Important Terms L Environment

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& THEAUGAspirant

Kakapao Parrots: critically endangered flightless parrot found only in New Zealand,
Rimu fruit, which is part of the kākāpō diet, is thought to trigger breeding.

Flex Fuel: Flexible combination fuel of Ethanol & Gasoline (E20)

Electrified Flex Fuel: operate on both ethanol-based fuels & electricity. Provides Less
Mileage than conventional fuels but are cleaner

Ecocide: extensive and severe environmental damage or destruction, often as a result of

human activities

Aarogya Maitri Cube: World’s first portable disaster hospital, developed indigenously
under the Project BHISHM

Pey Jal Survekshan: Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs

World Food Price Index: Published by the FAO, measure of the monthly change in
international prices of a basket of food commodities (cereals, oilseeds, dairy products,
meat & sugar)

Fujianvenator: fossils of a peculiar, birdlike dinosaur

White Sambar Deer: condition called leucism, resulting in white or pale skin, in the
Cauvery Wildlife Sanctuary in Karnataka

Project SAMUDRAYAAN: involves sending 3 people 6Kms underwater in a

domestically developed submersible named Matsya 6000 (Part of Deep Ocean Mission)

OX5034 a GM Mosquito: Reduce Mosquito Population, reducing Dengue & Malaria

UN Global StockTake: assess countries’ progress in curbing greenhouse gas emissions

since 2015 (Part of Paris Agreement, legally Binding)

Nipah Virus: Zoonotic disease, affecting both Humans & Animals, transmitted through
consumption of contaminated food. (No Vaccine Available)

Cryomesh Technology: Freeze and store the larve of corals, will help in Rejuvenating
and maintaining biodiversity

Keeling Curve: Graph that shows long term increase in the atmospheric carbon dioxide

& THEAUGAspirant
Changwon Initiative: Land for Life programme under UNCCD
Bamboo Oasis on Land Drought (BOLD): Under Khadi & Village Industries (KVIC)
in Rajasthan, India has 2nd highest bamboo diversity in world, Bamboo is a grass, grows
UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration (2021-30): World Restoration Flagship, UNEP +
FAO, Namami Gange is under this programme

IUCN: Restoration Barometer Report:

UNESCO: State of the Ocean Report, UN Ocean Conference: Lisbon Declaration
World Green Building Council: Advancing Net Zero Status Report

Energy Transition Advisory Committee: under Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas

Short Lived Halogen: Lifetime less than 6 months, from Marine Phytoplankton &
Algae, they increase Methane’s lifetime, Reduce the cooling aerosols

ATACH - Alliance for Transformative Action on Climate Health by WHO, informal

Voluntary network

Just Energy Transition Partnership (JET-P)- Financing Mechanism to support

developing countries in transition to fossil fuel based system, given to senegal (4th
Country after South Africa, Indonesia, Vietnam)

Asian Water Tower - Third Pole, includes Himalayas, Hindu Kush, Tien Shan, Tibet

Endosulfan: Pesticide, listed under Rotterdam (PIC) & Stockholm Convention (POP)
PET46 - enzyme that can degrade both long chain & short chain PET
Barium Nitrate: Hazardous Element found in Firecrackers
Ethylene Oxide: Pesticide Residue and Fumigant
SWAS, STAR, SAFAL types of Green Crackers Aspartame Artificial

Un-plastic Collective(UPC) - Co founded by CII, UNEP & WWF

Ozone is a secondary pollutant, formed by NOx + VOC react in sunlight & Stagnant Air
Basel Convention: Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Waste
Rotterdam Convention: Prior Informed Consent, Chemical & Pesticides Trade
Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants
Waigani convention: Ban import of Radioactive wastes into Forum Island Countries,
South Pacific

& THEAUGAspirant
Operation Kachchhap: Directorate of Revenue Intelligence, save baby gangetic turtles
from illegal trade

Cryptobiosis: No visible sign of life, inside permafrost, metabolic activity hardly


Environment DNA: Nuclear or Mitochondrial DNA released from organism into


Open Access: Non discriminatory access to electricity transmission & distribution


National Programme for Organic Production: APEDA, accreditation etc

- Participatory Guarantee System PGS - Min of Agri, production of Organic products
with standards
- Cellular Agriculture: Production of animal based products from cell cultures,
precision fermentation to produce milk egg etc

Mission 50k- EV4 Eco:

- Launched by SIDBI, strengthen EV ecosystem
- EVOLVE Programme for EV with World Bank
- Perovskite: Naturally occurring mineral of Calcium Titanate, for Solar Cells

Omega Block: Two low pressure system become cut off from main flow of jet stream,
sandwiching a high pressure system - Pakistan Floods & Heatwaves in France

AMOC: Slowing eventually, lead to Decreased rainfall in europe, Cooling of Northern


Blue Hole: Underwater sinkhole, hotspot of microbial activity, Deepest Blue HOle
Longdong or Dragon Hole in South China Sea

Diel Vertical Migration: Synchronises movement of deep sea marine animals,

zooplanktons come up to find food at Night - helps in carbon sequestration

Phreatomagmatic Eruption: Eruption of Magma + Water- new island formed due to

this near Japan

Shelf Cloud: Arcus Clouds, beneath cumulonimbus cloud, reaches the ground, high
biodiversity around here

General Comment No. 26: guidance on how environmental challenges directly impact
children's rights

Carbon Credits Scheme

& THEAUGAspirant
- Ministry of power announced
- Bureau of Energy Efficiency would administrate, set targets
- Central Electricity Regulatory Commission will regulate the trading

Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (EU)

- It is a Non Tariff Barrier for Indian exports
- Goods covered: Iron, Steel, Cement, Aluminium, Fertilizer etc
- Fair Price on Carbon Emitted during production of Carbon Intensive Goods
- Adopted as part of European Union’s Fit for 55 Package (Net GHG emission at
least 55% by 2030)

Note: CBAM not applicable on EU Originating Goods, only when Supplier is Non

They also launched Green Deal Industrial Plan, EU Wale

Debt for Climate Swap

- Gabon announced recently
- Debtor nation, instead of making external payments in foreign currency, makes in
local currency
- Use the Amount in Climate Projects

What are ODS?

- CFCs, HCFCs, Halons, Methyl Bromide
- Note that HFCs are not ODS but GHG, Kigali Amendment famous for this

Polar Vortex
- Low Pressure & Very Cold Air & THEAUGAspirant
- Pronounced over South Poles - Polar Stratospheric Clouds
- Formed at Very Low Temperature, Traps outgoing Longwave Radiation
- Recently Hunga Tunga Submarine Volcano in southern Pacific caused massive OD

- Secretariat: Bonn, Germany
- Signed at 1992 @ UN Conference on Env & Development aka Earth Summit
- Initiatives: Change Climate Neutral Now - Measure Reduce and Offset Emissions

- HQ @ Nairobi Kenya
- Common Carbon Metric supported by them
- Reports: Adaptation Gap Report, Emission Gap, Global Env Outlook, Global
Climate Litigation Report

- Under UN, HQ Geneva
- State of Global Climate Report, Green house Gas Bulletin, State of global water
- Global Stocktake Report: UNFCCC, progress towards Paris Agreement, every 5
- IEA: World Energy Outlook, Breakthrough Agenda Report, Netzero Roadmap
- IRENA: World Energy Transition Outlook
- FAO: Status of Food & Agriculture

- Sikkim Lhonak Lake, Chungthang Dam
- Main Worry is retreating glacier, poor embankments, large damage
CoP 28 Declaration & Key Points

1. Loss & Damage Fund

& THEAUGAspirant
- Warsaw Mechanism initiated it
- Administered by World Bank for 4 years
- Declaration on Global Climate Finance Framework (India part of it)

2. Declaration on Climate & Health (UAE + WHO) (India not signed yet)
3. An Eye on Methane Report (by IMEO, Under UNEP)
4. Global Green Credit Initiative: Launched by India, Global Platform for
Nature’s Ecological Transformation
5. Global Renewable & Energy Efficiency Pledge: India not signatory
6. Global Cooling Pledge: India not signatory related to UNEP Cool Coalition
7. G7 Climate Club: Led by Germany & Chile, India not member. Secretariat
8. Allied Climate Partners: Philanthropic investment org, focussed on S-E Asia,
Africa, India
9. Alterra Fund: Announced via UAE, bol bachaan climate change investment
baatein mostly

India at CoP 28
- Co-launched LEADIT2.0: Industry Transition, launched by India & Sweden in
2019 UN Climate Action Summit
- Mangrove Alliance: India is also a member, initiated by UAE in CoP27
- Global River City Alliance: India led, Ministry of Jal Shakti & NIUA u/ Min of
Housing & Urban Affairs

India at G20
- MAHARISHI: Millets Research
- Global Biofuel Alliance: Argentine, Brazil, India etc
- Chennai High Level Principles: Sustainable & Resilient Blue Economy

- First Movers Coalition: Led by USA and WEF, India participated, PPP on
carbon intensive sectors
- ENACT Partnership: Nature based solutions for Climate Transformation, India
not a part, launched by Germany & IUCN, use biodiversity to tackle CC
- Global Research Alliance on Agri Green House Gas: India not a member
- Kampala Declaration: Migration, Environment & Climate Change, purely
African Countries
- Data in Climate Resilient Agriculture: UNDP + NABARD, Digital Public Good,
geospatial Data sets
- National Climate Registry launched by UNDP, open source Digital Public Good
- Cool Coalition: UNEP, Cooling Watch Report, ISA & India are partner
- Climate Change Performance Index: India rank improved again 7th now, German
Watch Releases, even Global Climate Risk Index
- Nairobi Declaration: Africa Climate Summit 2023, pledge 100Billion$
- C40: Network of 100 mayors of Leading cities, Some Indian cities part of it too,
tackle Climate Crisis
- Global Greenhouse Gas Monitoring Infra: Launched by WMO. World Weather
- Incident & Trafficking Database: under IAEA Secretariat of Nuclear &
Radioactive Material
- Clean Energy Ministerial: India Member, Clean tech economy, Clean Energy
Marine Hubs
- Mission Innovation: India founding Member, Make energy clean & accessible
- RISE: Resilient Inclusive Supply Chain Enhancement, by World Bank & G7
under Japan Presidency

Reduction in GHG from Ships by IMO & Marine Env Protection committee under IMO
- India is also the 1st country under IMO’s Green Voyage 2050 Project
- Clydebank Declaration: India not signatory
- Global Maritime Tech Cooperation centres: EU + IMO
- Polar Code: Ships operating in polar water by IMO

Graded Response Action Plan (GRAP) & THEAUGAspirant

- Under CAQM
- Based on Delhi AQI
- Prepared after SC order in 2016 of MC Mehta vs Union of India
- 4 Stages Index, 4 Regions like Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan
National AQI - Released by CPCB, PM 2.5,10, NO2, O3, SO2, CO, NH3, Pb (PM ON

CPCB under Water Act, also with Air Act got powers .
- Also launched National Air Quality Monitoring Programme (NAMP)
- 4 Air Pollutants - SO2, NOx, PM10, PM2.5 (PM NS)
- Monitored via PRANA Portal, implementation NCAP
- Swachh Vayu Sarvekshan: Self-assessment of states via Prana Portal by MoEFCC

Cloud Seeding
- Chemicals: Silver Iodide(Agl), Potassium Iodide, Sodium Chloride, Dry Ice
- Less Effective when Relative Humidity less than 75%, Deep clouds reqd with
temperature from -10°C to -12°C
- Hygroscopic Cloud Seeding: Disperses salts through flares in lower portion of
- Dynamic Cloud Seeding: Increases Vertical Air currents, more water into clouds
- Static Cloud Seeding: Spreading Agl into moisture laden clouds

Ground Water Resource Assessment

- Via CGWB under Ministry of Jal Shakti
- CGWA under Env Protection Act, Not CGBW
- Total Annual Groundwater Recharge increased from 2022
- We are world’s largest user of Ground Water, mostly in irrigation

UNEA’s Resolution to End Plastic Pollution & THEAUGAspirant

- Endorsed in Nairobi, Legally Binding
- Glo-litter - Norway, IMO & FAO to reduce sea based marine plastic litter
- London Convention on Prevention of Marine pollution by Dumping of Wastes

Kunming Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework

- Not legally Binding, replaced Aichi Biodiversity Targets
- Includes 30 x 30 Target, Global Biodiversity Framework Fund (WB is trustee)
Protection of Plant Varieties & Farmers Rights (PPFVR)
ONLOly IPR legislation to give rights to Breeders & also to Farmers
- Extends not just to new varieties but also to existing varieties
- Breeders Right: Exclusive right to produce, sell, market, distribute etc
- Researchers Right: Can conduct experiments or research, even use as initial source
- Farmer Rights: Save, Sow, Exchange, Share or Sell Farm produce, NOT Entitled to
sell branded seeds of that.

Global Symposium of Farmers Rights & THEAUGAspirant

- By Secretariat of FAO + ITPGRFA
- Delhi Framework of Farmers Rights, IPGRFA is also the seed treaty, svalbard seed
Natural WHS in India: Keoladeo, Himalayan NP, Western Ghats, Nanda Devi, Valley
of Flowers NP, Sundarban, Manas, Kaziranga

Brazzaville Declaration: 3 Basins ko save, Congo Basin, Amazon Basin, Borneo Mekon

Belem Declaration: Amazon Cooperation Treaty Org, Indigenous People to help in

reduce Deforestation (Brazil)

Biological Diversity Amendment Bill 2023

- Exempts AYUSH Practitioner, Local People from giving priort intimation to State
Boards for accessing Bio resource for Commercial utilization
- Expanded the NBA, key details not important, decriminalize certain offences

Tiger Population
- Statewise: MP>KRN>UTTK
- Reserves: Jim Corbett > Bandipur> Nagarhole > Bandhavgarh > Dudhwa
- Periyar Tiger Reserve ranked as best maintained Tiger Reserve
- Recent Dholpur Karauli TR @ Rajasthan, Chambal River flows through it,
Veeranagna Durgavati TR @MP

Gaj Utsav
- 30 Years of Project Elephant
- Highest Number of Elephant Reserves: Tamil Nadu & Assam > Kerala > Odisha
- West Bengal has the highest Elephant Corridors, India Nepal have transnational
- Highest Number of Elephats: Karnataka > Assam > Kerala
- Only Male Asian Elephants have tusks, not Female. Both Male Female Africa
Elephants have Tusks

UNEP hosts secretariat of IPBES & CITES

- Species Surival Commission under IUCN
& THEAUGAspirant
United Nation Forum on Forests (UNFF)
- Genesis: UN ECOSOC helped est UNFF
- All Member states of UN part of it, India is a founding member

1st Treaty on High Seas

- Adopted by Intergovt Conference on Marine Biodiversity of Areas Beyond National
Jurisdiction (BBNJ)
- Under the Framework of UNCLOS, Legally Binding in Nature

High-Level Champions
- Created in 2015 at COP 21 in Paris, works acc to UNFCCC
- Marrakech Partnership for Global Climate Action, the Champions specifically
accelerate ambitious climate action among non-State actors

Invasive Species: Mosquitofish, Gambusia, Prosopis Chilensis, Ludwigia Peruviana, Red

Fire Ant

Sites in News
- Lemru ER - Chhattisgarh
- Palamau TR - Jharkhand, River Koyal, Burha, Auranga, Betla NP
- Bura Chapori WLS - Assam also IBA
- Debrigarh WLS - Odisha
- Simlipal NP - Melanin Tiger due to Taqpep gene , Baitarani River tributaries
- Dampa TR - Mizoram, Rivers: Khawtlang Tuipui, Teirei, also IBA, Lushai Hills
- Kadalundi Vallikunnu Community Reserve(CR): 1st RiverFront CR, under WPA
72, Mangrove Forest

First Census of Water Bodies

- Ministry of Jal Shakti
- In convergence of Minor Irrigation census
& THEAUGAspirant
- 97% Water bodies are in Rural Areas, remaining in Urban
- Highest Water Bodies: West Bengal > Uttar Pradesh > Andhra
- Least Water Bodies: Sikkim < Chandigarh < Delhi
- 78% are Man Made, rest are Natural. 55% owner by Pvt entities, rest under public

MISHTI Scheme - Launched World Env Day, for Mangrove Rejuvenation Centre 80%,
Rest State

REWARD Programme- Dept of Land Resources, World Bank Assisted, Presently

implemented in Karnataka & Odisha

Direct Seeding Rich

- Water replaced by chemical herbicides
- Water Conservation. Less methane pollution, less labour. More Weed growth but

State of India’s Bird Report

- WII + ZSI & THEAUGAspirant
- Bird Species richness has reduced
- Indian Peafowl, Asian Koel, Rock Pigeon increasing
- CR: Bengal Florican (UP + N.E), Baer’s Pochard (Assam + Manipur)

- Flora & Fauna Database with Botanical Survey of India
- Both Flora Fauna highest species in Kerala
- Narcondam Island: Nicobar, Hornbill & Yellow Rumped Flycatcher
- 75 endemic birds of India Report, 3 Endemic Species not recorded in few
decades: Himalayan Quail, Jerdon’s Courser, Manipur Bush Quail

World Wide Fund for Nature

- Non Profit stuff
- Living Planet Report, vertebrate species
- High cost of Cheap Water Report

Green Rating for Integrated Habitat Assessment (GRIHA)

- India’s building Assessment system
- Developed by TERI & MoNRE, 5 Star Rating System. Valid for 5 Years (5-5)

- Mission on Advanced and High Impact Research
- Under Ministry of Power & Ministry of New Renewable Energy
- IPR of Tech developed would be shared by the GoI & Research Agency

Intl Solar Alliance

- Towards 1000 Initiative, HQ India
- OSOWOG: India & UK + WB & ISA - 1st Phase (Middle east, S-E Asia) 2nd
Phase (Africa) 3rd Global
- STAR-C Initiative: ISA + UNIDO - Institutional capacity & stuff

& THEAUGAspirant
Hydrogen Spectrum
- Green: Electrolysis
- Blue: Steam Reformation + CCUS (Natural Gas)
- Grey: Only Steam Reformation (Natural Gas)
- Turquoise: Pyrolysis (Natural Gas)
- Brown: Brown Coal
- Black: Black Goal
- Pink: Electrolysis Nuclear
- White: Naturally Underground
- Green Hydrogen Mission: SHIP & SIGHT, split water into hydrogen & Oxygen
- Green Hydrogen Fuel Cell: Generated electricity using Hydrogen & Air, e-mobility
- Working: Hydrogen enters, splits into -ve & +ve, -ve are forced through circuit
generates electricity. +ve pass through cathode, combining with oxygen to form

Electric Flex Fuel Vehicle

- Both Flex fuel engine as well as Electric
& THEAUGAspirant
- Higher uses of Ethanol, more fuel efficient
- E85: 85% Ethanol Fuel, 15% Gasoline
- HOWEVER, LOWER Mileage, please note this
Biogas vs Compressed Biogas
- Mixture of CH4, Co2 etc. Via Anaerobic Decomposition of Biomass
- CBG has high methane content (>90%), High Calorific Value
- SATAT is for CBG under MoPNG, GoBARDHAN scheme under Min of Jal Shakti
(Weird, islie yaad karlo)

Bureau of Energy Efficiency (Min of Power)

- Statutory under Energy Conservation Act, 2001
- Energy Conservation Building Code: Both Govt & Pvt commercial Building
(GRIHA was residential too)
- State Energy Efficiency Index: Min of Power, Front Runner Achiever Aspirant etc
- Utprerak: Ministry of Power - Energy Efficiency stuff

- Jt Venture of PSUs NTPC, Powergrid etc
- Launched National Efficient Cooking Programme
- Unnat Jyoti by Affordable LEDs for All (UJALA)
- Smart Metering, Street Lighting inhi ka kaam hai pura

Will update more

- THEAUGAspirant

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