Expence Manager

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Green University of Bangladesh

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Faculty of Sciences and Engineering
Semester: (Spring, Year:2023), B.Sc. in CSE (Day)
Course Title: Mobile Application Development Lab
Course Code: CSE 426 Section: 202D3



Student Details
Name ID
1. Aunik Hosain (201002373)
2. Al Amin (201002374)

Submission Date : 06.01.2024

Course Teacher’s Name : Shifat Ara Rafiq

Personal Expense Tracker (PET) is a daily expense management system

which is specially designed for non- salaried and salaried personnel for
keeping track of their daily expenditure with easy and effective way
through computerized system which tends to eliminate manual paper
works. It will also manage records in systematic way and user can access
the stored data conveniently.

We have tried to design the project in such way that user may not have any
difficulty in using this application without much effort. This software can
be really used by end user who have Android running devices with them.
The language that we use to develop this system is Java and SQLite for

ABSTRACT ............................................................................................... i

Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION .................................................................. 1

1.1 Background........................................................................................... 1

1.2 Problem Statement................................................................................ 1

1.3 Objectives ............................................................................................. 2

1.4 Implication ............................................................................................ 2

Chapter 2 LITERATURE REVIEW...................................................... 3

Chapter 3 TOOLS AND METHODOLOGY ........................................ 4

3.1 Required Tools ..................................................................................... 4

3.2 Approach Used ..................................................................................... 4

3.3 Design ................................................................................................... 5

3.3.1 System Sequence Diagram (SSD) ............................................. 8

3.3.2 Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) ......................................... 9

3.3.3 Design Class Diagram (DCD) ................................................... 9

Chapter 4 TESTING .............................................................................. 10

4.1 Objective of Testing ........................................................................... 10

4.2 Test cases ............................................................................................ 10

Chapter 5 RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS ........................................ 12

5.1 Limitations ........................................................................................ 112

5.2 Future Research and Recommendation ............................................ 112

CONCLUSION ....................................................................................... 12

APPENDIX I USER INTERFACE ...................................................... 14


In life cycle of human after birth the need of materials and belongings is
obvious. In order to fulfill our needs and desire we buy goods. The rule of
earth is that you must have money in order to buy desired good. So in this
way the process of earning and spending goes on in our life.

People in order to track their expenses use traditional paper system to keep
the record of their income and expenditures. This type of traditional system
is burdensome and takes more time. So there must be a management system
which must help us to manage our daily earnings and expenses easily, and
also helps us to analyse records efficiently. So we figured out a way to
eliminate the traditional system with digital, portable, easier and simple
way to record these data in just few clicks with our Android application
called “Personal Expense Tracker (PET)”.


Many organizations have their own system to record their income and
expenses, which they feel is the main key point of their business progress.
It is good habit for a person to record daily expenses and earning but due
to unawareness and lack of proper applications to suit their privacy, lacking
decision making capacity people are using traditional note keeping
methods to do so. Due to lack of a complete tracking system, there is a
constant overload to rely on the daily entry of the expenditure and total
estimation till the end of the month.


The aim and objective of the project is to fully manage and keep tracking
the daily expenditure. The following is the benefits that come with the
Personal Expense Tracker (PET):

 Minimize manual effort with daily record of expenditures and

 Immediate and easy retrieval of report.
 Secured and transparent data.
 Graphical overview of transactions.
 Help in decision making with related results.
 Help in preparing wish list for pre planning your expenses.


Understanding our spending habit is a challenging work unless we keep the

proper record of each and every transaction we perform. Personal Expense
Tracker (PET) is a way to analyze our spending habit on certain time

PET is the easiest and most user friendly personal finance Android
application. The system attempts to free the user with as much as possible
the burden of manual calculation and to keep the track of the expenditure.
Instead of keeping a dairy or a log of the expenses on the smartphones or
laptops, this system enables the user to not just keep the track on the
expenses but also to plan ahead keeping the past budget in mind. The
simple fact is, by tracking our expenses we will be able to stick to a budget
and therefore save money.


We found various similar product that have already been developed in the
market. Unlike all those products Personal Expense Tracker (PET)
provides security and graphical results. We provide the users to enter their
wish-list before any purchase. It generates notification to notify user about
their timely entry.

In order to complete our task, we used Android platform to build a portable,

handy product that can run in Android phone. We used Android studio to
build our application. The major language we used for scripting was Java
and XML for producing better layout. We used SQLite to implement
database. On comparing our project with other similar applications we
came to conclude with the following:

Table 2. 1. Comparison Table


During the development of the system, we required various tools essential

for the project. Our projected could not have been completed without these
tools. Here are some list of tools used in the project.

a. Notepad++ Text Editor: For basic text editing

b. Android Studio: For application development
c. Inkscape: For generating icons
d. Adobe Photoshop: For generating assets
e. Ms-Word: For preparing report
f. Ms-Visio: For UML diagrams
g. Ms-Excel: For Gantt chart


Having a proper track to our expenses helps us to organize our finance

which is actually a very difficult task. Looking through our expenses at
regular interval allow us to review our spending habit.

Writing records of our expense in paper is a traditional way. In the world

driven by technology, it is not a right measure or choice indeed. It is
difficult to relate our present expenses with past when data need to be
reviewed and it is even not secure.

So with this particular application Personal Expense Tracker, we have tried

to feature several concepts that the user can fully track all of his/her
expense as compared to present system in practice. Personal Expense
Tracker is a technology driven approach where user have to log in to track
their spending and earnings.

Figure 3. 1. Block Diagram

Upon using this application user are provided with three options for data
entry namely – Income, Expense and wish list. If he/she selects income or
expense he/she would be provided with its types and subtypes. For wish
list only items can be inserted. These data would be saved onto database
according to their respective category.

The saved data can later be altered if the user wants to do so. Altering here
means adding description, changing wish list updating data etc. User can
also view the result. They can also filter result to see the required content

Personal Expense Tracker (PET) lets you have your privacy, you must
login to open this application. Users are authenticated upon each entry so
that they can enter their expenses and income which will be recorded by
the system. System generates meaningful output form entered data.

Use Case UC1: Authentication
Primary Actor:System


User:Wants to use service


Preconditions:User login to system


Post conditions:Password is verified and authorized user is given access

to system.

Basic flow:

- User login to sy
stem using password.
- System checkspasswordand authorized usercan accessservice.

Alternate flow:

- At any time, system fails, system logs the error.

- Error message is displayed.

Use Case UC2: Save Data

Primary Actor: System

Preconditions: Transactions are provided.

Post conditions: Display saved message.

Basic flow:

- The user enters the transaction amount with category.

- System saves the amount to the category and
Is play saved message.
Alternate flow:

- At any time, system fails, system regains previous stat us.

- Error message is displayed.

Use Case UC3: Prepare Report

Primary Actor: System

Preconditions: Transactions are provided.

Post conditions: Display the report graphically.

Basic flow:

- The user selects the result category.

- System prepares report.
- Displ ay prepared report graphically.

Alternate flow:

- At any time, system fails, system regains previous status.

- Error message is displayed.

Use Case UC4: Notify User

Primary Actor: System

Preconditions: Notify user setting must be enabled.

Post conditions: Alert message is displayed.

Basic flow:

- System generates notification message.

- Display message in notification bar.

Alternate flow:

- At any time, system fails, system regains previous status.

- Error message is displayed.


Figure 3. 3. System Sequence Diagram (SSD)

User logins and the system validates to checks for the right user. After login
process is completed users can enter their expense, which is recorded by
system under right category. Multiple data can be saved by users. The same
process applies for income. Upon successful data save system assures users
about the action. User can also save their wish list and do have right to
modify them in future if necessary.


Figure 3. 4. Entity Relationship Diagram


Figure 3. 11. Design Class Diagram

Chapter 4 TESTING

Software testing is a critical element of software quality assurance and

represents the ultimate review of specification, design and code generation.


• Testing is a process of executing a program with the intent of finding

an error.
• A good test case is one that has a high probability of finding an asyet
undiscovered error.
• A successful test is one that uncovers an as-yet-discovered error.


Test Case Purpose Test Cases Result

TC1 Authentication User name with length User name cannot be

less than 2 characters less than 2 characters

TC2 Authentication Valid user name with User name accepted

minimum 2 characters

TC3 Authentication User name left blank User name cannot be

less than 2 characters

TC4 Authentication Password field left Password cannot be

blank empty

Test Case Purpose Test Cases Result


TC5 Authentication Password with length Password cannot be
less than 4 characters less than 4 characters

TC6 Authentication Minimum 4 characters Password accepted

valid password

TC7 Authentication Password and Confirm Please enter same

Password did not password

TC8 Authentication Confirm Password field Please enter same
left blank password

TC9 Security question with Security question

length less than 3 cannot be less than 3
Authentication characters characters

Table 4. 1 Table of Test Cases for Sign Up


First of all, we gained additional skills in the Java programming language.

We also learned how to use a lot of the components in Android Studio such
as the debugger. We also learned XML, a language we didn't know at all
earlier. Finally, this project allowed us to use SQLite skills acquired during
our studies. We have been able to complete our project according to our
plan in the given timeline.


The project assists well to record the income and expenses in general.
However, this project has some limitations:

• The application is unable to maintain the backup of data once it is

• This application does not provide higher decision capability.


To further enhance the capability of this application, we recommend the

following features to be incorporated into the system:

• Nepali language interface.

• Provide backup and recovery of data.
• Provide better user interface for user.


From this project, we are able to manage and keep tracking the daily
expenses as well as income. While making this project, we gained a lot of

experience of working as a team. We discovered various predicted and
unpredicted problems and we enjoyed a lot solving them as a team. We
adopted things like video tutorials, text tutorials, internet and learning
materials to make our project complete. Furthermore, now we know much
more about the Android platform, java language and the SQLite query.


Figure i. Home Screen for Personal Expense Manager

Figure ii. Add Record Screen for Personal Expense Manager

Figure iii. Add date of record Screen

Figure v. Expense and Income

Figure vi. Expense and Income Form Category

Figure viii. Report Layout

Figure vii: Delete record screen


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