MCS-012 J-16

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of Printed Pages : 7 I MCS-012 I

MCA (Revised) / BCA (Revised)

44E1 Term-End Examination
Jane, 2016



Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100

(Weightage 75%)

Note : Question number 1 is compulsory and carries

40 marks. Attempt any three questions from the

1. (a) State True or False with brief justification

(if false), 5

(i) A register access is faster than a

memory access.

(ii) A bigger size of a program is due to

multiple opcodes and operands in an

(iii) DMA allows the transfer of data

directly between external devices.

MCS-012 1 P.T.O.
(iv) The effective address in Based
Indexed addressing mode is the sum
of the contents of the base register,
indexed register and displacement.

(v) An 1/0 interface is usually a register

for either inputting data to or
extracting data from the

(b) Represent the number (55.6) 10 as a floating

point binary number with 24 bits. The
normalized mantissa has 16 bits and the
exponent has 8 bits. Assume suitable bias
for the exponent.

(c) Perform the following arithmetic

operations :
(i) Add (— 85) and (— 85) in 8-bit register
using signed 2's complement notation.
Also indicate overflow, if any.
(ii) Convert the hexadecimal number
ABCD7 into binary and octal.
(iii) Represent decimal 567 into BCD.

(d) Simplify the following Boolean function
using Karnaugh map :
F(A, B, C, D) = 1,(0, 2, 5, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 15)
Also draw the logic circuit for the
simplified expression.

(e) Draw the logic diagram of a 2 x 4 decoder.

Also, draw its truth table. 5

(f) The 8-bit registers R1, R2, R3 and R4

initially have the following values :
Ri = 00001111
R2 = 11110000
R3 = 11001100
R4 = 10101010

Determine the 8-bit values in registers

after the execution of the following
sequence of micro-operations :

(i) Ri 4- Ri 9 R2 Exclusive OR

(ii) R4 4— Ri — R3 Substract R3 from Ri 4

MCS-012 3 P.T.O.
(g) A digital computer has a common bus
system for 4 registers of 4 bits each. The
bus is constructed with multiplexers.
(i) How many selection inputs are there
in each multiplexer ?
(ii) What size of a multiplexer is needed ?
(iii) How many multiplexers are there in
the bus ?
(h) What is the difference between COM and
EXE programs ?
(i) What is an Interrupt Vector Table (IVT) ?
Explain in the context of 8086

2. (a) Using Hamming code, what should be the

length of the error detection code that
detects the error in one bit for 8 and 16-bit
data respectively ?

(b) How is execution of an instruction done ?

Illustrate through an example showing
memory and register contents for execution
of any instruction of your choice.

MCS-012 4
(c) Using a suitable example, explain the
working of a two-way set associative cache
mapping scheme. 6

(d) A memory has a capacity of 1024 x 8 bit.

(i) How many data input and data
output lines does it have ?
(ii) How many address lines does it have ?
(iii) What is its capacity in bytes ? 6

3. (a) How does DMA overcome shortcomings

of interrupt driven and programmed 1/0 ?
Draw the block diagram of a typical DMA
controller. Briefly explain its components.

(b) Draw various stages of an instruction

pipeline. Explain the benefits of the same. 4

(c) Explain the following : 10

(i) Microinstruction
(ii) Stack
(iii) Control memory
(iv) INT 21h in 8086 microprocessor
(v) Buffer register

MCS-012 5 P.T.O.
4. (a) A machine supports 32 operations and
16 addressing modes. The machine has
32 registers and the size of its main
memory is 128 MB. Design a simple
instruction format for the machine.

(b) Find out the physical addresses for the

following segment register offsets for
8086 microprocessor :
(i) SS : SP = 6200h : 0100h
(ii) DS : BX = 4300h : 0200h
(iii) CS : IP = 5000h : 1234h

(c) Discuss the following addressing modes

with the help of one example for each :
(i) Indirect addressing
(ii) Register indirect addressing
(iii) Relative addressing
(iv) Immediate addressing

5. (a) Write an assembly language program in

8086 microprocessor to find whether two
numbers stored in memory are equal or
not. Make suitable assumptions.

MCS-012 6
(b) Design and explain a logic circuit capable
of adding three bits using half adders and
appropriate logic gates. 6

(c) Write the code sequence in assembly

language for performing the following
operation : 4

X=B * C/D+(E— F)

(d) What is the use of a large register file of

RISC architecture ? Explain with the help
of an example/diagram. 5

MCS-012 7 12,000

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