BRL Formula

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July 27, 1955

Alco ProductSi iic.

Schenectady, New York

Technical Information Service Extension, O a k Ridge, Tenn.


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JULY 27, 1955




CONTRACT NOo AT (11-1) - 318


The APPR-i is described and the various hazards are rcTiewed, Because
of the reactor^s location near the nation's Capitol, containment is of the utmost
importaace. The maximum energy release in any possible accident is 7.4 mil-
lioa BTU's which is completely contained within a 7/8 inch thick steel cylin-
drical shell which hemispherical ends. The vapor contaiaer is 60 feet high and
32 feet ia diameter and is lined oa the inside with 2 feet of reinforced concrete
•which proTides missile protection and is part of the secondary shield.

All possible Euclear excursioas are re¥iewed amd the energy from any of these
is insignificant compared to the stored energy in the water.

The maximmn credible accident is caused by the reactor running constantly

at its maximmm power of 10 megawatts and through an extremely onlikelf s e -
quence of failures, causing the temperatttre of the water in the primary and sec-
ondary systems to rise to sataration; whereupon a ruptmre occurs releasing the
stored energy of 7.4 miEiom BTU's into the ¥apor container, K the reactor core
melts during the iacident, a maxinmin of 10 curies of acti¥ity is released.

While it appears impossible for a rmptare of the vapor container to occur ex-
cept by sabotage or bombing, the hazards to the sorromndiiig area are discussed
im the event of such a ruptttre occurring slmiiltaiieously -with the maximum cred-
ible accident.

While the primary responsibility for re¥iewmg the hazards associated with
the APPR-1 has rested with ALCO, the outside contributions to this report havfe
been of immense vaMe, Design calculations have been carried out in close co-
operation with Stone and Webster, particularly in the case of the ¥apor container,
ALCO has used much of the information deYeloped in the original ORNL concep-
tual design, and is farther indebted to ORNL for the reactor simulator tests»
Many of the calculations on nuclear excursions were done with assistance from
the Reactor Physics Section of Battelle Memorial listifttte. The Army Reactor
Branch of the A<.EoC. did considerable work in collecting data on the site, as well
as offering many helpful suggestions in the general preparation of the report.
The chapter on hazards to the surrounding area in the e¥ent of a catastrophe
and the appendix on meterology and climatology were prepared with the aid of
the Scientific ferrices DiTision of the U-S» Weather BureaUo The information
contained in the appendix on geology and hydrology was obtained from a report
prepared by the Water Resources Division of the U, S, Geological SurYcy.

In evataating the requirements for missile protection, Yalaable assistance

was gi¥en by the Department of Docks, U. S. Mavy in Boston and by Army Ordnance
at Aberdeen.
for the ^P

Table of Contents

SUMMARY . » , . . . . . . . » . . . , = < . , , » > , „ , 6

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS , « , . , . , , . , , „ o » . , , . 7


Ao General . . , . „ , . . . . o . . . „ „ , . » , . . . U
Bo Description. . . . , . , , . . . , . . . . . o , . , , 11
C, Site . . . . . „ , , . , . . . . . » , o o , . « « . . 12
D, Design Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . „ , . , « , . , 16
A. Core. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , « o . 31
B. Pressure Vessel . . . . , . . . . „ . „ . , . , . . , 35
C. Control Rod Drives . . . . . . » . . „ . . . , . . . . 37
D. Primary Shield . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ^ . . . . . 42
E. Reactor Instruments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
A. Primary System . . . . . . . . . . . . * . . „ . „ . . 47
B. Pressurizer . . . . . . , , „ . . . , . . . , , . . . 54
C. Primary Make-up and Blow-down . . . , „ . , „ , , , „ 57
D. Secondary System , . , , . . . . . . . . „ . , » , . . 59
E. Auxiliaries . . . . , . . . . , . , , , . „ . „ , . . . ei
A. Structure. . , , , . „ . . , „ . . , , . . . „ , , . . . ^2
B. Leak Testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
C. Penetrations , . „ . . . . , . . . , , , . . , , . . . 64
D. Cooling and Ventilation . . . . < . . „ , . . . . . . . . 64
E. Missile Protection , , . . . . , . . . . . . . c . . „ 79
F. Spent Fuel Pit . . . , . . . . . , . „ , . . . , . . . ^l



A. General Considerations. . . , . . . . . „ . . , , . . . "^^

B. Secondary Shield . . . . . . , . . . , . . , . . . . „ 76
C. P r i m a r y Shield . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
D. Shielding After Shutdown . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
E. Shielding During Spent Fuel Element Transfer and Storage . gS


A, Control Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
B. General Description of Instrumentation and Controls . . . 88
C. Preliminary Testing . , . . . „ . . , . , . . . . . . . 92
D, Initial Criticality and Zero Power Experiments . . . . . . 94
E, Power Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
F. Shutdown and Hot Fuel Element Storage . . . . . . . . . 95


A. Positive Reactivity Available . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96

B. Control Rod Worth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
C. Mild Excursions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
D. Fuel Plate Melting and Void Fraction . „ . . . . , , . . 98
E. Effect of Withdrawing Control Rods . . . . . . . . . . . 102
F. Possibility of Rod Ejection . . . . . . . . . , , , . . . 104
G. Summary of Results of Nuclear Excursions . . . . . . . . i05


A. Definition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
B. Conditions Initiating the Maximum Credible Accident „ . . 109
C. Sequence of Failures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
D. Final Rupture of the System , . . . . . . . . , . . , . 113
E. P r e s s u r e - T i m e Relationship -within Vapor Container . . . 115
F. Requirements for Containment . . o . . . . . . . . . . 115
G. Variations from the Maximum Credible Accident . . . . . 119


A. Events Leading to a Catastrophe . . . . . . . . . . . . 121

B. Types of Accident Postulated , . , . . . . . . . , , . , 121
C. Methods of Calculation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
D. Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ^ 124



1. Meteorology and Climatology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134

2, Geology and Hydrology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143


1. Leakage Test Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155

2. Missile Penetration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157



1. Energy Release for Various Amounts of Excess
Multiplication added Instantaneously . . . . . . . . . . . 218
2. Control Hod Withdrawal at Room Temperature . . . . . . 222
3. Control Rod Withdrawal at Operating Temperature
and Power , . . . , . . , . . . . . . . . , . . , , . 228

1. Cold Pressurized P r i m a r y System . . . . . . . . . . . 234

2. Hot Pressurized P r i m a r y System . . . . . . . . . . . . 235

Go 10 Mw CONSTANT POWER R U N A W A Y . . . . . . . . . . . . 242


EVENT OF A CATASTROPHE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 246

CREDroLE ACCroENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 262

REFERENCES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 266

^^. General
The Army Package Power Reactor will be designed, constructed and oper-
• ated for the first six months by ALCO PRODUCTS, INC. on contract with the Army
Reactors Branch of the A, E X - (Contract No. AT (11--1)~318), The APPR-1 Is a
prototype of a reactor designed to meet the requirements and site conditions of a
- remote military base. Since the prototype reactor is to be constructed at a site
in the United States, some of the design requirements were changed to meet these
needso l i particular containment of the maximum credible accident is pro¥ided.
The reactor is to be used as a training facility for troops and specialists who
might eventually be required to operate and serTice remote plants- The require-
ment that all components be transportable by air still exists even though the site
^4 " is not remote,
B. Description
The APPR-1 is a 10,000 kilowatt pressurized water reactor deli¥ering
1825 net kilowatts of electricity with 2.5 Inches of mercury back pressure (85° F .
condenser cooling water). Where lower temperature condenser water is aYailable,
back pressure can be reduced, permitting dellYcry of 1925 net kilowatts at 1.5
inches of mercury back pressure. The fuel elements are similar to those in the
MTR but are made of stainless steel rather than aluminum, and in addition to the
^ fissionable material contain a burnout poison in the form of boron.

The reactor operates at a pressure of 1200 psia and outlet temperature of

^ 450®F, at full power. Two primary coolant pumps M parallel are provided either
^kf which will pro¥ide the design fl.ow rate of 4000 gpm. The water flows from the

reactor to a steam generator, where heat is transferred to the secondary (steam)
system from the generator and back through the pump to the reactor inlet. This
entire primary loop is installed inside a ¥apor container 32 feei in diameter and
60 feet high as shown in the cutaway view in Fig 1- i. The enclosure will contain
the energy released from all of the steam generated bf flashing of the superheated
primary and secondary system "water volumes when the maximum amount of heat
has been stored in these volumes.
The turbine generator room is shown in Fig- I-i just outside the vapor
container with the control room on the second floor behind it„ To the left of the
vapor container may be seen the spent fuel pit where used fuel elements are stored.
The rest of the building contains offices, laboratories, shops, e t c
C„ Site
The reactor is to be built at Fort Belvoir, Virginia within the bounds of the
Engineering Research and Development Laboratory, and bordering on GunstonCove,
as shown in Fig I-2„ The nearest living quarters are 3000 feet from the site and
house government personnel living on the Fort, A summary of the wind velocities
and direction may be seen tabulated in the Figure „
The location of Fort Belvoir with respect to Washington and surrounding
area is shown in Fig. 1-3, Metropolitan Washington has a population of 1,460,000,
practically all of which lies within a 20 mile radius of the site. Needless to say,
the most important activities in the nation are centered within the 20 mile radius
shown. The tremendous importance of complete containment of the APPR-1 in
the event of an accident is recognized.
The meteorology, climatology, geology, and hydrology of the site are sum-
marized in Appendix "A"-



Do Design Data
The following is a summary of design data on the APPR= 1, More com-
plete descriptions of the individual components listed here may be found in sub-
sequent sections of the report, along with some of the design considerations

if. .Overall Plant Performance

Thermal power developed in reactor kw 10,000
BTU/hr 34,1x10°
Electric power generated kw(l„5in,Hg) 2105
(2.5ia,Hg) 2005
Net electric power delivered kw(l,5in„Hg) 1925
(2.51n,Hg) 1825
Power required for auxiliaries kw 180
Thermal efficiency of net electric
power generation %(l,5in,Hg) 19,25
(2,5in.Hg) 18.25
Power density of reactor core
kw/liter YL7
Core life before refueling
Mw-yr 15
2o Reactor Data
Average Diameter in„ 22o2

Height in. 22,0

Yolume of core liters 139.5

cu» in. 8513

Uranium content of new core kg U 235 17.7

Critical mass after 15 Mw-years kg U 235 10,2

Stainless steel content excluding matrix kg 110„06

Core (Cont,)
Stainless steel content in matrix kg 98.04

Poison content, natural boron kg 0,172

B^C content kg 0,220

U02 content (1.136 kg/kg U) kg 21,47

Water content liters 111,1

at 0,83 g/cm^ (4500F) kg 92,2

Metal-^to-water ratio 0,256

Excess k, (Multiplication) new, cold
clean core % 10
Maximmn Excess k during
operating period, hot % 7
cold % 16
Neutron flux, average, thermal, at
end of 15 Mw-yr cycle n/cm^-sec. 2.7x101^
Fuel Plates
Type of platesi rectangular, flat UO2-SS-B4C core, clad in
304L stainless steeL
Geometry of plates Fuel Core OveraE
Thickness in. 0«020 0.030
Width in, 2o500 2,760
Length in, 22.0 23.0
Stainless steel cladding
Thickness in. 0^005
Spacing between plates in. 0.134
Composition of fuel section of plates
UO2 wt % 17, M
ss wt% 81,88
B4C wt % 0,18
Fuel Plates (Cont, ;

Geometry of s s side plates 0¥erall

Thickness in. 0.050

Width in.
Length in.

Atom ratios in reactor core

U 235 atoms 68
H2O molecules 48,4
Fe,Ni, Cr atoms 0„212
B atoms
Fuel plates per fuel assembly 18

Number of fuel assemblies 40

Fuel Plates per control rod assembly 16

Number of control rod assemblies 5

Total number of fuel plates 800

Dimensions of fuel assembly (overall)

Thickness in, 2.912

Width in. 2.800
Length in, 35.25
Control Rods
Type " Modified square "basket" to fit fuel space in lattice; upper section
contains absorber material - lower section contains fuel sub--
assembly. Actuating rack rigidly attached to bottom of basket.

Composition - Upper section: 16,3% B4C in Copper, 3/8 inch thick;claci with
304 stainless steel, 1/32 inch thick, formed into square to fit
basket. Lower Section: Similar to active fuel element except
has 16 fuel plates and is adapted to fit inside basket.

OYcraE length including rack in, 95

Number 5

Trayel in, 22

Control Rods iCont }
Weight of rod lb. 75

Acceleration of rod after release ft/sec2 24,4

Maximum distance for rod to drop In, 22

Thermal Data of Reactor at Full Power

Operating pressure in reactor psia 1200

Coolant inlet temperature at reactor ° F 431,6

Coolant outlet temperature at reactor OF 450

Properties of Coolant
Density at 4 5 0 O F Ib/ft^ 51.75
at431.eoF lb/ft3 52,60

Change in density per ° F Ib/ft^-OF 0,046

Viscosity at 445°F Ib/ft-hr 0.295
Thermal conducti¥ity BTU/hr-ft2»°F/ft 0,39
Specific heat BTU/op-lb 1.115

Coolant flow through core gpm 4000

Ib/hr l,66xl06

Number of flow p a s s e s through

reactor 1

Flow area in core ft2 2,083

Telocity in core passages fps 4,3

Design heat output BTU/hr 34,1x10^

Heat transfer a r e a ft2 611,1
Average heat flux BTU/hr-ft^ 55,900
Peak- to-average heat flux ratio
used for design (assumed)* 4:1
•Actual peak-to-average flux ratio not a¥ailable at this time.

Thermal Data of Heactor at Full Power (Cont.)

Ratio of maximuin to average lieat flux

ill any one channel (cosine distribution) 1,31 1

Katio of heat absorbed in hottest

channel to average channel |4„0 '1,31) 3.05-1

Maximum bulk water temperature,

hottest channel I'jl? 487.6

Reynolds number m cote 58,400

Film coefficient of heat transfer BTU/hr-it^-°F 2,570

Maximum surface temperature ov 554

Boiling temperature at 1200 psia ..j^ 567.2

Heat transfer coeflicieiit of scale

(assuming 0 010 in scale at
k = 1,0 BTU/hr-ft^-OF/ft) BTU hr-it^-OF 1200

Maximum metal temperature

v-^Fith assumed scale '742
"juth no scale 565,7

P r i m a r y System Equipment

Pressure^Vessel, ASTM-A- 212, Grade B, clad with 304 stainless steel

Inside diameter m. 4»

Wall thickness la. sm3 O W

Thickness of cladding, mill. in. 0,125

Design s t r e s s (ASME Code) psi 17,500

Overall length of vessel m. 138

Thickness of head in. 2,5

Diameter of head in. 38

Diameter of opening at top of vessel in. 26

Inside diameter of thermal shield in. 34,875

P r e s s u r e Vessel (Com,)

Thickness of thermal shield in 2

Length of thermal shield in 68

Insulation thickness in. 4

P r i m a r y Coolant Pumps, centrifugal, canned rotorr

Operating head of pump 28

Operating temperature at suction Op 431,6

Hydraulic horsepower at 4000 gpm, hot hp 23.5

cold hp 28.4

Number of pumps normally operated 1

Number of pumps installed 2

Steam Generator, vertical, double p a s s , U tubes

Tube side fluid; p r i m a r y coolant.

Shell side fluid: boiling water and steam»

Materials: Tubes, partition, shrouds and baffle; 304 stainless

Shell, tube sheet, nozzles: Type A-212 carbon steel clad

with type 304 stainless steeL

Design P r e s s u r e

Tube Side psi 1500

Shell side psi 450

Design temperatures

Tube side Op 650

Shell side Op 650

Operating p r e s s u r e s

Tube side psia 1200

Shell side psia 200-422
steam Generator (Cont,)
Full load heat transfer BTU; br 3 41xl07

Heat transfer surface

Steam generating region ft2 938
Superheat region ft2 214

Number of tubes
Steam generating region 326
Superheat region 44

Diameter of tubes, 0,D. in. 0.75

Tube wall thickness in„ 0.065

Velocity in tubes fps 11,5

Reynolds number in tubes 933,000

Overall heat transfer coefficient BTU/hr-ft2. "°F 495

Total head loss on tube side ft of hot fluid 16„7

FuU load steam flow IbAr 34,200

Op 250
Feedwater temperature
Steam quality at entrance to superheater % 99.7
Op 25
Steam pressure at full load psia 200

Insulation thickness in. 4

Pressurizer, SA 212 carbon steel clad wil 04 stainless steel 1

Length in. 102

Diameter, ID in. 45

Wall thickness in. 1

Heaters (two) kw 50
P r e s s u r i z e r (Cont )

Insulation thickness in

Design pressure psi

Design temperature °F

Pipe size, schedule 80 IEO

P r i m a r y Coolant Piping, 304L stainless steel

Pipe size, Schedule 80 in.

Diameter, OD in.

Wall thickness In.

Diameter, ID in^

Maximum allowable internal

p r e s s u r e (ASA B31e 1-1951) psi

Bisulation thickness In,

Control Rod Drive Mechanism

Total Travel in.

Rod Speed - either direction in,/min

Rod AcceL during scram ft/sec^

Fineness of position control in.

Motor - 1/6 HP with integral
brake 115 v, 3 ph, 60 cy. 1750 rpm
Ctateh - Warner 400 size
Power supplied from AC line through rectifier

Capacity - 0 rpm ft-lb

Time to release millisec.

Clutch located on low speed shaft just out-
board of seal and position indicator
Reduction gearing - totally enclosed, multistage
planetary integral with motor - ratio 3200:1
Seal: Spindle type rotary (Kuchler-Huhn)
Maximum leakage Ib/hr 10

Operating friction in, "lb 1.4

Maximum break-away friction in, '4b 12

Rack and Pinion (16 Pitch)
Material 440 C SS
Face width in. 0.7

Back-up RoMer «= StPllite - 3

Position Indicator
Helipot type AN
Total Turiffi approx. 9
5. _ Primary Make Up System
WaterPurification_Sfstem, single column, mixed bed
Capacity gph 200
Effluent impurities ppm less than 1

Overall dimensions in« 24x36x120

Approximate weight lb 700
Chemical regeaerants required per cycle (30 days)
Cation, acid lb 1.5
Anion, caustic lb 4
Primary Coolant Feed Pump, Duplex
Capacity ^m 1
Discharge pressure psia 1250
Primary Coolant Feed Pump, Duplex (Cont„)
Motor size hp 3

Number required for operation 1

Number to be installed 2

Control-Rod Seal Water Return Pumps

Capacity gph 20

Discharge pressure psia 20

Motor size hp 1/2

Number required for operation 1

Number to be installed 2

Shield Design
Prim^ary Shield
Shield tank
Inner radius in. 32

Outer radius in. 80,4

Height in. 202

Inner Wall - steel

thickness (below top shield disc) in,
7 Shield rings - steel
thickness of each ring in. 2

Spacing between rings in. 1

Height (inner ring) ft 9

Water - Specific Gravity (minimum) 0.97

Top shield

Water thickness in. 100

Primary Shield (Cont.)
Water specific gravity (minimum) 0,97
Steel thickness in. 2
Secondary Shield
Vapor Container
Steel wall, thickness in, 0,875

Thickness in. 24
Specific gravity 2,3
Additional radial shielding-concrete
Thickness in. 36

Height (above basement floor) ft 27

Specific gravity 2,3
Fuel Element Shielding
Height of water above fuel
element transfer tube opening ft 12
Dose Rate
Tolerance dose rate for 40-hr, week mr/hr 7,5
Design dose rate
Control room reactor operation mr/hr 1,5
Above vapor container, reactor operation mr/hr 150
Outside primary shield, 24 hours after
shutdown mr/hr 1,0
Adjacent to primary piping or to
steam generator 24 hours after
shutdown mr/hr 22

steam System
Turbine ^Generator- Condensing Turbine, Gear Driven Generator 1

Steam to throttle psia 190

Exhaust pressure, abs in,Hg 1,5

Rating, at 0,8 power factor kw 2105

Voltage volts 4160

Frequency cps 60

Exciter - direct-connected
Generator - open=air cooled
Extraction nozzle, at 4680 Ib/hr psia 35

Steam to throttle, full load Ib/hr 32,325

Turbine efficiency, full load % 65,5

Generator efficiency, full load % 96

Gear, bearings and windage efficiency % 98,5

Automatic controls: frequency, voltage

Safety devices^ overspeed, low vacuum,
vacuum breaker.
Exhaust quality, full load % 90,5

Condenser, horizontal, shell and tube, two-pass 1

Heat transfer BTU/hr 28,6x10^

Steam flow, max. Ib/hr 29,000

Hot well depression, max. Op 10

Coolant temperature, in, max. °F B5

Effective surface ft2 2840

Velocity in tubes fps 7.0

Condenser (Cont.)
Quality of steam % 90

Tubes (18 gage), diameter, OD in 0,75

Design pressure - Tube side psi 60

Shell side Full Vacuum

Air removal equipment

Twin jet steam ejectors with
intercooler and aftercoolero
Closed_Feedwater_ Heater
Storage tank capacity gal 5000

Supply at full load min 67

Outflow rate Ib/hr 34,400

Operating pressure psia 200

Outflow temperature 250

Controls: float, high and low level alarm,

relief, gage glass

Evaporator, bent-•tube, self-de-scaling with preheater 1

Raw water inflow Ib/hr 1884

Storage tank capacity gal 5000

Supply at full load hr 22

Evaporator blowdown Ib/hr 134

Steam supply p r e s s u r e , saturated psia 190

Heating steam requirement, 190 psia Ib/hr 2350

Purity ppm 1

O2 content, maximum cc/1 0,005

Boiler Feed Pumps (With Hoi -Well) two stage centrifugal 2

Number running at full load 1

Speed rpm 3550

Capacity, each gpm 75

Head, at 75 gpm ft 630

Water temperature °F 109

Estimated efficiency % 66

Rated power, each hp 20

Coolant Circulating Water Pump, Vertical, single stage 2

Number running at full load 1

Speed rpm 1760

Capacity, each gpm 4500

Head ft 50

Fluid temperature Op 35-85

Estimated Efficiency % 82

Drive motor size, each hp 75

Reactor Shutdown Cooling Pump, steam turbine drive 1

Speed rpm 3550

Capacity gpm 75

Head ft 630

Water temperature °F 109

Power Plant_BTjiMing
Overall dimension, main part of building ft 27x68x47

Dimensions of control room and storage wing ft 18x22x35

Total floor area ft2 6550 0
Total volume of building ft3 105,000 «

Bridge crane span ft 22

tons 10 #
Crane load capacity


A. Core

The ALCO design of the APPR-1 reactor core is essentially unchanged

from that proposed by the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (1). The fuel elements

are arranged in a 7 x 7 a r r a y with the corners missing and with 5 of the 45 po-

sitions occupied by the control rods as shown in Figure n - l .

The reactor uses uranium, fully enriched in the U-235 isotope. The core

contains 17„7 kg of U-235, for 15 MW years loading. The fuel, in the form of

uranium dioxide, is incorporated into flat-plate-type fuel assemblies which a r e

similar in design to the fuel elements employed in the MTR and STR^ The metal

to water ratio in the active section of the reactor is 0.256.

The rectangular fuel plates consist essentially of UO2 particles uniformly

dispersed and imbedded in a matrix of stainless steel which is clad on all sides

with wrought 304L (low-carbon) stainless steel. A small quantity of poison B4C

is added to the fuel mixture to facilitate reactor control.

The core of a fuel plate, is composed of 17.94 wt % UO2, 0.18 wt % B4C,

and a matrix of 81.88 wt % stainless steeL This core measures approximately

22„00 in, long, 2,50 in. wide, and 0.020 in. thick in the finished plate. The

cores are jacketed by the picture-frame technique which seals the uranium from

c l o s u r e to the cooling water and also retains the fission products. The hot work-

ing operation results in a good metallurgical bond between cladding and core. The

cladding-core-cladding thickness in mils is 5-20-5.

^ ^ (1) List of references included at end of this report,






- 2 0 2 0 0 in (REF)


Eighteen of these composite plates, each 2.76 in... wide by 23^00 in, long,
^^overall dimensions, are assembled into a single unit which is designated as a fuel
element. The plates ^ith a nomina] 0.134 in. water gap space between them are
brazed into a pair of stainless steel side plates of 0.050 in„ thickness.
The brazed assembly Is then equipped on each end with stainless steel end
boxes by plug welding. The end boxes adapt the unit to the supporting grids which
in turn firmly fix the positiom of the element in the reactor core. Each fuel element
contains 398 grams of U 235 and 3,82 grams of boron.
The fuel plates are designed to be used in both the fttel assembly and, with
slight size differences, the fuel section of the shim rod assembly. Making all ac-
tive sections to one specification simplifies fabricatiom. The number of fuel plates
in both the fuel elements and control rods in the reactor core totals 800.
The reactiTity of the reactor is lowered when the control rods are inserted to
the "in" position, i , e . , resting on their shock absorbers. The five control rods in
the loading are identical. The rods are constructed in two segments. The upper
segment contains B4C in a copper matrix clad with stainless steel ^ K This sec-
tion resides in the lattice when the rod rests in the shock absorbers. The lower
segment, containing a fuel element with 16 fuel plates, is raised into the lattice
when the control rod is up.
The function of the grid and sapport structure is to position and support the
fuel and control assemblies, Fig» H-2, The structure consists of the skirt support
plate,, the upper assembly grid, the skirt, the lower assembly gridj the shock ab-
sorbers and the control pinion supports„ Except for the upper grid^ these com-
^ p o n e n t s are assembled as a unit and lowered iato the pressure vessel before the

upper section of the vessel is welded into place. The fuel elements are fixed in
place by the upper and lover grids. The upper grid is held down by bolt latches
compressing the assembly springs.
The skirt, which serves the purpose of connecting the upper and lower grids,
is made of 1/16 in. stainless steel sheet. In cross section the skirt is a square
with each corner formed in an internal right angle to give added rigidity. The
skirt also helps to direct the flow of cooliag water through the core.
B. Pressure Vessel
The reactor core, Inclttding control rods and control rod exteiision.s, is en-
closed within a pressure ¥essel, Fig.. 1-2. This pressure vessel consists of a
cyllader 48 ia, I.D, by 64 iii„ long having ASME ellipsoidal heads at each end. It
is constructed of carbon steel type SA 212 Grade B, All joints are welded, radio-
graphed, and stress relicTed. All internal surfaces in contact with the primary
water are clad with stainless steel Type 304, 0,125 in. thick.
The main shell is penetrated at four points. A dished cover is attached at
the top by means of 18 alloy steel studs, 2-1/2 inches in diameter, threaded into a
reinforcing ring which is welded into a circular opening cut Into the upper head. An
additional reinforcing ring is attached to the head at this point. M e t and outlet pipes
are -welded to the cylindrical shell on opposite ends of a diameter 10 inches below
the upper end of the cylindrical section. An enclosure for the control rods and
associated drive mechanism is welded into the bottom head. This extension is
cylindrical, 18 inches I. D. by 32 inches long, and is closed at the bottom by an ASME
ellipsoidal head.

It is welded Into a circular opening in the lower head and is reinforced by

a ring in a manner similar to that used at the upper end. The control rod en-

closure is further penetrated by five tubular members wMch house the control rod
drive shafts and extend outward approximately 4 feet under the primary shield
surrounding the pressure vessel.
Structural support for the pressure vessel is by means of a ring attached
to the outside diameter of the cylindrical section just below the inlet and outlet
pipes. This ring rests on a support ring welded to the inner steel shielding ring
which in turn rests on a concrete structure in the bottom of the vapor container.
The pressure shell and control rod extension is surrounded by thermal in-
sulation 4 inches thick, which in turn is contained in a water-tight steel shell.
Additional insulation is applied to the removable cover at the top of the pressure
shell. Necessary provisions are made inside the pressure shell for support of
the core structure and thermal shield which also serves as an internal baffle to
control cooling water flow to the core.

The pressure shell is designed and fabricated in accordance with applicable

sections of ASME code, section VIH^ covering Unfired Pressure Vessels, edition of
1952. The design conditions are based on a maximum temperature of 650°F. and a
maximum allowable working pressure of 1600 psig. The temperature and pressure
chosen are somewhat higher than actual design conditions for the APPR-l^ but it
is felt desirable to design the major structural elements on a conservative basis^
partly for safety reasons and partly to permit a margin for variations in operating
conditions in order to make the first unit as versatile as possible within reasonable
structural and economic limitations. These design conditions result in waU. thick-
mess of the main pressure shell of 2-1/2 inches exclusive of cladding and 1 inch in
the control rod enclosure. %

^^. Con^ol__RodDrives
The control rod drives have been modified extensively over those proposed
by ORNL. It was considered desirable to simplify the control rod drives and to
provide as positive a mechanism as possible. To attain this end the control rods
have been inverted and the drive moved to the bottom of the pressure shell. The
sense of control motion of the control rods is unchanged in that they are raised to
increase activity and lowered to reduce reactor output. Thus gravity can be used^'
as the major motivating force for emergency insertion of the control rods to scram
the reactor. Control rod travel under motor control is at 3 laches per minute.
The drive train, Fig. II-3, consists of a rack attached to the bottom of each
control rod, a pinion meshing with tMs rack and a drive shaft attacled to each pin-=
ion extending outward through enclosing tubes where conmectioa is made through a
Warner electric clutch to a motor and reduction gear drive.
Penetration of the pinion shaft through the pressure-containing wall is by
means of a metallic sealing unit manufactured by the KucMer-Hiilin Company of
Philadelphia^ Pa. TMs unit consists of a series of floating rings surrounding the
shaft to be sealed, which rings provide a very close ^clearance annular leakage
~ path from the pressure volume to the outside. There is a small controlled amount
of leakage as a result of this close clearance. The construction of the unit is such
that virtually no rubbing occurs between the sealing elements^ so that wear Is ex-
tremely small.

Make-up water for the primary system is introduced at the high pressure
end of the seal. This arrangement reduces the problem of disposal of such seal
^^eakage as does occur, since this leakage is largely confined to uncontamlnated






water, which Is then disposed of along with the primary system waste.
Provision is made in the design to remove and replace the complete seal
unit "Without draining the primary system, thus minimizing the hazards associated
with handling this large quantity of contaminated water, and making this replace-
ment a simple, routine maintenance procedure. Working area in which this o ^ r -
ation and other maintenance operations on drive motors, etc,, are performed is
shielded for adequate protection of maintenance personneL
The actuating mechanism comprises two major assemblies for each con-
trol rod. One of these, consisting of the rack and pinion and associated bearings,
operates in the primary system water and is inside the pressure vessel. The
other, connected to the first through the seal discussed above, includes the 3
phase, 60 cycle driving motor with integral brake and reduction gear box, scram
clutch, rod position indicator and limit switches. These units are outside the
pressure vessel, but within the vapor container. They are of conventional design
and are conventionally lubricated, inspected and maintained.

Since the rack and pinion, bearings, etc,, immersed in the pressure vessel
are not readily available for maiatenamce, utmost reliability and service life are
primary factors in their design. These characteristics are achieved through
careful attention to design details such as tooth loading, bearing loading, selection
of materials, etc, E^erieace gained from STR operation and other sources has
been made available and used. An erfiaustive test program will be run using actual
components, and taking into consideration all such pertinent factors as thermal
distortion, material wear, corrosion, etc.

The control rod structure itself, Fig. n - 4 , consists of a stainless steel

i i 't^:==^J==^3 I ^>^\
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r.K^a L»J»«. 1 1 F=^s= /7
/ ~'—\
1 ii
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SECIrON ., r sEfritn B B


square tubular member running vertically through the core and having a rack
rigidly attached to its lower end The absorber and fuel secfions are inserted
in this container from the top and retained by spring means The absorber sec-
tion is on top. Suitable openings are provided to permit coolant to flow through
both fuel and absorber sections at the same rate as it flows through the active fuel
elements. The control rod is supported at the top by recirculating ball bearing
elements and at the rack end by the pinion and a back-up roller,. No intermediate
support is used. External clearances except at the t"wo support points are great
enough to prevent danger of binding due to thermal distortion, foreign matter, etc.
Emergency insertion of the control rods is performed by de -eEergizing
the electric scram clutch, TMs unit is a standard commercial item manufactured
by the Warner Electric Clutch and Brake Company, and has a torque rating approx-
imately three times that necessary to operate the rods. Release time of the clutch
is 0.053 seconds maximum. Effective "weight of the control rod assembly is approx-
imately 61 lbs. (including flotation effect "with the reactor cold), Inertia mass of
the rod assembly Is 2.18 slugs, and inertia of all connected rotating parts referred
to the rod is 0.145 slugs.
Friction data on radial ball bearings in pure water under the loading con-
ditions that exist is almost entirely lacking. It appears, however, that a coefficient
of friction of 0.2 is highly conservative. During a scram, the only load on the
bearings is the weight of the rotating parts, plus a slight inctement due to angular
acceleration from the pinion as it is driven by the rack. This load is approximately
8 pounds. Taking into account the radii of the bearings, this gives an equivalent
f i c t i o n force at the rack of approximately 0.5 pound.,

&al friction extrapolated from tests of a some-what larger unit is approx-
imately 1.4 pounds at the rack, and rod guide friction is assumed to be negligible.
To provide for contingencies, an overall friction force of 4 pounds is assumed. 2
Seal break-away friction is approximately 12 pounds equivalent at the rack, but
decreases to the above figure as soon as any motion occurs.
The net drop force available Is thus 51 pounds and total effective mass to be
accelerated is 2.33 slugs, giving acceleration of §. 76 g. The drop time vs. travel
is sho-wn in Fig. II-5. The rods are decelerated during the final 3 inches of drop
by a dash p)t shock absorber.
Control rod position is continuously indicated by means of a Helipot and
meter, the Helipot being mechanically driven by the pinion drive shaft between the
scram clutch and the seal. Limit switches are also provided at this point to pre-
vent over travel of the rods. Accuracy of rod positioning and indication is plus or
mlniis .062 inches or better.
D. Primary SiieM
Figure n-6 is an elevation drawing of the reactor and primary shield -with a
plan view in Fig. 11-7. Outside of the pressure vessel are four laches of insulation
held in place by a 3/8 inch shell of steel. After a small air gap there is the inner
•waH of the sMelding vessel which is a two inch thick steel cylinder. This inner wall
of the shield tank also supports the pressure vessel below the inlet and outlet pipes.
The shield tank Is forty-six inches thick and is filled -with water. &vea steel cyl=
inders two inches thick are arranged concentrically around the inner waU. of the tank,
with one Inch of water bet"ween adjacent cylinders. These seven layers of steel, plus
the two inch inmer waE of the tank, give a total of sixteen inches of steel radially ^p

FIG. n-« I R M ^ Y SmEI^ - ELE¥ATIO» 44
around the reactor outside of the pressure vessel and constitute ihe primary m
gamma shield.
Above the pressure vessel, the inner wall of the shield lank forms a well,
nine feet deep, "which is filled with water. A removable iron disc, two inches
thick, is mounted close above the pressure vessel for additional gamma sMelding,
Around the inlet and outlet pipes to the reactor pressure vessel there is four inches
of insulation which is a void in the shield. Since the pipes are located above the
core and turn at right angles "within the shield tank, direct streaming of radiation
through the annular voids cannot occur. To prevent scattered radiation from pene--
trating the shield a ring of steel seven inches thick is located around the pipe close
to the pressure vessel as shown in Figure II-6.
E. Reactor _ Instruments
Five ionization chambers and t'wo BF« counters are used on the APPR- 1,
The chambers are mounted next to the inner "wall of the shield tank as shown in
Figure II-6. For the critical e^eriment neutron counters will be mounted tempor-
arily within the pressure vessel next to the core.
There are three PCP ionization chambers "which serve to actuate the safety
level scram system, and a compensated ionization chamber is connected to the log
N and period meters. The fifth ionization chamber provides the signal to a micro- -
micro-ammeter as well as to the servo control at lov flux levels.

The control and safety circuity is described in greater detail in Chapter VL


The po"wer plant is composed essentially of two systems - the primary or

pressurized water and the secondary or steam, together with auxiliaries required
to insure proper functioning of the two systems as an integrated plant to produce
power. The fundamental flow diagram is shown on Figure M - l , and the heat bal-
ance on Figure III-2. The primary system equipment such as reactor, steam gen-
erator, cooling "water circulating pumps and pressurizer in the vapor container
are shown in Figure III-3 Elevation and Figure III~4 Plan.
A, Primary System

The primary system includes the reactor "with control rods, two coolant
circulating pumps, piping, the tube portion of the steam generator, a pressurizer
with 100 KW of electric heaters, water purification and make-up equipment.
The water is circulated through the reactor at a rate of 4000 gpm by one
pump with a duplicate pump in reserve (100% standby), a check valve being pro-
vided to preclude counterflow through the inactive pump. The circulating pumps
are centrifugal type with "canned" motors to eliminate leakage. Motor windings
are water cooled. Sufficient back circulation is provided in the check valve to keep
the dormant "leg" and inactive pump hot. The water in the system is maintained
at 1200 psia » preclude boiling (saturation temperature 568°F.) in the reactor.
This water enters the reactor at about 431*^F. and leaves at 450°F. when operating
at full load. The electric heaters in the pressurizer vessel maintain pressure at
1200 psia. Over-pressure protection is provided by a relief valve set at 1500 psi
^ P at the pressurizer vessel. The water level in the pressurizer is automatically











WHEN e a u PMEMT e H A S A C T t R l S n C S KNOWM,



KET STATION HEAT RATE « J S ' H J . ^*^^^° • ie,6gS BTL,/l.tT KWH

MET STATION HEAT RATE « ! S ' H ^ - ^ ^ ^ " i i T f l B T U / N t T <wH







maintained by means of a IcYel controller yalve in the make -up water line. The
signal to the valve comes from the level control indicator at the pressurizer,
A control valve remotely operated from the control room permits venting
noncondenslble gases from the system. High and low water alarm with control
board mounted Instrmmemts and level, pressure and temperature recorders are
provided to record conditions in the pressurizer vessel, A flow recorder indicate
ing circulating water flow through the reactor is provided. Pressure in the pri-
mary line as it leaves the reactor and water temperature entering and leaving
reactor are also recorded.
All incoming steam and water lines penetrating the vapor container are
equipped with check valves both Mside and outside the container: outgoing lines
are equipped with differential pressure valves outside the container to provide
seal protection im the event of damage to plpingo
B, Pressttrizer
The pressttrizer is fabricated from carbon steel plate clad with stainless
steel. Two 50 KW electric heaters with elements covered by stainless sheath
welded to the moimtiag flange are used.
The pressurizer is designed so as to provide sufficient system pressure,
even with the temperature changes accompanying rapid load changes. With a neg-
ative temperature coefficient, a siiddea drop in load causes a momentary (60-90
s e ^ rise in system temperature of as much as 16°F, while with increase of load
the reverse is true. These temperature chamges result in volume changes in the
primary coolant^ with corresponding fluctuation in level within the pressurizer.
With sudden drops im system temperature, the decrease ia coolant volume is c o m |
pensated for by reduction in pressure and flashing into steam of some of the water
^ ^ In the pressurizer, With sudden increases in temperature, howe¥er, the system
is not so simple in its response.
Evaluation of the capability of the pressurizer to accommodate sudden in-
creases in temperature involves principally the two independent variables of (a)
the degree of mixing between the water being expelled from the primary system
into the pressurizer and (b) the volume of steam in the pressurizer»
To define these pressurizer design parameters, the system l a s been an-
alyzed for the pressure-temperature (of primary system) relationship for Kvo
sizes of steam dome (25 and 35 cu. ft. respectively) and two conditions of mixing -
(1) complete instantaneous mixing and (2) no mixing, i . e . , complete stratification.
The first condition is closely approximated by a spray in the vapor space, such
that water entering into the pressurizer does so only through the spray. The sec-
ond case is achieved by a dlffuser in the entrance passage so that the incoming
water is slowed to very low velocity by the time it meets the bulk of the water in
the pressurizer.
The results of this analysis are shown in Figure i n - 5 . It will be seen that
the pressure variation with sudden drop of temperature is relatively insensitive to
vapor volume and can occur only adiabatically, i.e^, case (2) above. For increases
of temperature, the pressure is quite responsive to vapor volume and is dependent
upon the degree of mixings The two limiting conditions assumed above produce
markedly different response. For complete mixing, the pressure drops at first as
water enters from the primary system. The temperature of the primary coolant
^^being considerably below the saturation temperature at system pressure of 1200 psi



1800 S





440 460 480 500 520 540 560
causes condensation to occur in the steam dome. If the primary system temper-
^ ^ t u r e rise continues for a long enough time, the pressure rises again due to the
fact that the incoming water is approaching the saturation temperature. With com-
plete stratification of the water, the effect of "water expansion from the primary
system into the pressurizer is simply compressiom of the steam in the vapor vol-
ume o la a well insulated pressurizer, the heat leakage is trivial im the time in-
terval involved, so that the compression may be considered as adiabatic.
M view of the foregoing, the pressurizer design selected for the APPR-1
is the 25 cu, ft. non-mixiiig design. It has adequate capacity to absorb fluctna-
tioas in temperature due to changes IH load, since the ma^mmm temperature change
of 16°F produces a pressure varlatioa of 150 psl or less. The lack of nozzles to
achieve mixing simplifies the design (particularly since the spray system implies
some Mmd of orifici^ or check valve to force water thromgh the nozzle).
C, Primary Make-up aEd_Blowdown
The make-up water for the primary system, as well as the secondary sys-
tem, Is drawn from the service water supply at Fort BelTOir. The water has the
foUowiEg approximate analysis:
Si02 10.0 HCO3
Fe 9,2 »4 27.0

Ca 16.0 CI 8,5

Mg 1.2 F 0.1

Na 8.1 NO3
^ Total solids approMmate 85 PPM

This service water is first treated to produce make-up feed for the sec-
ondary system. The controlling impurities are chloride and dissolved oxygen, AB
e¥aporator with a deaerating preheater which is very effective in reducmg these im-
purities is used. The condensate contains a maximmm of 1 ppm total dissolved so
lids with a maxinmm o ^ g e n comtemt of 0.005 cc/liter. The chloride content based
on 1 ppm total solids is approximately §, 1 ppm. This treated water for the primary
amd secondary systems is held in a 5000 gaEon stainless steel tank. A portion of this
water is pumped throwgh a mixed bed demiaerallzer and a tray type deaerator then
stored in a 1000 gaUoa stainless steel tank. A filter is installed in this line jwst up-
stream of the demiaeralizer. The efflaemt from the demlaeralizer and deaerator
win comtaia less than 0.5 ppm solids amd 0,1 ppm o^gen, A sftlids content not ex-
ceeding 2 ppm is maimtaiiied by blowdowa of the system.. This blowdown is 365pounds
per hour. The 1000 gaEoBS of primary water is approximately one day's supply which
would be available in emergencies im erent of failure in the treatmemt of the ser¥ice
This MowdowB from the primary system Is considered waste. It is placed
itt a hold-up tank for 24 hoors to reduce radloacti¥lty witMn tolerance limits set
for drlaklag water. After this hoM-mp It is discharged to the Potomac River by
diltttiott ^ith the conieaser cooling water. Both the make-up and blowdown are
metered continmomsly to determine comdnctlYity,. Daily chemical analysis of the
water wiE be made imtll sttch time as the eurres axe established. All water that might
be radioactive is moailored and must meet proper tolerances prior to final disposition
Hydrogen gas dissolved ia the water at approximately 50 cc/liter is used as
the corrosion inMMtor, The hydrogen. Is imtrodiiced into the make-up -water line

bet"weea the two check valves in the make-up water line penetration through the
vapor container. The hydrogen is supplied from 220 cu.ft. bottles. These cyl-=
inders can only be used down to a pressure of approximately 1250 psi which utilizes
82 cu. ft. of gas per cylinder. Thus, 32 cylinders of gas are required per year.
% Secondary System
The feed-water for the steam generator is obtained from the condenser hot
well and is circulated by the condensate hot well pump through a closed type feed-
water heater which raises the temperature to 250°F. by steam bled from the turbiae
at approximately 35 psia. A unique three element regulating valve is provided in
the feedwater connection to the steam generator. Measurement of both steam and
feedwater flow provide anticipatory action oa the basic control from the steam gen-
erator water level, thus Insuring close regulation. Feedwater and steam flow are
recorded. An adjustable blowdown Into a Mowdown tank is provided to maintain
proper conditions in the steam generator and the system.
At full loadj steam is generated at 200 psia, A superheat of 25 degrees to
407°F, to provide improved steam conditions is obtained by novel design of the steam
generator. This steam passes through a pressure control valve set at 250 psi to
preclude over-pressure reachiag the turbine. Safety valves are provided in the line
before and after the pressure reducing valve to protect both the steam generator
and turbine from over-pressure.

Temperature and pressure recorders are installed between the steam gen°
erator and the control valve and a steam flow recorder is InstaEed between the con-
trol valve and the turbine. A stop valve is applied at the turbine throttle,
A 2 inch bypass line for feeding the turbine-driven hot 'well pump is located

ahead of the pressure control valve. This pump is provided for emergency cir-
culation in the event of electrical failure resulting in stoppage of the electrically-
driven pumps. A 2 inch line is located between the pressure reducing valve and the
turbine to supply steam to the evaporator and the air ejectors at partial loads. At
full load, 35 psig steam will be used for evaporation^
Steam at 190 psia (Includes line losses of 10 psi} enters the turbine and is
discharged into the deaerating condenser,
At decreasing loads with a primary coolant inlet temperature to the steam
generator of 450°F., the temperature on the secondary steam side will approach
450®F. At no load,steam will be generated at 423 psia.
The origin and part of the treatment procedure of the secondary water supply
was described in connection with the primary water treatment. The secondary water
is continuously degassified in the deaerating type of main conienser to maintain a
maximum of 0.01 ppm o ^ g e n In the condensate. Chemical treatment by an amine
is used to reduce the free o^gen to practically zero and to increase the pH to 8,5
to reduce corrosion to a very low value.
Continuous blowdown of the secondary at 350 lbs. per hour maintains the
water in proper condition. This blowdown leads through a blowdown tank to dis-
posal. The steam leaving the steam generator and the blowdown is monitored con-
tiauously for activity as a check on any leakage of the primary water into the sec-
ondary system.
The steam generator feedwater pumps are of unique design in order to match
the varying steam demands and pressure. At full, flow of 75 gpm the head at the dis-
charge nozzle is §96 ft,; at 5 gpm this head is 1116 ft,

E. Auxiliaries
The usual auxiliaries incident to steam power plant operation will be provided.
A chlorinating system to treat the river water supply to be used for condenser
circulation, electric generator cooling, bearing oil coolers and vapor container cool-
ing will be installed.
The condenser circulating water pumps will be duplicates of 4500 gpm cap-
acity either of which will provide sufficient cooling water for operation of the plant
at 100% capacity.

A. Structure
The vapor container is a combination steel and concrete structure 32 feet
inside diameter and 60 feet in height as shown in Figure IV-l. It consists of a 7/8
inch thick steel cylindrical outer shell with spherical ends. Inside this shell are
two feet of reinforced concrete to provide stiffness. It also provides a rupture-
proof container which will contain missiles that might result from some failure to
the high pressure primary system. The interior surface of the concrete is lined
with light steel plate to facilitate cleaning and to serve as a form when pouring the
concrete. The outer shell is subject to a very small thermal expansion (1/2 inch
on the circumference) which permits burial in the ground without resulting dif-
ficulties. The outer shell, including access openings, pipe and conduit penetra-
tions, will be completely fabricated, erected and tested prior to installation of
concrete and inner lining.
A manhole with a 6.5-foot clear opening is provided in the top of the con-
tainer through which the major pieces of apparatus are lowered. After the equip-
ment Is completely installed, the manhole door, made of 2-1/2 inch steel plate,
will be bolted closed and seal welded to insure air tightness. There is a double
door access opening at the lower plant floor level, designed for quick access for
refueling and maintenance. Both the inner and the outer door, each made of 2'=l/2-
inch steel, are bolted closed and equipped with special seal gaskets. The space
between the inner and outer doors is filled with water which together with the two
doors gives the equivalent shield protection provided by the total thickness of five
feet of concrete. A water level gauge glass provided with a low water alarm is ™


provided. Details of the top access opening and the lower access opening are
shown la Figures IY-2 and IV-3.
The construction proposed permits a stable vapor container structure in
which equipment can be mounted, and which is not seriously affected by the high
temperatures that might occur in the event of a rupture of the primary or secondary
systems. There is iimufficient heat in the coolant system to raise the temperature
of the concrete more than 15°F. Therefore, the temperature of the outer steel shell
wiU not be affected significantly even in case of such rupture.
B, Leak Testing
Prior to the hydrostatic and leakage tests a detergent soap bubble test with
air at 15 psig will be made. Any leaks found during this test will be repaired be-
fore conducting the hydrostatic tests. The structure wiE be given hydrostatic-
proof test to 75 psig. It will also be given a water leakage test at a pressure of
75 psig, as outlined in Appendix B - 1 . The leakage is not to exceed 4 cubic feet in
24 hours.
C, Penetrations
Penetration openings for various pipes and wiring conduit are designed to
preclude radiation streaming, provide adequate shielding and maintain design stress
integrity o
The details of penetrations are shown in Figures IV-4, IV-5 and IV-6.
D, Cooling & Tentilation
It is necessary to provide cooling for the interior of the vapor container at
all times when the reactor is in operation. It has been estimated that the heat loss
from the equipment is approximately 50,000 BTU per hour when the reactor is runnin

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ELEYAnO/M ^-fi View 'c-c



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Oetwls at this end to tn

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1^ - 60OO IB. ^J. Coupling,

(hg Coutracfar)
mineral Imu/aTctf Cable '
m copper tuMtg furnahed
/ /mfalM^ ^ OiheK

Braxe full fiilst-

Bij Other.!

/VOTE :-
Contractsr to furnhh e/ie pluj
af Imsr coupling for te,jt

£L£V^TiOii "fl^fl'






at full output, ^ a c e coolers through which water from Gunston Cove is circulated
are provided to maintain temperature within the vapor container at or below 125°Fc^
A system of spray heads adequately protected from missiles is installed at
the top of the container to preclude a secondary pressure rise following a nuclear
The ventilation requirements of the vapor container are such that during any
period of occupancy by personnel, the space is ventilated at the rate of six fresh air
changes per hoMr, During reactor operation, the requirement of a leak-tight con-
tainer governs; consequently, the container is sealed without ventilation. This
arrangement obviates the need for normally open ventilation ducts, which must be
closed leak-tight ia the event of an accident.
The ventilation and decontamimatioE equipment is housed in a concrete build-
ing adjacent to the vapor container. The equipment consists of a motor-driven fan
of approximately 4000 cfm capacity, suitaMe air filters, and a set of chemical war-
fare filters» Air is withdrawn from the top of the vapor container and discharged
through the filters back into the container until the air has been decontaminated
sufficiently to permit opening the access door. Thereafter the air from the con-
tainer is discharged to a stack extending approximately 75 feet above the yard leveL
The air connections through the vapor container wall consist of steel piping
•with 150 Ibo steel double-disc gate valves. When the reactor is in operation, these
valves are kept closed and sealed with water between the discs» The ¥alves are
not to te opened until the reactor is completely shut downo
Eo Missile Protection

A c a r e M study of missile penetratioa of the coataiaer structure "was made

in cooperation with the Department of Docks, U.S. Navy, at Boston, and the Army
Ordnance at Aberdeen Proving Grounds„ A ¥ariety of missiles of various sizes,
shapes, and masses were calculated as shown in Appendix B-2»
Missile protection for the body of the vapor container is provided by the two
feet of concrete between the Inner and outer shells. Protection for the steam and
-water lines, and the ventilation duct is shown In the detail design of these features
referred to previously. The top and lo'wer access openings have inner doors con=
structed of 2-1/2-mch thick steel to provide the required protection.
All piping carrying incoming fluids are equipped with check valves, both in-
side and outside the vapor container, to preclude escape of activity to the outside of
the container e. All piping carrying outgoing fluids are equipped with pressure-actuated
valves outside the vapor container which will close in the event the pressure in the
vapor container rises to 5 psl above atmospheric pressure.
F. Spent Fuel Pit
A pit for the storage of spent fuel is provided immediately outside of the vapor
container as shown in Figure IF-7, It is approximately 28 ft. deep and is lined with
white tile, fllumination is provided to facilifate storage of the fuel elements in a
lattice of cadmium plated steel at the base of the pit. The cadmium prevents neu-
tron multiplication even with fuel elements at the peak of their reactivity, A steel
cover with a lock is provided for the spent fuel pit, -with a movable walkway per"
mitting the operator to change Ms position while storing the fuel elements. Fuel
elements are transferred to the storage pit from the reactor vessel through a sub-
merged tube. Figure IV-8. A fuel element may be moved from the reactor vessel
^ k o the discharge chute •with a minimum of 9.5 feet of water above the element, 'whlcl

provides shielding for the operator during the transfer process „
Since the pit remains full of water at aU times, a simple but effective plug I
valve, shown in Figure I¥-8, has been designed for the fuel discharge chute. This
valve consists of a two-piece metal plug -with a molded rubber compression type
sealing element betweeaa The plug is inserted through the top of the spent fuel
chute by means of a long-haEdled tool. Lug members on the plug engage slots in
the inner wall of the tube in such a manner that they provide a reaction point to
prevent rotation of the plug while the two halves are being drawn toward each other.
This is accomplished by means of a threaded member connecting the two halves
of the plug and turned by means of the inserting tool. Clamping the two halves to-
gether compresses the rubber member between them, thus forming a seal to the
tube walL Removal of the plug is simply the reverse of inserting it. The threaded
member is unscrewedj releasing the rubber sealing member and permitting the
plug to be turned out of the locating slots and withdrawa„
In the event of build-up of pressure inside the vapor container or If the shield
is drained while the spent fuel pit remains filled with water,, a pressure difference
will exist across the plug valve. The axial force on the valve, resulting from this
pressure difference is carried by means of the lugs and slots referred to ia the
previous paragraph. The structural strength of these members is more than ample
to carry the load resulting from the maximum pressure •which can possibly exist in
the vapor container. The plug valve is physically located outside the pressure COE»

tainlng wall of the vapor container in order to assure pressure integrity in case of
mechanical damage to the tube on the inside of the vapor container o

The fuel tube is made of corrosion resistant steel and the plug parts them"
selves are protected against corrosion^
A, General Considerations
M designing the APPR-1 shielding the objective has been to provide sufficient
shielding to meet the accepted practices throughout the Atomic Energy Commission
program for radiation levels for operating personneL Under normal operating con-
ditions, levels for personnel continuously c l o s e d during working hours are restrict-
ed to a fraction of the accepted permissible level of 300 mr per •week. In certain
areas, however, above-tolerance levels are permitted where infrequent access Is
required for periods of controlled short duration, TdMng advantage of tMs fact
permits somewhat greater flexibility of design and operation but at no e ^ e n s e in
terms of increased hazards to the operating personneL
While it is desired to achieve as much of a prototype in the shield design as
it is possible to do, one basic compromise was introduced by the desire to locate
the facility at Fort Belvoir. M a location such as Fort Belvoir^ it is necessary to
provide a facility which can be approached at any time and from any angle without
being unwittingly exposed to excessive radiation levels. Thus the radiation existing
at any point around the building is no higher than the permissible continuous eX"
posure level. TMs not only makes it possible for modifications to the facility to be
considered at a later date with impunity, but it also renders unnecessary a close
policing of tlsitors to prevent them from •wandering into areas -where radiation ex-
posure may be of some consequence.
A primary shield is provided around the reactor pressure vessel -which re-»
duces the gamma rays from the core to a level comparable to the intensity of those
^^gammas arising in the activated water external to the shield. This primary shield
also provides the necessary attenuation for capture gamma rays and reduces the
neutron level to a point where no significant activation of the equipment outside the
shield occurs.
The dose rate within the vapor container -wall is about 20 r/hr which dose is
comprised of approximately equal contributions from the core and the primary -water
outside of the core. Besides the two feet of concrete in the -walls of the vapor con-
tainers there are three additional feet of concrete as high as the ceiling of the con-
trol room. The secondary shield provided by this five feet of concrete brings the
dose rate down to two-tenths tolerance in the control room»
The principal source of gamma rays in the primary water is from the 0^"
(n, p) N^^ reaction. Since the half life of N^-^ is only seven seconds, access may
be had to the vapor container -witMn a reasoEable period of time after shut down.
The shutdown activity ia the primary coolant water arises from activated impurities
in the system, which result from pick-up of corrosion product ions and impurities
in the make-up -water»
The calculations of the shield described in the following sections is reported
in Reference 3,
Bo Secondary Shield
The secondary shield is described in Table V-lo It -was designed such that
radiation from the primary coolant -would give not more than on.e-teath of laboratory
tolerance for a 40 hour week at any point outside the vapor coatalner up to the full
height of the power plant buildiBg. The dose rate at a position outside the vapor
container due to the important primary coolant components is indicated ia Table
V-2o SmaE volumes of primary coolant, such as in the pump, are conservatively

Table ¥ - 1
Outer Radius Thickness
Description Material Inches Inches

Vapor Container Lining Steel 204.1 0,1

¥apor Container Structure Concrete 224„l 24.0

Yapor Container Wall Steel 225^0 0,9
Secondary Shield * Concrete 261,0 36.0

* - To a height of 27 ft. above ground level.

Table V-2

Distance from Center

to Outside of Shield
Diameter Length Near Control Room
Source Inches Inches Feet

Piping 11 144 18

Steam Generator Bundle 44 144 22

Steam Generator Channel 33 18 22

Gamma Flux Gam ma Dose Rate

Outside Shield Outside Shield
Source Photons/CmZ-Sec „ Mr/hr

Piping 40 0.31

Steam Generator Bundle 43 0,33

Steam Generator Channel 16 0,12

Total 99 0.76

assumed in the 12-feet of primary pipings |
The dose rate just above the spent fuel pit from sources inside the vapor con-
tainer -will be greater than t-wo-tenths tolerance, but it -will not exceed tolerance during
reactor operation „
Penetrations of the secondary shield by the steam line and se¥eral smaller lines
are shielded by placing sufficient material around the openings to compensate for the*
concrete removed» The steam line Is oriented so as not to te in a direct line with any
major radiation source,
The neutron source from the decay of nitrogen-17 produced by the §1*^ (n,p) N^'
reaction Is lower by several orders of magnitude than the gamma source from nitro-
gen»16. These neutrons are readily attenuated to a negligible dose by the 5 feet of
C„ Primary Shield
The structural details of the primary shield are described in Chapter II-D.,
Tables ¥ - 3 and ¥ - 4 indicate the shielding materials available from the core to the
outside of the priinary shield in the horizontal and vertical directions, respectively.
The primary shield is designed such that the dose rate outside the primary shield due
to the reactor is approximately the same as from the primary coolant.
The dose rate -with the reactor operating at 10 mega-watts, from neutrons and
gammas at various points in the radial and top shield are given in Tables ¥ - 5 and
¥"6o The dose from thermal neutrons outside a concrete shield is always much less
than the fast neutron dose. The control room, the point for which data is given, is
the nearest normally occupied location to the reactor.
The shield was calculated by comparison with" Lid Tank and Bulk Shield Re-
actor e^erimental data. The BSR spectrum was corrected for the harder gamma
Table V-3

Outer Radius Thickness

Description Material Inches Inches
Core " 11,1 »

Reflector P r i m a r y Water 17.5 6,4

Thermal Shield Staifiless Steel (1) 19.5 2,0
Inlet Passage P r i m a r y Water 24,0 4.5
Pressure ¥essel Steel 26.5 2.5
Insulation Glass Wool(2) 30.2 4.0
Msulation Cladding Steel 30,6 0.4
Clearance Space ¥oid 32.0 1.4
¥esseJ Support and
Shield Tank Wall Steel 34.0 2.0(3)
1st Cooling Passage Shield Water 35.0 1.0
1st Shield Ring Steel 37,0 2,0(3)
2iid Cooling Passage Shield Water 38.0 1.0
2nd Shield Ring Steel 40,0 2,0C3)
3rd Cooling Passage Shield Water 41.0 1.0
3rd Shield Ring Steel 43.0 2.0(3)
4th Cooling Passage Shield Water 44,0 1.0
4th Shield Ring Steel 46.0 2.0(3)
5th Cooling Passage Shield Water 47.0 1,0
5th Shield Ring Steel 49.0 2,0(3)
Bth Cooling Passage Shield Water 50.0 l.O
^ f c t h Shield Ring Steel 52,0 2,0(3)
Table V-3 (Coat.)

Outer Hadius Thickness

Description Material laches Inches

7tli Cooling Passage Shield Water 53.0 1,0

7th Shield Ring Steel 55.0 2.0(3)

Neutron Shield Shield Water 80.0 25,0

Shield Tank Outer Wall Steel 80.4 0.4

(1) Considered as steel for shieMing purposes.

(2) Considered as void for shieMing purposes.

(3) Compttted at 14.3 in. for the 8 - 2 in. layers.

Table ¥-4

Distance from
Center of Core
To Outer Surface Thickness
Bescri£tioii Material Inches lEches

Core 11.1 -

Reflector PrimarjWater 12.6 1,5

Support Plate Stainless Steel,

Water (1) 14.6 2.0

Header P r i m a r y Water 51.0 36.4

PressEre ¥ e s s e l Cover Steel 53.5 2.5

lESttlation Glass WoolC2) 57.2 4.0

lESulatioE Cladding Steel 57.6 0.4

Clearance Space Shield Water 62.0 4.4

Gamma Shield Steel 64.0 2.0

Neutron and Gamma Shield Shield Water 164.0 100,0

(1) Since the support plate has holes for coolaEt water passage, the plate is
coESidered as water for shielding purposes.

(2) Considered as ¥oid for shielding purposes.

Table V-5

Gamma Dose Rate Fast Neutron Dose Rate

Location Mr/hr Mrep/hr

Reactor Surface 2.2 X 10l2 1.8xl0ll

Outside Shield Tank 6.2 x l O ^ 2 . § x lOl

Inside Vapor Container 9.8x103 4,1

Outside Vapor Container 0.75 4 . 6 x 10-6

One-Tenth Tolerance 0.75 7,5 X 10 -2

Table V-6

Gamma Dose Rate Fast Neutron Dose Rate

Location Mr/hr Mrep/hr

Reactor Surface 2,2xl0l2 1 . 8 x 10^^

Abo¥e Water 4.5 xlO^ 7,1 X 10=2

Inside Vapor Container 4.4xl03 7.0 X 10-3

Outside Vapor Container 75 2.8xl0"5

10 times Tolerance 75 7»5

radiation anticipated from the APPR-1 core. The attenuation through water was ob-
tained directly from BSR data. The effectiveness of the iron in reducing gammas and
fast neutrons was determined from Shield Test Facility data for iron-•water shield.
The iron in the experimental set-up was closer to the source plate than the thermal
shield is to the APPR-1 core, which assures that the secondary gammas are treated
on a conseryatlve basis. The attenuation through the secondary shield is calculated
by simple exponential attenuation of the flux at the inside of the concrete„ A relax-
ation length characteristic of 7-Me¥ gammas is used for the gamma flux, as it is
indicated that the predominant gammas penetrating to the outside of the shield are
The above calculations have been supported by farther calculations described
in reference 3»
The inlet and outlet lines are surrounded by 4 iBch amuli containing insula-
tion, which offers low resistance to gamma penetration. Although neither pipe is in
direct line with the core, a considerable amount of scattered radiation and a signi-
ficant quantity of direct radiation can escape through the aiumli. To preYent this
streamliig, blocks of steel as shown on Drawing H-l are added. These rings effec-
tively stop op6ii paths In all directions.
D. Shielding After Shutdown

The gamma dose outside the primary shield has been calculated for various
times after shutdown foUowiiig contiimous operation at full power for the Tarious per-
iods specified. The results are shown in Table ¥ - 7 . The dose "which caa be expect-
ed in case the sMeld tai& water has been lost is also listed»
h The core is assumed to have a uniform volume source strength. A linear

Table ¥ - 7
Time After Dose Rate M r / h r
Shutdown Infinite 1000 Hrs. 100 Hrs
Hours Operation Operation 1Operation

Regular Shield 5 1,4 0.9 0.4

12 1,2 0.7 0.3

24 1.0 0.6 0.2

No Water In Shield 5 111 76 33

12 98 63 24

24 84 54 15

Table ¥ - 8

Time After
Shutdown Gamma Flux Dose Rate
Mev/Cra2_.sec. Mr/hr _
62 91
56 82
28 40
15 22
buildup factor has been used as being conservative, but reasonably correct for the
Tow energy of fission product gammas.
The activity ICYCI outside various parts of the primary coolant system for
selected times after shutdown is shown In Table ¥ - 8 .
E„ ShieMing During ^ e n t Fuel Element Transfer and Storage
Spent fuel elements must be shielded during remoYal from the core, transfer
to the spent fuel element storage pit, and storage in the pit.
Table ¥-9 iEdicates the dose rate e j e c t e d from one used fuel element 24
hours after shutdown from 1000 hours of contiiiEOMS operation, with Yarious thick-
nesses of water sMeMing. It is e j e c t e d that the most acti¥e fuel element would
ha¥e an actiTity twice the average activity.
Concrete shielding siirrottnds the fuel element transfer tube. Thirty-six
inches of concrete will reduce the dose to 134 mr/hr at the fuel handling position
while the fuel element is in the transfer tube.
The water level in the spent fuel storage pit must be the same as in the top
shield tank when the transfer tube is open. Thus when the water level in the top
shield tank is lowered prior to starting up after changing fuel elements, the water
level in the outside pit •wiU be lower also. However^ this leaves more than 16 feet
of water above the fuel elements in the storage pit. This is completely adequate,
as Table V-9 indicates.

Table ¥-9

The fuel element is removed 24 hours after shutdown from infinite operation.
The fuel element is assumed to have twice the fission product activity of an
average element. The thickness of water is measured to the nearest point
of the active core section.

Thickness of Water Dose Rate

______Fe^_ ___ Mr/hr
8 270

9 57
10 12
11 2.7
12 0.62
A. Control Features
^ c a u s e of its strong negative temperature coefficient^ the APPR-1 will
be a very stable reactor while operating at power» The instrumentation and
controls have been designed so as to take full advantage of this inherent
stability. With the temperature coefficient being at least -2 x 10 per de-
gree Fahrenheit^ no additional control mechanism is needed to override rapid
transients or power excursions.

A study of such transients has been made on the ORNL Reactor Control
Computer and the results are included in Appendix C. The response of reactor
power, average fuel temperature, and average coolant temperature following a
reduction in power demand from full load to one-fourth load (and also to half
load) Is shown in Figs, 30 and 31 of Appendix C. In the same figures are
shown the response on a sudden demand for full power from these reduced power
levels. Only small changes in fuel and coolant temperatures take place.
The APPR-1 incorporates burnout poisoning in the form of boron in-
timately mixed with the uranium in the fuel plates. Because the boron-10 burns
out more rapidly than the uranium, the reactor reaches an excess multiplication
of about 7% at operating temperatures and an excess of 16% at room tempera-
ture. This phenomenon is explored in more detail in the next chapter. The
changes in multiplication over the lifetime of the core will be very slow and will
be manifested by a gradual increase In reactor temperature during the first half
of the cycle and a similar decrease toward the end. Also, over a period of hours
after startup there will be a slow decrease in reactor temperature because of
xenon poisoning. The operator will insert or withdraw the rods to compensate
for these changes in operating temperature.
The rods are designed for a total of 25% excess multiplication. The
control rod worth as a function of reactor lifetime is being checked by ex-
tensive calculations and by critical experiments. During operation of the
reactor, the rod positions will be watched closely, K at any time it becomes
apparent that more than the anticipated reactivity is appearing, the reactor
will be shut down and fuel elements will be removed and replaced by dummy
B. General Description of Instrumentation & Controls
The general arrangement of the instrumentation and controls in the
control room is shown in Figure VI-1 and a block diagram of the control and
safety circuits is given in Figure VI-2. The three safety chambers will be
set to drop the rods at 150% of design power, and the period meter will cause
a scram if the reactor period becomes less than three seconds. Details of
the operation of the nuclear instrumentations are given in Appendix D„ The
circuitry is extremely fast and the rods will start to drop in about 60 milli-
seconds, (See Figure II-5). The rods will drop with an acceleration of about
3/4 g (24 feet per second per second), and 120 milliseconds after the drop
starts, 2,0% of negative reactivity will have been introduced.
In addition to the nuclear safety circuits, there will be certain limits
la the sensmg elements in the primary loop which will Initiate a scram.
The design flow rate in the primary loop is 4000 gpm and if this flow
drops to 60% while the reactor is at power, a scram is initiated. Below 100
-3-&- 8-0 4.-0' 3-C-
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r 11
^^^H I IJ S l L l s E ^

i IL
'7- i

Kw the reactor may be operated without flow. The design pressure m the system
is 1200 psi, and a 1450 psi pressure causes a scram. If the reactor outlet
temperature goes 20 degrees above the design point of 450 F,, there will be a
scram. A deliberate back leakage of water is allowed through the standby pump
in the primary loop so that the temperature of the water in this dead leg is
essentially the same as that in the flowing loop. However, if the temperature
in the dead leg drops more than 10*^ F. below that in the flowing loop, the stand-
by pump can not be started without shutting down the reactor.
C. Preliminary Testing
The utmost importance and necessity for cleanliness of the primary sys-
tem components during manufacture and shipping is appreciated. It is proposed
to use accepted procedures for cleaning components as manufactured and for
maintaining this cleanliness during shipment and application.
The primary system pressure vessels and circulating pumps will be
tested for leakage by use of helium and the mass spectrometer, as well as by
hydrostatic test.
After assembly of the system, it will be checked for leakage by the
helium mass spectrometer method. Blank flanges will be used to seal openings
for the control rod drives. When the system is clean it will be evacuated and
filled with operational quality water with the dummy core in place. By applying
pressure with hydrogen at the pressurizer a quick pressure leak check will be
made on the system. If there is gas trapped in the system, the pressure ad-
dition will cause the level to drop in the pressurizer. K there is any indication
of entrapped gas, water will be circulated at maximum velocity until all gas is
^ ^ removed.
The flanges installed for vacuum and pressure cheeking will be removed
and the rod drives and seals installed. The pressurizer heaters will be ener-
gized, the circulating pumps will be started and the special clam shell heaters
on the primary circulating piping will be energized. Care will be exercised to
be certain that the system pressure is adequate to prevent boiling.
When the system reaches operating temperature and pressure, all operat -
Ing and emergency controls and instruments will be checked for proper perfor-
mance. Additional checks will be made at the seals and at any other points where
joints may have been disturbed after the hydraulic test.
The system will then be operated for a minimum period of 168 hours to
demonstrate its integrity.
After the integrity of the system has been demonstrated it will be allow-
ed to return to room temperature and atmospheric pressure. The shield will
be filled with water and the top cap will be removed from the pressure vessel.
The fuel bearing control rods will be installed and observed for proper oper-
ation, and will be cfropped by actuation of the manual scram circuit. The
circuits of all nuclear instrumentation will be checked by simulating a chamber
signal at a point as close to the chamber as possible. This method will be used
to check the nuclear scrams and interlocks, and will also Mford a rough check
on the flux servo operation.

After the operational checks have been completed^ the unloading pro-
cedure will be initiated using the dummy fuel elements. The underwater hand-
^ ^ ling tools will be used and the proper operation of the fuel discharge chute will
be demonstrated,
^ Initial Criticality & Zero Power &periments
After the system has been completely checked out and shown to be
operating satisfactorily, the reactor will be loaded with fuel. The fuel ele-
ments will be added one by one with a measurement of the subcritical multipli-
cation after each element Is added. The BF3 counters will be mounted tempo-
rarily next to the reactor core within the pressure vessel. The reactor will
first become critical with the rods almost all the way out. As additional fuel
is added, the position of the rods will be noted, giving a calibration of rod
worth in terms of fuel addition. The rods will also be calibrated against re-
actor period. Any additional zero power experiments will now be performed.
E. Power Operation
The cap will then be placed on the pressure vessel and the pressure in
the primary system brought up to 1200 psi. With the reactor held critical by
the flux servo control, the system will be heated to 450° F. and the temperature
coefficient of reactivity measured as the temperature increases. The external
heating will then be stopped and the reactor power elevated to about 100 Kw,
The vapor container will be sealed at this time. The primary pumps will then
be started and by gradually increasing the excitation voltage on the turbo gener-
ator, the nuclear power will be increased in steps to 10 megawatts. The xenon
buildup will be measured and the system will be observed closely for local
boiling in the reactor. After checking the performance of all equipment, the
operation of the reactor will then be routine.
F. Shutdown & Hot Fuel Element Handling
When the time comes to change fuel elements, the reactor will be shut
down and allowed to cool off for about 24 hours. The air in the vapor container
will be changed by blowing out through the stac k. While no airborne activity is
expected, a monitron will be installed In the stack as a precaution. The vapor
container will be entered through the access door and the lid of the pressure
vessel removed under water with special tools. The fuel elements will be r e -
moved from the core one by one and passed through the discharge chute to the
spent fuel pit for storage (See Fig. HI-3). All operations are to be performed
with the fuel elements under at least 9,5 feet of water.
New fuel elements will then be added, t he pressure vessel will be capped,
and the reacto r will then be ready for further operation.


A. Positive Reactivity Available

The APPR-1 is designed to operate at 60% of Its maximum power of 10

megawatts for two and one-half years without changing fuel elements. To

achieve this 15 megawatt-year life time with a minimum of control rods, use is

made of a burnout poison. The critical m a s s at the end of the 15 MW-yr, cycle

is 10.2 kg of U-235. The cycle is started with a loading of 17.7 kg of U-235 and

is poisoned with 172 g r a m s of boron which is added to the core of the fuel plates

during fabrication. Since the poison is effectively exhausted at the end of the

first 7 MW-yrs., a peak in reactivity is reached at that time as illustrated in

Fig. ¥11-1. The lower curve in the figure shows the change in multiplication at

the operating temperature of 450° F. with a maximum excess multiplication of

7% after 7 MW-years. if the reactor is allowed to cool down to room temper-

ature at any time during the cycle the resultant multiplication can be obtained

fj-om the upper curve in the figure. The maximum excess multiplication at

room temperature is 16%. It is necessary to provide shim rods in the reactor

sufficient to override the 16% excess multiplication. Five rods are used with

a total worth of 25%.

B. Control Rod Worth

Since the rods a r e worth 25% and move in a core 22 inches high, the in-

dividual rod worth is 0.23% per inch on the average. The maximum rod with-

drawal speed is 3 inches per minute or 0.05 inches per second. On the average,

the- rate of change of reactivity is 0.011% per second for each rod. Howp-ver,

because of its location the center rod is worth more than the average, and at
P _ _


- ^
__Ui„ ^
x^ X m^Y. ^^NoTendi


ft /
_H_ 1.10 \
• " ^ " ^

45C OF-Equilita ium Xenon

^^ - - ' • ' " ^ ' ~ " /



§ 5 10 15


its mid position it has a rate of change of reactivity of 0.04% per second^ All
five rods moving together contribute a maximum of 0.10% per second.
C. Mild Excursions
The kinetic equations of the APPK-1 were simulated on the ORNL Re-
actor Controls Computer. The results are given in Appendix C and demonstrate
that the reactor quickly stabilizes after step changes in reactivity of 0.5% or
less. Step changes up to 1.0% have been simulated and indicate a return to
stable operation. However, the simulator results are of questionable validity
for reactivity steps beyond prompt critical^ since the effect of thermal delay
in the cladding of the fuel plates was not included. The results at any power
level appreciably above design level are questionable as the effect of boiling is
not simulated in this model.
The effect of oscillating the power demand was tested on the simulator
to ascertain whether a resonance could be obtained. No such behavior appear-
ed likely. The details of these trials are given in Appendix C.
The behavior of the reactor was studied for introduction of water 50 de-
grees below design inlet temperature for as long as 10 seconds. In the latter
case, a peak power of 38 megawatts was reached for a very short time. The r e -
actor quickly stabilized after the transient. Actually this condition cannot be
attained since temperature of the water in the standby pump in the primary
circuit is maintained within a few degrees of the rest of the water in the circuit,
as discussed in a previous chapter.

D. Fuel Plate Melting and ¥oid Fraction

In the APPR-1, an uncontrolled excursion will be limited by one of two
occurrences, void formation from steam bubbles or fuel plate melting. The
relationship between the void fraction in the reactor and the muitiplication
factor is shown in Figure ¥11-2 for the cold, initial core and for the hot r e -
actor at its mid-life.
The stable reactor period is plotted in Figure VII-3 against the multi-
plication factor. This is based on a conservatively estimated mean neutron
life time of 20 microsec onds. It is interesting to calculate the fuel plate
temperatures resulting from the introduction of step changes in reactivity.
The method of calculation (4), described in detail in Appendix E-1, uses steam
formation as the shutoff mechanism. The melting temperature of the fuel
plates is 2590 F. From a cold, clean condition this temperature is reached
in the center of the fuel plate before shutoff occurs with an excess multipli-
cation of 1.2%. The outer surfaces of the plate will reach the melting point
with an excess multiplication of 2.1%. For the reactor at its mid-life and at
operating temperature 1.6% excess multiplication is necessary for the center
of the fuel plates to reach the melting point before shutoff will occur. The
surface will reach the same temperature with a 3.4% addition. The heat re-
lease from these excursions is listed in Table VII-1.
The same method of calculation has been used (4) to calculate the
results of the Borax experiments. It is interesting to note that the Borax r e -
actor disintegrated when the temperature of the center of the fuel plate reach-
ed the melting point (5). From this example it is reasonable to expect that the
APPM-1 will disintegrate by the time 1,6% of reactivity Is inserted into the re-
actor. The heat release from such an excursion (less than 70,000 BTU) is
negligible compared to the energy released in the maximum credible accident

_ _ _ _

1 1.1


13 1 1.0 ,N
w \

0„9 ATM] D-LIFE ^^^ \

\ \
0 0. 1 0,: 1 0. 3 OJ 4 "1


— _,

- - •
"^ 5
5 "j~

.....!.....„..... .....JliiJiltMIIMlS.-tEIII^,,,,,,
IT ,. ,._
" i: ±
„ . 1 .^
^™_3 ™„_™„_„™_™_™_,_._.™.»„™ .™™_„_.™_ —™™, ™___^„_™.___™.__™_™

__ _ |__ __ '"!"__ I"~ " I I I

„ „ : V ^ ^ „ - 1: 1 „ - ^ ^ „ _ ^
. „ . _ ! , :

N ^

*••"••• w^
• - "••"•"•--a^

0'™ 2 i '3" ' ll^lilllUll^Ul^^
described in the next chapter.

The energy released as a function of step changes in reactivity is given

in Figure ¥II-4> Based on the modrt chosen, large step changes will release

energy considerably in excess of that for which the vapor container is designed.

However, no possible means has been found for large increases in reactivity

except by carefully planned sabotage. Even in this case it seems improbable

that the reactor would hold together for an excursion greater than 3.4% excess

reactivity, in which case the entire fuel elements would be above the melting


E. Effect of Withdrawing the Control Rods

It can be postulated that certain coincident equipment failures start

withdrawing all five control rods. None of the scram mechanisms operate.

For a reactor starting from room temperature, it is assumed that reactivity

is added at a r a t e corresponding to a rod speed of one foot per minute, which

is four times the design speed. Calculations in Appendix E-2, based on shut-

off of reactivity only by void formation, indicate that the reactor will attain a

period of 10 milliseconds and a maximum multiplication of 1,0089. The maxi-

mum fuel element temperature is 1200 F„ This temperature is well below

the melting temperatures of 2590° F . , and thus unless some external method

is used to counteract the excess multiplication, the reactor will continue to

operate. It is expected that the quantitative behavior of the reactor following

the initial transient will be similar to the results for a transient arising from

rod withdrawal at operating power^ as described In the following paragraph.

A different method of analysis has been used to study a withdrawal of

five control rods from a reactor at operating temperatures and power. He-
_ „ . ^ _ ^

.... ^^




/' f
/ /
^r /
7^ y
/ /
, J' /
/ /

gio^ / •HOT REAC T O R . LTMi: ) - L I F E

f— /
" ~ ^ 7
T^^ '
w '' /
f /
/ /
O /


10** 0 i 2 3 4 j 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 : ,4
activity is added at a linear rate of 0.1% per second, ¥oid formation in the
water is the only mechanism to reverse the reactivity addition by rod removaL
The results of simulation of this problem on an analog computer are presented
in Appendix E-3» It is found that no Initial peak in power occurs, since very
little excess multiplication can be added before boiling begias. The power rises
gradually as the rods coEtinue to withdraw, since a higher power is necessary
to malatain a larger void volume to compensate for the increasing rod removaL
The fuel element temperature follows closely the power rise. After 30 seconds
of rod withdrawal, the power has reached 13.7 MW, and the average fuel element
temperature, 580 F . A total multiplication of 3% has been added. There is no
excursion to add to the maximum credible accident outlined ia Chapter ¥111.
F. Possibility of Rod Ejection

It can be postulated that with the system at 1200 psia pressure, the out-
let pipe ruptures at the exit from the shield taiik„ (See Fig. II-6). K the inci-
dent should occur at room temperature a momentary upward impulse is exerted
OE the rods lifting them upward 0.031 inches, and introducing a 0.070% r e -
activity increase which quickly subsides as the rods fall back into place (See
Appendix F-1).
If the rupture occurs at the operating temperature of 450 F.j, the in-
ternal energy of the primary water will expel the water into the vapor container
and as this primary water rushes out, it will exert an upward force on the con-
trol rods»
For higher temperatures than 450° F. this upward force would be even
greater. As is described in the next chapter, it is conceivable that the tempera-|

ture of the primary circuit can go as high as 596° F. Accordingly, the reactor
^ behavior following a primary system rupture at this temperature has been
calculated (See Appendix F-2) with the results illustrated in Figure ¥11-5.

It is assumed that all rods start from their mid position with a rate of
addition of reactivity 2,27% per inch of travel. The rods are accelerated up-
ward and the effect of this rod ejection on the multiplication is shown in the
upper curve. However, steam bubbles form rapidly. The calculations show
that the density of the steam water mixture in the chamber above the core is
always less than in the chamber below the core. For coEservatism, it is
assumed that the steam formation within the core is the same as in the lower
chamber. The effect of this water expulsion from the core on the multiplica-
tion is shown on the lower curve of Figure ¥11-5, with the net effect that the
reactor is driven subcriticaL
It is expected that nearly all of the water will be expelled, as the quasi-
equillbrium condition within the vapor container requires an expansion on a
volume basis of approximately 180 times. Following the expulsion^ it is
highly improbable, but still possible that enough water will enter the primary
system that the core will again go critical. In this case the ensuing transients
will be similar in general characteristics to the behavior described earlier
in section YD-E,
G. Summary of Results of Muclear Excursions

Several possible operating conditions have been studied, to determine

if any unusual or extreme conditions result. Small reactivity changes by
step and ramp functions, sudden power demand increments or decrements,
^ severe oscillating power demand, and changeover of primary circulating pumps






A15 ^ ^

J-JQ •^1
II ir-~~—II 11 31




have been investigated. Under all operations considered, the reactor was com-
pletely self-regulating„
In addition, a number of less credible accidents, such as continuous rod
withdrawal with no scram mechanism operating or a rupture of outlet line of
primary piping, have been evaluated. It has been shown that the energy release
in any incident resulting from sustained control rod operation is small com-
pared to the total energy storage in the water system, as described in the next
chapter. The maximum reactivity increment from a system rupture results In
a 0.070% reactivity increase which lasts for 30 milliseconds.
Table ¥11-1

Excess Fuel Plate Temperature Energy Kelease

Multlplicatiott at Shutoff, " F to Shutoff
Reactor Condition Percent Center Surface BTU _
Cold, clean, no power 1.2 2590 990 190,000
2.1 ~ 2590 490,000

Hot, mid-lMe, M l power 1.6 2580 900 66,000

3.4 — 2590 1,070,000
A. Definition
In Chapter VII it was shown that a nuclear excursion of sufficient intensity to
completely melt the fuel plates in the core releases about one million BTU. However,
no mechanism for initiating such an excursion exists, except by deliberate sabotage.
By contrast with this there are 5,000,000 BTU stored as heat energy in the
primary and secondary water systems when the reactor is operating at steady state
full power. Thus the coEtainment problem centers around the containment of the energy
- stored in the water system. The maximum credible accident can then be defined as a
rupture of the primary and secondary systems at a time when abnormal operating con-
ditions have permitted the energy stored in each of these important components to in-
crease to the maximum attainable level.
B. Conditions Initiating the Maximum Credible Accident
A series of e¥ents and failures of equipment can be postulated as in the following
paragraphs which win develop the "maximum credible" accident. It is assumed that
the first failure is that the operator leaves his post for a period of a few minutes with
the reactor and power plant operating. Shortly thereafter a fault in the electrical system
de¥elops which causes the turbine and generator to lose their load. This happens at a
time when the average system temperature has been adjusted to the high side of the
average temperature by the operator.
The resultant sudden loss of load causes the reactor temperature to start to climb
while awaiting the effect of the temperature coefficient to bring the reactor power level
do-wn to the new equilibrium value. Before this inherent stability can make itself feltj,
^ ^ second failure is now postulated. For some unknown reason, the servo comes on,

causing the rod to withdraw at its design rate of three inches per minute.

Under these conditions the reactor •will continue to run at a constant power level

of ten megawatts. This follows from the fact that the rate of removal of a rod corres-

ponds on an average to approximately §. §% per minute increase in reactivity, which

for the central rod becomes more nearly 0.8% due to the greater effectiveness of the

control rod. With a temperature coefficient of -2x10" / F, a rate of rise of about

40 F per minute "wiU compensate for the rate of removal of the rods. The heat capac-

ities of the primary and secondary systems and the heat transfer characteristics are

such that at a 10 megawatt power level with no external means of heat removal, a rate

of rise of 4 5 ° F per minute wttl establish itself. Accordingly, for this Mcident it is

postulated that the reactivity decrease by rise in temperature is just canceled by the

reactivity increase by rod withdra-wal. In reality this delicate balance "would not be

achieved, but slow departure from the Initial level would occur.

In determining the time relationships discussed In the foEowing paragraphs the

system has been reduced to a simple model, consisting of a heat source (reactor),pri-

mary heat sink (primary system fWd) and a second heat sink (secondary fluid inside

of the steam generator), which is deriving its heat from the primary heat sink (see

Appendix G). The time involved Is long enough that with seventeen seconds circulation

time in the primary system, essential equilibrium wiU. exist throughout the system,

yet short enough that the amount of heat transfer to the mass of metal in the system

was considered to be negligible.

C^ Sequeace_of Failures

In Fig. ¥ M - 1 there is shown the sequence of events -which transpires subsequent

to these two initial failures plotted as a function of time startii^ the Instant the turbineJ

— 2000





throttle closes o The significant failures which must occur for the series of events to ^
extend to the maximum credible accident are shown at their proper positions m the time
sequence. After approximately 25 seconds have elapsed, the rod is started on with-
drawal. At the end of the 39th second the reactor outlet temperature reaches 470°F
(10°F above the average temperature plotted in the diagram), which is the level at whic h
the temperature scram should cause shutdown of the reactor. This signal fails so that
the temperature and pressures continue to rise.
At the end of 45 seconds the primary system pressure has reached a value of
1450 psi due to the rising temperature of the primary system water, (See pressurizer
design, Section III-B). This signal is also presumed to fail in its mission to shut the
reactor down.
At the end of 51 seconds the primary system pressure has reached 1500 psi,
which is the value at which the primary relief valve is set to open. For the accident to
reach its worst proportions, it is necessary for this relief valve to function in its pro-
per manner. The relief valve discharges into the vapor container, thereby conserving
within the system the energy which is so released from the primary system. The oper-
ation of the valve in its normal manner permits the reactor to continue operation at ten
megawatts appreciably longer than would be the case if the relief valve were to stick m
the closed position This can be seen in Figure HI-5, which shows that if the pressure
continued to rise in accordance with the curve for adiabatic compression, the system
pressure would reach 2000 pounds per square inch (rupture disc setting) at the end of
one minute and twenty seconds. This is approximately two minutes forty seconds earlier
than occurs in the sequence that follows opening of the valve in its proper fashion.

At the end of a minute and nine seconds the pressure m the secondary system
would reach 500 psi, which is considered an upper limit by which time the relief valve
should be opened and operating. While activation of this is not automaticaEy tied In to
the scram signal, it can certainly be considered an alarm, which should recall the oper-
ator to the control system for shutdown of the reactor. Since there are nearly three min-
utes yet remaining before the energy reaches its maximum value, the operator would
have adequate time to return to the control room and take action to prevent further de-
parture. This valve Is assumed to stick shut, permitting the secondary system pressure
to continue to rise.
At the end of a minute and twenty-seven seconds the secondary system •will have
reached a temperature of iSO'^F, which Is 40°F over the maximum that can be attained
with the reactor operating In a normal fashion. Failure of the scram on this limiting value
will permit the reactor pdwer to continue unaltered, and temperatures and pressures to
» climb. At the end of a minute and thirty-eight seconds, the secondary pressure will reach
a value of 600 pounds which exceeds the maximum under normal operating conditions by
approximately 175 pounds per square Inch. A scram signal actuated by this pressure should
shut the reactor down, but it is assumed that this also fails.
At the end of a minute and forty-six seconds the primary system average tempera-
ture has reached a value of 510®F. The chaise In density of the primary coolant causes
displacement of ten cubic feet of water from the primary system into the vapor container.
The rate of this displacement so far exceeds the possible rate of removal for normal purge
purposes that the level wltMn the pressurizer has risenwellabove the normal design limits.
This Is the last possible point for scramming the reactor. Failure on the part of tMs scram
signal win permit continuation of reactor operation at the ten megawatt level without any
control by the operator.
^ ^ D . Final Rupture of tlie_System
The pressures and temperatures of both the primary and secondary systems contlaue
to rise in accordance with the curves shown in Fig. VIII-1 At the end of the fourth
minute after the turbine throttle was closed^ the primary system has reached satura-
tion temperature at 1500 pounds per square inch, the relief valve setting With no
means of relief for the secondary system, the pressure and temperature in that part
of the system have also risen to saturation value at 1500 pounds per square mch. The
curve of stored energy shows that at this point a total of 7 4 x 106 BTU are stored m the
system. No further energy can be accumulated because the reactor power level will
inherently cut back as the system reaches saturation temperature, and steam forma-
tion takes place within the reactor core. Since the reactor has approached this point
at a slow rate, it is anticipated that generation of steam will occur in an orderly fashion
and reduce the power level of the reactor to a level consistent with the rate at which
heat is leaking from the system thru the thermal insulation When this condition exists
the reactor has succeeded in storing the maximum amount of energy that can be stored.
With the conditions just described, the maximum accident is triggered by the
abrupt failure of a thermometer well in the primary system. The energy imparted to
the thermometer well and its location are such that the well becomes a missile which
ruptures the shell on the secondary side of the steam generatoro The stored energies
of both the primary and secondary systems a r e released within the vapor container
While several seconds or perhaps a few minutes could elapse before all of the super-
heated water could escape from both systems, the rate is still sufficiently rapid that
it may be considered as instantaneous release of this stored energy The pressure in
the container rises essentially instantaneously to a pressure peak, which is determined
by the relation between total stored energy and volumes of water and vapor container
Once this peak has been reached, the time relationship of pressure and temperature is
the resultant of heat leakage through the vapor container walls and into the primary
shield water, plus the additional heat released from the metal parts (approximately
one-half million BTU) and from the decay of equilibrium fission products -'reaching
a total of approximately fourteen million BTU at the end of forty-eight hours I >
E. Pressure-Time Relationship Within Vapor Container
In the long time aspect of the containment problem (36 to 48 hours after rup-
ture), the heat capacity of the primary shield and of the vapor container structure is
of major consequence. In Figure VIII-2 the pressure-time relationship existing with-
in the container is shown for 48 hours following the rupture. Supporting data is p r e -
sented in Appendix I. The initial peak upon rapid release of the stored energy Is
dissipated within approximately the first hour after the rupture has occurred Durmg
this hour the heat stored in the nearly 50,000 pounds of primary system metal is
released to the water, wMle at the same time heat leakage to the walls of thecontamer
and to the primary shield mass is taking place. At the end of the hour the metal parts
are essentially in equilibrium with the surrounding water. During this hour and for
nearly 48 hours after the rupture the rate of heat released from the decaying fission
products can be taken Into account. An additional fourteen million BTU will be released
in 48 hours from this source alone. Fortunately the time interval is great enough that
the effect of the large bulk of water in the primary shield and the heat capacity of the
vapor container make themselves felt. The result of tiiese competing factors is a
secondary pressure peak of minor proportions as shown in Figure ¥111-2. Water spray-
ed into the vapor container by a manually controlled emergency system to provide a
large additional heat sink results in further reduction of the secondary peak as shown.

F. Requirements for Containment

r The actual design of the vapor container to confine the results of the accident

'0 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
can follow no prescribed guide lines While a vessel of the charetenslits described
in Chapter IV could be considered as an unfired pressure vessel, designirg t(. this
standard is felt to be unnecessarily conservative. The obiective of the pressure vessel
code is to provide a container which ca,n be used continuously under operating t cEdi-
tions, whereas this vessel is to be used but once under the conditions of maximum
credible accident In the light of this major condition m utilization it is believed logical
to base the design upon permitting the stress m the containment to approach 80% of the
yield point of the structural material (32,000 psi minimum for the steel used m the
The design of vapor container proposed for this installation has been a,nalyzed
to develop the relationship between the amount of heat released m an a» "ident and the
resultant stress in the containment vessel Figure VIII-3 is the curve of stress vs
heat release from which it can be seen thai a total of 9 5x10^ BTU can be released
essentially Instantaneously within the vapor container without exceeding 80% of the
yield point of the containment material Under these conditions the internal pressure
will amount to approximately 90 to 95 pounds per squa,re inch Since the maximum
credible accident only releases 7. 4x10 BTU, the pressure rises only to about 65
which produces a stress of 18,000 psi - only 56% of the minimum yield strength
In calculating this stress and equilibrium pressure no allowance was laken for
heat leakage into the walls of the vapor container or into the mass of water whn h ton-
stitutes the primary reactor shield While this is conservative it was noi believed to
be unduly so since the release of pressure from the primary and secondaiy systems
can occur in a matter of twenty to thirty seconds, during which time the amount of heat
^ P transferred to the primary shield and the container would obviously be msigmfitar*


•r HJ 12 H If
While it is true that rupture of the primary shield tank would release 150,000 to
^ R O , 000 pounds of water to mix with the superheated water, it cannot be guaxanteed
that such rupture would occur. Lacking this assurance conservatism indicates that
it cannot be relied upon as a major source of energy absorption for the immediate
storage problem following rupture of the systemc
G. Variations from the Maximum Credible Accident
The accident described in the previous paragraphs is the worst that can be
postulated with credulity Eight failures in proper sequence must occur to attain
the majdmum energy release of 7„ 4 x 10°BTU= Variations from the runaway de-
- scribed can be considered. If the runaway occurs at a faster rate so that the reactor
gets on a fast period, both the period and level scrams will be actuated., In addition,
on a fast excursion, there is a much higher probability that boiling will occur m the
core which will reduce the reactivity. In any event no more than the maximum energy
of 7.4 X 10%TU can be stored in the system.

If the runaway occurs at a slower rate than that described, agamno more than

7o 4 X lO^BTU can be stored m the system^ In this case the probability is mcreased

that the operator can shut down the plant before the final system rupture occurs
Attention is called to a nuclear excursion which might result from expulsion
of the control rods as described in the previous chapter. While the calculations in-
dicate that for a cold reactor the energy released would be considerably larger than
the vapor container could confine, this is not considered as a credible accident be-
cause no mechanism tes been found which would permit expulsion of the rods under
this condition^ The only source of energy is that stored in the system pressurizer,
^ ^ t at the most this would manifest itself as a shock wave traversing the fuel element


L » - » - . - . - » - - - ^ ^
in a period of 400 microseconds. The imp.'^ct given to the rods is sufficient only to^
give a minor and temporary increa,se m re«ictivity„
The possibility of expulsion of the rods with the reader hot is iK^reased be-
cause of the energy stored within the reactor coolants An abrupt rupture, causing
release of pressure in the exit plenum chamber would permit establishment of a
pressure drop across the control elements in such a direction as to propel them
from the reactor. As discussed in the previous chapter and m Appendix F-2j the
pressure drop which furnishes the driving force for expelling the rods also ca.uses
steam formation at a rate so fast that the net changes in rea.ctivity is negative.


^ Events Lea.ding to a Catastrophe

It has been shown in the preceding chapters that the vapor container of the
APPR-1 will contain an accident resulting from any credible sequence of failures
Yet to be considered are the consequences of the simultaneous occurrences of an
accident releasing a large quantity of fission products and a rupture of the vapor
container by sabotage, aerial bombing, or an act of God„ In the latter category
are fire, windstorm, flood and earthquake The only inflammable material of
significance is the hydrogen used to inhibit corrosion in the primary system If
the entire contents of a hydrogen cylinder were drained mto the vapor container
and ignited the energy released would be only 71, 500 BTU. Wind velocities up to
100 miles per hour have been encountered m the Washington area but the vapor con-
tainer will withstand wind velocities much higher than thiSo The vapor container
itself would withstand a flood and its lowest elevation is 14 feet above the normal
level of Gunston Cove, No seismic disturbances of sufficient Intensity to cause a
structural damage are on record in the Washington area.

Accordingly, the only reasonable events which can lead to a rupture of the
vapor container are sabotage or aerial bombing,
B^__Types of Accident Postulated

This reactor is located at Fort Belvoir, Virginia, approximately 17 miles

south-southwest of Washington, D C A review of the climatology of the site is
presented in Appendix A-lo The following facts should be kept m mind. The wind
ection at the proposed site is from the south and south-southwest approximately
• * ' •

20% of the time; precipitation can be expected in the Washington area about 120 days
per year; and stable atmospheric conditions may be expected 40 to 60% of the time,
mostly during the nighttime hours
The hazard calculations are based on the long time (912 days) operation of
the reactor at a power level of 10 megawatts
Two types of accident are postulated In the first it is assumed that rapid
vaporization of the reactor occurs liberating 1. 6 x 10" BTU of heat into the container
volume of 1048 m^ and that all of the heat goes into the temperature rise of the air in
the container. It is further assumed in this incident that 50% of the fission products
in the reactor are released into the container volume. The heated air and fission
products are assumed to escape instantaneously from the reactor shell and to rise due
to buoyancy. This type of event will be referred to as the "hot" cloud

The second type of calculated incident is a release of 100% of the fission pro-
duct activity into the vapor container and to just crack the shell so that all of the ac-
tivity leaks out at a constant rate over a 12-hour period. The leak is assumed to take
place at the ground and no rise of the plume is considered. This event will be referred
to as the "cold" cloud

A special incident is postulated concerning the radioactive concentration ex-

pected in the Potomac Eiver in event of a "total washout" of the "hot" cloud at the
APPR-1 site,
C. Method of Calculation

Three methods of irradiation are considered for each of the first two above in-
cidents, namely, external gamma radiation from the traveling cloud using the method
and nomographs developed by Holland (6), inhalation of fission products using Sutton's |

^ J 7 ) (8) diffusion formulae with geometrical adaptations developed by Holland (9), and

estimating source strengths and dosages based on Burnett's treatment of a "30 iso-

tope" mixture (10), and external gamma fadiation resulting from ground deposition of

fission products by removal from the traveling cloud by ram; Chamberlain's (11)

modifications of Sutton's equations and some work by Holland (9) provide methods for

treating this latter problem. In computing dosages a decay correction based on a

decay rate of t~® ^ was made for the external gamma and deposition cases. In the

inhalation case the half life of the "30 isotope" mixture is long enough* to permit the

neglect of decay in these computations.

Each irradiation method is examined for two representative meteorological

situations F i r s t , the "day" case with good diffusion and moderate wmd speeds; and

second, the "night" situation with a stable atmosphere and light winds

For the "hot" cloud computation, the height of r i s e in a stable atmosphere is

1300 meters However, there is considera,ble doubt and no available experimental

data to confirm whether or not the relatively small heat release will actually result

in cloud r i s e s of this ma,gnitude For the sake of conservatism it was assumed that

the "hot" cloud would r i s e to 1000 meters in the daytime and to 500 meters at night.

This approach has essentially no efffect on the external gamma dosages which a r e a l -

ready very small with clouds rising to 500 m e t e r s , nor does it affect "washout" dos-

ages since rainfall would usually originaie from elevations atove 1300 meters in any


In the special case, a most pessimistic situation is clearly mdicated when it

Is assumed the activity in the "hot" cloud is instantaneously and completely "washed

^ p u t " at the origin. Also, no corrections a r e made in the calculations for sediment

fixation, decay, surface winds, tide and water density dilierential All but the last
two items would generally tend to reduce the concentration.
The calculations are summarized in Appendix H.
D. Results
Figures IX-1 to IX-8 summarize the results for each type of incident postu-
In examining the results of the dosage computations for the various methods
of irradiation it can be seen that the limiting hazard is that of dosage resulting from
inhalation of the fission products Values greater than the maximum permissible
exposure occur at approximately 6 miles for the "day" "hot" cloud and from approx-
imately § to beyond 60 miles for the "night" case. The computations for the stable
"night" case were not extended beyond 100,000 meters since, with a 2 mps wind,
times in excess of 14 hours would be required for the cloud to travel greater distances.
Except in unusual circumstances, 14 hours represents a reasonable duration of stable
For a continuous release the "cold" cloud dosages exceed the maximum per-
missible exposure out to 25 miles for the "day" case, and for all distances out to be-
yond 60 miles for the "night" meteorological conditions.
The possible dosages from continuous precipitation "washout" may exceed 100
roentgens out to 3 and 4 miles for "day" conditions and 4 and 10 miles for the "night"
situations for the "hot" and "cold" clouds respectively..
The Potomac river activity concentration caused by an instantaneous "total
washout" of the "hot" cloud at the APPE-1 site is highly significant as values far in
excess of the accepted provisional maximum permissible concentration of 10"''



Inhalation Dosage - "Hot" Cloud
H G . IX-1 (See TABLE H-3) 125

Integrated Gamma Dosage From Deposition By

Continuoiis Precipitation - "Hot" Cloud
FIG. K - 2 (See TABLE H-5) 126
10' 10' 10" 10' 106
Integrated Gamma Dosage lYora Deposition By
fiistaEtaneous "Total Washout" -"Hot" Cloud
FIG. K - 3 (See TABLE H-7) 127

External Gamma Dosage From Continuous Release

"Cold" Cloud
HG. K - 4 ( See TABLE H-8) 128
10 ^F
: \

>y \ \
E \ V

: \ \
« 10'
m r~\ ~ ~ \

_ \
^ ^

o 10^
o E
w \ \
W -
E \ \

- \

- (25 rem tc bom )
10^ III 1 1IJ 1 1 1 1 \il I II, J.IU
102 103 10^ 105 10®
Integrated Inhalation Dosage - "Cold" Cloud
FIG. IX-5 (See TABLE H-9) 129

M e g r a t e d Gamma Dosage From Deposition By
Continuous Precipitatioa - "Cold" Cloud
FIG. IX-6 (See TABLE H-11) 130


o 103
m m


V \

\ \ 25 roen gees .——..
m ssun edMPE)
ml DAY.,-^.^ V N


lo' MU - ^ ^ ^ . X - L JMi UU - • X - L X MM
102 103 104 10^ 10»
Integrated Gamma Dosage From Bepositioa by Instantaneotts "Total
Washottt" ^ "Cold" Cloud
FIG, I&-7 (See TABLE H-13) 131
Activity Concentration in Potomac River by
Instantaneous "Total Washout"-"Hot" Cloud
FIG. IX-8 ( See TABLE H-14) 132
curies/meter3 for unknown fission products can be expected to enter the Chesapeake
Bay, The possible external dosage to any person in or on the river would be less
than that indicated for ground deposition by "total washout" of the "hot" clouds Al-
though the river is subject to reverse flow under unfavorable wind and tide conditions,
the District of Columbia sewage disposal plant at Washington has recorded effluent
a maximum of 2-1/4 miles upstream (12), thus it could be expected that no hazard to
Alexandria or Washington would result from this unfavorable condition.

Ft. Belvoir, Va,, is located approximately 17 miles SSW of Washington, D„C.
just to the west of the Potomac River and between Dogue and Pohick Creeks. The
latter creek flows into Gunston Cove which forms the southern boundary of the mil-
itary reservation. The proposed location of the Army Package Reactor (APPR-1)
installation is to be on the south shore of this relatively small Ft. Belvoir penninsula
facing Gunstoa Cove. The terrain in the immediate vicinity of the proposed reactor
location slopes upward steeply from the river's edge, from approximately two feet
msl to 130 ft. msl in 1/3 of a mile. The entire peninsula is also heavily timbered.
Source of Data
Although no meteorological data exist for the proposed APPR-1 site itself or
for Ft, Belvoir, very complete meteorological records have been taken for many
years at both the Central Office of the Weather Bureau in Washington and at the
Weather Bureau Airport Station at the Washington National Airport (WNA). The
latter office is also located along the Potomac River 13 miles NNE of the proposed
APPR-1 site, Climatological data from the Quantico Marine Corps Air Station (20
miles SW of the site, also along the Potomac) have also been examined.
Climatological Review
For the most part, there does not appear to be any significant change in the
general meteorology of the area between Ft. Belvoir and Washington, D . C . , so that
for most engineering purposes, the published data for Washington, D . C . , may be
Washington, D. C. lies at the western edge of the middle Atlantic coastal plain,

about 50 miles east of the Blue Ridge Mountains and 35 miles west of Chesapeake
Bay. Elevations range from a few feet above sea level to about 400 feet in parts of
the NW section of the city.

Summers are warm and humid and winters mild; generally pleasant weather
prevails in the spring and autumn. The coldest weather normally occurs in late
January and early February, when average low temperatures are in the upper twen-
ties and average high temperatures in the middle forties. The warmest weather nor-
mally occurs during the middle of July with average daily high temperatures in. the
upper eighties. The record high temperature of 105.6° occurred on July 20, 1930.
The record low temperature of -14.9° occurred on February 11, 1899, just p r e -
ceding the worst blizzard in Washington's climatic record.
The average annmal snowfall is near 20 inches, and the greatest recorded single
fall was 28 inches, which occurred In the two days of the so-called Knickerbocker
Storm of January 1922. This storm, in which the snowfall accumulation caused the
collapse of the Knickerbocker Theater roof, resulted la the loss of many lives. Snow-
falls approaching the magnitude of this storm, however, are r a r e , and the snow ac-
cumulation of the normally bad winter storms in Washington Is nearer ten inches
than thirty. Also, thanks to temperature and sunshine, these 10-inch falls usually
melt off rapidly enough not to be too seriously inconvenient for more than two to four
days •= though while the fail is fresh (and usually very wet) driving is hazardous,
traffic snarls frequent, foot-locomotion uncomfortaMe-to-impossible, schools have
to be closed, and community disorganization Is more or less general.

The normal annual precipitation is near 41 inches. No well pronounced wet and
dry seasons are evident, rainfall being well distributed throughout the year. The

greatest amount for a 24 hour period was 7.31 inches, which occurred on August
11-12, 1928. The longest period without appreciable rainfall extended from October
15 to November 11, 1901 •= a total of 28 days.
The average date of last killing frost in spring is April 10 and the latest r e -
corded date May 12, 1913. The average date of the first killing frost in the fall is
October 28 and the earliest recorded date October 2, 1899. The average length of
the growing season is 200 days.
Washington averages 33 days a year with thunderstorms. During summer months
they often bring sudden and heavy rain showers and may be attended by damaging winds,
hail, or lightning. On June 9, 1929 a violent local thunderstorm with wind gusts up
to 100 miles an hour was recorded. Two severe hailstorms with resultant damage es=
timated at $100,000 or more are recorded - one in April 1938 and one in May 1953.
Tornadoes rarely occur, but two are recorded with resultant damage of $100,000
or more - one in April 1923 and one in November 1§27.

Tropical disturbances occasionally, during their northward passage, influence

Washin^oa's weather - mainly with high winds and heavy rainfall; but extensive dam-
age from this cause is r a r e .
Floods occur in the Potomac River about once every two years.
Surface wind direction and speed

The hourly wind observations for an 8-year period 1945-1952 for both Washing-
ton National Airport and Quantico Marine Station were studied in detail. Tables A-1
and A-2 present the percentage frequency of the wind direction and wind speeds^ As
is Indicated in Table A=l the wind direction frequency in this area appears to have two
maxima, one from the south and one from the northwest. This results from the fact ^

that the prevailing winds are from the south during the summer months and from the
northwest during the winter These average wind directions should be applicable to
the proposed APPK-1 site.
It is necessary to examine the wind structure during periods of precipitation to
consider the effect of washout of possible waste contaminants. Table A-2 presents
the percentage frequency of wind direction for WNA during those hours when precip-
itation is falling (this is approximately 11% of the time). As may be noted, the p r e -
vailing direction in these cages is from the NNE and NE while there is a secondary
maximum from the S and SSW.
Wind direction is also important when the lower atmosphere is very stable and
atmospheric diffusion is at a minimum. The frequency of this type of condition is
discussed later in this report, but the wind direction frequencies are included in
Table A-2. The prevailing direction associated with Inversion conditions is south-
erly. It is also noteworthy that night-time inversions (0300 G.C.T.) are accom-
panied by a larger than average frequency of calms.
In Table A-3, it will be noted that a larger frequency of weaker winds (3-7 knot
interval) have been observed at Quantico than at WNA and vice-versa for the strong
er wind class intervals. This difference in wind speed frequencies must be due, in
part, to the fact that the anemometer at WNA is somewhat higher above ground level.
More than likely, because of the proposed location of the APPR-1 site, it is our
estimate that a significantly larger frequency of weaker winds should be expected.
This estimated frequency is included in Table A-2. These weak winds will be very
predominant during the night and early morning hours (2200 to 0800), From records
^ P at Washington, D, C,, the average velocity is 7 mph and may range from an average

of 10.7 mph for a windy month to 5,0 mph for a calm month,. The maximum speed
ever observed which existed for at least 5 minutes was 53 mph from the NE. An
Instantaneous gust of 77 mph has been observed once In 74 years of record.
As is indicated in the Climatological Review, the APPR-l area should receive
approximately 40 inches of precipitation annually which will be spread over approx-
imately 120 days. The heaviest precipitation will be observed during the summer
and spring months. The maximum amount of precipitation ever recorded in Wash-
ington, D . C . , (74 years) over a 24-hour period was 7,3 inches; over 12 hours,
6.2 inches; over 3 hours, 4 , 1 inches; over 3§ minutes, 2,4 inches; and over 10 min-
utes, 1.2 inches.
The average snowfall is 13.1 inches which falls on approximately four days dur-
ing the winter months. The greatest amount ever recorded for a 24"hour period
was 25,0 inches, and for one storm 28.0 inches. The maximum depth on the ground
was 34.2 inches.
The APPR-1 site should eaqierience temperatures ranging from 0 to 100degrees
over a year. The average temperature will be approximately 56° and the average
number of degree days will te approximately 4300.
Atmospheric Stability
To study the diffusion potentiality of the Washington area, the twice daily radio-
sonde observations (1000 and 2200 EST) during the period October 1945 through Sep-
tember 1950 from WNA were examined for a five-year period to determine the fre-
quency of atmospheric inversions. (An inversion is present if the temperature in-

creases with height, hence diffusion is retarded.) During the period investigated,
there were a total of 3600 radiosonde observations. An inversion condition was found
to be present 8% of the time at 1000 and 41% at 2200. It should be kept in mind that
the inversion data presented here are for the time of the radiosonde observations.
For the 2200 EOT observations, which are shortly after the onset of the nightly in-
version, fewer stable periods are e^erienced than would be e j e c t e d during the early
morning hours. Undoubtedly, if data were available for 0400 to 0600 EST, this fre-
quency of inversion conditions would be mucli greater.
Hourly visibility observations for both Washington National Airport and Quantico
were also examined for the 8-year period mentioned earlier. On the average, 9%
of the hourly observations at WNA and 12% at Quantico were reduced to 6 miles or
less by fog which is another indication of stable atmospheric conditions and poor
diffusion probabilities. Fog at the APPR-1 site may be e j e c t e d slightly more than
that e^erienced at Quantico, say 15% of the time. As with the atmospheric invert
sion conditions mentioned above, fog should be more frequent during the night and
early morning hours.

Table A-1


(Based on hourly observations January 1945 - December 1952)

National Airport Quantico

N 3.6% 5,7%

NNE 5.5 2.4

NE 5.3 5.8

ENE 3.4 4,0

E 2,3 2,8

ESE 2.2 2.3

SE 3.4 5.8

SSE 6.6 5.8

S 10.1 8.5

SSW 10.9 5.0

SW 4.9 6.0

WSW 3,3 2.9

W 3.9 9.8

WNW 8.1 7.4

NW 10.1 9,7

NNW 7.0 8,1

CALM 9.2 8.0

Table A-2


(Based on hourly obserYations October 1945 through September 1950)

When Precipitation Whea Ie¥ersioii Base Is

Is Falling Below 500 ft. MSL
0300GCT 1500 GCT

N 5.4% 2.0% 1.5%

NNE 12.8 2.1 3.6
NE 12.8 3.1 3.9
ENE 6.7 1.5 0.6
E 3.6 1.1 2.2

ESE 3.3 0.5 4,7

SE 4.0 2.2 3.6
SSE 5.9 6.2 23.7
S 8.1 13.8 15.8
SSW 9.0 21.8 10.4

SW 4,4 10.8 6.8

WSW 2.5 3.8 0.8

w 2.4 3.2 4.3
WNW 3.8 4„2 5.3
NW 6.8 5.9 3.1
NNW 6.8 4.1 6.2

CALM 3.5 14.0 3,6

Table A-3
(Based on hourly obserTations January 1945 ~ December 1952)

Calm 3-7 8-12 13-20 21-30 31-40

Washington Natioaal Airport 9,2 27.6 33.8 24.7 4.5 0.2

Quantico 8.§ 52.1 30.8 8,6 5 *
Estimate for APPR-1 Site 12 60 20 5 3

• Less than 0.1%.


Area of Investigation

The Fort Belvoir Military Reservation lies in both the Coastal Plain and the
Piedmont Plateau Physiographic provinces. The proposed reactor site, however^ lies
only in the Coastal Plain province. Eeferences to the Piedmont Plateau Physiographic
province will be limited to subsurface geologic and hydrologic information that might
, have a bearing on the site.
The proposed reactor site which is about 500 feet square^ extends from the water's
edge, Gunston Cove, back and up the slope in a northeast direction to an elevation of
about 60 feet above mean sea level. This area lies between two small streams that
rise a short distance back from Gunston Cove which joints the main channel of the
Potomac River about 500 yards southeast of the site.
Immediately underlying the proposed site are unconsolidated deposits of Cret-
aceous age. These deposits are atout 450 to 500 feet thicks and dip to the southeast
at a rate of about 30 feet to the mile. Below the unconsolidated strata are granitic
rocks of the same type as those which crop out a short distance northwest of the area
under consideration. These granitic rocks comprise the so-called "bedrock'% and
are of the pre-Cambrian age.
The unconsolidated rocks, which are Cretaceous in age, consist of sands, gravels,
and clays. These strata have been correlated with the Potomac group, which includes

three formations - The Patuxent, Arundel, and Patapsco in Maryland. In this area,

however, these sediments are represented by near shore, or even terrestrial deposits,
^%id no differentiation of all formations has been possible.
The logs in table A>-'4 show the Cretaceous rock penetrated in the drilling of wells
at the Fort Belvoir Military Reservation, The logs show the nature of sediments
penetrated and the depth to bedrock at these points. The elevation of land surface at
these wells Is estimated.
Earthquake History
This is not an area of frequent earthquakes. Only one earthquake is reported in
N.H. Heck's Earthquake History of the United States. This earthquake occurred at
5:22 a, m , , August 31, 1861. The quake's epicenter was at 38.8° north latitude and
77.0° -west longitude. The intensity of this shock was 5 on the Rossi-Forel scale of
intensity. A quake with an intensity of 5 on this scale is described as a shock of
moderate intensity, generally felt by everyone; disturbance of furniture and ringing
of some bells.
Surface-Water Hydrology
The proposed reactor site, as mentioned above, is adjacent to Gunston Cove.
Gunston Cove, an inJ,et of the Potomac River, is formed by the submersion of the lower
parts of valleys of the Accotink and Pohick Creeks.
There are no published data on temperatures and chemical quality of the Potomac
River water near this site. Oral reports from Interstate Commission on the Potomac
River Basin, however, indicate that the temperature of samples of "water from the Po-
tomac River between Marshall Hall and Halloaing Point ranged from 32°F. to 90°F.
The river is tidal, but the chloride content of the water at these same points has not
exceeded 20 parts per million. It should be noted, however, that these temperatures
and chloride determinations are not the result of a continuous sampling over an ex-
tended period of time. They are, rather, isolated determinations made over a period *

^ R f years, and the conditions under which the samples were taken are not known The

chloride content of course might be different at different depths and in different parts of

the channel. Discharge of tie river and the tides also may cause differences mchloride

As the Fort Belvoir Military Reservation is between the sampling points for the
analysis mentioned above, it is reasonable to expect that the chloride content of the
river opposite the proposed reactor site might be comparable to that noted above
However, another factor to consider in evaluating the temperature and chemical
quality of surface water near the proposed reactor site is that Gunston Cove is an inlet
of the Potomac River, which receives fresh water from two small streams (Accotink
and Pohick Creeks), This fresh-water discharge into the cove tends to freshen and/or
hold out salt water from the Potomac.
Ground Water Hydrology
Occurrence and Movement of Ground Water
Precipitation falling to the earth's surface either percolates down through the soil,
evaporates^ or moves along the land surface until it enters surface streams, lakes,
or the ocean „
The water that percolates downward into the soil either is intercepted by roots of
vegetation or percolates down to the zone of saturation, the upper surface of which is
the water table. When water is added to the zone of saturation it tends to make a high
point on the water table. These points of high water table are characteristic of points
of recharge, whereas points of discharge such as springs, seeps, or wells are low

« points on the water table. Ground water moves from point of recharge to points of

^ ^ s c h a r g e through the interstices of unconsolidated rocks, and through fractures in

consolidated rocks,
In the Fort Belvoir area ground water occurs in both consolidated and uncon- ^
solidated rocks. In the area northwest of the proposed reactor site consolidated rocks
consisting of granites and gneisses crop out at the surface. The consolidated rocks
are relatively impervious, but they have been fractured and ground water occurs and
moves through these fractures. The productivity of wells drilled into these rocks is
dependent upon the size and number of fractures intercepted. As the size and number
of fractures generally decrease, the chances of getting water are very poor at depths
of more than about 350 feet in rocks of this type. Yield of such wells is small, and
some of them yield little or no water.
At the proposed reactor site the area Is underlain by unconsolidated gravels, sands,
and clays for a depth of about 500 feet. In these unconsolidated deposits ground water
occurs in the sands and gravels in which the water moves through the Interstices be-
tween sand grains. In these deposits a properly constructed well drilled into a satur-
ated sand would produce water. The amount of water that can be produced from such
a sand is dependent upon the hydrological characteristics of the aquifer. Wells in
aquifers of this type usually are more uniform in production than wells in fractured
consolidated rocks.
Ground Water Use at Fort Belvoir
Little factual Information is available regarding ground water in the Fort Belvoir
Military Reservation, The water supply for the reservation itself is obtained from
Accotink Creek, Three drilled weEs, however, are interconnected with this surface-
water supply, but they are used only for emergencies and supplemental supplies. In
addition to the three wells mentioned above ^ the Engineer Research and Development

Laboratories have one drilled well, used to supply cooling -water to the climatological ^
Table A-5 shows the available information on the records for these four •weUs.
Chemical analysis of water from each well is given in table A-6,
Evaluation of the Proposed Site
It is believed that the proposed site, considering the geologic and hydrologic fac-
tors, is a reasonably satisfactory one for the construction and operation of a portable
power nuclear reactor.
It is understood that the loading of the reactor will be less than 4,000 pounds per
square foot. From the only logs available showing subsurface materials, table A-4,
it is surmised that in the excavation for this proposed reactor buHding the material
believed to underly the site should support 4,000 pounds per square foot of loading.
The earthquake history of this area indicates no potential problem from possible
earthquakes. Insofar as Is known, there is no reason to believe that the occurrence
and intensity of earthquake shocks would be amy different from what they have been ia
the past.
The proposed site offers reasonably g o ^ facilities for using an abundant somrce
of river water for cooling during most of the time in any year. In that small part of
the year when the temperature of the river water would be too high for efficient cool-
ingj ground -water offers a potential source of cooling -water, (The availability of
ground water is discussed in one of the following paragraphs.) The limited available
records of temperature and chemical quality of river water indicate a fair quality of
The 450 to 500 feet of unconsolidated sands, gravels and clays that lie beneath the
reactor site form potentiaEy good aquifers. The four -weEs now on the military reser-
vation give some Mdicatlon of the quantities and quality of water available. It is reason-
able to e ^ e c t that a -weU drilled at the proposed reactor site -would produce -water of
of reasonably good chemical quality at a rate of 20§ gallons per minute, or more. It
is possible that two or more aquifers are present in this 500 foot section of alternating
sands, gravels, and clays.
Ground -water, if available at the reactor site, could be mixed with -water from the
river to lower the effective temperature of the cooling water. Ground--water tempera-
tures will remain constant at about 60®F summer and winter, -whereas the river -water
wlE range from 32 to about m°F.
Another consideration in choosing a site for a reactor is the potential dangers ol
contamination of water by radioactive material and subsequent dangers to public water
supplies downstream and/or do-wn dip from the reactor site. Under normal operations
the Health-Physics regulations would control any such potential contamination, but such
regulations and operation standards do not take into account danger from accidental
spillage. This proposed reactor site is believed to be very -well situated in relation
to this problem. Ia case of an accidental spilling of radioactive material on the ground,
its possible course of travel Is as foEo-ws:
If the radioactive fluid were to run overland, due to the inability of the soil to ab-
sorb it - a probability in periods of high precipitation or frozen groimd - the contam-
inants -would be intercepted by either the small streams northwest or southeast of the
site or by Gunstoa Cove. If intercepted by the small streams the contaminant -would
stiE be discharged into Gunstoa Cove. From Gunston Cove the contamination -would
move into the Potomac River, and then into Chesapeake Bay, In no case is a public
water supply taken from the Potomac River below Gunston Cove. Ho-wever, there is
considerable recreational use made of the lower Potomac and Chesapeake Bay area.
Also damage to a highly developed fishing industry -would have to be considered. Whether

an accidental spillage of radioactive fluid would contaminate the lo-wer Potomac and
Chesapeake Bay area is dependent upon the type and concentration of the fluid. Ho-w-
ever, there would be a very large dilution factor in this reach of the stream and bay.
If the radioactive fluid percolates Into the soil, rather than running overland to
surface streams, the probability of damage to a public supply would be very remote.
The rate of travel through the soil and sub-surface material would be much slo-wer
than surface travel. Ground-i/ater flo-w is measured in feet per year, rather than miles
per day, as for surface flow. Whether the delay in travel time encountered In the slo-w-
er flow of ground water would be enough to neutralize the contaminating fluid would, of
course, depend upon the nature of the fluid.
The dangerous elements in a radioactive fluid possibly -would be absorbed on the
clay particles of the underlying formations, or renaoved from the fluid by base-ex-
change. If, ho-wever, the radioactive elements did reach the -water table they -would
then move do-wn gradient. Due to the fact that the site itself is on a peninsula-like
projection of land on Gunston Cove, the elements probably would be discharged into
the cove Itself, In this case, it would then follow the travel course outlined in a pre-
ceding paragraph; ho-wever, there would be a considerable delay in time from the
occurrence of the accident until the contamination appeared in the cove.
If the contaminated ground -water did not discharge Into Gunston Cove, it would
slowly continue down dip in the aquifer. Eventually, the contamination might reach
a public supply do-wn dip, however, enough information is not ao-w available to evaluate
the probability of such an event.
From all considerations of the geology and hydrology, the proposed reactor site
in the Engineer Research and Development Laboratories section of Fort Belvoir appears
to be as satisfactory a site as could be selected in the Metropolitan Washington, D.C,
Table A-4

Fort Belvoir Well#l

Layne Well#l

Depth in Thickness in
feet feet Material Penetrated

0 5 Gravel
6 1 Boulders
25 19 Heavy Gravel
31 6 Gravel and sand
44 13 Blue sandy clay
54 10 Fine gray sand
57 3 Bro-wn sandy clay
67 10 Fine bro-wn sand
79 12 Medium sand and gravel
90 11 Gray sand, some clay
100 10 Blue sand, and boulders
108 8 Dark sandy clay
216 108 Bro-wn sandy clay
237 21 Blue sand
253 16 Hard sand and boulders
Rock to 278% core to 290'

Fort Belvoir Well #2


Depth in Thickness in
feet feet Material Penetrated

5 5 Soft sandy mud and gravel

25 20 Red clay
30 5 Red clay
40 10 Gray clay
43 3 Sticky blue clay
55 12 Sticky gray clay
58 3 S t i c ^ gray clay
75 17 Gray clay and sand, no water
80 5 Gray sandy clay
90 10 Sticky sandy clay
100 10 Sand and clay, no -water
102 2 Sand and clay, no water
112 10 Pasty sand and clay
120 8 Blue clay
138 18 Blue clay

Table A-4 (Cont.)

Depth in Thickness in Material Penetrated

feet feet

143 5 Sandy clay

144 1 Hard streak
158 14 Sticky clay, streaked
175 17 Sticky streaked clay
180 5 Streaked clay, s t i c ^
190 10 Red clay, sticky
200 10 Streaked clay, sticky
214 14 S t i c ^ streaked clay
225 11 Clay with some sand
238 13 Sand and clay
240 2 Sticky blue clay
245 5 Sticky blue clay
265 20 SEty solid clay
280 15 Sandy clay
300 20 Coarse sand and clay
311 11 Coarse sand and clay
317 6 Hard sand and clay
326 9 Hard sand and clay
330 4 Shale rock
333 3 Shale rock

Table A-5
WeU #1 #2 #3 #4
Location FEter Plant About. 7 Miles About 1.1 ERDL Area
NNE of Filter Miles NE of Climatological
Plant White Stone Pt. Laboratory

(iafeet) 24 105 95 87

(in feet) 245 322 375 372

(in inches) 18-10-8 10-8 8 10

Depth to
(in feet) 253 320*(2) 500*(2) 525*(2)

Water Bearing
Formations 97-102 110-135
(Elevations) 231-253 252-382

Water Level
(ia feet)
(Below Land
Surf.,Esfd.) 8 96 84 86

(GPM) 185*(1) 136*(1) 236* (1) 175

(in feet) 86 64 74 34

Hemarks Post W e l l # l Post Well #2 Post Well #3 Post Well #4

(Layae#l) (Sydnor#2) (SydEor#4) (Sydnor#3)
BeMnd Filter West of Outdoor About, 15 mUes
Plant Amphitheater NW of Sewage
Disposal Plant

*(1) 72 Hour Test - March 1945

•(2) Estimated from report test drillli« near by

Table A-6

Analyses by Geological Survey, United States Department of the Interior

(parts per million)

Laboratory 49109 49110 49111 49112

Date of collection 1954 May 18 May 18 May 18 May 18

Silica (Si02) 44 25 30 33
Iron (Fe), dissolved 1/ .33 .59 .56 .02
Iron (Fe), total .59 1.2 1.6 .03
Manganese (Mn), dissolved 1/ — — — —
Manganese (Mn), total — — — _

Calcium (Ca) 2.8 7.1 1.0 .7

Magnesium (Mg) 2.0 6.7 .1 .1
Sodium (Na) __ . , . _
Potassium (^(Calc.) 4.1 26 7.5 9.2

Bicarbonate (HCOg) 0 0 0 0
Carbonate (CO3) 10 107 14 12
Sulfate (SO4) 8.4 11 3.6 4.6
CWoride (CI) 5.5 2.1 2.8 4.9
Fluoride (F) .1 .1 .1 .1
Nitrate (NO3) .2 .3 1.6 .5

Dissol¥ed solids
Residue on e¥aporati«i
at I8OOC 79 126 58 61
Hardness at CaC03 16 47 4 2
Non-carbonate 2 / 8 0 0 0
Specific conductance
(micromlios at 25°C) 75.3 177 34.4 39.6
PH 6.3 7.4 6.1 5.8
Color 3 4 35 3
Carbon Dioxide (C02)(Calc.) 8.0 6.7 15 30

For notes 1/ aad Z/ see next page.

Table A-6 (Cont.)
1/ In solution at time of analysis.
Laboratory No.
49109 #1 Accotink filter plant
Laboratory No.
49110 #2 . 7 mile NNE Filter Plant
Laboratory No.
49111 #3 1.1 miles Northeast WMte-
stone Pt.
Laboratory No.
49112 #4 ERDL area.

2/ Includes hardness of all polyvalent cations reported.


Prior to the hydrostatic proof test, a bubble test is to be made using an internal
air pressure of 15 psig on the container. All welded seams are to be checked for
leakage by coating with detergent type soap and water. Any leaks found are to be r e -
paired and a retest made prior to the hydrostatic proof test.

The sketch shown on page 153 indicates the equipment and connections required
to make hydrostatic and leakage tests.

The test chamber is to be mounted just above the top of the vapor container shell.

The test chamber Is not to be connected in the circuit for the first hydrostatic test

which shall be made at 75 psig. TMs pressure is to be held for one hour. Upon

successful completion of this test a twenty-four hour leakage test is to be made. An

air pressure of 75 psig t 2 psig shall be maintained above the water in the test chamber

(with vapor container completely filled with water) for a period of 24 hours. During

this period, leakage shall not exceed 4 cu.ft., as indicated by fall of level in the test

chamber gauge glass.




(60 cu.ft. APPMOX.)


! t>-J



„.' * '^



Tie selection of the maximum credible missile during a nuclear incident in the
vapor container is not subject to precise calculation. The selection of the missile is
a matter of judgment. Credible missiles include objects wMch might become free
during a nuclear incident and be propelled by an e^andlng jet of vapor against the wall
of the ¥apor container.

Several credible missiles were considered as outliaed in the foEowing description.

A 2 inch, 1500 lb. (test) steel globe valve. This valve weighs 50 pounds. The
complete projected area of such a valve is 30 sq. in. in tie bottom-on position. The
projected area in the end-oa position is approximately 7 sq.ia. but after the initial im-
pact the bonnet and stem would also resist penetration so that the estimated average
penetrating area of this valve is 18 sq. in.

A heavy wall thermometer test weH, normally welded into the primary coolant
circuit, weight 5 lbs. aad an area of 1.25 sq. in.

A 2 ft. length of 2 ia. steel bar with a weight of 21 lbs. and an area of 3 sq. in.

A 4 ft. length of 2 in. schedulelBO steel pipe with a weight of 30 lbs. and an area

of 4.4 sq. ft.

The worst missiles are those which combine maximum weight in minimum area

of impact.

The above credible missiles are summarized on the folio-wing page.

Projected Area of
Type Weight, Lb. Impact, Sq.lE.

21n., 1,5001b, steel globe valve 50 18

Thermometer test well 5 1.3

2ia., steel bar, 2 ft. long 21 3

2iii., schedule 160 steel pipe 4 ft. long 30 4.4

Missiles can acquire velocity either by being struck by a jet of vapor issuing
from the point of fracture aad being propelled by that jet, or if the missile is hollow
and contains fluid at the time of rupture, the missile can be self-propelled by tie ex-
panding fluid.

The problem becomes one of determinii^ the velocity of the missile aad its kinetic
energy and establishing whether or not such a missile will penetrate the vapor container

Of the above tabulated credible missiles, the only one which could contain fluid
and be self-propelled is the 2 Inch schedule 160 pipe.
If the pipe were initially filled with 1,200 psi, 450®F water, the avaEable energy
in the fluid when e^anded to final pressure ia the vapor container (assumed atmos-
pheric as the worst case) is 88 BTU per lb. of fluid. The weight of water per foot of
pipe is 0.8 lb. and this has a kinetic energy^ If all the thermal energy were converted,
of 23,000 ft-lb per ft of pipe. Assuming that the pipe, which weighs 7-1/2 lb per ft. and
half the weight of the water is accelerated throi^h the entire travel, the corresponding
final velocity is 435 fps. The available maximum travel within the vapor container is

approximately 40 ft. and such an object would reach a velocity of approximately 435

fps In that distance.

Similarly, if such pipe were filled with 425 psi saturated steam at the instant of

detachment, the available heat energy for expansion to atmospheric pressure is 255

BTU per lb. The weight of such fluid in one foot of pipe is 0.17 lb. and the kinetic

energy of the steam is 30,000 ft. lb. per ft. of pipe. This results in a velocity of 510

fps, if all the thermal energy of the fluid went into developing kinetic energy. Again,

such an object would reach a velocity of approximately 510 fps in 40 ft. of travel.

Consequently, the velocity of a self-propelled missile has been taken at 500 fps,

which is conservative, since it has been assumed that all the energy of a fluid is t r a n s -

ferred into kinetic energy of the missile at 100% efficiency.


A credible missile upon being detached may be propelled by the jet of escaping

fluid and continue In that jet of fluid until it strikes the wall of the vapor container. The

jet, which has mass and velocity, imparts impulse to the missile from which the increase

in velocity of the missile from an initial state of rest can be determined. With the im-

pulse force known, first the acceleration and then the final velocity of the missile in 40

ft. of travel can be calculated.

The fluid pressure,initially at 1,200 psi and 4500F, drops very rapidly to saturation

pressure of 423 psia by the expulsion of a few pounds of water at the rupture opening. The

423 psia fluid ej^ands into the vapor container and when e^anded to 15 psia reaches a

peak velocity a few feet from the orifice of rupture. The missile is propelled by and

accelerated in this jet of vapor. After the jet has fully expanded, that is, when the jet

has reached vapor container pressure, the assumption i s made that the jet continues to

propel and accelerate the missile until the missile Impinges on the vapor container
wall. Since no data have been found which would determine the shape of the jet between
its point of maximum expansion and the vapor container waE, it has been assumed that
the jet moves at constant velocity with all elements of the jet remaining parallel to each
other rather than contlnElng to expand at some angle. This is consei-vative. The im-
pulse of the vapor jet acting on the missile provides force to accelerate it. There is
neither distance nor time for the missile to reach the velocity of the jet, but it does
reach the theoretical velocity calculated below.
The rate of release of fluid in the jet depends on the area of the rupture and the
velocity of the issuing fluid. It has been assumed that a missile of the above type
would be associated with an openiic approximately 3 In. In diameter as might result
from a 2 in. valve or other object tearii^ out a 2 in. nipple by which it was attached
to the primary coolant circuit. Since the size and shape of such a rupture opening is
unknown, MO coefficient of contraction has been used. Use of a conventional coefficient
of 0,7 would indicate a 3.6 In. diameter opening.
In the foEowing:
Subscript m refers to the missile
Subscript f refers to the fluid
With an isentroplc es^ansion between 423 psia Initial pressure and atmospheric
pressure and a coefficient of velocity of 0.9 due to friction in the orifice, the velocity
of the jet will be given by;

V r. C 4 2 f ^M

V= 24 3 ft/.bee.

that i s , the velocity of the issuing jet near the orifice of rupture is 243 fps.

The area of a 3 In, hole is . 049 sq. ft. and the weight rate of flow of the fluid is

given by:

^ = ¥f f A = 629 lb/sec

that i s , fluid issues from the orifice at 629 lb. per sec. Neglect of the velocity of the

first few pounds of fluid accelerated as the pressure drops from 1200 to 423 psia is more

than compensated for by the conservative assumptions of the missile remaining in the jet

at 100% efficiency for its fuE travel,


The weight of fluid actually Impacting on the missile decreases after the jet e l a n d s ,

starting at 629 lb. per s e c . at the point of rupture and decreasing as the missile moves

further and further from the point of rupture, since the total weight of fluid in the jet

remains constant, but as the area of the jet increases, t i e weight of fluid actually strik-

ing the missile on its projected area continually decreases. Thus the final velocity of

the missile depends upon the assumption as to the angle of the jet.

Data obtained from the U.S. Department of Defense^ Ballistics Research Laboratory

in paper No. 843, AFSWP No. 768 indicate that the advancing front of jet of air suddenly

released from an orifice e l a n d s at an angle of 60-70 deg. from the orifice pressure

down to atmospheric pressure. On the other hand, in steam turbine practice, nozzles

are designed with an angle of 10 to 15 deg, since with a greater angle the jet does not

e ^ a n d fast enough to maintain contact with the waHs. With an unconfined and uncontrolled

e ^ a n s i o n within the vapor container aid with the jet issuing from a ragged opealng, it is

considered that the angle is more likely to approach the greater value above, but calcula-

tions have been made both for a 12° and a 60° angle.

The force of the jet acting on the missile, assuming the latter to be a flat plate
surface and that it turns the jet throi^h a 90° angle, is given by

This force is a maximum when Vm is 0 at the start and the force becomes 0 when
the V,n is equal to ¥f (Ym never reaches Vf in the available distance of travel). In the
above expression, the drag coefficient of the jet acting on the missile has been assumed
equal to unity. For sharp edged objects the drag coefficient is reported as 0,8 to 1.0
and independent of Reynold's Number.

Computations of the impulse of the jet on the missile have been undertaken for the
2 in., 1,500 lb, valve weighing 50 lb. The computation is one by trial and error. An
assumption is made of the final velocity of the missile which permits computing the im-
pulse force from the above expression. Kiiowing the force, the acceleration of the mis-
sile is computed from the egression -
a„. xF

From the acceleration, the final velocity is computed from the egression

where s is the distance traveled.

The result of the computations for the 2 in., 1,500 lb. (test) valve weighing 50 lb.
with a projected area of 30 sq. in., assuming both a 12° and a 60° angle of expansion
for the jet are:

120 60°
Item Angle Angle

Weight of missile, lb. 50 50

Projected area of missile, sq. in. 30 30

Final velocity of fluid on e ^ a n s l o n from

1,200 psia to 15 psia, fps 1,277 1,277

Weight rate flow of fluid from orifice, lb per sec 629 629

Distance from orifice at which the jet reaches

15 psia, ft. 7.8 1.43
Velocity of missile when jet has reached
atmospheric pressure, fps 480 210

Distance jet travels at constant velocity, ft 32.2 38.7

Final velocity of missile on traveling total

distance of 40 ft., fps 700 500
Since both the self-propelled missile and the jet propelled missile with an e^ansion

angle of 60® reach a theoretical velocity of 500 fps, it is considered that this represents

a credible velocity. Nevertheless, further calculations have also been made with the

700 fps missile velocity corresponding to 12° jet angle, although this is considered to be

greater than a credible velocity.

The calculation of missile velocity has been made only for the 2 i n . , 1,500 lb. valves

weighing 50 lb. The velocity reached with the other missiles would be l e s s . As stated

above, force is proportional to the weight of the fluid and since acceleration is propor-

tional to force divided by the weight of the missile, acceleration is proportional to the

weight of fluid divided by the weight of the missile. Since the weight of the fluid striking

the missile is proportional to the projected a r e a , acceleration i s , in turn, proportional

to the area of the missile divided by the weight of the missile. That missile which has

the greatest ratio of area to weight will obtain the greatest acceleration and hence the

greatest final velocity. In the following tabulation this ratio is greatest for the 2 inch

valve. Hence, other missiles would have a smaller final velocity.

Ratio of Area to
Missile Weight of Missile

2 inch steel valve . 60

Thermometer weU . 25

2 inch steel bar . 14

2 inch steel pipe . 15


The degree of penetration of the waE of the vapor container has been investigated

by several formiilations of a semi-empirical nature which predict the penetration of

steel aad concrete by an object possessing kinetic energy. These have been made avail-

able by the U. S. Department of Defense. The first is that used by the BaEistics Re-

search Laboratory. The second is that used by the Navy in their publication Nav

Docks BuEetln No. P - 5 1 .

The vapor container consists of a 1/8 inch steel plate inner liner, 2 ft. of rein-

forced concrete and a 3/4 inch outer steel shell. The inner liner has been neglected.

Manhole covers are 2-1/2 Inch steel plate.

The BRL formulation for concrete is
6Wdl/5 / V \4/3
d2 Vl,§00/
P = penetration of missile, In.
W= weight of missile, lb.
d = diameter, la,
¥ = velocity, fps
BRL recommend that the calculated penetration in concrete be multiplied by a fac-
tor of 1.3 to Insure no complete penetration due to the cracking of concrete ahead of the
point where the missile stops. Since in the vapor container the 2 ft. layer of concrete
is followed by 3/4 in. steel, this 1.3 factor is not considered absolutely essential.
The penetrations of the several missiles with a missile velocity of 500 fps are as

2in. Steel Thermometer 2in. Steel 2m. Steel

Missile ¥alve WeE Bar Pipe
Weight, lb. 50 5 21 30
Area, 18 1.3 3 4.4

Diameter, (Equiv.),in. 4.8 1.3 2 2,4

If velocity= 500 fps

penetration, in. 7 7.5 14.5 15

penetrationxl.3,iii. 9 10 19 19.5

If velocity= 700 fps

penetration, In. 10 11 21 22

Penetratiofl.xl.3,iE. 13 14 27 29

It will be noted with the above, that none of the missiles with 500 fps penetrate
the concrete nor do the missiles at 700 fps penetrate except when using the 1.3 factor.
Navy Docks states that in a compound wall of steel and concrete, 1 in. of steel is equiv-
alent to 12 in. of concrete so that if the complete vapor container wall is considered
equivalent to 33 in. of concrete, there is no penetration even with 700 fps missile

T i e BRL formulatioa for penetration of steel is e ^ r e s s e d by -


t = wall thickness, in.
m = mass of the missile, slugs
¥ = velocity of missile, fps
K = a constant depending oa the grade of steel aad =1
d = the diameter of the missile, in.
Using the above formulatioa, the missile penetrations are as follows:
2 in. Steel Thermometer 2 ia. Steel 2 in. Steel
Missile Valve Well Bar Pipe

If Yeloclty = 500 fps

Penetration, in. 1 „8 1.5 1.5

If Velocity = 700 fps

Penetration, in. 1.5 1.3 2.3 2.3
Thus the 2-1/2 in. steel plate, where there is no concrete, is sufficient to prevent
penetration even with 700 fps missile velocity.
The above penetrations may be rechecked with Nav Docks formulation. TMs is
D = K Ap V'
D = Depth of penetration, ft.
K = A coefficient depending on the nature of the coacrete and Is . 00799
for mass concrete, .00426 for normal reinforced concrete, such as
would be tised in buildiag construction aad is . 00284 for specially
reinforced coacrete.
V'= l o g i o ( l + . - . - l ^ ^ - )

V = The velocity of the missile, fps

Ap= weight of missile per sq.ft. of projected area, lb„ per sq.ft.

Using the above formulation, the following calculated penetrations result:

2 in. Steel Thermometer 2 in. Steel 2 in. Steel
Missile Valve Well Bar Pipe
Weight, lb. 50 5 21 30

Area, s q . i n . 18 1.3 3 4.4

Ap, lb. p e r sq.ft. 400 550 1,000 1,000

If velocity = 500 fps

Penetration, in. 8 10 19 19

If velocity = 700 fps

Penetration, in. 12 16 30 30

With a velocity of 500 fps concrete is not penetrated. With a velocity of 700 fps,

which is more than a credible velocity, two of the missiles penetrate the concrete but

considering the total equivalent thickness of steel in concrete of 33 in., there is still

no theoretical penetration.


The kinetic equations describing the thermal behavior of the pdCk^^c

reactor have been solved for a number of different perturbing lactor^ bj the

ORNL Reactor Controls Computer (13). The results a r e presented in the form

of curves of power and temperature v s . time.

The equations were derived in Reference 14. The time delay rt|ijdtions

have been modified to describe different types of flow„ In order to c o v e all

types of flow three mathematical models were used to simulate the kinetics o!

the piping and pleEum chamber. They a r e :

1. The flow of the coolant was assumed to be slug flow in the pipmg wuh

some but not complete mixing in the plenum chambers.

2. Complete mixing throughout plenum chambers and piping

3. Slug flow throughout plenum chambers and piping.

It is believed that (1) is the most logical representation of thr victual

physical situation and therefore most of the tests were made with thii i^pe of


All of the curves from Figure 1 through Figure 38 have the coolani i^low

represented by slug flow in the piping and some but not complete mixing in thr

plenum chambers of the reactor vessel. The curves from Fig, 39 thTough

Fig. 45 a r e for complete mixing and the curves from Fig. 48 th'-ough Fig 50

a r e for slug flow.

The temperature coefficient of reactivity for the reaxlor has b< m

-4 o
calculated to be approximately -2 x 10 / F, However, it was desirable- to
deter-mine the effect on reactor power and the various temperatures by making

^Pthe coefficient more positive. For this reason three values of the coefficieni

were used. For Figs 1 through 8 and Figs. 27 through 50, the temperature co-

efficient of reactivity is -2 x 10""^/°F and for Figs 18 through 26 it Is -5 % W^/^F

Figs 9, 10 and 11 have the coefficient as a parameter.

Fig, 1 shows the reactor power following step changes in Lxk/k oi t 0 30%,

- 0 20% and - 0 10%. The power, after rising sharply returns to 10 Mw since

the power demand was held at 10 Mw. Figs. 2 and 3 show the mean fueL mean

coolant and steam temperature, Op, 0^ and Og, for these changes in reactivify

There is very little 0¥er-shoot on the fuel temperatures and none on the coolant

and steam temperatures. Fig. 4 shows the coolant temperature, Og . at the inlet

of the steam generator, the mean coolant temperature in the steam generator

Og;, and the coolant temperature at the core inlet, 0^ , for A k / k steps of _ 0 30%

Fig, 5 shows the effect of larger step changes in h k/k, namely _ 0,50%,

- 0 40% and - 0.30% on the reactor power. For this test the initial powpr was

reduced to fi¥e megawatts.

Figs„ 6 and 7 show the fuel, coolant and steam temperatures for these

" conditions. Fig, 8 shows the coolant temperature as it enters the steam gener-

ator, the mean coolant temperature in the steam generator aad the coolant

temperature at the core inlet for ^ k/k steps of _ Oo50%,

Fig 9 shows the effect of still larger changes in i\ k/k,, namtly

- 1.0% and - o„75% in the reactor power. The initial reactor power wa3 reducf d

to two megawatts for this test. Reducing the temperature coefficient of j e -

^wctivity from -2 x 10 / ° F to - 1 x 1 0 ' / F increases the power Fxcuision as

would be expected. Figs. 10 and 11 show the effects of these A k/k strps and
changes in temperature coefficient on fuel temperature^ mean cooldnt temper-
ature and steam temperature.
The curves shown in Figs. 12, 13 and 14 are the same tests as the
curves of Figs, 1^ 2 and 3 except that the temperature coefficient of reactivity
has been reduced from -2 x 10"*/°F to -1 x 10"1/°F. The power now shows
some oscillations since there is less damping for the smaller coefficient. The
fuel and the coolant temperatures show some over-shoot in this case.. In Fig.
14, the negative A k/k steps of 0„30%, 0.20% and 0.10% were applied M the end
of the fourth minute while the curves indicate that the steps were applied at the
end of three minutes^ The curves will be correct if the center horizontal portion
of each curve is extended one minute.

Figs. 15| 16 and 17 are for the same tests as Figs. 5^ 6 and 7 in which
the initial power was five megawatts and the reactivity steps were ^ 0,50%,
t 0.40% and t 0<,30%, but the temperature coefficient is now -1 x 10" / ° F .
The power does not oscillate as it did when the initial power was 10 Mw.. The
other conditions are unchanged.

Figs„ 19f 19 and 20 should be compared with Figs.. 1, 2 and 3 and Figs,
12, 13 and 14. The temperature coefficients of reactivity are different for each
of the three groups of figures but the other conditions are the same, Brush
recorder traces were taken of reactor power for all + ' k/k steps,. The
shortest period indicated^ for steps less than prompt criticals was 4„5 seconds
and occurred for the + 0,3% step shown in Fig, 18. Figs» 21, 22 and 23 a n
comparable with Figs, 5, 6 and 7 and Figs, 15, 16 aad 17, Figs» 23, 25 and 26
are comparable with Figs„ 9^ 10 and il„
Figs. 27, 28 and 29 show the effect of oscillating the power demand.
The purpose of the test was to determine whether or not a strong resonance
could be obtained and consequently dangerous temperatures and pressures
built up. No such dangers are apparent.
Figs. 30^ 31 and 32 show the effect of power demand on reactor power,
fuel, coolant and steam temperatures. In the first test the power demand was
reduced from 10 Mw to 5 Mw in a step aad at 4.5 minutes the power demand
was raised in a step to 10 Mw. The test was repeated with the power demand
reduced to 2,5 Mw, After full power was demanded, a minimum positive peri-
od of 25 seconds was produced. These tests were repeated for different flow
conditions and the results shown ia Figs. 43, 44, 45, 49 and 50,
The curves at the left in Fig, 23 indicate how the reactor power follows
a slowly changing power demand. The curve on the right in Fig, 33 shows the
reactor power as the power demand was raised to 300% rated power^ held
there for a few seconds and then a A k/k ramp of -1.0% per second was applied
to scram the reactor.
Figs. 34 and 35 show the effect on power and temperature of cold water
injection into the core, A step change tn coolant temperature of -50° F, was
applied to the core for periods of one^ five and ten seconds after which a step
change of+50 F, was applied to raise the coolant temperature to 431,6 F, the
design point temperature.

Figs, 36^ 37 and 38 are for ^A k/k ramps. The first curve of Fig, 36
shows the effect on the power of a 0.30% A k/k step followed by an optimum
manual compensation using a ' k/k ramp of -0 10%/sec after the initidl dis-

turbance. The ramp was three seconds long The second third and four%

curves show the effect of control rod movements on reactor powc-r beginning

at two megawatts. Twenty seconds after the 0 025%/sec ramp was initialed a

sustained period of seven seconds was reached. Seven seconds after 0 15%/sec

ramp was initiated, a sustained period of 2 2 seconds was reached Three and

a half seconds after the 0,40%/sec. ramp was initiated, a sustained period of

0,8 second was reached. The fuel temperatures a r e shown in Fig 37 for the

first and fourth curves of Fig 36, The steam temperature is shown in Fig 38

for about the first 10 seconds of the 0,4%/sec, ramp

K it is assumed that the coolant mixes completely in the plenum chambers

and in the piping, the curves of Figs. 39, 40 and 41 a r e obtdined for k/k steps

of 1 0,30%, i 0 20% and ± 0.10%. Here the power is seen to oscillate and fuel,

coolant and steam temperatures over-shoot.

Fig. 42 shows the steam generator inlet temperature and the core inlet

temperature for _ k/k steps of "t 0 30% The reactor was at 10 Mw when iht

step was applied.

Fig, 43 shows the reactor power for step changes in power demdnd

The curve for a power demand of three megawatts is broken at 4 5 minutes and

a portion of the curve during which the power was three megawatts was removed

That part of the curve to the right of the 4.5 minute ordinate shows the power

r i s e after the power demand was increased to 10 Mw. Figs 44 and 45 show how

the fuel, coolant and steam temperature a r e changed by changing power demands

Figs. 46, 47 and 48 show the effect of . k/k steps of 0 30% ' 0 20%

and 0.10% on reactor power^ fuel, coolant and steam temperature The

coolant flow for these tests is assumed to be slug flow. Note that power and

temperature change suddenly.

Figs, 49 and 50 show the response of the reactor power, fuel and

coolant temperature to step changes in power demand for the case of slug


A comparison of the responses of the three flow models to reactivity

changes indicate in general that the largest transient excursions occur with

the first and third models, transport (slug) flow and combination (mixing plus

slug) flow, being practically equivalent. The first order approximation model

(complete mixing) gives a conservative picture of power excursions by a

small percentage, and at the same time gives the least conservative picture

concerning system stability.


k Multiplication factor

^d Secondary power demand, Mw

^o Design power, 10 Mw

/ T e m p e r a t u r e coefficient of reactivity, ° F "

©B Mean p r i m a r y coolant t e m p e r a t u r e in steam generator, ° F

®Bi Primary coolant temperature entering steam generator, °F

®C Mean coolant temperature la core, ° F

®Ci Coolant temperature entering core, °F

OF Mean fuel element temperature, ° F

% Steam temperature, ° F
Tirm. in Minutes 175


Time m Mm^tcs 1'76

T"-T "TT
kt~ „., , * _ . , ^ _ > ^ .
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fit _i i1—J 1 '. f 1—1 U-U
/ ^ ^ime m Mmates m
7me m Minutes iso
Time, in Mimfes isi
:s ~1f=i-^^/e-^
Time, m Minutes
T^me f^/W/^^r^S 183
Ime m Minufes ^^^
• }
—i^ . 4~~

Fig. 13

]• t- I , I.
. . I. ., , ,
^- -4- -\- •• 1—

1,. l . , n . . : ri

~- f -
+- - - ^ — f
.4.. t •-

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7/ma /^ ^m^tes 185

km TT
T" •'1
\ •- t .^„ 4,
•^f-JI^Z-j Figs. 1%, n, 20, 23, * 26,

I 'X:i:
.4. M.

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f^ ._i.

te m"j^"^'
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T/me /^ Af/^afes 2i4

As mentioned in Chapter ¥I-B, there are three PCP chambers which

will cause a scram if the neutron flux exceeds 150% of the flux at 10 megawatts
reactor power. In addition, the signal from a compensated ionization chamber
is fed to the period circuit which will cause a scram if the reactor period be-
comes shorter than three seconds. A block diagram of the control and safety
circuits is glYen in Figure ¥1-2.

The parallel-circular plate ionization chamber (PCP) is designed for

high-speed response to changes in neutron flux leveL The actiye section of
the counter consists of a set of graphite disks. Each disk is completely coat-
10 7
ed with boron-10. Under neutron Irradiation the reaction B (n, ^ ) Li
takes place. An ionization current of approximately 50 microamperes is
10 9
reached at the operating flux of 10 n/cm -sec. The materials used In the

construction of the chambers are such that they do not become highly radio-
active under neutron bombardment and can be handled without elaborate
shielding. This instrument Is used for safety and servo circuits and has a
power-le¥el range greater than 10 .
The compensated ionization chamber is designed to give a reliable
measurement of neutron flux over a large range, particularly in the presence
of Intense gamma radiation. The chamber is constructed with two separate
volumes. An inner volume is contained between a movable cup electrode and
a fixed inner electrode shell; the outer ¥olume is between this inner shell
liner and oiiter electrode shell. The two volumes are approximately equal,
The outer volume is made sensitive to neutron radiation by boron-10 coatings
applied to the electrode surfaces. The cup electrode is held at a negative po-
tential and the outer shell electrode at a positive potential with respect to the
inner shell; the net current carried by the inner shell will, therefore, be a
measure of neutrons only. Close balance of the two volumes for zero gamma
signal is obtained by moving the cup electrode, thus varying the inner volume.
The chamber has a range of 10 and gives 100 microamperes current at full
operating level of 10 n/cm -sec and 10"^ microamperes at the bottom of the
range. The instrument is used to supply the signal to the log-N and period

The reactor period and power level instruments operate as follows:

The log-N amplifier operates from the output of the compensated ionization
chamber. It consists of a thermionic diode. The voltage across the diode is

proportional to the logarithm of the current passing through the diode over a
range of greater than 10 ; thus the output of the amplifier is the logarithm of

the reactor power level. The log-N signal is amplified and recorded on the
log-N recorder to give a record of the power level. The log-N amplifier also
furnishes a signal which is passed through an RC differentiator This signal
is inversely proportional to the reactor period and is recorded on the period
recorder. The period amplifier also differentiates the signal from the log-N
amplifier to produce a signal suitable for operation of the safety circuits.
The Sigma amplifiers are essentially direct current amplifiers which
operate in the following manner: The imput signal to the sigma amplifier is
furnished by a PCP chamber and a pre-amplifier or from a period amplifier,

An increase in signal to the sigma amplifier causes the grid of a triode to go

more positive. This in turn causes the sigma bus to be driven more positive

since the cathode of the triode is connected to the bus. If this action occurs

in only one of the four sigma amplifiers, then the cathodes of the other three

amplifiers a r e also carried positive and the tubes tend to cut off. In this

manner the amplifier receiving the highest signal can take control and all

other amplifiers follow along, assuming the same cathode potential.

The magnet amplifiers receive their input signal from the sigma bus.

In operation the clutch current can be set to release the clutch when a certain

flux is reached. As the power of the reactor is increased the clutch current

remains essentially constant until full load is approached. The amplifier out-

put then decreases as the flux increases until the point is reached where the

current is insufficient to support the clutch torque. The value of neutron flux

to initiate a fast scram is set at 150% of full-load reactor power. The current

which the output tubes of the amplifier supply the clutch is furnished from a

separate transformer. The emergency scram switches a r e connected in series

with this circuit providing a convenient means for manually scramming the r e -


Two types of scram a r e therefore possible; fast scram by amplifier

action and slow scram by interruption of clutch power. An accidental ground

on the sigma bus would result in the clutches being de-energized and the rods



In considering instantaneous additions of excess multiplication, a method originated

by Golian^ was followed. The procedure invol¥es a mathematical analysis of the ther-
mal conditions resulting from an esqionential power excursion in a parallel plate fuel ele-
ment. This analysis is divided into two parts (1) the transient until the metal-coolant
interface reaches boiling temperature, (2) and the transient from this time until suitable
moderator void is formed to cause shut-down.

In the first part of this problem, the coolant is considered to be stagnant for per-

iods less than 25 millisec. The problem is then treated as a one-dimensional^ three-

region problem in which heat is transferred by conduction only. The time='dependent

source term is assumed zero except in the fueled core where it is considered uniform.

After boiling begins, it is postulated that shut-off will occur when sufficient mod-

erator void has been formed to overcome the excess multiplication added but that the

void will have no effect prior to this time. The formation of the void volume depends

only on introducing enough heat to raise the temperature of the water and supplying the

latent heat of vaporization, farther, it is postulated that steam is formed in a laminar

layer adjacent to the fuel plate. Additional steam is formed by conducting heat through

this layer to the water which increases thickness of the layer.

Using the equations resulting from this analysis, the integrated energy release for

various excess multiplications were calculated. In the first calculations the reactor was

considered to be at zero power with the coolant flowing at the design rate and pressure

but at room temperature (68°F). The core at this point is loaded with 17,7 kg of U-235

and 32 g of B-10. The effective multiplication is 1.096 and the curve of effective

multiplication as a function of void fraction, Figure VII--2, uses this value as an In-
itial point.
In this condition, the maximum excess multiplication (15 per cent) is available.
If this total 15 per cent is added to the core instantaneously, the reactor will proceed
on a power excursion whose asymptotic period is 1.41 x 10""* sec. The void fraction
necessary to terminate this excursion obtained from Figure ¥11-2 is 27 per cent. The
heat required to produce this much void is 1.79 x 10 BTU. When the dad-core inter-
face reaches boiling the power is 1.67 x 10*' Mw. The total energy of the excursion to
this point Is 2.2 x 10^ BTU.
In addition, it is found that 6.82 x 10"^ seconds after boiling begins, a sufficient
steam void has been formed to terminate the power excursion. When the shut-off
occurs, the power of the excursion is 2.12 x 10^ Mw and the total energy of the com-
plete excursion is 2.8 x 108 BTU. The central core temperature when boiling begins
is about 7 x 10'* ^F and, of course, shows that this impossible excursion would ter-
minate by fuel meltdown before the water began to boil.
This excursion along with some credible ones is plotted in Figure ¥11-4 as inte-
grated energy versus per cent excess multiplication.
In the second excursion, the reactor is considered to be at zero power, with the
coolant flo-wing at the design flow rate and pressure and at operating temperature
(450OF). The core is consldeTed to be loaded with 14.0 kg U^^S and 8 grams B W .
This corresponds to the conditions at reactor mid-life. For these conditions, the
effective multiplication of the reactor is 1.076. If 7 per cent total excess multiplication
is added to the reactor instantaneously, the reactor will proceed on a power excursion
whose asymptotic power period is 3.20 x 10""^ sec. The void fraction necessary to

terminate such an. excursion obtained from Figure YII-2 is 9.3 per cent. The heat r e -
quired to vaporize enough water in the core to produce such a void fraction is 617 BTU.
Using the same method as before, it is found that when tie metal-coolant interface
is at the boiling temperature, the central core temperature is 3600^F. The power of
tie excursion at the time -when this occurs is 3.21 x 10^ Mw and the total energy of the
excursion up to this point is 97 x 10^ BTU.
Also, it is found that 1.54 x lO"^ seconds after bottlng begins, a sufficient steam
void has beea formed to terminate the excursion. When the shut-off occurs, the central
core temperature is 5.1 x 105 ^F aad the metal-coolaat interface temperature is
15,000*'F. The power of the excursion at this time is 3.98 x 10^ Mw and the total en-
ergy of the complete excursion is 12.1 x 10" BTU. Results for a number of excess
multiplicatioa additioas are shown in Figure ¥11-4.

The amount of excess nmltipllcation necessary to prodttce melting at the center of

the fuel plates was calculated for a neutron lifetime of 20 x 10"" sec. For the cold,
clean reactor, it was found that the ceater of the plates would reach the melting tem-
perature (2590**F) before shut-off occurs if the excess multiplication is greater than
1.16 per cent. For these conditions, the surfaces of the fuel plates -wouM have a tem-
perature in excess of 990®F.

For the same reactor conditioas (clean and cold), it was found that the outer sur-
faces of the fuel plates reach the melting temperature before shut-off occurs if the
excess multiplicatioE is greater than 2. §6 per cent.

Whea the reactor core has reached the half-way mark in its usable life and is at
operating temperature, the center of the fuel plates would reach the melting tempera-
ture before shut-off occurs if the total excess multiplication is greater than 1.65 per

cent. For these conditions, the surface of the fuel plates would ha¥e a temperature in
excess of 9 0 0 O F .
For these same reactor conditions^ it was found that the outer surfaces of the fuel
plates wouW reach the melting temperature before shut-off occurs if the excess
multiplicatioa is greater than 3.39 per cent.


A startup accident is defined here as the sequence of events following

the continuous withdrawal of all control rods from a reactor initially at source
le¥eL All scram mechanisms are assumed to be inoperative. Thus, in order
to reduce the reacti¥ity^ seM-induced reactivity effects must be brought into
play. In the following analysis, it is assumed that ¥Oid formation in the coolant
moderator is the only means effectlYC in reducing reactivity for the type of
accident considered.
Since void formation in the moderator will not occur until the fuel
element surface is at saturation temperature, it is possible to treat the pile
kinetic equations and the heat conduction equations independently until the fuel
element surface reaches saturation temperature. The first part of the analysis
will be devoted to the behavior of the reactor power level and the fuel element
temperature up until the time at which boiling begins.
Consider first the pile kinetic equations:

An. = k ils7..Mlzi±.y^ ^ ) /;, Cl 4- S (E^l)

If n I...—

J: t i
where N = neutron content in reactor at time, t

Cf = delayed neutron emitter content of i' kind in reactor at time, t

^ i = decay constant for Cf, sec~ ^

6 I = fractional yield of delayed neutrons of i kind

0 = prompt neutron generation time, sec
S = source contribution to neutron content of reactor, aeutrons/sec
k = multiplication of neutron content at time, t

At time t=o, It is assumed that the reactor is in subcritical equilibrium.

The source level is such that the reactor is 10"^® of operating power level.
The multiplication at t = o is assumed to be k(o) = 0.95o The time dependence
of k Is assumed to be

k(t) = k(o)+^K[T^- ^^^ ) : o<t<no

where k (o) = 035

A k = 0.211
and the rod withdrawal speed = 1 ft/min (four times design speed).
With these conditions, the reactor will be delayed critical at about t = 40
sec„ and prompt critical at about t = 42 sec.
Equations (E-1) - (E-7) were solved numerically for ^ = 6.5 x 10" sec»
This solution was utilized to obtain the solution for ^ = 2 x 10"° sec, m the
following ihanner. In equation (E-1) ^ ^ /^ JJI-LL^ZLAA-A—y^ when
(It ^ /
/c « / + (3 . T o illustrate this, the solution for _^ = 6.5 x 10""^ sec.

was used to make the f oEowing table -

Az(IfJlJA{ ^
t, sec k Z V di J
41.00 1.00456 28.3
41.20 1.00521 17.0
41.40 1.00582 8.92
41.60 1.00654 3.65

The usefulness of the approximate solution here (neglecting —^ )

derives from the fact that Equations (E-1) - (E-7) can be written in terms of
the variable - ^ . It may be shown that the initial value of -^-^E^ and S
are independent of _^ , and hence the solution of n(t) for any £^ may be ob-
tained from the solution available for £, = 6.5 x 10" sec, in the time in-
terval o < •^ < 41.60 sec.

In order to extend the solution for arbitrary £ beyond t = 41.60 s e c ,

a different approximation is used. Hurwitz (15) has derived an approximation
solution which is valid if the reactivity does not change appreciably over a time
interval comparable to the asymptotic period characteristic of the excess multi-
plication. The Hurwitz approximation was used to check the exact solution for
X = 6,5 X 10" sec. for t ^ 41.60 sec. Several check points are shown in
Figure E-1, Also shown in Figure E-1, are the exact solution for £ = 6.5 x 10"
sec. aad the extended solution for J, - 2.0 x 10' sec. The scale is such that
log y equals 10 for the reactor at full power.
The solution of the thermal problem was obtained using the time dependent
power generation" obtained from the solution of the pile kinetic equations. A
one-dimensional model was used to characterize the temperature distribution of
the reactor fuel elements. The following illustrates the geometry of the fuel
plate model.
Fuel Clad Coolant

1 . -ISmmi

o X

The equations which govern the temperature distribution in the fuel

element are as follows:

CoCx<a. ^ t > o )
== o (a<:x<t J t > o )

AT = o (t > o) E-8
/j^\ = ^ -f~T(l,t; C L >0)
\^^.i fc
1 (X ,0) =- O ( O < X < b )

The boundary value problem described by the above equations includes

the following assumptions:
1. The mean coolant temperature is used as a reference temperature
and does not vary with time.
2, The steady state coolant boundary condition is valid under transient
3. The heat source t e r m is independent of temperature, and hence no

temperature induced reactivity effects a r e considered.

The solution of boundary value problem (E-8) was obtained for arbi-

t r a r y Q(t) by utilizing Laplace transform techniques. In particular the solutions

for T (o,t) and T(b,t) were obtained in the following forms:

T .
T(o,t) - J h^(u) Q (t~-u) ^c^' a
<-' E-9
T(t,t) = / K^'^^ QCt-u) da
he functions k, (U) and h^iuJ have the forms

^, (a) = E
a= 1
A-,, e
/i^iM '^= /
II - 1
3r, e
From the forms (E-9), the time at which boiling occurs at X = b was

found and the maximum fuel temperature at x = o was computed. For the two

generation times the fallowing table gives the pertinent information about the

transient at the time boiling begins:



0 Period of
Generation Max. Fuel Temp., F Transient,
Time, Sec. Boiling Shutoff Sec. Multiplication

6.5 X 10"^ 770 1060 0.023 1.0104

2.0 X 10"^ 950 1200 0.010 1.0089

The second phase of the analysis seeks to furnish some quantitative
estimates for the system behavior during the period of time that the shutoff
mechanism (void formation) functions. These estimates are based upon the
type of analysis considered in NRL-4495. In this analysis it is assumed that
the transient will terminate if sufficient voids are created to compensate for
the excess prompt multiplication, A complete description of the analysis and
the assumptions employed is given in NRL-4495, The results of these calcu-
lations for the maximum temperature at shutoff are given in the preceding
table. These temperatures are well below the melting temperature of 2590° F
and, therefore, unless some external means of counteracting the excess multi-
plication is used, the reactor may continue to operate. The qualitative be-
havior of the reactor power during the time after the initial transient will be
discussed in the next section.

This accident occurs after the reactor has been operating at design power and
temperature. Again all rods are assumed to be withdrawm continuously at the max-
imum rate aad all safety mechanisms fail to function. As before, the void formation
is assumed to be the only method of reducing the reactivity. However, in this case,
the boiling occurs very shortly after the accident is initiated, and comsequently the
heat transfer and pile kinetics must be considered simultaneously.
The pile kinetic efuatioiM are, of course, tie same as before


lU = Ji-^^ - A: Cr
it i
In addition, the equation . ^_

• •'•'^ '' ^o^'' •• J :f ZA • ••

i"s used to relate the rate rff chaj^e of void fraction to the nietal temperature aad the
residence time ia the core.
Vf = void fraction
T | = residence time
T^= the metal temperature - meaE coolant temperature
Tg = boiling temperature - mean coolant temperature
amd m = a constaat

The metal temperature is dependent on tie heat generation rate wMch^ in turn,
is determined by the neutron flux. This relationship is c a r e s s e d as

^t AX

h = heat transfer coefficient
and g = a constant
Finally, the effectlTC multiplication can be written as
k = 1 + at - b¥f
where b is a constant determined from the slope of the void fraction curve near zero
void fraction.

By proper substitEtion. these fi¥e equations can be reduced to the following

four equations,

It I ^ ' '
Jt t T


^ . * = *
Jt T. ^

where \z - n
y =
and X, -
^ Jn.
These equations were set up on the differential analyzer using the following
a =10-3 '"^ysec ^
b = 0.466 ^
m = 1.62 s e c ' l ^
p = 0.00755 J
TY^ 0.44 sec 3
and T2= 0.100 sec
The initial conditions assumed for solving this problem were
y(o) =0.884 J
Xi(o) = K^&I-I^L. ^. (o, J
k(o) = 1 . 0 0 .
and V (o) =0.884
The power as a function of time for a typical excursion is shown In Figure E-2.
No initial peak occurs since ¥ery little excess k has been added before boiling begins.
The effect of changing the time constant T j , can also be seen in Figure E-2. It may
also be noted that the fuel temperature foEows closely the power rise in Figure E - 3 .
The qualitative behavior of the system as disclosed by this simple analysis can
be taken as an indication of the behavior of the system following the initial power
pulse of the previous start-up accident from room temperature.

Time, sec


90 50 40
Time , sec


A rupture of the primary system in the cold, pressurized condition will result
In a pressure wave that travels at the speed of sound or faster throughout the primary
loop. The pressurizer, containing hot liquid and steam^ will gradually expel fluid
from the pressurizer ^ but this will occur over a considerably longer period than is
required to relieve the pressure of compressed liquid In the primary loop. Thus,
the actual pressure relief will be more gradual than would result from releasing only
compressed liquid.

During the time the pressure wave travels the length of the core, there is a net
force exerted upward on the control rods. It is conservatively assumed that a p r e s -
sure wave of 1200 psi travels through the core with the velocity of sound in water ^
4800 fps. Actually the pressure -wave wiH not be so great because of the pressurizer
influence, and the speed of sound increases significantly with increased pressure dif-

During the 400 microseconds the pressure wave travels through the control ele-
ment fuel plateSs an impulse of 0.82 pound-seconds is Imparted to the 75-pound con-
trol rodSs which results in a rise of the control rod, If unrestrained, of 0.0008 Inches
and a final velocity of 0.35 fps. This velocity will cause a total control rod lift of
0.031 inches? as the effect of gravity restores the rod to its initial position. Based
on a total control rod worth of 25% and a maximum-to-average effectiveness axially
of 2, this lift corresponds to a 0.070% maximum increase in reactivity from all ftfe
rodSt lasting for 30 miUiseconds,


An investigation has been carried out to determine the upward force which might
be applied hydraulically to the control rods foEowlng a major rupture of the primary
system, and its effect on their position or motion. The concurrent growth of voids
in the reactor has been calculated and the net change of reactivity from these opposing
influences has been computed. A summary of the results of these computations is
shown graphically in Figure F - 1 .
Assuming the accident to be a complete, instantaneous rupture of the 12-inch
primary line on the discharge side from the reactor^ a pressure drop and flow from
bottom to top of the reactor would develop tending to lift the control rods. On the
other hand, as this flow builds up in excess of the normal flow through the reactor,
steam bubbles will form which will lower and finally completely stop the reactivity.
This flashing to steam results from stored energy and is independent of reactor response
to the accident. It is assumed that the control rods are de-clutched from the control
mechanism at the same initial instant to permit them to fall freely and scram the reactor.
However, this freedom would also permit their being lifted instead^ as soon as the com-
bined effect of pressure gradient, entrainment force and flotation exceed the weight of
the rods.
The worst possible condition preceding the accident was taken to be the point in the

maximum credible accident sequence when the primary pressure has risen to 1500 psia

(the setting of the pressure relief valve) due to overheating of the entire primary water
content and compression within the steam dome due to expansion of the water, followed
^ ^ y a further temperature rise to the saturation value of 1500 psia at 596°F. This con-

stitutes a far g r e a t e r quantity of stored energy than could bo reached before rupture if

Ihe p r e s s u r e relief valve failed to open.

Since the time required to reach this 1500 psia and 596°F, point is 3.7 minutes,

compared to 17 seconds required for p r i m a r y fluid to complete its circuit, this initial

condition has been taken as applicable for both the upper and lower portions of the r e -

actor v e s s e l . The following values were used:

Liquid volume above core ("B" Chamber), ft^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27.4

Liquid volume below core ("A" Chamber), ft^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50.0

Area of opening discharging B (severed 12 in. pipe), ft^ , , . . . . . . 0.71

Area of opening discharging A (core passages), ft actual , . . . . , . 2.08

effective . . . . . . . 0.90

The effective core passage a r e a is derived from the calculated p r e s s u r e drop

through the r e a c t o r at rated p r i m a r y circulation, consisting predominantly of frictional

l o s s , by considering the core as an orifice with the c h a r a c t e r i s t i c v^-^ • 2 gH, where

the difference between the exponent 1. 8 and the standard value of 2.0 is the variation

of friction coefficient with velocity.

Two major p r e m i s e s of this analysis a r e that:

a) Conditions and p r o p e r t i e s of liquid and gas in each chamber will, of their own

accord, rigorously follow saturation equilibrium values during the blow-down.

b) The whole incident will be completed so rapidly that neglibible gravitational

separation of water and steam can take place. Instead the two will reamin t o -

g e t t e r in a fairly homogeneous mixture of liquid and vapor bubbles.

The following nomenclature will be used in explaining the method of analysis:

Symbols -

P = P r e s s u r e , psia

T = Temperature, ° F
Vg = Specific volume, ft^/lb

u » Internal energy of fluid, ^ ^

V = Yelocity, ft/sec

W = Weight, lbs.

O = Time, milliseconds

Subscripts, etc. -

/ = liquid

g = vapor

ev= increment of the function grained or lost during evaporation

m = mixture

B = " B " chamber (above the core)

A = "A" chamber (below the core)

' = mean value for the time or weight increment UHder calculation

The calculating procedure i s as follows:

A. Slowdown Sequence for Each Chamber Treated Independently

1. Prepare from standard steam tables a graph of saturation P, T, Vs, g> v g ^ and

Ug^ , all versus vs as the abscissa.

2, For either chamber assume successive weight increments of water (or water-

steam mixture) expelled, without reference to the time required for this to

take place.
3, Determine the volume tfius made available for steam, recognizing that after

the first step some of the expelled material will be steam, and that the remain-

ing steam will expand as the pressure decreases,

4 Calculate the weight of liquid which can evaporate into the space made available,

the internal energy required to do this, and the resulting reduced value of u -

for the unevaporated liquid remaining in the vessel.

5. By maintaining a running plot of the resulting values of UM ajid of %-evaporated

-by-weight versus quantity e ^ e l l e d , and extrapolating to the mid and end points

of each new interval, the effective values of v -, v and u needed for each

step can be obtained from the steam table chart. The new values of P and T

can also be read off this chart and v'g ^ derived, while percent reduction in

density is figured directly from the weight expelled. A trial and e r r o r method

is used to compute the performance la the first interval.

6. The corresponding graph for the other chamber is prepared by plotting the same

derived conditions against values of weight expelled corrected in the ratio of

the total volumes of the two chambers.

^- Combined Slowdown of A & B _Chambers__yersus Time

1. Assume intervals of time (10 to 50 millisecond range)

2. Estimate P' and v'g ^ for each chamber for the period.

Note: By trial and e r r o r for first one or two points,

by extrapolation, of running graph thereafter,

3. Calculate velocity for discharge from B:

4. Calculate velocity for discharge from A to B:

where the radical 1. 8 is used instead of 2 to allow for the high L/D ratio

and resulting frictional characteristics of the core passages. (See Dis-

cussion of equivalent area on the preceding page).

The working chart prepared to ejcpedite this and the next step checked closely

with independently derived points of pressure drop vs flow in the pertinent

range, using standard methods and Pigott's friction factors, based on water.

5. Calculate volume and weight flow out of B, from A to B, and resultant net for

B, for the period.

6. Determine from the previously prepared working charts the new values of P,

T, and Vg ^ for A and for B.

7. By plotting cumulative net weight escpelled from B and from A versus time and

extrapolating the lines, obtain these values for midpoint of the next time interval.

8. Tabulate and plot, in addition to the cumulative values of W expelled, P ^ , P g ,

(P^ " ^B^ ^^^ percent reduction in density.

C. Resulting Rod Ejection Sequence

1, The effect on the control rod assemblies of the developing pressure gradient

and primary coolant flow has been analyzed, taking account of the actual

geometry of a complete control rod assembly and of the flow through it. The

overall pressure drop between A and B has been broken down into its component

fractions, taking account of kinetic and frictional effects. These were multiplied

by their appropriate projected a r e a s , to determine the force applied to the rod

for each value of overall pressure gradient.

2. Rod displacements have been calculated based on the total equivalent mass of the

rods, racks and engaged rotating assembly, acted on by the total force calculated

as described on the preceding page, plus the flotation effect. Friction of the

rotating assembly has been neglected, since this is the more pessimistic

treatment yielding more rapid rod ejection.

The results of this investigation are presented in Chapter VU, and illustrated by

Figure VII-5.

The actual reduction in reactivity will be more rapid than shown for two reasons:

a) The controlling reduction in density will be an integrated mean within the core,

roughly 30% of the way from chamber A conditions to those of chamber B.

This would amount to a 22, 5% reduction, for example, concurrent with 18%

in A.

b) The calculations have Ignored the continuing heat generation of the core, which

would actually accelerate the local boiling and density reduction in the core.

Thus 20 BTU/lb working in the range where Ug^ = 600 BTU/lb. could produce

additional evaporation of 3 1/3% of each pound passing through, or an additional

reduction in density of about 3%.

Pressuie Gradient across Core, psi

Reduction in Coolant Density, %


In determinliig the time dependence of the important ¥ariables of the reactor

power plant system during the events leadtmg up to the maximum credible accident,
a simple analytical model can be employed because of the relatively long period of
time involved. The more important of the slmpMyimg assumptions may be sum-
marized as foEows-

1. With a primary loop circulation time of less than twenty seconds and an overall
excursion measured in terms of mimutes, the primary system can be considered
to be at a uniform average temperature.

2, The reactor, primary loop and the secondary loop may be simplified to a three
element system, such that the heat developed im the reactor is transmitted to
the primary heat sink. Part of this heat energy is accumulated ia the primary
heat silk and part of it is traasmitted to the secondary heat sink^ which is the
water existing in the steam generator.

3. The heat absorbing capacity of the metallic structure can be neglected since the
time for the excursion is short enough that the amount of heat transferred into
the metal will be insigmificaiit. Further^ the heat so stored is mot available for
the pressure peak developed after the rupture but Will be released over a coa-
feideraMe time interval after the rupture,

4, The heat transfer coefficient of the steam generator is constant throughout the
incident, ^

With these simplifying assumptions the heat balance of the system at any instaEt
may be written as:
q^WpC^^^W^C^i^ (G-1)

where C = Specific heat of water BTU/lb-°F

q = Reactor power BTU/sec.
W = Weight of Water lb
T = Water temperature o.

and subscripts p and s refer to the primary and secondary systems respectively.
Dotted quantities indicate derivatives with respect to time.
The primary and secondary temperatures may be related through the heat
transfer characteristics of the steam generator. Since it has been assumed that
the characteristics of the steam generator are constant during the incident,

WgCgTs =hA('5-^Ts) (G™2)

where A = Heat transfer area of steam generator ft

h' = Heat transfer coefficient of steam BTU/ft^-^F-sec

From this relationship it is possible to determine Tp In terms of the first and

second time derivatives of Tg. Substituting these values in equation (G-1), the dif-
feremtial equation for tie system may be written as:
Tg + i a (WpCp + WgC^) Tg M
(^Cp)(Ws^) (WpCp)(^Cs)

F o r the c a s e of a constant power excursion q = constant, and the solution to

equation (G-3) i s :
r hA(WpCp + W s C s ) t

hA (T^p » T,J v^p Cp) (Wg Cg)

Ts = Tis + 1-e
WsCs Wp(^ + WsCs i

+" (G-4)

where the s u b s c r i p t i r e f e r s to the initial v a l u e .

The p r i m a r y t e m p e r a t u r e can then be found from equation (G-2) to be:

Tp-" —— +

hA(WpCp + WsCs) t

WgCg hA (Tip - Tjs) (WpCp) (Wg Cg)

hA WgC, Wp (^ + Wg Cg

hACWpCp + WgCg)

F o r the p a r t i c u l a r conditions of the A P P R - l ^ when the power level of the r e a c t o r

r e m a i n s constant during the incident, these equations r e d u c e to:

T s = 4 l 5 . 5 - 3 3 . 5 e -^-^^^^ + 0.751

and Tp = 430„ 5 + 11.5e '^' ^^^^ + 0.75t

The performance of the system has also been investigated for the case in which
reactor power varies with time, the manner of this variation having an important effect
upon the time response of the system. In ¥iew of the strong negative temperature co-
efficient of the system, a fair approximation to reality can be obtained by assuming
a linear variation of power with time. Thus the reactor power may be written as:

q = t o + Q'
where Q = Rate of increase of reactor power.

The differential equation of the system becomes:

T + BT == qo + Qt
The solution to which may be written as:

2B \B BJ ^ 3 B2 J

where C and D are constants of integration. B, q^ and'Q refer to the system para-

meters and operation characteristics.

Numberlcal results were obtained for the APPR-l system for linear power in-

creases with rates of rise as high as 2000 kw/sec. Simulator results (Appendix E-3)

have shown even without the inclusion of a negative temperature coefficient, local

boiliag will limit the rate of power rise to very low values so that the constant power

case is considered to be a satisfactory approximation.


The calculations a r e based on the following data and formulae:

1. External exposure: Nomographs by Holland,

2. Inhalation
^ L
^ ^
e -^ / — ^ \ 2 -Ti
irC' u [ut)

. 2 ^
indX e TT u k

I Ynix \ C^
3. Deposition:

Continuous washout

CJ = ^
J- 2 - XL
e TT^2 /C^ X ./ X
V 2
Total washout - Instantaneous release

U 2 -n

Total washout - Continuous release

( 2 - -T.)/2

I- Concentration; curies/meter

Q = Source strength; curies/second

h = Stack height; meters

X = Horizontal distance downwind from stack

base; meters
¥irtual difference coefficient Meters
Horizontal distance downwind from stack
base at which maximum concentration exists; meters
u Mean wind speed; meters/second
n dimensionless stability parameter
t time; seconds
6J deposited concentration; 2

4, Long-li¥ed fission product concentration in river:

I = Concentration; curies/meters*
AQ = Acti¥ity at origin; curies
¥^= Yolume of water; meters

Table H-i - Parameters
Day Night

Wind speed (u) 5 mps 2 mps

S .22 ,09

.25 .4
100 m 200 m
XQ correction
1000 m 500 m
Clottd rise
Cloud radius 20 m 12 m
Source strength:
Instantaneous ("Hot" cloud)
10 Mw steady power operation
11.15 X 10 Curies of mixed fission products
II06I X 10 curies of "30 isotope" mixture
50% release:
5.6 X 107 curies of mixed fission products
5,8 X 10 curies of "30 isotope" mixture
ContinttOus release ("Cold" Cloud - 12 hour period)
2.58 X 10 curies/sec of mixed fission products
2„69 X 10 curies/sec of "30 isotope" mixture
Hiver depth, 10 mile downstream average - 4m
River width, 10 mile downstream average - 2800 m
River velocity - 4.5 m/min.
Horizontal diffusion - 0.1
Yertlcal diffusion - 0.05
Activity is uniforiiily diffused to a depth of 0»33 m due to mechanical agi-
tation of "washout" precipitation.
Table H-2 - External Gamma Dosage - "Hot" Cloud
Day Night
All distances < 1r <1r

Note: At close distances the initial burst of gamma radiation and the
physical dispersion of contaminated materials by blast would
probably result in external gamma radiation in excess of the
values shown above „

Table H-3 - Inhalation Dosage - "Hot" cloud (Height of r i s e : 1000 m - Day;

500 m - Night. 50% release of fission products "30 isotope"

Maximum Permissible Exposure: 0,24 curie s e c / m (25 rem to the bone)

Distance (m) Dosage (curie sec/m^)

«-p__„ Night

100 < 10"-^ <: 10"^

500 < 10^^ <: 10"^

1000 <10-6 < 10"^

2000 __ < 10"®

5000 .59x10"^ < 10-^

10,000 .20 .37x10"^

20,000 — .52

25,000 .20

40,000 — 2.6

50,000 „78xl0'^

100,000 ,25x10"'^ 1,68



15,000 .27

48,000 2.7

Note: The inhalation dosage is very sensitive to the height of r i s e of the cloud„

Lesser r i s e would increase the dosages by o r d e r s of magnitude. It should

also be mentioned that vigorous large scale convection during the day may

transport sufficient material downwards to greatly diminish the "skip"

distance shown extending some 2000 m from the reactor,

Table H-4 - Ground Deposition by Continuous Precipitation - "Hot" Cloud

Distance (m) Curies/m

My Might

100 2.5x10^ 4»5xl0^

2 2
500 3JxlO 9.8x10^

1,000 1.0x10^ 3»7xl0^

5,000 5.9 2»7xl0^

10,000 1,7 8.1

25,000 .3 1.6

50,000 .082 ,45

100,000 .022 .13

Table H-5 - Integrated Gamma Dosage from Deposition by Continuous
Precipitation - "Hot" Cloud
Distance (m) 12 Hour Dosage (Roentgens)
Day Mipht

100 4.5 X 10* 8.0 X 10^

500 5.9 X 10^ 1.7 X 10^

1,000 1.8 X 103 6.5 X 103

5,000 100 4.6 X 10^

10,000 29 132
25,000 5 25
50,000 1 6
100,000 .3 1.7

Note: Conversion to roentgens based on dosage at 1 meter above a uniformly

contaminated infinite level plain. The actual radius of deposition Is
less than the mean free path of gamma radiation out to about 500 meters
during the day and 5000 meters at night, thus the close-in dosages are
quite pessimistic. A further reduction, by a factor of 10 may well
result from shielding by ground irregularities, etc.

Table H-6 - Ground Deposition from Instantaneous "Total Washout"
"Hot" Cloud

Distance (m) Curies/m

Day Ni^ht

100 3.4 X 10^ 2.4 X 10^

500 4.9 X 103 6.3 X 10^

1,000 1.7 X 10^ 2.6 X 10^

2,000 1.0 X 10*

5,000 1.2 X 10^ 2.5 X 10^

10,000 3.6 X 10^ 8.9 X 102

20,000 2.9 X 10^

25,000 7.2 —

40,000 — 9.7 X 10^

50,000 2,1 —

100,000 .63 2.2 X 10^

Table H-7 - Integrated Gamma Dosage from Deposition by Instantaneous
"Total Washout" - "Hot" Cloud
Distance (m) 12 Hour Dosage (Boentgens)
Day Night

100 6.1 X 10^ 3,6 X 10^

500 9.0 X 10* 1.1 X 10^

1,000 3.0 X 10* 4.6 X 10^

2,000 1.7 X 10^

5,000 2.1 X 10^ 4.2 X 10^

10,000 6.1 X 10^ 1.4 X 10^

20,000 --- 4.5 X 10^

25,000 110 ___

40,000 «aoB.^
1.4 X 10^

50,000 33
100,000 9.2 290

Note: Conversion to roentgens based on dosage at 1 meter above a uni

formly contaminated Infinite level plain. The actual radius of
deposition is less than the mean free path of gamma radiation out
to about 500 meters during the day and 5,000 meters at night, thus
the close-in dosages are quite pessimistic. A further reduction,
by a factor of 10, may well result from shielding by ground irregu-
larities, etc.

Table H-8 - External Gamma Dosage from Continuous Release - "Cold" Cloud

Distance (m) 12 Hour Dosage (Roentgens)

Dg Night

100 166 828

500 32 380

1,000 19 190

5,000 3 48

10,000 .6 29

20,000 .2 6

40,000 < a 5

50,000 -#c .1 3

100,000 ^- .01 1.4

Table H-9 - Integrated Inhalation Dosage - "Cold" Cloud

(No cloud r i s e , 100% release of fission products

"30 isotope" mixture at constant rate over 12 hours)

Maximum Permissible Exposure: .24 curie s e c / m (25 rem to the bone)

Distance (m) Curie s e c / m - 12 hours

Day Night

100 9.5 X 10^ 2.9 X l o '

500 5.6 X 10^ 2.2 X 10^

1,000 170 7.3 X 10^

2,000 2.4 X 10®

5,000 10 5.6 X 10^

10,000 3 l . i X 10^

20,000 6.1 X 10^

25,000 .6

40,000 2 x 10'
50,000 .18

100,000 .05 4.8

Note: The long half life of the "30 isotope" mixture permits the

omission of any decay correction.

Table H-10 - Ground Deposition Rate from Continuous Precipitation -
"Cold" Cloud

Distance (m) Curies/m^ sec

Day Night

100 .43 1.5

500 2.1 X 10"^ 8.2 X 10'

1,000 5.8 X 10-3 2.4 X 10'

5,000 2.8 X 10"^ 1.3 X 10'

10,000 7.7 X 10"^ 3.8 X 10'

25,000 1.4 X 10"^ 7.2 X 10'

50,000 3.8 X 10"^ 2.1 X 10"

100,000 1.0 X 10""^ 6.0 X 10'

Note: It is assumed that precipitation washout begins at the time of

release of the cloud and continues throughout the time required
for the plume to pass each distance.
Table H-11 -Integrated Gamma Dosage from Deposition by Continuous
Precipitation - "Cold" Cloud

Distance (m) 12 Hour Dosage (Roentgens)

Daj Ni^M

100 3.3 X 10^ 1.2 X 10^

500 1.6 X 10^ 6.3 X 10*

1,000 4.4 X 10^ 1.8 X 10*

5,000 2.1 X 10^ 9.9 X 10^

10,000 57 2.7 X 10^

25,000 9.9 47

50,000 2.6 13

100,000 .63 3.4

Note: Conversion to roentgens based on dosage at 1 meter above a uni-

form contaminated infinite level plain. The actual radius of
deposition is less than the mean free path of gamma radiation
out to about 500 meters during the day and 5000 meters at night,
thus the close-in dosages are quite pessimistic. A further re-
duction, by a factor of 10, may well result from shielding by
ground irregularities, etc.

Table H-12 -Ground Deposition from Instantaneous "Total Washout"
"Cold" Cloud

Distance (m) Curies/m

Day Night

100 1.7 X 10 1 1.4 X 10^

500 4.1 4.0 X 10^

1,000 2.2 2.3 X Ifll

5,000 .54 6.3

10,000 .30 3.6

25,000 .13 1.7

50,000 7.2 X 10 -2 1.0

100,000 3.9 X 10 -2 .57

Table H-13 - Integrated Gamma Dosage from Deposition by Instantaneous
"Total Washout" - "Cold" Cloud

Distance (m) 12 Hour Dosage (Roentgens)

Day Night

100 300 2.7 X 10^

500 73 710

1,000 39 400

5,000 9.3 106

10,000 5.1 59

25,000 2.1 26

50,000 1.1 14

100,000 .57 7.4

Table H-14 - Activity Concentration in Potomac River
"Total Washout" - "Hot" Cloud

Distance Downstream (Curies)
(Meters) (Meter 3)

Origin 3.8x10^

10 1.2 X 10^

100 7.8 X 10^

500 1.0 X 10^

1,000 3.5 X 10^

5,000 1.7 X 10^

10,000 4.6

13,900 2.2

Note: Diffusion is limited largely by width and depth of river.

At 13,900 meters (8.7 miles) downstream from the APPR-l
site this limit is reached. Concentration will then remain
essentially constant until it has travelled an additional 75
miles downstream where the river width is approximately
6000 meters (4 miles). Concentration will then approximate
0.5 curie/meter as it enters the Chesapeake Bay.

The p r e s s u r e - t i m e relationship in the vapor container following a

maximum credible accident has been calculated and the results shown In

Chapter ¥111, Figure ¥111-2. The following is a summary of the basic a s -

sumptions and design characteristics and the methods of calculation used,

A. Assumptions & Design Characteristics

1. Total energy released immediately following rupture is 7.32 x 10 BTU,

This release is essentially instantaneous. This value varies slightly

from the value of 7.4 x 10 BTP used in the discussion of Chapter VIII

because it was arrived at by entirely independent calculations by a

subcontractor who used a slightly different method in the detail cal-

culations which resulted in the curve of Figure ¥111-2. Agreement is

within less than 1%, however, which is considered to be good. The

following values were used:

Net volume of vapor container (corrected for internal

construction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37,000 ft^

Total volume of primary circuit ........................... 200 ft
Total volume of secondary circuit ........................ 138 ft

Wt.-Lb. u - 10^ BTU

Water in primary system at instant
rupture (1500 psia., 596° F) ........ 8500 5.14

Water expelled to vapor container

from primary system through
p r e s s u r e relief valve (Av„ temp.
1450° F) . , . . „ . . . . . , . . . . „ . . , . . . . „ „ . . . . , . . 431 0,26

Wt.-Lb. u - 10^ BTIJ
Steam expelled from pressurlzer ...... 69 0.08
Water in secondary system „.,.......,,. 2900 1.75
Steam in secondary system .............. 82 0.09
2. Afterheat released by fission product decay during 48 hours following
rupture is as given in ORNL 1613. The various effects operating during
this period are as follows:
(a) Release of decay heat from fission products.
(b) Release of heat stored in hot metal parts.
(c) Absorption of heat by primary shield water and structure. This is
accomplished by heat transfer through the walls and free water surface
of the shield tank, realistic heat transfer values being used. The
shield tank was assumed not to fail and release Its contents into the
vapor container. Heat absorption of concrete shielding outside the
vapor container is ignored.
(d) The water spray is turned on (manual emergency system) approximately
two hours after the rupture and continued for 46 hours at 20 gpm.
B. Calculation Methods
1. Conservation of internal energy was used within the system under con-
2. The pressure in the vapor container was calculated by trial and error,
assuming a final temperature and pressure, calculating volumes of steam
and water and repeating until the total volume equals that available in
the vapor container. Because of the rapidity of the pressure and tempera-
ture rise, the initial peak pressure is based only on e n e r ^ stored in flie
steam and water released.
3. The heat released by hot metal parts takes place by boiling off the water
remaining in the primary system. The metal parts are assumed to be at
the initial operating temperature (450° F) since the time of rise from
sttch conditions to those at the moment of the rupture is too short to in-
crease the temperature of this large mass of metal (46,000 lb.) appreci-
ably. This heat release takes place in approximately one half hour and
amounts to approximately 1.2 x 10 BTU.
4. The heat is absorbed by the 2 ft. concrete lining of the vapor container
and Is the major effect which causes the pressure to fall rapidly after
the initial peak. This effect coatinmes during the later phases of heat
release from the metal parts and fission produc ts„ The heat absorbing
capacity of the concrete was calculated by determining, at the end of
each interval of elapsed time, the depth of penetration of the heat wave
and the average temperature rise of the concrete. Density of the con-
Crete was taken as 150 lb/ft and its specific heat as 0.22 BTU/lb -°F„

5. Overall rates of heat transfer to the shield tank follow those used in
previous calculations of a similar problem. They were assumed to
fall no lower than 50 BTU/hr-ft* _ ^ F. When the temperature dif-
ference between the shield tank water and the surrounding vapor became
small, the use of the rate eqaation was discontinued and only the heat
balance equation was used.
6. Spray water at 75° F was assumed avaEable for the final 46 of the 48-
hottr interval studied. Its heat absorption was calculated by a heat
balance equation, assuming thermal equilibrium of the water and vapor,
7. Net interval energy was calculated at the end of several time iEtervals
out to the 48-hour elapsed time. Total pressure was established at
eac i time interval by trial and error as in the case of the lEitial peako

1. Boch, A . L . , et al, A Conceptual Design of a Pressurized Water Package Power
Meactor, ORNL 1613 and ORNL 1613 Supplement I.
2. Cooms, J.H. and Boman, E . S . , Method of Fabrication of Control and Safety
Element Components for the Aircraft and Homogeneous Reactor Experiments,
OKNL 1463.
3. Fairbanks, F . B . and Meem, J . L . , SMeMlng Requirements for tie APPR-1,
APAE-3 (ia preparation).
4. GoHaa, S.E., et al, Transient Resiwase of Plane Parallel Fuel Assemblies to
E^oaential Power Excursions, NRL 4495.
5. Bietrich, J . R . , E^erimeatal Investigation of the Self-Limitation of Power
During Reactivity Transients in a Subcooled^ Water-moderated Reactor, ANL5323.
6. HoEand, J. Z . , Cloud Dosage Calciilatioiis, Meteorology and Atomic Energy,
(to be published).
1. SnttoE, O.G. ^ The Theoretical Distribtitioa of Airborne Polutioa from Factory
CMmneys, Q. J. Royal Meteorological Society, Vol. 73, 1947.

8. Smtton, O.G., Micrometeorology, McGraw-HiE, New York, N . Y . , 1953

9. Honand, J. Z . , A Meteorological Survey of the Oak Ridge Area, ORO 99, 1953.
10„ Bmmetts T . J . , Private Cominmiiication to J . L . Meem, 1955.

11. Chamberlain, K.C, Aspects of Travel and Deposition of Aerosol and Vapor
Clouds, AERE HP/R 1261, 1953.

12. Krause, E . H . , et al, Proposal for NRL Research Reactor, NRL 4129, 1953.
13. Stone, J . J . , and Mana, E . R . , ORNL Reactor Controls Computer, ORNL 1632.

14. Gallagher, J.G. and Wiaton, M . L . , Derivatioa of the Thermal Kinetic Equations
for the Package Reactor, ORNL CF 55-4-53.
15. Hiirwitz, Henry, J r . , Derivation and Integration of the Pile-Kinetic Equations,
Mmcleonics, July 1949.

" August 26, 1955


In order to make the APPR-1 e¥en safer for operation; several additional

safety features have been added to the reactor, over and above those descritod

in the Hazards Suimary Beport (APAE Mo^ 2)^ Additional calculations with regard

to the hazards ha¥e also been made, and further data on population distribution

and wind direction are available#

These are described in the following pages and the description is arranged

according to the appropriat* chapters in which the particular feattire was des-^

cribed in the original report«

The conclusion is even more positive that the maximum credibM accident can

be properly contained and will not endanger the population of the surrotmding

area® The add itional safetj features and farther calciilations show that th© pos-

sibility of a nuclear runaway is completelj incredible^

Chapter I

G« Sita

The population d i s t r i b u t i o n and percentage frequttn^ of wind d i i « c t i o t t

near the s i t « are showi i n Figures I ~ 4 , 5 and 6# The f i g u r e s are 8«lf •xplmmterj^

Populations are basad on t h e 1950 census, and the wind d i r e c t i o n s are bas«i OB

Washington l a t i o n a l Airport hourly obsarvations from J a i u a r j 1945 t h r o u ^ Dewabtr

1952« Figa 1 - 4 i l l u s t r a t e s the above r e l a t i o n s h i p for a l l wind conditions; F i g ,

1-5 when p - e c i p i t a t i o n i s f a l l i n g (washout); and Fig^ 1 - 6 when the inversion

base i s below 500 feet (night tim« c o n d i t i o n ) . Data for the l a t t e r figure ar© froa

dM.lj readings taken a t 0300 GCT^


1,019,000 INCLUDING 20 ML R

'7, 200


Wi8,000 1,200 12%^. 23% 800 7,000

10 M . R



CALM •» 9. 2%



FIG. I - 4
CALM 3. 5%



FIG. I - 5
618,000 •"••"•...
1,019,00 0 INCLUDING
-s 20 MI R

7,200 \

48% \

W 8,000 1,200 6% 20% 800:

7,000 I E
,10 ML R I
2,100 /





FIG. I - 6


C® Primary lakewp and fflowdown

A revisedfl.owsheet is included in this supplement which replaces Fig®

III =• 1 in tne original reports Changes are in the primary makeup and blowdowB

whidi is now essentially a d.osed systems A portion of the circulated primaiy

water is^ howe-ver, passed through a demineralizer to maintain the concentration of

corrosion products below 2 p^® This blowdown will be approximately 365 Ib/hottr®

The water will pass through a blowdown co«lflrj, throttling valve, and throng a 1

- en ft hoM-»ttp to allow monitoring® tt a fuel rupture is detected the blowdoMa

water is diverted to an underground hot waste ta*® Otherwise, toe water is pass«d

through a demineralizer into the makemp water tMik, and finally pumped back into

thd primary circuit. The effluent from the demineralizers will contain less thaa

0®5 ppn of solidss A filter is installed in the downstream side of a demineralizer

to catch any resins that may break through the dendneralizer®

A cartridge type resin bed will 1» empioyeda After the resia tod has teea

exhausted it will ba placad in a M a d c a * and Aippod to the proper iast^lation

for disposals

Hydrogen gas will ba used as a corrasion inhibitor in th© priiaary water»

ft© hydrogen will to introduced into the makeup water tank s© as to maintain a eon-

• centration of approximately 10 ~ 20 cc/liter® The hydrogen will te supplied froa

220 cu ft bottles*

The makeup and blowdown of the primary system will be ^tered continuously

to determine conducti¥ity„ Daily chemical analysis of the water will be made until

such time as the cur¥es are established^ The service water used for the blowdown

cooler will be iKjnitored prior to discharge to the rivero If activity develops as

a result of a leak in this system^ the service water will be dl¥erted to the hot

^waste tanks


^16^ f*"COOLiN G WATER




C, Penetrations

Heference was made i n Chapter I I I , P, 52, t o check ¥al¥es used i n ftll

incoming piping t o the vapor container, and t o power operated ¥al¥es i n the out*
going l i n e s . The following discussion i s intended t o amplify t h i s refewnc© and
t o show in mor« d e t a i l the purpose of these ¥alves and the wmana used t o aasurt
t h e i r proper function ^n case of ©nergencyt

There are five Aeck valves, a l l i n water lines# toly one of these ±9
i n d i r e c t cMU'roication with the primary system, and i s i n the make^-up l i n s t All
- check Talves are paired with a manually operated shut-off ¥alve (not shown on th«
flow diagraa. Fig® I I I - l (te¥ised) in a l l cases) tetween i t and the Tapor container*
The manual valve serves as a f i n a l shut-off t o assure zero leakage, the check ralrm
thus ser¥ing e s s e n t i a l l y as a f i r s t l i n e automatic deTice t o hold u n t i l f i n a l c l o -
sure can be made a f t e r a reasonable period of ti«e®
A pressure connection i s provided between each cheA ¥al¥e and i t s cor-
responding shut-off valTCt A leakage check w i l l to i»de p e r i o d i c a l l y %" closing the
Manual Talve and pressurizing the ¥olume between i t and the check TalTe^ taAag«
w i l l be detectable by drop i n pressure and r e p a i r s made as required.

There are s i x power operated Talves i n outgoing l i n e s of A i c h on© i s to

the main steam l i n e , one in the prinaiy blow-down l i n e , ^ d t h e r « s t i n c o o l ^ t
l i n e s , etct All of these • a l ¥ e s are operated pneumatically and derive t h e i r opera*
t i n g energ- from b o t t l e d nitrogen^ They are thus independent of building ^ r .

Sensing e l e i e n t g t o actuate these ¥al¥es are e l e c t r i c a l pressttr© s s n p l -

t i ¥ « de¥ices located i n the vapor container and protected from possible i d f a i l *
damage^ They are connected to solenoid operated p i l o t valves A i c h control th©
^ ^ m a i n •al¥e actuating cyHnders. E l e c t r i c power comes from the e ^ r g « n ^ DC Bjstmif

and a l l tAlrms are normally closed without power so as t o f a i l safe iji cas« of

system failure^ Manually operated shut-off ¥al¥es are used as back-up and t e s t

de¥ices in the same manner as with the check TalTes*


B. G«neral Description of Instriaientation and Controls

In tb« o r i g i n a l report i t was stated t h a t below 100 Bl the reactor nay

be operated without flow. This has b«on revised so t h a t the rods can not b«

rais«d without f i r s t s t a r t i n g the prinary coolant pump. During routine operation

the r e a c t o r can not ta brought c r i t i c a l M i t i l a t l e a s t 60^ of the d o s i ^ coolant

flow r a t e of 40ro gpm i a achi«¥«d.

During th« i n i t i a l c r i t i c a l • ^ a r i m e n t and ser© pox-iep (33^orJjji3n,ts i t w i l l

h® necfissa^ t o withdraw th© control rods without tloiu A lode swi'teh u i l l b© pro-

Tided on the console so t h a t power can b« supplied t o the rod Motors for those

experiaontst Whan t h i s sMitch i s on, an i n t a r l o c k w i l l be •nergizad so t h a t i f

th« reactor power reaches 1 M a acraa w i l l be i n i t i a t s d . The toy to th« lock

SMitdi w i l l ta i n the possession of the plant supervisor at a l l t i a e s ,

G« Te»peratur« Transients Following Fmap Failur* - (lew Stction)

An i n v e s t i g a t i o n of the p o s s i b i l i t y of reactor d ^ a g e dua t o toiling and

burnout following a f a i l u r e of the power supply t o the p r i ^ i r y c i r c u l a t i n g pimps

has been carried o u t . The question n a t u r a l l y presents i t s « l f # i e t h e r t h e r e Bight

not be serious ovBrheating i n the reactor i f th© e l e c t r i c « l l y - d r i ^ » n pri«ary cool-

ant c i r c u l a t i n g puMps suffered e i t h e r Mechanical or • l e c t r i c a l f a i l u r e , ••©n

t h o u # the automatic safety de¥ic«8 i n i t i a t e d a scraM within a fraction of a steond

of the occurrenc« ©f the failure# This problam was t r e a t e d i n OfflL 1613, but th*

present study r e l a t e s i t to the exact control sequence plaaied for I P P l - 1 ,

I Calculations ha¥e been performed which i n d i c a t e conclusi¥e3y t h a t ther«
i s no danger in t h i s case« These are based on a conserYati¥« ©stimate of th« r e s i -
dual r a t e of coolant flow due to pump and l i q u i d i n e r t i a , combined with the reactor
pow«p decay cur¥«. Using the analysis and f o ^ u l a e given in OEM* I 6 l 3 and OWL
CP-53-.4-284, cur¥©s were developed gi¥ing •quilibrium values of the maxima surface
tamperature for ¥arious combinations of coolant flow and heat generation r a t e s .
Since these are a q u i l i b r i u a values which do not take credit for the thermal i n e r t i a
of th« plate and adjacent water and are t t o r e f o r a cons9r¥ati¥e to an •xtr«m«» An
•valuation of the t r a n s i e n t condition i s given l a t e r on. Reading t h e cur¥es d e s -
cribed above at the conditions expected for the f i r s t t h r e e seconds and p l o t t i n g
surface t « i p e r a t u r e Ycrsus time, the cur¥e r i s e s above the saturation temperature
of th« primary system only totween 0,06 and 0,36 seconds a f t e r power f a i l u r e . The
uaxiM^ excess indicated i s 38° F ,

Transition t o nucleate or l o c a l b o i l i n g occurs #ien the heat d i s s i p a t i o n

r a t e (q/A) du« t o t h i s process axceeds t h a t due t o non-boiling con¥ection. With
nucleate boiling the r i s e i n heat d i s s i p a t i o n capacity per d«gr»« of txcass tsmi^ra-
t u r e ( t ^ a i i - '^satur^) ^^ ^° great t h a t very l i t t l e further r i s « i n metal t ^ p e r a -
t u r « could occur with the r a t i o of heat generating and d i s s i p a t i n g c a p a c i t i e s e x i s t -
ing i n the i « a c t o r . Thus film b o i l i n g , which would cause b u m - o u t , cannot occur,
even with t h i s conser¥ati¥e mod«l for calculation®

The foregoing analysis i s based on aquilibrium ¥alues, aa not«d abo¥«|

but for ^ c h a short surg« i n the r a t i o of heat generation to heat reiao¥al th«
a c t u a l t r a n s i e n t values would be much lower, A mor« r e a l i s t i c evaluation of a a x i -
noM surface teiiperatur* has been made taking i n t o account the comMned heat m»ss«s
of p l a t e and water per unit area of surface. Applying an approxiimte ¥alu« of th«
meaa excess of heat generated over heat remo¥ed at the i n i t i a l t e a p e r a t » r « S | the
r e s u l t i s a t e m ^ r a t u r e ris© in t h i s period at the r a t e of 20 F# ^ r second,
During the 0,42-second period that the heat generated exceeds the heat dissipation

capacity of the plate with its original maximum surface temperature, this could

only produce d° F® temperature rise of the metal surfacet Thus the hottest spot,

initially 16® F# below saturation tem^rature of the water, would ©x^rienca a

transient peak B° below this le¥«lt


Dg F w l Plat* Malting and fold Fraction

A more accurate figure showing the t o t a l e n e r ^ r e l t a s * as a function of

excess m u l t i p l i c a t i o n i s gi¥en in t h i s supplements This figure replaces Fig® f l l -

4 , page 100, i n the o r i g i n a l r e p o r t , Tabl« ¥11 - 1 , page 105, i n the report has

bean revised accordingly and i s also given in t h i s supplement, Th« r e s u l t s ar«

not s i g n i f i c a n t l y d i f f e ^ n t trom those i n the report®


— — -- '—


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m y ^ __-^
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• ^
K ^ / ^
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iCEN^EB^^ KflTI gft



0 1 2 3 4 5 — • 1
Table ¥11-1



Excess Reactor Energy

Multipli- Period Fuel Plate Temperature Peak Release
cation (Milli- at Shutoff, T F ) Power to Shutoff
Heactor Condition (Percent) seconds) Center Surface (Megawatts) (BTU)

Cold, clean, no power 1.2 4.0 2590 990 4.08x10^ 155,000

2.1 1.5 __ 2590 3.59x10^ 510,000

Hot, mid-life^ full power 1.6 2.2 2590 900 4.14 X 10^ 86,000

3.4 0.72 __ 2590 1.47x10® 1,000,000

Ft P o s s i b i l i t y of fiod Ejection
As discussed i n the r e p o r t , i f a sjstem rupture occurs t h a t w i l l e j e c t
^ P t b e rods from the r e a c t o r , the r e a c t o r i s iMaediatelj made s u b c r i t i c a l by void
foraatioa. Further calculations have shown t h a t a f t e r the steam-water iiixfcttre has
been expelled from the p r i a a r j sjstem, a nasdEmm. of 4 cubic feet of water w i l l
remain i n the system. The volime i n the pressure vessel below the botton of the
core i s 14 cubic feet* AccordingJy, the r e a c t o r w i l l not f i l l with water and b t -
come c r i t i c a l . The shield water contains l/k.% by weight of boron as does the spray
water for cooling the Tapor container a f t e r t h e maxiaum credible accidents If
e i t h e r of these sources of moderation e n t e r the core, the reactor w i l l be poisoned
and w i l l not become critical®

Calculations haiw been made to a s c e r t a i n i f the core melts in the event

i t i s suddenly deprived of a l l coolant. Data from the experiments a t the LITE i n
1953 ha¥« been used« In those e ^ e r i m e n t s the cooling water was dropped out of the
LITE cor« from powers Up t o 1500 KM and the maxinuM fuel plat* surface temperatur«s
were aeasured* Th« surface temperature i s govamed b j the following equations

W Cp fflg = QFP ( t ) - Qiost ^Tg)


where 5 ¥ = w e i ^ t of fuel element ( i b s t )

Cp = s p e c i f i c heat (Btu/lbt - °F,)

QppCt) = f i s s i o n product decay power (function of time) (Btu/sec®)

QlostC^s) ^ power l o s t by con¥«ction (function of surface t e « ^ r a t t t r « and

aabient t e m ^ r a t u r s ) (Bt«,/sec®)

Calculations using t h i s r e l a t i o n s h i p ch«ck«d t h e experimtiital r e s u l t s from

the LITE very c l o s e l j .

Using the saie method, the maxiBum fuel p l a t e temperature i n the APPR Mas

calculated a f t e r complete l o s s of coolant a t 10 megawatts power, Th» ^ b i e n t t e « -

^ t e e r a t u r « was assumed t o be 312° F , corresponding t o the s a t u r a t i o n t«mf«raturo of

water at 81 psia (hi^est pressure after the maximum credible accident), and it was

assumed that the heat release in the center element was four times that in the

average element« Even with these veiy pessimistic assumptions the maxima surfact

temperature attained is 1910° F®, which is well below the melting temperature of

2590® P, The conclusion is that the core of the APPS does not melt after th«

aaximuM credible accident®


C, Sequence ©f Failures

Mention is made in the original report of a rupture disc which yields at

2000 psi# This rupture disc is located in the inlet line to the pressure vessel

from the steam generator®


The naximua allowable leakaga rate from the vapor container is specified as

0,075 cu® ft,/hrt Even though the core of the APP£ does not iKlt after the aaxi-

mm credible accident it is assumed that one percent of the total fission product

activity is released within the ¥apor container® With an in^«rsion period of 12

hours the integrated inhalation dosage at 800 meters (the nsarest residence) will

be 2«4 X IQ-^ curi©-seconds/cubic meter corresponding to a total dos« of 250

aillirems which is loss than the weekly latoratory tolerance of 300 ndlliremat

Following a careful Imbble test for leakage, but prior to application of anj

protective coatings, a gas leak-rate test will be given the vapor container, in-

cluding all penetrations and closures® This test replaces the liquid leak test

referred to on page 152 of the report.

The test consists of inflating the vapor container with air to a pressure of

30 psig, and measuring the pressure drop resulting from leakag« over a period ©f |

^ ^ a t l e a s t one hundred hourso In order t o meet the rsquirenents of 0^075 cu® ft®/hr®
average leakage r a t e , (corrected for integrated mean pressures for 4^ hours follow-
ing the maxinum credible a c c i d e n t ) , the allowable pressure drop during t h i s t e s t may
not exceed 0.055 in.H2O i n 100 hours. This small pressure drop w i l l be measured on
a s e n s i t i ¥ e inclined manometer having one leg connected t o the ¥apor container
volume, and the other connected t o a constant temperature reference volume® Th«
reference temperature w i l l be maintained by a blanket of melting ice®

Temperatures w i l l be measured by means of bridge type resistance thermometers

a t approximately 50 locations throughout the vapor container voltme and on the
walls. These temperatures w i l l be recorded at frequent i n t e r v a l s and t h e i r values
integrated t o arrive at a t r u e weighted mean temperature plot so t h a t tcm|»rature
v a r i a t i o n s in the vapor container during t e s t can be accurately accounted for i n
a r r i v i n g a t t h e f i n a l leakage r a t e ^ The number of observations and accuracy of
instrumentation w i l l te sufficient to obtain high s t a t i s t i c a l accuracy® Tempera-
t u r e v a r i a t i o n s during t e s t w i l l b« minimized by maintaining a running riv«r-wat«r
blanket over the outside of the vapor container s h e l l at such a r a t e t h a t the s h e l l
w i l l be maintained very nearly at r i v e r water temperature®


In the o r i g i n a l calculations for m i s s i l e s within the vapor container i t wa»

found t h a t most m i s s i l e s reached a velocity in the neighborhood of 500 ft^ per
seconde The maxiiaum velocity was a t t a i n e d with a 2" valve, which was found t o r « a A
a terminal v e l o c i t y of 700 feet per sacond at the point of impact® Since t h i s work
was being done a t the preliminary stage^ our calculations ware don© on a conserva-
t i v e basis so t h a t penetrations were calculated for a l l the m i s s i l e s at both 5tt)
and 700 feet per seconds Thus despite the fact t h a t most penetrating m i s s i l e s could
not reach a v e l o c i t y of 700 feet per second, the maximuM value of eff«ctiT« pene^
t r a t i o n in the report was based upon t h i s high missile velocity* Because of t h i «

consarvatisM th« calculations are both pessiaiistic and -anrealt
Itt the calculations reported i n th« supplement, m s s i l e s under consideratioa
are r e s t r i c t a d t o two physical pieces of equipment, which could b«coM« possible
Biissil«s« These are the 2" diameter 1500-pomiid t e s t valv« and a four-foot length
of two inch schedule 160 s t a i n l e s s s t e e l p i p e . The Mater within the system at the
tims of rupture i s assumed t o b« th« 1500 p s i saturated water • s t a b l i s h a d with a
naxlauB credible accident, Bie c a l c u l a t i o n s develop the actual v e l o c i t i e s for t h t
two m i s s i l e s , using cons«rvative assumptions for such factors as j e t •fficiency
and expansion angleSe

The s e l e c t i o n of t h e s e two m i s s i l e s r « 3 t r i c t t our a t t e n t i o n to those r e ^

Missiles which have been shown by previous work to have t h e g r e a t e s t p«n«trating
p®wer^ H«nc« calculation of th« • f f e c t i v * penetration for these two m i s s i l e s e s -
t a b l i s h e s an upper M m t as a basis for design of the vapor container concret«

The c a l e u l a t i o a s for the two m i s s i l e s ara as follows! -

MISSm #1 - 2" fAL¥E

This valv© w e i ^ s 50 l b s , and th« complete projected ar«a i s 30 sq. i n , i n

the bottom-on position® The projected area in the end-an position i s a p p r o ^ a a t e l y
7 sq«. in® J but aft«r i n i t i a l impact t h i s would b© iiicr«as«d t o 18 8q# in*

This m i s s i l * i s propelled by the j e t atr^am. issuing fivm a 3 ia» ©pening i a

the priaary system u n t i l i t contacts the vapor container, * t o t a l distance «f 40 f t ,

Th« propelling j e t i s provided by th« primary coolant flowing t h r o u ^ th« 3"

©rific© opening and expoiding i s o t r o p i c a U y at an angle of 12 deg® t » ataospharit
pr«ssttr©® Th« coolant flows through the o r i f i c e at a r a t e of 1070 lb,/s«c« aad *
• • l « e i t y 513 fps, and a t t a i n s a maxiauM velocity of 2200 fps at 15 p s i * - 10 f t ,
from t h e ©rific*«

Th« force of the jet acting on the missiles -

F - ^i (^i-\)
This force i s maximum when ¥^ = 0 at the s t a r t and becomes • whan ¥^ = ¥^

(f^ never reaches ¥f in th« available distance traveled)#

Th« force i s obtained by t r i a l and e r r o r assuming a value for ¥^0 Knowing th«

force the acceleration i s computed from A^ = g x F ®

From the acc«leration the f i n a l f^ i s compatads

¥^ = f 2 as+f/
wher* s = distance t r a v e l e d
Th« ndssila reaches a velocity of 420 fps at a " 10 ft« (point a t ^hich p r o -
p e l l i n g j e t reaches 15 p s i a ) , and a f i n a l v e l o c i t y of 540 fps at wall of vapor

This pipe i s 4' long^ weighs 36 lbs»^ and has an actual cross-section area of

2^65 sq. in®

This missile i s s«lf propelled by v i r t u * of the u t i l i z a t i o n of th« k i n s t i c

e n e r ^ stored within the fluid contained i n the hollow pipe®

This fluid at 1500 p s i * sat^ on e ^ a n s i o n t© 15 psia (worst condition) r«leas«»

a Biaxiiaum of 98®2 Btu/lb® Th« i n t e r n a l volume or capacity of t h i s pip* 4 ft® long

i s «0496 cu« ft« or 2oil Ibso of fluids

The t o t a l k i n e t i c energr i s 161,000 f t ^ / l b ^ A reasonabl* vain* for t h e a v a H -

abl« K.E^ i s 50^ of the t o t a l or m,500 fta/lb^

The maximum a t t a i n a b l * velocity of t h e missile i s found by

or v e l e c l t y = 37^ fps

Using the accepted BRL formulations for penstration of concrete and s t e e l s

p , 6Wdl/5 / w \4/3
d^ \ 1000 )
P ™ pen*tration, in^ of concret*
¥ •" w*ight of missile., Ibs^
d - equivalent dia.j, ia.

f = v«l©citys fps

Using this formula BBL rwconmends multiplying the penetration by a factor of

la3 to indicat* th« maximum depth of cracking which extends ahead of th« p«n«tra-


Missm #1
Dat&s W = 50 Ibs^

d = 4^8 in. from A^ - 18 sq. in^

¥ = 540 fps

then for coneretei P s 7^88 in®

1/3 X P s 10.2 in.

for steelI

t^/^- (penetration) = I / 2 in.f^

K^ 17", 400 d3/2

I " 1 for good grade s t « e l


Data? W = 36 l b s .

f = 378 fp»

d = 1*33 in* from A„ = 2.65 sq^ i n . -

fc.'siiev^r, s i n e * t h e r e i s an i n c r e a s e d r e s i s t a n c * t o p e n e t r a t i o n due t o c o r i n g

( c o n c r e t e i s forced through the c e n t e r of t h e pipe which p r e s e n t s an a d d i t i o n a l

drag s u r f a c e and r e s t r i c t e d expansion of t h e c o n c r e t e ) of t h e c o n c r e t * by t h « Bii»-

s i l e ^ t h e t q u i v a l a n t d i a m e t e r i s m u l t i p l i e d by a f a c t o r of 1»2^ t h e r e f o r e , d =

2«16 iia® ( t h i s i s c o n s e r v a t i v e s i n c e f o r pip« m i s s i l e s t h e t o t a l c r o s s s e c t i o n

dia« i s u s e d | i n t h i s case t h a t would be 2«375 i n . ) a

f c r concret«? P s 14,75 i n ,

1/3 X P = 19.2 in.

for stsftls

t^^^'^ = 1/2 i n . f^
I ^ 17*400 d^/^

- 1 / 2 ^ . (378)^

( 1 ) 2 X 17,400 X ( 2 o l 6 ) 3 / 2

" 1,45

t = 1.28 i n .


Upon f u r t h e r i n v e s t i g a t i o n i t has b««n deterndned t h a t t h e l a r g e r v e s s e l s i n

t h e primary system might becom* m i s s i l e s i n the event of a c r e d i b l * a c c i d e n t s Th«s«

v e s s e l s i n c l u d e t h e p r e s s u r i s e r _ , r e a c t o r v e s s e l ^ and steam g e n e r a t o r ^


Tii« p r e s s u r i z e r i s c o n s i d e r e d t o be f u l l of water a t 1500 p s i a sat® Total

weight of t h e water i n t h e v e s s e l would be 1550 l b s . , and t h e maximim a v a i l a b l e

e n e r ^ r wo'old b© 98^2 B t u / l b ^ I t i s assumed t h a t t h e bottom f l a n g e i s blown off.

Therefor* s IE;; = W Ah

= 1 1 . 3 X 10'^ f t a / l b a

a t 50^ of the KE availablei

IE = 5#9 X 10*^ f t . / l b ^

¥«lt of m i s s i l * =
ort ¥ > 1 . = 1330 fp» (maxJ
Th« Bffli foraulation for p«n«tration can not be used for these n d s s i l e s b«-
causs of the large are* involved^ but i t i s apparent t h a t m i s s i l e s #3 and #4 could
cause damage t© th« vapor container at t h e i r respective velocities« To eliminat*
t h i s p o s s i b i l i t y these vessels w i l l be t i e d down s u f f i c i e n t l y t o r e s i s t th« fore«»


I t i s assumed t h a t t h i s v e s s t l bscoBos a s e l f propelled m i s s i l e when the b o t -

tom cap breaks off at th« weld« Th« T t s s e l weighs 14,500 lbs« and contains 3100 l b s ,

of coolant a t 1500 p s i a . Above the • • s s t l i s 12 ft^ of water which w i l l oppos*

acceleration of the v e s s e l by virt«« of i t s mass and shearing r e s i s t a n c * (taken as

zero)® Th«r«for«, the t o t a l waight to be accelerated w i l l ta the weight of th«

T t s s e l plus the weight of t h i s 12 ft® coluMn of water^ a t o t a l of 25^800 lbs#


KE = 23.6 X lo"^ f t . / l b s ,
a t 50^ of KE »vailabl«s

KE = 11.d X 10*^ f t ^ l b s ^
¥ =yi5
V - 542 fpi

Th« •ff«ctiv« m t i l i z a t i o n ©f th« primary coolant as a propellant in t h i s v«si«l

d i f f e r s from t h a t of th« other two v«ss«ls i n t h a t th« coolant i s c©nt«in«d as f o l -
Th« inlet and outlet box at the bottom of the steam generator contains approxi-
mately two-thirds of the coolant in th« v«»s«l and would be open to atmospheric
pressure over a large area^, this volwt* is 9®9 cti» ft® It is assumed that th» cool'-
ant expands from 1500 psia to 15 psia isotropicaUy^ Equal force will ta «ss»rt«d
on both v«ss«l aid coolant at th« tub« 8hs«t,
Fore. - M^A^ = Efkf ^ Of f^
Q = fl»w rat« of coolant from steam generator
fg = v«l, of coolant throu^ opening

' 474 fp»

Q^ = ^ ¥A
Q^ = 1200 lb./s«c.
k^= If Qf/g

= 176 f t . / s « c . ^

Hdiius th« force of g r a v i t y :

A^ =^ g = 144 ftVs«Ct^

Ther«for«8 ¥^ s 50,7 f t , / s « c .

Infliisnce of the ajcpansion of coolant i n tubes t o 15 psia^

Th«r« ar« 370 - 3/4 i n , tufces^ 6 - I / 2 f t . long^

Tub* volt = 5»2 cu. f t ,

Vf =• vol, X

= 222#

re = WJAfc

KE = 17 X 10^ f t . / #

at 50^ «f IE availables

¥„^ = 18.8 fps

This is the vel® attained by the missile due to th« expansion of coolant in


Qf = ffA

= 42^6 X 474 X ^785

« 1590 # A « c .

F = 107^500#

^ ' ,.£^. f
Agj r. 230 ft./sec^^

A(n«t) = A^ » g

A(n«t) ^ 198 ft./s«c^^

Th« actual acceleration of the missil* ist

A " A^ + A(n«t)

A ^ 342 ft«/s«c,^

Th«r«for«j actual v«l® of th« missile upward is»

% - 67«0 ftt/s«c.

This v«ss«l can b* tied down, too® However, th« restraining fore* of th«

v«ss«l w«ight and piping connections should b« sufficient to ovarcoB* th« proptl-

ling forc«®

As was discussed in Appendix E-2 of the r e p o r t , withdrawal of the control rods

by the driv« motors, assuming a l l scrams f a i l ^ w i l l give an i n i t i a l t r a n s i e n t with

a period of 10 milliseconds^ (The calculations were based on the very p e s s l m s t i c

asstanption t h a t the r a t e of introduction of r e a c t i v i t y was four times t h a t speci-

fied). I t was then mentioned t h a t t h e q u a l i t a t i v * behaviour of t h e reactor power

a f t e r th« i n i t i a l t r a n s i e n t would follow t h a t r e s u l t i n g from rod withdrawal at

operating temperature and pow«r (Appendix E~3)o Additional corroboration of t h i s

behavioiir r e s u l t s from a comparison with th« 1954 Borax ExperiMents^ Fig, 7

(pag« 47) of AIL 5323 i s reproduced i n t h i s add«ndua„ From t h e figur* i t can b«

se«n t h a t in t h a t e ^ e r i m e n t the Borax reactor reached a 14 millisscond period on

the i n i t i a l t r a n s i « n t with a paak power of 7000 megawatts« Succeeding o s c i l l a t i o n a

i n power were ©f much lower amplitude and the r e a c t o r leveled off at an averag*

power of 7 megawatts.

In the case of th« 10 millisecond t r a n s i e n t with the APPR th« peak power

reached 50,000 megawatts with a t o t a l energy release of 50,000 BTU's and a maxia\»

fuel p l a t * t«mperature of 120C degs F® which i s far below th« m«lting temperatur*

of 2590° F .




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