Dune Imperium Faq 23-12-19

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Last Updated December 19, 2023

(Entries new and revised since December 14, 2022 are marked with a *)

Beguiling Pheromones — When you use this to trash

ERRATA the other grafted card, you can’t also get an effect on
Missionaria Protectiva — This card is part of the Bene that card that requires trashing it as a cost. For example:
Gesserit Faction. Cards from the first English printing are when you use Beguiling Pheromones to trash a grafted
missing this underneath its title. (If you have replaced Imperial Spy, you cannot also draw an Intrigue card using
the misprints, note that there should be only two copies Imperial Spy (as trashing the card is a required cost for
of Missionaria Protectiva in your Imperium deck.) that effect).

Rise of Ix rulebook: You can use Beguiling Pheromones to trash a card

that would otherwise be trashed anyway (for example:
page 4 — A tech tile with a “once per round” ability Foldspace, Seek Allies).
(indicated by the flip icon) can be used during one of
your Agent or Reveal turns. The first English printing * Carryall — The base spice you harvest is 1 from Imperial
mistakenly said this could be done only during an Agent Basin, 2 from Hagga Basin, and 3 from The Great Flat.
turn. (When playing Uprising, it is 2 from Habbanya Erg and 4
page 8 — This instruction for Setup of Solo & Two-Player from Deep Desert.)
Games is missing from the first English printing: See also Ghola.
Remove four of the original cards from the House Chairdog — Once you return the other grafted card to
Hagal deck: the two Hall of Oratory cards and the your hand, you must complete your Reveal turn. You
two Rally Troops cards. cannot change to an Agent turn and play the card you
Alliance — If you have an Alliance token and lose
Charisma — See Intrigue cards.
Influence with that Faction, you also lose the token in
either of these cases: Chaumurky — This Tech tile is an Endgame tiebreaker
between players with the same number of Victory Points.
• You were previously tied for Influence with another
(The amount of spice, Solari, water, and garrisoned
player; the player you were tied with now takes the
troops those players have is irrelevant; the player with
Alliance token. (If you were tied with more than
Chaumurky wins.)
one other player, choose one to take it.)
• If you have fallen to 3 Influence or lower. (If no Conflict — The rules for giving rewards in a Conflict
player has 4 Influence or higher to take the Alliance are the same for one, two, or three players. They are
token, return it to the game board.) different only for four players.
Archduke Armand Ecaz — To use his “Coordination” See also troops, “When you win a Conflict.”
ability, you must have at least two Agents on spaces with
any of the three listed Agent icons. The Agents don’t * contract — it is mandatory to complete a contract
need to be on spaces with the same icon. when you fulfill its conditions. When you have multiple
contracts for the same board space, they are all
Assassination Mission — You must use some other completed in one turn, by sending one Agent to that
means to trash this card for its 4 Solari; the card space.
provides no way to trash itself.
If a contract’s condition is sending an Agent to a board
Baron Vladimir Harkonnen — You choose the Factions space, the contract is another effect of your Agent turn.
for the “Masterstroke” ability after completing all setup, You may carry out the contract effect in any order with
before the first round begins. You may only reveal your the effects of the board space and the Agent box of the
choices and gain Influence one time during a game. card you played.

Corner the Market — Count the total number of The Guild Bankers — The discount applies to each copy of
Spice Must Flow cards in your deck and your discard The Spice Must Flow you acquire during your turn.
pile. Count each opponent’s The Spice Must Flow cards
separately; if any one of them has more than you (or * Guild Envoy — You must discard a card when you play
the same number as you), you don’t meet the second this on an Agent turn.
requirement of the Intrigue card. Gun Thopter — An opponent with no garrisoned troops
Count Ilban Richese — The “Ruthless Negotiator” ability is unaffected by this card’s Agent box.
works only when paying Solari for the printed cost of a Helena Richese — See Manipulate.
space on the game board (not, for example, when using
one of your cards with an ability that costs Solari). Ilesa Ecaz — For her “One Step Ahead” ability, the
“otherwise” means you still sent an Agent using the card
* Countess Ariana Thorvald — The “Spice Addict” ability you set aside, but that card did not have exactly one
is not optional. It affects only the spice you harvest when Agent icon. If you don’t use the set aside card, you get
sending an Agent to a maker board space, not spice you nothing from the ability.
receive by other means.
* Infiltrate — See Spies.
When playing Uprising, it is possible to harvest no spice
from Deep Desert and Hagga Basin (if there is no bonus infiltration — When using a Rise of Ix card with an
spice there, and you choose to summon a sandworm infiltration icon, you may send an Agent to a board space
rather than take base spice). In such a case, you did not where there is already an enemy Agent. You do not have
“harvest spice” (even if you used another card that gives to do this; you may use the Agent icon normally, to send
you spice), so the “Spice Addict” ability does not apply. an Agent to an empty board space.

See also maker board space. Imperial Spy — You must use this card to trash itself
in order to draw an Intrigue card. (You don’t draw one
Demand Respect — See Intrigue cards. when it’s trashed by other means.)
discard — When a player is directed to discard a Intrigue cards — To play an Intrigue card, you must
card (for example: Reverend Mother Mohiam, Test of meet its conditions and pay its costs. For example: you
Humanity), this means a card from their hand, unless must have a seat on the High Council to play Councilor’s
otherwise specified. Dispensation, you must pay 2 Solari to play Bribery, and
* Dispatch an Envoy — This card does not remove any you must have reached at least the first genetic marker
icons from the affected card. It also does not add a copy to play Disguised Bureaucrat.
of an icon that a card already has. For example: you graft You may play any Plot Intrigue card during one of
Slig Farmer to Spice Hunter and play Dispatch an Envoy. your Agent turns or your Reveal turn. If the card does
One of Spice Hunter’s two agent icons is Fremen, so something that won’t apply until your next Reveal turn
Dispatch an Envoy adds only the other three icons. You (for example: Charisma, Recruitment Mission), keep it
gain 5 Solari for Slig Farmer. face up in front of you until then, then use and discard it.
Double Cross — At least one opponent must have a In the rare case that you exhaust the Intrigue deck,
troop in the Conflict for you to play this Intrigue card. shuffle the discarded Intrigue cards to form a new deck.
(But you do not need to have any troops in your supply.)
See also “When you win a Conflict,” Reveal turn.
dreadnoughts — The base game rules require you to
have a “troop” in the conflict for you to have strength, Liet Kynes — Cards from your Agent turns this round
count your swords, and play Combat intrigue cards. and your current Reveal turn count; Liet Kynes provides
A deployed dreadnought allows the same, even if you 2 persuasion for each.
have it in a conflict without any troops. However, a * maker board space — Any of the board spaces where
dreadnought in your garrison does none of these things, spice may be harvested: Hagga Basin and Imperial Basin,
and does not add strength to the conflict. The Great Flat (in the original Dune: Imperium), and
* Endgame — In the extremely rare case that the Deep Desert and Habbanya Erg (in Uprising).
endgame tiebreakers listed in the rulebook aren’t * Maker hooks — You do not “spend” your Maker hooks
enough to resolve a tie, the final tiebreaker is the player to summon a sandworm.
who most recently took a Reveal turn.
* Manipulate — The ability on Helena Richese and the
Faction — See Tleilaxu track. Intrigue card from Uprising work in the same way:
Foldspace — You can only acquire this card using the Your opponents cannot acquire the card you remove.
Foldspace icon (for example: the board space of the You may use other means to acquire the card (for
same name, Ilesa Ecaz). example: Bypass Protocol, Boundless Ambition), though
* Gather Intelligence — See Spies. the 1 persuasion discount will not apply. If you don’t
acquire the card by the end of your next Reveal turn,
Ghola — When grafted to Carryall, you get four times the remove it from the game.
base spice you harvest with your Agent.
When grafted to Kwisatz Haderach, you still send only
one Agent on your turn (though you draw two cards).

* optional effects — Most effects from a board space or Retreat — When a card allows you to retreat “any
card you play are mandatory, unless: number” of troops, you may choose zero.
• a card says “you may” do something; Reveal turn — If you draw a card during your Reveal
• there’s an arrow in the effect (if you don’t want the turn (for example: Poison Snooper, Refocus), you must
effect, you may choose not to pay the cost—except immediately reveal that card and use it this turn.
when playing an Intrigue card, where paying a cost If you draw a card after your Reveal turn, you keep it
is required); until the next round, where you will draw five additional
• you’re trashing a card using the “black X” card icon cards and thus have more cards than usual for the round.
(but note that it is not optional when a card tells For example: you win the Trade Monopoly conflict, recall
you—without using an arrow—to trash itself). your Freighter from the top of the Shipping Track, and
acquire the Spaceport Tech tile, drawing two cards. It’s
See also Shield Wall. after your Reveal turn, so you keep those two cards.
paying a cost — When an arrow indicates a cost you may Next round, you draw five more and have seven cards for
pay to receive an effect, you may only choose to do this the round.
once. For example: when you play Duncan Idaho, you * Reverend Mother Jessica — You may use her “Reverend
may pay 1 water to recruit a troop and draw a card; you Mother” ability on the same turn you flip to this side of
can’t pay 2 water to recruit two troops and draw two the Leader card.
Reverend Mother Mohiam — Your opponents choose the
Plans Within Plans — There are six spaces on each cards they discard, beginning with the player to your left
Influence track; you have 3 Influence on a track if you and proceeding clockwise.
reach the space one above where you score a Victory
Point. See also discard.
Poison Snooper — See Reveal turn. * Rivals — When a House Hagal card shows two different
spaces to play an Agent, only look at the one that
“Princess” Yuna Moritani — If you gain Solari more than matches the current game conditions (for example: the
once during your turn, her “Smuggling Operation” ability Rival’s Influence, or the Conflict card number). If that
applies each time (for example: you recall your Freighter space is occupied, do not use the other option on that
and take 5 Solari, and also play the Windfall Intrigue card. Instead, reveal a new card.
card; you would take 2 additional Solari).
When playing Rise of Ix, if a Rival takes its influence for
When you gain Solari from Slig Farmer, you gain only the second space of the Shipping Track, and there is a
1 additional Solari from Yuna’s “Smuggling Operation” tie for the Faction in which it has the least Influence, the
ability. player with the First Player marker (or acting next after a
Rapid Mobilization — See Retreat. Rival who has it) chooses between them.
Recruitment Mission — This entire card applies only When playing Uprising, if a Rival is first to gain a
to your Reveal turn this round. (It does not let you put Swordmaster, the cost for other (human) players is
cards you acquire during an Agent turn on top of your reduced to 6 Solari.
deck.) If you acquire more than one card during your See also Solo Play.
Reveal turn, you may choose differently for each one
whether to put it on top of your deck or in your discard Score track — See Victory Points.
pile as usual.
* Shaddam Corrino IV — The “Sardaukar Commander”
See also Intrigue cards. gives you the option to acquire a set-aside Sardaukar
contract in place of one of the generally available
Refocus — If your discard pile is empty when you play contracts. You do not begin the game with the
this card, reshuffle your deck. Sardaukar contracts in your possession.
See also Reveal turn. The “Emperor of the Known Universe” ability affects only
the turn in which it is triggered, not the remainder of the
round. In a six-player game, it will affect your activated

* Shield Wall — Destroying the Shield Wall with the Tech tiles — If a Tech tile does not specify a time when
Shield Wall icon is optional. Once removed, the Shield you use it, then it must be used during one of your turns.
Wall is gone for the remainder of the game. For example: Spy Satellites has two different effects. The
second specifies it is used at Endgame, The first (pay
Shifting Allegiances — If you choose, you may lose and 3 spice and trash the Tech tile to score a Victory Point)
gain Influence with the same Faction (ultimately gaining does not specify a time to use it, so it must be used
one Influence with that Faction). during one of your turns.
As with any cost, you must actually pay the cost (losing Test of Humanity — See discard.
one Influence) in order to gain two Influence. You can’t
“lose” Influence with a Faction where you have none. * tiebreaker — See Endgame.
Solo Play — Rivals in Solo Play do earn Victory Points Tleilaxu track — The Bene Tleilax are not a Faction.
from a Faction’s Influence track (both for reaching 2 Effects that let you gain Influence with any Faction can’t
Influence and for having an Alliance token). They do not be used to advance on the Tleilaxu track.
receive the bonus for reaching 4 Influence.
To the Victor… — See Intrigue cards.
When using Expert Troop Deployment, a Rival fighting
for a Conflict I or II card won’t deploy troops if it is troops — When you recruit a troop, it must come from
already leading by 4 strength or more. (In the Rise of Ix your supply. You can’t recruit a Negotiator from the Ix
expansion, dreadnoughts mean that you should count board. When you send an Agent to a Combat space,
a Rival’s strength to determine deployment, not just its you can’t “re-recruit” troops in your garrison to get
troops.) around the limit of deploying up to two troops from your
garrison to the Conflict area.
See also Conflict, Rivals.
When you send an Agent to a Combat space, any troop
Sort Through the Chaos — When you win this Conflict, you recruit that turn, from any source, can be deployed
you take the Mentat at the start of the next round. to the Conflict area. (This includes, but is not limited to,
troops from an Intrigue card, Tech tile, or the Shipping
Spaceport — See Reveal turn. track.)
* Spies — To recall a Spy to Infiltrate or Gather Victory Points — You can score more than 12 Victory
Intelligence, you must still play a card on your Agent Points, even though the Score track only goes to 12
turn. You may recall two Spies in one turn if each is (enough for most games).
used for a different effect. For example: with Spies on
Research Station’s two observation posts, you can recall “When you win a Conflict” — Combat Intrigue cards that
one to Infiltrate and one to Gather Intelligence, but not do something “when you win a conflict” can’t be played
both to Gather Intelligence. when you tie for victory with another player.
The Spice Must Flow — You keep the Victory Point for If you receive an Intrigue card as a reward for winning a
acquiring this card even if you later trash it. Conflict, and that card can be played “When you win a
Conflict,” you may choose to play it immediately.
Staged Incident — When using this Intrigue card, move
your Combat marker to lower your strength as you
would with any other adjustment caused by a Combat
intrigue card.

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