Sociology Social Control

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Unraveling the Fabric of Society: Understanding
Social Control

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Taranum Tasnim Tandra MD. Osman Farok Refat Mohin MD. Abdul Halim Saimon
ID:23408005 ID:23408006 ID:23408007 ID:23408008
• Introduction/ What is social control?
• Features of social control
• Types of social control
• Agencies of social control
• Mechanisms of social control
• Examples of social control in action
• Challenges and critiques
• Conclusion
❑ Society is a collective entity comprising diverse groups and individuals,
existing for overall well-being and progress.
❑ Its foundation lies in harmonizing conflicting individual interests, sustained
through interdependence.
❑ Social control, the regulation of social interactions, fosters order, discipline,
and mutual understanding.

❑ Social control refers to the control of society over individual.
❑ Talcott Parsons describes it as crucial for "nipping deviant tendencies in the
bud" to prevent societal disintegration.
❑ Without social control, society would descend into a "brutish" and "nasty"
condition, affecting both micro and macro levels.
❑ Mechanisms like socialization and emotional bonds contribute to
conformity to societal norms.
❑ Maintaining social control is complex due to continuity and change within
the social system.
❑ The challenge lies in coordinating effective means of social control in

response to dynamic influences and tensions.
1.Normative Nature: Social regulations represent societal
expectations, deviation from which is frowned upon.
2.Relative and Partial: Rules safeguard the interests of influential
segments, exhibiting bias and subjectivity.
3.Regulation Through Codes: Implemented through diverse codes
and regulations, including religious, moral, and legal sanctions.
4.Concrete Sanctions: Sanctions are implemented to ensure smooth
societal functioning, ranging from fines to imprisonment.
5.Motivation: Adherence to laws is influenced by socialization,
including suggestion, imitation, and indoctrination.
Forceful Implementation of Laws: While force is necessary for
societal control, reliance solely on it diminishes cooperation between
rulers and citizens.
Social Equilibrium: Social control manages antisocial activities to
maintain social balance and foster positive effects.
In summary, social control guides society through normative
frameworks, facilitated by socialization and various control agencies,
to ensure adherence to accepted norms and values.

1. Karl Mannheim's Classification:

1. Direct Social Control: Involves active oversight within primary groups like families.
2. Indirect Social Control: Influenced by external elements like customs and public opinion.
2. Gurvitch's Classification:

1. Organized Social Control: Regulation through voluntary or democratic means.

2. Unorganized Social Control: Exercised through cultural values and day-to-day practices.
3. Spontaneous Social Control: Governed by ideas, norms, and regulations.
4. More Spontaneous Social Control: Arises from direct social experiences and desires.
3. Kimball Young's Classification:

1. Positive Social Control: Utilizes constructive measures to influence behavior.

2. Negative Social Control: Relies on punishment and social disapproval to enforce conformity.
1.Hayes's Classification:
•Control by Sanction: Rewards compliance and punishes deviation.
•Control by Socialization and Education: Inculcates societal norms through education.
2.Lumbey's Classification:
•Physical Force Method: Uses coercion to enforce behavior.
•Human Symbol Method: Influences behavior through cultural and symbolic means.
3.Cooley's Classification:
•Conscious Social Control: Utilizes deliberate methods like law and education.
•Unconscious Social Control: Exerts influence through ingrained societal institutions like
religion and customs.
4.General Views About Forms of Social Control:
•Formal Social Control: Exercised by known agencies like law
and punishment.
•Informal Social Control: Arises from societal norms and customs
within primary institutions.
Overall, these classifications highlight the diverse methods through
which social control is implemented, encompassing both formal and
informal mechanisms to maintain societal order and minimize deviance.
Social control is maintained through various agencies, both formal and informal, which play
crucial roles in regulating behavior and enforcing societal norms. Here are some key agencies:
Government and Legal System: Enacts laws and regulations to define acceptable behavior.
Includes police, courts, and correctional facilities to enforce laws and punish offenders.

Educational Institutions: Teach societal norms and values to students. Discipline students and
enforce rules within school settings.

Family: Primary agent of socialization, instilling values and norms in children. Enforces rules and
expectations within the household.
Religious Institutions: Provide moral guidance and reinforce societal norms. Influence behavior
through religious teachings and rituals.
Media: Shape public perceptions and attitudes through portrayal of societal norms. Can reinforce
or challenge existing norms through news, entertainment, and social media platforms.
Peer Groups: Influence behavior through social norms and peer pressure. Reinforce conformity to
group expectations and values.
Community Organizations: Promote community values and norms. Provide support and resources
for individuals to adhere to societal expectations.
Workplaces: Establish codes of conduct and professional standards. Enforce workplace policies
and norms through supervision and disciplinary actions.
Healthcare Institutions: Promote healthy behaviors and lifestyles. Provide interventions and
treatments for deviant behavior or mental health issues.
Civil Society Organizations: Advocate for social justice and promote adherence to ethical
standards. Offer support services and resources to address societal challenges.
Law and Legal Norms: Formalizes societal expectations through legislation and legal frameworks.
Provides a system for resolving disputes and enforcing compliance with established norms.
Social Norms and Cultural Practices: Informal rules of behavior that govern interactions within
society. Reinforced through socialization and peer influence, guiding individual conduct and
Deeply held norms that reflect the moral values of a society. Often informally enforced through
social disapproval and ostracism, shaping behavior in accordance with societal moral standards.

These agencies work in concert to maintain social order, reinforce societal norms, and address deviant behavior within
communities. They play essential roles in shaping individuals' behaviors and ensuring the smooth functioning of society
as a whole.

1. Process by which individuals learn and internalize societal norms and values.
2. Occurs through family, education, media, and other social institutions.
1. Rewards or punishments used to encourage conformity or discourage deviant
2. Can be formal (legal sanctions) or informal (social ostracism).
1. Monitoring of individuals or groups to ensure compliance with societal norms
and laws.
2. Includes both formal surveillance (by authorities) and informal surveillance (by
Examples of Social Control in Action
1.Legal System:
1. Courts, police, and prisons enforce laws and punish
2. Acts as a deterrent against deviant behavior.
2.Social Stigma:
EXAMPLES OF SOCIAL 1. Ostracism or social exclusion of individuals who
violate societal norms.
CONTROL IN 2. Reinforces conformity through fear of social
ACTION repercussions.
3.Peer Pressure:
1. Influence exerted by peers to conform to group
2. Can be positive (encouraging prosocial behavior) or
negative (pressuring conformity to harmful
•While social control is essential for maintaining order, it can also lead to
oppression and injustice.
•Critiques include concerns about power dynamics, cultural relativism, and the
impact on individual freedom and autonomy.


•Social control is a complex and multifaceted aspect

of society.
•Understanding its mechanisms and implications is
crucial for creating a balance between order and
individual rights.
for your attention. Let's open the floor for any
questions or further discussion on the topic of
social control.

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