ES9028Q2M Datasheet v0.41

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32-Bit Stereo Low Power Audio DAC
Analog Reinvented Datasheet

The ES9028Q2M SABRE32 Reference DAC is a very high-performance, 32-bit, Stereo audio D/A converter
designed for; audiophile-grade portable power sensitive applications such as digital music players, Blu-ray
players, audio pre-amplifiers and A/V receivers, and professional applications such as recording systems,
mixer consoles and digital audio workstations.

Using the critically acclaimed ESS patented 32-bit HyperStream™ DAC architecture and Time Domain Jitter
Eliminator, the ES9028Q2M SABRE32 Reference DAC delivers a DNR of up to 129dB and THD+N of –120dB,
a performance level that will satisfy the most demanding audio enthusiasts.

The ES9028Q2M SABRE32 Reference DAC’s 32-bit HyperStream™ architecture handles up to 32-bit 384kHz
PCM data via I2S, DSD-22.6MHz data as well as a mono mode for highest performance applications. Both
synchronous and ASRC (asynchronous sample rate conversion) modes are supported.

The ES9028Q2M SABRE32 Reference DAC sets the standard, SABRE SOUNDTM, for HD audio
performance, typically consumes 83mW in normal operation mode (< 1mW in standby mode), and comes in
an easy-to-use, 32-QFN package.

o Industry’s highest performance 32-bit mobile audio DAC with
Patented 32-bit HyperStream™ DAC
unprecedented dynamic range and ultra-low distortion
o +129dB DNR
o Supports both synchronous and ASRC (asynchronous sample rate
o –120dB THD+N
converter) modes
Patented Time Domain Jitter Eliminator o Unmatched audio clarity free from input clock jitter
64-bit accumulator & 32-bit processing o Distortion free signal processing
o Click-free soft mute and volume control
Integrated DSP Functions o Programmable Zero detect
o De-emphasis for 32kHz, 44.1kHz, and 48kHz sampling
o Stereo or Mono output in current or voltage mode based on
Customizable output configuration
performance criterion
I2C control o Allows software control of DAC features
32-QFN (5mm x 5mm) package o Minimizes PCB footprint
83mW operating power consumption
o Maximizes battery life
< 1mW standby power
Versatile digital input o Supports SLIMbus, SPDIF, PCM (I2S, LJ 16-32-bit) or DSD input
o User programmable filter allowing custom roll-off response
Customizable filter characteristics
o Bypassable oversampling filter

• Mobile phones / Tablets / Digital music players / Portable multimedia players
• Blu-ray / SACD / DVD-Audio player
• Audio preamplifiers and A/V receivers
• Professional audio recording systems / Mixing consoles / Digital audio workstations

ESS TECHNOLOGY, INC. 237 South Hillview Drive, Milpitas, CA 95035, USA. Tel (408) 643-8800 • Fax (408) 643-8801
CONFIDENTIAL Rev. 0.41 January 16, 2020

ES9028Q2M Datasheet



ESS TECHNOLOGY, INC. 237 South Hillview Drive, Milpitas, CA 95035, USA. Tel (408) 643-8800 • Fax (408) 643-8801 2
January 16, 2020 CONFIDENTIAL Rev. 0.41

ES9028Q2M Datasheet


3 ESS TECHNOLOGY, INC. 237 South Hillview Drive, Milpitas, CA 95035, USA. Tel (408) 643-8800 • Fax (408) 643-8801
CONFIDENTIAL Rev. 0.41 January 16, 2020

ES9028Q2M Datasheet

Pin Name Pin Type Reset State Pin Description
1 ADDR I Tri-stated I2C Address Select
Bus type select:
1'b0 for normal serial mode, 1'b1 => SLIMbus mode
3 VCCA Power Power Analog +3.3V for OSC
4 XOUT AO Floating XTAL Output
5 XI (MCLK) AI Floating XTAL / MCLK Input
6 AGND Ground Ground Analog Ground
7 AGND_R Ground Ground Analog Ground for the Right Channel
8 AVCC_R Power Power Analog AVCC for the Right Channel
9 DACRB AO Driven to ground Differential Negative Output for the Right Channel
10 DACR AO Driven to ground Differential Positive Output for the Right Channel
11 BIAS O 1’b0 General I/O. Controlled by software
12 SW O 1’b0 General I/O. Can be connected to switch input of SABRE9602
13 FSYNC O - General I/O. Can be connected to FSYNC of SABRE9602
General I/O. Controlled by software.
14 HPSDb O 1’b0
Can be connected to Headphone Shutdown of SABRE9602
15 DACL AO Driven to ground Differential Positive Output for the Left Channel
16 DACLB AO Driven to ground Differential Negative Output for the Left Channel
17 NC - - No internal connection. May be grounded if desired
18 AVCC_L Power Power Analog AVCC for the Left Channel
19 AGND_L Ground Ground Analog Ground for the Left Channel
20 VCCA Power Power Analog +3.3V for OSC
21 DVCC Power Power Digital +1.8V to +3.3V
22 DGND Ground Ground Digital Ground
Digital Core Voltage, nominally +1.2V, is supplied by a regulator
Power from DVCC. DVDD should be decoupled with a minimum 4.7F
23 DVDD (Internal / Power capacitor to DGND. DVDD needs to be externally supplied for
External) high XI / MCLK frequency. Please refer to the section about the
DVDD supply on page 8 for additional information.
24 GPIO2 I/O Tri-stated GPIO 2
25 GPIO1 I/O Tri-stated GPIO 1
26 DATA2 I Tri-stated DSD Data2 (R) or PCM Data CH1/CH2 or SPDIF Input 2
Master mode off: Input for DSD Data1 (L) or PCM Frame Clock
27 DATA1 I/O Tri-stated or SPDIF Input 3
Master mode on: Output for PCM Frame Clock
Master mode off: Input for PCM Bit Clock or DSD Bit Clock
28 DATA_CLK I/O Tri-stated or SPDIF Input 1
Master mode on: Output for PCM Bit Clock
29 RESETB I Tri-stated Master Reset / Power Down (active low)
30 DGND Ground Ground Digital Ground
31 SCL I Tri-stated I2C Serial Clock Input
32 SDA I/O Tri-stated I2C Serial Data Input/Output
AGND Ground Ground The exposed pad must be connected to Analog Ground

ESS TECHNOLOGY, INC. 237 South Hillview Drive, Milpitas, CA 95035, USA. Tel (408) 643-8800 • Fax (408) 643-8801 4
January 16, 2020 CONFIDENTIAL Rev. 0.41

ES9028Q2M Datasheet

NOTATATIONS for Sampling Rates

Mode fs (target sample rate) FSR (raw sample rate)

DSD DATA_CLK / 64 DSD data rate
Serial (PCM) Normal Mode Frame Clock Rate Frame Clock Rate
Serial (PCM) OSF Bypass Mode Frame Clock Rate / 8 Frame Clock Rate
SPDIF SPDIF Sampling Rate SPDIF Sampling Rate

PCM, SPDIF and DSD Pin Connections

PCM Audio Format
XI clock (MCLK) must be > 192 x FSR when using PCM input (normal mode), or 128 x FSR (synchronous MCLK).
XI clock (MCLK) must be > 24 x FSR when using PCM input (OSF bypass mode).

Pin Name Description

DATA1 Frame clock
DATA2 2-channel PCM serial data
DATA_CLK Bit clock for PCM audio format

Master Mode (32-bit data only)

When Register #1 ‘input_select’ is set to 2’d0 (I2S) and ‘i2s_length’ is set to 2’d2 (32-bit), the DAC can become a
master for Bit Clock and Frame Clock by setting Register #10 ‘master clock enable’ to 1’b1. The Bit Clock frequency
can be configured to MCLK / 4, MCLK / 8 or MCLK / 16 by setting Register #10 ‘clock divider select’ to 2’b00, 2’b01
or 2’b10. GPIO 1 (or 2) can be configured to output MCLK by setting Register #8 gpio1_cfg (or gpio2_cfg) to 4’d3.

5 ESS TECHNOLOGY, INC. 237 South Hillview Drive, Milpitas, CA 95035, USA. Tel (408) 643-8800 • Fax (408) 643-8801
CONFIDENTIAL Rev. 0.41 January 16, 2020

ES9028Q2M Datasheet

SPDIF Audio Formant

Note: XI clock (MCLK) must be > 386 x FSR when using the SPDIF input.

Up to three SPDIF inputs can be connected to the 3-to-1 mux, selectable via register “spdif_sel”. The SPDIF can also be
sourced from GPIO pins configured as inputs.

Pin Name Description

GPIO2 SPDIF input 5
GPIO1 SPDIF input 4
DATA1 SPDIF input 3
DATA2 SPDIF input 2

DSD Audio Format

Note: XI clock (MCLK) must be > 3 x FSR when using the DSD input.

Pin Name Description

DATA[1:2] 2-channel DSD data input
DATA_CLK Bit clock for DSD data input

The MCLK will run at 100MHz which means that the maximum DSD clock frequency supported is 33.3MHz. Hence, octuple-
rate DSD or DSD-22.6MHz is supported by the ES9028Q2M. Note that it is essential to meet the requirement of MCLK > 3 x
DSD_CLK or the circuit will not function correctly.

ESS TECHNOLOGY, INC. 237 South Hillview Drive, Milpitas, CA 95035, USA. Tel (408) 643-8800 • Fax (408) 643-8801 6
January 16, 2020 CONFIDENTIAL Rev. 0.41

ES9028Q2M Datasheet

Soft Mute
When Mute is asserted the output signal will ramp to the – level. When Mute is reset the attenuation level will ramp back up
to the previous level set by the volume control register. Asserting Mute will not change the value of the volume control
register. The ramp rate is 0.0078125 x fs / 2(vol_rate-5) dB/s.

During an automute condition the ramping of the volume of each DAC to - can now be programmatically enabled or
o In PCM serial mode, “AUTOMUTE” will become active once the audio data is continuously below the threshold set by
<Register Automute_lev>, for a length of time defined by 2096896 / (<Register#4> x 64 x fs) Seconds.
o In SPDIF mode, “AUTOMUTE” will become active once the audio data is continuously below the threshold set by
<Register Automute_lev>, for a length of time defined by 2096896 / (<Register#4> x 64 x fs Seconds.
o In the DSD Mode, “AUTOMUTE” will become active when any 8 consecutive values in the DSD stream have as many 1’s
and 0’s for a length of time defined by 2096896 / (<Register Automute_time> x DATA_CLK) seconds. The following
table summarizes the conditions.

Mode Detection Condition Time

Data is continuously lower than
PCM 2096896 / (<Register Automute_time > x 64 x fs)
<Register Automute_lev >
Data is continuously lower than
SPDIF 2096896 / (<Register Automute_time > x (64 x fs))
<Register Automute_lev >
Equal number of 1s and 0s in
DSD 2096896 / (<Register Automute_time > x DATA_CLK)
every 8 bits of data

Volume Control
Each output channel has its own attenuation circuit. The attenuation for each channel is controlled independently. Each
channel can be attenuated from 0dB to –127dB in 0.5dB steps.
Each 0.5dB step transition takes up to 64 intermediate levels, depending on the vol_rate register setting. The result being
that the level changes are done using small enough steps so that no switching noise occurs during the transition of the
volume control. When a new volume level is set, the attenuation circuit will ramp softly to the new level.

Master Trim
The master trim sets the 0dB reference level for the volume control of each DAC. The master trim is programmable via
registers 17-20 and is a 32-bit signed number. Therefore it should never exceed 32'h7FFFFFFF (as this is full-scale signed).

All Mono Mode

An all mono mode where all DACs are driven from the same source is supported. This can be useful for high-end audio
applications. The source data for all DACs can be programmatically configured to be either CH1 or CH2.

The de-emphasis feature is included for audio data that has utilized the 50/15s pre-emphasis for noise reduction. There are
three de-emphasis filters, one for 32kHz, one for 44.1kHz, and one for 48kHz.

SPDIF Data Select

An SPDIF source multiplexer allows for up to three SPDIF sources to be connected to the data pins. An internal
programmable register (spdif_sel) is used to select the appropriate data pin to decode. The SPDIF can also be sourced from
GPIO pins configured as inputs.

7 ESS TECHNOLOGY, INC. 237 South Hillview Drive, Milpitas, CA 95035, USA. Tel (408) 643-8800 • Fax (408) 643-8801
CONFIDENTIAL Rev. 0.41 January 16, 2020

ES9028Q2M Datasheet

System Clock (XI / MCLK)

A system clock is required for proper operation of the digital filters and modulation circuitry. See page 34, Note 2 for the
maximum MCLK frequencies supported. The minimum system clock frequency must also satisfy:

Data Type Minimum MCLK Frequency Note

DSD Data MCLK > 3 x FSR , FSR = 2.8224MHz (x 1, 2 or 4) The maximum FSR frequency
MCLK > 192 x FSR, FSR  384kHz is further limited by the
Serial Normal Mode
MCLK = 128 x FSR (synchronous MCLK) with FSR  384kHz maximum MCLK frequencies
Serial OSF Bypass Mode MCLK > 24 x FSR, FSR  1.536MHz supported as shown on page
SPDIF Data MCLK > 386 x FSR, FSR  200kHz 34, Note 2.

Data Clock
DATA_CLOCK must be (2 x i2s_length) x FSR for SERIAL, and FSR for DSD modes. For SPDIF mode, this pin is used for
SPDIF input. The DATA_CLK pin should be pulled low if not used.

Built-in Digital Filters

Three digital filters are included for PCM data, a fast roll-off filter, a slow roll-off filter, and a minimum phase filter. See 'PCM
Filter Characteristics' for more information.

Standby Mode
For lowest power consumption, the following should be performed to enter the stand-by mode:
• Set the soft_start bit in register 14 to 1'b0 to ramp the DAC outputs (DACL, DACLB, DACR, DACRB) to ground.
• RESETB pin should be brought to low digital level to:
o Shut off the DACs, Oscillator and internal regulator.
o Force digital I/O pins (DATA_CLK, DATA1, GPIO1, GPIO2, SDA ) into tri-state mode
o Reset all registers to default states
• If XI/MCLK is supplied externally, it should be stopped at a logic low level
• If DVDD is supplied by an external regulator, it should be shut down during standby.

To resume from standby mode, bring RESETB to high digital level and reinitialize all registers.

DVDD Supply
The ES9028Q2M is equipped with a regulated DVDD supply powered from DVCC. The internal DVDD regulator must be
decoupled to DGND with a capacitor that maintains a minimum value of 1F at 1.2V over the target operating temperature
range. The recommended capacitor for decoupling DVDD is a 4.7F ±20%, X5R 6.3V 0402.
• The internal DVDD should be used except under the following conditions:
1. PCM (SPDIF, I2S with OSF Bypass off or on) with MCLK > 50MHz or FSR > 192kHz
2. DSD with MCLK > 50MHz or FSR > 11.2MHz
• Please refer to page 31, Note 2 for the maximum supported MCLK frequencies.
An External DVDD (+1.3V 5%) supply must be used above those frequencies.
The external supply voltage should be greater than the internal supply of +1.2V so the internal regulator is disabled.

SLIMbus Mode
The ES9028Q2M supports the Serial Low-power Inter-chip Media Bus (SLIMbus) standard, which is a common interface
between application processors and peripheral components in mobile devices. SLIMbus is implemented as a synchronous 2-
wire configurable interface. The ES9028Q2M acts as a slave device on the SLIMbus interface, relying on a master to be
present to generate clocks and frames.

To enable the SLIMbus mode the DMODE pin is pulled high. When DMODE is high, the DATA_CLK pin becomes
SLIMBUS_CLK and the DATA_2 pin becomes SLIMBUS_DATA. The ES9028Q2M now reports itself as 3 valid SLIMbus
devices if a valid clock and framer exist.

ESS TECHNOLOGY, INC. 237 South Hillview Drive, Milpitas, CA 95035, USA. Tel (408) 643-8800 • Fax (408) 643-8801 8
January 16, 2020 CONFIDENTIAL Rev. 0.41

ES9028Q2M Datasheet

The ES9028Q2M identifies under the following SLIMbus address space:

0x0145C0C70XYY where X is the device and YY is either 00 (ADDR = 0) or 01 (ADDR = 1).

Once the ES9028Q2M has reported that it is present, it is ready to stream audio to the data endpoint. The first step is to
assign logical addresses to each of the three devices initialized in the ES9028Q2M.

ASSIGN_LOGICAL_ADDRESS Dst = 0x0145C0C70000 LA = 5

ASSIGN_LOGICAL_ADDRESS Dst = 0x0145C0C70100 LA = 6
ASSIGN_LOGICAL_ADDRESS Dst = 0x0145C0C70300 LA = 8

For 44.1kHz audio, a root clock that is divisible by 44.1kHz is required. For this we can select the common SLIMbus clock of


Now the source audio device is configured, which depends on the baseband or application processor used. Next the SINKs
are configured, assuming the same channel and port numbers are used (the same numbers should be used when
configuring the audio sources).

CONNECT_SINK Src = 0xFF, Dst = 6, CN = 1, PN = 0

CONNECT_SINK Src = 0xFF, Dst = 6, CN = 2, PN = 1

The type of audio to be transmitted on the selected channel(s) is now setup. For this example, the transmission is streaming
44.1KHz audio in isochronous mode.

NEXT_DEFINE_CHANNEL CN = 1, SD = 3140, TP = 0, SL = 6 (Channel 1, 3140 segment distribution, iso protocotol,
segment length 6)
NEXT_DEFINE_CONTENT CN = 1, FL = 1, PR = 11, AF = 0, DT = 1, CL = 0, DL = 6 (Channel 1, frequency locked, 44.1kHz,
LPCM audio, data length 6)
NEXT_DEFINE_CHANNEL CN = 2, SD = 3146, TP = 0, SL = 6 (Channel 2, 3146 segment distribution, iso protocotol,
segment length 6)
NEXT_DEFINE_CONTENT CN = 2, FL = 1, PR = 11, AF = 0, DT = 1, CL = 0, DL = 6 (Channel 1, frequency locked, 44.1kHz,
LPCM audio, data length 6)

Audio should now be configured to stream between the application processor.

Register reads and writes are also accomplished via SLIMbus by writing to 0x0145C0C703XX. Registers are offset from
byte address 0x900. For example, register 0 is at 0x900, register 1 is at 0x901, etc. An example of writing to register 1 is as

CHANGE_VALUE Src = 0xFF, Dst = 8, AM = 1, BA = 0x901, SS = 0, VU = 0xF2

9 ESS TECHNOLOGY, INC. 237 South Hillview Drive, Milpitas, CA 95035, USA. Tel (408) 643-8800 • Fax (408) 643-8801
CONFIDENTIAL Rev. 0.41 January 16, 2020

ES9028Q2M Datasheet

Programmable FIR filter

A two stage interpolating FIR design is used. The interpolating FIR filter is generated using MATLAB, and can then be
downloaded using a custom C code.

Example Source Code for Loading a Filter

// only accept 128 or 16 coefficients
// Note: The coefficients must be quantized to 24 bits for this method!
// Note: Stage 1 consists of 128 values (0-127 being the coefficients)
// Note: Stage 2 consists of 16 values (0-13 being the coefficients, 14-15 are zeros)
// Note: Stage 2 is symmetric about coefficient 13. See the example filters for more information.
byte reg26 = (byte)(coeffs.Count == 128 ? 0 : 128);
for (int i = 0; i < coeffs.Count; i++)
// stage 1 contains 128 coefficients, while stage 2 contains 16 coefficients
registers.WriteRegister(26, (byte)(reg26 + i));

// write the coefficient data

registers.WriteRegister(27, (byte)(coeffs[i] & 0xff));
registers.WriteRegister(28, (byte)((coeffs[i] >> 8) & 0xff));
registers.WriteRegister(29, (byte)((coeffs[i] >> 16) & 0xff));

registers.WriteRegister(30, 0x02); // set the write enable bit

// disable the write enable bit when we're done
registers.WriteRegister(30, (byte)(setEvenBit ? 0x04 : 0x00));

OSF Bypass
The oversampling FIR filter can be bypassed, sourcing data directly into the IIR filter. ESS recommends using 8 x FSR as
the input. For example, an external signal at 44.1kHz can be oversampled externally to 8 x 44.1kHz = 352.8kHz and then
applied to the serial decoder in either I2S or LJ format. The maximum sample rate that can be applied is 1.536MHz (8 x

THD Compensation
Sabre2M THD Compensation removes the non-linearity of the DAC resistors and to a lesser degree the non-linearity of
passive components in the output stage. Taking the I-V characteristic curve of a real resistor you will notice that it as a slight
downward curvature. As more current flows, more power dissipates the resistor heats and the resistance rises.

Non-linearity of the DAC output resistors can lead to output distortion in two ways:

• Amplitude modulation of the output current from the DAC

• Gain modulation of the output stage as the output impedance of the DAC swings with the audio signal

The Sabre2M includes models for its output resistors and can compensate for their characteristic curve by finely adjusting the
DAC codes for large and small signal amplitudes.

THD Compensation is effective if the base THD+N measurement with no compensation is less than approximately 70dBr. If
your system performs worse than this, check for other errors with the circuit before applying the THD Compensation.

Registers #13, #22 to #25, and #34 to #38 are used for THD Compensation.

ESS TECHNOLOGY, INC. 237 South Hillview Drive, Milpitas, CA 95035, USA. Tel (408) 643-8800 • Fax (408) 643-8801 10
January 16, 2020 CONFIDENTIAL Rev. 0.41

ES9028Q2M Datasheet

Audio Interface Formats RIGHT

Several interface formats are provided so that direct connection to common audio processors is possible. The available
formats are shown in the following diagrams.
BCLK The audio interface format can be set by programming the registers.
31 30 29 2 1 0 31 30 29
32-bit MSB LSB MSB
24-bit 23 22 21 2 1 0 23 22 21 2 1
SIN 20bit 19 18 17 2 1 0 19 18 17 2 1 0
31 30 29 2 1 0 31 30 29 2 1 0 31 30
32-bit MSB
16bit 15 14 13 2 1 0 15 14 13 2 1 0
23 22 21 2 1 0 23 22 2 1 0 23 22

15 14 13 LRCLK 2 1 0 15 14 13 LEFT 2 1 0 15 14 RIGHT

30 29 JUSTIFIED FORMAT 2 1 0 31 30 29
32-bit MSB LSB MSB
24-bit 23 22 21 2 1 0 23 22 21
20bit 19 18 17 2 1 0 19 18 17

31 30 29 2 1 0 31 30 29 15 14 13 2 1 0 2 1 0 31 30 15 14 1
32-bit 16bit


23 22 21 2 1 0 23 22 21 2 1 0 23 22
15 14 13 2 1 0 15 14 13 2 1 0 15 14
16-bit MSB
31 30 29 2 1 0 31 30 29
32-bit MSB LSB MSB
24-bit 23 22 21 2 1 0 23 22 21 2
Note: for Left-Justified and I2S formats,
SIN the following number of BCLKs is present per (left plus right) frame:
• 16-bit mode: 32 BCLKs 20bit 19 18 17 2 1 0 19 18 17 2 1 0

• 24-bit mode: 48 BCLKs

• 32-bit mode: 64 BCLKs 16bit 15 14 13 2 1 0 15 14 13 2 1 0


DSD1, D.. D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 FIGURE 4A

DSD1, DSD2 D.. D.. D0 D0 D1 D1 D2 D2 D3 D3 D4 D4 FIGURE 4B

11 ESS TECHNOLOGY, INC. 237 South Hillview Drive, Milpitas, CA 95035, USA. Tel (408) 643-8800 • Fax (408) 643-8801
CONFIDENTIAL Rev. 0.41 January 16, 2020

ES9028Q2M Datasheet


The registers inside the chip are programmed via an I 2C interface. The diagram below shows the timing for this interface.
The chip address can be set to 2 different settings via the “ADDR” pin. The table below summarizes this.


0 0x90
1 0x92

1. The “ADDR” pin is used to create the CHIP ADDRESS. (0x90, 0x92)
2. The first byte after the chip address is the “ADDRESS” this is the register address.
3. The second byte after the CHIP ADDRESS is the “DATA” this is the data to be programmed into the register at the
previous “ADDRESS”.

Start Start Stop Start

Parameter Symbol Standard Fast-Mode Unit

SCL Clock Frequency fSCL 0 100 0 400 kHz
START condition hold time tHD,STA 4.0 - 0.6 - s
LOW period of SCL tLOW 4.7 - 1.3 - s
HIGH period of SCL tHIGH 4.0 - 0.6 - s
START condition setup time (repeat) tSU,STA 4.7 - 0.6 - s
SDA hold time from SCL falling tHD,DAT 0.3 - 0.3 - s
SDA setup time from SCL rising tSU,DAT 250 - 100 - ns
Rise time of SDA and SCL tr - 1000 300 ns
Fall time of SDA and SCL tf - 300 300 ns
STOP condition setup time tSU,STO 4 - 0.6 - s
Bus free time between transmissions tBUF 4.7 - 1.3 - s
Capacitive load for each bus line Cb - 400 - 400 pF

ESS TECHNOLOGY, INC. 237 South Hillview Drive, Milpitas, CA 95035, USA. Tel (408) 643-8800 • Fax (408) 643-8801 12
January 16, 2020 CONFIDENTIAL Rev. 0.41

ES9028Q2M Datasheet

Register #0: System Settings
8 bit, Read-Write Register, Default = 0x00
Bits [7] [6] [5] [4] [3] [2] [1] [0]
Mnemonic osc_drv reserved * soft_reset
Default 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Mnemonic Description

Oscillator drive specifies the bias current to the oscillator pad.
• 4'b0000: full bias (default)
• 4'b1000: 3/4 bias
• 4'b1100: 1/2 bias
[7:4] osc_drv
• 4'b1110: 1/4 bias
• 4'b1111: shut down the oscillator
• Other settings: reserved
It is recommended to use the default setting.
[3:1] reserved *
1'b0 is normal operation (default)
[0] soft_reset
1'b1 resets chip

* All Reserved Bits in Register #0 must be set to the indicated logic level to ensure correct device operation.

Register #1: Input Configuration

8 bit, Read-Write Register, Default = 0x8C
Bits [7] [6] [5] [4] [3] [2] [1] [0]
Mnemonic i2s_length i2s_mode auto_input_select input_select
Default 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0

Bit Mnemonic Description

2'd0 = 16bit
[7:6] i2s_length 2'd1 = 24bit
2'd2 or 2'd3 = 32bit (default)
2’d0 = I2S (default)
2’d1 = LJ mode
[5:4] i2s_mode
2’d2 = I2S
2’d3 = LJ mode
2'd0 = 'input select',
2'd1 = I2S or DSD,
[3:2] auto_input_select
2'd2 = I2S or SPDIF,
2'd3 = I2S, SPDIF or DSD (default)
2'd0 = I2S (default)
2'd1 = SPDIF
[1:0] input_select
2'd2 = reserved
2'd3 = DSD

13 ESS TECHNOLOGY, INC. 237 South Hillview Drive, Milpitas, CA 95035, USA. Tel (408) 643-8800 • Fax (408) 643-8801
CONFIDENTIAL Rev. 0.41 January 16, 2020

ES9028Q2M Datasheet

Register #4: Soft Volume Control 1 (Automute Time)

8 bit, Read-Write Register, Default = 0x00
Bits [7] [6] [5] [4] [3] [2] [1] [0]
Mnemonic automute_time
Default 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Mnemonic Description

Default of 8'd0 (Automute Disabled)
[7:0] automute_time
Time in Seconds = 2096896 / (automute_time x DATA_CLK) with DATA_CLK in Hz

Register #5: Soft Volume Control 2 (Automute Level)

8 bit, Read-Write Register, Default = 0x68
Bits [7] [6] [5][4] [3] [2] [1] [0]
Mnemonic automute_loopback automute_level
Default 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0

Bit Mnemonic Description

1'b0 disables automute_loopback (default)
[7] automute_loopback
1'b1 ramps to -infinity on automute
[6:0] automute_level The level (in 1dB increments) of the automute, default of 7'd104

Register #6: Soft Volume Control 3 and De-emphasis

8 bit, Read-Write Register, Default = 0x4A
Bits [7] [6] [5] [4] [3] [2] [1] [0]
Mnemonic spdif_auto_deemph deemph_bypass deemph_sel reserved * vol_rate
Default 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0

Bit Mnemonic Description

1'b1 enables automatic de-emphasis select in SPDIF mode
[7] spdif_auto_deemph
1'b0 disables automatic de-emphasis select in SPDIF mode (default)
1'b1 disabled de-emphasis filters (default)
[6] deemph_bypass
1'b0 enables de-emphasis filters
2’b00 = 32kHz (default)
2’b01 = 44.1kHz
[5:4] deemph_sel
2’b10 = 48kHz
2’b11 = RESERVED
[3] reserved * Must be left as 1'b1 for normal operation
3'd2 by default
[2:0] vol_rate
Sets the volume ramp rate to 0.0078125 x fs / 2(vol_rate-5) dB/s

* All Reserved Bits in Register #6 must be set to the indicated logic level to ensure correct device operation.

ESS TECHNOLOGY, INC. 237 South Hillview Drive, Milpitas, CA 95035, USA. Tel (408) 643-8800 • Fax (408) 643-8801 14
January 16, 2020 CONFIDENTIAL Rev. 0.41

ES9028Q2M Datasheet

Register #7: General Settings

8 bit, Read-Write Register, Default = 0x80
Bits [7] [6] [5] [4] [3] [2] [1] [0]
Mnemonic reserved * filter_shape reserved * iir_bw mute
Default 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Mnemonic Description

[7] reserved *
2’d0 = fast rolloff (default)
2’d1 = slow rolloff
[6:5] filter_shape
2’d2 = minimum phase
2'd3 = reserved
[4] reserved *
2’d0 = 1.0757 x fs or 47.44kHz (fs = 44.1kHz) – Normal mode (default)
2’d1 = 1.1338 x fs or 50kHz (fs = 44.1kHz)
[3:2] iir_bw
2’d2 = 1.3605 x fs or 60kHz (fs = 44.1kHz)
2’d3 = 1.5873 x fs or 70kHz (fs = 44.1kHz)
This is a soft mute, which uses the ramping volume control.
• 1’b0: Channel 1 (default of left channel) un-muted (default)
[1:0] mute • 1’b1: Channel 1 (default of left channel) muted
• 1’b0: Channel 2 (default of right channel) un-muted (default)
• 1’b1: Channel 2 (default of right channel) muted

* All Reserved Bits in Register #7 must be set to the indicated logic level to ensure correct device operation.

15 ESS TECHNOLOGY, INC. 237 South Hillview Drive, Milpitas, CA 95035, USA. Tel (408) 643-8800 • Fax (408) 643-8801
CONFIDENTIAL Rev. 0.41 January 16, 2020

ES9028Q2M Datasheet

Register #8: GPIO Configuration

8 bit, Read-Write Register, Default = 0x88
Bits [7] [6] [5] [4] [3] [2] [1] [0]
Mnemonic gpio2_cfg gpio1_cfg
Default 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0

Bit Mnemonic Description

Set GPIO 2 configuration.
[7:4] gpio2_cfg Default to 4’d8 (DPLL Lock Status).
See GPIO Configuration Table below for meaning of all settings.
Set GPIO 1 configuration
[3:0] gpio1_cfg Default to 4’d8 (Automute Status).
See GPIO Configuration Table below for meaning of all settings.

GPIO Configuration Table

Setting Direction GPIO Function

Automute status (active high)
4’d0 Output
– asserted when Automute condition is met
DPLL Lock status (active high)
4’d1 Output
– asserted when DPLL is in lock
Minimum Volume (active high)
4’d2 Output
- asserted when volume of both the left & right channels has ramped to its minimum value (–127.5dB)
4’d3 Output MCLK
DPLL Lock interrupt (active high)
4’d4 Output - asserted when DPLL Lock status changes state
- reading register 64 clears the interrupt
Automute Interrupt (active high)
4’d5 Output - asserted when Automute status changes state
- reading register 64 clears the interrupt
DPLL Lock or Automute interrupt (active high)
4’d6 Output - asserted when DPLL Lock or Automute status changes state
- reading register 64 clears the interrupt
4’d7 Output Output low
4’d8 Input Used as an input pin – pin status can be read from register #65.
4’d9 Input Input Selection – uses the GPIO as an input select based on register #21
4’d15 Output Output high

Register #9: Reserved

ESS TECHNOLOGY, INC. 237 South Hillview Drive, Milpitas, CA 95035, USA. Tel (408) 643-8800 • Fax (408) 643-8801 16
January 16, 2020 CONFIDENTIAL Rev. 0.41

ES9028Q2M Datasheet

Register #10: Master Mode Control

8 bit, Read-Write Register, Default = 0x2
Bits [7] [6] [5] [4] [3] [2] [1] [0]
Mnemonic master_clock_enable clock_divider_select sync_mode stop_div
Default 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0

Bit Mnemonic Description

1’b0 disables master mode (default)
[7] master_clock_enable
1’b1 enables master mode (driving Bit clock and Frame Clock)
2’b00: Bit Clock frequency = MCLK / 4 (default)
2’b01: Bit Clock frequency = MCLK / 8
2’b10: Bit Clock frequency = MCLK / 16
[6:5] clock_divider_select
2’b11: Bit Clock frequency = MCLK / 16

Frame Clock frequency = Bit Clock frequency / 64

1’b0 for normal operation of the DPLL and ASRC.
1’b1 to enable quick lock if the fs & MCLK are synchronous & MCLK is 128 x FSR.
[4] sync_mode
Note: quick lock can only be used in PCM normal mode
Sets the number of FSR edges that must occur before the DPLL and
ASRC can lock on to the incoming signal.
4’d0 = 16384 FSR edges
4’d1 = 8192 FSR edges
4’d2 = 5461 FSR edges (default)
4’d3 = 4096 FSR edges
4’d4 = 3276 FSR edges
4’d5 = 2730 FSR edges
4’d6 = 2340 FSR edges
[3:0] stop_div
4’d7 = 2048 FSR edges
4’d8 = 1820 FSR edges
4’d9 = 1638 FSR edges
4’d10 = 1489 FSR edges
4’d11 = 1365 FSR edges
4’d12 = 1260 FSR edges
4’d13 = 1170 FSR edges
4’d14 = 1092 FSR edges
4’d15 = 1024 FSR edges

For correct operation, master mode should only be enabled when the DAC’s input mode is set to I 2S, and when i2s_length is
set to 32-bit and i2s_mode is set to I2S in register 1.

When master mode is enabled, the DATA_CLK pin will output Bit Clock and the DATA1 pin will output Frame Clock at
frequencies specified by clock divider select.

When PCM data with FSR > 96kHz is used, stop_div should be set to 4’d0 (16384 FSR edges).

17 ESS TECHNOLOGY, INC. 237 South Hillview Drive, Milpitas, CA 95035, USA. Tel (408) 643-8800 • Fax (408) 643-8801
CONFIDENTIAL Rev. 0.41 January 16, 2020

ES9028Q2M Datasheet

Register #11: Channel Mapping

8 bit, Read-Write Register, Default = 0x02
Bits [7] [6] [5] [4] [3] [2] [1] [0]
Mnemonic reserved * spdif_sel ch2_analog_swap ch1_analog_swap ch2_sel ch1_sel
Default 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0

Bit Mnemonic Description

[7] reserved *
select the spdif data source
3’d0 = DATA_CLK (default)
3’d1 = DATA2
[6:4] spdif_sel 3’d2 = DATA1
3’d3 = GPIO1
3’d4 = GPIO2
3’d5-7: reserved
1’b0 = normal operation (default)
[3] ch2_analog_swap
1’b1 = swap dac and dacb
1’b0 = normal operation (default)
[2] ch1_analog_swap
1’b1 = swap dac and dacb
1’b0 = left
[1] ch2_sel
1’b1 = right (default)
1’b0 = left (default)
[0] ch1_sel
1’b1 = right

* All Reserved Bits in Register #11 must be set to the indicated logic level to ensure correct device operation.

Left and Right channels can be reversed using Register #11.

ESS TECHNOLOGY, INC. 237 South Hillview Drive, Milpitas, CA 95035, USA. Tel (408) 643-8800 • Fax (408) 643-8801 18
January 16, 2020 CONFIDENTIAL Rev. 0.41

ES9028Q2M Datasheet

Register #12: DPLL/ASRC Settings

8 bit, Read-Write Register, Default = 0x5A
Bits [7] [6] [5] [4] [3] [2] [1] [0]
Mnemonic dpll_bw_i2s dpll_bw_dsd
Default 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0

Bit Mnemonic Description

DPLL bandwidth setting for I2S and SPDIF modes (16 settings)
4’b0000 : OFF
4’b0001 : Lowest Bandwidth

[7:4] dpll_bw_i2s 4’b0101 : (default)

4’b1010 :

4’b1111 : Highest Bandwidth

DPLL bandwidth setting for DSD mode (16 settings)
4’b0000 : OFF
4’b0001 : Lowest Bandwidth

[3:0] dpll_bw_dsd 4’b0101 :

4’b1010 : (default)

4’b1111 : Highest Bandwidth

The ES9028Q2M contains a Jitter Eliminator block, which employs the use of a digital phase locked loop (DPLL) to lock to
the incoming audio clock rate. When in I2S or SPDIF mode, the DPLL will lock to the frame clock (1 x fs). However, when in
DSD mode, the DPLL has no frame clock information, and must instead lock to the bit clock rate (BCK). For this reason,
there are two bandwidth settings for the DPLL.

Register #12 [7:4] (0x05 default) contains the bandwidth setting for I2S / SPDIF mode.
Register #12 [3:0] (0x0A default) contains the bandwidth setting for DSD mode.

The DPLL bandwidth sets how quickly the DPLL can adjust its internal representation of the audio clock. The higher the jitter
or frequency drift on the audio clock, the higher the DPLL bandwidth must be so that the DPLL can react.

19 ESS TECHNOLOGY, INC. 237 South Hillview Drive, Milpitas, CA 95035, USA. Tel (408) 643-8800 • Fax (408) 643-8801
CONFIDENTIAL Rev. 0.41 January 16, 2020

ES9028Q2M Datasheet

Register #13: THD Compensation

8-bit, Read-Write Register, Default = 0x40
Bits [7] [6] [5] [4] [3] [2] [1] [0]
Mnemonic reserved * bypass_thd reserved *
Default 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Mnemonic Description

[7] reserved
1’b0: enable THD compensation
• output = input + (input2) x thd_comp_c2 + (input3) x thd_comp_c3
• thd_comp_c2 is stored in registers 23-22 (16 bits signed) (register 23 stores MSBs)
[6] bypass_thd
• thd_comp_c3 is stored in registers 25-24 (16 bits signed) (register 25 stores MSBs)
1’b1: disable THD compensation (default)
• PCM mode: output = input; DSD mode: output = input / 2
[5:0] reserved

* All reserved Bits in Register #13 must be set to the indicated logic level to ensure correct device operation

THD compensation can be used to reduce the 2nd and 3rd harmonic distortion introduced by external output drivers.
A system level tuning is required to arrive at the optimum coefficients for thd_comp_c2 and thd_comp_c3.

• To get the same gain (output = input) for PCM and DSD modes without THD compensation, bypass_thd should be set to
1’b0 with thd_comp_c2 and thd_comp_c3 set to 16’d0 (default)
• Erroneous compensation can lead to higher distortion than the one without compensation. If accurate tuning cannot be
performed, thd_comp_c2 and thd_comp_c3 should be set to 16’d0 (default) if bypass_thd is set to 1’b0.

Register #14: Soft Start Settings

8 bit, Read-Write Register, Default = 0x8A
Bits [7] [6] [5] [4] [3] [2] [1] [0]
Mnemonic soft_start soft_start_on_lock mute_on_lock soft_start_time
Default 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0

Bit Mnemonic Description

1’b0: Ramp the output stream to ground
[7] soft_start
1’b1: Normal operation (default) – ramp the output stream to ½ x AVCC_L/R
1’b0: Do not force output low when lock is lost (default)
[6] soft_start_on_lock
1’b1: Force output low when lock is lost
1’b0: Do not force a mute when lock is lost (default)
[5] mute_on_lock
1’b1: Force a mute when lock is lost
Time for soft start ramp
= 4096 x 2(soft_start_time+1) / MCLK seconds (where MCLK is measured in Hz).
[4:0] soft_start_time
The valid range of soft-start_time is from 0 to 20.

ESS TECHNOLOGY, INC. 237 South Hillview Drive, Milpitas, CA 95035, USA. Tel (408) 643-8800 • Fax (408) 643-8801 20
January 16, 2020 CONFIDENTIAL Rev. 0.41

ES9028Q2M Datasheet

Register #15: Volume 1 (usually selected for the Left Channel, but can be reversed using Register #11)
8 bit, Read-Write Register, Default = 0x50
Bits [7] [6] [5] [4] [3] [2] [1] [0]
Mnemonic volume1
Default 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0

Bit Mnemonic Description

Default to 8’d80 (–40dB)
[7:0] volume1
0dB to –127.5dB in 0.5dB steps

Register #16: Volume 2 (usually selected for the Right Channel, but can be reversed using Register #11)
8 bit, Read-Write Register, Default = 0x50
Bits [7] [6] [5] [4] [3] [2] [1] [0]
Mnemonic volume2
Default 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0

Bit Mnemonic Description

Default to 8’d80 (–40dB)
[7:0] volume2
0dB to –127.5dB in 0.5dB steps

Register #20-17: Master Trim

32 bit, Read-Write Register, Default = 32’h7ffffff. Reg 20 are the MSB’s, Reg 17 are the LSBs.
Bits [31:0]
Mnemonic master_trim
Default 32’h7fffffff

This is a 32 bit value that sets the 0dB level for all volume controls. This is a signed number, so it should never exceed
32’h7fffffff (which is 231 – 1).

21 ESS TECHNOLOGY, INC. 237 South Hillview Drive, Milpitas, CA 95035, USA. Tel (408) 643-8800 • Fax (408) 643-8801
CONFIDENTIAL Rev. 0.41 January 16, 2020

ES9028Q2M Datasheet

Register #21: GPIO Input Selection and OSF Bypass

8 bit, Read-Write Register, Default = 0x00
Bits [7:6] [5:4] [3] [2] [1] [0]
Mnemonic gpio_input_sel2 gpio_input_sel1 reserved * bypass_iir reserved * bypass_osf
Default 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Mnemonic Description

Selects which input will be selected when GPIOX = 1’b1
2’d0 = I2S data (default)
[7:6] gpio_input_sel2 2’d1 = SPDIF data
2’d2 = reserved
2’d3 = DSD data
Selects which input will be selected when GPIOX = 1’b0
2’d0 = I2S data (default)
[5:4] gpio_input_sel1 2’d1 = SPDIF data
2’d2 = reserved
2’d3 = DSD data
[3] reserved *
1’b0 = Use the IIR filter (default)
[2] bypass_iir
1’b1 = Bypass the IIR filter.
[1] reserved
1’b0 = Use the interpolating 8x FIR filter (default)
1’b1 = Bypass the interpolating 8x FIR filter.
[0] bypass_osf
Note: Bypassing the interpolating filter requires that the input
data be oversampled at 8x fs by an external oversampling filter

* All Reserved Bits in Register #21 must be set to the indicated logic level to ensure correct device operation.

Note: Any of the GPIO can be configured to be used as an input select. This allows an external MCU or controller to set the
input type by setting the GPIO to either logic high (1’b1) or logic low (1’b0). To set this feature, the first step is to enable one
of the GPIO as an input select by setting gpio_cfg to 4’d9. Once a GPIO is configured as an input select it has the ability to
select between two different inputs. The first input (logic low) is set via register 21[5:4]. The second input (logic high) is set
via register 21[7:6]. Only one GPIO should be configured as an input select, and the ES9028Q2M will only use the first GPIO
if multiple GPIOs are configured as an input selection.

ESS TECHNOLOGY, INC. 237 South Hillview Drive, Milpitas, CA 95035, USA. Tel (408) 643-8800 • Fax (408) 643-8801 22
January 16, 2020 CONFIDENTIAL Rev. 0.41

ES9028Q2M Datasheet

Register #23-22: 2nd Harmonic Compensation Coefficients (both channels)

16 bit, Read-Write Register, Default = 0x0000 (no compensation). Register #23 is MSB.
See Registers #13 and #34-38 for more details.
Bits [15:0]
Mnemonic Thd_comp_c2
Default 16’d0

Register #25-24: 3rd Harmonic Compensation Coefficients (both channels)

16 bit, Read-Write Register, Default = 0x0000 (no compensation). Register #25 is MSB.
See Registers #13 and #34-38 for more details.
Bits [15:0]
Mnemonic Thd_comp_c3
Default 16’d0

The THD Compensation registers are signed integer values split into two memory locations each.

THD Compensation Coefficient MSB LSB

x^3 (third harmonic) Register 25 Register 24
x^2 (second harmonic) Register 23 Register 22

Table 1: THD Compensation Registers

1. Configure the output stage gain for the maximum desired output level. If any component values are later changed on
the output audio signal path you will need to re-tune the THD Compensation to achieve peak performance.

2. Set the input level, Sabre2M Volume and Master Trim for the maximum desired output level.
If the output level is later increased beyond this level you will need to re-tune the THD Compensation to achieve
peak performance.

3. Adjust registers 0x23 and 0x25 to achieve peak THD performance. Use the I2C interface or the Sabre2M GUI to make the
adjustments while watching the THD+N measurement.

In the GUI, adjust the THD Compensation sliders as shown in figure 1. The sliders are linked to the MSB of the THD
Compensation registers so they are somewhat coarse.

Both channels are tuned simultaneously; keep an eye on both measurements.

Typical register values are very close to zero.

4. For finer adjustments use registers 0x22 and 0x24. Use the I2C interface or the Sabre2M GUI to make large changes of
50 or so while watching the THD+N measurement. Switch to smaller increments when you're close to peak performance.

In the GUI, open the register listing (see figure 2) and click Update Registers to make sure the most up-to-date values are
displayed. There are no sliders for the fine-adjust registers (see figure 3).

The Sabre2M GUI is available for download from the ESS website at:

23 ESS TECHNOLOGY, INC. 237 South Hillview Drive, Milpitas, CA 95035, USA. Tel (408) 643-8800 • Fax (408) 643-8801
CONFIDENTIAL Rev. 0.41 January 16, 2020

ES9028Q2M Datasheet

Figure 1. THD Compensation

Figure 2. Opening the register listing

Figure 3. THD Compensation Registers in

the register listing

ESS TECHNOLOGY, INC. 237 South Hillview Drive, Milpitas, CA 95035, USA. Tel (408) 643-8800 • Fax (408) 643-8801 24
January 16, 2020 CONFIDENTIAL Rev. 0.41

ES9028Q2M Datasheet

Register #26: Programmable Filter Address

8 bit, Read-Write Register, Default = 0x00
Bits [7] [6:0]
Mnemonic prog_coeff_stage prog_coeff_addr
Default 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Mnemonic Description

Selects which stage of the filter to write.
[7] prog_coeff_stage 1’b0 = Stage 1 of the oversampling filter (128 coefficients).
1’b1 = Stage 2 of the oversampling filter (16 coefficients).
Selects the coefficient address when writing custom coefficients
[6:0] prog_coeff_addr
for the oversampling filter.

Register #29-27: Programmable Filter Coefficient

8 bit, Read-Write Register, Default = 0x000000
Bits [23:0]
Mnemonic prog_coeff
Default 24’d0

Bit Mnemonic Description

[23:0] prog_coeff A 24-bit filter coefficient that will be written to address ‘prog_coeff_addr’.

Register #30: Programmable Filter Control

8 bit, Read-Write Register, Default = 0x00
Bits [7:3] [2] [1] [0]
Mnemonic reserved * even_stage2_coeff prog_coeff_we prog_coeff_en
Default 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Mnemonic Description

[7:3] reserved *
Sets the type of symmetry of the stage 2 programmable filter.
[2] even_stage2_coeff 1’b0 = Uses a sine symmetric filter (27 coefficients).
1’b1 = Uses a cosine symmetric filter (28 coefficients).
1’b0 = Disable writing to the custom filter coefficients.
1’b1 = Enable writing to the custom filter coefficients.
[1] prog_coeff_we
Note: When set to 1’b1 the custom filter will be bypassed
regardless of the state of register 21[0].
1’b0 = Use one of the built-in oversampling filters.
1’b1 = Use the custom oversampling filter.
[0] prog_coeff_en
Note: The custom filter is not programmed to anything on reset,
valid coefficients must be written to the filter before enabling.

* All Reserved Bits in Register #30 must be set to the indicated logic level to ensure correct device operation.

Note: even_stage2_coeff sets the type of symmetry used by the second stage filter. The actual RAM is 16 coefficients, but
only the first 14 coefficients are used when applying the oversampling filter. The first 14 coefficients are mirrored using either
sine or cosine symmetry, resulting in a filter length of either 27 or 28 taps. This means that the second stage RAM should
only contain half of the impulse response of the second stage filter, and the impulse peak value will be contained in the 14th
coefficient. Also note that, due to the symmetry of the filter, only linear phase filters may be used in the second stage.

25 ESS TECHNOLOGY, INC. 237 South Hillview Drive, Milpitas, CA 95035, USA. Tel (408) 643-8800 • Fax (408) 643-8801
CONFIDENTIAL Rev. 0.41 January 16, 2020

ES9028Q2M Datasheet

Register #35-34: Right Channel 2nd Harmonic Compensation Coefficients

16-bit, Read-Write Register, Default = 0x0000 (no compensation). Register #35 is MSB.
See Registers #13, #22-25, and #38 for more details.
Bits [15:0]
Mnemonic Thd_comp_c2_right
Default 16’d0

Register #37-36: Right Channel 3rd Harmonic Compensation Coefficients

16-bit, Read-Write Register, Default = 0x0000 (no compensation). Register #37 is MSB.
See Registers #13, #22-25, and #38 for more details.
Bits [15:0]
Mnemonic Thd_comp_c3_right
Default 16’d0

Register #38: Separate THD Compensation

8-bit, Read-Write Register, Default = 0x00
Bits [7:1] [0]
Mnemonic reserved * enable_separate_thd_comp
Default 0 0

Bit Mnemonic Description

[7:1] reserved *
1'b0: (default)
• left/right THD compensation coefficients are taken from registers #25-22
[0] enable_separate_thd_comp 1’b1:
• left THD compensation coefficients are taken from registers #25-22
• right THD compensation coefficients are taken from registers #37-34

* All Reserved Bits in Register #38 must be set to the indicated logic level to ensure correct device operation.

ESS TECHNOLOGY, INC. 237 South Hillview Drive, Milpitas, CA 95035, USA. Tel (408) 643-8800 • Fax (408) 643-8801 26
January 16, 2020 CONFIDENTIAL Rev. 0.41

ES9028Q2M Datasheet

Register #43: SLIMbus Control

8-bit, Read-Write Register, Default = 0x00
Bits [7:4] [3] [2] [1] [0]
Mnemonic reserved * sb_aux_wk_en sb_aux_wk_override sb_drv_strength_en sb_drv_strength_override
Default 0 0 0 0 0

Bit Mnemonic Description

[7:4] reserved *
1’b1 = enables the aux weak enable (only when override is set to 1’b1)
[3] sb_aux_wk_en
1’b0 = disables the aux weak enable (default)
1’b1 = enables the override on SLIMbus aux weak
[2] sb_aux_wk_override
1’b0 = disables the override on SLIMbus aux weak (default)
1’b1 = sets the SLIMbus drive strength enable (only when override is set to 1’b1)
[1] sb_drv_strength_en
1’b0 = disables the SLIMbus drive strength enable (default)
1’b1 = enables the override on SLIMbus drive strength
[0] sb_drv_strength_override
1’b0 = disables the override on SLIMbus drive strength (default)

* All Reserved Bits in Register #43 must be set to the indicated logic level to ensure correct device operation.

Register #64: Chip Status

8 bit, Read-Only Register
Bits [7] [6] [5] [4] [3] [2] [1] [0]
Mnemonic reserved revision chip_id automute_status lock_status

Bit Mnemonic Description

[7:6] reserved
[5] revision 0’
[4:2] chip_id 3’d1 => ES9028Q2M
1’b0 => Automute condition is inactive.
[1] automute_status
1’b1 => Automute condition is active.
1’b0 => The Jitter Eliminator is not locked to an incoming signal.
[0] lock_status
1’b1 => The Jitter Eliminator is locked to an incoming signal.

Register #65: GPIO Status

8 bit, Read-Only Register
Bits [7] [6] [5] [4] [3] [2] [1] [0]
Mnemonic reserved gpio_I[1:0]

Bit Mnemonic Description

[7:2] reserved
[1] gpio_I[1] Status of pin GPIO2
[0] gpio_I[0] Status of pin GPIO1

27 ESS TECHNOLOGY, INC. 237 South Hillview Drive, Milpitas, CA 95035, USA. Tel (408) 643-8800 • Fax (408) 643-8801
CONFIDENTIAL Rev. 0.41 January 16, 2020

ES9028Q2M Datasheet

Register #69-66: DPLL Ratio

32 bit, Read-Only Register. Register #69 contains the MSBs, Register #66 contains the LSBs
Bits [31:0]
Mnemonic dpll_num

This is a read-only 32bit value that can be used to calculate the sample rate. The raw sample rate (FSR) can be calculated
using: FSR = (DPLL_NUM x FMCLK) / 232.

Note that the DPLL number (register 66-69) should be read from LSB to MSB as it is latched on the LSBs (register 66).

Register #74-70: Channel Status

Register #74 contains the MSBs, Register #70 contains the LSBs Format is [191:0]

These registers allow read back of the SPDIF channel status. The status definition is different for the consumer configuration
and professional configuration. Please refer to the following two tables for details.

ESS TECHNOLOGY, INC. 237 South Hillview Drive, Milpitas, CA 95035, USA. Tel (408) 643-8800 • Fax (408) 643-8801 28
January 16, 2020 CONFIDENTIAL Rev. 0.41

ES9028Q2M Datasheet

SPDIF CHANNEL STATUS – Consumer configuration

Address [7] [6] [5] [4] [3] [2] [1] [0]
0 Reserved Reserved 0: 2Channel Reserved 0: No Pre-emph 0: CopyRight 0: Audio 0: Consumer
1: 4Channel 1: Pre-emphasis 1: Non-CopyRight 1: Data 1: Professional

1 Category Code
0x00: General
0x02:D/D Converter
0x04:Digital Broadcast
0x05:Musical Instrument
0x06:Present A/D Converter
0x08:Solid State Memory
0x16:Future A/D Converter
2 Channel Number Source Number
0x0: Don’t Care 0x0:Don’t Care
0x1: A (Left) 0x1: 1
0x2: B (Right) 0x2: 2
0x3: C 0x3: 3
0x4: D 0x4: 4
0x5: E 0x5: 5
0x6: F 0x6: 6
0x7: G 0x7: G
0x8: H 0x8: 8
0x9: I 0x9: 9
0xA: J 0xA: 10
0xB: K 0xB: 11
0xC: L 0xC: 12
0xD: M 0xD: 13
0xE: N 0xE: 14
0xF: O 0xF: 15
3 Reserved Reserved Clock Accuracy Sample Frequency
0x0:Level 2 1000ppm 0x0: 44.1k
0x1:Level 1 50ppm 0x2: 48k
0x2:Level 3 variable pitch shifted 0x3: 32k
0x4: 22.05k
0x6: 24k
0x8: 88.2k
0xA: 96k
0xC: 176.4k
0xE: 192k
4 Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Word Length: Word Field Size
If Word Field Size=0 |If Word Field Size = 1 0:Max 20bits
000=Not indicated |000=Not indicated 1:Max 24bits
100 = 23bits |100 = 19bits
010 = 22bits |010 = 18bits
110 = 21bits |110 = 17bits
001 = 20bits |001 = 16bits
101 = 24bits |101 = 20bits

29 ESS TECHNOLOGY, INC. 237 South Hillview Drive, Milpitas, CA 95035, USA. Tel (408) 643-8800 • Fax (408) 643-8801
CONFIDENTIAL Rev. 0.41 January 16, 2020

ES9028Q2M Datasheet

SPDIF CHANNEL STATUS – Professional configuration

Address [7] [6] [5] [4] [3] [2] [1] [0]
0 sampling frequency: lock: emphasis: 0:Audio 0:Consumer
00: not indicated (or see byte 4) 0: locked 000: Emphasis not indicated 1:Non-audio 1:Professional
10: 48 kHz 1: unlocked 001: No emphasis
01: 44.1 kHz 011: CD-type emphasis
11: 32 kHz 111: J-17 emphasis

1 User bit management: Channel mode:

0000: no indication 0000: not indicated (default to 2 ch)
1000: 192-bit block as channel status 1000: 2 channel
0100: As defined in AES18 0100: 1 channel (monophonic)
1100: user-defined 1100: primary / secondary
0010: As in IEC60958-3 (consumer) 0010: stereo
1010: reserved for user applications
0110: reserved for user applications
1110: SCDSR (see byte 3 for ID)
0001: SCDSR (stereo left)
1001: SCDSR (stereo right)
1111: Multichannel (see byte 3 for ID)
2 alignment level: Source Word Length: Use of aux sample word:
00: not indicated If max = 20bits |If max = 24bits 000: not defined, audio max 20 bits
10: –20dB FS 000=Not indicated |000=Not indicated 100: used for main audio, max 24 bits
01: –18.06dB FS 100 = 23bits |100 = 19bits 010: used for coord, audio max 20 bits
010 = 22bits |010 = 18bits 110: reserved
110 = 21bits |110 = 17bits
001 = 20bits |001 = 16bits
101 = 24bits |101 = 20bits
3 Channel identification:
if bit 7 = 0 then channel number is 1 plus the numeric value of bits 0-6 (bit reversed).
if bit 7 = 1 then bits 4–6 define a multichannel mode and bits 0–3 (bit reversed) give the channel number within that mode.
4 fs scaling: Sample frequency (fs): Reserved DARS (Digital audio reference signal):
0: no scaling 0000: not indicated 00: not a DARS
1: apply factor of 0001: 24kHz 01: DARS grade 2 (10ppm)
1 / 1.001 to value 0010: 96kHz 10: DARS grade 1 (1ppm)
1001: 22.05kHz 11: Reserved
1010: 88.2kHz
1011: 176.4kHz
0011: 192kHz
1111: User defined

ESS TECHNOLOGY, INC. 237 South Hillview Drive, Milpitas, CA 95035, USA. Tel (408) 643-8800 • Fax (408) 643-8801 30
January 16, 2020 CONFIDENTIAL Rev. 0.41

ES9028Q2M Datasheet


Before or after VCCA as long as RESETB is asserted (i.e. held low) until all
power supplies (with the exception of DVDD if generated internally) are stable

~ ~

~ ~

AVCC_L, AVCC_R Same time as VCCA or later

External DVDD (if required) Same time as DVCC or later

XI / MCLK (if externally supplied)

At power up, assert RESETB until at least Subsequent reset
1ms after all external power supplies (and should be asserted
XI/MCLK if supplied externally) are stabilized for 10ns or longer

31 ESS TECHNOLOGY, INC. 237 South Hillview Drive, Milpitas, CA 95035, USA. Tel (408) 643-8800 • Fax (408) 643-8801
CONFIDENTIAL Rev. 0.41 January 16, 2020

ES9028Q2M Datasheet


Positive Supply Voltage (VCCA, AVCC_L, AVCC_R, DVCC) +4.7V with respect to GND
Positive Supply Voltage (DVDD) +1.8V with respect to GND
Output Voltage Range (DACL, DACR, DACLB, DACRB) GND < Vout < AVCC
Storage Temperature Range –65C to +150C
Operating Junction Temperature +125C
Voltage range for Digital Input Pins –0.3V to DVCC+ 0.3V
ESD Protection
Human Body Model (HBM) 2000V
Machine Model (MM) 200V
Charged Device Model (CDM) 500V
WARNING: Stresses beyond those listed under “Absolute Maximum Ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only and
functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated under “recommended operating conditions” is not implied. Exposure
to absolute–maximum–rated conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.
WARNING: Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) can damage this device. Proper procedures must be followed to avoid ESD when handling this device.


Operating temperature TA –20C to +70C
Current nominal Current standby
Power Supply Symbol Voltage
(Note 1) (Notes 1, 2)
+1.8V 5% 22mA 0mA
Digital power supply voltage DVCC
+3.3V 5% 23mA 0mA
Internal Digital Core supply DVDD +1.2V (typical) NA NA
External Digital Core supply DVDD +1.3V 5% (Note 3) 47mA 0mA
Analog core supply voltage VCCA +3.3V 5% 2mA 0mA
Analog power supply voltage AVCC_L
+3.3V 5% 11mA 0mA
(must be low-noise supplies) AVCC_R
DVCC = +1.8V 83mW
Total Power < 1mW
DVCC = +3.3V 120mW
1) fs = 44.1kHz, external MCLK = 40MHz, 0dB 1kHz output, I2S input, output unloaded, internal DVDD, all external supply voltages at
nominal center values
2) Measured with RESETB held low after setting the soft_start bit in register 14 to 1’b0 to fully ramp the DAC outputs to ground
3) Internal DVDD should be used except under the conditions described on page 8. External +1.3V DVDD is required above the
operating frequencies described on page 8. The external supply voltage should be greater than the internal +1.2V supply so the
internal regulator is disabled. DVDD current is measured with MCLK = 100MHz.

Symbol Parameter Minimum Maximum Unit Comments
VIH High-level input voltage DVCC / 2 + 0.4 V
VIL Low-level input voltage 0.4 V
VOH High-level output voltage DVCC - 0.2 V IOH = 100A
VOL Low-level output voltage 0.2 V IOL = 100A

ESS TECHNOLOGY, INC. 237 South Hillview Drive, Milpitas, CA 95035, USA. Tel (408) 643-8800 • Fax (408) 643-8801 32
January 16, 2020 CONFIDENTIAL Rev. 0.41

ES9028Q2M Datasheet

XI / MCLK Timing


Parameter Symbol Min Max Unit

MCLK pulse width high TMCH 4.5 ns
MCLK pulse width low TMCL 4.5 ns
MCLK cycle time TMCY 10 ns
MCLK duty cycle 45:55 55:45

Audio Interface Timing




DATA[2:1] Valid Invalid Valid

Parameter Symbol Min Max Unit

DATA_CLK pulse width high tDCH 4.5 ns
DATA_CLK pulse width low tDCL 4.5 ns
DATA_CLK cycle time tDCY 10 ns
DATA_CLK duty cycle 45:55 55:45
DATA set-up time to DATA_CLK rising edge tDS 4.1 ns
DATA hold time to DATA_CLK rising edge tDH 2 ns

• Audio data on DATA[2:1] are sampled at the rising edges of DATA_CLK and must satisfy the setup and hold time
requirements relative to the rising edge of DATA_CLK
• For DSD Phase mode, the normal data (D0, D1, D2... on p.10) must satisfy the setup and hold time requirements relative
to the rising edge of DATA_CLK. The complimentary data (D0, D1, etc.) will be ignored.

33 ESS TECHNOLOGY, INC. 237 South Hillview Drive, Milpitas, CA 95035, USA. Tel (408) 643-8800 • Fax (408) 643-8801
CONFIDENTIAL Rev. 0.41 January 16, 2020

ES9028Q2M Datasheet

Test Conditions (unless otherwise stated)
1. TA = 25oC, AVCC = VCCA = DVCC = +3.3V, internal DVDD with 4.7F ±20% decoupling, fs = 44.1kHz, MCLK = 27MHz & 32-bit data
2. SNR/DNR: A-weighted over 20Hz-20kHz in averaging mode
THD+N: un-weighted over 20Hz-20kHz bandwidth


Resolution 32 Bits
MCLK (PCM normal mode) Note 3 192FSR
MCLK (PCM OSF bypass mode) 24FSR
Note 2 Hz
MCLK (DSD mode) 3FSR
MCLK (SPDIF mode) 386FSR
DNR (differential current mode) –60dBFS 129 dB-A
THD+N (differential current mode) 0dBFS –120 dB
Differential (+ or –) voltage output range Full-scale out 0.867 x AVCC Vp-p
Differential (+ or –) voltage output offset Bipolar zero out AVCC / 2 V
Differential (+ or –) current output range
Full-scale out 0.867 x AVCC / 403 mAp-p
(Note 1)
Bipolar zero out
Differential (+ or –) current output offset 1000 / 403 x
to virtual ground mA
(Note 1) (AVCC / 2 – Vg)
at voltage Vg (V)
Digital Filter Performance
De-emphasis error 0.2 dB
Mute Attenuation –127 dB
PCM Filter Characteristics (Sharp Roll Off)
0.003dB 0.454fs Hz
Pass band
–3dB 0.49fs Hz
Stop band < –115dB 0.546fs Hz
Group Delay 35 / fs s
PCM Filter Characteristics (Slow Roll Off)
0.05dB 0.308fs Hz
Pass band
–3dB 0.454fs Hz
Stop band < –100dB 0.814fs Hz
Group Delay 6.25 / fs s
PCM Filter Characteristics (Minimum Phase)
0.003dB 0.454fs Hz
Pass band
–3dB 0.49fs Hz
Stop band < –115dB 0.546fs Hz
1. Differential (+ or –) current output is equivalent to a differential (+ or –) voltage source in series with a 403 11% resistor.
The differential (+ or –) voltage source has a peak-to-peak output range of (0.867 x AVCC) & an output offset of (AVCC / 2).
2. With internal DVDD, maximum MCLK frequency is 50MHz (DVCC = +1.8V).
MCLK can be up to 100MHz (DVCC = +3.3V) using an external +1.3V 5% DVDD supply.
3. ES9028Q2M also supports synchronous MCLK at 128 x FSR.

ESS TECHNOLOGY, INC. 237 South Hillview Drive, Milpitas, CA 95035, USA. Tel (408) 643-8800 • Fax (408) 643-8801 34
January 16, 2020 CONFIDENTIAL Rev. 0.41

ES9028Q2M Datasheet




35 ESS TECHNOLOGY, INC. 237 South Hillview Drive, Milpitas, CA 95035, USA. Tel (408) 643-8800 • Fax (408) 643-8801
CONFIDENTIAL Rev. 0.41 January 16, 2020

ES9028Q2M Datasheet





Unit: fs

ESS TECHNOLOGY, INC. 237 South Hillview Drive, Milpitas, CA 95035, USA. Tel (408) 643-8800 • Fax (408) 643-8801 36
January 16, 2020 CONFIDENTIAL Rev. 0.41

ES9028Q2M Datasheet


Unit: 1/fs (s)

37 ESS TECHNOLOGY, INC. 237 South Hillview Drive, Milpitas, CA 95035, USA. Tel (408) 643-8800 • Fax (408) 643-8801
CONFIDENTIAL Rev. 0.41 January 16, 2020

ES9028Q2M Datasheet



Unit: DATA_CLK (Hz) / 2822400

ESS TECHNOLOGY, INC. 237 South Hillview Drive, Milpitas, CA 95035, USA. Tel (408) 643-8800 • Fax (408) 643-8801 38
January 16, 2020 CONFIDENTIAL Rev. 0.41

ES9028Q2M Datasheet

Figure 4. ES9028Q2M Reference Design

39 ESS TECHNOLOGY, INC. 237 South Hillview Drive, Milpitas, CA 95035, USA. Tel (408) 643-8800 • Fax (408) 643-8801
CONFIDENTIAL Rev. 0.41 January 16, 2020

ES9028Q2M Datasheet

Figure 5. Current-to-Voltage Converter, DC blocking, & Low-Pass Filter for each Output Channel of the ES9028Q2M

Figure 6. ES9028Q2M Reference Design Power Supplies

ESS TECHNOLOGY, INC. 237 South Hillview Drive, Milpitas, CA 95035, USA. Tel (408) 643-8800 • Fax (408) 643-8801 40
January 16, 2020 CONFIDENTIAL Rev. 0.41

ES9028Q2M Datasheet

32-Pin QFN Mechanical Dimensions

41 ESS TECHNOLOGY, INC. 237 South Hillview Drive, Milpitas, CA 95035, USA. Tel (408) 643-8800 • Fax (408) 643-8801
CONFIDENTIAL Rev. 0.41 January 16, 2020

ES9028Q2M Datasheet

Example 32-Pin QFN Land Pattern

1. Thermal vias should be 0.3mm to 0.33mm in diameter, with the barrel plated to 1oz copper.
2. For maximum solder mask in the corners, round the inner corners of each row.
3. Exposed pad should be solder mask defined.
4. Pad width can be reduced to 0.25mm if additional pad to pad clearance is required.
5. For applications where solder loss through vias is a concern, plugging or tenting of the vias should be used. The
solder mask diameter for each via should be 0.1mm larger than the via diameter.

ESS TECHNOLOGY, INC. 237 South Hillview Drive, Milpitas, CA 95035, USA. Tel (408) 643-8800 • Fax (408) 643-8801 42
January 16, 2020 CONFIDENTIAL Rev. 0.41

ES9028Q2M Datasheet

Reflow Process Considerations

For lead-free soldering, the characterization and optimization of the reflow process is the most important factor you need to
The lead-free alloy solder has a melting point of 217°C. This alloy requires a minimum reflow temperature of 235°C to
ensure good wetting. The maximum reflow temperature is in the 245°C to 260°C range, depending on the package size
(Table RPC-2). This narrows the process window for lead-free soldering to 10°C to 20°C.
The increase in peak reflow temperature in combination with the narrow process window makes the development of an
optimal reflow profile a critical factor for ensuring a successful lead-free assembly process. The major factors contributing to
the development of an optimal thermal profile are the size and weight of the assembly, the density of the components, the
mix of large and small components, and the paste chemistry being used.
Reflow profiling needs to be performed by attaching calibrated thermocouples well adhered to the device as well as other
critical locations on the board to ensure that all components are heated to temperatures above the minimum reflow
temperatures and that smaller components do not exceed the maximum temperature limits (Table RPC-2).

To ensure that all packages can be successfully and reliably assembled, the reflow profiles studied and recommended by
ESS are based on the JEDEC/IPC standard J-STD-020 revision D.1.

Figure RPC-1. IR/Convection Reflow Profile (IPC/JEDEC J-STD-020D.1)

Note: Reflow is allowed 3 times. Caution must be taken to ensure time between re-flow runs does not exceed the allowed time by the
moisture sensitivity label. If the time elapsed between the re-flows exceeds the moisture sensitivity time bake the board according to the
moisture sensitivity label instructions.

Manual Soldering:
Allowed up to 2 times with maximum temperature of 350 degrees no longer than 3 seconds.

43 ESS TECHNOLOGY, INC. 237 South Hillview Drive, Milpitas, CA 95035, USA. Tel (408) 643-8800 • Fax (408) 643-8801
CONFIDENTIAL Rev. 0.41 January 16, 2020

ES9028Q2M Datasheet

Table RPC-1 Classification reflow profile

Profile Feature Pb-Free Assembly

Temperature Min (Tsmin) 150°C
Temperature Max (Tsmax) 200°C
Time (ts) from (Tsmin to Tsmax) 60-120 seconds
Ramp-up rate (TL to Tp) 3°C / second max.
Liquidous temperature (TL) 217°C
Time (tL) maintained above TL 60-150 seconds
For users Tp must not exceed the classification temp in
Table RPC-2.
Peak package body temperature (Tp)
For suppliers Tp must equal or exceed the Classification
temp in Table RPC-2.
Time (tp)* within 5°C of the specified
classification temperature (Tc), 30* seconds
see Figure RPC-1
Ramp-down rate (Tp to TL) 6°C / second max.
Time 25°C to peak temperature 8 minutes max.
* Tolerance for peak profile temperature (Tp) is defined as a supplier minimum and a user

Note 1: All temperatures refer to the center of the package, measured on the package body surface that is facing up during assembly reflow (e.g., live-bug).
If parts are reflowed in other than the normal live-bug assembly reflow orientation (i.e., dead-bug), Tp shall be within ±2°C of the live-bug Tp and still
meet the Tc requirements, otherwise, the profile shall be adjusted to achieve the latter. To accurately measure actual peak package body
temperatures refer to JEP140 for recommended thermocouple use.
Note 2: Reflow profiles in this document are for classification/preconditioning and are not meant to specify board assembly profiles. Actual board assembly
profiles should be developed based on specific process needs and board designs and should not exceed the parameters in Table RPC-1.
For example, if Tc is 260°C and time tp is 30 seconds, this means the following for the supplier and the user.
For a supplier: The peak temperature must be at least 260°C. The time above 255°C must be at least 30 seconds.
For a user: The peak temperature must not exceed 260°C. The time above 255°C must not exceed 30 seconds.
Note 3: All components in the test load shall meet the classification profile requirements.

Table RPC-2 Pb-Free Process – Classification Temperatures (Tc)

Package Thickness Volume mm3, <350 Volume mm3, 350 to 2000 Volume mm3, >2000
<1.6 mm 260°C 260°C 260°C
1.6 mm – 2.5 mm 260°C 250°C 245°C
>2.5 mm 250°C 245°C 245°C
Note 1: At the discretion of the device manufacturer, but not the board assembler/user, the maximum peak package body temperature (Tp) can exceed the
values specified in Table RPC-2. The use of a higher Tp does not change the classification temperature (Tc).
Note 2: Package volume excludes external terminals (e.g., balls, bumps, lands, leads) and/or non-integral heat sinks.
Note 3: The maximum component temperature reached during reflow depends on package thickness and volume. The use of convection reflow processes
reduces the thermal gradients between packages. However, thermal gradients due to differences in thermal mass of SMD packages may still exist.

ESS TECHNOLOGY, INC. 237 South Hillview Drive, Milpitas, CA 95035, USA. Tel (408) 643-8800 • Fax (408) 643-8801 44
January 16, 2020 CONFIDENTIAL Rev. 0.41

ES9028Q2M Datasheet

Part Number Description Package
Sabre32 Reference 32-Bit, 2-Channel, Mobile Low Power
ES9028Q2M 32-pin QFN
The letter Q identifies the package type QFN

Revision History
Rev. Date Notes
0.1 July 1, 2015 Initial release
0.1a August 27, 2015 Update recommended power supply sequence
Update package dimensions
0.2 November 24, 2015
Add CDM to Absolute Maximum Ratings
0.21 March 16, 2016 Cleanup of typos and formatting
0.3 November, 28, 2017 Remove ESS Logo from pin diagram
0.4 November 15, 2018 Added Low Power Audio DAC description, removed Advanced Information
0.41 January 16, 2020 Correct typo register setting for Master Clock enable to Register #10

ESS IC's are not intended, authorized, or warranted for use as components in military applications, medical devices or life support systems. ESS
assumes no liability whatsoever and disclaims any expressed, implied or statutory warranty for use of ESS IC's in such unsuitable applications.

No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, transmitted, or translated in any form or by any means, electronic,
mechanical, manual, optical, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of ESS Technology, Inc. ESS Technology, Inc. makes no
representations or warranties regarding the content of this document. All specifications are subject to change without prior notice. ESS Technology,
Inc. assumes no responsibility for any errors contained herein. U.S. patents pending.

45 ESS TECHNOLOGY, INC. 237 South Hillview Drive, Milpitas, CA 95035, USA. Tel (408) 643-8800 • Fax (408) 643-8801

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