47 Driving Test Questions LadybirdDrivingSchool - Ie 4

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47 Driving Test Questions

To help with your preparation, Ladybird Driving Lessons Dublin has produced this helpful
guide which includes some of the more popular questions and answers.

Thanks for downloading and best of luck kick starting your driving!
1. When can you overtake on the left?
When you want to go straight ahead & the driver in front of you has moved out & signalled
that they intend to turn right.

2. When you have signalled that you intend to turn left.

When traffic in both lanes is moving slowly & traffic in the left-hand lane is moving more
quickly than the traffic in the right-hand lane.

3. What is meant by a solid white line in the centre of the

You must stay to the left & must not cross the line unless it is for access or in an emergency.

4. What does a broken yellow line mean?

The road contains a hard shoulder which is normally only for pedestrians & cyclists but may
be used briefly to allow faster traffic to overtake if it safe to do so.

5. What does double broken white lines along the centre of

the road mean?
These alert the driver to continuous white lines a short distance ahead. You must not cross
them unless it is safe to do so.

6. At a stop sign that has no white line, where should you

You must stop at the sign.

7. Where there is a continuous & a broken white line along

the centre of the road, which one do you obey?
You must obey the line that is nearest you.

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8. Who has priority at a roundabout?
You must give right of way to traffic already on a roundabout.

9. When driving, when should you dip your headlights?

When meeting other traffic.
When following close behind another vehicle.
On continuously lit roads.
In snow, fog, dusk/dawn.
Generally, to avoid inconveniencing other traffic.

10. What should you do if you are dazzled by another

vehicle’s headlights?
Slow down & stop if necessary.
Always watch for pedestrians or cyclists on the side of the road.
If the dazzle is from an oncoming vehicle, avoid it by looking towards the left verge until the
vehicle has passed.
If the dazzle is from a vehicle behind you & reflected in your mirror, operate the night-driving
mode on you mirror.

11. What restrictions are there in relation to the use of the

Do not use a horn in a built-up area between 11.30pm & 7.00 am, unless there is a traffic

12. Within what distance from the kerb should you park?

13. Where should you not overtake?

Near a bend, the brow of a hill, a hump back bridge, a continuous white line, where your
vehicle would obstruct a sign, at an entrance, opposite another vehicle on a narrow road, a
taxi rank.

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14. What is the sequence of traffic lights?
Green, Amber, Red.

15. What does a clearway mean?

No parking during specified times or stopping unless you are waiting in a line of traffic.

16. What rules apply to a box junction?

You must not enter a yellow box junction unless you can clear it without stopping. An
exception is when you want to turn right. You may enter while waiting for a gap in traffic
coming from the opposite direction as long to do so would not block other traffic that has

17. What is the difference between a pelican crossing & a

zebra crossing?
A pelican crossing is controlled by lights. A zebra crossing has flashing orange beacons & is
controlled by the presence of pedestrians.

18. What does an island in the centre of a pedestrian

crossing mean?
Zebra crossings with a central island should be treated as two separate crossings. Pelican
crossings that go straight across the road count as one crossing even if there is a central

If Pelican crossings on either side of the central island are not in a straight line (staggered),
they count as two separate crossings.

19. What do the white zig-zag lines at a zebra crossing

No overtaking or parking.

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20. What is the speed limit on a) national roads (primary &
secondary) & on b) motorways?
a) 100km/h
b) 120 km/h

21. What are the speed limits in built up areas?

Usually 50km/h unless special speed limits apply to designated roads and zones. Special
speed limits are generally 30km/h or 60km/h.

22. What is the minimum tread depth on tyres?

Most vehicles on the road must have a minimum tread depth of 1.6mm over their main

23. What are the rules regarding bus lanes?

A with-flow bus lane runs in the same direction as the traffic beside it & can be used by
bicyclists & taxis as well as buses & is reserved during the times shown on the information

A contra-flow bus lane is reserved only for buses, which means no other traffic may use it
day or night.

24. How far away should you park from a junction?

Over 5 metres.

25. What position would you take up for a right turn in a

one-way street?
When turning right from a one-way street, drive as close as you can to the right-hand side.

26. What are hatched markings?

Hatched markings are diagonal or chevron markings on the road that can be used for
merging traffic, for diverging traffic & for separating traffic travelling in opposite directions

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(central median islands). If you see these markings on the road you must not enter the area
they cover.

27. What does a yield sign mean?

If you see a Yield sign on the road, usually near a junction or roundabout, you must give way
to traffic on a major road ahead or on the roundabout & you must not proceed unless it is
safe to do so.

28. What is a filter light?

An arrow light, green or amber, you may proceed in the direction of the arrow if it is safe to
do so.

29. You are approaching traffic lights & they change to

amber, what action should you take?
Stop unless it is unsafe to do so.

30. What does a flashing amber traffic light mean?

Proceed if the crossing is clear but pedestrians have priority.

31. What do flashing red traffic lights mean?

Stop, train approaching

32. What does a continuous yellow line at the side of a

road mean?
No parking during certain hours.

33. What do double continuous yellow lines at the side of

the road mean?
No parking at any time.
Give examples of where you would not park

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Near a bend, the brow of a hill, a hump back bridge, opposite a single or continuous white
line, where your vehicle would obstruct a sign, at an entrance, opposite another vehicle on a
narrow road, a taxi rank, near a junction, at a bus stop, on a footpath.

34. Within what distance from a pedestrian crossing,

should you not park?
15 metres before or 5 metres after.

35. What procedure must you adopt if crossing a dual

carriageway with a narrow central median?
If the median is too narrow for your vehicle, you must wait until you can complete the

36. What are the differences between a motorway and a

dual carriageway?
On motorways, exits to left only, no traffic lights, no junctions, no roundabouts, 120Kph
speed limits may apply.

37. Who has priority at a unmarked crossroads with roads

of equal importance?
Give priority to traffic on the junction & traffic approaching from your right.

38. What are the road markings for no entry?

A continuous & a broken white line with the words “NO ENTRY”

39. What would you look out for on country roads?

Pedestrians, animals, muddy surfaces, concealed entrances, slow moving farm machinery.

40. When being overtaken, what must you not do?

Increase your speed.

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41. Where would you never make a U-turn?
In a one-way street, where there is a continuous white line or lines, where a sign directs you
not to.

42. What is meant by tailgating?

Driving too close to a vehicle in front, not keeping a safe distance.

43. What human factors can affect your driving?

Alcohol, drugs (prescription and non-prescription), tiredness & fatigue, road rage, attitude.

44. What is coasting & why is it potentially dangerous?

Coasting is when the vehicle is not being driven by the engine i.e. the clutch pedal is held
down or the gear lever is in neutral. It is dangerous because it reduces the driver’s control of
the vehicle.

45. Who is responsible for seat belts?

For passengers under 17 years of age, the driver is responsible
For passengers 17 years of age & over, the person themselves.

46. When following the road ahead on a multi-lane dual

carriageway, which lane would you normallyuse?
You would normally use lane 1 or the left-hand driving lane, unless road markings indicate

47. What is the “2 second rule”?

Used as a measure of a safe following distance of at least 2 seconds in dry conditions,
doubled in the wet and extended further in icy conditions.

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