The Effects of Online Class Towards The Mental Health of Senior High School Students 1
The Effects of Online Class Towards The Mental Health of Senior High School Students 1
The Effects of Online Class Towards The Mental Health of Senior High School Students 1
TITLE PAGE………………………………………………………………………....1
CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION…………………………………………………...5
○ General problem……………………………………………………….7
○ Specific problem………………………………………………………7
● Related Literature...…………………………………………………………..13
● Study Design…………………………………………………………………14
● Sampling method……………………………………………………………..14
● Conclusions…………………………………………………………………..39
● Recommendations……………………………………………………………39
The researchers conducted this study to investigate and describe how the
transition to online class affects the mental health of senior high school students. The
purpose of this study is to focus on how the new mode of school affects the mental
health of senior high school students and help groups of people learn to understand
the students currently experiencing negative effects because of the new mode. The
result of our study shows that the current state of the new mode of learning has a lot
education and the factors it requires is too much for many students to handle. The new
way of learning can make the students feel uncomfortable, feel annoyed or irritated
connection. A lot of factors are essential in the new mode of learning and the student
does not have complete control over these factors which can greatly affect their
the shift to online education are likely to be challenging. Since online education is
newly introduced to everyone, it requires efforts from both the teacher and the student
to make things similar to the standard way of teaching. The shift to online education
makes it harder for students as it is also not easily available to everyone, as not
everyone can afford to have internet connection. According to Amy Bintliff (n.d.),
the mismatch between expectation and reality can be difficult for students. Part of this
is because the important milestones, like graduation, can’t happen the way they were
envisioned. Online classes are still new and the students and teachers are still trying to
find their places. Based on research, online classes do not really help improve the
student’s abilities to reach out as they are much more used to physical meetings,
communicating to new people might not be as fulfilling because students now seem to
stick to the people they already know. Online class seems to have more of a negative
impact to most students, as it has less incentives and most students do not find it
motivating, it can also lead to depression and self-conscious people becoming less
interactive, the lesser incentives make other students feel alienated and this adds to the
According to Rayane Alamuddin (n.d.), students have been struggling with
social isolation. Alamuddin states that students miss being in person with their
classmates, colleagues and faculty members because of the organic conversations and
relationships they can create. This made students excited about learning and held
them accountable and motivated to engage in school activities, because of this they
also learned more. As online class is still new, people are still finding a way to
improve the experience for everyone involved as some activities require hands-on
The mental health of a person plays an important role in their everyday life,
this includes our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. This helps
determine how we handle stress and make choices in our life. Mental health problems
Mental health problems have early warning signs, these may include: eating too much
or too little, little to no sleep, feeling helpless, having low or no energy. Our mental
health and wellness is important to work at our best, positive mental health can help
us cope with stress and stay productive. There are many ways to maintain positive
mental health, such as making friends and interacting, experiencing new things may
also help in maintaining a positive mindset. There are a lot of ways to maintain
positive mental health and these vary depending on the person’s likes, it is also
People must be aware of the current state of education and its effects on the
mental health of students. Anxiety disorders are one of the most common mental
health conditions. People are already familiar with anxiety and that it affects the
mentality of people but the knowledge in identifying the people who may be
experiencing it is insufficient. They still need more knowledge on how it affects the
person, regardless if the effect is minimal or not. By this, it will help broaden their
knowledge. They will be able to identify the causes of anxiety and they will also be
able to treat or prevent the negative effects that could potentially sprung.
Mental health sickness will cause negative effects on the students affected by
this sickness. It may affect a person's behaviour, such as low or no energy during the
day. It can also affect their mental thought process and their choices. This can cause a
student to become more passive in their studies and produce unsatisfactory grades. A
person’s mental health plays a vital role in how the person acts, a student that is aware
of his or her mental health will often learn more and produce better grades compared
student's mental health and its effect on the academic performance among 67 senior
high school students in the school year of 2020 to 2021. The specific objectives of the
study included:
Findings of this study will help improve the knowledge and awareness of not
just the students but also the families and teachers so that they are given a chance to
better manage and understand people who may be associated with certain levels of
anxiety. The findings will also add to the existing body of knowledge.
The result of this study would help various peer groups or will be beneficial to
the following:
Parents. Findings of this research would be beneficial to the parents as it will offer
them information about the current situation of education and how it could possibly
affect their children. They will be more knowledgeable and guided on how to deal
with issues related to our study and it will become much easier for parents to relate to
what their children may be experiencing. This will help parents become more patient
Community. This study revolves around the experiences of senior high school
students on the new mode of learning which is online education. Through this
research, the community will be informed about the impact of online class on senior
high school students. This study will allow them to comprehend how effective the
new mode of learning will be to the students and how it also has a negative impact on
them. Also, the community will be more open to apprehend a certain individual that is
Teachers. Findings of this research would be beneficial to the teachers for they will
have the awareness of the impact of online classes on students during the change of
medium in education. Through this research, the teachers will be informed about the
good and bad effects of online classes on students and they can use this information to
their advantage. It allows teachers to find a more solid path to teaching in this new
medium of education to help improve the experience of the students and teachers.
The study is deemed to be carried out with the principal focus on the Señior High
This study will exclude members from the Juñior High School department. Moreover,
12th grade level because of the difficulty of conducting face-to-face interviews and
easier access to gathering data. The researchers instead went with an alternative
method via online survey. However, not all students can access the internet which is
out of reach of the researchers . Thus making inconvenience for the researchers in
Related Literature
Having exclusively online interactions can have a real impact on the mental
health of both students and professors. “Zoom fatigue” is real – video chats make it
harder for our brains to process “non-verbal cues like facial expressions, the tone and
pitch of the voice, and body language,” according to one BBC article. Delays in the
video conference can make it harder to feel like you are having a natural conversation
with the other people in your call. Being aware you are on camera can also drain your
energy, as you may feel more conscious of how you appear to others and feel
Most students are feeling the strain. For many, that strain begins with the eyes.
ambient lighting are subjected to eyestrain that can have lasting effects.
and adjusting room lighting to avoid glare and reflections. (Schroeder, 2020)
Online video calls are socially draining as it takes more work to pick up social
cues and not see people’s faces and bodies in real time. A National Geographic article
explains that “a typical video call impairs these ingrained abilities, and requires
sustained and intense attention to words instead.” This is referred to as “Zoom
While the flexibility of studying online can benefit some, the lack of structure
can lead to stress associated with maintaining timelines and the anxiety of looming
interactions, may lead to isolation. There are also issues related to overlap between
home-life and study as not all students will have appropriate and private spaces and
time for study, particularly those with family commitments. They may also have more
limited identification with their institution and may not feel like a "real student". This
may limit their feeling of self worth and sense of achievement associated with their
educational progress. The pressures associated with online study may contribute to
For some, the requirements of the technology associated with online learning
can lead to the experience of strong negative emotions. Frustration and confusion can
result in stress and anxiety which limit the effectiveness of the educational
interactions, reducing learning and leading to poor social relationships and poorer
increased screen time,” Oyoque and Brown said in an email. “(Students) may
The worldwide rapid increase of infected cases has created a sense of
uncertainty and anxiety about what is going to happen. It has also caused a
tremendous level of stress among the university fraternity, inclusive of students. This
stress may lead to unfavorable effects on the learning and psychological health of
Virtual learning has inevitably increased the amount of time students spend on
student from India. She noted that online learning has resulted in a significant increase
adverse health impacts from altered sleep cycles, increased digital use can affect
student’s physical and mental health. Jennifer Katzenstein, director of psychology and
neuropsychology at the Hopkins All Children’s Hospital, has observed the impact of
Theoretical Framework
the topic. The Concept of Self-Esteem discusses the differences between people with
high self-esteem and low self-esteem which correlates with the performance of a
student during their school years. The concept states that most people who have low-
self esteem often make social interaction with others difficult as they feel awkward,
shy, conspicuous, and unable to adequately express themselves when interacting with
others, this makes them more likely to experience anxiety. The second theory which is
the Self-Concept Theory is significant in the sense that the view of ourselves affects
our mindset, and how we view others affect our actions. The concept helps clarify the
awareness of oneself, to have a concept of oneself. The two concepts will help and
guide the researchers to improve and accomplish the study satisfactorily. (See
Conceptual Framework
This study aims to examine the impact of online class on the mental health of
senior high school students. The mental effects of schoolworks and deadlines are
unavoidable by school peers. This dilemma would not only affect the student’s mental
health but also on how they perform in any given task and how they perceive online
classes. In order to know how online classes impact the mental health of senior high
Study Design
(Bhandari, 2020). The type of qualitative research the researchers used for this study
is the narrative research. It is a concept where a researcher narrates the life experience
people’s lives as told by their own stories (Clandinin & Connelly, 2000). The
researcher used this type of qualitative research since they want to know the impact of
online classes towards the mental health of a student. They wanted to learn and
Sampling Method
statistical inferences about the whole group (McCombes, 2021). A technique in which
the researcher chooses samples from a larger population using a method on the theory
of probability. The sampling method used in the research is random cluster sampling.
The researchers use this type of sampling method since they randomly picked senior
high school students; disregarding the section, sex, and age of the respondents.
The researchers were able to gather data and information by surveying the
respondents. Due to the pandemic going on, the researchers used google docs as a
platform to survey or question 67 senior high school students of Ramon Teves Pastor-
After gathering all of the needed data and information the researchers were able to
analyze the data. The data analysis method used in the research is framework analysis.
The researchers were able to sift, chart and sort the data in accordance with the issues
and the themes from the data collected via survey. Using coding to identify relations
among the gathered data and to associate a thematic framework; charting was also
The results of the data gathered from the survey questionnaires conducted by the
Q1..Are you able to understand your lessons during your online class?
Chart 1
61.2% of students answered yes and claimed to understand their lessons during
online learning compared to the 38.8% students who answered no fail to do so.
Q2.Were you able to adapt the new normal in learning?
Chart 2
The percentage of students who claimed to say they adapted the present learning
Q3.Do you think online class is a good alternative for the education of students amidst
the pandemic?
Chart 3
The percentage of students who claimed to think that online class is a good alternative
for the education of students amidst the pandemic rose up to 66.0% which is
unimaginably greater than the remaining 34.0% of the respondents who declined the idea.
● very ineffective
● For me, online classes aren't that effective compared to the traditional classroom set
what the teacher is discussing. Also, a student cannot reach out directly to the
teacher if he or she has questions regarding the lesson. Doing group performance
tasks or projects in this current situation is very difficult for me. It is hard to have
● It’s not that effective for me since I am not used to it. But, online class is the best
● I honestly think na wa jd xay natabang other than giving more stress to students, not
everyone is privileged enough to like being able to acquire things like online classes
● It's Draining. Because it is a new method and people are still adapting yet there are
many hindrances along the way like unstable internet connection and
● Online classes are a bit tiring and draining. It may be a better alternative for a way
of education in this pandemic but honestly it seems like a waste of time and money
● it drains my energy
● Tiring, draining
● Draining while the retention of knowledge being very lol
● I feel exhausted? I try to force information into my brain who doesn't like to
● It's pretty much tiring although we're at home staring at the computer all day hurts
my eyes.
● It was stressful
● Stressed
● I feel like it's too distracting and stressful, because not everyone can afford the
● It is a very stressful alternative considering the fact that some teachers don't even
teach the material and topics well while also giving a lot of assignments or projects
● I felt stressed at first but later on I just accepted the fact that this is it. This is the
new normal.
● I feel like what matters most in online classes is the output that needs to be
● The online classes felt so strange because this is the first time that I experienced this
kind of learning modality.
● Neutral Feelings
● I feel like compared to other forms of learning, online classes are a much suitable
● The idea of having an online class is quite tiring and challenging for me as a
● Conducting the online classes helped us to continue learning amidst the pandemic
and although a lot of us are still adapting, we are trying our best to perform well just
activity I am not able to check with the teachers face to face if what I am doing is
right or wrong.
● Prefered face-to-face
● Actually, online classes make me lazy to listen. I think it's because we're all at our
homes. If it was in the school or somewhere else, we would be active. but then i still
● It felt quite weird at first, but then I started to get used to it. I wish we all could get
● Sad because it isn't for everyone. Online classes are only for those who have strong
● bad ;.; I can't understand the lesson hinay net always
● It is a good alternative compared to other ways but it also has its cons like weak
internet connection.
● Sometimes I cannot understand the lessons due to bad connection and sometimes I
● For me, I think online classes are a double-edged blade since you can still learn
amidst the pandemic although there are some topics which are better suited for face
to face classes.
● I find it the best alternative to continue the education during COVID-19 pandemic.
But it has its own disadvantages. It only favors those who have proper signal and
good internet connection in their homes. Due to low connection and unavailable
signal in our area, I often got disconnected from classes and unable to pass my
● I feel discouraged easily about online classes especially when I suffer internet
● it's chaotic but it's fine, it's harder than going to class
lesson in a deeper way. However, I feel like it's an obligation to take. Even though I
● Boring
● Boring
● Boring
● everything is normal
● Ok lang
● still education
● I feel greatly relieved. Because any more delays in having class will be a great
● I hate it
● Bad
Coding Themes
Causes Fatigue
Love and hate situation Neutral and is okay with it
It’s okay
Table 2:
Based on the thematic analysis, most of the students have negative feedback
towards online learning saying they feel unsatisfied and that it causes fatigue. On the
other hand, some say they feel the difficulty and that they are being challenged, and
a very few portion said that they feel completely neutral about it.
Chart 4
Regarding the types of learning, it shows that most of the students reaching up to
77.6% enjoy the traditional face-to-face classes, 13.4% for the online learning, 7.5%
chose the blended learning, and lastly, 1.5% prefer the modular learning.
Q6. What can you say about the new normal of classes?
● Boring
● It’s ok
● Ok ra
● It is not consistent like the time the classes will start thus making it hard for students
who don't have internet 24/7. It is also hard to stay focused while listening to the
● I guess it's a good alternative but I'd still prefer face to face
● I can say that it is new and we have to adjust . but also we learn how to use more of
● My stupid head can't understand anything but I have no choice so I'm tolerating it.
● Stressful
● With the situations being as they are, they’re good substitutes, but when it comes to
the retention of learnings and development of social skills, nothing beats the
● Makaguol ug makamingaw
● It's hard to learn from online classes, because it's not as easy to communicate with
teachers when you have a question, and I personally tend to learn more when I
google the questions than when I'm being taught in online classes.
● It's very hard in regards when it comes to sudden internet connection lost, and some
● I don't really think it's that effective. But at least we have something to learn in this
● I guess it is the only way so that the students can attend classes without going to
school but is not effective due to some students who won't be able to concentrate on
classes and some students cannot join classes due to bad Internet connection
● Boring
● The new way of educating us students did not come as a surprise for me because
with the fast advancement of technology, sooner or later many things will be done
● It's actually quite a rushed one overall. Not all students have stable WiFi connections
at the announcement of the new normal of classes, and as a result, the internet
● The new normal way of learning made me realize that i still have a lazier side of
● At first, I disagreed with continuing the classes online. But then I had no choice but
to follow the protocols. The new normal of classes affects my mental health, being
● It is certainly a new mode of learning and it's actually harder to learn especially
● unlike face to face , online classes are quite difficult for me especially that i easily
● Very stressful
● It's a bit annoying. Haha. Or maybe I'm just a lazy person. I just don't feel like I'd
learn a lot from sitting in front of a computer the whole day with back pain attacking
● It's doing its job to prevent us from the virus but personally I wish this pandemic will
● The new normal classes, for me, is a complicated type of education. The time when
to start and end the class is not the same, it varies depending on the teacher and it is
● At some point it is hard because there are factors that can affect the learning of a
● It puts more pressure to students since the stability of their connection or device is
never assured.
● It's uncertain because we don't know if this method is effective and would produce
quality graduates.
● A lot of adjustments
● Tiring
● It’s really different from the traditional way of classes. For me, it’s more complicated
since we always need to have a good internet connection at home in order for us to
attend our classes. We can miss discussions due to blackouts or loss of connectivity.
And there are also other students who don't have enough resources for online classes.
● The new normal of classes worry me a lot because collaborations with fellow
students and teachers as well is very hard. On the other hand, I would also like to say
that the new normal of classes also taught me new lessons that I can treasure
throughout my life.
● Most of the time, it isn't effective. Yes, I understand things but it's not like before
when this system happened. I tend to forget some lessons from a week after. I forget
what the teacher had taught us even though I really understood it at the time when
learning. Although, I can self-study but it's just that it isn't as effective when I
● as a student it’s really not effective, it’s tiresome and makes my headache
● Don’t force it if d kaya like lisod kaayo dli tanan stable ug net
● lots of mistakes, can't understand the teaching. Teachers are boring, no essence of
● I think online class is a bit hard for me since we were already used to the face-to-face
classes. It is harder to interact with classmates especially during groupworks, but it is
easy at the same time with the help of the technology we are using now.
● Ok lang
● For me, the new normal of classes is a good alternative in this pandemic because of
safety purposes but the problem is that some students can’t catch up as fast as the
Coding Themes
Dislikes it Dissatisfaction
Has positive and negative aspects Understands and is content with online
Go with the flow
Table 4:
Most of the analysis themes confirm that students are dissatisfied with the online
learning modality, leaving some unsure about it. A few others say that they
understand the situation and are content with having the present modality.
Q.7 Do you think the time allotted for online school is sufficient or too much?
Chart 5
Results show that more than half of the respondents say the time allotted for
online school is sufficient enough while below 40% claim it's too much time or less
than needed.
Q8. How do you adapt to the changes caused by online classes under the new
● Honestly, I don't know if I've already adapted to the changes or I just force myself
every time to think that I have. Eitherway, the idea that helps me to be fine day by
● Since there is most likely nothing we can do, it is best of us to follow the protocols
provided. Adapting to the changes through compliance of what I’m told to do is the
● I don't really know. I just try to do what I should do to survive the school year.
● Acceptance. Basta kay kung makaya pa, mulaban nalang pero if dili, muundang :((
● Forcing myself to panic just so I could finish my schoolwork.
● By just accepting it
● By always conditioning myself that i have to do what i need to do cause this online
● I don't know, I just realized that i need to live with it because of the pandemic
● I adapt to the changes by following the schedule and mentally mixing in the school
● I didn't know specifically how I adapted, but I guess I just got used to it.
● Discipline
● Power of friendship
● By being happy
● Since the topics in shs will be taken up again in college I don’t strain myself too
myself time to adjust, thinking positive and motivating myself to produce good
quality outputs.
● I adapt to the changes through reminding myself all the goals that I want to achieve.
In that way, it can motivate myself to keep striving and do all things possible to
solve problems.
● I changed some of my routines that are not helpful nor applicable to this new
● Since we are always at home, I minimize doing things that could distract me while
having the online class just like using phones and gadgets (what we normally do
face-to-face). I do my best na makapass on time and study paras exams, just like we
normally should. I think we should just be honest and responsible since wala
● By managing my time and schedule well to finish assignments before the deadline.
● It was not easy for most of us to adapt but for me, I tried to stay focused on our
zoom meetings.
● I will try to focus on the classes and hopefully I won't get distracted easily and
time for doing all household chores. I also do activities ahead of time to avoid
● Do advanced reading
the week and be able to understand the new lessons quickly and efficiently.
● I just adapt little by little by changing my old habits and routines. Literally just
forcing myself to change.
● Sleep a lot
● By sleeping early
● I make sure I get enough sleep and wear anti-rad glasses to protect my eyes from
● I became more patient with everything. Online class isn’t really for everyone since
all of us have different ways on how we want to learn. I somewhat became more
responsible since tasks are more on individual gradings. But it is more tiring since
● Not so much
● I haven't yet
● i try my best to listen and learn but tbh it’s really not working for me :’)
● Honestly at this point tolerating it is like the only thing I can say now like I do to
like adapt the changes cuz it doesn't really change much other than the fact na it's
● In terms of adapting to the changes caused by online classes, it really took time to
● I don't really have to adapt too much, because all I do is I try to pay attention in class
but then I end up learning nothing so then after the classes are over I just google the
things I don't understand and the rest is usually stock knowledge for me.
● By trying my best to understand what the teacher is saying even with all the
● Because I'm an ICT student adjusting for just 5 seconds, I mean it's easy to learn.
● As I already own a computer device, I adapted fairly fast and adjusted my daily
schedule as such.
● I was able to adapt to the changes easily since I'm a home person. What i did to
● Online classes are like a game where you have to make this output for an
● By quickly learning how to operate and learn the functions of the equipment used
Coding Themes
Having a positive mindset
Staying Positive
Being Patient
Sleeping Well
different ways under the new normal classes. Some say they adapted with ease with
one’s own capability and just by simply going with the flow. Others say having a
positive mindset can help them in adapting to it, and a few others are indeed having a
hard time adapting and some would just continue with their responsibilities as a
Q9. Does online output affect your mental and physical well-being?
Chart 6
Majority of the respondents agree that online output affects your mental and
Q10. Given the chance to choose, would you prefer an academic freeze as of the
Chart 7
68.7% of the students would choose if given the chance to have an academic
freeze as of the moment while the remaining 31.3% prefer not to.
The objective of this study is to determine how online learning affects the
mental health of the graduating senior high students. Based on the results and data
gathered, the researchers came to the conclusion that indeed online class/learning
impacts the mental health of the students negatively. To summarize the information
collected, there are different factors contributing to the negative reaction and
behaviour of the students towards online learning. One of which is the bombardment
of outputs from the teachers in different subjects causing mental fatigue and stress
amongst the learners. The internet speed of the students, lack of motivation and
boredom are also sub-factors that contribute to their negative reaction towards the
After the experiment is done and all the data are gathered, the researchers
would like to recommend this study to those who are interested and would want to
improve and contribute to the said study. One of which is by not only focusing on the
students’ mental health but also considering the teachers since they are also involved
in the online learning modality. Expansion of the respondents is also another thing
that the researchers want to recommend, a wide and vast number of it would provide
more relevant information and data. Further expanding of respondents also gives the
opportunity to study the responses of the junior high school students and that related
information can be gathered to further show the impact of online learning on the
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