Empanelment Orders 24.05.2024

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No.16/228-2PM2-2024/ ~
~61 -J-o· 7go, Dated:-24.05.2024

!::~~ye ;t~; General Health Services, Haryana

To awan, Sector-6, Panchkula.

1. The Heads of all the Departments

~- ~~e :e~is?"ar, Punjab & Haryana High Court, Chandigarh.
4. Alie rmc1pa) _Ac_countant General (A&E and Audit), Haryana
• the Comm1ss1oners of Haryana.
5• All th e Deputy Commissioners of Haryana.
6. All Sub-Division Officers (Civil) of Haryana.
7. All the Civil Surgeons of Haryana.
Subject: Re~~r~ing empanelment of private hospitals for providing medical
facahties to Haryana Govt. employe es/pensio ners and their dependents.


I have been directed to invite your kind attention towards the subject
mentioned above and to state that the State Government has decided to empanel/ to
continue empanelment of the following private hospitals for providing treatment to the
Haryana Government employees/pen~ioners and their dependents:-

Sr. Name of Hospital Level of Beds Scope of Services

No. Accreditati
1. Eye Q Vision Private Entry Level 5 Ophthalmology
Limited, Plot No. 7-8, FULLNABH I
Model Town, Near Bus 12.12.2023
Stand, Fatehabad-125050 to
2. Singhal Institute of FULLNABH 40 General Surgery, General Medicine,
Medical and Surgical 11.01.2024 Cardiology.
Super Specialties, to
Sector-32, Ansal Sushant 10.01.2026
City Kurukswhetra-
136131, Harvana
3. Dr. Sumit Bone and Joint FULLNABH 50 Critical Care, General Medicine,
Centre, Near Bharat 28.07.2023 Orthopedic Surgery (Including Joint
Petrol Pump, Aggarsain to replacement), Neurosurgery, Plastic
Colony, Assandh Road, 27.07.2927 and Reconstructive Surger, Dental
Surgery, Pediatric,
Otorhlnolaryngology (ENT), Obstetrics
& Gynecology, Cardiology, General
Surgery including Laparoscopic
Surgery, Medical Gastroenteroloi?V.
4. Bhagwan Das Hospital FULLNABH 105 Dermatology, General Medicine ,
(A Unit of Bhagwan Das 01.07.2023 Orthopedic Surgery (Including Joint
Khcm Chand Memorial to replacement), Respiratory Medicine,
Education Charitable 30.06.2025 Cardiology including interventional
Trust), Block-E, Sector- Cardiology, Neurosurgery, Paediatric
18, Omaxe City, Sonepat Surgery, SurgicaJ Gastroenterology,
Dental Surgery, Ophthalmology,
Otorhinolaryngology (ENT), Obstetrics
& Gynecology, General Surgery
Including Laparoscopic Surgery,
Medical Gastroenterology, Plastric
Surgery, Paediatrics including
Neonatology, Nephrology (including
Dialysis), Cardlothoracic & Vascular
Metro Hospital & Hea rt ery
5. FULLNABH 315 General Medicine , Orthopedic Surg
Institute, X-1, Sect or-1 2 23.02.2024 ng Join t repl acem ent) , Critical
' ry
& L-94, Sect or-1 1, Noida to Care, Psychiatry (OPD), Respirato
Medicine, Cardiothoracic Surg ery,
Utta r Prad esh 22.02.2027
Hepatlogy, Anaesthesiology,
Neurosurgery, Med ical Oncology,
Paediatri c Surg ery, Plas tic and
Reconstructive Surger, Surgical
Gastroenterology, Eme rgency
Medicine, General Surg ery, Dental
Oph thalm olog y, Derm atolo gy
Vene rolo gy, Obs tetri cs & Gyn ecolo gy,
Cardjology, Surgical Oncology,
Radiology, Vasc ular Surg ery, Medical
Gastroen terol ogy, Paed iatri cs inclu ding
Neonatology, Kidney Transplant,
Nephrology (including Dialysis),
Haemato-O ncol ogy, Pulm onary
100 Dental Surgery, Ophthalmology,
Pawan Hospital A Uni t FULL
NABH ), Obstetrics
6. Otorlunola,yn golo gy (ENT
an Hea lthc are 10.1 1.20 23
of Paw & Gynecolo gy, Orth opea dic, Cardiology,
Pvt Ltd., Plot No. ½, to including
General Surgery
Samaypur Road, Near 09.11.2025 Surg ery, Medical
• Laparoscopic
Sector-56, Gastroenterology, Paediatrics including
121 004 Neonatology, Nephrology (incluwn
10 Ophthalmology
7. JaJn Hospital, Jain Entry Level
Samadhi, Budhlad a Road , NABH
Ratia, Fate haba d-12 5051 17.01.2023
ty Entr y Level 12 Ophthalmology
8. Gupta M ultis pec iali
Hospital, Opp. Padma NAB H
City Mall, Karna] Road, 29.12.2023
Kaitha), Ha,yana to
28.12.2025 t
NABH 18 Orthopedic Surgery (Including Join
9. Dr. Ram Narayan Soni FULL replacement),
pita l, Kaim ri 16.0 9.20 22
Ortbo Hos
Road, Sector-15 A Hisar to
15.09.2024 ery
cailJ ty Entr y Level 40 General Medicine, General Surg
10. NagpaJ MuJtispe including Lapa rosc opic Surg ery,
itaJ, Red Road , NAB H g
30.11.2023 Obstetrics & Gynecology (Excludin
Kurukshetra-136118 High Risk Pregnancy)
Medical FULL NABH 60 Anaesthesiology, Critical Care, General
11. Rajastban Medicine, Orthopedic Surg ery
Cen tre, Chandigarh Road, 01.06.20 (Including Join t repl acem ent),
Tohana, Fate haba d- to ogy, Eme rgen cy
Neurosu rger y, Urol
125120 31.05.2027 &
Medicine, Pediatric, Obstetrics
Gynecology, Card Jolog y, Gen eral
Surgery including Laparoscopic
Medical, Entry Level so Anaesthesiology, General Medicine
12. Sfnghal Surg ery inclu ding
Mat erni ty
& NABH General
Surg ical &
06.05.2022 Laparoscopic Surgery, Obstetrics
Centre, Opp. OM Hotel Risk
. Nizampur Road, Narnaul, to Gyn ecology (Exc ludin g High
05.05.2024 Prei?nancv1
Mahenden?arh Medicine, Neurosurgery.
Hospital, Bhaf PULL NABH 40 General
13. Raj Surg ery including
16.04.2023 General
KanahJya Sahib Cbowk, Surg ery. Obs tetri cs &
to Lapa rosc opJc
Bypass Road, Yamuna High rusk
Nagar-135001 15.04.2025 Gynecology (Excluding
Spa rsh JfospUal, Govt. Enlry Leve
l 30 General Medicine, Pediatric, Obstetri
14. izv
Emolove c Colony, NADH & Gynecolo
Narnaul Mahendergarh 13.02.2024
15. S. Meh ta Surgical FULL N~BH 25 Urology, General Surg ery including
Hospital, 905, Jyoti 12.09.2023 Laparoscopic Surgery, Obstetrics &
Nagar, Near Old Bus to Gynecology (Excluding High Risk
Stand, Than esar 11.09.2025 Pregnancy)
Kuru kshe tra-1 3611 8
clall ty FULL NABH 50 Anaesthesiology, General Medicine,
16. Delh i Mult lspe
Plastic and Reconstructive Surger,
Hospital, Near Godara 30.11.2023
Urology, General Surgery, Dental
Petrol Pump, Azad Nagar, to Pedfatric,
29.11.2027 Surgery,
Hisar (ENT),
Otorhf nolaryngology
Orthopeadfc, Medi cal
Gastroen terol oev.
FULL NABH 50 General Medicine, Ophthalmology,
17. • Janta Eye & Mate rnity General Surg ery including
HospftaJ, Near Kanchi 19.12.2022 Obst etrics &
Laparosco pic Surg ery,
Chowk, Ratia Ro;id, to
Gynecology, Paediatrics including
Tohana, Fatehabad 18.12.2025
(Haryana) Urology, General Surgery, Obstetrics &
Hospital, FULL NABH 30
18. Pawananjali Gynecology (Excluding High Risk
Near Khushi Gardan 24.02.2022
pat to Pregnancy).
Sanoli Road, Pani
100 Anaesthesiology, General Medicine,
Gajraj Hospital,-Near Bus FULL NABH
19.09.2022 General Surgery, Dental Surgery,
Stand, Gajraj Hospital Ophthalmology, Obstetrics &
Road ,Goh ana,S onep at to
18.09.2025 Gynecology, Orth opae dic
Surgery, Obst etric s &
Entry Level 20 General
20. Pahuja Hospital, Plot No. Gynecology (Exc ludin g High Risk
18, Tehsil Road, Panipat• NABH
1321 03 • 29.04.2043 e~~ fiX}u10)0'.
FULL NABH 30 General Medicine, Orthopadics, General
21. Mali k MuJtispeclaJity including Laparoscopic
Trauma 04.10.2023 Surg ery
Hospital &
Sure nder to Surg ery
Cent re,
Chowk, Slwani Road, 03.10.2025
Tosham, Bhlwani-
1270 40
of Full NABH 425 Critical Care, General Medicine,
Asian Institute
24.06.2023 Orth oped ic Surg ery (Including Joint
Medical Sciences, Bakhal Psyc hiatr y (OPD),
to repla ceme nt),
Flyover Road, Sector-21A, Resp irato ry Med icine , Cardiology
Faridabad . 23.06.2027 iology,
inclu ding inter vent iona l Card
Paed iatric Cardiology, Pedi atric
Cardlothoracic Surg ery, Endo crino logy ,
Hepa tolog y, Anae sthes iolog y, Med ical
Oncology, Radiation Oncology,
Paed iatric Surg ery, Plast ic and
Reconstru ctive Surg er, Urology,
Emergency Medicine, Dental Surgery,
Pediatric, Ophthalmology, Dermatology
i' & Venerology, Otorhinolaryngology
(ENT), Obst etric s & Gynecology,
Surgical Oncology, Medical
Gastroenterol ogy, Kidn ey Tran splan t,
General Surg ery Including Bari atric
Surgery, Neurology, Clinical
Hematology, Card iotho racic &
Vascular Surg ery, Neph rolo& }'
(Including Dialysis).
23. Aarogya HospJtaJ, FULL NABH 20 Orth oped ic Surg ery (Including Joint
Opposite Vlshwas School, 31.03.2023 repla ceme nt), Obst etric s & Gynecolorur
Urban Estate-II, Hlsar- to .
, 1250 55 30.03.2025
24. Dr. Jlnd al's Den tal & FULL NABH Dental Surg ery
Oral Health Clinic, SCF- 16.09.2022
14, lnfront of Platinum to
Tower, Trishla Road, 15.09.2024
Peermuchalla, Ziralrnur
25. Amrit Hospital, It 1481, FULL NABH 30 General Medicine, Psychiatry
Opp. Market Committee 26.10.202-3
Office, Near New Grain 25.10.2027
Market, Sirsa Road, Hisar

aneHed on the term s and conditions

The abov e men tione d hospitals are emp
men tion ed below:- Haryana
ide seamless & hassle-free services to
l. The emp anel led hospitals shall prov
depe nden ts and shall exte nd alJ norm
Gov t emp loye es/p ensi oner s and their
Gov t
treat men t and discharge of Haryana
cour tesie s & facilitate the admission,
ical facility.
beneficiaries with no delay or denial of med
d on
ided by concerned hospital and publishe
2. A Nodal Officer, who se details are prov
be the responsible pers on for communicati
web-portal of Health Department, shall
ries and depa rtme ntal officers, for smo oth
and coordination with State Gov t beneficia
grievance. In case of any chan ge in cont act
facilitation of services and redr essa l of any
shall be brou ght into notice of this offic
details of the Nodal Officer the sam e
/ Guidelines issued by Stat e Govt. and ame
3. All statu tory Acts / Rule s/ Notifications
d in the appJicatfon form for Emp anel men
from time to time (As alrea dy mentione
aneJled hospitals in true lette r and spir it
Policy-2023) shaJI be adhe red to by the emp
. The
onal Programmes and relat ed IEC activities
4. The hospitals shall abide to all the Nati
th indicators mus t be shar ed regu larly with
data required for national prog rams or heal
Health Dep artm ent
issu ed
s pert ainin g to birth & deat h regi strat ion,
5. The hospitals shall folJow the guid elint
. Any softw are developed by the Gov t will
by the Stat e Government from time to time
have to be adop ted by the hospitals.
elines pertaf ning to vaccination of new -bor
6. The hospital shall aJso follow the guid
eme nt of
r Stat e Govt. policy rega rdin g reim burs
7. The guidelines alrea dy framed unde
& as revised from time to time for emp anel
medical bills date d 14-07-2020 pres ently
hospitals shall be applicable.
ied by
ide Limited Cashless Medical Facility notif
8. The empanelled hospitals shalJ prov
on 04-04-2018, 08-0 3-20 21 & 08-0 6-20
State Govt date d 20-1 1-20 17 and ame nded
or to be ame nded in future.
gori es
eolicy date d 14-07-2020, ther e are two cate
9. As per Haryana Govt. reim burs eme nt
itals i.e. for Full NABH and for Entr y Leve
of rates to be charged by empaneJJed hosp
Stat e Govt. beneficiaries acco rdin g to the
NABH hospitals; the hospital shall charge
The sam e amo unt would be reim burs able
of accreditation of concerned hospital.
State Gov t beneficiaries.
once in month, as OPD Con sulta tion fees
JO. The hospital will char ge Rs. 300 /-
y date d 14-07-2020.
patie nts with chronic diseases, as per polic
11. The hosp ital will prov id e 4001 d'
i'O 1scount fn OPD Con sulta
tion fees to aJI Govt employees,

Pen sion ers and thei r de d ( ,1 •h

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202 0.
pati ents and
ntafn reco rd of the trea tme nt of the
12. All emp anel led hosp itals will maf
pati ent from
t to call for reco rd of trea tme nt of any
Hea lth Dep artm ent rese rves the righ
any othe rs
no mal-practice is bef ng carr ied or for
any emp anel led hosp itals to ensu re
purp ose.
od of three
13. The abo ve liste d Full NABH hos
pita ls wfll rem ain empanelJed for peri
wiJJ appJy
n certificate. The reaf ter, the hosp itals
yea rs subj ect to validity of accr edit atio
peri od of two
hos pita ls will remain emp anel led for
14. The abo ve listed entr y leve l NABH
ancl men t
full NABH within that period, the emp
yea rs initially and on subm issio n c;,f
peri od of total thre e year s.
hospital will be furt her exte nded for a
itals to prov ide rene wed accr edit atio n
15. It will be the resp onsi bilit y of the hosp
to prov ide
men t policy. If the hospital is unab le
before it's expi ry as per Gov t Emp anel
mpanelled automatically.
such certificate, the hospital will be de-e
Policy and as
e to all the guidelines of Emp anel men t
16. The emp anel led hosp itals shall abid
ame nded from time to time.
pitals duri ng
s ·;ov erflo w of pati ents in Gov t Hos
17. }n case of any eme rgen cy/ disa ster
shar e thei r ambulances, mor tuar y, ICU/
epidemics, the emp anel led hospitals will
d man ner.
burn unit, ward, beds, etc. in need base
of Har yana
matically de-e mpa nell ed from the Hst
18. Any priv ate hospital shall be auto
Government, if ft gets dlsquallfied: • 0' or
ts (Registration & Regulation) Act, 201
a) Under 'The Clinical Establishmen /or
ective state /UT ; and
corr espo ndin g Act applicable in the resp
han Man tri Jan Aarogya Vojna (AB:PMJAY): and /or
b) Under Ayushman Bharat: Prad
from the date of issue of this letter. inst ruct ions
19. These f nstr uctl ons will be applicable Health Dep artm ent's Web Site
be dow nloa ded from the
(http://haryanahealth.gov,ia.) •
for Director General Health Services, Har

Endst. No. 16/2 28• 2PM 2-20 24/ 78 ( --r? c, 2- Dated: 24.0 5.20 24
A copy is forw arde d to the following
for kind information and nece ssar y actio
Haryana, Health Dep artm ent, Chandig
1. Additional Chief Secr etar y to Gov t
cipal Secretaries.
2. All Additional Chief Secr etar ies/ Prin
ana Chandigarh.
3. Director General Public Relations, Hary
ate the web-portal.
4. I.T Cell 0/o DGHS wllh requ est to upd

for Dire ctor Gen eral Hea lth Serv ices , Har yan a

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