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Describe a person you know

who likes to talk a lot.

You should say:

- Who this person is

- How do you know him/her

- What he/she likes to talk about

- And explain how you feel about this person.

• I know many people who are very talkative but here I am going to talk about my
cousin Rubina,

who is the most talkative person known to me.

• She is my paternal uncle’s daughter and lives next door.

• She is fifteen and is studying in 10th class.

• She is tall and beautiful and has a fair complexion.

• She has dimples on both cheeks when she smiles.

• She has jet black curly hair and generally leaves her hair loose.

• She is such a chatterbox that when she is around, you don’t need any TV or radio for


• She can go on and on and sometimes I wonder from where she gets all the energy to

so much.

• She is loved by all in our family and even in the neighbourhood.

• She is fond of watching movies and then she tells me the story in so much detail that I
feel I

have actually seen the movie.

• She has a great sense of humour and can lighten up any tense situation.

• She is very good at studies and wants to become a lawyer.

• I believe she will be a very good lawyer because she has good communication skills.

• No one can feel bored in her company.

• She is an extrovert and can make friends very soon

• She is also very conscious of her health and goes for morning walk daily.

• She used to be very chubby in childhood but now she has shed off the extra kilos and

very fit.

• Sometimes her talkative nature has put her in a lot of trouble.

• Many times her teachers have punished her in class for talking a lot.

• I remember once she was made to stand out in the sun for one hour in the scorching
heat of

the sun.

• She was on the verge of fainting but even that could not quieten her.

• I love this cute chatterbox and when she is quiet, I feel something is wrong and I don’t
like it.

Part 3 Follow Up Questions

1. What communication skills are important?

I believe verbal communication skills are the most significant and must be honed in
every individual.

The communication in everyday life revolved mostly around verbal skills rather than

communication or non-verbal communication.

Good interpersonal skill is also a top requirement in the jobs these days.

2. Are you talkative?

No I am not a person who speaks a lot. I mostly speak when I am asked to or when
some situation

requires my opinion. I believe in the philosophy that one should speak less and think
before speaking.

3. Are most Indian people talkative?

I guess, yes, most of the Indian people love to talk and it is evident by the large amount
of noise you

can hear at the public places like railway stations, malls etc. I think one of the primary
reasons that
Indian people love to talk is the fact that Indians love to socialise. They like to know
each other’s well

being and discuss what is going in one’s life

4. What jobs need employees to be talkative? m a k k a r _ | E L T S The first job that
comes to my mind would be of a Radio Jockey because talking is the primary thing they
have to do in their job. They are supposed to entertain people by talking a lot, cracking
jokes. Another job, I would say, could be a teacher as they have to give lectures to the
students, which involves a lot of speaking.

5. Should children be encouraged to talk more? I believe teaching communication skills

to children is very important and they should definitely be encouraged to speak. They
should also be taught when they should speak more and when they should speak less
because speaking more is not important but speaking the right thing is.

2. Describe a place where you would like to go to

You should say:
- Where it is
- When you would like to go there
- What you would like to do there
- And explain why you would like to go to this place

Describe a place where you are able to relax (PRESENT TENSE)

- Where it is

- What it is like

- How often you go there

- and how you feel about this place

• Relaxation is important in everyone’s life

• Everyone has different ways of relaxation

• Elderly people go to religious places and parks to relax.

• Young people have a lot of pent up energy, so they go to gyms and discos to sweat out

energy, and relax.

• I usually go to a gurdwara to relax.

• I go there once or twice a week

• Whenever, I go there, I do circumambulation of the holy book inside the main hall,
and pay

obeisance to the almighty.

• There is a well-maintained fish pond in the gurdwara, which has many different
species of


• I just sit on the steps of the pond and listen to the holy chants going on all the time

• It gives me great relaxation and peace of mind.

• Last Sunday, I took some bread from home and fed the fish.

• There are two catfish among the other many, who seem to be talking to me.

• I know it is all my imagination, but I love it over there.

• I feel that the tempo of life has slowed down a bit.

• It is so relaxing to watch the movements of the fish in the water.

• This activity takes away all the physical and mental tiredness away from my body.

• I feel very light-hearted after that.

• Even though there is always a great rush in this temple, yet one can find peace and
quiet over


• Sometimes, I offer voluntary services in the community kitchen over there.

• Free food is offered to one and all in the community kitchen and this service is round


• So, this is the place I go to relax.

Part 3 Follow Up Questions

1. How do students relax themselves?

Students relax by going out with friends or just lazing around at home. Sometimes they
even get

relaxation by going to the gym. Actually a gym is the place where they release their
pent-up energy

and then feel relaxed.

2. What activities do employers organise to help employees relax?

Employers organise group excursions for their employees to relax. Some employers also
provide gym

facilities in the workplace so that the employees can sweat out their stress.

3. Do people now have more ways to relax than in the past?

Yes, people have far more ways to relax than in the past. Technology has given many
new ways to

spend free time and to feel relaxed. People play online games and chat with their
friends across the

globe to feel relaxed.

4. Do you think natural sceneries are more helpful than indoor activities?

Yes definitely natural scenery is far more relaxing than indoor activities. Nowadays
people are

suffering from nature deficit disorder, which means that they are spending less time
with nature and

more time indoors.

5. Do you like to visit movie theatres?

Yes, I like to visit movie theatres. Once in a month or two I watch a movie in the cinema.

6. Where do Indian people like to go on weekends?

Indian people like to go cinemas, shopping malls, and restaurants on weekends.

Sometimes they go

to their relatives’ homes

7. What do old people do to relax?

Old people go to religious places. They go to parks and sit on the benches and talk with
others of their

8. What is the importance of relaxation?

Relaxation is very important. It recharges one’s batteries. After relaxing people can work
better and

students can study better.

9. What are the ways people relax themselves?

People relax in different ways. Some go to parks, some go to religious places, some just
sit at home

and listen to music or watch TV. Young people have a lot of pent up energy, so they go
to gyms and

discos to sweat out that energy, and relax.

and restaurants for relaxation. Young people sweat out their stress in discos and gyms
for relaxation.

3. Describe a long-term goal you would like to achieve.

You should say:

- What the goal is

- How long have you had this goal

- How you would achieve it

- And explain why you set this goal.

Describe a goal you want to achieve in the future or Describe an ambition that you have
had for a

long time

- What the goal is?

- What would you do to achieve it

- When will you achieve

- Explain why you want to achieve it

• Setting goals is very important in life.

• Goals give a direction to life

• If we don’t have a goal, we don’t have anything to work for.

• I set up short time goals for myself such as doing well in exams and working hard to

those goals.

• But, my ultimate long-term goal is to give a comfortable life to my family.

• I have seen my family struggle for finances (money) at times, and so I want them to
lead an

easy life

• I have just completed my senior secondary / graduation here, and I plan to go abroad
for my

higher education.

• So, I understand that I have a long way to g before I can achieve my goal.

• First, I will complete my higher education in Canada, and then, hopefully, get a good
job and

start earning well.

• I have seen my relatives, who are in Canada, lead a very lavish lifestyle.

• My parents now look upon me to give them such a life.

• They have saved some money to send me to Canada.

• I know that I will have to work part time to cover my overhead expenses.

• I don’t want to put any more burden on my parents.

• I hope I am able to achieve my goal one day.

• I also want to be a productive member of society.

• I believe that if God has given us more than others, we should share something with
the poor.

• I would be very happy, if I am able to achieve all that.


• A big dream I have is to go and study in Canada.

• I've been thinking about this goal since I finished my senior secondary school.

• My plan is not just to study there but to eventually make it my home and bring all the

to my parents.
• For a while now, I have been working on this goal step by step.

• First, I need to clear a test called IELTS.

• It's like a key that opens the door to studying in Canada. So, I'm preparing for that.

• After I clear IELTS, my next step is to apply to Canadian universities.

• I want to study something I really like, maybe something related to computers.

• Choosing the right program is important to get a good education and also to have

opportunities in Canada.

• Once I get admission to a university, I'll be flying to Canada for my studies. It's a big
step, and

I'll be away from home, but it's exciting because I'll be learning new things and meeting


• The reason I set this goal is because I want to make my parents proud and happy.

• They have always supported me, and this is my way of giving back to them.

• Canada is known for being a nice place with friendly people and good opportunities.

• I believe studying there will not only help me learn new things but also open doors for
a good


• Being in Canada, I can work hard, build a good life, and eventually bring my parents to

with me.

• I want them to have all the comforts and happiness.

• It's a long-term goal, but I think it's worth it because it's not just about my dreams; it's

about making a better life for my family.

Part 3 Follow Up Questions

1. Should parents set goals for children?

Parents are the best people go set goals for the children. They can help their children in
setting goals.
They know the temperament of their child and so it is all right if they set goals for them,
but at the

same time they should keep in mind the aptitude of the child I set realistic goals for him.

2. When do young children start to set goals for themselves?

Children start to set goals for themselves after completing senior secondary, when they
have to

decide which college to join. But these goals are mainly in consultation with their
parents. Once they

start earning they start setting goals independently.

3. What kinds of goals are not realistic?

Every person has his own abilities. One should set goals according to one’s capabilities.
If a person

will set unrealistic goals, then there are chances of going into depression. For example,
if the person

is suffering from asthma he should not set the goal of going to Mount Everest.

4. Why do people set goals?

People set goals because goals give them a motivation to work hard. They give a
direction to life. It is

not essential to have very high goals, but without goals there is nothing to work for.

5. What would you feel if you couldn’t achieve your goals?

Naturally I would feel dejected, but then I would start working hard again to achieve my
goal. I know

that perseverance is needed to achieve anything in life. So I would keep working hard
till I achieve

my goal.

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