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Dear Parents/ Students,

Summer vacations are a time for relaxation, rejuvenation, and adventure. They offer the
perfect opportunity to delve into new experiences, discover hidden talents, and deepen our
understanding of the world around us.As the sun shines brighter and the days grow longer,
it’s time for you to embark on a journey of exploration, discovery, and fun. We understand
that the students may be eager to spend their days playing outdoors, meeting friends, and
indulging in their favorite hobbies. We strongly recommend to involve your wards in such
activities instead of gluing themselves to social media and screens.

At the same time, we want to ensure that your learning journey continues even beyond the
classroom walls. Remember, learning doesn’t just happen within the confines of textbooks
and classrooms; it’s all around us, waiting to be discovered. So, whether you’re exploring
the wonders of nature, delving into the pages of a captivating book, or unleashing your
imagination through creative writings and developing various life skills. Achieving
academic excellence is integral to school life and inorder to keep the students abreast with
what has been taught in the school, a set of assignments from all subjects has been sent to
you. This holiday homework package has been thoughtfully curated to not only reinforce
what you have learned throughout the year but also to ignite your curiosity and creativity.
Parents are requested to ensure that the students approach these assignments in true letter
and spirit and encourage them to do the work themselves.

We understand that holidays are a time for relaxation and fun, and, therefore, this homework
is designed to strike a balance between academic enrichment and leisurely pursuits. Each
task has been chosen with care to engage your ward’s intellect, encourage exploration, and
foster a love for learning in diverse ways. We encourage you to approach these tasks with
enthusiasm, creativity, and a sense of adventure. Embrace the opportunity to learn something
new, to challenge yourself, and to share your discoveries with others.

We look forward to hearing about your summer adventures and seeing the creative ways in
which you tackle these homework tasks when we return to school. Until then, have a fantastic
summer vacation filled with sunshine, laughter, and endless possibilities.
Here are the ten commandments that may make this time useful and happy for them.

1. Take them regularly to temples/mosques/churches/ Gurudwaras or any place of worship

of your choice and make them understand how important it is to have faith in God to remain
steadfast in facing challenges and tribulations in life.

2. Eat meals with your children at least twice a day. Tell them about the importance of
farmers and their hard work. And tell them not to waste their food.

3 Involve your wards in household works regularly to teach them the value and dignity of
work; and the art of being self-dependent.

4. Encourage your wards to develop a harmonious relationship with neighbours and people
living in your neighbourhood. Let them know the value of co-existence.

5. Go to grandparents' house and let them mingle with the children. Their love and
emotional support is very important for your children. Take pictures with them.

6. Ensure you take your ward for a visit to some of the historical places in Delhi or Rajasthan
and familiarise them with our rich heritage.

7. Take them to your workplace so that they can understand how hard you work for the

8. Motivate your children to sow seeds to create a kitchen garden. Knowing about trees and
plants is also important for the development of your child. Also encourage them to give water
to thirsty animals and birds.

9.Let your children go out and play, let them get hurt, let them get dirty. It is good for them
to fall occasionally and endure pain. A life of comfort like sofa cushions will make your
children lazy

10. Bring some story books with colorful pictures/ novels / newspaper for your children and
inculcate in them the habit of reading.

*****Wishing you a summer filled with laughter, learning, and endless possibilities****

Warm regards
Mukti Suhag

Q1. Read the passage and answer the questions that follow-
Tom went to the park to play with his favourite toy car. He had so much fun
racing it around. But when it was time to go home, he could not find his toy
car anywhere. Tom looked under the bench, behind the trees and even asked
his friends if they had seen it. Finally, he found it hiding in the grass. Tom
was relaxed and promised to take better care of his toy car.

a. Where did Tom go to play with his toy car?


b. What happened when it was time to go home?


c. Fill in each of the following blanks with an appropriate word from

the passage-
(i) He had so much fun ______________ it around.
(ii) Finally, he found it ____________ in the grass.

d. Find two naming words from the passage-

______________ ________________
e. Make a sentence using the following word-
(i) toy- ___________________________________________________
Question-2. Complete the words by filling vowels and write them in the
space provided-
Question-3. Write the naming words under proper columns-

Question-4 Underline the naming words in the following sentences-

Underline the naming words in the following sentences-
Question- 5.
Read the nouns on the candies. Use the colour code to colour the candies.
Colour code- Person- red, Place- purple, Thing- pink
Question-6. Look at the pictures and complete the story with suitable words -



have h have
Question- 7 Fill in the blanks with a/an/the-

a. _________ plates are on the dining table.

b. I want ______ burger.

c. There is _____ orange on the table.

d. _______ students are welcoming the chief guest.

e. He is in _____ rush.

f. I have got _____ plan for that.

g. She is always smiling and kind to ______ students.

h. A teacher is ______ important person in everyone’s life.

Question- 8 Write the plural form of the following words-

chair - ________________ forest - _____________

doll -_______________ bus - _____________

dress- _____________ cat - _____________

match- _______________ pencil - _____________

dish - _______________ frog - ______________




 ROLL NO. 1 – 7 : TABLE OF 2

 ROLL NO. 8 – 14 : TABLE OF 3

 ROLL NO. 15 – 21 : TABLE OF 4

 ROLL NO. 22 – 28 : TABLE OF 5

 ROLL NO. 29 – 34 : TABLE OF 6

Rearrange the following to make names of family members.
Look at the pictures and colour the boxes showing healthy habits:
What can we do to save water? Make a smiley on the correct action.
From where do we get the following foods? Write under the correct

Write True or False:

1. Germs are our friends. _____________

2. We should talk while eating. _____________

3. Pond is a source of water. _____________

4. I can smell a flower with my mouth. _____________

5. Cleanliness keeps us healthy. ______________

6. Rohini goes to river side for washing clothes. She is making water

dirty by washing clothes into the river. _______________

7.We celebrate festivals with our family and neighbours. ____________

Fill in the blanks:

1. I taste milkshake with my _______________________ .

2. Parents of our parents are called _________________________.

3. We take _____________________ in the afternoon.

4. Earth is called the ____________________ planet.

5. My ___________________________ protect my eyes from dust.

6. The child of your uncle and aunt is your ___________________ .

7. Exercises make the body ______________________.

8. ______________________ games are played inside the house.

9. Uncovered food contains ______________________.

10. People who meat are called __________________________.

11. Johny lives in a big house . He has 15 family members . It is a

_________________ family

12. Water is stored in ______________________ in villages.

13. We use our _______________________ to eat, smile and eat.

14. Food gives us ______________________ to work and play.

15. Toffees, chips and cold drinks are not good for our _________________.
Subject: Computer Applications
Class- I

Name: __________________ Class: ___________________ Section: __________________

Question 1. Choose the correct answer:

1) Computer helps us to _________________________

a) Dance b) cook c) play games d) eat

2) At Railway Station the computer helps us to _______________________

a) book tickets b) eat c) making salad d) play

3) The small arrow-like image on screen is called ________________.

a) Pointer b) Cursor c) line d) arrow

4) We can listen to ______________ on the computer.

a) Sum b) music c) games d) mouse

5) We keep mouse on _______________.

a) Mouse pad b) table c) hand d) leg

6) Keep your __________ finger on the left button of the mouse.

a) Fore b) middle c) index d) none

7) ______________ have a touch mousepad.

a) Laptop b) mobile c) pen d) pencil

8) Computers are used at _____________.

a) Bank b) Airport c) Shops d) All of these

9) When we press the right button of the mouse, it is called _____________

a) Right click b) Left click c) Double click d) Click

10) Mouse is used to _______________ on the monitor.

a) Point b) move c) eat d) touch

Question 2. Match the computer parts:

1) a) C.P.U

2) b) Mouse

3) c) Keyboard

4) d) Printer

5) e) Monitor
Question 3. Label the parts of the mouse and colour it:

Question 4. Using Ms Paint software draw the following:

Draw a sketch on the topic ‘Birthday with Robot’ using computer

Bring your drawing colour printout on A4 sheet.

Software Required: MS-Paint

(Use tools like shapes, fill with colour tool, color picker tool etc.)
● Internet
● Books

* Students will write answers for Q1,Q2 & Q3 in the printouts.
* Students must submit the Project for Q4 through email ([email protected])
vH;kl i=d – 1

ç'u&1-çLrqr xn~;ka'k dks i<+dj ç'uksa ds mÙkj nhft,&

cq/kokj dks lksgu dk tUefnu gSA og vius bl tUefnu ij lkr lky dk
gks tk,xkA og nwljh d{kk esa i<+rk gSA og gj lky viuk tUefnu /kwe/kke
ls eukrk gSA og vius tUefnu ij ?kj dks xqCckjksa vkSj Qwyksa ls ltkrk gSA
og 'kke dks dsd dkVrk gSA lc mls tUefnu dh c/kkbZ ds lkFk
lqanj&lqanj migkj nsrs gSaA og ml fnu cgqr [kq'k gksrk gSA

¼d½ lksgu dk tUefnu dc gS\

lkseokj 'kfuokj cq/kokj

¼[k½ lksgu vius bl tUefnu ij fdrus lky dk gks tk,xk\

lkr pkj nl

¼x½ lksgu dkSu&lh d{kk esa i<+rk gS\

rhljh nwljh igyh

¼Ä½ foijhr 'kCn fyf[k,&

¼i½ lqcg ___________________ ¼ii½ mnkl ___________________

vH;kl i=d &2
b ls beyh gksrh gS]
?kj esa eqUuh lksrh gSA

cw>ks rks tkus

Mkfd;k jfookj fxjfxV fdrkc

¼d½ [kr yk;k ___________________

¼[k½ jax cnyrk ___________________

¼x½ ckyd i<+rk gS ___________________

¼Ä½ NqVV~ h dk fnu ___________________

vH;kl i=d & 3
ç'u&1- uhps nh xbZ oxZ igsyh esa ls ¼k½ ek=k o ¼f ½ ek=k ds 'kCn <¡w<a dj
fyf[k, &

fN y dk u
ek yk fn fy
[k p uk y

__________________ ___________________ ___________________

__________________ ___________________ ___________________

ç'u&2- uhps fn, x, o.kk^sZ esa ls ¼f ½ ek=k okys nks nks 'kCn cukb, &

____________ ____________

____________ ____________
vH;kl i=d & 4
ç'u&1- çLrqr xn~;ka'k dks i<+dj ç'uksa ds mÙkj nhft,&

iqUuw ,d gksf'k;kj yM+dk gSA NksVk lk I;kjk lk lHkh dke eu yxkdj

djrk gSA i<+us esa rks lcls vkxs gSA bl ckj d{kk esa mlds lcls T+;knk
uacj vk,A mlus cgqr esgur dh FkhA ek¡ firkth [kq'k FksA nhnh v©j HkS;k
[kq'k FksA nknk v©j nknh [kq'k FksA iqUuw dh Hkh [kq'kh dk fBdkuk u FkkA og
ukp jgk Fkk] dwn jgk FkkA

¼d½ iqUuw dSlk yM+dk gS\



¼[k½ ?kj esa lc [kq'k D;ksa g^S\



¼x½ fjDRk LFkku Hkfj,&

¼i½ mlus cgqr _________dh FkhA

¼ii½ bl ckj d{kk esa mlds lcls T+;knk _________vk,A

¼Ä½ xn~;ka'k esa ls ^b^ dh ek=k okys nks 'kCn <w¡<+dj fyf[k,&

________________ ________________
vH;kl i=d & 5
ç'u&1- fp= ns[kdj fuEu oxZ igsyh esa muds uke <wa¡<+ks vkSj [kkuksa esa jax
Hkjks &
vH;kl i=d & 6
ç'u&1- ^m^ dh ek=k yxkdj 'kCnksa dks iwjk dhft, &
vH;kl i=d & 7
vH;kl i=d & 8
ç'u&1- cPpks]a bu 'kCnksa dk igyk v{kj dgha [kks x;k gSA vkvks] xqCckjs esa
ls v{kj pqudj bu 'kCnksa dks iwjk djsa &
vH;kl i=d & 9

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