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Green 39's Skeletal Trauma in Children

6th Edition Gregory A. Mencio

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Green's Skeletal Trauma in Children 6th Edition Gregory

A Mencio Md

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Gregory A. Mencio, MD
Neil E. Green Professor and Vice Chairman
Department of Orthopaedics
Vanderbilt University Medical Center
Chief, Pediatric Orthopaedics
Monroe Carell, Jr. Children’s Hospital at Vanderbilt
Nashville, Tennessee

Steven L. Frick, MD
Professor and Vice Chairman
Orthopaedic Surgery
Stanford University School of Medicine,
Stanford, California
Chief, Pediatric Orthopaedics
Orthopaedic Surgery
Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital Stanford,
Stanford, California
1600 John F. Kennedy Blvd.
Ste 1800
Philadelphia, PA 19103-2899


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Madelyn Anne Mencio
Alyson Mencio Stevens
Marissa Mencio Lichliter

Lisa Kahn Frick

Eric Altman Frick
Rachel Ivy Frick  

We dedicate this book to our teachers, colleagues,

and students.
We single out the memory of our departed colleagues,
Neil Green, MD, and Kathy Cramer, MD.
This book is created to improve the care of the injured
child; Neil and Kathy dedicated their lives
to this goal. Both are fondly remembered and deeply

Alexandre Arkader, MD Eric W. Edmonds, MD, FAOA

Associate Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery Professor of Orthopedic Surgery
Perelman School of Medicine at University of ­Pediatrics University of California San Diego
­Pediatric Orthopedic and Orthopedic Oncology ­Surgeon Director of Orthopedic Research and Sports Medicine
Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) Division of Orthopedic Surgery
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Rady Children’s Hospital San Diego
San Diego, California
Richard E. Bowen, MD
Clinical Professor John B. Erickson, DO
Orthopaedic Surgery Assistant Professor
David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA Pediatric Orthopedic Surgery
Los Angeles, California Medical College of Wisconsin
Orthopaedic Institute for Children Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Los Angeles, California
Steven L. Frick, MD
Andrea C. Bracikowski, MD Professor and Vice Chairman
Associate Professor Orthopaedic Surgery
Orthopedics and Rehabilitation Stanford University School of Medicine
Vanderbilt University School of Medicine Stanford, California
Nashville, Tennessee Chief, Pediatric Orthopaedics
Associate Professor Orthopaedic Surgery
Pediatrics Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital Stanford
Vanderbilt Children’s Hospital Stanford, California
Nashville, Tennessee
Associate Professor Christopher Greeley, MD, MS
Emergency Medicine Professor
Vanderbilt University School of Medicine Pediatrics
Nashville, Tennessee Baylor College of Medicine
Houston, Texas
Kevin M. Dale, MD Chief
Assistant Professor of Orthopaedics and Rehabilitation Section of Public Health Pediatrics
Department of Orthopaedic Surgery Texas Children’s Hospital
Vanderbilt University School of Medicine Houston, Texas
Nashville, Tennessee
Nathan L. Grimm, MD
Jaime R. Denning, MD, MS Orthopaedic Surgery Pediatric & Adult
Assistant Professor Sports Medicine Fellow
Orthopaedic Surgery UConn Health Center
Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center Department of Orthopaedic Surgery
University of Cincinnati School of Medicine Farmington, Connecticut
Cincinnati, Ohio
Christina K. Hardesty, MD
Aleksei B. Dingel, BS Assistant Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery
Research Coordinator Pediatric Orthopaedic Surgery
Department of Orthopaedic Surgery Rainbow Babies and Children’s Hospitals at Case Western
Stanford University School of Medicine Reserve University
Stanford, California Cleveland, Ohio


Ginger E. Holt, MD Steven Lovejoy, BS, MD

Professor and Vice Chair, Orthopaedic Surgery Assistant Professor
Vanderbilt University Medical Center Pediatric Orthopedic Surgery
Nashville, Tennessee Vanderbilt Children’s Hospital
Nashville, Tennessee
Elizabeth W. Hubbard, MD
Assistant Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery Jeffrey E. Martus, MD, MS
Duke University School of Medicine Associate Professor
Durham, North Carolina Pediatric Orthopaedic Surgery
Vanderbilt University Medical Center
Megan E. Johnson, MD Nashville, Tennessee
Assistant Professor
Orthopaedics Gregory A. Mencio, MD
Vanderbilt University Medical Center Neil E. Green Professor and Vice Chairman
Nashville, Tennessee Department of Orthopaedics
Vanderbilt University Medical Center
Sheila M. Jones, MD Chief, Pediatric Orthopaedics
Medical Director, Pediatric Emergency Department Monroe Carell, Jr. Children’s Hospital at Vanderbilt
Centennial Women’s & Children’s Hospital Nashville, Tennessee
Nashville, Tennessee
Adjunct Assistant Professor of Pediatrics Amirhossein Misaghi, MD
Vanderbilt Children’s Hospital Orthopedic Surgeon
Nashville, Tennessee CHOC (Children’s Hospital of Orange County)
Orange, California
Kevin E. Klingele, MD
Chief James F. Mooney III, MD
Orthopedic Surgery Chief of Staff
Nationwide Children’s Hospital Medical Affairs
Columbus, Ohio Shriners Hospital for Children-Springfield
Springfield, Massachusetts
Scott H. Kozin, MD
Clinical Professor Robert F. Murphy, MD
Orthopedics Surgery Assistant Professor
Lewis Katz School of Medicine Department of Orthopaedics
Temple University Medical University of South Carolina
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Charleston, South Carolina
Clinical Professor
Orthopaedic Surgery Unni G. Narayanan, MBBS, MSc, FRCS(C)
Sidney Kimmel Medical College Professor
Thomas Jefferson University Department of Surgery & Rehabilitation Sciences
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Institute
Chief of Staff University of Toronto
Shriners Hospital for Children Divisions of Orthopaedic Surgery and Child Health
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Evaluative Sciences
The Hospital for Sick Children
Ying Li, MD Toronto, Ontario
Associate Professor Canada
Department of Orthopaedic Surgery
C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital James P. Norris IV, MD
Ann Arbor, Michigan Clinical Instructor
Orthopaedic Surgery
Kristin Livingston, MD Vanderbilt University Medical Center
Assistant Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery Nashville, Tennessee
University of California, San Francisco
San Francisco, California Shital N. Parikh, MD
Raymond W. Liu, MD Orthopaedic Surgery
Associate Professor and Victor M. Goldberg Endowed Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center
Chair in Orthopaedics University of Cincinnati School of Medicine
Pediatric Orthopaedic Surgery Cincinnati, Ohio
Rainbow Babies and Children’s Hospitals at Case Western
Reserve University
Cleveland, Ohio

Anthony I. Riccio, MD Jeffrey Shilt, MD

Associate Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery Chief of Community Surgery
University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center The Woodlands
Dallas, Texas Texas Children’s Hospital
The Woodlands, Texas
Associate Professor
Sanjeev Sabharwal, MD, MPH
Department of Orthopaedics & Scoliosis Surgery
Baylor School of Medicine
Houston, Texas
University of California
Medical Director of Motion Analysis & Human
San Francisco
Oakland, California
Texas Children’s Hospital
Houston, Texas
Walter Samora, MD
Assistant Professor
Eric D. Shirley, MD
Orthopedic Surgery
Pediatric Orthopaedic Surgeon
Nationwide Children’s Hospital
Pediatric Orthopaedic Associates
Columbus, Ohio
Woodstock, Georgia

Brian Scannell, MD
Mauricio Silva, MD
Associate Professor
Medical Director
Department of Orthopaedic Surgery
Orthopaedic Institute for Children
Atrium Health
Los Angeles, California
Charlotte, North Carolina
Clinical Professor
UCLA-Orthopaedic Hospital Department of Orthopaedic
Charlotte, North Carolina
David Geffen School of Medicine
University of California Los Angeles
Jonathan G. Schoenecker, MD, PhD Los Angeles, California
Associate Professor and Mast Chair of Pediatric Trauma
and Hip Surgery
Louise Z. Spierre, MD
Vanderbilt University Medical Center
Director Pediatric Rehabilitation
Monroe Carell, Jr. Children’s Hospital at Vanderbilt
Wolfson Children’s Hospital
Nashville, Tennessee
Assistant Professor
Department of Pediatrics
Herbert S. Schwartz, MD University of Florida Health Science Center
Professor and Chair Emeritus Jacksonville, Florida
Orthopaedic Surgery
Vanderbilt University Medical Center
Chris Stutz, MD
Nashville, Tennessee
Assistant Professor
Orthopedic, Hand, and Microvascular Surgery
Kevin G. Shea, MD Texas Scottish Rite Hospital for Children
Orthopedic Surgeon Dallas, Texas
Sports Medicine
Stanford University
George H. Thompson, MD
Stanford, California
Division of Pediatric Orthopaedic Surgery
Rainbow Babies and Children’s Hospital
Stanford University
Cleveland, Ohio
Stanford, California
Professor, Orthopaedic Surgery and Pediatrics
Case Western Reserve University
Cleveland, Ohio

Rachel M. Thompson, MD Dan A. Zlotolow, MD

Assistant Professor-in-Residence Adjunct Clinical Associate Professor of Orthopaedics
Orthopaedic Surgery The Hospital for Special Surgery
UCLA/OIC New York, New York
Los Angeles, California Attending Physician
Shriners Hospital for Children
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

The second edition of Skeletal Trauma in Children provided In the fifth edition, we added chapters on Casting Tech-
the reader with advanced analysis and recommendation for niques and Nerve Injury and Repair. We felt that the for-
the full spectrum of musculoskeletal injuries in children. mer was a useful addition because the vast majority of frac-
We added more advanced forms of fracture care than were tures in children are still best treated by casting, splinting,
available in the first edition and provided expanded refer- and/or immobilization, and we wanted this edition to be
ence lists and treatment recommendations based on greater a more comprehensive tool for individuals treating injured
analysis of outcome. children. The Nerve Injury and Repair in Children chapter
The recognition that children’s diaphyseal fractures are was also thought to add to the scope of the book because
not always best treated by nonoperative means was clearly nerve repair is more often appropriately indicated in in-
explained in the chapters of the second edition. Additional jured children than it is in adults with corresponding better
treatment options for diaphyseal fractures involving mini- functional outcomes. Finally, we added levels of evidence to
mal surgical incisions were spelled out in detail. For exam- the reference list to help readers easily identify the research
ple, the morbidity coming from traditional traction and cast design of the cited references and note those that, because
treatment of femur fractures was clearly described. The risk of a higher-quality research design, should impact practice
of complications from operative management of long bone decisions the most.
fractures, such as overgrowth, infection, and nonunion, The sixth edition adds updated chapters with a focus on
were detailed. The second edition added new chapters on innovative, evolving techniques for pediatric fracture care,
the assessment of outcome of musculoskeletal injury, which such as expanded use of minimally invasive bridge plating
has proved to be a widely used reference in the pediatric and elastic nailing, while providing methods and tips for
musculoskeletal injury community. In fact, evidence ob- modern application of tried-and-true principles of closed
tained by this relatively new field has provided much of the treatment for children’s fractures. Newly developed surgi-
rationale for more invasive treatment of skeletal injuries in cal approaches, such as surgical hip dislocation approaches
children. for pediatric hip injuries and arthroscopically assisted tech-
In the third edition, we added two new chapters. The niques for pediatric intraarticular injuries, are reviewed.
chapter on Anesthesia and Analgesia for the Ambulato- As in the first five editions, we did not spend much time
ry Management of Children’s Fractures stems from our reviewing treatment of historical interest only. We updated
long-standing academic interest in the best ways to manage the treatment of all musculoskeletal injuries in this volume
pain in children while achieving safe and accurate reduc- to continue to enable the reader to find quickly and review
tion. As is the tradition of this book with management of the details about what is considered to be the current best
individual injuries, we provided descriptors for the full spec- method of treatment for individual pediatric musculoskel-
trum of options with recommended treatment. Second, we etal injuries. Our contributors again labored many hun-
added a chapter on Rehabilitation of the Child with Multi- dreds of hours individually and in teams to provide you,
ple Injuries. This chapter has proved to be a useful refer- the reader, with this current compendium. Most important,
ence in defining the role of rehabilitation services in obtain- organizing the material in a way that is useful to working
ing optimum outcomes for children with multiple injuries, surgeons should provide the orthopedic surgeon with more
especially those with a concomitant head injury. confidence and result in better outcomes for children with
In the fourth edition, we expanded the detail in the musculoskeletal injuries.
­Rehabilitation chapter and Anesthesia chapter and added
material on new methods of internal fixation, both indica- Gregory A. Mencio, MD
tions and results. In addition, a new chapter on Sports Inju- Steven L. Frick, MD
ries was added.


Levels of Evidence for Primary Research Question1

Types of Studies

Therapeutic Studies— Prognostic Studies— Diagnostic Studies— Economic and

Investigating the Results of Investigating the Effect of Investigating Decision Analyses—
Treatment A Patient Characteristic A Diagnostic Developing An
on the Outcome of Dis- Test Economic or
ease Decision Model
Level I • H igh-quality randomized con- • H igh-quality prospective • Testing of previously • S ensible costs and alterna-
trolled trial with statistically study4 (all patients were developed diagnostic tives; values obtained from
significant difference or no enrolled at the same point criteria in series of con- many studies; multiway
statistically significant differ- in their disease with ≥80% secutive patients (with sensitivity analyses
ence but narrow confidence follow-up of enrolled pa- universally applied refer- • Systematic review2 of
intervals tients) ence “gold” standard) Level I studies
• Systematic review2 of Level I • Systematic review2 of Level • Systematic review2 of
randomized controlled trials I studies Level I studies
(and study results were ho-
Level II • Lesser-quality randomized • R etrospective6 study • D evelopment of diag- • S ensible costs and alter-
controlled trial (e.g., <80% • U  ntreated controls from a nostic criteria on basis of natives; values obtained
follow-up, no blinding, or im- randomized controlled trial consecutive patients (with from limited studies; multi-
proper randomization) • Lesser-quality prospective universally applied refer- way sensitivity analyses
• Prospective4 comparative study (e.g., patients en- ence “gold” standard) • Systematic review2 of
study5 rolled at different points in • Systematic review2 of Level II studies
• Systematic review2 of Level II their disease or <80% fol- Level II studies
studies or Level I studies with low-up)
inconsistent results • Systematic review2 of Level
II studies
Level III • C ase-control study7 • Case-control study7 • Study of nonconsec- • A nalyses based on limit-
• R  etrospective6 comparative utive patients (without ed alternatives and costs;
study5 consistently applied ref- poor estimates
• Systematic review2 of Level III erence “gold” standard) • Systematic review2 of Level
studies • Systematic review2 of III studies
Level III studies
Level IV • Case series8 • Case series • C
 ase-control study • No sensitivity analyses
• P oor reference standard
Level V • Expert opinion • Expert opinion • Expert opinion • Expert opinion

1A complete assessment of the quality of individual studies requires critical appraisal of all aspects of the study design.
2A combination of results from two or more prior studies.
3Studies provided consistent results.
4Study was started before the first patient enrolled.
5Patients treated one way (e.g., with cemented hip arthroplasty) compared with patients treated another way (e.g., with cement-less hip

arthroplasty) at the same institution.

6Study was started after the first patient enrolled.
7Patients identified for the study on the basis of their outcome (e.g., failed total hip arthroplasty), called “cases,” are compared with those

who did not have the outcome (e.g., had a successful total hip arthroplasty), called “controls.”
8Patients treated one way with no comparison group of patients treated another way.

From the Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery ( Originally adapted from material published by the Centre for Evidence-Based
Medicine, Oxford, UK. For more information, please see

Many individuals at Elsevier provided an important role in Drs. Frank Bassett, J. Leonard Goldner, James Urbaniak,
the development, writing, and editing of this text. We would and Robert Fitch at Duke University Medical Center and
like to particularly thank Katie DeFrancesco for her efforts Dan Spengler at Vanderbilt. Finally, I would like to thank
to oversee preparation of the sixth edition. We would be Drs. Steven Lovejoy, Jeffrey Martus, Jonathan Schoenecker,
­remiss not to acknowledge the significant contributions by Christopher Stutz, Megan Johnson, Kevin Dale, and David
Dr Mark Swiontkowski as co-editor of the previous 5 editions Ebenezer, current and former partners at Monroe Carell Jr.
of Skeletal Trauma in Children and whose shared vision Children’s Hospital at Vanderbilt for the expertise, enthu-
along with Dr Green was foundational in the development siasm, and skill they display daily in managing all aspects of
of this text. pediatric orthopedic trauma. Their commitment to excel-
I, Gregory Mencio, acknowledge that my editorial con- lence in patient care, orthopedic education, and scholarly
tribution to this text is based on the knowledge and expe- exchange continues to make coming to work a fulfilling
rience that I have gained from my practice at Vanderbilt experience.
University Medical Center since 1991. In particular, I want I, Steve Frick, want to acknowledge the mentorship pro-
to thank Dr. Neil Green, with whom I had the pleasure of vided me by many orthopedic surgeons during my career,
working for more than 25 years at Vanderbilt. Dr. Green including Drs. Green and Swiontkowski, and Dr. Mencio for
was a great surgeon, tremendous partner, outstanding role the opportunity to assist with this edition. Learning from
model, and loyal friend. He was an educator par excellence Drs. Edward Hanley Jr., Jeffrey Kneisl, James Kellam, Mi-
and a superb surgeon who has had a major influence on chael Bosse, Stephen Sims, Scott Mubarak, Dennis Wenger,
the evolution of pediatric orthopedic trauma care. I am Peter Newton, Henry Chambers, and Douglas Wallace pre-
grateful to Mark Swiontkowski for his friendship over the pared me for a career taking care of injured patients. Thanks
years and guidance in coediting the fifth edition of ­Skeletal to my professional colleagues at Carolinas Medical Center,
Trauma in Children and to Steve Frick for his support and Nemours Children’s Hospital, and Stanford University and
collaboration as coeditor on this edition of the book. I the dedicated members of the Pediatric Orthopaedic Soci-
would also like to recognize the many other mentors who ety of North America for providing ongoing dialogue and
have had meaningful impact on my career, including research to improve our care for injured children.

Skeletal Growth, Development,
and Healing as Related to
Pediatric Trauma 1
Brian Scannell | Steven L. Frick

INTRODUCTION which can be seen in plastic deformation and “greenstick”

fractures in the forearm, should usually be corrected.1,2
Consideration of growth potential is the major difference Bone healing in children is generally rapid, primarily be-
in treating injuries in children as compared with adults. cause of the thickened, extremely osteogenic periosteum.
Pediatric skeletal trauma can result in enhanced or dimin- The age of the patient directly affects the rate of healing of
ished growth. Future growth is usually helpful because any fracture: the younger the child, the more rapidly the
some angular and length deformities can correct them- fracture heals. The periosteum thins as the child grows old-
selves as the child grows. Loss of growth potential can be er and has less osteogenic capability. Injuries to the growth
one of the more difficult problems to treat. Adult bone plate heal more rapidly than shaft fractures do. Physeal in-
is dynamic; it is constantly involved in bone turnover and juries, in almost all parts of the body, heal in approximately
remodeling in response to aging and changes in stress 3 weeks.3
on the skeleton. The pediatric skeleton not only remod- Treatment of trauma to the pediatric skeleton is generally
els in response to alterations in stress but also grows in straightforward. Dislocations and ligamentous injuries are
length and width and changes shape, alignment, and ro- uncommon in children in comparison with adults because
tation as it matures. Understanding growth potential and the physis and bones in children are usually weaker mechan-
the changing forces after skeletal trauma in children are ical links in the system and thus more susceptible to injury.
important in determining the appropriate treatment for Ligamentous injuries may occur, especially in older chil-
injured bones. dren, as physiologic physeodeses begin to occur, resulting
The following are the most common clinical questions in in more secure attachments of the epiphyseal and metaph-
caring for children with fractures: (1) is the physis injured yseal regions.4,5 Most injuries, though, are simple fracture
with an accompanying risk of growth disturbance, and (2) patterns caused by low-velocity trauma such as falls. In most
is the length and alignment of the fracture acceptable or cases, closed reduction followed by a short period of immo-
unacceptable (i.e., will it improve with growth enough that bilization restores normal function to a pediatric extremity.
function and cosmesis will not be adversely affected)? If the However, a number of pitfalls can make treatment of pe-
answer is no, a reduction is indicated. The response to these diatric fractures, particularly fractures of the growth plate,
two questions requires knowledge of normal growth mech- difficult and demanding.
anisms and studies of fractures in children (the science),
whereas applying this knowledge to an individual patient
and making decisions about how to care for the fracture re- HISTORY, DIAGNOSIS, AND INJURY
quire an assessment of multiple factors related to the child MECHANISMS
and the fracture (the art).
Principles of fracture treatment are the same for all In infants, skeletal trauma may be related to the birthing
ages—the goal is to achieve restoration of normal length, process or may be the only sign of child abuse because young
alignment, rotation, and the anatomic reduction of artic- children are at higher risk for abuse.6 The presenting sign
ular surfaces. In children, attempting to preserve normal may be deformity, swelling, or lack of movement in an ex-
growth potential is also critical; thus, assessment of the in- tremity. Caregivers should be questioned about the circum-
tegrity and alignment of the physis is important. Although stances of the injury, and a lack of a plausible mechanism of
some angulation is acceptable when treating fractures in injury should prompt an evaluation for nonaccidental trau-
children, it is best to keep the amount of angulation as small ma. Radiographs of an infant can be difficult to obtain and
as possible by closed fracture treatment methods, regardless interpret, especially those of bones in the elbow and hip re-
of the patient’s age. On the other hand, multiple attempts gion, which may require comparison views. Anteroposterior
at anatomic reduction in a child, particularly in fractures and lateral views, including the joints above and below the
involving the physis, may cause harm and should be avoid- injured area, constitute a minimal radiographic evaluation.
ed. The small amount of angulation associated with torus Usually, routine radiographs coupled with a good physical
or so-called buckle fractures in children is almost always examination can establish the diagnosis. Arthrograms, ultra-
acceptable. Marked bowing that causes clinical deformity, sonography, or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) can be


useful as a diagnostic aid when radiographs are confusing.3,7 when treating very young children with fractures.6,16 Care
Additionally, a skeletal survey can be used in the young pa- must be taken to ensure that the child is checked for signs of
tient because unsuspected fractures may be present up to abuse on the initial assessment and for possible subsequent
20% of the time.8 injuries during follow-up. Repeating a skeletal survey at 2 to
Children with multiple trauma or head injuries or both 3 weeks is strongly recommended in young patients to in-
can have occult axial fractures and physeal injuries that crease diagnostic yield in patients with suspected abuse inju-
may not be suspected or may be difficult to diagnose, even ries.17 Parents or guardians of children who are not brought
with a good physical examination. This is more commonly back for follow-up appointments for fractures should be con-
seen in patients with a lower Glasgow Coma Scale and high- tacted and asked to schedule a return visit.
er Injury Severity Score.9 In these children, historically, a
bone scan assisted in diagnosing fractures unidentified by
routine screening radiographs10; however, they can be dif- FORMATION OF BONE
ficult to obtain in multiply injured children. More recently,
radiographic skeletal surveys and multiplanar imaging with Embryonic bone forms through either membranous or en-
computed tomography or MRI are favored for identifying dochondral ossification. In the former, mesenchymal cells
occult injuries.11 proliferate to form membranes primarily in the region in
Fractures through the growth plate in children can be which flat bones are fabricated.18,19 Endochondral ossifi-
difficult to interpret if the fracture is not displaced. A thor- cation is bony replacement of a cartilage model and is the
ough physical examination can usually identify this type of mode of formation of long bones.
injury; the sign is swelling and maximal tenderness occur-
ring over the injured physis, which occurs most commonly
at the distal end of the radius or fibula. Palpation at or distal
to the tip of the lateral malleolus usually identifies a liga- Membranous bone formation increases the diameter of long
mentous injury; swelling and tenderness at the growth plate bones and is responsible for the creation of flat bones such
may suggest a fracture undetected by radiographs. However, as the scapula, skull, and, in part, the clavicle and pelvis.
studies evaluating children with lateral ankle pain after in- Flat bones are formed as mesenchymal cells condense into
jury but normal radiographs were not found to frequently sheets that eventually differentiate into osteoblasts. Surface
have a physeal fracture by ultrasound5 or MRI.12 Another cells become the periosteum. Primary bone is remodeled
recent MRI study challenges the perception that distal fibu- and transformed into cancellous bone, to which the peri-
lar physeal injuries are common after twisting ankle injuries osteum adds a compact cortical bone cover. This type of
in skeletally immature patients.4 Often, a small metaphyseal growth is independent of a cartilage model.
fragment on the radiograph suggests physeal injury. Repeat- As endochondral ossification lengthens bones, prolifera-
ed radiographs in 1 to 2 weeks can confirm the physeal inju- tion of bone occurs beneath the periosteum through mem-
ry because the healing physis appears wider, and periosteal branous bone formation, thus enlarging the diameter of the
reaction may be seen. diaphysis in long bones. This type of bone formation is also
Each age group has typical injury mechanisms and com- apparent in subperiosteal infection and after bone injury
mon fractures. Most infants and newborns (≤12 months of when periosteal bone forms around a fracture hematoma
age) sustain fractures by having someone else injure them. (Fig. 1.1). The osteogenic periosteum of children contrib-
When children are older, walking and running, accidental utes to rapid healing because the callus and periosteal new
injuries are more common. Children most commonly frac- bone increase the diameter of the bone and provide early
ture the forearm, usually the distal end of the radius.13–15 biomechanical strength.
Clavicle fractures are common in infancy and in the pre-
school age group, but their incidence decreases with increas-
ing age. Elbow hyperextension in early and midchildhood
predisposes children in these age groups to supracondylar Endochondral ossification requires the presence of a carti-
humerus fractures. Forearm fractures, although common in lage anlage. Early in gestation, mesenchymal cells aggregate
young children, show a progressive increase into the teen- to form models of the future long bones. A cartilage model
age years. develops, and the peripheral cells organize into a perichon-
Most injuries occur when the child falls. Severe, high-en- drium.18,19 Cartilage cells enlarge and degenerate, and the
ergy injuries are less common in children and are frequently matrix surrounding them calcifies. This calcification begins
caused by automobiles, lawn mowers, or motorcycles/all-ter- in the center of the diaphysis and becomes the primary os-
rain vehicles. As a child approaches the midteens, injuries sification center. Vascular buds enter the ossification center
are much like those of an adult. The age at which the growth and transport new mesenchymal cells capable of differenti-
plates close varies greatly and depends on hereditary factors ating into osteoblasts, chondroclasts, and osteoclasts. These
and hormonal variation. Skeletal age is an important factor cells align themselves on the calcified cartilage and deposit
in the consideration of injuries in children, in that the clos- bone. Primary cancellous bone is thus formed, and ossifica-
er the child is to the end of growth, the less prominent the tion expands toward the metaphyseal regions.
role of the growth plate in treatment of the injury and the Long bone growth continues as the terminal ends of the
less the remodeling potential. Healing capacity is inversely cartilage model keep growing in length by cartilage cell pro-
related to age. liferation, hypertrophy, and production of extracellular ma-
Finally, child abuse must be considered in all children’s in- trix. This growth continues in this manner until after birth,
juries, and, as noted earlier, it should especially be considered when secondary ossification centers (epiphyses) develop.

(growth spurts) occurring after prolonged periods of stasis.

Growth in length occurs only at the physis and can occur
through three mechanisms: an increase in the number of
cells, an increase in the size of cells, or an increase in the
amount of extracellular matrix. The physis responds to var-
ious growth-regulating hormones (e.g., growth hormone,
thyroxine, estrogen, and testosterone), parathyroid hor-
mone, and corticosteroids, as well as the peptide-signaling
proteins—transforming growth factor β (TGF-β), platelet-de-
rived growth factor (PDGF), and bone morphogenetic pro-
teins (BMPs)—and immunoregulatory cytokines (interleu-
kin-1 [IL-1] and IL-6).22–26 Further research is still needed
to better understand these growth pathways. However, re-
cently it was suggested that differential expression of gene
pathways specifically for BMP-2 and BMP-6 may contribute
to further physeal growth.27
Local paracrine regulators have recently been identified
as critical in controlling bone development and remodeling.
An important feedback loop controlling chondrocyte devel-
opment involves Indian hedgehog protein (Ihh) and para-
thyroid hormone-related peptide. These paracrine factors
control the decision for chondrocytes to leave the prolifera-
tive pool and undergo hypertrophic differentiation.28,29 Fi-
broblast growth factor (FGF) signaling also appears crucial
A B in regulating chondrocyte proliferation and differentiation
in the physis and appears to have an opposite effect from
Fig. 1.1 (A) Radiograph of a healing supracondylar fracture illustrat- the BMPs, decreasing chondrocyte proliferation, increasing
ing the periosteum stripped (arrow) to nearly the midshaft of the hu- production of Ihh, and accelerating differentiation of hy-
merus. The bridging periosteal bone stabilizes this fracture in about 3
pertrophic chondrocytes.29 An example of abnormal growth
weeks. (B) The large periosteal involucrum surrounds the former bone
(sequestrum) in a femur with osteomyelitis. The periosteum can be
related to FGF signaling is in achondroplasia. A gene muta-
stimulated to remanufacture an entire cortex around this area, such tion affecting FGF receptor 3 suppresses proliferation and
that when the sequestered bone is removed, the periosteal bone will maturation of growth plate chondrocytes, causing decreased
form a new (larger-diameter) femoral diaphysis. growth plate size and decreased bone elongation.30 Thyrox-
ine is also involved in the cellular and molecular events of
The mass of cartilage found between the epiphyseal and terminal chondrocyte differentiation and morphogenesis of
diaphyseal bones in later postnatal development thins to be- columnar cartilage.31
come the epiphyseal plate, which continues as the principal Diurnal variation in the growth of bone has been shown
contributor to the growth (in length) of long bones until to reflect the levels of the different hormones, and animal
maturation is reached. The girth of the long bone is provid- studies suggest mechanical factors may also be critical be-
ed by the cambium layer of the periosteum.13,18 Successive cause 90% of growth occurred during periods of recum-
surfaces of compact bone are added to the exterior while re- bency in a study of growth in sheep.21 Physeal growth is
modeling by resorption of the interior (endosteal) surface slowed by excessive compression and accelerated by distrac-
takes place. tion, recognized in the American literature as the Hueter-
Once the physis is established between the epiphysis and Volkmann law,32 but noted earlier by Delpech in 1829.33
metaphysis, the periosteal ring becomes relatively firmly at- This theory affects growth but also fracture healing, which
tached at the level of the zone of hypertrophied cells. This is one of many differences between pediatric and adult frac-
periphyseal periosteal collar is referred to as the fibrous ring ture healing.
of LaCroix.3,13,18 The zone of Ranvier, the cellular segment Growth in length ceases at skeletal maturity with fusion of
responsible for growth in diameter of the physis,13 is located the physes and occurs at different times in individual bones;
in the same area. The periosteum is firmly attached at this it also varies based on gender, hereditary factors, and hor-
level. Even when the periosteum is torn over the metaphysis mone levels. Physiologic physiodesis is the normal, gradual
or diaphysis, it usually remains attached at the physis. replacement of the growth plate by bone during adoles-
cence, and physeal closure is induced at skeletal maturity by
estrogen levels in both males and females.28
Factors affecting skeletal growth vary and are incompletely
understood. Although commonly used growth curve charts Fracture healing is usually divided into three stages: (1)
suggest that growth is smoothly continuous throughout inflammatory, (2) reparative, and (3) remodeling. Fracture
childhood, a saltation and stasis model of human growth healing involves both membranous and endochondral os-
is now recognized,20,21 with bursts of growth in length sification. Injuries to the pediatric skeleton always involve

a variable amount of surrounding soft tissue injury. Unlike Pediatric bone is more vascular than that of an adult and
the soft tissues, which heal by replacement of the injured is able to generate a greater hyperemic and inflammatory
tissue with collagen scar tissue, bone heals by replacing the response. The more mature (less porous) the cortex, the
area that is injured with normal bony tissue. slower the vascular response to injury. Vasodilatation and
The blood supply to the bone is an important part of frac- the cellular inflammatory response begin shortly after a frac-
ture healing, and significant soft tissue injury delays healing ture, and the injured area is filled with inflammatory cells
because the blood supply to bone enters at sites of soft tis- such as polymorphonuclear leukocytes and macrophages.
sue attachment. The normal process of fracture healing in The hematoma and inflammatory response also incite the
any part of the bone follows a set chronologic order. Any of release of molecules such as growth factors and cytokines
these phases may be disrupted or delayed by excessive adja- from the platelets.37 In the initial phase of fracture healing,
cent soft tissue injury. after the hematoma has formed, a scaffolding of fibrovascu-
lar tissue replaces the clot with collagen fibers. These fibers
eventually become the collagen of the woven bone of the
primary callus that forms around the fracture.
The inflammatory phase of fracture healing “sets the stage” The primary callus is later ossified as the microvascular
for cartilage and bone formation by supplying the building supply returns to the area. However, the bone, for at least a
blocks necessary for repair and remodeling. When bone is in- millimeter or two directly adjacent to the fracture site, loses
jured, the bone, periosteum, and soft tissue (mostly muscle) its blood supply early in the inflammatory stage. After ini-
around the fracture begin to bleed. Hematomas form at the tial reabsorption of the dead bone along the fracture line,
fracture site, both inside and outside the bone. The hemato- the fracture line in children usually becomes more visible
ma may dissect along the periosteum, which is easily elevated radiographically 2 or 3 weeks after injury. The dead bone at
or was elevated at the time that the fracture was maximally the fracture surface is revascularized in a process that occurs
displaced. The more severe the soft tissue injury, the more faster in more vascular areas such as the metaphysis (as com-
displaced the fracture; in addition, the more the periosteum pared with the diaphysis).
is torn, the larger the area that fills with the hematoma. The The vascular response aids in initiating the cellular re-
role of a hematoma is to serve as a source of signaling agents sponse to the fracture. A number of TGF-β subtypes help
capable of initiating cellular events critical to fracture healing. mediate cellular and tissue responses to inflammation and
This also explains why some minimally displaced or greenstick tissue repair.37 During the inflammatory phase of fracture
fractures (minimal to no hematoma) may be slow to heal. healing, TGF-β from the extracellular matrix of bone and
Research has focused on factors controlling fracture heal- also from platelets controls the mesenchymal precursor cells
ing in two groups: peptide-signaling proteins (TGF-β, FGF, that may form osteoblasts and osteoclasts. The maximal cel-
PDGF, and BMPs) and immunoregulatory cytokines (IL-1 lular response is ongoing within 24 hours of injury and oc-
and IL-6).25 The peptide-signaling proteins are derived from curs first in the subperiosteal region of the fracture.38,39
platelets and extracellular bone matrix and are critical for Osteogenic induction is stimulation by growth factors to
regulation of cell proliferation and mesenchymal stem cell convert the multipotential cells into osteoprogenitor cells.
differentiation. TGF-β is a multifunctional growth factor The osteoprogenitor cells on the undersurface of the peri-
that controls tissue differentiation in fracture repair. FGFs osteum help form periosteal bone. The osteogenic cells that
increase the proliferation of osteoblasts and chondrocytes originate from the periosteum help manufacture the exter-
and may stimulate the formation of new blood vessels. PDGF nal callus. Endochondral bone formation from the endos-
acts on mesenchymal cell precursors to stimulate osteoblast teal areas combines with subperiosteal bone formation to
differentiation. BMPs are a class of proteins produced in the bridge the fracture.
early stages of fracture repair and strongly stimulate endo- The subperiosteal callus in children initially stabilizes the
chondral ossification. The sole criterion for BMP classifica- area so that the external callus may clinically heal the frac-
tion is the induction of bone formation in a standard in vivo ture by the end of the reparative phase. During remodeling,
rodent assay, and at least 14 BMPs, grouped in the TGF su- this callus decreases and is replaced with the endochondral
perfamily of growth and differentiation factors, have been ossified bone that has formed at the fracture surface.
identified. BMPs are present in bone matrix in a form that
allows for presentation to marrow stromal cells to induce
differentiation into osteoblasts. Furthermore, osteoblasts have
been shown to synthesize and secrete BMPs. Cells that syn- The reparative phase of fracture healing is highlighted by
thesize new bone during fractures also have been shown the development of new blood vessels and the onset of carti-
to be targets of BMPs and to possess BMP receptors. BMPs lage formation. The surrounding soft tissue provides vascu-
(BMP 2, 3, 4, 5, and 8) and BMP receptors are upregulated lar ingrowth initially to the periosteal area and subsequently
in the periosteum as early as 3 days after fracture.34 to the endosteal area. Before the fracture, the cortical blood
Studies utilizing microarray analysis of the genetic response supply was primarily from endosteal bone and branched out
to a fracture demonstrate that the genomic response to a radially from inside the medullary canal. During the repar-
fracture is complex and involves thousands of genes, includ- ative phase, most of the blood supply to the cortex arises
ing the BMPs and other growth factors noted earlier, as well from outside the bone rather than inside.
as immunoregulatory cytokines.10,34–36 The immunoregula- Rat models of fracture healing reveal that intramembra-
tory cytokines are released from inflammatory cells present nous and endochondral bone formation is initiated during
in the hematoma and serve to regulate the early events in the first 10 days. Inflammatory mediators in the fracture he-
fracture healing. matoma recruit chondrocytes capable of producing fracture


Fig. 1.2 Anteroposterior (A) and lat-

eral (B) radiographs of a forearm in a
15-year-old male who underwent open
reduction and internal fixation with
plates/screws. The fracture healing
demonstrates primary bone healing
with rigid fixation. An anteroposterior
radiograph of a forearm in a 5-year-old
at the time of original cast immobiliza-
tion (C) and at 10 weeks (D) with com-
plete fracture union demonstrates sec-
ondary bone healing. The motion that
C D occurs with secondary bone healing
results in abundant callus formation.

callus. The hematoma is eventually replaced by the ingrowth oxygen tension, and more cartilage is formed. Motion at the
of fibrovascular tissue. This developing construct provides fracture site, the presence of a fracture gap, and an intact
structural support to stabilize the bone ends. This primitive soft tissue envelope all encourage the formation of abun-
tissue is eventually replaced through endochondral and in- dant callus (Fig. 1.2C, D). The increased diameter of the
tramembranous bone formation. callus enhances biomechanical stability because the rigidity
Tissue differentiation during the reparative phase is strong- of the bone is proportional to its radius. The callus formed
ly influenced by local mechanical factors. Fracture stability has subsequently undergoes endochondral ossification. Ideal
a critical effect on bone healing. Fracture healing is classically fracture treatment involves enough rigidity to ensure ade-
divided into primary and secondary healing. Primary healing quate vessel ingrowth, followed by progressive loading and
results from rigid stabilization (i.e., plate immobilization) and motion to stimulate ample callus formation.36,40
involves a direct attempt by the cortex to bridge the fracture As the periosteum produces bone beneath it, the perioste-
gap. Bridging occurs through direct haversian remodeling by um is pushed away from the bone and makes a collar of bone
intramembranous bone formation (Fig. 1.2A, B). around the area of injury. Initially, this tissue is more cartilagi-
Secondary healing results from treatment of fractures with nous and fibrous and is not very well ossified. It may not show
less rigid methods (i.e., fracture bracing, casts). In second- up well on a radiograph until the blood supply is adequate
ary healing, more motion at the fracture site leads to lower enough to allow mineralization and conversion to bone.

An important process that occurs between the reparative

and remodeling phases is clinical union of the fracture, PHYSEAL FRACTURE HEALING
which takes place when the bony callus surrounds the frac-
ture fragments and joins the callus coming from the other Cartilage does not heal in the same phases as bone. When
side. At this point, the bone may be stable clinically, and al- the physis is injured, it does not heal by the formation of
though some plastic deformation is still possible with force, callus within the physis. Inflammatory and reparative phases
the bone is usually strong enough that the patient can begin occur in cartilage healing, but cartilage healing has no re-
to use the extremity in a more normal way. modeling phase.19,23 In 1958, Dale and Harris used a rhesus
Although there are many ways suggested in the literature monkey model of physeal fractures and described the pro-
to determine union, clinical examination with radiograph- cess of physeal fracture healing: initially the gap in the phy-
ic evidence of healing is the most important in assessing sis is filled with fibrin, and new bone formation ceases. The
union.41 Clinical union has occurred when the fracture site calcified cartilage cells on the metaphyseal side of the frac-
is no longer tender and does not move during examination ture line persist unaltered, while the cells on the epiphyseal
and when physiologic loading does not cause pain. Radio- side of the fracture continue to grow. These two processes
graphic union occurs later when radiographs demonstrate lead to a temporary but pronounced increase in the thick-
bone bridging across the fracture. This point demarcates ness of the physeal plate in healing physeal fractures, which
the end of the reparative phase and the beginning of the creates widening at the physis radiographically. Finally, cal-
remodeling phase. lus grows from the metaphysis and periosteum of the shaft
across the physeal fracture gap and reunites the epiphysis
to the metaphysis and shaft. Once this occurs, the vascular
supply is restored and normal endochondral ossification re-
Remodeling is the final phase of bone healing. It may last sumes; the physeal thickness rapidly returns to normal as
for a short time in a young child, or continue throughout the dead and dying chondrocytes on the metaphyseal side
growth or even beyond the end of growth in an older child. of the physis are calcified, and the calcified cartilage is then
Once the bone is clinically stabilized, the ongoing stresses replaced with bone.45
and strains on the bone that normally cause modeling are Most physeal fractures heal uneventfully, and normal
responsible for remodeling this early soft woven bone. After growth resumes. Occasionally, however, physeal bars form
fractures in children, the bone usually returns to normal ra- after fractures through the physis, and shortening or angu-
diographically and clinically. lar deformity develops. There are a few theories for physeal
One complete skeletal turnover occurs during a child’s bar etiology: (1) axial compression causes injury to germi-
first year of life. This turnover declines to about 10% per year nal chondrocytes;33,46 (2) anastomoses between epiphyseal
in late childhood and continues at about this rate or a little and metaphyseal blood supplies lead to bone formation be-
slower for life.24 Remodeling does not result from the activity tween the two;16 and (3) fractures extending to the physeal-
of a single type of cell, such as osteoclasts or osteoblasts, but epiphyseal border may disrupt the vascular supply to the
rather results from coordinated absorption and formation physis.47 The axial compression theory seems less likely be-
of bone over large regions around the fracture. The control cause chondrocytes are better able to withstand compressive
mechanisms for the remodeling phase of bone are believed loads than immature bone, and metaphyseal bone would
to be the bioelectric behavior that is responsible for model- likely fail first. Occasionally, fractures occur that result in
ing bone, according to Wolff’s law. As bone is subjected to metaphyseal bone contacting epiphyseal bone; in addition,
the stresses of use during normal activities, the bone remod- some authors have suggested that repeated attempts at
els appropriately for those stresses. Because a child’s bone closed reduction may result in “grinding away” the physis14
is normally modeling anyway (actively changing in response or predisposing to growth arrest.48 The vascular theories dif-
to growth and stress), a child’s bone remodels significantly ferentiate physeal fracture prognosis based on the plane of
faster than an adult’s. This remodeling typically involves ad- the fracture within the physis. Previously, it was believed that
dition of bone to the concavity of angular deformities (com- physeal fractures almost always occurred within the zone of
pression side) and subtraction of bone from the convexity hypertrophy of the physis,46 but now the variability of the
(tension side), resulting in a “rounding off” of the angle. fracture plane has been noted.19,47
Systemic factors can affect the rate of bone healing. In ad- Basic science studies of physeal bar formation demon-
dition to the age of the patient, hormonal factors that may strate that bars form by primary ossification47,49 along ver-
help promote bone healing are growth hormone, thyroid tical septa created when fractures extend to or through the
hormone, calcitonin, insulin, anabolic steroids, and vita- physeal-epiphyseal border.47 Some clinical research suggests
mins A and B.19 that periosteum interposed in physeal fractures may con-
Factors that have been shown to discourage bone healing tribute to bar development,50 although basic science work
are diabetes, corticosteroids, exposure to cigarette smoke, shows only minor shortening without an increase in bar for-
and certain endocrinopathies. Denervation, irradiation, mation.51 Physeal arrest appears to be less likely to occur
and high doses of hyperbaric oxygen may also slow the heal- when it involves only the hypertrophic zone but more likely
ing of fractures. to occur when involving the basement plate of the physis.52
Historically, nonsteroidal antiinflammatory medications Anatomic reduction of displaced physeal fractures seems
in children were avoided because of concern for fracture to decrease the rate of premature physeal closure, especial-
healing. However, more recent basic science and clinical ly for fractures that involve the epiphyseal-articular surface
studies suggest that it is unlikely to affect healing of frac- (Salter-Harris types III and IV),16,53 and perhaps for some
tures in children.42–44 physeal-metaphyseal fractures (Salter-Harris type II).50 This

is controversial because surgical reduction of distal tibial fractures; some investigators have hypothesized that disrup-
fractures was not shown to reduce the incidence of prema- tion of the periosteal sleeve or increasing vascularity of the
ture physeal closure, which still remained high at 43%.54 bone after a fracture increases longitudinal growth.19,23 This
Physeal fracture healing in clinical and basic science studies phenomenon most frequently compensates for fractures
is rapid; almost all fractures heal within 3 weeks. that heal with shortening but occasionally results in the in-
jured limb being longer. The same cells and processes that
govern normal growth are involved in fracture healing.55
DIFFERENCES BETWEEN PEDIATRIC AND Studying growth mechanisms with microarray technology
ADULT FRACTURE HEALING demonstrates the complexity of the genetic response to a
fracture. In a study of femoral overgrowth mechanisms in
One of the primary differences between pediatric and adult a rat model, more than 5000 genes in the proximal femo-
bone is that the periosteum in children is very thick. The ral physis were noted to respond significantly to fractures.
periosteum around the fracture site walls off the hemato- Genes related to vascular development and growth were
ma and is stripped from the bone as bleeding occurs—a downregulated, which casts doubt on the widely held asser-
primary factor in the amount of new bone formed around tion that femoral overgrowth is a consequence of increased
a fracture. The area of bone necrosis on either side of the vascularity in the limb after a fracture.35 It has been postu-
fracture surface must be replaced by viable bone through lated that mechanical factors, such as tension within the
the process of bone resorption and deposition. This process surrounding periosteum, may have some control over the
leads to an initial radiographic appearance of sclerosis at the growth rate.18,19 This is clinically best exemplified by post-
fracture site because new bone is being formed on the exist- traumatic tibia valgus after proximal tibial metaphyseal frac-
ing necrotic bone. The area around the necrotic bone elicits tures in children (the Cozen phenomenon).56–58 Recent
an inflammatory response. Because pediatric bone is more basic science data by Halanski et al59 confirmed that disrup-
vascular than adult bone, the inflammatory (hyperemic) re- tion of the periosteum would accelerate growth. This pat-
sponse is more rapid and significant. Temperatures as high tern of overgrowth is not observed in adult fracture healing,
as 40°C may be noted after major long bone fractures. This and thus, fracture shortening at union will be permanent.
hyperemic inflammatory reaction may also be responsible
for growth stimulation, which may result in overgrowth of GROWTH ARREST LINES OR GROWTH
the bone. The early stage of fracture healing is shorter in a
child than in an adult.14,19
The major reason for the increased speed of healing of In radiographs of bones that were fractured several weeks
children’s fractures is the periosteum, which contributes the to months previously, transverse lines may be seen in the
largest part of new bone formation around a fracture. Chil- metaphyseal region. These lines are usually referred to as
dren have significantly greater osteoblastic activity in this Harris growth arrest lines, or the transverse lines of Park,60
area because bone is already being formed beneath the peri- and are unique to children’s bones after a fracture or injury.
osteum as part of normal growth. This already active process These transversely oriented trabeculae occur in bones that
is readily accelerated after a fracture. Periosteal callus bridg- are normally growing rapidly (e.g., femur or tibia) and in
es fractures in children long before the underlying hemato- those in which the trabeculae are predominantly longitudi-
ma forms a cartilage anlage that goes on to ossify. Once cel- nally oriented (Fig. 1.3). When growth deceleration occurs,
lular organization from the hematoma has passed through as happens immediately after a fracture of an extremity, the
the inflammatory process, repair of the bone begins in the bone is, in effect, standing still and making transversely ori-
area of the fracture. In most children, by 10 days to 2 weeks ented trabeculae. The calcified cartilage and bone formed
after the fracture, a rubberlike bone forms around the frac- has increased density and is evident radiographically after
ture and makes it difficult to manipulate. The fracture site further growth. Arrest lines should parallel the physeal con-
is still tender, however, and not yet ready for mobilization of tour if the physis is growing normally. After a fracture, these
the adjacent joints. lines are typically visible 6 to 12 weeks after injury and can
As part of the reparative phase, cartilage formed as the provide the orthopedist with the ability to assess and pre-
hematoma organizes is eventually replaced by bone through dict abnormal growth.60 A specific effort should be made to
the process of endochondral bone formation. Fracture heal- look for these arrest lines during radiographic evaluation of
ing is a recapitulation of bone development that, as noted childhood fractures, especially those involving the physes,
previously, involves a complex interaction of multiple cell because lines that do not parallel the physis indicate an area
types and cellular processes.55 of physeal damage or an osseous bridge.60,61 Arrest lines that
The remodeling phase of fracture healing may continue do not parallel the physis point to an area of abnormal phy-
for some time, particularly in more displaced fractures. The seal growth.
motion of the adjacent joints and the use of the extremity The physes that grow more rapidly (e.g., the distal end of
accelerate remodeling. The stresses and strains of regular the femur or the proximal end of the tibia) have arrest lines
use of the bone directly promote remodeling of the frac- farthest from the physis. In the metaphyseal areas of bones,
tured bone into a bone that closely resembles the original where the slowest growth occurs, transverse trabeculae may
structure. be difficult to see radiographically or may not form at all.
Children also vary from adults as bone overgrowth has Transversely oriented Harris lines may also result from
been seen in pediatric fracture healing. Fractures distant any type of stress on the bone that causes a temporary slow-
from the physis can also result in changes in growth patterns. down in the formation of longitudinally oriented bone.
This is particularly evident in overgrowth after femoral shaft Such stresses include systemic illness, fever, and starvation,

Fig. 1.3 Anteroposterior (A) and lateral (B)

radiographs of the knee of a 12-year-old
child 6 months after a femoral shaft frac-
ture. Arrest lines parallel to the physis can
be seen in the metaphyseal area of the
distal end of the femur and proximal tib-
ia (arrows). The temporary depression of
growth at the time of injury results in more
horizontal trabeculae being laid down,
thereby increasing the density of bone at A B
that level.

as well as skeletal trauma.62 Similar lines can be seen in immature long bones occurs at the growth plate and along
skeletally immature patients being treated with bisphospho- the shaft.67 Accelerated growth of the injured bone (as well
nates, and are called zebra lines in osteogenesis imperfecta as surrounding bones) can occur, leading to limb length dis-
patients.63,64 crepancy (usually the femur or humerus).68 Growth, howev-
er, can produce deformity if the growth plate is injured or
if trauma has altered muscle forces on an extremity, as may
occur after a spinal cord injury or traumatic brain injury.
The remodeling ability of bone in children may make reduc- Remodeling may occur readily in the plane of a joint
tion accuracy less important than it is in adults. Remodeling is (Fig. 1.5), but it occurs far less readily, if at all, in chil-
a commonly used term in pediatric fracture care, implying dren with rotational deformity or angular deformity not
that the child has the ability to straighten and correct resid- in the plane of the joint.14,65,66,69 Abraham67 studied the
ual deformity with growth. This capability depends not only remodeling potential of immature monkeys and found
on the mechanisms of bone remodeling described earlier that remodeling occurred at the growth plate and along
during the remodeling phase of fracture healing (Wolff’s the concavity of the shaft deformity, with minimal resorp-
law) but also on reorientation of the physis by asymmetric tion on the convexity of the shaft. Diaphyseal remodeling
growth after a fracture (Hueter-Volkmann law or Delpech’s and physeal reorientation with growth contributed simi-
law). Younger children have greater remodeling potential. lar amounts to the degree of remodeling. In femoral shaft
The amount depends on the age of the child, location of the fractures in children, 75% of the remodeling of angular de-
injury in the bone (proximity to the physis), degree of defor- formities takes place in the physis, and 25% comes from
mity, and whether the deformity is in the plane of motion of appositional remodeling of the diaphysis.70 The physis ad-
the adjacent joint.3,65,66 Clinical judgment and experience jacent to a fracture realigns itself with asymmetric growth
are required to guide decision-making regarding defining to become perpendicular to the forces acting through the
“acceptable” reductions, but obtaining the best reduction bone, and most authors believe this is the primary mecha-
possible during initial treatment is advisable because it will nism for remodeling.66
lessen reliance on remodeling. Remodeling does not occur Significant angulation in the midportion of long bones
in displaced intraarticular fractures; thus reduction, usual- is not usually acceptable and does not remodel very well,
ly by open methods, is needed. In children, remodeling is depending on the age of the child. In children younger
often relied on for the treatment of proximal humeral and than 8 years, residual angulation is more acceptable. If the
distal radial injuries because these physes contribute greatly angulation is less than 30 degrees and is within the plane
to the length of the respective segment, and the joints have of the joint, remodeling toward normal alignment can be
wide ranges of motion. Remarkable remodeling has been expected.2,19 The potential for remodeling to an acceptable
documented in cases of these fractures (Fig. 1.4). functional and cosmetic outcome depends on many factors,
The effect of growth on fracture healing usually aids in including which bone is fractured, how close the fracture is
fracture treatment because some angulation and deformity to a joint, the orientation to the joint axis, and the amount
remodels with growth. Remodeling of angular deformities of of growth remaining for the child.66 Side-to-side (bayonet or


Fig. 1.4 Anteroposterior of a 9-year-

old with a distal radius fracture that
was pinned in poor position (A), now 4
weeks out from pinning (x-ray after pin
removal). Anteroposterior of the same
distal radius fracture (B) at 12 months
from the injury with complete remod-
eling. Anteroposterior of a proximal
humerus fracture in an 11-year-old at
the time of injury (C) and at 6 months
(D). Similar to the distal radius, these
anatomic locations have tremendous
remodeling potential secondary to the
C D large contribution of growth from ad-
jacent physes.

Fig. 1.5 (A) Radiograph of the distal por-

tion of the radius in an 11-year-old girl at
the time of cast removal 6 weeks after inju-
ry. (B) A lateral radiograph taken 3 months
later shows considerable remodeling of the
fracture in the plane of the joint.

Fig. 1.6 Radiograph of a femoral shaft fracture in a 2-year-

old boy in a spica cast at the time of injury (A) and at 12
months postinjury (B). The fracture demonstrates bayonet
apposition with otherwise good alignment. The bayonet ap- A B
position remodeled within 12 months in this young child.

Fig. 1.7 Stress films illustrating injuries to the

proximal tibial physis (A), the medial collateral
ligament (B), and the distal femoral physis (C)
in skeletally immature children. Stress films
are no longer recommended. The diagnosis
of a nondisplaced Salter I physeal fracture is
made based on local tenderness and swell-
ing over the physis.

overriding) apposition of bone is acceptable as long as align-

ment is accurate (Fig. 1.6). This position leads to prompt,
strong union with solid periosteal bone bridging.57 As the skeleton of a child grows, it develops from a relatively
elastic and rubbery type of biomechanical material to the
COMPLICATIONS OF FRACTURES IN CHILDREN more rigid structure of an adult skeleton. Because of the
amount of radiolucent cartilaginous material in pediatric
bone, comparison films are sometimes necessary to deter-
Delayed union and nonunion rarely occur in healthy chil- mine whether a radiograph is abnormal, and this lack of
dren. In a series of more than 2000 fractures in children, clarity in the radiograph can make diagnosis of fractures
not a single case of nonunion was seen.71 Lateral condyle difficult. The types of injuries may also be different in chil-
fractures of the distal humerus are one of the few childhood dren; for example, ligamentous injuries and dislocations
injuries with a predilection for nonunion, but displaced frac- are rare. Injuries around the knee frequently lead to liga-
tures treated with accurate reduction and fixation rarely fail mentous and meniscal injuries in adults. In children, the
to heal.72 Exceptions to uneventful fracture healing occur in distal femoral or proximal tibial physis is more likely to be
older children with open injuries that have severe soft tissue injured because it is the weak link (Fig. 1.7). Previously,
injury or that become infected. Refracture is uncommon, stress radiographs were recommended, but these are usually
although in malaligned forearm fractures, refracture may unnecessary because the diagnosis can be made by a com-
occur after mobilization.73 Myositis ossificans and stiffness plete history and physical examination and confirmed at
in joints secondary to fractures are rare. Physical therapy to follow-up when radiographs demonstrate a widened physis
regain motion is seldom necessary in children because re- consistent with a healing growth plate injury. Ligamentous
turn of motion and function is typical as the child resumes injuries in skeletally immature children are uncommon, but
normal activities and play. they do occur and become more frequent in adolescence as

Fig. 1.8 (A) Anteroposterior and lateral ra-

diographs of a 15-year-old boy who sus-
tained a displaced transverse fracture of
the diaphysis of his tibia. (B) Follow-up at
4 months shows abundant periosteal heal-
ing, although a portion of the fracture line is
still evident. It is characteristic for pediatric
long bone fractures to heal early with peri-
A B osteal callus; secondarily, the diaphyseal
cortex heals and remodels.

Fig. 1.9 (A) Radiograph of a 7-year-old boy

who sustained a fracture of the medial mal-
leolus, as shown in this mortise view. The
fracture was treated with closed reduction
and application of a long leg cast. (B) Mor-
tise view of the ankle of the same patient 4
years after his injury. The medial malleolus
portion of the epiphysis has healed to the
metaphyseal area of this Salter-Harris type
IV injury. He has not only an incongruous
growth plate but also an incongruous ankle
joint (arrows). Intraarticular fractures such
as this one should be treated with open
reduction and internal fixation to anatom-
ically restore both the joint surface and the
growth plate.

the transition to skeletal maturity occurs.5 As noted earlier, The most obvious anatomic differences in the pediatric
traditional teaching that twisting ankle injuries cause distal skeleton are the presence of growth plates and the thick peri-
fibular physeal injuries more commonly than ligamentous osteum. Growth plate injuries and epiphyseal injuries can
injuries in children has been challenged by studies using ad- lead to growth disturbance that may be significant (Fig. 1.9).
vanced imaging techniques.4,5 Treatment of injury to the growth plate and epiphysis par-
Pediatric bony injuries are more often treated by closed allels adult intraarticular injuries in that pediatric articular
reduction than by open reduction because of the short time injuries require anatomic reduction to preserve joint func-
to union and the ease of obtaining and maintaining near-an- tion and growth potential. As noted earlier, the periosteum
atomic reductions, as well as the potential for remodeling in children is much thicker, more active, less readily torn,
(Fig. 1.8). The quality of anesthesia/analgesia provided and more easily stripped from the bone than in adults. The
to the child is strongly correlated with the quality of the periosteum helps both in reduction (where intact perioste-
reduction.22 um on the concavity of the deformity serves as a hinge) and

in maintenance of reduction and contributes immensely to

rapid fracture healing. The intact periosteum helps reduce
the amount of displacement and is the primary reason for
more stable fractures in children.

At birth, most epiphyses are completely cartilaginous struc-
tures. The length of time for formation of the secondary
ossification center within the epiphysis varies, with the dis-
tal portion of the femur being formed first.65 A global type
of growth plate is present in the epiphysis, as evidenced by
columns of chondrocytes and growth potential at the physis
occurring between the epiphysis and metaphysis and also
just beneath the articular surface. When the epiphysis is en-
tirely cartilaginous, it is almost completely protected from
injury; traumatic forces tend to fracture the diaphysis or me-
taphysis, or infrequently, they may disrupt the physis, as is
seen in distal humeral physeal separations in infants. Once
bone has formed within the epiphysis, it is more likely to
be broken, but epiphyseal fractures are much less common
than fractures of the diaphysis and metaphysis. When the A B
epiphysis is nearly all bone, it is subject to injury, much like
the remainder of the bones. Fig. 1.10 Anteroposterior radiographs of 12-year old male who un-
derwent open reduction and internal fixation of a supracondylar femur
PHYSIS fracture at 1 month (A) and 18 months (B) postoperative. The signifi-
cant growth of the distal femur resulted in physis “growing away” from
The growth plate remains cartilaginous throughout devel- the screws and the screws becoming prominent on the medial side.
opment. As the child grows older, the physis becomes thin-
ner, and it is easier to disrupt the growth plate by injury.
The most common location of injury in Salter-Harris type physis that are left in growing patients can result in substan-
I injuries is classically described as through the lower hy- tial valgus deformity.75,76
pertrophic zone of the physis, but variation in the plane of
physeal fractures has been noted.47 Physeal anatomy chang- DIAPHYSIS
es markedly with growth. Infants and newborns have fewer The diaphysis is the principal portion of the long bone and
mammillary processes that stabilize the epiphysis on the me- is extremely vascular in the newborn. With further growth it
taphysis. However, with further growth, particularly in the dis- becomes less vascular, and the cortical bone thickens. The
tal femoral region, prominent mammillary processes help diaphysis grows in diameter by periosteum-mediated mem-
the physis secure the epiphysis to the metaphysis, which is branous bone formation.
likely a response to physiologic demand and the need to re-
sist torsional forces. The proximal femoral physis changes BIOMECHANICAL DIFFERENCES AND CHANGES
considerably with growth and eventually forms two separate
physeal areas: the capital femoral epiphysis and, below it,
the trochanteric physis. Pediatric bone is less dense, more porous, and is penetrat-
ed by more vascular channels than adult bone.62 It has a
METAPHYSIS comparatively lower modulus of elasticity, lower bending
The metaphysis is the trumpet-shaped end of long bones. strength, and lower mineral content.77 Immature bone has
It has a thinner cortical area and increased trabecular bone greater porosity on cross section, and immature cortical
and is wider than the corresponding diaphyseal part of the bone has a greater number of osteon systems traversing the
bone. Porosity in the metaphyseal area is greater than in the cortex than mature bone. The increased porosity of pedi-
diaphyseal area, and the periosteum is more firmly attached atric bone helps prevent propagation of fracture lines, ex-
in the metaphyseal area as it gets closer to the physis. plaining the infrequency of comminuted fractures in chil-
Much bone remodeling occurs in the metaphyseal region dren. A comparison of load deformation curves of fractures
of a bone after a fracture. Periosteal bone forms in the area in pediatric and adult bone shows a long plastic phase in
joining the diaphysis to the epiphysis. This area progressive- children.77 The porosity and rough mechanical fracture sur-
ly transforms back into a trumpet-shaped metaphyseal cor- face prolong the time and energy absorption before bone is
tex with longitudinal growth. broken. Adult bone almost always fails in tension, whereas
The remodeling of the metaphyseal region to create the bone in children can fail either in tension or in compres-
trumpet shape can be an issue after plates and screws are sion (buckle or torus fractures).62
placed in the metaphysis for fractures. Physeal growth re- When bones are bent, stress on the tension side is about
sults in the physis “growing away” from the plate, and the the same as on the compression side. Because bone has a
“cut-back” remodeling can result in long screws that are lower yield stress in tension than in compression, bone yields
prominent medially (Fig. 1.10).74 In addition to this prob- first on the tension side. As the bending continues, a crack
lem, lateral plates placed on the distal femur adjacent to the travels across the bone from the tension side toward the

Fig. 1.12 Torus fractures usually occur at the junction (arrow) of me-
Fig. 1.11 Plastic deformation in the radius and ulna of a 2-year-old taphyseal and diaphyseal bone. The more porous metaphyseal bone
patient after a fall. The bones are plastically deformed at the midshaft, fails in compression.
with volar compression and dorsal tension failure, but without fracture
compression side. Depending on the amount of energy Plastic deformation of bone is essentially unique to chil-
to be absorbed, the large pores in growing bone may stop dren. It is most commonly seen in the ulna and, occasional-
propagation of the fracture line, which may leave a portion ly, the fibula. If no hematoma is formed, periosteal elevation
of the cortex intact on the compression side and result in a and significant callus formation may not occur to promote
greenstick fracture.1 remodeling, and the bone may be permanently deformed.
Bone is said to be elastic if it returns to its original shape If the deformity occurs in a child younger than 4 years or
after the load is removed. If bone does not return to its if the deformation is less than 20 degrees, the angulation
original shape and residual deformity remains after the usually corrects with growth.1 Plastic deformation that pro-
load is released, bone has undergone plastic deformation. duces clinically evident deformity should usually be reduced
Incomplete failure in tension in which the fracture line because remodeling can be unreliable.
does not propagate through bone results in plastic de-
formity of bone (Fig. 1.11). If enough plastic deformity is
present in the remaining cortex, it may be necessary to
complete the fracture as part of treatment. Completing A buckle fracture, also an injury primarily of childhood,
the fracture is usually done by reversing the deformity so is a compression failure of bone that usually occurs at the
that the remaining cortex is placed under tension until it junction of the metaphysis and diaphysis. In the metaphy-
fails.1 sis, where porosity is greatest, bone in compression may be
buckled by the denser bone of the diaphysis (Fig. 1.12). The
more cortical diaphyseal bone may be pushed into the more
CLASSIFICATION OF CHILDREN’S porous metaphyseal bone and may create a torus fracture,
FRACTURES so named because of its similarity to the raised band around
the base of a classical Greek column.62
The anatomic and biomechanical differences in the pe-
diatric skeleton necessitate different classification sys-
tems to describe children’s fractures. Pediatric fractures
can be classified into five types: (1) plastic deformation, Greenstick fractures occur when a bone is bent, and the
(2) buckle fractures (near the metaphysis), (3) green- tension side of the bone fails. The bone begins to fracture,
stick fractures, (4) complete fractures, and (5) physeal but the fracture line does not propagate entirely through
fractures. the bone. Incomplete failure on the compression side of

the bone allows plastic deformity to occur. In children, if

bone undergoes plastic deformation, it does not recoil to an
anatomic position and usually must be completely broken
to restore normal alignment. Bone is viscoelastic, meaning
that its response to loading depends on the rate at which
the load is applied. Remembering this when correcting
plastic deformation and greenstick fractures can be helpful
because slow application of steadily increasing amounts of
force over a fulcrum can result in gradual return of more
normal alignment.

Fractures that propagate completely through a bone may
be described in several ways, based on the pattern of the

Spiral fractures are usually created by a rotational force on
the bone. They are typically low-velocity injuries. An intact
periosteal hinge enables reduction of the fracture by revers-
ing the rotational injury. A B
OBLIQUE FRACTURES Fig. 1.13 (A and B) Lateral radiographs of a dorsally displaced trans-
Oblique fractures occur diagonally across diaphyseal bone, verse distal radial and ulnar fracture, which is easily reduced by use
of the intact dorsal periosteum to aid in locking the distal fragments
usually at about 30 degrees to the axis of the bone. Analo-
in place.
gous to complete fractures in an adult, these injuries usually
cause more significant disruption of the soft tissues, includ-
ing the periosteum. Because these fractures are unstable
and may be difficult to hold in anatomic reduction, align-
ment is important. Fracture reduction is attempted by im-
mobilizing the extremity while applying traction.

Transverse fractures through pediatric bone usually occur
from three-point bending and are readily reduced by use
of the periosteum on the concave side of the fracture force.
The periosteum on the side opposite the force is typically
torn. The three-point mold type of immobilization usual-
ly maintains this diaphyseal fracture in a reduced position
(Fig. 1.13).
Butterfly fragments are not common in pediatric injuries
but result from a mechanism similar to that causing a trans-
verse fracture; the butterfly fragment remains on the side of
the apical force of the three-point bend. This injury occurs
in the highly cortical area of the diaphysis—usually in the
midshaft of the femur, tibia, or ulna (Fig. 1.14).

Injuries to the epiphysis of a bone almost always involve the
growth plate, but most physeal fractures do not involve the
epiphysis (or therefore the articular surface). Problems after Fig. 1.14 Radiograph of the femur in a 7-year-old patient involved in
injury to the growth plate are not common, but any time the a motor vehicle collision. The butterfly fragment typically lies on the
physis is injured, the potential for growth disturbance exists. side of the apical force of the three-point bend.
The distal radial physis is often cited as the most frequent-
ly injured physis.15 Usually, the growth plate repairs well compromise of the physis, or bone growth bridging from
and rapidly, and most physeal injuries heal within 3 weeks. the metaphysis to the bony portion of the epiphysis. The
The rapid healing provides a limited window for reduction damage can result in progressive angular deformity, limb
of deformity because late reduction (later than 1 week) after length discrepancy, or joint incongruity.
early physeal healing has occurred may cause physeal dam- Injury to the physis has been studied extensively.3,14,45,78
age.48,78 Damage to the plate can occur by crushing, vascular These studies show an age-dependent change in the stability

1 2 3 4 5

Fig. 1.15 Illustration of the Salter-Harris

classification of epiphyseal injuries (see
text). (From Salter RB, Harris WR. Injuries
involving the epiphyseal plate. J Bone Joint
Surg Am. 1963;45:587.)

of the epiphysis on the metaphysis. The physis and epiphyses more variable in a type II injury. As the fracture line cours-
are firmly connected externally by periosteum and internal- es toward the compression side of the injury, it propagates
ly by the mammillary processes. The physis is a hard, rub- through the metaphyseal area. The periosteal attachment
bery material that is more susceptible to injury by rotation along the metaphyseal fragment can be used to aid in reduc-
than by angulation or traction. tion of the injury.
Injuries involving the growth plate usually occur at the Growth disruption secondary to type I and type II inju-
junction of calcifying cartilage cells or those that are uncal- ries is infrequent, although it can occur, particularly if the
cified, although recent studies demonstrate the variability circulation to the epiphysis is disrupted. Anatomic reduc-
of the fracture plane within the physis.46,47 With epiphyseal tion is not generally required with type I and type II inju-
injury, the growth plate is generally attached to the epiphy- ries, although one study in distal tibia fractures describes
seal side of the fracture, and anatomic reduction of the joint persistent gaps (>3 mm) after reduction as correlated with
surface usually results in anatomic reduction of the growth an increased incidence of premature physeal closure,50 but
plate. The fracture plane does not always propagate directly a later study by the same group did not confirm this find-
through the hypertrophic zone but may at some places un- ing.54 These injuries are adjacent to the joint, and the entire
dulate into the germinal zone of the physis or into the epiph- epiphysis is intact.
ysis or metaphysis. Changes in physeal contour are caused A type III fracture is intraarticular and passes through the
by the mammillary processes extending into the metaphysis epiphysis until it reaches the growth plate. The fracture line
and play a role in determining the fracture plane. The distal then courses through the growth plate to the periosteal sur-
femoral growth plate is shaped such that fragments of the face. This type of fracture usually occurs when the growth
metaphysis are often broken off when the growth plate is plate is beginning to undergo closure. As such, problems per-
injured, and its propensity for physeal bar formation may be taining to growth arrest may not be major. With anatomic
related to its large number of mammillary processes. reduction of the articular surface, the physis is usually ana-
Physeal injuries are usually classified by the Salter-Harris tomically reduced as well, and growth arrest after anatomic
classification system,46 which is based on the radiographic reduction usually does not occur.
appearance of the fracture (Fig. 1.15). Injury may occur to A type IV injury is also intra-articular and involves the
the epiphysis, growth plate, metaphysis, or perichondrial epiphysis as well as the metaphysis. The fracture line crosses
ring. through the growth plate. The injury is similar to a type III
In a type I fracture, the epiphysis separates completely fracture in that the articular surface must be anatomically
from the metaphysis without any radiographically evident reduced. A more vertical split of all zones of the physis oc-
fracture through ossified bone. The periosteum usually re- curs, and the physis must be anatomically reduced to restore
mains attached to the growth plate, thereby preventing sig- the architecture of the growth plate and minimize the risk of
nificant displacement of the epiphysis from the metaphysis. osseous bridge formation.
In patients with very little periosteal disruption, a slight wid- Considerable debate exists concerning type V injuries.
ening of the physis may be the only radiographic sign of The original type V injury as described by Salter was a crush
an injury through the physis. Although type I injuries are injury to the growth plate.14 A type V fracture cannot be
not usually associated with vascular change, complete sepa- recognized on initial radiographs because it appears to
ration of the capital femoral epiphysis can result in avascular be a type I injury. These injuries are very uncommon, but
necrosis and growth arrest of the proximal end of the femur. any injury accompanied by clinical swelling and tenderness
The larger the ossification center, the greater the tenden- around the growth plate and associated with considerable
cy of the injury to produce a metaphyseal fragment on the axial load could possibly become a type V fracture, as evi-
compression side of the injury. denced by early closure of the physis after injury.
In a type II fracture, the most common Salter-Harris frac- The Salter-Harris classification is useful as a rapid means
ture pattern,79 the injury passes through the growth plate of describing a physeal injury based on radiographic in-
and out through a portion of the metaphysis. The perioste- terpretation. A more complex and inclusive classification
um is usually damaged on the tension side, but the fracture scheme was proposed by Ogden.19,80 It includes nine types
leaves the periosteum intact in the region of the metaphyseal of fractures that are further divided into subtypes A through
fragment. As in a type I injury, the line of fracture separation D. Peterson also developed a physeal injury classifica-
usually occurs along the hypertrophic and calcified zones tion.19,79–82 The Ogden and Peterson classifications have not
of the physis. However, propagation along this junction is been used as often.

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2 Physeal Injuries
Amirhossein Misaghi | Jonathan G. Schoenecker | Alexandre Arkader

INTRODUCTION orientation of the collagen fibers occurs. This is an area of

high oxygen tension. With hypertrophy of the chondrocytes
Preservation of the structure and function of the growth (to 5–10 times their original size), there is physically less
plate, or physis, is essential for normal growth. Physes are space for the extracellular matrix and its strengthening ef-
composed of cartilage. They may be weaker than surround- fect. The hypertrophic zone is therefore the weakest layer of
ing bone and ligaments and therefore are prone to injuries the physis under tension, shear, and bending stress,3 and it
in tension or shear. Different physes respond differently is the most common area for fractures. In the zone of pro-
to injury, and each must be approached as a distinct enti- visional calcification, metaphyseal vascular invasion allows
ty; careful attention should be paid to the child’s age, the mineralization of the matrix to occur, and programmed
growth potential of the affected area, the location, and the cell death of the chondrocytes is initiated. With the vascular
type of injury. Long-term complications of physeal injuries invasion come osteoblasts and osteoclasts, allowing the for-
include growth arrest and progressive angular deformities, mation of the primary spongiosa and its subsequent remod-
and these are often best managed with early recognition. eling to more mature secondary spongiosa that no longer
contains remnants of the cartilaginous precursor.
The physis is connected to the epiphysis and metaphysis
RELEVANT BASIC SCIENCE peripherally via the zone of Ranvier and the perichondral
ring of LaCroix. The zone of Ranvier is a circumferential
The physis is the primary center for skeletal growth of long notch containing cells (i.e., osteoblasts, chondrocytes, and
bones and should be distinguished from the epiphysis, or fibroblasts), fibers, and a bony lamina located at the pe-
secondary ossification center. Physes have been described riphery of the physis. It also contributes to latitudinal or
as either pressure (compression) or traction (tensile) re-
sponsive; the latter are also referred to as apophyses. Pri- Epiphyseal blood vessels
mary physes are initially discoid areas of rapidly maturing
cartilage, but with increasing biomechanical stress, especial-
ly shear stress, they undergo changes in contour known as
undulations.1 Planar physes contribute primarily to longitu-
dinal growth, and spherical physes contribute almost exclu-
sively to circumferential expansion of bone. The physes also
differ in morphology according to their skeletal location. Resting layer
The rapidly growing distal femoral physis, for example, has
elongated cell columns, in contrast to the shortened cell
column formation in the slowly growing phalangeal physis. Proliferative layer
Cartilage cells grow continually toward the side of the
physis facing the epiphysis of a long bone, whereas on the
metaphyseal side, cartilage is continually replaced by bone.
Hypertrophic layer
When growth is complete, the physes are resorbed and re-
placed by primary spongiosa (bone) that fuses the epiphysis Zone of calcification
permanently to the metaphysis. In males, most physes are
closed at about 18 years of age, although the medial clavicle
physis may not close until age 25 years; in females, growth in
the length of the bones ceases about 2 years earlier.
The physis can be divided into zones according to its
function (Fig. 2.1).2 In the resting and proliferative layers,
the cells are relatively small and surrounded by a mechan-
ically strong, thick layer of matrix. It is in the resting layer
that germinal cells of stem cell origin are found. They exist Metaphysis with blood vessels
in an area of low oxygen tension and respond to circulat- Fig. 2.1 Diagrammatic representation of the zones of the physis.
ing hormones. As the cells proliferate, they appear as thin (From Ramachandran M: Basic orthopaedic sciences: the Stanmore
disks and palisades. In the extracellular matrix, longitudinal guide, New York, 2007, Oxford University Press.)


appositional growth. The periosteal sleeve is firmly attached Epiphysis

to each end of a bone at the zone of Ranvier and the peri-
chondrium of the epiphysis, and is thought to be an anatom-
ic restraint to rapid, uncontrolled longitudinal growth.4,5
The perichondral ring of LaCroix is a strong, fibrous struc-
ture that secures the epiphysis to the metaphysis.
There are three sources of blood supply to the physis:
the epiphyseal, metaphyseal, and perichondral circulations.
Resting layer
The epiphyseal vessels (arteries, veins, and capillary net-
work) disperse throughout the chondroepiphysis, except
for the avascular articular cartilage region, within cartilage
channels, occasionally communicating with the metaphyse-
al circulation. The pattern of this vascular network may be Proliferative
of two types.6 In type A epiphyses, which are covered almost layer
entirely by articular cartilage, the blood supply enters from
the metaphyseal side of the physis and is therefore prone
to injury during epiphyseal separation. The proximal femur
and proximal radius are the only two type A epiphyses. In
type B epiphyses, which are only partially covered by artic-
ular cartilage, the blood supply enters from the epiphyse- Hypertrophic
al side of the physis and is therefore protected from injury layer
during epiphyseal separation.
The metaphysis contributes to the strength of the physis Zone of
by way of its trabeculae, although these are susceptible to calcification
compressive forces. When the epiphysis is mainly cartilagi-
nous, it acts as a shock absorber. As the epiphysis ossifies, its
shock-absorbing ability diminishes. Metaphysis with blood vessels
Fig. 2.2 Zones of the physis as seen on histologic examination.
diseases including infections and neoplasms, vascular in-
Physeal injuries have been reported to occur in approxi- sults, and thermal injuries such as those caused by frostbite
mately 30% of children’s long bone fractures.7 They are or lightning.
twice as common in boys as in girls, possibly because the
physes are open for a longer period of time in boys, and boys
participate in more risk-taking behavior and athletics. Most
physeal injuries occur between the ages of 12 and 16 in boys The most characteristic consequence of a physeal injury is
and between the ages of 10 and 12 in girls. The most com- the disruption or cessation of longitudinal bone growth.
mon physeal fractures involve the phalanges of the fingers, Complete growth arrest can result in significant limb length
distal radius, and distal tibia. Distal physes tend to be injured inequality with functional impairment. Partial growth arrest
more frequently than proximal physes. Injuries occur ap- can lead to angular deformities. Other consequences of
proximately equally on right and left limbs, and upper limbs physeal injuries include nonunion (e.g., after a lateral hu-
tend to be more commonly injured than lower limbs. meral condylar fracture), malunion, and avascular necrosis.
The prognosis for future growth is dependent on the type
and mechanism of injury and on the location of the injury
MECHANISM OF INJURY within the physis (Fig. 2.2). If the fracture is limited to the
hypertrophic layer, healing is usually uncomplicated. If the
The mechanism depends on the age of the child. The physis fracture line involves the resting zone or affects multiple
is relatively thick in infancy and childhood and is therefore zones of the physis, growth disturbance is far more likely.8
more prone to injury secondary to shear or tensile forces. Although the exact mechanism that leads to physeal bar for-
In older children and adolescents, a fracture–separation of mation is unclear, Gruber et al hypothesize that injury to
the physis is more common and occurs as the result of a the basement plate of the physis results in an inability of
combination of shear and compressive forces. Intraarticular the physis to heal itself and thus to subsequent physeal bar
fractures may also be caused by transient or near dislocation formation.9 Also, physeal bar formation may occur when the
of a joint secondary to a tensile or shear force. Compressive layers of the physis are not realigned properly, leading to
forces may be transmitted to the physis secondary to severe bony bar formation between the bone of the metaphysis and
abduction or adduction, angular forces applied to a joint that of the epiphysis.
that normally only flexes and extends.
Repetitive microtrauma can also injure the physis, as
seen in examples such as Little League elbow and gymnast
wrist. Other mechanisms of injury include iatrogenic caus- Neurovascular and ligamentous structures adjacent to
es (e.g., insertion of hardware, medications, or irradiation), the physis may be injured as a result of physeal fractures.

Fig. 2.3 Salter–Harris type I injury with

physeal separation through the zone of
hypertrophic cells.

Fig. 2.4 Salter–Harris type II injury, similar to

type I but with a metaphyseal spike (known as
the Thurston–Holland sign).

Ligamentous injuries that result in physeal avulsion occur to subsequent growth disturbance. Five types of fractures are
most often at the tibial spine, at the ulnar styloid, and in described in the classification. The first four types are, in
the phalanges. Combinations of physeal injury and ligamen- fact, combinations of those injuries described by Poland13
tous disruption are most common in the knee, such as tibi- (types I to III) and Aitken10 (types I to III), and the last type
al spine avulsion associated with anterior cruciate ligament was added by Salter and Harris.
avulsion. An SH type I (SH I) fracture occurs entirely through
Compartment syndrome is not commonly associated with the zone of hypertrophic cells, but the surrounding bone
physeal fractures but has been reported with proximal and is not fractured. This may result in complete separation of
distal tibial fractures. A displaced distal radius physeal injury the epiphysis from the metaphysis (Fig. 2.3). Because the
can lead to acute carpal tunnel syndrome. Joint dislocation resting layer remains with the epiphysis, growth is usual-
or an ipsilateral shaft fracture is seen most frequently with ly undisturbed unless there is damage to the epiphyseal
medial epicondylar fractures about the elbow, approximate- blood supply (e.g., proximal femoral epiphyseal traumatic
ly half of which are associated with partial or complete el- separation).
bow dislocation. SH II injuries are similar to type I, except that the fracture
line exits through the metaphysis on the compression side of
the fracture (Thurston–Holland fragment) (Fig. 2.4). The
CLASSIFICATION periosteum remains intact on the metaphyseal side of the
fragment and provides stability once the fracture has been
A number of classification systems have been described for reduced. Again, growth disturbance is unusual because the
physeal fractures, including those by Aitken, Li et al, Ogden, resting layer is intact. This pattern is the most common type.
and Poland.10–13 The most widely used classification, how- SH III fractures are intraarticular injuries with a fracture
ever, is the Salter–Harris (SH) system described in 1963.8 line running through the epiphysis and exiting through the
It is based on the relationship of the fracture line to the physis (Fig. 2.5). There is a high risk of growth arrest, and
layers of the physis, and it has prognostic value with respect any displacement needs to be corrected.

Fig. 2.5 Salter–Harris type III injury with

physeal separation and extension across
the epiphysis into the joint.

Fig. 2.6 Salter–Harris type IV injury with a me-

taphyseal spike; the physis and epiphysis are
both involved.

Fig. 2.7 Peterson type I injuries of the me-

taphysis, with various patterns of exten-
sion to the physis.

SH IV injuries involve a fracture through the metaphysis, This is most often seen in injuries about the medial malle-
physis, and epiphysis (Fig. 2.6). Because the fracture line olus caused by lawnmowers or after an individual has been
crosses the resting layer and enters the joint, anatomic re- dragged along the street by a motor vehicle. Peterson in-
duction is necessary to prevent articular incongruity and troduced a novel classification in 1994 based on a review
osseous bridging across the physis. The risk of growth arrest of 951 fractures.15 Although there are similarities to the
is high. SH scheme, two previously undescribed injury types were
SH V fractures involve a compression or crushing inju- added. In a Peterson type I fracture, seen commonly in the
ry to the physis. They are rare and cannot be immediately distal radius, a transverse fracture of the metaphysis occurs
diagnosed because of the lack of radiographic signs. These with longitudinal extension into the physis (Fig. 2.7). In a
fractures are recognized once a growth disturbance occurs. Peterson type VI fracture, an open injury occurs, associated
Certain physeal injuries do not fit into the SH classifica- with loss of a portion of the physis. Peterson recommended
tion scheme. Rang14 described an injury to the perichon- emergent treatment in the form of débridement, often with
dral ring of LaCroix, naming it a type VI physeal injury. wound packing, and secondary closure, occasionally with a

skin graft or flap closure for this type of fracture. This frac- minimally displaced SH type I and II fractures. Occasion-
ture type may also require later reconstructive surgery as a ally, stress views can help to demonstrate gapping between
result of premature physeal closure and bar formation on the epiphysis and metaphysis, particularly in injuries about
the exposed bone surface (Fig. 2.8). uniplanar joints such as the knee, ankle, and elbow. Howev-
er, alternatives such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
(Fig. 2.9) or repeated radiographs 10 days after immobili-
DIAGNOSIS zation and protection can allow the diagnosis to be made
without causing the patient discomfort.
Most children with physeal injuries can recall a specific trau- Imaging modalities that can be used for diagnosis include
matic event and can localize their symptoms to a specific arthrography, MRI, ultrasound, and computed tomography
anatomic region. The most common symptoms are pain (CT). Arthrography can be helpful in diagnosing fractures
and localized tenderness; swelling and effusion are variable in areas where there is a large volume of cartilage, such as
signs depending on the severity of the injury. Nontraumatic the distal humerus, although MRI and ultrasound are in-
physeal injuries, such as infection, neoplasia, or congenital creasingly being used to evaluate such injuries. MRI is par-
conditions, are usually evident from the history. ticularly useful in diagnosing occult fractures about the
Orthogonal radiographs, most often anteroposterior and physis when plain radiography is negative. In a prospective
lateral, are usually sufficient to diagnose the physeal inju- study evaluating injuries to the elbow, distal femur, and dis-
ry and plan treatment. Some physeal injuries may not be tal tibia in children age 3 to 15 years with negative plain
visible on standard views because of the irregular contour radiographs, MRI was able to detect a fracture in 34.8% of
and chondro-osseous nature of the physis. Slight physeal patients.16 Ultrasound may also be used to document soft tis-
widening may be the only sign of minimal displacement of sue injury without fracture and has also been shown to be a
an epiphyseal fragment. The Thurston–Holland metaph- safe and effective tool for evaluating SH I fractures with sub-
yseal fragment may sometimes be difficult to appreciate. periosteal hematoma as well as other pathologies involving
Comparison radiographs of the contralateral extremity may periosteal reaction, including infection and tumor.17 CT is
be helpful for diagnosis, particularly for nondisplaced or helpful in complex fracture patterns, such as triplane ankle
fractures. Furthermore, MRI and CT are particularly helpful
in assessing the size and location of bony bars after growth
Nonaccidental injury may be suspected from the history
and examination and, occasionally, on radiographs. The
pathognomonic sign of a “corner fracture” of the metaph-
ysis (also known as a bucket-handle fracture when seen
“en face”) indicates the application of torsional or shear
forces (such as severe twisting or wrenching) to a limb
(Fig. 2.10). Note that although this finding may indicate
nonaccidental trauma, it may also be a normal finding in
Fig. 2.8 Peterson type VI injuries of the physis, which are character- some. Nonaccidental trauma is discussed in more detail in
ized by a portion of the physis being missing. Chapter 20.

Fig. 2.9 Plain radiograph demon-

strating minimally displaced Salter–
Harris type II fracture of the distal
femur that was initially missed (A)
and then clearly identified on mag-
netic resonance imaging (B). Images
courtesy of the Children’s Hospital of

without causing any further injury to the resting cell layer

of the physis. The specific treatment of physeal injuries is
dictated by several factors, such as the severity of the injury,
the anatomic location, the degree of residual deformity, the
amount of time elapsed from the injury, and the age of the
Neurovascular and open injuries can coexist with physeal
fractures and must be managed first on an emergent basis
before attention is turned to the physeal injury. With respect
to anatomic location, the capacity for remodeling is depen-
dent on the location of the injury within a respective long
bone. For example, the proximal humeral physis contrib-
utes 80% of the longitudinal growth of the humerus and
therefore has great remodeling potential.
There is no exact degree of deformity that can be defined
as acceptable in children’s fractures. In general, more valgus
deformity can be tolerated than varus deformity, and more
flexion deformity can be tolerated than extension deformi-
ty. In the lower extremity, more deformity can be tolerated
proximally than distally. Angular deformities correct to the
greatest extent when they are in the plane of motion of a
Fig. 2.10 Corner fracture of the distal femoral metaphysis, indicative nearby hinge joint, whereas angulation in other directions
of a nonaccidental injury.
may persist to some extent. Rotational deformities do not
tend to remodel.
The following numbers are approximate but worth re-
membering as a general guide when treating skeletal inju-
ries in children. Most children’s fractures heal twice as fast
as adult fractures, and most epiphyseal separations heal in
half the time of a child’s long bone fracture. For example,
in the tibia, an adult fracture may need 12 to 18 weeks to
heal, a child’s fracture may only need 6 to 9 weeks, and a
pure epiphyseal separation (SH I injury) heals in only 3 to
5 weeks.
The delay between injury and treatment is an important
factor. Ideally, all reductions should be performed as soon
Fig. 2.11 Partial growth arrest confirmed by a Harris growth arrest after the injury as possible. If there is a delay, the decision
line (arrows) lying oblique to the proximal tibial physis. (From Skaggs to perform a reduction is dependent on the age of the child
DL, Flynn JM: Staying out of trouble in pediatric orthopaedics, ed 1, and the plane and severity of the deformity. The younger
Philadelphia, 2006, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, p 320.) the patient, the more likely the correction will be through
remodeling, particularly if the angulation is in the plane
Previous injury to the physis may be evident by the pres- of motion of the adjacent joint. If the delay is more than
ence of Harris growth arrest lines, which are transverse stri- 7 to 10 days in an SH I or II fracture, it is safer to perform
ations in the metaphysis thought to represent a period of an osteotomy later on to correct the deformity than to risk
slowing or cessation of growth.18 These lines may be present damaging the physis through a traumatic reduction of a
in either a single long bone after an isolated traumatic inju- healing physeal fracture. In intraarticular SH III and IV in-
ry, or all long bones after a significant systemic illness. If the juries with significant intraarticular displacement, anatomic
Harris growth arrest lines run parallel to the physis and con- reduction must be performed regardless of the amount of
tinue to move away from the physis with time, the physis can time elapsed from the injury.
be assumed to be growing normally after the injury. If they With respect to age, the same injury that may lead to dis-
are asymmetric or oblique moving toward the physis, par- abling sequelae in a young child, in whom injury to the phy-
tial growth arrest is likely to have occurred (Fig. 2.11). No sis has a longer time to negatively impact normal growth,
growth arrest lines are seen after complete physeal arrest. may result in little disability in an adolescent nearing skele-
tal maturity. On the other hand, if a child has several years
of growth remaining and the physis has not been damaged,
TREATMENT the majority of deformities in the plane of motion of the
joint will remodel.
As with all patients with fractures, a child must be ful-
ly assessed with use of the basic ABCs (airway, breathing,
and circulation) of trauma management, and all life- and
limb-threatening injuries should be identified and treated. Treatment of specific physeal injuries is discussed in the rele-
The goal of treating any physeal fracture is to obtain and vant chapters by anatomic location, but several general prin-
maintain an acceptable reduction by closed or open means ciples are worth considering. If displacement is minimal or

Fig. 2.12 Drawing of a Salter–Harris type II fracture of the distal femur A B

showing screw fixation parallel to the physis through a large metaph-
yseal (Thurston–Holland) fragment. Depending upon fracture charac-
teristics, fixation with threaded implants should preferably be parallel
to the physis in the epiphysis and/or the metaphysis.

absent, or if the diagnosis is in doubt, the extremity should

be immobilized and the injury reexamined in 1 or 2 weeks
for a periosteal reaction indicating an SH I fracture. When
a physeal fracture is reduced, traction rather than forceful
manipulation is preferred, and care should be taken not to
“grate” the physis on metaphyseal or epiphyseal fragments.
The rule of thumb of 90% traction and 10% translation is
useful. Multiple attempts at reduction may cause further
physeal damage. If the fracture cannot be reduced after a
few attempts with the patient under local or regional an-
esthesia, closed reduction under general anesthesia is the C D
next step. If significant deformity persists after closed reduc-
Fig. 2.13 Plain radiographs showing a significantly displaced Salt-
tion, especially in SH III and IV fractures, open reduction er–Harris type II fracture in a near skeletally mature 130-kg male
and internal fixation is indicated. (A and B) that was treated by closed reduction and fixed percuta-
Some of the anatomic landmarks surrounding the physis neously with two metaphyseal screws placed parallel to the physis
should be taken into consideration. The periosteum in par- plus a third transphyseal fixation for added stability to valgus stress
ticular is of interest. It has been shown that the periosteum (C and D). (Images courtesy of the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia.)
around the epiphysis may be resected or reflected for more
accurate exposure and reduction, but care should be taken fracture should be closely monitored to ensure that there
to ensure that the fragment is not completely denuded of its is no loss of reduction. SH I and II fractures do not tend to
soft tissue attachments, through which it receives its blood redisplace after the second week; however, SH III and IV
supply. Bright19 recommended careful resection of about fractures are unstable and may redisplace up to 3 weeks after
1 cm of periosteum on either side of the physis to prevent the injury.
bony bridge formation between the epiphysis and metaph- For every growth plate injury, adequate counseling is es-
ysis; however, there is no definitive evidence to support this sential. The family should be informed of the possibility of
concept. The role of interposed periosteum in bony bridge complications, which can be as high as 40% after physeal
formation is controversial. Although histologic studies in a fractures of the distal femur, with 85% to 100% of SH IV and
rat model showed that in the presence of interposed perios- V fractures experiencing complications.23 Follow-up should
teum the physis was able to repair itself,20,21 clinical studies occur for at least 6 to 12 months after the injury to evaluate
have shown that interposition of periosteum may be associ- for growth arrest. During follow-up, Harris growth arrest
ated with an increased incidence of growth arrest for frac- lines should be examined closely to ensure that they remain
tures around the ankle.22 parallel to the physis.
When a growth plate warrants fixation for adequate sta-
bility, ideally, the fixation should be inserted parallel to the
physis in the epiphysis and metaphysis (Fig. 2.12). Howev-
er, at times, the need for stability will warrant transphyse- SH I fractures are generally treated by closed reduction and
al fixation (Fig. 2.13). If the patient has growth remaining, immobilization without internal fixation. Healing usually
transphyseal fixation should be performed with the use of occurs within 3 to 4 weeks, and complications are rare. The
smooth rather than threaded pins (Fig. 2.14). Every physeal same is generally true of SH II injuries. The intact hinge

of periosteum in SH II injuries usually aids reduction. Of- Anatomic reduction is essential for SH III injuries, and it is
ten, the reduction is stable because of the presence of the most often achieved by open reduction so that the articular sur-
metaphyseal fragment and its associated intact periosteum. faces can be visualized. Fixation may be achieved by fixing the
If reduction is unstable, the orthopedist may use pins or epiphyseal fragment across the fracture site parallel to the phy-
screws to fix the metaphyseal fragment to the metaphysis, sis within the epiphysis (Fig. 2.15). There needs to be a high in-
avoiding the physis. When closed reduction is performed dex of suspicion for an intraarticular injury in adolescents with
in the operating room, fixation is generally used to prevent an injury mechanism and pain because plain radiographs may
loss of reduction. In distal femoral physeal fractures, fixation show a large effusion, but the SH III fracture may be difficult
should always be used for any fracture requiring reduction. to diagnose, with as many as 39% of these injuries being missed
Thomson et al24 demonstrated that 43% of distal femoral on initial plain imaging and the amount of displacement being
physeal fractures treated without internal fixation displaced, greater than 3 versus 6 mm on further advanced imaging.25
whereas no fractures with internal fixation displaced. If the In SH IV injuries, open reduction and internal fixation are
metaphyseal fragment is too small, smooth pins can be used again usually required for alignment of the physis and articular
across the physis. Growth arrest is more likely in SH II frac- surface if there is any displacement. Fixation is best achieved
tures with larger physeal fragments, with larger degrees of from epiphysis to epiphysis or metaphysis to metaphysis, and
displacement, in irregular undulating physes such as the long-term follow-up is needed because the growth arrest rate
distal femur and proximal tibia, and after repeated attempts is very high. SH V injuries are rarely diagnosed immediately,
at reduction. and treatment is usually delayed until growth arrest is evident.


Fig. 2.14 Smooth oblique pins may be used to fix across the physis, although transverse screw or pin fixation avoiding the physis is preferred.
(A) A cancellous screw should be placed in the epiphysis only, parallel to the physis. (B) Radiograph showing screw in place. (C) Smooth pins
may cross the physis, as in this Salter–Harris type III fracture, even though parallel transverse pins are preferred when possible.

Fig. 2.14, cont’d (D) At the time of union and pin removal. (E) At 2 years, symmetric growth (note the parallel “injury line” proximally) and no bony
bridge formation. (B–E, From Canale ST, Beaty JH, editors: Operative pediatric orthopaedics, St. Louis, 1991, Mosby-Year Book.)

remodel satisfactorily as long as sufficient growth remains.

Rarely, if soft tissue, such as deltoid muscle, biceps tendon,
or periosteum, becomes trapped at the fracture site, open
reduction and/or percutaneous pin fixation may be neces-
sary (Fig. 2.16).

Care should be taken not to confuse fracture–separations
of the distal humerus with elbow dislocations or fractures of
the lateral condyle (Fig. 2.17). Normal secondary ossifica-
tion centers of the olecranon should not be confused with
physeal fractures. The growth potential of the distal humer-
us is relatively small, which means it has very little remodel-
ing potential; thus, these fractures often require reduction
and fixation.


Distal radius fractures are extremely common pediatric in-
juries, and most SH I and II injuries here can be treated by
Fig. 2.15 Salter type III fracture treated with fixation wholly within the closed means with the use of the intact periosteal hinge to ef-
epiphysis. Ideally, washers could have been used to prevent migra- fect a closed reduction. Rarely, a periosteal flap may become
tion of the screw heads into the soft epiphyseal bone. interposed at the fracture site and prevent reduction, which
would necessitate open reduction and internal fixation. Re-
duction may also be challenging to achieve in completely dis-
ISSUES BASED ON SPECIFIC ANATOMIC placed simultaneous fractures of both the distal radius and
LOCATION ulna. Although growth arrest of the distal radius is rare, with
rates between 1% and 7% reported, these injuries should still
PROXIMAL HUMERUS be followed 3 to 6 months postreduction to evaluate for pre-
mature physeal closure and possible ulnar overgrowth. Factors
The most common injuries here are SH II fractures, which that may lead to physeal injury include severity of the fracture
often occur in younger children, rarely require fixation, and as well as attempts at reduction made greater than 7 to 10 days


Fig. 2.16 Series of radiographs showing the remodeling potential of a proximal humeral epiphyseal separation following closed reduction and
percutaneous pinning. (A and B) Anteroposterior and lateral views of the displaced proximal humeral fracture in an unacceptable position.
(C and D) After limited open reduction and internal fixation.

postinjury.26 Physeal injuries of the distal ulna may be difficult that rigid fixation may be placed across an open growth plate,
to diagnose because of the late ossification of the distal ulnar sacrificing growth for stability and fracture healing, if needed.
physis. In injuries to the distal radius, it is important to exclude
concomitant ulnar physeal injuries, especially when an ulnar
styloid or metaphyseal fracture is not readily obvious. The se-
quelae of ulnar physeal injuries include premature physeal All SH fractures have the potential for instability. Types III
closure, ulnar shortening, radial bowing, ulnar angulation of and IV injuries have a high incidence of growth arrest, 50%
the distal radius, and ulnar translocation of the carpus.27 to 85%, which should be shared with the family at presen-
tation. The level of energy and amount of displacement are
important factors in the development of growth arrest.23
The avascular necrosis rate is high after epiphyseal separations
of the proximal femur, regardless of displacement of the frag-
ment (Fig. 2.18). In children nearing skeletal maturity, closed SH III injuries, if unrecognized, can cause premature physe-
reduction and pinning can be performed, and although pre- al closure, with resulting varus or valgus deformity.28 Hyper-
mature physeal closure occurs, there is little functional limb extension deformity can occur as a result of anterior physeal
length discrepancy. Urgent capsular release may be associated closure. SH I or II injuries with posterior displacement can
with a lower rate of avascular necrosis and is becoming com- compromise the popliteal vessels and cause compartment
mon in many centers, although conclusive data are lacking syndrome, even in fractures showing minimal displacement
for this approach. The treatment for this injury is unique in on radiographs.

It is not uncommon for radiographic results to be normal at

the time of the insult but to have physeal arrest diagnosed
weeks, months, or years later.

Inadvertent surgical insult to the physis during the treatment
of fractures, deformities, infection, or tumors can lead to
premature growth arrest. Subperiosteal dissection adjacent
or extending to the perichondral ring may injure the periph-
eral part of the physis, an area that is more prone to arrest
than the center. At times, pathology involving the physis,
such as trauma, infection, or a tumor, may have to be treated
A B C by violating part or all of the physis with resection or fixation.
Steinmann pins or Kirschner wires are more likely to cause
arrest if they are multiple, threaded, not perpendicular to
the center of the physis, larger in diameter, or are left in for
a long period of time. Screws are more likely to cause growth
arrest than smooth pins. Intentional iatrogenic growth arrest
may be part of the treatment for certain pediatric orthope-
dic conditions, such as a slipped capital femoral epiphysis.
Growth modulation utilizing staples or bridging plates
and screws may lead to permanent growth arrest if devices
are left in for a long period of time, if there is an iatrogenic
injury to the perichondral ring at the time of insertion, or if
a peripheral bone bridge forms after removal.
D Although drilling across the physis can lead to growth arrest,
Fig. 2.17 Elbow injuries that may be confused clinically include (A), anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction surgery can be safe-
separation of the distal humeral epiphysis, (B) dislocation of the elbow, ly done in the immature skeleton, as long as soft tissue (e.g.,
(C) fracture of the lateral condyle, and (D) fracture–separation of the tendon) material is interposed in the bone tunnel30 and screw
distal humeral epiphysis with posteromedial displacement (note that fixation across the physis is avoided.31 However, even proce-
the radial head and proximal part of the ulna are displaced as a unit dures adjacent to the physis may lead to premature growth ar-
in relation to the distal end of the humerus. (A–C, Modified from Mizu- rest if unrecognized iatrogenic injury occurs in the process of
no K, Hirohata K, Kashiwagi D: Fracture-separation of the distal humeral tunnel preparation or graft fixation because of close working
epiphysis in young children. J Bone Joint Surg Am 61:570–573, 1979. D, relationships and proximity to the physis (Fig. 2.20).
Modified from Barrett WP, Almquist EA, Staheli LTJ: Fracture separation of
the distal humeral physis in the newborn. J Paediatr Orthop 4:618, 1984.)
Both osteomyelitis and septic arthritis can lead to growth
Type I and II injuries are most often treated by closed arrest, and this may not be evident until late after the infec-
means, but this approach has been recently questioned by tion is controlled; therefore, long-term follow-up is recom-
one study, in which the rate of premature physeal closure mended. Partial arrest is more common and may result in
was found to be 3.5 times higher (60% premature closure) angular deformity and limb length discrepancy. Although
in Salter I and II fractures if there was residual fracture dis- the infection is brought under control when arrest is clini-
placement of greater than 3 mm in postreduction films.22 cally noted, reactivation may occur if further surgery, such
The authors attributed this to interposed periosteum. These as bar excision, is needed. Systemic infections, such as me-
fractures often occur in older children in which a prema- ningococcal septicemia, may also lead to multicenter physe-
ture physeal closure may not have clinical relevance. al arrest through a generalized vascular insult.32
In type III injuries of the medial malleolus, growth distur-
bance has been reported in up to 38% of patients treated NEOPLASMS
nonoperatively; thus, only a very low threshold is required
before proceeding to an anatomic reduction via operative Growth arrest may occur either by direct tumor invasion of
means, which decreases the rate of growth disturbance.29 In the growth plate or as a result of the treatment of tumors.
type IV injuries with significant growth remaining, fixation The latter may be as a result of the proximity of the tumor
should not cross the physis but should be from epiphysis to the physis or as a result of local (e.g., surgery or radiation
to epiphysis and from metaphysis to metaphysis (Fig. 2.19). therapy) or systemic treatment of a neoplastic process (e.g.,
Radiation therapy has a growth-inhibiting effect on the
OTHER MECHANISMS OF PHYSEAL INJURY physis, primarily by alteration of chondroblastic activity.
The extent of injury to the physis is determined by the age
Although less common, several mechanisms of injury other of the patient, the amount of radiation delivered, the field
than trauma can lead to partial or complete growth arrest. size, the site, and its growth potential.33


Fig. 2.18 Transepiphyseal fracture–separation

of the proximal femur treated with closed re-
duction and pinning that resulted in avascular
necrosis. (A) Type I transepiphyseal fracture in
a 6-year-old child. (B) After closed reduction
and fixation with smooth pins. (C) One year af-
ter the fracture, the pins have been removed,
and avascular necrosis has developed. (D)
During the course of abduction treatment. (E)
Four years after treatment of avascular necro-
sis, the femoral neck is short because of pre-
mature physeal closure; however, the head
is reasonably well shaped, and the result is
acceptable. (A–E, From Canale ST, Beaty JH,
D E editors: Operative pediatric orthopaedics, St.
Louis, 1991, Mosby-Year Book.)

Fig. 2.19 (A) Salter–Harris type IV fracture

of the distal tibia treated by open reduc-
tion, and (B) internal fixation with cancellous A B
screws inserted parallel to the physis.

Cold injuries such as frostbite are more often seen in the
fingers and toes and may result in various skeletal changes
as a result of premature closure of the physes.34 Features
include involvement of the index and little fingers, shorter
and smaller phalanges than normal, and complete disap-
pearance or a V-shaped appearance of the involved physes
on radiographs. Surgical treatment is rarely needed emer-
gently, but late sequelae such as deformities and degenera-
tive joint disease may need intervention, such as osteotomy,
arthrodesis, or resection arthroplasty. Excessive heat inju-
ries include burns, electric shock, and those caused by laser
treatment; the injuries most often damage the perichondral
ring of LaCroix.

Both vitamin deficiency (e.g., vitamin C) and excess (e.g.,
vitamin A) can predispose to premature physeal closure.35,36
In the case of vitamin C deficiency (scurvy), dietary replace-
ment can spontaneously correct the condition.35 Chronic
illnesses in childhood, such as chronic renal failure, can
lead to growth retardation because of impairment of growth
plate chondrogenesis. This occurs as a result of a combina-
tion of inflammation, protein/calorie deprivation, uremic/
metabolic acidosis, glucocorticoids, and impaired growth
hormone/insulin growth factor-I axis.37


C D Repetitive shearing or compression stresses to the physis can
cause irregularity and sclerosis of the metaphysis and widen-
Fig. 2.20 Significant valgus deformity of the left knee (A) following ing of the physis without separation, and can lead to prema-
anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction in a skeletally immature ture physeal closure if long-standing. These changes have
patient. Despite using an “all epiphyseal” technique, the magnetic
been described in adolescent athletes as a result of repetitive
resonance (MR) image shows proximity of the femoral tunnel within
millimeters of the physis on coronal and sagittal MR images (B) and
compression or distraction. Compression injuries have been
(C), presumably causing iatrogenic injury to the physis. (D) The result- reported in gymnasts, most commonly at the distal radius
ing deformity was later corrected by opening wedge osteotomy to and ulna physes (gymnast wrist) (Fig. 2.21).38,39 Little League
address valgus angulation and length deficiency. (Images courtesy of shoulder is an example of a tension injury of the proximal
the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia.) humerus in which pain is localized to the physis during the

Growth arrest is twice as common in boys as in girls. The
most common cause is trauma or fractures. The vast majority
of cases of growth arrest are partial, and 60% are peripheral.
The most frequently affected physes are the distal femur,
the distal and proximal tibia, and the distal radius. Although
the distal femur and proximal tibia account for only 2% of
all physeal injuries, these physes are responsible for two-
thirds of the lower extremity growth, and together, they are
responsible for 50% of the bony bars requiring treatment.
Bone bridges may be detected within weeks to months af-
ter an injury, but it may take years until they become clinical-
ly evident. Thus, long-term follow-up is recommended for
children at risk of physeal bar formation.42 Early detection of
growth arrest makes management easier because treatment
can be aimed at the growth arrest rather than at its sequelae,
such as angular deformity or limb length discrepancy.
Fig. 2.21 (A) Anterior–posterior and (B) lateral radiographs of a
high-level, competitive 11-year-old female gymnast complaining of This is caused by the formation of a bone bridge or bar
chronic wrist pain of several months’ duration. Note the irregularity across the physis from the metaphysis to the epiphysis. Par-
and widening of the physis consistent with chronic/stress physeal tial growth arrest can be classified into peripheral, central,
fracture. (Images reproduced with permission from Children’s Orthopae- or combined.19,42 Peripheral (type I) bars involve a vari-
dic Center, Children’s Hospital Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA.) able-sized bridge along the margin of the physis, which
may extend only a few millimeters in from the periphery
follow-through phase of throwing. Also, MRI studies in elbows (Fig. 2.23). This type of arrest may create very severe an-
of Little League baseball players have shown that as many as gular deformation over a short period of time. The clinical
35% of players have signal abnormalities in their medial el- deformity is determined by the size, location, and duration
bow preseason.40 Symptoms and signs include pain and ten- of the bar. For example, around the knee, laterally situated
derness localized to the involved physis that increases with the bars cause a genu valgum deformity, whereas anterior bars
sporting activity and is relieved by rest and painful limitation produce genu recurvatum.
of motion at the adjacent joint. Treatment is symptomatic and Central (type II) bars are the most difficult to treat (Figs.
involves temporary reduction or cessation of physical activity. 2.24 and 2.25). A variable-sized bone bridge forms within
the central portion of the physis surrounded by normal
physis. The peripheral zone is uninvolved. Centrally located
COMPLICATIONS bars may cause cupping, tenting, or a dip deformity of the
metaphysis and relative shortening of the bone with little,
Physeal injuries may be complicated by growth disturbances, if any, angular deformity, as a result of growth of the pe-
nonunion, malunion, infection, and avascular necrosis. Of riphery. A small central bar may eventually fail in tension
these complications, only growth disturbances are unique because the surrounding healthy physis places it in tension,
to physeal fractures and will be further considered. Specific usually obviating the need for further treatment. The major
treatment of other complications is discussed under the in- effect is retardation of longitudinal growth.
dividual injuries in the relevant chapters. Type III or combined bars (elongated) include a bone
Growth acceleration is rare and may be caused by the inju- bridge extending as a linear structure across the physis, con-
ry itself or by transitory changes in the bone vascular supply, necting two separate segments of the periphery of the physis
or associated with the implants used to fix the injury. It rare- (Fig. 2.26). The most common site is the medial malleolus.
ly leads to a significant limb length discrepancy. The types There is normal physis on both sides of the defect, including
of growth arrest and their management are discussed here. the periphery. This pattern also may be associated with sig-
nificant angular deformity. In all three types, it is important
to appreciate that the bone bridge usually is comprised of
very dense, sclerotic bone that is similar to cortical bone.
Growth arrest develops when there is bridging or union This is evident at the time of surgery, when it obviously con-
between the epiphysis and metaphysis. There are sever- trasts with the adjacent trabecular bone of the metaphysis
al factors that increase the chances of growth arrest. The and secondary ossification center.
greater the severity of the injury, such as from high-energy
mechanism with resultant comminution, the more likely the
chance of growth arrest. Injuries that cross the resting layer
of the physis, such as SH III and IV, are more likely to lead This is an infrequent sequela of a SH V physeal injury, and
to growth disturbance. Growth arrest may be partial (more its significance depends on the age of the patient at the time
common) or complete, such as seen with SH V (Fig. 2.22).41 of the injury. A younger child is far more likely to develop

Fig. 2.22 (A) Anteroposterior and (B) lateral x-rays of a severely displaced Salter–Harris type I fracture of the distal femur that was treated by
closed reduced and percutaneous pin fixation. Physeal arrest at 6 months is seen on (C) plain radiograph and (D) and (E) MRI. (Images courtesy
of the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia.)

Cross section Cross section

Physis Peripheral
growth arrest Physis Central
growth arrest

Cross section through physis Cross section through physis

Fig. 2.23 Type I peripheral growth arrest. (Modified from Bright RW: Fig. 2.24 Type II central growth arrest. (Modified from Bright RW: In
In Rockwood CA Jr, Wilkins KE, King RE, editors: Fractures in children, Rockwood CA Jr, Wilkins KE, King RE, editors: Fractures in children,
Philadelphia, 1984, JB Lippincott.) Philadelphia, 1984, JB Lippincott.)

Fig. 2.25 (A) Anteroposterior knee radiograph and (B) a standing hip-to-ankle radiograph of a 4-year-old girl with a history of neonatal septic
arthritis of the right knee, demonstrating a central/combined bone bridge associated with significant leg length inequality and angular deformity.
(C, arrow) The coronal water-only selection (WATS) sequence magnetic resonance image better defines the extent of the bridge. (Images repro-
duced with permission from Children’s Orthopaedic Center, Children’s Hospital Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA.)

a significant limb length inequality compared with an ado-

lescent near skeletal maturity. As the arrest is complete, no
angular deformity is produced.



Fracture plane Clinically, growth arrest is noticeable once angular deformi-

ty or limb discrepancy develops. Localization of the exact
Physis physis involves a thorough history, physical examination,
and plain radiographs. It is important to record the severity
of limb discrepancy, angular deformity, joint motion, and
impairment of function.
Orthogonal radiographs of the involved physis are the
first step in the evaluation. Visualization of Harris growth
Bony bridge Intraarticular
step-off arrest lines may represent an early warning of growth ar-
rest. Asymmetric or oblique line to the physis is suggestive
of partial growth arrest (see Fig. 2.11). If the line is parallel
to the physis in both planes, no growth arrest is expected
(Fig. 2.27).
Tomography, CT, and MRI scanning can be used to fur-
Physis ther delineate the exact location, size, and contours of the
bar, especially when surgical excision is planned. Tomogra-
Fig. 2.26 Type III combined growth arrest. (Modified from Bright RW: phy was traditionally the most common method of localizing
In Rockwood CA Jr, Wilkins KE, King RE, editors: Fractures in children, bars, but the high amount of radiation exposure required,
Philadelphia, 1984, JB Lippincott.) the time-consuming nature of the investigation, and the
propensity for interpretation errors led to its disuse.

CT scanning is often used to plan bar excision (Fig. radiation.44 Furthermore, MRI can aid in the early diagno-
2.28). Helical CT is of greater use in preparing physe- sis of bridge formation and fibrous bars and quantify the
al maps to determine the extent and location of physe- amount of plate involvement. Early detection can lead to
al bony bars because of excellent bony detail, radiation early treatment and better results because of more growth
doses one-half to one-quarter those of conventional to- remaining for correction of deformity.45 When MRI is used
mography, and rapid scanning, bypassing the need for to visualize the physis, fat-suppressed three-dimensional,
sedation.43 Sagittal and frontal plane reconstructions are spoiled, gradient-recalled echo sequences provide the best
essential for adequate mapping because the transverse visualization.46
cuts are often within the plane of the physis and are diffi- If angular deformity or limb length discrepancy has
cult to interpret. developed, an assessment of skeletal age in comparison
MRI scanning is the best imaging for delineating phy- with chronologic age should be made. This allows deter-
seal bars and also has the advantage of no exposure to mination of whether sufficient growth potential remains
(≥2 years or 2 cm) for bar excision to be a treatment op-
tion. Some of the methods for determining skeletal age
include comparison of a radiograph of the hand with an
atlas or radiographs of the elbow ossification centers,
and more recently, an MRI knee bone age atlas has been
In addition to routine radiographs, scanograms allow
measurement of limb length discrepancy; panoramic limb
images will allow adequate measurement of the mechani-
cal and anatomic bone axis. CT scanograms can more ac-
curately assess limb lengths in children with hip or knee



The treatment of partial growth arrest or physeal bar for-
Fig. 2.27 Harris growth line parallel to the physis indicates no growth mation depends on the skeletal age of the patient, the spe-
disruption. cific physis (location), and the area and extent of physeal

Anterior Anterior
22.5 22.5
22.0 22.0
21.5 21.5
21.0 21.0
20.5 20.5



1. 20.0 20.0
19.5 19.5
19.0 19.0
18.5 18.5
18.0 18.0

3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 7 7.5 8 8.5 9 9.5 10 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 7 7.5 8 8.5 9 9.5 10
2. B Posterior C Posterior

Anterior Anterior
22.5 22.5
22.0 22.0
21.5 21.5
21.0 21.0
20.5 20.5

3. 20.0 20.0
19.5 19.5
19.0 19.0
18.5 18.5
18.0 18.0

3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 7 7.5 8 8.5 9 9.5 10 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 7 7.5 8 8.5 9 9.5 10
A D Posterior E Posterior
Fig. 2.28 Carlson and Wenger method of mapping physeal bars. (A) Outlines: 1, distal femoral physis; 2, proximal tibial physis; 3, distal tibial
physis; (B–E) Distal femoral physeal bar. (B) Anteroposterior projection level indicated by a thick straight line. (C) All anteroposterior levels plotted
from tomograms. (D) Lateral projection levels plotted. (E) Final cross-sectional map of the physeal bar. (A–E, Modified from Carlson WO, Wenger
DR: A mapping method to prepare for surgical excision of a partial physeal arrest. J Pediatr Orthop 4:232–238, 1984.)
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Title: Wild west

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Copyright, 1926,
By Bertrand W. Sinclair.

All rights reserved

Published March, 1926

Printed in the United States of America

I The Straw in the Wind
II “Keep off the Grass!”
III Machiavelli?
IV One Step at a Time
V Watchful Waiting
VI Evidence in the Case
VII A Rider and a Lady
VIII “On With the Dance”
IX A Different Sort of Dance
X A Word and a Blow
XI A Breathing Space
XII The Opening Gun
XIII Cornered
XIV The Line of Least Resistance
XV Echoes from Afar
XVI Resurrection
XVII A Challenge
XVIII “The Seat of the Mighty”
XIX A Course Deflected
XX South of the River
XXI A Matter of Business
XXII A Near Showdown
XXIII “Crossed Wires”
XXIV The Backwash
XXV Snipped Threads

Where a long spur of Chase Hill pitched down to the broken land
bordering on Birch Creek, Robin Tyler came on what he had been
seeking since sunrise. He pulled up his horse, sat sidewise in his
saddle to roll a cigarette, to stare over the country, out over the wide
roll of grassy ridges and sagebrush flats that ended abruptly in the
confusion of the Bad Lands. As his eye marked single dots and
groups of dots that were cattle and horses at rest and in motion, both
near and far, a trampling of hoofs in a hollow below made his head
turn sharply. He saw within a hundred yards the back and head and
ears of a single animal and jumped his horse into a gallop with a
touch of the spurs. He recognized that arched neck and brilliant
mane; it flashed in the sun like burnished copper.
“Oh, you Red Mike,” he shouted, “you’ll have to burn the earth
now to keep me from ridin’ you on round-up.”
In two jumps the gray cow horse Robin bestrode bounded over
the low ridge. Below and beyond, a bunch of range horses, twenty or
more, as wild as the elk that once grazed those slopes, stretched
themselves like hounds on the trail of a running wolf. They were
headed for a water hole and Robin was cutting them off. They lay
low to the ground, manes and tails streaming, their hoofs beating the
turf with a roll like snare drums. The horse Robin had shouted at ran
in the lead, a beautiful sorrel beast with four white stockings and a
star in his forehead. Red Mike knew what a mounted man on his trail
meant. He was all for freedom. Behind him thundered the wild mares
with their colts.
For a week, at odd times, Robin had been looking for that
particular horse. Now he stood in his stirrups, whooping in sheer
exultation of the chase. It didn’t matter how much he excited them.
They were as wild as hawks and would run themselves out anyway.
He meant to head them off from water, turn them back up the ridge
and when they tired he would bunch them in a corral he knew, rope
out Red Mike and lead him home.
He headed the wild bunch and turned them once. But a badger
hole hidden in the grass undid him. The gray put a forefoot in the
hole, went down as if shot, rolled over twice and scrambled to his
feet, trembling. Robin fell clear, unhurt, except for the jar. He
gathered up the reins, swung to his saddle. The gray took a step.
Robin dismounted, stood looking with a frown. His mount had twisted
a leg, wrenched a shoulder. He walked on three feet. Riding him was
out of the question.
“Damn all badgers, anyway!” young Tyler muttered.
He looked after the band of broom tails streaking it westward up
the ridge. As he watched they came to a stop, stood with up-pricked
ears. Robin knew precisely what they would do; stand awhile, circle
wide and make for that watering place by a cautious detour. He
wanted Red Mike. He needed him now more than ever. And he was
afoot in the blistering midsummer heat, fifteen miles from the nearest
ranch, in a region where no rider could be expected to heave in
Robin lifted his hat and ran his fingers through a thatch of brown,
curly hair. He was hot and thirsty. Walking in high-heeled boots
under a blazing sun was not his idea of pleasure.
“I hate to leave you, old caballo,” he said whimsically, “but I guess
I’ll bid you a fond farewell.”
With which he stripped his riding gear off the gray and turned him
loose, undid the fifty-foot reata from the bulging fork of his saddle
and with the coils in his hand bore straight down the hill leaving his
saddle, bridle and leather chaps in the grass, and the gray horse
staring after him.
Below him, in the gut of that coulee, a small spring of clear water
trickled out of a sandy hillside. Among the seepage grew clumps of
willows. In that screen a man could lie perdu with his loop spread for
a throw. If Red Mike and his friendly broncs came down to drink he
still had a chance. If they smelled or sighted him and dodged Cold
Spring they would bear down into the bed of Birch Creek. He would
follow. It was no more than a mile or two. Or he would lie at Cold
Spring. He still had hopes of snaring a mount. Small bands of wild
horses would drift in to drink. Among the wild ones there was often
an odd saddle horse, enjoying temporary escape from ranch or
round-up. At any rate he did not propose to walk home. It wasn’t
done! At the worst he could snare an unbroken horse, hog-tie him,
pack the saddle down, and make the untamed one bear him
somewhere. Robin was a rider. He preferred them gentle, but he
could ride. So he trudged toward the spring, keeping to the low
ground, hoping that Red Mike would not change his flighty horse
mind about where he wanted to drink.
Evidently Red Mike did. Robin lay behind the willows until mid-
afternoon, parched by the heat, chafing at inaction. Of all the roving
bands of horses none trooped into Cold Spring. The wild cattle came
down, drank, lay in the grass until the slopes near by carried a
thousand head of resting longhorns. Some got wind of him and
departed in haste, snuffing and tossing their heads. It did seem to
Robin as if that fifteen-mile tramp grew more threatening.
He decided to take a chance on Birch Creek. It was no great way
to the high banks that overlooked the deep sage-covered bottoms
through which a lukewarm stream slunk like a great lazy snake,
looping fold on fold. He stole away from Cold Spring with care to
dodge the range cattle, to whom a man afoot was an unknown sight,
a strange upright creature to be attacked or fled from as their bovine
impulses chanced.
A little before Robin gained the first cut-bank whence he could
look into Birch Creek bottoms for a horse, he heard a shot, then a
second and a third. Robin had a keen ear. He recognized those
reports as from a rifle. It held no particular significance, beyond the
fact that shooting argued riders somewhere near, and a rider could
soon solve the problem of a mount for Robin Tyler. Since these shots
came from the bottom directly below him, Robin broke into a trot to
reach the rim of the bank and call to the man or men below, if they
were within hearing distance.
What he saw made him drop flat and do his looking through a
fringe of long grass.
Robin had grown up in a cow country. There was little pertaining
to the range, lawful or unlawful, which had escaped his awareness.
So he was at no loss to read the signs below.
What he could not read were the brands involved nor the faces of
the two men. The three dead cows, dark lumps in the gray sage, the
three well-grown calves hog-tied for the running-iron that made little
wisps of blue smoke puff from their ribs, were an open book to him. It
was as old as the cow business, that trick. It originated in Texas in
the chaos following the Civil War. In the years since it had been
intermittently practiced with varying success from the Pecos River to
the Canada line—and beyond.
Robin knew the modus operandi. You had a few cattle on the
range. You owned a duly registered brand. You rode abroad in lonely
places, where range riders seldom came except when the round-up
swept through. Having found a cow with a desirable calf you shot the
cow, roped the calf, ran your brand on him and hazed the orphan off
two or three miles from his dead mother. Then you rode on and
repeated the operation. Presently, if you were wary, well-mounted, a
good roper, and craftily evaded being caught in the act, your natural
increase assumed great proportions. The cow, being dead, could not
embarrassingly claim a calf bearing a brand not her own. A dead
cow here and there on the range excited no comment. Cows died
from a variety of causes. The cattleman knew that to his sorrow and
the cowboy accepted dead cattle as he accepted the sun and the
wind and rain, as natural properties of his environment.
Only—when too many cows were found to be dying of sudden
death there were sure to be riders abroad with Winchester carbines
under their stirrup-leathers. It was apt to be unhealthy for those who
sought to augment their herd by other than natural increase.
Since every rustler knew that, he himself was not likely to permit
any one to view his activities with rope and iron and depart
untroubled. Hence Robin Tyler lay very quiet in the grass. He was
unarmed, to begin with. He was not sure he wished to know the
identity of those two men, the brands on the dead cows nor the fresh
iron marks on the calves. That knowledge spelled trouble. Somehow
Robin had a distaste for trouble of a personal nature. He had seen
plenty. He wasn’t combative. He seemed to have little of that
primitive instinct to fight, to kill, to harry other men, which crops out
now and then in even highly civilized persons.
Yet, as he stared at the two men in the silent flat, now flinging
themselves across their saddles to start the stolen calves to new
feeding grounds afar, he felt a touch of resentment. He had an
intuitive knowledge of what brand could be read on those dead
cows, because he was sure he knew one of the men—the flash and
glitter of sun on silver ornaments as the rider’s horse wheeled and
danced under the restraining bit gave Robin this unwelcome
knowledge; unwelcome, because if confirmed, it was knowledge
upon which he would have to act, if he dared. Would he dare? He
didn’t know.
When they were gone out of sight down the Birch Creek flats
hazing the calves before them on the run, Robin turned back to Cold
The range cattle had finished their siesta and grazed afar when
Robin once more hid among the willows. He was hungry but he had
the solace of tobacco. He waited with dogged patience. Perhaps the
broom-tails Red Mike ran with would yet come. If not there was
always the chance of others. If the cool of evening brought no mount
within reach of his loop he could still walk home.
So Robin lay thinking about those dead cows and the men who
shot them. He couldn’t get rid of the certainty that came over him
when silver conchos on bit and spur and saddle flashed in the sun.
He knew the man. He was aware that he could be mistaken. Other
riders caparisoned with silver ornaments could be abroad on that
range. But the first conviction held.
Hornets and wild bees hummed among the willows. Meadow larks
swooped to the cold water, washed, preened their feathers, swung
on low bushes and caroled their sweet, throaty songs within ten feet
of him. Pungent odors from sagebrush bruised by hoofs, the faint
smell of mud stirred by watering cattle, all the manifold airs off a
wide, hot land wafted across his nostrils as he lay there. The sun
dipped westward, fiery in the crystal blue. The willows supplied a
grateful shade. He grew drowsy, dozed, and was wakened by
nickering and the thud of hoofs.
Luck had come his way. His sorrel horse stood with forefeet in the
mud, drinking from the cold trickle. The band was ranged about the
spring. Red Mike had set himself as if posed to receive the waiting
loop, within range of a short and easy throw for a hand as true as
Robin Tyler’s, whose first toy had been a rawhide string.
He made one end of the rope fast to the root of a willow, edged
clear, shook his loop out. Then he rose and threw in the same
motion and the loop swished over Red Mike’s ears and tightened
about his glossy neck before he could so much as toss his head.
One frightened surge against Robin’s weight on the reata and the
red horse stood still, wide-eyed with surprise, but knowing himself a
prisoner. Robin went up to him gently, patted his neck, stroked him,
talked to him soothingly. The red horse nuzzled him. When Robin
took a turn over his nose with the rawhide the beast followed him like
a dog on a leash.
Half an hour later he was mounted. Red Mike pranced and side-
stepped and pawed the earth with impatience, a thing of steel and
whalebone with the fire of life in it and Robin’s spirits rose as if he
had drunk wine.
The gray fed close by, nursing his lame leg. Robin left him without
regret, much gainer by the exchange. Red Mike was his own horse.
He had never felt another man’s steel in his ribs. He was worth two
of the gray. So Robin turned lightly homeward.
But before the sorrel had spurned a mile of the dry earth with his
eager hoofs Robin changed his course, and swung down into Birch
Creek. He had to see the brand on those dead cows. Why he had to
he didn’t trouble to define. In the back of his mind, unadmitted, there
was a motive—and the motive was simple loyalty to his salt. Mostly
the rustler preyed on the big outfits, and the riders of the big outfits
sometimes did not see more than they chose to see on the range.
But cattleman and cow-puncher alike despised a thief who stole from
a poor man. And somehow Robin Tyler had to know if those dead
cows carried Dan Mayne’s brand.
They did. At least one did. Robin dropped his rope over the
stiffened legs, took a dally round the horn and turned the animal
brand side up. He saw the Bar M Bar. He did not tarry to look at the
other two lying fifty yards apart, for as he leaned from his saddle to
free the noose something went phut in the sandy soil and scattered
dust in his face. Red Mike jumped, snorted. A noise like the pop of a
distant whiplash sounded away off and high above.
Robin bent low over his saddle horn and gave Red Mike his head.
The sorrel crossed the Birch Creek flats like a candidate for the
Derby. As the dust rolled out in a banner from under his flying feet
Robin glanced back over his shoulder. He saw two riders standing
bold against the sky line on the farther crest of the valley and one of
these riders gave off faint shiny reflections when his horse moved in
the sun, and there was also a glint of metal in this rider’s hand.
They didn’t shoot again. The range was too great to hit anything in
motion except by a fluke. They had scared him off and that, Robin
surmised, was all they wanted. They sat there while Robin put a mile
between himself and those dead cows as speedily as a fast and
powerful horse could cover the distance. Then he pulled Red Mike to
a walk, took to the high ground west of Birch Creek and pointed his
nose for another water hole.
He rode into the Mayne ranch in the cool dusk having jingled
around the south end of Chase Hill to pick up three more saddle
horses in their usual haunts. He turned them into a small pasture,
put Red Mike in the stable, with an armful of hay to munch. Then he
shed his spurs and chaps and walked over to the house. A light
glowed in the kitchen windows.
Robin paused in the doorway to look at a girl lifting warm food
from the stove and placing it on the table. Ivy Mayne was worth a
look. For a long time now, wherever he rode, unless the business in
hand required his undivided attention, Robin carried in his mind a
picture of this eldest daughter of Mayne’s. He could have told you
just how each separate coil of her glossy, dark hair wound about her
head, what dimples came and went at the corners of her red mouth
when she smiled. He knew that her skin was like satin and her voice
a sweet treble like the thrushes that sang in the pine thickets of the
Bear Paws. She was eighteen and Robin was twenty-two and they
had lived under the same roof, galloped in the same hot sun and
under the same silver moon, faced the blustering plains wind and
lain in the grass together to stare silent at the winking stars, for a
little over two years. There was not, Robin felt, her like for beauty
and sweetness in all the pine-clad jumble of the mountains that
loomed high in the velvet night to the northward of her father’s ranch.
He always felt a queer flutter inside him when he was away from
her and came back. He felt it now as she looked over her shoulder at
his step.
“Did you ride clean out of the country?” she asked. “Everybody’s
gone to bed. I’ve been keepin’ your supper warm, but you’d ’a’ eaten
cold stuff in another half hour, Mister Man. Hungry? Or did you strike
some place to eat?”
“Uh-uh. I’m starved.” Robin never wasted words.
“Where’d you go?”
He told her briefly of his mishap with the badger hole, and his
snaring of Red Mike at Cold Spring. Her eyes danced.
“You sure do go into jack-pots and out of them oftener than any
rider in this country.”
Robin smiled. It was true. Old man Mayne had once irritably told
him that if he didn’t go around dreaming he’d save himself a lot of
“Mark Steele and another fellow stopped in for supper,” Ivy
remarked presently.
Robin halted his coffee cup in mid-air.
“What for?” he inquired mildly. “Thought Shining would be at the
Block S getting organized for beef-gathering.”
“How would I know?” Ivy replied. “They said they were just ridin’
around. They come in from the south. I saw ’em a long way off. Mark
asked where you were.”
“You tell him?”
Robin knew neither Ivy nor any one else could guess where he
rode to look for Red Mike that day. He hadn’t known himself where
he would go when he started.
“Dad said you were huntin’ horses.”
“Don’t you tell nobody, not a soul, not even the old man, what I
just told you about lamin’ the gray and catching Red Mike by Cold
Spring,” Robin warned. “Keep that to yourself, Ivy. Will you? Forget
“Why?” she demanded instantly.
“Nothing a-tall,” he parried. “Well, I have got a reason.”
“All right, Robin, I won’t tell,” she agreed. Then, laughingly: “You
haven’t started draggin’ the long rope, have you, that you don’t want
nobody to know where you rode to-day?”
“Dragging the long rope”, is a range euphemism for stealing other
men’s cattle, specifically unbranded calves.
“No,” Robin said shortly. “But somebody else is. Sabe?”
She nodded. Robin had seen something. He didn’t want it known
he had been where he might have seen anything. Sometimes it was
not good for a man’s health to see too much, or to talk openly about
what he saw. Ivy herself was a child of the range. She understood,
nodded comprehension.
“I won’t talk.”
Robin leaned over the table to kiss her.
“If that silver-spangled hombre rides this way too often I’ll get to
worryin’,” he whispered. “Reckon you could get to like him, Ivy, the
way you like me?”
The eternal feminine flickered in Ivy’s dusky eyes.
“I don’t know,” she murmured. “Maybe. I don’t think I’d want to. I
reckon I’d be a little afraid of him. I guess he’d be a pretty bad actor
if he got going.”
She put her elbows on the table and nursed her round face in her
“Everybody sort of seems to step soft around Mark,” she said
reflectively. “Dad’s a little bit afraid of him. So’s other men. Are you?”
“I wouldn’t advertise myself,” Robin said.
He sat tracing a formless pattern on the oilcloth with his finger for
a minute. Then he rose. A faint, nameless depression afflicted him
whenever he linked Ivy Mayne and Mark Steele in his mind.
“It’ll be daylight before you can sneeze twice,” he said. “I guess I’ll
turn in. I’ll have to step high and wide to-morrow.”
He turned to put his arm across Ivy’s shoulders, to pat her smooth
hair. She smiled at him and blew him a kiss from her finger tips as he
went out the door. She herself was sound asleep in her bed within
twenty minutes—while Robin lay on his blankets in a detached bunk
house listening to the audible slumber of a ranch hand in the
opposite corner. He lay tired but sleepless, turning over and over in
his mind the connection between those dead cows, Mark Steele,
Ivy’s father, Ivy herself, and his own part in the play.
Should he tell Mayne about those slaughtered cattle and voice his
certainty about the man who shot them? Both Mayne and Robin
knew that for two seasons now there had been a peculiar shortage in
the Bar M Bar calf crop. What Robin saw that afternoon in Birch
Creek bottom furnished the key to that shrinkage.
But he knew Mayne. Shining Mark Steele had Mayne buffaloed.
He would grumble and swear when Robin told him. But would he
act? And if he didn’t act the thing would fester in his mind and
sometime when he was drunk he would talk. Once he opened his
mouth Robin Tyler was a marked man.
Robin stared up at the dusky ridge logs. He had no desire to have
his light put out by any bushwhacking cow thief. Then he shrugged
his shoulders and tried to sleep. In the morning—Robin didn’t
consciously say so, but he had a feeling that such problems could
better be solved in broad day than by lying awake in the dark.
He rose with the sun. Sometime that day he was due to leave to
join the Block S crew as a representative of the Bar M Bar on the fall
round-up. He had a couple of tender-footed horses to shoe, a few
odds and ends of gear to repair. He was a busy youth until noon. Not
until dinner was past and his string was bunched in the corral with
one horse saddled and his bed and war-bag packed across another
did he have any extended conversation with Dan Mayne. They sat
side by side on the top rail now, looking down on the sleek backs of
Robin’s cow ponies. Mayne had given him instructions about
shipping beeves and fallen silent.
“I seen a dead cow yesterday,” Robin said at last. “A Bar M Bar.”
“Wolves?” Mayne grunted.
“Yeah. Two-legged ones,” Robin exploded. The words rushed out
of him. “She was bit with a .30-30.”
Mayne looked at him, growled something through his scraggly,
dispirited mustache.
“I guess that’s how you’re short on calves,” Robin continued.
“Probably there’s quite a few Bar M Bar cows dyin’ of heart failure
that way—when they happen to have big, unbranded calves that was
missed on the spring round-up.”
“The shrinkage ain’t natural, that’s a fact,” Mayne grumbled. “We
tallied a hundred less calves this year than last. Should ’a’ been a
good increase. It wasn’t no hard winter.”
They sat wordless a minute.
“Somebody’s stealin’ you blind,” Robin asserted at last.
“I guess so,” Mayne admitted peevishly. He bent a shrewd eye on
his man. “You got an idea who, ain’t you?”
“That’s all I have got, just an idea,” Robin declared. “And if I go
bellerin’ that idea out loud I might get daylight let through me some
day when I ain’t lookin’. I’d ride a lot, if I was you, with a Winchester
“You seen more’n a dead cow yesterday, kid,” Mayne challenged.
“Spit it out. Where was you? What happened?”
Robin told him. But he stopped short of uttering his conviction that
one of the riders was Mark Steele. The information he did divulge he
cautioned Mayne about keeping to himself. That was as far as he
dared go. If Mayne took two drinks too many some day and shot off
his mouth about Mark Steele, Shining Mark would go gunning for
him, Robin Tyler, not for Dan Mayne.
The old man scowled, tugging at his mustache.
“I’ve suspicioned somebody was workin’ on me,” he said irritably.
“This cinches it. Keep your eye peeled for fresh iron-work while
you’re with the Block S. I’ll get out and ride. By God!” he snarled in a
sudden gust of resentment, “I sure do hate a cow thief. And you ain’t
got no hunch who these two was?”
Robin hesitated. There was no guile in him. He was loyal, with the
peculiar, single-minded loyalty that speckled Western America with
cow-puncher’s graves, from the Staked Plains of Texas to Milk River
in the north. No feudal baron ever took the field with more devoted
followers than the men who rode for the cattle kings when the range
was in its full pastoral flower.
“One of ’em,” he blurted out, “the one that smoked me up, was
right flashy with silver. I ain’t namin’ no names.”
Mayne stared at him. His faded blue eyes blinked rapidly.
“Great snakes!” he muttered. “I don’t blame you. That sure makes
it bad.”
He scowled reflectively. “The question is——”
“The question is,” Robin finished the sentence in his own way, “is
he stealin’ for the Block S or for himself.”
“If he’s stealin’ for the outfit I got about as much chance on this
range as a snowball in hell,” Mayne answered moodily. “If it’s his own
iron, I got a show. I wish you’d seen what brand went on them
“I was afoot, I told you. I don’t pack a gun. I ain’t a damn fool,”
Robin protested.
“You’re all right, kid.” The old man put his hand on Robin’s
shoulder. “You’re no gun man, but you’ll burn your share of powder if
you ever have to, I guess. Keep your eyes open around the Block S.
I’ll find them fresh-branded calves, if it takes me all fall. And if you’re
He spat angrily into the dust and got down off the fence.
When Robin drew clear of the ranch, jogging behind his string of
thirteen mounts, old man Mayne rode out the other way, headed for
Cold Spring with a blanket on the back of his saddle and food in his
saddle pockets. Robin waved his hat to Ivy a last time before a dip in
the rolling land hid the ranch from sight.
A mile above the Bar M Bar he turned his horse back into the
creek bed, the same fork of Birch Creek that flowed by Mayne’s
house. Willows lined the course of the stream. Under a clump of
thick-trunked cottonwoods stood a log cabin and a stable of peeled
pine logs, a round corral, all on the edge of a few acres of natural
meadow enclosed by a pole fence. Robin reined up at the door. His
ponies ambled on a few rods and stopped to graze. He sat half-
turned in his saddle, looking about him with a pleased expression.
Ripe grass, yellow in the sun, ran in a rippling wave to the door.
Robin had crossed Illinois and Iowa, he had gone more or less
hurriedly through the great tier of corn states once or twice in winter.
He had never seen wheatfields nor forest nor farmland nor pleasant
gardens in midsummer bloom. He knew best the range with its
endless miles of grass and sagebrush, peopled sparsely by riders
and lonely ranches, grazed by hoofed and horned beasts. He knew
the Bear Paws and the Little Rockies and the Sweetgrass Hills,
where pine trees grew and wild roses bloomed in thickets under a
June sun. The Rocky Mountains were a faint blue wall on the
western limit of his journeyings. He had spent most of his years on
the great plains that spread east to the Dakotas and south to

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