R.M.E Mock - March, 2024

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Essay and Objective

1hour 45mins

Name: _________________________________________________________________

Date: __________________________________________________________________


Write your name and date in ink in the spaces provided above
 This booklet consists of two papers, Paper 2 and paper 1
 Answer paper 2 in your answer booklet and paper 1 in the objective test answer sheet
 Paper 2 will last 1hour 10mins.
 Paper 1 will last 35mins.
 Do not start paper 1 until you are told to do so


PAPER 2 [60Marks]
This paper consist of three sections, section A, B and C. answer one question only from each section.
Answer one question only from this section.

1. (a) Mention five activities that form part of Christian worship. (5marks)
(b)Outline five moral significance of prayer in the three major religions. (10marks)
(c) Explain the term ablution and give one benefit. (5marks)

2. (a) Write a brief note on the early life of Jesus Christ. (5marks)
(b) Outline five miracles performed by Jesus Christ. (10marks)
(c) Mention five moral lessons that can be learnt from the life of Prophet Muhammed. (5marks)

3. (a) How will you explain the term creation? (3marks)

(b) Narrate one of the traditional stories of creation by the believers of the Indigenous African Religion.
(c) Explain how God`s creation is important to mankind. (10marks)


Answer one question only from this section

4. (a) Recommend five ways of applying the moral teachings from the three main religions to our lives. (10marks)
(b) What is chastity? (2marks)
(c) Indicate four ways of leading a chaste life. (8marks)

5. (a) Explain why it is necessary for one to dress decently. (5marks)

(b) Outline five disadvantages you could face for not being chaste. (10marks)
(c) State five forms of greetings you know. (5marks)


6. Answer one question only from this section
(a) Describe the composition of an extended family system. (4marks)
(b) In what three ways can we promote good relationship in families? (6marks)
(c) What is meant by the term self- examination? (4marks)
(d) Give three importance of self- examination. (6marks)

7. (a) What is an Entrepreneurship? (4marks)

(b) What step should one take to become a successful entrepreneur? (16marks)
Each question is followed by four options lettered A to D. Find out the correct option for each question and shade in
pencil on your answer sheet the answer space which bears the same letter as the option you have chosen. Give only
one answer to each question.
1. One of the beliefs of the Indigenous African faith is ……………
A. Belief in ghost
B. Belief in angels
C. Belief in the Holy Bible
D. Belief in Prophet Muhammed
2. Which of the following activities does not form part of Indigenous African Traditional worshippers?
A. Incantations
B. Libations
C. Communion
D. Sacrifices
3. One of these individuals is exempted from the Islamic fast during Ramadan.
A. Imam
B. Students
C. Pregnant women
D. The rich
4. What is the first of the five pillars of Islam?
A. Salat
B. Sawm
C. Hajj
D. Shahadah
5. Which of these titles of God can humanity share with Him?
A. God is kind
B. God is eternal
C. God is omnipotent
D. God is omnipresent
6. Prayer of supplication is prayer said to
A. Confess one’s sins to God and ask of forgiveness.
B. Give thanks to God and show appreciation for what he has done.
C. Make a request from God.
D. Petition God for His intervention on an issue or problem.
7. Names and titles given to God because of who He is are known as ………
A. Attributes
B. Honour
C. Praise
D. Names
8. The special prayer said to bid a dead Muslim farewell is called….
A. Janaza
B. Fajr
C. Isha
D. Zuhr

9. Which of the following is a practical application of commitment to the society?

A. Exposing criminals to the security agencies
B. Receiving bribes before doing work
C. Littering the community in which we live
D. Not taking part in community cleaning
10. Who is regarded as the head of the nuclear family system?
A. Family head
B. Mother
C. Father
D. Children
11. Which of the following habits shows decency?
A. Exposing your underwear
B. Standing and listening attentively while an elderly person talks
C. Refusing to apologize for offence committed
D. Getting easily provoked by on slightest argument.
12. Who takes care of the assets of the extended family?
A. Chief
B. Family- head
C. Father
D. Mother
13. What age was Prophet Muhammed when he married Khadijah?
A. 24years
B. 25years
C. 26years
D. 27years
14. How many times did the Devil tempt Jesus after He had fasted for forty days and nights?
A. 3
B. 4
C. 5
D. 6
15. In whose reign as king was Jesus Christ born?
A. King Herod
B. King Nebuchadnezzar
C. King Solomon
D. King pharaoh
16. Traditional worshipers believe that the world was created by
A. An ancestor
B. An angel
C. A supreme being
D. A lessor god
17. One example of bad manners is ……….
A. Burping loudly without saying sorry
B. Not jumping a queue
C. Helping the aged with their luggage
D. Greeting the elderly
18. A person’s way of life whether good or bad is referred to as ………
A. Culture
B. behaviour
C. likings
D. interest
19. What does abstinence from sex before marriage refer to?
A. Purity
B. Virginity
C. Chastity
D. Singleness
20. Manners include none of the following except ………
A. Comportment
B. Preaching
C. Singing
D. Teaching
21. What is the most common form of greeting among men in Ghana?
A. Bowing
B. Hugging
C. Squatting
D. Shaking hands
22. Which of these things does Ghanaian culture frown upon?
A. Funeral rites
B. Premarital sex
C. Polygamy
D. Puberty rites
23. An activity aimed to achieving a purpose or result is ……….
A. Work
B. Duty
C. Assignment
D. Occupation
24. One examples of negative work ethics is ………….
A. Laziness
B. Punctuality
C. Regularity
D. Obedience
25. The money needed to start a business is known as
A. Income
B. Salary
C. Wage
D. Capital
26. One of the advantages of being an entrepreneur is ………
A. There is flexibility in time
B. You do not pay tax
C. You do not need any knowledge
D. Government gives capital
27. Abraham built an altar for the lord at the Oak of Moreh because
A. it was a Canaanite worship centre.
B. God had appeared to him there.
C. He wanted to worship God there
D. God asked him to do so.
28. How many types of capital do we have?
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5
29. Which of the following people are supposed to ensure orderliness at home?
A. Chiefs
B. Fathers
C. Police
D. Prefects
30. The following are the various stages in the life of humanity except……
A. Birth
B. Death
C. Education
D. Marriage
31. How are the rituals and ceremonies performed to usher adolescents from one stage of life to another called?
A. Funeral
B. Puberty rites
C. Rite of passage
D. Widowhood rites
32. In Akan traditional settings, when are babies named after birth?
A. Eighth day
B. Ninth day
C. Sixth day
D. Seventh day
33. A person qualifies to be an ancestor if he ……….
A. Dies young
B. Gives birth before dying
C. Is wealthy
D. Looks nice
34. How old was Abraham’s wife when she first gave birth?
A. 70 years
B. 80 years
C. 90 years
D. 100 years
35. Whom did Abram take as his wife?
A. Monica
B. Rebecca
C. Sarah
D. Selina
36. What type of wood did God command noah to use in making the ark?
A. Gopher
B. Mahogany
C. Odum
D. Sapele
37. Where do Muslims derive their morality from?
A. Bible
B. Imams
C. Mosques
D. Quran
38. Who wrote most of the books of proverbs in the Holy Bible?
A. Isaiah
B. Jesus
C. Moses
D. Solomon
39. Good name is said to be better than what?
A. Cars
B. Death
C. Poverty
D. Riches
40. On how many tablets of stones were the Ten Commandments?
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5


1. A 6. C 11.B 16. C 21. D 26.A 31. B 36. A
2. C 7. A 12. B 17.A 22. B 27. B 32. A 37. D
3. C 8. A 13. B 18. A 23.A 28. A 33. B 38. D
4. D 9. A 14. A 19. C 24.A 29. B 34. C 39. D
PAPER 2 5. A 10.C 15. A 20. A 25.D 30. C 35. C 40. A

(a) - prayer
- Sermon
- Bible reading
- Meditation
- Baptism
- Evangelism
[1mark each = 5marks]
 It unites the worshippers: Prayer brings worshippers closer to God.
 Worshippers seek to be holy: Prayer makes worshippers holy and upright before God.
 -It allows us to ask for forgiveness of sins: It is a means of showing remorse and asking for the forgiveness
of one’s sins.
 -Worshippers are guided to be good: It guides the individual to show good deeds to others because it pleases
 -It is a way of showing gratitude to God.
 -We are able to exalt our God.
[2marks each = 10marks]

(c) Ablution is a spiritual purification in Islam for cleansing parts of the [3marks]

Body before performing salat (prayers).

Benefits Of Ablutions

- It is a sign of respect to Allaah’s command

- Without ablution salat is invalid
- Ablution prepares the worshippers mind for salat
(a) Jesus Christ was born in a town called Bethlehem. His parents were Joseph and Mary. Before Mary got
married to Joseph the father of Jesus, she was a virgin. Many miraculously became pregnant because of the
work of God through the Holy Spirit. Joseph could not believe such a thing could happen because he had no
sexual intimacy with her to make her pregnant but an angel of the lord was sent to explain to Joseph that his
wife’s pregnancy was from the Holy Spirit. John the Baptist baptized Jesus Christ at the age of thirty in Jordan
(b) – The raising of the widow’s son.
-The feeding of the 5000.
- The healing of a paralyzed man.
- The stilling of the storm.
- The resurrection.
[2marks each = 10marks]
© – He worked very hard.
- He prayed earnestly and religiously.
- He cared and Love the poor and needy so he helped them.
- He was dedicated to the work of God.
- He obeyed the commands of God.
[1 mark each = 5marks]
(a) Creation is the act of starting something for the first time or bringing something new into existence.
(b) The Dagomba Creation Story
The Dagombas are an ethnic group in northern Ghana and they speak Dagbani. Dagomba African
Traditionalist believe that God ‘Naawuni’ used six days to creat heaven, earth and everything in it. He created
spirits and lessor gods ‘bola’, which were to serve as messengers and intermediaries between Him and
humanity. ‘Naawuni’gave human beings principles to guide them in doing what is right at all times because
those who live righteously will be rewarded while the unrighteous will be punished. The dagombas show their
appreciation to ‘Naawuni’ in so many ways including their speech. They do say, for instance, ‘Naawuni sai’,
which means if God permits.
(c) - To ensure that mankind live comfortable lives.
-To worship God
- To oversee the things created by God
- To show the majesty of God
[2marks each = 10marks]
(reward only one mark for mere mentioning of points)


(a) – We must be truthful
-Respect people in authority
- We are to care for life
- Committed to God
- Avoidance of greed
[2marks each = 10marks]
(reward only one mark for mere mentioning of points)
(b) Chastity is the abstinence from pre- marital sex until one is properly married. [2marks]

(c) –Avoid bad company

- Reading the Holy Scriptures
- Avoiding watching pornography
- Consult parents for advice
-Exercise regularly
- Read about rape, sexual abuse and harassment.
[2marks each = 8marks]
(a) – To cover our nakedness.
-To win the respect of others.
- It makes us role models for others.
- It promotes our good moral values to the world.
- It is a sign of respect and proper upbringing.
[1 mark each = 5marks]

(b) – One could get pregnant prematurely or contract a sexually transmitted disease.
- Unplanned pregnancies leading to early parenthood could lead to high school dropout rates.
- One could be stigmatized and be called unfriendly names for being chaste.
- When unchaste become mature and are looking for life partner to settle down with, it usually becomes
difficult for them due to stigmatization.
- The young parents of the baby will not have any decent job since they will not be having good qualification.
[2marks each = 10marks]

(c) – Saluting
- Hand shaking
- Bowing
- Hugging
- Occasional greetings
[1 mark each = 5marks]


(a) Extended family system consists of all relatives from paternal and maternal family relations. Several
generations of the same family live together; it is made up of several nuclear families and other relations such
as uncles, cousins, aunties, grandparents and in- laws.
(b) – Patience
- Obedience
- Transparency
- Accountability
[2marks each = 6marks]
(reward only one mark for mere mentioning of points)
(c) Self- Examination means taking a very good look at yourself in order to improve on your positive sides
and change or work on the negatives side.
(d) – Self- examination helps to avoid accusing other people falsely.
- When a problem happens, show maturity by first assessing yourself very well to see if you are the cause or
- Self- examination helps plan very well going forwards so that you can achieve your set of goals in life.
- Self- examination helps to avoid past mistakes.
[2marks each = 6marks]

(a) An entrepreneurship is the process of setting up a new business and assuming control of it.
- Setting personal goals and mission for future
- One has to be innovative
- Calculative and risk taker
- Self – belief
- The nature of the business
- Marketing strategy
- Capital
- Human resource
[2marks each = 16marks]

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