D MGM IOS Problms

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About the document Compilation of Questions

Subject Interpretation of Statue and Principles of

Legislations IV [ V Semester ]

Category Problems

University KSLU

Period Covered Jan-2015 to 2022 Oct

Edition No-01 -March-2023

Important Note

This compilation has been prepared with the objective of giving an idea to students about past examination

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Unit II

An appraiser whose service is often sought by the Bank to Oct-2022

weigh and test gold ornaments brought as security for a
Bank Loan claims himself as workman u/s 2(S) of IDA

The street offences Act, 1956 made it an offence for Oct-2021[80:20]
prostitutes to solicit customers in a public place. Few
prostitutes were charged under the law for soliciting public
from private premises in windows or on balconies. Decide
with reference to applicable rule of interpretation of statue

According to Karnataka Electricity Supply Act,1948, the Oct-2022

Electricity Board is empowered to fix Electricity tariff
depending upon nature of supply , geographical location ,
purpose of supply and others. How to interpret the words
“others” in this case. Decide with the suitable rules of

Sham contends before the competent court that the sale of Oct-2021
betal leaves shall not be made liable for sale tax relying
upon a dictionary meaning given on the said term as
vegetable. Decide

Petitioner the dealer in betel leaves was assessed to sales Dec-2019

tax under the C.P and Berar Sales Tax Act, 1947. According
to S.6, items mentioned in II schedule are exempt from tax.
Scheduled items included “vegetables” and “betel leaf” but
subsequently by amendment “betel leaf” is omitted. It was
contended that the betel leaf though omitted is still
included in the word “vegetable” and as such not taxable.
Decide applying relevant rule of interpretation.

Roopeshwasheld liable to be punished for contravening Oct-2021

Section - 7 of the Prevention of Food Adulteration Act, 1954

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even though he had no guilty mind as he did not know that
the food article was adulterated. He challenges this
conviction. Decide with the suitable rule of interpretation.

Ram who is sentenced to life imprisonment please to the Dec-2020

court which passed sentence to set off the period of pre
conviction u/s 428 of Cr . P.C But the government plader
opposes it u/s 433-A of Cr PC.Decide

A retire employee raises induistrial dispute claiming Dec-2020

himself an workman u/s 2(s) of the Industrial dispute Act.
Employer oppose it .Decide

S. 418 of the Delhi Municipal Corporation Act, 1957 Dec-2019

authorised the officers to raid and impound the cattle
abandoned. Petitioner let his cattle unattended on the
street, the officer impounded the same. Petitioner argued
that the provision enabled the officer to impound only the
abandoned cattle, that is to say, ownerless cattle.
Municipality contends that it meant impounding of cattle
owned and let loose or unattended causing disturbance to
public. Decide with reference to applicable rule of

A statutory provision provides, “Government may appoint Dec-2019

as many special judges as may be necessary for any area
as for any case or group of cases”. Government through an
order appointed ten judges for an area, two judges to decide
a group of special cases. It was argued in challenge that the
Government may either appoint judges for an area or for a
case or for a group of cases and as such the present order
is void. Decide with reasons

S.36(1) of the Industrial Disputes At, 1947 prohibits the June-2018

appearance of parties, through an advocate before the

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conciliation proceedings and before the court of inquiry and
sub Section (2) provides, in any proceedings, before the
Labour Court, Industrial Tribunal or National Tribunal, a
party to a dispute may be represented by a legal
practitioner with the consent of the other parties to the
proceeding and with the leave of the other parties to the
proceeding and with the leave of presiding officer. But S.30
of the Advocates Act, 1961 provides subject to provisions of
this Act, every advocate whose name is entered in the state
roll shall be entitled as of right to practice throughout the
territories to which this Act extends, in all courts including
the Supreme Court, before any tribunal to person legally
authorized to take evidence. Decide, if S.36 of the ID Act,
1947 is deemed to be repealed by implication in light of
contradicting provisions of S. 30 of the Advocates Act,
1961. Give reasons.

Industrial Disputes Act Provides that a party cannot be Dec-2017

represented by a legal practitioner before Labour Court ,
tribunal or national tribunal whereas Advocates Act
confers right to Practice on every Advocate before authority.
How do you resolve the clash. Decide with the help of
suitable rule of Interpretation?[UJ-Not proper]

Employer has to pay maternity benefit by way of wages for Dec-2017

the actual period of women’s absence for six weeks under
Maternity benefit Act. While calculating the wages he
excludes Sundays.Meena questions this and claims that
she should get wages for Sunday’s also. Advise her with the
help of suitable rule.

A abused B by using unparliamentarily words against him. Dec-2016

B angered by this hit A on his head fell unconscious and
was taken to hospital where he was declared brought dead.
A was charged with commission of crime under IPC. But A
denied the criminal liability holding that he exercised his
right of self-defence and the death was an accident.

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Whether A is guilty of crime? Decide with appropriate rule
of interpretation

Prakash Ayurvedic Bhavan manufacturer’s medicine Dec-2016

preparations for the internal and external use of the human
being.For the manufacture of medicine many ingredients
are being used and liquor is one of them. The excise
commissioner sought to impose excise duty on the liquor
quantum used for medicine preparation. This was objected
by Bhavan on the ground that it is medicine and not
alcholal they manufacture and sell. Decide by applying
suitable rule of interpretation .Whether imposition of excise
duty is justified?

Unit No IV

Workmen in an industry resorted to strike without giving Oct-2021[80:20]

notice of strike. ln an industrial dispute raised by trade
union for wages during strike period, it was decided by the
labour court that the strike was "illegal" and hence no
wages are payable. Later, employer filed a suit in a civil
court claiming damages against the trade union for the loss
of business during strike period. Trade union argues civil
court's jurisdiction to award compensation is ousted.
Decide with reasons.

There exists an agreement between two parties to resolve June-2019

the dispute by arbitration. But the parties invoke the
jurisdiction of the consumer forum to resolve their dispute.
Can consumer forum be mandated to refer the dispute u/s
8(1) of Arbitration and Conciliation Act? Decide

Mohan files a water pollution case in criminal court under June-2018

section 133 of Cr.P.C. but magistrate does not entertain the
case stating Pollution Control Board has jurisdiction under
the Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974,

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not the Criminal Court. Advice Mohan with the help of
suitable rule of interpretation.

A minor has right to maintenance under Cr.P.C. Muslim June-2018

Women (Protection of Rights on Divorce) Act, 1986 also
enables Muslim woman to claim maintenance for her
children. Under which law can a Muslim minor claim
maintenance? Decide with the help of relevant rule of

Workmen in an industry resorted to strike without giving June-2018

notice of strike. In an industrial dispute raised by trade
union for wages during strike period, it was decided by the
Labour Court that the strike was “illegal;” and hence no
wages are payable. Later, employer filed a suit in a civil
court claiming damages against the trade union for the loss
of business during strike period. Trade union argues civil
court’s jurisdiction to award compensation is ousted.
Decide with reasons.

To identify units

‘A’ obtains insurance policy against the theft of his car from June-
insurance company. His car was stolen by the passengers he gave 2019
a free lift while returning to his home. When ‘A’ claimed insurance
the insurance company denies the compensation. Decide

Special Courts Act, 1992 which confers civil jurisdiction on Dec-2018

special court relating to any property bars the jurisdiction of any
other court. Whereas recovery of debts due to Banks and
Financial Institutions Act, 1993 provides for tribunals to recover
debts due to Banks and financial institutions. Both are ‘Non
Obstante Clauses”. Resolve the clash between the two laws using
relevant rule of interpretation.

see if it fits in above ashavant S/O Laxman Sable vs Senior Manager on 1 March, 2013

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