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Electrical Machine
Electrical Machine

V. Rajini
V. S. Nagarajan
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
SSN College of Engineering, Chennai
Copyright © 2018 Pearson India Education Services Pvt. Ltd

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Dedicated to Our Parents
—V. Rajini and V. S. Nagarajan
Preface xvii
About the Authorsxix

1. Basic Design Considerations of Electrical Machines 1.1

1.1 Principles of Design 1.1
1.2 Factors for Consideration  1.1
1.3 Classification of Design Problem 1.2
1.3.1 Need for Computer-aided Design 1.3
1.4 Specifications and Standards 1.3
1.5 Constraints of Design 1.5
1.6 Dimensions and Rating of Machines 1.8
1.7 Output Equation 1.8
1.7.1 DC Machine 1.8
1.7.2 AC Machine 1.9
1.8 Materials for Electrical Machines 1.11
1.8.1 Conducting Materials 1.11
1.8.2 Resistive Materials 1.15
1.8.3 Magnetic Materials 1.16
1.8.4 Insulation Materials 1.21
1.9 Heat Dissipation Modes 1.25
1.10 Types of Cooling (Ventilation) 1.29
1.10.1 Cooling of Turbo Alternators 1.38
1.11 Types of Enclosure 1.42
1.12 Quantity of Coolant 1.44
1.13 Types of Duties and Ratings 1.47
1.14 Determination of Temperature Rise and Fall 1.55
Review Questions 1.68
Multiple-choice Questions 1.68
Short Type Questions 1.74
Long Type Questions 1.79
Problems 1.80

2. Design of Magnetic Circuits 2.1

2.1 Introduction 2.1
2.1.1 Analysis of Series Composite Magnetic Circuit 2.2
x Contents

2.1.2 Analysis of Parallel Composite Magnetic Circuits 2.4

2.1.3 Comparison Between Magnetic Circuit and Electric Circuit 2.6
2.2 Determination of Reluctance and MMF of Air Gap 2.7
2.2.1 Contraction of Air Gap Area Per Pole (Effective Air Gap Area)  2.13
2.2.2 Effect of Pole Saliency 2.14
2.3 Determination of MMF of Teeth 2.22
2.4 Real Flux Density and Apparent Flux Density 2.32
2.5 Iron Loss Calculation 2.36
2.5.1 Hysteresis Loss 2.36
2.5.2 Eddy Current Loss 2.37
2.5.3 Total Iron or Core Loss 2.40
2.5.4 Pulsation Loss 2.40
2.6 Magnetic Leakage 2.43
2.7 Estimation of Specific Permeance and Leakage Reactance 2.47
2.7.1 Parallel-sided Slot 2.49
2.7.2 Parallel-sided Slot with Double Layer Windings 2.51
2.7.3 Tapered Slot 2.53
2.7.4 Circular Slot 2.55
2.7.5 T Bar Slot (Induction Motor) 2.58
2.8 Magnetic Pull 2.59
2.8.1 Radial Magnetic Forces 2.61
2.8.2 Radial Magnetic Forces and Unbalanced Magnetic Pull 2.62
2.8.3 Determination of Unbalanced Magnetic Pull 2.65
2.8.4 Significance and Minimization of Unbalanced Magnetic Pull 2.68
Review Questions 2.69
Multiple-choice Questions 2.69
Short Type Questions 2.71
Long Type Questions 2.77
Problems 2.78

3. Design of Transformer 3.1

3.1 Introduction 3.1
3.1.1 Based on Voltage Ratio 3.2
3.1.2 Based on Construction 3.2
3.1.3 Based on Application 3.5
3.1.4 Based on Number of Phases 3.6
3.2 Specifications of a Transformer 3.8
3.3 Design of Transformer 3.8
3.3.1 Output Equation of Single-phase Transformer 3.8
3.3.2 Output Equation of Single-phase Transformer (Core-type) 3.9
3.3.3 Output Equation of Single-phase Transformer (Shell-type) 3.11
3.3.4 Output Equation of Three-phase Transformer 3.12
Contents xi

3.3.5 Output Equation of Three-phase Transformer (Core-type) 3.12

3.3.6 Output Equation of Three-phase Transformer (Shell-type) 3.14
3.4 Volt Per Turn of Winding 3.16
3.5 Choice of Flux Density 3.17
3.6 Choice of Current Density 3.18
3.7 Design of Core  3.18
3.7.1 Square Core 3.20
3.7.2 Stepped Core 3.21
3.8 Design of Yoke 3.24
3.9 Window and Core Proportions 3.24
3.10 Overall Dimensions 3.24
3.10.1 Single-phase Core-type Transformer 3.24
3.10.2 Three-phase Core-type Transformer 3.25
3.10.3 Single-phase Shell-type Transformer 3.25
3.10.4 Three-phase Shell-type Transformer 3.27
3.11 Design of Windings 3.28
3.11.1 Type and Choice of Windings 3.29
3.12 Resistance Calculation 3.46
3.13 Reactance Calculation 3.47
3.13.1 Leakage Reactance of a Core-type Transformer with ­
Concentric LV and HV Coils of Equal Height or Length 3.48
3.14 Flowchart for Overall Design of Transformer 3.52
3.15 No Load Current of a Transformer 3.60
3.15.1 Single-phase Transformer 3.62
3.15.2 Three-phase Transformer 3.62
3.15.3 Magnetizing Volt – Ampere and Alternate Expression
for ­Magnetizing Current 3.63
3.16 Transformer Losses 3.67
3.17 Effects of Change in Frequency in Parameters of the Transformer 3.68
3.18 Optimum Design 3.69
3.19 Cooling of Transformer 3.72
3.20 Temperature Rise and Design of Cooling System 3.75
3.21 Temperature Rise in Plain-walled Tank 3.75
3.22 Temperature Rise in Tank with Tubes 3.75
3.23 Design of Tank with Tubes 3.76
3.23.1 Flow Chart for Design of Cooling System 3.77
3.24 Mechanical Forces 3.86
3.25 Computer-aided Design of Transformer 3.87
Review Questions 3.104
Multiple-choice Questions 3.104
Short Type Questions 3.113
Long Type Questions 3.124
Problems 3.125
xii Contents

4. Design of Three-phase Induction Motor 4.1

4.1 Introduction 4.1
4.2 Construction 4.1
4.3 Specifications 4.3
4.4 Output Equation of 3φ Induction Motor 4.4
4.5 Choice of Specific Loadings 4.6
4.5.1 Choice of Specific Magnetic Loading,‘Bav’4.6
4.5.2 Choice of Specific Electric Loading, ‘ac’4.8
4.6 Calculation of Main Dimensions (Separation of D and L)4.8
4.7 Design of Stator of Three-phase Induction Motor 4.9
4.8 Calculation of Length of Air Gap 4.28
4.9 Design of Rotor of 3φ Induction Motor 4.29
4.9.1 Design of Squirrel Cage Rotor 4.30
4.9.2 Design of Wound or Slip-ring Rotor 4.41
4.10 Estimation of Operating Characteristics 4.47
4.10.1 Core Loss Component 4.47
4.10.2 Magnetizing Component 4.47
4.11 Harmonic Torques 4.49
4.11.1 Loss Component 4.52
4.12 Short Circuit Current 4.52
4.12.1 Stator Resistance 4.53
4.12.2 Rotor Resistance 4.53
4.13 Circle Diagram 4.54
4.14 Dispersion Coefficient 4.56
4.15 Computer-aided Design of Three-phase Induction Motor 4.66
Review Questions 4.74
Multiple-choice Questions 4.74
Short Type Questions 4.81
Long Type Questions 4.95
Problems 4.95

5. Design of Single-phase Induction Motor 5.1

5.1 Introduction 5.1
5.2 Construction 5.1
5.2.1 Split Phase Motors 5.1
5.2.2 Shaded Pole Motors 5.3
5.2.3 Repulsion Motors 5.3
5.3 Design Considerations 5.3
5.4 Specifications 5.4
5.5 Constructional Features 5.4
5.6 Design of Single-phase Induction Motor 5.5
5.6.1 Output Equation 5.5
Contents xiii

5.6.2 Choice of Specific Loadings 5.7

5.6.3 Separation of D and L 5.7
5.6.4 Design of Stator 5.8
5.6.5 Design of Rotor 5.10
5.6.6 Magnetic Circuit Calculations 5.11
5.6.7 Calculation of Resistance and Leakage Reactance 5.12
5.7 Performance Calculation 5.13
5.7.1 Equivalent Circuit Method 5.13
5.7.2 Analytical Method (Veinott’s Method) 5.14
Review Questions 5.40
Short Type Questions 5.40
Long Type Questions 5.41

6. Design of Synchronous Machine 6.1

6.1 Introduction 6.1
6.2 Types of Synchronous Machine 6.1
6.2.1 Types of Synchronous Generators 6.2
6.3 Constructional Aspects of Synchronous Machines 6.2
6.4 Construction of Hydro Generators 6.4
6.5 Construction of Turbo Generator 6.5
6.6 Synchronous Motor 6.6
6.7 Specifications 6.6
6.8 Output Equation 6.6
6.9 Choice of Specific Loadings 6.7
6.9.1 Choice of Bav (Specific Magnetic Loading) 6.7
6.9.2 Choice of ac (Specific Electric Loading) 6.8
6.10 Design of Salient Pole Machine 6.8
6.10.1 Main Dimensions 6.8
6.10.2 Types of Poles  6.8
6.11 Design of Turbo Generator 6.50
6.12 Computer-aided Design of Three-phase Synchronous Machine 6.54
Review Questions 6.61
Multiple-choice Questions 6.61
Short Type Questions 6.66
Long Type Questions 6.73
Problems 6.73

7. DC Machine 7.1
7.1 Introduction 7.1
7.2 Construction 7.1
7.2.1 Field or Excitation System 7.1
7.2.2 Rotor 7.3
xiv Contents

7.2.3 Specifications of DC Machine 7.4

7.3 Output Equation 7.4
7.3.1 Estimation of Power, Pa7.5
7.4 Choice of Specific Loadings of DC Machine 7.6
7.4.1 Choice of Specific Magnetic Loading (Bav)7.6
7.4.2 Choice of Specific Electric Loading (ac)7.7
7.5 Choice of Number of Poles 7.9
7.5.1 Guidelines for the Selection of Poles 7.14
7.6 Limitations of D and L 7.14
7.6.1 Limiting Values of Core Length (L)7.15
7.6.2 Limiting Value of Armature Diameter (D)7.16
7.7 Separation of D and L 7.16
7.8 Estimation of Length of Air Gap 7.26
7.8.1 Factors Affecting Air Gap Length 7.26
7.8.2 Estimation of lg 7.26
7.9 Design of Armature 7.27
7.10 Design of Commutator and Brushes 7.34
7.10.1 Brush Dimensions 7.34
7.10.2 Commutator Losses and Temperature Rise 7.35
7.11 Design of Field System of DC Machine 7.51
7.11.1 Design of Pole 7.51
7.11.2 Design of Shunt Field Winding 7.54
7.11.3 Design of Series Field Winding 7.56
7.12 Design of Interpoles 7.62
7.13 Computer-aided Design of DC Machine 7.65
Review Questions 7.71
Multiple-choice Questions 7.71
Short Type Questions 7.77
Long Type Questions 7.88
Problems 7.89

8. Computer-aided Design and Analysis of Electric Motors 8.1

8.1 Introduction  8.1
8.2 Salient Pole Synchronous Motor 8.2
8.3 Induction Motor 8.19
8.4 Separately Excited DC Motor 8.30

It gives me great pleasure to write the foreword to the book entitled, “Electrical Machine
Electrical machines play a vital role in domestic and industrial fronts. Hence, it is
essential that students of electrical engineering have a strong grounding in electrical
machines. Conventional courses in electrical machines are not adequate for the purpose
of understanding as they throw light on the construction, principle, characteristics and
testing. A deeper understanding is possible only when they study the design aspects and
their influence on the performance of the machines. It is thus necessary to have a course
on electrical machine design, suitable for study by undergraduate students of electrical
This book is designed to meet the needs of a textbook for a course in electrical machine
design. It gives a comprehensive design aspects of DC and AC machines with an appropriate
introduction to basic design considerations and the magnetic circuits involved. Introduction
to the design and analysis of the machines using the finite element analysis is also included
as one chapter, to enable the readers to have a much deeper understanding. A design process
always involves a long iterative process and a designer is required to take decisions in
conflicting situations. The design procedure of all the machines is given as simple flowcharts
for the reader to understand the iterative nature of design process. In addition to the worked
examples, most chapters include number of problems designed to test the grasp of the
subject. The readers will also appreciate the pedagogical practices followed in this book.
This book is the outcome of the long experience of the authors in teaching electrical
machines and allied courses. The authors have made a commendable effort to present the
contents in a clear and lucid form.
I hope this book will be well received by students, teachers and practicing engineers.

Dr V. Kamaraj
Professor and Head
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
SSN College of Engineering
Electric machines have become a part and parcel of our day-to-day lives. They play an
inevitable role, right from a small toy to an electric power plant. Hence, the knowledge
of their operating characteristics and performance is essential to Electrical Engineering
graduates. Also, it is important for them to learn the design of these machines considering
various technical and economical aspects. Hence, this book is intended to serve as a textbook
for those who are interested in learning the design of electrical machines.
The target audience also include academicians, students of B.E./B.Tech. (Electrical and
Electronics Engineering, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering and Instrumentation
and Control Engineering) and industrial employees.
Flow chart based approach has been employed for problem solving. A large number of
examples with increasing order of difficulty have been incorporated with a step-by-step
procedure for solving. The examples cover university questions of all Indian universities.
Matlab and C programs have been provided for computer-aided design of different
electrical machines. Finite element simulations using MotorSolve software will provide
a new perspective in-depth understanding of concepts. Multiple-choice questions with
answers covering syllabus of GATE and UPSC exams also find a place in this book. Two
mark questions have been provided with answers, which will help the readers enhance the
understanding of the subject.
This book is divided into 8 chapters. Chapter 1 deals with basic design considerations
of electrical machines, which is inclusive of constraints, standards, choice of materials and
cooling requirements. Design of magnetic circuits involving different types of slots and
magnetic pull effects are dealt in Chapter 2. Chapter 3 covers the design of transformer
encompassing core, yoke, window, winding and cooling design requirements. Concepts
related to stator and rotor design of three-phase induction motor are covered in Chapter 4.
Chapter 5 provides an insight into the design of single-phase induction motor. Topics related
to construction, pole design and design of turbo machines under synchronous machines are
discussed in Chapter 6. Chapter 7 discusses about the design of DC machine comprising
the aspects of field winding, commutator and brush arrangement and interpole design.
The computer-aided design of electrical machines using finite element analysis software,
MotorSolve, is detailed in Chapter 8.

This book consumed huge amount of work, patience and dedication. Still, implementation
would not have been possible if we did not have the support of many individuals
and organizations. Therefore, we would like to extend our sincere gratitude to all. We
would like to sincerely thank our Principal, Dr S. Salivahanan, and the Management of
SSN College of Engineering, Chennai, for their constant encouragement and providing
necessary facilities for completing this project. We are grateful to our HOD, Dr V. Kamaraj,
for his encouragement in bringing out this book, our colleagues Dr R. Arumugam and
Dr M. Balaji, for obtaining and making the infolytica softwares available for use in
xviii Preface

Chapter 8 of this book and Dr R. Deepalaxmi, for helping us in reviewing certain chapters
of this book. We are also thankful to our students, especially S. Sivaramakrishnan, R. Rahul,
R. Gayathri, C. Ramaseshan, B. Shiva Shankar, M. Lohit, Shreyas Srivatchan, P. Praneeth,
M. Karthik, S. Narendran, R. Bharath Kumar, R. Vedha Vyass, R. Manovenkatesh,
N. Ajithbalaji, S. Krishnamurthy, S. Joselin Jebalamalar, R. Kavitha and M. Premkarthik
who had helped us in matlab and C coding, creation of figures, content enhancement,
proof correction and review.
We are indebted to Sojan Jose, R. Dheepika and M. Balakrishnan of Pearson India
Education Services Pvt. Ltd, Chennai, for bringing out this book successfully in a short span
of time.
We would like to express our sincere gratitude to our family for the continuous support,
patience and motivation. A heartfelt thanks to our family members, R. Harikrishnan,
H. Harshini, H. Karunya, V. Nagalakshmi, L. Santhanakrishnan, Dr L. V. Chandramohan,
V. Sureshkumar, T. S. Sasikaladevi, family friends, S. Premalatha, Secretary & Correspondent,
Mahatma Montessori Schools, Madurai, R. Panneerselvam, President, Mahatma Montessori
Schools, Madurai, for inspiring and encouraging us in writing this book.
We would like to dedicate this book to parents Shri. G. Veeraraghavalu and V. Saroja,
grand parents, L. Venkatesan, T. S. Swaminathan and S. Vardhini without whom none of
our success would have been possible. We would also like to dedicate this book to Professor
C. Palani, Annamalai University for laying the foundation for Electrical Machines and
Prof. Raman Nair, Annamalai University for making us believe anything is possible.
We will appreciate any constructive suggestions and feedbacks from the readers for
further improvement of this book.

V. Rajini
V. S. Nagarajan
About the Authors
V. Rajini has been working as a Professor in the Department of
Electrical and Electronics Engineering, SSN College of Engineering.
She has 22 years of teaching and research experience. She was
graduated from Annamalai University in 1992 and subsequently
obtained her Ph.D. in High Voltage Engineering from Anna
University in 2008. She has published over 90 research publications
in referred journals. She has completed various projects funded by
SSN Trust and AICTE and MNRE. She is currently working on the
fields of Insulating Materials, High Voltage Applications in Process
Technologies, Hybrid Electric Vehicles, Power Electronics for HV
Applications, Solar Photovoltaic and Wind Energy Systems.
She has received Best paper awards in various conferences,
has also received the Best teacher awards. Ms Rajini is the recipient of CTS – SSN Best
Faculty Award – 2011 and distinguished scientist award – 2016 by VIRA foundation for her
contributions in the field of high voltage engineering. She is a senior member of IEEE and
Life member of ISTE.

V. S. Nagarajan has been working as an Assistant Professor in the

Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering since June
2014. He did his B.E. (EEE) in SSN College of Engineering and was
ranked 2nd in the college and 21st in the Anna University. After
his graduation, he joined CTS as Programmer Analyst and worked
there for about a year. Later, he did his Masters in Power Electronics
and Drives in SSN College of Engineering scoring a CGPA of 9.34
out of 10 and was ranked 2nd in the college and 4th in the Anna
University. He is currently pursuing Ph.D. in the field of Electrical
Machine Design and Control under Anna University. He was the
recipient of merit scholarship both for B.E. and M.E. and also the
merit scholarship by Ministry of Human Resources and Development, Govt. of India (For
GATE score). He has been awarded with four silver medals and one gold medal for being the
topper of the department in various semester examinations. He has also been awarded with
“The Chairman’s Silver Medal” and “College Silver Medal” for securing Anna University
ranks in B.E. and M.E., respectively. He has published six papers in National/International
Journals and Conferences.
Basic Design
Considerations of
Electrical Machines
1.1 Principles of Design
An electric machine is an electromechanical device that comprises the stationary and moving
parts combined together to generate, transform or utilize the mechanical/electrical energy.
Electric machines are used in applications like transportation, aerospace, defence and industrial
automation industries. Electric motor-driven systems that drive pumps, fan, blower systems and
air compression have become common in industries. Good engineering design is the heart of all
such applications. Engineering design is the application of science, technology and invention to
produce machines to perform specified tasks with optimum economy and efficiency.
All the machines are made up of elements or parts and units. Each element is a separate
part of the machine and it may have to be designed separately and in assembly. Each element
in turn can be a complete part or made up of several small pieces which are joined together
by riveting, welding, etc. Several machine parts are assembled together to form what we
call as complete machine. This physical realization of a complete machine has to meet the
required performance conditions at optimum economy and efficiency.
Hence, the objective of a design is to obtain the complete dimensions of all the parts of
the machine. It must be carried out to meet the specifications using the available materials,
at optimal cost, size and weight without compromising the performance and durability.

1.2 Factors for Consideration

The three key factors of design are given below:
1. Economy
2. Durability
3. Compliance with the specifications and standards
1.2 Basic Design Considerations of Electrical Machines
1.2 Basic Design Considerations of Electrical Machines
A design process involves lot of engineering calculations done in an iterative manner.
When designing
A design machine,
process one
involves lotcannot apply rigid
of engineering rules to done
calculations get the best
in an design manner.
iterative for the
machine at the lowest possible cost. A designer may have
When designing machine, one cannot apply rigid rules to get the best design for to take decisions under
conflicting requirements. For example, designing a machine to meet out
machine at the lowest possible cost. A designer may have to take decisions under conflictingall the three key
factors is highly
requirements. impossible.
For example, For example,
designing a highly durable
a machine to meetmachine would
out all the threeobviously make
key factors is
use of high-quality materials, by increasing the cost of the machine.
highly impossible. For example, a highly durable machine would obviously make use of Hence, compromise
between durability
high-quality andbyeconomy
materials, increasing is the
cost ofdepending
the machine. upon the compromise
Hence, application, between
meeting the specifications. Compromise is also required between
durability and economy is required depending upon the application, besides meeting the ideal design and thea
design which will comply with the manufacturing conditions, environmental
specifications. Compromise is also required between the ideal design and a design which conditions,
will comply with in production, transport,
the manufacturing maintenance,
conditions, safety, reliability
environmental conditions,and customer’s
convenience in
need. One should also understand the limitations of design. The designer’s
production, transport, maintenance, safety, reliability and customer’s need. One should primary
understand theislimitations
to allot suitable space
of design. for frame, primary
The designer’s core, airgap, winding,is insulating
responsibility and
to allot suitable
cooling medium in the machine. He/She should also make appropriate
space for frame, core, airgap, winding, insulating and cooling medium in the machine. He/ choice of electric,
She shouldinsulating
also makematerials subject
appropriate choice toofavailability, characteristics
electric, magnetic, andmaterials
insulating cost consistent
with the specifications.
to availability, characteristics and cost consistent with the specifications.

1.3 Classification
1.3 classification of
of Design
Design Problem
A machine
machine has
has field
field and
and armature
armature winding
winding supported
supported byby stator
stator and
and rotor.
rotor. It
It also
also has
dielectric materials for insulating the live parts, cooling system and mechanical parts for
materials for insulating the live parts, cooling system and mechanical parts for
support. Hence,
Hence, the
the basic
basic components
components ofof design
design are
are shown
shown in
in Fig.
Fig. 1.1.


Mechanical Electric
system circuit
of design

Thermal Dielectric
system system

fig. 1.1
Fig. 1.1 || Basic
Basic components
components of
of design
design of
of electric
electric machine

1. Magnetic design
Magnetic design or
or magnetic
magnetic circuit
circuit design
The design of magnetic circuit must establish
The design of magnetic circuit must establish thethe required
required flux
flux with
with minimal
minimal ampere
turns. It should also produce less core loss.
turns. It should also produce less core loss.
2. Electric circuit design
Specifications and Standards 1.3

2. Electric circuit design

This deals with the design of armature and field windings with suitable winding
arrangement such that the required emf is produced. The copper loss in these
windings should also be less.
3. Dielectric system design
This deals with the design of insulation required to isolate various parts operating at
different potential so that the current is confined to the required paths.
4. Thermal system design
The design of thermal system includes the design of cooling system, ventilating
ducts, etc., so that the heat generated in the machine due to losses is dissipated and
safe operation of the machine at the specified temperature is ensured.
5. Mechanical system design
This involves the design of frame, shaft and bearings. The design should be robust.

1.3.1 Need for Computer-aided Design

The design process involves a number of assumptions and constraints and so, the solution
can be obtained only by iterative methods. Computer plays a vital role in finding the solution.
The Finite Element Method (FEM) can be used to study the effect of a single parameter on
the dynamical performance of the machine. Also, some tests, which are not even feasible
in laboratory setup, can virtually be performed by FEM. Hence, the design problems using
FEM are done in Chapter 8 and they are of different nature from the design worked out in
detail in respect of any machine. However, these example problems provide adequate basic
skills required for design.

1.4 Specifications and Standards

Standardization of electrical machines manufactured by several industrial plants facilitates
in stream-lining the production line and acquiring easier replacements and spares for the
consumer. These benchmark specifications, typically acknowledged along with their year of
issue, are continually amended as per the modern requirements.
The Indian Standard (IS) specifications are laid down by the Indian Standard Institution
(ISI) in conformation with the international norms stipulated by International Organization
for Standardization (ISO). As per ISI, the name plate of any electrical machine should bear
the succeeding details:

•• kW/kVA rating of machine

•• Rated voltage of machine (or voltage ratio in transformers)
•• Full-load current
•• Number of phases, if any
•• Operating frequency/rated speed
•• Type of connection (wye/delta in AC machine) or Field excitation (shunt/series/
compound in DC machine)
•• Class of insulation provided
•• Type of enclosure of the machine
•• Frame size of machine
•• Manufacturer’s name and serial number of the product
1.4 Basic Design Considerations of Electrical Machines

Some of the standards relating to electrical machines published by IS are enlisted as

(a) For rotating electrical machines:

IS No. Year Title specification

900 1965 Code of practice for installation and maintenance of 1φ and 3φ induction
2254 1965 Dimensions of vertical shaft motors for pump applications
3682 1966 Flame-proof AC motors utilized in mines
4029 1967 Guidelines for testing 3φ induction motors
4691 1968 Degrees of protection provided by enclosures for rotating electrical
4722 1968 Guidelines for testing of DC motors
4728 1968 Terminal marking for rotating electrical machines
4729 1968 Measurement and evaluation of vibration of rotating electrical machines
4889 1968 Methods of determination of efficiency of rotating electrical machines
6362 1971 Description of methods of cooling for rotating electrical machines
1885 1973 Electro technical vocabulary – Rotating machines
(part 35)
7132 1973 Guidelines for testing synchronous machines
1231 1974 Dimensions of 3φ foot-mounted induction motors
7572 1974 Guidelines for testing 1φ AC and universal motors
7306 1974 Methods for determining synchronous machine parameters from tests
7538 1975 Specifications for 3φ squirrel cage induction motor for centrifugal pumps
in agricultural industry applications
7816 1975 Guidelines for testing insulation resistance of rotating machines
325 1978 General specifications for 3φ induction motors
8789 1978 Values of performance characteristics for 3φ induction motors
5422 1996 Specification for high power turbo-generators

(b) For transformers:

IS No. Part Year Title specification

3639 – 1966 Fittings and accessories for power transformers
5142 – 1969 Guidelines for continuously variable voltage autotransformers
1180 – 1972 Specification of 3φ distribution transformers with a rating till 100
KVA, 11 KV

Constraints of Design 1.5

Table | (Continued)
IS No. Part Year Title specification
6600 – 1972 Guidelines for loading of oil immersed transformers
1885 28 1973 Electro technical vocabulary of transformers
2026 1 1977 Power transformers: General specifications
2026 2 1977 Power transformers: Temperature rise specifications
2026 3 1977 Power transformers: Insulation levels and dielectric test
2026 4 1977 Power transformers: Terminal markings, circuit tapping and

(c) Supplementary general specifications of electrical machines:

IS No. Part Year Title specification

1271 – 1958 Classification of insulating materials and components utilized in
machines as per their thermal stability in operation
4800 1 1968 Specifications of enamelled round wires
4685 1 1968 Specifications of varnish glass fibre covered copper conductors
6160 – 1971 General specifications of rectangular conductors employed in
rotating machines
7404 1 1974 Specifications of round paper covered copper conductors
7404 2 1974 Specifications of rectangular paper covered copper conductors
12063 – 1987 Classification of degree of protection provided by the enclosures
in machines

1.5 Constraints of Design

The limitations imposed on the design of electrical machines are listed in Fig. 1.2. These
constraints are due to the dependability of the performance of machine on various factors
and do not include limitations in the availability of material and other facilities required for

•• Total efficiency of a machine indirectly influences its capital and running costs.
•• When efficiency is high, the power losses are low and hence the running costs will
be less.
•• But, to limit the electric and magnetic losses, the specific electric and magnetic
loadings ought to be as low as possible.
•• This in turn formulates a need for a machine with an excessively large active material
(such as iron for magnetic parts, copper and aluminium for winding conductors),
which results in an increased initial investment (capital) cost.
•• Thus, machines with enhanced efficiency will have substantially low running cost at
the expense of higher capital cost.
1.6 Basic

Commutation Efficiency

Electromagnetic Temperature
saturation rise

Power factor Design limitations Insulation

Stress on Mechanical Consumer

bearings components Specifications

Shaft Standard
limitations Air gap

Fig. 1.2 || Limitations

Temperature rise

••• Temperature
Temperaturerise riseisiscaused
causedin inan
machinedue duetotothe
generatedby bythethe
flow ofelectric
currentin inconductors
conductorsand andflux
••• Elaborate
Elaborate cooling cooling arrangements
arrangements are are to
to be
be made
made ifif the
the temperature
temperature rise
rise isis excessive.
This increasesthe thecapital
••• Also,
Also, the the type
type ofof insulation
insulation provided
provided largely
largely affects
affects the
the machine’s
machine’s operating
operating lifelife as
each ofthe
materialsusedusedhas hasaalimiting
••• IfIfoperated
operatedabove abovethisthislimit,
longevityof ofinsulating
thereby deterioratingthe themachine’s
••• ItIt isis therefore
therefore required
required to to provide
provide appropriate
appropriate cooling
cooling andand ventilation
ventilation methods,
methods, to to
maintain thetemperature
temperaturerise risewithin
withinthe thepermissible
The insulating materials used in a machine must endure the following stresses:
The insulating materials used in a machine must endure the following stresses:
• Electrical stress – Inflicted by the continually varying high operating voltage
•• Electrical stress – Inflicted by the continually varying high operating voltage
• Mechanical stress – Due to the flow of short circuit currents in secondary windings as
•• Mechanical stress – Due to the flow of short circuit currents in secondary windings as
they induce large radial and axial forces as in the case of transformers
they induce large radial and axial forces as in the case of transformers
Constraints of Design 1.7

•• Thermal stress – Caused by the heat developed (due to power losses) in the machine
•• The type of insulation to be fitted is determined principally by the maximum operating
temperature of the machine components to avoid any thermal breakdown.
•• Furthermore, the size of insulation is influenced by the maximum voltage stress
(electrical stress) and the size of conductors used (mechanical stress).

Power factor
•• For the same power rating of a machine, a poor factor leads to larger values of current
(as they are inversely proportional).
•• Hence, the conductor size (and cost) increases to accommodate this increased current
•• Conversely, for the power factor to be kept high (for reduced current levels and stress),
■■ the specific magnetic loading should be less, i.e. the volume of active material has
to be increased
■■ the air gap should be as small as mechanically possible which in turn increases the
fabrication cost of rotors
•• Eventually, the size and capital cost increase anyhow and power factor is used rather
as a limiting factor influencing the air gap length, winding conductor size and flux
density and saturation in the core.
•• The effect of power factor is a key consideration in the design of induction motors.

Electromagnetic saturation
•• Since ferro-magnetic materials are used as stator/rotor cores, their saturation level
determines the maximum allowable flux density.
•• A high value of flux density is achieved by reducing the air gap, but it results in
saturation of the core, thereby depleting the power factor and also causes an increased
excitation resulting in higher cost for the field system.

Mechanical components
The physical dimensions and shape of the mechanical components deeply influence the
limits of parameters of electrical machine such as critical speed, power factor, etc.
The three primarily influential mechanical portions are as follows:
•• Air gap: It must be kept as low as mechanically possible to have a high power factor
and flux density.
•• Central rotor shaft: Longer shaft lengths lead to excessive Unbalanced Magnetic Pull
(UMP) when deflected and disrupt the running mechanism. Thus, rotor shaft must be
short and rigid to downplay any deflection in running conditions and void the effect
of UMP, if any. In large machines, the shaft size is determined by the critical speed
which in turn depends on shaft deflection.
•• Bearings and rotating parts: Typically, they are subjected to external loads, inertial
forces, rotor weights caused by unbalanced rotors and forces due to UMP. Thus, these
factors play a vital part in the selection of bearing types in machines along with the
mounting used (vertical/horizontal).
1.8 Basic Design Considerations of Electrical Machines

•• In DC machines where commutation is involved, commutating difficulties (production
of sparks) and drawbacks increase directly with the output power (Po).
•• Thus, commutation acts as a limiting factor and presently the maximum power
output that can be efficiently obtained from a single DC machine is 10 MW.
Some restrictions are imposed on the manufacturer to produce electrical machines such as
(i) Consumer specifications: Different applications such as pumps, cranes, fans,
automobiles have different requirements for electric machines (constant torque/
power or constant speed or constant load) which have to be met by the manufacturer,
along with the economic, maintenance and serviceability constraints.
(ii) Standard specifications: These benchmark specifications (duly explained later),
concerning safety measures, voltage ratings and torque requirements are stipulated
by ISO and ought to be fulfilled by the manufacturer before commercializing their

1.6 Dimensions and Rating of Machines

The power rating of a rotating machine is related to its main dimensions, namely the
armature diameter and armature length. A few general equations developed are applicable
to all types of rotating machines like DC, induction and synchronous machines. However,
it must be mentioned that the design process of different machines cannot be demonstrated
with a set of few general equations.

1.7 Output Equation

The output equation for DC and AC machines is derived in the following sections. The
output equation relates the main dimensions of any rotating machine to its power rating.

1.7.1 DC Machine
In general, the output power developed by a DC machine is given by

Po = EI a (1.1)
From machine design point of view, it is required to express the above equation in terms
of main dimensions [diameter, D and length, L], specific electric and magnetic loading and
speed of operation. Hence, the following steps are followed to obtain the output equation in
relation with the above stated parameters.
We know that,
Emf induced in armature of DC machine is given by

φ pZN φ pZn  N 
E= = ∵ = n (1.2)
60 A A  60 
Output Equation 1.9

where φ – flux, p – number of poles, Z – number of armature conductors, N – speed in r.p.m,

n – speed in r.p.s, A – number of parallel paths in which conductors are connected.
Also, current in each conductor is given by

Iz = ⇒ I a = I z A (1.3)
where Ia – Total armature current.
Substituting Eqs. (1.2) and (1.3) in Eq. (1.1), we get
φ pZn
Po = ×Iz A
= φ pZnI z
Rewriting the above equation, we get
Po = pφ × I z Z × n (1.4)

From the above equation, the terms ‘ pφ ’ and ‘ I z Z ’ can be related to specific magnetic,
which is defined as average flux density over the air gap of an electric machine and specific
electric loading, which is defined as total number of armature ampere conductors per metre
of armature periphery at the air gap of an electric machine by

Specific magnetic loading, Bav =

⇒ pφ = Bav × πDL (1.5)

Iz Z
Specific electric loading, ac =

⇒ I z Z = ac ×πD (1.6)

Substituting Eqs. (1.5) and (1.6) in Eq. (1.4), we get

Po = Bav × πDL× ac × πD× n

= π 2 Bav ac × D2 Ln

⇒ Po = Co D2 Ln (1.7)

where Co = π 2 Bav ac and is called the output coefficient. Equation (1.7) is the output
equation of DC machine.

1.7.2 AC Machine
In general, the output power developed by a three-phase AC machine is given by

Q = 3Eph I ph (1.8)
1.10 Basic Design Considerations of Electrical Machines

From machine design point of view, it is required to express the above equation in terms
of main dimensions [diameter, D and length, L], specific electric and magnetic loading and
speed of operation. Hence, the following steps are followed to obtain the output equation in
relation with the above stated parameters.
We know that,
Emf induced per phase of three-phase AC machine is given by

Eph = 4.44 f φTph K ws (1.9)

where f – frequency, φ – flux, Tph – total number of turns per phase, Kws – winding factor.
Also, frequency, f=
pN p N p  N
= = × = × ns  ∵ ns =  (1.10)
2× 60 2 60 2  60 
where ns – Synchronous speed in rps.
Current in each conductor is given by
I ph
Iz = ⇒ I ph = I z A (1.11)
Total number of conductors, Z = Number of phases × 2Tph

= 3 × 2 Tph = 6Tph 1.12)

Consider number of parallel paths, A = 1, Eq. (1.11) becomes

I ph = I z (1.13)

Substituting Eqs. (1.9) and (1.13) in Eq. (1.8), we get

Q = 3 × 4.44 f φTph K ws × I z

Substituting Eq. (1.10) in the above equation, we get

Q = 3 × 4.44 × ns ×φTph K ws I z
= 6.66 pnsφTph K ws I z

Rerranging the terms in the above equation, we get

Q = 6.66 pφI z Tph K ws ns

( )
= 1.11pφI z 6Tph K ws ns

= 1.11pφI z ZK ws ns  ∵ Z = 6Tph  (1.14)

 
Materials for Electrical Machines 1.11

From the above equation, the terms ‘ pφ ’ and ‘ I z Z ’ can be related to specific magnetic and
specific electric loading by

Specific magnetic loading, Bav =

⇒ pφ = Bav × πDL (1.15)

Iz Z
Specific electric loading, ac =
⇒ I z z = ac ×πD (1.16)

Substituting Eqs. (1.15) and (1.16) in Eq. (1.14), we get

Q = 1.11× Bav × πDL × ac × πD× K ws ns
= 1.11× π 2 Bav ac × D2 L× K ws ns

= 1.11π 2 Bav ac K ws × D2 Lns
= 11Bav acK ws × D2 Lns [∵ 1.11π 2  11]

⇒ Q = Co D2 Lns (1.17)

where Co = π 2 Bav acK ws and is called the output coefficient. Equation (1.17) is the output
equation of AC machine.

1.8 Materials for Electrical Machines

An electric machine is made of various types of materials represented in Fig. 1.3. The choice
of materials depends upon its availability, property and its suitability for specific application.

1.8.1 Conducting Materials

It is essential to analyze the aspects of electrical conducting materials used invariably in
stator/rotor core, stampings, windings, coils and transmission of electrical energy.
The key requisites of good conducting materials include:

✓ High conductivity
✓ Very low temperature coefficient of resistance (or low resistivity)
✓ Malleability and ductility that is essential for windings and stampings
✓ Adequate tensile strength to prevent wear and tear of machine with a certain degree
of flexibility
✓ Ability to withstand bimetallic corrosion, dealloying

Parameters such as resistivity, density, specific weight, tensile strength, resistance

temperature coefficient and co-efficient of thermal expansion are compared to select the
most optimal material to be used in electrical machines.
1.12 Basic
Basic Design
Design Considerations
Considerations of
of Electrical
Electrical Machines



Materials for electric machine

fig. 1.3
Fig. 1.3 || Constituent
Constituent materials
materials of
of an
an electric
electric machine

Of the
Of the existing
existing materials,
materials, aluminium,
aluminium, silver,
silver, copper
copper andand its
its certain
certain alloys
alloys are
are good
conductors of
conductors of electricity.
electricity. Silver,
Silver, despite
despite having
having thethe highest
highest conductivity,
conductivity, isis never
never used
used in
fabrication due
fabrication due to
to its
its expensive
expensive nature.
nature. Aluminium
Aluminium is is increasingly
increasingly being
being used
used in
in low
low power
applications, yet
applications, yet suffers
suffers from
from high
high resistivity
resistivity as
as it
it will
will be
be duly
duly explained.
explained. Hence,
Hence, copper
copper is
predominantly used
predominantly used inin making
making electrical
electrical machines
machines along
along with
with its
its alloys
alloys and
and aluminium.

➢ Copper
The reddish
The reddish looking
looking copper
copper isis extracted
extracted in
in the
the hard-drawn
hard-drawn form,
form, which
which becomes
becomes soft
after annealing process. It involves heating at a temperature of around
after annealing process. It involves heating at a temperature of around 500–600°C 500–600°C
and then
and then cooling
cooling toto obtain
obtain annealed
annealed copper
copper with
with slightly
slightly less
less resistivity.
Copper exhibits:
Copper exhibits:
• Good tensile strength
•• Good tensile strength
• Lowest electrical resistivity among metals (excluding the uneconomical silver)
•• Lowest electrical resistivity among metals (excluding the uneconomical silver)
• Ductility or machinability
•• Ductility or machinability
• On exposure to atmosphere it forms copper oxide which acts as a protective layer and
•• On exposure to atmosphere it forms copper oxide which acts as a protective layer and
hence it is highly immune from oxidation and corrosion
hence it is highly immune from oxidation and corrosion
• Can be easily maneuvered to make coils, windings, soldered joints, castings, bus-
•• Can be easily maneuvered to make coils, windings, soldered joints, castings, bus-
bars, high voltage underground cables and overhead conductors
bars, high voltage underground cables and overhead conductors
• However, when copper is alloyed with silicon, manganese, phosphorus, chromium,
However, when copper
the resulting materialishas
betterwith silicon, manganese,
mechanical phosphorus,
properties than copper yetchromium,
suffers from thea
risematerial has better
in resistivity mechanical
and hence properties
use of copper than
alloys copper yet suffers from a rise in
is limited.
resistivity and hence use of copper alloys is limited.
➣ Alloys of copper
➢ Alloys
Bronze:of This
copperalloy of copper (85–90%) comprising tin, manganese, aluminium
Bronze: among This
metals is prepared
of copper in several
(85–90%) compositions.
comprising Thesealuminium
tin, manganese, ‘bronzes’ possess
other metalsmechanical
is preparedstrength thancompositions.
in several copper at theThese
price of increased
‘bronzes’ resistivity.
possess It is
Materials for Electrical Machines 1.13

mechanical strength than copper at the price of increased resistivity. It is extensively used
as the alloy ‘Phosphor Bronze’ and in Bearings due to its excellent friction properties.
Brass: It is principally an alloy of copper (55–75%) and zinc (30–50%). Like bronze they
exhibit an enhanced mechanical strength as well with an increase in resistivity. Brass
has higher malleability and relatively low melting point than bronze and is hence
easily cast. Aluminium makes brass more corrosion-resistant due to the formation of
Aluminium Oxide (Al2O3) layer on its surface. The Copper–Zinc proportions can be
varied to produce alpha brass, beta brass, gamma brass, white brass, etc. with varied
properties and applications.
Copper–silver alloy: This alloy contains about 99.1% Cu and 0.06% Ag with a
resistivity (1.18 × 10−8 ohm-m) marginally higher than Cu. It is primarily used in
turbo-alternators due to its resistance against distortion under load (creep) and
thermal shortening.
Copper beryllium: A ductile, weldable, high strength alloy is obtained when a
copper alloy is blended with 0.5–3% beryllium. It has superior metal working, non-
magnetic and non-sparking traits. This Copper Beryllium (CuBe) is used in current
carrying springs, brush holders, sliding contacts and knife switch blades.
Copper cadmium: This high copper alloy consisting of 0.1–1.5% cadmium, with
a higher tensile strength than copper, is used to produce stiffer contact wires,
connectors, commutator segments and high strength transmission lines. Cadmium
copper is also used for cage windings as it can be flame brazed without deterioration
due to its heat-resistant property.
Copper chromium: When copper alloys are fused with 0.6–1.2% chromium, they gain
considerable mechanical strength, electrical conductivity and corrosion resistance,
as chromium improves the chemical properties of the protective oxide film. It is
chiefly utilized in making cable connectors, circuit breaker parts, spot welding tips
and electrical conductors, which require improved tensile strength.
➢ Aluminium
Aluminium is the next abundantly available good electrical conductor after copper
on earth. It can also serve as a plausible alternative upon the extinction of copper
resources in the coming years due to the scarcity of existing copper deposits. It is
prepared in hard drawn or annealed form.
Its properties are listed as follows:
•• Being approximately 3.3 times lighter and inexpensive than copper
•• Sufficiently malleable into thin sheets
Despite these aspects, aluminium must be cautiously used in electrical machines as below:
(a) It has a considerably high resistivity (around 1.62 times than that of copper)
(b) Inadequate mechanical strength leading to poor ductility, thereby limiting its
These shortcomings can be downplayed by using alloys of aluminium with cooper
and zinc in small proportions to improve its mechanical strength albeit with an increase in
specific weight. Aluminium finds applications in varied fields such as:
1.14 Basic Design Considerations of Electrical Machines

•• It is principally used in the aviation industry on account of its extremely light weight.
•• Aluminium Conductor Steel-Reinforced (ACSR) cables with pure Aluminium (as
high as 99.5%) are used in overhead transmission lines on account of its excellent
conductivity, low weight and cost.
•• They are used in bus-bar conductors over copper due to their inexpensiveness.
•• Aluminium conductors decrease the overall cost when used in small transformers, but
in large transformers they substantially increase the size (increase in cross-sectional
area of coils to compensate for the amplified resistivity of aluminium over copper)
and hence the overall cost.
➢ Iron and its alloys
Cast iron is used to fabricate the starters of large motors and steel, which predominantly
contains iron along with manganese, nickel, chromium and aluminium, is used for
making starter rheostats where an optimal trade-off between specific weight and
tensile strength, heat dissipation is required.
➢ Carbon materials
In alternators, electric motors and turbo-generators, where current flows between
stationary wires and rotating coils, an electric brush made of graphite/carbon
powder, with a conductivity marginally less than above metals and alloys is utilized
owing to their smooth surface. Carbon brushes are heat treated along with copper
powder to improve their conductivity and reduce their hardness to prevent wearing
down of commutator parts.
➢ Superconducting materials
The resistance of certain positive temperature coefficient materials reduces
concurrently with temperature and virtually attains a zero value at a temperature
(of the order of 0–100 K) known as transition temperature and these materials are
identified as superconductors.
The following inferences from the study of these materials are strange but true:
•• Good conductors of electricity at room temperatures (copper, aluminium, silver, etc.)
do not exhibit superconducting properties.
•• Very poor conductors of electricity at room temperature attain exceptionally good
superconducting properties.
•• Superconductivity disappears on applying a sufficiently strong magnetic field as well
as on increasing the temperature above transition temperature.
These unique futuristic materials evidently have a wide scope in electric machines such as:
•• In transformers and power distribution, where they can be used as windings, coils or
transmission lines with virtually zero I2R losses.
•• In large turbo-generators (above 1000 MW), as cost-effective rotor windings to cut
down on copper losses and attain unprecedented levels of efficiency.
Nevertheless, these pricey superconductors suffer from their own setbacks as the cost of
development and of refrigeration plant is immensely high. They can be practically employed
only in machines with higher power rating as above where the effects of copper losses are
pronounced and cannot serve as a viable alternative to copper unless they can be designed
and produced in an inexpensive or a cost-effective way.
Materials for Electrical Machines 1.15

1.8.2 Resistive Materials

Electrical components such as motor starters/regulators, furnaces, rheostats, etc., which are
invariably used in machineries, require conducting materials of high resistance. Such highly
resistive conductors have conventionally been categorized into three types:
(a) Conductors in heating devices
(b) Conductors used in instrumentation
(c) Rheostats and resistors

Conductors in heating devices

Electric furnaces, heat exchangers, loading rheostats solicit a corrosion-resistant, high
melting point and a mechanically strong conductor for their operation. Such materials
include the following:
•• Platinum, a non-corrosive pricey metal with a melting point of 1768oC, can be
conveniently employed in laboratory electric furnaces.
•• For practical purposes, Nichrome, an alloy of chromium, nickel and iron, is extensively
used on account of its good machinability (can be round wired, cold drawn or hot
rolled) and a considerable melting point (about 1400oC). Due to the presence of
chromium, it forms a superficial layer of a dense, high melting point oxide, which
makes it highly resistant to corrosion.

Conductors used in instrumentation

The three paramount requisites of any conductors, when used in instruments and equipment
for calibration are as follows:
•• Highly tolerant or marginal tendency to age, i.e. a fairly consistent value of resistance
over a period of time to maintain the instrument’s precision.
•• Low temperature coefficient of resistance – to maintain a constant value of resistance
over a range of temperatures (high resistance temperature coefficient materials are
also employed by thermal instruments measuring temperature).
•• Minimal thermo-electro motive force due to contact of material with copper to reduce
the possibility of errors during measurement.

Manganin, an alloy of copper (86%), manganese (12%) and nickel (2%), developed by
Edward Weston as an alternative to constantan, is predominantly utilized in these devices.
Addition of Nickel serves to reduce the thermal emf to about 1 µV/oC.

Rheostats and resistors

These ubiquitously exploited components have a peculiar need for materials with the
•• Substantially low cost (except special-purpose resistors), as they are extensively used
•• Mediocre or high temperature coefficient of resistance – this substantially reduces the
fabrication cost as these low-grade resistors are permitted to have variable resistance
•• Wide range of operating temperature
•• High thermo-emf to withstand high voltage, if any, applied on them
1.16 Basic Design Considerations of Electrical Machines
1.16 Basic Design Considerations of Electrical Machines
Constantan, consisting of Cu (55%) and Ni (45%), is primarily used along with meager
Constantan, consisting of Cu (55%) and Ni (45%), is primarily used along with meager
quantities of iron, manganese in the fabrication of resistors. Besides a negligible temperature
quantities of iron, manganese in the fabrication of resistors. Besides a negligible temperature
coefficient of resistance, it has a good thermo-emf of 39 µV/ooC with respect to copper.
coefficient of resistance, it has a good thermo-emf of 39 µV/ C with respect to copper.
1.8.3 Magnetic Materials
1.8.3 Magnetic Materials
Magnetic materials are an integral part of any electric machine, used in electro-mechanical/
Magnetic materials are an integral part of any electric machine, used in electro-mechanical/
magnetic energy conversion. They also provide structural strength to the electric machine.
magnetic energy conversion. They also provide structural strength to the electric machine.
Magnetic materials are classified based on the relative permeability (µn) or magnetic
Magnetic materials are classified based on the relative permeability (µn) or magnetic
susceptibility (Xm) into three broad categories as shown in Fig. 1.4.
susceptibility (Xm) into three broad categories as shown in Fig. 1.4.


materials based
on permeability

Para Dia
magnetic magnetic

fig. 1.4 | Classification of magnetic materials based on permeability


Ferromagnetic materials
Ferromagnetic materials
The relative permeability is largely greater than one (µ >> 1), i.e., very large positive
The relative permeability is largely greater than one (µnn >> 1), i.e., very large positive
susceptibility, e.g., iron, nickel, cobalt, alnico. Magnetization of these materials is easy and
susceptibility, e.g., iron, nickel, cobalt, alnico. Magnetization of these materials is easy and
retain considerable amount of it when removed from magnetic field. They are affected by
retain considerable amount of it when removed from magnetic field. They are affected by high
AQ1 high temperatures. When they are used above ‘Curie temperature’, the critical temperature
temperatures. They lose the magnetic properties when used above ‘Curie Temperature’, which
above which it loses magnetic properties. They have nonlinear B-H curve.
is the critical temperature affecting the magnetic properties. They have nonlinear B-H curve.
Ferromagnetic materials are of great significance in contribution towards manufacturing
Ferromagnetic materials are of great significance in contribution towards manufacturing
of electric machines.
of electric machines.
Diamagnetic materials
Diamagnetic materials
The relative permeability is less than or equal to one (µ ≤ 1), i.e., very small negative
The relative permeability is less than or equal to one (µnn ≤ 1), i.e., very small negative
susceptibility, e.g., copper, silver, gold.
susceptibility, e.g., copper, silver, gold.
Paramagnetic materials
Paramagnetic materials
The relative permeability
The relative permeability is is slightly
slightly greater
greater than
than or
or equal
equal to
to one
one (µ ≥ 1),
(µn ≥ 1), i.e.
i.e. very
very small
positive susceptibility, e.g., air, platinum, tungsten. Paramagnetic materials are temperature
positive susceptibility, e.g., air, platinum, tungsten. Paramagnetic materials are temperature
Note: Diamagnetic and
Note: Diamagnetic and paramagnetic
paramagnetic materials
materials have
have linear
linear B-H characteristics and
B-H characteristics and are
largely non-magnetic.
largely non-magnetic.
Materials for
Materials for Electrical
Electrical Machines 1.17
Machines 1.17

Apart from
Apart from the
the classification
classification shown
shown in
in Fig.
Fig. 1.4,
1.4, magnetic
magnetic materials
materials are
are classified
classified based
based on
the nature of hysteresis loop as shown in Fig. 1.5.
the nature of hysteresis loop as shown in Fig. 1.5.

Magnetic materials
based on hysteresis loop

Hard magnetic Soft magnetic

Electrical sheet Special purpose

Solid core
steel alloy

Iron, silicon and Grain oriented Mumetal

low carbon steel

Non grain
Cast steel Perminvar

Cast iron Permendur

High nickel
Gray cast iron permalloy

Low nickel
Ferro cobalt

Soft steel

Fig. 1.5
1.5 || Classification
Classification of
of magnetic
magnetic materials
materials based
based on
on hysteresis
hysteresis loop

Hard magnetic materials

This magnetic materials
of magnetic materials have broad hysteresis loop, indicating wider range of
This type
operation. of magnetic materials have broad hysteresis loop, indicating wider range of
Soft magnetic materials
Soft magnetic materials
This type of magnetic materials have narrow hysteresis loop, indicating ease of magnetization
This type of magnetic materials have narrow hysteresis loop, indicating ease of magnetization
and demagnetization.
and demagnetization.
The hysteresis loop of soft and hard magnetic materials is represented in Fig. 1.6.
The hysteresis loop of soft and hard magnetic materials is represented in Fig. 1.6.
1.18 Basic

Hard magnetic
Soft magnetic

–H H


Fig. 1.6 || Hysteresis

Further, classificationof
shownin inFig.
Solid corematerials
This type of magneticmaterials
This type of magnetic materialsisismade
high permeability with lesser losses than iron in low flux density. These materials
high permeability with lesser losses than iron in low flux density. These materials find its find its
applications in machines such as relays, field portion of DC machines and DC electromagnets.
applications in machines such as relays, field portion of DC machines and DC electromagnets.
These materialsare
requiredto toexhibit
permeabilityat athigh

Table 1.1 || Solid

table1.1 Solidcore
Solid corematerial
material Keyfeatures
Key features
Iron andsilicon
silicon • Iron
•  Iron isis used
used in in most
most of of the
the machine
machine parts
parts inin varied
varied quantities
quantities from
steel cores to pole shoes in combination with silicon,
cores to pole shoes in combination with silicon, oxygen, etc. oxygen, etc.
• Silicon
•  Siliconsteel
consistingofof (1.1–4%
(1.1–4% of of Silicon)
Silicon) is cut
is cut using
using Electric
Discharge Machiningprocessprocess toto make
make laminations,
laminations, which
which when
when stacked
stacked form
together together form the laminated
the laminated cores of transformers,
cores of transformers, stator/rotorstator/
rotor cores.
Cast/high carbon • It contains sulphur (0.05%), phosphorus (0.08%), silicon (0.2%),
Cast/high carbon
steel • manganese
It contains sulphur (0.05%),
(2.5%), carbon phosphorus
(5.5%) apart from (0.08%),
steel.silicon (0.2%),
steel • It finds its applications in stationary machinesteel.
manganese (2.5%), carbon (5.5%) apart from parts subjected
• to
It finds
and large in stationarystresses,
mechanical machinedue parts subjected
to its superior
to steady flux and large mechanical
mechanical properties than cast iron. stresses, due to its superior
mechanical properties than cast iron.
Cast iron • It consists of silicon (2%), carbon (3%), apart from pig iron.
Cast iron • The
•  It consists
yokes of of DC
silicon (2%), carbon
machines, which(3%),
requireapart from pig iron.
inexpensive materials,
• make
The yokes
use ofofCast-Iron
DC machines,despite which
theirrequire inexpensive
poor magnetic materials,
properties and
make use of
increased weight. Cast-Iron despite their poor magnetic properties and
increased weight.
Grey cast iron • It contains sulphur (0.15%), phosphorus (0.15–0.5%), silicon (2–2.7%),
Grey cast iron • graphite–carbon
It contains sulphur (0.15%),apart
(2.7–3.6%) phosphorus
from iron. (0.15–0.5%), silicon (2–2.7%),
graphite–carbon (2.7–3.6%) apart from iron.
• On account of its high thermal conductivity and specific heat
• capacity,
On account it isofutilized
its hightothermal conductivity
make coolant tubes andandtank
specific heat
walls of the
electric it is utilized to make coolant tubes and tank walls of the
electric machine.
Materials for Electrical Machines 1.19

Table 1.1 | (Continued)

Solid core material Key features
Ferro cobalt • Iron is alloyed with cobalt (around 50%), chromium (19%), along
with molybdenum and niobium to obtain this super-alloy.
• Owing to its very high permeability and saturation flux, this
expensive alloy is judiciously used in pole pieces, where high flux
density is required.
Soft steel or Mild • Its composition contains sulphur (0.03%), phosphorous (0.04%),
steel or low carbon carbon (0.17%), silicon (0.4%), manganese (0.8%) apart from steel.
steel • It is suitable for lightly stressed components such as rotor shafts,
switch gears, bolts, studs, etc.

Electrical sheet steel

Electrical sheet steel is a special type of steel custom-made to possess specific magnetic
properties such as small hysteresis area (resulting in low power loss per cycle), low core loss
and high permeability. It is manufactured by adding silicon (up to 5%) to steel. It is utilized
in fabrication of transformers and rotating electric machines, owing to its ability to overcome
the problem of ‘ageing’. Ageing is a process that deteriorates the magnetic performance of an
electrical machine due to presence of carbon and other impurities in conventional electrical
steel, which was used in earlier years of electric machine manufacturing. The presence of
silicon in electrical sheet steel leads to

•• Reduced hysteresis loss

•• Increased electrical resistivity of iron thereby reduction in iron loss due to eddy
•• At a high flux density, permeability is reduced and permeability is increased at other
low to moderate values of flux density
•• It also has lower saturation

But alloying steel with silicon enhances its tensile strength, while reducing its inherent
ductility, thereby making it brittle. This makes machining silicon-steel a relatively arduous
There are two types of electrical sheet steel, depending upon the orientation of grains or
crystallites, in a polycrystalline material (i.e., electrical sheet steel), namely
•• Cold Rolled Non Grain Oriented (CRNGO or CRNO) Steel
•• Cold Rolled Grain Oriented (CRGO) Steel, which are detailed in Table 1.2

Special-purpose alloys
This type of magnetic materials are made using a mix of iron, nickel, molybdenum, chromium
in order to exhibit high permeability with lesser losses than iron in low flux density. These
materials find its applications in machines such as current and potential transformer
(instrument transformer) which require high flux density in weak magnetic fields. These
alloys are also required to exhibit high initial and maximum permeability. The significant
special-purpose alloys and their key features are listed in Table 1.3.
1.20 Basic Design Considerations of Electrical Machines

Table 1.2 | Electrical sheet steel types and features

Electrical sheet steel Key features
Cold Rolled Non Grain • This type of steel is rolled in random directions such that the
Oriented (CRNGO or grains are elongated along different directions.
CRNO) Steel or dynamo • CRNGO can respond to flux changes in all directions (i.e., its
grade electrical steel properties are isotropic).
• It is used in rotating electric machines, where the magnetic
field is not fixed in single direction.
• It is cheaper.
• It contains very less percentage of silicon as compared to
CRGO type steel.
Cold Rolled Grain • T his type of steel is rolled in one direction such that the grains
Oriented (CRGO) Steel elongate along one direction.
or transformer grade • CRGO needs precise alignment due to its anisotropy (the
electrical steel properties that are different along different directions are
anisotropic properties).
• It is used in transformers, turbo alternators with high rating,
because magnetic field is changing in only one direction.
• It is costlier.
• It contains 4–5% silicon.

Table 1.3 | Special-purpose alloys and their key features

Special-purpose alloy Key features
Mumetal • It consists of copper to a certain extent apart from being a
nickel–iron soft magnetic alloy.
• It is used in applications that require lower eddy current
losses, hence possesses high electrical resistance, but with an
additional disadvantage of having low permeability.
Perminvar • It consists of iron, nickel and cobalt.
• It finds its applications in current transformer and chokes.
• In this alloy, permeability is independent of magnetic field
• Even though it has many advantages, the alloy is costly and
difficult to manufacture.
Permendur • It is formed from iron (49%), cobalt (49%) and vanadium (2%).
• It finds its applications in oscillographs, microphones and
High nickel permalloy • It contains nickel (80%), molybdenum along with chromium,
copper to ensure high initial and maximum permeability with
high resistivity.
• Its applications include control equipment, current
transformer, magnetic amplifiers.

Materials for Electrical Machines 1.21

Table 1.3 | (Continued)

Special-purpose alloy Key features
Low nickel permalloy • It contains nickel (38–50%), manganese, chromium and silicon.
• It has lower permeability and high resistivity.
• Its applications include communication equipment, induction
chokes, coils and transformer cores.

Apart from the classification discussed earlier, magnetic materials can also be classified
based on type of flux passing through it into
•• S teady flux type
•• Pulsating flux type
Steady flux type
These materials need to have high permeability, i.e. the material ought to have high
induction density at low ampere turns. This results in the reduction of cross-sectional
area and eventually weight of the core. They are predominantly used in the yokes and
cores of DC machines, relays and castings. Some commonly used materials are given as
(a) Castings: The yokes of DC machines, which require inexpensive materials, are made
of Cast-Iron despite their poor magnetic properties and increased weight, while
Cast-Steel is employed in those parts which require superior magnetic qualities and
are not subject to high mechanical stresses.
(b) Steel forgings: They are extensively used in the rotors of high power turbo-
generators, owing to their enhanced mechanical strength and machinability.
Pulsating flux type
For the magnetic materials to allow pulsating flux to pass through, they ought to be laminated
to minimize the large eddy current losses. These materials have to be so designed that the
specific core loss (or loss co-efficient) is less. Sheet steel, already discussed in the previous
section, is used under this category.

1.8.4 Insulation Materials

The key requisites of good insulating materials include:
•• Mechanical strength
•• Temperature
•• Confine electric current in definitive regions
•• Low dissipation factor (loss target), high resistance, low permittivity, free from

moisture and ionic contamination
•• High dielectric strength, even at high temperatures
•• Low dielectric hysteresis
•• High thermal stability
•• Ability to withstand moisture, vibration, abrasion and bending
•• Should withstand high temperatures, chemical attack
•• Dielectric loss angle (low)
1.22 Basic
Basic Design
Design Considerations
Considerations of
of Electrical
Electrical Machines

•• Liquid
L iquid –– no
no evaporation
evaporation or
or volatilization.

•• SSolid
olid –– high
high melting or softening point
melting or softening point

•• N Noo deterioration
deterioration even
even with
with repeated
repeated heat
heat cycle

•• G ood machinability for mass production
Good machinability for mass production

•• G ood thermal
Good thermal conductivity
Insulators are
are non-metallic
non-metallic materials
materials which
which are
are used
used in in electric
electric machines
machines to
to provide
insulation (thermal insulation, galvanic separation, etc.) between live parts. They can
(thermal insulation, galvanic separation, etc.) between live parts. They can be
organic or inorganic, natural or synthetic, homogeneous or heterogeneous in composition.
organic or inorganic, natural or synthetic, homogeneous or heterogeneous in composition.
These materials
materials exhibiting
exhibiting manifold
manifold properties
properties can
can be
be segregated
segregated as as shown
shown in
in Fig.
Fig. 1.7.


Appearance, mouldability,
color and viscosity,
crsytallinity solubility and
Visual Mechanical porosity
Properties of

Chemical Thermal

Chemical resistance,
resistance and volatility, flash
hygroscopicity point, melting

fig. 1.7
Fig. 1.7 || Properties
Properties of
of insulating
insulating materials

These properties
These properties differ
differ depending
depending upon
upon where
where thethe insulating
insulating materials
materials are
are employed
employed in in
the machine. Insulation materials are classified into seven types based on their
the machine. Insulation materials are classified into seven types based on their operating operating
temperature range
temperature range and
and thermal
thermal stability
stability as
as shown
shown in in Table
Table 1.4.
1.4. The
The temperature
temperature upup to
to which
these materials can be safely operated upon is listed along with the typically used materials
these materials can be safely operated upon is listed along with the typically used materials
from each
from each class
class in
in Table
Table 1.4.
1.4. These
These specifications
specifications areare standardized
standardized and
and governed
governed by by the
Indian Standard (IS) publication, IS 1271 (year 1958).
Indian Standard (IS) publication, IS 1271 (year 1958).
Materials for Electrical Machines 1.23

Table 1.4 | Classification of insulating material

Type of insulation Temperature Materials
Y or Class ‘0’ 90°C Cotton, silk, paper, cellulose, wood – all without
impregnation or immersion in oil
A 105°C Cotton, silk, paper with impregnation or coating when
dipped in oil (dielectric liquid), laminated wood, varnished
paper and cellulose esters
E 120°C Synthetic resin enamels, cotton and paper laminated with
formaldehyde bonding
B 130°C Mica, glass fibre, asbestos with bonding substances, built
up mica along with silicon resins and asbestos laminates
F 155°C Mica, glass fibre, asbestos with bonding substances of
higher thermal stability than class B insulation
H 180°C Asbestos, glass fibre, built up mica combined with silicon
C > 180°C Ceramics, mica, glass, quartz (either without bonding
materials or with silicon resins of higher thermal stability
than class F insulation) and porcelain

A further classification of insulating materials that are commonly employed in modern

electric machines, based on their chemical structure, physical properties and state is given
in Table 1.5.

Table 1.5 | Classification of insulating materials based on their chemical structure, physical properties
and state
Insulating material Key features
Asbestos • M echanically weak, even when combined with cotton fibres
• When combined with synthetic resin, it has good mechanical
strength and thermal resistivity
• Have been manufactured in the form of wires and strip coverings,
providing high resilience and abrasion resistance
Askarels • I t is non-flammable synthetic liquid, gets converted into non-
explosive gas on decomposing with an electric arc
• Typical type used is hexachlorodiphenyl trichlorovenzine (60/40
mixture), having good viscosity, thermal stability and low pour
Black tape (friction • I t is formed when cotton tape is applied in either one or both sides
tape) with bituminous compound, which is adhesive and insulating
• Typical usage is in replacement of protective braid of cables and as
finishing tape over rubber

1.24 Basic Design Considerations of Electrical Machines

Table 1.5 | (Continued)

Insulating material Key features
Composite materials • I t is formed by mixing or overlapping one or more insulating
materials, to overcome the lack in any of physical/thermal/
electrical characteristics
• Examples include polyesterin resin, asbestos paper, asbestos
polyethylene fibre
Cotton fibre/tape • I t is woven from acetylates cotton, which has high resistance to heat
and are less hygroscopic in nature than regular cotton
• It is fibrous, absorbing moisture, which requires careful
• It is used in wrapping of armature and field coils
Epoxide • U sed in laminations as adhesive and in varnishing
thermosetting resins • Used in encapsulating of small transformers
• Used in casting and potting of laminations
Fibrous glass tape • I t has a good space factor, with high resistivity, thermal
conductivity and tensile strength, generally used as class B
• It is susceptible to abrasive damage
• It is used in windings of induction machines and field coils of DC
Mica • I t has high resistance to heat, dielectric strength
• It is brittle to be used alone, and hence used with varnish, shellac,
bitumen, silicon, resin or with polyester or synthetic bending
• Silicon blended with mica is used in class B insulation, whereas
silicon bonded with mica is used in class H insulation
Micanite sheet • I t consists of wrapped mica splitting, dried in air along with paper/
(Micafolium) cloth/glass for support and bonding
• Air is removed by moulding into conductors, rolling, compressing
between heating the plates, solidifying the mica
• It is used in armature slots and coils of DC machines
Nylon and Terylene • T
 hey possess considerably high tensile strength and enhanced
dielectric properties – with a breakdown voltage of 80 kV/mm for
varnished paper
Petroleum based • I t has good dielectric strength, when they are not contaminated and
mineral oils devoid of moisture
• It has good chemical stability, viscosity, expansion coefficient and is
resistant to sludging caused by oxidation
Polyamides (nylon • I t has high mechanical strength, space factor
tapes) • It has high resistance to temperature
• It has good abrasive resistance, could withstand wear and tear

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observer might have perceived that she was slightly marked with the
small-pox. Her skin was delicately fair, and her beautiful flaxen hair
clustered in heavy ringlets, less showery than generally worn
according to the fashion of the time, over her forehead and neck. Her
eyes were blue, swimming in softened light, and her countenance
was overspread by a regard so tender yet so full of modesty, that
she gained at the same moment the love and esteem of all who
gazed upon her; and yet, when the occasional lighting up of her
features as the King addressed her, died away, they became pale
and sad. Her smile was followed by a pensive expression, which
accorded but ill with the festivity around her.
‘Ah, times are changing!’ said the abbe, as he gazed at her; ‘and
that fair lady’s reign is nearly over. I question whether La Montespan,
with all her witcheries, will love him half so well though.’
‘Who is it?’ asked Jean.
The abbe appeared slightly astonished at the ignorance of his new
acquaintance, as he replied—
‘Who could it be but Louise de la Vallière? Ah! hers was a curious
destiny. Picked out by Louis to cover his attention to his sister-in-law
Henriette, she has supplanted her. But it does not seem likely that
the liaison will last much longer. Montespan has his heart.’
As he spoke, Mademoiselle de la Vallière rose from her seat and
crossed over to speak to Madame de Maintenon, who was sitting on
the parapet of the basin that received the water from the fountain.
She limped as she walked along, and Jean saw that she was lame.
‘She seldom dances,’ continued the garrulous abbe, ‘on account of
her defect; and so she does not care always to be present at the
balls. I can conceive the reason of her not being at the play.’
‘How was that?’ inquired the Gascon.
‘Because the King’s sentiments appear to be somewhat changed
since our Molière was commanded to write the Princesse d’Elide. He
was then madly in love with La Vallière, although at the time she
resisted all his entreaties. What else could these lines mean?’
And Jean flinched as the abbe again commenced a piece of
declamation, quoting from the piece in question in a monotonous
tone of dulness suited to the subject—
The homage which is offer’d to a countenance refined
Is an honest indication of the beauty of the mind;
And scarcely possible it is, if love be not innate,
That a young prince should come to be or generous or great:
And this above all other regal qualities I love,
This sign alone the tenderness of royal hearts can prove!
To one like you, a bright and good career we may presage,
When once the soul is capable of loving, at your age.
Yes, this immortal passion, the most noble one of all,
An hundred goodly virtues training after it can call;
The most illustrious actions are engender’d by its fires,
And all the greatest heroes have experienced its desires.’13

Jean bowed respectfully at the termination of each line, as if he fully

concurred in the sentiments it conveyed, but was very glad when it
was over.
‘Ha! the music has ceased,’ said the abbe; ‘and there will be a
masque, and some fireworks on the Bassin de Neptune, and the
étang beyond. That will be also a trial for La Vallière. The last fetes
at night were in her honour, and they are going to use the old
machines newly decorated. It will be a renaissance of the Ile
The company retired to the banks of turf which surrounded the
Salle de Bal, Louis, and a few immediately attached to him only
remained below, amongst whom were of course La Montespan and
La Vallière. When the floor was cleared, a cavalcade of heralds,
pages, and squires, all richly clad in armour, and dresses
embroidered with thread of silver and of gold, marched into the
bosquet, the music of Lulli’s band of twenty-four violins being
exchanged for that of martial instruments. When they had taken their
places, a large car, made to imitate the chariot of the Sun, was
slowly moved into the ballroom by concealed means, conveying the
Sun, surrounded by the four Ages of gold, silver, iron, and brass; the
Seasons, the Hours, and other mythological characters. On arriving
opposite the point where Louis was sitting, the colossal machine
halted, and Spring addressed a complimentary oration to the King,
involving also some flattering sentences for Madame de Montespan
and Mademoiselle de la Vallière—but more especially for the former.
When this had finished, the young person who had played the
character of Spring descended from the car, and having offered
some rare bouquets to Louis and his favourites, took her place
amongst the company. She was the only performer in the masque
who did this, being the lovely Françoise de Sévigné—the daughter of
Madame de Sévigné—now about eighteen years of age. She had
been requested, on account of her extreme beauty and propriety of
expression to play the part,—since, in the fetes at Versailles, it was
not usual for the dames de la cour to figure.
This portion of the masque having finished, the various
mythological personages descended as well, but it was only to bring
in a number of long tables, which they placed before the company on
the lowest turf-benches of the amphitheatre. These they spread with
cloth of gold, and thus gave the signal for another large piece of
mechanism to enter, representing a mountain, on which were seated
Pan and Diana. When it stopped, these deities opened various parts
of it, and aided by the others, brought out an exquisite collation,
which they placed upon the tables, the music playing all the time. At
the first sight of the banquet, the abbe bustled off to find a place at
the tables; and Jean Blacquart, not wishing to lose the caste which
he imagined he had acquired, and knowing that he could not join the
feasters, turned upon his heel into the gardens, to see if anywhere
he could discover Maître Picard.
Few who had seen Marie de Brinvilliers, as she mingled in the
dances which had been taking place before the appearance of the
pageant, would have conceived that any other feelings but those of
mirth and excitement amidst the glittering throng by which she was
surrounded were paramount in her bosom. There was the same kind
expression—so terrible in its quietude had her heart at that time
been laid open—the same sweet features, almost girlish in their
contour (for although she was now thirty years of age, she could well
have passed for eighteen), which all admired so much. And when
she smiled, the witchery that played around her rosy mouth, as her
parted lips displayed that most beautiful set of teeth, whose dazzling
whiteness had been the theme of more than one court epigram,
captivated by its spell all who came within its magnetic influence. Of
all that lovely throng of women who graced the court of Louis
Quatorze—the bevy of fair dames, so many of whom swelled the
conquests of that heartless, selfish, roué monarch—the Marchioness
of Brinvilliers was the most fascinating. And this fair creature, who
now, in the light of her peerless beauty, of which she seemed
unconscious, moved gracefully in the dance—this fearful woman—
had broken up a home; deserted her children at an age when a
mother’s guidance was all they needed, with an unnatural
indifference towards her offspring that one might have sought for in
vain amidst the lowest animals; and adding parricide as a coup to
her already dark career, was yet but on the verge of the terrible line
she had marked out to be pursued. Woman, in her love and
gentleness, in her ministering care and patient endurance, when all
the holiest attributes of her sex exist in her character, approaches far
nearer to the angel than her companion, man. Alas! it is equally true,
that in the absence of these characteristics she sinks far deeper in
approximating to the demon!
Gaudin de Sainte-Croix had studiously avoided Marie in the Salle
de Bal. The reports which had crept about Paris rendered them both
cautious, for the present, of their deportment, although they were
about to set all restraint at defiance. Whilst she was dancing, he had
walked out into the gardens of the palace, that the night air might
come cold and refreshing upon his brow, fevered with the events of
the last few hours. He had told her as he left where she would find
him when the dance concluded; and he now sauntered towards the
rendezvous in question.
There formerly existed in the gardens of Versailles, at the right
angle of the central body of the palace, where the north wing now
stands, a fountain and cavern of marvellous construction, called the
Grotto of Thetis. The chapel at present occupies its site, built by
Louis in 1699, when, under the influence of Madame de Maintenon,
his pursuits changed from those of the most unbridled licentiousness
to the extreme of devotion. The statues which it contained, with
some fragments of its structure, may be seen at the present day by
the visitor to Versailles, in the bosquet of the Bains d’Apollon. Three
arcades, closed by iron doors of exquisite workmanship, formed the
entrance to this grotto, on one of which a representation of the sun,
gilt and highly polished, was so artfully contrived as to catch the rays
of the real setting sun, and throw an almost magic light into the
interior. All the artists that Louis XIV. had about him were employed
in turn to ornament this delicious retreat. Perrault had designed the
architecture, and Lebrun the figures, with the exception of the
principal group, which was by Girardon, still existing, and
represented Apollo attended by his nymphs, in the midst of the
sheets of water flowing on all sides over rock-work of mother-of-pearl
and coral.14
It was in this retreat, lighted by a few illustrated shades, which cast
a subdued warm light upon the groups of statuary and plashing
water, that Gaudin awaited the Marchioness. Nor was he long in
expectation. Little time elapsed before Marie’s step was heard upon
the terrace, and she entered the grotto. Gaudin took her hand and
led her to a seat. There was still no trace of emotion from the late
terrible intelligence: her hand was cool, and her step equal and
unfaltering. On the other hand, Sainte-Croix was pale and agitated:
he might have felt less than the Marchioness, but his outward
demeanour was a clearer index to his feelings.
‘Why do you not speak, Gaudin?’ asked Marie, as her lover had
remained some minutes in silence: ‘and you are pale as this cold
marble! What has occurred?’
‘It is the ghastly light of the lamp,’ said Gaudin. ‘I am well—quite
well—could I be otherwise when all has prospered?’
‘I will tell you what you are thinking of,’ returned the Marchioness,
as she riveted her basilisk eyes upon Sainte-Croix: ‘I should be but a
poor enchantress if I could not read your inmost thoughts. It is the
reaction of your spirit, Gaudin. The cord has been stretched too
tightly, and it has broken; you know that a fearful tie has now bound
us to each other, and for the first time you feel that I am a clog upon
your free actions.’
‘You are mistaken, Marie,’ replied Sainte-Croix with energy,
although every word of the Marchioness thrilled through him. ‘I may
call Heaven to witness—’
‘Heaven!’ exclaimed his companion, interrupting him, and
clutching his arm with nervous force, as a sneer played over her
beautiful lips,—‘do not invoke that power again, Gaudin: what have
we to do with Heaven now? I put as little faith in your protestations
made before it, as you do in its testimony to your truth. We are both
without its pale,’ she added coldly.
‘What can I say, then, that you will trust me? Is there any oath I
can take that will give my asseverations weight with you, Marie?
How will you believe me?’
Gaudin half knelt before her as he spoke, and the large drops of
agony stole over his brow. He saw that the Marchioness was trying
her power over him, now that they had been so fearfully bound to
each other,—that she was playing with his feelings, until they could
be broken, and rendered servilely subservient to her will.
‘What oath will you have me take?’ he continued, as he threw the
whole intensity of his soul into every word. ‘Marie!—answer me, I
implore you,—if not from love, from pity at what I have undergone. If
you will not think of me as I believed you did, look on me as an
animal that was in pain and suffering from an evil you had caused.
What means this fearful revulsion of your feelings?’
He grasped her hands whilst he spoke, until the Marchioness felt
them as though they had been in a vice of hot iron. But she returned
no answer. That fearful aggravation which woman can exert with
such crushing power,—that frigid and apparently insensible
demeanour, the colder in proportion as the heart she has drawn into
her toils is anguished and convulsed, was driving Gaudin to
distraction. ‘Marie!’ he again cried, ‘do you not believe in the love
which I bear for you?’
‘It is not love, Sainte-Croix,’ at length she replied. ‘A liaison like
ours has little love to nourish its continuance; passion and jealousy
can be its only ties of endurance, and sooner or later it must end in
misery. It is my turn now to say—let us part, for ever.’
‘Part!’ cried Gaudin rapidly—‘never! What fearful change has
passed over your feelings? How can I assure you of my truth, Marie.
Think on what I underwent for your sake in the gloomy cells of the
Bastille. Look at me now—at your feet, so blindly, servilely in your
power, that I could hate myself for such concession, had not my
reason taken flight before your influence over me. Be satisfied with
the crime—by committing which both our souls are lost—as a
sufficient safeguard of our future attachment; if you will take no more
human assurance. Believe in me, if not from truth, from mutual guilt,
and reign my sole, adored one.’
Subdued by his overcharged feelings, his head fell upon the lap of
the Marchioness as he uttered the foregoing words with wild and
impassioned energy, and he burst into tears. It is a strange sight,
that of a man weeping: and when Marie saw a man like Gaudin de
Sainte-Croix thus overcome and at her feet, she was for the moment
affected. But she returned no answer; and would have remained
silent until her companion in guilt and passion again spoke, had not
a sudden interruption diverted her attention. A short hurried moan,
which, low as it was, teemed with anguish, sounding from the group
of figures as though one of the statues had uttered it, caused her to
start affrighted from the coral bank on which she was seated. Sainte-
Croix also heard it even through his excitement, and started to his
feet; whilst the Marchioness rushed immediately behind the statues
to discover the cause. There was another cry of alarm, and she
returned leading forth Louise Gauthier. The girl had sought a retreat
from the glare and tumult of the crowd within the grotto, previous to
Sainte-Croix’s arrival, and on his approach had retired behind the
statues to conceal herself, imagining until he spoke that he was
some lounger who had entered merely from curiosity, and would
soon depart.
The calm expression on the features of the Marchioness for once
gave way to a withering look of hate and jealousy. Gaudin started
back as the words, ‘Louise Gauthier here!’ burst almost involuntarily
from his lips; and then, paralysed by the sudden apparition of the
trembling Languedocian, he remained silent.
The Marchioness was the first to speak.
‘So!’ she exclaimed, quivering with emotion, in a voice almost
stifled by her anger; ‘this was the reason that you named the grotto
for a rendezvous, and it appears I came too soon. There—take your
latest conquest—the servant of Madame Scarron. She is yours—we
meet no more.’
With a glance of contempt at Louise, she threw her arm away,
and, impelling her towards Sainte-Croix, was about to leave the
grotto, when Louise caught hold of her robe and tried to draw her
‘Stop, madame,’ she cried, ‘you are wrong. I was here by accident,
—on my soul, and by our Lady, this is the truth.’
There was an earnestness of appeal in her voice that caused the
Marchioness to stop. And perhaps her asseveration might have
derived additional force from the manner in which she called that
power which the others dared not look to, to witness her sincerity.
‘But you have met before,’ said Marie, after gazing at Louise for an
instant with the strangest of expressions; ‘you know each other.’
‘It was long ago,’ replied Louise despondingly, as she looked at
Sainte-Croix: ‘I would not have sought him; and yet, after what I have
heard,—for not a syllable of your conversation has escaped me,—
perhaps Providence sent me here to save him—to save you both.’
As she spoke she advanced towards Gaudin, and took his hand.
There was no attempt on the part of the Marchioness to stop her.
Her curiosity was singularly roused as she watched the progress of
this strange interview.
‘Do not speak to me, Louise,’ exclaimed Sainte-Croix, with averted
face, and struggling with his feelings. ‘Leave me, I beseech you.’
‘I am going to leave you, Gaudin,’ she replied; ‘and I shall never
trouble you more. I did not willingly intrude upon you now, for I knew
that all had long since passed away between us—even the
recollection of what once was. I am sorry that we have met.’
‘You have my thanks for this interposition, girl,’ said the
Marchioness; ‘for my eyes have been opened through it. Monsieur
de Sainte-Croix,’ she added coldly to Gaudin, ‘there is little
confidence, it appears, between us. I should be sorry to come in
upon an old attachment. This lady can still be yours.’
‘Heed her not, Marie,’ cried Sainte-Croix, after a powerful effort to
master his feelings. ‘I had no other motive in concealing this from
you than the wish to spare you. Believe in me still. This has been
madness—infatuation—call it what name you will, but you are the
only one I ever loved.’
And he advanced towards the Marchioness; whilst Louise, pale as
death, gasped forth hurriedly—
‘This is indeed cruel; but even now you have yet to learn what
woman can put up with from affection. You know your secrets are in
my possession.’
‘You threaten us!’ said Marie furiously.
‘Far from it,’ replied the other; ‘I would save rather than destroy
you. Gaudin! I am ignorant what fearful influence has spellbound
your better feelings; but I know that such is not your nature. Have I
the slightest power—discarded, heart-broken as I am—that can
snatch you from these fearful toils?’
‘Our absence will be remarked,’ observed the Marchioness coldly
to Sainte-Croix; ‘let us rejoin the court.’
‘Hear me,’ cried Louise, seizing Gaudin’s hand, ‘for the last time
perhaps on earth—hear me, Gaudin. By the recollection of what we
once were to each other, although you scorn me now, and the
shadowy remembrance of old times, before these terrible
circumstances, whatever they may be, had thus turned your heart
from me, and from your God. There is still time to make amends for
all that has occurred. I do not speak for myself, for all those feelings
have passed; but for you alone. Repent, and be happy,—for happy
now you are not.’
The Good and Evil Angels

Gaudin made no reply, but his bosom heaved rapidly, betraying his
internal emotion. Once he turned towards Louise Gauthier as if to
speak: the words died on his tongue.
‘This is idle talk,’ said the Marchioness, as she drew Sainte-Croix
to her side. ‘If you would not be taken for our accomplice, girl, you
will keep silent as to what you have heard. Sainte-Croix, you are
stupefied by this person’s raving. Will you not come with me,
She seized his hand, and rapidly changing the tone of anger she
had adopted to one of softness and affection, gazed tenderly at her
lover, as her fair countenance resumed its tranquillity, and her eyes,
beaming with gentleness and light, looked into Sainte-Croix’s, with
an expression that thrilled his very soul.
‘Marie!’ cried Gaudin faintly, ‘take me where you list. In life or after
it,—on earth or in hell, I am yours—yours only.’
A flush of triumph passed over her face as she led Sainte-Croix
from the grotto, leaving Louise Gauthier clinging to one of the
statues for support—so pale, that she might have been taken for
another figure of the group, but for the violent emotion that agitated
her slight and trembling frame.

During the stormy interview we have just narrated, the festivities

were proceeding with unflagging splendour. The repast in the
Bosquet de la Salle de Bal had finished, and the company were now
thronging along the Tapis Vert, towards the Bassin de Neptune,
whereon some magnificent fireworks were to be displayed. Beyond
this the canal was illuminated by coloured lights placed round its
edge, and quivering in the water by reflection; and a number of small
boats, similarly decorated, passed to and fro, until they were almost
lost in the distance. A species of vast tent, open towards the water,
had been erected at the extremity of the Tapis Vert for the reception
of Louis and his court; the inferior guests, who were not supposed to
be sensible of any difference of temperature, stood about upon the
grass, wherever the best view of the feu d’artifice was to be
obtained,—for to witness this portion of the fete the people were
admitted to the gardens indiscriminately; the royal guard, however,
forming a sufficiently impregnable barrier to keep them from intruding
too closely upon the presence of the monarch and his favourites.
Amongst the crowd was Jean Blacquart, who had escaped from
the abbe, and having discovered Maître Picard, was pressing
forward to obtain a front place, where his martial dress and gay
ribbons could be seen to the best advantage, even at the risk of
being pushed into the basin. Several of his old acquaintances were
near him—bourgeoisie of the Quartier Latin, and students at the
schools. Amongst these latter Philippe Glazer had mounted on to
one of the urns, which stood on pedestals surrounding the basin, for
the double purpose of obtaining a better view of the exhibition, and
addressing, from time to time, those amongst the crowd whom he
knew, and a great many more whom he did not; and as the court had
not yet arrived, his verbal tournaments with such as he chose to joke
with, or at, produced great mirth amongst the bystanders.
‘Maître Picard,’ cried Philippe, ‘take care of your feather; you are
burning it against the lamp.’
The little bourgeois, who was below, turned hurriedly round, and
took off his hat to look at it. Of course nothing was the matter. The
people began to laugh.
‘Pardon, bourgeois,’ continued Philippe; ‘I mistook your red face
for a flame, as it was reflected in your halberd. I forgot you had been
used for a lamp yourself before now. Do you remember the
“Lanterne” in the Rue Mouffetard? I’m afraid the rain almost put you
‘Polisson!’ cried Maître Picard very angrily, as he recalled the
adventure. ‘I shall trounce you and your graceless fellows yet. You
will all come to the gallows.’
‘Of course we shall—the day you are hung,’ replied Glazer. ‘You
may count upon our attendance.’
There was another burst of laughter from the bystanders, and
Maître Picard waxed wrathful exceedingly. He turned the halberd
upside down, and made a blow at Philippe with the long wooden
handle of it. But the student, as he was perched upon the urn,
caught up his sword in its scabbard, and warded off the blow, so that
it was turned on one side, and the pikestaff descended with all its
weight upon the head of Jean Blacquart, who was directly
underneath, crushing his fine hat, and nearly sending him into the
‘Ohé, messieurs!’ shouted Philippe, without giving the bourgeois
time to recover himself. ‘The King! the King! He is coming to the
‘The King! the King!’ echoed the people, imagining, from Glazer’s
elevated position, that he could see what was going on. Maître
Picard immediately bustled through the crowd, and the mob pushing
after him effectually prevented him for the time from returning; which,
however, he attempted to do as soon as he found the announcement
was a false alarm.
‘That was a spiteful blow, Blacquart, and, of course, done on
purpose,’ continued Philippe to the Gascon, who was, with a rueful
countenance, rearranging his hat. ‘Maître Picard is jealous of you.’
‘The women certainly do come to the shop very often when I am
sitting in the parlour,’ replied Jean, whose temper was smoothed at
once by what he considered a compliment. ‘Madame Beauchesne,
the young widow of the Rue Hautefeuille, is smitten, I am sure; but,
betwixt ourselves, talks to Maître Picard as a cloak to her true
sentiments. Mass! what a neck and shoulders she used to display!’
‘And why does she not now, Jean?’
‘Pardieu! the curé of Saint Etienne-du-Mont attacked her suddenly
during mass for going to church gorge découverte. He told her from
the pulpit that such display was wrong, for priests were mortal after
all. How the congregation shouted again with laughter!’
‘I will swear that you are here to captivate some of the court
ladies,’ continued Theria.
‘Nay, hardly that,’ replied the Gascon conceitedly, as he cocked his
hat and drew himself up as high as he could; ‘although I did fancy De
Montespan eyed me as I stood by the door in the theatre. She has a
goodly presence.’
Glazer was about to make some reply, calculated to draw forth a
fresh outpouring of Jean’s Gascon conceit, when he was interrupted
by a stranger, who advanced hastily towards the spot where
Blacquart was standing, and at once addressed him. His dress was
little suited to the festival. He wore large riding-boots, which were
dusty, as though he had just come from a journey. His dress too was
disordered, his hair carelessly arranged, and his general appearance
sufficiently marked to attract attention amongst the gay crowd about
him, even in the semi-obscurity of the illumination.
‘Are you on guard here, monsieur?’ he said to Blacquart, scarcely
noticing his eccentric accoutrements, which might have prevented
him from asking the question.
Jean was flattered at being evidently taken for a real soldier. He
boldly admitted at once that he was.
‘Can you tell me if the Marchioness of Brinvilliers is at Versailles
this evening?’
‘She is,’ returned Jean. ‘I saw her arrive with Madame Scarron—
de Maintenon, as they now call her. And not ten minutes back she
crossed the Tapis Vert on the arm of M. Gaudin de Sainte-Croix.’
The stranger uttered a subdued oath, as Blacquart pronounced
the name.
‘Which way were they going?’ he asked quickly.
‘Towards the pavilion,’ answered Jean. ‘I have no doubt you will
find them there by this time.’
The new-comer returned no answer, but turning hastily away,
passed on to the pavilion, which had been erected at the edge of the
basin. It was hung with lamps, and he could discern the features of
all the company who were assembled in it. His eye ran anxiously
along the lines of plumed and jewelled head-dresses, until at last his
glance fell upon Marie and Sainte-Croix, who were seated in a
corner of the building near one of the entrances. He started slightly
as he saw them; and then hurriedly tracing a few lines upon his
tablets, he pointed the Marchioness out to one of the pages, who
were in waiting at the pavilion, and told him to give the message to
her. The boy immediately obeyed his orders. As the Marchioness
read the note her features underwent a rapid change; but the next
instant they recovered their wonted unfathomable calmness; and
whispering a few words to Sainte-Croix, she rose from her seat and
left the pavilion. Gaudin waited until she had quitted the building, and
then, as if moved by a sudden impulse, followed her.
As she reached the outer entrance she found the stranger waiting
to receive her. It was her brother. She held out her hand to greet him;
but he refused to take it, and retreating a step or two, raised his hat,
as he received her with a cold salute.
‘François!’ exclaimed the Marchioness; ‘what brings you here! Has
anything happened to our father? Tell me!’
‘He is dead, Marie!’ replied her brother, with a solemn
earnestness, that would have shivered the feelings of any other
human being but the one he addressed. ‘I have left the body not an
hour and a half ago, to bring you the intelligence in the midst of the
heartless glitter of Versailles.’
‘Dead!’ repeated the Marchioness, feigning the same surprise with
which she had received the self-same words from Sainte-Croix such
a short time previously. ‘Dead! and I was not there!’
‘No, Marie!’ returned François d’Aubray; ‘and I come to find you at
Versailles—in this licentious court, not with females in whom you
might have confided your reputation, after what has already
occurred, but with the man by whose wretched acquaintance with
you the last days of your father’s life were poisoned.’
Marie started at the words: could it be possible that the cause of
death was suspected?
‘Ay, poisoned,’ continued her brother, ‘as fatally as though real
venom had been used, instead of this abandoned heartlessness.’
The Marchioness breathed again.
‘To whom do you refer?’ she asked coldly.
‘To Monsieur de Sainte-Croix,’ replied her brother.
‘Who is here to answer any charge you may have to make against
him, monsieur,’ interrupted Gaudin, who just now joined the party.
‘You shall have the opportunity afforded you, monsieur,’ replied
François d’Aubray; ‘but this is neither the time nor the place. Marie,
you will return with me immediately to Paris.’
‘With you, François?’
‘This instant! I have your father’s dying words yet echoing in my
brain, committing you to our care. Are you ready?’
‘Surely the Marchioness of Brinvilliers is her own mistress?’
observed Gaudin, scarcely knowing how to act.
‘She will obey me, monsieur,’ replied the other. ‘Come, Marie; you
know me.’
As he spoke he seized his sister’s arm, and bowing to Sainte-
Croix, drew her away.
‘You still live in the Place Maubert, I believe,’ he continued: ‘you
will receive a message from me in the morning. Viens!’
He spoke in a tone of authority that Marie felt was only to be
disputed by an instant encounter between François and Sainte-
Croix, where they were then standing. So, throwing an expression
full of intense meaning to Gaudin, she allowed her brother to lead
her along the Tapis Vert, towards the entrance of the palace. Gaudin
saw them depart, and then going to the stables had his horse
resaddled, and rode at a desperate pace back to Paris, passing the
calèche in which the Marchioness had been placed by her brother on
the road.
Meanwhile the King and his immediate suite had arrived at the
pavilion, and the fireworks were about to commence. Water-serpents
and floating pieces of fire were already whizzing and spinning about
on the surface of the basin; and one or two men had crossed the
water from the opposite side of the fountain to the well-known group,
where they were arranging the cases for the grand bouquet. Philippe
saw this from his perch upon the urn, and determined to turn the
Gascon’s vanity to some account.
‘Your dress is really very handsome, Jean,’ he observed. ‘It is a
pity that its beauty is lost in the mob.’
‘I think so myself, indeed,’ replied Blacquart; ‘but I have been
allowed no opportunity of showing it off. At court everything goes by
interest; and—hem!—I can excuse a little jealousy on the part of the
Garde Royale.’
‘Now, if they will let you light the feu d’artifice,’ said Philippe, ‘you
will be seen by everybody.’
‘But how can I get to do it?’ asked Blacquart.
‘Come with me,’ said Glazer.
And tumbling from his post, purposely, on the head of Maître
Picard, who had returned to his position, he shot amongst the crowd,
before the bourgeois could contrive to aim another blow at him, and,
followed by Jean, got to the other side of the fountain. Here he
claimed acquaintance with one of the artificers, who, it appeared,
had been under his care at the Hôtel Dieu with an accident; and by
his interest Jean was furnished with a link, and directed what to do,
being inducted into the group along a slight temporary bridge of
In the interim before the grand piece was lighted, Jean arranged
and rearranged his cloak and hat a hundred times; and when at last
he applied the light to the quickmatch, and the horses began to blow
out fire from their nostrils, apparently in the centre of the water, and
the points of Neptune’s trident also went off in a brilliant discharge of
sparks, Jean was in ecstasies. The people applauded; all of which
he took to himself, and would even have bowed in return to them,
had not the presence of the King restrained him. But he felt satisfied
that, in the glare of the fire, he was plainly visible to all, and this for
the time consoled him.
But his evil genius was about to triumph. A number of changes
had taken place in the bouquet, when suddenly, and simultaneously
from every point of the statues, a column of fire shot up high in the
air, and fell again in a shower of flame upon the group, threatening to
exterminate the Gascon in its descent. His first impulse was to
retreat to the planks and get to the edge of the basin, but a
formidable blazing wheel, forming the back-work of the entire piece,
cut off his flight, so that he was driven back again. Thicker and
thicker fell the flakes, as the tawdry dabs of lace which hung about
his dress caught fire; and his thin, half-starved feather, which gained
in height what it lost in substance, also took light. Philippe Glazer,
who had foreseen all this, set up a loud huzza, in which those near
him joined; the remainder fancied that the figure of the Gascon, as
he danced amidst the glowing shower, was a part of the exhibition,
and intended to represent one of the allegorical personages who
always figured in the masques and tableaux of the period. But at last
he could bear it no longer. His cloak was just bursting into a flame
when, in the agony of his despair, he threw himself into the basin,
amidst the renewed hilarity of the spectators, including Louis himself,
who, with La Montespan, and even the pale pensive La Vallière, was
more amused than if everything had gone on in its proper way.
The reservoir was not very deep, but the Gascon had lost all self-
possession, and he floundered about like a water-god, to the great
detriment of so much of his finery as yet remained, until he got near
enough to the edge of the basin for Maître Picard to hook him out
with his halberd, and drag him half-drowned and half-roasted to dry

On the southern bank of the Seine, touching the water-boundary of

the Quartier Latin, and running parallel with the river from the Place
du Pont St. Michel, which is situated at the foot of the bridge from
which it takes its name, there is a dark and noisome street, bordered
by tall gloomy houses, and so narrow in its thoroughfare that the
inhabitants on either side of the way can all but shake hands with
each other across the footway—for carriages could not pass. It is
called—for it exists in all its pristine squalor and wretchedness at the
present day—the Rue de l’Hirondelle. The pure air can scarcely
penetrate to its reeking precincts, the way is choked up with offal and
things flung from the houses to decay in the streets. The houses are
tenanted by the lowest orders, and the dirt of ages has been suffered
to accumulate on the walls and passages: in fact, it bears some
resemblance to the miserable portion of the ‘Rookery’ still left in
London, with the exception, that this Rue de l’Hirondelle is narrower
and darker. Gloomy at all times, at night the thinly scattered lamps
scarcely illuminate its entrance; and he would be a bold man indeed
who chose to pass along it alone. And in the seventeenth century,
before the introduction of street-lights, when the poverty of its
inhabitants would not allow them to place lanterns before their doors,
it was always in total darkness, even when bright moonlight fell upon
the quays and open places.
It was the evening of the funeral of M. d’Aubray, the father. The
night was stormy, and the wind howled over the city as if bearing on
its wings spirits wailing for the dead and crying for retribution. Few
cared to be abroad: the few lamps had been extinguished after
struggling against the blast and were not relighted: and one window
only in the Rue de l’Hirondelle gave token that the houses were
In a miserable room of one of the worst-conditioned houses—so
ruinous in its appearance that large black beams crossed the street
from its front to the opposite side of the narrow street, to prop it up
from falling and crushing those who might be below—there were two
persons seated at a small fire. In one of them any person who had
once seen him could have recognised the Italian Exili, although his
imprisonment had left traces of its privations upon his face. His
features were more wan, his hair was grizzled, and his eyes had
sunk yet deeper, glaring from the bottom of the orbits with riveting
intensity. His companion was dressed in a fantastic costume of old
black velvet, with a capuchin cowl which, when worn over his head,
nearly concealed his face, and his head was now buried in it,—less,
however, for privacy than to shield himself from the cold draughts of
air that poured in through the broken, ill-fitted windows. On a rough
table before him were pieces of money, of all degrees of value: and
these he was counting, as he put them away in a box heavily
clasped with iron.
‘Sorcery is still thriving,’ said the latter personage, ‘and we have
had a good day. Here are twelve pistoles from the Demoiselle La
Varenne, who came to-day suspicious of her new patron, M.
Chanralon, the Archbishop of Paris. He has taken up with the
Marchioness of Gourville.’
‘The sister of the maréchal?’ asked Exili.
‘The same. Ho! ho! ours is a brave court!’ continued the other with
a derisive laugh. ‘Better be magician than superintendent at the
Gobelins. Here is a piece of gold from the same clique. Pierre-Pont,
the lieutenant of the Gardes-du-corps, is crazy with jealousy for La
Varenne. He came to-day for a philtre: he will come for poison next.’
‘Hush!’ exclaimed Exili; ‘the very echoes linger about these walls
to repeat themselves to the next comers. I find liberty too sweet to
run the chance of another sojourn in the Bastille, where Sainte-Croix
would too gladly see me—curses wither him!’
‘He will be here to-night,’ replied Lachaussée—for such was Exili’s
companion—‘to have his wound dressed. M. François d’Aubray is an
expert swordsman, and the Captain found his match on the terrain
last night.’
The ex-superintendent alluded to a duel which had been fought on
the preceding night on a lonely piece of waste-ground behind Notre
Dame, frequently chosen for such engagements from the facility of

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