B3 - Math YS9 M72 73

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Third Quarter
Module 72–73
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Module 72

Reasoning and Proof

Lesson 1


Hello learners! Welcome back. We are now in the stage of learning proofs
and reasoning in geometry. We are going to learn and discover the fundamentals
of our critical thinking skill. It is very important that our ability to think and
reason out has a basis from different theorems and postulates learned from the

Many people use logic and deductive reasoning in performing their tasks. In geometry, you
begin with accepted statements and properties, then use logic and deductive reasoning to prove
other statements. In real life, investigators and lawyers use this method in proving their claims
in defending the innocent and investigating crimes. Are you excited for another challenging
lesson? I know you are going to enjoy our new journey of learning. Let us start!

What do you know so far?

Before we begin, try answering the pretest below and see if you
know something about our lesson. Have fun!

DIRECTIONS: Copy the following and answer them correctly in your notebook.

I. Underline the hypothesis and encircle the conclusion of each conditional statement.
1. If you do not drink water, you will be thirsty.
2. If it rains very hard, then the classes will be suspended.
3. FG = GH if G is the midpoint of FH.
4. The plant will grow healthy if the plant receives enough sunlight and water.
5. If m is less than zero, then m is negative.

II. Write the converse, inverse, and contrapositive of each statement. Indicate their truth value.
1. If a learner runs fast, then he is an athlete.
2. If two points are collinear, then they determine a line.
3. If y = 4, then y2 = 16.

III. Complete the statements below.
1. a. Filipinos are hospitable.
b. Lauren is a Filipino.
c. Therefore,_______________________________________________________________

2. a. Artistic students love Math.

b. ________________________________________________________________________
c. Therefore, Jerome loves Math.

3. a. ________________________________________________________________________
b. 15, 30, and 45 are multiples of 15.
c. Therefore, multiples of 15 are divisible by 5.

One of the main concerns in the study of geometry is to give careful training and
practice in logical thinking and reasoning. We reason all the time, but we seldom
stop to analyze how we reason. Often in school the teachers start with, “Why do you
go to school?”, “Why do you need to study hard?” or “Why do you need to listen to
your teachers?” You give reasons to answer “why”.

As we approach the concept of proof in geometry, we need to have an understanding of
conditional statements. Consider the following statements.
1. If it rains hard, then classes will be suspended.
2. If the measure of an angle is greater than 0° but less than 90°, then it is an acute angle.
3. If a number is divisible by 8, then it is divisible by 4.

The conditional statement appears often in the form of “if p, then q”. In symbolic logic,
this is written as “p → q” where the symbol → is called the implication connective. When this
situation arises, the p statement is called the hypothesis or what is given; the q part is called the
conclusion or what is to be proved.

p: Two distinct points are collinear.
q: Collinear points determine a line.
Conditional: If two distinct points are collinear, then they determine a line.

p q

Conditionals do not always appear in the if-then form. Below are some examples.
1. A number has more than two factors if it is a composite. (q if p)
2. All learners are responsible. (all p are q)
3. A quadrilateral is a polygon with four sides. (p is q)
4. A number is positive only if it is more than zero. (p only if q)

Conditionals can either be true or false. A conditional is true if both the hypothesis and
conclusion are true. A false conditional occurs when the conclusion is false and the hypothesis
is true. A way to check if a conditional is true or false is by stating a counterexample or by the
use of the truth table.


p q p→q

True True True

True False False

False True True

False False True

Determine if the given conditional is true or false.
1. If it is a weekend day, then it is Sunday.
 False – By counter example, consider Saturday.

2. If m∠G = 60° , then it is a right angle.

 False – By truth table p = True and q = False, therefore p → q is False.

3. If y + 7 = 18, then y = 11
 True – The value of y satisfies the given equation.

The negation of any statement p is formed by using the word “not”. The negation of a true
statement is always a false statement and vice-versa. The symbol for negation of p is ~p read as
“not p”.


p ~p
1. A line has a midpoint (True) A line has no midpoint (False)
2. 39 is an even number (False) 39 is not an even number (True)
3. 7 + 8 = 12 (False) 7 + 8 ≠ 12 (True)

When the hypothesis and conclusion of a conditional statement are interchanged, the result
is the converse of the original statement.
Conditional: p → q
Converse: q→p

Write the converse of each statement below and indicate if the converse is true or false.
1. If a month has 31 days, then it is January. (False)
2. If two lines intersect, then they lie on only one plane. (True)
1. If the month is January, then it has 31 days. (True)
2. If two lines lie on one plane, then they intersect. (False)

The inverse of a conditional statement is formed by negating both the hypothesis and the
Conditional: p → q
Inverse: ~p → ~q

Write the inverse of each statement below and indicate if the inverse is true or false.
1. If points lie on the same line, then they are collinear (T)
2. If you are tall, then your height is more than 5’ 9’’. (F)

1. If points do not lie on the same line, then they are non-collinear. (T)
2. If you are not tall, then your height is not more than 5’ 9’’. (T)

The contrapositive of a conditional statement is the result of interchanging the hypothesis
and the conclusion of its inverse.
Conditional: p→q
Contrapositive: ~q → ~p

State the contrapositive of each statement below and indicate if it is true or false.
1. If three points are non-collinear, then they form a unique plane.(T)
2. If m + 8 = 15, then m = 7. (T)
1. If three points do not determine a unique plane, then they are collinear.(T)
2. If m ≠ 7, then m + 8 ≠15. (T)

The table below gives the summary of the related conditional statements.
Statement Symbol Example Truth Value
Conditional p→q If two lines intersect, then they lie on True
only one plane.
Converse q→p If two lines lie on one plane, then they False
Inverse ~p → ~q If two lines do not intersect, then they False
do not lie on only one plane.
Contrapositive ~q → ~p If two lines do not lie on one plane, True
then they do not intersect.

The biconditional is a combination of a conditional and its converse. The symbol ↔ means
“if and only if”.

Conditional (p → q): If points lie on the same line, then they are collinear.
Converse (q → p): If points are collinear, then they lie on the same line.
Biconditional (p ↔ q): Points are collinear if and only if they lie on the same line.
As stated in this module, Geometry often deals with proofs. Proofs are based on logical
reasoning which follow two basic types.

DEDUCTIVE REASONING is a valid form of proof. It is, in fact, the way in which
geometric proofs are written. Deductive reasoning is the process by which a person makes
conclusions based on previously known facts. Usually a general statement is made about an
entire class of things, and then one specific example is given. If the examples fits into the class of
things previously mentioned, then deductive reasoning can be used. Deductive reasoning is the
method by which conclusions are drawn in geometric proofs.

The deductive process involves the stipulation of a specific statement based on a general
statement that has been accepted to be true. If we designate the general statement to be “If a, then
b”, then we can give a particular statement for a and get the conclusion b.

An argument such as this is known as a syllogism. A simple syllogism is an argument made

up of three statements: a major premise, a minor premise, and a conclusion.

a. If two numbers are odd, then their sum is even.
b. The numbers 9 and 11 are odd numbers.
c. The sum of 9 and 11 is even.

In these particular examples, statement (a) is called the general statement, (b) is called
particular statement, and (c) is called the conclusion. This kind of reasoning is characterized as
reasoning from the general to the particular, and so is called deductive reasoning.

INDUCTIVE REASONING is the process of arriving at a conclusion based on a set of

observations. In itself, it is not a valid method of proof. Just because a person observes a number
of situations in which a pattern exists does not mean that pattern is true for all situations.

Inductive reasoning leads people to form hypothesis based on observations made. Then
these hypotheses can be tested rigorously using other methods. Inductive reasoning is how
people make generalizations about sets of things and form hypotheses accordingly.

Mathematicians use inductive reasoning to make a generalization, which is called conjecture.

A learner in a science class takes a piece of salt, turns it over a burning candle, and observes
that it burns with a yellow flame. He does this with many other pieces of salt, finding they all
burn with a yellow flame. The learner therefore makes the conjecture: All salt burns with a
yellow flame.

Did you understand the lesson? I know you had fun reading. Let us
now try the activity below.


DIRECTIONS: Copy the following questions and answer them correctly in your notebook.
I. Underline the hypothesis and encircle the conclusion of each conditional statement.
1. If 5x – 17 = 13, then x = 6.
2. If he is intelligent, then he is smart.
3. All artists are creative.
4. I can not sleep if I am hungry.
5. 8x = 64 implies x = 8.

II. Show that each conditional is false by finding a counterexample.

1. If an animal is a reptile, then it is a crocodile.
2. If x > 5, then x = 8
3. If a number is divisible by 9, then it is divisible by 3.

III. Rewrite each statement as biconditional.

1. If three points lie on one line, then they are collinear.
2. If M is between N and P, then NM + MP = NP.
3. If a number is even, then it is divisible by two.

IV. State the converse, inverse, and contrapositive of each of the following statements.
1. If today is Sunday, then tomorrow is Monday.
2. If Andrew lives in Fairview, then he lives in Quezon City.
3 If x = -8, then |x|=8.

V. Fill in the blanks.
1. a. ________________________________________________________________________
b. m∠B is greater than 90° but less than 180°.
c. Acute angles measure 90° but less than 180°.

2. a. Nuns are religious.

b. ________________________________________________________________________
c. Sister Candie is religious.

How did you fare? Did you get a perfect score? Excellent! You
may now proceed and answer the posttest. Otherwise, revisit the
discussion part and re-answer the activity above.

What have you learned so far?

In this particular lesson, we have learned that:

• Conditional Statements are often in the form of p → q (if p, then q) where p is the hypothesis
and q is the conclusion.
• Negation(–p) uses the word not to negate a statement. It makes a true statement false and
vice versa.
• Converse(q → p) of a statement is when you interchange the hypothesis and conclusion of
a conditional.
• Inverse (~p → ~q) of a statement is formed when you negate both the hypothesis and
conclusion of a conditional.
• Contrapositive (~q → ~p) of a statement is formed by interchanging the inverse of a
• Biconditional (p ↔ q) is a combination of a conditional and its converse. It is an “if and only
if” statement.
• Proofs are based on logical reasoning which follow two basic types:
 Deductive Reasoning – starting with a general rule and arrive at a specific conclusion.
 Inductive Reasoning – starting with specific situations and arrive at a general rule.


DIRECTIONS: Copy the following and answer them correctly in your notebook.
I. Write each of the following statements in the if-then form. Identify the converse, an inverse
and contrapositive of the statements and determine their truth values.
1. People who are good looking are models.
2. All squares are rhombus.
3. Triangles with same size and shape are similar triangles.
4. Lines that are perpendicular will intersect at one point.
5. All teachers are resourceful.

II. Determine if the resulting statement is a conditional, a converse, an inverse or a contra-

1. the inverse of an inverse. ______________________________
2. the converse of a converse. ______________________________
3. the contrapositive of a contrapositive. ______________________________
4. the converse of a contrapositive. ______________________________
5. the converse of inverse. ______________________________

III. Fill in the blanks.

1. a. Filipinos pay their taxes.
b. ________________________________________________________________________
c. Jerry is a Filipino.
Reasoning: __________________________________________________________________

2. a. ________________________________________________________________________
b. Mosquitos are insects.
c. Mosquitos are invertebrates.
Reasoning: __________________________________________________________________

3. a. James is a basketball player.

b. James runs fast.
c. ________________________________________________________________________
Reasoning: __________________________________________________________________

4. a. Parallelograms have two opposite sides that are parallel.
b. ________________________________________________________________________
c. Rhombus has two opposite sides that are parallel.

5. a. Quadrilateral is a polygon with four sides.

b. ________________________________________________________________________
c. Rectangle is a quadrilateral.

Lesson 2


Proving theorems in Geometry will introduce you to the construction of

proofs by applying the knowledge of reasoning. Unlike postulates, which are
statements accepted as true without any proof, theorems are statements accepted
as true after they are proven. We are now going to apply the concepts we have
learned from the previous lesson. Our topics get tougher and tougher, but I
know you are enjoying the challenges. Try to answer the pretest below and let us see if you have
knowledge on the lesson at hand.

What do you know so far?

Do you know how to prove theorems? Let us try if you are ready
to go through this lesson. Do what you are asked to do below. After
which, compare your answers with the answer key provided by your

DIRECTIONS: Copy the following and answer them in your notebook.

1. In the figure, if EF ≅ GH, then EG ≅ FH
Given: EF ≅ GH
Prove: EG ≅ FH

Statements Reasons
1. EF ≅ GH 1.
2. EF = GH 2.
3. EG = EF + FG 3.
4. FH = GH + FG 4.
5. FG = FG 5.
6. EF + FG = GH + FG 6.
7. EG = FH 7.
8. EG ≅ FH 8.

What do you think will happen if there is no proof? Or what if you have been
framed into some offense and you cannot find any proof to defend yourself to the
innocent? Do you think proofs are important? It is true and the same as in Geometry.
This lesson will equip you with the skills in thinking critically and how we use our
logical skills.

Studying the relationship between mathematical concepts will be easy to understand

through postulates and theorems. Moreover, this will help you to apply them in reasoning to
justify statements and illustrations.

A postulate is a statement that is assumed true without proof. A theorem on the other hand
is a statement that needs to be proven before it is accepted.

There are two methods used in proving theorems. One is the formal or direct proof, a two-
column proof where a list of statements is placed in one column and a list of reasons for each
statement in another column. The other method is the informal proof or indirect proof where
the statements and reasons are in paragraph form. In Geometry, we often use the formal proof
to develop students’ skill in logical thinking and reasoning.

To justify statements in a Geometry proof, you may use:

1. Given information.
2. Properties or theorems in Algebra.
3. Definitions, postulates, and theorems that are already proven.


1. Read and understand the problem or theorem carefully. In the if-then statement, the
hypothesis is labelled as given while the conclusion is labelled as proof.
2. As much as possible, draw the figure (if not given) and label the parts carefully.
3. Proceed with the main parts of the proof.

Properties of Real Numbers

A. Properties of Equality
1. Reflexive Property : a=a
2. Symmetric Property of Equality : If a = b, then b = a
3. Transitive Property of Equality : If a = b and b = c, then a = c
4. Addition Property of Equality : If a = b and c = d, then a + c = b + d
5. Subtraction Property of Equality : If a = b and c = d, then a – c = b – d
6. Multiplication Property of Equality : If a = b and c = d, then ac = bd
B. Properties of Inequality
1. Transitive Property of Inequality : If a > b and b > c, then a > c
2. Addition Property of Inequality : If a > b, then a + c > b + c
3. Multiplication Property of Inequality : If a > b and c > 0, then ac > bc
: If a > b and c < 0, then ac < bc

Substitution Principle
 If a = b then a may be replaced by b in any equations or inequality, or vice versa.

Congruent Segments
 If the length of PQ is equal to the length of RS, then PQ is congruent to RS. In symbols,
PQ ≅ RS.

 Point O is between point B and Y, in symbol B-O-Y, if and only if it satisfies the following
 B, O, and Y are collinear and distinct points.
 BO + OY = BY

Other Theorems
Theorem1: Congruence of Segments is Reflexive
Theorem 2: Congruence of Segments is Symmetric

Given: AB ≅ CD A B

Prove: CD ≅ AB


Statements Reasons

1. AB ≅ CD 1. Given
2. AB = CD 2. Definition of congruent segments (1)
3. CD = AB 3. Symmetric Property of Equality (2)
4. ∴CD ≅ AB 4. Definition of congruent segments (3)

Theorem 3: Congruence of Segments is Transitive

Given: AX = BC D

Prove: AC = BD X B


Statements Reasons

1. AX = BC 1. Given
2. XC = CD 2. Given
3. AX + XC = BC + CD 3. Addition Property of Equality (1, 2)
4. BC + CD = BD 4. Definition of betweenness
5. AX + XC = BD 5. Transitive Property of Equality (3, 4)
6. AX + XC = AC 6. Definition of betweenness
7. ∴AC = BD 7. Transitive Property of Equality (5, 6)

Did you understand all the concepts and application of your

reasoning skills? Now, proceed to the activity to practice what
you’ve learned. Have fun!


DIRECTIONS: Copy the following and answer them in your notebook.

A. State the property of real number, definition, or theorems that supports the conclusion
made in each statement.
1. If AB = CD, then CD = AB.
2. If AB = RS and RS = CD, then AB = CD.
3. If Q is between A and T, then AQ + QT = AT.
4. If AC > BD, then 2 (AC) > 2 (BD).
5. If AB = CD + DT and CD + DT = CT, then AB = CT.
6. If 3 (QT) = 3(AB), then QT = AB.
7. If AC = AB + BC and BD > AC, then BD > AB + BC.
8. AB = AB

9. If AQ = BR, then AQ + CT > BR + CT.
10. If AC > BD and BD > DE, then AC > DE.

B. Complete the proof by supplying the reasons for each statement.

Given: DE = EF
Prove: AE = BE


Statements Reasons

1. DE = EF 1.
2. AD = BF 2.
3. AD + DE = BF + EF 3.
4. AD + DE = AE 4.
5. AE = BF + FE 5.
6. BE = BF + FE 6.
7. ∴AE = BE 7.

What have you learned so far?

In this particular lesson, we have learned that:

 A postulate is a statement that is assumed true without proof.
 A theorem that needs to be proven before it is accepted.
 Formal or direct proof is a two column proof where a list of statements is placed in one
column and a list of reasons for each statement in another column.
 Informal proof or indirect proof where the statements and reasons are in paragraph form.
 There are some properties of real numbers, postulates, and theorems than can be helpful in
in reasoning to justify statements and illustrations.


DIRECTIONS: Copy the following and answer them in your notebook.

Fill in the blanks.
A. Given: AB < CD A B C D
Prove: AC < BD

Statements Reasons

1. 1.
2. BC = BC 2.
3. AB + BC < BC + CD 3.
4. 4. Definition of betweenness
5. AC < BC + CD 5.
6. 6. Definition of betweenness
7. ∴AC < BD 7.

B. Given: AC = BD
Prove: AB ≅ CD

Statements Reasons

1. 1.
2. AC = AB + BC 2.
3. 3. Transitive Property of Equality (1, 2)
4. BD = BC + CD 4.
5. 5. Addition Property of Equality (2, 4)
6. AB = CD 6.
7. ∴AB ≅ CD 7.


Acelajado, M. J. et al. (2006). New High School Mathematics: Makati City: Diwa Learning Systems
Alferez, M. S. & Lambino, A. E. (2004). Geometry: Quezon City: MSA Academic Advancement
De Leon, C. M. et al. (2000). Geometry: Quezon City: JTW Corporation.
Oronce, O. A. & Mendoza M. O. (2003). Exploring Mathematics III: Quezon City: Rex Printing
Company Inc.
Quintana, E. et al. (2002). Math at work (Geometry): Quezon City: CSC Publishing Inc.

Module 73

Triangle Congruence and Inequalities

Lesson 1


In this lesson, we will focus on congruent triangles. The lessons in the

previous module will be helpful here as your analytical skills will be required in
studying some of the postulates to be used in proving congruent triangles. Are
you ready? Start by answering the pretest below and see how much you know
about the lesson.

Try answering the pretest below and see if you have inkling about
our lesson. Have fun!

DIRECTIONS: Copy the following and answer them correctly in your notebook.

Complete the proof by supplying the appropriate postulates, theorems, and properties of
real numbers.



Given: ∠C and ∠R are right angles

∠B ≅ ∠Q
Prove: ∆ABC ≅ ∆PQR

Statements Reasons
1. ∠C and ∠R are right angles 1.
2. ∠C ≅ ∠R 2.
3. 3. Given
4. ∴∆ABC ≅ ∆PQR 4.

Congruent Triangles
Triangles that have exactly the same size and shape are called congruent triangles. The
symbol for congruence is ≅. Two triangles are congruent when the three sides and the three
angles of one triangle have the same measurements as the three sides and three angles of another
triangle. The triangles in the figure below are congruent triangles.



Figure 1: Congruent Triangles

Corresponding Parts
The parts of the two triangles that have the same measurements (congruent) are referred to
as corresponding parts. This means that Corresponding Parts of Congruent Triangles are Congruent
(CPCTC). Congruent triangles are named by listing their vertices in corresponding orders. In
Figure 1, ∆BAT ≅ ∆ICE.

If ∆PQR ≅ ∆STU, which parts must have equal measurements?
m∠P = m∠S
m∠Q = m∠T
m∠R = m∠U

These parts are equal because corresponding parts of congruent triangles are congruent.

Tests for Congruence

To show that two triangles are congruent, it is not necessary to show that all six pairs of
corresponding parts are equal. The following postulates and theorems are the most common
methods for proving that triangles are congruent.

SSS Postulate (Side-Side-Side Postulate)
 If each side of one triangle is congruent to the corresponding side of another triangle,
then the triangles are congruent (Figure 2 ).



∆HOP ≅ ∆SUN by SSS

Figure 2: The corresponding sides (SSS) of ∆HOP ≅ ∆SUN by SSS are all congruent.

SAS Postulate (Side-Angle-Side Postulate)

 If two sides and the angle between them in one triangle are congruent to the
corresponding parts in another triangle, then the triangles are congruent (Figure 3).



∆MAN ≅ ∆JOB by SAS

Figure 3: Two sides and the included angle (SAS) of ∆MAN
are congruent to the corresponding parts of ∆JOB.

ASA Postulate (Angle-Side-Angle Postulate)
 If two angles and the side between them in one triangle are congruent to the
corresponding parts in another triangle, then the triangles are congruent (Figure 4).




∆ABC ≅ ∆DEF by ASA

Figure 4: Two angles and their common side (ASA) in ∆ABC are congruent
to the corresponding parts of ∆DEF.

SAA Theorem (Side-Angle-Angle Theorem)

 If two angles and a side not between them in one triangle are congruent to the
corresponding parts in another triangle, then the triangles are congruent (Figure 5).


∆FGH ≅ ∆KJI by SAA

Figure 5: Two angles and the side opposite one of these angles (SAA) in ∆FGH
are congruent to the corresponding parts of ∆KJI.

HL Theorem (Hypotenuse-Leg Theorem)
 If the hypotenuse and a leg of one right triangle are congruent to the corresponding
parts of another right triangle, then the triangles are congruent (Figure 6 ).



∆LMN ≅ ∆OPQ by HL
Figure 6: The hypotenuse and one leg (HL) of ∆LMN
are congruent to the corresponding parts of ∆OPQ.

HA Theorem (Hypotenuse-Angle Theorem)

 If the hypotenuse and an acute angle of one right triangle are congruent to the
corresponding parts of another right triangle, then the triangles are congruent (Figure



∆RST ≅ ∆WVU by HA
Figure 7: The hypotenuse and an acute angle (HA)of ∆RST
are congruent to the corresponding parts of ∆WVU.

LL Theorem (Leg-Leg Theorem)
 If the legs of one right triangle are congruent to the corresponding parts of another
right triangle, then the triangles are congruent (Figure 8).



∆JKL ≅ ∆OMN by LL
Figure 8: The legs (LL) of ∆JKL are congruent to the corresponding parts of ∆OMN.

LA Theorem (Leg-Angle Theorem)

 If one leg and an acute angle of one right triangle are congruent to the corresponding
parts of another right triangle, then the triangles are congruent (Figure 9).



∆EDF ≅ ∆GIH by LA
Figure 9: One leg and an acute angle (LA) of ∆EDF are
congruent to the corresponding parts of ∆GIH.

Aside from those theorems illustrated above, triangle congruence can also be applied
to geometric constructions of perpendicular bisector of a triangle.

Perpendicular Bisectors Theorem

In a given plane, a point is on the perpendicular bisector of a segment if and only if it is equidistant from
the endpoints of the segment (Figure 10).

A The figure shows that the three
perpendicular bisectors of ∆XYZ
are AB, CD, and EF.


Perpendicular Bisectors Theorem

 In a given plane, a point is on the perpendicular bisector of a segment if and only if it
is equidistant from the endpoints of the segment (Figure 10).



Figure 10: V is on the perpendicular bisector of MV if and only if MV = PV.

That is the end of the discussion. I hope you have understood the
concept of congruence. If not, you may ask your facilitator for help.
If you do not have questions, you may start doing the activities that
follow. Have fun!


DIRECTIONS: Copy the following and answer them correctly in your notebook.
I. Suppose . Complete each statement.

1. ∠I ≅ __________

2. m∠U = __________

3. TR ≅ __________

4. RI ≅ __________

5. __________ ≅ ∆ABC

6. ∆TIR ≅ __________

II. Determine which congruence method(s) can be used to prove that the given triangles are
congruent. If no method applies, write none.

7. 9.

8. 10.

III. Complete the proof below:

Given: DN is a median of ∆DAS

Prove: DA = DS

Statements Reasons
1. DN is a median of ∆DAS 1.
2. AN ≅ SN 2.
3. DN ⊥ AS 3.
4. ∠DNA and ∠DNS are right angles 4.
5. 5. Any two right ∠s are congruent.
6. DN ≅ DN 6.
7. ∆DNA ≅ ∆DNS 7
8. 8. CPCTC
9. ∴DA = DS 9.

What have you learned so far?

In this lesson, you have learned that:

 Triangles that have exactly the same size and shape are called congruent triangles.
 The parts of the two triangles that have the same measurements (congruent) are referred
to as corresponding parts. This means that Corresponding Parts of Congruent Triangles are
Congruent (CPCTC).
 Analytic skills are necessary for us to know if triangles are congruent.
 The following are the most common and helpful methods of proving that triangles are
1. SSS Postulate 5. HL Theorem
2. SAS Postulate 6. HA Theorem
3. ASA Postulate 7. LL Theorem
4. SAA Theorem 8. LA Theorem
 Triangle congruence can also be applied to geometric constructions of perpendicular
bisector of a triangle.
 A perpendicular bisector of a triangle is a line or a segment that passes through the midpoint
of a side of a triangle and is perpendicular to that side.


DIRECTIONS: Copy the following questions and answer them correctly in your notebook.
Complete the proof of each of the following. M

1. The figure shows two adjacent triangles, ∆MAH and ∆TAH,

where AH bisects ∠MHT and MH ≅ TH. A H

Prove that ∠M ≅ ∠T


Statements Reasons
1. MH ≅ TH 1.
2. 2. Definition of angle bisector.
3. AH ≅ AH 3.
4. 4. SAS Postulate
5. ∠M ≅ ∠T 5.
2. In the given figure, BA ≅ YZ, BC ≅ YX, and AX ≅ CZ.
Prove that ∆ABC ≅ ∆ZYX.

Proof: A X C Z

Statements Reasons
1. BA ≅ YZ 1.
2. AX = CZ 2.
3. XC = XC 3.
4. AX + XC = XC + CZ 4.
5. AX + XC = AC 5.
XC + CZ = XZ
6. 6. Substitution Property of Equality
7. 7. Definition of Congruent Segments
8. ∆ABC ≅ ∆ZYX 8

Lesson 2


Welcome back to the world of triangles! You are now on the last lesson of
this module. In this particular lesson, you will learn about triangle inequalities
and how to solve problems involving them. You will also learn how to determine
if certain measures can be the sides of a triangle or not. Before we proceed, kindly
answer the pretest below and assess yourself if you already have some ideas
about our lesson.

Can you determine if certain measures can be the sides of a

triangle? Let us assess your prior knowledge by answering the
pretest below.

DIRECTIONS: Copy the following and answer them correctly in your notebook.

I. Given the measures of sides, determine whether the following can be the sides of a triangle
or not. Write YES if they can be and if not, write NO.
1. 3, 4, 8
2. 7, 8, 9
3. 8, 15, 17
4. 16, 15, 22
5. 15, 6, 9

II. Name the angles in ascending order.

6. 7. T

5 8 7

E 9 N

O 2 N

III. Which is the longest side?

8. 9. 84°

63° 59°
I X 53°

IV. Find the value of a and b in the figure below. (5 points)

(a + 21)°

b 4a°
(2a – 51)°

Interior and Exterior Angles of Triangles

i. An exterior angle of a triangle is an angle adjacent and supplementary to one of its interior angles.
ii. An adjacent interior angle of a triangle is an interior angle that forms a linear pair with the given
exterior angle.
iii. Remote interior angles of a triangle are angles that are not adjacent to its given exterior angle.

Exterior Angle Theorem

 The measure of an exterior angle of a triangle is equal to the sum of the measures of its
two remote interior angles.

exterior angle


In ∆CAT, ∠ATS is the exterior angle. Thus, m∠ACT + m∠CAT = m∠ATS.

Exterior Angle Inequality Theorem
 The measure of an exterior angle of a triangle is greater than that of each of its remote
interior angles.

Example: 60°
In ∆DEF, ∠EFG is the exterior angle. Find them ∠EFG.

Solution: 75°
The remote angles are ∠EDF and ∠DEF, thus
m∠EDF + m∠DEF = m∠EFG
60° + 75° = m
135° = m

Therefore, the measurement of the exterior angle is 135°.

Triangle Angle-Sum Theorem

 The sum of the measures of the interior angles of any triangle is equal to 180°.

2 4

In ∆MAP, the interior angles are 1, 2, and 3. Thus, m∠1 + m∠2 + m∠2 = 180°.

In ∆MUG, find the values of x and y.

(2x + 5)° y
(3x – 23)°

Since the sum of the interior angles of any triangle is equal to 180°. Thus to solve x, we
x + (2x + 5) + (3x – 23) = 180
x + 2x + 5 + 3x – 23 = 180
6x – 18 = 180
6x = 180 + 18
6x = 198
x = 33°

Then, to solve y, we will apply the exterior angle theorem

x + (2x + 5) = y
33 + 2(33) + 5 = y
33 + 66 + 5 = y
104° = y

Triangle Inequality Theorem

 The sum of the lengths of any two sides of a triangle is greater than the length of the
third side.

In the figure, the measures of two sides of a triangle are 7 and 12. Find the range of
possibilities for the third side.

7 x


Using the Triangle Inequality Theorem, you can write the following:
7 + x > 12, so x > 5
7 + 12 > x, so 19 > x (or x < 19)

Therefore, the third side must be more than 5 but less than 19(5 < x < 19).

Other Theorems:
1. If one side of a triangle is longer than the second, then the angle opposite the longer side is
larger than the angle opposite the second side.


11 9


In the figure above, we can say that ∠F is greater than ∠E since the side opposite ∠F (DE) is
greater than the side opposite ∠E (DF).

2. If one angle of a triangle is larger than the measure of the second angle, then the side opposite
the larger angle is longer than the side opposite the second angle.


50° 70°

In the figure above, since ∠A is greater than ∠B, then the side opposite ∠A is longer than the
side opposite ∠B. We can say that BC is longer than AC.

3. The perpendicular segment from a point to a line is the shortest segment from the point to
a line.



From the given figure, we can conclude that:


Our discussion ends here. It is now time to practice what you have
learned. Answer the activities that follow and apply the concepts
you have learned.


DIRECTIONS: Copy the following and answer them correctly in your notebook.

I. Tell whether a triangle can be constructed with segments having these lengths. Answer
with YES or NO.
1. 6, 8, 13
2. 9, 11, 15
3. 8, 10, 20
4. 1, 4, 6

II. Name the angles in ascending order.

5. 6. 7.

8 5 6
4 5 4

F 7 D H 7 I

B 3 C

III. Which is the longest side?

8. 9.

45° 45°
B C 100°

IV. Find the value of a and b in the figure below. (5 points)

10. M

b (a + 5)°
(3a + 40)°

What have you learned so far?

In this particular lesson, you learned that:

 It is easy to discern if measures of given segments can form a triangle.
 An exterior angle of a triangle is an angle adjacent and supplementary to one of its interior
 An adjacent interior angle of a triangle is an interior angle that forms a linear pair with the
given exterior angle.
 Remote interior angles of a triangle are angles that are not adjacent to its given exterior
 The measure of an exterior angle of a triangle is equal to the sum of the measures of its two
remote interior angles.
 The measure of an exterior angle of a triangle is greater than that of each of its remote
interior angles.
 The sum of the measures of the interior angles of any triangle is equal to 180°.
 There are different theorems to determine the measure of the third side and these are the
1. The sum of the lengths of any two sides of a triangle is greater than the length of the
third side. (Triangle Inequality Theorem)
2. If one side of a triangle is longer than the second, then the angle opposite the longer
side is larger than the angle opposite the second side.
3. If one angle of a triangle is larger than the measure of the second angle, then the side
opposite the larger angle is longer than the side opposite the second angle.
4. The perpendicular segment from a point to a line is the shortest segment from the
point to a line.


DIRECTIONS: Do what is asked in your notebook.

I. Tell whether a triangle can be constructed with segments having these lengths. Answer
with YES or NO.
1. 5, 4, 4
2. 1, 5, 6
3. 2, 2, 3
4. 1, 1, 3
5. 4, 4, 8

II. Given the lengths of two sides of a triangle, determine the range of the possible lengths of
the third side.
1. 3, 4 ______________________
2. 10, 10 ______________________
3. 1, 5 ______________________
4. 20, 15 ______________________
5. 8, 16 ______________________

III. Using the information and figure below, write if the following statement is true or false.

Given: AC ≅ CE C
m∠BEA > m∠DAE

1. m∠CAE > m∠CEA F

2. m∠BFA = m∠DFE
3. DA = BE
4. AE > AE
5. m∠BEA = m∠CAE

IV. Find the value of a and b in the figure below. (5 points)

(2b + 9)°

(3b)° (b – 15)° K

Congratulations for finishing another module! I hope you learned a

lot about triangles. You may now ask for a mastery test from your
facilitator so you can move on to the next module. Good luck!


Acelajado, M. J. et. al. (2006). New High School Mathematics. Makati City: Diwa Learning Systems
Alferez, M. S. & Lambino, A. E. (2004). Geometry. Quezon City: MSA Academic Advancement
De Leon, C. M. et.al. (2000). Geometry. Quezon City: JTW Corporation.
Oronce, O. A. & Mendoza M. O. (2003). Exploring Mathematics III. Quezon City: Rex Printing
Company Inc.


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