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1454-Article Text-6186-1-10-20100825
A political economy that enhances personal freedom requires effective but limited
regulation. The Viable System Model by Stafford Beer offers a way to analyze an
organization’s communication problems, maximize resource use, minimize waste, and
adapt to a changing environment by clarifying what to regulate. Jon Walker’s “VSM
Quick Guide” and Allenna Leonard’s “Personal VSM” ground the reader. VSM is
applied to a community of 65,000 people in Davis, California, USA, in a way that could
be used in other places around the world, to help identify strategies to better meet human
needs, enhance the local economy, reduce environmental damage, and encourage natural
healing processes. Given the recursive nature of the VSM, this method could be used at
every level from person to family/neighborhood/village/community/ district/ region/
state/nation/continent/planet, emphasizing the system in focus. “National Government:
disseminated regulation in real time, or ‘How to run a country’” by Stafford Beer
describes how to construct “quantified flow charts” to identify which statistics to measure
daily as regulation at a particular level of recursion.
Building a Decentralized Global Political Economy
International Society for the Systems Sciences, and this paper builds directly on his
Presidential address (which is included in Platform for Change).
We have a mixed economy. The 20th century was about private businesses buying
almost whatever they wanted, with big government failing to regulate environmental
problems, and social problems becoming a consequence of too much regulation.
One of the fundamental characteristics of a period when a society is approaching a
revolutionary change in thinking, according to Thomas Kuhn, is the high degree of
conflict and disagreement about conventions, as is reflected now in the extreme partisan
conflict in U.S. national politics. This VSM analysis disappears most of the differences
between the Republicans and the Democrats. Things quickly change: to the defenders of
the obsolete status quo, and the people who recognize that change has already happened.
As Stafford Beer says in Platform for Change, “When the traffic on the roads
finally goes mad, disobeying all the regulations that no longer contain it, I shall be risking
my neck in there trying to measure things, trying to make a model of the new situation,
devising a cybernetic control system that just might work if the authorities dare to listen.”
This paper is an effort to help build the bridge to a healthy 21st century.
Building a Decentralized Global Political Economy
all to participate in debate about what the numbers mean, what the policy options are, and
what direction the organization should point new efforts towards. It shifts the focus of
organizational power down from “the Boss” to the operations level, with the emphasis of
management shifted to being in service to operations.
One mind-boggling idea in this paper is that it might be possible to come up with a new
metric – a measure – of a higher good than money.
What. Is it possible? The concept that Stafford offers (yes, it is integral to the VSM) is
Huh? It is Greek, and was invented as a word by Aristotle. It means “well-being”. The
concept is that money is a constraint and Eudemony measures something positive.
Eudemony is one of the foundations of VSM, so it will take on more meaning as you
come to understand how the performance measures are defined so that you can identify
incipient instability and maximize the potential for a positive intervention before it is too
Stafford gave a series of radio talks about these ideas on Canadian Broadcasting that was
published as a book, called Designing Freedom. One of his points is that western society
has become so overwhelmed with miniscule regulations that we have lost control of our
own freedom. And, we don’t seem to know what freedom means any more. That is why
the U.S. Tea Partiers can simultaneously demand to keep their rights while preventing
other rights to people they object to.
Looking at Davis through the Viable System Model, Jon Li, Davis Enterprise 2/7/10
Institutions that run our lives have notoriously poor information flow. We label
inefficient and unresponsive organizations "bureaucracy," implying incompetency is the
The Viable System Model offers a way to see through some of these organizational
complications. VSM was developed in the 1950s in a steel mill in Great Britain by
Stafford Beer. The model produces hundreds of recommendations about communications
improvements. Three months after it was implemented, the mill had a 30% improvement
in productivity. Its applications range from a honey bee hive to 75 percent of the social
economy of a nation (which took 12 layers of analysis). For the Davis community, there
might be 8 or 9 layers.
Basically, the Viable System Model creates a graphic distinction of how an organization
communicates and decides. The most obvious conclusion is that most organizations
focus on their day to day operations and tend to ignore the need to coordinate the
different sections of the organization, neglect communication about how their
environment is changing, and disregard how the future might be different than expected.
Building a Decentralized Global Political Economy
The Viable System Model defines a viable system as an entity that has an ongoing impact
in a dynamic environment and maintains its identity as change happens in its
environment. (See the Viable System Model diagram.)
For the "System in Focus," identify several things it does in the world, each of which is
represented in the model by a circle. For each circle, the VSM requires 5 management
systems as necessary and sufficient for the circle to maintain its viability: System 1: the
day to day operations of the circle; System 2: the ongoing coordination of the circles;
System 3: the long range resource bargaining with the larger organization and between
the circles ("inside and now"); System 4: exploring the changing environment and
anticipating future potentialities ("outside and future"); System 5 is the visionary
mediation between 3 (the present) & 4 (the future).
The problem is that most organization's management behavior focuses on the 1-2-3
relationship and ignores the 3-4-5 communication. Too often, organizations focus on
getting better and better at what they do, and ignore the always-changing environment,
often until it is too late. This is called “collapsing the 3-4-5,” and it is the most common
reason why businesses fail – they don’t see the need to adapt to a changing environment.
The VSM analysis allows one to step outside the box limited to traditional thinking about
particular inter-relationships. One of the basic concepts of VSM is recursion: that viable
systems are nested in viable systems. What is dynamic at one level of analysis is static at
the next level up, and perhaps irrelevant at the next level down. So we can pick and
choose within the model what variables should be measured, managed and evaluated at
that particular level of organization.
Recursion applied: As you look at the diagram, the medium sized boxes are the Systems
ONE, THREE, FOUR and FIVE of the "System in Focus". (System TWO is the anti-
oscillatory triangle symbol.) Within the circle of the System ONE are two very small
circles and small System 1 boxes connected to the larger circle's System ONE box which
includes the small circles' 2-3-4-5s, all of which is the next recursion down. And, the
medium size boxes THREE-FOUR-FIVE that make up the upper right of the diagram are
enclosed in a large box, which is the System 1 for a larger recursion in the environment
of which this "System in Focus" is one of the circles.
Bottom Line on VSM:
-identify 8-12 sensitive indicator limits which are defined
-measure the key indicators daily
-if they go outside of an acceptable range, they are reported up to the next level
-maximize local autonomy
Davis Now
We are building the VSM for the Davis community. Since the UCD campus is such an
integral part of the community, we are doing a partial VSM analysis of the campus as
Building a Decentralized Global Political Economy
To find out more about the Viable System Model, the best introduction is Jon
Walker's Guide to the VSM which is available on the web, URL:
The goal of using the VSM process is to identify information bottlenecks and repair them
in a way that improves decision processes.
Jon Li is a long time Davis resident.
Building a Decentralized Global Political Economy
with them, or at least not take advantage of synergy if they are not viewed from a broader
System Two
The first problem that arises is that the System One activities may get in one another’s
way, causing oscillations whereby the individual scrambles to deal with schedule
glitches, budget disruptions and problems with enabling infrastructure – computers and
other tools that help keep things in order.
System Two is a service to the System One activities to help them run smoothly. So, our
System Two tools are likely to include: our diaries or planners, our address books, our
checkbooks, filing systems, instruction manuals for our tools, training or certifications
that need to be renewed – even the alarm clocks and tickler files that tell us it is time to
move. And, of course, there are the System Two activities that go with being human: our
habits, eating, health and fitness, grooming, rest and relaxation.
Students, as part of the recursion ‘university’, adopt a number of System Two
conventions that relate to expected behavior in class, standards for papers and other
assignments and social relations. Forms of address, style manuals, requirements for using
university computer centers and dormitory rules are examples.
System Three
System Three makes inside and now executive decisions on the basis of the
circumstances of all the System One activities together. It looks for synergy and makes
adjustments to deal with priorities and shift resources to adapt to changing conditions.
The ‘resource bargain’ with the System One activities allocates time, money, space and
other resources among the student’s different classes and between classes and other
commitments. A field trip or big project in one class, for instance, might use study time
and perhaps class time normally allocated to the other classes. Or, the demands of a
tournament, a big push in a part time job or student government event could result in
shuffling schedules and perhaps scrambling to get everything done. Everyone does this
sort of trade-off anyway, with or without the benefit of a model, but having a model
makes what is included in the considerations more explicit.
Often System Three decisions are made on the run. Something more or less unexpected
happens and it is necessary to reallocate priorities and resources. This is not so different
from when a company shifts gears to comply with a larger than normal order or to
compensate for a breakdown. When there is time for consideration, synergies may be
pursued. Two different courses may have overlapping reading lists, allowing for a deeper
understanding of how they apply to both of them, or two courses may be scheduled
consecutively in nearby buildings, thus saving travel time.
System Three Star
System Three Star mops up excess variety that is not handled by regular arrangements.
Any sitting down and taking stock of particulars counts as a Three Star effort. Sitting
down with one’s budget is the obvious parallel to the financial audit of a company but
there can be others, such as measuring your computer capacity against current demands
Building a Decentralized Global Political Economy
Building a Decentralized Global Political Economy
Building a Decentralized Global Political Economy
function. A meditative retreat may serve as a variety mop up in System Three Star. One
may meditate on the future, acting in a System Four capacity or may reflect on questions
of identity or the balance between present and future in System Five.
Beginning to learn to apply the VSM to an individual’s life and work is a very useful way
to come to grips with the model without the benefit of a common organizational context.
It is advantageous that an individual does not need much familiarity with the management
of organizations to proceed. And, of course, it is hoped that when similar dynamics are
met in the context of organizations and their relations, that the invariances will be
For more from Allenna Leonard about how to apply VSM:
A Viable System Model: Consideration of Knowledge Management, Journal of
Knowledge Management Practice (1999)
The VSM Applied to Complex Organizations in Crisis, Address to the 2nd Cwarel Isaf
Institute Conference, Internet
The system 1s: residents (families, preschool, K-12, seniors; college students who are not
in any way related to the previous groups); businesses; City of Davis (parks, utilities -
water, sewer, drainage, administration - police, fire, finance)
Building a Decentralized Global Political Economy
System 1s;
agriculture, environmental science, engineering, veterinary medicine, human medicine
and nursing, law, letters and science, and, 60% of the student body: biological sciences.
Building a Decentralized Global Political Economy
Building a Decentralized Global Political Economy
The point is, within each person’s subsystems are benchmarks, standards, and personal
best goals. I am a big fan of Management by Objectives: time limited goals that are
quantifiable; three months seems like a good medium or even long term goal point to
work towards.
Isolated Senior
How is this different than a younger person?
System 1s: income, housing, food & shopping, recreation, health care needs (exercise,
primary physician, care giver, ancillary health support staff, specific equipment,
pharmaceuticals), social support (connection to the Senior Center and other community
services), transportation (personal: walk, bike, car; public), resource management.
Building a Decentralized Global Political Economy
The beginning of the horseshoe is: you get a good idea to start a business. The right side
of the top of the horseshoe is you open your business. What are the steps to get around
the horseshoe?
The circle is the annual cycle of your successful, thriving business. Three quarters of the
way around the circle is the end of your fiscal year, and the end of the circle is when you
file your completed taxes, and you are well into your next fiscal year.
This Steps and Ladders board game of the Successful Business is negotiated annually
between city economic development staff, the Chamber of Commerce and the Downtown
Business Association.
Business ideas?
For starters, walk into a large drug type multipurpose store, and look at one shelf that you
could focus on so well that you could make a retail business out of it. Get to know
everything there is to know about how that product or service works, the retail public
face, and then all the jobs that go into putting the product together and to the final
Examples? Somewhere in the population of 5,000, most places, or a nearby place
would have: art store, art studio, art gallery (Davis shines), crafts supply, athletic supply
store, automobile parts store, barber shop, bathroom and plumbing accessories store,
Building a Decentralized Global Political Economy
beauty salon, used book store, bike and bike repair, bowling alley, building supply,
cafeteria, candy store, card and gift shop, catalogue and outlet store, stationary, party
goods, copy shop, carpet shop/rugs, convenience store, craft and hobby shop, discount
department store, drug store, dry cleaners, electrical supply store, exercise salon, eye care
and optical dispenser, fabric store, frame shop, athletic club, seamstress, factory outlet,
motorcycle, mopeds, import store, pool hall, restaurant, financial institution – branch,
floral shop, flea market, recycle center, furniture store, gasoline service station, home
improvement center, hosiery, household accessory, ice cream/goodies, ice skating,
jewelry, travel, kitchen cabinet store, kitchen supply, lawn and garden, lawnmower repair
and sales, linen shop, lock and key, luggage, maternity wear, muffler, music (records,
tapes, video), music instruments, nursery, nutrition or health, oil change, paint store,
office supplies, pet supply, photographic equipment, photographic studio, ranch and farm
supply, real estate, repair, grocery, shoes, specialty food, specialty clothing, boutiques,
sporting goods, tv sales and repair, theater, tire and automotive, toys, games, upholstery,
dental, computer, day care, campground, youth hostel, Laundromat, juice bar, hair saloon.
Building a Decentralized Global Political Economy
7. in January, Jon Walker and Angela Espinosa come to Davis for a week of public
workshops in the evenings and city staff workshops in the afternoons. Angela and
Jon arrive on a Monday, address the City Council on Tuesday for a half hour of
question and answer, lead a scheduled workshop for the Planning Commission on
Wednesday, and then focused public workshops at the Veteran’s Memorial Center
Multi-Purpose Room, Thursday evening, Saturday afternoon, and Monday
evening, with the material evolving with each workshop. On Tuesday, present the
results to the Davis City Council
8. which are recommendations for inquiry and potential reorganization of the city
government, and potential changes to the city’s economy.
9. These changes might well include a policy governance alternative to the current
state mandated general plan, a 3-5 page document of specific performance
standards to replace the hundreds of pages of city general plan regulations.
10. And, becoming a charter city with its own, limited governing document to replace
most state regulations.
Following the References, is the Appendix, where Stafford explains how it works
Building a Decentralized Global Political Economy
Beer, Stafford (1972, 1994), Brain of the Firm, John Wiley, Chichester
Beer, Stafford (1974), Designing Freedom, Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, Toronto
Beer, Stafford (1975, 1994), Platform for Change, reader’s guide by Jon Li, John Wiley,
Beer, Stafford (1979, 1994), The Heart of Enterprise, John Wiley, Chichester
Beer, Stafford (1985), Diagnosing the System: for Organizations, John Wiley, Chichester
Beer, Stafford (1989), “Disseminated Regulation in Real Time, or How to Run a
Country”, in The Viable System Model: Interpretations and Applications, edited by
Raul Espejo and Roger Harnden
Beer, Stafford (1994), Initiates an Audience into the World of Systems and Managerial
Cybernetics, Liverpool Business School, John Moores University, Liverpool, UK
Breed, Warren, (1971), The Self-Guiding Society, Free Press, NY, NY
Callenbach, Ernest (1975), Ecotopia, Banyan Tree, Berkeley
Chernow, Ron (2004), Alexander Hamilton, Penguin Press, London
Christopher, William (2007), Holistic Management: Managing What Matters for
Company Success,
John Wiley, Hoboken, New Jersey
Clark, Glen (2002), A Human Effort (A fifty part poem of history up to now), self-
Daly, Herman, Cobb, John Jr. (1994), For the Common Good: Redirecting the Economy
toward Community, the Environment and a Sustainable Future, Beacon Press,
Building a Decentralized Global Political Economy
De Grazia, Alfred (1973), Politics for Better or Worse, Scott, Foresman, Glenview,
De Grazia, Alfred (1975), Eight Goods – Eight Bads: The American Contradictions,
Anchor Doubleday, Garden City, NY
Diamond, Jared (2005), Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed, Viking, NY
Ferguson, Niall (2003), Empire: The Rise and Demise of the British World Order and the
Lessons for Global Power. New York: Basic Books
Ferguson, Niall (2004), Colossus: The Price of American Empire, Penguin Press, NY,
Ferguson, Niall (2008), The Ascent of Money, Penguin Press, NY
Friedman, Milton, Schwartz, Anna (2008), The Great Contraction, 1929-1933, Princeton
University Press, Princeton, New Jersey
Friedman, Thomas (2008), Hot, Flat & Crowded, Farrar, Straus & Giroux, NY
Fromkin, David (1989), A Peace to End all Peace: The Fall of the Ottoman Empire and
Creation of the Modern Middle East, Avon, NY
Galbraith, John Kenneth (1977), The Age of Uncertainty: A History of Economic Ideas &
their Consequences, Houghton Mifflin, Boston
Hardin, Garrett (1968), “The Tragedy of the Commons”, in Science, vol 162, no 3859, pp
Hourani, Albert (1991), A History of the Arab Peoples, Warner, NY
Illich, Ivan (1973), Tools for Conviviality, Harper & Row, NY
Illich, Ivan (1974), Energy and Equity, Harper & Row, NY
Jacobs, Jane (1961), The Death and Life of Great American Cities, Random House, NY
Jacobs, Jane (1969), The Economy of Cities, Random House, NY
Jacobs, Jane (1984), Cities and the Wealth of Nations, Random House, NY
Jacobs, Jane (1992), Systems of Survival, Vintage, NY
Jacobs, Jane (2000), The Nature of Economies, Modern Library, NY
Kinsley, Michael J. (1997), Economic Renewal Guide: Collaborative Process for
Community Development, Rocky Mountain Institute, Snowmass Colorado
Kuhn, Thomas (1970), The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, University of Chicago
Press, Chicago
Building a Decentralized Global Political Economy
Lakoff, George (2008), The Political Mind: Why You Can't Understand 21st-Century
American Politics
with an 18th-Century Brain, Viking, NY, NY
Leonard, Allenna (1999), A Viable System Model: Consideration of Knowledge
Journal of Knowledge Management Practice
Leonard, Allenna, The VSM Applied to Complex Organizations in Crisis,
Address to the 2nd Cwarel Isaf Institute Conference, Internet
Lewis, Bernard (2002), What Went Wrong? Western Impact and Middle Eastern
Oxford Press, NY
Lewis, Bernard (2003), The Crisis of Islam: Holy War and Unholy Terror, Modern
Library, NY
Magnuson, Joel, Mindful Economics: How the U.S. Economy Works, Why it Matters,
and How it Could Be Different, 2008, Seven Stories Press, NY, NY
Maslow, Abraham, (1970), Motivation and Personality, Harper & Row, NY
Maslow, Abraham, (1966), The Psychology of Science: A Reconnaissance, Henry
Regnery, Chicago
McDonough, William, Braungart, Michael, (2002), Cradle to Cradle: Remaking the Way
We Make Things, North Point Press, NY, NY
Meadows, Donella, Meadows, Dennis, Randers, Jorgen (1992), Beyond the Limits,
Chelsea Green Publishers, Mills Vermont
Medina, Eden (2006), Designing Freedom, Regulating a Nation: Socialist Cybernetics in
Allende’s Chile, Journal of Latin American Studies 38, 571-606, Cambridge
University Press
Mumford, Lewis (1934), Technics and Civilization, Harcourt, Brace, NY
Mumford, Lewis (1961), The City in History, Harcourt, Brace, NY
Obama, Barack, (1995), Dreams From My Father, Three Rivers Press, NY
Obama, Barack, (2006), Audacity of Hope, Three Rivers Press, NY
Odum, Howard, Odum, Elisabeth (2001), A Prosperous Way Down, U. of Colorado
Press, Boulder
Pollan, Michael (2006), The Omnivore’s Dilemma: A Natural History of Four Meals,
Penguin, NY
Building a Decentralized Global Political Economy
Pollan, Michael, Author’s Talk, Campus Community Book Project, Mondavi Center,
University of California – Davis, 11/29/06, transcribed by Jon Li
Register, Richard (2006), Ecocities: Building Cities in Balance with Nature, Berkeley
Hills, Berkeley
Rogan, Eugene, (2009), The Arabs: A History, Basic Books, NY, NY
Saviano, Roberto (2007), Gomorrah: A Personal Journey into the Violent International
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Snow, C.P. (1959), The Two Cultures and the Scientific Revolution, Cambridge, NY
Taylor, Graeme (2008), Evolution's Edge: The Coming Collapse and Transformation of
Our World, New Society, BC, Canada
Walker, Jon (2006), Viable System Model Guide, on the Internet
Weisman, Alan (2007), The World Without Us, St. Martin’s, NY
The real world test of this idea was in 1972-3, in Chile. Stafford was recruited by the
economists in Salvador Allende’s administration to apply the Viable System Model to
what became 75% of the country’s economy. Each of the major sectors of the economy
was mapped, and their production flows monitored on a daily basis, with the information
given to the manager, supervising foremen, and workers, for review and discussion about
improvement. During the six week Chilean truck strike, with only 20% of the trucks
available, using real time information and just in time scheduling and coordinating,
essential resources were successfully distributed to meet basic needs throughout the
society. The Viable System Model is designed to identify reality, rather than confirm
Building a Decentralized Global Political Economy
Building a Decentralized Global Political Economy
The practical approach: The mapping of actual organizations on to the VSM is a matter
both of cybernetic technique and of profound knowledge about the particular organization
under study. Thus any given investigatory team must meld together cyberneticians with
local people.
Consider now a practical example of what would happen. The constitutional regulatory
system of the Nation is Recursion One. This includes (Recursion Two) ministerial
government, communities, and the wealth-producing industries, public and private.
Select industries, which includes (Recursion Three) Water Supply, Energy, etc.
Recursion Four of Energy includes the viable systems of Oil, Gas, Electricity, etc. A
VSM team will need to map each of these industries on to the VSM, and in doing so to
visit each of the component companies or plants of each: that will be to map at Recursion
The level of complexity may sound alarming. It is not. In the first place, the multiplicity
of basic activities encountered across the country have to be managed in any case, and
have to be incorporated into the governmental perception of the national weal in any case.
The cybernetic approach is already making matters easier in two ways.
First, by using the same model, the same regulatory language, and the same information
technology across the board, it becomes easier to synthesize a view of what is really
happening throughout the nation. Second, because the recursions are richly
interconnected, inside each other, models of the higher-order recursion can rapidly be
integrated once the basic systems have been mapped. In managerial cybernetics, the
VSM is passing to-and-fro among the encapsulating recursions not merely numbers, but
Gestalten – whole and integrated patterns – of viability.
With conventional organization chart thinking, people ‘higher up’ take plenty of credit,
because they are ‘organizing’ things. Plenty of costly effort is put into massaging the
basic data so that this ‘organizing’ of things is manifestly justified. All of this glossy
activity creates the illusion that each level produces. Of course it does not. What it does,
if it is effective, is to generate a measure of added-value, deriving from the informational
energy of synoptic vision. Even then, things are fine only so long as the basic operations
do well; see what happens when they fail or fall short of expectation. The illusion is
proven to be such because only credit and not discredit is equally shared. The integration
of a set of recursions of VSMs will not underwrite the illusion. It creates the interlocking
model fast, as a corporate whole.
Now the output of the teams is twofold. In the first place, we expect a VSM-like version
of the organization at each level of recursion. And if that organization has weaknesses
(and which organization has not?) we expect that the modeling process will generate a
succinct list of them. Because the VSM sets out to give a necessary and sufficient
account of the laws of any viable system, it is a tool of intense diagnostic power. (Note:
if the VSM language is used loosely and merely descriptively, then of course its power is
lost.) So we expect some prescriptive suggestions too. After all, the management is itself
implicated in these studies – and so are the workforce representatives whose members
will doubtless bear the brunt of any substantive operational change.
Building a Decentralized Global Political Economy
The second output from the teams’ work is a set of quantified flow charts (QFC). These
are iconic representations of the wealth-producing or results-generating parts of each
organization. The mapping of the organizations on to the VSM retains all the necessary
complexity of viability with all the possible simplicity of topological mathematics. The
QFC in turn offers necessary complexity in operational realities, depicted by a uniform,
iconic set of conventions. And the key conclusions of the QFC work are the agreements
that the whole team reaches as to which major flows and which potential bottlenecks
shall be monitored. There are usually about ten to twenty of them at each level of
recursion, although some may not be simple measurements but more elaborate ones. We
readily perceive relative size, relative slope, relative color, and relative movement,
whereas tabulations have to be disentangled from their level of arithmetical abstraction
into these forms. The cybernetic approach offers to do that for the brain in advance, by
automating the tabulations into iconics – or at least animations.
Evaluating Well-Being: [warning: this section introduces two new words to your
vocabulary.] To this point we have been considering how to structure (by VSM) and how
to measure (by QFC) the wealth-producing or result-producing components of the Nation
– which in VSM parlance is called System One. Systems Two and Three are concerned
entirely with the regulation of balancing a competing group of System Ones.
Let us turn to System Four, which handles the interaction of the whole viable system (that
is the Nation in this case) with the outside world. Of course, System One deals piecemeal
with its own set of environments, as a matter of local adaptation; but System Four acts for
the nation as a whole. For instance, the Minister of Education is part of System One,
whereas the Foreign Minister is part of System Four. But System Four is especially
concerned with an environment that includes the future of its own people. Each
component of System One is involved with the home milieu; but overall responsibility for
the people’s future is a regulatory function shared between the people themselves and the
government agencies that act for them.
The problem is how to measure people-satisfaction. What is the QFC for ‘well-being’,
which Aristotle called EUDEMONY.
The proposed solution is simple, if not simplistic. If people do not always know why
they are feeling happy or sad, they do know that they are so. Fact is, they are doing
computations on components and subjective categories with nonlinear metrics inside
themselves, and they do not have conscious access either to the internalized model or to
the weighting system or to the process. Let the respondent do the heavy scientific work
for us.
An algedonic measure (from algos=pain, hedos=pleasure) offers no analysis of the
eudemonic condition, but only measures it:
• Respondents are offered a task so straightforward that it is not threatening.
• They are very deliberately told that they will not be asked to explain their setting; the
setting itself is the end of the encounter.
• The measurement system is analogue, and therefore does not pose difficult
distinctions: it calls on a ‘right brain’, intuitive response.
Building a Decentralized Global Political Economy
Building a Decentralized Global Political Economy
What is the true case for real-time management? Consider the monthly epoch. Managers
are proud if they have last month’s figures by the second Tuesday of this month. It is far
too late to do anything about any of that, except to learn. We learn from our mistakes,
and resolve to avoid those particular errors in the future. We learn from our successes,
too. But nothing has actually changed. If, however, we operate today on yesterday’s
figures (approximating today’s, and close to real time), the situation is quite different. It
remains the case that we cannot change what happened yesterday. But what we can learn
concerns something: recognition of incipient instability.
If what happened yesterday, and is probably happening still now, is not so much a
triumph or a disaster but a rocking-of-the-boat, and if we can detect that at once, then we
may be able to restore the equilibrium. The disaster may never happen. The success may
be assured.
We can now turn to a concept of management that has the power to manage, that is to
say, it may do something now so that the future will be different from the future that
would otherwise have been. This is the definition of planning, which is not a matter of
toying with scenarios (a support function) but of taking decisions – so that the future may
be different. It is easy to see how this holds for the future that ought one day to be, which
is the topic of normative planning. It really holds too for the future that could be (if we
work hard) fairly soon, whose topic is strategic planning. But the future that will be
almost immediately, which is supposedly the subject of tactical planning, is foisted upon
us – because our information is so lagged. This ‘future’ has already happened by the time
that its likelihood is signaled, simply because the signal itself is still getting through the
We may ‘return’ to the power to manage in the short-term: ‘return” is proposed because it
was once possible to observe activities under command, dislike the outcomes, and issue
new orders instantly. In this way, managers quelled incipient instabilities. The inability
to do this today is an artifact of our immensely cluttered, bureaucratic and inept systems –
computerized though they may be. Consider the absurdity of a government’s employing
an army of econometricians in order to forecast (from lagged data) where we already are.
It is what happens. And because the forecasts are often wrong, we decide our plans as
proceeding from an initial position that we never occupied in the first place.
The point of collecting all the data points daily from the QFCs, and channeling them into
a steady data stream, is to be instantly aware of a structured reality. The data stream has
to be revitalized within that data structure – provided by the logic of the VSMs and the
QFCs. That logic is stored in a computer, together with data reference points for every
indicator measured. These data points were established when the trans-disciplinary teams
agreed their original findings.
For each point identified and measured, the teams established a normative (should be)
and a strategic (could be) target. What the tactical result (will be) actually is arrives
virtually as it occurs.
Building a Decentralized Global Political Economy
Comparisons of these actual results with the stored expectations at each level of planning
provides a set of three indices for each arriving data point. Each is expressed as a two-
digit number. The task now is to detect incipient instability in the data streams, and this
is the task of Cyberfilter, a computer software package. As to its criterion of instability, it
is not merely picking out exceptions to the norm, and not only measuring variances from
means, these being traditional accountancy practices. Cyberfilter has the criterion of
discovering instabilities that have importance to the manager, in terms of the possibilities
of corrective action before any damage is done.
Take one index, newly calculated, and set it into its own time series. The program uses a
technique to estimate four probabilities. How likely is it that this point is merely a chance
variation? How likely is it to be a transient bit of noise in the system? How likely is it to
be contributing to a change of slope? And how likely is it to represent a step function?
Chance variations or transients are of no importance to a manager, and s/he is not told
about them. But if a slope change or a step change seems likely, then this may signify
incipient instability. It goes straight to the manager’s desktop computer screen. Because
of the rules of local autonomy built into the VSM, no-one but the responsible manager
has access to this message. If the trend is not corrected within the agreed time, an
algedonic signal goes to the next recursion upward. After appropriate delay, it is passed
on to the next level, until matters are in order.
inConclusion: Information is Potential
The problem with the 20th Century Management Structure is that it has become so
complicated that it has become a product of its own uncontrollable oscillations. The
mindset of the dominant management thinking is that the solution to complexity is greater
regulation, which is increasing the likelihood of accelerated random complications. The
only improved situation would be to create a more sophisticated regulatory system with
fewer layers, as Viable System Model is specifically designed to facilitate.
Jon Li is usually seen around Davis on his bicycle on his way to a meeting.