plummet to
the ground in the midst of a slashing explosion. You fly up to
your walking speed directly upwards, then soar down to an
unoccupied space you can see within 200 feet of you,
landing safely. When you land, each creature within 30
feet of you must make a Dexterity saving throw, taking
1d10 slashing damage plus 1d10 slashing damage per
power level on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful

Peregrine Gust
7th-level active air
You send forth a fierce cutting gust, which travels a great distance
through your foes. The gust takes the form of a 500-foot-long, 5-foot-
Rushing Embrace wide line, except you can cause the line to turn up to 90 degrees once
5th-level active air at any point along its length. Creatures you choose in the line must
You surround yourself in blades of wind in order to slash all those who make a Dexterity saving throw, taking 1d10 slashing damage plus
dare attack you. The blades last until you refresh, are incapacitated, 1d10 slashing damage per power level on a failed save, or half as
or until you dismiss them on your turn (which doesn’t require an much damage on a successful one.
action). While the blades last, when a creature touches you or hits
you with a melee attack while within 5 feet of you, that creature takes Centripetal Barrage
slashing damage equal to twice your power level. If you moved at 8th-level active air
least 40 feet on your last turn, you surge up the winds, increasing You circle around your foes in an irregular circuit, firing off thousands of
this slashing damage by 3; a creature only takes this damage at most wind blades into the center to destroy all creatures in an area defined
once per turn, even if they touch you or hit you multiple times by your movements. You move up to six times your speed, ending your
movement in the space where you began. Each creature in the area
Gusting Curtain surrounded by your path must make a Dexterity saving throw, taking
6th-level active air 1d10 slashing damage plus 1d10 slashing damage per power level on a
You trace a curtain of wind across the battlefield, slashing those failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. If you don’t end
who cross it and either accelerating or pushing back ranged attacks. your movement in the space where you began (typically because your
You create a 5-foot thick curtain of wind up to 10 feet high and up to movement was interrupted, since you can’t end elsewhere voluntarily),
60 feet long in a straight line, starting in a space you can see within the wind blades turn loose and the power doesn’t deal damage.
120 feet of you. A creature that enters the area for the first time on
a turn or that starts its turn there takes slashing damage equal to Tornado
1d4 per power level. In addition, each time a ranged weapon attack 8th-level active air
passes into or out of the wind, you can choose to impose advantage You call up a brief but powerful tornado, spinning around and rending
or disadvantage to the attack roll. The curtain lasts until you refresh, your foes while safely maneuvering yourself and your allies. The
are incapacitated, or until you dismiss it on your turn (which doesn’t tornado fills a 40-foot-radius sphere centered on a point you can see
require an action). within 120 feet of you. Each creature you choose in the area must
make a Strength saving throw, taking 1d8 slashing damage plus 1d8
Zephyr Slash slashing damage per power level on a failed save, or half as much
6th-level active air damage on a successful one. Also on a failed save, you can move
You rush in a straight line through your foes, slicing them to pieces the target to an unoccupied space within the area, which must be
and impairing their ability to react. You move up to 120 feet in a the same distance from the center of the area as the target’s original

space. (For example, if the target was 30 feet south of the center of Visualizing Powers
the area, you could move it to a space 30 feet northwest of the center Powers, unlike spells, change in their availability constantly, as
of the area instead.) You can then move each other willing creature you use them and then later refresh them. While you could keep
in the area (including yourself, if you’re in the area) to an unoccupied all your currently available powers written down on a character
space, which also must be the same distance from the center of the sheet with some kind of mark next to their name when you’ve BATTLEZOO
area as its original space. used them, that would involve a substantial amount of erasing
and rewriting, so it’s not necessarily the best approach to use on
Hurricane Downdraft a long term basis. Introduction
9th-level active air A way that might be easier to handle and more intuitive is to
A World
You bring down hurricane-force winds that slice through your foes and write your powers down on index cards or other small cards, hold of Eldamon
knock down those who dare challenge you in the sky. The downdraft is your available powers in a pile (or fanned out for visibility), and
a cylinder with a radius between 5 feet and 15 feet (your choice) and put the ones you’ve already used in another pile. That way you Character
between 40 feet and 200 feet high (your choice). The downdraft is can see what powers are available at a glance, and there’s no
centered on a point you can see within 200 feet of you. Each creature need to keep erasing. Elemental
in the area must make a Dexterity saving throw, taking 1d10 slashing Powers
damage plus 1d10 slashing damage per power level on a failed save, Eldamon
or half as much damage on a successful one. Also on a failed save, any additional ranged weapon attacks made by the creature until the Entries
the target is pushed to the bottom of the cylinder or to the ground, end of the creature’s turn. While the effect lasts, if the creature rolls a
whichever it reaches first, and is knocked prone. A target pushed by 1 on an attack roll using a ranged weapon, you can redirect the attack
this power doesn’t take falling damage, even if it reaches the ground. to another target within range. Make a ranged power attack against
the new target. On a hit, the target takes the attack’s normal damage
Tempest and effects.
9th-level active air
You call forth a razor-sharp tempest of wind that blows across the
area, cutting your enemies apart. The tempest fills a 20-foot-radius
sphere centered on a point you can see within 500 feet of you. The
tempest lasts until you refresh, are incapacitated, or until you dismiss
it (which doesn’t require an action). When you use this power, you
can designate any number of creatures you can see to be unaffected
by it. While the tempest lasts, affected creatures treat the area as
difficult terrain and have disadvantage on ranged weapon attacks
while within the area. In addition, an affected creature that enters the
area for the first time on a turn or that starts its turn there takes 1d4
slashing damage per power level.

Dispersing Retreat
1st-level reactive air
After being damaged, you disperse into semi-solid air and retreat.
When you take damage, you can move up to your speed without
provoking opportunity attacks. During this movement, you ignore
difficult terrain, but because you remain semi-solid, you can’t move
through spaces occupied by creatures or pass through narrow
openings. If you’re grappled when you use this power, you can
attempt to escape the grapple as a part of using this reaction. On a
success, you can move as normal; otherwise, you remain grappled,
don’t move, and the power ends.

Reflect Projectiles
3rd-level reactive air
With a gust of wind, you reflect a projectile away, potentially into a
foe. When a creature you can see attacks you with a ranged weapon
attack, you can impose disadvantage on the triggering attack, as well

Afraid of the Dark? Wind Barrier
Darkness eldamon and elemental avatars have many tools to 4th-level refresh air
control their foes’ vision and effective light level, allowing them You create a dome of wind around you as you refresh your air powers,
to gain a significant advantage in combat, especially against scattering ranged attacks while you recover. Until the start of your
enemies without darkvision. On the other hand, it’s tougher next turn, ranged weapon attacks against you and creatures you
for them to deal with foes with darkvision while in an area filled choose within 30 feet of you have disadvantage. You refresh your
with light. Thus, if you’re likely to face a darkness eldamon or elemental powers.
elemental avatar, bring plenty of light and make sure you have a
way to see through darkness. On the flip side, a darkness user Ineluctable Flight
knowing that they’re up against foes with darkvision would do 7th-level refresh air
well to provide their allies a way to see through darkness so that As you gather and arrange the ambient air energy, almost nothing
they won’t need to bring any light on their end. These various can stop you from moving. You fly up to 120 feet without provoking
considerations make the darkness element difficult to master, opportunity attacks. During this movement, you ignore difficult
but it can yield great results for those who make the effort. terrain, can move through spaces occupied by other creatures, and
can pass through narrow openings that aren’t air-tight. You refresh
your elemental powers.
Hindering Winds
6th-level reactive air ULTIMATE POWERS
You send a wind to hinder a creature’s progress toward you. When a
creature you can see within 120 feet of you moves into a space closer Aeolus
to you, you can force that creature to make a Strength saving throw. Ultimate air
On a failed save, the creature can’t move closer to you until the end of As an action, you call forth powerful winds from the wellspring of
its turn. If the save fails by 5 or more, you also knock the target prone. elemental air that carry forth your allies and slice your enemies to
pieces. The winds blow in a 1,000-foot-long, 60-foot-wide line.
REFRESH POWERS You move yourself and each willing creature you choose up to any
distance along the line’s path. Each other creature you choose in
Rushing Refresh the area must make a Dexterity saving throw, taking 1d10 slashing
1st-level refresh air damage plus 1d10 slashing damage per power level on a failed save,
You carry yourself around on gusts of air, collecting air energy as you or half as much damage on a successful one.
move and shaping it to refresh your powers. You move up to three
times your speed. You refresh your elemental powers. Kamaitachi
Ultimate air
You conjure a powerful flensing dust devil with the vicious
tenacity of a legendary weasel. The dust devil appears in a
15-foot cube you can see within 1,000 feet of you. The dust
devil lasts until you refresh, are incapacitated, or until you
dismiss it on your turn (which doesn’t require an action).
While the effect lasts, each time a creature ends its
turn in the area, you can force that creature to make a
Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, the target takes
1d6 slashing damage per power level, or half as much
damage on a successful one.
As a bonus action on each of your turns, you can move
the dust devil up to 60 feet in any direction, though the
dust devil dies out if it moves more than 1,000 feet away
from you. If the dust devil moves into a space occupied
by another creature, you can force that creature to make the
saving throw against the dust devil’s damage. A creature can’t take
this damage more than once per turn.
If the dust devil moves into a space occupied by yourself or
another willing creature, you can lift that creature up, depositing it in
one of the dust devil’s spaces when the dust devil ends its movement.
The dust devil can lift up to one Huge creature, two Large creatures,
or four Medium or smaller creatures at a time.

Darkness move, making it easy for you to sneak around. Thanks
to the darkness, you can Hide even without cover or
The element of darkness represents the being obscured, though the unnatural darkness and
mystery of the unknown and the ability shadows that hide you might give you away, so you have
to shroud, obscure, and hide. While disadvantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks to do so. BATTLEZOO
some find the darkness and the unknown terrifying Enhanced Locomotion. You can transport yourself
and cruel, it can also be comforting, protecting from from shadow to shadow, from one patch of darkness to
the harshness of the light. The darkness element also another. While you’re in an area of dim light or darkness Introduction
manipulates the shadows that form on the edges (the shrouded condition alone isn’t sufficient), you can
A World
between light and darkness. Darkness eldamon and use an action to teleport to another area of dim light or of Eldamon
elemental avatars shroud themselves in shadows and darkness you can see within 30 feet of you.
darkness and manipulate them to keep their movements Character
and intentions hidden. Elemental Manipulation Classes

As an action, you can give yourself or a willing creature Elemental

Special Rules you touch the shrouded 1 condition. At the GM’s

discretion, you can make other minor adjustments to

Darkness elemental powers have the following special darkness. Entries
Elemental Resistance
Shrouded You become protected against darkness and shadow, as
Many darkness powers inflict a new condition called well as the chill often associated with those elements.
shrouded. The shrouded condition always has a value, You gain resistance to cold damage.
from 1 to 3. The shrouded condition isn’t cumulative; Enhanced Resistance. You have advantage on saving
if a creature that is already shrouded would become throws against effects that would blind you, and you gain
shrouded again, only the highest shrouded value a +2 bonus to saving throws against effects that would
applies. The shrouded condition causes the shrouded blind you.
creature’s light level to be a number of steps lower for
the shrouded creature equal to the condition’s value
(bright light to dim light, dim light to darkness, and
darkness to a magical darkness akin to that created
by the darkness spell). For example, a creature that is
shrouded 1 in an area of bright light is treated as if it
were shrouded by dim light, while that same creature
would be treated as if shrouded by darkness while in an
area of dim light. The shrouded condition affects the
creature’s ability to see, as well as other creatures’ ability
to see the shrouded creature. In addition, a shrouded
creature gains a bonus to Dexterity (Stealth) checks
made to Hide equal to its shrouded condition’s value.
It’s possible to Hide while shrouded by sinking into
the darkness, although in a bright area your general
position might still be obvious due to the pall of
darkness. A shrouded creature that would become
limned (from a Light elemental power) instead loses
its shrouded condition, and vice versa.

Element Benefits
If your associated element is darkness, you gain the
following benefits from features that vary depending
on your element.

Elemental Locomotion
The shadows and darkness surround you while you

Elemental Sculptor ACTIVE POWERS
You can twist and shape shadows like puppets. As an
action, you can move an area of darkness filling up to a Gloaming Backstab
10-foot cube within 20 feet of you up to 20 feet in any 1st-level active darkness
direction or sculpt the darkness’s aesthetic appearance, You sink into the shadows and stab your foe in the back with a blade
such as making the shadows take the shape of a dragon. of pure darkness. Make a melee power attack against a creature you
At the GM’s discretion, you can make other similar can see within your reach. On a hit, the target takes 1d8 cold damage
adjustments to an area of darkness’s shape or position. plus 1d8 cold damage per power level. If you’re shrouded and hidden
from the target when you make the attack, on a hit the target takes an
Elemental Senses extra 1d6 cold damage plus 1d6 cold damage per power level, and
You gain darkvision out to a range of 120 feet, and you’re no longer shrouded. If you’re not shrouded when you make
magical darkness doesn’t impair your darkvision. the attack, you become shrouded 1 until the end of your next turn
(whether the attack hits or misses).
Elemental Shield
While you’re in an area of dim light or darkness (the Tendrils of Shade
shrouded condition alone isn’t sufficient), the bonus 1st-level active darkness
to AC granted by your Elemental Shield increases to You send forth tendrils of shade in a 15-foot cone to chill your foes and
+2 (or to +3 if you choose to hold the shield in a free shroud yourself. If you’re shrouded, you can extend the length of the
hand). cone up to an additional 10 feet. Each creature in the area must make
a Dexterity saving throw, taking 1d6 cold damage plus 1d6 cold damage
per power level on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful
one. You then become shrouded 1 until the end of your next turn.
At power level 3 and every 2 power levels thereafter, you can
increase the length of the cone up to an additional 5 feet, to a maximum
of length of 35 feet at power level 9 (or to 45 feet if you’re shrouded).

Midnight Orb
2nd-level active darkness
You fire an orb of midnight at a foe. Make a ranged power attack
against a creature you can see within 60 feet of you. If you’re
shrouded, you gain a +1 bonus to the attack roll. On a hit, the target
takes 2d6 cold damage plus 1d6 cold damage per power level and is
shrouded 1 until the end of your next turn. On a miss, the target
takes no damage but is shrouded 1 until the start of your next
At power level 4 and every 2 power levels thereafter, the
power’s range increases by 30 feet, to a maximum of
150 feet at power level 8.

Pall of Darkness
2nd-level active darkness
You cast a pall of darkness in a
20-foot-radius sphere centered on
a point you can see within 120 feet
of you, choking out the light. The
darkness spreads around corners
and lasts until you refresh, are incapacitated,
or until you dismiss the effect on your
turn (which doesn’t require an action).
A creature with darkvision can’t see through
this darkness, and nonmagical light can’t
illuminate it. If any part of the area overlaps
with an area of light created by a spell of 2nd level or
lower, the spell that created the light is dispelled.

Cloak of Darkness Shrouding Foes
3rd-level active darkness When you shroud a foe, it makes them difficult to see, in
You shroud yourself in a billowing cloak of darkness that extends out addition to making it harder for the foe to see. Think carefully
from you in a 20-foot radius. If you’re shrouded, the cloak extends about whether to choose powers that shroud foes based on
out from you in a 30-foot radius instead. Each creature in the area whether your group has darkvision or the ability to see through BATTLEZOO
must make a Constitution saving throw, taking 1d6 cold damage plus magical darkness. At low levels, if your group doesn’t have
1d6 cold damage per power level on a failed save, or half as much much of either, you might want to avoid the powers that shroud
damage on a successful one. You then become shrouded 1 until the foes, while at higher levels, you can consider gaining darkvision Introduction
end of your next turn. options as a group (a good idea anyway) in order to take
A World
advantage of those powers. of Eldamon
Outstretched Shadow Character
3rd-level active darkness
You stretch your own shadow into a 5-foot-wide, 80-foot-long line, Vanishing Silhouette Classes

chilling and enshrouding everything in its path. If you’re shrouded, 5th-level active darkness Elemental
you can extend the line up to 120 feet instead. Each creature in the You send forth a silhouette of darkness that resembles your own Powers
area must make a Dexterity saving throw. Shrouded creatures make shadow, while shrouding yourself and immediately hiding as the Eldamon
the saving throw with disadvantage. On a failed save, the target silhouette distracts your target. Make a ranged power attack against Entries
takes 1d6 cold damage plus 1d6 cold damage per power level and a creature you can see within 120 feet of you. On a hit, the target
is shrouded 1 until the end of your next turn. On a success, the target takes 1d8 cold damage plus 1d8 cold damage per power level. You
takes half as much damage and isn’t shrouded. then become shrouded 1 until the end of your next turn, and you can
immediately Hide without using an action to do so.
Fade Into Darkness
4th-level active darkness Gloom Burst
You fade completely into darkness. You become shrouded 3 until you 6th-level active darkness
refresh, are incapacitated, or until you dismiss the effect on your turn You create an outpouring of gloom, damaging foes and shrouding
(which doesn’t require an action). your allies. The gloom fills a 20-foot-radius sphere centered on a
point you can see within 120 feet of you. If you’re shrouded, you can
Shadow Betrayal increase the gloom to fill a 40-foot-radius area instead. Creatures
4th-level active darkness you choose in the area must make a Constitution saving throw. On a
You take control of the shadow of a creature you can see within 60 failed save, the target takes 1d8 cold damage plus 1d8 cold damage
feet of you, causing the shadow to betray the one who casts it. You per power level and is shrouded 1 until the start of your next turn. On
control the creature’s shadow until you refresh, are incapacitated, a success, the target takes half as much damage and isn’t shrouded.
or until you dismiss the effect on your turn (which doesn’t require an Each other creature you choose in the area (including you) are
action). When you use this power, and again at the start of each of shrouded 1 until the end of your next turn.
your turns while the effect lasts, you can cause the shadow to attack
the target. If you do, the shadow makes a melee attack against the
target, using your power attack bonus. On a hit, the target takes 1d8
cold damage per half your power level (rounded up). Also on a hit,
the target’s speed is reduced by 10 feet until the end of its next turn.

Eclipsing Embrace
5th-level active darkness
You shroud yourself with a slick layer of eclipsing darkness, which
latches onto and enshrouds those who attack you. The darkness
lasts until you refresh, are incapacitated, or until you dismiss the
effect on your turn (which doesn’t require an
action). While the effect lasts, whenever a
creature touches you or hits you with a melee
weapon attack while within 5 feet of you,
that creature takes cold damage equal
to your power level, or equal to 3 + your
power level if you’re shrouded. In addition,
the target becomes shrouded 1 until the
end of its turn.

Umbral Curtain Nyctophobia
6th-level active darkness 7th-level active darkness
You trace a curtain of darkness across the battlefield, enshrouding You overwhelm a foe with fear of the unknown that lies within the
those who cross it. You create a 5-foot-thick curtain of darkness up darkness. One creature you can see within 120 feet of you must make
to 10 feet high and up to 60 feet long in a straight line, starting in a a Wisdom saving throw. Creatures that can see through magical
space you can see within 120 feet of you. The curtain is dark and darkness make the save with advantage, and creatures without
blocks light; only creatures with darkvision can see the area on the darkvision make the save with disadvantage. On a failed save,
other side of the curtain. A creature that enters the area for the first the target takes persistent cold damage equal to your power level.
time on a turn or that starts its turn there takes cold damage equal to While this persistent damage lasts, the target is also frightened and
1d4 damage per power level and becomes shrouded 1 until the end shrouded 2. On a success, the target takes half as much persistent
of its next turn. The curtain lasts until you refresh, are incapacitated, cold damage, isn’t frightened, and is shrouded 1 while the persistent
or until you dismiss it on your turn (which doesn’t require an action). damage lasts.

Darkness From Below Dark Cocoon

7th-level active darkness 8th-level active darkness
You call forth creeping darkness from below, which ascends in a You encase a foe in a cocoon of congealed darkness. One creature
pillar of midnight, devouring your foes. The pillar is a cylinder with a you can see within 60 feet of you must make a Dexterity saving throw.
radius between 5 feet and 15 feet (your choice) and 40 feet to 200 If the creature is shrouded, it makes the save with disadvantage. On
feet high (your choice). The pillar is centered on a point on the ground a failure, the target is encased in a cocoon of darkness for 1 minute.
you can see within 200 feet of you. Each creature in the area must While encased by the cocoon, the target is shrouded 2, its speed
make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, the target takes 1d8 becomes 0, and it can’t benefit from any bonus to its speed. If the
cold damage plus 1d8 cold damage per power level and is shrouded saving throw fails by 5 or more, the target is instead restrained and
2 until the end of your next turn. On a success, the target takes half shrouded 3 while encased in the cocoon. The target can use its
as much damage and is shrouded 1 until the start of your next turn. action to make a Strength saving throw against your power save DC.
You then become shrouded 1 until the end of your next turn, as the On a success, it frees itself.
darkness creeps over you as well.
Phantom Raid
8th-level active darkness
You split off countless shadow duplicates of yourself to attack all
nearby foes. Make a melee power attack against each creature you
choose within 120 feet of you. On a hit, the target takes 1d6 cold
damage plus 1d6 cold damage per power level. If you’re shrouded,
you can choose to end the shrouded condition. If you do, each target
you were hidden from when you used this power takes an extra 1d6
cold damage plus 1d6 cold damage per power level.

Heart of Darkness
9th-level active darkness
You call forth a pulsing heart of darkness that explodes in a massive
burst. The darkness fills a 30-foot-radius sphere centered on a
point you can see within 500 feet of you. Each creature in the area
must make a Constitution saving throw, taking 1d8 cold damage
plus 1d8 cold damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on
a successful one. If at least one creature fails its saving throw,
your heart surges with the power of darkness, and you become
shrouded 1 and make ability checks and saving throws with
advantage until the end of your next turn.

9th-level active darkness
You call forth a storm of dancing shadows that damages creatures
and covers the area with shadow. The storm fills a 20-foot-radius
sphere centered on a point you choose within 120 feet of you. The
storm lasts until you refresh, are incapacitated, or until you dismiss

it on your turn (which doesn’t require an action). While the storm Become the Shadow
lasts, the area is filled with dim light. In addition, whenever a creature 7th-level refresh darkness
enters the area for the first time on a turn or starts its turn there, you You become one with the darkness and shadows, rearranging them
can choose to deal that creature 1d4 cold damage per power level. to refresh your darkness powers. You refresh your elemental powers
and become shrouded 3 until the end of your next turn. BATTLEZOO
Retributive Shroud Introduction
1st-level reactive darkness Rahu Ketu A World
When an enemy strikes you, you shroud them in darkness to avoid Ultimate darkness of Eldamon
follow-up attacks. When a creature you can see within 5 feet of you You call upon two mythical lunar nodes that work together to cause
hits you with a melee weapon attack, you can force that creature to eclipses, bringing forth a sudden eclipse that ends the light. All light Character
make a Dexterity saving throw. On a successful save, the creature is in a 200-foot-radius sphere centered on you ceases to shine for 1
shrouded 1 until the end of its turn. On a failure, the target is shrouded minute, and even the sun is eclipsed in that area (though the sun Elemental
2 until the end of its turn. If the saving throw fails by 5 or more, the shines normally across the rest of the planet). Each creature you Powers
target is shrouded 3 until the end of its turn. choose in the area must make a Wisdom saving throw. Creatures that Eldamon
can see through magical darkness make the save with advantage. Entries
Sink Into the Dark On a failure, the creature is frightened for 1 minute. If the saving throw
3rd-level reactive darkness fails by 5 or more, the creature is also paralyzed while frightened in
Just when a creature is about to observe you, you sink into your this way. At the end of each of its turns, the target can repeat the
shroud of darkness to shake off its notice. When a creature you’re saving throw, ending the effect on itself on a success.
hidden from succeeds on a Wisdom (Perception) check to find
or notice you, you can make a new Dexterity (Stealth) check with Tezcatlipoca
advantage. The DC of the check is equal to the result of the triggering Ultimate darkness
creature’s Wisdom (Perception) check. On a success, you remain You call forth a mythical jaguar made of darkness, which slashes
hidden from that creature. through your foes with hundreds of obsidian claws and leaches away
their light. Each creature you choose within 200 feet of you must
Defensive Shroud make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the target takes
6th-level reactive darkness 1d10 cold damage plus 1d10 cold damage per power level and is
When a creature you can see hits you with an attack, you can deploy shrouded 1 until the end of your next turn. On a success, the target
a powerful shroud of supernatural darkness to hinder any potential takes half as much damage and isn’t shrouded.
follow-up attacks. If you do, you become shrouded 3 until the start
of your next turn.

Embrace the Dark
1st-level refresh darkness
You embrace the darkness that surrounds you in order to refresh
your darkness powers and fade from view. You refresh your
elemental powers and become shrouded 1 until the end of your
next turn. You can then make a Dexterity (Stealth) check to Hide and
move up to half your speed.

Umbral Call
4th-level refresh darkness
You call forth darkness you can use to refresh your darkness powers.
You refresh your elemental powers. You then surround yourself with
a 20-foot-radius aura of magical darkness. The aura lasts until the
end of your next turn, centered on you and moving with you when you
move. A creature with darkvision can’t see through this darkness, and
nonmagical light can’t illuminate it. If any part of the area overlaps
with an area of light created by a spell of 2nd level or lower, the spell
that created the light is dispelled.

Death imposes the drained condition on a creature that’s
already drained, that creature instead takes necrotic
The element of death represents the damage equal to the power’s level (or an additional 10
end of life, part of the natural cycle. necrotic damage, if the power is an ultimate power). If
Death powers represent the end, so the power that caused the new drained condition also
they weaken and kill living things and undead alike. deals necrotic damage, add the extra damage before
As undying incarnations of natural elements, eldamon applying resistances and weaknesses.
aren’t killed by death powers, though they’re still
harmed and depleted as normal for other damaging
effects. This is fortunate when it comes to eldamon Element Benefits
battles, as otherwise death eldamon would be banned If your associated element is death, you gain the
from competing. following benefits from features that vary depending
on your element.
Special Rules Elemental Locomotion
Death elemental powers have the following special You can surround yourself with death energy as you
rules. move, forcing foes to get out of your way or suffer the
consequences. Whenever you move on your turn, you
Drained can attempt to move through other creatures’ spaces.
Many death powers inflict a new condition called The creature has a choice: they can either allow you
drained. While drained, a creature has disadvantage to move through their space, or they can prevent your
on Constitution saving throws. When a death power movement, taking necrotic damage equal to 1 plus
twice your power level, or half as much damage with
a successful Constitution saving throw. If a creature
chooses to prevent your movement in this way, your
movement immediately ends and you can’t move any
further on your turn, even if you still had more distance
you could travel.
Enhanced Locomotion. Your connection to
death allows you to appear by the side of recently or
nearly dead creatures, almost like a psychopomp or
harbinger of doom. As a bonus action, you can
teleport to an unoccupied space within 5 feet of
a creature that is dying or that has died in the
past minute. To do so, you must be able to see
the creature, and the creature must be within
60 feet of you.

Elemental Manipulation
As an action, you can control death in minor
ways, allowing you to kill a Tiny, non-creature
plant with just a touch. Alternatively, you can
touch a dying creature; if the creature is making
death saving throws, you can increase or decrease
its number of death saving throw failures by 1. At
the GM’s discretion, you can make other minor
adjustments involving death, though this is never
sufficient to kill a creature that isn’t already dying.

Elemental Resistance
Your body becomes resistant to death’s call. You gain
resistance to necrotic damage.
Enhanced Resistance. When you make a death
saving throw, you treat a roll of 6 or higher as a success.

Elemental Sculptor Dexterity saving throws, both until the end of your turn.
As an action, you can kill all Tiny, non-creature At power level 4 and every 2 power levels thereafter, you can
plants in a 10-foot cube up to 20 feet away from you. increase the length of the line by an additional 10 feet, to a maximum
Alternatively, you can increase or decrease the death of a 60-foot line at power level 8.
saving throw failures of a creature you can see within 20 BATTLEZOO
feet of you by 1. At the GM’s discretion, you can make Sicken Unto Death ELDAMON
other similar adjustments involving death, though this 2nd-level active death
is never sufficient to kill a creature that isn’t already You infuse concentrated death energy into a creature, sickening it Introduction
dying. as necrotic energies flood its body. One creature you can see within
A World
30 feet of you is poisoned for 1 minute unless they succeed at a of Eldamon
Elemental Senses Constitution saving throw. While poisoned in this way, the target must
You can sense how close a creature is to death. Just by make a Constitution saving throw at the end of each of its turns. On Character
looking at a creature, you can tell if it is healthy (above a failed save (either the initial save or an ongoing save), the target
three-quarters its hit point maximum), hurt (between takes 1d4 necrotic damage plus 1d4 necrotic damage per power Elemental
half and three-quarters its hit point maximum), injured level. On a success, the effect ends. Powers
(between one-fourth and half its hit point maximum), Eldamon
or at death’s door (below one-fourth its hit point Death Pulse Entries
maximum). If a creature is actively attempting to 3rd-level active death
disguise its life force or level of injury, you might need You emit a sudden pulse of death energy, controlling the distance to
to win a Wisdom (Perception) contest opposed by the limit harm to the environment. You fill a sphere centered on you with
creature’s Charisma (Deception) check. necrotic energy. The sphere has a radius between 10 feet and 30 feet
(your choice). Each creature in the area must make a Constitution
Elemental Shield saving throw, taking 1d8 necrotic damage plus 1d8 necrotic
The bonus granted by your elemental shield also applies damage per power level on a failed save, or half as much damage
to Constitution saving throws. on a successful one. Small, non-creature plants such as flowers and
grass within the area wither and die.
1st-level active death
You touch a creature, sending them to the harsh embrace of death.
Make a melee power attack against a creature you can see within
your reach. On a hit, the target takes 1d12 necrotic damage plus 1d12
necrotic damage per power level.

Steal Breath
1st-level active death
You breathe in deeply, drawing in the life force of nearby creatures.
Each creature in a 15-foot cone must make a Constitution saving
throw, taking 1d6 necrotic damage plus 1d6 necrotic damage per
power level on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful
one. Also on a failed save, the target has disadvantage on its next
attack roll using Strength before the end of its next turn.
At power level 5, you can increase the size of the power to a 20-foot
cone. At power level 9, you can increase the size to a 25-foot cone.

Rigor Mortis
2nd-level active death
You unleash a line of death that partially necrotizes those within it,
stiffening their bodies. Each creature in a 30-foot-long, 5-foot-wide line
must make a Constitution saving throw, taking 1d6 necrotic damage
plus 1d6 necrotic damage per power level on a failed save, or half as
much damage on a success. Also on a failed save, all creatures have
advantage on attack rolls against the target, and it has disadvantage on

ghostly skulls appear above a creature you can see within 60 feet of
you. At the end of each of the creature’s turns, a mournful bell tolls
as one of the skulls disappears. After the last skull disappears, a
scythe of negative energy reaps the creature’s life force. The target
must make a Constitution saving throw, taking 2d8 necrotic damage
plus 2d8 necrotic damage per power level on a failed save, or half as
much damage on a successful one. At any time before the last skull
disappears, you can use a bonus action to cancel the effect.

Fated Quietus
5th-level active death
You tap into the magical energy surrounding a creature’s death,
increasing the odds that they’re slain by a given method. Choose a
type of damage, which can be a kind of energy (such as cold or fire
damage) or specific type of physical damage (such bludgeoning
or slashing). Then choose a creature you can see within 60 feet of
you. For the next minute, whenever the target takes damage of your
chosen type, it takes additional damage of that type equal to your
power level. At the end of each of its turns, the target can make a
Wisdom saving throw, ending the effect on a success.

Killing Embrace
5th-level active death
You surround yourself with a pall of death, forcing those who attack
you to pay with their life. The pall of death lasts until you refresh, are
incapacitated, or until you dismiss it on your turn (which doesn’t require
an action). While the effect lasts, the first time on each of their turns
that a creature touches you or hits you with a melee weapon attack
while within 5 feet of you, that creature takes necrotic damage equal
to your power level plus 3 and is drained until the end of its next turn.
Drain Life
3rd-level active death Explode Corpse
You drain the life force from a nearby creature. One creature you 6th-level active death
can see within 60 feet of you must make a Constitution saving throw. You send death energy into a creature’s body, bloating it from the
On a failed save, the creature takes necrotic damage equal to three inside and causing it to explode upon death. One creature you can
times your power level and is drained until it finishes a long rest. On see within 60 feet of you must make a Constitution saving throw,
a success, the creature takes necrotic damage equal to twice your taking 1d10 necrotic damage plus 1d10 necrotic damage per power
power level. level on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
If this damage reduces the target to 0 hit points, the target explodes.
Fatal Weakness Each creature within 30 feet of the target when it explodes takes an
4th-level active death equal amount of necrotic damage, or half as much damage on a
You leach away a creature’s strength along with their life. One successful Dexterity saving throw.
creature you can see within 60 feet of you must make a Constitution
saving throw. On a failed save, the creature takes 1d4 necrotic Lethal Curtain
damage per power level and is enfeebled for 1 minute. On a success, 6th-level active death
the creature takes half as much damage and isn’t enfeebled. While You trace a curtain of death across the battlefield, snuffing out
enfeebled, the target deals only half damage with weapon attacks the lives of those who cross it. You create a 5-foot thick curtain of
that use Strength. At the end of each of its turns, an enfeebled target necrotic energy up to 10 feet high and up to 60 feet long in a straight
can repeat the saving throw, ending the effect on a success. line, starting in a space you can see within 120 feet of you. A creature
that enters the area for the first time on a turn or that starts its turn
Inexorable Demise there takes necrotic damage equal to 1d6 per half your power level
4th-level active death (rounded up) and is drained until the end of its next turn. The curtain
You call upon the inevitable demise of all living things, hanging a lasts until you refresh, are incapacitated, or until you dismiss it on
creature’s mortality over them as a grim reminder. Three ominous, your turn (which doesn’t require an action).

Death Blow plus 1d4 necrotic damage per power level on a failed save, or half as
7th-level active death much damage on a successful one. If this damage reduces a creature
You call upon the power of death to slaughter a nearby foe. One to 0 hit points, the creature explodes in a violent burst of necrotic
creature you can see within 60 feet of you must make a Constitution energy. Each creature within 20 feet of the creature when it explodes
saving throw, taking 1d12 necrotic damage plus 1d12 necrotic takes an equal amount of necrotic damage, or half as much damage BATTLEZOO
damage per power level on a failed save, or half as much damage on on a successful Constitution saving throw. A creature that dies from
a successful one. the explosion damage also explodes in the same way, although a
creature in the area of multiple explosions takes the damage only Introduction
Siphon Vitality once. The deathstorm lasts until you refresh, are incapacitated, or
A World
7th-level active death until you dismiss it (which doesn’t require an action). of Eldamon
You siphon away the vital essence from creatures in a 60-foot cone.
Each creature in the area must make a Constitution saving throw. REACTIVE POWERS Character
On a failed save, the creature takes 1d6 necrotic damage plus 1d6
necrotic damage per power level and is drained until it finishes a long Retributive Weakening Elemental
rest. On a success, the creature takes half as much damage and is 1st-level reactive death
drained until the end of your next turn. Those who fight against death do little more than weaken themselves Eldamon
in a futile effort. When a creature you can see hits you with a melee Entries
Deteriorating Stream weapon attack, that creature must make a Constitution saving throw.
8th-level active death On a failed save, the target is enfeebled for 1 minute. At the end
You send forth a stream of deteriorating death energy, causing of each of its turns, the target can repeat the saving throw, ending
all before you to sicken and die. Each creature in a 120-foot-long, the effect on a success. While enfeebled, the target deals only half
5-foot-wide line must make a Constitution saving throw, taking 1d8 damage with weapon attacks that use Strength.
necrotic damage plus 1d8 necrotic damage per power level on a
failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. Also on a
failed save, the target is poisoned for 1 minute. At the end of each of
its turns, the target can repeat the saving throw, ending the effect on
itself on a success.

8th-level active death
You snuff out the life force of weaklings all around you. Each other
creature you choose within 30 feet of you must make a Constitution
saving throw, taking 1d8 necrotic damage plus 1d8 necrotic damage
per power level on a failed save, or half as much damage on a
successful one. If this damage reduces a target to 25 hits points or
fewer, that target dies.

Danse Macabre
9th-level active death
You conjure a host of deathly dancers that sweep around you,
stealing the life force from your foes. Each creature you choose
within 40 feet of you must make a Constitution saving throw. On
a failed save, the target takes 1d8 necrotic damage plus 1d8
necrotic damage per power level and is drained until it finishes a
long rest. On a success, the creature takes half as much damage
and is drained until the end of your next turn.

9th-level active death
You call forth a storm of death, killing those within. The
deathstorm fills a 20-foot-radius sphere centered on
a point you can see within 120 feet of you. A creature that
enters the area for the first time on a turn or that starts its turn there
must make a Constitution saving throw, taking 1d4 necrotic damage

3rd-level reactive death
Bringing you closer to death is dangerous for your foes. When a Reap Lives
creature you can see within 120 feet of you deals damage that 1st-level refresh death
reduces you to 0 hit points, just before slipping into unconscious, You snuff out lives on the brink of death as you refresh your death
phasing out, or dying, you utter a final death curse. The triggering powers. Each creature you choose within 30 feet of you takes
creature makes a Constitution saving throw, taking 1d6 necrotic necrotic damage equal to your power level, and creatures reduced
damage plus 1d6 necrotic damage per power level on a failed save, to 0 hit points by this power, or already at 0 hit points or below when
or half as much damage on a successful one. you use this power, die. If this causes any creatures to die, you have
advantage on ability checks and saving throws until the end of your
Opportune Drain next turn. You refresh your elemental powers.
6th-level reactive death
In the moment when your ally lands a telling blow, you take advantage Cancel Life
of the opening to drain away your foe’s life force. When a creature you 4th-level refresh death
can see scores a critical hit, you can force the target of that attack You gather so much death energy around you to refresh your death powers
to make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the target is that you stifle the power of life. You refresh your elemental powers. Until
drained until it finishes a long rest. On a success, the target is drained the end of your next turn, whenever a creature you can see within 60 feet
until the end of your next turn. of you regains hit points, reduce the number of hit points they regain by an
amount equal to 1d10 plus your power level (to a minimum 0).

Weakening Field
7th-level refresh death
As you arrange death energy in a lattice around you, you recover
your powers and create a weakening field to leach away your foes’
strength. You refresh your elemental powers. Until the end of your
next turn, whenever another creature starts its turn within 30 feet of
you, you can force that creature to make a Constitution saving throw.
On a failed save, the creature deals only half damage with weapon
attacks that use Strength until the end of its turn.

Ultimate death
You call upon a portion of the underworld as the earth around you
fades to a wispy and ominous white. The area on the ground in a 90-
foot radius centered on you becomes an annex of the underworld for
1 minute. When you use this power, you can designate any number of
creatures you can see to be unaffected by it. An affected creature that
enters the area for the first time on a turn or that starts its turn there
takes 10 necrotic damage and is drained until the end of its next turn,
and a creature that moves within the area takes 1 necrotic damage for
every 5 feet of movement.

Ultimate death
You call upon an embodiment of death, the reaper of all life, to slay
all who oppose who. Everything fades into white as a skeletal figure
descends upon your enemies. Each creature you choose within
200 feet of you must make a Constitution saving throw, taking 1d10
necrotic damage plus 1d10 necrotic damage per power level on
a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. Also,
if a target fails the save by 5 or more, the target must repeat the
Constitution saving throw. If they fail this second save, the target dies.

E arth minute or until you use this ability again, the ground in
that area is difficult terrain. In addition, each creature
The element of earth represents the standing on the ground when you use this power must
strength and endurance of rock and make a Dexterity saving throw against your power
stone. Thus, its powers tend to have a DC. On a failed save, the target is knocked prone. BATTLEZOO
shorter range but focus on allowing their user to endure At the GM’s discretion, you can make other similar
various attacks and come out on top. adjustments to earth and stone.

Special Rules Elemental Senses A World

You can sense anything else in contact with the same of Eldamon
Earth elemental powers have the following special rules. surface as you via tremors. You gain tremorsense out to
a range of 5 feet times your proficiency bonus. Character
Magical Damage Classes

The stony weapons you create are imbued with Elemental Shield Elemental
elemental magic. Bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing While your elemental shield is active, you reduce Powers
damage dealt by earth elemental powers counts as nonmagical bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing Eldamon
magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance and damage you would take by your proficiency modifier. Entries
immunity to nonmagical attacks and damage.
Element Benefits Boulder Smash
If your associated element is earth, you gain the 1st-level active death
following benefits from features that vary depending You create a huge boulder attached to one of your arms, which you
on your element. use to block attacks and smash foes. You gain a +2 bonus to AC until
the start of your next turn. In addition, make a melee power attack
Elemental Locomotion against a creature you can see within your reach. On a hit, the target
You can climb up rock, stone, and earthen surfaces. You takes 1d10 bludgeoning damage plus 1d10 bludgeoning damage per
gain a climb speed equal to your speed, which you can power level.
use only to climb rock, stone, and earthen surfaces.
Enhanced Locomotion. You can burrow into the
earth. You gain a burrow speed equal to half your speed.
You can use this burrow speed to burrow through soft
earth but not solid stone.

Elemental Manipulation
As an action, you can move small stone objects, stir
dust, or till soil within 5 feet of you. This might
allow you to open a door made of stone without
touching it, obscure your tracks as you walk, and the
like. At the GM’s discretion, you can make other minor
adjustments to earth and stone.

Elemental Resistance
Your body’s connection to the earth allows you to resist
movement. While you’re standing on solid ground, you
have advantage on Strength and Dexterity saving throws
to avoid being pushed or pulled, or knocked prone.
Enhanced Resistance. When you are subjected to a
critical hit, roll a d20. On a 10 or higher, the critical hit
becomes a normal hit instead.

Elemental Sculptor
You can use an area action to churn the ground in a
10-foot-square area, filling it with rubble. For the next

Tremor Stomp Entrench
1st-level active earth 3rd-level active earth
You stomp and infuse earth energy into the ground, creating a You merge your body with the ground, making it difficult for foes to
localized tremor. Each creature on the ground within 5 feet of you move you or move past you. If you’re standing on the ground, you
must make a Strength saving throw, taking 1d8 bludgeoning damage become entrenched. You remain entrenched until you refresh, are
plus 1d8 bludgeoning damage per power level on a failed save, or incapacitated, or until you end the power (which doesn’t require an
half as much damage on a successful one. Also on a failed save, you action). While entrenched, your speed becomes 0, and you can’t be
knock the target prone. moved or knocked prone, unless you choose to be (which ends the
At power level 5, you can increase the power’s radius to 10 feet. At power). In addition, the ground within 5 feet of you becomes difficult
power level 9, you can increase the radius to 15 feet. terrain. Whenever a creature enters a space within 5 feet of you, that
creature must make a Strength saving throw. On a failed save, the
Grasp of the Hungry Earth creature’s movement immediately ends.
2nd-level active earth
The ground at your feet rises up to clutch nearby foes and hinder their Piercing Spike
movements. Choose up to three creatures you can see on the ground 3rd-level active earth
within 5 feet of you. Each target must make a Strength saving throw. You create a spike of stone and send it forth, piercing through several
On a failed save, the target takes 1d8 bludgeoning damage plus 1d8 foes in a line. Make a ranged power attack against each creature in a
bludgeoning damage per power level and is restrained until the end 15-foot-long, 5-foot-wide line. On a hit, the target takes 1d8 piercing
of its next turn. On a success, the target takes half as much damage damage plus 1d8 piercing damage per power level. Also on a hit, the
and isn’t restrained. target has disadvantage on attack rolls until the end of its next turn,
as splinters of stone bury into its flesh.
Stone Shell
2nd-level active earth Earthen Maul
You surround yourself in a protective shell of stone. You gain 4th-level active earth
resistance against bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage until You swing an enormous maul of earth in a wide swipe, rebuffing
you refresh, or until you resist damage with Stone Shell five times, several foes and deflecting their attacks against you and your allies.
whichever comes first. Make melee power attack rolls against each creature you choose in a
15-foot cone. On a hit, the target takes 1d8 bludgeoning damage plus
1d8 bludgeoning damage per power level. Also on a hit, the target
has disadvantage on attack rolls until the end of its next turn.

Vengeful Backlash
4th-level active earth
You circulate earth energy within yourself, punishing
your foes with shockwaves that reverberate through
their weapons. Until the start of your next turn, each
time a creature hits you with a melee weapon attack,
that creature takes bludgeoning damage equal to the
result of its damage roll. If no creatures hit you with
a melee weapon attack before the start of your next turn,
the next earth power you use that turn deals additional bludgeoning
damage equal to your power level.

Rebounding Embrace
5th-level active earth
You harden your body, rebounding the attacks of those who harm
you. The effect lasts until you refresh, are incapacitated, or until
you dismiss it on your turn (which doesn’t require an action). While
the effect lasts, when a creature touches you or hits you with a
melee weapon attack while within 5 feet of you, that creature takes
bludgeoning damage equal to twice your power level. If you had
resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage before the
attack hit you, the creature takes an additional 3 damage.

Rock and Roll Rockfall
5th-level active earth 7th-level active earth
You transform into a giant boulder and roll in a straight line, bowling You make rocks fall from above, bringing death to everyone you
over enemies in your way, then transform back. You move up to dares to stand against you. Each creature you choose within 30 feet
your speed in a straight line. During this movement, you can move of you must make a Dexterity saving throw, taking 1d10 bludgeoning BATTLEZOO
through the spaces of other creatures, and attack rolls against you damage plus 1d10 bludgeoning damage per power level on a failed
have disadvantage. Each creature whose space you enter during save, or half as much damage on a successful one. The ground
this movement must make a Strength saving throw, taking 1d10 within 30 feet of you then becomes difficult terrain until you refresh, Introduction
bludgeoning damage plus 1d10 bludgeoning damage per power level are incapacitated, or until you dismiss the effect on your turn (which
A World
on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. Also doesn’t require an action). of Eldamon
on a failed save, the target is knocked prone.
Fissure Character
Earthen Curtain 8th-level active earth

6th-level active earth You open up a chasm beneath your foes, attempting to trap them Elemental
You trace a curtain of dirt and soil across the battlefield, blocking within. You create a 40-foot-deep fissure in a 30-foot-long, 5-foot- Powers
off an area. You create a 5-foot thick curtain of earth up to 10 feet wide line. Each creature on the ground where the fissure appears Eldamon
high and up to 60 feet long in a straight line, starting in a space must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a successful save, the target Entries
you can see within 120 feet of you. The curtain is solid, preventing can move to an unoccupied space within 5 feet of the fissure. A target
creatures from crossing it, though they can damage it. Each 5-foot that doesn’t move falls into the fissure, taking damage from falling
section of the curtain has AC 10, hit points equal to five times your as normal and landing prone, as well as taking an additional 1d6
power level, and immunity to poison and psychic damage. A section bludgeoning damage plus 1d6 bludgeoning damage per power level
of curtain reduced to 0 hit points is destroyed. The curtain lasts until from the violent seismic activity. Climbing out of the fissure requires
you refresh, are incapacitated, or until you dismiss it (which doesn’t a successful DC 15 Strength (Athletics) check. The fissure lasts
require an action). until you refresh, are incapacitated, or until you dismiss it on your
turn (which doesn’t require an action). When the fissure disappears,
Exploding Bulwark each creature inside the fissure appears in an unoccupied space
6th-level active earth within 5 feet of the fissure.
You surround yourself in a stony bulwark that explodes unless
chipped away. You gain a +4 bonus to AC. Each time
a creature attempts an attack roll against
you, this bonus to AC decreases by 1, to
a minimum of +1. At the start of your next
turn, choose a number of creatures up to
your remaining bonus to AC. You must be
able to see each creature, and each creature
must be within 60 feet of you. Each creature
you choose must make a Dexterity saving
throw, taking 1d10 bludgeoning
damage plus 1d10 bludgeoning
damage per power level on a
failed save, or half as much
damage on a successful one.
Your bonus to AC then drops to
0, and the power ends.

Aegis of Immortal Stone

7th-level active earth
You surround yourself with a nigh-invulnerable aegis of
earth and stone for a brief time. You gain resistance
to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage and
immunity to nonmagical bludgeoning, piercing, and
slashing damage until the beginning of your next turn. During
that time, attacks against you have disadvantage and
you have advantage on saving throws.

Rampart feet of you. The avalanche lasts until you refresh, are incapacitated,
8th-level active earth or until you dismiss it on your turn (which doesn’t require an action).
You cause an earthen rampart to grow from your sides. The ramparts When you use this power, you can designate any number of creatures
are two 30-foot-long, 5-foot-wide lines that extend from you along you can see to be unaffected by it. The designated creatures are
the ground in opposite directions. (If you’re a Small or Medium unharmed by the avalanche and instead, attacks against them have
creature, this creates a single 65-foot line with yourself at the center.) disadvantage while they’re in the area. An affected creature that
Each creature in the area where the rampart appears must make a enters the area for the first time on a turn or that starts its turn there
Dexterity saving throw, taking 1d10 bludgeoning damage plus 1d10 takes 1d6 bludgeoning damage per power level.
bludgeoning damage per power level on a failed save, or half as much
damage on a successful one. The rampart remains until you move Petrifying Dust
or until the end of your next turn, whichever comes first. While the 9th-level active earth
rampart lasts, creatures you choose have half cover against effects You exhale a cone of dust that turns your foes to stone. Each creature
from the opposite side of the rampart. When a creature attempts to you chose in a 30-foot cone must make a Constitution saving throw,
move through the rampart, you can choose to clear a temporary path taking 1d4 bludgeoning damage plus 1d4 bludgeoning damage per
for it; otherwise, the creature must spend 15 feet of movement to power level on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful
clamber over the rampart. one. In addition, a creature that fails its save finds it harder to defend
itself as its flesh begins to harden; other creatures have advantage
Avalanche on attack rolls against it. A creature affected by this power must make
9th-level active earth another Constitution saving throw at the end of each of its turns. If it
You conjure an unending avalanche that buries the area, clobbering successfully saves against this power three times, the power ends.
foes while providing your allies a bit of cover. The avalanche appears If it fails its saves three times, it’s turned to stone and subjected to
in a 20-foot-radius sphere centered on a point you can see within 30 the petrified condition. The successes and failures don’t need to be
consecutive; keep track of both until the target collects three of a
A creature remains petrified until you are incapacitated or until
you refresh, at which point you can choose to restore it to flesh. Any
creature you don’t restore is turned to stone until the effect is
removed by a greater restoration spell or similar magic.

1st-level reactive earth
You harden yourself with earth to resist an attack
against you. When you take bludgeoning, piercing,
or slashing damage, you reduce that damage by
an amount equal to 1d6 plus your power level (to a
minimum of 0).

Rock Shield
3rd-level reactive earth
You call forth a shield of earth to block an incoming attack. When a
creature you can see attempts to attack you, you gain a +5 bonus
to AC against that attack; this isn’t cumulative with bonuses from

Disrupting Tremor
6th-level reactive earth
When a creature you can see attempts to leave a space on
the ground within 5 feet of you, you create a tremor to disrupt its
movement. Until the end of the creature’s turn, the ground within
10 feet of you becomes difficult terrain. In addition, the triggering
creature must make a successful Strength saving throw or be
knocked prone.

With both solid defense and offense, many consider earth
Rock Cover eldamon and elemental avatars to be difficult opponents. Indeed,
1st-level refresh earth on paper, they have an edge in those areas, giving them the
You draw rock around yourself, refreshing your earth energy while impression of a powerful, perhaps unbeatable foe. But in reality, BATTLEZOO
providing yourself and your allies a bit of cover. You refresh your they have their own weaknesses and restrictions to consider.
elemental powers. Until the start of your next turn, you gain half cover To wit, their attacks have a much shorter range than most other
(a +2 bonus to AC and Dexterity saves), and creatures you choose eldamon, and a number of them only work against foes on the Introduction
gain half that benefit (a +1 bonus to AC and Dexterity saves) while ground. This potentially allows air users to run circles around
A World
within 5 feet of you. earth users (sometimes literally with Centripetal Barrage), while of Eldamon
the earth user must find a clever way to adapt and overcome this
Shifting Ground strategy. Sometimes, it’s best for them to retreat around a corner Character
4th-level refresh earth or into an enclosed space where the air user doesn’t have enough
You shift the ground beneath you, rearranging it to refresh your earth room to take advantage of their superior mobile to exploit the Elemental
powers and throw your foes off balance. You refresh your elemental earth user’s shorter range. Woe to those who must fight an earth Powers
powers. Choose any number of creatures you can see on the ground user underground in a cramped tunnel or at a choke point. In that Eldamon
within 5 feet of you. Each creature you choose must make a Dexterity case, it’s best to use overwhelming firepower to break through. Entries
saving throw. On a failed save, you knock the creature prone.

Auto-Petrification The area of the earthquake is beset with aftershocks that last until
7th-level refresh earth you refresh, are incapacitated, or until you dismiss the effect on your
You transform yourself into a stone statue of the utmost hardness, turn (which doesn’t require an action). While the aftershocks last, the
attuning yourself to earth and refreshing your earth powers. You are area is difficult terrain, and creatures on the ground in the area (other
petrified until the start of your next turn. While petrified in this way, than you) have disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks.
you are immune to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage. You
refresh your elemental powers.

Ultimate earth
You call forth an enormous, magnificent pillar with a gemlike facade
adorned with symbols of mysticism and elemental energy. The
15-foot-radius pillar rises from the ground in a space you can see
within 200 feet of you. Creatures in the area when the pillar appears
are lifted rapidly as the pillar grows, up to a maximum of 90 feet.
If the pillar strikes a solid surface (such as a ceiling), each
creature atop the pillar must make a Strength saving throw,
taking 10d6 bludgeoning damage on a failed save, or half
as much damage on a successful one. The pillar lasts for 1
minute, after which, it descends to the ground.

Ultimate earth
You evoke earthquakes and other seismic activity
reminiscent of the thrashing of an enormous subterranean
catfish. The earthquake affects a 60-foot-radius sphere
centered on a point you can see within 200 feet of
you. Creatures on the ground in the area (other than
you) must make a Dexterity saving throw, taking
1d10 bludgeoning damage plus 1d10 bludgeoning
damage per power level on a failed save, or half as
much damage on a successful one. Also on a failed save, the
target is knocked prone.

E lectricity additional effects. An electricity eldamon or elemental
avatar can’t use a power (or an optional benefit within
The element of electricity represents a power) that requires them to discharge if they aren’t
the charging flow and overwhelming charged.
shocks of lightning and other electricity.
Electric eldamon and elemental avatars build up charge Shocked
in order to launch extremely powerful attacks. The shocked condition normally doesn’t have a value. A
shocked creature is electrically charged, making it easy
Special Rules for electricity to harm it. Attacks that deal lightning
damage have advantage against a shocked creature, and
Electricity elemental powers have the following special a shocked creature has disadvantage on saving throws
rules. against effects that deal lightning damage. The shocked
condition normally lasts for a listed duration, but it
Charged ends early if the creature takes any amount of lightning
Electricity eldamon and electricity elemental avatars damage from a source other than persistent damage. A
can gain a new condition called charged. The charged shocked creature can also use an action to discharge the
condition always has a value, from 1 to 3. If a charged electricity harmlessly, ending the shocked condition on
creature is already charged and would become charged itself.
again, it instead increases the value of its charged
condition by 1, to a maximum of charged 3. A charged
creature is also shocked (see below) for as long as it’s Element Benefits
charged. Any effect that would remove the shocked If your associated element is electricity, you gain the
condition instead reduces the charged condition value following benefits from features that vary depending on
by 1. The charged condition ends immediately outside your element.
of a combat encounter (or similar high-stakes situation).
Most electricity powers offer options to discharge, Elemental Locomotion
reducing the charged condition by 1, in order to gain You can jolt off like a bolt of lightning almost instantly.
While you are standing on a solid surface, you can use
a bonus action to move or jump up to half your speed
in a straight line. If your destination is within 5 feet of a
significant amount of metal (such as a creature wearing
metal armor), you can move or jump up to your
speed in a straight line instead. During this
movement, you don’t provoke opportunity
attacks. At the end of this movement, you
fall if nothing is holding you aloft.
Enhanced Locomotion. You can
chain the lightning jolts from your
Elemental Locomotion, zigzagging
through conductive materials like
chain lightning. As long as you continue
using lightning jolts to move at least 5
feet on your turn, you don’t fall if nothing
is holding you aloft, although you must still
move in a series of straight lines.

Elemental Manipulation
As an action, you can control electricity and electric
currents within 5 feet of you, diverting electric
currents or imbuing an object with a harmless static
charge. Alternatively, you can give a creature you
touch the shocked condition until the end of your
next turn. At the GM’s discretion, you can make
other minor adjustments to electricity.

Elemental Resistance creature you can see within your reach. On a hit, the target takes 1d8
Your body becomes protected against electric surges, lightning damage plus 1d8 lightning damage per power level. Also on
as the energy within you diverts hostile electricity. You a hit, the target is shocked until the end of your next turn
gain resistance to lightning damage. Discharge. You increase the damage dice from d8s to d12s.
Enhanced Resistance. Whenever you take lightning BATTLEZOO
damage, reduce the amount of lightning damage you Electric Shot ELDAMON
take by an amount equal to 1d6 plus your power level 2nd-level active electricity
(to a minimum of 0). You shoot a jolting shot of electricity at a foe. You either become Introduction
charged or you discharge (your choice). Make a ranged power attack
Elemental Sculptor against a creature you can see within 40 feet of you. On a hit, the target
A World
of Eldamon
You can use an action to fill a 10-foot-cube area you can takes 1d6 lightning damage plus 1d6 lightning damage per power level.
see within 20 feet of you with static electricity. For the At power level 3 and every two power levels thereafter, you can Character
next minute or until you use this ability again, a creature increase the power’s range by 20 feet, to a maximum range of 120
that enters the area for the first time on a turn or that starts feet at power level 9. Elemental
its turn in there becomes shocked until the end of your Discharge. You double the power’s range and increase the Powers
next turn. At the GM’s discretion, you can make other damage dice from d6s to d10s. Eldamon
similar adjustments to electricity. Entries
Elemental Senses 2nd-level active electricity
You can sense the subtle electric currents that flow You electrically polarize a target, jolting them over and over. You
through most living creatures. You have advantage on either become charged or you discharge (your choice). One creature
Wisdom (Perception) checks to notice other creatures you can see within 30 feet of you must make a Constitution saving
and other sources of electricity. At the GM’s discretion, throw, taking 1d4 persistent lightning damage per power level on a
you might lose this benefit when trying to notice failed save, or persistent lightning damage equal to your power level
creatures without an electrical current (such as undead on a successful one. Also on a failed save, the target is shocked until
or some constructs). Stronger sources of electricity, on the end of your next turn.
the other hand, might be impossible to hide from you. Discharge. You increase the persistent lightning damage to 2d4
per power level on a failed save and to twice your power level on a
Elemental Shield successful one.
While your elemental shield is active, when a creature
within 5 feet of you misses you with a melee weapon
attack, it’s shocked until the end of your next turn.

Electric Surge
1st-level active electricity
You send a surging current of electricity in front of you, shocking
creatures in a line. You either become charged or you discharge
(your choice). Each creature in a 20-foot-long, 5-foot-wide line must
make a Dexterity saving throw, taking 1d6 lightning damage plus 1d6
lightning damage per power level on a failed save, or half as much
damage on a successful one.
At power level 3 and every two power levels thereafter, you can
increase the length of the line up to 10 feet, to a maximum of a 60-
foot line at power level 9.
Discharge. You make the line up to twice as long or increase the
damage dice from d6s to d10s.

Static Shock
1st-level active electricity
You create an electric potential on the surface of your body and then
touch a foe, releasing a static shock. You either become charged or
you discharge (your choice). Make a melee power attack against a

Anvil Crawler Lightning Forked Lightning
3rd-level active electricity 4th-level active electricity
Lightning branches out from you in a cone of spidery fingers, shocking You electrocute a foe, and the lightning forks off to strike nearby
and charging creatures in the area. You either become charged or creatures. You either become charged or you discharge (your
you discharge (your choice). Each creature you choose in a 30-foot choice). Choose a creature you can see within 40 feet of you. Then
cone must make a Constitution saving throw, taking 1d6 lightning choose any number of shocked creatures within 20 feet of the initial
damage plus 1d6 lightning damage per power level on a failed save, target. Each target you choose must make a Dexterity saving throw,
or half as much damage on a successful one. Also on failed save, the taking 1d6 lightning damage plus 1d6 lightning damage per power
target is shocked until the end of your next turn. level on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
Discharge. You increase the power’s area to a 60-foot cone and Discharge. You increase the damage dice from d6s to d10s, the
increase the damage from d6s to d10s. initial target can be up to 60 feet away from you, and the additional
targets can be up to 30 feet away from the initial target.
Electric Field
3rd-level active electricity Supercharge
You surround yourself with a crackling electric field to envelop 4th-level active electricity
your foes. The field is a 15-foot-radius sphere centered on you, or You gain or expel a huge amount of electric charge, all at once. You
a 30-foot-radius sphere if you are underwater. You either become either become charged three times or you discharge up to three
charged or you discharge (your choice). Each creature you choose times (your choice). Depending on your choice, the power has the
in the area must make a Dexterity saving throw, taking 1d6 lightning following effects:
damage plus 1d6 lightning damage per power level on a failed save, • If you become charged, this power has no other effect.
or half as much damage on a successful one. • If you discharge once, each creature you choose within 30
Discharge. You increase the damage dice from d6s to d10s and feet of you must make a Dexterity saving throw, taking 1d10
can increase the radius of the field up to 30 feet (or up to 60 feet while lightning damage plus 1d10 lightning damage per power level
underwater). on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
• If you discharge twice, each creature you choose within 60 feet
of you must make a Dexterity saving throw, taking 1d12 lightning
damage plus 1d12 lightning damage per power level on a failed
save, or half as much damage on a successful one. Also on a
failed save, the target is shocked until the end of your next turn.
• If you discharge three times, each creature you choose within
90 of you must make a Dexterity saving throw, taking 2d8
lightning damage plus 2d8 lightning damage per power level on
a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
Also on a failed save, the target is shocked for 1 minute.

Ball Lightning
5th-level active electricity
You fling balls of lightning at nearby foes. You either
become charged or you discharge (your choice).
Choose up to four different creatures you can see
within 30 feet of you. Make a ranged power attack
against each target. On a hit, the target takes 1d8
lightning damage plus 1d8 lightning damage per
power level. Also on a hit, the target is shocked until
the end of your next turn. On a critical hit, the
target is shocked for 1 minute instead.
Discharge. You can target up to eight
creatures within 60 feet of you, and you increase
the damage dice from d8s to d12s.

Jolting Embrace
5th-level active electricity
You surround yourself with a crackling, static aura
that shocks those who dare attack you. You either

become charged or you discharge (your choice). The aura lasts Coruscating Chain
until you refresh, are incapacitated, or until you dismiss it on your 7th-level active electricity
turn (which doesn’t require an action). While the effect lasts, when You create a chain of electricity that arcs between various targets.
a creature touches you or hits you with a melee weapon attack while You either become charged or you discharge (your choice). Choose
within 5 feet of you, that creature takes lightning damage equal to a creature you can see within 150 feet of you. The target must make BATTLEZOO
your power level and is shocked until the end of your next turn. a Dexterity saving throw, taking 1d8 lightning damage plus 1d8
Discharge. You increase the damage to 1d8 plus your power lightning damage per power level on a failed save, or half as much
level. At power level 7, you increase the damage to 1d10 plus your damage on a successful one. Also on a failed save, choose another Introduction
power level. At power level 9, you increase the damage to 1d12 plus creature you can see within 30 feet of the initial target and repeat the
A World
your power level. process. You can’t target the same target more than once. of Eldamon
Discharge. You increase the damage dice from d8s to d12s, the
Detonate Charge initial target can be within 300 feet of you, and the secondary targets Character
6th-level active electricity can be up to 60 feet away from the previous target.
You detonate a volatile surge of electrical energy within a shocked Elemental
creature, damaging the creature and all those nearby. You either Spasmodic Shock Powers
become charged or you discharge (your choice). Choose a shocked 7th-level active electricity Eldamon
creature you can see within 60 feet of you. The target must make a You send an electric charge coursing through a foe’s nervous system, Entries
Constitution saving throw, taking 1d8 lightning damage plus 1d8 leading to spasms that affect the creature’s coordination. You either
lightning damage per power level on a failed save, or half as much become charged or you discharge (your choice). One creature you
damage on a successful one. Electricity then arcs from the target in a can see within 120 feet of you must make a Constitution saving
radius between 5 feet and 30 feet (your choice). Each creature in the throw, taking 1d6 lightning damage plus 1d6 lightning damage on a
area must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, the target failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. Also on a
takes an equal amount of lightning damage and is shocked until the failed save, the target is shocked until the end of your next turn. While
end of your next turn. shocked from Spasmodic Shock, the target has disadvantage on
Discharge. You detonate your own charge. Electricity arcs from attack rolls and ability checks, and other creatures have advantage
you in a radius of up to 40 feet. Each creature in the area must make on attack rolls against it.
a Dexterity saving throw, taking 1d12 lightning damage plus 1d12 Discharge. You increase the damage dice from d6s to d10s and
lightning damage per power level on a failed save, or half as much on failed save the target is shocked for 1 minute.
damage on a successful one. Also on a failed save, the target is
shocked for 1 minute.

Shocking Curtain
6th-level active electricity
You trace a curtain of lightning across the battlefield,
electrocuting those who cross it. You either
become charged or you discharge (your
choice). You create a 5-foot thick curtain
of electricity up to 10 feet high and up to
60 feet long in a straight line, starting in
a space you can see within 120 feet of
you. The curtain lasts until you refresh,
are incapacitated, or until you dismiss
it on your turn (which doesn’t require
an action). While the curtain lasts,
a creature that enters the area
for the first time on a turn or
that starts its turn there takes
lightning damage equal to 1d4
per power level (rounded up)
and is shocked until the end of
your next turn.
Discharge. You increase the damage die
from a d4 to a d8 and increase the maximum length of the curtain to
80 feet.

Ride the Lightning damage plus 1d8 lightning damage per power level on a failed save,
8th-level active electricity or half as much damage on a successful one. Also on a failed save,
You transform into lightning and surge forward in a straight line. the target is shocked until the end of your next turn. A creature in the
You either become charged or you discharge (your choice). You area of multiple cones takes the damage only once.
transform into a bolt of lightning, move in a straight line up to 120 Discharge. You increase the damage dice from d8s to d12s, and
feet, and then return to your normal form. During this movement, you the cones can have a maximum length of 120 feet.
don’t provoke opportunity attacks and can move through the spaces
of other creatures. Each time you move through a creature’s space Superbolt
during this movement, that creature must make a Dexterity saving 9th-level active electricity
throw, taking 1d8 lightning damage plus 1d8 per power level lightning You call down a bolt of lightning from the heavens, stunning foes
damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful along its path. The bolt is a 5-foot-radius cylinder centered on a point
one. you can see within 200 feet of you. It can be up to 200 feet high. Each
Discharge. You increase the damage to 1d12 lightning damage creature in the area must make a Constitution saving throw, taking
plus 1d12 lightning damage per power level and increase the 1d8 lightning damage plus 1d8 lightning damage per power level on
maximum length of the line to 240 feet. a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. Also on a
failed save, the target is stunned until the end of your next turn.
Storm Spirals Discharge. You increase the damage dice from d8s to d10s, and
8th-level active earth on a failed save the target becomes stunned for 1 minute. At the end
You surround yourself with swirling storms of destruction. You either of each of its turns, the target can repeat the Constitution saving
become charged or you discharge (your choice). You create up to throw, ending the effect on itself on a success.
four cones of lightning, each of which must be between 15 feet and
60 feet long (your choice). Each creature in the area of at least one Supercell
of the cones must make a Dexterity saving throw, taking 1d8 lightning 9th-level active electricity
You call forth an extremely powerful lightning storm that electrocutes
creatures in the area. You either become charged or you
discharge (your choice). The storm fills in a 20-foot-
radius sphere centered on a point you can see within
120 feet of you. The storm lasts until you refresh,
are incapacitated, or until you dismiss it on your
turn (which doesn’t require an action). While
the storm lasts, a creature that enters the storm
for the first time on turn or that starts its turn in the
storm takes lightning damage equal to 1d4 lightning
damage plus 1d4 lightning damage per power level
and is shocked until the end of your next turn.
Discharge. You increase the damage to 1d8 lightning
damage plus 1d8 lightning damage per power level and
can increase the radius of the storm to either 25 feet or
30 feet.

Retributive Shock
1st-level reactive electricity
When an enemy dares to strike you, you take the opportunity
to shock them, making them more vulnerable to your follow-
up electric attacks. When a creature you can see within 5 feet
of you hits you with a melee attack, you can discharge. Then,
the triggering creature must make a Dexterity saving throw, taking
lightning damage equal to 1 plus your power level on a failed save, or
half as much damage on a successful one. Also on a failed save, the
target is shocked until the end of your next turn.
Discharge. On a failed save, the target takes lightning damage
equal to 1 plus twice your power level and is shocked for 1 minute.

Reactive Chain When in Doubt, Charge!
3rd-level reactive electricity As an electricity eldamon or elemental avatar, it can be tempting
You cause electricity to arc to a shocked foe. When a creature you can to spend charge as soon as you are able to gain it, leading to
see within 30 feet of you takes lightning damage, you can discharge. a tempo of charge, discharge, charge, discharge, and so on.
Then, one shocked creature within 30 feet of the triggering creature However, any capacipod can tell you that there’s sometimes an BATTLEZOO
must make a Dexterity saving throw, taking half as much lightning advantage in building up more charge for later (though in other
damage on a failed save, or half again as much damage (for a total of eldamon’s case, not as direct of an advantage as capacipod has).
one-quarter) on a successful once. Experienced electricity users learn how to tell when discharging Introduction
Discharge. Instead of using this power against a shocked would be excessive to defeat their chosen foe or foes, and if
A World
creature within 30 feet of the triggering creature, you can use it there’s more to the battle, they take the opportunity to charge up of Eldamon
against a creature within 5 feet of you that isn’t shocked. again. This strategy allows them to go on a rampage against their
remaining foes if necessary. Character
Protective Shock Classes

6th-level reactive electricity Elemental

You attempt to briefly zap a foe, stunning them just long enough to hammer lasts until you refresh, are incapacitated, or until you dismiss Powers
disrupt their attack. When a creature targets you with a melee weapon it on your turn (which doesn’t require an action). While the hammer Eldamon
attack, you can discharge. Then, the triggering creature must make lasts, at the end of each of your turns the hammer shoots bolts of Entries
a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the creature’s attack lightning at your foes. Each creature you choose within 60 feet of
automatically misses. the hammer makes a Dexterity saving throw, taking 1d8 lightning
Discharge. Also on a failed save, the target becomes stunned damage per power level on a failed save, or half as much damage on
until the end of its turn. a successful one.


Ultimate electricity
High Voltage You thrust a legendary, indestructible, and irresistible bolt of lightning
1st-level refresh electricity at your foes. Each creature you choose in a 2,000-foot-long, 30-foot-
As you refresh your electricity, you build a huge electric potential, wide line takes 1d10 lightning damage plus 1d10 lightning damage
which you release to jolt the next creature to attack you. You refresh per power level. This electricity is truly irresistible: the damage
your elemental powers. The first time a creature within 5 feet of you ignores resistance to lightning damage, and creatures in the area
touches you or hits you with a melee attack before the end of your that are immune to lightning damage take force damage instead.
next turn, that creature must make a Dexterity saving throw, taking Each creature that takes damage in this way must make a Wisdom
1d6 lightning damage plus 1d6 lightning damage per power level on a saving throw. On a failed save, the target is shocked for 1 minute. On
failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. a success, the target is shocked until the end of your next turn.

Devour Charge
4th-level refresh electricity
You draw in charge from nearby foes as you rearrange the elemental
electricity in the area. Each shocked creature you choose within 30
feet of you takes lightning damage equal to your power level. If any
creatures take lightning damage in this way, you become charged.
You then refresh your elemental powers.

7th-level refresh electricity
You draw upon electric charge while creating a complex matrix
of electrical energy to ready your power. You become
charged, and you refresh your elemental powers.

Ultimate electricity
You hurl a hammer made of lightning into the air. The hammer
appears in a space you can see within 120 feet of you. The

Fire allowing you to jump up to your speed. At the end of
this movement, you fall if nothing is holding you aloft.
The element of fire represents the all- Enhanced Locomotion. You can continue shooting
consuming might of flame. Thus, it’s jets of flame in order to fly. You gain a fly speed equal to
centered around powers that deal high your walking speed, but while you’re flying in this way,
damage along with persistent fire damage. Of all the you can’t use a bonus action to jump.
elements, fire does the most raw damage, allowing fire
eldamon and elemental avatars to turn their foes to ash. Elemental Manipulation
As an action, you can call forth and control flames in
Special Rules minor ways, allowing you to create small sparks from
your fingers to ignite flammable objects, move very
Fire elemental powers have the following rules. small flames, or extinguish candles and similar flames
within 5 feet of you. At the GM’s discretion, you can
Double Burn make other minor adjustments to fires.
When your foes are covered in your fire, you can stoke
that flame to burn them more. Whenever a fire power Elemental Resistance
inflicts persistent fire damage to a creature that is already Your body becomes inured to flames and heat. You have
taking persistent fire damage, you can choose to deal resistance to fire damage.
the creature fire damage equal to the new persistent Enhanced Resistance. Whenever you take fire
fire damage instead. If the power that caused the new damage, reduce the amount of fire damage you take by
persistent fire damage also deals fire damage, add the an amount equal to 1d6 plus your power level (to a
extra damage before applying resistances and weaknesses. minimum of 0).

Element Benefits Elemental Sculptor

As an action, you can move a fire filling up to a 10-foot
If your associated element is fire, you gain the following cube within 20 feet of you up to 20 feet in any direction or
benefits from features that vary depending on your sculpt the fire’s aesthetic appearance, such as making the
element. flames take the shape of a dragon. At the GM’s discretion,
you can make other similar adjustments to a fire’s shape
Elemental Locomotion or position.
While on a solid surface, you can use a bonus action to
shoot off a jet of flame that propels you through the air, Elemental Senses
Fire and smoke don’t impair your senses.

Elemental Shield
While your elemental shield is active, when a creature
within 5 feet of you misses you with a melee weapon
attack, that creature takes fire damage equal to your
power level.

Fan of Flames
1st-level active fire
You call forth a fan of flames, blazing through nearby foes and
spreading fires. Each creature in a 15-foot cone must make
a Dexterity saving throw, taking 1d8 fire damage plus 1d8 fire
damage per power level on a failed save, or half as much damage
on a successful one. If any target in the area is taking persistent fire
damage, that persistent fire damage spreads to each target in the
area that also failed its saving throw.
At power level 3 and every 2 power levels thereafter, you can
increase the area of the cone by up to 5 feet, to a maximum of a 35-
foot cone at power level 9.

Flame Whip Trail Blaze
1st-level active fire 4th-level active fire
You lash out at your foe with a whip of smoke and flame. Make a You alight yourself with flames streaming out beneath your body, and
melee power attack against a target you can see up to 5 feet beyond then you swiftly blaze forward, leaving behind a trail of fire to burn
your normal reach (typically 10 feet if you have a 5-foot reach). On your foes. You move up to your speed. During this movement, you BATTLEZOO
a hit, the target takes 1d10 fire damage plus 1d10 fire damage per can move through other creatures’ spaces, and flames fill any space
power level. Also on a hit, the target takes persistent fire damage you leave during this movement. The flames last until the end of your
equal to 3 plus your power level. next turn. While the flames last, a creature that enters the flames Introduction
for the first time on a turn or that starts its turn in the flames must
Fire Arrow make a Dexterity saving throw, taking 1d8 fire damage plus 1d8 fire
A World
of Eldamon
2nd-level active fire damage per power level on a failed save, or half as much damage
You shoot an arrow of pure fire to reduce your foe to cinders. Make on a success. Character
a ranged power attack against a target you can see within 60 feet on
you. On a hit, the target takes 1d8 fire damage plus 1d8 fire damage Blazing Embrace Elemental
per power level. Also on a hit, the target takes persistent fire damage 5th-level active fire
equal to your power level. You surround yourself in flames in order to burn all those who Eldamon
At power level 4 and every 2 power levels thereafter, the attack’s dare attack you. The flames last until you refresh, until you are Entries
range increases by 30 feet, to a maximum of 150 feet at power level 8. incapacitated, or until you dismiss the effect on your turn (which
doesn’t require an action). While the effect lasts, when a creature
Ignite touches you or hits you with a melee weapon attack while within 5
2nd-level active fire feet of you, that creature takes fire damage equal to your power level
You light your foe on fire, setting them ablaze. One creature or unattended and persistent fire damage equal to your power level; a creature only
flammable object you can see within 30 feet of you must make a takes this damage at most once per turn, even if they touch you or hit
Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the target takes fire damage you multiple times.
equal to twice your power level and persistent fire damage equal to twice
your power level. On a success, the target takes fire damage equal to your Fire Trap
power level and persistent fire damage equal to your power level. 5th-level active fire
You place an incendiary trap on the ground, causing the first creature
Fire Whirl unlucky or unwise enough to step on it to meet a fiery doom at the
3rd-level active fire hands of your machinations. Choose a 5-foot space on the ground
You swirl flames around you in an incendiary fire whirl, swerving you can see within 60 feet of you. The trap lasts until it triggers,
around your allies. Each creature you choose within 30 feet of you until you refresh, or until you dismiss it on your turn (which doesn’t
must make a Dexterity saving throw, taking 1d8 fire damage plus 1d8 require an action). The first creature that enters the space, as well
fire damage per power level on a failed save, or half as much damage as each creature within 5 feet of the trap when it triggers, must
on a successful one. Also on a failed save, the target takes persistent make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, the target takes
fire damage equal to your power level. 2d8 fire damage plus 2d8 fire damage per power level, or half as
much damage on a success. While those watching you use fire trap
Flamethrower can clearly see where you placed it, other creatures must make a
3rd-level active fire successful Wisdom (Perception) check against your power save DC
You release a torrent of flame, burning those in the flamethrower’s to notice the trap.
path. Each creature in a 60-foot-long, 5-foot-wide line must make a
Dexterity saving throw, taking 1d8 fire damage plus 1d8 fire damage Explosion
per power level on a failed save, or half as much damage on a 6th-level active fire
successful one. Also on a failed save, the target takes persistent fire You cause a burning creature to spontaneously combust, dealing
damage equal to your power level. explosive damage to themselves and everything nearby. Choose a
creature you can see within 60 feet of you that is taking persistent
Burn Out fire damage. The target must make a Constitution saving throw,
4th-level active fire taking 1d12 fire damage plus 1d12 fire damage per power level on
You flare the flames that engulf your foe, creating an intense burn as a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. Then,
the flames taper out. Choose one creature you can see within 60 feet choose an area with a radius between 5 feet and 30 feet centered on
of you that is taking persistent fire damage. That creature must make the target. Each creature in that area takes fire damage equal to half
a Constitution saving throw, taking fire damage equal to four times the fire damage the original target took, or half that much damage
the persistent fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful Dexterity saving throw (for a total of one-quarter
on a successful one. The persistent damage then ends. damage).

Fire Breath
8th-level active fire
You exhale a massive cone of fire like a red dragon, incinerating
your foes. The cone is your choice of a 15-foot to 90-foot
cone. If you use your bonus action to inhale immediately
before using this power, you can create up to a 120-foot cone
instead. Each creature in the area must make a Dexterity
saving throw, taking 1d10 fire damage per power level on a
failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

8th-level active fire
You bring forth a widespread inferno across multiple areas nearby.
Flames burn and consume creatures within up to six 10-foot-radius
spheres within 120 feet of you. Each creature in at least one of the
areas must make a Dexterity saving throw, taking 1d6 fire damage
plus 1d6 fire damage per power level on a failed save, or half as much
damage on a successful one. Also on a failed save, the target takes
persistent fire damage equal to 4 plus your power level. A creature in
multiple areas takes the damage once.

9th-level active fire
You conjure a blazing firestorm that rages across the area, searing all
those unlucky enough to remain inside. The firestorm fills a 20-foot-
Smoldering Curtain radius sphere centered on a point you can see within 120 feet of
6th-level active fire you. The firestorm lasts until you refresh, are incapacitated, or if
You trace a curtain of flame across the battlefield, immolating those you dismiss it on your turn (which doesn’t require an action). While
who cross it. You create a 5-foot thick curtain of flame up to 10 feet the storm lasts, a creature that enters the area for the first time on a
high and up to 60 feet long in a straight line, starting in a space you turn or that starts its turn there takes 1d6 fire damage plus 1d6 fire
can see within 120 feet of you. The curtain lasts until you refresh, damage per power level.
are incapacitated, or until you dismiss it on your turn (which doesn’t
require an action). While the curtain lasts, a creature that enters the Pillar of Wildfire
area for the first time on a turn or that starts its turn there takes 1d6 fire 9th-level active fire
damage plus 1d6 fire damage per power level. You call down an enormous pillar of wildfire, incinerating and igniting
foes in the pillar. The pillar is a cylinder with a radius between 5 feet
Flamewrack and 15 feet (your choice) and 40 feet to 200 feet high (your choice).
7th-level active fire The pillar is centered on a point on the ground you can see within 200
You wrack your burning foes with flames, searing their bodies with a feet of you. Each creature in the area must make a Dexterity saving
sickening char. Each creature you can see within 40 feet of you that throw, taking 1d10 fire damage plus 1d10 fire damage per power level
is taking persistent fire damage must make a Constitution saving on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. Also
throw, taking 1d8 fire damage plus 1d8 fire damage per power level on a failed save, a creature takes persistent fire damage equal to your
on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. Also power level.
on a failed save, the target is poisoned until the end of its next turn.
7th-level active fire Retributive Burn
You send down a meteor from above, which shatters and explodes on 1st-level reactive fire
your foes at a tremendous range. The meteor explodes in a 30-foot- When an enemy dares to strike you, you set them ablaze. When a
radius sphere centered on a point you can see within 500 feet of you. creature you can see within 5 feet of you hits you with an attack, that
Each creature in the area takes 1d4 bludgeoning damage and 1d4 creature must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, the
fire damage, plus 1d4 bludgeoning damage and 1d4 fire damage per creature takes persistent fire damage equal to twice your power level.
power level, or half as much damage on a successful Dexterity saving On a success, the creature takes persistent fire damage equal to your
throw. power level.

3rd-level reactive fire
Calling upon the power of fire, you surround yourself in a puff of Muspell
smoke, concealing you for a short time. When a creature you can see Ultimate fire
targets you with an attack, you surround yourself with smoke, making You selectively juxtapose the world around you with the wellspring of BATTLEZOO
you heavily obscured from creatures outside your space. You can see elemental fire, burning away all that displeases you. The world within
through the smoke normally. The smoke moves with you when you 500 feet of you momentarily seems to flicker away, replaced with fire
move and lasts until the start of your next turn. as far as the eye can see. Each creature you choose in the area must Introduction
make a Charisma saving throw to avoid the world around them being
Stoke the Embers drawn for an instant into the realm of fire. The creature takes 1d10
A World
of Eldamon
6th-level reactive fire fire damage plus 1d10 fire damage per power level on a failed save,
You stoke the embers of the dying flame, reigniting the burn. When or half as much damage on a successful one. Character
a creature you can see rolls a 10 or higher on the d20 roll to end
persistent fire damage, that creature rerolls the die with disadvantage Phlegethon Elemental
and must use the second result. Ultimate fire
You evoke a raging river of flame to stymie your foes’ advance and Eldamon
REFRESH POWERS leave them nothing more than charred husks. You create a river of Entries
flame up to 30 feet wide, 20 feet deep, and 120 feet long in either a
Devour Flames straight line or a single curved arc. The river starts at a point you can
1st-level refresh fire see within 500 feet of you. You can create the river on the ground or
You open your mouth and draw in nearby flames, refreshing your even in midair; the raging torrent of flames defies gravity. The river of
firepower as the flames swirl around you. Each creature you choose flame is difficult terrain, and creatures can walk, fly, or swim through
within 30 feet of you that is taking persistent fire damage takes the it. A creature that enters the area for the first time on a turn or that
persistent fire damage and then immediately rolls a d20 to end the starts its turn takes 1d6 fire damage plus 1d6 fire damage per power
persistent fire damage. On a 5 or higher, the persistent damage ends. level. The river lasts until you refresh, are incapacitated, or until you
You refresh your elemental powers. dismiss it (which doesn’t require an action).

4th-level refresh fire
Nearby fires surge and emit great volumes of smoke as you
refresh your flame. Each open flame within 30 feet of you
(including creatures taking persistent fire damage)
emits smoke in a 5-foot radius until either the end of
your turn or the end of your next turn (your choice).
In addition, you can choose to emit smoke in a
5-foot radius, even if you don’t have an open
flame in your space. Each area of the smoke
is heavily obscured. You can partially see
through the smoke, though your Wisdom
(Perception) checks and attacks through
the smokes have disadvantage unless you
have the fire Elemental Senses benefit. You
refresh your elemental powers.

Reborn in Flames
7th-level refresh fire
Flames consume you, and you emerge from within them
cleansed and with your inner fire refreshed. As part of the action you
used to use this power, you end any persistent damage you are
suffering from, you can attempt to escape a grapple, and you
can make a saving throw against any condition that allows
you to repeat the save at the end of your turn (if the condition
has a harmful effect that occurs on a failed save, you ignore that
effect on a failure). You refresh your elemental powers.

Force Elemental Locomotion
You use your power over force to move yourself through
The element of force embodies a air. You gain a fly speed equal to your walking speed,
mystical metaphysical force that can but you fall at the end of your turn if nothing is holding
move or blast things even at a distance. you aloft.
Thus, it focuses on powers that move other creatures Enhanced Locomotion. You no longer fall if you
around the battlefield, taking advantage of positioning end your turn if nothing is holding you aloft.
to throw off your foes’ rhythm.
Elemental Manipulation
Special Rules As an action, you can move a Small, unattended object
weighing 5 pounds or less up to 20 feet, although the
Force elemental powers have the following rules. effect ends if the object ever moves more than 20 feet
away from you. This just moves an object from one
Force Move place to another; you can’t use this ability to perform
Many force powers allow the user to move a creature. A complex manipulations, such as picking a lock or
creature moved in this way can be moved in any direction, untying a rope.
including into harmful terrain, but not into the air unless
the power specifies otherwise. The movement ignores Elemental Resistance
difficult terrain and doesn’t need to be in a straight line. Your body becomes accustomed to supernatural force.
Force powers can’t be used to move a creature that is You gain resistance to force damage.
grabbed, restrained, or otherwise bound by physical Enhanced Resistance. Whenever you take force
restraints that would prevent them from being moved. damage, reduce the amount of force damage you take
Movement as a result of force powers doesn’t provoke by an amount equal to 1d6 plus your power level (to a
opportunity attacks. minimum of 0).

Element Benefits Elemental Sculptor

As an action, you can move a Large, unattended object
If your associated element is force, you gain the weighing 500 pounds or less up to 20 feet, although the
following benefits from features that vary depending on effect ends if the object ever moves more than 20 feet
your element. away from you. This just moves an object from one place
to another; you can’t use this ability to perform complex
manipulations, such as picking a lock or untying a rope.

Elemental Senses
You project a field of force sensors to detect nearby
creatures and objects. You gain blindsight out to a range of
5 feet times half your proficiency bonus (rounded down).

Elemental Shield
When a creature within 5 feet of you misses with an
attack, the next attack roll made against that creature
before the end of your next turn has advantage.

Force Jab
1st-level active jab
You pummel a foe with force from an unexpected direction, moving
them where you see fit. Make a melee power attack against a creature
you can see within 5 feet of you. On a hit, the target takes 1d10 force
damage plus 1d10 force damage per power level. Also on a hit, you
can either move the target 5 feet or throw it off balance. If you throw
the target off balance, the next attack made against the target before
the end of your next turn has advantage.

Jumbling Threads threads of force until you refresh, are incapacitated, or until you
1st-level active force dismiss the threads on your turn (which doesn’t require an action).
You spray threads of force in a cone, assailing your foes and moving On a successful save, the target is wrapped in threads of force until
them through the area. Each creature you choose in a 15-foot cone the end of its next turn. While the effect lasts, if the target moves on
must make a Strength saving throw, taking 1d6 force damage plus its turn, it takes force damage equal to your power level, plus 1 for BATTLEZOO
1d6 force damage per level on a failed save, or half as much damage every 5 feet it moves once its movement for the turn is complete (for
on a successful one. Also on a failed save, you can move the target to example, if it moves 30 feet, it takes damage equal to your power
another unoccupied space within the cone’s area. level plus 6). Introduction
At power level 3 and every 2 power levels thereafter, you can
increase the length of the cone by up to 5 feet, to a maximum of a Object Throw A World
of Eldamon
35-foot cone at power level 9. 4th-level active force
You wrap a nearby object in a field of force and fling it at a foe. You hurl a Character
Force Maneuver Small, unattended object weighing 5 pounds or less and within 30 feet of

2nd-level active force you in a straight line up to 120 feet. Make a ranged power attack against Elemental
You use your force to interfere with your foe. Make a ranged power each creature you choose in the object’s path. On a hit, the target takes Powers
attack against a creature you can see within 60 feet of you. On a hit, the 1d10 force damage plus 1d10 force damage per power level. Eldamon
target takes force damage equal to twice your power level. Also on a hit, Entries
you can move the target up to 10 feet or knock it prone (your choice). Fastball Special
At power level 4 and every 2 power levels thereafter, you can 5th-level active force
increase the power’s range by up to 30 feet, to a maximum of 150 Using force, you throw one of the most dangerous things in the area
feet at power level 8. at your foe: your own ally, weapon first! You move a willing creature
you can see within 60 feet of you up to 120 feet. At the end of this
Force Propel movement, the creature lands safely and can use its reaction to make
2nd-level active force a melee weapon attack against a target within its reach. On a hit, the
You send threads of force to damage and reposition a foe at range. target takes an additional force damage equal to 1d6 plus 1d6 per
Make a ranged power attack against a creature you can see within 60 power level.
feet of you. On a hit, the target takes 1d8 force damage plus 1d8 force
damage per power level. Also on a hit, you can move the target up to 5
feet. On a critical hit, you can move the target up to 10 feet.

Change Places!
3rd-level active force
You surround yourself in threads of force, damaging foes and
repositioning them. Each creature you choose within 30 feet of you
must make a Strength saving throw, taking 1d6 force damage plus
1d6 force damage per power level on a failed save, or half as much
damage on a successful one. Also on a failed save, you can move
the target up to 10 feet. Then, you can move yourself and each other
willing creature in the area up to 10 feet.

Distant Heave
3rd-level active force
You concentrate all your force into moving a creature as far as you
can. One creature you can see within 120 feet of you must make a
Strength saving throw. On a failed save, you can move the target up to
40 feet. If the save fails by 5 or more, you can up the target up 80 feet.
If the target is a willing ally, you can move them up to 80 feet without
the need for a saving throw.

Locomotion Shred
4th-level active force
You wrap threads of force around your foe, damaging it whenever it
moves. One creature you can see within 100 feet of you must make
a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, the target is wrapped in

Forceful Embrace Crushing Toss
5th-level active force 7th-level active force
You surround yourself with threads of force that reposition creatures You throw an enormous object or chunk of the scenery at your foes.
that come in contact with you. The threads last until you refresh, are Make a ranged power attack against a creature you can see within
incapacitated, or until you dismiss them on your turn (which doesn’t 300 feet of you. On a hit, the target takes 1d8 force damage plus 1d8
require an action). While the threads last, each time a creature force damage per power level. Also on a hit, you knock the target
touches you or hits you with a melee weapon attack within 5 feet of prone. On a hit or miss, each creature within 30 feet of the target
you, that creature must make a Strength saving throw. On a failed must then make a Dexterity saving throw, taking 1d8 force damage
save, the target takes force damage equal to your power level, and plus 1d8 force damage per power level on a failed save, or half as
you can move the target up to 10 feet. On a success, the target takes much damage on a successful one.
half as much damage, and you can move the target up to 5 feet.
Foe Throw 7th-level active force
6th-level active force You use threads of force to puppet a creature’s legs (or other
You throw one foe at another. One creature you can see within 120 ambulatory limbs), moving them against their will. Choose a
feet of you must make a Strength saving throw. On a failed save, you creature you can see within 30 feet of you. You take control of the
can move the target up to 30 feet. If the target strikes a solid surface target’s movements until you refresh, are incapacitated, or until you
(such as a wall or ceiling), it takes 2d10 force damage plus 1d10 force dismiss the effect on your turn (which doesn’t require an action). As
damage per power level and is knocked prone. If the target strikes an action, the target can make a Strength saving throw, ending the
another creature, that creature must also make a Strength save. On effect early on a success. While the effect lasts, each time the target
a failure, that creature takes the same amount of damage and is attempts to move, you can force it to make a Strength saving throw.
knocked prone. On a failed save, you can move the target up to its speed in a direction
of your choice, using up all the target’s movement. On a success, the
Force Curtain creature doesn’t move, and the effect ends.
6th-level active force
You trace a curtain of force across the battlefield, damaging and Force Intrusion
repositioning creatures that move through it. You create a 5-foot 8th-level active force
thick curtain of force up to 10 feet high and up to 60 feet long in a You intrude upon your foe with magical forces that run contrary to its
straight line, starting in a space you can see within 120 feet of you. motion and body. One creature you can see within 120 feet of you takes
The curtain lasts until you refresh, are incapacitated, or until you persistent force equal to 3d6 plus your power level. Whenever the target
dismiss it on your turn (which doesn’t require an action). While the takes the persistent damage, you can move the target up to 10 feet.
curtain lasts, a creature that moves through the area for the first
time on a turn or that starts its turn there takes 1d4 force damage per Throw Everything
power level, and you can move the creature up to 5 feet. A creature 8th-level active force
only takes force damage and the movement effect from Force Curtain If there was an object nearby that you didn’t fling, it’s because you
once during each of its turns, even if it starts its turn in the curtain and didn’t notice it. Make a ranged power attack against each target you
then crosses the curtain choose within 60 feet of you. On a hit, the target takes 1d10 force
damage plus 1d10 force damage per power level.

Force Missile Fusillade

9th-level active force
You fire off an outrageous number of force missiles, which follow
threads of force that allow them to hone in on targets until they hit.
Your fusillade contains a number of missiles equal to 1 plus your
power level. You can divide the missiles as you choose amongst
as many targets you can see within 120 feet of you. Make a ranged
power attack against each target of at least one missile. On a hit, the
target takes 1d8 force damage per missile directed at it. The missile
then disappears. On a miss, the missile circles back around and tries
again a short time later. At the start of each of your turns, you can
divide the remaining missiles amongst targets and make attack rolls
with them as normal, until each missile hits a target. Any remaining
missiles disappear when you refresh, are incapacitated, or when you
dismiss them on your turn (which doesn’t require an action).

Enduring Force Storm powers, you shift your allies’ positions, moving them into flanking
9th-level active force positions, backing them off to safety, or advancing past a foe’s reach.
You set a storm of force swirling in an area, feeding off its own power You move each willing creature you can see within 60 feet of you up
to damage and reposition foes. The force storm fills a 20-foot-radius to 5 feet. You refresh your elemental powers.
sphere you can see within 120 feet of you. The storm lasts until you BATTLEZOO
refresh, are incapacitated, or until you dismiss it on your turn (which Force Field ELDAMON
doesn’t require an action). While the storm lasts, each creature that 4th-level refresh force
enters the storm for a first time on a turn or that starts its turn inside You create an enormous force field around you to recharge your Introduction
the storm takes 1d6 force damage per power level, and you can move force powers and push away projectiles as they come your way. Until
A World
the creature up to 5 feet. When you use this power, you can designate the start of your next turn, ranged weapon attacks against you and of Eldamon
any number of creatures you can see. The designated creatures are creatures you choose within 30 feet of you have disadvantage. You
unharmed by the storm, but each time a designated creature enters refresh your elemental powers. Character
the area for the first time on a turn or starts its turn there, you can
move that creature up to 5 feet. Disruptive Impulse Elemental
7th-level refresh force
REACTIVE POWERS You seize control of all the forces nearby, rearranging them to refresh Eldamon
your powers and wreak havoc with your foes’ movement. You refresh Entries
Force Rebuff your elemental powers. Until the start of your next turn, whenever a
1st-level reactive force hostile creature you can see within 60 feet of you attempts to move,
Every action has an equal but opposite reaction, but you can you can force that creature to make a Strength saving throw. On a
increase that reaction and alter its direction when a foe strikes you, failed save, you can move the creature up to 10 feet and knock it
sending them out of position to disrupt their defenses, reposition prone. On a success, you can move the creature up to 5 feet.
them, or both. When a creature you can see hits you with a melee
attack, that creature must make a Strength saving throw. On a failed ULTIMATE POWERS
save, you can move the creature up to 10 feet, and the next attack
against the creature before the end of your next turn has advantage. Anansi
On a success, choose one: you move the creature up to 5 feet or the Ultimate force
next attack against the creature before the end of your next turn has Emulating the skills of a mythical weaver and trickster, you interface
advantage. threads of force everywhere, devastating your foes and moving all
around you like puppets. The threads fill a 200-foot-radius sphere
Force Shield centered on you. You can move willing creatures you choose within
3rd-level reactive force the area up to 80 feet. Each other creature you choose must make
You shape a shield of force to throw an attack off course. When a a Strength saving throw. On a failed save, the target takes 1d8
creature you can see targets you with an attack, you gain a +2 bonus force damage plus 1d8 force damage per power level, and you can
to AC against that creature’s attacks until the end of this turn; this isn’t move the target up to 20 feet. On a success, the target takes half as
cumulative with the AC bonus from shields. While the effect lasts, if much damage, and you can move the target up to 10 feet. You can
the triggering creature rolls a natural 1 on an attack roll against you, move creatures affected by this power into the air; at the end of this
you can choose another target within range to become the target of movement, the creature falls if nothing is holding it aloft.
the attack. The triggering creature rerolls the attack against the new
target. Symplegades
Ultimate force
Forceful Exile You call forth force chunks of force energy to damage and reposition
6th-level reactive force your foes. The effect lasts until you refresh, are incapacitated, or
As your foe begins to move, you quickly reposition them with force until you dismiss it on your turn (which doesn’t
first. When a creature you can see within 60 feet of you moves, that require an action). At the end of each of your
creature must make a Strength saving throw. On a failed save, you turns while the effect lasts, each creature
can move the target up to 20 feet. On a success, you can move the you choose within 60 feet of you must
target up to 10 feet. make a Strength saving throw. On
a failed save, the target takes 1d6
REFRESH POWERS force damage per power level, and
you can move the target up to 20 feet.
Force Gambit On a success, the target takes half as
1st-level refresh force much damage, and you can move
Using strands of force to rearrange the force energy and refresh your the target up to 10 feet.

Ice value. For example, if a creature is frozen 4, its speed is
reduced by 20 feet.
The element of ice embodies the arctic Effects that increase a creature’s frozen condition aren’t
chill of winter, ice, and snow. Thus, cumulative, unless those effects were created by the
it focuses on powers that freeze and same creature. For example, if two different ice eldamon
hamper enemies. While the frozen condition can’t or ice elemental avatars inflict the frozen condition on
take away a foe’s actions on its own, combined with the same creature, the frozen values aren’t cumulative;
movement and positioning, ice powers can put a foe only the highest frozen value applies. However, a single
in a position where it’s forced to either use an action eldamon or elemental avatar can accumulate the frozen
removing the ice and moving twice thanks to a reduced condition using their own powers, up to a maximum
move speed. Wielders of ice powers use these no-win of frozen value of 5. Thus, if an eldamon or elemental
situations to reduce their enemies’ capabilities, and they avatar inflicts the frozen 2 condition and then the frozen
can learn other tricks to punish foes who choose to stay 3 condition on the same creature, that creature becomes
immobile, exploiting their high frozen value. frozen 5. The maximum frozen value an eldamon or
elemental avatar can accumulate increases by 1 at 4th
Special Rules (frozen 6), 8th (frozen 7), 12th (frozen 8), 16th (frozen
9), and 20th level (frozen 10).
Ice elemental powers have the following special rules. Either as an action or by skipping their movement for
a turn, a creature can remove the ice from a frozen
Frozen creature, reducing that creature’s frozen value by 4
Many ice powers inflict a new condition called frozen. (a creature who spends an action and also skips their
The frozen condition always has a value. A frozen movement, they can reduce frozen twice on the same
creature’s body is slowly freezing over, reducing its turn). At the GM’s discretion, a creature made of fire
speed by a number of feet equal to 5 times its frozen (such as a fire elemental) reduces the frozen value by
5 instead. Similarly, whenever a frozen creature would
take fire damage, that creature’s frozen value is reduced
by 5.

Element Benefits
If your associated element is ice, you gain the following
benefits from features that vary depending on your

Elemental Locomotion
You freeze the water in the air beneath your feet,
allowing you to momentarily walk on air. You can walk
through the air, ascending or descending at a maximum
of a 45-degree angle, as if the air were difficult terrain.
At the end of your turn, you fall if nothing is holding
you aloft.
Enhanced Locomotion. When you freeze the air
beneath you to support your weight, a stable platform
of ice remains frozen beneath your feet until you step
away. When you walk on the air in this way, you don’t
fall at the end of your turn.

Elemental Manipulation
As an action, you can control cold and ice in minor
ways, allowing you to freeze a small amount of
liquid you touch, provide temporary relief against
environmental heat, or slightly contract metal by
chilling it. At the GM’s discretion, you can make other
minor adjustments to cold and ice.

Elemental Resistance potentially causing them to trip. Each creature standing on the
Your body becomes accustomed to glacial chill. You ground within 15 feet of you must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a
gain resistance to cold damage. failed save, the target is frozen 4, and you can knock the target prone.
Enhanced Resistance. Whenever you take cold On a success, the target is frozen 2, and you can’t knock the target
damage, reduce the amount of cold damage you take prone. BATTLEZOO
by an amount equal to 1d6 plus your power level (to a At power level 4 and every 2 power levels thereafter, you can
minimum of 0). increase the radius of the ground you freeze by 5 feet, to a maximum
radius of 30 feet at power level 8. Introduction
Elemental Sculptor
As an action, you can move an area of ice or snow Icicle A World
of Eldamon
filling up to a 10-foot cube within 20 feet of you up to 2nd-level active ice
20 feet in any direction or shape the features of ice or You fire an icicle formed from magic at your foe. Make a ranged Character
snow, such as sculpting a pile of snow into the shape of power attack against a creature within 60 feet of you. On a hit, the
a dragon. At the GM’s discretion, you can make other target takes 1 piercing damage plus 1 piercing damage per power Elemental
similar adjustments to an area of ice or snow. level and 1d6 cold damage plus 1d6 cold damage per power level. Powers
Also on a hit, the target is frozen 2. Eldamon
Elemental Senses Entries
You can see through falling ice and snow as easily as Deep Freeze
through clear sky. Blizzards, ice storms, and the like 3rd-level active ice
don’t impair your vision. Additionally, you can see You concentrate all your ice powers on a single creature, freezing it
clearly through partially transparent sheets of ice that to its core. One creature you can see within 60 feet of you must make
would otherwise conceal whatever is on the other side, a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the target is frozen 8.
though you can’t see through opaque walls of ice or (Since the frozen condition applies all at once, this can surpass the
snow. normal limit for accumulating frozen value, but only to a maximum of
frozen 8.) On a success, the target is frozen 4.
Elemental Shield
While your elemental shield is active, whenever a
creature misses you with a melee weapon attack, that
creature is frozen 1, or frozen 2 if the creature rolled a
1 on the attack roll.

1st-level active ice
You fling a flurry of snow, sleet, and cold, chilling your enemies. Each
creature in a 5-foot-wide, 30-foot-long line must make a Dexterity
saving throw. On a failed save, the target takes 1d6 cold damage plus
1d6 cold damage per power level and is frozen 2. On a successful
save, the target takes half as much damage and is frozen 1.
At power level 3 and every 2 levels thereafter, you can increase the
length of the line by up to an additional 10 feet, to a maximum of 70
feet at power level 9.

Gelid Touch
1st-level active ice
You lunge at a foe and touch them, spreading ice across their body.
Make a melee power attack against a creature within your reach. On
a hit, the target takes 1d10 cold damage plus 1d10 cold damage per
power level. Also on a hit, the target is frozen 3.

Flash Freeze
2nd-level active ice
You flash freeze the ground, freezing creatures in the area and

Wintry Vortex Pallid Frostbite
3rd-level active ice 4th-level active ice
You surround yourself in a shapeable wintry vortex of swirling sleet You give a creature intense frostbite, making its frozen body brittle
and deepest cold. Each creature you choose within 30 feet of you and easily harmed by physical attacks. One creature you can see
must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, the target within 60 feet of you must make a Constitution saving throw. On a
takes 1d6 cold damage plus 1d6 cold damage and is frozen 4. On a failed save, the target is frozen 4 and frostbitten for 2 rounds. While
success, the target takes half as much damage and is frozen 2. frostbitten, whenever the target takes bludgeoning, piercing, or
slashing damage, it takes extra damage equal to your power level.
Cold Snap On a success, the target is frozen 2 and is frostbitten until the end of
4th-level active ice your next turn.
You snap your fingers and shatter the ice that was freezing a target,
dealing them massive damage. One frozen creature you can see Chilling Breath
within 60 feet of you takes 1d8 cold damage per power level plus an 5th-level active ice
extra number of d8s equal to the creature’s frozen value. On a failed You exhale a cone of frigid cold and snow that freezes those in its
Constitution save, the target takes full damage, and on a success, path. Each creature in a 60-foot cone must make a Dexterity saving
the target takes half damage. The target’s frozen condition then ends. throw. On a failed save, the target takes 1d8 cold damage plus 1d8
cold damage per power level and is frozen 5. On a success, the target
takes half as much damage and is frozen 3.

Frigid Embrace
5th-level active ice
You blanket yourself in an air of ineffable cold,
chilling those who come into contact with
you. The cold lasts until you refresh, are
incapacitated, or until you dismiss the effect
on your turn (which doesn’t require an action).
While the effect lasts, whenever a creature
touches you or hits you with a melee weapon
attack while within 5 feet of you, that creature
takes cold damage equal to your power level and
becomes frozen 2.

Deathly Chill
6th-level active ice
You infuse the ice and frost surrounding a foe with a harsh and
deathly chill, sapping away their warmth. Choose one frozen creature
you can see within 60 feet of you. While that creature remains frozen,
at the end of each of its turns the creature takes 1d12 cold damage
per level of its frozen value. The effect also ends when you refresh,
are incapacitated, or when you dismiss the effect on your turn (which
doesn’t require an action), and it ends immediately if the creature’s
frozen value ever reaches 0.

Glacial Curtain
6th-level active ice
You trace a glacial curtain of biting cold that stretches across the
battlefield, chilling all those who dare to cross it. You create a 5-foot-
thick curtain of chilling cold that’s up to 10 feet high and up to 60 feet
long in a straight line. The curtain originates in a space you can see
within 120 feet of you. Any creature that enters the area for the first
time on a turn or that starts its turn there takes 1d4 cold damage per
power level and is frozen 2. The curtain lasts until you refresh, are
incapacitated, or until you dismiss it on your turn (which doesn’t
require an action).

Grasping Permafrost Cold Shoulder
7th-level active ice Many assume that ice eldamon and elemental avatars are cold
You command the frost surrounding your foes to grasp and extend and distant due to their element, but this isn’t the case. No one
further into their bodies, causing them intense harm. Each frozen understands better than an embodiment of ice, winter, and cold
creature within 120 feet of you must make a Constitution saving how important it is to cherish connections with others when BATTLEZOO
throw. On a failed save, the target takes 1d8 cold damage plus 1d8 everything is covered in frost and chill. Due to their reputation
cold per power level and an additional number of d4s of cold damage when combined with their true feelings, surprisingly this means
equal to the creature’s frozen value. On a success, the target takes that others are more likely to give ice users the cold shoulder than Introduction
half as much damage. the other way around.
A World
of Eldamon
Ice Tomb
7th-level active ice Blizzard Character
You manipulate the rime surrounding a frozen foe, entombing them 9th-level active ice
within the ice until they break free. One frozen creature you can see You conjure a glacial blizzard that freezes over everything inside it. Elemental
within 60 feet of you must make a Constitution saving throw. On a The blizzard fills a 20-foot-radius sphere centered on a point you Powers
failed save, the target is frozen 5. Also on a failed save, the target can see within 120 feet of you. The blizzard lasts until you refresh, Eldamon
can’t move and can’t take actions other than to reduce its frozen are incapacitated, or until you dismiss it on your turn (which doesn’t Entries
value; this effect lasts until you refresh or until the target’s frozen require an action). While the blizzard lasts, whenever a creature
value is reduced to 0, whichever comes first. On a success, the target enters the area for the first time on a turn or starts its turn there, you
is frozen 3 and can take actions normally. can choose to deal that creature 1d4 cold damage per power level.
Each time a creature takes this damage, it is frozen 2.
8th-level active ice REACTIVE POWERS
You drop a glacier of magical ice onto the battlefield, freezing over
your foes. The glacier is a 40-foot-radius cylinder centered on a point Retributive Freeze
you can see within 120 feet of you. It can be up to 40 feet high. Each 1st-level reactive ice
creature in the area must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed When a foe hits you with an attack, you use that contact to spread cold
save, the target takes 1 bludgeoning damage plus 1 bludgeoning and ice up their body or weapon, freezing them over. When a creature
damage per power level and 1d6 cold damage plus 1d6 cold damage you can see within 5 feet of you hits you with a melee weapon attack,
per power level. Also on a failed save, the target is frozen 5. On a you can force that creature to make a Constitution saving throw. On
success, the target takes half as much damage and is frozen 3. The a successful save, the creature is frozen 2. On a failure, the target is
glacier then melts and disappears. frozen 3. If the saving throw fails by 5 or more, the target is frozen 4.

Polar Rime
8th-level active ice
You surround your target with algid polar rime, stiffening its body
and making its movements jerky and clumsy. One creature you can
see within 90 feet of you must make a Constitution saving throw.
On a failed save, the target takes 1d10 cold damage plus 1d10 cold
damage per power level and is frozen 5. On a success, the target
takes half as much damage and is frozen 3. Whether its saving throw
succeeds or fails, the target also has disadvantage on attack rolls,
ability checks, and saving throws that rely on Dexterity for as long as
it remains frozen.

Absolute Zero
9th-level active ice
You infuse perfect cold throughout a creature’s body, slowing its
movements down to nothing. One creature you can see within 90
feet of you must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save,
the target takes 1d8 cold damage plus 1d8 cold damage per power
level, is frozen 4, and is stunned until the end of its next turn. On a
success, the target takes half as much damage and is frozen 2 but
isn’t stunned.

Frozen World next turn. On a success, the creature is off-balance until the end
To battle an ice eldamon or elemental avatar is to enter a frozen of its turn. While off-balance, the creature makes attack rolls with
world of eternal winter. By freezing their foes, ice users slowly disadvantage, and attacks against the target from adjacent creatures
whittle away those foes’ options until eventually they’re left with have advantage.
nothing but bad choices. When the ice eldamon or elemental
avatar is at a distance and a melee foe must sacrifice their REFRESH POWERS
actions or movement to break free from the ice, the effect is just
as powerful as a more powerful condition like paralysis. The key Intensify Cold
for any ice user is to identify their enemy’s range of engagement 1st-level refresh ice
and make sure to slow the foe’s movement until they can’t reach You connect yourself with the cold air around you and the frozen
anyone. Part and parcel of that is making sure the ice user’s allies foes you’ve chilled. Each creature you choose within 30 feet of you
are able and willing to keep to that distance as well. must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the target
is frozen 1. If the target was already frozen, it is frozen 3 instead. You
refresh your elemental powers.
Ice Shield
3rd-level reactive ice Ice Armor
When a creature you can see targets you with an attack, you quickly 4th-level refresh ice
protect yourself with a shield of ice, which freezes over you. You gain You cover yourself in a protective layer of ice. You refresh your
a +2 bonus to AC (including against the triggering attack) until the elemental powers. You then gain temporary hit points equal to your
end of the creature’s turn. In addition, you gain temporary hit points level and become frozen 2. While frozen, you gain a bonus to AC
equal to your power level that last until the end of the creature’s turn equal to your frozen value. At the start of your next turn, your ice
and become frozen 1. armor partially melts and your frozen value from ice armor reduces
from 2 to 1. At the start of your turn after that, your frozen value from
Slippery Ice ice armor drops to 0 and you lose any remaining temporary hit points
6th-level reactive ice you gained from this power.
You can alter the ice freezing a creature, melting and refreezing it
to create a slick and potentially tripping the creature. When a frozen Rime Nexus
creature you can see walks into a space within 60 feet of you, you 7th-level refresh ice
can force that creature to make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed As you redraw and refresh patterns of ice elemental energy, frozen
save, the creature falls prone and can’t stand up until the start of its fractals and snowflake patterns spread across the ground. The
ground within 30 feet of you becomes difficult terrain until the start of
your next turn. You refresh your elemental powers.

Ultimate ice
You surround yourself with the great eternal winter of an ice age,
juxtaposing the world with the wellspring of elemental cold and
freezing all who oppose you. Each creature you choose within 500
feet of you must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, the
target takes 1d8 cold damage plus 1d8 cold damage per power level
and is frozen 7. On a success, the target takes half as much damage
and is frozen 3.

Ultimate ice
Calling upon the glacial cold of a mythical frozen river, you submerge
and entomb all nearby foes as the cold wails around them. Each
creature you choose within 60 feet of you must make a Constitution
saving throw. On a failed save, the target is frozen 6. While frozen,
the target can’t move and can’t take actions other than to reduce its
frozen value. On a successful save, the target is frozen 3 and can take
actions normally.

Life Elemental Locomotion
You can transmit yourself through a creature’s life force
The element of life embodies birth and in order to move through its space. As a bonus action,
rebirth, healing, and the vital essence you can touch a creature within 5 feet of you (even a
that permeates all living creatures, hostile one) and teleport to another unoccupied space BATTLEZOO
imbuing them with instinct, intuition, and faith. Life within 5 feet of that creature.
users focus on preservation and rejuvenation, keeping Enhanced Locomotion. Your connection to your
themselves and their allies healthy and refreshed no allies allows you to tap into their life force, bringing Introduction
matter the threat your body to their side even from a distance. As a bonus
A World
action, you can teleport yourself to an unoccupied space of Eldamon
Special Rules within 5 feet of a willing creature you can see within 60
feet of you. Character
Life elemental powers have the following special rules.
Elemental Manipulation Elemental
Ineffective Against Constructs As an action, you can touch a dying creature. The Powers
Life powers infuse creatures with life energy. Life creature becomes stable. At the GM’s discretion, you Eldamon
powers heal living creatures (any creature other than a can make other minor adjustments to life force. Entries
construct or undead) and harm undead ones. However,
life powers have no effect on constructs. Elemental Resistance
Your body becomes bolstered by life energy, protecting
Recovery you from dying. When you roll a 1 on a death saving
Many life powers allow a creature to recover damage throw, it counts as one failure (instead of two).
from a particular damage source. This recovery often Enhanced Resistance. When you make a death
happens immediately when the creature takes damage saving throw and don’t roll a 1 on the die, it counts as
or shortly thereafter, effectively reducing the damage it a success.
would take. A recovery effect can never allow a creature
to recover more hit points than the damage it took, even
if several recovery effects happen at once. In addition,
a recovery effect can’t restore temporary hit points.
A recovery effect can potentially prevent a creature
from being reduced to 0 hit points and becoming
unconscious, but if the remaining damage is enough to
reduce them to 0 hit points, they are unconscious and
dying as normal. Recovery effects that happen later can
restore a dying creature normally, though they still can’t
heal a creature more than the amount of hit points they
lost, even in combination with other recovery effects.

Vital Resurgence
Temporary hit points you grant using your life powers
are full of resurgent life energy. If a creature with 0 hit
points would gain temporary hit points from one of
your life powers, they regain 1 hit point as well.
In addition, whenever you grant a living creature
temporary hit points using one of your life powers, you
can instead choose to restore a number of hit points to
that creature. Once you restore hit points in this way,
you can’t do so again until you finish a short or long rest.

Element Benefits
If your associated element is life, you gain the following
benefits from features that vary depending on your

Elemental Sculptor creature with one or more motes takes damage, it recovers hit points
As an action, you can infuse life energy into a dying equal to 2 plus twice your power level (this is a recovery effect), and
creature you can see within 20 feet of you. The creature one mote on the creature disappears. When an undead creature with
becomes stable. one or more motes takes damage, that creature takes additional
radiant damage equal 2 plus twice your power level, and one mote on
Elemental Senses the creature disappears.
As an action, you can magically sense the presence of
nearby life force (or its counterforce within undead), Life Buffer
allowing you to detect the presence of non-construct 1st-level active life
creatures within 60 feet of you that aren’t behind total You send a powerful surge of vital essence into a creature you can see
cover. This doesn’t allow you to see the creatures; you within 30 feet of you, creating a life buffer that protects a living creature
just notice their presence. or damages an undead one. A living target gains temporary hit points
equal to 1d10 plus 1d10 per power level, which last until you refresh. If
Elemental Shield the target is undead, it must make a Constitution saving throw, taking
Whenever you take damage while your elemental shield 1d10 radiant damage plus 1d10 radiant damage per power level on a
is active, you can use your reaction to dismiss your failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
shield. If you do, you recover hit points equal to twice
your power level or the amount of damage you took Lifebond
(whichever is less). This is a recovery effect. 2nd-level active life
You temporarily connect the life force of a willing creature to that
ACTIVE POWERS of several other willing creatures in order to protect the target from
harm. Choose one willing creature (hereafter referred to as the
Healing Motes primary target) and up three other willing creatures (referred to as
1st-level active life protectors). You must be able to see all creatures, and all creatures
You send out glowing motes of healing energy, which latch onto your must be within 30 feet of you. You can be the primary target or a
choice of either all creatures you can see within 30 feet of you, or a protector, but the protectors must be of a level or challenge rating
single creature you can see within 30 feet of you. If you target a single equal to or greater than the primary target.
creature, two motes latch onto that creature. An unwilling creature You create a magical lifebond among the primary target and the
can make a Dexterity saving throw to avoid the motes. The motes last protectors. The lifebond lasts until you refresh, are incapacitated, or
until the end of your next turn. While the motes last, whenever a living until you end the effect on your turn (which doesn’t require an action).
While the lifebond lasts, the primary target gains a +1 bonus to AC. In
addition, whenever the primary target takes damage, it halves
that damage. Each protector then loses hit points equal to
the damage reduced in this way, divided by the number of
protectors. For example, if the primary target would take
29 damage, it halves that damage and takes 14 damage
instead. If that target has three protectors, the protectors
would then take 5 damage each.
If a protector is incapacitated or dying, it automatically
ceases being a protector, though the lifebond continues
for the duration as long as at least one protector remains.

Vital Touch
2nd-level active life
Your touch infuses surging life force into a creature, healing the
living and harming the undead. Either touch a willing, living creature or
make a melee power attack against an undead creature within your
reach. If you touch a living creature, the target gains temporary
hit points equal to 6 plus 6 per power level, which last until you
refresh. In addition, the target gains a +2 bonus to AC until
the end of your next turn. If you attack an undead creature,
on a hit the target takes radiant damage equal to 6 plus 6 per
power level. Also on a hit, the target takes a –2 penalty to AC until
the end of your next turn.

Overflowing Spill
3rd-level active life
You loosen the life energy in a living foe, causing their energy to spill
out and heal their victim’s wounds. One living creature you can see
within 30 feet of you must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed BATTLEZOO
save, the target’s life force spills out whenever they harm another
creature. The effect lasts until you refresh, are incapacitated, or
until you dismiss the effect on your turn (which doesn’t require an Introduction
action). While the effect lasts, each time the target deals damage to
A World
a living creature within 15 feet of it, the target takes damage equal to of Eldamon
2 plus half your power level (rounded up) and the creature recovers an
equal amount of damage or the total damage it took, whichever is less. Character
This is a recovery effect. If the target damages several living creatures
within 15 feet of it simultaneously, it still only takes damage equal to Elemental
2 plus half your power level, but the healing is divided among all the Powers
creatures that took damage. Eldamon
On a successful save, the target suffers the effect described Entries
above, but the effect lasts until the end of your next turn.

Soothing Recovery
3rd-level active life
You release a field of life energy into your nearby allies, soothing them
and helping them recover from ongoing harm. You immediately end
all persistent damage affecting living creatures you choose within
30 feet of you. In addition, each affected creature gains temporary
hit points equal to your power level. Finally, until you refresh, are
incapacitated, or until you dismiss the effect on your turn (which
doesn’t require an action), each affected creature has advantage on
saving throws against poison and disease. Forced Link
5th-level active life
Life Rebound You forcibly link your life force with that of a nearby enemy, causing
4th-level active life them to take some of the harm meant for you. One living enemy you
You help your ally survive a follow-up attack by causing their spent can see within 30 feet of you must make a Wisdom saving throw. On
life force to stretch and rebound back to them for a fleeting moment. a failed save, you create a magical link between yourself and the
Choose a willing, living creature you can see within 30 feet of you. target. The link lasts until you refresh, are incapacitated, or until you
Until you refresh, are incapacitated, or until you dismiss the effect on end the effect on your turn (which doesn’t require an action). On a
your turn (which doesn’t require an action), whenever that creature success, the link lasts until the end of your next turn instead. While
takes damage and loses actual hit points (not temporary hit points), the link lasts, whenever you take damage (after applying damage
it gains temporary hit points equal to the hit points lost or equal to resistances, vulnerabilities, and the like), the target loses a number
twice your power level, whichever is lower. Temporary hit points of hit points equal to the damage you take or your power level,
gained in this way disappear at the end of the turn during which the whichever is less. You then reduce the damage you take by an equal
creature took the triggering damage. number of hit points.

Path of Life Vital Breath

4th-level active life 5th-level active life
You trail a path of vibrant healing energy behind you as you move. You You exhale vibrant life energy in a cone between 15 and 60 feet long
can move up to your speed. You leave behind glimmering life energy (your choice). Living creatures in the area gain temporary hit points
in each space you leave during this movement. The life energy lasts equal to 1d6 plus 1d6 per power level, which last until you refresh.
until the end of your next turn. A living creature that starts its turn in your In addition, each creature gains a +1 bonus to attack rolls until the
path of life regains hit points equal to 1d6 plus 1d6 per power level, or end of your next turn. Undead creatures in the area must make a
the amount of hit points they lost since the path appeared, whichever Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the target takes 4 radiant
is lower; this is a recovery effect. An undead creature that enters your damage plus 4 radiant damage per power level and makes attack rolls
path of life for the first time on a turn or starts its turn instead takes 4 with disadvantage until the end of your next turn. On a success, the
radiant damage plus 4 radiant damage per power level. target takes half as much damage and makes attack rolls normally.

Vital Collapse Life Conductor
6th-level active life 7th-level active life
You collapse an existing bundle of life force into an explosion that You gain temporary hit points equal to twice your power level, then
harms nearby foes. Choose yourself or a willing, living creature you take control of all healing and rejuvenation around you. The effect
can see within 60 feet of you. All temporary hit points granted by lasts until you refresh, are incapacitated, or until you dismiss the
your life powers that the target currently has disappear. Then, the effect on your turn (which doesn’t require an action). While the effect
life energy of those temporary hit points explodes in a 10-foot radius lasts, whenever a living creature within 60 feet of you regains hit points
around the target. Each creature you choose in the area must make a (from healing magic, regeneration, or some other means) or gains
Dexterity saving throw, taking your choice of force or radiant damage temporary hit points, you can choose to redirect half the healing or
equal to your power level plus the number of temporary hit points on a temporary hit points to a different creature you can see within 60 feet
failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. of you that didn’t gain any healing or temporary hit points from the
effect. If it chooses, the creature that created the effect can attempt a
Vibrant Inoculation Wisdom saving throw against your power save DC. On a success, the
6th-level active life healing or temporary hit points aren’t redirected.
You fire a needle of life energy that inoculates you and your allies
against sickening agents. You and each creature you choose Lifeguard Bubble
in a 5-foot-wide, 120-foot-long line gain temporary hit points 7th-level active life
equal to 1d6 plus 1d6 per power level, which last until you refresh. You create a glowing bubble in a 20-foot radius that prevents leaking
While a target has these temporary hit points, it has advantage on life energy from departing. The bubble is centered on you, moving with
Constitution saving throws. Each undead creature in the area must you when you move. The bubble pops at the start of your next turn or
make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the target takes when you or a creature you choose would drop to 0 hit points while
4 radiant damage plus 4 radiant damage per power level and has inside the bubble, whichever comes first. While the bubble lasts, track
disadvantage on Constitution saving throws until the end of your next any hit points (not temporary hit points) you and friendly creatures lose
turn. On a success, the target takes half as much damage and makes while in the bubble. When the bubble pops, you can restore a number
Constitution saving throws normally. of hit points equal to 7 plus 7 per power level, divided as you choose
among any number of creatures in the area. This is a recovery effect;
as normal for a recovery effect, an individual creature can’t
recover more hit points than they lost while the bubble was

Life Shackles
8th-level active life
You cause your foes’ life force to materialize around them
as shackles, holding them down. Each living creature
you choose within 30 feet of you must make a
Constitution saving throw. A target at full hit
points makes the save with disadvantage,
and one with less than half its hit point
maximum makes the save with advantage.
On a failed save, the target is stunned for 1 minute. At the end
of each of its turns, the target can choose to take damage equal
to your level. If it does, it can repeat the saving throw, immediately
ending the effect on itself on a success. The shackles also disappear
if you refresh, or incapacitated, or if you end the effect on your turn
(which doesn’t require an action).

Shared Vitality
8th-level active life
You connect your allies to a shared reservoir of vitality, protecting
them from harm. You and each creature you choose within 60 feet
of you gain access to a reservoir of temporary hit points equal to
5 plus 5 per power level. The reservoir lasts until you refresh, are
incapacitated, or until you end the effect on your turn (which doesn’t
require an action).

Because the temporary hit points from shared vitality exist in a Lifeline
separate reservoir, they are cumulative with normal temporary hit Life eldamon and elemental avatars are heavily focused on
points; the temporary hit points from the reservoir are lost first, before support, utility, and healing others, with few powers capable of
any individual creature would lose hit points or temporary hit points. ending a fight directly. This makes it tough for them to compete in
If an effect damages multiple affected targets at once and would deal one on one battles, whether life or death or a mock battle, unless BATTLEZOO
more damage among the targets than there are temporary hit points there’s some kind of time limit on their side. The time limit could
in the reservoir, you choose how to distribute the reservoir among all be as literal as a rule in an eldamon battle or as metaphorical as
targets. the lifeline of allies ready to back the life user up once they finish Introduction
their own individual fights.
Lifestorm Of course, rather than eke it out alone for a while, most life
A World
of Eldamon
9th-level active life users would prefer to fight alongside allies to begin with, whether
You call forth a storm of glowing vital energy that rains from the sky. in a doubles eldamon battle or an adventuring party taking down Character
The lifestorm fills a 20-foot-radius sphere centered on a point you monsters and villains.
can see within 120 feet of you. The storm lasts until you refresh, are In a nutshell, life eldamon and elemental avatars have a very Elemental
incapacitated, or until you dismiss the effect on your turn (which different role in a group dynamic than any of the other elements. Powers
doesn’t require an action. While the storm lasts, when you or a living While this means that most teams often won’t consider a life user Eldamon
creature enters the area for the first time on a turn or starts its turn as a viable alternative to a different element for the same tasks, it Entries
there, you can choose to grant the target temporary hit points equal can make the life element essential to an overall lineup.
to 5 plus your power level, which last for 1 round. An undead creature
that enters the area for the first time on a turn or starts its turn there
instead takes radiant damage equal to 5 plus your power level. Retributive Rejuvenation
3rd-level reactive life
Vital Singularity You convert the energy of your foe’s assault into life energy. When
9th-level active life a creature deals damage that causes you to lose actual hit points
You combine yourself and your allies into a single life force, (not temporary hit points), you begin to magically recover from the
distributing life energy as you see fit. Choose up to four willing, living wound. At the start of each of your turns, you regain hit points equal
creatures that you can see within 40 feet of you. Each creature must to 2 plus half your power level (rounded up). This is a recovery effect.
be of your level or challenge rating or higher, and this effect doesn’t Once you have regained hit points equal to the triggering damage,
work on summoned creatures or similar temporary creatures or the effect ends. The effect also ends if you refresh, are incapacitated,
allies. You and the creatures you choose merge into a singularity of or if you dismiss the effect on your turn (which doesn’t require an
life energy, then instantly separate. You and each affected creature action).
can choose to switch positions with another affected creature,
teleporting into the other creature’s space. You can then redistribute
the current hit points of yourself and all affected creatures. You
can redistribute the hit points however you choose, but no target
can emerge from this effect with fewer than 1 hit point or with
more hit points than its hit point maximum. This redistribution only
affects actual hit points, not temporary hit points. Once you have
redistributed the hit points, you and each affected creature gain
temporary hit points equal to your level, which last until the next time
you refresh.

Vital Sacrifice
1st-level reactive life
You connect your life force to your ally, protecting them from harm,
though not without cost to yourself. When a creature you can see
within 30 feet of you takes damage, that creature recovers hit points
equal to 1 plus your power level or the total damage, whichever is less.
Unless this effect reduces the damage to 0, you then lose a number
of hit points equal to 1 plus your power level or the excess damage,
whichever is lower, and you further heal your ally by the amount of hit
points you lost. This power is a recovery effect.

Mortal Reprieve Preserve Life
6th-level reactive life 4th-level refresh life
You call upon the power of life to suspend any incoming harm, giving You reach out to the life forces of your allies around you in order to
you time to deal with it before it lays you low. When a creature damages refresh your life powers and gather their spilled vital energy so they
you, you don’t take the damage until the start of that creature’s next can collect it again. You refresh your elemental powers. Then select
turn, although you are still subject to any other harmful effects from the up to five willing, living creatures you can see within 30 feet of you.
damage. For example, a cold power that deals cold damage and gives Until the start of your next turn, track the number of hit points (not
you the frozen condition would still make you frozen, while a water temporary hit points) you and the chosen targets lose, as you collect
power that damages and pushes you would still push you. However, their spilled vital energy. Until the effect ends, whenever an affected
if the secondary effect is contingent on damage being dealt, such as target ends its turn within 5 feet of you, it can choose to recover hit
an injury poison delivered by a snake’s fangs or a poisoned weapon, points equal to 6 plus your power level. Because Preserve Life is a
or a disease from a rat or ghoul’s bite, you don’t take the secondary recovery effect, the target can’t recover more hit points than it lost
effect yet either. During the intervening time, you can choose to use since you used this power. At the start of your next turn, you recover
any healing or temporary hit points you would gain from your life hit points equal to 6 plus your power level, with the same limitation
powers to instead reduce an equal amount of the triggering damage. that you can’t recover more hit points than the number of hit points
If you reduce the damage to 0, you don’t take the damage, which also you lost.
prevents you from taking damage-dependent secondary effects.
If you’re a phased-in eldamon and you phase out before taking the Life Vortex
damage, your eldamon trainer takes the damage and other effects at 7th-level refresh life
the start of the triggering creature’s next turn. You trace a vortex of life energy as you draw all the harms out from
the allies around you. You refresh your elemental powers. You
REFRESH POWERS then lose all temporary hit points you have. For each living, willing
creature within 30 feet of you, you can choose to lose hit points equal
Life Cocoon to 10 plus your power level or the amount of hit points the creature is
1st-level refresh life missing, whichever is less. If you do, that creature regains an equal
As you recalibrate the vital essence around you, you draw it in toward number of hit points. You then gain temporary hit points equal to half
yourself, surrounding yourself in a cocoon of life energy. You refresh the hit points you lost this way.
your elemental powers. You then gain temporary hit points equal to 3
plus 3 per power level. The temporary hit points last until you move or ULTIMATE POWERS
at the end of your next turn, whichever comes first.
Ultimate life
You pour a drop of hyper-concentrated life energy on a mortally
injured or recently dead creature, allowing them to experience a
fragment of immortality. Choose a living creature or a dead creature
who died since the end of your last turn. You must be able to see the
target, and the target must be within 30 feet of you. This power can’t
affect a target that died via disintegration. The target returns to life (if
it was dead), regains 150 hit points, and recovers from any poison or
disease currently affecting it.

Ultimate life
Calling upon the powerful life force of ancient heroes, you transform
your surroundings into a beautiful, blowing field. The ground within
60 feet of you becomes an Elysian field until you refresh, are
incapacitated, or until you dismiss the effect on your turn (which
doesn’t require an action). While the effect lasts, whenever you or a
living creature starts its turn in the area, you can choose to restore 10
hit points to that creature. A creature that regains at least 1 hit point
in this way has advantage on attack rolls, ability checks, and saving
throws until the end of its next turn. In addition, whenever an undead
creature moves into or within the area, it takes 3 radiant damage for
every 5 feet it travels.

Light Elemental Resistance
You become protected against light. You have resistance
The element of light reveals the truth to radiant damage.
and that which was hidden or unseen. Enhanced Resistance. Whenever you take radiant
But there is no one objective truth, and damage, reduce the amount of radiant damage you take BATTLEZOO
so light, when bent or shaped to the user’s will, is also by an amount equal to 1d6 plus your power level (to a
capable of misleading by revealing a distorted truth. minimum of 0). You have advantage on saving throws
Light eldamon and elemental avatars use the light to against effects that would blind you Introduction
reveal and emphasize the truth that they choose to show
others. Elemental Sculptor A World
of Eldamon
As an action, you alter light in a 10-foot-square area
Special Rules within 20 feet of you, twisting and shaping it into
various forms. At the GM’s discretion, you can make

Light elemental powers have the following special rules. other similar adjustments to light’s shape or position. Elemental
Dazzled Elemental Senses Eldamon
Light powers and effects might inflict a new condition The light reveals hidden secrets around you. You have Entries
called dazzled. Unless it has blindsight or a similar advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks to find
special sense, a dazzled creature has disadvantage on hidden creatures and secret doors (but not traps and
attack rolls and Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely similar hazards).
on sight.
Elemental Shield
Limned While your elemental shield is active, when a creature
Light powers and effects might inflict a new condition within 5 feet misses you with a melee weapon attack,
called limned. A limned creature sheds dim light in a your shield dazzles that creature with light. The
10-foot radius and can’t benefit from being invisible. triggering creature is dazzled until the end of its turn.
A limned creature that would become shrouded
(from a darkness power, for example) loses the limned
condition, and vice versa.

Element Benefits
If your associated element is light, you gain the
following benefits from features that vary depending on
your element.

Elemental Locomotion
When you’re in motion, you shine with light, dazzling
those who try to stop you. Creatures attempting an
opportunity attack against you have disadvantage on
the opportunity attack.
Enhanced Locomotion. You can move with the
speed of light. As an action, you can teleport up to your
speed to an unoccupied space you can see.

Elemental Manipulation
As an action, you can control light, calling forth a light
and attaching it to a willing creature or an unattended
object you touch, or letting it float in mid-air in a space
within 5 feet of you. The light lasts for 1 hour or until
you use this ability again. The light sheds bright light
in a 20-foot radius and dim light for an additional 20
feet. At the GM’s discretion, you can make other minor
adjustments to light.

2nd-level active light
Blade of Light You emit a ray of sunlight and send it hurling at your foe, attracted
1st-level active light toward their light. Make a ranged power attack against a creature
You bring out a blade of light and stab your foe, wreathing them in you can see within 60 feet of you. If the target is limned, you have
light and using any light surrounding them to your advantage. Make a advantage on the attack. On a hit, the target takes 1d6 radiant
melee power attack against a creature within your reach. If the target damage plus 1d6 radiant damage per power level. Also on a hit, the
is limned, you have advantage on the attack. On a hit, the target takes target is dazzled and limned until the end of your next turn.
1d10 radiant damage plus 1d10 radiant damage per power level. Also At power level 4 and then at every 2 power levels thereafter, the
on a hit, the target is limned until the end of your next turn. ray’s range increases by 30 feet, to a maximum range of 150 feet at
power level 8.
Lucent Beam
1st-level active light Brilliant Raiment
You emit a beam of light in a 5-foot-wide, 30-foot-long line to dazzle 3rd-level active light
foes. Each creature in the area must make a Dexterity saving throw. You garb yourself in a raiment of brilliant light, damaging nearby
On a failed save, the target takes 1d6 radiant damage plus 1d6 creatures and dazzling them when they look upon you. Each creature
radiant damage per power level on a failed save and is dazzled and within 20 feet of you must make a Constitution saving throw, taking
limned until the end of your next turn. On a successful save, the target 1d6 radiant damage plus 1d6 radiant damage per power level on a
takes half as much damage and isn’t dazzled or limned. failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. Until the
At power level 3 and every 2 levels thereafter, you can increase the end of your next turn, any creature that targets you with an attempt is
length of the line by up to 10 feet, to a maximum of 70 feet at power dazzled until after the attack is resolved.
level 9.
Mirror’s Reflection
Shining Guidance 3rd-level active light
2nd-level active light You spin four images out of light that appear to be you. The images
You call forth a guiding light to surround your foe and guide your swirl about your space, potentially causing those that attack you to hit
attacks toward them. One creature you can see within 40 feet of you one of the images instead of you. The images last until you refresh,
must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the target are incapacitated, or dismiss the effect on your turn (which doesn’t
takes 1d6 radiant damage plus 1d6 radiant damage per power level require an action).
and is limned until the end of your next turn. While the creature is While at least one image remains, each time a creature targets
limned in this way, attack rolls against the creature have advantage. you with an attack, roll a d20 to determine whether the attack instead
On a success, choose one: the target takes half as much damage or targets one of the images. If you have four images, you must roll a 4 or
is limned until the end of your next turn. higher to change the attack’s target to an image. With three images,
you must roll a 6 or higher. With two images, you must roll an 8 or
higher. With one image, you must roll an 11 or higher.
An image’s AC equals 10 + your Dexterity modifier. If an attack hits
an image, the image is destroyed. An image can be destroyed only by
an attack that hits it. It ignores all other damage and effects.
A creature is unaffected by this power if it can’t see, if it relies
on senses other than sight, such as blindsight, or if it can perceive
illusions as false, as with truesight.

Illuminate Weakness
4th-level active light
You bring forth an illuminating light that shines on all your foe’s
weakest points, making it easy for you and your allies to damage
the foe. One creature you can see within 60 feet of you must make
a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the target takes 1d8
radiant damage plus 1d8 radiant damage per power level and is
limned until the end of your next turn. While limned in this way,
whenever the target takes damage, it takes an extra 1d8 damage,
or an extra 2d8 damage if it takes radiant damage from one of your
light powers. On a success, the target takes half as much damage
and isn’t limned.

Prism’s Refraction 120 feet of you must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save,
4th-level active light the target takes 1d10 radiant damage plus 1d10 radiant damage per
You refract light in front of you like a prism, bending it into a 40- power level and is limned until the end of your next turn. While limned
cone cone of brilliant rays. Each creature in the area must make a in this way, you and each creature you choose gains a +2 bonus to
Dexterity saving throw. If the target is limned, it makes the save with AC against attacks made by the target. On a success, choose one: BATTLEZOO
disadvantage. On a failed save, the target takes 1d6 radiant damage the target takes half as much damage or is limned until the end of
plus 1d6 radiant damage per power level and is dazzled and limned your next turn.
until the end of your next turn. On a successful save, the target takes Introduction
half as much damage and is limned (but not dazzled) until the end of Blinding Brilliance A World
your next turn. 7th-level active light of Eldamon
You emanate an intense light that dazzles or blinds those around you.
Dazzling Embrace Each creature within 60 feet of you must make a Constitution saving Character
5th-level active light throw. On a failed save, the target takes 1d8 radiant damage plus 1d8
You surround yourself with dazzling sparkles that interfere with your radiant damage per power level and is blinded and limned until the Elemental
foes’ follow-up attacks and limn them with light. The effect lasts until end of your next turn. On a success, the target takes half as much Powers
you refresh, are incapacitated, or dismiss the effect on your turn damage and is dazzled and limned until the end of your next turn. Eldamon
(which doesn’t require an action). While the effect lasts, whenever Entries
a creature within 5 feet of you touches you or hits you with a melee Devouring Light
weapon attack, it takes radiant damage equal to your power level 7th-level active light
and is dazzled and limned until the end its turn. If the creature was You call forth a devouring light that surrounds and consumes your
already dazzled and limned (such as if it has already hit you with a foe. One creature you can see within 120 feet of you must make a
melee attack this turn), it takes additional radiant damage equal to Dexterity saving throw. The target takes persistent radiant damage
half your power level (rounded up). equal to your power level on a failed save, or half as much persistent
radiant damage on a successful one. Until this persistent damage
Lantern of Revelation ends, the target is dazzled and limned.
5th-level active light
You emit a sphere of revealing light, searing those within with the
truth. The light fills a 20-foot-radius sphere centered on a point you
can see within 120 feet of you. Each creature in the area must make a
Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, the target takes 1d8 radiant
damage plus 1d8 radiant damage per power level and is limned until
the end of your next turn. On a success, the target takes half as much
damage and isn’t limned.
In addition, you can immediately end any illusion spell of 5th
level or lower in the area. For each spell of 6th level or higher in the
area, you can make an ability check using your power ability. The DC
equals 10 + the spell’s level. On a successful check, the spell ends.

Illuminating Curtain
6th-level active light
You trace a curtain of light across the battlefield, dazzling and
limning those who cross it. You create a 5-foot-thick curtain
of light up to 10 feet high and up to 60 feet long in a straight
line, starting in a space you can see within 120 feet of you. A
creature that enters the area for the first time on a turn or that
starts its turn there takes 1d4 radiant damage per power level and is
dazzled and limned until the end of your next turn. The curtain lasts
until you refresh, are incapacitated, or until you dismiss it on your turn
(which doesn’t require an action).

Incandescent Guardian
6th-level active light
You conjure an incandescent guardian that clings to a foe, damaging
them and revealing their attacks. One creature you can see within

Flickering Fantasy damage and is dazzled and limned until the end of your next turn. On
8th-level active light a success, the target takes half as much damage and isn’t dazzled
You form an illusory scene out of light that fills a 30-foot cube within or limned. The mirrors then disappear in a burst of harmless magical
180 feet of you. The scene lasts until you refresh, are incapacitated, light.
or until you dismiss the effect on your turn (which doesn’t require an
action). When you use this power, you can designate any number of Effulgent Explosion
creatures you can see to be unaffected by it. When you first create 9th-level active light
the scene, all affected creatures in the area must make a Dexterity You charge up an explosion of effulgent light that limns creatures
saving throw, taking 1d8 radiant damage plus 1d8 radiant damage per within for a lengthy period. The explosion fills a 30-foot-radius
power level on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful sphere centered on a point you can see within 360 feet of you. Each
one. creature in the area must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed
Physical interaction with the scene reveals it to be an illusion, save, the target takes 1d8 radiant damage plus 1d8 radiant damage,
because things can pass through it. A creature that uses its action is limned for 10 minutes, and is dazzled until the end of your next turn.
to examine the scene can determine that it is an illusion with a On a success, the target takes half as much damage, is limned for 1
successful Intelligence (Investigation) check against your power minute, and isn’t dazzled.
save DC. If a creature discerns the illusion for what it is, the creature
can see through the scene and is no longer affected by it. Solar Flare
9th-level active light
Lambent Reflection You call an intense storm of flaring light that damages and shines
8th-level active light upon creatures in the area. The storm fills a 20-foot-radius sphere
You conjure up to two magical mirrors and then fire a stream of light centered on a point you can see within 120 feet of you. The storm
that bounces off the mirrors, changing its direction. The stream is lasts until you refresh, are incapacitated, or until you dismiss the
a 5-foot-wide, 240-foot-long line, except you can cause the line to effect on your turn (which doesn’t require an action). While the effect
turn up to 90 degrees twice at the points on its length with mirrors. lasts, each time a creature enters the area for the first time on a turn
Creatures you choose in the area must make a Dexterity saving or starts its turn there, you can choose to deal that creature 1d4
throw. If the target is limned, it makes the save with disadvantage. On radiant damage per power level. A creature that takes damage this
a failed save, the target takes 1d8 radiant damage plus 1d8 radiant way is dazzled and limned for as long as it remains in the area.

Retributive Dazzle
1st-level reactive light
When a creature you can see targets you with a melee weapon
attack, you dazzle and limn that creature until the start of its next turn.

Intensify Glare
3rd-level reactive light
When a creature dazzled by one of your light powers hits
with an attack, you can intensify the glare from your light
at the last second, throwing off the creature’s attack even
more. To do so, you must be able to see the creature, and the
creature must be within 60 feet of you. The creature must roll
their attack again (with disadvantage from being dazzled) and
use the worse result.

Blinding Flash
6th-level reactive light
You create a brilliant flash of light, attempting to momentarily blind
your foe and interfere with their ability to target you or your ally. When
a creature you can see within 30 feet of you makes an attack roll
or casts a spell, you can force that creature to make a Constitution
saving throw. On a failed save, the target is blinded until the start of
its next turn. On a success, the target is dazzled until the start of its
next turn.

Light eldamon and elemental avatars are experts at revealing
Illuminating Pulse secrets and hidden things, making it easier to target and defeat
1st-level refresh light foes. The limned condition that most of their powers applies
You release a pulse of light that illuminates everything around you, surrounds a foe in magical elemental light, which can help BATTLEZOO
revealing what was hidden and recharging your light power. Creatures handle invisible creatures or darkness. Additionally, the limned
and objects within 30 feet of you (including you) are limned until the condition sometimes comes along with other substantial
end of your next turn. You refresh your elemental powers. benefits, allowing a light user to mix and match various kinds Introduction
of light to provide benefits to their entire team. Meanwhile, the
Coruscating Flash dazzled condition provides a secondary line of defense against a
A World
of Eldamon
4th-level refresh light foe, making it especially powerful against foes with advantage or
You emanate a coruscating flash that dazzles nearby foes and sets a high accuracy who expect to hit their mark otherwise. By using Character
the nearby lights spinning into a coordinated state. Each creature light to strengthen their allies and weaken their foes, light users
you choose within 30 feet of you is dazzled until the end of your next make up for their lower offense with ease. Elemental
turn. You refresh your elemental powers. Powers

Dazzling Double foot radius. The aura is centered on you, moving with you when you Entries
7th-level refresh light move. The aura lasts until you refresh, are incapacitated, or until you
You form a duplicate made out of light that helps you arrange your dismiss it on your turn (which doesn’t require an action). While the
light power and protects you from harm. You refresh your elemental effect lasts, whenever a creature enters the area for the first time on
powers. A duplicate of yourself then appears in your space. The a turn or starts its turn there, you can choose to deal that creature
duplicate lasts until the start of your next turn or until it’s destroyed. radiant damage equal to your power level. A creature that takes
While the duplicate remains, each time a creature targets you with this damage is also dazzled and limned until the end of your next
an attack, roll a d20. On an 11 or higher, the attack instead targets the turn. While limned in this way, attacks against the creature have
duplicate. The duplicate’s AC equals 10 + your Dexterity modifier. If advantage. In addition, at the start of each of your turns, you can
an attack hits the duplicate, the duplicate is destroyed. The creature choose to end any illusion spell of 5th level or lower in the aura. For
that destroyed the duplicate is dazzled until the end of your next turn. each spell of 6th level or higher in the area, you can make an ability
The duplicate can be destroyed only by an attack that hits it. It check using your power ability. The DC equals 10 + the spell’s level.
ignores all other damage and effects. On a successful check, the spell ends.
A creature is unaffected by this power if it can’t see, if it relies
on senses other than sight, such as blindsight, or if it can perceive
illusions as false, as with truesight.

Ultimate light
You call forth a legendary spear of sunlight that
pierces through your foes, unless they have the
resolve to withstand it. Each creature you choose
in a 15-foot-wide, 500-foot-long line must make a
Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, the target takes
1d10 radiant damage plus 1d10 radiant damage per power level
and is dazzled and limned until the end of your next turn. If
the target throw fails by 5 or more, the target is permanently
blinded and is dazzled for 1 minute (even if it removes or
otherwise avoids becoming blinded). On a success, the
target takes half as much damage and isn’t dazzled or

Ultimate light
You call upon the mythical solar chariot to bring forth the light
of truth. You are surrounded by an aura of bright light in a 200-

M ind Elemental Locomotion
You can propel your body purely with your mind,
The element of mind encompasses the though the movement is coarse. So long as you are
elemental nature of mental essence, conscious, you can walk even while paralyzed or
the foundation of the Astral Plane, the stunned, but you can move only once per turn, and
Dreamlands, and other mental realms. Thus, it focuses only in a straight line.
on powers that assault, bewilder, or overwhelm the Enhanced Locomotion. Your purely mental motion
minds of others. is especially refined. When you use your mind to walk
while paralyzed or stunned, you don’t need to move
Special Rules once per turn in a straight line. In addition, if you have
another type of speed (such as a fly speed), you can also
Mind elemental powers have the following special rules. move in that manner, even if you would normally need
to flap your wings to fly or move your fins to swim.
Mind powers and effects might inflict a new condition Elemental Manipulation
called stupefied. Stupefied always includes a value. A As an action, you can make minor, magical adjustments
stupefied creature takes a penalty equal to its stupefied to the mental state of a creature you can see within
value to attack rolls that rely on Intelligence, Wisdom, 20 feet of you. Until the end of your next turn, you
and Charisma; Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma have advantage on Charisma ability checks made to
ability checks; saving throws that rely on Intelligence, influence that creature. At the GM’s discretion, you can
Wisdom, and Charisma; and spellcasting DC. In make other minor adjustments to a creature’s mental
addition, whenever a stupefied creature attempts to cast state.
a spell, it must roll a d20 against a DC equal to 5 + its
stupefied value. On a failure, the creature can’t cast the Elemental Resistance
spell and the spell is wasted. Your mind is resilient to mental effects, especially
those that control your actions or emotions. You have
Element Benefits resistance to psychic damage.
Enhanced Resistance. Whenever you take psychic
If your associated element is mind, you gain the damage, reduce the amount of psychic damage you
following benefits from features that vary depending on take by an amount equal to 1d6 plus your power level
your element. (to a minimum of 0). In addition, you have advantage
on saving throws against effects that would charm or
frighten you.

Elemental Sculptor
As an action, you can forge a magical mental link with
a creature you can see within 20 feet of you. When
you do, you can telepathically impart an amount of
information that could otherwise be communicated
in 10 minutes or less. Alternatively, if the target is
frightened, you can end that condition on the target.
At the GM’s discretion, you can perform other similar
adjustments to a creature’s mental state.

Elemental Senses
You can sense the thoughts of nearby creatures. As an
action, you can detect the presence of creatures with an
Intelligence score of 5 or higher within 60 feet of you
that aren’t behind total cover. This doesn’t allow you to
see the creatures; you just notice their presence.

Elemental Shield
The bonus granted by your elemental shield also applies
to Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma saving throws.

ACTIVE POWERS Creeping Dread
3rd-level active mind
Addling Blast You insinuate dread into your foe’s mind, overcoming them with a
1st-level active mind rising sense of terror. One creature you can see within 60 feet of you
You blast a 15-foot cone of mental energy to muddle your foes’ minds must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, the target takes BATTLEZOO
and throw them off their guard. Each creature in the area must make 1d8 psychic damage per power level and is frightened for 1 round. On
a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, the target takes 1d6 psychic a successful save, the target takes half as much damage and isn’t
damage plus 1d6 psychic damage per power level and is stupefied frightened. Introduction
1 until the end of your next turn. While stupefied in this way, attacks
against the target have advantage. On a success, the target takes Bewitching Meme A World
of Eldamon
half as much damage and isn’t stupefied. 4th-level active mind
At power level 3 and every 2 power levels thereafter, you can You spread a self-replicative mental process in a 40-foot cone, Character
increase the size of the cone by up to 5 feet, to a maximum of a 35- causing your foes to become fascinated with you. Each creature you
foot cone at power level 9. choose in the area must make a Charisma saving throw. On a failed Elemental
save, the target takes 1d6 psychic damage plus 1d6 psychic damage Powers
Stupefying Inception per half your power level (rounded up) and is charmed. While Eldamon
1st-level active mind charmed in this way, the creature is incapacitated and has a speed of Entries
You touch a foe and release overflowing mental energy into their 0. The target remains charmed for 1 round, until it takes damage, or
vulnerable mind, damaging them and briefly weakening their mind. Make until someone else uses an action to shake the target out of its stupor.
a melee power attack against a creature within your reach. On a hit, the On a successful save, the target takes half as much damage and isn’t
target takes 1d10 psychic damage plus 1d10 psychic damage per power charmed.
level. Also on a hit, the target is stupefied 2 until the end of your next turn.

Intrusive Analysis
2nd-level active mind
You intrude into your foe’s mind, damaging them and allowing you to
predict their every action for a short time. One creature you can see
within 60 feet of you must make an Intelligence saving throw. On a failed
save, the target takes 1d8 psychic damage plus 1d8 psychic damage
per power level. Also on a failed save, you gain a +1 bonus to power
attack rolls against the target, to saving throws against the target’s
spells and other abilities, and to AC against the target’s attacks. This
bonus lasts until you refresh, are incapacitated, or until you dismiss the
effect on your turn (which doesn’t require an action). On a success, the
target takes half as much damage and your bonus to attack rolls, saving
throws, and AC lasts until the end of your next turn.

Psychic Thrust
2nd-level active mind
You thrust psychic energy into a foe from a distance to overwhelm
their mind. Make a ranged power attack against a creature you can
see within 60 feet of you. On a hit, the target takes 1d8 psychic
damage plus 1d8 psychic damage per power level and is stupefied 2
until the end of your next turn.

Brain Blast
3rd-level active mind
You send a wave of mental energy from your brain in all directions.
Each creature you choose within 20 feet of you must make a
Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, the target takes 1d6 psychic
damage plus 1d6 psychic damage per power level. Also on a failed
save, attacks against the target have advantage until the end of its
next turn. On a success, the target takes half as much damage and
attacks against the target are made normally.

Contagious Folly On a failed save, the target is affected by your peaceful impulse until
4th-level active mind you refresh, are incapacitated, or until you end the effect on your
You infect a foe with a particular brand of foolishness that’s turn (which doesn’t require an action). On its turn, the target can
surprisingly compelling and quickly spreads to those who hear its use an action to repeat the saving throw, ending the effect early on a
blathering. One creature you can see within 60 feet of you must make success. The effect also ends if the target takes damage.
a Wisdom saving throw. On failed save, the target takes 1d8 psychic While affected by your peaceful impulse, the first time each turn
damage plus 1d8 psychic damage per power level and is stupefied 1 the target makes an attack roll, casts a harmful spell, or forces a
until the end of your next turn. While stupefied in this way, the target creature to make a saving throw, that target takes psychic damage
is affected by contagious folly. On a successful save, the target takes equal to 1 plus your power level. Each time the target takes this
half as much damage and isn’t stupefied or affected by contagious damage, it has disadvantage on attack rolls, and creatures have
folly. advantage on saving throws against the target’s spells and other
The first time a creature affected by contagious folly touches or abilities. This effect lasts until the end of the target’s next turn.
communicates with each of its allies, that ally must make a Wisdom
saving throw. On failed save, the target takes 1d8 psychic damage Stupefying Embrace
plus 1d8 psychic damage per power level and is stupefied 1 until the 5th-level active mind
end of your next turn. On a success, the target takes half as much You surround yourself with a thin aura of mental energy, stupefying
damage and isn’t stupefied. foes who come into contact with you. The effect lasts until you
refresh, are incapacitated, or until you dismiss the effect on your turn
Peaceful Impulse (which doesn’t require an action). While the effect lasts, whenever a
5th-level active mind creature touches you or hits you with a melee weapon attack while
You forcibly apply a peaceful impulse to your foe’s mind, making it within 5 feet of you, that creature takes psychic damage equal to your
difficult and damaging for them to take hostile actions. One creature power level and is stupefied 1 until the start of its next turn.
you can see within 60 feet of you must make a Charisma saving throw.
Cerebral Shock
6th-level active mind
You concentrate deeply and send out a mental pulse at a distance,
damaging and stunning foes. The pulse fills a 20-foot-radius sphere
centered on a point you can see within 80 feet of you. Each creature
you choose in the area must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a
failed save, the target takes 1d6 psychic damage plus 1d6 psychic
damage per power level. If the saving throw fails by 5 or more, the
target is also stunned until the end of its next turn. On a successful
save, the target takes half as much damage and isn’t stunned.

Phrenic Curtain
6th-level active mind
You trace a curtain of rippling mental energy across the
battlefield, damaging and stupefying those who cross it. You
create a 5-foot-thick curtain of wind up to 10 feet high and up to
60 feet long in a straight line, starting in a space you can see within
120 feet of you. A creature that enters the area for the first time on a
turn or that starts its turn there takes psychic damage equal to 1d4
per power level and is stupefied 1 until the end of its next turn. The
curtain lasts until you refresh, are incapacitated, or until you dismiss
it on your turn (which doesn’t require an action).

Billowing Terror
7th-level active mind
You surround yourself with pure terror, which billows out from you
and throws your foes into a panic. Each creature you choose within
20 feet of you must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save,
the target takes 1d8 psychic damage plus 1d8 psychic damage per
power level and is frightened for 1 round. On a successful save, the
target takes half as much damage and isn’t frightened.

Stoke Aggression damage and isn’t stunned. If the Wisdom saving throw fails by 5 or
7th-level active mind more, the target must also make a Constitution saving throw. On a
You seize control of a foe’s aggression, stoking it into an enraged failed save, the target’s body doesn’t survive the process, and the
bonfire and manipulating it back toward the foe or its allies. One target dies.
creature you can see within 60 feet of you must make a Charisma BATTLEZOO
saving throw. Creatures immune to the charmed condition Brainstorm ELDAMON
automatically succeed on the save. On a failed save, you take control 9th-level active mind
of the target’s aggression for 1 minute. At the end of each of its You call forth a storm of psychic energy, stealing your foes’ ideas Introduction
turns, the target can repeat the saving throw, ending the effect early if you’re in the area as well. The storm fills a 20-foot-radius sphere
A World
on a success. While you control a target’s aggression, an affected centered on a point you can see within 60 feet of you. The storm lasts of Eldamon
target’s speed is halved, it takes a –2 penalty to AC and Dexterity until you refresh, are incapacitated, or until you dismiss the effect on
saving throws, and it can’t use reactions. On its turn, it can use either your turn (which doesn’t require an action). While the effect lasts, Character
an action or a bonus action, not both. Regardless of the creature’s each time a creature enters the area for the first time on a turn or that
abilities or magic items, it can’t make more than one melee or ranged starts its turn there, you can force that creature to make a Wisdom Elemental
attack during its turn. In addition, each round at the start of the saving throw. On a failed save, the target takes 1d4 psychic damage Powers
target’s turn, you can force the target to make a single weapon attack per power level and is stupefied 1 until the end of your next turn. Each Eldamon
against either itself or a creature it can see. time a creature takes this damage while you’re also in the storm’s Entries
area, you steal some of the creature’s thoughts and have advantage
Cognitive Chain on attack rolls, ability checks, and saving throws that rely on
8th-level active mind Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma until the end of your next turn.
You create a self-sustaining chain of harmful thoughts that bounce
between targets, assaulting their minds. One creature you can see REACTIVE POWERS
within 120 feet of you must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed
save, the target takes 1d8 psychic damage plus 1d8 psychic damage Retributive Mindlink
per power level and is stupefied 2 until the end of your next turn. Also 1st-level reactive mind
on a failed save, choose another creature you can see within 30 feet You use your foe’s attack to establish a mental link to that foe,
of the initial target and repeat the process. You can’t target the same opening them up to your other mind powers. When a creature you
creature more than once. On a successful save, the target takes half can see hits you with a melee attack, you can force that creature
as much damage and isn’t stupefied. to make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, the creature has
disadvantage on saving throws against your mind powers until the
Labyrinth of Twisted Thoughts end of your next turn. In addition, the first time you use one of your
8th-level active mind mind powers to deal psychic damage to the target before the effect
You send your foes’ minds into a tangled skein of bewildering ends, you deal additional psychic damage equal to 1 plus half your
and unfathomable thoughts, confusing them and damaging their power level (rounded up).
minds. Each creature you choose in an 80-foot cone must make
an Intelligence saving throw. On a failed save, the target takes 1d6
psychic damage plus 1d6 psychic damage per power level and is
confused until the end of its next turn. On a success, the target takes
half as much damage and isn’t confused.
While confused, the target can’t take reactions. In addition, at
the start of its turn the target rolls a d8 to determine what it does
during that turn. On a 1 to 4, the target does nothing. On a 5 or 6, the
target takes no action but uses all its movement to move in a random
direction. On a 7 to 8, the target makes one melee attack against a
random creature, or it does nothing if no creature is within reach.

Brain Death
9th-level active mind
You send a signal to your foe’s brain, telling it to shut down and
potentially killing the foe outright. One creature you can see within
120 feet of you must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save,
the target takes 1d10 psychic damage plus 1d10 psychic damage per
power level and is stunned until the end of its next turn, as its brain
shuts down temporarily. On a success, the target takes half as much

Psychic Scream Mind Palace
3rd-level reactive mind 4th-level refresh mind
Those who seek to intrude upon your mind have made a huge blunder. You erect a palatial mental defense around yourself and your allies,
When a creature forces you to make a saving throw against an effect granting your beleaguered minds refuge from what assails them as
that would charm you or deal psychic damage to you, you release a you bring your mental energies back in order. Until the end of your
psychic scream into the intruding mind, damaging and disrupting it. next turn, you and creatures you choose within 20 feet of you have
The creature must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, advantage on Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma saving throws.
the creature takes 1d6 psychic damage plus 1d6 psychic damage per You refresh your elemental powers.
power level and is stupefied 2 until the end of your next turn. On a
success, the creature takes half as much damage and isn’t stupefied. Predict Assaults
Note that because the effects of your psychic scream happen before 7th-level refresh mind
the triggering saving throw, the creature might be stupefied (reducing As you restructure the mental energies surrounding you, you get a
its spell save DC and forcing it to make a d20 roll, if it was casting a read on what your foes are thinking, making it incredibly easy for you
spell) before that save is resolved. to avoid their attacks. You refresh your elemental powers. You then
read the combat intentions of each creature you choose within 60
Implant Taboo feet of you. The next time a chosen target forces you to make a saving
6th-level reactive mind throw, you have advantage on the save. Alternatively, the next time
You tap into your foe’s mind and make their choice of action feel like a target makes an attack roll against you, it makes the attack with
an unforgivable taboo, potentially forcing the foe to change their disadvantage. The effect on that creature then ends. Otherwise, the
action. When a creature you can see within 60 feet of you moves effect lasts until you refresh, are incapacitated, or until you dismiss
or takes an action, you can force that creature to make a Charisma the effect on your turn (which doesn’t require an action).
saving throw. On a failed save, the action becomes taboo to the
creature. If it was trying to move, the creature can’t move until the ULTIMATE POWERS
end of its turn. If it was taking an action, the creature must either take
a different action this turn or do nothing. On a successful save, the Muninn
target can move and act normally. Ultimate mind
You call upon a legendary messenger of thought, conjuring a flock of
REFRESH POWERS thoughtform ravens to harry your foes and guide your allies’ thoughts.
The ravens fill a 15-foot cube in a space you can see within 200 feet of
Rush of Insight you. The ravens last until you refresh, are incapacitated, or until you
1st-level refresh mind dismiss them on your turn (which doesn’t require an action). While
You send a rush of mental energy through yourself and the area the ravens last, you can use a bonus action to move the ravens up
around you, allowing you to rapidly inspect your surroundings and to 60 feet in any direction (including up), though the ravens collapse
query your memories (or those of the friend whose phase you share, back into insubstantial figments of imagination if they are ever more
if you’re an eldamon), even as you rearrange the energy to use your than 500 feet away from you.
powers again. You can make a Wisdom (Perception) check or an When you use this power, you can designate any number of
Intelligence-based check to recall knowledge. You have advantage creatures you can see to be unaffected by it. An unaffected creature
on this check. You then refresh your elemental powers. has advantage on attack rolls, ability checks, and saving throws while
within the area. An affected creature that enters the area for the first
time on a turn or starts its turn there must make a Wisdom saving
throw, taking 1d6 psychic damage per power level on a failed save, or
half as much damage on a successful one.

Ultimate mind
You call upon a mythical font of knowledge and origin of writing,
assailing your foes all at once with a torrent of overwhelming
information. Each creature you choose within 120 feet of you must
make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, the target takes 1d8
psychic damage plus 1d8 psychic damage per power level. Also on
a failed save, the target is stupefied 3 until the end of your next turn,
and then is stupefied 1 until you refresh. On a successful save, the
target takes half as much damage and is stupefied 1 until the end of
your next turn.

Water protectively toward you. Any time a water power says
it “moves” a creature, if you’re in low tide you pull the
The element of water embodies the creature directly toward you, unless stated otherwise.
rush and constant change of currents Low tide powers tend to pull enemies toward you, and
and the ebb and flow of the tides. Just their damage is lower than at high tide, but they often BATTLEZOO
as water exists in a cycle, as a water user, if you learn come with a defensive benefit of some kind.
to make the most of the changing tides, you can take
control of the battlefield.
Element Benefits Introduction

A World
Special Rules If your associated element is water, you gain the
following benefits from features that vary depending on
of Eldamon

Water elemental powers have the following special your element. Character
Elemental Locomotion Elemental
Current’s Pull You gain a swim speed equal to your walking speed, Powers
Your allies can choose to ride the currents of your water and you can breathe both air and water. If you’re in Eldamon
powers. Whenever you target a creature with a water high tide, your swim speed increases by 10 feet. If Entries
power or include a creature in the area of a water power, you’re in low tide, you gain a +1 bonus to AC against
you can choose to deal no damage to that creature. If opportunity attacks while swimming.
you do, that creature can then allow the power to move Enhanced Locomotion. By using your magic to call
them any distance described by the power. For example, forth tides of water around you, you can swim on land
if your power pushes a creature 20 feet on a hit and 10 and in the air. While swimming in the air, if you end
feet on a miss, a creature you allow to remain unharmed your turn without having swam at least 5 feet since the
by the power can choose to stay where it is or be pushed end of your turn, you fall if nothing is holding you aloft.
10 or 20 feet. (As the rushing water of your powers
is too rapid for precise control, the creature couldn’t Elemental Manipulation
choose any distance other than 10 or 20 feet.) As an action, you can use your magic to control water
within 5 feet of you in minor ways, allowing you to
Magical Damage move or filter small bodies of water, condense moisture
The currents created by water powers churn with out of humid air, or evaporate a glassful of water into
elemental magic. Bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing nothing. At the GM’s discretion, you can make other
damage dealt by water powers counts as magical for minor adjustments to water.
the purpose of overcoming resistance and immunity to
nonmagical attacks and damage.

Shifting Tides
Whenever you roll initiative, refresh your elemental
powers, or phase in (if you’re a water eldamon), choose
high or low tide as your current tide. Whenever you use
a water power, you gain the effect of your current tide,
then switch to the other tide (high tide becomes low
tide, or low tide becomes high tide). In this way, you
alternate your powers between the tides, until you
refresh and change to whichever tide you prefer.
You normally don’t have a current tide outside an
High Tide. At high tide, your powers push
heedlessly outward, ready to break the shore. Any time
a water power says it “moves” a creature, if you’re in
high tide you push the creature directly away from
you, unless stated otherwise. High tide powers tend
to deal additional damage, but they often come with a
defensive drawback of some kind.
Low Tide. At low tide, your powers ebb back

Elemental Resistance Hydro Bullet
Your body is protected by water that prevents flames 2nd-level active water
from reaching you. You gain resistance to fire damage. You shoot a powerful bullet of water at a foe. Make a ranged power
Enhanced Resistance. Whenever you take fire damage, attack against a creature you can see within 60 feet of you. On a
reduce the amount of fire damage you take by an amount hit, the target takes 1d6 bludgeoning damage plus 1d6 bludgeoning
equal to 1d6 plus your power level (to a minimum of 0). damage per power level, and you can move the target up to 10 feet.
Your tide determines additional effects.
Elemental Sculptor High Tide. You increase the damage from d6s to d10s, in exchange
As an action, you can move a body of water filling up to for significant recoil. Whether the attack hits or misses, attacks
a 10-foot cube within 20 feet of you up to 20 feet. You against you have advantage until the end of your next turn.
can also sculpt the water’s form into fanciful shapes, Low Tide. You can make the attack as if you were in a space you
though if the water doesn’t have a container, it splashes can see within 60 feet of you.
into a puddle as soon as you stop sculpting it.
Ocean Torrent
Elemental Senses 2nd-level active water
You notice tremors in the water around you. While You tap into your reserves of endurance to create a torrent of ocean
underwater, you have tremorsense out to a range of 60 feet. water in a 5-foot-wide, 40-foot long line. Each creature in the area
must make a Strength saving throw. On a failed save, the target takes
Elemental Shield 1d6 bludgeoning plus 1d6 bludgeoning damage per power level,
Whenever you take fire damage, reduce the damage and you can move the target up to 10 feet. On a success, the target
you take by an amount equal to your power level (to a takes half as much damage and isn’t moved. Your tide determines
minimum of 0). If you have Enhanced Resistance, this additional effects.
is cumulative with the 1d6. At power level 4 and power level 8, you can increase the length
of the line by up to 20 feet, to a maximum of an 80-foot line at power
High Tide. You increase the damage from d6s to d10s, but the
Aqua Punch effort takes a toll on your endurance. You have disadvantage on
1st-level active water Constitution saving throws until the end of your next turn.
You punch a foe with a surge of water. Make a melee power attack against Low Tide. You build your endurance by gathering the torrent to
a creature within your reach. On a hit, the target takes 1d8 bludgeoning you. You have advantage on Constitution saving throws until
damage plus 1d8 bludgeoning damage per power level. Also on a hit, you the end of your next turn.
can move the target up to 10 feet. Your tide determines additional effects.
High Tide. You increase the damage from d8s to d12s. Storm Surge
Low Tide. You can make the attack as if you were in a space you 3rd-level active water
can see within 30 feet of you. Also on a hit, the target’s attacks A surge of water rushes outward from you or toward you, buffeting
against you have disadvantage until the end of its next turn. your foes. Each creature you choose within 30 feet of you must
make a Strength saving throw. On a failed save, the target takes 1d6
Sea Spray bludgeoning damage plus 1d6 bludgeoning damage per power level,
1st-level active water and you can move the target up to 10 feet. On a successful save,
You spray water unpredictably in a cone, throwing yourself off- the target takes half as much damage and isn’t moved. Your tide
balance, or draw the spray back toward you to defend yourself. Each determines additional effects.
creature in a 15-foot cone must make a Strength saving throw, taking High Tide. You increase the damage from d6s to d10s, but the
1d6 bludgeoning damage plus 1d6 bludgeoning damage per power sudden surge disrupts your reflexes. You had disadvantage on
level on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. Dexterity saving throws until the end of your next turn.
Also on a failed save, you can move the target up to 10 feet. Your tide Low Tide. You gather the surging waters to help you leap out of
determines additional effects. the way of enemy effects. You have advantage on Dexterity
At power level 3 and every 2 power levels thereafter, you can saving throws until the end of your next turn.
increase the size of the cone by up to 5 feet, to a maximum of a 35-
foot cone at power level 9. Unrelenting Jet
High Tide. You increase the damage from d6s to d8s. Attacks 3rd-level active water
against you have advantage until the end of your next turn. You call forth an orb of water that fires a continuous jet against a foe,
Low Tide. You gain a +1 bonus to AC until the start of your next preventing it from approaching or fleeing. One creature you can see
turn. This bonus increases to +2 against creatures that failed within 60 feet of you must make a Strength saving throw. On a failed
the saving throw against this power. save, the target takes 1d6 bludgeoning damage plus 1d6 bludgeoning

damage per power level. Also on a failed save, you can move the Water Key Terms
target up to 5 feet. In addition, until the end of the target’s next turn, it You’ll see one or both of the following terms in almost every
can’t move against the current of the jet (toward you if you’re at high water elemental power. Typically, a water power has a special
tide or away from you if you’re at low tide). On a successful save, effect depending on if you are at high or low tide when you use it.
the target takes half as much damage, isn’t moved, and can move High Tide: At high tide, your powers push heedlessly BATTLEZOO
against the tide as if they were moving through difficult terrain (it outward, ready to break the shore. Any time a water power says
costs the target two feet of movement for every foot it moves). Your it “moves” an enemy, if you’re in high tide, you push the enemy
tide determines additional effects. directly away from you unless stated otherwise. High tide Introduction
High Tide. You increase the damage from d6s to d10s, but attacks powers tend to deal additional damage, but they often come
A World
against you have advantage until the end of your next turn. with a defensive drawback of some kind. of Eldamon
Low Tide. If the target fails the saving throw, they also have Low Tide: At low tide, your powers ebb back protectively
disadvantage on attack rolls against you until the end of your toward you. Any time a water power says it “moves” an enemy, if Character
next turn. you’re in low tide, you pull the enemy directly toward you unless
stated otherwise. Low tide powers tend to pull enemies toward Elemental
Bubble Burst you, and their damage is lower than at high tide, but they often Powers
4th-level active water come with a defensive benefit of some kind. Eldamon
You summon an enormous, magical bubble around your foes. The Entries
bubble then bursts, pushing foes outward or drawing them in. The
bubble fills a 30-foot-radius sphere centered on a point you can see who come in contact with you. The effect lasts until you refresh, are
within 120 feet of you. Each creature you choose in the area must incapacitated, or until you dismiss the effect on your turn (which
make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, the target takes 1d6 doesn’t require an action). While the effect lasts, whenever a creature
bludgeoning damage plus 1d6 bludgeoning damage per power level. touches you or hits you with a melee weapon attack, you can force
Also on a failed save, you can push the target up to 10 feet directly that creature to make a Strength saving throw. On a failed save, you
away from the center of the bubble (if you’re in high tide) or pull the can move the creature up to 10 feet. On a success, you can move the
target up to 10 feet directly toward the center of the bubble (if you’re target up to 5 feet. If you’re at low tide and this movement would pull
in low tide). On a successful save, the target takes half as much a creature into your space, that creature instead takes bludgeoning
damage and isn’t moved. Your tide determines additional effects. damage equal to your power level.
High Tide. You increase the damage from d6s to d10s, but attacks Unlike most water powers, the effects of aqueous embrace don’t
against you have advantage until the end of your next turn. depend on your tide when you use the power. Instead, the power’s
Low Tide. Each target that fails the saving throw also has disad- effects shift each time you use a water power. Your tide still changes
vantage on attack rolls against you until the end of your next turn. when you first use aqueous embrace.

Flowing River
4th-level active water
You flow forward in a rush of water, leaving behind a winding river to batter
your foes. You move up to your speed, trailing a river of frothing waters
in each space you leave during this movement. The river lasts until the
end of your next turn. While the effect lasts, whenever a creature enters
the area for the first time on a turn or starts its turn in the area, you can
force that creature to make a Strength saving throw. On a failed save, the
creature takes 1d6 bludgeoning damage plus 1d6 bludgeoning damage
per power level. Also on a failed save, you can move the target up to 20
feet along the river’s path. On a successful save, the target takes half as
much damage and isn’t moved. Your tide determines additional effects.
High Tide. You increase the damage from d6s to d10s, but you
can’t move after completing the movement granted by this
power, your speed becomes 0 and you can’t benefit from any
bonus to your speed until the end of your next turn.
Low Tide. After completing the movement granted by this power,
your speed increases by 30 feet until the end of your next turn.

Aqueous Embrace
5th-level active water
You surround yourself with tides of water, pushing or pulling foes

Rushing Current through the curtain are made with disadvantage. In addition, any
5th-level active water attack, spell, and other effect that deals fire damage deals only half
You create a 15-foot-wide, 60-foot-long current that smashes into damage to creatures on the opposite side of the curtain (this benefit
your foes and makes it difficult for them to move against the current. isn’t cumulative with fire resistance if the creature has it). The curtain
Each creature you choose in the area must make a Dexterity saving lasts until you refresh, are incapacitated, or until you dismiss it on
throw. On a failed save, the target takes 1d8 bludgeoning damage your turn (which doesn’t require an action).
plus 1d8 bludgeoning damage per power level. Also on a failed save,
you can move the target up to 10 feet. In addition, until the end of Cloudburst
the target’s next turn, moving against the current (toward you if you’re 7th-level active water
at high tide or away from you if you’re at low tide) costs the target You call forth a sudden downpour of water at great range. The
two feet of movement for every foot it moves. On a successful save, cloudburst fills a 30-foot-radius sphere centered on a point you can
the target takes half as much damage, isn’t moved, and can move see within 500 feet of you. Each creature you choose in the area must
against the current normally. Your tide determines additional effects. make a Strength saving throw. On a failed save, the target takes 1d8
High Tide. You increase the damage from d8s to d10s, but you bludgeoning damage plus 1d8 bludgeoning damage, and you can
have disadvantage on Dexterity saving throws until the end of move the target up to 10 feet. On a success, the target takes half as
your next turn. much damage and isn’t moved. Your tide determines additional effects.
Low Tide. You have advantage on Dexterity saving throws until High Tide. You increase the damage from d8s to d12s, but the
the end of your next turn. sudden rush of water you channel into the cloudburst knocks
you prone.
Relentless Drench Low Tide. The cloudburst’s rush of water conceals you from foes.
6th-level active water You are heavily obscured to all creatures you choose until the
You drench a foe, waterlogging them until they are clumsy and end of your next turn.
slow. One creature you can see within 120 feet of you must make
a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the target takes 1d6 Immortal Water Dragon
bludgeoning damage plus 1d6 bludgeoning damage per power level. 7th-level active water
Also on a failed save, you can move the target up to 10 feet. Finally, You form a long, serpentine dragons that twists and turns, slamming
the target becomes waterlogged until you refresh, are incapacitated, into foes and pushing them toward or away from you, regardless of
or until you end the effect on your turn (which doesn’t require an the dragon’s current direction. The dragon appears in a 10-foot cube
action). While waterlogged, the target’s speed is halved, it takes a –2 in a space you can see within 5 feet of you (if you’re at hide tide) or
penalty to AC and Dexterity saving throws, and it can’t use reactions. within 120 feet of you (if you’re at low tide). The dragon then moves in
On its turn, it can use either an action or a bonus action, not both. a 120-foot-long path of your choice, although if you’re at low tide, the
Regardless of the creature’s abilities or magic items, it can’t make dragon must end its movement in your space.
more than one melee or ranged attack during its turn. On a successful Each time the dragon first enters a creature’s space during this
save, the target takes half as much damage and isn’t moved or movement, you can force that creature to make a Dexterity saving
waterlogged. Your tide determines additional effects. throw. On a failed save, the creature takes 1d8 bludgeoning damage
High Tide. You increase the damage from d6s to d10s, but you’re plus 1d8 bludgeoning damage per power level, and you can move
waterlogged until the end of your next turn, with the same the target up to 10 feet. On a success, the target takes half as much
effects as a waterlogged target takes. damage and isn’t moved. Your tide determines additional effects.
Low Tide. The waters that drench your foe help you take action. High Tide. You increase the damage from d8s to d10s, and you
Until the end of your next turn, your speed is doubled, you gain ride the dragon, moving 120 feet to the end of the dragon’s
a +2 bonus to AC, and you have advantage on Dexterity saving path without provoking opportunity attacks. At the end of this
throws. On your next turn, you gain an additional action, which movement, attacks against you have advantage until the end
can be used only to take the Attack (one weapon attack only), of your next turn.
Dash, Disengage, Hide, or Use an Object action. Low Tide. The dragon guards you at the end of its movement.
You gain three-quarters cover from creatures you choose until
Water Curtain the end of your next turn or until you move from your space,
6th-level active water whichever comes first.
You trace a curtain of water across the battlefield, battering creatures
that cross it. You create a 5-foot-thick curtain of water up to 10 feet Flash Flood
high and up to 60 feet long in a straight line, starting in a space you 8th-level active water
can see within 120 feet of you. A creature that enters the area for You create a sudden flood that waterlogs the area. The flood fills a
the first time on a turn or that starts its turn there takes bludgeoning 50-foot cube in a space you can see within 200 feet of you. Each
damage equal to 1d6 per half your power level (rounded up). The creature you choose in the area must make a Strength saving throw.
curtain is difficult terrain, and ranged weapon attacks that pass On a failed save, the target takes 1d8 bludgeoning damage plus 1d8

bludgeoning damage per power level. Also on a failed save, you can deluge moves a creature, you pull them directly towards the
move the target up to 20 feet. On a successful save, the target takes center of the deluge. You and each creature you choose are
half as much damage and you can move the target up to 10 feet. Your heavily obscured while in the deluge, although other creatures
tide determines additional effects. aren’t obscured to you and the creatures you choose.
High Tide. You increase the damage from d8s to d10s, but attacks BATTLEZOO
against you have advantage until the end of your next turn. Tsunami ELDAMON
Low Tide. The area retains water up to knee height and becomes 9th-level active water
difficult terrain to creatures without a swim speed until you You conjure a massive tidal wave to annihilate all before you. The Introduction
refresh, are incapacitated, or until you dismiss the effect on wave is a 60-foot-wide, 100-foot-tall, and 120-foot-long line, starting
A World
your turn (which doesn’t require an action). in a space you can see within 5 feet of you (if you’re at high tide) or of Eldamon
within 120 feet of you (if you’re at low tide). Each creature you choose
Water Gaol in the area must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, the Character
8th-level active water target takes 1d8 bludgeoning damage plus 1d8 bludgeoning damage
You call forth a prison of water to immobilize and potentially drown per power level, and you can move the target up to 40 feet. On a Elemental
your foe. One creature you can see within 60 feet of you must make a success, the target takes half as much damage and you can move Powers
Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, the creature is imprisoned in the target up to 20 feet. Your tide determines additional effects. Eldamon
your water gaol. While imprisoned, the target is restrained and must High Tide. You increase the damage from d8s to d10s, but you’re Entries
hold its breath or begin suffocating, unless it can breathe underwater. knocked prone.
As an action on its turn, the target can attempt a Strength saving Low Tide. You gain three-quarters cover from creatures you
throw against your power save DC, escaping the gaol on a success. choose until the start of your next turn.
The gaol pops like a bubble if the target breaks free; otherwise, the
gaol lasts until you refresh, are incapacitated, or until you dismiss the REACTIVE POWERS
effect on your turn (which doesn’t require an action).
Your tide determines additional effects. Retributive Wave
High Tide. At the start of each of the imprisoned creature’s turns, 1st-level reactive water
it takes bludgeoning damage equal to your power level from the You call forth a wave to knock your foe toward you or away from you,
high pressure. At the end of each of the imprisoned creature’s depending on your tide. When a creature you can see hits you with a
turns, you can push the water gaol up to 30 feet directly away melee attack, that creature must make a Strength saving throw. On a
from you, moving the imprisoned creature with it. However, the failed save, you can move the creature up to 10 feet. If you’re at low
effort of maintaining the water gaol saps your strength; while tide and the creature would be pulled into your space, attacks against
the effect lasts, you have disadvantage on attack rolls, ability the creature have advantage until the end of its next turn.
checks, and saving throws that rely on Strength.
Low Tide. At the end of each of the imprisoned creature’s turns,
you can pull the water gaol directly toward you, moving the
imprisoned creature with it. While the water gaol lasts, you have
three-quarters cover against the imprisoned creature.

Calamitous Deluge
9th-level active water
You pour down an unending deluge of water in the area, feeding off its
own power to damage and reposition foes. The deluge fills a 20-foot-
radius sphere centered on a point you can see within 120 feet of you.
The deluge lasts until you refresh, are incapacitated, or until you end
the effect on your turn (which doesn’t require an action). While the
effect lasts, whenever a creature enters the area for the first time on
a turn or starts its turn there, you can deal that creature bludgeoning
damage equal to 1d6 per half your power level (rounded up) and move
the creature up to 15 feet. Your tide determines additional effects.
High Tide. You increase the damage from d6s to d8s. Instead of
pushing the creature away from you, when the deluge moves
a creature, you push them directly away from the center of the
deluge. However, attacks against you have advantage while the
effect lasts.
Low Tide. Instead of pulling the creature towards you, when the

start of your next turn, melee weapon attacks against you have
disadvantage, unless the weapon is a dagger, javelin, shortsword,
spear, or trident. In addition, ranged weapon attacks against you
automatically miss if you’re beyond the weapon’s normal range,
and even at normal range, the attack has disadvantage unless the
weapon is a crossbow, a net, or a thrown weapon like a javelin, spear,
trident, or dart. Finally, you have resistance to fire damage.

Hidden in the Mist

7th-level refresh water
You create a cloud of vaporous mist in a 30-foot radius. The cloud is
centered on you, moving with you when you move. The cloud lasts
until the end of your next turn. While the effect lasts, the area inside the
cloud is heavily obscured, although you and creatures you choose can
see through the cloud normally. You refresh your elemental powers.

Liquefy Air Leviathan
3rd-level reactive water Ultimate water
When a creature you can see targets you with a ranged attack, you You call upon a mythical whale serpent of water through your
liquefy the air between you and the creature (if you’re underwater, the will. The serpent coils around your foes, trapping them for a brief
water becomes more viscous instead). If the attack was a weapon moment within its churning, metaphysical gullet unless they resist
attack, you halve the attack’s normal and long range. If the attack’s its call. Each creature you choose within 200 feet of you must
reduced range results in you being beyond the attack’s maximum make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, the target takes 1d8
range, the attack misses you automatically. If the attack would deal bludgeoning damage plus 1d8 bludgeoning damage per power level,
fire damage, reduce the damage by an amount equal to your power and you can move the target up to 20 feet. On a success, the target
level. Your tide has no effect on this power, but using the power still takes half as much damage, and you can move the target up to 10
changes your tide. feet. Your tide determines additional effects.
High Tide. You increase the damage from d8s to d12s, but you
Interrupting Torrent have disadvantage on Wisdom saving throws until the end of
6th-level reactive water your next turn.
As your foe begins to move, you quickly push or pull them depending Low Tide. As you pull the leviathan’s power into yourself, it
on your tide, throwing off their positioning. When a creature you can blesses you with heroic might. You have advantage on attack
see moves into a space within 60 feet of you, that creature must make rolls, ability checks, and saving throws until the end of your next
a Strength saving throw. On a failed save, you can move the target up turn.
to 30 feet, or up to 15 feet on a successful one.
REFRESH POWERS Ultimate water
You bring forth a swirling titanic maelstrom of water that draws foes
Bubble Swarm in or spits them out. The maelstrom fills a 60-foot-radius sphere
1st-level refresh water centered on you, moving with you when you move. The maelstrom
You form countless, magical water bubbles as you refresh your lasts until you refresh, are incapacitated, or until you dismiss it
powers. The bubbles swarm in the direction of your tide, moving your on your turn (which doesn’t require an action). While the effect
foes with them. Each creature you choose within 20 feet of you must lasts, at the end of each of your turns, each creature you choose in
make a Strength saving throw. On a failed save, you can move the the area must make a Strength saving throw. On a failed save, the
creature up to 10 feet. If you’re at low tide when you use this power, target takes 1d4 bludgeoning damage per power level and you can
you also gain a +2 bonus to AC until the start of your next turn. You move the target up to 20 feet. On a success, the target takes half as
refresh your elemental powers. much damage, and you can move the target up to 10 feet. Your tide
determines additional effects.
Water Barrier High Tide. You increase the damage from d4s to d6s, but attacks
4th-level refresh water against you have advantage while the effect lasts.
You surround yourself in water, providing you many of the protections Low Tide. Attacks against you have disadvantage while the effect
of being underwater. You refresh your elemental powers. Until the lasts.

Wood Magical Damage
The sharp thorns and sturdy branches created by wood
The element of wood embodies powers are imbued with elemental magic. Bludgeoning,
natural growth, as seen all across the piercing, and slashing damage dealt by wood powers
plant kingdom. Thus, it focuses on counts as magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance BATTLEZOO
powers that grow, building up by sowing plants across and immunity to nonmagical attacks and damage.
the battlefield in order to harvest the plants later for a
greater effect. Wood users learn to follow the natural
cycle of growth and balance their sowing and harvesting Element Benefits Introduction

A World
for maximum effect. If your associated element is wood, you gain the of Eldamon
following benefits from features that vary depending on
Special Rules your element. Character

Wood elemental powers have the following special Elemental Locomotion Elemental
rules. Plants part as you pass, allowing you to move through Powers
them with ease. You ignore difficult terrain as a result of Eldamon
Sow and Harvest plants and fungi, even those created by magic. Entries
You’ll see one or both of the following terms in almost Enhanced Locomotion. When you create plants
every wood elemental power. Typically, a wood power using your powers, you can transform yourself into
gives you the choice to sow or harvest. wood elemental energy to travel between them. As an
Sow. Many wood elemental powers give you the action, you can briefly transition into wood energy and
option to sow (generally offered as an alternative to teleport to an unoccupied space where you have sown
harvesting). When you sow, you cause temporary plants with one of your wood powers. To do so, you
foliage or other plants to sprout either in a location must be able to see the space, and the space must be
listed in the power, or in the power’s area by default. You within 60 feet of you.
sow plants on the ground. An area you sow with plants
is always difficult terrain and might have additional
effects depending on the power. The plants last until
you harvest them, until they are destroyed, or until you
refresh, whichever comes first. Fire or ice damage dealt
in an area destroys all plants you sowed in that area.
You can sow plants in an area that already has plants,
either naturally or because of one of your wood powers,
but doing so has no additional effect. If one or both of
the sowed plants had an additional effect depending on
the power, you choose which of the effects to keep in
the area.
Harvest. Many wood elemental powers give you the
option to harvest (generally offered as an alternative to
sowing). You can harvest only in an area where you’ve
already sown plants or in an area filled with natural
vegetation thick enough to create difficult terrain. If
no such area exists, you must choose to sow with your
power instead. You can’t harvest plants sown by another
creature’s spells, power, or abilities. If you harvest plants
sown by your wood powers, the plants vanish. If you
harvest natural vegetation, the vegetation remains,
but you can’t harvest from it again for 24 hours, as the
plant’s elemental wood energy needs time to replenish.
Normally, when you use a power to harvest, that power
grants you a special benefit, but some powers indicate
that the plants you sow produce an additional benefit
when harvested. In this case, you gain both benefits
when harvesting that plant.

Elemental Manipulation Elemental Senses
As an action, you can use your magic to control non- Nonmagical, non-creature plants (but not wooden
creature plants within 5 feet of you in minor ways, allowing walls, doors, and the like) don’t impair your vision.
you to help them grow healthily, cause buds or flowers to
open, make plants wilt, and so on. At the GM’s discretion, Elemental Shield
you can make other minor adjustments to plants. While your elemental shield is active, when a creature
you can see hits you with an attack, you can harvest the
Elemental Resistance plants in your space, provided there are plants available
Plants pull their punches against you. You gain resistance to do so. If you do, increase the bonus to AC granted by
to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage dealt by your Elemental Shield against that attack to +2 (or to
plants. +3 if you are holding the shield in a free hand).
Enhanced Resistance. Plants creatures with an
Intelligence of 3 or lower refuse to attack you, unless ACTIVE POWERS
you attack them first or they’re magically compelled to
do so by another creature. Piercing Branch
1st-level active wood
Elemental Sculptor You extend a branch from your body or a nearby plant like a stake to
As an action, you can cause plants to grow from the impale your foe. Choose to either sow or harvest.
ground in a 10-foot-square space you can see within 20 Sow. Make a melee power attack against a creature within your
feet of you. If you choose, the plants are difficult terrain reach. On a hit, the target takes 1d10 piercing damage plus
to all creatures except you. Once created, the plants are 1d10 piercing damage per power level. You sow the target’s
nonmagical and usually wither after 24 hours unless space or in a 5-foot space you can see within 5 feet of the target.
the ground where they appeared would otherwise allow Harvest. Harvest a 5-foot-square space you can see within 30 feet
them to grow naturally. Alternatively, you can move a of you. Make a melee power attack against a creature in that
10-foot-square area of plants you have sown with one of space or within 5 feet of that space. On a hit, the target takes 1d10
your wood powers within 20 feet of you up to 20 feet to piercing damage plus 1d10 piercing damage per power level.
another space you can see.
Spike Seeds
1st-level active wood
You release a line of spiky seeds in a 5-foot-wide, 30-foot-long line.
Choose to either sow or harvest. Each creature in the area must
make a Dexterity saving throw, taking 1d6 piercing damage plus 1d6
piercing damage per power level on a failed save, or half as much
damage on a successful one.
At power level 3 and every 2 power levels thereafter, you can
increase the length of the line by up to 10 feet, to a maximum of a
70-foot-long line at power level 9.
Sow. The spike seeds grow into plants. You sow all spaces in the
Harvest. You harvest plants in the area, causing them to explode
with numerous spike speeds. Each creature in a space you
harvest takes additional piercing damage equal to 2 plus twice
your power level.

Entangling Vines
2nd-level active wood
You sow a wide area of vines or harvest the area to ensnare your foes.
Choose to either sow or harvest.
Sow. You sow a 30-foot-radius area centered on a point you can
see within 120 feet of you.
Harvest. You harvest a 30-foot-radius area centered on a point
you can see within 120 feet of you. Each creature you choose
in a space you harvest must make a Strength saving throw. On
a failed save, the target’s speed is reduced by 20 feet (and the

target is restrained if it failed the save by 5 or more) until you harvest. When you do, harvest any sown area you choose within 200
refresh, are incapacitated, or until you dismiss the effect on your feet of you. This power can’t harvest other plants. Each creature you
turn (which doesn’t require an action). An affected creature choose in an area you harvest must make a Dexterity saving throw,
can use its action to make a Strength check against your power taking 1d10 piercing damage plus 1d10 piercing damage per power
save DC, ending the effect on itself early on a success. level on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. BATTLEZOO
Stiffening Pine Shot Gather Pollen
2nd-level active wood 4th-level active wood Introduction
You fire a barrage of pine needles at a foe, either sowing the area You gather pollen around a foe, either sowing flowers with concealing
A World
around them or harvesting nearby plants to stiffen the foe’s body. pollen or harvesting nearby plants to sicken the foe with allergens. of Eldamon
Choose to either sow or harvest. Make a ranged power attack against Choose to either sow or harvest. One creature you can see within 60
a creature you can see within 60 feet of you. On a hit, the target takes feet of you must make a Constitution saving throw, taking 1d8 piercing Character
1d8 piercing damage plus 1d8 piercing damage per power level. damage plus 1d8 piercing damage per power level on a failed save, or
Sow. You sow a 10-foot-radius area centered on the target. half as much damage on a successful one. Elemental
Harvest. You harvest the target’s space or a 5-foot-square space Sow. You sow a 10-foot-radius area centered on the target, Powers
you can see within 5 feet of the target. Also on a hit, the target creating flowers that release a cloud of pollen for as long as the Eldamon
has disadvantage on attack rolls that rely on Dexterity, Dexterity flowers remain. A creature entirely in an area filled with pollen is Entries
ability checks, and saving throws that rely on Dexterity until the heavily obscured, and other creatures are heavily obscured to
end of your next turn. it, although you can see through the pollen normally (whether
you are in the area or outside of it).
Ambush Harvest. You harvest the target’s space or a 5-foot-square area
3rd-level active wood you can see within 5 feet of the target, transforming the plant
You bring forth a sudden, unexpected area of underbrush to provide matter into additional allergenic pollen. If the target fails its
you cover and potentially knock your foes off-balance. Choose to Constitution saving throw against the power, it is also poisoned
either sow or harvest. Each creature in a 15-foot-square area you can for 1 minute. At the end of each of its turns, the target can repeat
see within 120 feet of you must make a Dexterity saving throw, taking the saving throw, ending the effect early on a success.
1d8 piercing damage plus 1d8 piercing damage per power level on a
failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
Sow. You sow the area. While the area remains sown, you and
creatures you choose have half-cover while within the area. If
you later harvest in the area, a creature in that area is thrown
off-balance until the end of its next turn. While the target is off-
balance, attacks against it have advantage.
Harvest. You harvest the area. Each creature in a space you
harvest is thrown off-balance until the end of its next turn. While
the target is off-balance, attacks against it have advantage.

Enfolding Roots
3rd-level active wood
You surround yourself with a field of roots, damaging your foes and
either sowing the area or harvesting it to provide you cover. Choose
to either sow or harvest. Each creature you choose within 20 feet of
you must make a Dexterity saving throw, taking 1d8 piercing damage
plus 1d8 piercing damage per power level on a failed save, or half as
much damage on a successful one.
Sow. You sow the area.
Harvest. You harvest the area, transforming the harvested roots
into a barrier that protects you and your allies. Until the end of
your next turn, you and creatures you choose have half-cover
while within the area.

Final Harvest
4th-level active wood
You harvest plants you have sown in a wide area around you. You must

Floral Embrace Arboreal Curtain
5th-level active wood 6th-level active wood
You cover yourself in blooming flowers and burrs that damage those You call forth a curtain of thorns and wood across the battlefield,
who come into contact with you. The effect lasts until you refresh, piercing those who cross it. You create a 5-foot-thick curtain of thorns
are incapacitated, or until you dismiss the effect on your turn (which up to 10 feet high and up to 60 feet long in a straight line, starting
doesn’t require an action). While the effect lasts, whenever a in a space you can see within 120 feet of you. The curtain provides
creature touches you or hits you with a melee weapon attack, that half-cover from attacks and effects originating from the other side. A
creature takes piercing damage equal to your level, and you can sow creature that enters the area for the first time on a turn or that starts
in your space (or in one of the spaces you occupy, if you’re Large or its turn there takes 1d4 piercing damage per power level. The curtain
larger) or in a space you can see within 5 feet of you. lasts until you refresh, are incapacitated, or until you dismiss it on
your turn (which doesn’t require an action). Choose to either sow or
Spray of Rampant Leaves harvest.
5th-level active wood Sow. You sow in the area, interlacing the curtain with thick thorns
You fling forth rampant leaves in a 60-foot cone, piercing your foes and plants. For every 1 foot a creature moves through the wall,
and either sowing new plants or harvesting them to create explosions. it must spend 4 feet of movement.
Choose to either sow or harvest. Each creature in the area must Harvest. You harvest in the area, making the thorns cause
make a Dexterity saving throw, taking 1d8 piercing damage plus 1d8 bleeding even as the curtain provides more cover. The curtain
piercing damage per power level on a failed save, or half as much provides three-quarters cover instead of half-cover. In addition,
damage on a successful one. the first time a creature passes through the curtain on a turn,
Sow. You sow the area. that creature also takes 1d8 persistent piercing damage. This
Harvest. You harvest in the area, causing miniature explosions of persistent damage increases to 1d10 at power level 7 and to
additional leaves. Choose any number of spaces in the area to 1d12 at power level 9.
harvest. Each creature within 20 feet of an area you harvest is
also subjected to this power’s damage. A creature can’t take Vine Infestation
damage from this power (either from the initial cone or from one 6th-level active wood
or more of the explosions) more than once per turn. You cause thorns and vines to infest a foe’s body, continually piercing
them and either sowing plants around them or harvesting to increase
the damage and restrict their movement. Choose to either sow or
harvest. One creature you can see within 60 feet of you must make
a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the target takes 1d4
persistent piercing damage per power level. On a success, the
target takes half damage.
Sow. When you use the power, and each time the target takes the
persistent piercing damage, you can sow the target’s space as
the vines grow out of them and into the ground around them.
Harvest. You harvest the target’s space or in a 5-foot-square
area you can see within 5 feet of the target, increasing the
infestation’s effects. The target takes additional persistent
damage equal to half your power level (rounded up). While
the persistent damage lasts, the target’s speed is reduced by
either 10 feet (if its initial saving throw failed) or 5 feet (if its
saving throw succeeded).

Debilitating Spore Cloud

7th-level active wood
You release an enormous cloud of spores that form prickly,
debilitating growths that damage foes and sap away their strength.
The cloud fills a 30-foot-radius sphere centered on a point you can
see within 120 feet of you. Choose to either sow or harvest. Each
creature in the area must make a Constitution saving throw, taking
1d8 piercing damage plus 1d8 piercing damage per power level on a
failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
Sow. You sow on the ground within the area. In addition to the
normal effects of sowing, you create prickly growths in the area

you sow. When a creature moves into or within the area, it takes the area, up to 200 feet away. That creature must make a
1 piercing damage for every 5 feet it travels. If you later harvest Dexterity saving throw against this power’s damage. A creature
an area filled with the growth, a creature in that space must can’t take damage from this power more than once per turn.
make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the target
is poisoned until the end of its next turn. While poisoned in this Roots of the Ancient Oak BATTLEZOO
way, the target deals only half damage with weapon attacks that 8th-level active wood
use Strength. You surround yourself with an enormous field of roots, damaging foes
Harvest. You harvest nearby plants and imbue them with the and either sowing the area or harvesting the area to trip your enemies. Introduction
spores’ sapping powers. Each creature in a space you harvest Choose to either sow or harvest. Each creature you choose within 60
A World
and that failed its initial saving throw against this power is also feet of you must make a Dexterity saving throw, taking 1d8 piercing of Eldamon
poisoned for 1 minute. While poisoned in this way, the target damage plus 1d8 piercing damage per power level on a failed save,
deals only half damage with weapon attacks that use Strength. or half as much damage on a successful one. Character
At the end of each of its turns, the target can repeat the saving Sow. You sow the area.
throw, ending the effect on itself on a success. Harvest. You harvest the area. Each creature you choose in a Elemental
space you harvest and that failed its Dexterity saving throw is Powers
Imprison in Thorns also knocked prone. Eldamon
7th-level active wood Entries
You imprison your foe in living thorns. Choose to either sow or Nature Overwhelming
harvest. One creature you can see within 60 feet of you must 9th-level active wood
make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, the target takes You infuse your foe with wood elemental energy, overwhelming them
1d6 piercing damage plus 1d6 piercing damage per power level and either sowing dense verdure or harvesting to stack masses of plant
and is restrained until you refresh, are incapacitated, or until you matter onto them. Choose to either sow or harvest. One creature you
end the effect on your turn (which doesn’t require an action). On can see within 90 feet of you must make a Constitution saving throw,
a successful save, the target takes half as much damage and taking 1d8 piercing damage plus 1d8 piercing damage per power level
isn’t restrained. A creature can use an action to make a Strength on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
check against your power save DC, freeing the restrained creature Sow. You sow a 20-foot-radius area centered on the target,
on a success. Whether the Strength check succeeds or fails, the creating dense and brightly colored plants that greatly obstruct
creature making the check takes piercing damage equal to half movement. When a creature moves into or within the area, it
your power level (rounded up). must spend 3 feet of movement for every 1 foot it moves. If you
Sow. You sow the ground in a 10-foot radius centered on the later harvest an area filled with the plants, a creature in that
target. space must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save,
Harvest. You either harvest the foe’s space or a 5-foot-square attacks against the target have advantage until the end of its
area you can see within 5 feet of the target. A creature that next turn.
attempts the Strength check to free the restrained creature Harvest. You harvest a 20-foot-radius area centered on the target.
takes piercing damage equal to your power level (instead of Each creature in a space you harvest must make a Constitution
half your power level). saving throw or be stunned until the end of its next turn.

1,000 Arboreal Warriors Needle Storm

8th-level active wood 9th-level active wood
You cause a troop of countless wooden tree warriors to rise from You conjure a storm of needles that skewer your foes and either sow
the ground and impale your foes, before either planting themselves cacti or harvest the area to empower the storm. The storm fills a
or scattering to attack more foes. The warriors fill a 20-foot-radius 20-foot-radius area centered on a point you can see within 120 feet
area centered on a point you can see within 120 feet of you. Choose of you. The storm lasts until you refresh, are incapacitated, or until
to either sow or harvest. Each creature you choose in the area must you end the effect on your turn (which doesn’t require an action).
make a Dexterity saving throw, taking 1d8 piercing damage plus 1d8 While the effect lasts, whenever a creature enters the area for the first
piercing damage per power level on a failed save, or half as much time on a turn or starts its turn there, that creature takes 1d4 piercing
damage on a successful one. damage per power level. Choose to either sow or harvest.
Sow. The warriors take root and become trees. You sow the area. Sow. You sow cacti in the area. When you harvest a space filled
Creatures in the area have half-cover against attacks, spells, with cacti, each creature in that space or within 5 feet of the
and other effects originating from outside the area. space takes piercing damage equal to 1 plus your power
Harvest. You harvest the energy of nearby plants to allow your level. A creature can’t take damage more than once per turn,
warriors to rush off toward distant foes. You increase the regardless of the number of cacti you harvest.
damage from d8s to d10s. For each 5-foot-square area you Harvest. You harvest the area. The needle storm deals additional
harvest, one warrior rushes toward a different creature outside piercing damage equal to your pwer level.

Retributive Sow Reaping Refresh
1st-level reactive wood 1st-level refresh wood
When a foe hits you with an attack, either in melee or at range, You reap what you sowed, drawing upon wood energy to refresh your
you send out floating seeds to surround them with plants. When a powers. Each creature you choose in an area you have sowed must
creature you can see hits you with an attack, you sow that creature’s make a Dexterity saving throw, taking piercing damage equal to 1
space and each space within 5 feet of the creature. plus your power level on a failed save, or half as much damage on a
successful one. You refresh your elemental powers.
Harvest Shield
3rd-level reactive wood Enduring Verdure
You harvest a plant to create a wooden shield that protects you from 4th-level refresh wood
harm. When a creature you can see targets you with an attack, you You carefully rearrange the wood energy around you in a way
can harvest in your space or in a space within 5 feet of you. You gain a that won’t disrupt any of the plants you’ve sown. You refresh your
+2 bonus to AC, including against the triggering attack, until the start elemental powers. All areas you have sown remain sown, although
of your next turn. In addition, you gain resistance to bludgeoning and they still disappear if you refresh in a different way later.
piercing damage against the triggering attack, as the shield protects
your body from harm. Refreshing Field
7th-level refresh wood
Grasping Vines You call upon surrounding wood energy and plant a field around you.
6th-level reactive wood You refresh your elemental powers, then sow the area in a 30-foot
You harvest from the plants surrounding your foe, transforming them radius centered on yourself.
into grasping vines. When a creature you can see enters a space
you can harvest within 60 feet of you, you can force that creature to ULTIMATE POWERS
make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, the target’s speed
becomes 0 until the end of its next turn. On a success, the target’s Padma
speed is reduced by 10 feet until the end of its next turn. As an action, Ultimate wood
the target can make a Strength or Dexterity check against your power You call forth a swarm of mythical lotus blossoms, the infinite facets
save DC, ending the effect early on a success. of which reflect a quadrillion different possibilities of pure wood
energy. Each creature you choose within 500 feet of you must make a
Wisdom saving throw, taking 1d8 piercing damage plus 1d8 piercing
damage per power level on a failed save, or half as much damage on
a successful one. You sow floating lotuses within the area, including
in the air. The lotuses don’t impede the movement of any creatures
you designate when you use this power. The lotuses disappear at the
end of your next turn.

Ultimate wood
You grow a sapling of a legendary world tree. The sapling remains for
1 minute or until you dismiss it on your turn (which doesn’t require an
action). The sapling’s trunk is a 120-foot-tall, 20-foot-radius cylinder
centered on a point you can see within 500 feet of you. The branches
at the top of the trunk grow outward to a radius between 30 and 60
feet (your choice). The power fails if you use it in a space that can’t
accommodate the sapling. The sapling’s trunk occupies its space,
blocking sight and preventing movement through it. The sapling’s
branches blossom with various flowers and fruits. The fruits are enough
to sustain up to 16 Medium creatures for 24 hours. In addition, the
flowers drop petals on spaces beneath the branches. So marvelous are
these petals that you can harvest from all spaces on the ground where
the petals fall any number of times, without needing to sow the area
beforehand. Finally, you and creatures you choose gain advantage to
AC and saving throws while within the area where the petals fall.

Universal Elemental Lariat
3rd-level active universal
Universal powers are powers that You draw upon the elemental energies in your foe that match your
exist for all elements, rather than an own element in order to hold them in place. One creature you can see
actual element of their own. Thus, within 120 feet of you must make a Strength saving throw. A target BATTLEZOO
any eldamon or elemental avatar can choose from strongly associated with your element (a fire elemental, for example,
among the universal powers, adapting their techniques if your associated element is fire) makes the save with disadvantage.
and effects to the eldamon or elemental avatar’s own Likewise, a target entirely lacking the corresponding element (such Introduction
element. While universal powers often aren’t as effective as a pure embodiment of a different element) automatically succeeds
A World
in realizing an element’s synergies as powers from the on the save. On a failed saving throw, the target is restrained until you of Eldamon
element, they are sometimes the perfect tool to round refresh, are incapacitated, or until you dismiss the effect on your turn
out a power set for a particular circumstance or strategy. (which doesn’t require an action). A restrained creature can use its Character
Unless stated otherwise, universal powers always deal action to make a Strength or Dexterity check (its choice) against your
damage of the associated damage type of their user’s power save DC. On a success, the target frees itself. Elemental
element and are treated as powers of that element. Powers
For instance, since tairopoof is an air eldamon, their Elemental Protection Eldamon
universal powers would be air powers, and they would 4th-level active universal Entries
deal slashing damage. You infuse yourself and nearby allies with the protection of your
For instance, since tairopoof is an air eldamon, their element. Choose any number of creatures you can see within 30
universal powers would be air powers, and they would feet of you. Whenever you or a chosen target takes damage of
gain the air trait and deal slashing damage. Because life the type associated with your element, that target reduces the
powers deal positive damage, there are few creatures damage by an amount equal to your power level. This reduction is
they can harm, and thus most universal damaging cumulative with damage resistance or any reduction granted by the
powers (other than those like Elemental Rocket that Enhanced Resistance benefit. The effect lasts until you refresh, are
define their own damage type) don’t tend to be good incapacitated, or until you dismiss the effect on your turn (which
choices for them unless they are specifically planning doesn’t require an action).
on hunting undead.

Elemental Shot
1st-level active universal
You shoot an arrow, bullet, or ray of elemental matter or energy at a
foe from a distance. Make a ranged power attack against a creature
you can see within 60 feet of you. On a hit, the target takes 1d8
damage plus 1d8 damage per power level.

Elemental Cover
2nd-level active universal
You quickly form a quasi-corporeal barrier out of your element’s
energies. You create a barrier up to 5 feet high and up to 20 feet long
in a straight line, starting in a space you can see within 5 feet of you.
The barrier is 1/4 inch thick. If the barrier cuts through a creature’s
space when it appears, the creature is pushed to one side of the
barrier (your choice which side). The barrier lasts until you refresh,
are incapacitated, or until you dismiss the effect on your turn (which
doesn’t require an action).
As the barrier is quasi-corporeal, creatures move through the
barrier by spending 10 feet of movement. The barrier provides
three-quarters cover to Medium or smaller creatures and half-cover
to Large creatures. If your element is intangible, like mind, life, or
time, you can describe how your element’s energies provide cover;
for instance, perhaps time elemental energy throws off the timing of
attacks that pass through the barrier.

Elemental Weaknesses Elemental Control
Two of the universal reactive and refresh powers depend on the 6th-level active universal
elements that are weak to your element. The following are the list Using your mastery over your element, you seize control of a creature
of traits that are weak to each element, including the 13 elements with one of your element’s corresponding traits, moving its body
from this book and the seven other elements. So for instance, if under your own power. One creature you can see within 60 feet of
tairopoof used counter element, they could counter effects with you must make a Wisdom saving throw. If you or your allies are
the body, earth, plant, or wood trait with Counter Element. fighting the target, it has advantage on the saving throw. A target
Air: Body, Earth, Plant, Wood strongly associated with your element (a fire elemental, for example,
Body: Darkness, Ice, Shadow if your associated element is fire) makes the save with disadvantage.
Darkness: Light, Mental, Positive, Spirit, Time Likewise, a target entirely lacking the corresponding element
Death: Acid, Force, Poison, Positive (such as a pure embodiment of a different element) automatically
Earth: Electricity, Fire, Ice, Teleportation succeeds on the save.
Electricity: Air, Metal, Water On a failed save against the power, the target is charmed by the
Fire: Ice, Metal, Plant, Wood weave of your elemental control until you refresh, are incapacitated,
Force: Spirit or until you dismiss the effect on your turn (which doesn’t require an
Ice: Air, Sonic, Plant, Wood action). However, each time the target takes damage, it can repeat
Life: None the Wisdom saving throw, ending the effect early on a success..
Light: Darkness, Death, Force, Shadow, Teleportation While charmed in this way, the target can’t move or take actions or
Metal: Air, Ice, Sonic, Teleportation reactions, unless you allow them to do so. On each of your turns,
Mind: Body, Electricity, Light, Teleportation you can use your action to issue the target a telepathic command.
Music: Darkness, Earth, Light, Mental, Metal, Shadow Until the end of your next turn, the creature takes only the actions you
Poison: Body, Plant, Sonic, Wood choose. During this time, you can also cause the creature to use a
Space: Air, Electricity, Sonic, Spirit, Time reaction, but this requires you to use your own reaction as well.
Spirit: Death, Mental Many eldamon and elemental avatars consider this power taboo,
Time: Body, Mental, Sonic, Teleportation as it steals another creature’s agency.
Water: Fire, Earth
Wood: Earth, Time, Water Pinpoint Singularity
7th-level active universal
You condense an enormous amount of elemental energy into an
Elemental Rocket infinitesimal singularity at the tip of your finger or appendage, then
5th-level active universal release it into your foe with explosive power. Make a melee power
Using your elemental energies, you rocket yourself up to your speed attack against a creature within your reach. On a hit, the target takes
in a straight line directly toward a creature you can see within 30 feet 1d12 damage plus 1d12 damage per power level.
of you, slamming into the creature and ending your movement in
a space within 5 feet of it. Make a melee power attack against the Elemental Frenzy
target. On a hit, the target takes 1d8 bludgeoning damage plus 1d8 8th-level active universal
bludgeoning damage per power level. You lash out with elemental energy at everything within reach. Make
a melee power attack against each creature you choose within your
reach. On a hit, the target takes 1d10 damage plus 1d10 damage per
power level.

Omega Wave
9th-level active universal
You gather elemental energy that destroys everything around you
once you release it. Each creature you choose within 60 feet of you
must make a Dexterity saving throw. If your associated element
is death, life, or poison, the target must make a Constitution save
instead. If your associated elemental is mind, the target must make
a Wisdom save. On a failed save, the target takes 1d8 damage plus
1d8 damage per power level. On a success, the target takes half as
much damage.
Instead of releasing the energy immediately when you use this
power, you can wait to release it until the end of your next turn. If
you do, you can spend your action on your next turn to increase the

power’s effects. This causes the power to affect a 180-foot radius, Is Universal an Element?
and the damage increases to d12s. Whether or not you spend an In a world where scholars can barely agree on anything, there’s
action to increase the effect, releasing the energy at the end of your one eldamon fact that isn’t a controversy: universal isn’t an
next turn doesn’t require an action. You can move and take other element. It took scholars many years to discover the existence
actions normally while waiting to release the energy, but unreleased of universal powers in the first place. At first, when they studied BATTLEZOO
energy dissipates harmlessly if you refresh, are incapacitated, or eldamon who were using what are now considered to be
if you dismiss the effect on your turn (doing so doesn’t require an universal powers, they believed that these were simply a series
action). of relatively similar elemental powers from each element, like Introduction
the embrace powers or the curtain powers. However, over time,
REACTIVE POWERS researchers were able to determine that, unlike curtain and
A World
of Eldamon
embrace powers, these universal powers had no variations
Counter Element other than the base element and damage type. Thus, they Character
5th-level reactive universal came to classify the powers as universal, even though when an
You call upon your elemental powers, using your elemental advantage eldamon uses them, they gain that eldamon’s element. Elemental
to counter your foe’s ability using your element or an element weak to Powers
your own. When a creature you can see within 60 feet of you casts Eldamon
a spell or uses an elemental power that deals damage of the type Infused Ground Entries
either associated with your element or with an element weak to your 6th-level refresh universal
element (page 55), you interrupt that creature. If spell or power is of You infuse the ground around you with elemental energy, transforming
3rd level or lower, it fails and has no effect. If it is of 4th level or higher, it into hazardous terrain. You refresh your elemental powers. Until
make an ability check using your power ability. The DC equals 10 + the start of your next turn, the ground within 20 feet of you becomes
the level of the spell or power. On a success, the spell or power fails infused with your element. While the effect lasts, whenever a creature
and has no effect. moves into or within the area, that creature takes damage equal to
half your power level (rounded up) for every 5 feet it travels.
Elemental Supremacy
8th-level reactive universal
When your foes dare to trespass upon your element, you show them
who truly embodies that element’s eternal power and majesty. When
a creature you can see within 100 feet of you casts a spell or uses
an elemental power that deals damage of the type associated with
your element, make an ability check using your power ability against
a DC equal to 10 + the level of the spell or power. On a success, you
determine the targets, destination, and other effects of the spell or
power, as though you were the spell’s caster or the power’s user.
The effect’s point of origin doesn’t change; it still originates from the
triggering creature. For example, if you took control of a line or cone
spell, it would originate from the spell’s caster, but you could aim
the line or cone at a different angle, directingly it harmlessly in the
opposite direction or perhaps even hitting the caster’s allies instead
of your own.

Absorb Element
2nd-level refresh universal
You absorb an ongoing magical effect to refresh your powers. Choose
one creature, object, or magical effect within 60 feet of you. Any spell
or power of 2nd level or lower on the target ends, provided the effect
is either associated with your element or with an element that’s weak
to your element (page 55). If the spell or power is 3rd level or higher,
make an ability check using your power ability. The DC equals 10 +
the level of the spell or power. On a success, the spell or power ends.
Regardless of whether the spell or power ends, you still siphon some
of its energy, and you refresh your elemental powers.

Eldamon Entries
Eldamon Mechanics
As living metaphysical embodiments of the elements, eldamon exist out of phase with mortal existence,
meaning that they ordinarily interact mainly among themselves, exploring, relaxing, engaging in
mock battles, and otherwise participating in whatever activities they prefer.
Hey You, Eldamon! even though their phased-out status means they could
Although different than “traditional” creatures, eldamon otherwise do so safely. That doesn’t mean eldamon can’t
still have the same statistics as other creatures. While remember anything—for instance chillots love collecting
eldamon typically use them only among themselves, and inventing ghost stories—but it does mean that when
eldamon trainers can share their phase with eldamon, you need a pertinent fact right away, an eldamon is not a
making an eldamon’s statistics crucial for the trainer’s good way to find that information. In some circumstances,
adventuring career. This means that there is no need to it might be possible to tease out factual information from
generate these statistics for every eldamon a character or an eldamon’s perspective, as determined by the GM, but
group befriends if the character isn’t an eldamon trainer this normally takes a long time and is best represented
and has no intention in engaging in mock battles with by the use of a downtime activity to gather information
other eldamon. from the eldamon in question. An eldamon phased fully
Ordinarily, out of phase eldamon follow their friends into reality by an eldamon trainer works fully in tandem
around, acting at their own whims. Whether or not an with their eldamon trainer, and as a result is typically
eldamon’s friend is an eldamon trainer, they can expect controlled by the eldamon trainer’s player, but these
their eldamon confidant to accompany them and engage limitations typically apply even then.
in conversation, but not necessarily to assist in matters
of adventuring import. Ordinarily, eldamon do what Eldamon and Items
they want, when they want. One of the first things that Eldamon can’t wield weapons, wear armor, use shields, or
mortals find odd about eldamon is the way eldamon hold or use most items themselves. They generally don’t
see the world, time, history, and memories. Due to have hands capable of intricate manipulation, though
their broader lens of viewing the universe, eldamon are eldamon that become trained with a tool (such as thieves’
typically incapable of remembering or imparting any tools) can use those tools as normal. They can’t use or
useful information when called for in an adventure, attune to magic items. However, while they’re phased in,
and they are more or less useless for scouting ahead, they can benefit from potions or similar consumable magic
items if another creature uses an action to administer the
item to them. Additionally, items that provide a bonus
to spell attack rolls (such as wand of the war mage) also
apply to powers, and an eldamon gains the bonus if their
eldamon trainer friend is wielding such an item.

Ability Modifiers
Eldamon have Strength, Dexterity, Constitution,
Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma modifiers, but
those modifiers vary from eldamon to eldamon. Each
individual eldamon’s entry indicates that eldamon’s
ability modifiers. Eldamon receive ability score increases
whenever their eldamon trainer friend does, which
last for as long as they continue traveling with their
eldamon trainer friend. If an eldamon trainer befriends
a new eldamon, the eldamon immediately gains any
ability score increases as necessary. The eldamon always
uses their first ability score increases to raise their
Wisdom to 18 and their second-highest ability score to
16. They then spend all ability score increases to raise
their highest ability score under 20 by 2.



A World
of Eldamon




Languages level than the eldamon trainer’s eldamon trainer class

Eldamon know different languages, some of which level. Eldamon trainers continually train their eldamon
are commonly spoken by elemental creatures (Aquan, and push them to be their best selves, which causes
Auran, Ignan, or Terran) and others which are spoken their eldamon to always level up alongside the eldamon
almost exclusively by eldamon (Aetheran, Astral, trainer to a level equal to their eldamon trainer class
Chronan, Cryan, Jyoti, Khaotan, Luxan, Median, level. Others with eldamon friends don’t necessarily
Muan, Necril, Shadowtongue, Soman, Spiritual, need to train their eldamon so aggressively, and so
Talican, Venenan, or Voltan). All eldamon might also whether their eldamon level up with them could be
know Common, or other languages (either at the determined on a case by case basis. If they participate in
GM’s discretion or determined randomly using the eldamon battles with increasingly difficult opponents,
generation tables on pages 30-35). Regardless of what then it makes sense to scale them accordingly. However,
languages an eldamon can understand and speak, they if they rarely do so, consider avoiding eldamon level-ups
share an instinctive understanding with their mortal (or avoiding statistics entirely) to reduce bookkeeping.
friends, allowing the mortal friend’s player to control Some eldamon have a minimum level other than 1st
phased-in eldamon in most situations. Unless the GM level. If so, this is listed in their eldamon entry.
has ruled otherwise, very young eldamon who don’t
speak any languages typically learn their listed eldamon Proficiencies
language, and possibly another language their mortal Like characters and other creatures, eldamon have a
friend speaks, after traveling with their mortal friend proficiency bonus that increases with their level. All
for a few adventures. eldamon have proficiencies in several saving throws and
skills, which are listed in their eldamon entry.
Eldamon of various levels exist in the world, but they Armor Class
typically don’t form effective bonds of friendship with Eldamon have innate defenses from their elements that
creatures of lower level. Even if a high-level eldamon protect them from harm, akin to armor for mortals.
became friends with a lower-level eldamon trainer, it’s Eldamon don’t benefit from wearing armor or using
impossible to transfer phase to an eldamon of higher shields.

Hit Points Powers
Eldamon have hit points for their type, listed in Eldamon know several elemental powers, magical
each eldamon entry and generally consistent across abilities that allow them to command the elements
eldamon of the same element. Eldamon aren’t the same (see page 54 for more details on elemental powers).
as mortal creatures, and they don’t die, even when it Eldamon use powers to battle each other (or, with the
seems like they would be killed. An eldamon that help of an eldamon trainer, other creatures and foes).
takes any amount of damage recovers all of their hit Once an eldamon uses a power, they normally can’t use
points immediately after phasing out, unless they were that power agains until they use a refresh power (though
reduced to 0 hit points. If the damage reduced them that limit doesn’t apply to refresh powers themselves).
to 0 hit points, they recover all their hit points after 1 An eldamon’s power ability is their Wisdom, so they use
minute. If killed by a non-damage effect (such as the their Wisdom whenever a power refers to the eldamon’s
power word kill spell), an eldamon still doesn’t die, but it power ability. In addition, eldamon use their Wisdom
does take longer for them to collect their energy. In that modifier when setting the saving throw DC for an
case, they remain unresponsive and out of phase for 1 elemental power they use and when making an attack
hour (or after their trainer finishes a short or long rest, roll with one.
if they have an eldamon trainer). A 1st-level eldamon knows one 1st-level reactive power,
one 1st-level refresh power, and two 1st-level active powers.
Traits They normally know the suggested starting powers listed
Eldamon entries have three special traits included in their eldamon entry, though some eldamon might have
in each of them: an elemental ability, a form ability, other powers. All elemental powers an eldamon learns
and an evolution ability. Every eldamon always starts must be powers from their element, or universal powers.
with their elemental and form traits at 1st level, but At 3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th, 11th, 13th, 15th, and 17th
they only gain the evolution trait in their evolved form, level, an eldamon can replace one of their elemental
no matter how high of a level they reach. Furthermore, powers with a new elemental power, which must be
slumbering eldamon transfer their elemental ability of their power level or lower. If they do, they replace
(but not their form or evolution trait) to elemental one of their current powers of the same kind (active,
avatars who house them. reactive, or refresh).

At 5th level and again at 15th level, an eldamon learns Languages This is the language most eldamon of this element
one additional active power and doesn’t need to replace speak, if they speak at least one language.
one of their current powers, for a total of three active Evolution Condition This is the second condition, other than training
powers at 5th level and four active powers at 15th level. with an eldamon trainer with the eldamon evolution class feature,
At 19th level, an eldamon instead learns an ultimate that is typically required for an eldamon to evolve. Sometimes BATTLEZOO
power and doesn’t need to replace any powers. eldamon evolve on their own or under other conditions. The
Typically, eldamon use the power progression listed listed condition is meant to encourage interactions and roleplay
in their entry, but eldamon trainers can train their between eldamon and their mortal friends and to arise naturally Introduction
eldamon to learn different configurations of powers. through play if the player seeks to help the eldamon, not to be a
A World
significant impediment in the ability to evolve an eldamon. If the of Eldamon
Reading an Eldamon Entry condition is too difficult to achieve in a given campaign, use an
Eldamon have entries in the following format, which alternate condition instead. Character
includes the information needed for the pet form, Elemental Trait This is the eldamon’s elemental trait. Not only does
battle form, and evolved form in a single entry. it gain this trait for itself, elemental avatars with this eldamon Elemental
inhabiting them gain this trait as well. Powers
PET FORM NAME, BATTLE FORM NAME, Form Trait This is the eldamon’s form trait. The eldamon gains this Eldamon
AND EVOLVED FORM NAME trait, which might apply only in battle and evolved forms, and Entries
Rarity and element of the eldamon elemental avatars don’t gain this trait.
Minimum Level This is the minimum level for the eldamon. If this Evolution Trait This is the eldamon’s evolution trait. The eldamon
entry isn’t included, the minimum level is 1. Eldamon trainers can’t gains this trait only in its evolved form, and elemental avatars don’t
phase in an eldamon of higher level than the trainer’s level. gain this trait.
Size Most eldamon are Tiny in their pet form, Medium in their battle Power Progression This is the list of powers the eldamon typically
form, and Large in their evolved form, barring eldamon trainer possesses at all odd levels. When finding an eldamon in the wild,
feats to change their size. This entry is included if an eldamon has usually you can take the powers directly from this progression,
one or more forms with a different size. though some unusual eldamon possess non-standard powers.
Armor Class The eldamon’s Armor Class. However, when training an eldamon, an eldamon trainer or other
Hit Points Eldamon gain hit points per level in the same way that friend might help the eldamon choose different powers when
characters do. leveling up; this can be a personal or group decision depending
Speed Phased-in eldamon used as mounts can only use their on if the player is enthusiastic about making lots of choices, as it’s
walking speed unless their trainer has melded into them using the simpler to use the power progression.
Melded Phase class feature. Flying eldamon usually have to land Actions
at the end of their movement when phased in (see the sidebar on Actions This lists the eldamon’s melee attacks. PB stands for
page 132 for more information). proficiency bonus.
10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0)
Ability Scores These are the eldamon’s starting ability scores.
Saving Throws The eldamon is proficient in these saving throws.
Skills The eldamon is proficient in these skills.
Damage Vulnerabilities and Resistances The eldamon has
vulnerabilities and resistances to specific damage types, as well
as to any type of damage dealt by certain elemental powers. The
vulnerability and resistance is based on their element, so it will
rarely vary between eldamon of the same element. An eldamon
might have a vulnerability or resistance to both a general damage
type (such as slashing damage) and a conflicting elemental
power (such as damage dealt by air powers, which deal slashing
damage). In such cases, vulnerability or resistance to an
elemental power takes precedence over the general damage type.
For example, an eldamon (or other creature) with resistance to
slashing damage and weakness to damage dealy by air powers
would have a weakness to an air power that deals slashing
damage, ignoring the resistance.
Special Senses These are the eldamon’s special senses, if any. If
this entry doesn’t exist, the eldamon has no special senses.

Tairopoof, Air Bat Eldamon
Tairopoofs, commonly known as “air bat eldamon,” are the most common
among air eldamon, and they can often be seen dancing among the winds
on a blustery day. Usually a bit anxious, shy, and self-conscious about their
FLYING ELDAMON appearance, tairopoofs appreciate caring and supportive friends who can help
Due to their tether with their eldamon them grow and work through their struggles. When a tairopoof escapes these
trainer friend, a phased-in eldamon mental shackles, they soar freely across the sky.
with a fly speed must end its turn by
descending to the ground; if they don’t TAIROPOOF, NYCTAIRIS, AND AIROPTERA
Common air eldamon
do so, they fall. Even spirit eldamon,
Armor Class 12 (natural armor) + Dexterity modifier
which are normally spectral in nature,
Hit Dice 1d4 per eldamon level
end their turn floating along the ground. Hit Points at 1st Level 4 + Constitution modifier
If the eldamon trainer is combined Hit Points at Higher Levels 1d4 (or 3) + Constitution modifier per eldamon level after 1st
with the eldamon using Melded Speed 15 ft., fly 30 ft.
Phase, the tether doesn’t restrict STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
them, and they don’t need to end their 10 (+0) 15 (+2) 13 (+1) 12 (+1) 17 (+3) 8 (–1)
turn by descending to the ground. Saving Throws Dexterity, Intelligence
Skills Acrobatics, Stealth, Survival
Damage Vulnerabilities cold, lightning; damage from electricity, ice, and metal elemental powers
Damage Resistances damage from air, body, earth, and wood elemental powers
Special Senses darkvision 30 ft.
Languages Auran
Evolution Condition Helping tairopoof overcome their anxiety toward their body and
scaring others.
Elemental Trait: Wind Speed. Air energy speeds you up when using
your air powers to move. While moving with an air power, you gain
a bonus to your walking or flying speed equal to 5 feet times your
proficiency bonus.
Form Trait: Air Wings. Your wings are formed entirely out of air,
providing you significantly greater maneuverability in flight than
most other creatures. You gain the hover trait.
Evolution Trait: Air Unleashed. The unleashed power of air
allows you to move with unrestricted mobility. You don’t have
to end the turn by descending to the ground, even if you aren’t
combined with an eldamon trainer using the Melded Phase class
Power Progression. 1st level: (active) backlash gust, wind rush
(reactive) dispersing retreat (refresh) rushing refresh; 3rd level: (active)
backlash gust, wind rush (reactive) dispersing retreat (refresh) rushing
refresh; 5th level: (active) drifting slash, wind rush, whirlwind (reactive)
dispersing retreat (refresh) rushing refresh; 7th level: (active) aerial trail,
drifting slash, wind rush (reactive) dispersing retreat (refresh) rushing
refresh; 9th level: (active) aerial trail, drifting slash, wind rush (reactive) dispersing retreat
(refresh) rushing retreat; 11th level: (active) aerial trail, drifting slashing, zephyr slash (reactive)
dispersing retreat (refresh) rushing refresh; 13th level: (active) drifting slash, galeforce
launch, zephyr slash (reactive) dispersing retreat (refresh) rushing refresh; 15th level: (active)
centripetal barrage, galeforce launch, tornado, zephyr slash (reactive) dispersing retreat
(refresh) rushing refresh; 17th level: (active) centripetal barrage, galeforce launch, hurricane
downdraft, tornado (reactive) dispersing retreat (refresh) rushing refresh; 19th level: (active)
centripetal barrage, galeforce launch, hurricane downdraft, tornado (reactive) dispersing
retreat (refresh) rushing refresh (ultimate) aeolus
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: PB + your Dexterity modifier to hit, reach 5 ft. (10 ft. when evolved),
one target. Hit: 1d4 (1d6 when evolved) + PB + your Dexterity modifier piercing damage.
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: PB + your Dexterity modifier to hit, reach 5 ft. (10 ft. when evolved),
one target. Hit: 1d4 (1d6 when evolved) + PB + Dexterity modifier slashing damage.

Pet Form


A World
of Eldamon




Battle Form
Evolved Form

Larvapor, Air Moth Eldamon
Larvapors are uncommon, not because they are few in number but because
they are difficult to find. They’re homebodies who are content to hang in their
cocoons and daydream. On occasion, a strong gust of air may dislodge their
COLD HARD TRUTHS home, at which point the cocoon temporarily expands into a cloud of fluff that
Many eldamon trainers underestimate drifts until it attaches to somewhere new. Despite their isolation—or perhaps
the difficulty of helping a larvapor because of it—larvopors are social and can chat for hours with visitors, though
evolve. Larvapors want to find the their obsession with soft and fluffy objects results in repetitive conversations.
softest, fluffiest objects, but reality
rarely matches their imagination. LARVAPOR, LEVIDOP, AND BLOWBYX
Uncommon air eldamon
Some dream of clouds, which don’t
Armor Class 12 (natural armor) + Dexterity modifier
feel like much at all, or snow, which is
Hit Dice 1d4 per eldamon level
just cold and wet. Some have had to
Hit Points at 1st Level 4 + Constitution modifier
learn the hard way and have known Hit Points at Higher Levels 1d4 (or 3) + Constitution modifier per eldamon level after 1st
to crash into stucco walls because Speed 15 ft., fly 30 ft.
they mistook them for giant pillows. STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
A larvapor once asked its trainer to 8 (–1) 15 (+2) 13 (+1) 12 (+1) 17 (+3) 10 (+0)
steal an old man’s beard, only to be Saving Throws Dexterity, Intelligence
disappointed by how rough and itchy Skills Acrobatics, Stealth, Survival
it was. Nevertheless, larvapors must Damage Vulnerabilities cold, lightning; damage from electricity, ice, and metal elemental powers
first experience disappointment before Damage Resistances damage from air, body, earth, and wood elemental powers
they can accept a truly perfect fit. Special Senses darkvision 30 ft.
Languages Auran
Evolution Condition Helping larvapor discover something incredibly soft and fluffy.
Elemental Trait: Enveloping Air. You can call upon the essence of air to increase the area of your
air powers. When you use an air power that is a line, you can increase the line’s length by up to
10 feet (for instance, a 20-foot line to a 30-foot line). When you use an air power that affects a
cone or radius, you can increase its length or radius by up to 5 feet (for instance, a 25-foot cone
to a 30-foot cone). At 11th level, you can increase a line by up to 20 feet and a cone or radius by
up to 10 feet.
Form Trait: Air Antennae. Your antennae provide you the ability to smell things at a distance. You
have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on smell.
Evolution Trait: Silken Puff. You surround yourself in a puff of air silk, providing you protection
against ranged attacks and area effects. You gain a +1 bonus to AC against ranged
attacks and a +1 bonus to Dexterity saving throws; this bonus isn’t cumulative
with cover.
Power Progression. 1st level: (active) backlash gust, wind rush (reactive)
dispersing retreat (refresh) rushing refresh; 3rd level: (active) backlash
gust, disrupting gust (reactive) dispersing retreat (refresh) rushing refresh;
5th level: (active) backlash gust, disrupting gust, whirlwind (reactive)
dispersing retreat (refresh) rushing refresh; 7th level: (active) disrupting gust,
whirlwind, wind cutter (reactive) dispersing retreat (refresh) rushing refresh;
9th level: (active) disrupting gust, whirlwind, wind cutter (reactive)
dispersing retreat (refresh) wind barrier; 11th level: (active)
whirlwind, wind cutter, zephyr slash (reactive) dispersing retreat
(refresh) wind barrier; 13th level: (active) galeforce launch,
wind cutter, zephyr slash (reactive) dispersing retreat
(refresh) wind barrier; 15th level: (active) galeforce launch,
tornado, zephyr slash (reactive) hindering winds (refresh)
wind barrier; 17th level: (active) galeforce launch, tempest, tornado
(reactive) hindering winds (refresh) wind barrier; 19th level: (active)
galeforce launch, tempest, tornado (reactive) hindering winds (refresh)
wind barrier (ultimate) kamaitachi
Wing. Melee Weapon Attack: PB + your Dexterity modifier to hit, reach 5 ft. (10 ft. when evolved),
one target. Hit: 1d4 (1d6 when evolved) + PB + your Dexterity modifier piercing damage.

Pet Form


A World
of Eldamon




Battle Form
Evolved Form

Bubow, Kite Owl Eldamon
Bubows are often found chasing rainbows—big ones after rainstorms as well as
small ones from waterfalls or mist. Their superficial obsession with colors masks
a deep empathy for emotions, which are what the hues they love represent.
A BIRD IN HAND... an angry bird. Contrary to their BUBOW, OTUSKY, AND STRIKITE
Uncommon air eldamon
name, bubows aren’t meant to
Armor Class 12 (natural armor) + Dexterity modifier
be flown like kites. Grabbing their
Hit Dice 1d4 per eldamon level
iridescent tails and running with them Hit Points at 1st Level 4 + Constitution modifier
is a surefire way to get pecked. In fact, Hit Points at Higher Levels 1d4 (or 3) + Constitution modifier per eldamon level after 1st
bubows are quite sensitive about all Speed 15 ft., fly 30 ft.
their ribbons and trainers shouldn’t STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
touch them without permission. When 10 (+0) 15 (+2) 13 (+1) 8 (–1) 17 (+3) 12 (+1)
a creature comes in contact with a Saving Throws Dexterity, Charisma
bubow’s ribbon, the bubow and the Skills Acrobatics, Performance, Stealth
creature experience each other’s Damage Vulnerabilities cold, lightning; damage from electricity, ice, and metal elemental powers
emotions. Sharing feelings in this Damage Resistances damage from air, body, earth, and wood elemental powers
way is an intimacy reserved only for Special Senses darkvision 30 ft.
those whom bubows trust most. Languages Auran
Evolution Condition Helping bubow discover a truly beautiful tableau of colors or view a
magnificent rainbow.
Elemental Trait: Wind’s Mobility. Air rushes past you as you move, making it harder for your foes
to harm you as long as you’re in motion. While you’re moving, you gain a +2 bonus to AC. This
bonus only applies when you’re in the midst of your own movement, not when you’re moving due
to the actions of another, such as when riding a vehicle or a mount.
Form Trait: Kite Tail. Your rainbow-colored kite tail can fascinate foes, forcing them to focus their
attention on you. As an action, you can make a Performance check using your tail contested
by the Wisdom saving throw of a creature you can see within 30 feet of you and that can see
you. If you win the contest, the creature is charmed by you until the end of your next turn. On
a successful save or if the effect ends for it, the creature becomes
immune to your Kite Tail for 24 hours.
Evolution Trait: Protective Wings. Your huge wings are especially
solid compared to other air eldamon. As a bonus action, you can
interpose your wings against attacks and area effects. Until the start
of your next turn, you gain a +1 bonus to AC and Dexterity saving
throws, and your bonus your Wind’s Mobility increases from +2 to +4.
Power Progression. 1st level: (active) backlash gust, wind rush
(reactive) dispersing retreat (refresh) rushing refresh; 3rd level:
(active) backlash gust, wind rush (reactive) dispersing retreat
(refresh) rushing refresh; 5th level: (active) backlash gust,
whirlwind, wind rush (reactive) dispersing retreat (refresh) rushing
refresh; 7th level: (active) aerial trail, whirlwind, wind rush (reactive)
dispersing retreat (refresh) rushing refresh; 9th level: (active) aerial trail,
flensing leaps, whirlwind (reactive) dispersing retreat (refresh) rushing refresh;
11th level: (active) aerial trail, flensing leaps, whirlwind (reactive) hindering
winds (refresh) rushing refresh; 13th level: (active) aerial trail, flensing leaps, galeforce
launch (reactive) hindering winds (refresh) rushing refresh; 15th level: (active) centripetal
barrage, flensing leaps, galeforce launch (reactive) hindering winds (refresh) ineluctable
flight; 17th level: (active) centripetal barrage, galeforce launch, hurricane downdraft (reactive)
hindering winds (refresh) ineluctable flight; 19th level: (active) centripetal barrage, galeforce
launch, hurricane downdraft (reactive) hindering winds (refresh) wind barrier (ultimate) aeolus
Wing. Melee Weapon Attack: PB + your Dexterity modifier to hit, reach 5 ft. (10 ft. when evolved),
one target. Hit: 1d4 (1d6 when evolved) + PB + your Dexterity modifier piercing damage.
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: PB + your Dexterity modifier to hit, reach 5 ft. (10 ft. when evolved),
one target. Hit: 1d4 (1d6 when evolved) + PB + your Dexterity modifier slashing damage.

Pet Form


A World
of Eldamon




Battle Form
Evolved Form

Anairx, Paper Dragonfly Eldamon
Anairx are bookworms but not the destructive kind—they devour books and
scrolls in a librarian-approved manner: by reading! Like the air energies tucked
tight within their papery bodies, anairx are more likely to be bound up in a tale
LIKE AN OPEN BOOK than flying free. They’ll go any length for a good story, be it written, spoken, or
Anairx who are concentrating on even experienced. Anairx make excellent companions to trainers once convinced
information or feeling strongly about a to embark on adventure and may even chronicle their travels together!
subject may unconsciously manifest
their thoughts as written text on their ANAIRX, AESHNOTE, AND ANISCROLL
Rare air eldamon
body. The words that appear typically
Armor Class 12 (natural armor) + Dexterity modifier
vanish quickly, replaced by new text
Hit Dice 1d4 per eldamon level
as their minds race, but this trait can Hit Points at 1st Level 4 + Constitution modifier
lead to embarrassment when an Hit Points at Higher Levels 1d4 (or 3) + Constitution modifier per eldamon level after 1st
anairx’s honest opinion becomes Speed 15 ft., fly 30 ft.
legible without their awareness. On the STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
other hand, such notes come in handy 12 (+1) 15 (+2) 13 (+1) 10 (+0) 17 (+3) 8 (–1)
for trainers who need an assist when Saving Throws Strength, Dexterity
solving puzzles or remembering codes. Skills Acrobatics, Performance, Stealth
Damage Vulnerabilities cold, lightning; damage from electricity, ice, and metal elemental powers
Damage Resistances damage from air, body, earth, and wood elemental powers
Special Senses darkvision 30 ft.
Languages Auran
Evolution Condition Helping anairx find a truly remarkable story to read, a tale that resonates with
them on a fundamental level.
Elemental Trait: Air’s Reach. You carry your powers across greater distances with wings of air.
Your air powers that have a range within a certain number of feet have their range extended by
an additional 50 percent. This has no effect on the size of an area, such as the length of a line
or cone, but it does allow you to place an area effect that has a range at a further distance
away from you.
Form Trait: Paper Folding. You can fold yourself in order to easily fit through narrow areas.
You can fit through narrow spaces as if you were two sizes smaller (as if you were a Tiny
creature if you’re Medium or smaller, a Small creature if you’re Large, a Medium creature if
you’re Huge, and a Large creature if you’re Gargantuan).
Evolution Trait: Parchment Furling. You can furl and unfurl your body like parchment,
allowing you to grab onto your foes. When you hit a creature with your tail attack, you can
force that creature to make a Strength or Dexterity saving throw against a DC equal to 8 +
your proficiency bonus + your Strength modifier. On a failed save, the target is grappled. Until
this grapple ends, the target is restrained, you can automatically hit the target with your tail,
and you can’t make tail attacks against other targets.
Power Progression. 1st level: (active) backlash gust, wind rush (reactive) dispersing retreat
(refresh) rushing refresh; 3rd level: (active) backlash gust, wind sniper (reactive) dispersing
retreat (refresh) rushing refresh; 5th level: (active) backlash gust, drifting slash, wind rush
(reactive) reflect projectiles (refresh) rushing refresh; 7th level: (active) backlash
gust, wind cutter, wind sniper (reactive) reflect projectiles (refresh) rushing
refresh; 9th level: (active) backlash gust, wind cutter, wind sniper (reactive)
reflect projectiles (refresh) wind barrier; 11th level: (active) gusting arc,
wind cutter, wind sniper (reactive) reflect projectiles (refresh) wind barrier;
13th level: (active) gusting arc, peregrine gust, wind sniper (reactive) reflect
projectiles (refresh) wind barrier; 15th level: (active) gusting arc, peregrine gust,
tornado, wind sniper (reactive) hindering winds (refresh) wind barrier; 17th level:
(active) gusting arc, peregrine gust, tempest, tornado (reactive) hindering winds
(refresh) wind barrier; 19th level: (active) gusting arc, peregrine gust, tempest,
tornado (reactive) hindering winds (refresh) wind barrier (ultimate) kamaitachi
Tail. Melee Weapon Attack: PB + your Dexterity modifier to hit, reach 10 ft. (20 ft. when evolved),
one target. Hit: 1d4 (1d6 when evolved) + PB + your Dexterity modifier bludgeoning damage.

Pet Form


A World
of Eldamon




Battle Form
Evolved Form

Shadoppy, Shadow Opossum Eldamon
Shadoppies love bones so much that they manifest their own to cover their
shadowy and largely incorporeal bodies. When they find the bones of other
creatures, they hide them within the swirling shadows of their bodies until they
A BONE TO PICK can transfer them to a hidden stash close to where they live. They only keep
Shadoppies believe that the bones of bones of creatures who died natural deaths, so they often congregate around
creatures who died violent deaths are graveyards and other sites where animals go when they are ill or reach extreme
cursed. They can sense a creature’s old age.
general manner of death from sniffing
the remains. Collecting bones of SHADOPPY, SHADOPOSSUM, AND SHADELPHIS
Common darkness eldamon
those who died from accidents makes
Armor Class 14 (natural armor) + Dexterity modifier (max 2)
the collector more likely to suffer
Hit Dice 1d4 per eldamon level
accidents of their own. Bones of
Hit Points at 1st Level 4 + Constitution modifier
people who were betrayed may cause Hit Points at Higher Levels 1d4 (or 3) + Constitution modifier per eldamon level after 1st
the collector to become paranoid. Speed 30 ft. (fly 30 ft. when evolved)
The most cursed bones, though, are STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
those belonging to people who died 10 (+0) 13 (+1) 15 (+2) 8 (–1) 17 (+3) 12 (+1)
of fright; their collectors somehow Saving Throws Constitution, Charisma
always end up nibbled to death by rats. Skills Acrobatics, Intimidation, Stealth
Damage Vulnerabilities radiant, thunder; damage from body and light elemental powers
Damage Resistances psychic; damage from darkness, mind, and spirit elemental powers
Special Senses darkvision 120 ft.
Languages Shadowtongue
Evolution Condition Helping shadoppy actualize their fascination with bones by completing their
collection or reaching a deep understanding of bones.
Elemental Trait: Shrouded Power. When you’re shrouded in darkness, your darkness powers deal
additional damage. While shrouded, you gain a bonus to damage rolls with darkness powers that
deal cold damage. This bonus is equal to half your proficiency bonus (rounded down).
Form Trait: Bone Mantle. You’re covered in protective bones that prevent the worst from
happening. Whenever you’re subjected to a critical hit, reduce the damage you take by an
amount equal to half your power level (rounded up).
Evolution Trait: Shadow Flight. The bottom of your body trails away into shadows, allowing you
to soar. You gain a fly speed equal to your walking speed. In addition, you gain a +1 bonus to
Dexterity (Acrobatics) checks made to escape a grapple.
Power Progression. 1st level: (active) gloaming backstab, tendrils of shade (reactive)
retributive shroud (refresh) embrace the dark; 3rd level: (active) gloaming backstab, tendrils of
shade (reactive) retributive shroud (refresh) embrace the dark; 5th level: (active) cloak
of darkness, gloaming backstab, tendrils of shade (reactive) retributive shroud (refresh)
embrace the dark; 7th level: (active) cloak of darkness, gloaming backstab, tendrils
of shade (reactive) retributive shroud (refresh) embrace the dark; 9th level: (active)
cloak of darkness, gloaming backstab, vanishing silhouette (reactive) retributive
shroud (refresh) embrace the dark; 11th level: (active) gloaming backstab, gloom
burst, vanishing silhouette (reactive) retributive shroud (refresh) embrace the
dark; 13th level: (active) darkness from below, gloom burst, vanishing silhouette
(reactive) retributive shroud (refresh) embrace the dark; 15th level: (active)
darkness from below, gloom burst, phantom raid, vanishing silhouette (reactive)
defensive shroud (refresh) embrace the dark; 17th level: (active) darkness from
below, heart of darkness, phantom raid, vanishing silhouette (reactive) defensive
shroud (refresh) embrace the dark; 19th level: (active) gusting darkness from
below, heart of darkness, phantom raid, vanishing silhouette (reactive) defensive
shroud (refresh) embrace the dark (ultimate) tezcatlipoca
Tail. Melee Weapon Attack: PB + your Strength modifier to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 1d6 (1d8 when evolved) + PB + your Strength modifier piercing damage.
Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: PB + your Dexterity modifier to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 1d4
(1d6 when evolved) + PB + your Dexterity modifier slashing damage.

Pet Form


A World
of Eldamon




Battle Form
Evolved Form

Duskoyotl, Dusk Coyote Eldamon
Many travelers huddled close to a campfire at night have been terrified by the
sight of glowing eyes watching them from the darkness, but those eyes often
belong to duskoyotls who simply love to watch the dancing shadows cast by
HOWL AT THE MOON flames. Duskoyotls believe darkness is meaningless without light, so they’re far
Duskoyotls love fire most, but anything more likely to be basking by fires than hiding in gloom.
that creates a blend between light
and dark without overwhelming DUSKOYOTL, DUSKOYOTE, AND DARKOYOTE
Uncommon darkness eldamon
either holds a special place in their
Armor Class 12 (natural armor) + Dexterity modifier
hearts. The moon fascinates them
Hit Dice 1d4 per eldamon level
because of its different phases. They Hit Points at 1st Level 4 + Constitution modifier
particularly enjoy a half moon that is Hit Points at Higher Levels 1d4 (or 3) + Constitution modifier per eldamon level after 1st
equally divided and gather to howl Speed 30 ft.
and play under one. On the other hand, STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
full and new moons are considered 12 (+1) 15 (+2) 13 (+1) 8 (–1) 17 (+3) 10 (+0)
inauspicious and duskoyotls may Saving Throws Dexterity, Charisma
choose to sleep through them. Skills Intimidation, Stealth, Survival
Damage Vulnerabilities radiant, thunder; damage from body and light elemental powers
Damage Resistances psychic; damage from darkness, mind, and spirit elemental powers
Special Senses darkvision 120 ft.
Languages Shadowtongue
Evolution Condition Helping duskoyotl understand both the depth and the boundaries of their
dangerous obsession with fire.
Elemental Trait: Shrouded Grace. When you’re shrouded in darkness, you can move faster, as
the shadows push you where you want to go. While shrouded, your speed increases by 10 feet.
Form Trait: Shadow Dance. You dance swiftly and gracefully on the edge of shadows. When you
start your turn in an area of dim light or darkness, your speed increases by 10 feet until the end of
your turn. In addition, while in an area of dim light, you ignore difficult terrain.
Evolution Trait: Mane of Shadow. Your mane of shadow swirls around you protectively in dim
light. While in an area of dim light, you gain a +1 bonus to AC. This bonus increases to +3 against
opportunity attacks.
Power Progression. 1st level: (active) gloaming backstab, tendrils of shade (reactive) retributive
shroud (refresh) embrace the dark; 3rd level: (active) gloaming backstab,
tendrils of shade (reactive) retributive shroud (refresh) embrace
the dark; 5th level: (active) cloak of darkness, gloaming
backstab, tendrils of shade (reactive) retributive shroud
(refresh) embrace the dark; 7th level: (active) cloak of
darkness, fade into darkness, tendrils of shade (reactive)
retributive shroud (refresh) embrace the dark; 9th level:
(active) cloak of darkness, fade into darkness, tendrils of
shade (reactive) sink into the dark (refresh) embrace the dark;
11th level: (active) cloak of darkness, fade into darkness,
gloom burst (reactive) sink into the dark (refresh) embrace
the dark; 13th level: (active) fade into darkness, gloom burst,
nyctophobia (reactive) sink into the dark (refresh) embrace the dark;
15th level: (active) dark cocoon, fade into darkness, nyctophobia,
phantom raid (reactive) sink into the dark (refresh) embrace the dark;
17th level: (active) fade into darkness, phantom raid, shadowstorm,
nyctophobia (reactive) sink into the dark (refresh) embrace
the dark; 19th level: (active) fade into darkness, phantom
raid, shadowstorm, nyctophobia (reactive) sink into the dark
(refresh) embrace the dark (ultimate) tezcatlipoca
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: PB + your Dexterity modifier to hit,
reach 5 ft. (10 ft. when evolved), one target. Hit: 1d4 (1d6 when evolved) + PB +
your Dexterity modifier piercing damage.

Pet Form


A World
of Eldamon




Battle Form
Evolved Form

Lepismini, Gloom Silverfish Eldamon
Lepisminis are scared of wide open spaces, which is understandable given they
resemble a creature that often gets squashed when spotted. Lepisminis aren’t
pests, however, and make excellent friends. The purple ruff of bristles around
OVERLY ATTACHED their necks is soft and can lower so they don’t injure people petting them.
Dislodging a lepismini from a hiding
spot is no easy task. Lepisminis LEPISMINI, LEPISMURK, AND ZYGENTOMURKIA
Uncommon darkness eldamon
hook the spikes on their bodies into
Armor Class 14 (natural armor) + Dexterity modifier (max 2)
their surroundings when frightened,
Hit Dice 1d4 per eldamon level
preventing anyone from pulling them Hit Points at 1st Level 4 + Constitution modifier
out of their tight hiding spot. Trainers Hit Points at Higher Levels 1d4 (or 3) + Constitution modifier per eldamon level after 1st
who want to help their lepisminis Speed 30 ft.
overcome their fear of open spaces STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
should provide a small space to 13 (+1) 12 (+1) 15 (+2) 10 (+0) 17 (+3) 8 (–1)
which they can retreat anytime Saving Throws Constitution, Intelligence
such as a bag or pocket. Some Skills Acrobatics, Athletics, Stealth
even like hiding underneath hats! Damage Vulnerabilities radiant, thunder; damage from body and light elemental powers
Damage Resistances psychic; damage from darkness, mind, and spirit elemental powers
Special Senses darkvision 120 ft.
Languages Shadowtongue
Evolution Condition Helping lepismini truly understand and come to terms with their love of
enclosed spaces, so they can accept the wider world around them.
Elemental Trait: Hidden Shadow. When you’re shrouded in darkness, you hide and sneak more
easily, crawling into every little nook and cranny. Your bonus to Dexterity (Stealth) checks
made to Hide while shrouded increases to +2 when you’re shrouded 1, +3 when you’re
shrouded 2, and +4 when you’re shrouded 3.
Form Trait: Spiked Carapace. Your carapace is covered in spikes. Whenever a creature within
5 feet of you hits you with a melee attack, that creature must make a Dexterity saving throw
against your power save DC, taking piercing damage equal to your power level on a failed save,
or half as much damage on a successful one.
Evolution Trait: Mantle of Darkness. Your ruff transforms into a mantle of swirling shadows that
settle around you when you aren’t moving, such as when holding still in a narrow place. You can
make a Dexterity (Stealth) check to Hide even if you’re not obscured. If you don’t move or use
an action or bonus action on your turn, you become heavily obscured until you move or take an
Power Progression. 1st level: (active) gloaming backstab, tendrils of shade (reactive)
retributive shroud (refresh) embrace the dark; 3rd level: (active) midnight orb, tendrils of
shade (reactive) retributive shroud (refresh) embrace the dark; 5th level: (active) midnight
orb, outstretched shadow, tendrils of shade (reactive) sink into the dark (refresh) embrace
the dark; 7th level: (active) midnight orb, outstretched shadow, shadow betrayal
(reactive) sink into the dark (refresh) embrace the dark; 9th level: (active)
outstretched shadow, shadow betrayal, vanishing silhouette (reactive) sink
into the dark (refresh) embrace the dark; 11th level: (active) shadow betrayal,
umbral curtain, vanishing silhouette (reactive) sink into the dark (refresh)
embrace the dark; 13th level: (active) darkness from below, umbral curtain,
vanishing silhouette (reactive) sink into the dark (refresh) embrace the dark;
15th level: (active) dark cocoon, darkness from below, phantom raid, vanishing
silhouette (reactive) sink into the dark (refresh) embrace the dark; 17th level:
(active) dark cocoon, heart of darkness, phantom raid, vanishing silhouette
(reactive) sink into the dark (refresh) embrace the dark; 19th level: (active) dark
cocoon, heart of darkness, phantom raid, vanishing silhouette (reactive) sink into
the dark (refresh) embrace the dark (ultimate) rahu ketu
Tail. Melee Weapon Attack: PB + your Strength modifier to hit, reach 5 ft. (10 ft. when
evolved), one target. Hit: 1d6 (1d8 when evolved) + PB + your Strength modifier piercing

Pet Form


A World
of Eldamon




Battle Form
Evolved Form

Kagekko, Shade Gecko Eldamon
“Big heads, big worries,” is what trainers say about kagekkos. These eldamon
prefer to stay hidden behind layers of protections and only venture out to join
trainers whom they trust to be just as careful and competent as themselves.
Kagekkos spend most of their time LEPISMINI, LEPISMURK, AND ZYGENTOMURKIA
Rare darkness eldamon
hiding, so they don’t have a strong
Armor Class 14 (natural armor) + Dexterity modifier (max 2)
grasp on the actual nature of most
Hit Dice 1d4 per eldamon level
threats in the world. Their innumerable Hit Points at 1st Level 4 + Constitution modifier
contingency plans can be reduced to Hit Points at Higher Levels 1d4 (or 3) + Constitution modifier per eldamon level after 1st
two categories: run from the problem Speed 30 ft.
or eat it. A long tongue and strong jaws STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
make the latter option feasible in a 12 (+1) 13 (+1) 15 (+2) 10 (+0) 17 (+3) 8 (–1)
surprising number of situations, but the Saving Throws Constitution, Strength
most common downfall of kagekkos Skills Acrobatics, Athletics, Stealth
is failing to have a contingency plan Damage Vulnerabilities radiant, thunder; damage from body and light elemental powers
for what to do with a grappled predator Damage Resistances psychic; damage from darkness, mind, and spirit elemental powers
that’s too unwieldy to swallow. Special Senses darkvision 120 ft.
Languages Shadowtongue
Evolution Condition Helping kagekko not only learn how to make truly comprehensive
contingencies, but also realize when the time comes to let something drop and not worry about
having a backup plan.
Elemental Trait: Contingent Shroud. You’re ready for anything with a shroud to protect you
from harm. When you roll initiative or phase in on the first round of an encounter, you become
shrouded 1 until the end of your first turn.
Form Trait: Gecko Tongue. Your tongue is especially long, with a reach of 10 feet. You can use
your tongue to move objects from a distance, provided that doing so doesn’t require fingers or
significant manual dexterity. In addition, you can use your tongue to grapple creatures within
your reach.
Evolution Trait: Sixfold Spiked Legs. You gain a third pair of legs that are covered with spikes.
Your speed increases to 35 feet, and when you move through a creature’s space (usually
because the creature is two or more sizes smaller or larger than you), you can deal that creature
1d8 piercing damage. A creature can’t take this damage more than once per turn. In addition, the
reach of your tongue increases to 20 feet.
Power Progression. 1st level: (active) gloaming backstab,
tendrils of shade (reactive) retributive shroud (refresh) embrace the
dark; 3rd level: (active) gloaming backstab, tendrils of shade (reactive)
retributive shroud (refresh) embrace the dark; 5th level: (active) cloak of
darkness, gloaming backstab, outstretched shadow (reactive) retributive
shroud (refresh) embrace the dark; 7th level: (active) cloak of darkness,
gloaming backstab, shadow betrayal (reactive) retributive shroud (refresh)
embrace the dark; 9th level: (active) cloak of darkness, eclipsing embrace,
gloaming backstab (reactive) retributive shroud (refresh) embrace the dark;
11th level: (active) eclipsing embrace, gloaming backstab, gloom burst (reactive)
retributive shroud (refresh) embrace the dark; 13th level: (active) darkness from
below, gloaming backstab, gloom burst (reactive) retributive shroud (refresh) embrace
the dark; 15th level: (active) darkness from below, gloaming backstab, gloom burst,
phantom raid (reactive) retributive shroud (refresh) become the shadow; 17th level:
(active) darkness from below, gloaming backstab, heart of darkness, phantom raid
(reactive) retributive shroud (refresh) become the shadow; 19th level: (active)
darkness from below, gloaming backstab, heart of darkness, phantom raid (reactive)
retributive shroud (refresh) become the shadow (ultimate) tezcatlipoca
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: PB + your Dexterity modifier to hit, reach 5 ft. (10
ft. when evolved), one target. Hit: 1d4 (1d6 when evolved) + PB + your Dexterity
modifier piercing damage.

Pet Form


A World
of Eldamon




Battle Form
Evolved Form

Manight, Murk Hand Eldamon
Need a hand? Manight is here to help! Not only do manights tackle tasks with
gusto, but they’re perfectionists who will repeat an activity over and over until
they make no mistakes. This habit borders on obsession, however, and many
HIGH FIVE! trainers have a hard time getting manights to focus on the desired task rather
Or four, but what’s a finger between than whatever caught their attention first.
friends? Manights love praise for a job
well done, yet not all jobs are equal in MANIGHT, MANUT, AND MANYX
Rare darkness eldamon
their eye. Most manights have a top
Armor Class 12 (natural armor) + Dexterity modifier
five list of things they want to perfect,
Hit Dice 1d4 per eldamon level
typically related to an experience early Hit Points at 1st Level 4 + Constitution modifier
in their life that left a strong impression Hit Points at Higher Levels 1d4 (or 3) + Constitution modifier per eldamon level after 1st
on them. Attending a circus might Speed 30 ft.
make one want to develop the skills STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
to become a ringmaster while hearing 12 (+1) 15 (+2) 13 (+1) 10 (+0) 17 (+3) 8 (–1)
beautiful music might inspire one Saving Throws Dexterity, Strength
to practice multiple instruments or Skills Acrobatics, Athletics, Stealth
learn to conduct an orchestra. Damage Vulnerabilities radiant, thunder; damage from body and light elemental powers
Damage Resistances psychic; damage from darkness, mind, and spirit elemental powers
Special Senses darkvision 120 ft.
Languages Shadowtongue
Evolution Condition Helping manight keep trying, over and over again, until they finally do things
perfectly and reach the consummation of their perseverance.
Elemental Trait: Invisible Hand. When you’re hidden, your darkness powers are more formidable.
While you’re heavily obscured to a creature from darkness or the shrouded condition (but not
heavily obscured by other effects like fog or the invisible condition), you gain a bonus to damage
rolls with darkness powers against that creature. This bonus is equal to half your proficiency
bonus (rounded down).
Form Trait: Shadow Eruption. When you use a darkness power, the top of your hand body erupts
with cold, lightless flames of darkness energy. The flames last until the end of your next turn.
While the flames last, whenever a creature within 5 feet of you hits you with melee attack, that
creature must make a Dexterity saving throw against your power save DC, taking cold damage
equal to your power level on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
Evolution Trait: Handy Eyes. Your dark, magic-imbued eyes reveal other hidden creatures,
helping you ambush them. You can see invisible creatures and objects as if they were visible.
Power Progression. 1st level: (active) gloaming backstab, tendrils of shade (reactive)
retributive shroud (refresh) embrace the dark; 3rd level: (active) pall of darkness, tendrils
of shade (reactive) retributive shroud (refresh) embrace the dark; 5th level: (active) cloak
of darkness, pall of darkness, tendrils of shade (reactive) sink into the dark (refresh)
embrace the dark; 7th level: (active) cloak of darkness, fade into darkness, tendrils of
shade (reactive) sink into the dark (refresh) embrace the dark; 9th level: (active) cloak
of darkness, fade into darkness, vanishing silhouette (reactive) sink into the dark (refresh)
embrace the dark; 11th level: (active) fade into darkness, gloom burst, vanishing silhouette
(reactive) sink into the dark (refresh) embrace the dark; 13th level: (active) fade into darkness,
gloom burst, nyctophobia (reactive) sink into the dark (refresh) become the shadow;
15th level: (active) fade into darkness, gloom burst, nyctophobia, phantom raid
(reactive) sink into the dark (refresh) umbral call; 17th level: (active) fade into
darkness, gloom burst, phantom raid, shadowstorm (reactive) sink into the dark
(refresh) umbral call; 19th level: (active) fade into darkness, gloom burst,
phantom raid, shadowstorm (reactive) sink into the dark (refresh) umbral
call (ultimate) rahu ketu
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: PB + your Dexterity modifier
to hit, reach 5 ft. (10 ft. when evolved), one target. Hit: 1d4
(1d6 when evolved) + PB + your Dexterity modifier piercing

Pet Form


A World
of Eldamon




Battle Form
Evolved Form

Morpup, Death Dog Eldamon
Some people fear morpups because their presence often means someone is about
to die, but the alternative is a banshee and a screaming ghost is far worse than a
cute puppy floating with butterfly wings. In any case, morpups actually arrive
COMPANIONS FOR LIFE when someone who dies is going to be reborn or move on in a different form,
Morpups love having friends and such as joining the domain of a deity they worship. The death may remain a
keeping people company. Their sad occasion, but the morpup brings a message of hope that the soul lives on.
message of change and continuation They may even accompany the deceased for part of the journey to protect them.
doesn’t apply only to the dead. Often
it’s the grieving survivors who need MORPUP, MORHOUND, AND MORGARM
Common death eldamon
help moving on, so morpups may
Armor Class 12 (natural armor) + Dexterity modifier
follow them rather than the departed
Hit Dice 1d4 per eldamon level
spirit. This situation is in fact the
Hit Points at 1st Level 4 + Constitution modifier
most common way trainers end up Hit Points at Higher Levels 1d4 (or 3) + Constitution modifier per eldamon level after 1st
with a morpup, though it is strongly Speed 30 ft.
ill-advised to arrange someone’s STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
death for the purpose of luring one. 10 (+0) 15 (+2) 13 (+1) 8 (–1) 17 (+3) 12 (+1)
Saving Throws Dexterity, Charisma
Skills Acrobatics, Athletics, Intimidation
Damage Vulnerabilities radiant; damage from life and spirit elemental powers
Damage Resistances necrotic, poison; damage from death elemental powers
Special Senses darkvision 30 ft.
Languages Requian
Evolution Condition Helping morpup return safely from a dangerous situation, long
journey, or the like.
Elemental Trait: Rebirth. When you would be reduced to 0 hit points, you are reborn
and rise again. Instead of being reduced to 0 hit points, you remain at 1 hit point and
gain temporary hit points equal to your level. Once you use this trait, you can’t do so
again until you finish a long rest.
Form Trait: Scarf Glide. Your scarf allows you to glide through the air. Provided you are
conscious when you fall, you don’t take damage from falling, and you can move 30
feet horizontally for each 5 feet you fall.
Evolution Trait: Red String of Fate. You can use the unraveled strings of your
scarf to latch onto foes at quite a distance, tying their fate to you. You can grapple
creatures at a distance of up to 20 feet from you. While the grapple lasts, the target
takes a –1 penalty to Constitution saving throws against your death elemental
Power Progression. 1st level: (active) deathtouch, steal breath (reactive)
retributive weakening (refresh) reap lives; 3rd level: (active) deathtouch, rigor
mortis (reactive) retributive weakening (refresh) reap lives; 5th level: (active)
death pulse, deathtouch, rigor mortis (reactive) retributive weakening (refresh) reap
lives; 7th level: (active) death pulse, deathtouch, fatal weakness (reactive) retributive
weakening (refresh) reap lives; 9th level: (active) death pulse, deathtouch, fatal weakness
(reactive) retributive weakening (refresh) reap lives; 11th level: (active) death pulse, explode
corpse, fatal weakness (reactive) retributive weakening (refresh) reap lives; 13th level:
(active) death blow, death pulse, explode corpse (reactive) retributive weakening
(refresh) reap lives; 15th level: (active) death blow, death pulse, explode corpse,
exterminate (reactive) opportune drain (refresh) reap lives; 17th level:
(active) danse macabre, death blow, explode corpse, exterminate
(reactive) opportune drain (refresh) reap lives; 19th level: (active)
danse macabre, death blow, explode corpse, exterminate (reactive)
opportune drain (refresh) reap lives (ultimate) thanatos
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: PB + your Dexterity modifier to hit, reach
5 ft. (10 ft. when evolved), one target. Hit: 1d4 (1d6 when evolved) + PB
+ your Dexterity modifier piercing damage.

Pet Form


A World
of Eldamon




Battle Form
Evolved Form

Grima, Death Cat Eldamon
Rumors that cats steal people’s breaths originate from grimas, who take the final
breath of someone who is already dying. That breath lives on in a grima’s magical
necklace, memorializing the deceased’s existence. Grimas don’t kill people, nor
THANKS FOR THE MEMORY do they prevent their souls from moving on to the afterlife. The practice is more
The glowing energy that comes off like taking a handprint or preserving someone’s scent.
a grima’s eyes, ears, and tail comes
from the breaths of the dead stored in GRIMA, GRIMALKIN, AND GRIMALAKIM
Uncommon death eldamon
their necklace. They are essentially
Armor Class 12 (natural armor) + Dexterity modifier
echoes of the creatures’ spirits. The
Hit Dice 1d4 per eldamon level
breaths taken by grimas retain some Hit Points at 1st Level 4 + Constitution modifier
of the memories of their owners, which Hit Points at Higher Levels 1d4 (or 3) + Constitution modifier per eldamon level after 1st
grimas can access by focusing on their Speed 30 ft.
necklace. Similarly, when a grima hits STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
someone, the target may get a glimpse 10 (+0) 15 (+2) 13 (+1) 8 (–1) 17 (+3) 12 (+1)
of the memories of the people whose Saving Throws Dexterity, Charisma
breaths are fueling the grima’s attack. Skills Acrobatics, Athletics, Stealth
Damage Vulnerabilities radiant; damage from life and spirit elemental powers
Damage Resistances necrotic, poison; damage from death elemental powers
Special Senses darkvision 30 ft.
Languages Requian
Evolution Condition Helping grima collect enough last breaths of creatures with sufficient levels
of power or psychological importance.
Elemental Trait: Breathtaker. When one of your death powers reduces a creature to 0 hit points,
you’re energized by that creature’s dying breath. You have advantage on ability checks and
saving throws until the end of your next turn. While the effect lasts, when you kill a creature with
reap lives, you gain an additional +2 bonus to ability checks and saving throws until the end
of your next turn.
Form Trait: Drink Breath. You drink the last breath of a dying foe when you’re nearby.
When a creature dies within 5 feet of you, or when you move within 5 feet of a creature
who died since the end of your last turn, you can steal their breath (which doesn’t
require an action) to gain temporary hit points equal to your level.
Evolution Trait: Thousand Breaths. The countless life essences you’ve
absorbed from final breaths emerge from your body, harming foes who
attack you. When a creature within 5 feet of you hits you with a melee
attack, that creature must make a Constitution saving throw against
your power DC. On a failed save, the creature takes necrotic damage
equal to half your level, or half as much damage on a successful one.
Power Progression. 1st level: (active) deathtouch, steal breath
(reactive) retributive weakening (refresh) reap lives; 3rd level:
(active) deathtouch, sicken unto death (reactive) retributive
weakening (refresh) reap lives; 5th level: (active) death pulse,
deathtouch, sicken unto death (reactive) death curse (refresh)
reap lives; 7th level: (active) death pulse, deathtouch, inexorable
demise (reactive) death curse (refresh) reap lives; 9th level: (active)
deathtouch, inexorable demise, killing embrace (reactive) death curse (refresh) reap
lives; 11th level: (active) explode corpse, inexorable demise, killing embrace (reactive) death
curse (refresh) reap lives; 13th level: (active) death blow, explode corpse, killing embrace
(reactive) death curse (refresh) reap lives; 15th level: (active) death blow, explode corpse,
exterminate, killing embrace (reactive) death curse (refresh) reap lives; 17th level: (active)
deathstorm, explode corpse, exterminate, killing embrace (reactive) death curse (refresh) reap
lives; 19th level: (active) deathstorm, explode corpse, exterminate, killing embrace (reactive)
death cuse (refresh) reap lives (ultimate) thanatos
Tail. Melee Weapon Attack: PB + your Dexterity modifier to hit, reach 5 ft. (10 ft. when evolved),
one target. Hit: 1d4 (1d6 when evolved) + PB + your Dexterity modifier necrotic damage.

Pet Form


A World
of Eldamon




Battle Form
Evolved Form

Hydgwyn, White Hart Eldamon
While morpups and grimas labor under the false assumption that they kill, the
cute hydgwyns actually do bring death, typically going to great lengths to grant
relief to those who have fallen during perilous journeys and are already dying.
Hydgwyns can read the stars to see HYDGWYN, HYDOOM, AND HYDETH
Uncommon death eldamon
where they are needed, and the
Armor Class 12 (natural armor) + Dexterity modifier
patterns that dictate their quest remain
Hit Dice 1d4 per eldamon level
in their eyes until they finish their Hit Points at 1st Level 4 + Constitution modifier
mission. This ability allows them to Hit Points at Higher Levels 1d4 (or 3) + Constitution modifier per eldamon level after 1st
continue traveling even when the stars Speed 30 ft.
are hidden. Though they bring peace STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
to those who fall while undertaking 10 (+0) 13 (+1) 15 (+2) 8 (–1) 17 (+3) 12 (+1)
quests or journeys, they may also Saving Throws Constitution, Charisma
accompany those whose goals are to Skills Acrobatics, Athletics, Deception
bring an end to creatures who have Damage Vulnerabilities radiant; damage from life and spirit elemental powers
unnaturally extended their lives. Damage Resistances necrotic, poison; damage from death elemental powers
Special Senses darkvision 30 ft.
Languages Requian
Evolution Condition. Helping hydgwyn complete a great quest or many smaller quests.
Elemental Trait: Exploit Frailty. Your death powers are more dangerous against infirm creatures.
Your death powers deal additional necrotic damage to any creature
whose current hit points are less than half its hit point maximum.
This extra necrotic damage is equal to half your proficiency bonus
(rounded down).
Form Trait: Questing Beast. You can be a guiding star for others
to reach their quest or a will-o’-wisp leading them astray. As a bonus
action, you can attempt a Charisma (Deception) check contested
by the Wisdom saving throw of a creature you can see within 30 feet
of you. If you win the contest, the creature has disadvantage on Wisdom
(Perception) checks and Wisdom saving throws until the end of your next turn.
Evolution Trait: Spectral Flame. You can move the spectral flame that dances
between your antlers like a will-o’-wisp. Your spectral flame sheds dim light in
a 60-foot radius. As a bonus action, you can turn the light off or on, and move
the flame to a space within 60 feet of you. As long as the flame is in your space,
you have advantage on Charisma (Deception) checks made to use Questing Beast.
Power Progression. 1st level: (active) deathtouch, steal breath (reactive)
retributive weakening (refresh) reap lives; 3rd level: (active) sicken unto death,
steal breath (reactive) retributive weakening (refresh) reap lives; 5th level:
(active) drain life, rigor mortis, sicken unto death (reactive) retributive weakening
(refresh) reap lives; 7th level: (active) fatal weakness, rigor mortis, sicken unto
death (reactive) retributive weakening (refresh) reap lives; 9th level: (active)
fatal weakness, rigor mortis, sicken unto death (reactive) retributive weakening
(refresh) reap lives; 11th level: (active) fatal weakness, rigor mortis, sicken unto
death (reactive) opportune drain (refresh) reap lives; 13th level: (active) fatal
weakness, sicken unto death, siphon vitality (reactive) opportune drain (refresh)
reap lives; 15th level: (active) deteriorating stream, fatal weakness, sicken
unto death, siphon vitality (reactive) opportune drain (refresh) weakening field;
17th level: (active) danse macabre, deteriorating stream, fatal weakness, siphon
vitality (reactive) opportune drain (refresh) weakening field; 19th level: (active) danse
macabre, deteriorating stream, fatal weakness, siphon vitality (reactive) opportune
drain (refresh) weakening field (ultimate) irkalla
Antler. Melee Weapon Attack: PB + your Dexterity modifier to hit, reach 5 ft. (10 ft. when
evolved), one target. Hit: 1d4 (1d6 piercing + 1 necrotic when evolved) + PB + your
Dexterity modifier piercing damage.

Pet Form


A World
of Eldamon




Battle Form
Evolved Form

Klorse, Pale Horse Eldamon
Klorses are born to run, galloping across planes of existence and experiencing
reality itself rushing past like wind through their cloudy manes. There is nothing
malevolent about them despite their bony appearance tying them to legends
NO BONES ABOUT IT about plagues and apocalypses. In fact, they crave companionship and would
When a klorse’s traveling companion like nothing more than to have friends to travel with them.
settles down, the klorse may make an Those willing to look past a klorse’s appearance and share their wanderlust
effort to visit their friend periodically. discover a loyal partner who will defend them from death itself. Trainers who
In some realms, this has led to have a bond with a klorse always say they know of no better way to venture into
superstitions about skeletal-looking the unknown.
horses visiting people’s homes. Many
believe that offering the horse alcohol KLORSE, EBONA, AND DETHADATTA
Rare death eldamon
and treats wil cause the horse to ward
Armor Class 12 (natural armor) + Dexterity modifier
off bad luck for the year. When a klorse
Hit Dice 1d4 per eldamon level
doesn’t appear for a while, people Hit Points at 1st Level 4 + Constitution modifier
will dress up as one on the longest Hit Points at Higher Levels 1d4 (or 3) + Constitution modifier per eldamon level after 1st
night of the year and make rounds to Speed 30 ft.
nearby homes to uphold the tradition. STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
13 (+1) 12 (+1) 15 (+2) 8 (–1) 17 (+3) 10 (+0)
Saving Throws Strength, Constitution
Skills Acrobatics, Athletics, Intimidation
Damage Vulnerabilities radiant; damage from life and spirit elemental powers
Damage Resistances necrotic, poison; damage from death elemental powers
Special Senses darkvision 30 ft.
Languages Requian
Evolution Condition. Helping klorse experience enough of other realms.
Elemental Trait: Because I Could Not Stop for Death. You can swathe yourself with
death energy as you move, and when this dissuades your foes from stopping you, you gain
a burst of speed. You gain the death Elemental Locomotion benefit (if you don’t already
have it). While using that benefit, if at least one hostile creature allows you to move
through its space, you can move 10 additional feet beyond the movement your
speed would normally allow. If you later gain the Elemental Locomotion benefit, the
additional movement increases from 10 feet to 20 feet.
Form Trait: Riding a Pale Horse. Your speed is 40 feet (already included in your
Evolution Trait: Dry Bones. Your skeletal form protects you from various forms
of harm. You gain resistance against cold, electricity, and fire damage, as well as
nonmagical piercing and slashing damage.
Power Progression. 1st level: (active) deathtouch, steal breath (reactive)
retributive weakening (refresh) reap lives; 3rd level: (active) rigor mortis, steal breath
(reactive) retributive weakening (refresh) reap lives; 5th level: (active) death pulse,
drain life, rigor mortis (reactive) retributive weakening (refresh) reap lives; 7th level:
(active) death pulse, drain life, rigor mortis (reactive) retributive weakening (refresh)
cancel life; 9th level: (active) death pulse, drain life, fated quietus (reactive) retributive
weakening (refresh) cancel life; 11th level: (active) death pulse, fated quietus, lethal
curtain (reactive) retributive weakening (refresh) cancel life; 13th level: (active) fated
quietus, lethal curtain, siphon vitality (reactive) retributive weakening (refresh) cancel
life; 15th level: (active) deteriorating stream, exterminate, lethal curtain, siphon vitality
(reactive) retributive weakening (refresh) cancel life; 17th level: (active) death storm,
deteriorating stream, exterminate, siphon vitality (reactive) retributive weakening (refresh)
cancel life; 19th level: (active) death storm, deteriorating stream, exterminate, siphon
vitality (reactive) retributive weakening (refresh) cancel life (ultimate) irkalla
Antler. Melee Weapon Attack: PB + your Dexterity modifier to hit, reach 5 ft. (10 ft. when
evolved), one target. Hit: 1d4 (1d6 piercing + 1 necrotic when evolved) + PB + your Dexterity
modifier piercing damage.

Pet Form


A World
of Eldamon




Battle Form
Evolved Form

Kitopaz, Crystal Earth Cat Eldamon
Some cultures worship cats, and kitopaz believe they have fully earned such
an exalted status. They start with a single topaz crystal on their chest but grow
many colorful crystals over their lifetime, becoming a truly magnificent sight.
It is very important for kitopaz to KITOPAZ, KITEFNUT, AND QITOPHET
Common earth eldamon
maintain their dignity even when
Armor Class 14 (natural armor) + Dexterity modifier (max 2)
engaging in silly activities like playing
Hit Dice 1d6 per eldamon level
with toys or chasing light beams. Hit Points at 1st Level 6 + Constitution modifier
They will tolerate some laughter if Hit Points at Higher Levels 1d6 (or 4) + Constitution modifier per eldamon level after 1st
the offender apologizes, but making Speed 30 ft.
fun of them when they throw up a STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
“hairball” is an unforgivable offense. 10 (+0) 13 (+1) 15 (+2) 8 (–1) 17 (+3) 12 (+1)
Thankfully, the kitopaz version of Saving Throws Constitution, Charisma
a hairball consists of gemstones Skills Intimidation, Stealth, Survival
and precious metals covered in Damage Vulnerabilities thunder; damage from air, music, water, and wood elemental powers
mud, which most people treat with Damage Resistances bludgeoning, lightning, fire; damage from earth, electricity, fire, and space
the reverence kitopaz deserve. elemental powers
Special Senses darkvision 30 ft.
Languages Terran
Evolution Condition. Helping kitopaz obtain shiny objects and reach peak enlightenment in the
art of all that is shiny.
Elemental Trait: Strength of the Earth. The earth itself provides you with overflowing energy that
protects you from harm. When you roll initiative, and again at the start of each of your turns, you
gain temporary hit points equal to half your proficiency bonus (rounded down), provided you are
standing on a rock or earthen surface.
Form Trait: Regal Nemes. Your shiny headdress proves you once and for all as truly regal and
magnificent, while protecting you from effects that would seek to steal your sovereignty.
You have advantage on saving throws against effects that would charm or frighten you.
Evolution Trait: Crystalline Guard. The many crystals throughout your body allow
earth energy to flow through you easily and store within the crystals to release when
needed. At the end of your turn, you can choose to deplete your energy (which doesn’t
require an action) to gain a +2 bonus to AC until the start of your next turn. Once you
deplete your earth energy, you can’t do so again until you refresh your elemental
Power Progression. 1st level: (active) boulder smash, tremor stomp (reactive)
harden (refresh) rock cover; 3rd level: (active) boulder smash, grasp of the
hungry earth (reactive) harden (refresh) rock cover; 5th level: (active)
boulder smash, grasp of the hungry earth, piercing spike (reactive) rock
shield (refresh) rock cover; 7th level: (active) grasp of the hungry earth,
earthen maul, piercing spike (reactive) rock shield (refresh) rock cover;
9th level: (active) grasp of the hungry earth, earthen maul, piercing spike
(reactive) rock shield (refresh) rock cover; 11th level: (active) grasp of the
hungry earth, earthen maul, exploding bulwark (reactive) rock shield (refresh)
rock cover; 13th level: (active) earthen maul, exploding bulwark, rock
fall (reactive) rock shield (refresh) rock cover; 15th level: (active)
exploding bulwark, fissure, rampart, rock fall (reactive) rock
shield (refresh) rock cover; 17th level: (active) avalanche,
exploding bulwark, fissure, rampart (reactive) rock shield
(refresh) rock cover; 19th level: (active) avalanche,
exploding bulwark, fissure, rampart (reactive) rock
shield (refresh) rock cover (ultimate) yamazu
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: PB + your Dexterity modifier to hit, reach 5 ft. (10 ft.
when evolved), one target. Hit: 1d4 (1d6 when evolved) + PB + your Dexterity modifier
slashing damage.

Pet Form


A World
of Eldamon




Battle Form
Evolved Form

Geopher, Soil Gopher Eldamon
Geophers are enthusiastic tunnelers who can move through soil like swimmers
through water. They don’t leave behind normal tunnels, however, because they
are made of earth themselves. While some trainers initially speculated that
GEO FISH! geophers might leave some trail that only other earth eldamon can perceive, it
Geophers can be pretty hapless and soon became clear that geophers themselves have no idea where they’ve been.
lack the planning ability to search Treasure is what motivates geophers, though their definition of treasure may
for treasure in a strategic way. That’s not be the same as humanoids. They love anything that is rare or new to them.
where people come in! Archaeologists A rock with an odd shape is just as valuable as a buried relic from an ancient
and miners befriend geophers civilization. Whatever they find, though, geophers enjoy showing it to others.
and send their little pals fishing for
valuable finds. When geophers aren’t GEOPHER, GEOMYS, AND GEOMYTE
Uncommon earth eldamon
excited about a particular search,
Armor Class 14 (natural armor) + Dexterity modifier (max 2)
their friends offer seashells and
Hit Dice 1d6 per eldamon level
other “rocks from the sea,” which the
Hit Points at 1st Level 6 + Constitution modifier
earthbound geophers consider rare, Hit Points at Higher Levels 1d6 (or 4) + Constitution modifier per eldamon level after 1st
in exchange for persisting with a dig. Speed 30 ft.
13 (+1) 12 (+1) 15 (+2) 10 (+0) 17 (+3) 8 (–1)
Saving Throws Strength, Constitution
Skills Athletics, Stealth, Survival
Damage Vulnerabilities thunder; damage from air, music, water, and wood elemental powers
Damage Resistances bludgeoning, lightning, fire; damage from earth, electricity, fire, and space
elemental powers
Special Senses darkvision 30 ft.
Languages Terran
Evolution Condition. Helping geopher dig their way to a truly extraordinary find.
Elemental Trait: Harden Soil. You have greater control over hardening earth magic,
allowing you to become slightly more resistant to damage. When an earth power
grants you resistance to damage of one or more types, you also reduce damage of
those types by an amount equal to half your proficiency bonus (rounded down).
Form Trait: Rending Claws. Your claws and powers more easily dig through
solid objects. Your claw attacks and earth powers deal additional damage
to objects and constructs. This additional damage is equal to half your
proficiency bonus (rounded down).
Evolution Trait: Shovelling Dig. You can use your shovel tail to quickly dig your way
across the battlefield. You gain a burrow speed equal to half your speed, allowing you to
dig through earth and soil.
Power Progression. 1st level: (active) boulder smash, tremor stomp (reactive) harden
(refresh) rock cover; 3rd level: (active) boulder smash, stone shell (reactive) harden
(refresh) rock cover; 5th level: (active) boulder smash, piercing spike, stone shell
(reactive) harden (refresh) rock cover; 7th level: (active) earthen maul, piercing
spike, stone shell (reactive) harden (refresh) rock cover; 9th level: (active)
earthen maul, rock and roll, stone shell (reactive) harden (refresh) rock cover;
11th level: (active) exploding bulwark, rock and roll, stone shell (reactive) harden
(refresh) rock cover; 13th level: (active) exploding bulwark, rock and roll, stone
shell (reactive) harden (refresh) auto-petrification; 15th level: (active) aegis of
immortal stone, petrifying dust, rampart, stone shell (reactive) harden (refresh)
auto-petrification; 17th level: (active) aegis of immortal stone, exploding bulwark,
rampart, stone shell (reactive) harden (refresh) auto-petrification; 19th level:
(active) aegis of immortal stone, exploding bulwark, rampart, stone shell (reactive)
harden (refresh) auto-petrification (ultimate) yamazu
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: PB + your Strength modifier to hit, reach 5 ft. (10 ft. when
evolved), one target. Hit: 1d6 (1d8 when evolved) + PB + your Strength modifier slashing

Pet Form


A World
of Eldamon




Battle Form
Evolved Form

Sanditt, Sand Lizard Eldamon
Sanditts are solitary, a habit from their origins in deserts. They keep themselves
company by conjuring puppets out of dust and sand to perform elaborate plays.
They’re shy though and prefer communicating via their scripted performances.
The best way to befriend a sanditt is to SANDITT, SANDERMA, AND SANDRAK
Uncommon earth eldamon
offer to play a part in a show. Sanditts
Armor Class 14 (natural armor) + Dexterity modifier (max 2)
quickly forget their shyness when
Hit Dice 1d6 per eldamon level
“working” with someone to put together Hit Points at 1st Level 6 + Constitution modifier
a performance. Such a partnership Hit Points at Higher Levels 1d6 (or 4) + Constitution modifier per eldamon level after 1st
is also good way to gauge how well Speed 30 ft.
a trainer will get along with a sanditt. STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
These eldamon tend to have a favorite 12 (+1) 13 (+1) 15 (+2) 8 (–1) 17 (+3) 10 (+0)
genre which matches their personality. Saving Throws Strength, Constitution
Nothing sends a sanditt running for Skills Performance, Stealth, Survival
the hills faster than an inappropriate Damage Vulnerabilities thunder; damage from air, music, water, and wood elemental powers
joke during a dramatic moment or an Damage Resistances bludgeoning, lightning, fire; damage from earth, electricity, fire, and space
understated performance in a comedy. elemental powers
Special Senses darkvision 30 ft.
Languages Terran
Evolution Condition. Helping sanditt overcome their shyness and put on a truly wonderful skit or
puppet show.
Elemental Trait: Protrusive Cover. Your earth power seeps out of you, allowing you to grant your
allies a bit of cover. Your allies gain half cover against attacks that pass through your space.
Form Trait: Sand Shroud. When you’re hit, you shroud yourself with sand that protects you from
follow-up attacks. When a creature hits you with an attack, further attacks against you have
disadvantage until the end of that creature’s turn.
Evolution Trait: Puppet Tail. Your tail can lure foes off guard and distract them. You can use a
bonus action to make a Charisma (Performance) check contested by the Wisdom saving throw
of a creature you can see within 30 feet of you, provided that creature can see you. If you win the
contest, the target can’t take reactions until the end of your next turn. While the effect lasts, you
have advantage on the next Tail attack you make against the target. A creature that wins the
contest becomes immune to your Puppet Tail for 24 hours.
Power Progression. 1st level: (active) boulder smash, tremor stomp (reactive)
harden (refresh) rock cover; 3rd level: (active) grasp of the hungry earth, tremor
stomp (reactive) harden (refresh) rock cover; 5th level: (active) grasp of the
hungry earth, entrench, tremor stomp (reactive) rock shield (refresh) rock
cover; 7th level: (active) grasp of the hungry earth, entrench, tremor stomp
(reactive) rock shield (refresh) shifting ground; 9th level: (active) grasp of the
hungry earth, earthen maul, entrench (reactive) rock shield (refresh) shifting
ground; 11th level: (active) earthen arc, grasp of the hungry earth, earthen maul
(reactive) rock shield (refresh) shifting ground; 13th level: (active) earthen arc,
grasp of the hungry earth, rock fall (reactive) rock shield (refresh) shifting
ground; 15th level: (active) earthen arc, grasp of the hungry earth, fissure,
rock fall (reactive) disrupting tremor (refresh) shifting ground; 17th level:
(active) earthen arc, grasp of the hungry earth, fissure, petrifying dust
(reactive) disrupting tremor (refresh) shifting ground; 19th level:
(active) earthen arc, grasp of the hungry earth, fissure, petrifying dust
(reactive) disrupting tremor (refresh) shifting ground (ultimate) kunlun
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: PB + your Strength modifier to hit,
reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 1d6 (1d8 when evolved) + PB + your
Strength modifier slashing damage.
Tail. Melee Weapon Attack: PB + your Dexterity modifier to hit,
reach 5 ft. (10 ft. when evolved), one target. Hit: 1d4 (1d6 when evolved) + PB + your
Dexterity modifier bludgeoning damage.

Pet Form


A World
of Eldamon




Battle Form
Evolved Form

Pangeolil, Rock Pangolin Eldamon
Pangeolils love keeping secrets. They see themselves as guardians and are often
content hiding in remote places to defend the knowledge they’ve learned. Such
measures, however, may simply be an excuse for indulging their natural shyness.
On the rare occasions when pangeolils PANGEOLIL, PETROLIN, AND PHOLITH
Rare earth eldamon
reveal a secret, even when they do
Armor Class 14 (natural armor) + Dexterity modifier (max 2)
so for a good reason, they become
Hit Dice 1d6 per eldamon level
wracked by guilt and may run away Hit Points at 1st Level 6 + Constitution modifier
from their friends back to their Hit Points at Higher Levels 1d6 (or 4) + Constitution modifier per eldamon level after 1st
original home. There they remain Speed 30 ft.
in isolation, convinced they are no STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
longer worthy of trust. No amount 12 (+1) 13 (+1) 15 (+2) 10 (+0) 17 (+3) 8 (–1)
of logical reasoning can pull a Saving Throws Strength, Constitution
pangeolil out of such a despair, but Skills Athletics, Acrobatics, Survival
entrusting them with a new important Damage Vulnerabilities thunder; damage from air, music, water, and wood elemental powers
secret may do the trick instead. Damage Resistances bludgeoning, lightning, fire; damage from earth, electricity, fire, and space
elemental powers
Special Senses darkvision 30 ft.
Languages Terran
Evolution Condition. Helping pangeolil learn and keep an especially deep or important secret.
Elemental Trait: Earth’s Vengeance. Creatures who damage you find quick comeuppance. When
a creature damages you, your earth powers gain a bonus to damage rolls against that creature
for 24 hours. This bonus is equal to half your proficiency bonus (rounded down). If the earth
power deals damage in direct response to a creature’s attack against you, the bonus increases
to your full proficiency bonus.
Form Trait: Curl Up. You can use a bonus action to curl up until the end of your next turn. While
curled up, you gain a +2 bonus to AC, can’t move, and can’t use actions or reactions except to
use reaction powers or to use a bonus action to end the effect. In addition, when a creature within
5 feet of you hits you with a melee attack, that creature must make a successful Dexterity saving
throw against your power DC or take piercing damage equal to your proficiency bonus.
Evolution Trait: Countless Spikes. Your spikes are everywhere, presenting a threat even when
you aren’t curled up, and making foes bleed when you are. When a creature within 5 feet of
you hits you with a melee weapon attack, that creature must make a successful Dexterity
saving throw against your power DC or take piercing damage equal to your proficiency
bonus. If you’re curled up, a creature that fails this save also takes an equal amount of
persistent piercing damage.
Power Progression. 1st level: (active) boulder smash, tremor stomp (reactive)
harden (refresh) rock cover; 3rd level: (active) stone shell, tremor stomp (reactive)
harden (refresh) rock cover; 5th level: (active) piercing spike, stone shell, tremor
stomp (reactive) harden (refresh) rock cover; 7th level: (active) stone shell, tremor
stomp, vengeful backlash (reactive) harden (refresh) rock cover; 9th level: (active)
rebounding embrace, tremor stomp, vengeful backlash (reactive) harden (refresh)
rock cover; 11th level: (active) earthen arc, rebounding embrace, vengeful backlash
(reactive) harden (refresh) rock cover; 13th level: (active) earthen arc, rebounding
embrace, vengeful backlash (reactive) disrupting tremor (refresh) rock cover;
15th level: (active) earthen arc, fissure, rebounding embrace, vengeful backlash
(reactive) disrupting tremor (refresh) shifting ground; 17th level: (active) earthen
arc, fissure, rebounding embrace, vengeful backlash (reactive) disrupting tremor
(refresh) shifting ground; 19th level: (active) earthen arc, fissure, rebounding embrace,
vengeful backlash (reactive) disrupting tremor (refresh) shifting ground (ultimate) kunlun
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: PB + your Strength modifier to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 1d6 (1d8
when evolved) + PB + your Strength modifier slashing damage.
Tail. Melee Weapon Attack: PB + your Dexterity modifier to hit, reach 5 ft. (10 ft. when evolved),
one target. Hit: 1d4 (1d6 when evolved) + PB + your Dexterity modifier bludgeoning damage.

Pet Form


A World
of Eldamon




Battle Form
Evolved Form

Tawhrtle, Lightning Turtle Eldamon
Tawhirtles are the thrillseekers of the eldamon world. When winds roar and
lightning crashes, they rush to greet the elements. They surf the tallest waves,
sway in treetop canopies during storms, and soar through the air when blasted by
NEED TO RECHARGE a surge of electricity. Tawhirtles are happy to accompany trainers on adventures,
An excited tawhirtle may spark with but only if they promise more excitement than the ones they’re already on.
electricity, but the opposite is also
true. A tawhirtle who is exhausted TAWHIRTLE, CHELOWATT, AND THORTOISE
Common electricity eldamon
or sad for a prolonged period of time
Armor Class 14 (natural armor) + Dexterity modifier (max 2)
may become so drained that they
Hit Dice 1d4 per eldamon level
lose all their electrical powers. They Hit Points at 1st Level 4 + Constitution modifier
can recover their spark on their own if Hit Points at Higher Levels 1d4 (or 3) + Constitution modifier per eldamon level after 1st
they quickly rest and regain their joy Speed 30 ft.
about life, but if they remain depleted STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
for a long period of time they may 12 (+1) 13 (+1) 15 (+2) 8 (–1) 17 (+3) 10 (+0)
need external help to recharge. Such Saving Throws Strength, Constitution
an intervention usually involves a Skills Athletics, Intimidation, Survival
circle of other tawhirtles infusing Damage Vulnerabilities psychic; damage from earth, mind, and space elemental powers
them with electricity during a ritual Damage Resistances lightning; damage from air, electricity, and metal elemental powers
dance, but a solitary tawhirtle can Special Senses darkvision 30 ft.
wait for a lightning strike atop a tall Languages Voltan
location during a thunderstorm. Evolution Condition. Helping tawhirtle experience pure thrill from their risks.
Elemental Trait: Resistant Shell. You have an outer shell of energy that’s electrically resistant,
allowing you to safely store charge. When you’re charged from your own elemental powers, you
don’t become shocked, and you don’t reduce your charged condition from effects that would
remove the shocked condition.
Form Trait: Retreat Into Shell. You can use a bonus action to retreat into your shell until the start
of your next turn. While the effect lasts, you gain a +2 bonus to AC, can’t move, and can’t use
actions or reactions except to use reaction powers or to use a bonus action to end the effect.
Evolution Trait: Shell Fortification. Your shell fortifies you from dangerous blows. Whenever you
are subjected to a critical hit while you are retreated into your shell, roll a d20. On a 10 or higher,
the critical hit is treated as a normal hit instead.
Power Progression. 1st level: (active) electric surge, static shock (reactive) retributive shock
(refresh) high voltage; 3rd level: (active) electric surge, status shock (reactive) retributive
shock (refresh) high voltage; 5th level: (active) anvil crawler lightning, electric field, static
shock (reactive) retributive shock (refresh) high voltage; 7th level: (active) anvil
crawler lightning, electric field, forked lightning (reactive) retributive shock (refresh)
high voltage; 9th level: (active) electric field, forked lightning, jolting embrace
(reactive) retributive shock (refresh) high voltage; 11th level: (active) electric
field, forked lightning, jolting embrace (reactive) protective shock (refresh)
high voltage; 13th level: (active) coruscating chain, forked lightning, jolting
embrace (reactive) protective shock (refresh) high voltage; 15th level:
(active) coruscating chain, forked lightning, jolting embrace, storm spiral
(reactive) protective shock (refresh) recharge; 17th level: (active)
coruscating chain, forked lightning, storm spiral, superbolt (reactive)
protective shock (refresh) recharge; 19th level: (active)
coruscating chain, forked lightning, storm spiral, superbolt
(reactive) protective shock (refresh) recharge (ultimate)
Horn. Melee Weapon Attack: PB + your Strength
modifier to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 1d6 (1d8 when
evolved) + PB + your Strength modifier piercing damage.
Tail. Melee Weapon Attack: PB + your Dexterity modifier to
hit, reach 5 ft. (10 ft. when evolved), one target. Hit: 1d4 (1d6
when evolved) + PB + your Dexterity modifier lightning damage.

Pet Form


A World
of Eldamon




Battle Form
Evolved Form

Iognu, Electric Wildbeast Eldamon
Whereas tawhirtles chase storms for the thrill of adventure, iognus do it for
the sense of belonging. Electricity powers every fiber of their being, and their
lightning rod horns give them an instinctive sense of which direction to go to
THE PERFECT STORM find the next storm. For them, the greatest storms feel like home.
What makes a storm magnificent
in an iognu’s mind? For some, it’s IOGNU, WILDEBUZZ, AND SHOCKONNO
Uncommon electricity eldamon
the number of lightning strikes they
Armor Class 14 (natural armor) + Dexterity modifier (max 2)
absorb in a single day while others
Hit Dice 1d4 per eldamon level
want to experience a truly unusual Hit Points at 1st Level 4 + Constitution modifier
event—thunder amidst a blizzard, Hit Points at Higher Levels 1d4 (or 3) + Constitution modifier per eldamon level after 1st
strange cloud formations from a Speed 30 ft.
hurricane, the sky changing colors, or STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
a tempest conjured by magic. Such a 13 (+1) 12 (+1) 15 (+2) 10 (+0) 17 (+3) 8 (–1)
storm engages all an iognu’s senses Saving Throws Strength, Constitution
and can overwhelm them, transporting Skills Acrobatics, Athletics, Survival
them into a new state of mind. During Damage Vulnerabilities psychic; damage from earth, mind, and space elemental powers
that time, they lose control of the Damage Resistances lightning; damage from air, electricity, and metal elemental powers
ability to suppress the electricity Special Senses darkvision 30 ft.
surging through their coat, so other Languages Voltan
eldamon should keep a safe distance Evolution Condition. Helping iognu taste a magnificent storm.
unless they want to taste well done. Elemental Trait: Rampaging. Your electric charges cling to your foes, even after they suffer
electricity damage. When a shocked creature takes lightning damage from one of your elemental
powers, roll a d20. On a 5 or higher, the creature loses the shocked condition as normal. On a
1–4, it remains shocked. This doesn’t otherwise extend the duration of the creature’s shocked
Form Trait: Static Fur. Your fur gathers up electricity when you charge. If you take the
Dash action on your turn and don’t use a power on that turn, you become charged at the
end of your turn.
Evolution Trait: Lightning Rod Tail. When a creature within 30 of you would
make a saving throw against an effect that deals lightning damage, you can
attempt a Wisdom saving throw against the effect’s DC (or DC 20 if the
effect had no DC). On a success, you can become the target of the effect
instead or aim the effect such that you are also included in its area.
Power Progression. 1st level: (active) electric surge, static shock
(reactive) retributive shock (refresh) high voltage; 3rd level: (active)
electric surge, polarize (reactive) retributive shock (refresh) high voltage;
5th level: (active) anvil crawler lightning, electric surge, polarize (reactive)
reactive chain (refresh) high voltage; 7th level: (active) anvil crawler
lightning, forked lightning, polarize (reactive) reactive chain (refresh)
devour charge; 9th level: (active) anvil crawler lightning, forked lightning,
polarize (reactive) reactive chain (refresh) devour charge; 11th level:
(active) anvil crawler lightning, forked lightning, shocking arc (reactive)
reactive chain (refresh) devour charge; 13th level: (active) forked lightning,
shocking arc, spasmodic shock (reactive) reactive chain (refresh) devour charge;
15th level: (active) ride the lightning, shocking arc, spasmodic shock, storm spiral
(reactive) reactive chain (refresh) devour charge; 17th level: (active) ride the lightning,
spasmodic shock, storm spiral, supercell (reactive) reactive chain (refresh) devour charge;
19th level: (active) ride the lightning, spasmodic shock, storm spiral, supercell (reactive)
reactive chain (refresh) devour charge (ultimate) vajra
Hoof. Melee Weapon Attack: PB + your Strength modifier to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit:
1d6 (1d8 when evolved) + PB + your Strength modifier bludgeoning damage.
Horn. Melee Weapon Attack: PB + your Dexterity modifier to hit, reach 5 ft. (10 ft. when
evolved), one target. Hit: 1d4 (1d6 when evolved) + PB + your Dexterity modifier lightning

Pet Form


A World
of Eldamon




Battle Form
Evolved Form

Porcute, Electric Porcupine Eldamon
Many wish for a knight in shining armor to help them out of a sticky situation,
but few expect the knight to be a porcupine! Don’t judge a book by its cover
though—porcutes are honorable and dedicated storybook heroes, taking
STRANGER THAN FICTION nothing more seriously than their oaths. They are voracious consumers of myths
Whether it’s a deity smiling down on and legends who take the tales at face value, which gives them a skewed sense
the earnestness of porcutes or the of the world, but sometimes all a hero needs is steadfast faith in their beliefs.
result of their electrical blasts jolting
the minds of those around them, reality PORCUTE, ELECUPINE, AND ERETHIZAP
Uncommon electricity eldamon
has a way of bending to their narratives.
Armor Class 14 (natural armor) + Dexterity modifier (max 2)
Woe unto anyone who dismisses a
Hit Dice 1d4 per eldamon level
porcute’s beliefs, promises, or quests Hit Points at 1st Level 4 + Constitution modifier
lest they be swept along in events Hit Points at Higher Levels 1d4 (or 3) + Constitution modifier per eldamon level after 1st
beyond their control. Circumstances Speed 25 ft.
seem to unfold in ways that conform STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
to a porcute’s expectations, so even 13 (+1) 12 (+1) 15 (+2) 8 (–1) 17 (+3) 10 (+0)
when a porcute’s code takes them Saving Throws Strength, Wisdom
down strange and difficult paths, the Skills Athletics, Intimidation, Survival
best option for their companions is Damage Vulnerabilities psychic; damage from earth, mind, and space elemental powers
to double down and see the story Damage Resistances lightning; damage from air, electricity, and metal elemental powers
through to its fantastical end. Special Senses darkvision 30 ft.
Languages Voltan
Evolution Condition. Helping porcute keep their word and hold fast to their code against harsh
Elemental Trait: Jolt Spines. When a creature misses you with a melee attack and
rolls a 1 on the attack roll, it strikes a needle of electricity arcing across your
body, shocking them. The creature takes lightning damage equal to twice
your proficiency bonus.
Form Trait: Defensive Quills. When a creature misses you with a
melee attack, it takes piercing damage equal to your proficiency
bonus; this is cumulative with the damage from Jolt Spines.
Evolution Trait: Protective Armor. You wear electrified heavy
armor. Your AC becomes 18 (natural armor), your speed
decreases to 20 feet, and you have disadvantage on Stealth
Power Progression. 1st level: (active) electric surge, static
shock (reactive) retributive shock (refresh) high voltage;
3rd level: (active) electric shot, static shock (reactive)
retributive shock (refresh) high voltage; 5th level:
(active) anvil crawler lightning, electric field, static
shock (reactive) retributive shock (refresh) high
voltage; 9th level: (active) anvil crawler lightning,
electric field, jolting embrace (reactive) retributive
shock (refresh) high voltage; 11th level: (active) anvil
crawler lightning, detonate charge, jolting embrace (reactive) retributive shock
(refresh) high voltage; 13th level: (active) detonate charge, jolting embrace,
spasmodic shock (reactive) retributive shock (refresh) high voltage; 15th
level: (active) detonate charge, ride the lightning, spasmodic shock, storm
spiral (reactive) retributive shock (refresh) high voltage; 17th level: (active)
ride the lightning, spasmodic shock, storm spiral, superbolt (reactive) retributive
shock (refresh) high voltage; 19th level: (active) ride the lightning, spasmodic
shock, storm spiral, superbolt (reactive) reactive chain (refresh) devour charge
(ultimate) mjollnir
Quill. Melee Weapon Attack: PB + your Strength modifier to hit, reach 5 ft. (10 ft.
when evolved), one target. Hit: 1d4 + PB + your Strength modifier lightning damage.

Pet Form


A World
of Eldamon




Battle Form
Evolved Form

Centesla, Electric Centipede Eldamon
Centeslas are small in stature but large in spirit. Their ambition drives them
to complete tasks they take on as thoroughly as possible. This completionism
makes them excellent allies but can also turn them into implacable foes if they
IMPOSSIBLE FOLLIES are drawn to a mission that is destructive or self-centered. Some also choose to
Those who wish to befriend a centesla become collectors with hoards that rival dragons and squirrelashes, though their
must remember they are centipedes, treasures tend to be extremely esoteric.
not caterpillars. They do not transform
into butterflies. Centeslas who believe CENTESLA, CAPACIPOD, AND DIELECTRIPEDE
Rare electricity eldamon
they have another life stage or must
Armor Class 12 (natural armor) + Dexterity modifier
complete an impossible task meet
Hit Dice 1d4 per eldamon level
a tragic fate, toiling away with every Hit Points at 1st Level 4 + Constitution modifier
ounce of strength in their tiny bodies Hit Points at Higher Levels 1d4 (or 3) + Constitution modifier per eldamon level after 1st
yet doomed never to succeed. They Speed 30 ft.
might become withdrawn as they lose STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
hope, but therein lies their salvation. If 8 (–1) 15 (+2) 13 (+1) 12 (+1) 17 (+3) 10 (+0)
they must choose between a hopeless Saving Throws Dexterity, Intelligence
task and keeping their friendship Skills Acrobatics, Stealth, Survival
circle intact, they might switch Damage Vulnerabilities psychic; damage from earth, mind, and space elemental powers
tasks to make their friends happy. Damage Resistances lightning; damage from air, electricity, and metal elemental powers
Special Senses darkvision 30 ft.
Languages Voltan
Evolution Condition. Helping centesla satisfy their completionism.
Elemental Trait: Segmented Capacitor. You’ve segmented off your electric charge, granting you
higher capacity. You can become charged up to charged 4, instead of charged 3. In addition,
while you are charged 2 and would gain a single charge from an electricity power, you can
become charged 4 instead of charged 3. (This has no effect if you weren’t already charged 2
before using this trait.) Once you become charged 4 in this way, you can’t use this trait to do so
again until you refresh your elemental powers.
Form Trait: So Many Legs. Due to your extreme number of legs, it’s difficult to knock you prone.
You have advantage on Strength and Dexterity saving throws against effects that would knock
you prone.
Evolution Trait: Constant Bolts. As long as you’re charged, your capacitors shoot off
superfluous lightning bolts. When a creature ends its turn within 5 feet of you, you can choose
to deal that creature lightning damage equal to twice your charged value. At 15th
level, this damage increases to three times your charge value.
Power Progression. 1st level: (active) electric surge, static shock (reactive)
retributive shock (refresh) high voltage; 3rd level: (active) electric
shot, electric surge (reactive) retributive shock (refresh) high voltage;
5th level: (active) anvil crawler lightning, electric field, electric shot
(reactive) retributive shock (refresh) high voltage; 7th level: (active) anvil
crawler lightning, electric field, supercharge (reactive) retributive shock
(refresh) high voltage; 9th level: (active) anvil crawler lightning, ball
lightning, supercharge (reactive) retributive shock (refresh) high voltage;
11th level: (active) anvil crawler lightning, ball lightning, supercharge
(reactive) protective shock (refresh) high voltage; 13th level: (active) anvil
crawler lightning, ball lightning, supercharge (reactive) protective shock (refresh)
recharge; 15th level: (active) ball lightning, coruscating chain, storm spiral,
supercharge (reactive) protective shock (refresh) recharge; 17th level: (active)
coruscating chain, storm spiral, superbolt, supercharge (reactive) protective shock
(refresh) recharge; 19th level: (active) coruscating chain, storm spiral, superbolt,
supercharge (reactive) protective shock (refresh) recharge (ultimate) mjollnir
Tail. Melee Weapon Attack: PB + your Dexterity modifier to hit, reach 5 ft. (10 ft. when
evolved), one target. Hit: 1d4 (1d6 when evolved) + PB + your Dexterity modifier lightning

Pet Form


A World
of Eldamon




Battle Form
Evolved Form

Squirrelash, Fire Squirrel Eldamon
The consummate collectors, squirrelashes typically choose a single specific
theme for their collection, rather than possess a hoard of esoteric odds and
ends like a centesla whose completionism focuses on material possessions. A
I SEE YOU! squirrelash who wants to collect specific sorts of objects might also become
Most fire eldamon are constantly either a friend or rival to an eldamon focused on the same sort of object, which
alight, which sheds light like a leads squirrelashes to interact with other types of eldamon more than almost any
torch: bright light in a 20-foot radius other eldamon does.
and dim light to the next 20 feet. Add to that the fact that some squirrelashes want to collect something less
tangible that physical objects, and there’s even more eldamon who run into
a squirrelash who shares their obsession. More than one eldamon trainer has
befriended a squirrelash who wishes to collect friends early in their career.
Such a partnership proves valuable, as the two share an interest in meeting and
befriending as many new eldamon as possible.
Common fire eldamon
Armor Class 12 (natural armor) + Dexterity modifier
Hit Dice 1d4 per eldamon level
Hit Points at 1st Level 4 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels 1d4 (or 3) + Constitution modifier per eldamon level after 1st
Speed 30 ft.
8 (–1) 15 (+2) 13 (+1) 10 (+0) 17 (+3) 12 (+1)
Saving Throws Dexterity, Charisma
Skills Acrobatics, Stealth, Survival
Damage Vulnerabilities cold; damage from earth, ice, and water elemental powers
Damage Resistances fire; damage from fire, metal, and wood elemental powers
Special Senses darkvision 30 ft.
Languages Ignan
Evolution Condition. Helping squirrelash perfect their collection.
Elemental Trait: Spreading Flame. Your fire powers spread mischievously beyond their normal
area. When you use a fire power that affects a cone, line, or an area with a radius,
choose one 5-foot space adjacent to the normal area to include in the effect.
Form Trait: Acrobatic Climber. You can make Dexterity (Acrobatics)
checks in place of Strength (Athletics) checks to climb.
Evolution Trait: Smoke Tail. When you remain in the same space without
moving for at least 2 consecutive rounds, smoke from your tail surrounds
you, making your space heavily obscured. You can see through the smoke
Power Progression. 1st level: (active) fan of flames, flame whip
(reactive) retributive burn (refresh) devour flames; 3rd level: (active) fan of
flames, flame whip (reactive) retributive burn (refresh) devour flames; 5th level:
(active) flamethrower, flame whip, fire whirl (reactive) retributive burn (refresh) devour
flames; 7th level: (active) flamethrower, fire whirl, trail blaze (reactive) retributive burn
(refresh) devour flames; 9th level: (active) flamethrower, fire whirl, trail blaze (reactive)
retributive burn (refresh) smokescreen; 11th level: (active) explosion, fire whirl, trail
blaze (reactive) retributive burn (refresh) smokescreen; 13th level: (active) explosion,
meteor, trail blaze (reactive) retributive burn (refresh) smokescreen; 15th level: (active)
explosion, inferno, meteor, trail blaze (reactive) retributive burn (refresh) smokescreen;
17th level: (active) explosion, firestorm, inferno, meteor (reactive) retributive burn
(refresh) smokescreen; 19th level: (active) explosion, firestorm, inferno, meteor
(reactive) retributive burn (refresh) smokescreen (ultimate) phlegethon
Tail. Melee Weapon Attack: PB + your Dexterity modifier to hit, reach 5 ft. (10 ft. when
evolved), one target. Hit: 1d4 (1d6 when evolved) + PB + your Dexterity modifier fire damage.

Pet Form


A World
of Eldamon




Battle Form
Evolved Form

Bakindle, Fire Elephant Eldamon
Bakindles are always looking for new experiences in order to make wonderful
memories and store them in their necklace. This leads them to be curious,
and they sometimes wander off quite far from the source of any fire elemental
NEVER FORGET energies. It helps to have a friend along with them on their journey to look out
While eldamon have memories that for them and share the twists and turns.
work differently from mortal creatures,
there are some things that a bakindle BAKINDLE, LOXIDATE, AND VOLCAMMOTH
Uncommon fire eldamon
believes an elephant must never
Armor Class 14 (natural armor) + Dexterity modifier (max 2)
forget. These are typically memories
Hit Dice 1d4 per eldamon level
of such great impact that the bakindle Hit Points at 1st Level 4 + Constitution modifier
can’t take the chance that they’ll fade, Hit Points at Higher Levels 1d4 (or 3) + Constitution modifier per eldamon level after 1st
even across the eons. A bakindle Speed 30 ft.
who has such memories keeps them STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
in a special place on their necklace 13 (+1) 12 (+1) 15 (+2) 10 (+0) 17 (+3) 8 (–1)
and will stop at nothing to retrieve the Saving Throws Strength, Constitution
necklace and the memories if stolen. Skills Acrobatics, Stealth, Survival
Damage Vulnerabilities cold; damage from earth, ice, and water elemental powers
Damage Resistances fire; damage from fire, metal, and wood elemental powers
Special Senses darkvision 30 ft.
Languages Ignan
Evolution Condition. Helping bakindle make new memories and mneomnics.
Elemental Trait: Firepower. Your fire powers burn brighter than others. You gain a bonus to
damage rolls with elemental fire powers. This bonus is equal to half your proficiency bonus
(rounded down). This bonus applies only to fire damage dealt by the elemental power itself, not
persistent fire damage.
Form Trait: Unyielding Elephant. You have advantage on Strength and Dexterity saving throws
that would push or pull you, or knock you prone.
Evolution Trait: Retributive Eruption. When a creature subjects you to a critical hit with a melee
weapon attack, the volcano on your back erupts. That creature must make a Dexterity saving
throw against your power DC, taking fire damage equal to twice your level on a failed save, or half
as much damage on a successful one.
Power Progression. 1st level: (active) fan of flames, flame whip (reactive) retributive burn
(refresh) devour flames; 3rd level: (active) fan of flames, flame whip (reactive)
retributive burn (refresh) devour flames; 5th level: (active) flamethrower,
flame whip, fire whirl (reactive) retributive burn (refresh) devour
flames; 7th level: (active) flamethrower, flame whip, fire whirl
(reactive) puff of smoke (refresh) devour flames; 9th level: (active)
flamethrower, flame whip, fire whirl (reactive) puff of smoke
(refresh) devour flames; 11th level: (active) explosion, flame
whip, fire whirl (reactive) puff of smoke (refresh) devour flames;
13th level: (active) explosion, flame whip, fire whirl (reactive)
puff of smoke (refresh) reborn in flames; 15th level: (active)
explosion, fire breath, flame whip, meteor (reactive) puff
of smoke (refresh) reborn in flames; 17th level: (active)
explosion, fire breath, meteor, pillar of wildfire (reactive)
puff of smoke (refresh) reborn in flames; 19th level: (active)
explosion, fire breath, meteor, pillar of wildfire (reactive) puff
of smoke (refresh) reborn in flames (ultimate) muspell
Stomp. Melee Weapon Attack: PB + your Strength modifier to
hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 1d6 (1d8 when evolved) + PB +
your Strength modifier bludgeoning damage.
Trunk. Melee Weapon Attack: PB + your Dexterity modifier to hit,
reach 5 ft. (10 ft. when evolved), one target. Hit: 1d4 (1d6 when evolved) + PB + your
Dexterity modifier fire damage.

Pet Form


A World
of Eldamon




Battle Form
Evolved Form

Squamatch, Fire Iguana Eldamon
Squamatches lounge around in warm places, usually where there’s lots of sun,
though sometimes in places with lots of geothermal energy or that are warm
for some other reason. In cold climates or seasons, squamatches rely on clever
MET THEIR MATCH strategies to remain warm, using their own flames to slowly heat up their
Squamatches love to light things surroundings up when there’s more heat around and then insulating that heat
on fire, and while they can’t easily so they can use it to heat themselves up again later when things get even colder
do so to their surroundings when around them.
phased out, that only means they’re
even more eager to set fires when an SQUAMATCH, IGUNITE, AND IGUANAPALM
Uncommon fire eldamon
eldamon trainer friend phases them
Armor Class 14 (natural armor) + Dexterity modifier (max 2)
in and asks them nicely. They prefer
Hit Dice 1d4 per eldamon level
something more like a controlled Hit Points at 1st Level 4 + Constitution modifier
campfire to keep them warm, rather Hit Points at Higher Levels 1d4 (or 3) + Constitution modifier per eldamon level after 1st
than an out-of-control wildfire that will Speed 30 ft.
harm the environment around them. STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
10 (+0) 13 (+1) 15 (+2) 8 (–1) 17 (+3) 12 (+1)
Saving Throws Constitution, Charisma
Skills Acrobatics, Athletics, Intimidation
Damage Vulnerabilities cold; damage from earth, ice, and water elemental powers
Damage Resistances fire; damage from fire, metal, and wood elemental powers
Special Senses darkvision 30 ft.
Languages Ignan
Evolution Condition. Helping squamatch find an excellent location for sunbathing.
Elemental Trait: Undying Flame. It’s hard to put out your flames. Persistent damage dealt by your
fire elemental powers ends on a roll of 12 or higher on the d20 roll (instead of a roll
of 10 or higher).
Form Trait: Iguana’s Verve. You have advantage on saving throws
against effects that would paralyze you or put you to sleep.
Evolution Trait: Deep Burns. The undying flame in your tail empowers
your burning attacks. The persistent fire damage dealt by your fire
elemental powers increases by 2.
Power Progression. 1st level: (active) fan of flames, flame whip
(reactive) retributive burn (refresh) devour flames; 3rd level:
(active) fan of flames, ignite (reactive) retributive burn (refresh)
devour flames; 5th level: (active) fan of flames, flamethrower,
ignite (reactive) retributive burn (refresh) devour flames; 7th level:
(active) burn out, fan of flames, ignite (reactive) retributive burn (refresh)
devour flames; 9th level: (active) burn out, fan of flames, ignite (reactive)
retributive burn (refresh) devour flames; 11th level: (active) burn out, fan
of flames, ignite (reactive) stoke the embers (refresh) devour flames;
13th level: (active) fan of flames, flamewrack, ignite (reactive) stoke
the embers (refresh) devour flames; 15th level: (active) fan of flames,
flamewrack, ignite, inferno (reactive) stoke the embers (refresh)
devour flames; 17th level: (active) fan of flames, flamewrack,
ignite, inferno (reactive) stoke the embers (refresh) devour
flames; 19th level: (active) fan of flames, flamewrack, ignite,
inferno (reactive) stoke the embers (refresh) devour flames
(ultimate) muspell
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: PB + your Strength modifier to
hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 1d6 (1d8 when evolved)
+ PB + your Strength modifier bludgeoning damage.
Tail. Melee Weapon Attack: PB + your Dexterity
modifier to hit, reach 5 ft. (10 ft. when evolved), one
target. Hit: 1d4 (1d6 when evolved) + PB + your Dexterity modifier fire damage.

Pet Form


A World
of Eldamon




Battle Form
Evolved Form

Ophini, Fiery Wheel Eldamon
Ophinis want to see everything there is to see in the world around them, which
takes them to unusual locales and makes them hard to predict or encounter for
mortals hoping to find and befriend the rare and elusive eldamon.
BE NOT AFRAID! However, an ophini’s neverending peregrinations are a perfect match for a
Some creatures find ophinis’ many mortal friend with an equal sense of wanderlust. For ophinis, the true joy isn’t
eyes to be somewhat unnerving and in the journey itself but instead in the sights they have a chance to see along the
unsettling. Thus, when an ophini way. If there was some way to see all those sights without having to travel on a
wishes to engage in a conversation lengthy adventure, most ophinis wouldn’t hesitate to take that opportunity. But
without scaring their conversational the reality of the situation is that ophinis need to stay on the move in order to
partner, they often open with a find new places.
comforting line such as “Be not afraid!” To convince an ophini to come along, eldamon enthusiasts sometimes try
Often this helps calm things down, but to tell stories about beautiful places they’ve seen before and offer to show those
sometimes it can make matters worse, sights to the ophini. This technique can be quite effective, though it can backfire
as a creature who otherwise wouldn’t if the ophini has already been there and seen that!
have been frightened hears the ophini
call out and becomes unnerved. OPHINI, OPHANIL, AND GALGALOS
Rare fire eldamon
Armor Class 12 (natural armor) + Dexterity modifier
Hit Dice 1d4 per eldamon level
Hit Points at 1st Level 4 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels 1d4 (or 3) + Constitution modifier per eldamon level after 1st
Speed 30 ft.
8 (–1) 15 (+2) 13 (+1) 10 (+0) 17 (+3) 12 (+1)
Saving Throws Wisdom, Charisma
Skills Acrobatics, Intimidation, Stealth
Damage Vulnerabilities cold; damage from earth, ice, and water elemental powers
Damage Resistances fire; damage from fire, metal, and wood elemental powers
Special Senses darkvision 30 ft.
Languages Ignan
Evolution Condition. Helping ophini see truly magnificent sights.
Elemental Trait: Firesight. You gain the fire Elemental Senses benefit. In addition, you can
magically sense the presence of fire (including fire eldamon and elementals from the Plane
of Fire) within 60 feet of you; if you would later gain the fire Elemental Senses benefit, the
range of your ability to sense fire increases to 120 feet.
Form Trait: Eyes on the Back of Your Wheel. Thanks to your many eyes, you can see
in all directions. You have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight.
Evolution Trait: Eyes of the Unseen. You can see invisible creatures and objects as
if they were visible.
Power Progression. 1st level: (active) fan of flames, flame whip (reactive) retributive
burn (refresh) devour flames; 3rd level: (active) fire arrow, flame whip (reactive)
retributive burn (refresh) devour flames; 5th level: (active) fire arrow, flamethrower,
flame whip (reactive) puff of smoke (refresh) devour flames; 7th level: (active) fire
arrow, flamethrower, flame whip (reactive) puff of smoke (refresh) smokescreen;
9th level: (active) fire arrow, fire trap, flamethrower (reactive) puff of smoke
(refresh) smokescreen; 11th level: (active) fire trap, flamethrower, smoldering
arc (reactive) puff of smoke (refresh) smokescreen; 13th level: (active) fire trap,
meteor, smoldering arc (reactive) puff of smoke (refresh) smokescreen; 15th level:
(active) fire trap, inferno, meteor, smoldering arc (reactive) puff of smoke (refresh)
smokescreen; 17th level: (active) firestorm, inferno, meteor, smoldering arc (reactive)
puff of smoke (refresh) smokescreen; 19th level: (active) firestorm, inferno, meteor,
smoldering arc (reactive) puff of smoke (refresh) smokescreen (ultimate) phlegethon
Wheel. Melee Weapon Attack: PB + your Dexterity modifier to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit:
1d4 (1d6 when evolved) + PB + your Dexterity modifier fire damage.

Pet Form


A World
of Eldamon




Battle Form
Evolved Form

Potfox, Force Fox Eldamon
Potfoxes love nothing more than an old-fashioned cookout or banquet,
although they have some trouble participating alongside mortal friends when
they’re phased out. That never stops potfoxes though, as they’ll happily shout
CALLING THE KETTLE out advice to others, whether they want it or not. Too many cooks spoil the
Potfoxes are very particular broth, but potfox thinks the more the merrier; after all, a given potfox has
about being pots that transform plenty of heads, each with their own cooking advice.
into cauldrons, not kettles. No
one is quite sure why they’re so POTFOX, KANKOLDRON, AND KANKAWEN
Common force eldamon
strident that they aren’t kettles,
Armor Class 14 (natural armor) + Dexterity modifier (max 2)
but it might have something to
Hit Dice 1d4 per eldamon level
do with the old expression. Hit Points at 1st Level 4 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels 1d4 (or 3) + Constitution modifier per eldamon level after 1st
Speed 30 ft.
8 (–1) 13 (+1) 15 (+2) 12 (+1) 17 (+3) 10 (+0)
Saving Throws Constitution, Intelligence
Skills Athletics, Intimidation
Tools Brewer’s supplies, cook’s utensils
Damage Vulnerabilities necrotic, radiant; damage from death and light elemental powers
Damage Resistances force; damage from force and spirit elemental powers
Special Senses darkvision 30 ft.
Languages Aetheran
Evolution Condition. Helping potfox become a brewmaster with many recipes.
Elemental Trait: Stir the Pot. When you reposition a foe using your force powers, you
can move them just a little bit more. Whenever one of your force powers allows you to
move a hostile creature 10 feet or more, you can move that creature 5 feet more. If your
force power allows you to move a hostile creature 30 feet or more, you can move that
creature 10 feet more instead.
Form Trait: Have Pot, Will Travel. Part of your form is a living pot, which you can use for
protection. You can use a bonus action to retreat into your pot until the start of your next
turn. While the effect lasts, you gain a +2 bonus to AC, can’t move, and can’t use actions
or reactions except to use reaction powers, or to use a bonus action to end the effect early.
Evolution Trait: Foxforce. Your dancing wisps of fox force briefly reveal hidden creatures.
When you damage a creature with a force power, that creature sheds dim light in a 10-foot
radius and can’t benefit from being invisible until the end of your next turn.
Power Progression. 1st level: (active) force jab, jumbling threads (reactive) force
rebuff (refresh) force gambit; 3rd level: (active) force propel, jumbling threads
(reactive) force rebuff (refresh) force gambit; 5th level: (active) change places!,
force propel, jumbling threads (reactive) force rebuff (refresh) force gambit;
7th level: (active) change places!, force propel, jumbling threads (reactive) force
rebuff (refresh) force gambit; 9th level: (active) change places!, fastball special,
jumbling threads (reactive) force rebuff (refresh) force gambit; 11th level:
(active) change places!, fastball special, foe throw (reactive) force rebuff
(refresh) force gambit; 13th level: (active) change places!, fastball special,
foe throw (reactive) force rebuff (refresh) disruptive impulse; 15th level:
(active) change places!, fastball special, foe throw, force intrusion (reactive)
forceful exile (refresh) disruptive impulse; 17th level: (active) change places!,
force missile fusillade, foe throw, force intrusion (reactive) forceful exile (refresh)
disruptive impulse; 19th level: (active) change places!, force missile fusillade, foe
throw, force intrusion (reactive) forceful exile (refresh) disruptive impulse (ultimate)
Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: PB + your Dexterity modifier to hit, reach 5 ft. (10 ft.
when evolved), one target. Hit: 1d4 (1d6 when evolved) + PB + your Dexterity
modifier bludgeoning damage.

Pet Form


A World
of Eldamon




Battle Form
Evolved Form

Tsurikabe, Force Wall Eldamon
Tsurikabe are consummate provocateurs, baiting others into responding to their
pranks and tricks. The best way to handle it is just to ignore the tsurikabe, rather
than rising to the bait and entertaining them.
Because they’re phased out, pushing TSURIKABE, FURIKABE, AND MURIKABE
Uncommon force eldamon
on a tsurikabe doesn’t have any effect,
Armor Class 14 (natural armor) + Dexterity modifier (max 2)
unlike a physical wall. According to
Hit Dice 1d4 per eldamon level
legend, giving a solid knock on the Hit Points at 1st Level 4 + Constitution modifier
bottom-left of a tsurikabe can send Hit Points at Higher Levels 1d4 (or 3) + Constitution modifier per eldamon level after 1st
it packing, even though it’s phased Speed 30 ft.
out. In reality, this might not have any STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
effect, but tsurikabes are certainly 13 (+1) 12 (+1) 15 (+2) 8 (–1) 17 (+3) 10 (+0)
amused to see mortals try it. Saving Throws Strength, Constitution
Skills Athletics, Deception, Stealth
Damage Vulnerabilities necrotic, radiant; damage from death and light elemental powers
Damage Resistances force; damage from force and spirit elemental powers
Special Senses darkvision 30 ft.
Languages Aetheran
Evolution Condition. Helping tsurikabe pull off an epic baiting scheme or a series of great
Elemental Trait: Confounding Force. You bait and bedevil foes with your force powers,
momentarily confounding them and weakening their next attacks. When you damage a creature
with a force power, the next time the creature deals damage, it takes a penalty to the damage roll
equal to your proficiency bonus.
Form Trait: Wall Off. Your body is essentially a wall, so it’s difficult to move past you. Creatures
can’t move through your space, regardless of how much larger or smaller they are than you.
Evolution Trait: Banhammer. Your hammer rebuffs creatures and bans them from returning.
You have advantage on Strength (Athletics) checks made to Shove another creature.
In addition, when you win a contest to Shove and choose to push the target away
from you, that target must make a Strength saving throw against your power DC. On a
failed save, the target can’t move closer toward you until the end of its next turn. On a
success, the target becomes immune to your Banhammer for 24 hours.
Power Progression. 1st level: (active) force jab, jumbling threads (reactive)
force rebuff (refresh) force gambit; 3rd level: (active) force jab, jumbling threads
(reactive) force rebuff (refresh) force gambit; 5th level: (active) change places!, force
jab, jumbling threads (reactive) force shield (refresh) force gambit; 7th level: (active)
change places!, force jab, jumbling threads (reactive) force shield (refresh) force field;
9th level: (active) change places!, forceful embrace, jumbling threads (reactive) force
shield (refresh) force field; 11th level: (active) change places!, force curtain, forceful
embrace (reactive) force shield (refresh) force field; 13th level: (active) crushing
toss, force curtain, forceful embrace (reactive) force shield (refresh) force
field; 15th level: (active) change places!, force curtain, forceful embrace,
throw everything (reactive) forceful exile (refresh) force field; 17th level:
(active) enduring force storm, force curtain, forceful embrace, throw
everything (reactive) forceful exile (refresh) force field; 19th level:
(active) enduring force storm, force curtain, forceful embrace, throw
everything (reactive) forceful exile (refresh) force field (ultimate)
Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: PB + your Strength modifier to hit,
reach 5 ft. (10 ft. when evolved), one target. Hit: 1d6 (1d8 when evolved)
+ PB + your Strength modifier bludgeoning damage. If you’re evolved and
the target is a Large or smaller creature, your slam becomes a hammer, and you can force the
target to make a Strength saving throw against a DC equal to 8 + PB + your Strength modifier.
On a failed save, you push the target up to 5 feet directly away from you.

Pet Form


A World
of Eldamon




Battle Form
Evolved Form

Cephalittle, Force Cephalopod Eldamon
Cephalittle work hard to calculate angles, arcs, and vectors, and they’re found
in places with interesting geometric patterns. While they resemble deep-sea
cephalopods, cephalittle are land dwellers by nature.
Cephalittle is obsessed with the CEPHALITTLE, CEPHALOCUS, AND CEPHALORD
Uncommon force eldamon
power of geometry and other math to
Armor Class 12 (natural armor) + Dexterity modifier
solve all sorts of everyday problems.
Hit Dice 1d4 per eldamon level
Sometimes they use geometry as their Hit Points at 1st Level 4 + Constitution modifier
first choice as a solution to something Hit Points at Higher Levels 1d4 (or 3) + Constitution modifier per eldamon level after 1st
that might be easier to handle with Speed 30 ft.
a less circuitous method, but even STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
when pointed out, they’ll just keep at 10 (+0) 15 (+2) 13 (+1) 12 (+1) 17 (+3) 8 (–1)
it using math. It’s more fun that way! Saving Throws Dexterity, Intelligence
Skills Acrobatics, Athletics, Survival
Damage Vulnerabilities necrotic, radiant; damage from death and light elemental powers
Damage Resistances force; damage from force and spirit elemental powers
Special Senses darkvision 30 ft.
Languages Aetheran
Evolution Condition. Helping cephalittle solve a groundbreaking problem in geometry or otherwise
reach a great geometric breakthrough.
Elemental Trait: Locus of Force. Your understanding of geometry allows you to apply your force
across a wider locus of points. The range of your force powers that have a range increases by 20
feet. This only affects the range at which you can affect targets; it doesn’t increase the distance
you can move them. In addition, the area that your force powers affect increases by 5 feet in
length or radius (or by 10 feet in length or radius at 11th level).
Form Trait: Locus Arms. Your arms are myriad, powered by force energy, and geometrically stable
as you move across the ground. You have advantage on Strength and Dexterity saving throws
that would push or pull you, or knock you prone.
Evolution Trait: Aetheric Third Eye. You have a third eye of aether, concentrated force
energy mixed with etheric essence into elemental form, and that third eye allows you
to perceive things geometrically through forces. You gain blindsight out to a range
of 5 feet times half your proficiency bonus (rounded down). If you already have
blindsight, the range of your blindsight increases by that distance instead.
Power Progression. 1st level: (active) force jab, jumbling threads
(reactive) force rebuff (refresh) force gambit; 3rd level: (active) force
maneuver, jumbling threads (reactive) force rebuff (refresh) force
gambit; 5th level: (active) change places!, force maneuver, jumbling
threads (reactive) force rebuff (refresh) force gambit; 7th level:
(active) change places!, jumbling threads, locomotion shred (reactive)
force rebuff (refresh) force gambit; 9th level: (active) change places!,
jumbling threads, locomotion shred (reactive) force shield (refresh)
force gambit; 11th level: (active) change places!, foe throw, jumbling
threads (reactive) force shield (refresh) force gambit; 13th level:
(active) change places!, jumbling threads, puppetmaster (reactive)
force shield (refresh) force gambit; 15th level: (active) change places!,
foe throw, jumbling threads, throw everything (reactive) force shield
(refresh) disruptive impulse; 17th level: (active) enduring force storm,
change places!, jumbling threads, throw everything (reactive) force shield
(refresh) disruptive impulse; 19th level: (active) enduring force storm, change
places!, jumbling threads, throw everything (reactive) force shield (refresh)
disruptive impulse (ultimate) symplegades
Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: PB + your Dexterity modifier to hit, reach 5 ft. (10 ft. when
evolved), one target. Hit: 1d4 (1d6 when evolved) + PB + your Dexterity modifier bludgeoning

Pet Form


A World
of Eldamon




Battle Form
Evolved Form

Psyrano, Telekinetic T-Rex Eldamon
If you ask a psyrano, they’re an extremely intelligent and classy mind eldamon
with impeccable conversational sensabilities. In reality, they’re force eldamon
posers who use sesquipedalian speech to obfuscate the truth.
Rare force eldamon
Psyrano’s ability to impersonate
Armor Class 12 (natural armor) + Dexterity modifier
a mind eldamon is convincing
Hit Dice 1d4 per eldamon level
enough that it took scholars some Hit Points at 1st Level 4 + Constitution modifier
time to eventually realize psyranos Hit Points at Higher Levels 1d4 (or 3) + Constitution modifier per eldamon level after 1st
were force eldamon. It only came Speed 30 ft.
after comparing the effects of their STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
powers to other force eldamon 8 (–1) 15 (+2) 13 (+1) 12 (+1) 17 (+3) 10 (+0)
as well as mind eldamon that the Saving Throws Dexterity, Intelligence
determination was made. It didn’t help Skills Acrobatics, Athletics, Deception
that data is hard to collect because Damage Vulnerabilities necrotic, radiant; damage from death and light elemental powers
psyranos are rare to begin with and Damage Resistances force; damage from force and spirit elemental powers
are actively attempting to confuse Special Senses darkvision 30 ft.
people into misidentifying them. By Languages Aetheran
ignoring psyranos’ statements and Evolution Condition. Helping psyrano ascend to new heights of abstruse conversation.
deceptive scale coloration and Elemental Trait: Telekinetic Storm. Whether you’re trying to disguise your force powers as a
different kind of power or just enjoy moving objects around, you deliver force powers via objects
instead watching their actions, the
even when others would use aether, pure threads of spun force. When you deal force damage
truth eventually came to light.
with an elemental power, you can choose to deal bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage
instead. If you do, you gain a bonus to the damage roll equal to half your proficiency bonus
(rounded down).
Form Trait: Force Hands. Your tiny arms can’t do much on their own, but you manifest hands of
aether whenever you desire, and those pack quite a punch. When you make an unarmed strike
using your force hands, you can use Intelligence in place Strength for the attack and damage roll.
In addition, you can use Intelligence in place of Strength for Strength (Athletics) checks.
Evolution Trait: Aetheric Spikes. You are covered in spikes made of aether that damage your
foes with force. When a creature within 5 feet of you makes a melee weapon attack against you,
you can force that creature to make a Dexterity saving throw against your power DC. On a failed
save, the creature takes force damage equal to your proficiency bonus, or half as much damage
on a successful one.
Power Progression. 1st level: (active) force jab, jumbling threads (reactive) force rebuff (refresh)
force gambit; 3rd level: (active) force maneuver, jumbling threads (reactive) force rebuff
(refresh) force gambit; 5th level: (active) change places!, distant heave, force propel
(reactive) force rebuff (refresh) force gambit; 7th level: (active) change places!,
distant heave, object throw (reactive) force rebuff (refresh) force gambit;
9th level: (active) change places!, fastball special, object throw (reactive) force
rebuff (refresh) force gambit; 11th level: (active) fastball special, foe throw,
object throw (reactive) force rebuff (refresh) force gambit; 13th level: (active)
crushing toss, fastball special, foe throw (reactive) force rebuff (refresh) force
gambit; 15th level: (active) crushing toss, fastball special, foe throw, throw
everything (reactive) forceful exile (refresh) force gambit; 17th level: (active)
crushing toss, foe throw, force missile fusillade, throw everything
(reactive) forceful exile (refresh) force gambit; 19th level:
(active) crushing toss, foe throw, force missile fusillade,
throw everything (reactive) forceful exile (refresh) force
gambit (ultimate) anansi
Force Hand. Melee Weapon Attack: PB + your Intelligence
modifier to hit, reach 5 ft. (10 ft. when evolved), one target. Hit:
1d4 (1d6 when evolved) + PB + your Intelligence modifier force

Pet Form


A World
of Eldamon




Battle Form
Evolved Form

Chillot, Ice Otter Eldamon
Chillots love a good ghost story, and they don’t much care how they come
about it, whether they’re learning an old classic or putting their own spin on
a tale to throw the listeners off and increase the tension. One thing’s for sure:
CHILL DOWN YOUR SPINE you can’t be complacent when listening to a chillot’s stories, or you’re in for a
Chillots can send a chill down others’ sudden fright! Chillots don’t scare their friends out of a desire to make them
spines both through their mighty uncomfortable, but rather as a way to bond over a shared experience.
ice powers and through their ghost
stories. Neither is more important CHILLOT, BLIZZOTTER, AND GLACIOTTER
Common ice eldamon
than the other in a chillot’s mind,
Armor Class 12 (natural armor) + Dexterity modifier
and they have a synergy when used
Hit Dice 1d4 per eldamon level
together. Those who’ve never heard Hit Points at 1st Level 4 + Constitution modifier
a chillot’s ghost stories are certain Hit Points at Higher Levels 1d4 (or 3) + Constitution modifier per eldamon level after 1st
that a chillot’s ice powers surely must Speed 30 ft.
cause greater chills than mere stories. STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
Those who adventure alongside a 8 (–1) 15 (+2) 13 (+1) 10 (+0) 17 (+3) 12 (+1)
chillot don’t necessarily agree. Saving Throws Dexterity, Charisma
Skills Acrobatics, Intimidation, Stealth
Damage Vulnerabilities fire; damage from body, earth, fire, and metal elemental powers
Damage Resistances cold; damage from cold, time, and wood elemental powers
Special Senses darkvision 30 ft.
Languages Cryan
Evolution Condition. Helping chillot learn truly spine-tingling ghost stories.
Elemental Trait: Veins of Ice. The cold pumping through your body chills out most forms of
persistent damage, making it harder for them to last. When you roll a d20 to end persistent
damage other than necrotic, psychic, and radiant persistent damage, the persistent damage
ends on a roll of 5 or higher (instead of a roll of 10 or higher).
Form Trait: Ghost Sniffer. You can detect the presence, by scent, of creatures with the Incorporeal
Movement trait within 30 feet of you. If the incorporeal creature is within an object, you don’t
notice it unless you use an action to sniff the object while within 5 of it.
Evolution Trait: Dauntless. Some call you cold-blooded; others call you fearless. Either way,
things that others find scary are normally just exciting to you. Being frightened doesn’t prevent
you from moving closer to the source of your fear.
Power Progression. 1st level: (active) flurry, gelid touch (reactive) retributive freeze (refresh)
intensify cold; 3rd level: (active) flurry, icicle (reactive) retributive freeze
(refresh) intensify cold; 5th level: (active) flurry, icicle, wintry vortex
(reactive) ice shield (refresh) intensify cold; 7th level: (active) flurry,
icicle, wintry vortex (reactive) ice shield (refresh) ice armor;
9th level: (active) chilling breath, icicle, wintry vortex (reactive)
ice shield (refresh) ice armor; 11th level: (active) chilling
breath, icicle, wintry vortex (reactive) slippery ice (refresh)
ice armor; 13th level: (active) chilling breath, grasping
permafrost, wintry vortex (reactive) slippery ice
(refresh) ice armor; 15th level: (active) chilling breath,
grasping permafrost, glacier, wintry vortex (reactive)
slippery ice (refresh) ice armor; 17th level: (active)
absolute zero, chilling breath, grasping permafrost, glacier
(reactive) slippery ice (refresh) ice armor; 19th level:
(active) absolute zero, chilling breath, grasping permafrost,
glacier (reactive) slippery ice (refresh) ice armor (ultimate)
Tail. Melee Weapon Attack: PB + your Dexterity modifier
to hit, reach 5 ft. (10 ft. when evolved), one target. Hit:
1d4 (1d6 when evolved) + PB + your Dexterity modifier
cold damage.

Pet Form


A World
of Eldamon




Battle Form
Evolved Form

Pengil, Ice Penguin Eldamon
Pengils sled along the icy ground in delight, usually via their own belly, but
sometimes on a sled made of ice. Etiher way, they enjoy the thrill of the speed
and the motion.
ROSEBUD They sometimes have more trouble than other eldamon on long journeys if
When the winter ends and the buds their adventures take them away from the best sledding grounds and to places
of flowers begin to appear, pengils where they can barely sled at all.
remember and preserve their finest On the other hand, though, an adventure gives them a chance to find
sleds and sledding grounds from wondrous sledding locations that they’ve never seen before.
the previous winter. When a pengil’s
boreal sled melts in the growing heat, PENGIL, APTENOW, AND SPHENICICLE
Uncommon ice eldamon
they sometimes lay it to rest beneath
Armor Class 12 (natural armor) + Dexterity modifier
whatever’s nearby, whether that’s
Hit Dice 1d4 per eldamon level
a large tree or a field of flowers.
Hit Points at 1st Level 4 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels 1d4 (or 3) + Constitution modifier per eldamon level after 1st
Speed 30 ft.
8 (–1) 15 (+2) 13 (+1) 12 (+1) 17 (+3) 10 (+0)
Saving Throws Dexterity, Intelligence
Skills Acrobatics, Athletics, Survival
Damage Vulnerabilities fire; damage from body, earth, fire, and metal elemental powers
Damage Resistances cold; damage from cold, time, and wood elemental powers
Special Senses darkvision 30 ft.
Languages Cryan
Evolution Condition. Helping pengil enjoy an epic sledding experience.
Elemental Trait: Icewalker. You ignore difficult terrain as a result of ice and snow, and you can
walk across slippery ice without needing to make an ability check. You reduce the penalty to your
speed from the frozen condition by 10 feet.
Form Trait: Slide. When you slide on your belly, you can move faster in a straight line. As an
action, you can drop prone and move in a straight line up to twice your walking speed. At the
end of this movement, you can stand up from prone without spending additional movement
to do so. You can also spend all your movement on your turn to gain the same benefit; you
can’t do so if you’ve already spent any movement on your turn or are taking any penalties to
your movement.
Evolution Trait: Cloak of Snow. A cloak of snow along your back protects you while
sliding and enhances your ability to slide. When you move using your Slide trait, you can
move up to three times your walking speed, and you gain a +2 bonus to AC while doing so
(such as against opportunity attacks enemies take due to your movement).
Power Progression. 1st level: (active) flurry, gelid touch (reactive) retributive freeze
(refresh) intensify cold; 3rd level: (active) flash freeze, gelid touch (reactive)
retributive freeze (refresh) intensify cold; 5th level: (active) flash freeze, gelid
touch, wintry vortex (reactive) ice shield (refresh) intensify cold; 7th level:
(active) gelid touch, pallid frostbite, wintry vortex (reactive) ice shield
(refresh) intensify cold; 9th level: (active) chilling breath, pallid frostbite,
wintry vortex (reactive) ice shield (refresh) intensify cold; 11th level:
(active) chilling breath, pallid frostbite, wintry vortex (reactive) ice
shield (refresh) ice armor; 13th level: (active) chilling breath, pallid
frostbite, wintry vortex (reactive) ice shield (refresh) rime nexus;
15th level: (active) chilling breath, pallid frostbite, glacier, polar rime
(reactive) ice shield (refresh) rime nexus; 17th level: (active) absolute
zero, pallid frostbite, glacier, polar rime (reactive) ice shield (refresh)
rime nexus; 19th level: (active) absolute zero, pallid frostbite, glacier,
polar rime (reactive) ice shield (refresh) rime nexus (ultimate) fimbulvetr
Tail. Melee Weapon Attack: PB + your Dexterity modifier to hit, reach 5 ft. (10 ft. when evolved),
one target. Hit: 1d4 (1d6 when evolved) + PB + your Dexterity modifier cold damage.

Pet Form


A World
of Eldamon




Battle Form
Evolved Form

Coolibou, Snow Reindeer Eldamon
Coolibou know that it’s better to give than it is to receive, and so they always
find the perfect gifts to provide to each and every one of their friends, eldamon
and mortal alike. For their squirrelash buddy, an item in their collection; for
RED-NOSED COOLIBOU their kitopaz compatriot, something sufficiently shiny and dignified; for their
Some rare coolibou have red noses, ankhrub ally, a special good luck charm; and so on.
which glow with elemental energy. Just because they prefer to give, it doesn’t mean coolibou don’t find joy in
They’re a subcategory of shiny receiving gifts, especially those that show a giver’s personal connection.
glowing eldamon, and they make up
roughly 1 in 10 shiny coolibou. It’s COOLIBOU, RANGIFROZE, AND CARIBOREAS
Uncommon ice eldamon
unclear whether what makes them
Armor Class 14 (natural armor) + Dexterity modifier (max 2)
glow in this way is exposure to other
Hit Dice 1d4 per eldamon level
elemental energies or something
Hit Points at 1st Level 4 + Constitution modifier
else, but either way, their glow Hit Points at Higher Levels 1d4 (or 3) + Constitution modifier per eldamon level after 1st
can be helpful when navigating Speed 30 ft.
through snowy environments. STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
10 (+0) 13 (+1) 15 (+2) 8 (–1) 17 (+3) 12 (+1)
Saving Throws Constitution, Charisma
Skills Athletics, Intimidation, Survival
Damage Vulnerabilities fire; damage from body, earth, fire, and metal elemental powers
Damage Resistances cold; damage from cold, time, and wood elemental powers
Special Senses darkvision 30 ft.
Languages Cryan
Evolution Condition. Helping coolibou give and receive
wonderful gifts.
Elemental Trait: Deep Accumulation. When your ice
elemental powers accumulate the frozen condition on
a creature, the maximum value for the frozen condition
increases by 2 (starting at frozen 7 and increasing to a
maximum of frozen 12 at level 20).
Form Trait: Snow Fur. Your fluffy, snowlike fur grants you
protection against a creature’s attacks the more their chill
accumulates. You gain a +1 bonus to AC against attacks made by
creatures that are frozen 3 or more as a result of your ice powers. This
bonus increases to +2 if the creature is frozen 6 or more, to +3 if the
creature is frozen 9 or more, and to +4 if the creature is frozen 12 or more.
Evolution Trait: Portal Antlers. You can use the elemental ice portal between
your antlers to aim your ice powers. When you use an ice power, you can choose
any space within 10 feet of you as the power’s point of origin by moving your
antler portal to that spot.
Power Progression. 1st level: (active) flurry, gelid touch (reactive) retributive
freeze (refresh) intensify cold; 3rd level: (active) flash freeze, gelid touch (reactive)
retributive freeze (refresh) intensify cold; 5th level: (active) deep freeze, gelid touch,
wintry vortex (reactive) retributive freeze (refresh) intensify cold; 7th level: (active)
cold snap, deep freeze, wintry vortex (reactive) retributive freeze (refresh) intensify
cold; 9th level: (active) chilling breath, cold snap, deep freeze (reactive) retributive
freeze (refresh) intensify cold; 11th level: (active) chilling breath, deathly chill, deep
freeze (reactive) retributive freeze (refresh) intensify cold; 13th level: (active) chilling
breath, deep freeze, ice tomb (reactive) retributive freeze (refresh) intensify cold; 15th
level: (active) deep freeze, glacier, ice tomb, polar rime (reactive) retributive freeze (refresh)
intensify cold; 17th level: (active) blizzard, glacier, ice tomb, polar rime (reactive) retributive
freeze (refresh) intensify cold; 19th level: (active) blizzard, glacier, ice tomb, polar rime
(reactive) retributive freeze (refresh) intensify cold (ultimate) cocytus
Antler. Melee Weapon Attack: PB + your Dexterity modifier to hit, reach 5 ft. (10 ft. when
evolved), one target. Hit: 1d4 (1d6 when evolved) + PB + your Dexterity modifier cold damage.

Pet Form


A World
of Eldamon




Battle Form
Evolved Form

Skolld, Ice Wolf Eldamon
A skolld loyally guards and protects their chosen location, creature, or item with
everything they have. As such, their choice of ward is an extremely personal and
important life decision. While it’s possible for a skolld to change their ward,
PUT THAT ON ICE most skollds are too stubborn to do so unless there’s no other choice, such as
Skollds’ dedication to guarding if the ward refuses the skolld’s protection or becomes destroyed due to time or
their chosen ward means that they another force the skolld can’t prevent.
often have to sacrifice in other areas,
particularly when it comes to any SKOLLD, AMARIME, AND FENRICE
Rare ice eldamon
events or plans they make in their
Armor Class 14 (natural armor) + Dexterity modifier (max 2)
own social life. Often, they have to
Hit Dice 1d4 per eldamon level
postpone or cancel an appointment, Hit Points at 1st Level 4 + Constitution modifier
even at the last minute, in order to Hit Points at Higher Levels 1d4 (or 3) + Constitution modifier per eldamon level after 1st
protect their ward from a sudden threat Speed 30 ft.
or a potential danger. This makes them STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
sometimes come across as flaky and 12 (+1) 13 (+1) 15 (+2) 8 (–1) 17 (+3) 10 (+0)
unreliable when the truth is exactly Saving Throws Constitution, Strength
the opposite; skollds just have their Skills Athletics, Intimidation, Stealth
priority, and that priority is their ward. Damage Vulnerabilities fire; damage from body, earth, fire, and metal elemental powers
Damage Resistances cold; damage from cold, time, and wood elemental powers
Special Senses darkvision 30 ft.
Languages Cryan
Evolution Condition. Helping skolld guard what matters to them most.
Elemental Trait: Clinging Frost. The ice, frost, and snow you call forth lingers and sticks to its
targets. Removing ice from a creature frozen by one of your ice powers can’t reduce the frozen
condition below 1, unless that creature was already frozen 1. Once clinging frost has prevented
a creature from removing its frozen condition once, it can’t affect that creature’s frozen condition
again for 1 minute.
Form Trait: Interposing Guardian. You get in the way of attacks against those you wish to protect.
Creatures you choose within 5 feet of you gain a +2 bonus to AC against attacks passing through
your space; this benefit isn’t cumulative with half cover.
Evolution Trait: Frozen Soul. You cling to consciousness when necessary to protect what matters
to you. When you are reduced to 0 hit points but not killed outright, you can drop to 1 hit point
instead. Once you use this trait, you can’t do so again until you finish a long rest.
Power Progression. 1st level: (active) flurry, gelid touch (reactive) retributive freeze
(refresh) intensify cold; 3rd level: (active) flurry, gelid touch (reactive)
retributive freeze (refresh) intensify cold; 5th level: (active) flurry, gelid
touch, wintry vortex (reactive) retributive freeze (refresh) intensify
cold; 7th level: (active) gelid touch, pallid frostbite, wintry vortex
(reactive) retributive freeze (refresh) intensify cold; 9th level: (active)
chilling breath, pallid frostbite, wintry vortex (reactive) retributive freeze
(refresh) intensify cold; 11th level: (active) chilling breath, deathly
chill, pallid frostbite (reactive) retributive freeze (refresh) intensify
cold; 13th level: (active) chilling breath, pallid frostbite, ice tomb
(reactive) retributive freeze (refresh) intensify cold; 15th level: (active)
chilling breath, glacier, ice tomb, polar rime (reactive) retributive freeze
(refresh) intensify cold; 17th level: (active) absolute zero, glacier, ice tomb,
polar rime (reactive) retributive freeze (refresh) intensify cold; 19th level:
(active) absolute zero, glacier, ice tomb, polar rime (reactive) retributive freeze
(refresh) intensify cold (ultimate) cocytus
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: PB + your Dexterity modifier to hit, reach 5 ft. (10 ft. when evolved),
one target. Hit: 1d4 (1d6 when evolved) + PB + your Dexterity modifier cold damage.
Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: PB + your Strength modifier to hit, reach 5 ft. (10 ft. when
evolved), one target. Hit: 1d6 (1d8 when evolved) + PB + your Strength modifier slashing

Pet Form


A World
of Eldamon




Battle Form
Evolved Form

Ankhrub, Life Scarab Eldamon
Ankrubs are always looking for a new health regimen or superstition, and no
matter how many times they fail, they never lose their enthusiasm and optimism
that the next one could be exactly what they were looking for. That doesn’t
ANKHSGIVING mean that they’re gullible, however. They simply choose to look on the bright
As life eldamon, ankhrubs rarely come side and try out new things, moving on if they don’t meet with success. You fail
across situations where their own every one of the shots you don’t take.
personal health is at risk. Instead, they
share their many bizarre good luck ANKHRUB, ANKHRUSH, AND ANKHEPRI
Common life eldamon
charms and health plans as gifts for
Armor Class 14 (natural armor) + Dexterity modifier (max 2)
any mortal friends more vulnerable
Hit Dice 1d6 per eldamon level
to the ravages of misfortune and Hit Points at 1st Level 6 + Constitution modifier
poor health. It’s an ankhrub’s Hit Points at Higher Levels 1d6 (or 4) + Constitution modifier per eldamon level after 1st
inherently giving and compassionate Speed 30 ft.
nature that causes them to obsess STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
over the well-being of others. 12 (+1) 13 (+1) 15 (+2) 10 (+0) 17 (+3) 8 (–1)
Saving Throws Constitution, Intelligence
Skills Acrobatics, Athletics, Survival
Damage Vulnerabilities necrotic; damage from darkness and death elemental powers
Damage Resistances radiant; damage from life and light elemental powers
Special Senses darkvision 30 ft.
Languages Jyoti
Evolution Condition. Helping ankhrub collect good luck and health schemes that
actually work.
Elemental Trait: Scarab of Protection. The life energies within you protect you
from the forces of poison, death, and disease. You gain advantage on saving
throws against poison and disease, as well as against necromancy spells or
harmful effects originating from undead creatures.
Form Trait: Flutter Jump. Your wings might not be enough to fly, but they
help you jump farther. As an action, you can jump up to your walking speed.
Evolution Trait: All the Luck Charms. When you would make an attack
roll, ability check, or saving throw with disadvantage, you can make the roll
normally instead (without advantage or disadvantage). Once you use this
trait, you must finish a short or long rest before you can do so again.
Power Progression. 1st level: (active) healing motes, life buffer (reactive)
vital sacrifice (refresh) life cocoon; 3rd level: (active) life buffer, vital touch
(reactive) vital sacrifice (refresh) life cocoon; 5th level: (active) life buffer,
overflowing spill, vital touch (reactive) retributive rejuvenation (refresh) life
cocoon; 7th level: (active) life buffer, overflowing spill, vital touch (reactive)
retributive rejuvenation (refresh) life cocoon; 9th level: (active) overflowing
spill, vital breath, vital touch (reactive) retributive rejuvenation
(refresh) life cocoon; 11th level: (active) vibrant inoculation,
vital breath, vital touch (reactive) retributive rejuvenation
(refresh) life cocoon; 13th level: (active) lifeguard bubble,
vibrant inoculation, vital breath (reactive) retributive
rejuvenation (refresh) life cocoon; 15th level: (active) lifeguard
bubble, life shackles, shared vitality, vibrant inoculation
(reactive) retributive rejuvenation (refresh) life cocoon; 17th level: (active)
life shackles, lifestorm, shared vitality, vibrant inoculation (reactive) retributive
rejuvenation (refresh) life cocoon; 19th level: (active) life shackles, lifestorm,
shared vitality, vibrant inoculation (reactive) retributive rejuvenation (refresh) life cocoon
(ultimate) elysium
Horn. Melee Weapon Attack: PB + your Dexterity modifier to hit, reach 5 ft. (10 ft. when
evolved), one target. Hit: 1d4 + PB + your Dexterity modifier piercing damage plus 1 radiant
damage (plus 1d6 + 1 radiant damage when evolved).

Pet Form


A World
of Eldamon




Battle Form
Evolved Form

Skepi, Life Goat Eldamon
Skepi’s self-sacrificial instincts can often lead them into great danger. They’re so
heedless of their own safety when others are in need that if it weren’t for the fact
that few things can permanently harm an eldamon, chances are that most skepis
AZAZEL would have disappeared from the land by now.
According to legend, the first skepis Fortunately for both skepi and those who care about them, skepis’ reckless
were born in a mythical land known actions can’t keep them down for long. It’s also possible to convince a skepi
by various names, one of which is to hold back from pursuing a particular dangerous course of action if it might
Azazel. Supposedly, the land was so cause harm to others who, unlike the life eldamon, might suffer more permanent
desolate that the people could barely consequences from the risky plan.
survive and eke out a living. When a
kaiju destroyed what little was left, a SKEPI, HEIDRUM, AND KHNUMEN
Uncommon life eldamon
vita, or incarnation of the life force
Armor Class 12 (natural armor) + Dexterity modifier
of nature, merged with nearby life
Hit Dice 1d6 per eldamon level
eldamon to form a great goat, which
Hit Points at 1st Level 6 + Constitution modifier
sacrificed itself to make the land Hit Points at Higher Levels 1d6 (or 4) + Constitution modifier per eldamon level after 1st
vibrant and thriving as it had never Speed 30 ft.
been. From the metaphysical body STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
of the great goat were born skepis. 10 (+0) 15 (+2) 13 (+1) 8 (–1) 17 (+3) 12 (+1)
Saving Throws Dexterity, Charisma
Skills Acrobatics, Intimidation, Survival
Damage Vulnerabilities necrotic; damage from darkness and death elemental powers
Damage Resistances radiant; damage from life and light elemental powers
Special Senses darkvision 30 ft.
Languages Jyoti
Evolution Condition. Helping skepi save others and protect the helpless.
Elemental Trait: Scapegoat. Whenever a creature within 5 feet of you takes damage, you can
reduce the amount of damage that creature takes by an amount equal to half your proficiency
bonus (rounded down). If you do, you lose an equal amount of hit points. You can’t use
this trait if the damage would reduce you to 0 hit points.
Form Trait: Lifeguard Hair. Your tufts of red hair repel destruction when you are close
to death. Whenever you take damage while you are at less than half your hit point
maximum, reduce the damage you take by an amount equal to half your proficiency
bonus (rounded down).
Evolution Trait: Garland of Salvation. Your garland commemorates those you have
saved, and it empowers you whenever you sacrifice yourself for others. Whenever you
take damage or lose hit points to protect another creature from harm (such as when
using your Scapegoat trait), you gain a +1 bonus to AC and saving throws until the end
of your next turn. As normal, this effect isn’t cumulative when you protect others multiple
Power Progression. 1st level: (active) healing motes, life buffer (reactive) vital sacrifice
(refresh) life cocoon; 3rd level: (active) life buffer (reactive) vital sacrifice (refresh) life
cocoon; 5th level: (active) overflowing spill, vital touch (reactive) vital sacrifice (refresh)
life cocoon; 7th level: (active) lifebond, overflowing spill, vital touch (reactive) vital
sacrifice (refresh) life cocoon; 9th level: (active) forced link, lifebond, vital touch (reactive)
vital sacrifice (refresh) life cocoon; 11th level: (active) forced link, lifebond, vital touch
(reactive) vital sacrifice (refresh) life cocoon; 13th level: (active) forced link, lifebond, vital
touch (reactive) vital sacrifice (refresh) life vortex; 15th level: (active) forced link, lifebond,
life shackles, shared vitality (reactive) vital sacrifice (refresh) life vortex; 17th level: (active)
forced link, life shackles, shared vitality, vital singularity (reactive) vital sacrifice (refresh) life
vortex; 19th level: (active) forced link, life shackles, shared vitality, vital singularity (reactive)
vital sacrifice (refresh) life vortex (ultimate) elysium
Horn. Melee Weapon Attack: PB + your Dexterity modifier to hit, reach 5 ft. (10 ft. when evolved),
one target. Hit: 1d4 (1d6 when evolved) + PB + your Dexterity modifier piercing damage plus
1 radiant damage).

Pet Form


A World
of Eldamon




Battle Form
Evolved Form

Ursili, Life Bear Eldamon
Because of their love of slumber and hibernation, ursilis spend much of their
time melded into environments, objects, and creatures; this is true of ursilis
even more so than other eldamon. As a result, they’re harder to spot and seem
GRIN AND BEAR IT less prevalent than they actually are. It’s only when someone wakes up a sleeping
While ursilis are known for taking ursili through a loud or notable act, such as battling the creature with which the
long and rejuvenating rests, they’re ursili is melded, that the ursili rouses in a loud and vigorous manner, making
also quite skilled at persevering themselves known right away. Those who awaken an ursili and avoid angering
under great odds, giving them a them are likely to spur their interest enough to become a new resting place.
reputation for stoicism. Nonetheless,
those who tell an ursili to “grin and URSILI, URSALVA, AND KALLISTOS
Uncommon life eldamon
bear it” might receive an angry
Armor Class 14 (natural armor) + Dexterity modifier (max 2)
glare or bear hug for their trouble.
Hit Dice 1d6 per eldamon level
Hit Points at 1st Level 6 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels 1d6 (or 4) + Constitution modifier per eldamon level after 1st
Speed 30 ft.
13 (+1) 12 (+1) 15 (+2) 8 (–1) 17 (+3) 10 (+0)
Saving Throws Constitution, Charisma
Skills Athletics, Intimidation, Survival
Damage Vulnerabilities necrotic; damage from darkness and death elemental powers
Damage Resistances radiant; damage from life and light elemental powers
Special Senses darkvision 30 ft.
Languages Jyoti
Evolution Condition. Helping ursili experience a truly incredible rest.
Elemental Trait: Resurgent Awakening. You and those you heal awake from
unconsciousness with the energy you need to re-enter the fight, like a bear coming out of
hibernation. When you are healed from 0 hit points, on your next turn you can stand up
without using any movement to do so. In addition, you can pick up anything you dropped when
you fell unconscious without using an action to do so. When you heal a creature from 0 hit points
using a life power, that creature gains the same benefit.
Form Trait: Vital Rest. When you take a break, you surge with vital energy. Whenever you end your
turn without having taken an action that turn (typically because you were paralyzed, stunned, or
otherwise incapacitated), you gain temporary hit points equal to 2 plus your power level, which
last for 2 rounds.
Evolution Trait: Resurgent Life. As a bonus action, you can spread life all around you,
causing tiny harmless living creatures (including plants) to grow and move toward you,
providing you half-cover until the start of your next turn.
Power Progression. 1st level: (active) healing motes, life buffer (reactive) vital
sacrifice (refresh) life cocoon; 3rd level: (active) healing motes, life buffer (reactive)
vital sacrifice (refresh) life cocoon; 5th level: (active) healing motes, life buffer,
vital touch (reactive) retributive rejuvenation (refresh) life cocoon; 7th level:
(active) healing motes, life buffer, vital touch (reactive) retributive rejuvenation
(refresh) preserve life; 9th level: (active) healing motes, vital breath, vital touch
(reactive) retributive rejuvenation (refresh) preserve life; 11th level: (active)
vital breath, vital collapse, vital touch (reactive) retributive rejuvenation (refresh)
preserve life; 13th level: (active) vital breath, vital collapse, vital touch (reactive)
retributive rejuvenation (refresh) preserve life; 15th level: (active) life shackles,
shared vitality, vital breath, vital touch (reactive) retributive rejuvenation (refresh) preserve life;
17th level: (active) life shackles, lifestorm, shared vitality, vital breath (reactive) retributive
rejuvenation (refresh) preserve life; 19th level: (active) life shackles, lifestorm, shared vitality,
vital breath (reactive) retributive rejuvenation (refresh) preserve life (ultimate) amrita
Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: PB + your Dexterity modifier to hit, reach 5 ft. (10 ft. when evolved),
one target. Hit: 1d4 (1d6 when evolved) + PB + your Dexterity modifier slashing damage plus
1 radiant damage.

Pet Form


A World
of Eldamon




Battle Form
Evolved Form

Phidi, Life Snake Eldamon
Phidis’ love of medicine leads them to follow around doctors, herbalists, and
medics of all sorts. They desire to heal, protect, and save others through live-
changing medical breakthroughs, and for that they often need the assistance of
BETTER THAN ONE other experts in the field.
Having two heads and bodies provides For their part, many who practice medicine consider phidis to be something
caduceon significant benefits beyond like a mascot or sacred creature to the medical profession as a whole. More than
the improvements to Perception. For one hospital or medical institution incorporates the twin serpentine form of
one thing, a caduceon always has caduceon as a major part of their symbol, crest, or logo.
someone else to talk to, so they’re less Together, phidis and doctors strive toward a future as free as possible from the
likely to become lonely. Because the suffering and ravages of illness.
second snake is a life force duplicate,
they share the original’s instincts and PHIDI, CADUCEON, AND COLUBRIO
Rare life eldamon
inner nature, but they sometimes
Armor Class 12 (natural armor) + Dexterity modifier
have their own unique perspective.
Hit Dice 1d6 per eldamon level
Hit Points at 1st Level 6 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels 1d6 (or 4) + Constitution modifier per eldamon level after 1st
Speed 30 ft.
8 (–1) 15 (+2) 13 (+1) 12 (+1) 17 (+3) 10 (+0)
Saving Throws Intelligence, Wisdom
Skills Acrobatics, Medicine, Stealth
Damage Vulnerabilities necrotic; damage from darkness and death elemental powers
Damage Resistances radiant; damage from life and light elemental powers
Special Senses darkvision 30 ft.
Languages Jyoti
Evolution Condition. Helping phidi discover a true medical breakthrough.
Elemental Trait: Caduceus Flow. When you help others, the overflowing life energy protects you
as well. Whenever you use a life power that benefits one or more creatures, but doesn’t benefit
yourself, you gain temporary hit points equal to half your proficiency bonus (rounded up).
Form Trait: Double Senses. Even when it isn’t visible, your life force duplicate assists your senses.
You gain proficiency in the Perception skill. At 9th level, you add double your proficiency bonus
to Wisdom (Perception) checks, instead of your normal proficiency bonus.
Evolution Trait: Crystallize Life. You store crystallized life energy in golden jewels along your body.
When an encounter begins and you’re phased or when you first phase in during an encounter,
you deplete some of the stored energy to gain temporary hit points equal to your power level.
These temporary hit points last until the end of your next turn.
Power Progression. 1st level: (active) healing motes, life buffer (reactive) vital sacrifice (refresh)
life cocoon; 3rd level: (active) life buffer, vital touch (reactive) vital sacrifice (refresh) life
cocoon; 5th level: (active) life buffer, soothing recovery, vital touch (reactive) vital sacrifice
(refresh) life cocoon; 7th level: (active) life buffer, path of life, vital touch (reactive) vital
sacrifice (refresh) life cocoon; 9th level: (active) life buffer, path of life, vital breath (reactive)
vital sacrifice (refresh) life cocoon; 11th level: (active) path of life, vibrant
inoculation, vital breath (reactive) vital sacrifice (refresh) life cocoon;
13th level: (active) path of life, vibrant inoculation, vital breath
(reactive) mortal reprieve (refresh) life cocoon; 15th level: (active)
lifeguard bubble, shared vitality, vibrant inoculation, vital breath
(reactive) mortal reprieve (refresh) life cocoon; 17th level: (active)
lifeguard bubble, shared vitality, vibrant inoculation, vital singularity
(reactive) mortal reprieve (refresh) life cocoon; 19th level: (active)
lifeguard bubble, shared vitality, vibrant inoculation, vital singularity
(reactive) mortal reprieve (refresh) life cocoon (ultimate) amrita
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: PB + your Dexterity modifier to hit, reach 5 ft. (10 ft.
when evolved), one target. Hit: 1d4 (1d6 when evolved) + PB + your Dexterity modifier
piercing damage plus 1 radiant damage.

Pet Form


A World
of Eldamon




Battle Form
Evolved Form

Lemiure, Prism Lemur Eldamon
Lemiures always take the time to look at things from other points of view. That
doesn’t mean they’re especially slow to decide, but they aren’t likely to make
snap judgments on their own. A lemiure is always eager to have their friends
Light eldamon are constantly alight,
shedding light like a torch: bright LEMIURE, LEMURUX, AND LUGHEMUR
Common light eldamon
light in a 20-foot radius and dim
Armor Class 12 (natural armor) + Dexterity modifier
light for an additional 20 feet.
Hit Dice 1d4 per eldamon level
Hit Points at 1st Level 4 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels 1d4 (or 3) + Constitution modifier per eldamon level after 1st
Speed 30 ft.
8 (–1) 15 (+2) 13 (+1) 10 (+0) 17 (+3) 12 (+1)
Saving Throws Dexterity, Charisma
Skills Acrobatics, Intimidation, Survival
Damage Vulnerabilities psychic, thunder; damage from darkness and mind elemental powers
Damage Resistances force, radiant; damage from death and light elemental powers
Special Senses darkvision 30 ft.
Languages Luxan
Evolution Condition. Helping lemiure learn from numerous people with different viewpoints and
lived experiences.
Elemental Trait: Prism Power. When your foe is limned in light, your light powers deal additional
damage. You gain a bonus to damage rolls with light powers against limned creatures. This
bonus is equal to half your proficiency bonus (rounded down).
Form Trait: Prism’s Perception. The prism on your head helps refine the sights around you
and refract them into your view, making it easy for you to spot things. You gain proficiency in
the Perception skill. At 9th level, you add double your proficiency bonus to Wisdom
(Perception) checks that rely on sight, instead of your normal proficiency bonus.
Evolution Trait: Prismatic Cloak. The rainbow-colored cloak trailing behind you
protects you from harm, especially from those dazzled by your light. You have
resistance to nonmagical bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage dealt by
creatures dazzled by your light powers.
Power Progression. 1st level: (active) blade of light, lucent beam (reactive)
retributive dazzle (refresh) illuminating pulse; 3rd level: (active) lucent beam,
shining guidance (reactive) retributive dazzle (refresh) illuminating pulse;
5th level: (active) lucent beam, shining guidance, sunlight ray
(reactive) retributive dazzle (refresh) illuminating pulse; 7th level:
(active) lucent beam, shining guidance, prism’s refraction (reactive)
retributive dazzle (refresh) illuminating pulse; 9th level: (active) prism’s
refraction, lantern of revelation, shining guidance (reactive) retributive
dazzle (refresh) illuminating pulse; 11th level: (active) incandescent
guardian, lantern of revelation, prism’s refraction (reactive) retributive
dazzle (refresh) illuminating pulse; 13th level: (active) devouring light,
incandescent guardian, lantern of revelation (reactive) retributive dazzle
(refresh) illuminating pulse; 15th level: (active) blinding brilliance, devouring
light, incandescent guardian, lambent reflection (reactive) retributive dazzle
(refresh) illuminating pulse; 17th level: (active) blinding brilliance, effulgent
explosion, incandescent guardian, lambent reflection (reactive) retributive
dazzle (refresh) illuminating pulse; 19th level: (active) blinding brilliance,
effulgent explosion, incandescent guardian, lambent reflection (reactive)
retributive dazzle (refresh) illuminating pulse (ultimate) areadbhair
Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: PB + your Dexterity modifier to hit,
reach 5 ft. (10 ft. when evolved), one target. Hit: 1d4 (1d6 when
evolved) + PB + your Dexterity modifier slashing damage.

Pet Form


A World
of Eldamon




Battle Form
Evolved Form

Luciola, Glow Worm Eldamon
Luciola always looks at the bright side of life, both literally and figuratively. This
helps them stay cheerful and hopeful, even in difficult circumstances, but they
sometimes need a friend to help ground them if they get too ambitious.
Luciolas believe that everything can LUCIOLA, LAMPYRA, AND LAMPYRIOS
Uncommon light eldamon
always be better as long as you believe
Armor Class 14 (natural armor) + Dexterity modifier (max 2)
in yourself. As such, they try to help
Hit Dice 1d4 per eldamon level
people achieve “glow ups” where Hit Points at 1st Level 4 + Constitution modifier
they engage in a transformation for Hit Points at Higher Levels 1d4 (or 3) + Constitution modifier per eldamon level after 1st
the better, increasing their confidence Speed 30 ft.
and mental well-being in a way that STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
raises their self worth and often their 12 (+1) 13 (+1) 15 (+2) 8 (–1) 17 (+3) 10 (+0)
attractiveness to others. For someone Saving Throws Constitution, Charisma
shrouded in gloom, a glow up might Skills Acrobatics, Athletics, Intimidation
seem impossible, but luciolas find Damage Vulnerabilities psychic, thunder; damage from darkness and mind elemental powers
a way to help light their path. Damage Resistances force, radiant; damage from death and light elemental powers
Special Senses darkvision 30 ft.
Languages Luxan
Evolution Condition. Helping luciola learn to embrace their optimism and also temper it with
Elemental Trait: Phosphorescent Glow. After your initial flash of light, you leave a momentary
phosphorescent glow. Whenever the limned condition caused by one of your light powers ends,
a pale blue glow limns the target until the end of your next turn. This limned condition is different
from the one created by the original power, so it doesn’t apply any additional effects from that
Form Trait: Glowing Tail. The glowing light energy stored in your tail allows you to surround your
foe with light. When you use a light power, you can choose one target to become limned until
the end of your next turn. Once you use this trait, you can’t do so again until you finish a
short or long rest.
Evolution Trait: Inner Light. The light within you spills out to sear your foes when
you attack with your mandibles or when another creature cuts or pierces you. Your
mandibles attack deals an additional 1d4 radiant damage (already included in the
attack). In addition, whenever a creature within 5 feet of you deals piercing or
slashing damage to you, that creature takes 1d4 radiant damage.
Power Progression. 1st level: (active) blade of light, lucent beam (reactive)
retributive dazzle (refresh) illuminating pulse; 3rd level: (active) lucent beam,
shining guidance (reactive) retributive dazzle (refresh) illuminating pulse;
5th level: (active) brilliant raiment, lucent beam, shining guidance (reactive)
retributive dazzle (refresh) illuminating pulse; 7th level: (active) brilliant
raiment, illuminate weakness, shining guidance (reactive) retributive dazzle
(refresh) illuminating pulse; 9th level: (active) brilliant raiment, illuminate weakness,
lantern of revelation (reactive) retributive dazzle (refresh) illuminating pulse; 11th level:
(active) brilliant raiment, illuminate weakness, lantern of revelation (reactive) blinding
flash (refresh) illuminating pulse; 13th level: (active) blinding brilliance, illuminate
weakness, lantern of revelation (reactive) blinding flash (refresh) illuminating pulse;
15th level: (active) blinding brilliance, illuminate weakness, lambent reflection, lantern
of revelation (reactive) blinding flash (refresh) dazzling double; 17th level: (active)
blinding brilliance, lambent reflection, lantern of revelation, solar flare (reactive) blinding
flash (refresh) dazzling double; 19th level: (active) blinding brilliance, lambent reflection,
lantern of revelation, solar flare (reactive) blinding flash (refresh) dazzling double (ultimate)
Mandibles. Melee Weapon Attack: PB + your Dexterity modifier to hit, reach 5 ft. (10 ft.
when evolved), one target. Hit: 1d4 (1d6 when evolved) + PB + your Dexterity modifier piercing
damage (plus 1d4 radiant damage when evolved).

Pet Form


A World
of Eldamon




Battle Form
Evolved Form

Soleo, Sun Lion Eldamon
Soleo is incredibly brave, but that doesn’t mean they’re foolish, or incapable
of feeling fear or considering the chance of failure. Soleos have the wisdom to
understand the fine line between bravery and folly, and they accede to caution
LIONIZING HEROES when it’s warranted rather than pursue a lost cause without rhyme or reason.
Many tales exist that lionize heroes Of course, sometimes that lost cause is worth the sacrifice, in which case a soleo
who fought alongside a soleo in won’t hesitate.
dire circumstances, maintaining
the courage to achieve their goal SOLEO, SOLEONE, AND SOLEONIDAS
Uncommon light eldamon
despite the odds. For instance, one
Armor Class 16 (natural armor)
land tells of a powerful evolved
Hit Dice 1d4 per eldamon level
soleonidas who led a group of only Hit Points at 1st Level 4 + Constitution modifier
a few hundred warriors to hold a Hit Points at Higher Levels 1d4 (or 3) + Constitution modifier per eldamon level after 1st
narrow pass against a massive Speed 25 ft.
army almost 1,000 times their size. STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
13 (+1) 12 (+1) 15 (+2) 8 (–1) 17 (+3) 10 (+0)
Saving Throws Constitution, Strength
Skills Acrobatics, Athletics, Intimidation
Damage Vulnerabilities psychic, thunder; damage from darkness and mind elemental powers
Damage Resistances force, radiant; damage from death and light elemental powers
Special Senses darkvision 30 ft.
Languages Luxan
Evolution Condition. Helping soleo understand the true meaning of courage or perform a heroic
act of true bravery.
Elemental Trait: Dazzling Sparkles. Your light sparkles and twinkles more extensively than
most, causing the dazzled condition to be more severe. A creature dazzled by one of your light
powers takes a –1 penalty to attack rolls, in addition to having disadvantage.
Form Trait: Armor of Light. You wear armor formed of hardened light. Your AC
becomes 16 and your speed becomes 25 feet (already included in the statistics
Evolution Trait: Courageous Sparkle. The light within you sparkles across
your armor and body. Your AC becomes 18. In addition, when you end your turn
frightened, the frightened condition on you automatically ends as you sparkle
mightily. If the creature that made you frightened is within 30 feet of you when
the frightened condition ends, that creature becomes dazzled until the end
of your next turn, provided the creature can see you.
Power Progression. 1st level: (active) blade of light, lucent beam
(reactive) retributive dazzle (refresh) illuminating pulse; 3rd level: (active)
blade of light, shining guidance (reactive) retributive dazzle (refresh)
illuminating pulse; 5th level: (active) blade of light, brilliant raiment, shining
guidance (reactive) intensify glare (refresh) illuminating pulse; 7th level: (active)
blade of light, brilliant raiment, shining guidance (reactive) intensify glare (refresh)
coruscating flash; 9th level: (active) blade of light, brilliant raiment, dazzling embrace
(reactive) intensify glare (refresh) coruscating flash; 11th level: (active) brilliant
raiment, dazzling embrace, incandescent guardian (reactive) intensify glare (refresh)
coruscating flash; 13th level: (active) blinding brilliance, dazzling embrace, incandescent
guardian (reactive) intensify glare (refresh) coruscating flash; 15th level: (active) blinding
brilliance, dazzling embrace, incandescent guardian, lambent reflection (reactive) intensify
glare (refresh) coruscating flash; 17th level: (active) blinding brilliance, incandescent
guardian, lambent reflection, solar flare (reactive) intensify glare (refresh) coruscating flash;
19th level: (active) blinding brilliance, incandescent guardian, lambent reflection, solar
flare (reactive) intensify glare (refresh) coruscating flash (ultimate) hyperion
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: PB + your Strength modifier to hit, reach 5 ft. (10 ft.
when evolved), one target. Hit: 1d6 (1d8 when evolved) + PB + your Strength modifier
piercing damage.

Pet Form


A World
of Eldamon




Battle Form
Evolved Form

Sundile, Rainbow Crocodile Eldamon
Sundiles have the sensibilities of a true artist, both in terms of their creativity
and in terms of their eccentricity and particularness. Those who understand the
way a sundile thinks are destined to get along well with them.
A sundile traveling with a mortal SUNDILE, ARCADILE, AND RAINBOWBEK
Rare light eldamon
companion often finds their new friend
Armor Class 12 (natural armor) + Dexterity modifier
to be a muse or inspiration for the
Hit Dice 1d4 per eldamon level
sundile’s art. As a result, the creative Hit Points at 1st Level 4 + Constitution modifier
energy between them can buzz almost Hit Points at Higher Levels 1d4 (or 3) + Constitution modifier per eldamon level after 1st
tangibly, bringing the sundile’s artistic Speed 30 ft.
fervor to greater and greater heights. STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
Often this is beneficial, but there can 10 (+0) 15 (+2) 13 (+1) 12 (+1) 17 (+3) 8 (–1)
come a time where it’s necessary Saving Throws Dexterity, Intelligence
to dial it down in order to fit with the Skills Acrobatics, Survival
current circumstances. For instance, Tools one type of artisan’s tools
a stealthy infiltration might not be the Damage Vulnerabilities psychic, thunder; damage from darkness and mind elemental powers
best time for a colorful display of art. Damage Resistances force, radiant; damage from death and light elemental powers
Special Senses darkvision 30 ft.
Languages Luxan
Evolution Condition. Helping sundile complete an artistic masterpiece that truly embodies their vision.
Elemental Trait: Rainbow Light. When you deal damage with your light powers, instead of dealing
radiant damage, roll a d8. On a 1, the light is red and deals fire damage. On a 2, the light is orange
and deals acid damage. On a 3, the light is yellow and deals lightning damage. On a 4, the light is
green and deals poison damage. On a 5, the light is blue and deals thunder damage. On a 6, the
light is indigo and deals psychic damage. On a 7, the light is violet and deals force damage. On an
8, you choose one of the seven colors and damage types. If your power deals damage over time,
you only roll once to determine the color of the light and the power’s damage type.
Form Trait: Chromatic Ridges. Your ridges take on a coloration based on your mood, greanting you
resistance to a random energy type. When you roll initiative or phase in during an encounter, roll a d8
and consult the colors and damage types in Rainbow Light. Your ridges take on the color you rolled (or
the color you chose, if you roll an 8), and you gain resistance to the associated damage type. If you
roll a 7, since you already have resistance to force damage, instead of gaining it again, whenever you
take force damage, reduce the damage you take by 1d6, after halving the damage for your resistance.
Evolution Trait: Rainbow Banner. The rainbow banner that flies from your tail can inspire your
allies. Creatures you choose within 30 feet of you have advantage on saving throws against
effects that would frighten them. In addition, you can use a bonus action to wave the banner and
inspire one other creature you can see within 30 feet of you. If that creature can see your banner,
the creature has advantage on the next attack roll it makes before the end of its next turn.
Power Progression. 1st level: (active) blade of light, lucent beam (reactive) retributive dazzle (refresh)
illuminating pulse; 3rd level: (active) lucent beam, sunlight ray (reactive) retributive dazzle (refresh)
illuminating pulse; 5th level: (active) brilliant raiment, lucent beam, sunlight ray (reactive) intensify
glare (refresh) illuminating pulse; 7th level: (active) brilliant raiment, lucent beam, prism’s refraction
(reactive) intensify glare (refresh) illuminating pulse; 9th level: (active) brilliant raiment, lantern
of revelation, prism’s refraction (reactive) intensify glare (refresh) illuminating pulse; 11th level:
(active) illuminating curtain, lantern of revelation, prism’s refraction (reactive) intensify glare (refresh)
illuminating pulse; 13th level: (active) illuminating curtain, lantern of revelation,
prism’s refraction (reactive) intensify glare (refresh) dazzling double; 15th level:
(active) flickering fantasy, lambent reflection, prism’s refraction, lantern of revelation
(reactive) intensify glare (refresh) dazzling double; 17th level: (active) effulgent
explosion, flickering fantasy, lambent reflection, lantern of revelation (reactive) intensify
glare (refresh) dazzling double; 19th level: (active) effulgent explosion, flickering fantasy, lambent
reflection, lantern of revelation (reactive) intensify glare (refresh) dazzling double (ultimate) areadbhair
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: PB + your Dexterity modifier to hit, reach 5 ft. (10 ft. when evolved),
one target. Hit: 1d4 (1d6 when evolved) + PB + your Dexterity modifier piercing damage.

Pet Form


A World
of Eldamon




Battle Form
Evolved Form

Speculil, Silver Mirror Eldamon
Speculils often engage in self-reflection after they take action, analyzing their
own decisions in a metaphysical mirror and trying to think about why they
made the choices they did. Sometimes the answer is obvious in retrospect, but
MIRROR ON THE WALL other times it comes as a great shock.
Some particularly ancient speculils
gain the ability to show secret truths in SPECULIL, SPECULIGHT, AND SPECUSPRIGHT
Rare light eldamon
their reflections that transcend beyond
Armor Class 12 (natural armor) + Dexterity modifier
the inner self and into the world around
Hit Dice 1d4 per eldamon level
them. Villains and cunning heroes Hit Points at 1st Level 4 + Constitution modifier
who find such a speculil make an effort Hit Points at Higher Levels 1d4 (or 3) + Constitution modifier per eldamon level after 1st
to befriend such a speculil, treating Speed 30 ft. (fly 40 ft. when evolved)
the mirror eldamon well and giving STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
them a prominent place on the wall, 8 (–1) 15 (+2) 13 (+1) 10 (+0) 17 (+3) 12 (+1)
where the mortal friend can indulge Saving Throws Dexterity, Charisma
their ulterior motives by asking the Skills Acrobatics, Athletics, Intimidation
light eldamon all sorts of questions. Damage Vulnerabilities psychic, thunder; damage from darkness and mind elemental powers
Damage Resistances force, radiant; damage from death and light elemental powers
Special Senses darkvision 30 ft.
Languages Luxan
Evolution Condition. Helping speculil truly reflect on their inner self and discover the secret truths
hidden within.
Elemental Trait: Repel Light. You use the power of mirrors to repel foes limned in your light. You
gain a +1 bonus to AC against attacks made by creatures limned by your light
Form Trait: Mirrored Rebound. When a foe’s magic misses you completely,
you use your stored light energy to bounce the magic back at them. Whenever
a creature you can see targets you with a spell or power attack and rolls a 1 on
the attack roll, you can force that creature to reroll the attack against itself.
Once you use this trait, you can’t do so again until you finish a short or long
Evolution Trait: Inner Truth. Instead of becoming Large, your evolved form
peels away all pretensions and reveals your inner core, transforming you
into a Tiny fairy with mirror wings and a fly speed of 40 feet.
Power Progression. 1st level: (active) blade of light, lucent beam
(reactive) retributive dazzle (refresh) illuminating pulse; 3rd level:
(active) lucent beam, shining guidance (reactive) retributive dazzle
(refresh) illuminating pulse; 5th level: (active) brilliant raiment,
mirror’s reflections, shining guidance (reactive) retributive dazzle
(refresh) illuminating pulse; 7th level: (active) brilliant raiment,
illuminate weakness, mirror’s reflections (reactive) retributive dazzle
(refresh) illuminating pulse; 9th level: (active) illuminate weakness,
lantern of revelation, mirror’s reflections (reactive) retributive dazzle
(refresh) illuminating pulse; 11th level: (active) incandescent guardian,
lantern of revelation, mirror’s reflections (reactive) retributive dazzle (refresh)
illuminating pulse; 13th level: (active) incandescent guardian, lantern of
revelation, mirror’s reflections (reactive) retributive dazzle (refresh) dazzling
double; 15th level: (active) flickering fantasy, incandescent guardian, lambent
reflection, mirror’s reflections (reactive) retributive dazzle (refresh) dazzling
double; 17th level: (active) effulgent explosion, flickering fantasy, incandescent
guardian, lambent reflection (reactive) retributive dazzle (refresh) dazzling double;
19th level: (active) effulgent explosion, flickering fantasy, incandescent guardian, lambent
reflection (reactive) retributive dazzle (refresh) dazzling double (ultimate) hyperion
Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: PB + your Dexterity modifier to hit, reach 5 ft. (10 ft. when evolved),
one target. Hit: 1d4 (1d6 when evolved) + PB + your Dexterity modifier bludgeoning damage.

Pet Form


A World
of Eldamon




Battle Form
Evolved Form

Meese, Psychic Mouse Eldamon
A meese can be a bit of a pack rat when it comes to gemstones of all sorts. As
such, sometimes a community is worried a thief has come to town when it’s
really a curious meese collecting stones left out in the open. The meese doesn’t
MEESES mean any harm, but that doesn’t help the person who lost the gem.
There’s some disagreement among
the scholarly community whether the MEESE, RHODEN, AND PSYRAT
Common mind eldamon
plural of meese is the irregular plural
Armor Class 12 (natural armor) + Dexterity modifier
meese or the regular plural meeses.
Hit Dice 1d4 per eldamon level
As such, the two are sometimes used Hit Points at 1st Level 4 + Constitution modifier
interchangeably in various texts. For Hit Points at Higher Levels 1d4 (or 3) + Constitution modifier per eldamon level after 1st
their part, a typical meese doesn’t Speed 30 ft.
really care about those sorts of STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
things. They’re far more interested in 8 (–1) 15 (+2) 13 (+1) 10 (+0) 17 (+3) 12 (+1)
cataloguing interesting gemstones and Saving Throws Dexterity, Charisma
discovery more about precious jewels. Skills Acrobatics, Intimidation, Stealth
Damage Vulnerabilities thunder; damage from darkness, spirit, and time elemental powers
Damage Resistances lightning, psychic; damage from light and mind elemental powers
Special Senses darkvision 30 ft.
Languages Astral
Evolution Condition. Helping meese reach a pinnacle in their love for gemstones (such as by
finding a truly amazing gem or completing a collection of different gems).
Elemental Trait: Exploit Lapse. Your mind powers deal more damage to creatures whose mind
is vulnerable due to being befuddled or afraid. You gain a bonus damage rolls with your mind
powers against creatures who are frightened or stupefied by your mind powers. This bonus is
equal to half your proficiency bonus (rounded down).
Form Trait: Amethyst Sled. You use a mind amethyst to sled across scattered rubble, sand, or
snow with ease. You ignore difficult terrain as a result of rubble, sand, or snow.
Evolution Trait: Quadruple Tails. Your tails split into four spiraling tails,
increasing their reach to 20 feet (already included in the attack). In
addition, your four tails help you steady your increasingly powerful
amethyst sled, allowing you to ignore all difficult terrain on the
ground, not just difficult terrain caused by rubble, sand, or snow.
Power Progression. 1st level: (active) addling blast, stupefying
inception (reactive) retributive mindlink (refresh) rush of insight;
3rd level: (active) psychic thrust, stupefying inception (reactive)
retributive mindlink (refresh) rush of insight; 5th level: (active) brain
blast, creeping dread, psychic thrust (reactive) retributive
mindlink (refresh) rush of insight; 7th level: (active) contagious
folly, creeping dread, psychic thrust (reactive) retributive
mindlink (refresh) rush of insight; 9th level: (active) contagious
folly, creeping dread, peaceful impulse (reactive) retributive
mindlink (refresh) rush of insight; 11th level: (active) contagious
folly, creeping dread, peaceful impulse (reactive) implant taboo
(refresh) rush of insight; 13th level: (active) billowing terror,
contagious folly, peaceful impulse (reactive) implant taboo (refresh) rush of insight;
15th level: (active) billowing terror, cognitive chain, labyrinth of twisted thoughts,
peaceful impulse (reactive) implant taboo (refresh) rush of insight; 17th level:
(active) billowing terror, brainstorm, cognitive chain, labyrinth of twisted thoughts
(reactive) implant taboo (refresh) rush of insight; 19th level: (active) billowing
terror, brainstorm, cognitive chain, labyrinth of twisted thoughts (reactive)
implant taboo (refresh) rush of insight (ultimate) nabu
Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: PB + your Dexterity modifier to hit, reach 5 ft.
(20 ft. when evolved), one target. Hit: 1d4 (1d6 when evolved) + PB + your
Dexterity modifier bludgeoning damage plus 1 psychic damage.

Pet Form


A World
of Eldamon




Battle Form
Evolved Form

Simiens, Mind Monkey Eldamon
What is the nature of reality? Of the concepts of good and evil? What is the
meaning of life and the afterlife? Is this world just a cosmic game of the gods,
who toy with us as pawns, watching and guiding our struggles for their own
THINK NO EVIL amusement? Simiens meditate on these and even deeper questions of the
Most simens believe that the path to universe, hoping to achieve true wisdom through philosophy and their ever
philosophical and moral enlightenment inquisitive nature.
begins with the smallest thoughts. To
be sublime is not only to see no evil, SIMIENS, MNEMONKEY, AND SEMNOSTIC
Uncommon mind eldamon
hear no evil, and speak no evil, but
Armor Class 12 (natural armor) + Dexterity modifier
even to think no evil. That’s easier said
Hit Dice 1d4 per eldamon level
than done for all but the most wizened Hit Points at 1st Level 4 + Constitution modifier
and spiritual of simiens, as it requires Hit Points at Higher Levels 1d4 (or 3) + Constitution modifier per eldamon level after 1st
emptying the mind before the stray Speed 30 ft.
negative thoughts can drift across STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
their consciousness in the first place. 10 (+0) 15 (+2) 13 (+1) 12 (+1) 17 (+3) 8 (–1)
Simiens don’t put themselves down Saving Throws Dexterity, Intelligence
if they can’t achieve this perfection, Skills Acrobatics, Athletics, Stealth
since they know high a standard it is. Damage Vulnerabilities thunder; damage from darkness, spirit, and time elemental powers
Instead, they simply strive harder to Damage Resistances lightning, psychic; damage from light and mind elemental powers
perform just a little bit better next time. Special Senses darkvision 30 ft.
Languages Astral
Evolution Condition. Helping siemens reach a philosophical breakthrough.
Elemental Trait: Moment of Contemplation. When you pause for a moment to contemplate
during a battle, your mental defenses increase. When you use a refresh power on your turn, you
gain a +2 bonus to Wisdom saving throws until the end of your next turn.
Form Trait: Manual Dexterity. As a monkey, you have more manual dexterity than other eldamon.
You can hold and carry basic objects. This doesn’t allow you to wield weapons, shields, or most
magic items, but you can pick up potions and similar consumable magic items and administer
them to yourself.
Evolution Trait: Mental Wreath. Your head and upper body are wreathed with powerful
mental energy. Whenever a creature within 5 feet of you hits you with a melee weapon
attack, that creature must make a Wisdom saving throw against your power save
DC, taking 1d8 psychic damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a
successful one. At 19th level, this damage increases to 1d10 psychic damage.
Power Progression. 1st level: (active) addling blast, stupefying inception
(reactive) retributive mindlink (refresh) rush of insight; 3rd level: (active)
addling blast, intrusive analysis (reactive) retributive mindlink (refresh) rush
of insight; 5th level: (active) brain blast, creeping dread, intrusive analysis
(reactive) retributive mindlink (refresh) rush of insight; 7th level: (active) brain
blast, creeping dread, intrusive analysis (reactive) retributive mindlink (refresh)
mind palace; 9th level: (active) brain blast, creeping dread, stupefying embrace
(reactive) retributive mindlink (refresh) mind palace; 11th level: (active) brain
blast, creeping dread, stupefying embrace (reactive) implant taboo (refresh)
mind palace; 13th level: (active) brain blast, stoke aggression, stupefying
embrace (reactive) implant taboo (refresh) mind palace; 15th level: (active)
cognitive chain, labyrinth of twisted thoughts, stoke aggression, stupefying embrace
(reactive) implant taboo (refresh) mind palace; 17th level: (active) brain death, cognitive
chain, labyrinth of twisted thoughts, stupefying embrace (reactive) implant taboo
(refresh) mind palace; 19th level: (active) brain death, cognitive chain, labyrinth of
twisted thoughts, stupefying embrace (reactive) implant taboo (refresh) mind palace
(ultimate) muninn
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: PB + your Dexterity modifier to hit, reach 5 ft. (10 ft. when
evolved), one target. Hit: 1d4 (1d6 when evolved) + PB + your Dexterity modifier piercing

Pet Form


A World
of Eldamon




Battle Form
Evolved Form

Myrmind, Hivemind Ant Eldamon
Myrminds feel a bit anxious and uncomfortable when they’re completely alone,
rather than in a comfortable group where they have a defined role and place. As
such, they fit in well with adventuring parties and accept group decisions easily.
ANTS AND UNCLES To a myrmind, the needs of the group outweigh their own personal needs.
Myrmind’s forms share their names
with terms from myrmecology, the MYRMIND, FORMIPSY, AND HYMONTOPS
Uncommon mind eldamon
study of ants. Myrmind derives from
Armor Class 14 (natural armor) + Dexterity modifier (max 2)
the name of the field as a whole,
Hit Dice 1d4 per eldamon level
formipsy is named for ant’s genus Hit Points at 1st Level 4 + Constitution modifier
formica, and hymontops comes from Hit Points at Higher Levels 1d4 (or 3) + Constitution modifier per eldamon level after 1st
hymenoptera, an order of insects Speed 30 ft.
that also includes wasps and bees. STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
For their part, myrminds don’t really 8 (–1) 13 (+1) 15 (+2) 12 (+1) 17 (+3) 10 (+0)
care about their eldamon name and Saving Throws Constitution, Intelligence
are happy to take names that allude Skills Acrobatics, Athletics, Stealth
to the families of the insect world Damage Vulnerabilities thunder; damage from darkness, spirit, and time elemental powers
and make them part of the collective Damage Resistances lightning, psychic; damage from light and mind elemental powers
whole. Due to the familial connection Special Senses darkvision 30 ft.
to wasps and bees, legends tell of rare Languages Astral
myrminds with coloration similar to a Evolution Condition. Helping myrmind truly become part of a group and fully embody their role
bee and stingers instead of mandibles. in it.
Elemental Trait: Mental Assistance. Your powers guide your allies’ strikes toward your enemies’
weak points. When you use an active mind power that targets one or more creatures, choose one
creature you successfully hit or that failed a saving throw against your power. The next attack
against that creature before the end of your next turn has advantage.
Form Trait: Hivemind Antennae. Thanks to your connection to your allies, your antennae pick up
your foes’ movements. A creature can’t be hidden from you or invisible to you so long as at least
one of your companions can see the creature.
Evolution Trait: Compound Eyes. Your many compound eyes help you see more easily and
transmit your visual data to help your allies avoid attacks. You gain proficiency in the Perception
skill, and the range of your darkvision increases to 60 feet. In addition, so long as you can see
a creature, that creature can’t be hidden from other creatures or benefit from being invisible,
unless you choose for them to be.
Power Progression. 1st level: (active) addling blast, stupefying inception
(reactive) retributive mindlink (refresh) rush of insight; 3rd level: (active)
intrusive analysis, stupefying inception (reactive) retributive mindlink (refresh)
rush of insight; 5th level: (active) brain blast, creeping dread, intrusive analysis
(reactive) retributive mindlink (refresh) rush of insight; 7th level: (active)
bewitching meme, brain blast, creeping dread (reactive) retributive mindlink
(refresh) rush of insight; 9th level: (active) bewitching meme, brain blast, peaceful
impulse (reactive) retributive mindlink (refresh) rush of insight; 11th level:
(active) bewitching meme, peaceful impulse, phrenic curtain (reactive)
retributive mindlink (refresh) rush of insight; 13th level: (active) bewitching
meme, peaceful impulse, phrenic curtain (reactive) retributive mindlink
(refresh) predict assaults; 15th level: (active) cognitive chain, labyrinth of
twisted thoughts, peaceful impulse, phrenic curtain (reactive) retributive
mindlink (refresh) predict assaults; 17th level: (active) brainstorm, cognitive
chain, labyrinth of twisted thoughts, peaceful impulse (reactive) retributive
mindlink (refresh) predict assaults; 19th level: (active) brainstorm,
cognitive chain, labyrinth of twisted thoughts, peaceful impulse (reactive)
retributive mindlink (refresh) predict assaults (ultimate) muninn
Mandibles. Melee Weapon Attack: PB + your Dexterity modifier to hit,
reach 5 ft. (10 ft. when evolved), one target. Hit: 1d4 (1d6 when evolved) + PB + your
Dexterity modifier slashing damage.

Pet Form


A World
of Eldamon




Battle Form
Evolved Form

Cerebella, Brain Eldamon
Most eldamon can’t quite remember things about the mortal world in the same
way as mortal beings do. On the other hand, cerebella are literally brains. If it
weren’t for the fact that they were obsessed with obscure pieces of trivia rather
BIG BRAIN IDEAS than the sorts of knowledge most mortals tend to find useful, cerebella might be
Due to cerebellas’ obsession with respected scholars in their fields. As-is, they’re still a great teammate for a pub
bizarre trivia, they sometimes have trivia night.
zany, eclectic, or unique ideas that
depend on obscure facts. These ideas CEREBELLA, CEREBRO, AND CEREBOSS
Rare mind eldamon
are occasionally brilliant and other
Armor Class 14 (natural armor) + Dexterity modifier (max 2)
times simply outlandish and useless.
Hit Dice 1d4 per eldamon level
Either way, people have sometimes Hit Points at 1st Level 4 + Constitution modifier
taken to call them “big brain” ideas, Hit Points at Higher Levels 1d4 (or 3) + Constitution modifier per eldamon level after 1st
either praisingly or sarcastically Speed 30 ft.
depending on the circumstances. STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
10 (+0) 12 (+1) 15 (+2) 13 (+1) 17 (+3) 8 (–1)
Saving Throws Constitution, Intelligence
Skills Arcana, Nature, Religion
Damage Vulnerabilities thunder; damage from darkness, spirit, and time elemental powers
Damage Resistances lightning, psychic; damage from light and mind elemental powers
Special Senses darkvision 30 ft.
Languages Astral
Evolution Condition. Helping cerebella master trivia to an excessive degree.
Elemental Trait: Magical Disruption. Your powers that stupefy foes disrupt spellcasting more
than normal. The DC to cast a spell while stupefied by your mind powers is equal to 7 + the
creature’s stupefied value, instead of 5 + the creature’s stupefied value.
Form Trait: Brain Power. Thanks to being a brain, when you’re phased in, you can focus more
easily than other eldamon on proximal threats to remember more about them. You gain a +2
bonus to Intelligence-based checks made to recall information about a creature you and your
companions are fighting.
Evolution Trait: Brains in a Jar. You multiprocess thoughts through the brains in your jar, allowing
you to fail gracefully and elude mental effects. When you fail an Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma
saving throw, you can shunt the effects into your subsidiary brains in order to reroll the save and use
the second result. Once you use this trait, you can’t do so again until you finish a short or long rest.
Power Progression. 1st level: (active) addling blast, stupefying inception (reactive) retributive
mindlink (refresh) rush of insight; 3rd level: (active) psychic thrust, stupefying inception
(reactive) retributive mindlink (refresh) rush of insight; 5th level: (active) brain blast, psychic
thrust, stupefying inception (reactive) psychic scream (refresh) rush of insight; 7th level:
(active) contagious folly, psychic thrust, stupefying inception
(reactive) psychic scream (refresh) rush of insight;
9th level: (active) contagious folly, peaceful impulse,
psychic thrust (reactive) psychic scream (refresh) rush
of insight; 11th level: (active) contagious folly, phrenic
curtain, psychic thrust (reactive) psychic scream (refresh) rush
of insight; 13th level: (active) contagious folly, phrenic curtain,
stoke aggression (reactive) psychic scream (refresh) rush of insight; 15th level:
(active) cognitive chain, contagious folly, labyrinth of twisted thoughts, stoke aggression
(reactive) psychic scream (refresh) rush of insight; 17th level: (active) brain death, cognitive
chain, contagious folly, labyrinth of twisted thoughts (reactive) psychic scream (refresh) rush
of insight; 19th level: (active) brain death, cognitive chain, contagious folly, labyrinth of twisted
thoughts (reactive) psychic scream (refresh) rush of insight (ultimate) nabu
Ridge. Melee Weapon Attack: PB + your Dexterity modifier to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 1d4 +
PB + your Dexterity modifier slashing damage.
Bite (Evolved Only). Melee Weapon Attack: PB + your Dexterity modifier to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 1d6 + PB + your Dexterity modifier piercing damage.

Pet Form


A World
of Eldamon




Battle Form
Evolved Form

Boteau, Water Dolphin Eldamon
Dolphins have a positive reputation as clever and friendly animals in many
societies that boteaus, share as water eldamon with similar forms. Like their
cetacean counterparts, boteaus have a conniving side, though more pronounced
SCHEMES WITHIN with their greater intelligence, leading them to instigate convoluted plans and
SCHEMES tricks to get what they want. That doesn’t mean boteaus aren’t friendly, but they
Sometimes it seems like a boteau’s can be a bit tricky and manipulative too.
schemes have been foiled, only to
reveal that the boteau had been BOTEAU, BOTERRENT, AND BOTOCEAN
Common water eldamon
wise enough to include another
Armor Class 12 (natural armor) + Dexterity modifier
scheme hidden within the first, such
Hit Dice 1d4 per eldamon level
that the deeper scheme would be Hit Points at 1st Level 4 + Constitution modifier
fulfilled even though the original Hit Points at Higher Levels 1d4 (or 3) + Constitution modifier per eldamon level after 1st
plan might have failed. Just as a Speed 30 ft.
boteau flows seamlessly between the STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
land the water, they ride the waves 8 (–1) 15 (+2) 13 (+1) 10 (+0) 17 (+3) 12 (+1)
and tides between these plots and Saving Throws Dexterity, Charisma
conspiracies with a natural ease. Skills Acrobatics, Athletics, Deception
Damage Vulnerabilities lightning; damage from electricity and wood elemental powers
Damage Resistances fire; damage from fire and water elemental powers
Special Senses darkvision 30 ft.
Languages Aquan
Evolution Condition. Helping boteau realize their schemes and fully connect between land and
Elemental Trait: Surging Currents. When you use a water power to move a hostile creature 10
feet or more, you can move them up to an additional 5 feet. When you move a hostile creature 30
feet or more, you can move them up to an additional 10 feet.
Form Trait: Amphibious Assault. You’re especially quick both on land and in the sea. Your walking
speed is 35 feet, and your swim speed is 40 feet.
Evolution Trait: Tentacle Tail. Your tail splits into eight tentacles, increasing its reach to 20 feet
(already included in the attack). In addition, your walking speed increases to 40 feet, and
your swim speed increases to 45 feet.
Power Progression. 1st level: (active) aqua punch, sea spray
(reactive) retributive wave (refresh) bubble swarm; 3rd level:
(active) aqua punch, ocean torrent (reactive) retributive
wave (refresh) bubble swarm; 5th level: (active) ocean
torrent, storm surge, unrelenting jet (reactive) retributive
wave (refresh) bubble swarm; 7th level: (active)
bubble burst, ocean torrent, storm surge (reactive)
retributive wave (refresh) bubble swarm; 9th level:
(active) bubble burst, rushing current, storm surge
(reactive) retributive wave (refresh) bubble swarm; 11th level:
(active) bubble burst, rushing current, storm surge (reactive)
interrupting torrent (refresh) bubble swarm; 13th level:
(active) bubble burst, cloudburst, rushing current (reactive)
interrupting torrent (refresh) bubble swarm; 15th level:
(active) cloudburst, flash flood, rushing current, water gaol
(reactive) interrupting torrent (refresh) bubble swarm; 17th level:
(active) brain cloudburst, flash flood, tsunami, water gaol (reactive)
interrupting torrent (refresh) bubble swarm; 19th level: (active)
cloudburst, flash flood, tsunami, water gaol (reactive) interrupting
torrent (refresh) bubble swarm (ultimate) charybdis
Tail. Melee Weapon Attack: PB + your Dexterity modifier to hit, reach 5 ft.
(20 ft. when evolved), one target. Hit: 1d4 (1d6 when evolved) + PB + your
Dexterity modifier bludgeoning damage.

Pet Form


A World
of Eldamon




Battle Form
Evolved Form

Puhide, Eel Dragon Eldamon
While puhides are timid and quick to hide, these tiny eel eldamon hide hidden
depths. If they can overcome their nerves and fear, they unleash the water
dragon within them, unlocking their true potential.
Puhides love practicing their skills at PUHIDE, ANGUILLAKE, AND QINGLONGUE
Uncommon water eldamon
hiding away from danger, and one of
Armor Class 12 (natural armor) + Dexterity modifier
the ways they do so is through games.
Hit Dice 1d4 per eldamon level
These games typically include some Hit Points at 1st Level 4 + Constitution modifier
variation on one or more puhides Hit Points at Higher Levels 1d4 (or 3) + Constitution modifier per eldamon level after 1st
hiding while a friend attempts to locate Speed 25 ft., swim 30 ft.
the hidden puhides. Afterward, the STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
seeker and all the hiding puhides 12 (+1) 15 (+2) 13 (+1) 10 (+0) 17 (+3) 8 (–1)
gather togather to discuss what Saving Throws Dexterity, Strength
worked about their hiding places and Skills Acrobatics, Athletics, Stealth
what didn’t, anything that gave one Damage Vulnerabilities lightning; damage from electricity and wood elemental powers
or more of the puhides away, and Damage Resistances fire; damage from fire and water elemental powers
how to hide better next time. This Special Senses darkvision 30 ft.
constructive cooperation makes Languages Aquan
these games a wonderful way for Evolution Condition. Helping puhide accept and work through their nerves and fear.
puhides to develop their skills. Elemental Trait: Sinuous Backflow. When you use a water power that affects an area, if you’re
within the area or the power originates from your space (such as in the case of a line or cone
power), you can choose to let your power move you any distance your allies can choose to move.
However, you must move in the opposite direction as the other creatures. For example, you move
back and away from a high-tide line or cone, further distancing yourself from any creatures that
were pushed away from you, and toward a low-tide line or cone, approaching creatures as they
are pulled toward you. If the power affects an area with a radius and it’s centered on you, you can
move in whichever direction you choose, regardless of your tide.
Form Trait: Slippery Eel. It’s especially difficult for your foes to hold onto you or find you when
you’re hiding from them. You gain a +2 bonus to ability checks made to escape a
grapple, as well as to Dexterity (Stealth) checks made to Hide.
Evolution Trait: Dragon Soul. Your confidence surges, granting you the
soul of a dragon to dispel your fears. You have advantage on saving throws
against effects that would frighten you.
Power Progression. 1st level: (active) aqua punch, sea spray (reactive)
retributive wave (refresh) bubble swarm; 3rd level: (active) ocean
torrent, sea spray (reactive) retributive wave (refresh) bubble swarm;
5th level: (active) ocean torrent, sea spray, storm surge (reactive)
retributive wave (refresh) bubble swarm; 7th level: (active) flowing
river, ocean torrent, storm surge (reactive) retributive wave (refresh)
bubble swarm; 9th level: (active) flowing river, rushing current, storm
surge (reactive) retributive wave (refresh) bubble swarm; 11th level:
(active) flowing river, rushing current, storm surge (reactive)
interrupting torrent (refresh) bubble swarm; 13th level: (active)
flowing river, immortal water dragon, rushing current (reactive)
interrupting torrent (refresh) bubble swarm; 15th level: (active)
flash flood, flowing river, immortal water dragon, rushing current
(reactive) interrupting torrent (refresh) hidden in the mist; 17th level:
(active) calamitous deluge, flash flood, immortal water dragon, rushing current
(reactive) interrupting torrent (refresh) hidden in the mist; 19th level: (active)
calamitous deluge, flash flood, immortal water dragon, rushing current (reactive)
interrupting torrent (refresh) hidden in the mist (ultimate) leviathan
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: PB + your Dexterity modifier to hit, reach 5 ft. (10 ft.
when evolved), one target. Hit: 1d4 (1d6 when evolved) + PB + your Dexterity
modifier piercing damage.

Pet Form


A World
of Eldamon




Battle Form
Evolved Form

Etmoist, Water Shark Eldamon
Etmoists are deeply fascinated by the mortal ideas of kinship and family,
even though such things are unusual by eldamon standards. Eldamon arise
from elemental energies in a way that’s not well understood, rather than from
JUMPING THE SHARK biological reproduction.
Some communities have a strange
tradition of seeking out an evolved ETMOIST, CARCHARAIN, AND MEGALODROWN
Uncommon water eldamon
megalodrown to phase in and lurk
Armor Class 14 (natural armor) + Dexterity modifier (max 2)
below, as they attempt to leap over
Hit Dice 1d4 per eldamon level
the megalodrown without stabbing Hit Points at 1st Level 4 + Constitution modifier
themselves on the shark eldamon’s Hit Points at Higher Levels 1d4 (or 3) + Constitution modifier per eldamon level after 1st
spikes. This daredevil-like activity is Speed 25 ft., swim 30 ft.
so dangerous and pointless, that the STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
tradition is typically frowned upon. For 13 (+1) 12 (+1) 15 (+2) 8 (–1) 17 (+3) 10 (+0)
the most part, the only people who still Saving Throws Constitution, Strength
attempt it are adventurers or others Skills Acrobatics, Athletics, Intimidation
who rely on their physical prowess and Damage Vulnerabilities lightning; damage from electricity and wood elemental powers
who are beginning to feel the effects Damage Resistances fire; damage from fire and water elemental powers
of aging. Thus they try to convince Special Senses darkvision 30 ft.
both themselves and others they are Languages Aquan
fine by leaping over the carcharain. To Evolution Condition. Helping etmoist truly come to see the meaning of family.
those who see this act for what it is, the Elemental Trait: Raging Cycle. Your power and defenses fluctuate with the tides. When you use
a high-tide power, you take a –1 penalty to AC until the start of your next turn. When you use a
expression “jumping the shark” has
low-tide power, you gain a +1 bonus to AC until the start of your next turn. In addition, you gain
come to represent a desperate act of
a bonus to damage rolls with high-tide powers equal to half your proficiency bonus (rounded
someone afraid of having peaked. down).
Form Trait: Crimson Gullet. The raging water energy within you glows crimson when you’re ready
to use a high-tide power. While you’re at high tide, you add the bonus to damage rolls from Raging
Cycle to your bite attack. In addition, when you successfully grapple a creature, that creature
takes bludgeoning damage equal to your damage bonus, due to the rampaging water energy.
Evolution Trait: Armor Spikes. You’re covered in armored spikes that pierce your foes. Whenever
a creature within 5 feet of you hits you with a melee weapon attack, that creature must make
a Dexterity saving throw against your power save DC, taking 1d8 piercing damage on a failed
save, or half as much damage on a successful one. At 19th level, this damage increases to 1d10
piercing damage.
Power Progression. 1st level: (active) aqua punch, sea spray (reactive)
retributive wave (refresh) bubble swarm; 3rd level: (active) ocean torrent,
sea spray (reactive) retributive wave (refresh) bubble swarm; 5th level:
(active) ocean torrent, sea spray, storm surge (reactive) liquefy air
(refresh) bubble swarm; 7th level: (active) flowing river, sea spray,
storm surge (reactive) liquefy air (refresh) bubble swarm; 9th level:
(active) aqueous embrace, flowing river, storm surge (reactive) liquefy
air (refresh) bubble swarm; 11th level: (active) aqueous embrace,
flowing river, relentless drench (reactive) liquefy air (refresh) bubble
swarm; 13th level: (active) aqueous embrace, immortal water
dragon, relentless drench (reactive) liquefy air (refresh) bubble swarm;
15th level: (active) aqueous embrace, immortal water dragon, relentless
drench, water gaol (reactive) liquefy air (refresh) hidden in the mist;
17th level: (active) calamitous deluge, immortal water dragon, relentless
drench, water gaol (reactive) liquefy air (refresh) hidden in the mist; 19th level:
(active) calamitous deluge, immortal water dragon, relentless drench, water
gaol (reactive) liquefy air (refresh) hidden in the mist (ultimate) leviathan
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: PB + your Strength modifier to hit, reach 5 ft. (10 ft.
when evolved), one target. Hit: 1d6 (1d8 when evolved) + PB + your Strength modifier
piercing damage.

Pet Form


A World
of Eldamon




Battle Form
Evolved Form

Kuddle, Cuttlefish Eldamon
While it’s possible to lightly contact a phased out eldamon in order to give it a
pet or a hug, kuddle prefers the kind of prolonged contact that often requires
either sharing phase in order to come into the physical world or melding into
SEAPIA FILTERS a creature in a sort of metaphysical hug. This philosophy makes them a bit
As a rare water eldamon, kuddle can unusual in the way they act, preferring to either find an eldamon trainer or to
help filter and purify water over time, meld with a creature and remain a bit more active from within.
especially while in their seapia or
apamare form. While filtering water, KUDDLE, SEAPIA, AND APAMARE
Rare water eldamon
they curl their little arms around
Armor Class 14 (natural armor) + Dexterity modifier (max 2)
the water almost as if hugging it.
Hit Dice 1d4 per eldamon level
Sometimes, when an area of water is Hit Points at 1st Level 4 + Constitution modifier
particularly damage by chemicals or Hit Points at Higher Levels 1d4 (or 3) + Constitution modifier per eldamon level after 1st
other contaminants, multiple seapias Speed 25 ft., swim 30 ft.
must work together to form a powerful STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
seapia filter, one day returning the 12 (+1) 13 (+1) 15 (+2) 8 (–1) 17 (+3) 10 (+0)
water to its former pristine state. Saving Throws Constitution, Charisma
Skills Acrobatics, Athletics, Stealth
Damage Vulnerabilities lightning; damage from electricity and wood elemental powers
Damage Resistances fire; damage from fire and water elemental powers
Special Senses darkvision 30 ft.
Languages Aquan
Evolution Condition. Helping kuddle perfect the art of hugging.
Elemental Trait: Tentacles of Water. You can transform the motive force of your water powers
into tendrils that throw off your foes’ stance instead. If your water power would move a hostile
creature 10 feet or more, you choose not to move that creature. If you do, the next attack against
that creature before the start of your next turn has advantage. If your water power would move
the creature 20 feet or more and you choose not to move it, the next attack against that creature
before the end of your next turn has advantage. If your water power would move the creature 40
feet or more and you choose not to move it, all attacks against that creature before the end of
your next turn have advantage.
Form Trait: Grappling Arms. Your many arms can easily grapple foes, even after using power
attacks. Whenever you make an attack, until the end of your turn you can use a bonus action to
grapple a creature you can see within your reach. In addition, you gain a +1 bonus to Strength
(Athletics) checks made to grapple. This bonus increases to +2 if you’re in your evolved form.
Evolution Trait: Camouflage. You can transform to any color necessary to blend in with your
environment. You can make a Dexterity (Stealth) check to Hide even if you’re not obscured.
Power Progression. 1st level: (active) aqua punch, sea spray (reactive) retributive wave
(refresh) bubble swarm; 3rd level: (active) aqua punch, hydro bullet (reactive) retributive
wave (refresh) bubble swarm; 5th level: (active) hydro bullet, storm surge, unrelenting jet
(reactive) retributive wave (refresh) bubble swarm; 7th level: (active) hydro bullet, storm
surge, unrelenting jet (reactive) retributive wave (refresh) water barrier; 9th level: (active)
rushing current, storm surge, unrelenting jet (reactive) retributive wave (refresh) water
barrier; 11th level: (active) rushing current, storm surge, unrelenting jet (reactive)
interrupting torrent (refresh) water barrier; 13th level: (active) cloudburst,
rushing current, unrelenting jet (reactive) interrupting torrent (refresh)
water barrier; 15th level: (active) cloudburst, flash flood, unrelenting
jet, water gaol (reactive) interrupting torrent (refresh) water barrier;
17th level: (active) cloudburst, flash flood, tsunami, water gaol
(reactive) interrupting torrent (refresh) water barrier; 19th level:
(active) cloudburst, flash flood, tsunami, water gaol (reactive)
interrupting torrent (refresh) water barrier (ultimate) charybdis
Arm. Melee Weapon Attack: PB + your Dexterity modifier to
hit, reach 5 ft. (10 ft. when evolved), one target. Hit: 1d4 (1d6 when
evolved) + PB + your Dexterity modifier bludgeoning damage.

Pet Form


A World
of Eldamon




Battle Form
Evolved Form

Lotusnek, Flower Snake Eldamon
Lotusneks are relatively common among wood eldamon, but that doesn’t mean
that many of them are traveling on adventures. Most lotusneks are quietly
meditating on the nature of threes in verdant places.
They say that good things come in LOTUSNEK, LOTUSERPENT, AND HYDRANTHER
Common wood eldamon
threes. Technically they also say bad
Armor Class 12 (natural armor) + Dexterity modifier
luck comes in threes, but lotusneks
Hit Dice 1d4 per eldamon level
see no need to dwell on the negative. Hit Points at 1st Level 4 + Constitution modifier
Looking for triplets of good things. can Hit Points at Higher Levels 1d4 (or 3) + Constitution modifier per eldamon level after 1st
help lotusnek look on the bright side. Speed 30 ft.
Of course, lotusneks try to find all the STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
triples in the world around them, often 8 (–1) 15 (+2) 13 (+1) 10 (+0) 17 (+3) 12 (+1)
to excess. Point out a pair or dichotomy Saving Throws Dexterity, Charisma
to a lotusnek and they’ll somehow Skills Acrobatics, Stealth, Survival
stretch to produce a third member Damage Vulnerabilities acid, cold, fire, poison; damage from acid, air, fire, ice, and poison
or option. For instance, if you tell a elemental powers
lotusnek that something is like night Damage Resistances damage from earth, time, water, and wood elemental powers
and day, they might posit a triumverate Special Senses darkvision 30 ft.
of night, day, and twilight instead. Languages Muan
Evolution Condition. Helping lotusnek reach the deepest levels of meditation on their triune
Elemental Trait: Power of Three. When you harvest wood elemental energy, you bring down your
wrath on your foes threefold. When you harvest using a wood power that deals damage, you gain
a bonus to damage rolls against any creature in a space you harvest. This bonus is equal to half
your proficiency bonus (rounded down).
Form Trait: Energy Flower. You travel entwined around a flower filled with wood energy (or
use your three heads for the same effect if you’re in your evolved form). This is a sowed plant
in your space that moves with you and doesn’t impair your movement. When you roll initiative
or enter your evolved form, the flower is energized, allowing you to harvest it. Once harvested,
the flower doesn’t disappear, but it loses its energy until the next time you enter your battle
form or your evolved form.
Evolution Trait: Triple Time. Three heads are better than one, so why not split up
a power’s effect amongst your three heads? When you use a wood power that deals
damage to a creature in a cone, line, or area with a length or radius of at least 30 feet,
you can instead create three smaller effects, one from each head. If you do, you create
three lines or cones with one-third the power’s original length (rounded down) or three
areas with one-third the original radius (rounded down). A single creature can’t take
damage from the power more than once, even if it is in multiple areas of effect.
Power Progression. 1st level: (active) piercing branch, spike seeds (reactive) retributive
sow (refresh) reaping refresh; 3rd level: (active) spike seeds, stiffening pine shot (reactive)
retributive sow (refresh) reaping refresh; 5th level: (active) enfolding roots, spike seeds, stiffening
pine shot (reactive) harvest shield (refresh) reaping refresh; 7th level: (active) enfolding roots,
gather pollen, spike seeds (reactive) harvest shield (refresh) reaping refresh; 9th level: (active)
enfolding roots, gather pollen, spray of rampant leaves (reactive) harvest shield (refresh) reaping
refresh; 11th level: (active) enfolding roots, spray of rampant leaves, vine infestation (reactive)
harvest shield (refresh) repeating refresh; 13th level: (active) debilitating spore cloud, enfolding
roots, vine infestation (reactive) harvest shield (refresh) reaping refresh; 15th level: (active)
debilitating spore cloud, enfolding roots, roots of the ancient oak, vine infestation (reactive) harvest
shield (refresh) refreshing field; 17th level: (active) debilitating spore cloud, nature overwhelming,
roots of the ancient oak, vine infestation (reactive) harvest shield (refresh) refreshing field;
19th level: (active) debilitating spore cloud, nature overwhelming, roots of the ancient oak, vine
infestation (reactive) harvest shield (refresh) refreshing field (ultimate) padma
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: PB + your Dexterity modifier to hit, reach 5 ft. (10 ft. when evolved),
one target. Hit: 1d4 (1d6 when evolved) + PB + your Dexterity modifier piercing damage.

Pet Form


A World
of Eldamon




Battle Form
Evolved Form

Peepkin, Pumpkin Eldamon
Every day’s worthy of celebration to a peepkin, and that’s why they love setting
up decorations and going all out to make the most of festivals, parties, and other
big holidays for the creatures around them. Peepkins are curious about how
GOURD NEIGHBORS mortals celebrate and will listen for hours about local traditions.
Peepkins often dwell in fields of
crops, especially gourds, rife with PEEPKIN, GOURDIAN, AND PUMPKINIGHT
Uncommon wood eldamon
wood elemental energy, which makes
Armor Class 12 (natural armor) + Dexterity modifier
them especially likely to run into
Hit Dice 1d4 per eldamon level
gourd leshies and other similar plant Hit Points at 1st Level 4 + Constitution modifier
creatures. Peepkins absolutely adore Hit Points at Higher Levels 1d4 (or 3) + Constitution modifier per eldamon level after 1st
having these sorts of neighbors, as Speed 30 ft.
it gives them someone to admire STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
their decorations and celeberate 10 (+0) 15 (+2) 13 (+1) 8 (–1) 17 (+3) 12 (+1)
alongside them. The only exception Saving Throws Dexterity, Charisma
are overserious plant creatures who Skills Acrobatics, Intimidation, Stealth
consider decorations to defile nature. Damage Vulnerabilities acid, cold, fire, poison; damage from acid, air, fire, ice, and poison
elemental powers
Damage Resistances damage from earth, time, water, and wood elemental powers
Special Senses darkvision 30 ft.
Languages Muan
Evolution Condition. Helping peepkin celebrate with truly wonderful decorations.
Elemental Trait: Harvest Celebration. Whenever you harvest, you celebrate as the wood
energy courses through you. When you harvest at least one space using a wood power, you gain
a bonus to ability checks and saving throws until the end of your next turn. This bonus is equal to
half your proficiency bonus.
Form Trait: Trick or Treat. You add double your proficiency bonus to Charisma
(Intimidation) checks, instead of your normal proficiency bonus.
Evolution Trait: Wooden Sword and Shield. Your claws transform into the shape
of a wooden sword and shield. You gain a +2 bonus to AC, and your claws attack
becomes a blade arm attack that deals slashing damage equal to 1d6 + your
proficiency bonus + your Dexterity modifier.
Power Progression. 1st level: (active) piercing branch, spike seeds
(reactive) retributive sow (refresh) reaping refresh; 3rd level: (active) spike
seeds, stiffening pine shot (reactive) retributive sow (refresh) reaping refresh;
5th level: (active) ambush, enfolding roots, stiffening pine shot (reactive)
retributive sow (refresh) reaping refresh; 7th level: (active) ambush, enfolding
roots, final harvest (reactive) retributive sow (refresh) reaping refresh; 9th level:
(active) enfolding roots, final harvest, spray of rampant leaves (reactive)
retributive sow (refresh) reaping refresh; 11th level: (active) enfolding roots,
final harvest, spray of rampant leaves (reactive) grasping vines (refresh)
repeating refresh; 13th level: (active) debilitating spore cloud, final harvest,
spray of rampant leaves (reactive) grasping vines (refresh) reaping refresh;
15th level: (active) 1,000 arboreal warriors, debilitating spore cloud,
final harvest, spray of rampant leaves (reactive) grasping vines (refresh)
refreshing field; 17th level: (active) 1,000 arboreal warriors, debilitating
spore cloud, nature overwhelming, spray of rampant leaves (reactive)
grasping vines (refresh) refreshing field; 19th level: (active) 1,000 arboreal
warriors, debilitating spore cloud, nature overwhelming, spray of rampant
leaves (reactive) grasping vines (refresh) refreshing field (ultimate) yggdrasil
Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: PB + your Dexterity modifier to hit, reach 5 ft.,
one target. Hit: 1d4 + PB + your Dexterity modifier slashing damage.
Blade Arm (Evolved Only). Melee Weapon Attack: PB + your Dexterity
modifier to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 1d6 + PB + your Dexterity modifier
slashing damage.

Pet Form


A World
of Eldamon




Battle Form
Evolved Form

Squishberry, Fruit Snail Eldamon
Squishberries love taking caring of plants in their gardens, which become
wonderlands of natural marvels with beautiful arrangements and rare plants.
These same nurturing instincts apply when taking care of a group of mortals,
TENDING ONE’S GARDEN though squishberries have a lot less skill in that arena, so they sometimes provide
To squishberry, cultivating one’s own assistance that would work for a garden but not for a person.
garden is the most important task in
the world, equal parts meditative and SQUISHBERRY, FRAGARIOS, AND HELIXION
Uncommon wood eldamon
intensely person. Tending a garden for
Armor Class 14 (natural armor) + Dexterity modifier (max 2)
a squishberry is a metaphor for getting
Hit Dice 1d4 per eldamon level
their own thoughts and house in order , Hit Points at 1st Level 4 + Constitution modifier
focusing on what they can immediately Hit Points at Higher Levels 1d4 (or 3) + Constitution modifier per eldamon level after 1st
control rather than being swept away in Speed 30 ft.
the flow of events that make up history. STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
By ceasing to worry over that which 13 (+1) 12 (+1) 15 (+2) 8 (–1) 17 (+3) 10 (+0)
they can’t control, squishberry is able Saving Throws Constitution, Strength
to create a magnificent garden and Skills Acrobatics, Athletics, Survival
grow a bit more each and every day. Damage Vulnerabilities acid, cold, fire, poison; damage from acid, air, fire, ice, and poison
elemental powers
Damage Resistances damage from earth, time, water, and wood elemental powers
Special Senses darkvision 30 ft.
Languages Muan
Evolution Condition. Helping squishberry tend a garden with a truly diverse arrangement of plants,
or a few especially rare plants.
Elemental Trait: Green Thumb. When you sow plants, you sow more. When you sow with a wood
power, you can sow additional 5-foot spaces you can see within 5 feet of the area you sowed.
The number of additional spaces you can sow is equal to half your proficiency bonus.
Form Trait: Retreat Into Strawberry. You can use a bonus action to retreat into your berry form
until the start of your next turn. While the effect lasts, you gain a +2 bonus to AC, can’t move, and
can’t use actions or reactions except to use reaction powers, or to use a bonus action to end the
effect early.
Evolution Trait: Massive Growth. You grow larger than most evolved forms, and the reach of your
massive body is even greater than normal. You are Huge instead of Large, and you have a reach
of 20 feet (already included in your attack).
Power Progression. 1st level: (active) piercing branch, spike seeds (reactive) retributive sow
(refresh) reaping refresh; 3rd level: (active) entangling vines, piercing branch (reactive)
retributive sow (refresh) reaping refresh; 5th level: (active) ambush, enfolding roots, entangling
vines (reactive) retributive sow (refresh) reaping refresh; 7th level: (active)
ambush, enfolding roots, entangling vines (reactive) retributive sow
(refresh) enduring verdure; 9th level: (active) ambush, enfolding roots,
spray of rampant leaves (reactive) retributive sow (refresh) enduring
verdure; 11th level: (active) ambush, arboreal curtain, spray of
rampant leaves (reactive) retributive sow (refresh) enduring verdure;
13th level: (active) arboreal curtain, imprison in thorns, spray of
rampant leaves (reactive) retributive sow (refresh) enduring verdure;
15th level: (active) 1,000 arboreal warriors, arboreal curtain,
imprison in thorns, spray of rampant leaves (reactive) grasping
vines (refresh) enduring verdure; 17th level: (active) 1,000 arboreal
warriors, arboreal curtain, imprison in thorns, needle storm (reactive)
grasping vines (refresh) enduring verdure; 19th level: (active) 1,000
arboreal warriors, arboreal curtain, imprison in thorns, needle storm
(reactive) grasping vines (refresh) enduring verdure (ultimate) padma
Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: PB + your Strength modifier to hit, reach 5 ft.
(20 ft. when evolved), one target. Hit: 1d6 (1d8 when evolved) + PB + your
Strength modifier bludgeoning damage.

Pet Form


A World
of Eldamon




Battle Form
Evolved Form

Arbussh, Tree Eldamon
Arbushes are grinning trickster eldamon in the form of trees. Depending on
personal opinions when it comes to jokes and humor, the fact that arbushes are
quite rare is either a real shame or a saving grace. Between how hard it is to find
ARBUSH AMBUSHES an arbush in the first place and the fact that arbushes usually like to travel only
Timing is important when it comes to with those who share their particular sense of humor, an eldamon trainer or
jokes. Every once in a while, a joke other mortal friend with an arbush companion is rare indeed.
that everyone can see coming can
still stick a powerful landing. More ARBUSH, ARBORRIOR, AND ARBASTION
Rare wood eldamon
often, a joke is more effective when it
Armor Class 14 (natural armor) + Dexterity modifier (max 2)
comes from just out of expectations,
Hit Dice 1d4 per eldamon level
enough that it makes sense in Hit Points at 1st Level 4 + Constitution modifier
retrospect but wasn’t predictable in Hit Points at Higher Levels 1d4 (or 3) + Constitution modifier per eldamon level after 1st
advance. Arbushes are notorious Speed 30 ft.
for these humorous ambushes. STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
12 (+1) 13 (+1) 15 (+2) 10 (+0) 17 (+3) 8 (–1)
Saving Throws Constitution, Intelligence
Skills Athletics, Stealth, Survival
Damage Vulnerabilities acid, cold, fire, poison; damage from acid, air, fire, ice, and poison
elemental powers
Damage Resistances damage from earth, time, water, and wood elemental powers
Special Senses darkvision 30 ft.
Languages Muan
Evolution Condition. Helping arbush pull off the perfect joke, or a series of excellent jokes.
Elemental Trait: Wild Growth. When you sow plants, more plants grow around you. When you
sow with a wood power, you can sow in your space or in additional 5-foot spaces
you can see within 5 feet of you. The number of additional spaces you can sow is
equal to half your proficiency bonus.
Form Trait: Plantwalker. You ignore difficult terrain as a result of plants and
fungi, even those created by magic. In addition, you can Hide in areas of difficult
terrain caused by plants, including plants you sowed, even if you wouldn’t normally be
obscured by the plants.
Evolution Trait: Moss Cover. When you’re surrounded by plants, the moss on your
body provides you protection. You gain a +1 bonus to AC and Dexterity saving throws
while you are in an area of difficult terrain caused by plants, including plants you
Power Progression. 1st level: (active) piercing branch, spike seeds (reactive)
retributive sow (refresh) reaping refresh; 3rd level: (active) entangling vines,
piercing branch (reactive) retributive sow (refresh) reaping refresh; 5th level:
(active) ambush, enfolding roots, piercing branch (reactive) retributive
sow (refresh) reaping refresh; 7th level: (active) ambush, enfolding roots,
piercing branch (reactive) retributive sow (refresh) enduring verdure;
9th level: (active) enfolding roots, floral embrace, piercing branch
(reactive) retributive sow (refresh) enduring verdure; 11th level: (active)
enfolding roots, floral embrace, piercing branch (reactive) grasping vines (refresh) enduring
verdure; 13th level: (active) enfolding roots, floral embrace, imprison in thorns (reactive)
grasping vines (refresh) enduring verdure; 15th level: (active) 1,000 arboreal warriors, floral
embrace, imprison in thorns, roots of the ancient oak (reactive) grasping vines (refresh)
enduring verdure; 17th level: (active) 1,000 arboreal warriors, imprison in thorns, nature
overwhelming, roots of the ancient oak (reactive) grasping vines (refresh) enduring verdure;
19th level: (active) 1,000 arboreal warriors, imprison in thorns, nature overwhelming, roots of
the ancient oak (reactive) grasping vines (refresh) enduring verdure (ultimate) yggdrasil
Branch. Melee Weapon Attack: PB + your Dexterity modifier to hit, reach 5 ft. (10 ft. when
evolved), one target. Hit: 1d4 (1d6 when evolved) + PB + your Dexterity modifier bludgeoning

Pet Form


A World
of Eldamon




Battle Form
Evolved Form

OPEN GAME LICENSE Version 1.0a Content; (f) “Trademark” means the logos, names, mark, sign,
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Identity. Battlezoo Eldamon (5E) © 2024, Skyscraper Studios, Inc.;
8. Identification: If you distribute Open Game Content You must Author: William Fischer, Paul Hughes, and Mark Seifter.
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12. Inability to Comply: If it is impossible for You to comply with Open Game Content: The Open Content in this book includes the
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fail to comply with all terms herein and fail to cure such breach within
30 days of becoming aware of the breach. All sublicenses shall Battlezoo Eldamon (5E) © 2024, Skyscraper Studios, Inc.; Authors:
survive the termination of this License. William Fischer, Paul Hughes, and Mark Seifter. Printed in China

Unleash Your Inner Dragon!
With Battlezoo Ancestries: Dragons,
Dragons, you can channel the might of
wyrms for your next PC! Using both the ancestry rules and innovative
archetypes, you can grow your dragon’s abilities and even focus your
class feats into gaining draconic power.
Featuring 45 different dragons with details on how to play any of these
dragons, or even your own homebrewed dragons, in your next campaign!

Set Sail for the Indigo Isles!
The Indigo Isles are an archipelago full of adventure, ready for you to explore
in the World of Battlezoo Indigo Isles.
Isles. Whether you play in Battlezoo’s world of
Alacar or add the Isles to another setting, you can immerse yourself in the local
culture, including ten distinctive and unique ancestries and heritages. The new
family of wild dragons provides statistics to use as friends, rivals, or foes for
adventurers in the Indigo Isles, and detailed gazetteers of various settlements
and islands will leave you full of ideas for your next adventure.

Become The Monster!
With Battlezoo Ancestries: Year of Monsters,
Monsters, you finally get a chance to play
as a monster. Discover the might and mysteries of 12 unique monstrous
ancestries,, including powerful demons, cunning doppelgangers,
sentient dungeons, tricky gremlins, intelligent weapons, sneaky mimics,
brawny minotaurs, serene nymphs, determined oni, fairytale sidhe,
amorphous slimes, and medusakin sthenos. Which one will you play next?

Search For Pirate Treasure!
Prepare to set sail for the Indigo Isles! Mysteries abound in the pirate town
of Rumplank, but none is as well known as the legend of Poppy von Barnacle’s
lost treasure. Will the characters rise to the challenge and return to Rumplank with
pockets full of gold? Or will the dangers of the Indigo Isles claim yet one more party
of would-be privateers? A mega adventure taking characters from level 1 to 11!

Shock Your Players!
Battlezoo Bestiary Strange & Unusual has over 150 incredibly unique
monsters sure to surprise, thrill, and terrify your players in your next game!
But a monster is more than just a single fight! With the Battlezoo Bestiary
Monster Parts System, you can turn every creature into a story as it
becomes part of the characters’ weapons, armor, and magic items.
Battlezoo Bestiary Strange & Unusual has all new options that really shake
things up. Plus, the aberrant soul archetype allows you to play a character
who is slowly changing into a tentacled aberration and gaining their powers!

Unleash The Horde!
Inside the Battlezoo Bestiary,
Bestiary, discover a treasure trove of over
100 new monsters and villains for your players to confront and
overcome at your next game!
The Battlezoo Bestiary also includes the new Monster Parts system,
allowing players to craft weapons, armor, and magic items from the
foes they defeat. Plus, two new character archetypes allow you to become
one with your slain monsters! The monster mage can master the spells of
any defeated foe, and the vestige hunter can wear trophies claimed from
slain monsters to gain incredible powers!

Master Elements and Befriend Eldamon!
With Battlezoo Eldamon, you can finally become the monster trainer or elemental
avatar of your dreams! Explore the world of eldamon with two new classes, 13
elements, 162 eldamon, a new magic system with over 300 elemental powers, and
more! Seamlessly add eldamon to any setting, allowing characters to collect them
without disrupting the established adventure or requiring the GM to rebuild or
change the encounters. Add Battlezoo Eldamon to your game today!

ISBN 978-1-7374609-9-2
9 781737 460992
Printed in China

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