Digital Political Communication Strategies Multidisciplinary Reflections 1St Edition Berta Garcia Orosa Full Chapter PDF

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Digital Political Communication

Strategies : Multidisciplinary
Reflections 1st Edition Berta
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Digital Political
Communication Strategies
Multidisciplinary Reflections

Edited by
Berta García-Orosa
The Palgrave Macmillan Series in International
Political Communication

Series Editor
Alister Miskimmon
History, Anthropology, Philosophy & Politics
Queen’s University Belfast
Belfast, UK
From democratization to terrorism, economic development to conflict
resolution, global political dynamics are affected by the increasing
pervasiveness and influence of communication media. This series examines
the participants and their tools, their strategies and their impact.

More information about this series at
Berta García-Orosa

Digital Political
Multidisciplinary Reflections
Berta García-Orosa
University of Santiago de Compostela
Santiago de Compostela, Spain

The Palgrave Macmillan Series in International Political Communication

ISBN 978-3-030-81567-7    ISBN 978-3-030-81568-4 (eBook)

© The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer
Nature Switzerland AG 2022
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Digital Politics: A Paradigm Shift

Political power relationships are played out in the realm of communica-
tion. This has been so throughout history, and this is why pulpits and
mosques were sites of power and counterpower: pamphlets were essential,
books were either restricted or burned by the dominant elites, and the
majority of people, and particularly women, were carefully kept out of
literacy. The advent of what I have conceptualized as mass self-­
communication, based on the Internet (an old technology, first deployed
in 1969), and digital networks distributed by ubiquitous wireless commu-
nication, has radically transformed the landscape of power formation.
Because power is rooted in our minds, be it through persuasion or intimi-
dation. And so is counterpower, the capacity of humans to revolt against
what they consider an unjust condition. Revolts that always require com-
munication with other humans feeling alike. Digital communication net-
works connect our neural networks to other neural networks, and to the
biological networks that structure life, both material and social. Over 2/3
of humankind are now connected via the Internet (albeit with different
quality of their communication technology), and over seven million
mobile phone users (60% of them being smartphones) are the backbone
on which our capacity to communicate and organize (or disorganize) is
based. The recent explosion of 5G wireless networks increases exponen-
tially the volume, speed, and latency of our communication system. I
called it mass self-communication because it potentially reaches more peo-
ple than traditional mass media. But it is self because the sender is also the


receiver, and we select the direction of the flows while connecting perma-
nently to the digital hypertext where all information is stocked in the
cloud, this mysterious entity, permeating all what we do and intend to do.
For the great joy of the surveillance apparatus, what I have defined as the
globally networked surveillance bureaucracy. But no, this is not the tri-
umph of Big Brother, because we the people can intervene in this ocean of
communication flows and bypass the monopoly of mass communication
that was exercised until recently by corporations and governments.
Networked social movements rose powerfully in the last two decades,
challenging the powers that be, from Tahrir Square to Puerta del Sol and
to Liberty Park. However, no, this is not either the kingdom of freedom.
Because after an initial moment of confusion that took institutions and
companies by surprise, their counterattack was ferocious. They quickly
learned to shift their machinery to social networks and did not hesitate in
engaging in mass disinformation, fake news, use of deep fake in political
campaigns, blurring forever the lines of the democratic debate that has
now long foregone in just a few years. The immediate outcome of these
new political communication strategies is the rise of monsters such as
Bolsonaro or Trump, that are here to stay, as well as the institutional cri-
ses, exemplified by Brexit, that challenge the European dream of unity,
peace, and a borderless continent. The crisis of political legitimacy that has
shaken liberal democracy on a global scale is amplified by this new com-
munication system. At the roots of the crisis, of course, it is not techno-
logical change. But if power is constructed in communication and
communication networks radically change, the political game (that is not
just online but digital in its variety of dimensions) is altered forever. The
old forms of democracy are superseded. Democracy is not. But it will have
to be re-imagined in the new communication paradigm. This fundamental
crisis, that disables societies to debate and manage their conflicts in a dem-
ocratic mode, has been exacerbated by the pandemics we are in. In fact, at
this point, disinformation kills by the thousands. Tyrants and demagogues
manipulate a terrified populace, and apocalyptic prophecies enter the
world or real virtuality literally threatening our very survival as a species.
We must not indulge in this darkness, letting ourselves go into the dark
aesthetics of end of the worldism. More than ever, we must fight, recon-
struct, re-imagine our lives, and overcome these multiple crises by open-
ing up to new avenues of experimentation and solidarity. For this, we do
have the powerful tool of the social networks, reconfigured around demo-
cratic and egalitarian values. Technology does not determine us. But we

cannot either ignore technology, we have to fight the battles of each time
with the instruments adequate to the historic time we live. Thus, it is
essential to recover the dream of the Internet as freedom. While not for-
getting any longer that freedom allows humans, all humans, in their thorny
diversity, to engage in the political battles being fought in the networks.
We have to win democratic elections by asserting values of democracy,
equality, and love. Yet, to win these elections, we, those who believe in a
better world, must conquer cultural hegemony for these values, where it
matters nowadays: in the digital communication networks.
The research presented in this volume is a critical instrument for under-
standing political communication in our century, thus lighting the path
for the revival of democracy.
Madrid, year II of the Pandemics.

Wallis Annenberg Chair in Communication Manuel Castells

Technology and Society,
University of Southern California,
Los Angeles, CA, USA

This research has been developed within the research project “Digital
Native Media in Spain: Storytelling Formats and Mobile Strategy”
(RTI2018–093346-B-C33), funded by the Ministry of Science, Innovation
and Universities (Government of Spain) in Novos Medios Group Research
and the ERDF structural fund.


Part I1

1 Digital Political Communication: Hybrid Intelligence,

Algorithms, Automation and Disinformation in the
Fourth Wave  3
Berta García-Orosa

2 Parliaments and Key Transformations in Digital

Communication 25
Eva Campos-Domínguez and Irene Ramos-Vielba

3 Political Communication Evolution in the Digital Hybrid

Media System: Innovation and Experimentation as
Strategies Towards a New Paradigm 43
Ainara Larrondo-Ureta and Koldobika Meso-Ayerdi

4 Political Journalism in Digital Native Media 59

Xosé López-García, João Canavilhas, María-­Cruz Negreira-
Rey, and Jorge Vázquez-Herrero

5 Lobbies: The Hidden Side of Digital Politics 75

Antonio Castillo-Esparcia, Ana Almansa-Martínez, and Gisela

xii Contents

6 Feminism and Political Communication: How Femicide Is

Treated in Digital Media: Santo Domingo Media Case
Study During 2020 95
Santiago Gallur Santorum

7 Contemporary Society, Crossroads Between Social

Movements and Party Systems in México107
Sandra Flores-Guevara and Laura Georgina Ortega-Luna

Part II117

8 VR and 360-Degree Video Storytelling in Political

Communication: Threats and Opportunities119
Sara Pérez-Seijo, Pavel Sidorenko Bautista, and María José
Benítez de Gracia

9 Emotions, Engagement and Social Media137

Nieves Lagares Diez, Erika Jaráiz Gulías, and Gina
Sibaja Quesada

10 Television Debates, Live-Tweeting and Social Audience155

José Sixto-García, Ana-Isabel Rodríguez-Vázquez, and Alba

11 Platforms and Race: Exploring the Interpretation of Dear

White People169
Magomed-Emin Aliev and Deborah Castro

12 Elections in Latin America and the Image of Their

Paulo Carlos López-López, Daniel Barredo Ibáñez, and María
Pereira López


Notes on Contributors

Magomed-Emin Aliev holds a Master’s in Media and Creative Industries

(MCI) and an International Bachelor in Economics and Business
Economics (IBEB) from the Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR, the
Netherlands). After graduating, he started working as a junior consultant
and researcher at EMMA which is communication, research, and partici-
pation bureau. He works there on wide-ranging projects including the
energy transition and governance issues. Aliev’s main research interests,
however, lie in the fields of representation, meaning-­making, and socio-
cultural change.
Ana Almansa-Martínez is a professor at the Department of Audiovisual
Communication and Advertising, Faculty of Communication Sciences,
University of Málaga. She is teacher and researcher in political communica-
tion, communication management, and public relations. She holds a degree
in Communication from the Autonomous University of Barcelona and PhD
from the University of Malaga. She is a visiting professor at European and
American universities, where she has participated in postgraduate courses
and given conferences. She is the editor of the International Journal of
Public Relations, coordinator of the Official Master’s Degree in Strategic
Management and Innovation in Communication, University of Malaga, and
Secretary of the Academic Commission in Malaga of the Interuniversity
Doctorate in Communication (universities of Seville, Malaga, Cadiz, and
Daniel Barredo Ibáñez is a senior lecturer at the Universidad del Rosario
(Colombia). He serves as Coordinator of the Working Group on Digital


Communication, Networks, and Processes, of the Latin American

Association of Communication Researchers. He is also an invited
researcher at Fudan University (China).
María José Benítez de Gracia holds a bachelor’s degree in Journalism
(Universidad Europea de Madrid, 2000), a master’s degree in Applied
Media Research from Carlos III University of Madrid (2016), and a PhD
in Media Research from the latter as well. She has received the Outstanding
Doctorate Award, and the focus of her work has been on new narratives
and the study of new technologies. Since April 2020, she has been work-
ing at the Universidad Isabel I de Castilla, where she is Professor of
Eva Campos-Domínguez holds a PhD in Communication. She is
Associate Professor of Journalism at the University of Valladolid in Spain.
Her research focuses on the analysis of political and parliamentary com-
munication. For more than 15 years, she has been researching the devel-
opment of parliaments’ digital communication. Her publications address
the contemporary transformations of parliament on the Internet, includ-
ing the communication between legislative representatives and citizens.
She is investigating the potential effects of bots and disinformation strate-
gies in connection with parliaments’ social media practices.
João Canavilhas holds a PhD and DEA in Communication, Culture and
Education (USAL, Spain) and Bachelor in Social Communication (UBI,
Portugal). He is an associate professor at the Universidade da Beira
Interior (Covilhã, Portugal) and researcher at Labcom–Communication
and Arts. He is the author or co-author of 10 books, 38 chapter books,
and 50 papers in national and international scientific journals. His research
interest focuses on various aspects of journalism and new technologies.
Antonio Castillo-Esparcia is a professor at the School of Communication
Sciences of the University of Málaga. He teaches theory and history of
public relations, political communication (lobbies and think tanks), and
communication in NGOs and social movements. He holds a bachelor’s
and doctoral degrees from the Autonomous University of Barcelona
(UAB). He is a coordinator of the master’s degree program in “Strategic
management and innovation in communication”, of the University of
Malaga. He is a visiting professor at European and American universities,
where he has participated in conferences, p­ ostgraduate courses, and pro-
fessional study programs. He is Director of the Department of Audiovisual

Communication and Advertising of the University of Malaga and President

of the Association of Public Relations Researchers.
Deborah Castro is a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Research Fellow in the
Department of Arts and Culture Studies at Erasmus University Rotterdam.
Her main research interests lie in the fields of audience and television stud-
ies. She was a visiting scholar at the Department of Radio-Television-Film,
The University of Texas, Austin. She moved to Portugal in 2016 as a
postdoctoral researcher at Madeira Interactive Technologies Institute.
There, she designed and coordinated a project at the junction of human-­
computer interaction and media studies, focusing on the exploration of
the binge-watching experience. She was also a visiting assistant professor
at the University of Madeira (2017–2018) and a lecturer in the Department
of Media and Communication at Erasmus University Rotterdam
(2018–2020). Her work has been presented at several international venues.
Sandra Flores-Guevara is Researcher Professor of the Academic Area of
Communication of the Institute of Social Sciences and Humanities at the
Autonomous University of the State of Hidalgo since 2000. He holds a
degree in Social Communication, Master’s in Communication and Politics,
PhD in Social Sciences from the Autonomous Metropolitan University,
Xochimilco Unit. He has PRODEP profile and is member of the Academic
Body Communication Scenarios where he develops the line of generation
and application of knowledge about cyberculture processes and social pro-
cesses, politics, gender, and analysis of socio-media discourse.
Santiago Gallur Santorum is a full professor of the Technological
Institute of Santo Domingo (INTEC) in the Bachelor of Social
Communication and Digital Media, and in the Bachelor of Education,
Doctor in Contemporary and Latin American History (2011, USC,
Spain), Doctor in Communication and Information (2017, USC, Spain),
Master in Contemporary and Latin American History (2009, USC,
Spain), Postgraduate in Education (2008, CAP, USC, Spain), Master in
Journalism (2017, Spain), Qualified Teacher Status (2011, Wales),
Qualified Teacher Status (2011, England), Bachelor of Journalism
(2008, USC, Spain), member of the National System of Researchers
of Mexico with the SNI 1 category, recognized with the categories of
Contracted Professor Doctor, University Professor Private, and Assistant
Professor of the ANECA (2017, Spain).

Berta García-Orosa holds a BA in Communication Sciences, a BA in

Political and Administration Sciences, and a PhD in Communication
Sciences from the University of Santiago de Compostela, Madrid, Spain.
She is a full professor at the University of Santiago de Compostela and
has studied communication and politics for more than 20 years. She has
collaborated in more than 50 research projects and international research
networks, the results of which have been published over 100 times in data-
bases such as Scopus and JCR and publishing houses such as Springer,
McGraw Hill, and Thomson. She has completed visiting research and
training stays at Universidade do Minho (Portugal), Mexico, Costa Rica,
Brazil, Cuba, and Uruguay.
Spain’s Ministry of Education awarded her three 6-year research terms.
In addition to her research, she has overseen doctoral and MA theses, as
well as undergraduate capstone projects, and she has taught undergradu-
ate courses in journalism and audiovisual communication, as well as
courses at the master’s level in political science, communication sciences,
and Hispanic studies. Since 2009, she has coordinated teaching innova-
tion in IACODI (Innovation in Digital Communication Learning).
In terms of managerial experience, she has served as a department sec-
retary, vice-dean, undergraduate and master’s coordinator, and coordina-
tor of the SICUE mobility program.
Gisela Gonçalves holds a PhD in Communication Sciences. She is a pro-
fessor at the University of Beira Interior (UBI) and an integrated member
of Labcom–Communication and Arts Research Unit. Since 2011, she
coordinates the Master in Strategic Communication at UBI. She has pub-
lished two books and edited ten collective volumes. She is also a former
chairperson of the ECREA Strategic and Organizational Communication
Section and is a board member of SOPCOM—the Portuguese Association
of Communication Sciences. Her research interests concern communica-
tion ethics, public relations theories, political communication, and strate-
gic communication.
Erika Jaráiz Gulías is Associate Professor of Political Science at the
University of Santiago de Compostela (USC). She holds a PhD in
Contemporary Political Processes, and her main lines of research are the
study of electoral analysis, electoral behavior, and political communica-
tion, areas in which she has published several papers.

Nieves Lagares Diez is Associate Professor of Political Science at the

University of Santiago de Compostela (USC). A PhD in Political Science,
her main lines of research are political communication and electoral behav-
ior, areas in which she has published several papers. She has been Dean of
the Faculty of Political and Social Science in the USC.
Ainara Larrondo-Ureta holds a PhD in Journalism and Master’s in
Contemporary History. Larrondo-Ureta is a senior lecturer at the
University of the Basque Country (Spain), main researcher of “Gureiker”
Research Group (A) (Basque University System) and KZBerri, Research
Group on Innovation in Online Journalism Education (University of the
Basque Country). Larrondo-Ureta’s teaching and research subjects
include newswriting and reporting, online journalism, innovation in com-
munication, organizational communication, political communication,
women, genre, and media.
Xosé López-García is Full Professor of Journalism in the Department of
Communication Sciences at the University of Santiago de Compostela
(USC). He holds a PhD in History and is a journalist. He coordinates the
Novos Medios research group (USC), whose lines focus on the study of
digital and printed media, the analysis of the impact of technology in
mediated communication, and the performance and funding of cul-
tural industries. In recent years, he has participated as a researcher in
publicly funded projects and has also directed several R&D projects about
digital journalism.
Paulo Carlos López-López is a lecturer in the Department of Political
Science and Sociology at the University of Santiago de Compostela, holds
a PhD in Communication, and is a journalist and political scientist. He has
published more than 60 scientific papers on topics such as communica-
tion, social media, and political science. He was awarded the Drago 2019
research award for his study on transparency.
Koldobika Meso-Ayerdi holds a PhD in Journalism. He is a senior lec-
turer and head of the Department of Journalism at the University of the
Basque Country (Spain). He is member of a several research groups, such
as Gureiker and a Spanish Group on the role of the audiences in the hybrid
media system, funded by the Ministry of Science, Innovation, and
Universities. Co-author of the first book on online journalism in Spain, his
main research lines are online journalism and media innovation, including
active audiences, news reporting, and social media.

María-Cruz Negreira-Rey holds a PhD in Communication. She is

Lecturer in Journalism at the Department of Communication Sciences,
University of Santiago de Compostela (USC), and member of Novos
Medios research group (USC). Her research focuses on local journalism
and the development of local and hyperlocal media in Spain, digital jour-
nalism, and social media.
Laura Georgina Ortega-Luna holds a PhD and is Professor of Social
Sciences, and BA in Communication Sciences from the Autonomous
University of the State of Hidalgo. She works in the research lines of
Cyberpolitics, Discourse Analysis and Gender Studies.
María Pereira López is Lecturer in Political Science at USC. He holds a
degree in Political Science and Administration and a PhD in Political
Science from USC. His publications include: Jaráiz, E., Lagares, N. and
M. Pereira (2020). “Emotions and Voting Decisions: Components of the
Vote in the General Elections of 2016 in Spain”, REIS, 170:115–136.
Sara Pérez-Seijo is PhD student in Communication and Contemporary
Information at University of Santiago de Compostela (USC) and member
of the Novos Medios research group at the same university. She is benefi-
ciary of the Training University Lecturers’ (FPU) Program funded by the
Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation, and Universities (Spanish gov-
ernment). Her research is linked to non-fiction digital storytelling, focus-
ing on VR and 360-degree video storytelling and immersive narratives.
Irene Ramos-Vielba holds a PhD in Political Science and Sociology. She
is a senior researcher at the Danish Centre for Studies in Research and
Research Policy, in the Department of Political Science at Aarhus
University, Denmark. In her doctoral and postdoctoral research, she
addressed the topics of parliaments’ digital communication and the open-
ing of the parliament to society. In the field of research and innovation
policy, she has focused on the study of different forms of science-society
interconnections, including university-industry cooperation, knowl-
edge transfer processes, and/or research funding-related issues. Legislative
science advice is also part of her research interests.
Ana-Isabel Rodríguez-Vázquez holds a degree in Information Sciences
from the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM) and a PhD in
Journalism from the University of Santiago de Compostela (USC). He is
a member of the audiovisual studies group (GEA) where he researches and

publishes in topics related to programming and audiences, news genres on

television, and the creation and production of formats for TV. He collabo-
rates in research projects of the Novos Medios (USC) and Fonta
(UCM) groups.
Gina Sibaja Quesada holds a PhD in Social Sciences from FLACSO
(2010), Master in Political Science from Sorbonne Nouvelle University
(1995), and Bachelor of Political Science from the University of Costa
Rica (1989); is a teacher and researcher at the University of Costa Rica;
author of publications on political communication, electoral partici-
pation, and political imaginary; and takes part in (ALICE).
Pavel Sidorenko Bautista hails from the Faculty of Communication of
the University of Castilla-La Mancha. He is professor in the Faculty of
Communication at the Francisco de Vitoria University and in the Master
in Communication and Corporate Identity at the International University
of La Rioja. He researches on narrative and technological innovation in
Alba Silva-Rodríguez is Professor of Journalism in the University of
Santiago de Compostela and member of the research group “Novos
Medios” (GI- 1641) which research lines are focused on the analysis of
strategies, rhetoric and technological formats for emergent markets in
mobile journalism. She is secretary of the RAEIC journal (Spanish Journal
of Research in Communication).
José Sixto-García is Professor of Journalism at the University of Santiago
de Compostela and member of the research group “Novos Medios” (GI-
1641) whose research lines are focused on the analysis of strategies, rheto-
ric, and technological formats for emergent markets in communication.
Jorge Vázquez-Herrero holds a PhD in Communication. He is an assis-
tant professor at the Department of Communication Sciences, University
of Santiago de Compostela (USC). He was a visiting scholar at Universidad
Nacional de Rosario, Universidade do Minho, University of Leeds, and
Tampere University. His research focuses on the impact of ­technology and
platforms in digital journalism, narratives, and social media.
List of Figures

Fig. 2.1 Development of parliaments’ digital communication 29

Fig. 12.1  Density of cybertroops in the world. (Source: Bradshaw &
Howard, 2017, p. 22) 195

List of Graphs

Graph 5.1 Search engines, newspapers, and EU and social media

essential to legislative work. (Source: FleishmanHillard
(2015): 3rd European Parliament Digital Trends Survey
online, Brussels) 84
Graph 5.2 Evolution of the number of lobbies in the EU. (Source:
Transparency Register (2020). Chart created for this study) 86
Graph 5.3 Typology of interest groups in the European Union. (Source:
Transparency Register (2020). Chart created for this study) 88
Graph 5.4 Countries with an office in Brussels. (Source: Transparency
Register (2020). Chart created for this study) 89
Graph 5.5 MEPs count on a wide range of channels when forming
opinions on policy. (Source: FleishmanHillard (2015): 3rd
European Parliament Digital Trends Survey online, Brussels) 89
Graph 9.1 Number of followers of the accounts belonging to the main
candidates during the campaign for the Mexican presidential
election in 2018. (Source: Elaborated by the authors using
Twitter data) 147
Graph 9.2 Engagement level of the accounts belonging to the main
candidates during the campaign for the Mexican presidential
election in 2018. (Source: Elaborated by the authors using
Twitter data) 148

List of Tables

Table 8.1 National, regional, and/or local media videos 129

Table 8.2 Videos prepared by politicians, political parties, or political
Table 8.3 Projects and experiments carried out by universities,
producers, NGOs, or individuals 132
Table 9.1 Correlation between the engagement level and the emotional
content of the replies posted by followers of the main
candidates during the campaign for the Mexican presidential
election in 2018 149
Table 11.1 Defining black and white actors/actresses 178
Table 12.1 Correlation of thematic agenda of presidential candidates on
Twitter 2015–2017 199
Table 12.2 Correlation of the thematic agenda on Twitter of the TV
channels during presidential elections 2015–2017 201


Digital Political Communication: Hybrid

Intelligence, Algorithms, Automation
and Disinformation in the Fourth Wave

Berta García-Orosa

1   25 Years and a Pandemic

Most of the key players in this book were unimaginable 25 years ago. This
work arises from the need to reflect on the first quarter-century of digital
political communication. It has been marked by changes in technology,
given the quasi-immediate and often uncritical uptake of technological
innovations. The influence of technological advances on communication
and, therefore, on power dynamics has been uneven. The first wave of
digital political communication, in the 1990s, featured websites that acted
as repositories of one-way, asymmetrical information, with e-mail as a fun-
damental form of interaction.

B. García-Orosa (*)
University of Santiago de Compostela, Santiago de Compostela, Spain
e-mail: [email protected]

© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature 3

Switzerland AG 2022
B. García-Orosa (ed.), Digital Political Communication Strategies,
The Palgrave Macmillan Series in International Political

We might term the period from 2004 (the birth of Facebook) to 2008
as the second wave. In it, social networks such as Twitter, YouTube and
Facebook begin to flourish. The circulation of messages on different plat-
forms takes centre stage, though without adapting messages to the pecu-
liarities of each platform. The audience also becomes a foundational pillar
under the umbrella of engagement and democratic debate. Such debate,
however, is often reduced to making messages go viral and to generating
page views. Though some initially believed that social media presence in
and of itself would create dialogue and engagement, it was quickly under-
stood that this was, in fact, a strategic decision (Smith, 2018) influenced
by the social environment, resources, and prioritised modalities of engage-
ment and relating with audiences (Campbell & Lambright, 2020). In this
second wave, there emerge distinct online public spaces which could serve
as alternatives to traditional ones, as the former facilitate participation,
allow citizens to cooperate and express their opinions, and act as society’s
watchdog in an egalitarian production model (Salikov, 2019).
Scientific literature often refers to the 2008 US election as a milestone,
especially with former US President Barack Obama’s campaign (Bimber,
2014; Lilleker et al., 2015; Stromer-Galley, 2019) signalling the start of
the third wave. The intensive use of social networks and micro-­
segmentation, as well as the prominence of big data, defines this wave. In
it, advances in languages and storytelling, artificial intelligence and gami-
fication stand out, alongside the mise-en-scène of new actors which will
cement their place in the fourth wave. Bossetta (2019) notes the strategy
of gamification, that is, the application of game design elements in non-­
gaming contexts which, in this case, promotes a certain political position.
Still, the question of whether the power of the game’s design is coercive
and to what extent it can affect players’ political preferences or their con-
fidence in democracy remains unanswered.
Although time constraints are only an analytical reference, we could
place the beginning of the fourth wave—the current one—in 2016, with
the pronounced emergence of artificial intelligence and astroturfing in the
pro-Brexit campaign. The current wave of digital political communication
is characterised by: (a) digital platforms as political actors involved in all
phases of communication; (b) the intensive use of artificial intelligence and
big data in all phases but specially in election campaigns; (c) the validation
of lies as a political strategy (among other fake news and post-truth phe-
nomena); (d) the combination of hyperlocal and supranational elements;
(e) uncritical technological determinism; (f) the search for engagement

with audiences and co-production processes and (g) the three trends that
threaten democracy: polarisation, echo chambers and bubble filters.
This technology-intensive path reconfigures the public sphere, the con-
cept of citizenship and the role of citizens in politics (Marsh & Stoker,
1998; McNair, 2017; Clarke et al., 2006). Citizens, as actors in politics,
have at their disposal new resources to contribute to building the public
sphere, but at the same time find that the powers that be use increasingly
sophisticated and concealed strategies to impose their messages, actions
and, above all, frames upon the citizenry. Bots, fake news, new political
actors, the influence of digital platforms, the use of data mining and AI,
therefore, have reshaped the public sphere, and citizens must be prepared
for intensive intervention by these new actors.
Occasionally, when a hegemonic frame is fractured or counter-frames
arise, the status quo structure quickly institutionalises the new strategy.
For example, digital activism on behalf of a campaign will simulate public
support of a party’s ideas by recruiting digital activists (García-Orosa
et al., 2017) or cybertroopers.
In the fourth wave, the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic has changed the rules
of the game, as was the case with the 1918 pandemic and the American
election campaigns that marked a turning point in political communica-
tion. Though we still do not know if COVID-19 may entail permanent
transformations for digital political communication, the initial changes
have been particularly salient during election cycles, when the hunt for
votes intensifies (Landman & Splendore, 2020). Early studies on
COVID-19 and political communication highlight the importance of per-
sonalisation, trust in leaders and the influence of their messages on social
media (Grossman et al., 2020). For the time being, such loyalty and tradi-
tional left-right political attitudes seem to be intact (Bol et al., 2021).
Nonetheless, politicians have struggled to form coalitions and govern-
ments in recent elections (Field, 2020; Pilet, 2020).
During the pandemic, politicians on the campaign trail have faced two
challenges: (1) the citizenry’s heightened need to trust in leaders in the
face of social and economic uncertainty and (2) restrictions on public
Political actors vie for the citizenry’s presence and engagement. The
engagement they seek during election campaigns responds more to the
search for communicative interaction, manifesting as clicks, likes, com-
ments, tweets and recommendations, than to online collaboration based

on participatory modes of communication (dialogue, co-creation of con-

tent, etc.).
Political parties have used novel digital strategies for organising and
disseminating their messages to make up for the lack of in-person events.
The pandemic campaigns have been personalist, too, revolving around
leaders who require the electorate’s confidence more than ever, due to the
looming social and economic crisis and the health measures that prevent
leaders and voters from interacting in person. Presence is achieved through
the sensation of “being there” in the other’s reality (Ijsselsteijn & Riva,
2003; Slater & Sanchez-Vives, 2016), in the virtual environment, despite
the viewer’s physical presence in another reality, and co-presence is attained
through video calls or online encounters. Political parties aim for presence
but often reject the technologies which heighten the sense of presence,
such as virtual reality, due to issues regarding the production and recep-
tion of such content.

2   The Fourth Wave: Cognitive Frames, Echo

Chambers, Bubble Filters and Disinformation
The fourth wave of digital political communication blurs the defining
characteristics of traditional political actors by incorporating new ones,
thereby creating a haze of hybrid actions and discourses that mark power
relations and reimagine democracy. In this tumultuous mediascape, which
researchers, politicians and the citizenry must interpret with innovative
hermeneutic perspectives in the coming years, political actors aim not only
to mould public opinion and citizen ideology but also to create cognitive
frames, that is, the mental structures through which one views the world,
much like a window which, in addition to filtering visual information
through a pane of glass, allows one to see only what its frame makes visi-
ble. It is not about the topics that are routinely discussed but, above all,
the cognitive frameworks through which the world is observed, under-
stood and, therefore, acted upon, participated in (or not), and through
which public life is built by consolidating the values and interests which
define actions.
The frames are often the same, regardless of political positions or ide-
ologies, and it is only within said frames that dialectical debate—far too
often polarised, at that—takes place. The homogenisation of cognitive

frameworks and topics of debate leads to extremism in messages, such that

one can clearly perceive a difference which would not otherwise stand out.
For the construction of frameworks, political actors use different strate-
gies and communication tools which allow them to establish power rela-
tions. In recent years, they have combined traditional tactics with strategies
which elevate the limited number of frameworks which both benefit the
institutions and people who promote them and threaten democracy: sub-
versive political communication and the strategy of lies, and the power of
digital platforms and algorithms, which cease to be mere intermediaries
and become increasingly powerful political actors, as well as that of politi-
cal bots and their influence on election campaigns and referenda.
First, rather than pursuing the traditional campaign objectives of mobil-
ising and informing voters, subversive political communication aims to
demobilise the electorate and spread disinformation (Römmele & Gibson,
2020). As evidenced by the Oxford Dictionary’s designation of post-truth
as word of the year, as well as fake news and fake news media receiving the
same distinction from Collins Dictionary (Carballo et al., 2018), the use
of falsehoods has become mainstream. Political parties have also legiti-
mised the use of lies, and strategic falsehoods have become a valid cam-
paign tactic used to set the public agenda (Gaber & Fisher, 2021). In the
same study, Gaber and Fisher point out how recent electoral successes
such as the 2016 Brexit referendum, the 2019 UK general election,
Trump’s victory in 2016 and his growing electoral support in 2020 could
solidify the trend whereby politicians caught in a lie do not suffer any con-
sequences at the ballot box.
Second, digital platforms and algorithms are no longer mere intermedi-
aries; rather they have become increasingly powerful political forces.
Technology companies in recent years have transitioned from service pro-
viders and content distribution channels to political and media actors with
great influence on public opinion. The risks presented by the reshaping
and erosion of information plurality are (Cardenal et al., 2019; Tamir &
Davidson, 2020) difficult to detect (Salge & Karahanna, 2018; Lewis
et al., 2019; Vasilkova & Legostaeva, 2019).
Speech content is increasingly programmed, mediated, augmented,
supported and produced by social media algorithms (Dillet, 2020), with
platforms moderating content and taking on new roles. In addition to
their political roles, they create frames for understanding reality by con-
cealing or highlighting different aspects (Popa et al., 2020). Besides con-
tributing to the creation of collective imaginaries, social media platforms

often act directly advising governments and political parties or participat-

ing directly in political action.
In this sense, Kreiss and McGregor point to a turning point in 2018
with the use of digital platforms in American election campaigns. Facebook,
Twitter, Microsoft and Google served as advisors to political parties and
shaped the campaigns’ digital strategies and content through the develop-
ment of organisational structures and staffing patterns tailored to the
dynamics of American politics.
As such, digital platforms participate in the reimagination of democ-
racy, the public agenda and political action on and off the campaign trail.
Nonetheless, they also act as gatekeepers by giving voice to or silencing
democratically elected representatives or by proclaiming themselves an
international political authority. Sablosky (2021) describes how on 5
February 2019 Facebook labelled four Ethnic Armed Organisations
(EAOs) in Myanmar as dangerous organisations, thus formally prohibiting
them from using the platform. These four groups are in open conflict with
the country’s military who, in turn, were being prosecuted for genocide in
the International Court of Justice. Sablosky (2021) concludes that
“Facebook’s content moderation practices have transformed the company
into a new governmental apparatus freely adjudicating political speech
claims around the globe with virtual impunity”.
Third, the political influence of automation and algorithms continues
to grow (Montal & Reich, 2017) due to their ability to create artificial
public opinion and turn non-existent or minority opinions into majority
or dominant ones (Schuchard et al., 2019). The recipients of these mes-
sages are helpless since they are not yet able to distinguish real speeches
from fake ones, which use deception to conceal their nature (van der Kaa
& Krahmer, 2014; Waddell, 2018; Wölker & Powell, 2018; Kušen &
Strembeck, 2020). Bots use real-time big data to identify the interests,
attitudes and emotions of millions of people and then craft in real time
messages that match with their profiles.
Since 2010, political parties and governments have spent more than
$500 million on research and development in this field (Bradshaw &
Howard, 2018). The impact of automation and algorithms on election
and referenda results grows year after year, with formally organised social
media manipulation campaigns in 48 countries, compared to 28 the previ-
ous year (Bradshaw & Howard, 2018), although their development and
influence vary based on the context.

The literature indicates that anywhere from 5% to 25% of Twitter

accounts are bots (Keller & Klinger, 2019). Bessi and Ferrara (2016)
determined that 20% of their sample consisted of bots; for Forelle et al.
(2015) it was less than 10%; and Schuchard et al. (2019) concluded that
bots constituted less than 0.3% of their sample. However, despite their
limited number, bot accounts are more active than human ones and have
a strategic weight in society (Howard & Kollanyi, 2017), as they stand out
for being hypersocial in their relational behaviour (Schuchard et al., 2019).
In Spain’s April 2019 election campaign, less than 1% of users were bot
accounts. The figure may seem insignificant, but these accounts sent on
average 132 tweets per day, whereas human accounts send only four
(García-Orosa et al., 2021).
In addition, previous studies confirm political bots’ influence on elec-
toral processes in different political systems and contexts, for example
Mexico (Glowacki et al., 2018); Venezuela (Forelle et al., 2015); Chile
(Santana & Huerta Cánepa, 2019); Colombia (López Urrea et al., 2016);
the United Kingdom (Murthy et al., 2016); the United States (Howard &
Kollanyi, 2017; Frey et al., 2018; Luceri et al., 2019); Ecuador (Puyosa,
2017); France (Ferrara, 2017); Argentina (Filer & Fredheim, 2017); and
Spain (Campos-Domínguez & García-Orosa, 2018).
This automation of the production of social information has created an
international black market, or propaganda soldiers (Ferrara, 2017; Santana
& Huerta Cánepa, 2019), who aim to distort public opinion often by
generating fake popularity or communities (Hagen et al., 2020).
The combination of these strategies could make it easier to set agendas
and build cognitive frames. However, there is no clear actor in the applica-
tion of tactics or a key player in the phenomena mentioned; rather, as
indicated at the beginning of this section, these figures are undergoing
Moreover, their co-creation and blending stands out in the network
society, where power is multidimensional and organised around networks
programmed based on the interests and values of the empowered actors in
every field of human action (Castells, 2009). Among other examples of
fluidity, political parties which sprang from social movements have acquired
considerable political power (Siddarth et al., 2021). Take, for example,
“Teruel exists”, a local social movement in Spain which has managed to
lodge its frame “empty Spain” in the public agenda and in political dis-
course. After humble beginnings, this social movement (a grouping of elec-
tors in Spanish electoral law parlance) now has representation in the

Spanish Parliament. Also noteworthy are social movements such as the

Arab Spring and others in Brazil, Turkey, Mexico and Chile (Castells, 2020).
Platforms, audiences and political parties work together in election
campaigns by turning user-generated content into party strategy with the
collusion of platforms (Kreiss & Mcgregor, 2018; Falasca et al., 2019). As
such, audiences become digital volunteers (García-Orosa, 2018) or are
reduced to some extent to goods, or robots, which are mainly managed by
political parties as tools for generating likes, positive comments and other
forms of approval (Falasca et al., 2019).

3   Platformisation of Research

Research on digital political communication, carried out mostly over the
past five years (76.2% of articles published in Web Of Science (WOS)), has
also designed its own cognitive frameworks and been influenced by the
innovations and guidelines of technology companies. Thus, at the begin-
ning, especially with the emergence of social networks, case studies have
focused on single countries and platforms, and mostly on election cam-
paigns (Casero-Ripollés, 2018). As such, numerous studies have addressed
how political parties and citizens use different platforms, especially Twitter,
but few have been interpretive or based on reception studies. The func-
tions, actions and, to a lesser extent, effects of each tool applied were
studied separately.
Platforms have been the predominant subject of study in the twenty-­
first century, but they have also become a research tool, as data mining
requires software which is often created by the platforms themselves.
In recent years, political communication experts have continued to
analyse the evolution of messages, narratives and languages termed hybrid,
heterogeneous and multimodal and the emergence of stylemes and socio-
lects that seek to foster community (García-Orosa & López-García, 2019);
and to create subversive new elements such as memes (Hernández et al.,
2019) and GIFs (Dean, 2019; Seiffert-Brockmann et al., 2018; Shomova,
2021; Baishya, 2021). Researchers have also begun to perform cross-­
platform comparative studies, describing their distinct ecosystems and
their involvement in political communication.
Nonetheless, they have also analysed the trends and consequences aris-
ing from the at times uncritical use of these platforms in political commu-
nication. Among them, researchers highlight polarisation, which they
consider a threat to democracy which leads people to such extremely

different positions on the same political reality that it becomes nearly

impossible for them to find common ground (Kligler-Vilenchik et al.,
2020). Yarchi et al. (2020) describes three types of polarisation (interac-
tional, positional and affective), but the literature has mostly focused on
the possible origins of this phenomenon. Among the most salient is that it
is caused by echo chambers, which homogenise the opinions of people
who engage in online communities and can lead such people to dismiss
other points of view but accept those of their leaders without question
(Salikov, 2019). Though several studies on the subject have been pub-
lished (Post, 2019; Fletcher et al., 2020), not even social networks can be
singled out as the cause of polarisation (Boulianne, 2020; Haw, 2020).
Finally, in the last five years the scientific literature has called for a new
model and paradigm to study this fluid and increasingly complex field.
The models designed 15 years ago are no longer useful. Mancini’s 2004
model was one of the last decade’s most utilised, but the researcher (2020)
has since updated it to apply it not only to institutions such as the State,
political parties and media organisations, but to a broader field of research
and more volatile actors, where there is a lack of clear boundaries, proce-
dures and routines. This is the field in which individual citizens can take an
active role as communication producers and political actors.
Researchers call for a systemic conceptual framework to determine and
evaluate the role of information society tools in solving problems in
democracies (Anastasiadou et al., 2021).
Academia is looking for new tools that enable transactional and com-
parative research. In this sense, Tianru (2020) explores the concurrence of
global influence and national resistance in the digital spheres, integrating
the homogeneity promoted by increasing levels of internet connectivity
and globalisation alongside the heterogeneity seen in different political
communication landscapes, which are strongly influenced by lasting social
contexts. Tianru identifies three types of transnational political communi-
cation spheres—symmetrical and full-world, vigorous but censored, and
infertile and unanswered—and identifies their characteristics, internal log-
ics and links with other communication spaces.
Political communication also faces new challenges such as Eurocentrism
or Western centrism, which face criticism from people in other countries.
Mare et al. (2020) indicate that the dominant narratives about the con-
temporary problem of “fake news” and online propaganda have focused
on how their evolution and manifestation have been closely related to the
rise of populist politics, digital capitalism, the transformation of the public

sphere, and the structural weaknesses of the liberal and conventional

media, while failing to pay attention to the peculiarities of African
From our perspective it would be interesting to apply hybrid intelli-
gence, which allows for combining human and machine intelligence to
overcome the deficiencies of existing AI systems (Dellermann et al., 2019;
Kamar, 2016). This concept proposes a multidisciplinary approach
through AI, NLP and the social sciences, overcoming the above-­mentioned
heuristic limitations, for example, on automatic bot detection (Morstatter
et al., 2016; Perdana et al., 2015; Ramalingam & Chinnaiah, 2018).
Previous studies which examined automated bot detection techniques
based on message behaviour in the Twitter ecosystem have also suffered
from platformisation (Badawy et al., 2019; Lai et al., 2019; Schuchard
et al., 2019; Wang et al., 2020; Zheng et al., 2019).
Finally, in addition to new hermeneutic and methodological perspec-
tives, this situation requires new regulations and governance (Yurievich
et al., 2019). In some jurisdictions, regulation lags a few steps behind
technology companies, which have become important global political
actors. In this cat-and-mouse game of sorts, States must show more skill,
determination and collaboration, and tech companies should be more
socially responsible (Smokvina & Pavleska, 2019).

4   Kaleidoscope Approaches

Be our guest on a behind-the-scenes tour, at times disturbing and at oth-
ers heartening, of political communication. We invite the reader to go
beyond the boundaries drawn by the viralisation of content, bots, eco
chambers and bubble filters, within which citizens the world over are far
too often trapped.
We aim to trace a longitudinal path through politics, describing the
mechanisms, structures, dynamics and effects which political actions seek
to bring about. As these phenomena flow over space and time, the
mediascape becomes increasingly limited, and issues and approaches more
Serving as your guides will be 30 renowned researchers, who will pro-
vide you with a multidisciplinary analysis of the subject at hand.
Reading their work should help to understand which communication
strategies have led to the political polarisation detected in different

countries and societies, the fake news that can condition political action
and the use of election-influencing bots. Moreover, it will allow us to shed
light on the options in which we the people have to participate actively
and ethically in political life in the coming years.
The way in which technological innovation influences not only how
messages are transmitted but also how they are produced is the authors’
starting point, but they do not succumb to technological determinism.
Rather, they analyse digital political communication as the central element
of communication. In lieu of merely describing how each tool is used, the
authors present them as part of a comprehensive system.
We hope this book will serve as a guide for political communication
directors, citizens, activists, students or scholars and provide them with a
multidisciplinary, longitudinal analysis of the actors and trends of the past
25 years.
This compendium of research is a geographically and culturally diverse
undertaking by researchers from various countries who have spent more
than 20 years studying politics.
We have divided the book into two parts. In two highly differentiated
sections, the researchers put forth a kaleidoscopic perspective complete
with a wide range of approaches to the present subject matter. The research
comes from diverse fields of knowledge with distinct hermeneutics and
approaches to reality, some focusing on theory and others on case studies
which illustrate the initial hypotheses.
In the first part, we look at the key players in digital communication. In
the second, we deal with some of the latest trends. There are 12 chapters
which can be read in any order.
In the first part, the authors discuss traditional media phenomena and
actors, how they have adapted to digital political communication and how
they have affected the same. In the second chapter, Eva Campos-­
Domínguez (University of Valladolid, Spain) and Irene Ramos-Vielba
(Department of Political Science at the Danish Centre for Studies in
Research and Research Policy, Aarhus University, Denmark) explain the
important role played by parliaments in reinventing democracy with the
inclusive participation of different political actors. They review 25 years of
milestones in parliamentary communication and the transformation of
parliamentary governance. The authors analyse and provide examples of
the key trends and challenges along the road to hybrid parliament.
In the third chapter, Ainara Larrondo-Ureta (Universidad del País
Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea, Spain) and Koldobika Meso-Ayerdi

(idem) guide us through the evolution of political party strategies over the
past few decades. The researchers describe, discuss and provide examples
of major advances in organisational communication 2.0, in which mes-
sages tailor-made to the digital medium are used to drive audience partici-
pation. The chapter will deal with cross-­ platform, cross-media and
transmedia storytelling, as well as personalisation, emotionalisation, big
data and AI, in an effort to propose challenging new fields of research.
In the fourth chapter, Xosé López-García (University of Santiago de
Compostela, Spain), João Canavilhas (University of Beira Interior,
Portugal), María-Cruz Negreira-Rey (University of Santiago de
Compostela, Spain) and Jorge Vázquez-Herrero (idem) study digital
media and their relationship with the public sphere and reflect on the con-
ceptualisation and practice of political journalism within a recent phenom-
enon: digital native media. The authors identify trends, emerging
phenomena, and the evolving role of journalists and local and hyperlocal
media in democratic participation and the reinvention of democracy.
The fifth chapter focuses on lobbies. As researchers Antonio Castillo-
Esparcia (University of Málaga, Spain), Ana Almansa-Martínez (Idem)
and Gisela Gonçalves (University of Beira Interior, Portugal) indicate,
lobbies have been one of the least transparent and most influential actors.
The authors analyse lobbies’ actions and impacts, their influence on public
policy and the conceptual boundaries of different issues in various coun-
tries, dealing with them as channels of political communication and organ-
isational political communication.
The sixth chapter takes on a gender-based perspective and is dedicated to
a political figure made invisible by political parties and the media: the vic-
tims of femicide. Through a review of the situation in Latin America and a
case study, Santiago Gallur Santorum of the Technological Institute of
Santo Domingo (INTEC), who has analysed femicide in several countries
for more than 20 years, shines a light on this phenomenon and helps us
understand what drives it. The divide between reality, public policy and
opinions published in the media demonstrates how certain figures manage
to keep certain issues hidden.
To close the first section of this book, Sandra Flores-Guevara
(Autonomous University of the State of Hidalgo, México) and Laura
Georgina Ortega-Luna (idem) reflects on the intersection of social move-
ments and party systems as it pertains to the fluidity of political actors.
Throughout her study the reader will see the relationship between tradi-
tional and new political actors who together weave the fabric of democ-
racy. To illustrate this phenomenon, the author analyses the situation in

Mexico in recent years, where again we see connections branching out

between different movements.
In the second part of the book, we reflect on some of the strategies and
trends seen in most of the phenomena discussed in the first part (the use
of emotions, 360° reality, social audiences and live-tweeting), and discuss
their effects on the representation of ethnic minorities and election cam-
paigns in Latin America.
In the eighth chapter, Sara Pérez-Seijo (USC), Pavel Sidorenko Bautista
(University of Francisco de Vitoria) and María José Benítez de Gracia
(Universidad Isabel I de Castilla) reflect on changes in communication
brought on by VR technologies and 360° video. They use case studies to
analyse the opportunities and challenges that this type of storytelling pres-
ents for the various actors within political communication. Citizen engage-
ment and the ability to create a sense of presence are two of the strengths
analysed. That said, this chapter will also discuss the dilemmas posed by
this technology, above all from an ethical point of view.
In Chap. 9, researchers Nieves Lagares Diez (University of Santiago de
Compostela, Spain), Erika Jaráiz Gulías (idem) and Gina Sibaja (University
of Costa Rica) discuss engagement in politics and the importance of emo-
tional framing, especially negative emotional framing, as a generator of
political commitment. This chapter reviews the concept of engagement,
the debate around the concept itself and its relationship to political partici-
pation through social media. Finally, the use of emotion is discussed as a
fundamental point of cross-cutting political communication strategies in
recent years.
Chapter 10 focuses on audience participation in one of the most rele-
vant milestones in televised political communication: candidate debates.
José Sixto-García, Ana-Isabel Rodríguez-Vázquez and Alba Silva
Rodríguez, researchers from the University of Santiago de Compostela,
analyse the actions the audience takes in real time as political parties and
the media—two traditional actors in political communication—transmit
their messages. Co-production again emerges as both a strength of and
threat to political communication in a traditional medium such as
In Chap. 11, Magomed-Emin Aliev and Deborah Castro (University of
Rotterdam, Holland) deal with fiction as a means of transmitting values
and ideology through the creation of political imaginaries. Their starting
point is society’s racial dichotomy: the diversity, equality and visibility
seen, on the one hand, in more black-owned media and an

African-American president in the United States, but, on the other, black-

and female-led content suffering online trolling and hatred at the hands of
white, predominantly male groups. In this context they present a case
study on a fictional series as an element of analysis.
Lastly, Paulo Carlos López-López (University of Santiago de
Compostela, Spain), Daniel Barredo Ibáñez (University of Rosario,
Colombia; Fudan University, China) and María Pereira López (USC,
Spain) analyse cyberpolitics in Latin America through the agenda and
image of the region’s candidates. The authors present extensive research
on more than a dozen electoral contests that took place in Latin America
between 2015 and 2020 in which some of the actors and strategies anal-
ysed in the preceding chapters emerge. Among their most important con-
clusions is the flourishing of digital social networks, complete with filter
bubbles and echo chambers.

5   Upcoming Challenges

The post-COVID-19 era could mark a turning point in the panorama
described thus far, and therefore present new opportunities for echo
chambers to become more polyphonic. With this book we hope to con-
tribute to the scientific literature and propose seven major challenges for
the coming years:

1. Train citizens in digital democracy to make the next stage of history

2. Foster the citizenry’s agency in building cognitive frameworks and
alternative meanings, and foster participation in the co-creation of
3. Create new hermeneutic perspectives to understand reality through
hybrid intelligence;
4. Strengthen the values of truthfulness and credibility in public debate;
5. Leverage higher education to create evolving professions and
6. Reflect on the need for new regulations for new paradigms;
7. Promote and disseminate ethical codes and best practices in compa-
nies and institutions.

We close by expressing our deepest gratitude to all the authors who

made this book possible, especially Professor Manuel Castells for

supporting the project and writing the preface. We hope that you enjoy it
and that it may spur reflection and critical thinking in all those who read
it. As we set forth in the preface, we remain steadfast in our conviction that
a better world (for everyone) is possible.

Funding This chapter has been developed within the research project “Digital
Native Media in Spain: Storytelling Formats and Mobile Strategy”
(RTI2018–093346-B-C33) funded by the Ministry of Science, Innovation, and
Universities and co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).

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Parliaments and Key Transformations

in Digital Communication

Eva Campos-Domínguez and Irene Ramos-Vielba

1   Examining Parliaments’ Digital Communication

This chapter examines the development of parliaments’ digital communi-
cation over the last 30 years, which is continuously being transformed and
redefined. The connections between the main parliaments’ functions—
legislation, representation and government scrutiny—and the institutional
democratic legitimation derived from parliaments’ relationship with
society (Barker, 2007) are now more complex and multifaceted (Leston-
Bandeira & Thompson, 2018). Signs of political disaffection have

E. Campos-Domínguez (*)
Department of Modern, Contemporary and American History, Journalism,
Audiovisual Communication and Publicity, University of Valladolid,
Valladolid, Spain
e-mail: [email protected]
I. Ramos-Vielba
Department of Political Science, Danish Centre for Studies in Research and
Research Policy, Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark
e-mail: [email protected]

© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature 25

Switzerland AG 2022
B. García-Orosa (ed.), Digital Political Communication Strategies,
The Palgrave Macmillan Series in International Political

developed in parallel to a growing social demand for both broader moni-

toring and increased involvement in the public sphere through participa-
tory processes. These approaches might allow citizens to better assess
performance in relation to central qualities of parliament, such as repre-
sentativeness, transparency, accessibility, responsibility and efficiency
(Beetham, 2006). The use of digital tools for these purposes can also help
to articulate parliaments’ accountability to the public within parliamentary
management practices, including benchmarking of parliamentary infor-
mation and public outreach, to ensure that parliaments’ basic responsibili-
ties to the people are met (Joseph, 2016).
In line with this, new forms of parliamentary communication have also
been displayed via digital media use, aimed at promoting better and more
fluid external communication (Schwanholz et al., 2017). These efforts
have been supported by the consideration that communication flows and
dialogue between members of the parliaments and citizens may contribute
to improve democratic values. Furthermore, technological developments
in parliaments have been associated with the advancement towards fulfill-
ing the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 16 about ‘peace,
justice and strong institutions’, as it is believed that the application of
technologies could enhance both democratic practices and inclusiveness
through effective interaction between parliamentary representatives and
society (Niebel et al., 2013; Oni et al., 2021). This would be associated
with a reduction in perceived deficiencies that feed citizen scepticism over
parliamentary institutions leading to potential improvements in terms of
democratic deficit.
Therefore, recent parliamentary communication has witnessed gradual
development in the internet age, as a consequence of the implementation
of various digital tools that have fostered the transformation of both com-
munication objectives and characteristics. This change has been mediated
by intensified communication processes linked to global trends such as
increasing ideological and affective polarisation or the crisis of intermedia-
tion of traditional social actors. The spread of an open-source culture has
also contributed to the normalisation of datafication in society, providing
new rationales to support the empowerment and the agency of a datafied
public (Baack, 2015). Yet, the contexts in which data sets are generated
and, particularly, the neutrality of such paradigm within the ecosystem of
connective media have been critically questioned (Van Dijck, 2014). In
addition to this, further considerations on interactions among social
groups, understood as epistemic communities, would emphasise the role
Another random document with
no related content on Scribd:

Comme quoi M. de Paulac, tout représentant qu’il fût de M. le lieutenant de la

police royale, n’hésita pas à recevoir, de Séraphin Cocarel, une somme
fort honorable, en échange d’un service qui ne l’était pas.

— Ami Sanplan, reste quelques minutes dans cette galerie ;

quand tu me verras quitter mes appartements et rentrer dans les
salons, fais seller aussitôt ou selle toi-même nos trois chevaux, et
reviens m’apporter ostensiblement la lettre que je t’ai donnée
d’avance, pour leur jouer la scène finale de notre comédie. Est-ce
compris ?… Tu as la lettre ?
— C’est compris, et j’ai la lettre.
— Bien et sois adroit. Préviens Bernard. Nous quitterons ces
lieux dans un quart d’heure, — et au galop !
Là-dessus, il rejoignit dans sa chambre le Cocarel.
— Monsieur, lui dit Cocarel, le maître de cette maison était
homme à comprendre la situation d’un joueur qui a perdu sur parole.
La somme est prête. La voici, dans ce secrétaire, divisée en
plusieurs parts, bien enveloppées chacune, pour votre commodité. Il
y a vingt mille livres.
— Je viens de donner des ordres à mon majordome, monsieur,
afin d’avoir un prétexte à quitter sur l’heure cette maison. J’entends
mettre sans délai en lieu sûr cette petite fortune tombée du ciel ou
plutôt venue du diable. Vous voudrez bien nous aider, je vous prie, à
la transporter dans les fontes de nos chevaux, puisque tout ceci doit
rester secret. Je vais vous donner des reçus.
Il s’assit devant le secrétaire, et il écrivit quelques lignes.
Il n’en lut, à voix haute, que le début :
« Je déclare avoir reçu de M. Séraphin Cocarel, etc. la somme de
20 000 livres et cætera, et cætera… »
Il signa, parapha, frappa sur cire, à côté de son paraphe, un
cachet royal, plia la feuille, la ferma et la scella avec le propre cachet
de Cocarel que celui-ci portait suspendu à la large chaîne de sa
— Vous daignerez m’accompagner jusqu’au seuil de cet hôtel,
monsieur ; et là — (donnant-donnant) — en échange de vos sacs
d’écus, je vous livrerai mon reçu.
— Tout cela témoigne, dit Cocarel avec humeur, d’une certaine
— Je vous ai déjà fait observer, répliqua Gaspard, qu’entre
gredins cette méfiance est bien naturelle.
Il mit le papier dans sa poche ; et les deux complices rentrèrent
dans les salons.
A peine Gaspard y parut-il, que Marin en personne annonça
d’une voix solennelle : Monsieur le marquis de Paulac est servi.
Au même instant, le faux secrétaire, Bernard, venait présenter à
ce M. de Paulac une missive de forme imposante. L’ayant ouverte
aussitôt, Gaspard s’écria d’un ton de surprise mécontente :
— En vérité, messieurs, c’est jouer de malheur ! Que d’excuses
et de regrets, mesdames ! L’avis qu’on me donne, par les présentes,
doit rester secret, mais non pas l’ordre qui s’ensuit et qui est de me
rendre sur l’heure à Marseille !
Un murmure de déception répondit à ces paroles.
— Adieu, monsieur l’hôtelier. Je ne tâterai pas de vos gibiers
regrettés. Je baise toutes vos mains, mesdames. Monsieur de
Mirabeau, je suis votre valet.
Gaspard sortit, salué de tous, précédé de Bernard et suivi du
seul Cocarel.
Et comme plusieurs personnages, dont Marin, le voulaient
accompagner :
— Je ne le souffrirai pas. N’en faites rien. Vous me désobligeriez,
messieurs… Vous me pardonnerez, car je suis l’esclave et un peu la
victime du devoir ; et je vous prie très sérieusement de ne me point
importuner ; j’ai d’ailleurs quelques derniers mots confidentiels à
échanger avec M. de Cocarel.
Dans la galerie, Sanplan, qui l’attendait, lui dit :
— Tout est prêt en bas.
— Monsieur Cocarel, voici mon secrétaire et mon intendant prêts
à vous suivre. Confiez-leur ce que vous savez.
— Suivez-moi, leur dit Cocarel.
Vingt mille livres en métal, or et argent, dans plusieurs petits
sacs, furent descendues par les trois hommes, et enfouies dans les
fontes, d’où les pistolets furent retirés pour être accrochés aux
ceintures, sous les habits des cavaliers.
Deux laquais qui tenaient en main les chevaux, ayant été
remerciés et généreusement traités par Gaspard, celui-ci, du haut de
son cheval, présenta son reçu à Cocarel, sous la lanterne qui versait
une suffisante clarté.
— Reconnaissez-vous votre cachet, monsieur ?
— Je n’y aurais pas regardé sans y être invité, répliqua
galamment Cocarel, mais je le reconnais.
Et il empocha le papier. On se salua.
Le galop des trois chevaux retentit et s’éloigna sur le pavé du Roi
Quand Cocarel reparut parmi les invités, on gagnait la salle à
Les convives ayant pris place :
— Ce bon M. de Paulac, nous l’avons bien agréablement joué !
dit le président Marin. Je regrette que son brusque départ nous ait
retiré le plaisir de nous en égayer plus longtemps. Allons ! à vos
fourchettes, messieurs ! Tous égaux par le ventre ! Soupons, sans
souci du lendemain, laquais ou grands seigneurs ; et, comme on dit
aujourd’hui, — après nous le déluge !… — Que pensez-vous de ce
Paulac, Riquetti ?
— Je pense, répondit le marquis de Mirabeau, que sa fonction et
son langage ne vont pas d’accord. Nous vivons en un temps bien
étrange, si le Roi a de pareils conseillers ! mais j’incline à croire que
ce marquis-là n’est point ce qu’il veut paraître ; et il se pourrait que,
croyant jouer Paulac, vous ayez été mystifié par lui ou par
quelqu’autre intrigant !…
— Et par qui donc, et dans quel intérêt ?
— Cela, je l’ignore.
Ces paroles éveillèrent une inquiétude dans l’esprit de Cocarel ; il
prit dans sa poche le reçu cacheté ; et, soupçonnant, tout à coup,
que l’inconnu, si c’était un faux Paulac, avait pu, sous prétexte de le
signer, y ajouter quelque impertinence, il rompit la cire, et lut : « Je
soussigné, déclare avoir reçu de M. Séraphin de Cocarel, assassin,
la somme de vingt mille livres qu’il m’a remise en bel or ; et je
m’engage, mais seulement en qualité de marquis de Paulac,
représentant de M. le lieutenant général de police, — à ne pas faire
poursuivre ledit Séraphin pour le meurtre du nommé Teisseire.

« En foi de quoi… j’ai signé de ma main… »

Et, au milieu d’un paraphe, compliqué à plaisir comme un

encadrement ironique, ce nom :


Cocarel, vivement, remit le papier dans sa poche :

— Messieurs, dit-il d’une voix haute mais frémissante, et en
pâlissant, — je ne puis vous montrer la preuve que j’en ai là, dans
mon portefeuille — mais je puis vous assurer que ce Paulac n’est
pas Paulac. C’est Gaspard de Besse !
Un silence de stupéfaction suivit ce coup de cloche.
— Je m’en doutais un peu, dit froidement le marquis de
Mirabeau ; mon fils m’avait fait de cet étonnant Gaspard un portrait
fort ressemblant, ma foi.
— Vive Dieu ! s’écria Marin, prompt à se remettre ; — jamais fête
ne fut mieux réussie ! aux jeux de l’amour et du hasard de M. de
Marivaux, nous avons répliqué ce soir par les jeux du Parlement et
de la Police. Ce Gaspard est vraiment délicieux ! Ne nous a-t-il pas
envoyé, à plusieurs reprises, et l’autre jour encore, des voleurs à
pendre, et qu’en effet nous pendîmes, mais que, — sans lui,
Gaspard, — nous n’aurions jamais capturés, ni par conséquent
pendus ! Gaspard a sa police et sa juridiction, et l’amour passionné
de la justice… Nous ne sommes pas de taille, messieurs ! pas de
taille, belles dames ! Je tiens que ce soldat de fortune est homme de
génie ; et s’il m’avait emprunté, ce soir, quelque vingt mille livres, ou
à tel autre d’entre nous, je n’en serais pas autrement surpris !
Sur ces mots, le président lança un coup d’œil à Cocarel.
— C’est là en effet, je l’avoue, la somme importante qu’il m’a
empruntée, dit Cocarel piteusement ; j’en ai là l’inutile reçu, dont je
viens seulement de lire la signature.
— Ah ! le bon billet qu’a la Châtre ! s’écrièrent tout d’une voix les
convives, pris, un peu tard, d’un fou rire.
— Montrez-nous sa griffe, Séraphin ?
— Non, ma foi ! protesta Cocarel, je consens qu’on rie de moi sur
mon aveu spontané, mais non de par sa parole. J’en ai trop de honte
en vérité !
— Eh bien, mon avis à moi, dit la marquise de la Gaillarde, qui
avait ri plus haut que les autres, c’est que nous avons bien vu le vrai
M. de Paulac ; qu’il avait eu vent de nos projets de galégeade, et
qu’il nous a rendu la monnaie de notre pièce d’or en signant
Gaspard de Besse le gentil billet de Cocarel.
Et Mlle de Malherbe de s’écrier à son tour :
— Jamais un Paulac quelconque n’aurait eu assez d’esprit ni
d’audace pour se compromettre par une plaisanterie de cet ordre :
— ce n’est pas là, pour un chef de police, une manière d’emprunter ;
mais, pour un chef de bandits, c’est bien la plus spirituelle et même
la plus aimable façon du monde. C’est bien à Gaspard de Besse,
croyez-moi, que nous avons eu affaire ce soir, et vous conviendrez
qu’il est charmant. On n’est pas plus adorablement frondeur et, pour
moi, j’en raffole !
— Je me range à votre avis, mademoiselle, déclara Lisette.
Toutes les femmes applaudirent.
— J’en raffole aussi, de votre Gaspard, mesdames, dit le
président ; mais j’ai tort : je ne suis pas dans mon rôle. Allons ! A la
santé du vrai Paulac, messieurs ! mais où diable peut-il être, à cette
heure-ci ?
— Eh ! dit gravement Riquetti, il est sans doute en prison,
puisque le monde est renversé.
— C’est bien Gaspard qui nous a donné, ce soir, la comédie,
déclara fermement Marin.
La marquise de la Gaillarde intervint :
— Et pourquoi croyez-vous si délibérément, mon cher président,
que votre Paulac n’était pas Paulac ?
— C’est que j’en vois tout à coup la preuve, dit Marin, dans ce fait
auquel je n’avais pris garde : aucun courrier n’a apporté chez moi la
lettre urgente qui lui a permis de nous quitter un peu trop vivement !
Tous les convives s’entre-regardèrent…

Le lendemain, Gaspard de Besse, ayant conté, à M. de Paulac,

la soirée mémorable, le remit en liberté.
M. de Paulac, le vrai, alla voir aussitôt le président Marin. Ils
échangèrent leurs impressions.
— Je vois ce que c’est, dit Marin. Le Parlement, contre mes
conseils et malgré mes efforts, a étouffé l’affaire du meurtre de
Teisseire, dont Séraphin Cocarel est (nous le savons tous) l’auteur
principal. Ledit Séraphin, — prenant Gaspard pour vous, Paulac, —
aura tenté de vous séduire et corrompre. Il y est parvenu sans peine.
Gaspard, qui veut sa tête, lui prend d’abord sa bourse ; et, dit-on, ce
n’est pas la première fois ! Quel argument nouveau, payé par
Cocarel, s’est acquis, contre Cocarel, cet invincible Gaspard ! Tout
cela est, il faut l’avouer, d’une habileté politique vraiment
consommée, admirable.
— Étourdissante ! dit Paulac en riant ; mais vos vingt mille livres ?
— Pardieu ! Cocarel a trop besoin de ma discrétion pour ne pas
me les rendre… mais je vous conseille amicalement, monsieur, de
ne pas faire de cette aventure le sujet d’un rapport trop exact à Sa
Majesté le roi, ni à Son Excellence le lieutenant général de police.
L’histoire est trop compliquée… Vous n’en sortiriez jamais… ni moi
non plus !
— Vous avez raison… mais, sur cette « affaire Cocarel » dont le
seigneur Gaspard, ce matin encore, m’a fait un récit détaillé, en me
priant d’en parler à Sa Majesté, quelle est votre opinion, monsieur le
président ?…
— Eh ! répliqua Marin, mon opinion, à ce sujet, ne peut être que
celle de la justice…
— Ah ?
— Celle de la justice ; je veux dire celle de Gaspard.
— Diable ! s’écria Paulac stupéfait ; n’ai-je donc plus qu’à
recommander le bandit bienveillant à la bienveillance du Roi !
— Mon avis bien net, dit Marin, est que, ce faisant, vous ne serez
que juste.

Le poète Jean Lecor fait recevoir une pièce en un acte et en vers par la
troupe de Gaspard de Besse.

Lorsque, avec le secours de Sanplan et de Bernard, qui

illustraient son récit de gestes merveilleux, — Gaspard conta à Lecor
et à Pablo la brimade qu’il avait infligée au Parlement et à la
Noblesse, dans la propre demeure du président Marin, la gaîté de
ses auditeurs fut inimaginable, et si grand le succès, que le poète
Jean Lecor déclara n’en avoir jamais obtenu de pareil en toute sa
carrière d’auteur et d’acteur comique ; « carrière, dit-il, injustement
décriée, puisque l’auteur et l’acteur comiques peuvent apporter de
telles consolations aux pauvres humains ! »
— Il faut, conseilla Sanplan, réunir sur-le-champ toute la bande,
et lui narrer en détail cette histoire avec tous ses incidents, quorum
pars magna…
— Halte-là ! se récria Lecor, j’estime que la gloire de Gaspard est
à son apogée, après la réussite d’une comédie si parfaitement
audacieuse et significative. Elle suffirait à faire l’illustration d’un
homme ; et nous pourrions, fièrement satisfaits, ayant tiré l’échelle
après cela, rentrer tous dans nos foyers, du moins ceux de nous qui
en ont, et aucun de nous ne se peut vanter d’en avoir un ; mais c’est
façon de parler. J’admets cependant que le Parlement mérite encore
une leçon plus dure ; et notre chef saura la lui donner ; mais, en
attendant, puisque la bande s’impatiente parfois de n’en point voir
venir l’occasion, — le tableau de la brimade que vient de subir le
Parlement tout entier sera un encouragement singulier pour tous nos
bandits. Seulement, pour leur en faire comprendre toute la joyeuse
importance, il faut non pas la leur narrer, mais la représenter sous
forme de comédie ; et, avec l’agrément du capitaine, j’en ferai une
pièce en un acte et en vers, que nous jouerons dans un décor
naturel, sur un plateau de Cuges. Pablo y jouera le rôle de Sanplan ;
Sanplan, le rôle de Marin ; je me réserve celui de Gaspard. Je
trouverai mes autres protagonistes dans la troupe : et rien ne sera
plus réjouissant à voir qu’un bandit, proprement rasé, faisant Lisette
ou la marquise ; et quant à notre glorieux chef, il sera chef de claque
et applaudira sa propre apothéose ; car, à la fin, de même qu’on a
couronné, du vivant de Voltaire et sous les yeux de Voltaire, à la
Comédie française, une image de Voltaire, — de même nous
couronnerons de laurier, à la fin de notre représentation, un
mannequin représentant, à peu près du moins, notre grand
Gaspard ; et j’affirme que, grâce au sujet de la pièce autant qu’à ma
verve comique, le souvenir du spectacle que nous donnerons au
soleil couchant ou à la lune levante, sera connu de la postérité la
plus reculée.
— Mort de ma vie ! s’écria Sanplan, j’ai, en t’écoutant, cherché
dans ton discours, ami Lecor, un point et virgule ou un signe de
repos quelconque, marquant un besoin de respirer, et je n’en ai point
aperçu ni trouvé la place. Le vétérinaire qui t’a coupé le filet a bien
gagné ses cinq ou dix dardennes ! et si, comme il en est question,
on doit convoquer bientôt les États-Généraux de France, nous t’y
enverrons, comme député des bandits, pour défendre, avec la
langue et sans cracher, nos droits de vagabonds en révolte !
J’accepte le rôle que tu me veux confier, et, foi de Sanplan, ayant
bien observé ce Marin dont le nom m’enchante, je te promets de lui
une fameuse et réjouissante caricature.
La représentation ainsi projetée eut lieu un mois plus tard ; et les
acteurs y prirent autant de plaisir que les spectateurs, car jamais,
dans aucune comédie, il ne plut tant de gifles sur les faces, et de
coups de pieds aux derrières, que dans l’impromptu de Lecor.
Lisette et la marquise étaient de rudes gaillards soigneusement
rasés, porteurs d’abondantes perruques, copieusement enjuponnés,
jouant sans relâche de l’éventail avec leurs lourdes mains habituées
au poids de l’escopette… Ces dames étaient délicieuses ; elles
marchaient en remuant la croupe à la façon des canards et des
coquettes ; et, pour le port de la tête, afin qu’il fût vraisemblablement
féminin, Lecor, homme de théâtre et des plus observateurs, leur
avait donné ce conseil aux répétitions : « Vous n’avez qu’à vous
imaginer qu’on vous a posé, sur le sommet du crâne, un verre empli
d’eau, et qu’il faut aller et venir sans en renverser une goutte et sans
y porter la main ! »
Le résultat nécessaire était un balancement des cous, des têtes,
des bustes et des croupions, à rendre Célimène jalouse.
Dès la première scène, lorsque le ventru Sanplan, de blanc vêtu,
et singeant le président déguisé en cuisinier, déclara :

Nous allons, tout un soir, duper ce bon marquis,

Et nous verrons plus tard (je m’en fais un délice)
Comment il sauvera l’honneur de la police,

le succès fut acquis. Les bandits déliraient de satisfaction. Gaspard

lui-même goûtait à ce spectacle un plaisir extrême.
Lorsque Pablo-Sanplan, avec un ventre copié sur celui du
président-cuisinier, appliqua sur l’abdomen du président-Sanplan-
Marin une tape magistrale, en s’écriant :

Je suis heureux de voir en vous un si gros homme,

Patron !

ce fut gai, mais ce n’était là qu’une préparation à la scène suivante,

celle où Lecor, représentant Gaspard, et répétant la même
plaisanterie, dit au président Sanplan-Marin :
Monsieur ! que voilà donc un ventre merveilleux !
Par les saints ! ce magot me réjouit les yeux !
Lorsqu’il est ainsi fait, le maître d’une auberge,
Rien qu’en s’y laissant voir, prouve qu’on s’y goberge,
Et tu devrais, mon cher, en peinture ou vivant,
Comme enseigne d’hôtel, te pendre à ton auvent…

alors, on déclara que la farce rimée par le poète valait presque la

farce qui avait été jouée en réalité à Marin par Gaspard et consorts.
Et la pluie, la grêle de coups de pied au derrière, commencèrent.
Les acteurs exagéraient. Ils ajoutaient des gestes à ceux qu’indiquait
le texte. On entendit bien des vers faux, tout comme à la Comédie-
Française. Mais qu’importait « puisque l’effet était obtenu ou doublé
et centuplé » ? Lecor, professant que le public n’entend rien à la
métrique, avait eu l’imprudence de le dire aux acteurs. Ils en
profitèrent pour mêler à la poésie de l’auteur une prose toute
Au moment où Lecor avait prononcé cet alexandrin :

Le peuple aime et soutient notre Gaspard de Besse,

l’enthousiasme des spectateurs s’était élevé jusqu’aux nues ; en

revanche, Cocarel fut froidement accueilli. Le rôle ne porta point,
Lecor n’ayant pas essayé de le rendre sympathique ni plus
franchement odieux. Par bonheur, le poète, en devenant acteur,
avait changé d’âme. Pour maintenir le succès de sa pièce, qu’il
sentait fléchissant, il n’hésita pas à ajouter au derrière de Cocarel un
coup de pied hors texte, et si violemment sincère que l’acteur
s’écria : « Tu frappes trop fort, animal ! » Ce ne fut pas, de toute la
pièce, le mot qui eut le moins de succès, car il est très vrai qu’un
chat ou un chien égaré, et traversant par hasard la scène, au
meilleur moment d’une tragédie de Corneille, égayerait le public plus
sûrement que le plus amusant des traits d’esprit.
Entraîné par le succès de plusieurs coups de pied improvisés,
Lecor en cribla, en écrasa, en affola, en abrutit Leteur et La
Trébourine, qui ne savaient comment se garer. M. de Mirabeau ne
fut pas compris ; mais la salle eût croulé — si ce n’eût pas été une
salle en plein air, avec le ciel pour plafond et le soleil pour lustre, —
lorsque, en se mettant à table, Sanplan-Marin déclara :

Tous égaux ! un laquais, à table, vaut un juge !

Un peu auparavant, tandis qu’on assistait à l’enlèvement des

vingt mille livres, avait eu lieu un incident qui mit le comble à la gaîté
du public.
Pour corser le dénouement, Jean Lecor avait imaginé que Pablo
serait chargé d’emporter ce trésor sur son âne. Pablo, ayant donc
prestement revêtu, par-dessus son costume de Sanplan, sa robe de
moine, parut alors monté sur sa bête. Ce n’était plus la réalité
historique, mais l’auteur dramatique, le comique surtout, a le droit
indiscutable d’arranger l’histoire. En conséquence de ce principe,
des valets apportèrent d’invraisemblables sacs d’écus, que Pablo
plaçait à mesure dans les ensarris de son âne, en égayant de ses
gestes un facétieux monologue de sa façon. Et les sacs de s’empiler
sur l’âne, si nombreux et si lourds, que, lorsque Pablo l’enfourcha, la
bonne bête refusa d’avancer. Ni prières ni coups ne vinrent à bout
de sa résistance. Alors Pablo de l’injurier avec abondance ; et,
comme on n’avait aucun moyen de baisser un rideau hâtif sur cette
interminable révolte asinesque, la comédie eût retenu le public
jusqu’au jour suivant, si Sanplan ne fût entré en scène avec une
botte de foin sous chaque bras, ce que voyant, l’âne, au milieu des
huées joyeuses du public, le suivit incontinent.
Gaspard, modeste, déclara que tout ainsi finissait pour le mieux ;
qu’il renonçait à voir couronner son image et qu’il la tenait pour
honorée et glorifiée.

Peu de jours après la farce réelle, la comédie qui avait pris le

sujet à la réalité fut contée en détail par Gaspard à la comtesse de
— Je vous ai vu à l’œuvre l’autre soir, chez le président, lui dit-
elle, et j’ai compris combien vous valez mieux que tout cela.
Elle continua sur ce ton, essayant d’amener Gaspard à
abandonner la lutte contre le Parlement, maintenant qu’il l’avait si
audacieusement bravé, si cruellement raillé.
— Mon ami l’évêque, dit-elle, M. de Mirabeau et moi-même, et
sans doute le président Marin, nous nous emploierons à obtenir
votre grâce. Renoncez à vos jeux dangereux. Tenez-vous pour
satisfait d’avoir brimé le Parlement et rançonné deux fois Cocarel.
— Non, madame. Ce n’est point assez. Pardonnez-moi ma
résistance à vos désirs, mais ma grande révolte ne peut finir sur une
trop simple plaisanterie. Parmi les bavardages que j’ai surpris l’autre
soir, j’ai feint de ne point entendre un certain renseignement qui va,
je pense, me fournir le dénoûment de la lutte ; et ce dénoûment-là ne
sera point sans quelque grandeur… Permettez-moi de n’en pas dire
davantage aujourd’hui ; seulement je vous promets qu’après le
dernier effort que je vais tenter, je prendrai mes quartiers de repos,
si je ne perds pas la vie dans cette suprême expédition. En
attendant, puisque vous voulez bien vous y employer, faites parler
au Roi, madame. Si ma grâce ne peut être obtenue, peu importe,
mais c’est au seul prix de la grâce entière accordée à mes gens, que
je consentirai à me retirer de la lutte. L’exil même ne m’effraie pas.
J’aurai la douleur de vous perdre, et Dieu sait que j’en serai
inconsolable ! mais, à aucun moment, je ne fus assez sot pour
n’avoir pas compris que, descendue de vous à moi, votre tendre
charité ne doit avoir qu’un temps. La plus grande marque d’amour
que je vous puisse donner, madame, c’est de savoir m’éloigner de
vous avant que, de mon bonheur de quelques semaines, vous
retiriez le blâme du monde et le malheur de votre utile et noble
existence !

Elle eut beau le prier ; il demeura inflexible dans sa résolution ; et

elle pensa, avec une admiration accrue pour le caractère de son
amant, qu’il avait raison.

Jean Lecor, prince des poètes, prince des conteurs, prince des acteurs, —
conquiert le droit d’être proclamé prince des avocats.

Quel était ce renseignement que Gaspard n’avait pas voulu

confier à madame de Lizerolles ?
Au cours de la soirée chez Marin, il avait appris que le
Parlement, en corps, était invité, par Sa Grandeur l’archevêque
d’Aix, à un festin de cérémonie, dans sa résidence des champs, non
loin de la ville, au pied de la montagne Sainte-Victoire. Le jour en
était fixé, et Gaspard ne l’oubliait pas. Il allait réaliser son projet
grandiose d’enlever le Parlement tout entier, et de le faire juger, en
formes, par un tribunal de bandits… Teisseire n’avait-il pas été jugé
par une bande qui parodiait le Parlement ?

Au jour dit, tous les parlementaires, en tenue de gala, en robes

rouges, avaient pris place dans plusieurs carrosses.
Ils n’avaient pas usé de minutieuses précautions. Toutefois, ils se
firent escorter par un gros de dragons à cheval.
Quant à Gaspard, qui connaissait bien son terrain, il plaça une
moitié de sa troupe au-dessous de Saint-Antonin, au pied de la
montagne, sur un plateau de colline. Ce plateau dominait, par un à-
pic de trente coudées, le chemin particulier par où devaient passer
les nobles invités de Sa Grandeur. En face, de l’autre côté du
chemin, l’autre moitié de la troupe se dissimula dans les bois de pins
et les roches éboulées ; le Parlement et son escorte allaient
s’engager dans un véritable couloir et dans une embuscade.
Le colonel Lecor commandait une escouade de mannequins
qu’on avait amenés sur le plateau à dos de mulet. Il les rangea au
bord de l’à-pic, mal cachés à dessein dans les broussailles légères ;
et ces mannequins, le feutre baissé sur les yeux, un genou en terre,
ou assis, tous armés de tromblons terribles, menaçaient d’un tir
plongeant le chemin que devaient suivre, n’en ayant point d’autre,
Messieurs du Parlement.
L’affaire fut rapidement conduite, grâce à la maladresse ou plus
vraisemblablement à la duplicité des dragons. Il était fort exact
d’ailleurs, comme on disait dans le peuple, que le Parlement n’était
pas très décidé à arrêter Gaspard. Le bandit savait trop de choses !
On craignait, de cette arrestation, plus d’inconvénients, par le
scandale, que de sérieux avantages. Et sans qu’on eût donné des
ordres précis pour que le bandit ne fût pas capturé, les archers et les
dragons comprenaient parfaitement qu’en aucune occasion on ne
leur avait tenu rigueur de l’avoir laissé échapper. Ils s’en tiraient avec
quelques reproches de forme. S’ils le laissaient en repos, s’ils
feignaient souvent d’ignorer ses retraites, c’est que, en vérité, ils
croyaient obéir à une consigne tacite, en accord avec leurs
sympathies. Cette consigne tacite, un ordre, rappelé avec rigueur,
l’eût levée ; un pareil ordre, donné une fois, après le complot de la
procession aixoise, n’avait pas été renouvelé.
Or donc, l’affaire fut rapidement terminée.
Un dragon ayant eu son cheval tué sous lui, les soldats qui
formaient l’avant-garde s’enfuirent droit devant eux, tandis que ceux
de l’arrière-garde s’enfuyaient en rebroussant chemin.
Les magistrats, tête à la portière des carrosses, aperçurent là-
haut les mannequins menaçants, escopette en joue, et se
résignèrent. Il fallait se rendre. Entourés de bandits, ils furent
acheminés vers le plateau où les attendait Gaspard.
Partageant le goût de ses hommes pour la comédie, et instruit
par celle que Jean Lecor avait écrite et fait représenter par eux,
Gaspard avait préparé au drame final des épisodes facétieux. De là
ces mannequins, qui d’ailleurs furent utiles. D’autre part, il avait été
convenu que Sanplan tiendrait, cette fois, le rôle de l’avocat-général
accusateur ; Jean Lecor, celui de l’avocat défenseur ; et Pablo,
naturellement, le rôle de l’évangéliste.
Quant à Bernard, marié depuis deux jours, Gaspard (qui avait cru
pouvoir le faire paraître innocemment, plutôt comme assistant que
comme acteur, à la soirée de Marin), s’arrangea pour l’éloigner.
Depuis la promesse qu’il avait faite à l’évêque, de n’engager Bernard
dans aucune entreprise qui pût offenser la conscience du prélat, il
avait ainsi éloigné de lui le jeune homme en plus d’une occasion. Et
Bernard, enchanté, s’en allait alors à Cotignac, où, pour échapper à
Cabasse, et en attendant l’heure de se marier, Thérèse avait fini par
se réfugier chez une petite parente, bonne et pieuse.
Quand les parlementaires prisonniers, superbes dans leur robe
rouge, arrivèrent sur le plateau, ils furent, les uns, saisis de crainte ;
les autres, d’étonnement.
Des troncs d’arbre étaient là, disposés en manière de bancs
circulaires ; on y fit asseoir les vingt-quatre juges.
En face d’eux, sur des rochers qui semblaient arrangés à cet
effet, devaient siéger ceux qui s’arrogeaient le droit de juger les
Les parlementaires, en attendant, prirent leur place, les uns
maugréant, les autres en silence.
Le baron de Saquettes, avocat général, se faisait remarquer par
la hauteur dédaigneuse de son attitude. Pâle, les sourcils froncés, il
gardait le silence. Au moment de l’arrestation, sans même que cela
eût été remarqué au milieu du brouhaha, — il avait eu le temps et la
présence d’esprit de donner un ordre énergique à un brigadier des
dragons ; et maintenant, soucieux, il en attendait l’effet. Viendrait-on
à leur secours ? Homme rigide, sans nuances ni souplesse, blâmant
les torts de ses confrères, mais incapable pourtant d’admettre la
légèreté et l’ironique sourire du président Marin, des Saquettes
représentait bien la loi dans son inflexibilité, la loi selon la lettre.
Marin, lui, — goguenardait.
Cocarel, le père de Séraphin, tenait les yeux obstinément fixés
dans le vague, droit devant lui ; il sentait les responsabilités les plus
lourdes peser sur son nom, sur sa famille.
Leteur, la Trébourine surtout, tremblotaient d’épouvante.
Tout à coup Lagriffe, jouant l’huissier, sortit d’un fourré, et
annonça :
— Messieurs, la Cour !
Messieurs de la Cour parurent. C’étaient, — outre Gaspard,
Sanplan et Pablo, — deux douzaines de bandits de choix, mine
terrible, feutre en bataille, pistolets à la ceinture.
D’un mouvement machinal, toutes les robes rouges se mirent
debout, non certes pour faire honneur à leurs juges occasionnels,
mais parce qu’ils avaient l’habitude d’être solennellement en
marche, lorsque retentissait dans le prétoire l’annonce de leur
entrée : « la Cour ! »
Seul, M. des Saquettes ne se leva point. S’apercevant de leur
méprise, tous les juges firent mine de se rasseoir, mais des fusils
furent braqués sur eux aussitôt.
— Restez debout ! Messieurs ! dit Gaspard qui s’arrêta un instant
et promena son regard perçant sur les juges-accusés.
Cette fois, des Saquettes lui-même se leva.
De bon cœur l’incorrigible Marin riait toujours et poussait tout bas
ses pointes.
— C’est une parodie infâme ! grogna Leteur.
— Et, ajouta La Trébourine, vous, notre président, vous avez le
courage d’en rire ?
— Arrêtés et jugés en robe de gala ! répliqua Marin, c’est trop
drôle ! et vrai, mon cher, pour n’en pas rire, il faut n’avoir jamais eu le
sens du ridicule !
— Silence ! grogna l’huissier Lagriffe d’un air solennel.
Pablo pontifiait, dans sa robe de moine ; Jean Lecor s’était
procuré une robe d’avocat.
A ce moment, La Trébourine jeta un cri de détresse qui fit frémir
ses collègues ! Le malheureux venait d’apercevoir, à travers les
branches des genêts épineux, un brigand qui, le fusil en joue, le
visait, à n’en pas douter.
— Là !… là !!! Voyez ! gémissait ce malheureux juge, le bras
tendu, l’index tremblotant.
Sanplan, trouvant cette épouvante justifiée, commanda au bandit
menaçant :
— Bas les armes, coquin !
Mais le commandement ne fut pas obéi ; alors, l’inexorable
Sanplan saisit le pistolet accroché à sa ceinture. Son coup de feu
retentit dans les échos.
Un frémissement courut sur le banc des accusés. L’homme, le
soldat désobéissant, était tombé sans un cri, et sans même lâcher
son fusil, tant la mort avait été foudroyante ! il gisait à présent dans
la broussaille.
— J’en suis fâché, déclara Sanplan froidement, c’était un de nos
meilleurs soldats.
— Requiescat in pace, marmonna Pablo.
Deux hommes, sur un signe de Sanplan, accoururent ; et, à
travers l’enchevêtrement des buissons, on les vit prendre le mort,
l’un par les pieds, l’autre par les épaules, et l’emporter rapidement.
Sanplan, venait de tuer… sans pitié… un des mannequins dont
Jean Lecor était le grand chef. Satisfait de l’impression produite, il
éleva la voix :
— Vous comprenez, messieurs, que, si je traite ainsi mes
hommes pour vous protéger, je saurai, au besoin, vous traiter de
même, pour vous contraindre à la soumission. L’acte d’énergie que
je viens d’accomplir, non sans regret, — prouve, remarquez-le bien
— notre impartialité, et que nous n’avons en vue que la justice.
A ces mots, Gaspard se remit en marche, et la Cour, ayant atteint
les blocs de roche qui devaient lui servir de sièges, se trouva placée
dans l’ordre suivant : Gaspard présidait, ayant à sa droite Sanplan ;
à sa gauche, dom Pablo ; plus à droite, l’avocat Lecor. Les bandits-
juges siégeaient en arrière du président.
— Monsieur Marin, je vous salue, dit Gaspard.
— Monsieur… de Paulac, je vous salue, dit Marin gaîment.
Gaspard lui fit un sourire. En reconnaissant dans Gaspard le faux
Paulac, tous ceux des juges qui l’avaient vu chez le faux aubergiste,
c’est-à-dire chez leur président, chuchotaient entre eux, chacun
gémissant ou riant, selon les complexions personnelles.
— Messieurs, reprit Gaspard, nos formes de justice vous
étonneront sans doute un peu ; mais si vous réfléchissez que nous
faisons de notre mieux, vous excuserez la pauvreté de nos moyens.
Messieurs, je dis que certains détails, dans nos procédés, vous
paraîtront plaisants ; c’est que nous ne voulons pas être, comme
vous, un tribunal d’ennui ni de terreur. Nous ne prétendons qu’à être
un tribunal frondeur et sévère, narquois et juste.
— Assez, monsieur ! cria M. des Saquettes d’une voix
impérieuse. Nous ne souffrirons pas la moindre insolence !
— Il le faudra bien pourtant, monsieur des Saquettes, dit
Gaspard ; et j’ai le regret de vous annoncer que tout interrupteur
sera appréhendé par nos gardes, et mis dans nos prisons. J’estime
que vous aurez quelque avantage, les uns et les autres, à discuter
l’accusation avec nous, pour obtenir une justice calme et raisonnée.
Sinon, vous nous contraindrez à adopter une justice sommaire.
Nous sommes armés ; vous ne l’êtes pas ; et les branches sont
nombreuses autour de nous, où plusieurs d’entre vous, les plus
méritants, pourraient être suspendus par le col, comme fut le
malheureux Teisseire, et comme mérite de l’être M. de Cocarel,
dont, à des degrés différents, vous êtes tous les complices.
Un silence de mort se fit sur ce plateau de forêt. On n’entendait
plus que le bruissement éolien des pinèdes.
— Je voulais donc vous dire qu’en dépit de l’insuffisance de nos
moyens de justice, en dépit de ce que peuvent présenter de plaisant,
à vos regards, certains détails de notre mise en scène — ou, à vos
oreilles, certaines paroles de vos juges, — ce qui va se passer ici
n’est pas un jeu. Paroles gouailleuses et ironiques, détails ridicules,
dont on vous permet de sourire, auront contre vous une portée
grave, et auront, je pense, un grave résultat, celui de vous atteindre
dans votre prestige, de vous faire déchoir ; de vous livrer à la risée
publique, car tout se saura, et j’ai ici un historiographe habile.
Lecor s’inclina.
— D’autre part, nous saurons infliger au principal coupable une
punition à la mesure du crime, celle que vous lui auriez infligée vous-
même, si vous n’étiez pas, en grande majorité, des prévaricateurs…
Assis, messieurs.
Tous obéirent, comme des automates de Vaucanson.
— Ce diable d’homme a bien du talent, murmura M. Marin à ses
voisins ; on ne saurait être plus clair !
Gaspard reprit :
— M. le juge Cocarel est là ?… Je le reconnais.
— Je suis là, fit une voix.
— J’espérais que votre fils vous aurait accompagné, monsieur.
C’est lui le principal accusé ; lui, le meurtrier de Teisseire ; lui qui fut
l’organisateur d’un tribunal pour rire, qui a fini par être un tribunal de
deuil, ce qui nous autorise à être, ce soir, à notre tour, un tribunal de
rire et de mort. Messieurs, voulant respecter autant que possible les
formes qui vous sont chères, nous avons désigné un avocat qui,
d’office, en l’absence de l’accusé, le défendra, comme il se doit.
A ce moment, un coup de feu retentit assez proche, et aussitôt
un homme accourut :
— Des deux officiers de dragons que nous avions faits
prisonniers, le plus jeune vient de se brûler la cervelle.
— Debout, messieurs ! commanda rudement Gaspard.
Tous se levèrent, dominés.

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