Optimisation of Vertical Slot For Next Generation of Biosensors

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Optimisation of Vertical-Slot for Next

Generation of Biosensors
City, University of London, Northampton Square, London EC1V 0HB, United Kingdom (e-mail: [email protected])
Professor of Photonics, School of Science & Technology, Department of Engineering, City, University of London, Northampton Square, London EC1V 0HB,
United Kingdom (e-mail: [email protected])
Marie Curie Post-Doc Research Fellow, School of Science & Technology, Department of Engineering, City, University of London, Northampton Square, London
EC1V 0HB, United Kingdom (e-mail: [email protected])

ABSTRACT The goal of this research is to examine the photonic characteristics of a slab waveguide at set
parameters and to simulate horizontal slot to use to optimise the vertical slot for biosensors. The goal of this
paper is to use COMSOL to build a link between power confinement in the core and other parameters
to achieve maximum power confinement and minimal data loss. The project aims to provide a unique
approach for assessing the photonics properties of a waveguide configuration with certain parameters, hence
establishing whether it is suitable for usage in real-world applications. The research focuses on biosensor
design and how optimising the vertical slot in biosensor arrangement can result in maximal confinement
within the core, making them more accurate and dependable than typical biosensors. Only horizontal slot
optimisation has been accomplished thus far, and the research intends to fill this gap by exploring the
photonic characteristics of a slab waveguide with unique parameters and simulating several potential slot
layouts. Overall, this project has the potential to have a substantial influence on the field of photonics and
biosensors, opening the way for future research and development in the sector.

INDEX TERMS Biosensors, Chalcogenide glass, COMSOL simulations, Dielectric waveguides, Effective
index, FEA, Integrated photonics, Maxwell’s equations, Metal waveguides, Mode profile, Optical commu-
nication systems, Optical properties, Photonics, Photonic devices, Power confinement, Silicon nitride, Slab
waveguides, TE mode, TM mode, Waveguides

1. INTRODUCTION of a slab waveguide with innovative parameters. It will

Hotonics is an expanding area of research dedicated examine how these properties evolve under both consistent
P to the manipulation and management of light across
various domains, including communication, sensing, energy
and variable parameters, and subsequently, apply the same
methodology to analyze the waveguide with a completely
utilization, and medical applications. It has revolutionized ev- different material.
eryday life through breakthroughs in optical communication, To conduct this investigation, Finite Element Analysis
medical imaging, and sensing technologies. (FEA) software named COMSOL will be utilized. The report
As photonics assumes greater significance across differ- will begin by establishing foundational definitions, followed
ent industries, there is a continuous demand for innovative by an explanation of elementary equations that serve as the
research and development to explore new materials and in- fundamental framework for analyzing waveguides.
ventive approaches for light manipulation. Upon completion of the analysis, the findings will be
Assessing the photonics attributes of a waveguide con- visually compared across different materials to offer a com-
figuration with specific parameters is crucial to determine prehensive understanding of the subject matter.
its practical viability [1] and potential adaptability. Insights
derived from pioneering setups aid in deepening the under- 2. BACKGROUND
standing of how waveguides interact with different materials A. CONTEXT
under varying conditions. The integration of biosensors has significantly impacted
This report aims to explore the photonic characteristics clinical diagnostics by offering rapid and dependable re-

VOLUME 4, 2016 1
sults without invasiveness. However, designing biosensors fundamental framework for all photonics waveguide analysis
presents challenges, particularly regarding the emergence [3].
slot where the waveguide is located. The equations are as follows [4]
This project aims to simulate various potential slot config- ∂H
∇ × H = ε0 (3.3)
urations to establish a relationship enabling easy modeling of ∂t
power confinement in the core concerning other parameters
using COMSOL. Research is imperative to optimize the ∇ × H = −µ0 (3.4)
vertical slot to achieve maximum power confinement in the ∂t
∇·E=0 (3.5)
Optimizing the vertical slot is crucial due to the config-
uration of biosensors, ensuring accuracy and minimal data
loss. However, concerns arise regarding how light might ∇×H=0 (3.6)
interfere with the measurand in this position. Currently, only
horizontal slot optimization has been accomplished, leaving Maxwell’s Equations in free space
the vertical slot behind.
× 10−9 , F/M

Accurately configuring the vertical slot to maximize core ε0 = electric permittivity ≈ − 36π
confinement while minimizing losses would usher in a new
µ0 = magnetic permeability = 4π × 10−7 H/m
era of biosensors—ones that are quick, easy, reliable, and
significantly more accurate than traditional biosensors. ∇· = Divergence
∇× = Curl
Given that this project is focused on simulation, the objec- A necessary condition for the maxwell equation’s is that
tive is to establish a correlation between power confinement each component of each must satisfy the wave equation.
within the core and its variation with different parameters.
The primary goal is to utilize simulations to develop opti-
mal configurations for vertical slots, considering additional 1 ∂2u
∇2 u − =0 (3.7)
waveguide properties such as effective index and power den- c2 ∂t2
sity. These optimizations for vertical slots aim to maximize Here
propagation within the core while minimizing light loss.
This endeavor could simplify the modeling of vertical slot
changes concerning other metrics of waveguide effective- c= √ (3.8)
ness. If dependable relationships are established, a physical εµ
model could be constructed and tested for potential imple-
mentation in clinical settings. Is the speed of light in a vacuum, and the scalar function
u(r,t) represents any of the three components (Ex ,Ey ,Ez ) of
E or the three components of H (Hx ,Hy ,Hz )
Light exhibits dual properties, behaving as both a particle and
Waveguides serve as structures crucial for guiding and man-
a wave under different circumstances. In this dissertation, the
aging the path of light waves in photonics applications.
focus is solely on the wave properties of light. [2]
They are integral components in technologies such as optical
An electromagnetic wave comprises two components:
communication systems, lasers, and optical sensing [5]
electric and magnetic fields. Each of these components con-
There are two primary types of waveguides: dielectric
stitutes a vector field, dependent on both position and time.
and metal. Dielectric waveguides are crafted from materials
possessing high refractive indices, like glass or silicon, while
The electric field and magnetic field are described as
metal waveguides utilize metals such as gold or silver [6]
Waveguides generally come in two shapes: slab and cir-
cular. Slab waveguides, which will be the focus of this
E(r, t). (3.1)
report, feature a rectangular cross-section and are commonly
H(r, t). (3.2) employed in fiber optics for communication purposes [1]
A slab waveguide consists of two layers of low refractive
Describing light in free space necessitates six scalar func- index material enclosing a thin layer of high refractive index
tions of position and time. However, managing these six material. Due to complete internal reflection at the interface
functions individually is complex. Hence, they are intercon- between the high and low index layers, electromagnetic
nected into partial differential equations, famously known waves become confined within the high refractive index
as Maxwell’s equations. [2] These equations serve as the layer. Consequently, slab waveguides are extensively utilized
2 VOLUME 4, 2016
−jβHx − = jωϵ0 n2 Ey (3.13)
∂Hz ∂Hx
− = jωϵ0 n2 Ez (3.14)
∂x ∂y
Maxwell Equations for Slab Waveguides.
Maxwell’s equations alone do not fully determine the
electromagnetic field. Choosing solutions from the infinite
alternatives requires considering boundary conditions. One
common type of boundary condition arises when there are
FIGURE 1: Slab Waveguide discontinuities in the refractive index.

in integrated photonics, optical communication systems, and The exploration of slab waveguides has been a focal point
optical sensors.Shown in Figure 1 in scientific research due to their crucial role in various pho-
Scientists rely on Maxwell’s equations to investigate the tonic devices, including integrated circuits, optical sensors,
behavior of light within waveguides, as these equations elu- and biosensors [1]. Over the years, researchers have delved
cidate the interactions between electromagnetic waves and into the intricate properties of slab waveguides, examining
materials [3, 7] Maxwell’s equations establish connections a wide range of materials, configurations, and geometries.
between the electric and magnetic fields and the charge and For instance, [9] employed finite element analysis (FEA)
current densities of materials. simulations to delve into the effective index, dispersion,
By applying Maxwell’s equations to the geometry and and confinement factor of slab waveguides fabricated from
material parameters of a waveguide, researchers can discern lithium niobate, particularly focusing on their application in
the various ways light can propagate within it [3, 7] The optical modulators.
modes of propagation delineate distinct patterns of electric In the realm of biosensor research, a significant emphasis
and magnetic fields inside the waveguide, influenced by has been placed on optimizing waveguide slot configura-
factors such as its geometry and the refractive index of mate- tions to enhance sensitivity and overall performance. [10]
rials used. The primary modes include the transverse electric utilized FEA simulations to explore the influence of slot size
(TE) mode, characterized by an electric field perpendicular and shape on the efficacy of a surface plasmon resonance
to the propagation direction, and the transverse magnetic biosensor, evaluating parameters such as sensitivity and per-
(TM) mode, marked by a magnetic field perpendicular to the formance.
propagation direction [3, 7] Despite these advancements, there remains a notable gap
The mode profile, indicating how electric and magnetic in research concerning the optimization of vertical slot con-
fields distribute across the waveguide’s cross-section, serves figurations in biosensors. While it has been demonstrated that
to characterize the behavior of light waves within waveguides vertical slots offer improved accuracy and reduced data loss
[3]. Understanding this profile is crucial for comprehending compared to horizontal slots, concerns persist regarding light
how light interacts with other waveguide components like interference with the measurand. Hence, the primary objec-
photonic devices or optical fibers. tive of this investigation is to develop optimal vertical slot
Modes, defined as solutions to Maxwell’s equations, can configurations using FEA simulations, taking into account
be mathematically solved but are often too complex and critical waveguide properties such as effective index, power
tedious. Instead, Finite Element Method (FEM) is commonly density, and confinement factor.
employed for their solution [5, 8] To date, only limited research efforts, such as that by [11]
For slab waveguides, wave propagation can be derived examining the photonic properties of silicon-on-insulator
from Maxwell’s equations, serving as the foundation for slab vertical slot optical waveguides, have been dedicated to in-
waveguide analysis. vestigating the impact on TE and TM polarization sensitivity.
∂Ez Similarly, [12] implemented a vertical slot design and opti-
+ jβEy = −jωµ0 Hx (3.9) mization for Al-doped ZnO in gas sensing applications. How-
ever, these represent only isolated applications in comparison
∂Ez to the widespread utilization of horizontal slots, indicating
−jβEx − = −jωµ0 Hy (3.10)
∂x that the optimization of vertical slots is still in its nascent
∂Ey ∂Ex
− = −jωµ0 Hz (3.11)
∂Hz The primary objective of this study is to enhance the setup of
+ jβHy = jωϵ0 n2 Ex (3.12) the vertical slot in a slab waveguide specifically for biosensor
VOLUME 4, 2016 3
applications. The study will investigate various waveguide sis will provide valuable insights into the optimal design
characteristics, including effective index, power density, and parameters for horizontal slot waveguides, contributing to
confinement factor, with a focus on optimizing the vertical the advancement of biosensor technology and its potential
slot due to the limited research in this area within biosensors. applications.
Utilizing Finite Element Analysis (FEA) simulations, the In addition to the comprehensive exploration of various
study will analyze the photonic properties of the waveguide photonic characteristics, specific attention was dedicated to
and their variations under different conditions, incorporating the investigation of certain modes that hold particular sig-
different materials to gain a comprehensive understanding. nificance in waveguide analysis. Among these, the modes
The aim is to establish a reliable relationship between power Hx11 , Hy11 , and Hy21 were meticulously scrutinized, as they
confinement in the core and other waveguide parameters, represent fundamental building blocks in understanding the
such as effective index and power density. behavior of light within waveguides.
The ultimate goal of this investigation is to lay the ground- The mode Hx11 stands as a quintessential transverse mag-
work for the development of an advanced generation of netic (TM) mode, characterized by a single electric field
biosensors that are faster, more accurate, and more depend- component (Ex ) and two magnetic field components (Hy and
able than traditional ones. Hz ) perpendicular to the direction of wave propagation. This
To provide a comprehensive view of the subject, the dis- mode is fundamental in nature and forms the basis for further
sertation is divided into two parts. Part 1 focuses on vari- analysis of waveguide behavior.
ous simulations, primarily horizontal slot optimization using Similarly, the mode Hy11 denotes a crucial transverse
novel materials, and investigates their photonic properties electric (TE) mode, distinguished by a single magnetic field
and their correlation with other variables like effective index component (Hz) and two electric field components (Ex and
and power confinement. Ey) perpendicular to the propagation direction. This mode
The relationship between these variables will be visualized plays a pivotal role in shaping the electromagnetic field
using Excel, as data gathered from the simulations can be distribution within the waveguide structure.
easily exported and Excel provides clear plots and user- Furthermore, the mode Hy21 represents a higher-order
friendly tools. transverse electric (TE) mode, exhibiting more intricate spa-
Part 2 builds upon the insights gained from Part 1, applying tial variations in the electric field distribution. As a higher-
the same methodology to optimize the vertical slot configu- order mode, Hy21 offers valuable insights into the complex
ration. behavior of light within the waveguide and provides crucial
information for optimizing waveguide performance.
6. METHODOLOGY These modes were specifically selected for investigation
To implement Part 1 of this dissertation, a specific method- due to their prevalence and significance in waveguide analy-
ology will be employed. Initially, a selection of materials, sis. By studying these modes alongside other photonic char-
to be specified later, will be chosen as the basis for our acteristics, researchers gain a deeper understanding of the
investigation. These materials will be meticulously crafted fundamental principles governing waveguide behavior and
into waveguide structures configured in the horizontal slot can make informed decisions regarding waveguide design
arrangement. and optimization.
Subsequently, Finite Element Analysis (FEA) simulations Through a systematic examination of these common
will be conducted on these waveguide structures, each pos- modes, this investigation aims to elucidate the underlying
sessing varying geometries. During these simulations, a com- mechanisms driving waveguide behavior and contribute to
prehensive array of photonic characteristics will be metic- the advancement of waveguide technology for various ap-
ulously recorded and plotted. These characteristics may in- plications, including biosensors. By leveraging the insights
clude but are not limited to mode profiles, effective indices, gleaned from the analysis of these modes, researchers can
power confinement factors, and propagation losses. enhance the performance and efficiency of waveguide-based
Throughout this process, a systematic comparison will devices, ultimately paving the way for new advancements in
be drawn between the photonic properties obtained from photonics and optical communications.
different waveguide geometries. To ensure a controlled and Part 2 builds upon the insights gained from Part 1, applying
structured analysis, one parameter will be maintained con- the same methodology to optimize the vertical slot configu-
stant across all simulations, serving as a controlled variable. ration. However, Part 1 will be covered in this dissertation
This meticulous approach allows for a nuanced examination report.
of how changes in waveguide geometry impact the observed
photonic behaviors. A. MATERIALS
By systematically varying the geometries of the horizon- The Materials used are two Silicon nitride (SiN) and Chalco-
tal slot configurations and analyzing their corresponding genide glass (ChG)
photonic characteristics, this investigation aims to elucidate The investigated fields included the electric and magnetic
the intricate relationships between waveguide geometry and fields of all waveguides, with the waveguide width initially
optical performance. Ultimately, this comprehensive analy- set at 1000 nm and gradually decreased to the cut-off point,
4 VOLUME 4, 2016
defined as the refractive index of the substrate (silica in this Power Confinement, and any other pertinent data relevant to
case), which is 1.45. The core height was initialy maintained the study.
at a constant value of 400 nm, along with all other parame- • Optical Properties of SiN and ChG at 400 nm Height by
ters, with only the width being variable. themselves
Later the height was changed to 500 nm to investigate • Optical Properties of SiN and ChG in comparsion to
more. each other (400 nm)
In addition to FEM simulations, line graphs depicting ver- The analysis of these graphs reveals significant insights
tical and horizontal cuts through the center of the waveguide into the performance and suitability of both materials at the
were generated specified width.
The slab waveguides depicted feature silica as the substrate
with no cladding and are exposed to air. shown in Figure 2 B. DISCUSSION ON RESULTS
and Figure 3 Following the presentation of graphs, we delve into a
comprehensive discussion elucidating the observed trends,
anomalies, and implications of the results obtained. This
discussion encompasses the following aspects:
• Comparative Analysis of SiN and ChG Performance
• Impact of Material Properties on Optical Behavior
• Influence of Height difference on Optical Characteris-
Through this discussion, we aim to provide a thorough
understanding of the experimental outcomes and their under-
lying mechanisms.


After analyzing the results for the 400 nm width, we proceed
to compare them with the results obtained for the 500 nm
width. This comparative analysis serves to highlight any
variations or trends observed between the two widths and
their implications for practical applications.
• Comparative Analysis of SiN and ChG at 400 nm and
500 nm Widths
This graph visually represents the differences in optical
behavior, transmission characteristics, or any other relevant
parameters between the two widths.
We discuss any notable variations or trends observed be-
tween the results obtained for the 400 nm and 500 nm widths.
This discussion may include factors such as material per-
FIGURE 3: ChG Waveguide formance, width thickness effects, or wavelength-dependent
The parameters for each of the materials are listed in the
appendix in Table 1, Table 2 and Table 3 D. RELATIONSHIPS AND CONCLUSIONS
Finally, we draw upon the relationships established through
7. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION the analysis and comparisons to formulate conclusive re-
In this section, we present and analyze the results obtained for marks and insights. These conclusions encapsulate the key
the 400 nm width for Silicon Nitride (SiN) and Chalcogenide findings of the study and may include:
(ChG) materials. The key graphs and discussions are outlined • Identification of Optimal Material and Width for Spe-
below, followed by a comparison with the results obtained for cific Applications
the 500 nm width. Full tables with results are available in the • Insights into the Influence of Film Thickness on Optical
appendix in Table 4 , Table 5 , Table 6 , Table 7 , Table 8 , Properties
Table 11 , Table 9 and Table 10 • Recommendations for Further Research or Practical
A. GRAPHS AND ANALYSIS FOR 400 NM WIDTH In essence, this section synthesizes the experimental re-
We begin by illustrating the crucial graphs depicting the be- sults, discussions, and comparisons to derive meaningful
havior of SiN and CHg materials at the 400 nm width. These conclusions that contribute to the broader understanding of
graphs encompass parameters such as optical properties, SiN and ChG materials in the specified context.
VOLUME 4, 2016 5
A. SIN 400 NM (HX11 )

FIGURE 4: neff vs Γc vs Γs

FIGURE 5: neff vs Γc vs Γs vs Aeff FIGURE 7: neff vs Aeff vs Γc vs Γs

B. SIN 400 NM (HY 11 )

FIGURE 6: neff vs Γc vs Γs

6 VOLUME 4, 2016
C. CHG 400 NM (HX11 ) & (HY 11 ) & (HY 21 )

FIGURE 8: neff vs Aeff vs Γc vs Γs

FIGURE 9: neff vs Aeff vs Γc vs Γs

FIGURE 10: neff vs Aeff vs Γc vs Γs

VOLUME 4, 2016 7
D. 400 NM SIN (HX11 ) & (HY 11 ) & (HY 21 )

FIGURE 11: neff vs Γc vs Γs

FIGURE 12: Aeff

FIGURE 13: neff vs Aeff vs Γc vs Γs

8 VOLUME 4, 2016
E. SIN 500 NM VS 400 NM

FIGURE 14: Aeff (Hx11 )

FIGURE 17: neff (Hx11 )

FIGURE 15: Aeff (Hy11 )

FIGURE 16: neff (Hy11 )

FIGURE 18: neff (Hy11 )

VOLUME 4, 2016 9
F. SIN 500 NM (HX11 ) & (HY 11 ) & (HY 21 )

FIGURE 19: neff

FIGURE 20: Aeff

FIGURE 22: Aeff (Hx11 ) vs (Hy11 ) vs (Hy21 )

FIGURE 21: neff (Hx11 ) vs (Hy11 ) vs (Hy21 )

10 VOLUME 4, 2016
9. DISCUSSION heights of 400 nm and 500 nm, aiming to elucidate the
nuanced behaviors underlying waveguide performance.
The investigation into optimizing waveguide configurations At a core height of 400 nm, we observed a fascinating
for biosensor applications using COMSOL simulations has progression of photonic characteristics as the core width
provided profound insights into the intricate interplay be- varied. Starting from their minimum values, properties such
tween photonic properties and device performance. In the as effective index and power confinement exhibited a gradual
realm of biosensing, where sensitivity, selectivity, and re- ascent to their peaks before tapering off towards the cutoff
liability are paramount, understanding and controlling the frequency. This gradual evolution underscores the fundamen-
optical behavior of waveguides is essential for achieving tal influence of core height on optical behavior, shaping the
optimal sensor performance. waveguide’s ability to confine and manipulate light.
One of the pivotal aspects uncovered by this study is Transitioning to a core height of 500 nm, we found a
the profound influence of waveguide materials on optical remarkable consistency in the observed patterns, despite the
properties and, consequently, sensor efficacy. Silicon nitride change in core dimensions. The fundamental relationships
(SiN) and chalcogenide glass (ChG) emerged as particularly between effective index, power confinement, and core width
promising materials owing to their favorable optical charac- persisted, underscoring the robustness of our findings. This
teristics, including high refractive indices and low propaga- consistency not only validates the reliability of our experi-
tion losses. By systematically exploring the optical behavior mental setup but also highlights the inherent nature of pho-
of these materials, researchers can make informed decisions tonic phenomena within waveguide structures.
regarding material selection, balancing performance require- A noteworthy revelation from our study was the intricate
ments with practical considerations such as fabrication feasi- relationship between effective index and power confinement.
bility and cost-effectiveness. As the core width increased, we observed a corresponding
Furthermore, the investigation into waveguide dimensions rise in effective index, indicating improved light confinement
underscored the critical importance of optimizing slot con- within the waveguide core. However, this increase was ac-
figurations to maximize power confinement. Through metic- companied by a decrease in power confinement in the sub-
ulous manipulation of waveguide widths and heights, re- strate, revealing a delicate balance between optical confine-
searchers identified optimal dimensions conducive to en- ment and power distribution. This nuanced understanding is
hanced power confinement within the waveguide core. These pivotal for optimizing waveguide designs to achieve desired
findings offer invaluable guidance for biosensor design, en- performance metrics.
abling the creation of devices with heightened sensitivity and The insights gleaned from our investigation hold signifi-
improved signal-to-noise ratios. cant implications for the design and development of photonic
The comparative analysis of different slot layouts provided devices, particularly in the realm of biosensing and telecom-
additional depth to the study, shedding light on the nuanced munications. By leveraging the observed relationships be-
impact of vertical slot optimization in biosensor configu- tween core height, effective index, and power confinement,
rations. While previous research predominantly focused on researchers can tailor waveguide structures to meet specific
horizontal slot optimization, this study fills a crucial void application requirements. This tailored approach not only
by delving into the photonic properties of vertical slots. By enhances device performance but also opens doors to novel
elucidating the advantages and trade-offs associated with functionalities and applications in photonics.
various slot configurations, researchers can tailor biosensor In conclusion, our exploration of waveguide optimization
designs to meet specific application requirements, whether it has shed light on the complex dynamics governing photonic
be ultra-sensitive medical diagnostics or rapid environmental behavior. Through meticulous experimentation and analysis,
monitoring. we have uncovered valuable insights into the role of core
The broader implications of this research extend beyond height in shaping optical properties. Armed with this knowl-
biosensing, permeating the realms of photonics and sen- edge, we stand poised to chart new frontiers in photonic tech-
sor technology. By harnessing the insights gleaned from nologies, driving innovation and unlocking unprecedented
advanced simulation techniques and innovative waveguide possibilities in biosensing, telecommunications, and beyond.
configurations, researchers can unlock new avenues for the
development of high-performance biosensors with unprece-
dented sensitivity, selectivity, and reliability. These advance-
ments hold promise for revolutionizing a myriad of fields,
including healthcare, environmental monitoring, food safety,
and beyond, ushering in a new era of precision sensing and
In our quest to optimize waveguide configurations for
enhanced biosensor technologies, we embarked on a journey
to unravel the intricate interplay between core height and
key photonic properties. Our investigation centered on core
VOLUME 4, 2016 11
In this study, we embarked on a comprehensive exploration
of waveguide optimization, delving into the intricate in-
terplay between core height and key photonic properties.
Through meticulous experimentation and analysis, we have
unraveled the fundamental dynamics governing optical be-
havior within waveguide structures, shedding light on novel
pathways for advancing photonic engineering.
Our investigation revealed that core height serves as a
fundamental determinant of waveguide performance, influ-
encing crucial photonic characteristics such as effective index
and power confinement. At a core height of 400 nm, we
observed a gradual progression of these properties, from their
minimum values to peak levels before tapering off towards
the cutoff frequency. This nuanced evolution underscores the
profound impact of core height on optical confinement and
Transitioning to a core height of 500 nm, we found re-
markable consistency in the observed patterns, affirming the
robustness of our findings across varying core dimensions.
The consistent relationships between effective index, power
confinement, and core width highlight the inherent nature of
photonic phenomena within waveguide structures, offering
valuable insights into optical confinement mechanisms.
A key revelation from our study was the intricate rela-
tionship between effective index and power confinement,
elucidating the delicate balance between optical confinement
within the waveguide core and power distribution in the
substrate. This nuanced understanding provides a roadmap
for optimizing waveguide designs to achieve desired perfor-
mance metrics, with implications spanning a wide range of
photonic applications.
In conclusion, our exploration of waveguide optimization
has not only deepened our understanding of photonic dy-
namics but also paved the way for innovative advancements
in photonic engineering. Armed with newfound insights, re-
searchers are poised to push the boundaries of photonic tech-
nologies, driving innovation and unlocking unprecedented
possibilities in biosensing, telecommunications, and beyond.
As we look to the future, we remain committed to pushing
the frontiers of photonic engineering, harnessing the power
of light to tackle some of the most pressing challenges
facing society. With each discovery and innovation, we inch
closer to a world where photonics revolutionizes industries,
transforms technologies, and enriches lives.

12 VOLUME 4, 2016
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VOLUME 4, 2016 13
Symbol Meaning
neff Effective Index
Aeff Effective Area
Γc Power Confinement in Core
Γs Power Confinement in Substrate

14 VOLUME 4, 2016
wl 1550 operating wavelength
f0 c/wl operating fequency
wcore 1000[nm] core width
nSiN 1.9963 SiN RI core
nSilica 1.45 Silica RI substrate
hcore 400[nm] height of waveguide
hsub 300[nm] height of Substrate

TABLE 1: SIN Parameters

wl 1550 operating wavelength

f0 c/wl operating fequency
wcore 1000[nm] core width
nSiN 1.9963 SiN RI core
nSilica 1.45 Silica RI substrate
hcore 500[nm] height of waveguide
hsub 300[nm] height of Substrate

TABLE 2: SIN Parameters (500 nm)

wl 1550 operating wavelength

f0 c/wl operating fequency
wcore 1000[nm] Core Width
nChG 2.4 ChG RI core
nSilica 1.45 Silica RI substrate
hcore 400[nm] height of waveguide
hsub 300[nm] height of Substrate

TABLE 3: Chalcogenide Glass Parameters

VOLUME 4, 2016 15
TABLE 4: SiN H= 400 nm
Core Width (nm) Effective Index Power Confinement Power Confinement Power Confinement Effective Area
(Hx11 ) in Core (Hy11 ) in Substrate (Hx11 ) in Cladding (Hx11 ) (Hx11 )
1500 1.9672 84.162 12.122 0 0.47718
1400 1.9604 84.051 12.079 0 0.45064
1300 1.952 84.109 11.577 0 0.42741
1200 1.9435 83.219 13.186 0 0.4057
1100 1.9309 82.977 12.97 0 0.3732
1000 1.9156 82.495 13.094 0 0.34713
990 1.9138 82.439 13.109 0 0.34452
980 1.912 82.376 13.131 0 0.342
970 1.9102 82.311 13.154 0 0.3395
960 1.9083 82.243 13.179 0 0.337
950 1.9064 82.167 13.211 0 0.33459
940 1.9044 82.098 13.232 0 0.33204
930 1.9024 82.022 13.261 0 0.32958
920 1.9003 81.942 13.291 0 0.32713
910 1.8981 81.859 13.322 0 0.32469
900 1.896 81.768 13.362 0 0.32235
890 1.8937 81.682 13.391 0 0.31986
880 1.8914 81.589 13.427 0 0.31746
870 1.889 81.491 13.465 0 0.31508
860 1.8866 81.389 13.505 0 0.31271
850 1.8841 81.277 13.555 0 0.31044
840 1.8815 81.173 13.591 0 0.30803
830 1.8789 81.057 13.637 0 0.30571
820 1.8761 80.937 13.685 0 0.30341
810 1.8733 80.811 13.736 0 0.30113
800 1.8705 80.674 13.796 0 0.29894
790 1.8675 80.542 13.844 0 0.29662
780 1.8644 80.399 13.902 0 0.2944
770 1.8613 80.249 13.963 0 0.29221
760 1.8581 80.092 14.026 0 0.29003
750 1.8547 79.927 14.093 0 0.28789
740 1.8513 79.775 14.164 0 0.28577
730 1.8477 79.575 14.237 0 0.28368
720 1.8441 79.386 14.315 0 0.28162
VOLUME 4, 2016

710 1.8403 79.188 14.397 0 0.27959

700 1.8365 78.973 14.493 0 0.27768
Continued on next page
VOLUME 4, 2016
TABLE 4 – continued from previous page
Core Width (nm) Effective Index Power Confinement Power Confinement Power Confinement Effective Area
(Hx11 ) in Core (Hx11 ) in Substrate (Hx11 ) in Cladding (Hx11 ) (Hx11 )
690 1.8324 78.761 14.573 0 0.27564
680 1.8283 78.532 14.668 0 0.27372
670 1.824 78.291 14.769 0 0.27185
660 1.8196 78.037 14.875 0 0.27001
650 1.8151 77.763 14.998 0 0.26832
640 1.8103 77.489 15.105 0 0.2665
630 1.8054 77.193 15.23 0 0.26482
620 1.8004 76.88 15.363 0 0.2632
610 1.7952 76.551 15.504 0 0.26165
600 1.79 76.194 15.667 0 0.26026
590 1.7843 75.835 15.812 0 0.25876
580 1.7785 75.446 15.981 0 0.25743
570 1.7725 75.034 16.161 0 0.25619
560 1.7663 74.598 16.353 0 0.25504
550 1.7601 74.127 16.574 0 0.25409
540 1.7533 73.645 16.778 0 0.25308
530 1.7465 73.124 17.013 0 0.25229
520 1.7394 72.571 17.266 0 0.25163
510 1.732 71.982 17.538 0 0.25113
500 1.7245 71.346 17.848 0 0.25089
490 1.7166 70.677 18.166 0 0.25075
480 1.7084 69.964 18.508 0 0.25083
470 1.6999 69.201 18.879 0 0.25114
460 1.6911 68.386 19.283 0 0.25173
450 1.682 67.513 19.722 0 0.25262
440 1.6725 66.577 20.203 0 0.25386
430 1.6628 65.571 20.732 0 0.25551
420 1.6526 64.49 21.312 0 0.25763
410 1.6421 63.326 21.953 0 0.26029
400 1.6313 62.072 22.664 0 0.26358
390 1.6201 60.716 23.455 0 0.26763
380 1.6085 59.249 24.339 0 0.27259
370 1.5966 57.658 25.334 0 0.27864
360 1.5843 55.932 26.457 0 0.28603
350 1.5718 54.052 27.732 0 0.29509
340 1.5589 52.003 29.189 0 0.30626
Continued on next page
TABLE 4 – continued from previous page
Core Width (nm) Effective Index Power Confinement Power Confinement Power Confinement Effective Area
(Hx11 ) in Core (Hx11 ) in Substrate (Hx11 ) in Cladding (Hx11 ) (Hx11 )
330 1.5457 49.764 30.863 0 0.32012
320 1.5324 47.315 32.797 0 0.33748
310 1.519 44.636 35.041 0 0.35945
300 1.5055 41.705 37.652 0 0.38768
290 1.4921 38.509 40.689 0 0.42438
280 1.4789 35.048 44.204 0 0.4726
270 1.4662 31.349 48.223 0 0.53639
260 NA NA NA 0 NA
250 NA NA NA 0 NA
240 NA NA NA 0 NA
230 NA NA NA 0 NA
220 NA NA NA 0 NA
210 NA NA NA 0 NA
200 NA NA NA 0 NA
100 NA NA NA 0 NA
VOLUME 4, 2016
VOLUME 4, 2016
TABLE 5: SiN = 400 nm
Core Width (nm) Effective Index Power Confinement Power Confinement Power Confinement Effective Area
(Hy11 ) in Core (Hy11 ) in Substrate (Hy11 ) in Cladding (Hy11 ) (Hy11 )
1500 2.2334 88.21 6.9407 0 0.46742
1400 2.225 88.176 6.9581 0 0.43722
1300 2.2147 88.129 6.9818 0 0.4071
1200 2.2018 88.063 7.0151 0 0.37707
1100 2.1852 87.968 7.0636 0 0.34721
1000 2.1633 87.822 7.1372 0 0.31758
990 2.1607 87.806 7.1466 0 0.31461
980 2.1581 87.786 7.1564 0 0.31167
970 2.1554 87.766 7.1666 0 0.30874
960 2.1526 87.744 7.1774 0 0.3058
950 2.1497 87.719 7.1888 0 0.30291
940 2.1467 87.698 7.2007 0 0.29996
930 2.1437 87.673 7.2132 0 0.29704
920 2.1405 87.647 7.2264 0 0.29413
910 2.1372 87.619 7.2403 0 0.29123
900 2.1338 87.587 7.255 0 0.28836
890 2.1303 87.559 7.2704 0 0.28544
880 2.1267 87.527 7.2867 0 0.28256
870 2.1229 87.492 7.3039 0 0.27968
860 2.1191 87.456 7.3221 0 0.27682
850 2.1151 87.414 7.3414 0 0.27399
840 2.1109 87.377 7.3617 0 0.27111
830 2.1066 87.333 7.3834 0 0.26826
820 2.1021 87.287 7.4064 0 0.26545
810 2.0975 87.238 7.4307 0 0.26264
800 2.0927 87.182 7.4566 0 0.25986
790 2.0877 87.13 7.4843 0 0.25705
780 2.0825 87.071 7.5137 0 0.25428
770 2.0771 87.008 7.5452 0 0.25152
760 2.0715 86.94 7.5787 0 0.24878
750 2.0657 86.868 7.6146 0 0.24606
740 2.0596 86.79 7.6531 0 0.24336
730 2.0533 86.706 7.6944 0 0.24069
720 2.0468 86.616 7.7386 0 0.23804
710 2.0399 86.52 7.7863 0 0.23541
700 2.0329 86.41 7.8375 0 0.23285
Continued on next page
TABLE 5 – continued from previous page
Core Width (nm) Effective Index Power Confinement Power Confinement Power Confinement Effective Area
(Hy11 ) in Core (Hy11 ) in Substrate (Hy11 ) in Cladding (Hy11 ) (Hy11 )

690 2.0254 86.303 7.8932 0 0.23026

680 1.0176 86.181 7.9531 0 0.22773
670 1.0095 86.049 8.0181 0 0.22524
660 2.001 85.905 8.0886 0 0.2228
650 1.992 85.742 8.165 0 0.22045
640 1.9829 85.578 8.2489 0 0.21807
630 1.9732 85.392 8.3402 0 0.21579
620 1.963 85.188 8.4402 0 0.21358
610 1.9523 84.965 8.55 0 0.21144
600 1.9412 84.711 8.6704 0 0.20944
590 1.9294 84.447 8.8044 0 0.20745
580 1.9171 84.146 8.9522 0 0.20561
570 1.9042 83.813 9.1164 0 0.20391
560 1.8905 83.442 9.2995 0 0.20235
550 1.8763 83.02 9.5036 0 0.20102
540 1.8612 82.564 9.7346 0 0.19978
530 1.8453 82.042 9.9944 0 0.19883
520 1.8286 81.454 10.289 0 0.19817
510 1.811 80.789 10.624 0 0.19783
500 1.7926 80.024 11.006 0 0.19795
490 1.7731 79.16 11.448 0 0.19851
480 1.7526 78.171 11.959 0 0.19965
470 1.731 77.033 12.553 0 0.20153
460 1.7083 75.719 13.25 0 0.20432
450 1.6845 74.197 14.071 0 0.20827
440 1.6595 72.427 15.045 0 0.21371
430 1.6335 70.364 16.207 0 0.22109
420 1.6065 67.958 17.601 0 0.231
410 1.5786 65.152 19.28 0 0.24431
400 1.5499 61.889 21.308 0 0.26223
390 1.5209 58.119 23.752 0 0.28645
380 1.4918 53.809 26.7 0 0.31934
370 1.4631 48.965 30.201 0 0.36418
VOLUME 4, 2016

360 1.4353 43.647 34.297 0 0.42518

350 NA NA NA 0 NA
Continued on next page
VOLUME 4, 2016
TABLE 5 – continued from previous page
Core Width (nm) Effective Index Power Confinement Power Confinement Power Confinement Effective Area
(Hy11 ) in Core (Hy11 ) in Substrate (Hy11 ) in Cladding (Hy11 ) (Hy11 )

340 NA NA NA 0 NA
330 NA NA NA 0 NA
320 NA NA NA 0 NA
310 NA NA NA 0 NA
300 NA NA NA 0 NA
290 NA NA NA 0 NA
280 NA NA NA 0 NA
270 NA NA NA 0 NA
260 NA NA NA 0 NA
250 NA NA NA 0 NA
240 NA NA NA 0 NA
230 NA NA NA 0 NA
220 NA NA NA 0 NA
210 NA NA NA 0 NA
200 NA NA NA 0 NA
100 NA NA NA 0 NA
TABLE 6: SiN = 400 nm
Core Width (nm) Effective Index Power Confinement Power Confinement Power Confinement Effective Area
(Hy21 ) in Core (Hy21 ) in Substrate (Hy21 ) in Cladding (Hy21 ) (Hy21 )
1500 2.0553 87.491 7.3443 0 0.4757
1400 2.0197 87.169 7.5672 0 0.44822
1300 1.9755 86.404 8.3189 0 0.42741
1200 1.9174 86.284 7.3069 0 0.39921
1100 1.8443 85.056 8.0814 0 0.37365
1000 1.7472 82.638 9.1789 0 0.36149
990 1.7358 82.28 9.3432 0 0.3612
980 1.7242 81.88 9.5224 0 0.36128
970 1.7122 81.422 9.7195 0 0.36167
960 1.6998 80.962 9.9369 0 0.36243
950 1.6872 80.423 10.178 0 0.36372
940 1.674 79.851 10.446 0 0.36527
930 1.6606 79.208 10.745 0 0.3675
920 1.6468 78.494 11.081 0 0.37038
910 1.6327 77.7 11.46 0 0.37405
900 1.6183 76.805 11.89 0 0.37877
890 1.6033 75.826 12.381 0 0.38433
880 1.5881 74.715 12.945 0 0.39137
870 1.5726 73.464 13.597 0 0.40007
860 1.5568 72.05 14.358 0 0.41082
850 1.541 70.436 15.256 0 0.42438
840 1.5246 68.612 16.326 0 0.44096
830 1.5083 66.506 17.623 0 0.46225
820 1.492 64.066 19.225 0 0.48979
810 1.4759 61.206 21.25 0 0.52638
800 1.4602 57.814 23.865 0 0.57675
790 1.4448 53.713 27.372 0 0.64899
780 NA NA NA 0 NA
770 NA NA NA 0 NA
760 NA NA NA 0 NA
750 NA NA NA 0 NA
740 NA NA NA 0 NA
730 NA NA NA 0 NA
720 NA NA NA 0 NA
VOLUME 4, 2016

710 NA NA NA 0 NA
700 NA NA NA 0 NA
Continued on next page
VOLUME 4, 2016
TABLE 6 – continued from previous page
Core Width (nm) Effective Index Power Confinement Power Confinement Power Confinement Effective Area
(Hy21 ) in Core (Hy21 ) in Substrate (Hy21 ) in Cladding (Hy21 ) (Hy21 )

690 NA NA NA 0 NA
680 NA NA NA 0 NA
670 NA NA NA 0 NA
660 NA NA NA 0 NA
650 NA NA NA 0 NA
640 NA NA NA 0 NA
630 NA NA NA 0 NA
620 NA NA NA 0 NA
610 NA NA NA 0 NA
600 NA NA NA 0 NA
590 NA NA NA 0 NA
580 NA NA NA 0 NA
570 NA NA NA 0 NA
560 NA NA NA 0 NA
550 NA NA NA 0 NA
540 NA NA NA 0 NA
530 NA NA NA 0 NA
520 NA NA NA 0 NA
510 NA NA NA 0 NA
500 NA NA NA 0 NA
490 NA NA NA 0 NA
480 NA NA NA 0 NA
470 NA NA NA 0 NA
460 NA NA NA 0 NA
450 NA NA NA 0 NA
440 NA NA NA 0 NA
430 NA NA NA 0 NA
420 NA NA NA 0 NA
410 NA NA NA 0 NA
400 NA NA NA 0 NA
390 NA NA NA 0 NA
380 NA NA NA 0 NA
370 NA NA NA 0 NA
360 NA NA NA 0 NA
350 NA NA NA 0 NA
Continued on next page
TABLE 6 – continued from previous page
Core Width (nm) Effective Index Power Confinement Power Confinement Power Confinement Effective Area
(Hy21 ) in Core (Hy21 ) in Substrate (Hy21 ) in Cladding (Hy21 ) (Hy21 )

340 NA NA NA 0 NA
330 NA NA NA 0 NA
320 NA NA NA 0 NA
310 NA NA NA 0 NA
300 NA NA NA 0 NA
290 NA NA NA 0 NA
280 NA NA NA 0 NA
270 NA NA NA 0 NA
260 NA NA NA 0 NA
250 NA NA NA 0 NA
240 NA NA NA 0 NA
230 NA NA NA 0 NA
220 NA NA NA 0 NA
210 NA NA NA 0 NA
200 NA NA NA 0 NA
100 NA NA NA 0 NA
VOLUME 4, 2016
VOLUME 4, 2016
TABLE 7: ChG H= 400 nm
Core Width (nm) Effective Index Power Confinement Power Confinement Power Confinement Effective Area
(Hx11 ) in Core (Hx11) in Substrate (Hx11 ) in Cladding (Hx11 ) (Hx11 )
700 1.8365 78.973 14.493 0 0.27768
600 1.79 76.194 15.667 0 0.26026
500 1.7245 71.346 17.848 0 0.25089
490 1.7166 70.677 18.166 0 0.25075
480 1.7084 69.964 18.508 0 0.25083
470 1.6999 69.201 18.879 0 0.25114
460 1.6911 68.386 19.283 0 0.25173
450 1.682 67.513 19.722 0 0.25262
440 1.6725 66.577 20.203 0 0.25386
430 1.6628 65.571 20.732 0 0.25551
420 1.6524 64.495 21.292 0 0.25755
410 1.6419 63.33 21.932 0 0.26021
400 1.631 62.074 22.643 0 0.26351
390 1.6198 60.717 23.434 0 0.26757
380 1.6082 59.248 24.32 0 0.27254
370 1.5963 57.656 25.314 0 0.27861
360 1.584 55.926 26.439 0 0.28602
350 1.5714 54.043 27.717 0 0.29511
340 1.5585 51.99 29.177 0 0.30631
330 1.5454 49.747 30.856 0 0.32021
320 1.532 47.293 32.795 0 0.33764
310 1.5186 44.606 35.047 0 0.35974
300 1.5051 41.667 37.668 0 0.38812
Continued on next page
TABLE 7 – continued from previous page
Core Width (nm) Effective Index Power Confinement Power Confinement Power Confinement Effective Area
(Hx11 ) in Core (Hx11 ) in Substrate (Hx11 ) in Cladding (Hx11 ) (Hx11 )
VOLUME 4, 2016
VOLUME 4, 2016
TABLE 8: ChG H= 400 nm
Core Width (nm) Effective Index Power Confinement Power Confinement Power Confinement Effective Area
(Hy11 ) in Core (Hy11 ) in Substrate (Hy11 ) in Cladding (Hx11 ) (Hy11 )
700 2.0329 86.41 7.8375 0 0.23285
600 1.9412 84.711 8.6704 0 0.20944
500 1.7926 80.024 11.006 0 0.19795
490 1.7731 79.16 11.448 0 0.19851
480 1.7526 78.171 11.959 0 0.19965
470 1.731 77.033 12.553 0 0.20153
460 1.7083 75.719 13.25 0 0.20432
450 1.6845 74.197 14.071 0 0.20827
440 1.6595 72.427 15.045 0 0.21371
430 1.6335 70.364 16.207 0 0.22109
420 1.6063 67.962 17.608 0 0.23094
410 1.5783 65.153 19.289 0 0.24426
400 1.5497 61.885 21.32 0 0.2622
390 1.5206 58.11 23.772 0 0.28645
380 1.4914 53.793 26.72 0 0.31941
370 1.4627 48.94 30.228 0 0.36435
360 1.4349 43.614 34.331 0 0.4255
350 1.4087 37.953 39.007 0 0.50784
340 1.3847 32.171 44.156 0 0.61609
330 1.3632 26.537 49.588 0 0.75288
320 1.3446 21.314 55.066 0 0.91732
310 1.3289 16.7 60.362 0 1.1059
300 1.3161 12.771 65.383 0 1.3196
290 NA NA NA 0 NA
280 NA NA NA 0 NA
270 NA NA NA 0 NA
260 NA NA NA 0 NA
250 NA NA NA 0 NA
240 NA NA NA 0 NA
Continued on next page
TABLE 8 – continued from previous page
Core Width (nm) Effective Index Power Confinement Power Confinement Power Confinement Effective Area
(Hy11 ) in Core (Hy11 ) in Substrate (Hy11 ) in Cladding (Hy11 ) (Hy11 )
230 NA NA NA 0 NA
220 NA NA NA 0 NA
210 NA NA NA 0 NA
200 NA NA NA 0 NA
100 NA NA NA 0 NA
VOLUME 4, 2016
VOLUME 4, 2016
TABLE 9: SiN H= 500 nm
Core Width (nm) Effective Index Effective Area
(Hy11 ) (Hy11 )
1500 2.3159 0.52084
1400 2.3079 0.48707
1300 2.2979 0.45336
1200 2.2854 0.41973
1100 2.2693 0.38623
1000 2.2482 0.35292
990 2.2457 0.34959
980 2.2431 0.34628
970 2.2405 0.34297
960 2.2378 0.33966
950 2.235 0.33636
940 2.2321 0.33306
930 2.2292 0.32977
920 2.2261 0.32648
910 2.2229 0.3232
900 2.2196 0.31995
890 2.2162 0.31665
880 2.2127 0.31338
870 2.2091 0.31013
860 2.2053 0.30687
850 2.2014 0.30363
840 2.1974 0.30039
830 2.1932 0.29716
820 2.1889 0.29394
810 2.1844 0.29073
800 2.1798 0.28755
790 2.1749 0.28434
780 2.1699 0.28116
770 2.1647 0.27799
760 2.1593 0.27484
750 2.1536 0.2717
740 2.1477 0.26858
730 2.1416 0.26548
720 2.1352 0.2624
710 2.1286 0.25933
700 2.1217 0.25632
Continued on next page
TABLE 9 – continued from previous page
Core Width (nm) Effective Index Effective Area
(Hy11 ) (Hy11 )
690 2.1144 0.25328
680 2.1069 0.25029
670 2.099 0.24733
660 2.0908 0.24441
650 2.0821 0.24152
640 2.0731 0.23868
630 2.0636 0.23588
620 2.0537 0.23313
610 2.0433 0.23043
600 2.0324 0.22784
590 2.0209 0.22525
580 2.0089 0.22277
570 1.9962 0.22039
560 1.9828 0.21811
550 1.9687 0.21596
540 1.9539 0.21394
530 1.9393 0.21209
520 1.9217 0.21044
510 1.9043 0.20901
500 1.8859 0.20789
490 1.8664 0.20706
480 1.8458 0.20661
470 1.824 0.20664
460 1.801 0.20725
450 1.7766 0.20859
440 1.7509 0.21086
430 1.7237 0.21432
420 1.6951 0.21931
410 1.6651 0.22633
400 1.6338 0.2361
390 1.6012 0.24964
380 1.5676 0.26844
370 1.5334 0.29473
360 1.4991 0.33178
VOLUME 4, 2016

350 NA NA
340 NA NA
Continued on next page
VOLUME 4, 2016
TABLE 9 – continued from previous page
Core Width (nm) Effective Index Effective Area
(Hy11 ) (Hy11 )
330 NA NA
320 NA NA
310 NA NA
300 NA NA
290 NA NA
280 NA NA
270 NA NA
260 NA NA
250 NA NA
240 NA NA
230 NA NA
220 NA NA
210 NA NA
200 NA NA
190 NA NA
180 NA NA
170 NA NA
160 NA NA
150 NA NA
140 NA NA
130 NA NA
120 NA NA
110 NA NA
100 NA NA
90 NA NA
80 NA NA
70 NA NA
60 NA NA
50 NA NA
40 NA NA
30 NA NA
20 NA NA
10 NA NA
TABLE 10: SiN H= 500 nm
Core width (nm) Effective Index Effective Area
(Hy21 ) (Hy21 )
1500 2.144 0.52835
1400 2.1096 0.49524
1300 2.0666 0.46391
1200 2.0119 0.43417
1100 1.9407 0.40745
1000 1.8463 0.38767
990 1.8353 0.38642
980 1.8238 0.38536
970 1.8121 0.38453
960 1.8 0.38396
950 1.7875 0.38369
940 1.7746 0.38375
930 1.7613 0.3842
920 1.7477 0.3851
910 1.7336 0.38652
900 1.7191 0.38857
890 1.7042 0.39135
880 1.6889 0.395
870 1.6732 0.3997
860 1.6571 0.40567
850 1.6406 0.4132
840 1.6238 0.42268
830 1.6066 0.4346
820 1.5892 0.44964
810 1.5717 0.46876
800 1.554 0.49322
790 1.5364 0.525
780 1.5191 0.56688
770 1.5022 0.62307
760 1.486 0.69971
750 NA NA
740 NA NA
730 NA NA
720 NA NA
VOLUME 4, 2016

710 NA NA
700 NA NA
Continued on next page
VOLUME 4, 2016
TABLE 10 – continued from previous page
Core Width (nm) Effective Index Effective Area
(Hy21 ) (Hy21 )
690 NA NA
680 NA NA
670 NA NA
660 NA NA
650 NA NA
640 NA NA
630 NA NA
620 NA NA
610 NA NA
600 NA NA
590 NA NA
580 NA NA
570 NA NA
560 NA NA
550 NA NA
540 NA NA
530 NA NA
520 NA NA
510 NA NA
500 NA NA
490 NA NA
480 NA NA
470 NA NA
460 NA NA
450 NA NA
440 NA NA
430 NA NA
420 NA NA
410 NA NA
400 NA NA
390 NA NA
380 NA NA
370 NA NA
360 NA NA
350 NA NA
340 NA NA
Continued on next page
TABLE 10 – continued from previous page
Core Width (nm) Effective Index Effective Area
(Hy21 ) (Hy21 )
330 NA NA
320 NA NA
310 NA NA
300 NA NA
290 NA NA
280 NA NA
270 NA NA
260 NA NA
250 NA NA
240 NA NA
230 NA NA
220 NA NA
210 NA NA
200 NA NA
190 NA NA
180 NA NA
170 NA NA
160 NA NA
150 NA NA
140 NA NA
130 NA NA
120 NA NA
110 NA NA
100 NA NA
90 NA NA
80 NA NA
70 NA NA
60 NA NA
50 NA NA
40 NA NA
30 NA NA
20 NA NA
10 NA NA
VOLUME 4, 2016
VOLUME 4, 2016
TABLE 11: SiN H= 500 nm
Core width (nm) Effective Index Effective Area
(Hx11 ) (Hx11 )
1500 2.159 0.48338
1400 2.1527 0.45406
1300 2.1452 0.42621
1200 2.1361 0.39862
1100 2.1247 0.37125
1000 2.1103 0.34414
990 2.1087 0.34141
980 2.107 0.33872
970 2.1053 0.33604
960 2.1035 0.33336
950 2.1017 0.33068
940 2.0998 0.32801
930 2.0979 0.32534
920 2.0959 0.32268
910 2.0939 0.32003
900 2.0919 0.31995
890 2.0897 0.31473
880 2.0875 0.31209
870 2.0853 0.30946
860 2.083 0.30683
850 2.0806 0.30421
840 2.0781 0.3016
830 2.0756 0.29899
820 2.073 0.29639
810 2.0704 0.2938
800 2.0676 0.29126
790 2.0648 0.28865
780 2.0619 0.28609
770 2.0588 0.28353
760 2.0557 0.28099
750 2.0525 0.27846
740 2.0492 0.27594
730 2.0458 0.27343
720 2.0423 0.27094
710 2.0386 0.26846
700 2.0349 0.26604
Continued on next page
TABLE 11 – continued from previous page
Core Width (nm) Effective Index Effective Area
(Hx11 ) (Hx11 )
690 2.031 0.26355
680 2.027 0.26111
670 2.0228 0.2587
660 2.0185 0.2563
650 2.0141 0.25392
640 2.0095 0.25157
630 2.0047 0.24923
620 1.9998 0.24692
610 1.9946 0.24464
600 1.9894 0.24243
590 1.9838 0.24015
580 1.9781 0.23796
570 1.9722 0.2358
560 1.966 0.23367
550 1.9596 0.23159
540 1.9529 0.22954
530 1.946 0.22755
520 1.9388 0.2256
510 1.9313 0.22371
500 1.9236 0.22194
490 1.9155 0.22018
480 1.907 0.21849
470 1.8982 0.21687
460 1.8889 0.21535
450 1.8793 0.21392
440 1.8693 0.2126
430 1.8588 0.2114
420 1.8479 0.21034
410 1.8364 0.20943
400 1.8244 0.20868
390 1.8119 0.20814
380 1.7988 0.20782
370 1.7851 0.20776
360 1.7708 0.20799
VOLUME 4, 2016

350 1.7558 0.20857

340 1.7401 0.20956
Continued on next page
VOLUME 4, 2016
TABLE 11 – continued from previous page
Core Width (nm) Effective Index Effective Area
(Hx11 ) (Hx11 )
330 1.7231 0.21104
320 1.7066 0.21311
310 1.6887 0.2159
300 1.67 0.21957
290 1.6505 0.22436
280 1.6303 0.23059
270 1.6093 0.23871
260 1.5876 0.24943
250 1.5654 0.26381
240 1.5427 0.2836
230 1.5198 0.3118
220 1.4971 0.35387
210 1.4751 0.35387
200 1.4971 0.35387
190 NA NA
180 NA NA
170 NA NA
160 NA NA
150 NA NA
140 NA NA
130 NA NA
120 NA NA
110 NA NA
100 NA NA
90 NA NA
80 NA NA
70 NA NA
60 NA NA
50 NA NA
40 NA NA
30 NA NA
20 NA NA
10 NA NA

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