Perspectives On Cyber Science and Technology For Cyberization and

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2016 IEEE 14th Intl Conf on Dependable, Autonomic and Secure Computing, 14th Intl Conf on Pervasive Intelligence

and Computing, 2nd Intl Conf on Big Data Intelligence and Computing and Cyber Science and Technology Congress

Perspectives on Cyber Science and Technology for

Cyberization and Cyber-enabled Worlds
Jianhua Ma Kim-Kwang Raymond Choo Hui-huang Hsu Qun Jin
Hosei University, University of Texas at San Tamkang University, Waseda University,
Japan Antonio, USA Taiwan Japan
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

William Liu Kevin Wang Yufeng Wang Xiaokang Zhou

Auckland University of The University of Auckland, Nanjing University of Posts & Shiga University,
Technology, New Zealand New Zealand Telecommunications, China Japan
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Abstract—Cyberization, as a new big trend following cyberspace were used in computer graphics, especially in virtual
computerization and informatization, is the process of forming a reality (VR) to denote virtual characters such as animated CG
new cyberworld and transforming our current physical, social and actors existing in a computer-synthesized digital virtual space.
mental worlds into novel cyber-combined worlds. Cyber science,
responding to the cyberization trend, aims to create a new In the 1990s, cyberspace was associated with networks, and
collection of knowledge about these cyber-enabled worlds, and first used by J. Barlow to refer to “the present-day nexus of
provide a way of discovering what is in the cyber-enabled worlds computer and telecommunications networks” [6]. The term was
and how they work. Cyber science is concerned with the study of also defined to be an online community, and subsequently,
phenomena caused or generated by the cyberworld and cyber- became a de facto synonym for the Internet and World Wide
physical, cyber-social and cyber-mental worlds, as well as the Web (WWW). Also in this period, cyber was starting to be used
complex intertwined integration of cyber physical, social and either as a prefix or an adjective to derive many new terms, such
mental worlds. It fuels advances in cyber technology, beyond the as cyberpunk, cybercrime, cyber classroom, and cyber law, to
existing cyber related technologies. In this paper, after discussing denote something digital or virtual related to computers and
the cyberization background and process, and explaining cyber networks. There are also slight variations in the use of cyber as
science and technology, we present our visions and perspectives on a prefix, such as cybercrime, cyber crime and cyber-crime.
new opportunities, essential issues and major challenges for cyber
science and technology. We further describe cyber related Cyberworld, first appeared in the movie “CyberWorld 3D”
technologies and closely related existing research areas, and in 2000 [7], was defined to be “worlds on cyberspace as
envision future research directions, in terms of cyber physical, computational spaces, either intentionally or spontaneously,
cyber social, cyber life, cyber intelligence and cyber security, with or without design” by Kunii [8]. In another independent
which are five basic dimensions of cyber science and technology. work, Ma et al. defined the term as “a digitized world created on
cyberspace inside computers interconnected by networks
Keywords—cyber; cyberspace; cyberization; cyber-enabled including the Internet” [9].
world; cyber science; cyber technology; physical; social; mental; life;
intelligence; security, digital forensics While cyber, cyberspace and cyberworld are widely used in
academic, government and industry literature, there is no
uniform definition. Different researchers and stakeholder groups
I. INTRODUCTION may have their own interpretation and definition for cyber,
The term Cyber is derived from “cybernetic” or the Greek cyberspace and cyberworld. Despite the lack of consensus in the
word   which means steering or governing [1]. The definition of cyber, cyberspace and cyberworld are, it is widely
term Cybernetics was first coined by Andre-Marie Ampere in accepted that cyber related things have become increasingly
1834 to denote the sciences of government, and used by Nobert important in our cyber-connected society (or cyber society).
Wiener in 1948 in the title of his book “Cybernetics, or Control
and Communication in the Animal and the Machine” [2]. The One could also argue that we are now living in an integrated
term Cyberspace was coined by S. Ussing and C. Hoff in 1969 real and virtual world, referred to as hyperworld by Kunii, Ma
to articulate the vision on future physical sensory spaces via their and Huang in 1996 and characterized by the “direct mapping
artistic work entitled “Atelier Cyberspace” [3]. between virtual and real worlds via active devices including
sensors, actuators, micro-machines, robots, etc.” [10]. Such real-
In the early 1980s, cyberspace was made popular by W. virtual integration has been a typical feature of augmented
Gibson’s science fiction stories, “Burning Chrome” [4] and reality (AR) since the 1990s, and extended in a number of ways.
“Neuromancer” [5], which introduced computer hackers and the For instance, in cyber-physical integration due to rapid advances
concept of super intelligence, and described cyberspace as “a in and/or popularity of ubiquitous computing, embedded
graphic representation of data abstracted from the banks of every computing, cyber physical systems (CPS), Internet of Things
computer in the human system”. In the late 1980s, cyber and (IoT), etc. Cyber-social integration is another recent trend, partly

978-1-5090-4065-0/16 $31.00 © 2016 IEEE 1

DOI 10.1109/DASC-PICom-DataCom-CyberSciTec.2016.17
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due to the widespread adoption of social media/networks for what science and what scientific methods are, which are then
both individual and organizational users, on both traditional used as a precursor to articulating the importance of science and
computing devices (e.g. personal computers and laptops) and technology in a cyber-enabled world.
mobile devices (e.g. Android and iOS devices). Similarly, the
trend in cyber-life integration is possibly attributed to the A. Science and Scientific Methods
popularity of wearable and implantable devices and chips [11], Science is defined as “knowledge about or study of the
and perhaps in a few ten years, cyborg, i.e., cyber-combined natural world based on facts learned through experiments and
human/animal organism, could become a norm [12]. observation” [16]. The word science comes from the Latin
Furthermore, cyber-combined brains that seamlessly integrate scientia (which means “knowledge”), and sci (Latin sc re)
human intelligence and mind with the cyberworld will become means “to know” or “to understand”. Therefore, science can also
a reality, which may be beyond our current imaginations [13]. be referred to “the understanding of the world and how
everything in it works” [16]. Science that responds to the needs
The world we live will constantly change due to the of the human society is generally called applied science, to
cyberization [14]. In the cyberization process, a wide range of differentiate it from pure science.
cyber entities will be generated in the cyberworld, and a large
number of things (loosely defined) in the physical, social and There are many different fields of study within science,
mental worlds will possess some emerging properties, such as among which natural science and social science are the major
conjugative cyber mappings or components, to exist in both two branches. Natural science is concerned with the study of
cyber and physical worlds [15]. natural world to describe, understand and explain natural
phenomena, while social science is concerned with the study of
One could say that cyberization has its roots in research areas society, human behavior and relationships among individuals
such as AR, CPS, IoT, pervasive computing, wearable within a society.
computing, social computing, smart object, smart space, smart
city, embedded intelligence, Internet economy, Web science, To do science or scientific research needs a right method,
cybersecurity, cyberwar, cybercrime, cyber ecology, and cyber which is called a scientific method. Conventional scientific
psychology. However, these research efforts are generally from methods are empirical based on experiments and observation to
hitherto disparate (sub) disciplines, and have a specific or describe natural phenomena, or theoretical by using
narrow narrative seeking to address partial challenges in the mathematical models and generalizations [17]. With the
cyberization and/or the cyber-enabled world. development of computing technology, a computational method
was established to simulate complex phenomena in the natural
Our thesis is that the cacophony of theoretical and applied world or human society. In the last decade, a unified data-
approaches from different disciplines and industry sectors can intensive method of theory, experiment and simulation has
play complementary roles in identifying, understanding and emerged, as the fourth scientific paradigm [17].
addressing many existing and emerging known and unknown
phenomena and challenges. Therefore, we argue that a new B. Cyber Science
inter-, trans- and multi-discipline cyber science and technology Science is not simply a body of knowledge; rather it is a path
(hereafter referred to as CyberSciTech) approach is required to to understanding of the natural world and human society.
reexamine and perhaps, reshape and refocus, existing research Science is ongoing, continually refining and expanding the body
areas. This would allow us to systematically create, organize and of knowledge. Cyber science responds to the cyberization and
share the knowledge in the cyber-enabled world. the emerging cyber-enabled new world or cyberspace, as
In recent years, cyber science and cyber technology have described in the previous section. Cyberspace is evolving to
been used in the names of research institutions (e.g. Penn State become an integral part of our daily life, and affects our lives in
Institute for Cyber Science), educational programs, conferences, many ways every day. Cyber science is technology-driven, and
organizations, etc., however, there is no one definition. In this aims to create a new collection of knowledge about the cyber-
paper, we first describe and explain what cyber science and enabled world, and provide a way of discovering what is in the
cyber technology are, prior to identifying and discussing new cyber-enabled world and how it works.
CyberSciTech research opportunities. We broadly categorize the More specifically, cyber science is concerned with the study
potential research areas into cyber physical, cyber social, cyber of phenomena caused or generated by the cyberworld and the
life, cyber intelligence and cyber security, which we consider to integration of cyber-physical, cyber-social and cyber-mental
be the five tenets or dimensions of CyberSciTech. worlds, and the complex intertwined integration of cyber-
The rest of the paper is structured as follows. In the next physical, social and mental worlds. These phenomena are
section, we introduce and describe the underlying concepts in unprecedented in the single natural world. Therefore, we need a
CyberSciTech. Potential opportunities, issues and challenges new way to describe, observe, explain, analyze, understand and
relating to CyberSciTech are discussed in Section III. Then, in predict the mechanism and dynamics of these unparalleled
Section IV, we outline the five tenets or dimensions of phenomena.
CyberSciTech. Finally, we summarize our perspectives in the Table I shows a partial list of topics or sub-fields that are
last section. expected to be addressed and studied in the fields of cyber
science. Because of the nature of cyber science, in addition to
II. CYBER SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY the existing four scientific methods, a multidisciplinary,
In developing the discussion in this paper, we consider it interdisciplinary, transdisciplinary approach with a holistic
important to ensure that the reader has a good understanding of perspective is important.

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Science provides us the capability to build and contribute to After describing the implications and scopes of the proposed
the knowledge required in the building of new technologies, CyerSciTech in the last section, this section is to further discuss
which in turn allow us to make new observation about the world what the CyberSciTech seeks to solve, what it can do for us, and
and contribute to the body of scientific knowledge. Although what are essential issues and major challenges.
technology as a human activity precedes science, it is often
considered to be a consequence or application of science. As A. New Opportunities
previously noted, cyber science is technology-driven. In other CyberSciTech is attempted to be a broad field of study
words, cyber science is driven by a wide range of existing cyber covering all cyber-related research and practice. It is able to
related technologies, corresponding to the cyberization needs. provide various opportunities in studying cyber and cyber-
This is also reflected in the potential topics and sub-fields listed conjugated things. First, CyberSciTech is based on the vision
in Table I. that cyberspace has been enabling new cyber world and cyber-
conjugated physical, social and mental worlds. Such the vision
More importantly, cyber science endeavors to provide new offers us a world-oriented viewpoint to look at sciences and
ways of creating and contributing to knowledge that allows us technologies necessary for the cyber-enabled new worlds.
to more efficiently observe and understand the complex Second, CyberSciTech, as a trans-discipline, offers the most
phenomena in cyberspace, and fuels advances in cyber comprehensive framework to systematically organize the body
technology, beyond these existing cyber related technologies. of knowledge in cyber-related studies and applications. This will
The notion of cyber technology includes any sort of designed enable all cyber-related researchers to share research results
innovation assisting and facilitating the cyberization, varying more effectively and widely. Third, CyberSciTech puts
from methods, techniques to processes, from hardware, software, emphases on various cyber technologies but also basic cyber
to skills. science that is to seek for further fundamental research about
TABLE I. A snapshot of potential topics and sub-fields in Cyber basic properties, laws, theories and models so as to understand
Science and Technology the essence of cyberspace and the cyber-enabled worlds, which
are huge but far from fully known. The Web science [18],
Category Topics cyberworld modeling [19] and cyber patterns [20] are targeted
Cyberspace Structure & Property, Cyber-world at inherent characteristics and forms of the cyber world, and they
Constituents & Evolution, Cyberspace & can be regarded as typically scientific areas of the whole cyber
Cyber-world Modeling, Cyber-enabled Hyper- science. Fourth, CyberSciTech offers a common platform to
Fundamental connection, Cyber Visualization, Web Science,
gather many existing cyber-related research areas, reexamine
Internet Science, Data Science, Cyber Physical
Science, Cyber Social Science, Cyber Human
them in a unified manner, and further find out their mutual
Science, Cyber Life Science, Cyber Physics, relationships. We have given preliminary examinations of
Cyber Biology, Cyber Ecology, Cyber existing cyber-related research areas in terms of cyber physical,
Dynamics, Cyber Security cyber social, cyber life, cyber intelligence and cyber security
Cyber-Physical Systems, Cyber-Physical which are presented in the next section of this paper. Fifth, based
Interface, Cyber-Physical Hybrid Intelligence, on the above new world viewpoint, it is possible to
Ambient Intelligence, Intelligent Transportation systematically organize all cyber-related knowledge with
Cyber- Systems, Networked Robots, Virtual Reality, emphases of both basic scientific study and practical research.
Physical Augmented Reality, Wearable/Bearable We may further identify essential issues and major challenges in
Computing, Cyborg, Internet of Things (IoT), CyberSciTech, which will be discussed in the following two
Smart Object, Smart Sensor, Smart subsections.
Environment, Smart City, Smart Agriculture,
Smart Manufacture, Smart Healthcare, Smart B. Essential Issues
Service, Smart Cloud, Smart World Like any other human activity, computing is an activity that
Cyber-Social Networks, Cyber-Sociology, requires natural resources. The scientific and technological
Cyber-Culture, Cyber-Economy, Cyber-Social progresses have made the computing possible to perform more
Evolution, Cyber-Social Sensing, Cyber-Social and more computations by consuming less and less material and
Cyber-Social Simulation, Cyber-Behavior Analytics, Cyber- energy. While the energy and material resources spent for
Crowdsourcing, Cyber-Trust, Cyber-Privacy, computation by society in total have nevertheless been
Cyber-Rights, Cyber-Ethics, Cyber-Crime, increasing, and all human activity still depends on limited
Cyber-Law, Cyber-Telepathy, Anticipatory
ecosystem services provided by nature. This is also true for the
activities of building and using CyberSciTech. It usually
Cyber-Brain, Cyber-Individual, Cyber-Life,
requires the electric energy that is generated from fossil fuels,
Cyber/Digital Clone, Cyber-Human Evolution,
Cyber-Psychology, Cyber-Cognition, Cyber-
wind or solar power. It also needs the production of computing
Cyber-Mental Affordance, Cyber-Human Analytics, Cyber- hardware which is involving more than half of chemical
based Learning, Cyber-Thinking, Cyber- elements listed in the periodic table [21]. These elements are
Creation, Affective Computing, Emotional extracted from the minerals that are mined. All industrial related
Computing, Mental Computing, Sentiment processes in the product chain from mines to devices need
Analysis energy, air and water. It generates emissions into air, water and

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soil and also produces the physical waste which uses the CyberSciTech to sustainable development. Although the
capacity of nature to absorb these residues [22]. significant advancement in Internet technologies over the last
decade, however, it is estimated that 4 billion people, 56% of the
The term of “green computing” has recently become widely world’s population are still without Internet access [24].
recognized and increased attention, while its conceptual origin Especially, the broadband access is still not fully covering or
is almost three decades old. In 1991 the Green Lights Program with poor access in the rural areas even in the developed
had been introduced by Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) countries. This reduces the opportunity that all citizens can use
to promote energy-efficient lighting. In 1992, the ENERGY the CyberSciTech to achieve those SDGs. Moreover,
STAR program established the specifications on energy CyberSciTech alone is not sufficient to enable effective usage of
efficiency to computing units and monitors. However, it is only its applications and services for sustainable development. Other
in recent that green computing or more general of greening factors are also to be considered in its development.
cyberspace has gained traction because the rapid growth of
Internet technology and cyber physical systems to make our Firstly, affordability is to be considered in the CyberSciTech
living better, and the energy costs to operate the global Internet development if the citizens want to use it effectively to achieve
and cyber physical infrastructures are to be the key drivers of better living situations. The cost of broadband connectivity is
greening CyberSciTech. still higher to the average income in developing countries [24],
therefore, it could be having financial barriers to the poor
Due to the immediate impact on business gain, the green citizens and communities to benefit from CyberSciTech.
CyberSciTech will remain focus on reducing costs while
improving the performance of energy intensive infrastructures. Secondly, the system reliability and service resilience are
However, this first wave of innovation will not sufficiently essentials in CyberSciTech, which is used to deliver daily
extend to the holistic minimization of the ecological footprint of services and grow wealth. To participate in the digital economy
CyberSciTech and their services to our society. It is critical to and business such as cloud and mobile based business, in most
challenge these energy efficiency based technological solutions cases, need uninterrupted Internet broadband connectivity.
by evaluating their impacts at the societal level: what are the While if this is not available, the developing countries have to
impacts of these solutions on society holistically, in other words, miss out the business opportunities available to their competitors.
are they positively contributing to the sustainable development? Reliable electricity supply, wireless and wired communication
Sustainable development has been a focus of international public infrastructures’ availability, sufficient network bandwidth and
policy since the Earth Summit 1992. It has identified three main security, guaranteed quality of service (QoS) such as data
objectives for human development: economic growth, social transmission latency are all critical to the affordability, service
inclusion and environmental protection. Only by pursuing these resilience and local access of CyberSciTech.
together can the world achieve ‘development that meets the
needs of the present without compromising the ability of future Thirdly, the relevance applications are also important, which
generations to meet their own needs. In 2000, eight Millennium are being provided by CyberSciTech. Their users, especially the
Development Goals (MDGs) had been adopted by the United poor people, need applications that are necessary to their
Nations (UNs) which set targets on reducing poverty and primary development needs such as the basic instructions they
securing basic human needs include water, food, health and can understand, accessible through devices and services that
education. ICTs have growly contributed to the MDGs over the they can afford and use conveniently.
years as they become more and more widespread in developing Fourthly, human capacities is as critical as applications.
countries. They have made critical contributions on making Users need knowledge and skills to fully benefit from
access to the information and educational resources, improving CyberSciTech-enabled services, including ICT-based skills in
food safety and productivity, facilitating participation in the areas such as computer networking, web and applications
decision-making, and providing advanced warning of risks to development and network security are essential in all societies.
communities. In September 2015, an agreement of 17 Governments and policy-makers need understand the technical
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and 169 targets have aspects of CyberSciTech and their services, as well as the
been reached by UNs, and included at the core of its Post-2015 interplay between technological and public policy domains.
Development Agenda till 2030 [23].
Finally, the impact of the CyberSciTech on environment is
The emerging CyberSciTech becomes a critical enabler for also critical. The CyberSciTech can drive energy efficiency,
pursuing these SDGs which can unlock human capabilities. The smart systems and services to enable more productivities.
sustainable CyberSciTech will become a second wave of green However, CyberSciTech is to be also a growing source of
technological innovation. This second wave encompass the material consumption and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.
adoption of ecological strategies to redefine the CyberSciTech This negative impact will increase as CyberSciTech become
design requirements, spur innovations to integrate technical more and more widespread.
design and solution, associated with the environmental and
social responsibility. By addressing the above challenges, some new research
opportunities are also being identified:
C. Major Challenges
• Advance the quality of CyberSciTech infrastructures and its
The new research agenda on CyberSciTech for sustainable underlying cyber connectivity;
development has raised several challenges and opportunities.
The Internet connectivity which is underpinning any cyber- • Improve the resource efficiency to reduce the cost of
based technologies and accessible to everyone are important for CyberSciTech include its devices, applications and services;

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• Ensure the CyberSciTech system reliability and its service and cybernetics are certainly fundamental to CyberSciTech
resilience; research. However, cyberspace and cyber world including
numerous cyber entities are unprecedented on the earth in
• Encourage the development of applications and services that human history and there must be many unknown properties and
can be accessed by all social groups including women and phenomena in the digital space/world. It is thus very necessary
children, rural and urban citizens, low-income residents; to build the systematic knowledge of the cyber things so as to
• Build human capabilities through education that will enable find their properties, explain their phenomena and predict their
everyone can benefit from CyberSciTech to achieve their developments, which are what Cyber Science emphasizes on.
own development; Such systematic and scientific study on cyber or cyber-related
things will help us to better reveal new facts in the new world
• Lessen the negative impacts of CyberSciTech on material environments and guide sustainable developments of the cyber
consumption and carbon emissions, and maximize the extent world as well as the cyber-conjugated physical, social and
to use CyberSciTech to help reducing the carbon emissions mental worlds.
and resource consumption in other domains.
For last two decades, cyberspace has penetrated to so many
parts of our world. This is just the beginning. Eventually,
Digital forensic ‘space’ can be seen as a race, not only to cyberspace will cover almost every corner on the earth. All
keep up with device (i.e. hardware) and software releases by things are changing or to change profoundly. It is then not
providers (e.g. cloud service provider and mobile app designers), surprised that various research areas and applications have
but also from software and hardware modifications made by end emerged, such as ubiquitous/pervasive computing, CPS, IoT,
users, particularly serious and organized criminals, to smart object, smart space, smart city, smart agriculture, cloud,
complicate or prevent the collection and analysis of digital big data, Web science, etc. Humans’ social experiences and
evidence. It is, arguably, important that research efforts be activities are also changing greatly due to popular social
focused on contributing to filling the knowledge gap between medias/networks, networked gaming, online learning,
existing scholarship and challenges faced by cyber security and crowdsourcing, and Internet economy. Many new problems
forensic practitioners and researchers (including those in have been encountered and corresponding interdisciplinary
governments) in this rapidly changing environment by studies have been conducted, such as cybersecurity, cybercrime,
addressing the following research questions: (1) How ICT are cyberwar, cyberculture, cyberlaw, cyber ecology, and cyber
used in the commission and execution of serious and organized psychology. Novel life forms and intelligent functions also
crimes, and how suspects are using advanced security features appear in cyber or cyber-conjugated worlds, such as digital
on systems and devices as well as anti-forensic techniques to avatar, virtual human, cyborg, Web intelligence, ubiquitous
evade legal forensic collection attempts? (2) What types of intelligence, intelligent robots, Internet of brains, and so on. At
evidential data (e.g. data-at-rest and data-in-transit) are available, the same time, it is obvious that security and safety due to the
considering the advanced security features and anti-forensic emerging cyberspace and cyberworld become more severe and
techniques that could be utilized by serious and organized critical.
criminals? (3) What techniques can government and law
enforcement agencies use to legally gain access to the identified All the above research areas are important, but going on
evidential data by circumventing advanced security features (e.g. relatively independently with emphases on specific aspects of
developing low-level exploits and undertaking physical cyber-related things, problems and issues. In a sense, they can
hardware analysis), without compromising the evidence’s be regarded as different roads/ways in the big cyberization trend
integrity? towards a common goal of the betterment of cyber-enabled
worlds. CyberSciTech would be a holistic framework to
IV. CYBERSCITECH AND RELATED RESEARCH AREAS systematically organize and share the knowledge in these areas,
then identify common key issues and challenges as we have
CyberSciTech as a comprehensive trans-discipline is with addressed in the last section, and further explore possible other
very wide coverage and related to many existing or emerging new research areas or directions. Therefore, we examine the
research areas. In the following subsections, we first give a relationships between the proposed CyberSciTech and these
general review of cyber-related research, and then discuss in existing cyber-related research areas from five fundamental
details the five kinds of research: cyber physical computing, tenets or dimensions: cyber physical, cyber social, cyber life,
cyber social computing, cyber life, cyber intelligence and cyber cyber intelligence and cyber security, respectively in the
security, which are actually five essential tenets or dimensions following.
in CyberSciTech research.
B. CyberSciTech and Cyber Physical Computing
A. General Review
The proliferation of embedded devices and ubiquitous
CyberSciTech is about all knowledge and practice of cyber- computing facilitates the fusion of cyber and physical worlds
related things on the new global infrastructure ‘cyberspace’, through sensing and actuating [25]. The integration of sensing
which is an outcome of common research progresses in physical processes and providing feedbacks through actuation is
computers, information and networks from micro to global areas. the fundamental aspect and enabling technology for establishing
Therefore, sciences and technologies of computer, information meaningful interactions between the physical and cyber worlds
and network are the most direct foundations of CyberSciTech. [26]. Depending on the type of interactions, cyber physical
Anything from the tiny to the huge can be seen as a system, computing can occur at different levels ranging from nano to
which further needs to govern or control. Hence, system science planet scale.

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The most common and primary source of interactions is in giving feedback, sharing resources, contributing to innovations
between the physical space and cybernetics. The concept of and producing collective intelligence, etc.
Ambient Intelligence (AmI) [27] was introduced in the end of
Today, we are living in a mobile-device-focused society.
the 90s last century, envisioned the fusion of computing With the great adoption of smartphones and recent availability
technology with ambient physical environments, assisting large of open mobile platforms, we believe that significant impact is
scale monitoring and assistance of human daily activities. Thus latent in the convergence of distributed content sharing, OSNs,
far, numerous research efforts were dedicated in building sensor networks, and pervasive computing on the mobile phone
different kinds of models such as for the weather [28], city and platform. In many OSN sites, new services for mobile phones
transportation [29], infrastructures and buildings [30] through have been developed. However, most approaches simply extend
various sensing interfaces. The fast growing sensing the Web interfaces of social networks to mobile devices to form
technologies facilitate the construction of digital models and mobile social networks (MSNs), whose most distinguished
enable information flow from the physical worlds to the cyber feature is to re-connect the virtual community to the physical
world. In return, the cyber world, upon receiving the information, region, and move users between them in a way that enhances
can act back to the physical worlds through various actuation both [35]. Therefore, user empowerment will have a determinant
interfaces. role in the mobile social networking ecosystem via using the
Taking a smaller granularity within the complex physical mobile device as a tool between the real social activity and the
cyber domain of information, content and application. This is
world, each human being is also a complex system that contains
not only because users are no longer passive consumers and have
lots of variability and uncertainties. Therefore, to better
the possibility to become creators of content or to contribute to
understand individual user requirements and assist users in a social networks, but mainly because they will put the many
personalized manner, interactions between the cyber world and situations of their real daily lives at the core of mobile usage.
human beings can happen at personal level through wearable
and mobile devices. With different sensing capabilities, mental These OSNs and MSNs act as not only tools to interconnect
and behavioral models of human can also be built that allow the people in their daily activities, but also parts of huge cyber social
cyber world to assist human in their daily activities, healthcare, spaces for people to live and do numerous social activities
or even social interactions [31, 32]. To generalize the cyber- possibly covering politics, economics, cultures, religions, etc.
human computing, such interactions can also happen in between These social activities in cyberspace have being brought about
the cyber world and any other living organisms or cells level. many new critical social issues, such as cyber right, privacy,
The advancement of nano [33] and biomedical [34] technologies morality, ethics, emotion, telepathy, harm, crime, law, assurance,
in recent years are demonstrating the possibility of the so-called evolution, safety and so on. Social science, as a major part of
bio-cybernetics [34] where the cyber and the bio-physical world Science, covers many human and society related branches, such
are becoming an inseparable entity. as anthropology, psychology, demography, human geography,
political science, economic science, and many other fields [36].
The aforementioned digital models that are constructed Naturally, cyber social science will cover many aspects
based on the collected sensor inputs represent our corresponding to the social science towards the establishment of
understandings about the physical world. The speed of cyber sociology. Cyber social computing is meant these
information acquisition is increasing at a phenomenon rate and computing schemes and technologies to support all human
so is our understanding to the physical world. The diversity of social activities conducted in cyberspace and solve various
cyber physical computing research also indicates the challenges critical social issues encountered in the new digital space
in this blooming field, where there is no common eco-system in including OSNs and MSNs.
establishing the interaction and the scalability of information D. CyberSciTech and Cyber Life (CLife)/Artificial Life (ALife)
processing is limited. However, as one of the fundamental
aspects of the CyberSciTech, cyber physical computing explores Life is always one of main themes for our humans as one
and enables various interactions between the physical and cyber special kind of creatures on the earth. Now, a new kind of ‘cyber
world, which will lead into other interesting and challenging life’ appears, resides and lives in the emerging cyber world on
aspects such as cyber life, cyber society, and cyber intelligence, the cyberspace. The cyber life, or abbreviated CLife, means a
which will be covered in the following subsections. collection of ‘cyber creatures’ in digital forms, which are
different from the so-called second-life or cyberlife that means
C. CyberSciTech and Cyber Social Computing a living experience, namely, “life in cyberspace or on the
Internet, as opposed to real life, often lived through a separate
Over the past years, Online Social Networks (OSNs) have
cyberidentity” [37].
steadily been growing and become ubiquitous on the Internet,
which greatly improve our social connectivity and collaboration. Artificial life, often abbreviated ALife, was first named by
Today, OSN services, like Facebook, Foursquare, or Orkut, etc., C. Langton in 1986, and it is a field of study on “man-made
are predominant services on the Web. Catering for a broad range systems that exhibit the behavioral characteristics of natural
of users of all ages, and a vast difference in social, educational, living systems” [38]. ALife can be categorized generally into
and national background, they allow even users with limited three categories: soft, hard and wet [39]. However, the ‘hard’
technical skills to publish personal information and to category is largely overlapped with robotics, and the ‘wet’
communicate with ease. In general, the OSNs are digital category is also related to biology computing and biochemistry.
representations of the relations among their participants in the So, the ‘soft’ category has been played a main active role via life
physical world. Those participants are active in services and modeling and software simulation in the present. ALife is with
applications: Co-producing content, determining reputation,

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broad topics related to evolutionary dynamics, collective The physical world has been intertwined with the cyber
systems, biomimicry, as well as the philosophic life attributes. world. People become more and more dependent on computer
programs or software agents to do tedious works or to make
Cyber life or CLife in CyberSciTech can be regarded as a decisions for them. For example, chat bots can help answer
subset of artificial life or ALife, and is an area focusing on the questions from customers for a company; a bidding agent can
man-made cyber entities or systems that behave with the handle the bidding process for a user in an auction. In a cyber-
characteristics of natural life. Similar to artificial life, cyber life physical system, agents can be as simple as a reflect agent or an
can be also divided into the strong CLife or the weak CLife intelligent (autonomous) agent. Recent advances of AI like deep
according to levels or perfections of life characteristics learning can make the agent technology more powerful in
possessed by living cyber entities/systems. Multi agent systems solving problems for human beings. An intelligent agent should
and autonomic computing systems [40] consisting of be able to adapt to the environment, i.e., it should have learning
autonomous elements may be regarded as the weak CLife in a capabilities to adjust itself. Advanced AI requires complicated,
broad sense. Actually, the Internet and Web themselves are one massive computation. Thanks to the mature of the cloud
kind of the giant weak CLife able to be adaptation, self- platform, computing power is much easier to be accessed and is
organization, and evolution [41]. The CG based virtualization no longer a problem. The success of IBM Watson and AlphaGo
and animation of virtual humans in virtual environments try to proves that AI can beat top human experts in certain domains.
imitate or synthesize certain human behavior characteristics in a Therefore, we believe that researches of AI to this field can
relatively strong sense [42]. provide more sophisticated automated services to human users.
Not only simulated/animated virtual humans with human- Cyber intelligence means all kinds of intelligence in cyber
like audiovisual and interactive characteristics, but also it would world and their conjugations with physical, social, organic and
be possible to (partially) clone an individual person digitally mental entities in conventional worlds. Such cyber intelligence
from his/her outside behaviors to inner mind activities. Cyber- will be the most amazing and exciting combinational outcome
I, as a cyber counterpart of a real individual, is one of such of AI and CyberSciTech. Cyber intelligence may be going on in
efforts aimed to digitally clone the real individual’s mind with two fundamental streams. The one is higher and higher
using successive personal big data continuously collected from intelligent ability possibly reaching or exceeding human level in
sensors, social media, Web, and other sources [43]. Weal-I is many aspects as Watson, Alphago and Google’s self-driving car
another attempt to build a real individual’s digital partner that that are only the beginning. The other is broader and broader
consists of multiple wearable devices interconnected by body intelligent scope possibly covering countless virtual and real
area networks and coordinated by a local controller on a things as envisioned by UI (ubiquitous intelligence) [45], W2T
smartphone and a central controller on a cloud [44]. In a Wear- (Wisdom Web of Things) [46] and WaaS (Wisdom as a Service)
I, the wearables are regarded as cyber ‘action organs’ and the [47]. Available big data and related data analytics and
controllers are functioned as ‘nervous control organs’ to manage techniques will speed up the progress of cyber intelligence.
these wearables in carrying out various tasks for different However, the cyber-enabled world may also become very risky
services. and awfully dangerous due to such super and ubiquitous
Cyber life would be one of the most fundamental subfields intelligence. It is thus very necessary to scientifically study all
in CyberSciTech because cyberspace or cyber world offers a possible risks and develop corresponding technologies to avoid
completely new environment for the residence of theoretically these dangers by sufficient awareness and effective control of
countless cyber species. There would be rich cyber the cyber-enabled intelligent worlds.
lives/creatures, some of which may be as simulations of existing
F. CyberSciTech and Cyber Security & Forensics
natural creatures, and some which may be ‘naturally’ formed
along with evolutions of cyberspace and cyber world, or Cyber security threats are real. Securing our cyber space is a
artificially synthesized without any counterparts in the highly specialized and trans-disciplinary field [48, 49], which
conventional real worlds. Cyber life, i.e., CLife, may greatly requires a deep understanding of the underlying technical and
extend the research scope of ALife to cover all possible life social aspects, intimate knowledge of temporal trends –
forms in cyberspace, from the weak to the strong, and from the historical, recent and emerging trends, etc. For example, what
external life behaviors, the middle life organs (cyborgs) to the are the challenges and implications of existing and emerging
inner cognitive minds. The study of cyber life will be able to technologies, such as those discussed in this paper, for
bring many novel research topics and unlimited applications, governments – particularly law enforcement and regulatory
and further make a living cyber world and the richer real worlds. agencies – and other key stakeholders; and what ICT are needed
to protect and secure our cyber space (including our critical
E. CyberSciTech and Cyber Intelligence infrastructure sectors) from cyber criminals and other
individuals with malicious intents?
In the literature, cyber intelligence specifically relates
artificial intelligence (AI) with security issues in the cyber world. Malicious cyber activities can be broadly categorized into
Intelligent malware is evolving rapidly to cause enormous cyber crime, cyber war, cyber terrorism and cyber espionage
damages, which is referred to as cyber attacks or cyber threats. (although there is no international consensus on these
Thus artificial intelligent agents have been under massive definitions). For example, the term “cyber crime” is referred to
discussions for underlying solutions to active cyber defense. in Australia’s Cybercrime Act 2001 (Cth) as well as the Council
There are quite a few commercial cyber intelligence products of Europe Convention on Cybercrime with different meanings.
dealing with cyber threats. However, we think that AI can do The Australian Government’s Cyber Security Strategy “defines
much more in the cyber world. cyber crime as those computer offences under the

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Commonwealth Criminal Code Act 1995 (Part 10.7) that representations, interactions, and evolutions of cyber things, and
involve unauthorized access to, modification or impairment of all their possible relations conjugated with real things.
electronic communications” (e.g. hacking, malware intrusions
and denial of service attacks) (Australian Government Attorney- In response to the emerging cyber issues, cyber science as a
General’s Department 2009a: 23). However, other definitions of discipline draws upon other disciplines such as the conventional
cyber crime include online fraud against individuals, businesses, natural science and social science. Cyber science can also be
and/or government agencies, illegal and inappropriate content viewed as the scientific study of cyber entities’ existence,
(e.g. child abuse materials), online child/young people sexual attribute, structure, identification, model, representation,
exploitation (e.g. online child grooming), cyber bullying, and relationship, interaction, intelligence, evolution, applications,
cyber stalking. The intended effects of malicious cyber activities etc. In comparison to traditional computer science and
include exfiltration of data and information (e.g. trade secrets information science, cyber science seeks to build, expand, and
and intellectual property), exploitation of vulnerabilities to refine a comprehensive and practical body of systematic
execute malware, and disruption and denial of services; with the knowledge about new phenomena, behaviors, properties and
aims of disrupting one or more combinations of the CIAA practices across broad applications in cyberspace. This, thus,
security notions, namely: data confidentiality, data integrity, provides a scientific perspective to observe, understand, and
data availability and data authentication. utilize cyber things and their hyper-connections in the cyber-
enabled world, by utilizing cyber technologies, such as IoT,
Attempting to gather digital evidence from a range of cyber physical systems, smart objects, wearable computing, and
systems and devices, particularly across borders, resulted in new hybrid intelligence. Cyber science and technology will provide
challenges for government agencies [50]. Such a process is a systematic knowledge, being enhanced by inter-, trans- and
known as digital forensics, and is increasingly being used in both multidisciplinary strategies and approaches, to developing and
criminal investigations and civil litigations. It is, therefore, utilizing cyber-enabled applications across the cyber-physical-
important to have a rigorous methodology and set of procedures social-mental conjugations.
for conducting digital forensic investigation as well as incident
response [51]. For example, when the systems belonging to a In this paper, we identified ways in which cyber science and
cloud service provider is compromised, digital forensics can be technology can become more successful in cyber-enabled
used to facilitate the collection of evidence from compromised worlds, and the possible barriers in the cyberization process. We
cloud servers and client devices for analysis. This would allow also remark that this review should be used to inform the future
subsequent reconstructing of the incident and establish facts plan for cyber science and technology research strategy, rather
such as the source of the attack, the vulnerabilities exploited, and than providing that plan. In particular, we presented a
data or systems compromised [52]. cybermatic framework to identify and explain existing
challenges, which can be used to shape new directions of cyber
Existing digital forensic techniques are designed to collect science and technology research towards the cyber-enabled
evidential data from systems and devices where we have worlds.
physical access or from typical mobile device users (e.g. where
advanced security features and anti-forensic techniques are It is apparently impossible for this paper to fully clarify
rarely exploited to their full extent). In contrast, serious and implications of cyber science and cyber technology, their scopes
organized criminals often make use of devices specifically and relationships with existing research since the novelty and
designed to evade legal interception and forensic collection extremely wide coverage of CyberSciTech. Due to the great
attempts. In the case of cloud forensics, Bagby and Schwerha importance and impact of CyberSciTech, a lot of work must be
(2013) also raised a number of legal questions, such as the further carried out not only by the authors of this paper, but also
physical location of records. As noted by the authors, jointly by all cyber-related researchers. It is expected that
“subpoenas used by investigators as well as the document CyberSciTech discipline can be established by our joint efforts
production demands made in civil litigation generally require so as to well support the cyberzation trend and adapt to the
accurate physical location data for targeted files, backups, cyber-enabled worlds.
responsible custodians (humans), and knowledgeable
supervisors” [53]. REFERENCES
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