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Good morning everyone. We are group 1. There are 6 members in our group:
Di An, The Anh, Mai Anh, Lan Anh, Tu Anh, Ngoc Anh

Nowadays, most people are following their modern lives and are too busy with
their careers or study. That could be the reason for the negative people’s lifestyle.
Due to all of that, our mission is to make it more healthy and more balanced.

So today we’re here to talk about: " A healthy lifestyle"

There are 4 parts to this presentation

+ Introduction about a healthy lifestyle

+ A healthy lifestyle

+ Benefit of a healthy lifestyle

+ Things to avoid

1. Introduction about a healthy lifestyle

1.1 Concept

- The concept of "A healthy lifestyle" includes different components, usually

the following:

+ Optimistic, cheerful spirit;

+ Reasonable eating habits;

+ Participating in sports and health training;

+Educate healthy habits and skills from an early age;

+ Surroundings;
- A healthy lifestyle isn't as simple as eating a few salads every once in a while
or going for a short walk every few weeks. On the other hand, while it takes more
effort to lead a healthy lifestyle, it is well worth it if you want to stay healthy. To
maintain a healthy lifestyle, you need to persevere in choosing healthy foods,
incorporate more exercise and physical activity into your daily routine, and
maintain good hygiene. In addition, you need to avoid unhealthy habits such as
fasting and not getting enough sleep. To improve your lifestyle, you need to make
changes slowly and once you do, your health will be better.

- Here are some ways to change to a healthy lifestyle

(1) Choose healthy food

- Choose foods that contain very little unhealthy fat

- Add healthy fats in moderation

- Choose foods low in sugar and high in refined carbohydrates

Eat a variety of whole foods instead of processed foods

(2) Increase exercise

(3) Avoid unhealthy habits

- Avoid fast dieting

- Avoid smoking and consuming alcoholic beverages

Don't give up sleep

- Always wear sunscreen

(4) Maintain cleanliness

- Daily shower
- Brush and floss your teeth daily

(5) Drink 2 liters of water per day

1.2 The reality of today’s unhealthy life

- Lack of time, little information, limited finances are the 3 main reasons that
hinder a healthy lifestyle for many people.

- The results are drawn from a survey conducted by Herbalife Nutrition on

6,000 people, in 12 Asia-Pacific countries in March 2017, including Vietnam.
Many people admit that modern life and workload have a great influence on health.
However, 55% of people reported a lack of time to pursue a healthy lifestyle. In
addition, there are two other obstacles: little information (39%) and limited finance

- Life pressure, staying up too late, unreasonable rest regime... are also big
obstacles that make it difficult for many people to pursue an active and healthy
lifestyle. Busy office people many times choose fast food instead of nutritious food.
When they don't have time, they skip the meal to finish the meal. Because of your
hobby, you cook fried food rather than steaming...

- According to the recommendations of the World Health Organization

(WHO), each adult should eat at least 5 servings of vegetables and fruits (about
400g) daily. However, statistics in 2016 from the Ministry of Health show that 57%
of the Vietnamese population eats fewer vegetables and fruits than recommended.
Men (61%) are lazy to eat green vegetables than women (51%).

Here are the reasons why you are facing many health obstacles due to not
being able to maintain a healthy lifestyle, according to Boldsky.

- Pesticides in food: Many of the foods we are consuming every day contain
pesticides and food preservatives. A study also revealed that maternal exposure to
pesticides may increase the risk of childhood obesity. Pesticides disrupt the body's
endocrine system, greatly affecting health.

- Bowel problem: Harmful microorganisms will enter the intestine through

food. When the balance in the intestinal system is disrupted, many health problems

- Sleep: People are increasingly active at night, which has disturbed sleep.
Lack of sleep or lack of sleep will greatly affect your health.

- Excessive consumption of artificial sweeteners: Fast food or canned food

contains too many additives and artificial sugars. Consuming too much of this
artificial sweetener is the cause of many diseases.

- Stress: Constantly being under pressure and stress will harm the body's
immune system, causing many diseases.

- Sedentary life: Sitting more and moving will take your health away. An
active lifestyle can boost your metabolism and immunity.

- Polluted: Today, the air we breathe, the water we drink and the food we eat
every day... are all dirty. That's why it's hard for us to stay healthy.

2. A healthy lifestyle

2.1 Physically healthy living

What is physically healthy living? What does it mean for us?

Fitness is a state of health and, more specifically, the ability to perform aspects
of sports, occupations, and daily activities.

Living a physically healthy lifestyle can have many benefits, both physically
and mentally. Having a healthy body is not only important for looking good, but
also for staying fit and functioning inside. It can help manage stress, prevent all
kinds of diseases, increase energy levels, and help maintain a certain weight or

What we need to do to lead a physically healthy lifestyle.

- The first is about nutrition

+ A healthy diet is one of the top factors for staying healthy. To practice a
healthy diet well, it is necessary to understand the basics of nutrition as well as how
to choose food for meals.

+ The key to a healthy diet is to eat the right amount of calories with your
activity level so that you balance the energy you consume with the energy you use.

If you eat or drink more than your body needs, you will gain weight because the
energy you don't use is stored as fat. If you eat and drink too little, you will lose

+ You should also eat a variety of foods to make sure you're eating a balanced
diet and that your body is getting all the nutrients it needs.

+ We recommend that men eat about 2,500 calories per day (10,500
kilograms). Women should eat about 2,000 calories per day (8,400 kilojoules).

Here are some tips for you to have a healthy diet

(1) Eat a meal with higher fiber and starchy carbohydrates

Starchy carbohydrates should make up more than a third of the food you eat.
These include potatoes, bread, rice, pasta and cereals. Choose foods with more
fiber or whole grains, such as whole-grain pasta, brown rice, or potatoes with the
skin on. They contain more fiber than white or refined starchy carbohydrates and
can help you feel full for longer.
Try to include at least 1 starchy food with each main meal. Some people think
starchy foods are fattening, but grams for grams of carbohydrates they contain
provide less than half the amount of fat.

Watch the fats you add when you cook or serve these foods because that's what
increases the calorie content - for example, oil on fries, butter on bread, and cream
sauce on pasta. tube.on pasta.

(2) Eat lots of fruits and vegetables

We recommend eating at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables per day. They
can be fresh, frozen, canned, dried or juiced. To make this easy, you can add a slice
of banana to your breakfast cereal, or a mid-morning snack of fresh fruit.

One serving of fresh, canned or frozen fruit and vegetables is 80g, plus one
serving of dried fruit (which can be eaten with meals) is 30g. A good glass of fruit,
vegetable or fruit juice is also good, but you should limit it because these drinks are
often high in sugar and can damage teeth.

(3) Eat lots of fish, including fatty fish

Fish is a good source of protein and contains many vitamins and minerals. Aim
to eat fish at least twice a week, one of which is rich in fat. Fish is high in omega-3
fats, which may help prevent cardiovascular disease. High-fat varieties include:
salmon, herring, and mackerel.

(4) Say no to fast food

Fast food can make you feel better than home-cooked food, but most processed
foods contain a lot of fat, sugar and salt, additives that are not guaranteed to be safe
and processed. Unhygienic variables, etc. are harmful to health and have many
risks leading to metabolic diseases such as atherosclerosis, diabetes, fatty liver, etc.
Therefore, say no to fast food and real food. Processed foods are also one of the
secrets to improving health.

(5) Cut down on saturated fat and sugar

You need some fat in your diet, but it's important to pay attention to the amount
and type of fat you're eating.

There are 2 main types of fats: saturated and unsaturated. Too much-saturated
fat can raise blood cholesterol levels, increasing your risk of developing heart

Regularly consuming foods and drinks high in sugar increases the risk of
obesity and tooth decay.

Sugary foods and drinks are often high in calories (in kilograms or calories),
and if consumed too often can contribute to weight gain. They can also cause

(6) Eat less salt: no more than 6g per day for adults

Eating too much salt can raise blood pressure. People with high blood pressure
are more likely to have heart disease or stroke.

Even if you don't add salt to your food, you can still eat too much.

About a quarter of the salt you eat is already in foods when you buy them, such
as breakfast cereals, soups, bread, and sauces.

(7) Drink lots of water

You need to drink plenty of water to prevent you from becoming dehydrated.
You should drink 6 to 8 glasses per day. This is the amount of liquid you get, in
addition to the food you eat.
All non-alcoholic beverages count, but water, low-fat milk, and lower-sugar
beverages, including tea and coffee, are healthier options.

Try to avoid sugary drinks and carbonated drinks, as they are high in calories.
They are also bad for your teeth.

Remember to drink more water in hot weather or during exercise.

(8) Don't skip breakfast

Some people skip breakfast because they think it will help them lose weight.

But a healthy breakfast rich in fiber and low in fat, sugar and salt can form part of a
balanced diet, and can help you get the nutrients you need for good health.

In addition to nutrition, in order to have a strong physical life, you must

regularly practice sports

- The second is exercise

Healthy people always make sure to be active for at least 30 minutes a day
and like to exercise. The only way to enjoy exercise is to find an exercise that you
love and is suitable for you such as jogging, walking, cycling, yoga, Zumba or
mountain climbing… Exercise contributes to improving health and protecting the
body against cardiovascular and respiratory diseases.

So what is the right way to exercise?

(1) Snack before exercise

To have enough strength to exercise, you should have a snack about 45

minutes - 1 hour before exercise to provide energy for the body.
Before training, you can eat low-fat yogurt with a berry such as an acerola,
grapes, caviar, or Hanoi plum... You can also eat a banana or a few apple slices
with a little spread. almond butter.

For effective home exercise, you should drink 400-500ml of water before
exercising. This will energize the body and prevent a dry throat. You also need to
prepare a sports drink to drink after 15 minutes of exercise and only take a small
sip to avoid acid reflux. Drinking enough water for the body plays a very important
role in detoxifying the body and reducing excess fat.

(2) Stretch your body before exercise

Stretching is an integral part of healthy exercise. Here's how to exercise

effectively regardless of whether you're working out at home or in the gym. Doing
stretching exercises is also a step in the right exercise to help you:

• Warm-up

• Avoid the risk of injury

• Enhance efficiency when exercising

Take 5-10 minutes to warm up your body with cardio exercises such as
jogging, cycling, jumping rope …

(3) Do a variety of exercises

You should do a variety of exercises so that you can find the most suitable
exercise for yourself

(4). Change your exercise routine

If you maintain the habit of doing one exercise a day, your body will get used
to the exercise and make it difficult for you to reap the health benefits. Therefore,
you should change your exercises at least 2 times a week to change the training
routine and help the parts get the most impact possible.

(5) Don't use your phone while exercising

If you want the results of your exercise to be satisfactory, you should not use
your phone while exercising because at this time you are giving your body a rest
and can not focus on the exercise.

(6) Know your limits

How should I exercise? You should know your limits if you don't want your
training to become less effective. Exercising too much will hurt your body and
affect your daily activities quite a lot

To have a strong physical cold lifestyle, you also need to note the following:

• Give up bad habits

There is no such thing as a healthy lifestyle secret that will benefit you if you
still maintain bad habits like smoking, abusing alcohol or drugs. Smoking cigarettes
and drinking a lot of alcohol will affect health directly and indirectly.

• Socialize with people with other healthy habits

People with a healthy lifestyle tend to socialize and learn with people who
have similar lifestyles and goals. If you want to change a bad habit in your life, find
people you consider role models and listen to their advice.

• Prioritize health

Attend regular medical check-ups to monitor your health. Health is a gift and
health cannot be exchanged for other things. Therefore, it is recommended to have
regular health check-ups every 6 months to detect and treat early risk factors for

2.2 Mentally healthy living

What is mental health?

Mental health is part of overall health. Just like we can’t be well without good
mental health, we can’t be healthy if we neglect the rest of our body. When dealing
with a mental health condition it can be easy to fall into a rut, relying solely on
medication or therapy to be your cure and forgetting to take good care of your
body. However, paying attention to lifestyle choices is important for recovery as

Why is improving mental health important?

According to numerous studies, those who have greater mental health tend to
live longer and healthier lives. Also, these folks typically have a higher quality of
life. Good mentality also reduces the likelihood of running into social issues.

For instance, studies have shown that those who are in good mental health are
less prone to commit crimes or abuse drugs and alcohol. Also, those with superior
psychological health typically earn more money. In addition, they take a very
active part in neighborhood events like volunteering.. People can easily have a
healthy psychological state if their basic needs are addressed. they have a stable
home, enough food, and they live in a safe location. These are all crucial elements
for a person's emotional growth.

What is care for mental health?

- These are exercises that help people regulate their emotions and learn to think
positively in all circumstances. You must practice positive thinking direction and
uphold good lifestyle practices if you want to see such outcomes.
- Psychotherapists contend that maintaining physical health and utilizing
psychotherapy techniques are both necessary for maintaining excellent mental
health. As a result, the following must be done:

- Get Active: Engage in any type of physical activity for at least 20 minutes a
day. It doesn’t matter the type of activity— what matters is to do it. Studies have
shown that exercise can reduce anxiety and depression and improve mood, self-
esteem and cognitive function. In addition, exercise can prevent or treat medical
conditions like obesity, cardiovascular disease, stroke and type 2 diabetes, and it
improves your overall quality of physical health, making you more resistant to
illnesses. Some medications taken by individuals being treated for mental health
conditions like secondgeneration, atypical antipsychotic medications used to treat
bipolar disorder and schizophrenia, lead to an increased risk for obesity.

- Become mindful: Mindfulness can simply be translated to "selfawareness." It

is the process of focusing the mind, body and soul on what is being sensed in this
moment, and it gives you the insight to observe and understand negative feelings
from a distance. Mindfulness practices can help relieve stress, improve sleep, and
reduce chronic pain, blood pressure and symptoms of heart disease. It also has the
power to change the way your brain functions. Studies have found that activities
such as meditation and yoga increase the number of signaling connections in the
brain and provide better control over processing pain and emotions.

- Avoid Substance Abuse and Smoking: Abusing drugs and alcohol may seem
like an effective way to cope with symptoms of a mental illness, but they can
actually make a condition worse. In addition, certain antipsychotic medications
cause an increased risk of heart disease. Smoking will elevate this risk even further.
Medications are also broken down faster in people who smoke, meaning that
smokers being treated with medication for a mental health condition have to take
higher doses than nonsmokers, which can lead to more unpleasant side effects.
Though it can seem daunting, quitting is important for both your mental and
physical health.

- Try to think positively: The thoughts and perceptions we have of ourselves

influence how we feel and behave. Low self-esteem is a symptom associated with
many mental health conditions including depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder and
personality disorders. Here are tips to improve your self-esteem:

• Eliminate negative thoughts or counter them with positive affirmations.

• Find something you love doing and embrace it.

• Learn a new skill.

• Look after yourself. When we feel down it’s often easy to neglect ourselves.

• Spend time with people who bring you up.

• Set goals and reward yourself for accomplishing them.

- Miniature houseplants: Green plants have the ability to filter the air, stop
radiation from electronic gadgets, relieve stress, and disperse stress. They also
assist our eyes in relaxing when we spend a lot of time in front of a computer
screen. relieve our fatigue and fill our lives with joy. Also, numerous studies
demonstrate how working among trees enhances our memory and concentration,
enhancing work effectiveness.

- Use tea instead of coffee: Although we frequently drink coffee to stay awake
and productive at work, tea has numerous health advantages. Tea helps us stay
intellectually aware, improves sleep quality, increases focus, and lowers the risk of
cancer and cardiovascular diseases because it contains less caffeine than coffee and
is high in antioxidants. Daily tea consumption will encourage the body to
manufacture dopamine, a happy hormone that reduces stress and leaves us with a
positive attitude and energizing spirit.

- Massage: You must be aware of the numerous "golden" advantages of

massage for both physical and emotional well-being. Therapeutic massage not only
helps you detoxify your body, reduce aches and pains, and improve blood flow, but
it also helps you deal with stress, exhaustion, lower your chance of developing
depression, and get a good night's sleep. A restful night's sleep and a cheerful
disposition give you the energy you need to take advantage of the excellent things
life has to offer.

- 5 minutes of meditation each day: The immune system will be strengthened,

blood circulation will be improved, tension and anxiety will be reduced, you'll feel
calmer, and your capacity to exercise will all increase with just 5 minutes of daily
meditation. You simply need to set out five minutes, sit comfortably, close your
eyes, and breathe normally during that time. If your mind is still straying, don't
worry. When you notice that you are getting sidetracked, allow those ideas to
gradually fade before gradually turning your attention to the pattern of your
breathing. This method of mental relaxation is ideal for busy people.

- Get a good night's sleep: Sleep problems and mental health conditions can
become a vicious cycle. A person experiencing an anxiety disorder could feel too
anxious to fall asleep at night, leaving them feeling frazzled the next day and
increasing their anxiety, eventually making it even harder for them to fall asleep the
next night.

- Have a support system: Being affected by a mental health condition can

sometimes make you feel isolated and overwhelmed. Since dealing with one of
these illnesses can already be tough it’s important to find a support system that you
can rely on. Being able to talk to a trusted friend, family member, support group or
mentor can provide relief and assistance in times of need.

3. Benefit of a healthy lifestyle:

A healthy lifestyle is a positive way to make life better for you and others
around you. By developing healthy habits and following the guidelines of a healthy
lifestyle, you will enjoy many benefits. You'll be free from diseases like diabetes,
cancer, or heart disease, live longer, look younger, sleep better, and feel more
energetic daily.

"One of the most important things that are proven to help people live longer is
quitting smoking," according to health expert John Crispino. "It takes 10 to 15
years off your life."

"If you don't have health problems, it's fine to not exercise," says Dr. Lynn
Weiner, president of the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM). "But if
you are tired, have aches and pains, have high cholesterol or hypertension, it is
always better to be in shape. You'll feel better and live longer."

Every day you go without exercising is a day closer to disease and a future that
leads to less life quality than that of the person who exercises regularly. Firstly, do
exercise not only improves health but also helps us to reduce fatigue and stress
after a period of work. Secondly, exercise also helps us to have a balanced body
and ideal height. Thirdly, exercise also helps us to be closer and more integrated
with people. In short, do exercise an important role when we are a healthy lifestyle.

A healthy lifestyle brings a lot of benefits to us:

- The body is always healthy and full of energy: when the body is provided
with a suitable amount of calories and is fully supplemented, it balances the
essential groups of substances: carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, and
minerals. Your body will be healthy and your mood will be better.

- Helps maintain a reasonable weight or lose weight effectively: weight

maintenance or weight loss depends 70% on diet and 30% on exercise. To lose
weight, the calories we take in must be lower than the calories our body burns. To
maintain weight, the calories taken must be equal to the calories consumed. A
healthy lifestyle is the most effective way to lose weight while remaining healthy
and in a good mood.

Reduce the risk of certain types of cancer: The presence of free radicals in the
body is considered the cause of many dangerous diseases in the body, especially
cancer. A healthy diet includes a variety of foods with antioxidants. When eating
this food will help the body limit free radicals, thereby preventing the possibility of
cancer. In addition, foods containing antioxidants may also reduce the risk of
developing cancer cells by protecting cells from new damage. European Institute of
Cancer and Nutrition (2014), experts have found that: A diet high in fruit reduces
the risk of gastrointestinal cancer, and a diet high in vegetables, fruits, and fiber
also reduces the risk of colorectal cancer and liver cancer.

- Improve heart health: some improper nutrition can be the cause of

cardiovascular diseases, high blood pressure, high blood cholesterol levels, etc.

- Helps improve gut health: In a healthy body, the colon contains a lot of
natural bacteria, which play a role in stimulating the body's food digestion and
metabolism. However, a diet low in fiber, high in sugar and fat alters the gut
microbiome, increasing inflammation in this area. A healthy diet rich in vegetables,
fruits, legumes, and whole grains provides probiotics combined with prebiotics.
This will help the body produce more good bacteria for the intestines.
- Improves memory and brain health: A healthy lifestyle can help maintain
better cognition and improve brain health. According to a 2015 study by two
experts from the Medical University of Innsbruck, Australia has shown that
nutritional components have a positive impact on memory and brain health.
Includes vitamins B, C, and E, omega-3 fatty acids, and flavonoid intermediates.

- Reducing the risk of osteoporosis: By ensuring a variety of vitamins and

minerals, a healthy diet will provide a full range of calcium, magnesium, and
vitamins D3, K2. These are substances that directly affect the process of
maintaining and developing a healthy skeleton.

- Help you have good sleep, increase longevity: a healthy lifestyle will not
have harmful substances such as alcohol, caffeine. This is the biggest cause of bad
effects on your health as well as your sleep. Get rid of harmful substances, add
good nutrients to the body combined with regular exercise intensity. From there, it
will bring you good sleep, good health and good spirit.

4. Things to avoid:

- Limit bad fats and oils: Instead of bad fats, saturated fats, let's use olive oil,
unsaturated fats like nuts, beans, avocados...

- Cut down on snacking and fast food outside: We can split quick meals, eat
salads, fruits, barley cakes, brown rice cakes, etc.

- Cut down on salt: Science has proven that the habit of eating a lot of salt is
closely related to high blood pressure, kidney disease and many other diseases.
Therefore, limit the use of salt. Cutting back on salt will lower your blood pressure
and reduce your risk of heart disease and stroke.

- Drink a lot of water: our body needs water to function properly, drinking
enough water can eliminate wastes and toxic wastes from the body. In particular,
when exercising, the body sweats leading to a lot of water loss, it is necessary to
provide enough water for the body.

- Exercise is important: a healthy lifestyle is a combination of diet and

exercises when we are sedentary increases the risk of health problems and diseases.
Doing cardio exercises and jogging, brisk walking is a good forms of exercise that
help reduce the risk of disease and help have a healthy heart


Overall, a healthy living your life only has benefits, and that’s why it is
recommended that you do everything you can to have a healthy lifestyle. So, eat
three nutritional meals a day, avoid unhealthy junk food, run or jog in the morning,
get your total 8 hours of sleep, and avoid bad habits like drugs, alcohol, and
smoking. A healthy lifestyle is the best thing you can do for your body, and you
will be thanking yourself for following a healthy lifestyle in the later years. Thank
you for listening, questions and contributions are welcome by all of us.

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