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International Economics 18th Edition

Thomas Pugel
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Page i

International Economics

Eighteenth Edition

Thomas A. Pugel
New York University
Page ii


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To my wonderful family, my dear wife Bonnie and our next generation, Gabe, Maggie,
James, and Krista. I am so grateful for the love we share.
Page iv

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About The Author

Thomas Pugel

Thomas A. Pugel

Thomas A. Pugel is Professor Emeritus of Economics and Global Business at the Stern
School of Business, New York University. His research and publications focus on
international industrial competition and government policies toward international trade and
industry. Professor Pugel has been Visiting Professor at Aoyama Gakuin University in Japan
and a member of the U.S. faculty at the National Center for Industrial Science and
Technology Management Development in China. He received the university-wide
Distinguished Teaching Award at New York University in 1992, twice he was voted
Professor of the Year by the graduate students at the Stern School of Business, and three
times Stern’s Executive MBA students chose him to receive their Great Professor Award. He
studied economics as an undergraduate at Michigan State University and earned a PhD in
economics from Harvard University.
Page vi

Brief Contents
1 International Economics Is Different 1
2 The Basic Theory Using Demand and Supply 16
3 Why Everybody Trades: Comparative Advantage 34
4 Trade: Factor Availability and Factor Proportions Are Key 50
5 Who Gains and Who Loses from Trade? 68
6 Scale Economies, Imperfect Competition, and Trade 88
7 Growth and Trade 117
8 Analysis of a Tariff 137
9 Nontariff Barriers to Imports 161
10 Arguments for and against Protection 193
11 Pushing Exports 225
12 Trade Blocs and Trade Blocks 254
13 Trade and the Environment 279
14 Trade Policies for Developing Countries 312
15 Multinationals and Migration: International Factor Movements 335
16 Payments among Nations 371
17 The Foreign Exchange Market 390
18 Forward Exchange and International Financial Investment 405
19 What Determines Exchange Rates? 432
20 Government Policies toward the Foreign Exchange Market 463
21 International Lending and Financial Crises 501
22 How Does the Open Macroeconomy Work? 538
23 Internal and External Balance with Fixed Exchange Rates 565
24 Floating Exchange Rates and Internal Balance 602
25 National and Global Choices: Floating Rates and the Alternatives 627

A Locating International Numbers and Other Information 655
B Deriving Production-Possibility Curves 659
C Offer Curves 664
D The Nationally Optimal Tariff 667
E Accounting for International Payments 673
F Many Parities at Once 677
G Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply in the Open Economy 680
H Devaluation and the Current Account Balance 690
Page vii


Chapter 1
International Economics Is Different 1
Four Controversies 1
The Global COVID-19 Pandemic Crisis 1
Immigration 6
Brexit 8
Switzerland’s Exchange Rate 10
Economics and the Nation-State 14
Factor Mobility 14
Different Fiscal Policies 15
Different Moneys 15

Chapter 2
The Basic Theory Using Demand and Supply 16
Four Questions about Trade 17
Demand and Supply 17
Demand 17
Consumer Surplus 19
Case Study Trade Is Important 20
Supply 21
Global Crisis The Trade Mini-Collapses of 2009 and 2020 22
Producer Surplus 24
A National Market with No Trade 25
Two National Markets and the Opening of Trade 25
Free-Trade Equilibrium 27
Effects in the Importing Country 28
Effects in the Exporting Country 30
Which Country Gains More? 30
Summary: Early Answers to the Four Trade Questions 31
Key Terms 31
Suggested Reading 31
Questions and Problems 32

Chapter 3
Why Everybody Trades: Comparative Advantage 34
Adam Smith’s Theory of Absolute Advantage 35
Case Study Mercantilism: Older Than Smith—and Alive Today 36
Ricardo’s Theory of Comparative Advantage 38
Ricardo’s Constant Costs and the Production-Possibility Curve 41
Focus on Labor Absolute Advantage Does Matter 42
Extension What If Trade Doesn’t Balance? 45
Summary 46
Key Terms 47
Suggested Reading 47
Questions and Problems 47

Chapter 4
Trade: Factor Availability and Factor Proportions Are Key 50
Production with Increasing Marginal Costs 51
What’s behind the Bowed-Out Production-Possibility Curve? 51
What Production Combination Is Actually Chosen? 53
Community Indifference Curves 54
Production and Consumption Together 56
Without Trade 56
With Trade 57
Demand and Supply Curves Again 60
The Gains from Trade 60
Trade Affects Production and Consumption 61
What Determines the Trade Pattern? 62
The Heckscher–Ohlin (H–O) Theory 63
Summary 64
Key Terms 65
Suggested Reading 65
Questions and Problems 65
Page viii

Chapter 5
Who Gains and Who Loses from Trade? 68
Who Gains and Who Loses within a Country 68
Short-Run Effects of Opening Trade 69
The Long-Run Factor-Price Response 69
Three Implications of the H–O Theory 71
The Stolper–Samuelson Theorem 71
Extension A Factor-Ratio Paradox 72
Focus on Labor U.S. Jobs and Foreign Trade 74
The Specialized-Factor Pattern 75
The Factor-Price Equalization Theorem 75
Does Heckscher–Ohlin Explain Actual Trade Patterns? 76
Case Study The Leontief Paradox 77
Factor Endowments 77
International Trade 79
Focus on China China’s Exports and Imports 81
Do Factor Prices Equalize Internationally? 83
Summary: Fuller Answers to the Four Trade Questions 83
Key Terms 85
Suggested Reading 85
Questions and Problems 85

Chapter 6
Scale Economies, Imperfect Competition, and Trade 88
Scale Economies 89
Internal Scale Economies 90
External Scale Economies 91
Intra-Industry Trade 92
How Important Is Intra-Industry Trade? 93
What Explains Intra-Industry Trade? 94
Monopolistic Competition and Trade 95
The Market with No Trade 97
Opening to Free Trade 98
Basis for Trade 99
Gains from Trade 101
Extension The Individual Firm in Monopolistic Competition 102
Oligopoly and Trade 104
Substantial Scale Economies 105
Oligopoly Pricing 105
Extension The Gravity Model of Trade 106
External Scale Economies and Trade 109
Summary: How Does Trade Really Work? 111
Key Terms 113
Suggested Reading 114
Questions and Problems 114

Chapter 7
Growth and Trade 117
Balanced versus Biased Growth 118
Growth in Only One Factor 120
Changes in the Country’s Willingness to Trade 121
Case Study The Dutch Disease and Deindustrialization 123
Effects on the Country’s Terms of Trade 124
Small Country 124
Large Country 124
Immiserizing Growth 126
Technology and Trade 128
Individual Products and the Product Cycle 129
Openness to Trade Affects Growth 130
Focus on Labor Trade, Technology, and U.S. Wages 131
Summary 132
Key Terms 133
Suggested Reading 134
Questions and Problems 134

Chapter 8
Analysis of a Tariff 137
A Preview of Conclusions 138
The Effect of a Tariff on Domestic Producers 138
Case Study The Tariff-Driven Trade War of 2018–2019 139
Extension The Effective Rate of Protection 144
The Effect of a Tariff on Domestic Consumers 146
The Tariff as Government Revenue 147
The Net National Loss from a Tariff 148
The Terms-of-Trade Effect and a Nationally Optimal Tariff 151
Case Study They Tax Exports, Too 154

Page ix
Summary 157
Key Terms 158
Suggested Reading 158
Questions and Problems 158

Chapter 9
Nontariff Barriers to Imports 161
Types of Nontariff Barriers to Imports 161
The Import Quota 163
Quota versus Tariff for a Small Country 163
Ways to Allocate Import Licenses 165
Global Governance The World Trade Organization 166
Quota versus Tariff for a Large Country 171
Extension A Domestic Monopoly Prefers a Quota 172
Voluntary Export Restraints 175
Case Study VERs: Two Examples 176
Other Nontariff Barriers 178
Product Standards 178
Domestic Content Requirements 179
Case Study Carrots Are Fruit, Snails Are Fish, and X-Men Are Not Humans 180
Government Procurement 181
How Big Are the Costs of Protection? 182
As a Percentage of GDP 182
As the Extra Cost of Helping Domestic Producers 184
International Trade Disputes 184
America’s “Section 301”: Unilateral Pressure 185
Dispute Settlement in the WTO 185
Focus on China China in the WTO 186
Summary 189
Key Terms 190
Suggested Reading 190
Questions and Problems 191

Chapter 10
Arguments for and against Protection 193
The Ideal World of First Best 194
The Realistic World of Second Best 196
Government Policies toward Externalities 197
The Specificity Rule 197
Promoting Domestic Production or Employment 198
Focus on Labor How Much Does It Cost to Protect a Job? 202
The Infant Industry Argument 202
How It Is Supposed to Work 204
How Valid Is It? 205
The Dying Industry Argument and Adjustment Assistance 207
Should the Government Intervene? 207
Trade Adjustment Assistance 209
The Developing Government (Public Revenue) Argument 210
Other Arguments for Protection: Noneconomic Objectives 210
National Pride 211
National Defense 211
Income Redistribution 212
The Politics of Protection 212
The Basic Elements of the Political–Economic Analysis 212
When Are Tariffs Unlikely? 213
When Are Tariffs Likely? 214
Case Study How Sweet It Is (or Isn’t) 216
Applications to Other Trade-Policy Patterns 217
Global Crisis Dodging Protectionism 218
Summary 220
Key Terms 221
Suggested Reading 222
Questions and Problems 222
Chapter 11
Pushing Exports 225
Dumping 225
Reacting to Dumping: What Should a Dumpee Think? 228
Actual Antidumping Policies: What Is Unfair? 229
Proposals for Reform 232
Case Study Antidumping in Action 234
Export Subsidies 236
Exportable Product, Small Exporting Country 237
Exportable Product, Large Exporting Country 238
Switching an Importable Product into an Exportable Product 240
WTO Rules on Subsidies 241

Page x
Should the Importing Country Impose Countervailing Duties? 241
Case Study Agriculture Is Amazing 244
Strategic Export Subsidies Could Be Good 246
Global Governance Dogfight at the WTO 248
Summary 251
Key Terms 252
Suggested Reading 252
Questions and Problems 252

Chapter 12
Trade Blocs and Trade Blocks 254
Types of Economic Blocs 254
Is Trade Discrimination Good or Bad? 255
The Basic Theory of Trade Blocs: Trade Creation and Trade Diversion 257
Other Possible Gains from a Trade Bloc 260
The Eu Experience 261
Case Study Postwar Trade Integration in Europe 262
North America as a Bloc 265
NAFTA: Provisions and Controversies 266
NAFTA: Effects 266
Rules of Origin 268
NAFTA Becomes the USMCA 268
Trade Blocs among Developing Countries 269
Trade Embargoes 271
Summary 276
Key Terms 277
Suggested Reading 277
Questions and Problems 277

Chapter 13
Trade and the Environment 279
Is Free Trade Anti-Environment? 279
Is the WTO Anti-Environment? 284
Global Governance Dolphins, Turtles, and the WTO 286
The Specificity Rule Again 288
A Preview of Policy Prescriptions 289
Trade and Domestic Pollution 291
Transborder Pollution 294
The Right Solution 295
A Next-Best Solution 297
NAFTA, the USMCA, and the Environment 298
Global Environmental Challenges 299
Global Problems Need Global Solutions 299
Extinction of Species 300
Overfishing 302
CFCs and Ozone 303
Greenhouse Gases and Global Warming 304
Summary 308
Key Terms 309
Suggested Reading 309
Questions and Problems 309

Chapter 14
Trade Policies for Developing Countries 312
Which Trade Policy for Developing Countries? 314
Are the Long-Run Price Trends Against Primary Producers? 316
International Cartels to Raise Primary-Product Prices 320
The OPEC Victories 320
Classic Monopoly as an Extreme Model for Cartels 321
The Limits to and Erosion of Cartel Power 323
Oil Prices since 1999 325
Other Primary Products 325
Import-Substituting Industrialization 326
ISI at Its Best 326
Experience with ISI 327
Exports of Manufactures to Developed Countries 330
Summary 331
Key Terms 332
Suggested Reading 332
Questions and Problems 333

Chapter 15
Multinationals and Migration: International Factor Movements 335
Foreign Direct Investment 336
Multinational Enterprises 338
FDI: History and Current Patterns 339
Why Do Multinational Enterprises Exist? 341
Inherent Disadvantages 342
Firm-Specific Advantages 342
Location Factors 343
Internalization Advantages 344
Oligopolistic Rivalry 345
Taxation of Multinational Enterprises’ Profits 345

Page xi
Case Study CEMEX: A Model Multinational from an Unusual Place 346
MNEs and International Trade 348
Should the Home Country Restrict FDI Outflows? 350
Should the Host Country Restrict FDI Inflows? 351
Focus on China China as a Host Country 352
Migration 355
How Migration Affects Labor Markets 357
Should the Sending Country Restrict Emigration? 360
Should the Receiving Country Restrict Immigration? 361
Effects on the Government Budget 362
External Costs and Benefits 362
What Policies to Select Immigrants? 363
Case Study Are Immigrants a Fiscal Burden? 364
Summary 366
Key Terms 368
Suggested Reading 368
Questions and Problems 368

Chapter 16
Payments among Nations 371
Accounting Principles 371
A Country’s Balance of Payments 372
Current Account 372
Financial Account 374
Official International Reserves 375
Statistical Discrepancy 376
The Macro Meaning of the Current Account Balance 376
The Macro Meaning of the Overall Balance 381
The International Investment Position 382
Euro Crisis International Indicators Lead the Crisis 384
Summary 386
Key Terms 387
Suggested Reading 387
Questions and Problems 387

Chapter 17
The Foreign Exchange Market 390
The Basics of Currency Trading 391
Using the Foreign Exchange Market 393
Case Study Foreign Exchange Trading 394
Interbank Foreign Exchange Trading 395
Demand and Supply for Foreign Exchange 396
Floating Exchange Rates 397
Fixed Exchange Rates 399
Current Arrangements 400
Arbitrage within the Spot Exchange Market 401
Summary 402
Key Terms 402
Suggested Reading 402
Questions and Problems 403

Chapter 18
Forward Exchange and International Financial Investment 405
Exchange-Rate Risk 405
The Market Basics of Forward Foreign Exchange 406
Hedging Using Forward Foreign Exchange 407
Speculating Using Forward Foreign Exchange 408
Extension Futures, Options, and Swaps 410
International Financial Investment 412
International Investment with Cover 413
Covered Interest Arbitrage 415
Covered Interest Parity 416
International Investment Without Cover 417
Does Interest Parity Really Hold? Empirical Evidence 420
Evidence on Covered Interest Parity 420
Evidence on Uncovered Interest Parity 424
Case Study Eurocurrencies: Not (Just) Euros and Not Regulated 426
Evidence on Forward Exchange Rates and Expected Future Spot Exchange Rates 427
Summary 428
Key Terms 429
Suggested Reading 429
Questions and Problems 429

Page xii

Chapter 19
What Determines Exchange Rates? 432
A Road Map 434
Exchange Rates in the Short Run 435
The Role of Interest Rates 436
The Role of the Expected Future Spot Exchange Rate 437
The Long Run: Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) 439
The Law of One Price 440
Absolute Purchasing Power Parity 440
Relative Purchasing Power Parity 441
Case Study PPP from Time to Time 442
Relative PPP: Evidence 443
Case Study Price Gaps and International Income Comparisons 446
The Long Run: The Monetary Approach 448
Money, Price Levels, and Inflation 449
Money and PPP Combined 449
The Effect of Money Supplies on an Exchange Rate 450
The Effect of Real Incomes on an Exchange Rate 451
Exchange-Rate Overshooting 451
How Well Can We Predict Exchange Rates? 454
Four Ways to Measure the Exchange Rate 456
Summary 458
Key Terms 460
Suggested Reading 460
Questions and Problems 460

Chapter 20
Government Policies toward the Foreign Exchange Market 463
Two Aspects: Rate Flexibility and Restrictions on Use 464
Floating Exchange Rate 465
Fixed Exchange Rate 465
What to Fix To? 466
When to Change the Fixed Rate? 466
Defending a Fixed Exchange Rate 468
Defense Through Official Intervention 469
Defending against Depreciation 469
Defending against Appreciation 471
Temporary Disequilibrium 473
Disequilibrium That Is Not Temporary 474
Exchange Control 476
International Currency Experience 480
The Gold Standard Era, 1870–1914 (One Version of Fixed Rates) 480
Interwar Instability 483
The Bretton Woods Era, 1944–1971 (Adjustable Pegged Rates) 485
Global Governance The International Monetary Fund 486
The Current System: Limited Anarchy 491
Summary 495
Key Terms 497
Suggested Reading 498
Questions and Problems 498

Chapter 21
International Lending and Financial Crises 501
Gains and Losses From Well-Behaved International Lending 502
Taxes on International Lending 505
International Lending to Developing Countries 505
The Surge in International Lending, 1974–1982 506
The Debt Crisis of 1982 507
The Resurgence of Capital Flows in the 1990s 509
The Mexican Crisis, 1994–1995 510
The Asian Crisis, 1997 511
The Russian Crisis, 1998 512
Argentina’s Crisis, 2001–2002 513
Global Governance Short of Reserves? Call 800-IMF-LOAN 514
Capital Flows since 2002 516
Financial Crises: What Can and Does Go Wrong 516
Overlending and Overborrowing 517
Exogenous International Shocks 517
Exchange-Rate Risk 518
Fickle International Short-Term Lending 518
Extension The Special Case of Sovereign Debt 519
Global Contagion 521
Resolving Financial Crises 521
Rescue Packages 522
Debt Restructuring 523

Page xiii
Reducing the Frequency of Financial Crises 524
Bank Regulation and Supervision 525
Capital Controls 526
Global Financial and Economic Crisis 527
How the Crisis Happened 527
Causes and Amplifiers 529
Euro Crisis National Crises, Contagion, and Resolution 531
Summary 534
Key Terms 535
Suggested Reading 535
Questions and Problems 536

Chapter 22
How Does the Open Macroeconomy Work? 538
The Performance of a National Economy 538
A Framework for Macroeconomic Analysis 539
Domestic Production Depends on Aggregate Demand 540
Trade Depends on Income 542
Equilibrium GDP and Spending Multipliers 542
Equilibrium GDP 542
The Spending Multiplier in a Small Open Economy 544
Foreign Spillovers and Foreign-Income Repercussions 546
A More Complete Framework: Three Markets 548
The Domestic Product Market 549
The Money Market 551
Extension A Deeper Look at Monetary Policy 552
The Foreign Exchange Market (or Balance of Payments) 554
Three Markets Together 557
The Price Level Does Change 558
Trade Also Depends on Price Competitiveness 559
Summary 561
Key Terms 562
Suggested Reading 563
Questions and Problems 563

Chapter 23
Internal and External Balance with Fixed Exchange Rates 565
From the Balance of Payments to the Money Supply 566
The Central Bank’s Balance Sheet and the Money Supply 566
Official Foreign Exchange Intervention 568
From the Money Supply Back to the Balance of Payments 569
Sterilization 572
Monetary Policy with Fixed Exchange Rates 573
Fiscal Policy with Fixed Exchange Rates 574
Perfect Capital Mobility 577
Shocks to the Economy 579
Internal Shocks 579
International Capital-Flow Shocks 580
International Trade Shocks 581
Imbalances and Policy Responses 583
Internal and External Imbalances 583
A Short-Run Solution: Monetary–Fiscal Mix 585
Surrender: Changing the Exchange Rate 587
Case Study A Tale of Three Countries 588
How Well Does the Trade Balance Respond to Changes in the Exchange Rate? 593
How the Response Could Be Unstable 594
Why the Response Is Probably Stable 595
Timing: The J Curve 596
Summary 597
Key Terms 599
Suggested Reading 600
Questions and Problems 600

Chapter 24
Floating Exchange Rates and Internal Balance 602
Monetary Policy With Floating Exchange Rates 603
Fiscal Policy With Floating Exchange Rates 606
Shocks to the Economy 608
Internal Shocks 608
International Capital-Flow Shocks 609

Page xiv
Case Study Why Are U.S. Trade Deficits So Big? 610
International Trade Shocks 612
Internal Imbalance and Policy Responses 613
Global Crisis Liquidity Trap! 614
International Macroeconomic Policy Coordination 616
Case Study Can Governments Manage the Float? 617
Global Crisis Central Bank Liquidity Swaps 620
Summary 622
Key Terms 624
Suggested Reading 624
Questions and Problems 625

Chapter 25
National and Global Choices: Floating Rates and the Alternatives 627
Key Issues in the Choice of Exchange-Rate Policy 628
Effects of Macroeconomic Shocks 628
Case Study What Role for Gold? 630
The Effectiveness of Government Policies 634
Differences in Macroeconomic Goals, Priorities, and Policies 635
Controlling Inflation 636
Real Effects of Exchange-Rate Variability 638
National Choices 640
Extreme Fixes 642
Currency Board 642
“Dollarization” 643
The International Fix—Monetary Union 644
Exchange Rate Mechanism 645
European Monetary Union 646
Summary 652
Key Terms 653
Suggested Reading 653
Questions and Problems 654

A Locating International Numbers and Other Information 655
B Deriving Production-Possibility Curves 659
C Offer Curves 664
D The Nationally Optimal Tariff 667
E Accounting for International Payments 673
F Many Parities at Once 677
G Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply in the Open Economy 680
H Devaluation and the Current Account Balance 690
Suggested Answers to Odd-Numbered Questions and Problems 694
References 731
Index 743
Page xv

International economics combines the excitement of world events and the incisiveness of
economic analysis. We are in the second great wave of globalization, in which product,
capital, and labor markets become more integrated across countries. This second wave,
which began in about 1950 and picked up steam in the 1980s, has lasted longer than the
first, which began in about 1870 and ended with World War I (or perhaps with the onset of
the Great Depression in 1930).

In the process of globalization, international trade, foreign direct investment, cross-border

lending, and international portfolio investments have grown faster than world production. In
addition, information, data, and rumors now spread around the world instantly through the
Internet and other global electronic media.

As the world has become more integrated, countries have become more interdependent.
Increasingly, events and policy changes in one country affect many other countries. Also
increasingly, companies make decisions about production and product development based
on global markets.

It is important to recognize, however, that globalization is not inevitable. Since the 2007–
2009 global financial and economic crisis, the process of globalization has slowed markedly.
More recently, the global spread of COVID-19 led to limits on international activities as
governments imposed lockdowns on production activities and restrictions on international

To some extent, we may be in a pause to allow regrouping of the economic forces driving
globalization. For example, before the financial and economic crisis, global financial flows
may have overexpanded, so a retrenchment was healthy. Other forces resisting globalization
are political, including rising nationalism. Are national well-being and globalization
enemies? A key task of international economics is to examine the national interest within an
internationally linked world.

My goal in writing and revising this book is to provide the best blend of events and analysis,
so that the reader builds the abilities to understand global economic developments and to
evaluate proposals for changes in economic policies. The book is informed by current events
and by the latest in applied international research. My job is to synthesize all of this to
facilitate learning. The book
Combines rigorous economic analysis with attention to the issues of economic policy that
are alive and important today.
Is written to be concise and readable.
Uses economic terminology when it enhances the analysis but avoids jargon for jargon’s

I follow these principles when I teach international economics to undergraduates and

master’s degree students. I believe that the book benefits as I bring into it what I learn from
the classroom.

Page xvi


The examples presented in Chapter 1 show that international economics is exciting and
sometimes controversial because there are both differences between countries and
interconnections among countries. Still, international economics is like other economics in
that we will be examining the fundamental challenge of scarcity of resources—how we can
best use our scarce resources to create the most value and the most benefits. We will be able
to draw on many standard tools and concepts of economics, such as supply and demand
analysis, and extend their use to the international arena.

We begin our in-depth exploration of international economics with international trade

theory and policy. In Chapters 2– 7 we look at why countries trade goods and services.
In Chapters 8– 15 we examine what government policies toward trade would bring
benefits and to whom. This first half of the book might be called international

Our basic theory of trade, presented in Chapter 2, says that trade usually results from the
interaction of competitive demand and supply. It shows how the gains that trade brings to
some people and the losses it brings to others can sum to overall global and national gains
from trade. Chapter 3 launches an exploration of what lies behind the demand and
supply curves and discovers the concept of comparative advantage. Chapter 4 shows that
countries have different comparative advantages for the fundamental reason that people, and
therefore countries, differ from each other in the resources they bring to production of
goods and services. Chapter 5 looks at the strong impacts of trade on people who own
those productive resources—the human labor and skills, the capital, the land, and other
resources. Some ways of making a living are definitely helped by trade, while others are hurt.
Chapter 6 examines how actual trade may reflect forces calling for theories that go
beyond our basic ideas of demand and supply and of comparative advantage. Chapter 7
explores some key links between trade and economic growth.

Chapters 8– 15 use the theories of the previous chapters to analyze a broad range of
government policy issues. Chapters 8– 10 set out on a journey to map the border
between good trade barriers and bad ones. This journey turns out to be intellectually
challenging, calling for careful reasoning. Chapter 11 explores how firms and
governments sometimes push for more trade rather than less, promoting exports more than
a competitive marketplace would. Chapter 12 switches to the economics of trade blocs
like the European Union and the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement. Chapter 13
faces the intense debate over how environmental concerns should affect trade policy.
Chapter 14 looks at how trade creates challenges and opportunities for developing
countries. Chapter 15 examines the economics of emigration and immigration and the
roles of global companies in the transfer of resources, including technology, between

The focus of the second half of the book shifts to international finance and
macroeconomics. In Chapters 16– 21 we enter the world of different moneys, the
exchange rates between these moneys, and international investors and speculators.
Chapters 22– 25 survey the effects of a national government’s choice of exchange-rate
policy on the country’s macroeconomic performance, especially unemployment and

Page xvii

Chapter 16 presents the balance of payments, a way to keep track of all the economic
transactions between a country and the rest of the world. In Chapter 17 we explore the
basics of exchange rates between currencies and the functioning and enormous size of the
foreign exchange market. Chapter 18 provides a tour of the returns to and risks of foreign
financial investments. Exchange rates are prices, and in Chapter 19 we look behind basic
supply and demand in the foreign exchange market, in search of fundamental economic
determinants of exchange-rate values. Chapter 20 examines government policies toward
the foreign-exchange market, first using description and analysis, and then presenting the
history of exchange-rate regimes, starting with the gold standard and finishing with the
current mash-up of different national policies. Well-behaved international lending and
borrowing can create global gains, but Chapter 21 also examines financial crises that can
arise from some kinds of foreign borrowing and that can spread across countries, a clear
downside of globalization.

Chapter 22 begins our explication of international macroeconomics by developing a

framework for analyzing a national economy that is linked to the rest of the world through
international trade and international financial investing. We use this framework in the next
two chapters to explore the macroeconomic performance of a country that maintains a fixed
exchange-rate value for its currency ( Chapter 23) and of a country that allows a floating,
market-driven exchange-rate value for its currency ( Chapter 24). Chapter 25 uses what
we have learned throughout the second half of the book to examine the benefits and costs of
alternatives for a country’s exchange-rate policy. While rather extreme versions of fixed
exchange rates serve some countries well, the general trend is toward more flexible exchange

In a few places the book’s scheme (international trade first, international finance second)
creates some momentary inconvenience, as when we look at the exchange-rate link between
cutting imports and reducing exports in Chapter 5 before we have discussed exchange
rates in depth. Mostly the organization serves us well. The understanding we gain about
earlier topics provides us with building blocks that allow us to explore broader issues later in
the book.


It is a challenge and a pleasure for me to incorporate the events and policy changes that
continue to transform the global economy, and to find the new examples that show the
effects of globalization (both its upside and its downside). Here are some of the current and
recent events and issues that are included in this edition (in the order in which they appear
in the text), to provide new examples that show the practical use of our international
economic analysis:
In early 2020 COVID-19 became a global pandemic that had dire effects on global health
and very large effects on the global economy. Most countries went into deep recessions in
2020, and international trade in goods and services shrank. Investors’ flight to safety and
“dash for cash” disrupted financial markets. Monetary policy and fiscal policy shifted
quickly to expansionary, and the global recession was short. The International Monetary
Fund (IMF) reacted quickly, with a large allocation of new special drawing rights and
emergency lending to a large number of developing countries.
During Donald Trump’s term as U.S. president, he issued a series of executive orders that
restricted immigration into the United States. When Joe Biden became president in 2021,
he quickly issued executive orders that reversed many of those issued by Trump.
Page xviii

Brexit, the United Kingdom (UK) leaving the European Union (EU), occurred in early
2020. The UK and the EU implemented a free trade area for their goods trade that went
into effect at the beginning of 2021. While the free trade agreement continued trade with
no tariffs or quantitative limits, the UK and EU imposed new nontariff impediments to
goods trade, and trade between the UK and EU declined. As of mid-2022, rules for trade
in services, including financial services, a British strength, had not yet been agreed. With
Brexit the UK and EU imposed their government policies to migration between them. UK
immigration from the EU declined substantially.
In 2020, as international investors sought out ultra-safe financial investments, many
shifted investments to Switzerland. As they bought Swiss francs in the foreign exchange
market, this put upward pressure on the exchange rate value of the Swiss franc, especially
relative to the euro, the currency of its major trading partners in the EU. Fearing the
negative macroeconomic effects of franc appreciation on the Swiss economy, the Swiss
central bank made large interventions into the foreign exchange market, selling Swiss
francs and buying euros. But the interventions brought Switzerland into conflict with U.S.
laws, and in late 2020 the U.S. Treasury Department formally designated Switzerland as
currency manipulator. After discussions and negotiations between the two governments,
the U.S. dropped the designation in 2021.
Semiconductor integrated circuits became increasingly pervasive in many products. The
Dutch firm ASML is the sole manufacturer of the most advanced version of lithographic
machines needed to produce cutting-edge integrated circuits. ASML is the most
important global monopoly that most people have never heard of.
The trade war that the Trump administration started with China in 2018 continued to
escalate in 2019. Twice in 2019 the United States imposed additional tariffs on imports
from China, and China retaliated by increasing its tariffs on imports from the United
States. With a Phase One agreement between the China and the United States in early
2020, the trade war stalemated.
The Trump administration bold-faced its complaints about shortcomings of the World
Trade Organization (WTO) by blocking appointments of new members to join the
Appellate Body for the WTO dispute settlement process. As the terms of judges expired
with no replacements, the Appellate Body could no longer function. Panel decisions in
WTO dispute cases that were appealed went into suspensions, with the cases unresolved.
Even though American steel-producing firms benefitted from higher tariffs on steel
imports imposed by the Trump administration in 2018 (part of the second front of the
trade war), the firms continued to file cases alleging foreign dumping of steel. Of the 19
cases filed, the U.S. government imposed anti-dumping duties in 17. The duties apply in
addition to the higher tariffs.
The battle at the WTO between the United States and the EU over subsidies to their
civilian aircraft producers (Boeing and Airbus) ended in a truce in 2021, 17 years after it
started. The truce left the United States, the EU, and their complaints about each other’s
policies back to about where they were in 1992.
Page xix

The United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA), the successor to the North

American Free Trade Area (NAFTA), entered into effect in 2020. Much of the USMCA
is the same as NAFTA. The USMCA updates some rules and has rules for new areas,
including digital trade and regulatory practices. It incorporates provisions for labor and
the environment. And, it increases impediments to automobile trade.
The Comprehensive and Progressive Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) came into force
in 2018. The United States was active in negotiating the pact but withdrew from joining.
A coalition of countries imposed broad sanctions on Russia after it invaded Ukraine in
2022. The sanctions included limits on or blocking of Russia’s international trade and
restrictions on Russia’s ability to use international financial and payments systems.
By 2021 China had eliminated most of its limits on foreign ownership of financial firms,
and in 2022 China removed such limits for automobile firms. In these industries foreign
multinational enterprises became free to have majority- or wholly-owned affiliate firms in
China. China also updated its lists of industries in which foreign direct investment is
encouraged and industries in which it is prohibited.
In May 2022 the Nigerian government had an official fixed exchange rate of 416 naira per
U.S. dollar, but it also had extensive controls to limit access to dollars at this rate.
Frustrated people who wanted to buy dollars could instead use an unofficial parallel
market with a rate of about 600 naira per dollar.
During 2018–2019 the IMF disbursed a loan to Argentina’s government, the largest IMF
program ever. In 2020 Argentina defaulted on $65 billion of its debt to private lenders
and began discussions with the IMF to restructure its $44 billion debt to the IMF.
In addition to Argentina, five other developing countries defaulted on their international
debt in 2020. A new issue became prominent. Government debts to Chinese lenders,
mostly state-owned financial institutions and other enterprises, have grown. Limited
availability of information about the Chinese loans made other lenders reluctant to agree
to restructure their loans.
Bulgaria and Croatia joined the Exchange Rate Mechanism for their fixed exchange rates
with the euro, as part of the process for them to adopt the euro in place of their own
In addition to Switzerland, the U.S. government also officially designated China as a
currency manipulator in 2019 and Vietnam as a currency manipulator in 2020.
Nigeria and Suriname devalued the exchange rate values of their currencies in 2020 and
again in 2021. Egypt devalued its currency in 2022.
Hong Kong uses a currency board to maintain the fixed exchange rate of its Hong Kong
dollar to the U.S. dollar. With the rapid increase in U.S. interest rates in 2022, the Hong
Kong dollar depreciated to the edge of its of small exchange-rate band. The Hong Kong
monetary authority intervened to buy Hong Kong dollars and sell U.S. dollars. The Hong
Kong monetary base decreased and Hong Kong interest rates increased.
To end its hyperinflation, Zimbabwe in 2009 abolished its own currency and
“dollarized”—began to use the U.S. dollar as its currency. But, this constrained the
government’s ability to run fiscal deficits. The government reintroduced its own currency
and in 2019 declared it the sole legal tender. Quickly, very high inflation rates reappeared,
driven by rapid money growth as the central bank “printed” money for the government to

Page xx

In addition to new events and examples, it is important for me to incorporate current and
recent economic research that provides useful new insights into the effects of international
economic activities and government policies toward international trade and finance. Here
are examples that have been incorporated into this edition:
Economics research quickly contributed to our understanding of the effects of the trade
war initiated by the U.S. government in 2018. In two studies Mary Amiti, Stephen
Redding, and David Weinstein examined the effects on trade prices and quantities. Pablo
Fajgelbaum, Pinelopi Goldberg, Patrick Kennedy, and Amit Khandelwal also provided
estimates of effects on trade prices and quantities, as well as changes in consumer surplus
and deadweight loss. The study by Alberto Cavallo, Gita Gopinath, Brent Neiman, and
Jenny Tang focused on the effects of U.S. tariffs on U.S. prices. These studies used
monthly data on tariff rates and trade for detailed products by partner country. The
research concluded that, with one exception, U.S. import tariffs were almost fully passed
into prices of those imports in the United States, so that U.S. households and firms paid
the U.S. tariffs. The exception is evidence from the second study by Amiti, Redding, and
Weinstein. They found that, for the time beyond about a year, foreign steel exporters to
the United States cut their export prices, so U.S. steel users only paid about half the tariff.
The studies that examined quantities all concluded that increased U.S. tariffs on imports
substantially reduced those U.S. imports, and that foreign retaliatory tariffs on U.S.
exports substantially reduced those U.S. exports.
Yixiao Zhou and Harry Block examined the process of factor price equalization using
data from 39 countries for 35 industries. They used purchasing power parity-adjusted
wage rates for three groups of workers—low, medium, and high skill, defined by
educational attainment. They found that differences in real wage rates across countries for
each skill group decreased at a rate of about 4 percent per year.
Research by Gary Hufbauer and Euijin Jung provided estimates of both the cost to U.S.
consumers and the net cost to the United States of using high tariffs to maintain jobs in
the clothing and textile industries. For each product, they used a supply-demand model,
data on U.S. production, U.S. imports, and the average U.S. tariff rate, and estimates of
demand and supply elasticities to calculate their cost estimates.
Michele Ca’ Zorzi and Michał Rubaszek were interested in forecasting future exchange
rates. They began with monthly data on nominal (regular money to money) exchange
rates, real (inflation adjusted) exchange rates, and consumer price indexes, for each of 10
other developed countries relative to the United States and the U.S. dollar. They
confirmed two findings from previous studies. First, the real exchange rate is mean
reverting (that is, relative purchasing parity tends to hold in the longer run). Second,
changes in real exchange rates for developed countries are mostly the result of changes in
nominal exchange rates. They combined these two insights into a simple forecasting
method. For forecasting exchange rates more than a year in the future, their approach
outperformed both the random walk proposition that the forecast of the future nominal
exchange rate is simply the current exchange rate and some other more complex
forecasting methods.

Page xxi


In this edition I introduce and extend a number of improvements to the pedagogical
structure and topical coverage of the book.
The COVID-19 pandemic has had wide-ranging effects on the international economy
since early 2020. This edition interweaves the economic effects of the pandemic across its
chapters. The overview of the global COVID-19 pandemic crisis opens Chapter 1. Among
the controversial developments discussed in this overview are the shortages of imported
personal protective equipment and other medical goods in 2020 and the stresses placed
on global supply chains for many products. The large decline in the world’s international
trade is discussed in Chapter 2, which includes a visual comparison to the 2009 trade
decline caused by the global financial and economic crisis. National bans and restrictions
on exports of personal protective equipment and other medical goods appear in the
discussion of export taxes and other limitations in Chapter 8. Chapter 15 notes that
immigrant remittances back to their families decreased in 2020 and then recovered in
The discussion of the U.S. balance of payments in Chapter 16 includes the increases in
the sizes of U.S. deficits in international trade and the current account during 2020–2021,
and discussion in Chapter 24 relates the increased deficits to other macroeconomic
developments. International dimensions of the financial disruptions caused by investors’
flight to safety and “dash for cash” in March 2020 appear twice in the book. An updated
figure in Chapter 18 shows that the disruptions included a widening of deviations from
covered interest parity. Chapter 24 discusses the re-expansion of central bank liquidity
swaps, an innovation from the global financial and economic crisis, to address the
disruption that curtailed the access of foreign financial institutions to dollar funding. Two
related boxes in Chapters 20 and 21 provide information on the response of the
International Monetary Fund to the global COVID-19 pandemic crisis, including the
creation and distribution of $650 billion of new special drawing rights and rapid
emergency lending of $41 billion to 87 developing countries. Chapter 22 explains the path
of the inflation rate in the United States (and many other countries). The initial effect
with the deep recession was a decrease in inflation. The quick recovery and the demand
shift toward goods then led to rising inflation rates that became quite high by late-2021.
And, Chapter 25’s discussion of the euro highlights that the economic effects of COVID-
19 led to two major EU policy changes—a suspension of the rules restricting national
fiscal policies, and the implementation of the first large union-wide expansionary fiscal

Chapter 13 on trade and the environment continues as a unique and powerful treatment
of issues of interest to many students. The presentation of global warming has been
revised. It updates facts and baseline projections, including which countries and areas are
expected to be most badly affected. It notes that, soon after Joe Biden became U.S.
president, the United States rejoined the Paris Agreement. It presents principles for an
effective global approach, and applies them to discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the
Paris Agreement. And, it discusses the spread of national commitments to achieving net-
zero carbon emissions, a development that offers some hope for progress in reducing
global warming.
Page xxii

The 18th edition includes three new boxes. The new case study box “The Tariff-Driven
Trade War of 2018–2019” in Chapter 8 explains how President Donald Trump and the
U.S. government started a trade war on two fronts, one for steel and aluminum and one
with China. The box describes the processes used to impose the initial U.S. tariffs, the
retaliation tariffs by foreign countries, and counter-retaliation by the United States. The
box also provides estimates of the sizes of the effects on trade flows, U.S. producers of
various products, and U.S. consumers, as well as the net losses to the U.S. overall. The
trade war provides an example that motivates the analysis of import barriers in Chapters
8 and 9.
The box “The World Trade Organization” in Chapter 9 is a combination and extension of
two boxes from the 17th edition. The box includes discussion of the WTO’s history, the
general success in lowering tariffs, and the mixed record in reducing nontariff barriers to
trade. It concludes by presenting a set of current challenges facing the WTO: the failure
to achieve a new broad trade liberalization agreement; complaints by the United States
and other countries about Chinese government policies, especially trade-distortive
subsidies to Chinese production and pressures to force technology transfers from foreign
firms to Chinese firms; complaints by the U.S. government because WTO dispute
settlement decisions repeatedly have found that U.S. procedures for imposing anti-
dumping duties violate WTO rules; the WTO’s inability to head off or de-escalate the
trade war; and the U.S. government refusal to approve new judges, which has stymied a
key part of the WTO dispute settlement process.
The new box “A Deeper Look at Monetary Policy” in Chapter 22 provides a discussion of
different procedures used by countries to carry out their monetary policy. Some countries
conduct their monetary policy by altering the quantity of money using tools like open
market operations and reserve requirements. This approach motivates the LM curve used
in Chapters 23 and 24. Other countries use interest rates that they control directly to
move market-driven short-term interest rates close to the central bank’s interest rate
target. For the U.S. Federal Reserve, the target is the market rate for overnight federal
funds lending, and the key rate set by the Fed is the interest rate that it pays on (regular)
bank deposits at the Fed. The box notes that a modified version of the LM curve would fit
this operating procedure, even though the central bank is not manipulating the money
supply. The rest of our macroeconomic analysis in Chapters 23 and 24 would be very
I used the latest available sources to update the wide range of data and information
presented in the figures and text of the book. Among other updates, the book offers the
latest information on national factor endowments; international trade in specific products
for the United States, China, and Japan; wage rates and productivity levels in the
manufacturing sectors of 79 countries; national shares of intra-industry trade as a
percentage of total trade; national average tariff rates; dumping and subsidy cases; levels
and growth rates of national incomes per capita; trends in the relative prices of primary
products; patterns of foreign direct investments broadly and by major home country; rates
of immigration into the United States, Canada, and the European Union; the U.S. balance
of payments and the U.S. international investment position; the sizes of foreign exchange
trading and foreign exchange futures, swaps, and options; levels and trends for nominal
exchange rates; effective exchange-rate values for the U.S. dollar; evidence about relative
purchasing power parity; the exchange-rate policies chosen by national governments; the
flows of international financing to and the outstanding foreign debt of developing
countries; and gold prices.

Page xxiii


I have been careful to retain the goals of clarity and honesty that have made International
Economics an extraordinary success in classrooms and courses around the world. There are
plenty of quick road signs at the start of and within chapters. The summaries at the ends of
the chapters offer an integration of what has been discussed. Students get the signs, “Here’s
where we are going; here’s where we have just been.” I use bullet-point and numbered lists to
add to the visual appeal of the text and to emphasize sets of determinants or effects. I strive
to keep paragraphs to reasonable lengths, and I have found ways to break up some long
paragraphs to make the text easier to read.

I am candid about ranking some tools or facts ahead of others. The undeniable power of
some of the economist’s tools is applied repeatedly to events and issues without apology.
Theories and concepts that fail to improve on common sense are not oversold.

The format of the book is fine-tuned for better learning. Students need to master the
language of international economics. Most exam-worthy terms appear in boldface in the
text, with their definitions usually contiguous. The material at the end of each chapter
includes a listing of these key terms. Words and phrases that deserve special emphasis are in


Answering questions and working problems are great ways for students to engage with the
book’s contents and build their facility in using the concepts and analysis of international
The book includes a total of 313 end-of-chapter Questions and Problems. Each chapter
(except for the short introductory chapter) has at least 12 questions and problems.
The answers to all odd-numbered questions and problems are included in the material at
the end of the book. As a reminder, these odd-numbered questions are marked with a ♦.
Each Case Study box has a discussion question, a total of 21 questions that focus on issues
raised in the case studies.


Shaded boxes appear in different font with a different right-edge format and
two columns per page, in contrast to the style of the main text. The boxes are
labeled by type and provide discussions of the euro crisis that began in 2010,
the global financial and economic crisis that began in 2007, the roles of the
WTO and the IMF in global governance, China’s international trade and
investment, labor issues, case studies, and extensions of the concepts
presented in the text.

Page xxiv

The following ancillaries are available for quick download and convenient access via the
Instructor Resource material available through McGraw Hill Connect®.
PowerPoint Presentations: Revised with accessibility in mind, the PowerPoint slides
include a brief, detailed review of the important ideas covered in each chapter,
accompanied by relevant tables and figures featured within the text and accessible
descriptions for all figures compatible with most screen reader technology. You can edit,
print, or rearrange the slides to fit the needs of your course.
Test Bank: Updated for the eighteenth edition, the test bank offers well over 1,500
questions categorized by level of difficulty, AACSB learning categories, Bloom’s
taxonomy, and topic.
Instructor’s Manual: Written by the author, the instructor’s manual contains chapter
overviews, teaching tips, and suggested answers to the discussion questions featured
among the case studies as well as the end-of-chapter questions and problems. To increase
flexibility, the Tips section in each chapter often provides the author’s thoughts and
suggestions for customizing the coverage of certain sections and chapters.



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Another random document with
no related content on Scribd:
Haden. Harlech
In Harlech the artist has first mezzotinted his composition and
has then strengthened and defined the outlines with etched
lines. This is the reverse of the method employed by Turner
in the “Liber Studiorum.” Turner first etched the main lines of
his composition and then finished the plate in mezzotint.
Size of the original engraving, 8⅞ × 12½ inches

This change to a title of nobility reminds me of a couplet in

Thackeray’s fine Irish ballad, “Mr. Molony’s Account of the Ball”:

There was Lord Crowhurst, I knew him first

When only Misther Pips he was.

During his stay in America he learned to like our people greatly, and
it was his intention to make us a second visit and to bring his
charming American wife along with him; but this purpose of his was
never carried out.
Shortly before leaving our shores, he said to me: “One thing alone
would render it impossible for me ever to reside permanently in the
United States, and that is the intolerable and brutal insolence of the
lower classes.” To this I made answer: “But, Mr. Haden, in America
we have no ‘lower classes.’ What you suffered from these people
was really your own fault. It is all very well in England for a fine
gentleman to bully and denounce the cabman, the railway-porter,
and the servants at hotels, but it will not do here, and no American,
however eminent, ever does it.”
When Seymour Haden returned to England he took with him the
genuine good will of many Americans, and the lasting friendship of
not a few.
Author of “The Engraved Work of Sir Francis
Seymour Haden, P.R.E.”

S an etcher the work of Sir Seymour Haden is known to all lovers
of art the wide world over, and not least in the United States, but
his general capacity as an artist in other forms of expression is
less well known, partly from lack of opportunity and partly from the
very limited amount of material.
It must never be forgotten that art was not the main business of his
life; it was but an occasional and fitful relaxation in a life devoted to
another profession and full of other and varied interests. The wonder
is, not that his artistic work was so limited, but that it was so great
and so successful.
When a medical student in Paris, instead of spending his evenings in
the usual frivolities of the Quartier Latin, he attended the classes of
the Government School of Art, which were held in the same building
as the School of Medicine. This was done, not from any positive love
for art, but rather with the fixed idea that such study would train his
powers of observation and make the hands more alert to obey the
impulses of the will, and in this way help him in his surgical work.
What he dissected he drew, what he drew he modeled, and in this
way obtained a remarkable knowledge of anatomy and some facility
in the technique of graphic art.
In this way he got into the habit of using drawing as a sort of
shorthand, and so, when in 1844 he traveled in Italy, his diaries were
filled with sketches rather than verbal descriptions—sketches that
unfortunately have been too generously scattered.
While in Italy he met, and spent some time in the company of, Duval
le Camus, a capable French artist who painted a good deal in water-
color, and from him no doubt he picked up some knowledge of that
medium. In Naples and its neighborhood they spent many happy
days sketching together.
During the next fourteen or fifteen years Seymour Haden had not
much time for the practice of art. His professional work took up all his
time and vigor, but he always took a great interest in art and artists
and counted many artists among his friends. He was appointed
Surgeon to the Department of Science and Art at South Kensington,
and became a collector of etchings by the old masters, not merely
for the sake of acquisition but rather for the purpose of study and
comparison. He also became the possessor of many pictures and
water-color drawings, amongst others of several by Turner; and so,
when in 1858 his young brother-in-law J. M. Whistler returned from
France with his recently etched plates and his inciting tales of work
in the Paris studios, Haden became readily infected and took up
etching again, with the result we all know. Thenceforward, whenever
a rare afternoon’s holiday could be stolen, or a few moments spared
between the casts of the line during the annual vacation devoted to
fishing, or on the rarer occasions of a continental holiday, the copper
plate or the sketching block was brought into use. And so we find
sketches done on the Thames and the Ribble, the Teivy, the Test
and the Spey; in Holland and in Germany, in Spain and Madeira; at
Chatsworth, in the old towns of Rye and Winchelsea, and above all
in the fascinating Isle of Purbeck—sketches done for his own
pleasure or for his friends, with never a thought of placing them
before either the critic or the purchaser.
The earliest sketch that I have seen is one dated 1841. It is in pen
and sepia and represents an early morning execution outside the
Old Bailey. At a first glance it might be mistaken for an etching by
Cruikshank. It measures only three and one half by two and one
fourth inches, but is masterly in its drawing, and marvelous in its
suggestiveness of a large crowd.
The drawings done in 1844 in France and Italy vary from mere
thumb-nail sketches to comparatively finished drawings. Some of
them in their carefulness and decision resemble the early drawings
of Turner. Two or three figure sketches, notably portraits of Duval le
Camus and the Marquis de Belluno (two of his companions), are
very expressive and full of character.
While in Rome, through the introduction of the Marquis de Belluno,
Haden had many interviews with Pope Gregory XVI, and during two
or three of them he took the opportunity of sketching, on one of his
shirt cuffs, a somewhat elaborate portrait of His Holiness. The Pope
very kindly professed not to notice what the artist was doing until the
portrait was finished. He then quietly remarked that he “now
understood why M. Haden had attended at three audiences without
a change of linen.” One would give much to see this portrait (which
Sir Seymour always said was an excellent one), but it has
disappeared, having been lent to a friend and never returned.

Haden. Salmon Pool on the Spey

Size of the original charcoal drawing, 14 × 20 inches
Haden. Old Oaks, Chatsworth
Size of the original charcoal drawing, 14 × 20 inches
The drawings done after 1858 were much broader in style than the
early sketches, and vary in method, being in lead pencil, pen and
ink, chalk, charcoal, and water-color. Thrown off in a moment of
inspiration, as a poet would throw off a lyric, he chose the material
which chanced to be at hand. Some are on sheets of writing paper,
and many valuable ones are on perishable blotting paper. Here and
there among these “slight” sketches are specimens that in their
economy of line, their stamp of decision, and their interpretative
insight, suggest the work of his great master Rembrandt. What
strikes one above all is their vigor and “bigness.” There is no dainty
indecision about them; they go straight for the heart of the subject,
giving the vigorous impression of a vigorous mind. They do not give
all that could be said on the subject, but they give all that he feels is
best worth saying. They make an intellectual appeal to the mind and
do not tire with unnecessary platitudes.
The water-color drawings show a good but scarcely a great colorist.
They are in the “grand” manner and the best of them have a fine
atmospheric quality, as in the Dinkley Ferry here, which reminds one
of a good De Wint. The Course of the Ribble is probably one of the
most finished drawings he ever did, and shows to the highest degree
of what he was capable in this medium when time allowed and when
loving care was exercised. It is wonderfully mellow, good in color,
and true in drawing, but has less of the white heat of inspiration:—I
envy the fortunate possessor! The Lancashire River, a drawing of
the same subject as the etching with the same title, is perhaps his
finest piece of color.
But it is in his large charcoal drawings of the end of the seventies
that he rises to his greatest heights,—in the sketches done around
Swanage in the south of Dorsetshire, and at Chatsworth, and two or
three drawn from the stores of his memory. What a revelation it was
to me when—I scarcely like to count how many years ago—I first
passed into that peaceful little “garden room” that looked out upon
the old-time bowling green at Woodcote Manor and saw around its
walls some four and twenty of these large charcoal drawings! It was
as though some new planet swam into my ken! I had never seen so
much suggested with such simple means. Two or three hours’ work
with a sheet of rough paper, a piece of charcoal, and a mezzotint
scraper! Heath and woodland, sea cliff and river glen, radiant light
and quivering mist, houses sleeping in the sun and mysterious
shadows lurking in the corners of the quaint old kitchen or the
romantic ruin, or lying full length before the giant boles of centuries-
old oaks; all suggested with equal ease and magic mastery! Many
and many an hour did I afterward spend in that little treasure-house,
ever finding fresh beauties revealed to me, and learning through
them to see in Nature much that had previously been hidden from
me. Haden’s etchings had proved him to be a great master in line,
these drawings proved him to be almost equally great in tone. What
particularly strikes one is the variety and transparency of his
shadows. They are not black patches, but receding planes of varying
densities. And what atmospheric quality they have! Driving mist and
slanting rain, and sun rays penetrating the moisture-laden air, as
though by a magician, are fixed for us on paper.
Haden. Course of the Ribble below Preston
Size of the original water-color, 12½ × 19 inches

Haden. Dinkley Ferry

Size of the original water-color, 10¼ × 16½ inches
The origin of many of these drawings has been described by Sir
Seymour himself in an article written some years ago in Harper’s
Magazine, “On the Revival of Mezzotint as a Painter’s Art.” With the
idea that he could use mezzotint as he had done etching, face to
face with Nature, he had taken a previously grounded plate to the
bank of the River Test and attempted to scrape upon it what he saw
before him. The result was the plate numbered 234 in my catalogue
(The Test at Longparish No. 3), interesting, but not wholly
satisfactory and incomplete in intention. This proved that, unlike
etching, mezzotint was too slow a process with which to work from
nature at a single sitting, and a return on a later day only proved that
the natural effect had changed, or that the artist was in a different
phase of mind or not in the humor to complete the original
impression. So instead of taking a grounded plate out with him he
took a sheet of rough paper which had been rubbed all over with
charcoal, this black surface corresponding to the mezzotint ground
upon the copper plate, and on this prepared surface he scraped
away the lights. As will be readily understood, this softer material
could be much more rapidly manipulated than the harder copper,
and so he found that in two or three hours the desired effect could be
obtained. His intention was to reproduce in the studio and at his
leisure the effects of these studies upon the copper plate. And so,
with modifications, in several instances he did—I say with
modifications, for it was almost impossible for him to closely copy
even his own work. The Salmon Pool on the Spey provided the motif
for the mezzotint plate with the same title (H. 250), and more closely
of the little Salmon River, which served as a frontispiece to Dr.
Hamilton’s book on “Fly Fishing.” The Encombe Woods supplied the
subject for the two plates H. 218 and 219, which were intended to be
a combination of etching and mezzotint, but the latter part of the
project was never carried out. This too was the case with Early
Morning (H. 244) and By the Waters of Babylon (H. 245), Ars Longa,
Vita Brevis (H. 210) and A Study of Rocks (H. 211), all of which were
etched or dry-pointed from charcoal drawings. The only important
plates inspired by these drawings that were fully completed, were
Evening Fishing, Longparish (H. 239), An Early Riser (H. 240),
Grayling Fishing (H. 241), and The Pillar of Salt (H. 246); but they
are sufficient to prove what a series of masterpieces we have lost
through the dimming of the eye and the numbing of the hand by
relentless Age.

Haden. Encombe Woods

Size of the original charcoal drawing, 14 × 20 inches
Haden. An Elderly Couple, Chatsworth Park
Size of the original charcoal drawing, 13½ × 19½ inches
However, we must be thankful for what we have, and the regret one
has that these drawings should be scattered in different directions, is
tempered by the hope that by one of the marvelous photographic
processes of to-day this wonderful series of visions may be
reproduced, and so again brought together for all of us who love
beautiful things, and who reverence the master who produced them.

LL French poets of the middle part of the nineteenth century were
interested, theoretically at least, in painting and the graphic arts,
which afforded them an ideal and an example of objectivity for
their own verbal representations of reality. From Théophile Gautier,
godfather of Parnassianism, who reserved for his prose the full
resources of his superb Turneresque palate, to Verlaine, creator of
decadence, with his limpid and lovely aquarelles, pictorial
preoccupations were, on the whole, paramount. Charles Baudelaire
almost alone appears, in part, an exception to this rule; but if, in his
work, the purely visual element is less pronounced than in that of
most of his contemporaries—if the images of sight yield there in
number and in clear evocative power to those of sound and of scent,
thereby preluding the way for a new poetic dispensation—he
nevertheless fits into the late romantic tradition, if only by reason of
his keen æsthetic appreciation of the arts of design, and of his
association, as a disinterested friend or sympathetic critic, with many
of the most illustrious artists of the age. Himself a rebel and an
outlaw in the domain of orthodox taste, though with a distinct tinge of
the traditional, he was especially drawn to the insurgent leader, like
Delacroix, his championship of whom is as famous as his espousal
of the cause of Wagner’s music in Paris, or to the solitary attardé of
romanticism who, like Constantin Guys, worked out his own
salvation in his own way. It is not that he did not welcome new
movements in all their collectivity of talents and temperaments; but
these, to find favor with him, must be vouched for by unmistakable
evidences of creative vigor and originality in the individual artists, not
merely by plausible theories or pretentious dogmas professed
scholastically. Intellectual distinctions counted but little with him in
matters of art, and a new way of rendering what was actually seen or
felt seemed to him of infinitely more importance than any merely
academic discussion as to what an artist should or should not look
for, deliberately, in order to put it into or leave it out of his pictures.
Thus it was that while he shrugged his shoulders at the realists who
were not really observers, he turned an attentive eye to the work of
the group of young painter-etchers who, about 1859, were beginning
to attract attention in the salons. Baudelaire thought highly of etching
because it afforded an opportunity for “the most clean-cut possible
translation of the character of the artist,” and he was attracted to
those who were engaged in reviving this almost obsolete medium,
because they gave clear proof in their work of that personal force
and distinction which he valued above all else, and which he was
always on the alert to discover in the productions of the new and the
In his article, Peintres et Aqua-fortistes, included in the volume of his
collected works entitled L’Art Romantique, Baudelaire mentions the
following etchers as among those through whose efforts the medium
was to recover its ancient vitality: Seymour Haden, Manet, Legros,
Bracquemond, Jongkind, Meryon, Millet, Daubigny, Saint-Marcel,
Jacquemart, and Whistler. With at least two of these, on the
evidence of his published correspondence,[2] he had personal
relations: Bracquemond and Meryon. The name of the former occurs
frequently in the letters with reference to a device which Baudelaire
wished to adopt as a frontispiece to the second edition of Fleurs du
Mal. The idea of this device came to him, as he writes to Félix Nadar
(May 16, 1859), while turning the leaves of the Histoire des Danses
Macabres, by Hyacinthe Langlois. It was to be “an arborescent
skeleton, the legs and the ribs forming the trunk, the arms extended
in the form of a cross breaking into leaf and shoot, and protecting
several rows of poisonous plants arranged in rising tiers of pots, as
in a greenhouse.” In casting about for an artist to execute this
design, Baudelaire mentions and dismisses Doré, Penguilly—whom
he afterward wished he had taken—and Célestin Nanteuil. Finally,
perhaps at the instance of his publisher, Poulet-Malassis, he chose
Bracquemond,—a most unhappy selection as it turned out, for that
artist was either unable or unwilling to grasp the poet’s conception,
and the plate which he etched for this purpose was not used. A few
proofs were pulled, however, and impressions in both the first and
second states of the plate are now in the Samuel P. Avery collection
in the New York Public Library.
[2] Charles Baudelaire: Lettres, 1841-1866. Paris, 1907.
Bracquemond. Frontispiece for “Les Fleurs du Mal” of Baudelaire
The seven plants symbolize the Seven Deadly Sins, and the
outstretched arms of the skeleton will support, later, the Fruits
of Evil. This romantic and remarkable frontispiece was never
used. Baudelaire criticized the drawing of the skeleton
severely, as well as the spirit and arrangement of the whole
Size of the original etching, 6¾ × 4⁵⁄₁₆ inches
Portrait of Charles Baudelaire
From the etching by Félix Bracquemond. Of the same size as
the original etching. Evidently an excellent likeness, since it
exactly renders that ecclesiastical aspect of the poet which
made one of his friends compare him to a cardinal.
Baudelaire’s negotiations with the “terrible Bracquemond,” as he
came to call him, were carried on for the most part through Poulet-
Malassis, which perhaps affords a partial explanation of the
misunderstanding concerning the macabre frontispiece. And,
although he speaks in one letter of having met the artist and
repeated verbally the instructions which he had already given, with
characteristically minute attention to detail, in writing, no such special
interest attaches to this meeting, by no means unique, as to that
between Baudelaire and Meryon which occurred about the same
time, and to which we owe one of the most vivid and fantastic
presentments we possess of that mad genius. In his Salon of 1859,
Baudelaire had written of Meryon with an enthusiasm which awoke a
responsive reverberation in the breast of Victor Hugo.
“Since you know M. Meryon,” the latter wrote to Baudelaire (April 29,
1860), “tell him that his splendid etchings have dazzled me. Without
color, with nothing save shadow and light, chiaroscuro pure and
simple and left to itself: that is the problem of etching. M. Meryon
solves it magisterially. What he does is superb. His plates live,
radiate, and think. He is worthy of the profound and luminous page
with which he has inspired you.”
This page, which Baudelaire afterward incorporated in his Peintres et
Aqua-fortistes, where he speaks further of Meryon as “the true type
of the accomplished aqua-fortiste,” and praises the famous
perspective of San Francisco as his masterpiece, does, indeed,
betray the subtle penetration of the poet into the very spirit of his
fellow-artist: “By the severity, the delicacy, and the certitude of his
design, M. Meryon recalls what is best in the old aqua-fortistes. I
have rarely seen represented with more poetry the natural solemnity
of a great capital. The majesties of accumulated stone, the spires
pointing a finger to the skies, the obelisks of industry vomiting their
thick clouds of smoke heavenward, the prodigious scaffoldings of
monuments under repair, relieved against the solid mass of
architecture, their tracery of a filmy and paradoxical beauty, the misty
sky, charged with wrath and with rancor, the depths of the
perspectives augmented by the thought of the dramas contained
therein,—none of the complex elements of which the dolorous and
glorious setting of civilization is composed is here forgotten.”
Grateful for such recognition on the part of a distinguished man of
letters who was also accepted as one of the leading art critics of the
day in Paris, Meryon evidently wrote to Baudelaire, thanking him,
and asking permission to call; for in his letter of January 8, 1860, to
Poulet-Malassis, the poet writes as follows:
“What I write to-night,” he begins, “is worth the trouble of writing: M.
Meryon has sent me his card, and we have met. He said to me: You
live in a hotel whose name must have attracted you, because of the
relation it bears, I presume, to your tastes.—Then I looked at the
envelope of his letter. On it was ‘Hôtel de Thèbes,’ and yet his letter
reached me.”
Portrait of Charles Meryon
From the etching by Félix Bracquemond, done in 1853
Size of the original etching, 8⁷/₁₆ × 6⅛ inches

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